COVID 19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm



COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm
Jaffar A. Al‑Tawfiq1,2,3,21 · Saad Alhumaid4 · Abeer N. Alshukairi5 · Mohamad‑Hani Temsah6 · Mazin Barry7 ·
Abbas Al Mutair8,9,10 · Ali A. Rabaan11 · Awadh Al‑Omari12,13 · Raghavendra Tirupathi14,20 · Manaf AlQahtani15,16,17 ·
Salma AlBahrani18 · Kuldeep Dhama19

Received: 3 June 2021 / Accepted: 19 July 2021
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Background The recent emergence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) disease had been associated with reports of
fungal infections such as aspergillosis and mucormycosis especially among critically ill patients treated with steroids. The
recent surge in cases of COVID-19 in India during the second wave of the pandemic had been associated with increased
reporting of invasive mucormycosis post COVID-19. There are multiple case reports and case series describing mucormy-
cosis in COVID-19.
Purpose In this review, we included most recent reported case reports and case-series of mucormycosis among patients with
COVID-19 and describe the clinical features and outcome.
Results Many of the mucormycosis reports were eported from India, especially in COVID-19 patients who were treated
and recovered patients. The most commonly reported infection sites were rhino-orbital/rhino-cerebral mucormycosis. Those
patients were diabetic and had corticosteroids therapy for controlling the severity of COVID-19, leading to a higher fatality
in such cases and complicating the pandemic scenario. The triad of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
CoV-2), corticosteroid use and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus have been evident for significant increase in the incidence of
angioinvasive maxillofacial mucormycosis. In addition, the presence of spores and other factors might play a role as well.
Conclusion With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and increasing number of critically ill patients infected with SARS-
CoV-2, it is important to develop a risk-based approach for patients at risk of mucormycosis based on the epidemiological
burden of mucormycosis, prevalence of diabetes mellitus, COVID-19 disease severity and use of immune modulating agents
including the combined use of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents in patients with cancer and transplants.

Keywords SARS-CoV-2 · COVID-19 · Mucormycosis

Introduction                                                            critically ill patients treated with steroids [12]. The mortality
                                                                        rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection in critically ill patients co-
The current Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona-                   infected with aspergillosis was high [13].
virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is associated with a wide                   Since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has
clinical spectrum of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-                   been suspected that mucormycosis might cause significant
19) that ranges from being asymptomatic to severe disease               morbidity to infected patients. This was based on a retrospec-
requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission [1–7]. The rate           tive analysis of SARS and influenza cases as suggested by
of admission to ICU is about 5% of all COVID-19 patients                Song et al. [14]. The more vulnerable individuals are those
[8, 9]. Severe COVID-19 pneumonia is associated with                    requiring hospitalization and intensive care, which represent
immune dysregulation and cytokine syndrome leading to                   advanced stage of their disease [15]. The recent surge in cases
the increased use of immunomodulators [10, 11]. Emerg-                  of COVID-19 in India during the second wave of the pan-
ing fungal infections such as aspergillosis were described in           demic had been associated with increased reporting of inva-
                                                                        sive mucormycosis post COVID-19, of up to 9000 cases and
                                                                        are continuously being reported to be rising, popularly known
* Jaffar A. Al‑Tawfiq                                                   as black fungal infection [16–18]. In this review, we describe                                                the important risk factors, clinical presentation and outcome
Extended author information available on the last page of the article   of mucormycosis in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.

J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.

Incidence and prevalence

The occurrence of mucormycosis, a rare disease, in the
                                                                   Diabetes                Diabec
general population was previously cited as 0.005 to 1.7
                                                                   Mellitus              Ketoacidosis
per million population [19]. However, the incidence of
mucormycosis in India was reported to be 0.14/1000 dia-
betic patients which is 80 times higher than that reported
in other parts of the world[20] and more than that in the
general population based on computational-modeling                         Mucormycosis
[21]. Given the large number of diabetic patients in India                among COVID-19                   Corcosteroid
                                                                             paents                          therpay
of almost 62 million, mucormycosis has caused large
public health burden in India [20]. In one study, diabe-
tes mellitus was the underlying disease in 54–76% of
mucormycosis cases with 8–22% presenting with diabetic
ketoacidosis [22]. In addition, there had been geographic
                                                                  High spores              Cytokine
difference in the rate of diabetes mellitus among patients          burden                  Strom
with mucormycosis in India. Even prior to COVID-19,
the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was a major risk fac-
tor with regional differences ranging from 67% in North
India to 22% among patients from the South of India
[23]. The true incidence of rhino-orbital mucormyco-         Fig. 1  Possible contributing Factors for the development of Mucor-
sis in COVID-19 patients is not known. However, there        mycosis among COVID-19 patients
are multiple case reports describing mucormycosis in
COVID-19 and most of these case reports are presently
from India, especially in COVID-19 treated and recov-        of mucormycosis compared to the use of steroids alone
ered patients those were diabetic and corticosteroids        needs more studies.
were administered injudiciously for controlling severity
of COVID-19, leading to a higher fatality in such cases
and complicating the pandemic scenario [17, 18, 24–37].      Clinical features and management

