Page created by Mildred Benson
The Stony Brook School


         2    Our Mission

         3    Academic Policies

         6    Course Registration

         8    Course Offerings

         11   Bible Department

         13   English Department

         17   History Department

         22   Mathematics Department

         27   Performing Arts Department

         30   Science Department

         35   STEM Department

         40   Visual Arts Department

         45   World Languages Department

                                                         The Stony Brook School is an independent
                                                         college preparatory school (grades 7-12)
                                                         that exists to challenge young men and
                                                         women to know Jesus Christ as Lord, to love
                                                         others as themselves, and to grow in
                                                         knowledge and skill, in order that they may
                                                         serve the world through their character and


“Education without character is a dangerous
thing. For character, not intellectual agility, is the
source of right living. But character itself has a
source. It springs not from moral maxims, rules
of conduct, proverbs, or thou-shalt-nots. Its
derivation is higher. It grows out of religious
experience that is the result of the gospel of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Frank E. Gaebelein
Founding Head of School

                                        The Stony Brook School
                                         1 Chapman Parkway
                                         Stony Brook, NY 11790

Graduation Requirements

                     A minimum of 20 credits* is required including:

   4 credits in English
   4 credits in History
   1 credit in Bible
       Humanities 9, Humanities 10, and English 11 integrate Bible into the curriculum
       Faith and Culture in the 21st Century is taken by all seniors
   3 credits in one World Language
   3 credits in Mathematics including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
   3 credits in Science:
       Including Biology, Chemistry or Physics, and one science elective
   1 credit in Visual Arts or Performing Arts
   0.5 credits in Health
   Successful completion of physical education each year

Summer Courses
The Stony Brook School offers summer classes through Gravitas and does not accept credit
from other institutions for classes offered through Gravitas. Please note that although summer
course grades are on the student transcript, they are not factored into the student’s GPA.

If a student wishes to take a course for credit that is not offered through Gravitas, that student
must receive approval from the Academic Dean and the Department Chair before registering
for the course.

For an approved summer course to count on a student’s SBS transcript, official transcripts for
that course must be given to the Registrar by August 15. Students should register for next
year’s SBS courses as if they did not complete their summer work. After the Registrar receives
the summer transcript, the student’s schedule will be changed to reflect completion of the
summer course.

Transfer Credit
No current SBS student will receive credit for a course offered from an outside institution,
whether during the academic year or the summer, unless they receive written permission from
the Academic Office prior to registering for the course.

Cum Laude Society                                    Honor Roll
Each year, the top 20% of grades 7 - 11 are          Honor Rolls are determined at the end of each
honored with certificates of recognition from        semester. A student qualifies for the Honor Roll
the Society, and students in the top 20% of the      if no grade is below a C and the following GPA
senior class are officially inducted into the Cum    requirements are met:
Laude Society
                                                        Honor Roll = 3.0 - 3.499
To be considered for membership seniors must,           High Honor Roll = 3.5 - 3.999
at minimum, meet the requirements for a High            Head of School Honor Roll = 4.0 and above
Honors diploma (requirements noted below)
and have a good citizenship record in the            Diploma with Honors, High Honors or Highest
School. Students earning an A in a regular           Honors Additional Requirements
elective course for which there is no honors or      Students must earn the following GPA and
AP alternative will not have their grade included    minimum honors/AP/College-Level course
in their GPA calculation for Cum Laude               counts to qualify for these graduation honors.
purposes unless doing so raises their GPA.           Further, no student may earn a final mark below
                                                     a 2.0 during senior year.
The honor certificates are awarded annually,
determined by combining the first semester           Summer Reading
GPA (weighted two-thirds) with the third             All English and History courses (9th-12th grade)
quarter GPA (weighted one third). For seniors        have a summer reading and/or writing
being considered for induction into the Honor        assignment due during the first week of class.
Society, GPA standing is determined by               Additionally, Advanced Placement courses may
combining the junior year GPA (weighted four-        require students to do some work in advance.
sevenths), the fall semester GPA from the senior     All summer reading assignments will be posted
year (weighted two-sevenths), and the GPA            on the portal early in the summer. All students
from the third quarter of the senior year            will need to purchase their summer reading
(weighted one-seventh).                              books themselves using the provided ISBN
                                                     numbers. Exact editions are required.
Note for one-year seniors: Only the senior GPA
will be used for honors and Cum Laude
purposes. In order to qualify, however, the
student must be enrolled in two AP classes
their senior year for an honors or high honors
diploma and three AP courses to receive a
highest honors diploma.

Textbooks                                             GPA Minimum
Textbook lists will be available to students on       To graduate, the combined Junior-Senior
the MBS/BNC website, which will be linked under       minimum grade point average must not be
Textbook Information on the Portal’s Resources        lower than 2.0. For one-year seniors a 2.0 Senior
page and emailed to families in July.                 GPA is necessary for graduation.

Students residing in Suffolk County may be
eligible to receive their textbooks from the          Academic Hold
Eastern Suffolk BOCES Nonpublic School                At the end of each Semester, any student who
Textbook program. Textbook applications will          has below a 2.0 GPA will be put on Academic
be submitted on your behalf, and you will             Hold.
receive an email when they are ready to be
picked up. New students should contact their          Any student placed on Academic Hold will not
home school district to confirm proof of              be issued an enrollment contract for the
residency.                                            following school year until they are taken off of
                                                      Academic Hold. Seats/Beds will not be held for
*Please note that availability of BOCES books         a student on academic hold. Academic Holds
varies and the state cannot guarantee they will       are in place until the following end of Semester,
be available. In recent years, their availability     at which point the student’s GPA will again be
has not been dependable. The only method of           examined. The student will be taken off
guaranteeing textbook delivery prior to the           Academic Hold if their GPA is at 2.0 or higher. If
start of school is purchasing them.                   their GPA is still below 2.0, they will remain on
                                                      Academic Hold.
Students residing in another NY county may
also be eligible for textbooks via their school
district office. Please contact your local school
district for more information, or call the
Academic Office at (631)751-1800. All other
students should purchase their textbooks from
the bookstore or from another vendor in time
for them to arrive prior to the start of the school

