COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...

Page created by Edith Flynn
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021
and may become out of date. Guidance is being updated rapidly, so users should look
                   to CDC and NE DHHS guidance for updates.

                               COVID-19 and LTC
                                                September 23, 2021
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Presentation Information:
Panelists today are:​
   Dr. Salman Ashraf                                       
   Andrew B. Watkins, PharmD, BCIDP                        
   Margaret Drake, MT(ASCP),CIC                            
   Kate Tyner, RN, BSN, CIC                                
   Lacey Pavlovsky, RN, MSN, CIC                           
   Sarah Stream, MPH, CDA, FADAA                           
   Rebecca Martinez, BSN, BA, RN, CIC                      
   Daniel Taylor, DHHS                                     
   Becky Wisell, DHHS                                      
   Cindy Kadavy, NHCA                                      
   Kierstin Reed, LeadingAge                               
   Debra Sutton, RN, BS, NHA                               
   Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA                            
   Debi Majo, BSN, RN                                      

   Moderated by Marissa Chaney                             

Slides and a recording of this presentation will be available on the ICAP website:​

Use the Q&A box in the webinar platform to type a question. Questions will be read aloud by the moderator.​
If your question is not answered during the webinar, please either e-mail it to NE ICAP or call during our office hours to speak
with one of our IPs.​
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Continuing Education Disclosures
 ▪1.0 Nursing Contact Hour and 1 NAB Contact Hour is awarded for
  the LIVE viewing of this webinar​
 ▪In order to obtain nursing contact hours, you must be present for the
  entire live webinar and complete the post webinar survey​
 ▪No conflicts of interest were identified for any member of the planning
  committee, presenters or panelists of the program content​
 ▪This CE is hosted Nebraska Medicine along with Nebraska ICAP and
  Nebraska DHHS​
 ▪ Nebraska Medicine is approved as a provider of nursing continuing
  professional development by the Midwest Multistate Division, an
  accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
  (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
TMF Health Quality Institute
 CMS Quality Improvement
    Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA
    Quality Improvement Specialist
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Resident Impact Module
• Updated this past weekend.
• Booster Vaccine in the Vaccination Status
• Positive cases only

COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
NHSN Training: Changes to the
Weekly NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination
Data Collection Forms for Long-Term
Care Facilities
• Date: Sept. 23, 2021
• Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST
• Register in advance for this webinar:
• Note: If you are not able to attend this session, a
  replay broadcast will be held on September 29,
  2021. Registration links coming soon.                 6
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
REQUIRED Level 3 Access by 10/1
• Monthly reporting plans will be required to enter
  weekly HCP & resident COVID-19 Vaccination data
  beginning October 1, 2021.
• Level 3 access will be required to complete these
  monthly reporting plans in the Long-Term Care
  Facility Component.
• Facilities must have a NHSN user with Level 3
  access to submit or update weekly COVID-19
  vaccination data for reporting weeks starting with
  week ending 10/3/2021.
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Increase access to Level 3
• Go to: Increasing LTCF SAMS Level Access to NHSN.
  Please begin this process NOW to ensure Level 3
  access is secured by October 2021. We strongly
  encourages all facilities to have at least 2 registered
  users with Level 3 access.

• See the: SAMS identity verification document
  ( first!

• E-mail NHSN@CDC.GOV with “SAMS LEVEL 3
  ACCESS” in the subject line for any questions
  related to this process.
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Reach out to us at:
  to submit requests for
      assistance with
NHSN reporting problems
 or quality improvement
COVID-19 and LTC September 23, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/23/2021 and may become out of date ...
Nebraska Statistics
              Daily New    Infection   Positive Test   ICU Capacity   Vaccinated
 Week        Cases/ 100K     Rate          Rate           Used            1+
 6/17/21         1.6         0.88          3.0%            70%          50.0%
 6/24/21         1.7         0.98          3.6%            64%          50.5%
 7/1/21          2.5         1.17          4.3%            63%          51.7%
 7/8/21          3.6         1.26          6.1%            61%          52.0%
 7/15/21         4.1         1.30          6.8%            62%          52.4%

 7/22/21         6.2         1.35         10.2%            64%          52.9%
 7/29/21         10.4        1.35         12.8%            70%          53.5%
 8/5/21          14.6        1.31         15.1%            67%          54.4%
 8/12/21         19.0        1.25         15.9%            75%          55.3%
 8/19/21         24.3        1.25         15.8%            72%          56.0%
 8/26/21         32.1        1.22         17.2%            80%          56.7%
 9/2/21          38.0        1.18         17.1%            73%          57.5%
9/9/2021         35.8        1.07         16.0%            75%          58.0%
9/16/2021        35.5        1.00         12.6%            79%          58.2%
9/23/2021        40.0        1.00         14.4%            77%          58.8%