                                                             Literature review identified 30 publications of case
Risk factors                                                 reports and case series of mucormycosis among COVID-
                                                             19 patients [24–26, 30, 31, 33–37, 40–55]. Of all the
There are multiple possible contributing factors for the     reports, 11 publications were from India [24–26, 30–37].
development of mucormycosis among patients with              The most commonly reported infection sites were rhino-
COVID-19 and these include diabetes mellitus, obesity,       orbital/rhino-cerebral mucormycosis[24–26, 30, 32–37,
use of corticosteroid, and the development of cytokine       40, 42, 45, 47, 52–54]. Other presentations included
storms (Fig. 1). The triad of SARS-CoV-2, steroid and        pulmonary [31, 41, 43, 44, 49, 51, 55], cutaneous [46],
uncontrolled diabetes mellitus have contributed towards      disseminated [56] and gastrointestinal [48] diseases.
a significant increase in the incidence of angioinvasive     The reported organisms were Rhizopus spp. [24, 31, 36,
maxillofacial mucormycosis [30]. However, the pres-          41–44, 47, 49, 51, 55] and the others were reported as
ence of spores and other factors might play a role as        unspecified Mucorale [25, 26, 30, 33–35, 37, 40, 45, 48,
well [38]. The contribution of diabetes mellitus per se to   50, 52, 54]. The management of mucormycosis is usu-
the development of rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis       ally difficult and requires urgent medical and surgical
was the most common underlying comorbidity in 340 of         debridement while the choice of drug to treat mucormy-
851 (40%) patients who were included in a meta-analysis,     cosis is Amphotericin B [23, 57] and Amphotericin was
with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.49 (95% CI 1.77–3.54) com-      used in 23 of the included studies [24–26, 30–37, 40–44,
pared to the next possible factor of having hematological    46, 47, 49–54] and surgical debridement was reported in
malignancies with an OR of 0.76 (0.44–1.26) [19]. The        20 of the included studies [24–26, 30, 32–37, 40, 44–47,
role of Interleukin 6 blockers as a risk factor for mucor-   50–54]. The majority of the included patients in this
mycosis is not clear [39]. Whether the combined use of       review underwent surgical resection/debridement [24–26,
steroids and interleukin 6 blockers will increase the risk   30, 32–37, 40, 44–47, 50–54].

Table 1  Summary of clinical characteristics of the included studies of SARS-CoV-2 and mucormycosis co-infections, 2020–2021
     Author,       Study       Age (years)       Male, n (%) Underlying      Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study   design,                                   diseases        ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent
     location      setting                                                   n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                            oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                          with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                          typical of

     Alekseyev    Retrospec- 41                  1 (100)       Diabetes      No             Yes            Uncon-         NA             Putative          Peripheral    Rhino-cerebral
      et al.       tive, case                                                                               trolled                                         bilateral     mucormycosis/
      (2021),      report,                                                                                  diabetes,                                       lung infil-   Mucorale(unspecified)
      United       single                                                                                   diabetic                                        trates with
      States [40]  centre                                                                                   ketoaci-                                        extension
                                                                                                            dosis                                           into the
                                                                                                                                                            sinuses and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

                                                                                                                                                            in the
                                                                                                                                                            poral fossa
                                                                                                                                                            with cavern-
                                                                                                                                                            ous sinus
     Bellanger     Retrospec- 55                 1 (100)       Lymphoma      Yes            Yes            Hematopoi-     NA             Putative          Non-specific Pulmonary mucormycosis/
      et al.        tive, case                                                                              etic cell                                       bilateral     Rhizopus microsporus
      (2021),       report,                                                                                 transplan-                                      ground
      France        single                                                                                  tation,                                         glass opaci-
      [41]          centre                                                                                  steroid for                                     ties with
                                                                                                            SARS-                                           develop-
                                                                                                            CoV-2                                           ment of
     Dallalza-    Retrospec- 48                  2 (100)       Diabetes      NA             Yes (n = 2)    Uncon-         No             Definite          Right sino-   Rhino-orbital mucormyco-
      deh et al.   tive, case                                   (n = 2)                                     trolled                                         nasal cavity  sis/Rhizopus spp.
      (2021),      reports,                                                                                 diabetes,                                       and anterior
      United       single                                                                                   diabetic                                        skull base
      States [42]  centre                                                                                   ketoaci-                                        extending
                                                                                                            dosis                                           to bilateral

Table 1  (continued)
     Author,       Study     Age (years)   Male, n (%) Underlying     Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical        Description of mucormy-
     year, study   design,                             diseases       ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms        cosis and etiologic agent

     location      setting                                            n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                     oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                   with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                   typical of