Returning students sign up for the next year’s         Please note that students with a GPA below a
classes in April of the year before. It is important   3.2 may not take more than 1 AP course or 3
that they take the time to think through their         honors courses in a year without permission
schedule as changes to the schedule may not            from the Academic Office. Students with a GPA
be possible later on due to classes being full or      below a 3.5 may not take more than 3 AP
other reasons.                                         courses without permission from the Academic
Number of Courses Per Semester
SBS has 8 academic periods (A-H period).
Students are recommended to take six courses           Placement
each semester, with their final two periods            For new students only, initial placement in Math
being either study halls or free periods.              and in some cases, World Language, is
                                                       determined by a skills test and/or transcript
The minimum number of classes is 5 per                 evaluation. Placement in Science courses is
semester, though students will be assigned at          determined by transcript evaluation. English,
least one study hall if they take only five            History, and Bible courses are determined by
classes.                                               grade level, with exceptions made for students
                                                       who have already completed an equivalent
Students may take up to 7 classes per semester         course at another institution.
provided the 7th course is a low-homework
course* or a graduation requirement such as            Prerequisites
Health & Human Flourishing.                            Prerequisites are listed in each course
                                                       description. The Registration and Advising
No student may take 8 academic courses at              Team will consult with the faculty and advisors
any time. AP and College-Level Science labs do         to determine the conduciveness of a student’s
not count toward the course total, as they only        total course load to his or her academic
meet at most once per week. No student may             success and overall flourishing. The team
take more than one AP and College-Level                reserves the right to deny access to a course
Science course in a given year.                        for which that student has met the prerequisite
                                                       and has received a teacher recommendation,
All low-homework courses are designated with           in order to serve the best interest of the student.
[LH] next to them in this catalog. This
designation means there is an average of less          Additionally, students may be required to
than 15 minutes of homework assigned per               repeat a class that is part of a sequence if they
class meeting. These classes may still have            score below a C as a 9-12th grader or below a B
tests or projects.                                     as a 7-8th grader. For example, a 9th grader
                                                       who scores a C- in Spanish I may be required
If a student does not arrive on campus within          to repeat Spanish I. A 7th grader in Algebra I
six weeks of the start of the semester, they may       who earns a B- may be required to repeat
lose their spot in a course.                           Algebra I in 8th grade.

Evaluation Process                                      Enrollment Limits & Rescheduling
After students have requested their courses, the        In the event a course is overenrolled, the
Advising and Registration Team will evaluate all        Advising and Registration Team must give
requests. We cannot guarantee that a student            priority to meet section enrollment limits. Top
will be able to take all the courses they               priority will be based on seniority (seniors, then
requested.                                              juniors, etc.), graduation requirements and
                                                        students who were unenrolled from another
First, the team confirms that students have met         class. For an AP or honors course, the Advising
the prerequisites for taking each course that           Team will also consider GPA and a
they signed up for.                                     demonstrated history of success in rigorous
                                                        courses. Any remaining slots may be filled by a
Second, if applicable, the team decides                 random lottery after this point.
whether a student may take more than one
course in a given field of study simultaneously.        If the Advising and Registration Team denies a
Students who have earned A’s in their prior             student’s requested course of study, a member
courses in that subject area are sometimes              of the team will contact and/or meet with the
permitted to take an advanced course along              student to determine a viable course of study.
with its prerequisite simultaneously. For               We will make every effort to communicate
example, a student who has earned an A in               these conflicts as soon as possible.
Biology Honors may be allowed to take
Chemistry Honors and AP Biology the next year.          If you have any questions about advising,
Similarly, students earning an A in Algebra I are       registration, or scheduling, please use the
sometimes allowed to take Geometry and                  Registrar email address:
Algebra II Honors simultaneously.
                                                        Academic Advising
Third, the team evaluates the total course load         Each school year, all freshman students will
of the student. While a student may meet the            meet with their advisor and a member of the
prerequisites to sign up for multiple AP or             Academic Office to plan out their courses for
honors courses, the evaluation team may                 the rest of their time at SBS. Although this plan
determine that the total load is too much for           is highly flexible, it is an important step in the
that student to carry and require the student to        process of matching a students’ course load
replace some AP or honors courses with less             with their passions and goals.
demanding courses. The team may use PSAT
scores, GPA, teacher recommendations, section           A link to the Four Year Plan can be found on the
enrollment limits, and the preferences of the           Portal. All students may create such a plan with
student to determine which of the requested AP          a member of the Academic Office at any time
and honors courses a student may take.                  by making an appointment with the Registrar.

Fourth, the team evaluates the viability of the
schedule a student has selected. In some
cases, students will not be able to fit a given
elective course into their schedules


         Math                             Bible                               History

      Pre-Algebra I                 Old Testament                          World History 7
      Pre-Algebra II                New Testament                          World History 8
         Algebra I                   Humanities 9                           Humanities 9
        Geometry                     Humanities 10                         Humanities 10
        Algebra II                Teachings of Jesus                      European History
    Algebra II Honors              Teachings of Paul                          US History
  Pre-Calculus Honors        AP Language & Composition              Contemporary Global History
    Functions & Trig.          College Prep English A/B              Law & Government Honors
Stat. & Personal Finance            Faith & Culture                      CL Ethics & Politics
       AP Statistics                                                    CL Hist. of Philosophy
     AP Calculus AB                                                     AP European History
     AP Calculus BC                                                         AP US History
    CL Linear Algebra                                                   AP Macroeconomics
CL Multivariable Calculus                                               AP Microeconomics
Adv. Mathematical Logic
   Adv. Topics in Math

  World Language                        Science                               English