Nebraska Statistics
Tracking Coronavirus in Nebraska:
COVID-19 Integrated County View 9/22/2021
                                                             Note: Currently the
                                                         Nebraska Data on the CDC
                                                           COVID-19 tracker is not
                                                          completely accurate and
                                                              many counties are
                                                          mentioned as having low
                                                          community transmission
                                                               when the actual
                                                         transmission is higher. We
                                                         will be advising facilities to
                                                        take that into account when
                                                               making decisions

                                                         ICAP recommends that all
                                                             facilities in counties
                                                          identified as blue or gray
                                                        counties should continue to
                                                          test unvaccinated staff at
                                                          least weekly until we are
                                                          confident that the data is
                                                         represented accurately in    the CDC COVID-19 tracker
Nebraska State Dashboard is Live Again

Workbook: Covid (
Nebraska LTC Facilities in Outbreak

**Updated: 9/22/2021
Source: Unofficial Counts Compiled by Nebraska ICAP based on data reported by facilities
and DHHS; Actual Numbers may vary slightly
Nebraska Post-Acute and Long-
Term Care Facility COVID-19 Cases

**Updated: ​ 9/22/2021
Source: Unofficial Counts Compiled by Nebraska ICAP based on data reported by facilities
and DHHS; Actual Numbers may vary slightly
FDA Authorizes
    Booster Dose of
COVID-19 Vaccine for
 Certain Populations
Final approval will
    occur after the ACIP
      and CDC review

FDA Authorizes Booster Dose of Pfizer-
BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Certain
Populations | FDA
Monoclonal Update
Update on Distribution and Supply
• As of September 13, 2021, monoclonal antibody supply has moved back to
  state-allocated distribution
       • Whole state gets a weekly allotment of mAb, which is divided among
           infusion facilities based on case rates, utilization, and supply on hand

• At this time, the supply for the LTC program is adequate and will not be
  negatively affected by this change.

• We encourage you to continue to request mAb through our normal processes
  when patients qualify

• If you are working with a local hospital and they are unable or unwilling to give
  mAb to your residents based on limited supply, request through Nebraska
  ASAP and we can work with these hospitals to supply doses and ensure your
  patients are cared for.

• The state is aware of the LTC mAb program and has made it a priority that we
  continue to have doses available to serve this patient population.
Reminder: SubQ Route
• We have had many facilities
  administer monoclonal
  antibodies subcutaneously
  over the last few weeks with
  positive responses.

• This is an excellent option
  when IVs are not feasible at
  your facility from a staffing or
  policy standpoint.

• 4 SubQ injections
  administered consecutively,
  using different quadrants of
  the abdomen or upper thighs
  or back of upper arms
Mitigating Staffing
Mitigating Staffing Shortages
  • Maintaining appropriate staffing in healthcare facilities is
    essential to providing a safe work environment for
    healthcare personnel (HCP) and safe patient care
  • At baseline, healthcare facilities must:
      • Understand their staffing needs and the minimum number of staff needed to
        provide a safe work environment and safe patient care.
      • Be in communication with local healthcare coalitions, federal, state, and local
        public health partners (e.g., public health emergency preparedness and
        response staff) to identify additional HCP (e.g., hiring additional HCP, recruiting
        retired HCP, using students or volunteers), when needed
Mitigating Staffing Shortages
Contingency Staffing Capacity Strategies
• Adjusting staff schedules, hiring additional HCP, and rotating
  HCP to positions that support patient care activities
• Cancel all non-essential procedures and shift HCP who work in
  these areas to support other patient care activities in the facility
• Identify additional HCP to work in the facility
• As appropriate, request that HCP postpone elective time off
  from work
  • Have to be careful with mental health and burn out
• Developing regional plans to identify alternate care sites with
  adequate staffing to care for patients with SARS-CoV-2
• Allowing asymptomatic HCP who have had a higher risk
  exposure to SARS-Cov-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) but
  are not known to be infected to shorten their duration of work
Mitigating Staffing Shortages

Crisis Staffing Capacity Strategies
• Implement regional plans to transfer patients with COVID-19
• Allow asymptomatic HCP who are not fully vaccinated and have had
  a higher risk exposure to SARS-CoV-2 but are not known to be
  infected to continue to work onsite throughout their 14-day post-
  exposure period
  • Reasonable to approach as similar to household exposure outlined previously
• AS A LAST RESORT, if shortages continue despite other mitigation
  strategies, consider allowing HCP with suspected or confirmed
  SARS-CoV-2 infection who are well enough and willing to work but
  have not met all return-to-work criteria to work
  • Would not recommend this step unless circumstances are dire, and only after
    communication with ICAP, local health department, and licensure, as they may
    be able to offer alternatives.
  • Preferably, this would only occur in dedicated red zones.
Crisis Staffing Strategies
ONLY TO BE implemented in accordance/under the approval of the local
health department, or DHHS Health Care Facilities, ICAP AND after notifying regulatory
DHHS contact:

ICAP Advises facilities against assigning COVID-19 positive asymptomatic staff to work
in the yellow or green zones due to the concerns of potential transmission.