     Garg et al.   Retrospec- 55           1 (100)     Diabetes,    Yes              Yes            Uncon-         No             Putative        Cough,         Pulmonary mucormycosis/
      (2021),       tive, case                          hyperten-                                    trolled                                       expectora-     Rhizopus microsporus
      India [31]    report,                             sion, coro-                                  diabetes,                                     tion, and
                    single                              nary artery                                  steroid for                                   burning
                    centre                              disease,                                     SARS-                                         micturi-
                                                        cardio-                                      CoV-2                                         tion. A
                                                        myopathy,                                                                                  thick-walled
                                                        end-stage                                                                                  cavity in the
                                                        renal                                                                                      right upper
                                                        disease                                                                                    lobe was
     Hanley et al. Retrospec- 22           7 (70)      Pancreatitis   Yes            Yes            Steroid for    Yes            Definite (post- NA             Disseminated (involving
       (2020),      tive, case                                                                        SARS-                        mortem)                        the hilar lymph nodes,
       United       series,                                                                           CoV-2                                                       heart, brain, and kidney)/
       Kingdom      multi-                                                                                                                                        Mucorale (unspecified)
       [56]         centre
     Johnson       Retrospec- 79           1 (100)     Diabetes,      Yes            Yes            Diabetes,      Yes            Probable          Bilateral       Pulmonary
       et al.       tive, case                          hyperten-                                    steroid for                                     ground-         mucormycosis/Rhizopus
       (2021),      report,                             sion                                         SARS-                                           glass           arrhizus
       United       single                                                                           CoV-2                                           opacities
       States [43]  centre                                                                                                                           and infil-
                                                                                                                                                     trates; then
                                                                                                                                                     and new
                                                                                                                                                     ment of
                                                                                                                                                     upper lobe
                                                                                                                                                     tions were
                                                                                                                                                                                                J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
Table 1  (continued)
     Author,       Study     Age (years)   Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study   design,                             diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent
     location      setting                                          n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                   oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                 with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                 typical of

     Kanwar       Retrospec- 56            1 (100)     End-stage    Yes            Yes            NA             Yes            Definite          Patchy         Pulmonary
      et al.       tive, case                           renal                                                                                      ground         mucormycosis/Rhizopus
      (2021),      report,                              disease                                                                                    glass infil-   azygosporus
      United       single                               (hemodi-                                                                                   trates with
      States [44]  centre                               alysis)                                                                                    pleural effu-
                                                                                                                                                   sion with an
                                                                                                                                                   area of
                                                                                                                                                                                             COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

                                                                                                                                                   for blood
     Karimi‐    Retrospec- 61              0 (0)       Diabetes     0 (0)          Yes            Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Right          Rhino-orbital mucormyco-
      Galougahi  tive, case                                                                        trolled                                         hemifacial     sis/Mucorale (unspeci-
      et al.     report,                                                                           diabetes,                                       pain and       fied)
      (2021),    single                                                                            steroid for                                     numbness,
      Iran [45]  centre                                                                            SARS-                                           decreased
                                                                                                   CoV-2                                           visual
                                                                                                                                                   frozen eye,
                                                                                                                                                   loss of
                                                                                                                                                   and fixed

Table 1  (continued)
     Author,        Study     Age (years)   Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study    design,                             diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent

     location       setting                                          n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                    oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                  with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                  typical of

     Khatri et al. Retrospec- 68            1 (100)     Diabetes,    Yes            Yes            Diabetes,      Yes            Definite          Purplish skin Cutaneous mucormycosis/
      (2021),       tive, case                           hyperten-                                  hyperten-                                       discol-          Rhizopus microsporus
      United        report,                              sion, coro-                                sion, solid                                     oration with
      States [46]   single                               nary artery                                organ                                           fluctuant
                    centre                               disease,                                   transplan-                                      swelling
                                                         OSA, renal                                 tation                                          was noted
                                                         failure                                                                                    in the right
                                                                                                                                                    axilla, at the
                                                                                                                                                    prior IABP
     Maini et al.   Retrospec- 38           1 (100)     None         No             Yes            Steroid for    Yes            Definite          Patient         Sino-orbital mucormyco-
      (2021),        tive, case                                                                      SARS-                                          developed        sis/Rhizopusoryzae
      India [32]     report,                                                                         CoV-2                                          chemosis
                     single                                                                                                                         and pain in
                     centre                                                                                                                         the left eye
     Mehta et al.   Retrospec- 60           1 (100)     Diabetes     1 (100)        Yes            Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Unilateral      Rhino-orbital-cerebral
      (2020),        tive, case                                                                     trolled                                         facial           mucormycosis/Mucorale
      India [33]     report,                                                                        diabetes,                                       swelling,        (unspecified)
                     single                                                                         steroid for                                     unilateral
                     centre                                                                         SARS-                                           periorbital
                                                                                                    CoV-2                                           facial pain,
                                                                                                                                                    right orbital
                                                                                                                                                    acute vision
                                                                                                                                                                                              J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
Table 1  (continued)
     Author,       Study     Age (years)   Male, n (%) Underlying    Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study   design,                             diseases      ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent
     location      setting                                           n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                    oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                  with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                  typical of

     Mekon-       Retrospec- 60            1 (100)     Diabetes,     Yes            Yes            Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Right globe    Rhino-orbital
      nen et al.   tive, case                           asthma,                                     trolled                                         proptosis,     mucormycosis/Rhizopus
      (2021),      report,                              hyper-                                      diabetes,                                       oedema         spp.
      United       single                               tension,                                    steroid for                                     of the
      States [47]  centre                               hyperlipi-                                  SARS-                                           eyelids and
                                                        daemia                                      CoV-2                                           conjunctival
                                                                                                                                                                                              COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

                                                                                                                                                    tion of right
                                                                                                                                                    and frontal
     Monte Jun- Retrospec- 86              1 (100)     Hyperten-     Yes            Yes            Steroid for    Yes            Definite          Gastric        Gastrointestinal mucormy-
      ior et al.  tive, case                            sion                                         SARS-                                          ulcers, acute cosis/Mucorale (unspeci-
      (2020),     report,                                                                            CoV-2                                          diarrhea,      fied)
      Brazil [48] single                                                                                                                            melena,
                  centre                                                                                                                            severe
                                                                                                                                                    anemia, and