       Spanish I                         STEM 7                             English 7 Writing
       Spanish II                        STEM 8                           English 7 Literature
       Spanish III                       Biology                                English 8
   Spanish IV Honors                Biology Honors                              English 9
AP Spanish Language &                  Chemistry                            English 9 Honors
         Culture                  Chemistry Honors                             English 10
       Chinese I                         Physics                           English 10 Honors
       Chinese II                   Physics Honors                     College Prep English A/B
       Chinese III                     Astronomy                     AP Language & Composition
 Adv. Chinese: Culture          Anatomy & Physiology                 AP Literature & Composition
Adv. Chinese: Literature             AP Psychology                 Creative Life Through Word & Art
          Latin I             AP Environmental Science              College Application Readiness
         Latin II                      AP Biology
         Latin III                   AP Chemistry
Adv. Latin Literature A/B    AP Physics C (Mechanics and
        French I               Electricity & Magnetism)
        French II               Adv. Scientific Research
        French III          Adv. Scientific Research: Internship


    Visual Arts              Performing Arts                         STEM

    MS Visual Arts               MS Chorus                       Robotics
       Studio Art         MS Chamber Ensemble            Computer Programming
      3D Studies           Chamber Ensemble 9            3D Modeling and Printing
      Ceramics I            Chamber Orchestra           Adv. Robotics Competition
     Ceramics II                Concert Choir          Adv. 3D Modeling and Printing
  Graphic Design I            Chamber Singers          Adv. Computer Programming
  Graphic Design II      Adv. Topics in Music Theory      AP Computer Science A
Intro to Videography                                   Data Engineering with Python
Intro to Photography                                   Redemptive Entrepreneurship
    Advanced Art                                             Digital Marketing
 Adv. Photography I                                    Engineering, Innovation, & Design I
 Adv. Photography II                                   Engineering, Innovation, & Design II
   Adv. Digital Art I                                       Independent EID Proj.
   Adv. Digital Art II
    AP Studio Art I
    AP Studio Art II


Additionally, math must be taken yearly through Algebra II.

Health & Human Flourishing is required for all sophomores and Healthy Habits 8
(mini-course) is required for all 8th graders.

A Bible course is required all years from 7-12th grade and one credit in Bible is
required to graduate. Faith & Culture is required for all seniors.

As they integrate Bible, theology, history, and philosophy, Humanities 9 and 10 fulfill
both the History and Bible Department requirements.

Similarly, AP English Language & Composition and College Preparatory English
integrate Bible and theology into the study of literature and language. They fulfill both
the English and Bible Department requirements.

MS.010/ Old Testament (Fall)                           B.040/ Faith and Culture in the 21st Century
Required for all 7th graders                           Required for all 12th Graders

This comprehensive course in the Old Testament            This senior level discussion based seminar serves
will explore the major stories, characters and            as the capstone of the Bible curriculum. It is
themes from Genesis through Malachi, or Creation          designed to integrate with humanities coursework
to the Second Temple Period. Through both the             by examining human life within a broad historical
close reading of texts and careful interaction with       and cultural context. In particular, Christian
the broader plotlines of scripture, students will         theology is investigated through an in-depth
develop skills of textual interpretation, public          scriptural study of the Gospel of John and
speaking, and critical thinking.                          comparative study of the major religions of the
                                                          world. In keeping with our mission, students will
MS.015/ New Testament (Spring)                            engage in a scholarly examination of the person
Required for all 8th graders                              and work of Jesus Christ. Through this course, The
                                                          Stony Brook School seeks to challenge students to
This course in the New Testament will introduce           understand the multivalent reasons why human
students to the Gospels, the epistles, and                beings believe the things they do, and thus to
Revelation. Students will be challenged to examine become more thoughtful about how they
the accounts the New Testament provides of Jesus approach answering the significant questions of
the Christ and the claims that he is the fulfillment of life (Why am I here?, Is there a purpose to life?,
Old Testament prophecies and the Savior of the            What does it mean to be human?, Is it reasonable
world. Students will continue to grow in their            to have faith in God?, How do I know right and
interpretive skill set of careful and critical reading of wrong?). Major assessments include the following:
texts and formulating reasoned positions based            a paper in which students articulate their reasoned
upon their reading.                                       worldview, a paper in which students describe their
                                                          understanding of the Christian faith, a group
B.100/ Teachings of Jesus                                 presentation on a major world religion, and the
Prerequisite: Available to 9-12th Graders                 memorization of John’s Prologue (John 1:1-18). The
                                                          course will develop the following skills: writing,
This theology course will investigate the life,           research, hermeneutics, public speaking, debate,
teaching, and work of Jesus of Nazareth. Each of          critical reasoning, and memorization. (1 credit)
the four Gospels will be studied in depth,
emphasizing the Kingdom of God and the different
portraits of Jesus as the Messiah in each. The
course will also focus on historical and current
scholarship of the Gospels, culminating in a
research paper and presentation. (0.5 credits)

B.101/ Teachings of Paul
[Not offered in 2023-2024]
Prerequisite: Available to 9-12th Graders

This theology course will investigate the life,
teaching, and work of Saint Paul as covered in his
epistles in the New Testament. (0.5 credits)

An English course is required all years from 7-12th grade and four credits in English is required
to graduate.

As they integrate Bible and theology into the study of literature and language, AP English
Language & Composition and College Preparatory English fulfill both the English and Bible
Department requirements.

MS.105/ English 7 Literature                              E.120/ English 9
Required for all 7th Graders                              English 9 or English 9 Honors is required

The literature in English 7 correlates to the question:   9th Grade English cooperates with Humanities 9 in
What does it mean to journey through life with            offering a careful study of The Odyssey. The course
courage? Students learn to read narrative literature      will include a study of other works as well, drawn
for meaning and significance by asking questions,         from world, American, and/or British literature. This
discovering causes and effects, and making                course also includes a substantial focus on the
inferences based on the text. In the study of both        development and cultivation of critical thinking in
prose and poetry, students learn to identify the          students, giving them a strong foundation in logic
speaker, occasion, subject, audience, and purpose         and argumentation. In the process, students will be
of the piece. In the case of poetry, students also        challenged to grow as readers and writers. The
learn about the concepts of figurative language,          course will build on English 8 in the study of
rhythm, and meter. Vocabulary study, using the            grammar and in coaching student writers. This
Wordly Wise level 7 textbook, is an important part of     course will also help students develop as
the course. Throughout the year, students are given       presenters and public speakers. (1 credit)
opportunities in class to strengthen their
interpretive and oratory skills.
                                                          E.121/ English 9 Honors
MS.106/ English 7 Writing                                 Prerequisites: A- in previous English course.
Required for all 7th Graders                              English 9 or English 9 Honors is required