1.   HCP with confirmed COVID-19 shall only care for Red Zone/Confirmed COVID-
     19 residents​.
2.   Cleaning and Disinfection protocols for resident rooms and common areas must
     be strongly practiced, at least once daily in rooms and communal areas but may
     be more frequently in areas where people congregate or work.​

If allowing asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic COVID-19 positive staff to work
in the red zone, facilities should implement strict measures to protect the staff
and residents who do not have COVID-19.

Things to consider include:
• Try to staff the red zone with all positive staff (who meets the criteria​ to work) in all
    shifts to avoid any exposures to the staff without COVID illness r​ those who have
    COVID-19 versus those who do not.​
• Identifying separate break and restroom areas and nursing stations
• Focusing on cleaning and disinfection efforts between shifts in all​ common areas
    used by the staff.​
Community Outings
ICAP’s Suggested Plan for Community
   Outings-Updated 5/26/2021

Updated Plan can be found at
Risk Assessment Template for
Community Outings

                       Updated template can
                       be found at:
Risk Assessment Template for
Community Outings

                      Updated template can be
                      found at:
Halloween Activity
Planning for Halloween
High Risk Scenario:
• Having children come into the
  facility to trick or treat on Halloween
      • Not recommended!

Safer Alternatives:
• Have an outdoor Trunk or Treat type
  of event with masks and social            Thi s Photo by Unknown Author i s licensed under CC
      • Consider only inviting a small
         number of children, such as
         the resident’s families.
• Have a small gathering outdoors,
  with spread out chairs and tables
• Family bring food/treats for the
  resident to eat at the facility after
  they have a visit.
• Pumpkin painting or carving activity
COVID-19 Symptoms
       vs. Allergies
COVID-19 Symptoms vs. Allergies
•   COVID-19 and Seasonal Allergies both cause respiratory symptoms that are similar
•   It will be important to understand the differences when screening residents and staff
•   Key differences in COVID-19 symptoms:
           • Fever
           • Muscle and body aches
           • Loss of taste and smell
           • Nausea or vomiting
           • Diarrhea
    •Shared symptoms
           • Cough
           • Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
           • Fatigue
           • Headache
           • Sore throat
           • Congestion or runny nose
    •Another key difference is COVID-19 symptoms are rapid onset, Seasonal allergy
    symptoms are most likely chronic and long term
of Antigen Tests
in Long-Term
Care Facilities
ICAP Updates
COVID-19 Tele-ICAR Reviews
• ICAP is offering COVID-19 focused virtual ICAR reviews to LTC,
  outpatient and acute care facilities

• The review will assess the status of COVID-19 policies and
  procedures and offer a summary of recommendations from ICAP

• Home Health Agencies fall under the outpatient umbrella and ICAP
  has developed a HH focused review to support our HH partners

• Contact NE ICAP at 402.552.2881 to be connected with the IP
  responsible for the facility
Webinar CE Process
1 Nursing Contact Hour and 1 NAB Contact Hour is offered for attending this LIVE
            A separate survey must be completed for each attendee.
Nursing Contact Hours:                        NAB:
➢ Completion of survey is required.           ➢ Completion of survey is required.
     ➢ The survey must be specific                 ➢ The survey must be specific to
         to the individual obtaining                  the individual obtaining credit.
         credit. (i.e.: 2 people cannot               (i.e.: 2 people cannot be listed
         be listed on the same survey)                on the same survey)
➢ One certificate is issued monthly           ➢ You must have a NAB membership
   for all webinars attended                  ➢ Credit is retrieved by you
➢ Certificate comes directly from             ➢ Any issues or
   ICAP via email                               questions regarding your credit must
➢ Certificate is mailed by/on the 15th          be directed to NAB customer service.
   of the next month                               ➢ ICAP can verify survey
                                                      completion and check the roster

Contact Marissa with questions:
Infection Prevention and Control
           Hotline Number:
            Call 402-552-2881
      Office Hours are Monday – Friday
        8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central Time

On-call hours are available for emergencies only
     Weekends and Holidays from 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
**Please call the main hotline number only during on-call hours**
Questions and Answer
Use the QA box in the webinar platform to type a
question. Questions will be read aloud by the

• Dr. Salman Ashraf
• Andrew B. Watkins, PharmD, BCIDP
• Kate Tyner, RN, BSN, CIC
• Margaret Drake, MT(ASCP),CIC
• Lacey Pavlovsky, RN, MSN, CIC
• Sarah Stream, MPH, CDA, FADAA               /
• Rebecca Martinez, BSN, BA, RN, CIC
• Daniel Taylor, DHHS
• Becky Wisell, DHHS
• Cindy Kadavy, NHCA                                   Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook
• Kierstin Reed, LeadingAge                            for important updates!
• Debra Sutton, RN, BS, NHA
• Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA
• Debi Majo, BSN, RN

•   Moderated by Marissa Chaney
•   Supported by Margaret Deacy
•   Slide support from Lacey Pavlovsky, RN, MSN, CIC
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