Table 1  (continued)
     Author,         Study      Age (years)     Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study     design,                                diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent

     location        setting                                             n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                        oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                      with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                      typical of

     Moorthy         Retrospec- Median (IQR),   15 (83.3)   Diabetes     NA             Yes (n = 16)   Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Patients      Sinusitis alone (n = 3),
      et al.          tive, case 55.5 (48–63)                (n = 16)                                   trolled                       (n = 17)          presented      Rhino-orbital (n = 6),
      (2021),         series,                                                                           diabetes                                        with one or    Rhino-orbital-cerebral
      India [30]      multi-                                                                            (n = 6),                                        more of the    (n = 5), Rhino-cerebral
                      centre                                                                            steroid for                                     following      (n = 3)/Mucorale
                                                                                                        SARS-                                           symptoms:      (unspecified)
                                                                                                        CoV-2                                           facial
                                                                                                        (n = 16)                                        cellulitis,
                                                                                                                                                        of palatal
                                                                                                                                                        mucosa or
                                                                                                                                                        acute loss
                                                                                                                                                        of vision
     Pasero et al.   Retrospec- 66              1 (100)     Hyperten-    Yes            No             Lymphope-      Yes            Putative          Pulmonary     Pulmonary
      (2020),         tive, case                             sion                                       nia                                             infiltrates    mucormycosis/Rhizopus
      Italy [49]      report,                                                                                                                           with an        spp.
                      single                                                                                                                            increase of
                      centre                                                                                                                            parenchy-
                                                                                                                                                        mal thick-
                                                                                                                                                        ening of the
                                                                                                                                                        whole left
                                                                                                                                                        lung, cavi-
                                                                                                                                                        tary lesions
                                                                                                                                                        in left lung
                                                                                                                                                        and pleural
                                                                                                                                                        tion of the
                                                                                                                                                        left maxil-
                                                                                                                                                        lary sinus
                                                                                                                                                                                                  J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
Table 1  (continued)
     Author,       Study     Age (years)   Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study   design,                             diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent
     location      setting                                          n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                   oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                 with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                 typical of

     Pauli et al. Retrospec- 50            0 (0)       Diabetes     NA             No             Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Ulcerated    Palatal ulcer/Mucorale
      (2021),      tive, case                                                                      trolled                                         lesion with  (unspecified)
      Brazil [50] report,                                                                          diabetes                                        coagulative
                   single                                                                                                                          necrosis,
                   centre                                                                                                                          hemor-
                                                                                                                                                   rhage, and
     Placik et al. Retrospec- 49           1 (100)     None         Yes            Yes            Steroid for    Yes            Definite          Right pneu-  Pulmonary
                                                                                                                                                                                             COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

       (2020),      tive, case                                                                      SARS-                                          mothorax,    mucormycosis/Rhizopus
       United       report,                                                                         CoV-2                                          bronchopul-  spp.
       States [51]  single                                                                                                                         monary
                    centre                                                                                                                         fistula,
     Rao et al.    Retrospec- 66           1 (100)     Diabetes     No             Yes            Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Periorbital  Rhino‑orbital mucormyco-
      (2021),       tive, case                                                                     trolled                                         pain fol-    sis/Mucorale (unspeci-
      India [34]    report,                                                                        diabetes,                                       lowed by     fied)
                    single                                                                         steroid for                                     sudden
                    centre                                                                         SARS-                                           onset of
                                                                                                   CoV-2                                           vision loss
                                                                                                                                                   in the left

Table 1  (continued)
     Author,       Study     Age (years)   Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study   design,                             diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent

     location      setting                                          n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                   oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                 with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                 typical of

     Ravani et al. Retrospec- Mean, 56.3   NA          Diabetes     NA             Yes            Uncon-         NA             NA                The most       Rhino‑orbital mucormyco-
      (2021),       tive, case                          (n = 19);                                  trolled                                         common          sis/Mucorale (unspeci-
      India [35]    series,                             plus, other                                diabetes,                                       presenta-       fied)
                    single                              comor-                                     steroid for                                     tion was
                    centre                              bidities                                   SARS-                                           diminution
                                                        (hyper-                                    CoV-2                                           of vision
                                                        tension/                                                                                   (< 6/60 in
                                                        ischemic                                                                                   80.64%
                                                        heart                                                                                      patients)
                                                        disease/                                                                                   and oph-
                                                        kidney                                                                                     thalmople-
                                                        disease)                                                                                   gia (77.4%).
                                                                                                                                                   The most
                                                                                                                                                   were orbital
     Revanna-      Retrospec- NA           0 (0)       Diabetes     No             No             Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Patient pre-   Rhino‑orbital
      var et al.    tive, case                                                                     trolled                                         sented with     mucormycosis/Rhizopus
      (2021),       report,                                                                        diabetes                                        left-sided      spp.
      India [36]    single                                                                                                                         facial pain,
                    centre                                                                                                                         complete
     Saldanha      Retrospec- 32           0 (0)       Diabetes     No             No             Uncon-         Yes            Definite          Patient        Sino-orbital mucormyco-
      et al.        tive, case                                                                     trolled                                         presented       sis/Mucorale (unspeci-
      (2021),       report,                                                                        diabetes                                        with left eye fied)
      India [37]    single                                                                                                                         complete
                    centre                                                                                                                         ptosis and
                                                                                                                                                   left facial
                                                                                                                                                                                             J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
Table 1  (continued)
     Author,         Study      Age (years)     Male, n (%) Underlying     Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study     design,                                diseases       ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent
     location        setting                                               n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                          oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                        with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                        typical of