English Writing 7 teaches students how to write           English 9 Honors offers a more challenging version
clearly and effectively with a focus on mastering         of our English 9 curriculum. Students in honors
the paragraph. Students learn about the writing           English are expected to be independent, confident
process by practicing prewriting activities, writing      readers. Additionally, students in honors English are
drafts, and revising content for clarity and correct      expected to develop a strong grasp of the
English usage. Students write narrative, persuasive,      principles of composition and grammar. (1 credit)
and informative pieces throughout the year. Free
writing in journals is also part of the course.           Please note that students who are new to SBS are
Grammar is taught throughout the year.                    recommended to take English 9 unless they have a
                                                          very strong background in reading, writing,
                                                          vocabulary, and grammar. This is done to ensure a
MS.110/ English 8
                                                          successful transition and foundation to SBS.
Required for all 8th Graders
                                                          Placement in English 9 Regular does not in any way
                                                          prevent access to English 10 Honors.
In English 8, students continue to develop those
skills taught in English 7. In addition to practicing
the personal and analytical essay, students learn
the art of using secondary source material and
giving presentations. They are also expected to
engage in a more sophisticated analysis of
literature, making comparisons and connections
between separate literary works. The books studied
are chosen to enrich the student’s understanding
of material encountered in other areas of the
eighth grade curriculum. In this class students will
also study a Shakespearean play.

E.140/ English 10                                         E.301/ English 11: AP English Language &
English 10 or English 10 Honors is required               Composition
                                                          Prerequisites: A- in previous English course, or B+ in
English 10 seeks to cooperate with the History            previous English Honors course. All 11th graders must
Department’s Humanities 10 class in considering a         take either English 11: AP Language and Composition,
few key authors from the medieval world. English 10       OR College Prep English 11/12 A.
will also prepare students for English 11 and 12 in
considering key works drawn from world, American,         This is the required English course for all English 11
and/or British literature. Students will be challenged    students. This course will utilize a study of
by a variety of writing assignments. Students will        important works drawn from British literature to
continue to work on presentations and public              help students develop the interpretive and
speaking. (1 credit)                                      analytical skills outlined in the AP English Language
                                                          and Composition curriculum. This course will help
                                                          students develop as perceptive readers and as
E.141/ English 10 Honors                                  persuasive writers. Students will continue to work
Prerequisites: A- in previous English course, or B+ in    on presentations and public speaking. (1 credit)
previous English Honors course.
English 10 or English 10 Honors is required               E.300/ English 12: AP English Literature and
English 10 Honors offers a more challenging version
                                                          Prerequisites: A- in previous English course, or B+ in
of our English 10 curriculum. Students in honors          previous English Honors/AP course. All 12th graders
English are expected to be independent, confident         are required to take either English 12: AP English
readers. Additionally, students in honors English are     Literature and Composition, OR College Prep English
expected to have a strong grasp of the principles of      11/12 A
composition and grammar. (1 credit)
                                                        This course is designed for the outstanding and
E.170 or E.171/ College Preparatory                     highly motivated student of English in preparation
English 11/12 A/B                                       for the AP Examination in Literature and
College Preparatory English 11/12 A is required for all Composition. Since college-level work is expected,
juniors and seniors who are NOT enrolled in AP English the scope, pace, amount, and quality of work are
Language (for 11th grade) or AP English Literature (for correspondingly greater than that which is
12th grade). A and B are offered in alternating years.  required in regular English 12. Students are offered
                                                        greater challenges and more opportunities to
This course is designed to prepare rising juniors       develop and exercise critical judgments.
and seniors to become college-level readers and         Depending upon a student’s performance on the
writers. Students will read a variety of texts, both    nationally administered AP Examination and the
older and contemporary, and texts from a variety        institution in which he or she enrolls, college credit
of genres-- including plays, novels, short stories,     may be earned. For those students who are
poems, personal essays and persuasive essays.           interested, this course also provides students with
Students will grow in writing personal and              the opportunity to earn up to six college credits
persuasive essays, as well as in writing reflectively   through Stony Brook University’s ACE program.
and creatively. (1 credit)                              There is, however, an associated cost of $300 per
                                                        three credits for those students who wish to enroll.
                                                        (1 credit)

E.158/ College Application Readiness [LH]                    E.190/ The Creative Life through Word & Art
(Fall)                                                       (Fall & Spring)
Required for most seniors. It is optional for seniors        Prerequisite: Open to 10-12th Graders
who are taking seven courses in the fall semester.
                                                             This course focuses on the creative life through an
This course will usually meet once a week and is             exploration of word and art. Special attention
graded on a pass/fail basis. The course will not only        will be given to writing practices and rhythms that
provide instruction on submitting the strongest              cultivate and nourish the creative process. In
application for each student, it will also provide           addition, time will be spent examining art and
plenty of time to work on all aspects of the                 creativity through a theological lens. (0.5 credits)
application, including but not limited to:

Building a balanced college list, completing the
Common Application and/or other applications,
Brainstorming, writing, editing and completing the
personal statement and supplemental essays
Preparing for college admission interview
Understanding the financial aid process and
necessary documents

E.159/ College Application Readiness for
Juniors [LH] (Spring)
Required for most juniors. It is optional for juniors who
are taking seven courses in the spring semester.

This course will usually meet once a week and is
graded on a pass/fail basis. The course will not only
provide instruction on submitting the strongest
application for each student, it will also provide
plenty of time to work on all aspects of the
application, including but not limited to:

Building a balanced college list, completing the
Common Application and/or other applications,
Brainstorming, writing, editing and completing the
personal statement and supplemental essays
Preparing for college admission interview
Understanding the financial aid process and
necessary documents

A history course is required all years from 7-12th grade and four credits in history is required
to graduate.

As they integrate Bible, theology, history and philosophy, Humanities 9 and 10 fulfill both the
History and Bible Department requirements.

After Humanities 9, students may also choose to take one or more history electives should
they meet the prerequisites.

MS.205/ Ancient World History 7                           H.120/ Humanities 9
Required for all 7th Graders                              Required for all 9th Graders

The seventh grade World History course centers on         Through extensive study of Hebrew Scripture and
an exploration of some of the world’s most ancient        other primary sources, Humanities 9 introduces
civilizations. Chronologically, the course is a survey    students to ancient narratives that portray the
beginning with an examination of the world’s              social, religious, political, economic, and cultural
earliest civilizations and ending with regional and       conditions of the Ancient Near East. The ancient
transregional transformations circa 1000 A.D.             Israelites are compared with other ancient cultures,
Students are trained to analyze political, economic,      from the Sumerians to the Greeks. Primary and
religious, social, and cultural aspects of societies      secondary sources such as films, works of art,
from the distant past. Through careful reading and        essays, and epics are also studied for their
analysis of primary and secondary texts students          interpretations of characters and events. The
learn to develop historical thinking and writing          course ends with the collision of Jewish and Greek
skills.                                                   civilization during the Hellenization of Israel. (1

MS.210/ Modern World History 8                            H.140/ Humanities 10
Required for all 8th Graders                              Required for all 10th Graders

Eighth grade Modern World History focuses on              Humanities 10 continues the narrative begun in
post-WWII non-western history. Using case studies         Humanities 9. The course begins in the Hellenistic
of different countries, the course seeks to create        world and assesses the development and strength
global literacy in the students. Evolving China, post-    of the Roman Empire. Through careful examination
colonial Africa, tension in the Middle East, and the      of the Gospels and the Book of Acts, the life and
politics of the Indian subcontinent will be studied       teachings of Jesus are studied in depth. The course
while students develop a critical eye towards             then traces the development of the early church up
understanding current events. One of the major            to the time of Constantine, where issues of
themes of the course is, “how is the historical           orthodoxy and heresy are explored. Students then
record used or misused for current political              observe the rise of the Islamic and Byzantine
purposes?” It is clear that the roots of modern           Empires before turning to Medieval Europe at the
global politics lay in the past; thus, western            time of Charlemagne. The course concludes with
imperialism, as well as local governance, will also       an extensive research project on the Crusades and
be scrutinized. For example, the history of 19th          a thorough analysis of the High Middle Ages and
century China and the Opium Wars will be                  the disasters of the fourteenth century. This class
investigated for its influence on modern Chinese          provides students with a strong foundation to study
politics, foreign policy, and society. In preparation     European History. (1 credit)
for skills needed in high school, this course
emphasizes reading, writing, and public speaking.

H.160/ European History                                     H.180/ United States History
AP European History or European History is required         AP United States History or United States History is
for all 11th Graders                                        required for all 12th Graders

European History is an introductory course in the           United States History provides an economic,
historical and cultural developments of the                 political, religious, and sociological perspective into
European continent and, by extension, the rest of           the foundations of the United States and the
the world insofar as it has been impacted by                subsequent successes and failures of the Republic
Europeans. Students engage the intellectual,                through the past three centuries. Students are
political, economic, religious, and social aspects of       challenged to examine and critique modern
European civilization from the Renaissance to the           America with respect to her historical foundations.
present. Along the way, they delve deeply into              Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the
topics like the rise of the nation-state, the Scientific    Americans in their major conflicts beginning with
Revolution, the Enlightenment, the French                   the Revolutionary War and ending in the present
Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the World            war on terrorism. This course seeks to use history as
Wars, and the Cold War. Classroom practices and             a medium to teach critical thinking, analytical
assessments, including tests, independent                   writing, and rhetorical presentation in preparation
research papers, seminar discussions, and student           for college. (1 credit)
presentations, all aim to help students understand
human history and to impart to them the                     H.301/ AP United States History
intellectual virtues needed for historical inquiry into     Prerequisites: B+ in previous History course, or B in
truth, goodness, and beauty. (1 credit)                     previous History Honors course.
                                                            *AP United States History or United States History is
H.300/ AP European History                                  required for all 12th Graders.
Prerequisites: B+ in previous History course; B+ in
previous English course                                     This course is designed for those students wishing
*AP European History or European History is required        to do college-level work and prepare for the AP
for all 11th Graders                                        Examination in May. In addition to the content and
                                                            virtues taught in the United States History course,
Taught at a more demanding level than European              the Advanced Placement course looks more
History, Advanced Placement European History is             broadly at the whole of United States history, from
designed for those students wishing to do college-          pre-colonial times to the present, with an added
level work in preparation for the AP Examination in         emphasis placed on working with primary source
May. The course begins with the Renaissance and             materials. For those students who are interested,
Reformation and ends in the present, delving                this course also provides students with the
deeply along the way into topics like the rise of the       opportunity to earn up to six college credits
nation-state, the Scientific Revolution, the                through Stony Brook University’s ACE program.
Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Industrial        There is, however, an associated cost of $300 per
Revolution, the World Wars, and the Cold War. We            three credits for those students who wish to enroll.
stress intellectual and cultural history while tracing      (1 credit)
the political, economic, religious, and social themes
through the centuries. Added emphasis is placed
on critical reading, writing, and point of view
analysis in primary source documents. As in
European History, classroom practices and
assessments aim to help students understand
human history and to impart to them the
intellectual virtues they need for historical inquiry
into truth, goodness, and beauty. (1 credit)