     Sarkar et al.   Retrospec- Median (IQR),   8 (80)      Diabetes       Yes (n = 9)    Yes (n = 10)   Diabetic     NA               Definite          NA             Rhino-orbital (n = 5),
      (2021),         tive, case 46.5 (30.7–                 (n = 10)                                     ketoacido-                    (n = 4),                         Rhino-orbital-cerebral
      India [24]      series,    59.7)                                                                    sis (n = 9)                   probable                         (n = 1)/Rhizopus (n = 4),
                      multi-                                                                                                            (n = 2)                          Mucor (n = 2)
     Sen et al.      Retrospec- Median (IQR),   6 (100)     Diabetes       NA             All patients Uncon-       Yes                Definite          All patients   Rhino-orbital-cerebral
      (2021),         tive, case 61.4 (46.8–                 (n = 5),                      received     trolled                         (n = 5),           complained     mucormycosis/Mucorale
      India [25]      series,    73.1)                       hyper-                        systemic     diabetes                        probable           of pain,       (unspecified)
                      multi-                                 tension                       corticos-    (n = 3),                        (n = 1)            redness, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

                      centre                                 (n = 1),                      teroids for  steroid for                                        periocular
                                                             coronary                      SARS-        SARS-                                              swelling
                                                             artery                        CoV-2        CoV-2                                              as initial
                                                             disease                       except for   (n = 5),                                           symptoms.
                                                             (n = 1)                       one patient diabetic                                            This was
                                                                                                        ketoacido-                                         followed
                                                                                                        sis (n = 2)                                        by acute,
                                                                                                                                                           of eyelids,
                                                                                                                                                           of ocular
                                                                                                                                                           and painful
                                                                                                                                                           loss of
     Sharma          Prospec-    NA             15 (65.2)   Diabetes       NA             Yes (n = 23)   Uncon-         No             NA                Intra-orbital  Intra-orbital (n = 10),
      et al.          tive, case                             (n = 21),                                    trolled                                          extension      intra-cranial (n = 2) and
      (2021),         series,                                hyper-                                       diabetes                                         was seen in    palatal (n = 1)
      India [26]      single                                 tension                                      (n = 12)                                         43.47% of
                      centre                                 (n = 14),                                                                                     cases, while
                                                             renal fail-                                                                                   intracranial
                                                             ure (n = 1)                                                                                   extension
                                                                                                                                                           was only
                                                                                                                                                           seen in

Table 1  (continued)
     Author,        Study      Age (years)       Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study    design,                                  diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent

     location       setting                                               n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                         oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                       with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                       typical of

     Veisi et al.   Retrospec- 40 (Case 1) and   1 (50)      None (Case   No             Yes (n = 2)    Diabetes       Yes (n = 2)    Definite          Bilateral vis- Rhino-orbital (n = 1) and/
      (2021),        tive, case 54 (Case 2)                   1)                                         (n = 1),                                        ual loss and   or rhino-orbito-cerebral
      Iran [52]      reports,                                Diabetes                                    steroid for                                     periorbital    (n = 1) mucormycosis/
                     single                                   (Case 2)                                   SARS-                                           pain with      Mucorale (unspecified)
                     centre                                                                              CoV-2                                           complete
                                                                                                         (n = 2)                                         blepharop-
                                                                                                                                                         tosis and
                                                                                                                                                         with mild
                                                                                                                                                         (Case 1)
                                                                                                                                                        Left orbital
                                                                                                                                                         pain and
                                                                                                                                                         vision loss
                                                                                                                                                         (Case 2)
     Waizel-       Retrospec- 24                 0 (0)       Diabetes     Yes            NA             Uncon-         No             Probable          Severe left    Rhino-orbital mucormyco-
      Haiat et al.  tive, case                                                                           trolled                                         lid edema      sis/Lichteimia (Absidia)
      (2021),       report,                                                                              diabetes,                                       with exten-    spp.
      Mexico        single                                                                               diabetic                                        sion to the
      [53]          centre                                                                               ketoaci-                                        upper lip
                                                                                                         dosis                                           and malar
                                                                                                                                                         region, left
                                                                                                                                                         with a
                                                                                                                                                         tiva, and
                                                                                                                                                         an opaque
                                                                                                                                                                                                    J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
Table 1  (continued)
     Author,        Study     Age (years)         Male, n (%) Underlying   Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors    Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical       Description of mucormy-
     year, study    design,                                   diseases     ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-      logic iden- mycosis              symptoms       cosis and etiologic agent
     location       setting                                                n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis         tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                          oid therapy                    an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                         with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                         typical of

     Werthman- Retrospec- 33                      0 (0)       Diabetes,    NA             No             Diabetic        NA             Definite        Necrotic pal- Rhino-orbital-cerebral
      Ehrenreich tive, case                                    asthma,                                    ketoaci-                                        ate, necrotic  mucormycosis/
      et al.      report,                                      hyperten-                                  dosis                                           nasal, left    Mucorale(unspecified)
      (2021),     single                                       sion                                                                                       eye ptosis,
      United      centre                                                                                                                                  altered
      States [54]                                                                                                                                         mental
                                                                                                                                                                                                     COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