H.303/ College-Level History of Philosophy                BE.345/ AP Macroeconomics (Fall)
[Not offered in 2023-2024]                                Prerequisites: Open to 10-12th graders with a B+ in
Prerequisites: Open to 10-12th graders with a B+ in       previous History course and B+ in Geometry
previous Honors English or A- in previous Regular
English course                                            AP Macroeconomics is an introductory college-
                                                          level macroeconomics course. Students cultivate
This elective course focuses on the history of            their understanding of the principles that apply to
metaphysics and epistemology from the Pre-                an economic system as a whole by using principles
Socratics to the present. Students engage the great       and models to describe economic situations and
philosophers by reading primary sources,                  predict and explain outcomes with graphs, charts,
discussing their ideas, writing and presenting            and data as they explore concepts like economic
papers, and engaging in debates. The course               measurements, markets, macroeconomic models,
investigates topics of God’s existence and nature,        and macroeconomic policies. (0.5 credits)
the nature of reality, the nature of human beings,
and freedom and determinism. The course                   H.343/ AP Microeconomics (Spring)
culminates with students writing a Medieval               Prerequisites: Open to 10-12th graders with a B+ in
disputatio on the key questions we have studied           previous History course and B+ in Geometry.
throughout the year. For an extra fee, students may
receive college credit for their work in this course      The purpose of the AP course in microeconomics is
through Molloy University. (1 credit)                     to give students a thorough understanding of the
                                                          principles of economics that apply to the functions
H.302/ College-Level Ethics and Politics                  of individual decision makers, both consumers and
Prerequisites: Open to 10-12th graders with a B+ in       producers, within the economic system. It places
previous Honors English or A- in previous Regular         primary emphasis on the nature and functions of
English course                                            product markets and includes the study of factor
                                                          markets and of the role of government in
This dual credit course examines ancient and              promoting greater efficiency and equity in the
modern traditions of moral and political                  economy. (0.5 credits)
philosophy, focusing on the simple question: "What
is Good?" Students will begin by studying modern
attempts to rationally answer this question from
Immanuel Kant to the present day, alongside the
critics of this Enlightenment tradition, most notably
Friedrich Nietzsche. In the second half of the course,
the class will consider alternatives to this tradition,
especially ancient and modern virtue theories. For
an extra fee, students may receive college credit
for their work in this course through Molloy
University. (1 credit)

H.200/ Contemporary Global History
[Not offered in 2023-2024]
Prerequisite: Open to 10-12th Graders

Contemporary Global History investigates the
formation of the modern world by examining major
historical trends and factors since the Second
World War. With a focus on the non-Western world,
the course investigates decolonization,
globalization, technology, social movements and
revolutions, the Cold War and modern geopolitics.
The course examines a range of historical
perspectives and developments that constitute
modern and global history from Asia, Africa, the
Americas, Oceania and the Middle East. (1 credit)

H.183/ Law and Government Honors (Spring)
Prerequisite: Open to 10-12th Graders

This course will introduce students to the
fundamentals of the American political and legal
system. The course will cover the structure and key
issues of contemporary American politics, and
discuss the essentials of being an informed and
responsible citizen. In addition, students will
participate in a high school mock trial competition
sponsored by the New York State Bar: “high school
students have the opportunity to gain first-hand
knowledge of civil/criminal law and courtroom
procedures. Objectives of the tournament are to:
Teach students ethics, civility and professionalism;
further students’ understanding of the law, court
procedures and the legal system; improve
proficiency in basic life skills, such as listening,
speaking, reading and reasoning; promote better
communication and cooperation among the
school community, teachers and students and
members of the legal profession, and heighten
appreciation for academic studies and stimulate
interest in law-related careers.” Space in this
course is limited and may be subject to a try-out.
(0.5 credits)

Math course placement is determined upon admission to the School by previous
transcripts or a one-time skills test. Students may adjust their math course during
their first year after assessment by their math teacher, the Math Department Chair,
and the Academic Office.

Students must complete through Algebra II to graduate. Our College Counseling
Office recommends taking four years of high school mathematics.

MS.405/ Pre-Algebra I                                   N.120/ Algebra I

Building on arithmetic skills, Pre-Algebra I serves     Building on arithmetic and Pre-Algebra skills,
to strengthen core problem-solving skills and           Algebra I serves to strengthen core problem-
introduce the language and logic of algebraic           solving skills and thoroughly investigate the
thinking. In this course, students discover the         language and logic of basic algebraic thinking. In
beauty and order of mathematical relationships          this course, students discover the beauty and order
and acquire knowledge and skills related to whole       of mathematical relationships and acquire
numbers, integers, equations, fractions, decimals,      knowledge and skills related to mathematical
ratios, proportions, percents, and graphing. With       expressions, multi-step equations, integers, rational
particularly advanced groups of Pre-Algebra I           numbers, inequalities, exponents, polynomials,
students, some basic geometry and statistics            factoring, linear graphing, systems of equations,
may be introduced. Pre-Algebra I is intended for        absolute value equations, rational expressions,
7th and 8th grade students who will benefit from        radicals, radical equations, relations and functions,
spreading their Pre-Algebra experience over the         quadratic equations, and quadratic graphs.
course of 2 years.                                      Algebra I is intended for 7th-10th grade students
                                                        and is considered the first year of the required high
MS.406/ Pre-Algebra II                                  school math sequence. All 7th and 8th grade
                                                        students enrolled in Algebra 1 must complete the
                                                        year with a B+ or higher final average with an B+ on
Building on arithmetic skills, Pre-Algebra II serves
                                                        the final exam in order to receive credit for this high
to strengthen core problem-solving skills and
                                                        school course. (1 credit)
introduce the language and logic of algebraic
thinking. In this course, students discover the
beauty and order of mathematical relationships          N.130/ Geometry
and acquire knowledge and skills related to             Prerequisite: for 8th-9th graders: B+ or higher in Alg. I,
                                                        for 10th-12th graders: completion of Alg. I
variables, mathematical expressions, integers,
solving equations and inequalities, factors,
                                                        Building on arithmetic and Algebra I skills,
fractions, exponents, rational numbers, ratios,
                                                        Geometry is a traditional course in plane and
proportions, basic probability, percents, linear
                                                        spatial geometry. Geometry serves to strengthen
functions, square roots, volume and area of
                                                        core problem-solving skills and thoroughly
geometric figures, and polynomials. Pre-Algebra II
                                                        investigate the language and logic within
is intended for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students
                                                        geometric topics. In this course, students discover
who are able to master Pre-Algebra concepts in
                                                        the beauty and order of mathematical
a single year.
                                                        relationships and acquire knowledge and skills
                                                        related to reasoning, symbolic logic, parallel and
                                                        perpendicular lines, triangles, congruence, formal
                                                        two-column proofs, quadrilaterals, parallelograms,
                                                        area, surface area, volume, ratio and proportions,
                                                        transformations, coordinate geometry, right
                                                        triangle trigonometry, circles, and other related
                                                        topics. Algebra I skills are woven into the course as
                                                        a continual form of review. Geometry is considered
                                                        the second year of the required high school math
                                                        sequence and is normally sequenced between
                                                        Algebra I and Algebra II, although motivated
                                                        students may take Geometry concurrently with
                                                        Algebra II Honors with approval from the Math
                                                        Department Chair. (1 credit)

N.140/ Algebra II                                        N.142/ College Prep Functions & Trigonometry
Prerequisite: Algebra I and Geometry                     Prerequisite: Algebra II

Building on Algebra I skills and the logical thinking    Building on Algebra II skills and the logical thinking
acquired in Geometry, Algebra II serves to               acquired in Geometry, this course serves to
strengthen core problem-solving skills and               strengthen core problem-solving skills and thoroughly
thoroughly investigate the language and logic of         investigate the language and logic of advanced
advanced algebraic thinking. In this course,             algebraic thinking while reinforcing basic and
students discover the beauty and order of                advanced algebraic concepts. In this course, students
mathematical relationships and acquire                   discover the beauty and order of mathematical
knowledge and skills related to linear equations,        relationships and acquire knowledge and skills related
linear graphs, quadratic functions and graphs,           to graphing, conic sections, trigonometry, logarithms,
rational functions and graphs, complex numbers,          introductory sequences and series, matrices,
exponents, logarithms, trigonometric functions,          probability, statistics, graphing, and analyzing graphs.
and basic trigonometric graphs. Algebra II is            This course serves to reinforce the most critical skills
considered the third year of required high school        from Algebra II, expose students to advanced Algebra
math sequence and is normally sequenced after            II skills not yet explored, and prepare students for Pre-
Geometry. (1 credit)                                     Calculus Honors. (1 credit)

N.141/ Algebra II Honors                                 N.143/ Statistics & Finance
Prerequisite: B+ in Algebra I and Geometry               Prerequisite: College Prep Functions & Trigonometry

Building on Algebra I skills and the logical thinking    This course is an introduction to statistics course
acquired in Geometry, Algebra II serves to               designed to introduce students to statistical thinking,
strengthen core problem-solving skills and               probability, and the interpretation of data. The second
thoroughly investigate the language and logic of         half of the course introduces students to the basics of
advanced algebraic thinking. In this course,             personal finance and financial math. (1 credit)
students discover the beauty and order of
mathematical relationships and acquire                   N.161/ Pre-Calculus Honors
knowledge and skills related to linear equations,        Prerequisite: B in Algebra II Honors
linear graphs, quadratic functions and graphs,
matrices, rational functions and graphs, complex         Building on Algebra II skills and the logical thinking
numbers, exponents, sequences and series,                acquired in Geometry, Pre-Calculus serves to
logarithms, trigonometric functions, and basic           strengthen core problem-solving skills and thoroughly
trigonometric graphs. Honors-level Algebra II            investigate the language and logic of advanced
includes a more in-depth treatment of Algebra II         algebraic and pre-calculus thinking. In this course,
topics because it is designed for the highly             students discover the beauty and order of
motivated mathematics student. Algebra II                mathematical relationships and acquire knowledge
Honors is considered the third year of required          and skills related to functions, families of graphs,
high school math sequence and is normally                polynomials, rational functions, power functions,
sequenced after Geometry, although motivated             trigonometry, trigonometric graphs, analytical
students may take Geometry concurrently with             trigonometry, conic sections, limits, and discrete math
Algebra II Honors with approval from the Math            topics such as sequences and series, matrices, and
Department Chair. (1 credit)                             probability. Pre-Calculus Honors includes a more in-
                                                         depth treatment of Pre-Calculus topics because it is
                                                         designed for the highly motivated mathematics
                                                         student. (1 credit)

N.360/ AP Calculus AB                                   N.183/ Advanced Mathematical Logic
Prerequisite: B in Pre-Calculus Honors                  Prerequisite: B or higher in Pre-Calculus Honors or
                                                        approval of the instructor
This course fulfills the AB syllabus recommended
by the College Board for the AP Examination in          Advanced Mathematical Logic is an intense
Mathematics. AP Calculus AB is roughly                  study of the theorems of logic as they relate to
equivalent to a first semester college calculus         the structure of mathematics. Starting with
course devoted to topics in differential and            Boole’s Theorem and truth tables, the course
integral calculus. The AP course covers topics in       works its way through logical proofs and
these areas, including limits, derivatives, definite    strategies for evaluating the truth of logical
integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of
                                                        propositions. This course includes tests for the
Calculus. The course teaches students to
                                                        sufficiency of logical operators, equivalence
approach calculus concepts and problems
                                                        between logical systems and a study of
represented graphically, numerically, analytically,
                                                        necessary and sufficient conditions. Applications
and verbally, and to make connections among
these representations. (1 credit)                       from this course include computer
                                                        programming, proof writing for advanced math
                                                        classes, and validity testing for arguments from
N.361/ AP Calculus BC                                   math and science. (1 credits)
Prerequisite: A+ in Pre-Calculus Honors