     Zurl et al.    Retrospec- 53                 1 (100)     Myelod-    Yes              Yes            Intensive       Yes            Definite (post- Increase of     Pulmonary mucormycosis/
      (2021),        tive, case                                ysplastic                                   chemo-                        mortem)          bilateral      Rhizopus microspores
      Austria        report,                                   syndrome,                                   therapy                                        infiltrates
      [55]           single                                    acute                                       (neutro-                                       and the
                     centre                                    myeloid                                     penia),                                        patient
                                                               leukemia                                    steroid for                                    developed
                                                                                                           SARS-                                          severe
                                                                                                           CoV-2                                          ARDS
                                                                                                           (n = 5)
     Pakdel et al.; Cross-     Median 52 years    15 and 9    86%          NA             7 (46.6%)      Diabetes        Yes            Definite          Variable       Rhino-orbital
       (2021),       sectional  (range 14–71)      (66%)       diabetes                                    and Ster-
       [78]          descrip-                      male        mellitus                                    oid
                     tive mul-
     Singh et al. Case         48                 1M          None         No             No             NA              Yes            Definite          Abdomi-      Gastrointestinal mucor-
       (2021);       report                                                                                                                                nal pain,    mycosis
       India [79]                                                                                                                                          nausea,
     Arjun et al.   Case      53.0 ± 12.1 years   10 cases    30% had      NA             Yes in 80%     Corticoster-    Yes            Definite          Headache and Rhino-orbital
      (2021);        series                        (80%)       coronary                                   oid                                              facial pain
      India [80]                                               artery
     Saidha et al. Case       47                  6 cases     Diabetes     NA             In 1 patient   Diabetes        Yes            Definite          Headache and Paranasal sinusitis
      (2021);       series                          (66%)      Mellitus                                   Mellitus                                         facial pain
      India [81]

Table 1  (continued)
     Author,        Study       Age (years)        Male, n (%) Underlying       Mechanical     Use of         Risk factors   Histopatho- Mucor-               Clinical        Description of mucormy-
     year, study    design,                                    diseases         ventilation,   systemic       for mucor-     logic iden- mycosis              symptoms        cosis and etiologic agent

     location       setting                                                     n (%)          corticoster-   mycosis        tification of ­classificationa   and signs of
                                                                                               oid therapy                   an organism                      mucormy-
                                                                                                                             with a                           cosis
                                                                                                                             typical of

     Jain et al.    Case        57                 Female        Diabetes       No             Yes            Diabetes       Yes            Definite          Abdomi-         Abdominal
       (2021);       report                                       Mellitus                                     Mellitus                                        nal pain,
       India [82]                                                                                                                                              nausea,
     Baskar et al. Case         28                 Male          None           No             No             None           Yes            Definite          Acute loss of   Rhino-orbital
       (2021);      report                                                                                                                                     vision
       India [83]
     Joshi et al.  Case         55.2 ± 13 years    16 men, 9     22 had DM;     20 (80%)       Yes            6 (27%)        Yes (n = 10) Radiographic        Variable        Rhino-orbito-cerebral
       (2021),      series                          women         2 HIV                                                                    and histo-
       India [84]                                                                                                                          pathology
                                                                                                                                           in selected
     Sen et al.     Case        Mean age           2826          Diabetes       NA             87%            Diabetes       NA           Definite            Variables       NA; rhino-orbital-cerebral
      (2021);        series      51.9 years         patients;     mellitus                                     and Ster-                                                       mucormycosis
      India [85]                                    male 71%      78%                                          oid

     ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, IABP intra-aortic balloon pump, NA not available, spp. species, SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, OSA obstructive sleep
      Definite—if histopathologic, cytopathologic or direct microscopic examination of a specimen obtained by needle aspiration or biopsy in which hyphae or melanized yeast-like forms were seen
     accompanied by evidence of associated tissue damage OR Recovery of a hyaline or pigmented mold by culture of a specimen obtained by a sterile procedure from a normally sterile and clini-
     cally or radiologically abnormal site consistent with an infectious disease process, excluding BAL fluid, a paranasal or mastoid sinus cavity specimen, and urine OR Blood culture that yielded
     a mold (e.g., Fusarium species) in the context of a compatible infectious disease process OR Amplification of fungal DNA by PCR combined with DNA sequencing when molds were seen in
     formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Probable—concluded as the presence of combined host factors and clinical criterion with mycological evidence and if only the criteria for a host factor
     and a clinical criterion were met but mycological criteria were absent, possible mucormycosis was diagnosed. Putative—if none of the criteria were met but Mucor is attributed as a pathogen
     and patient was treated for it
                                                                                                                                                                                                           J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
Table 2  Summary of therapy and outcome of mucormycosis among SARS-CoV-2 infected patients
     Author, year, study location           Time between diagnosis of SARS-   Surgical debridement made          Antifungal treatment                 Treatment outcome
                                            CoV-2 and mucormycosis (days)