AP Calculus BC is roughly equivalent to a full year     N.143/ College-Level Linear Algebra
of college calculus. This course covers the AB          Prerequisite: A in AP Calc. AB or B in AP Cal. BC
topics as well as parametric, polar, and vector
functions. Topics such as integration and               Building on advanced algebra skills and logical
differentiation are also explored in greater depth.     thinking acquired in previous math courses,
Polynomial approximations and series is another         Linear Algebra serves to strengthen core
optional component in the BC syllabus. The              problem-solving skills and thoroughly
course teaches students to approach calculus            investigate the language and logic of advanced
concepts and problems represented graphically,          mathematical thinking while reinforcing basic
numerically, analytically, and verbally, and to         and advanced algebraic concepts. In this
make connections amongst these                          course, students discover the beauty and order
representations. (1 credit)
                                                        of mathematical relationships and acquire
                                                        knowledge and skills related to linear equations,
N.363/ AP Statistics                                    large systems of equations, matrices,
Prerequisite: B in Pre-Calculus Honors
                                                        determinants, linear transformations, vector
                                                        spaces and subspaces, and orthogonal bases.
This course fulfills the AB syllabus recommended
                                                        The concepts from Linear Algebra are highly
by the College Board for the AP Examination in
Mathematics. The AP Statistics course is                applicable in engineering, chemistry, physics,
equivalent to a one-semester, introductory, non-        biology, economics, social sciences, and
calculus-based college course in statistics. The        computer science. For those students who are
course introduces students to the major concepts        interested, this course also provides students
and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing        with the opportunity to earn up to three college
conclusions from data. There are four themes in         credits through Stony Brook University’s ACE
the AP Statistics course: exploring data, sampling      program. There is, however, an associated cost
and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and         of $300 per three credits for those students who
statistical inference. Students use technology,         wish to enroll. (1 credit)
investigations, problem solving, and writing as
they build conceptual understanding. (1 credit)
N.169/ College-Level Multivariable                         N.170/ Advanced Topics in Mathematics
Calculus                                                   Prerequisite: B in Linear Algebra or Multivariable
Prerequisite: A in AP Calc. AB or B in AP Cal. BC          Calculus and instructor’s recommendation.

Building on AP Calculus skills and the logical             This course is a rigorous, college-level math course
thinking acquired in previous math courses,                for high-achieving students of mathematics.
Multivariable Calculus serves to strengthen core           Topics such as combinatorics, probability, real
problem-solving skills and thoroughly investigate          analysis, complex analysis, advanced calculus and
the language and logic of multivariable calculus           number theory will be covered to expose students
thinking. In this course, students discover the            to a variety of advanced subjects. (1 credit)
beauty and order of mathematical relationships
and acquire knowledge and skills related to
calculus techniques for functions of three or more
variables and includes the understanding of
limits, continuity, differentiability, critical points,
and integrals that apply to curves and surfaces
defined by these functions. This course includes
the study of gradients, Green's Theorem, Stokes'
Theorem, partial differentiation, iterated
integration, line integrals, vector-valued functions
and their dot and cross products. The course will
conclude with an introduction to differential
equations and elementary analysis. For those
students who are interested, this course may
provide students with the opportunity to earn up
to three college credits through Stony Brook
University’s ACE program. There is, however, an
associated cost of $300 per three credits for
those students who wish to enroll. (1 credit)

Most Visual and Performing Arts placement is determined by grade level, though
advancement is possible in some circumstances on the basis of a portfolio evaluation or

Students must take 1 credit of Visual Arts or Performing Arts to graduate.

MS.510/ Chorus                                          A.140/ Chamber Orchestra [LH]
                                                        Prerequisite: Must have previous knowledge of given
Middle School Chorus is a year-long course made         instrument
up of 7th and 8th grade students. Students will be
taught to read music and sing in parts. They will       This instrumental ensemble is comprised of
prepare several full-length choral pieces for           students in grades 10-12 and of 9th graders by
performance at the end of each semester and             audition. The ensemble specializes in concert and
also participate in local festivals and                 chamber styles of orchestral music. This ensemble
competitions. Along with the practical work of          has many performing opportunities on and off
rehearsing and performing, students will also           campus and also participates in local festivals and
learn to appreciate the historical richness of the      competitions. (1 credit)
musical tapestry with its various styles and
genres.                                                 A.150/ Chamber Singers [LH]
                                                        Prerequisite: Audition

                                                        This singing group is chosen by audition only. The
                                                        group is comprised of students in grades 9-12 and
MS.505/ Chamber Ensemble
Prerequisite: Must have previous knowledge of given
                                                        specializes in concert and chamber styles of choral
instrument                                              music—this ensemble offers several on-campus
                                                        and off-campus performances each year, with and
This ensemble is comprised of students in grades        apart from the Concert Choir and participate in
7-8 with various playing abilities. This group is       local festivals and competitions. (1 credit)
designed to meet the student at their ability, learn
to play independently and with others, and have         A.160/ Concert Choir [LH]
a performance during each semester. Along with          Prerequisite: Offered for grades 9-12
the practical work of rehearsing and performing,
students will also learn to appreciate the              This mixed ensemble is Stony Brook’s oldest music
historical richness of the musical tapestry with its    group. The group is comprised of students in
various styles and genres.                              grades 9-12. The choir specializes in concert and
                                                        chamber styles of choral music. This ensemble has
                                                        many performing opportunities on and off campus
A.120/ Chamber Ensemble 9 [LH]                          and also participates in local festivals and
Prerequisite: Must have previous knowledge of given     competitions. (1 credit)

This ensemble is comprised of students in grade
9 with various playing abilities. This group is
designed to meet the student at their ability, learn
to play independently and with others, and have
a performance during each semester. Along with
the practical work of rehearsing and performing,
students will also learn to appreciate the
historical richness of the musical tapestry with its
various styles and genres. (1 credit)

A.301/ Advanced Topics in Music Theory
Prerequisites: Music knowledge assessment and
Note: his course will be taught with a blend of
synchronous and asynchronous instruction by SBS
faculty. Classes will not meet in person each week.
As such, only highly motivated and qualified
students should apply.

This course introduces students to musicianship,
theory, musical materials, and procedures. It
integrates aspects of melody, harmony, texture,
rhythm, form, musical analysis, elementary
composition, and, to some extent, history and
style. Students develop musicianship skills such
as dictation and other listening skills, sight-
singing, and keyboard harmony. Students must
have at least basic performance and sight-
reading skills in voice or on an instrument to take
the course. Students have the option to take the
AP exam at the end of the course. (1 credit)

You can also read