     Alekseyev et al. (2021), United        NA                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                       Survived
       States [40]
     Bellanger et al. (2021), France [41]   15                                NA                                 Amphotericin B                       Died
     Dallalzadeh et al. (2021), United      6                                 No                                 Amphotericin B, isavuconazole        Died (n = 2)
       States [42]
     Garg et al. (2021), India [31]         17                                Scheduled for right upper lobectomy Amphotericin B                      Survived
     Hanley et al. (2020), United King-     NA                                No                                  No                                  Died
       dom [56]
     Johnson et al. (2021), United States   NA                                NA                                 Amphotericin B, voriconazole         Discharged
     Kanwar et al. (2021), United States    16                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                       Died
     Karimi‐Galougahi et al. (2021), Iran   21                                Yes                                Systemic antifungals (Unspecified)   Survived
                                                                                                                                                                                                COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

     Khatri et al. (2021), United States    90                                Yes                                Amphotericin B, posaconazole         Died
     Maini et al. (2021), India [32]        18                                Yes                                Amphotericin B, fluconazole          Survived
     Mehta et al. (2020), India [33]        10                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                       Died
     Mekonnen et al. (2021), United         7                                 Yes                                Amphotericin B, caspofungin,         Died
       States [47]                                                                                                posaconazole;
     Monte Junior et al. (2020), Brazil     5                                 No                                 No                                   Died
     Moorthy et al. (2021), India [30]      NA                                Yes (n = 7)                        Amphotericin B                       Survived (n = 11),died (n = 6) and lost
                                                                                                                                                       to follow-up (n = 1)
     Pasero et al. (2020), Italy [49]       17                                No                                 Amphotericin B, isavuconazole        Died
     Pauli et al. (2021), Brazil [50]       8                                 Yes                                Amphotericin B                       Survived
     Placik et al. (2020), United States    14                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                       Died
     Rao et al. (2021), India [34]          NA                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                     Survived
     Ravani et al. (2021), India [35]       NA                                Yes (n = 19)                       Amphotericin B (n = 19)            Survived (n = 18), died (n = 1)
     Revannavar et al. (2021), India [36]   NA                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                     Survived
     Saldanha et al. (2021), India [37]     NA                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                     Survived
     Sarkar et al. (2021), India [24]       NA                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                     Improved (n = 1), died (n = 4),
                                                                                                                                                     unchanged (n = 4), exenteration
                                                                                                                                                     (n = 1)
     Sen et al. (2021), India [25]          Mean ± SD (minimum–maximum),      Yes                                Amphotericin B, voriconazole/posa- Survived (n = 5)
                                             15.6 ± 9.6 (3–42)                                                    conazole (n = 5)
     Sharma et al. (2021), India [26]       NA                                Yes                                Amphotericin B                     Survived (n = 23)

Table 2  (continued)
     Author, year, study location         Time between diagnosis of SARS-   Surgical debridement made            Antifungal treatment              Treatment outcome
                                          CoV-2 and mucormycosis (days)

     Veisi et al. (2021), Iran [52]       8 (Case 1) and 7 (Case 2)         Yes (n = 2)                          Amphotericin B (n = 2)            Died (Case 1) and discharged (Case
     Waizel-Haiat et al. (2021), Mexico   6                                 Yes                                  Amphotericin B                    Died
     Werthman-Ehrenreich et al. (2021),   2                                 Yes                                  Amphotericin B                    Died
       United States [54]
     Zurl et al. (2021), Austria [55]     NA                                No                                   None                              Died
     Pakdel et al.; (2021), Iran [78]     1–37                              33%                                  6 (40%) combined antifungal       7 (47%) died
     Singh et al. (2021); India [79]      19                                Yes                                  Liposomal amphotericin B          Recovered
     Arjun et al. (2021); India [80]      17.0 ± 3.6                        Yes                                  Amphotericin B deoxycholate and   10% died
     Saidha et al. (2021); India [81]     NA                                Yes                                  Amphotericin                      Recovered
     Jain et al. (2021); India [82]       15                                Yes                                  NA                                Recovered
     Baskar et al. (2021); India [83]     On diagnosis                      Yes                                  Amphotericin                      Recovered
     Joshi et al. (2021), India [84]      Not indicated                     yes in 10 (45%)                      Amphotericin                      14 (63%) died
     Sen et al. (2021); India [85]        10–15                             56% had functional endoscopic        Amphotericin B in 73%             Mortality 14%
                                                                              sinus surgery (FESS)/paranasal
                                                                              sinus (PNS) debridement, 15%
                                                                              orbital exenteration in 15%, 17%
                                                                              both FESS/PNS debridement and
                                                                              orbital exenteration
                                                                                                                                                                                        J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.
COVID‑19 and mucormycosis superinfection: the perfect storm

Outcomes and prognosis                                           a dose of 6 mg intravenous or oral once a day for treatment
                                                                 of COVID-19 [73]. Systemic steroids could further exagger-
Before the COVID-19 era, mucormycosis is known for its           ate the underlying glycemic control as well as impede the
poor prognosis, especially with delayed management may           body’s immune system. The use of high dose corticosteroid
lead to a high mortality rate. There was no difference in        had been used in patients with COVID-19 disease [74]and
the mortality between solid organ transplants and diabetes       the use of such medications required assessment [75]. One
mellitus with a mortality of about 28%, (2/7 (28.57%) vs         study showed that adherence to the use of low dose corticos-
5/18 (27.78%); p = 0.66 in patients with solid organ trans-      teroid and good glycemic control were important in having
plant and diabetes mellitus, respectively) [58]. However,        no mucormycosis among 1027 ICU patients despite the use
another study showed higher mortality of 49% among               of corticosteroids in 89% and that 40% had diabetes mellitus
diabetes mellitus patients compared to 30% among non-            [76]. The presence of these pre-disposing factors in associa-
diabetic patients[58]. Morbidity and mortality were linked       tion with high fungal spore burden in certain localities and
to the invasive nature of the underlying disease[59]. How-       communities may set the perfect storm for the development
ever, even with COVID-19, early intravenous anti-fungal          of mucormycosis in patients with COVID-19 patients.
treatment and surgical debridement were associated with              The outcome was favorable for patients who had surgical
favorable outcomes[26].                                          debridement in three case series [25, 26, 35]. With the ongo-
                                                                 ing COVID-19 pandemic and increasing number of critically
                                                                 ill patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, it is important to
Discussion                                                       develop a risk-based approach for patients at risk of mucor-
                                                                 mycosis based on the epidemiological burden of mucormy-
The etiologic agent of mucormycosis are ubiquitous in            cosis, prevalence of diabetes mellitus, COVID-19 disease
nature and thus may easily be acquired, and its global epide-    severity and use of immune modulating agents including the
miology has been studied by several investigators, and may       combined use of steroids and immunosuppressive agents in
pose a threat during ongoing pandemic as has been observed       patients with cancer and transplants. A suggested approach
in India [17, 23, 27, 57, 60, 61]. Due to the steep rise in      for aspergillosis in COVID-19 was developed [77] and a
cases of mucormycosis (black fungus infection) amid the          similar approach is needed for mucormycosis in SARS-
second COVID-19 pandemic wave and its association with           CoV-2 infected patients. Whether a mold prophylaxis is
severe complications and associated higher fatality rate in      required in high-risk patients need further studies.
post COVID-19 patients, this rare disease is now a notifiable        Early diagnosis of cases of mucormycosis, timely treat-
disease in India. It is postulated that the use of non-sterile   ment with prescribed drugs and surgical operations, check-
medical supplies might be associated with spore contami-         ing glycemic levels and judicious use of corticosteroids in
nation and higher exposure of patients to mucormycosis           patients with COVID-19 along with adopting appropriate
[62, 63]. As summarized in Tables 1 and 2, most patients         hygienic and sanitization measures would aid in limiting
had severe COVID-19 pneumonia requiring intensive care,          the rising cases of this fungal infection. In-depth studies are
intubation and ventilation. In addition, most patients had       required to investigate how COVID-19 is triggering mucor-
underlying diabetes mellitus and received steroids [28, 64,      mycosis infections in patients and why mainly most cases
65]. The presence of diabetes mellitus is a major predispos-     are being reported from India as compared to other countries
ing factor for mucormycosis as described in a meta-analysis      amidst second wave of ongoing pandemic.
among 600 (70%) of 851 patients with rhino-orbital–cer-
ebral mucormycosis [19]. The presence of diabetes mellitus       Declarations
among patients with COVID-19 was estimated to be 17%
in one study [66] and 9% in another study [67]. However,         Conflict of interest All authors declare that they have no conflict of
the presence of diabetes mellitus might be higher in other
populations and may be more than 50% [4–6]. One meta-
analysis showed that diabetes mellitus was associated with
an odds ratio (OR) of 2.40 (95% CI 1.98–2.91) for severe
disease [68], OR of 1.64 (95% CI 2.30–1.08) in a second
meta-analysis [69], and an OR of 2.04, 95% CI 1.67–2.50 in        1. Chen N, Zhou M, Dong X, Qu J, Gong F, Han Y, et al. Epidemio-
a third meta-analysis [66]. Corticosteroid are currently the         logical and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coro-
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tive in the treatment of COVID-19 in clinical trials therapy         cet. 2020;395:507–13. https://​doi.​org/​10.​1016/​S0140-​6736(20)​
[70–72]. The RECOVERY trial utilized dexamethasone at

J. A. Al‑Tawfiq et al.

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Authors and Affiliations

Jaffar A. Al‑Tawfiq1,2,3,21 · Saad Alhumaid4 · Abeer N. Alshukairi5 · Mohamad‑Hani Temsah6 · Mazin Barry7 ·
Abbas Al Mutair8,9,10 · Ali A. Rabaan11 · Awadh Al‑Omari12,13 · Raghavendra Tirupathi14,20 · Manaf AlQahtani15,16,17 ·
Salma AlBahrani18 · Kuldeep Dhama19

1                                                                                  5
      Infectious Disease Unit, Specialty Internal Medicine, Johns                      Department of Medicine, King Faisal Specialist Hospital
      Hopkins Aramco Healthcare, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia                                 and Research Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
2                                                                                  6
      Infectious Diseases Division, Department of Medicine,                            Pediatric Department, College of Medicine, King Saud
      Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN,                         University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
      USA                                                                          7
                                                                                       Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal
      Infectious Diseases Division, Department of Medicine, Johns                      Medicine, College of Medicine, King Saud University
      Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,                            and King Saud University Medical City, Riyadh,
      USA                                                                              Saudi Arabia
4                                                                                  8
      Administration of Pharmaceutical Care, Alahsa Health                             Research Center, Almoosa Specialist Hospital, Alahsa,
      Cluster, Ministry of Health, Alahsa, Saudi Arabia                                Saudi Arabia

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