COUNTY OF SCHENECTADY - Schenectady County

Page created by Kathy Walsh
                     REQUEST FOR BIDS
                      Schenectady County
                     Purchasing Department


                    County Office Building
                   620 State Street – 6th Floor
                 Schenectady, New York 12305

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
              Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
              Bid Cover Page/Checklist

                             Bid Cover Page/Checklist
                  RFB-2021-31 Disposables & Cleaning Supplies

Bid Schedule:
 Last Date to Submit Questions            April 28, 2021 at 12:00 PM
 Bid Received By                          May 6, 2021 at 2:00 PM

                         BID SUBMISSION CHECKLIST
       (Please RETURN ONLY the FOLLOWING ITEMS with your BID Submission).
                        Do not return the full specification set.
  Check Mark                                       Description
                      Bid Cover Page/Checklist (This Page)
                      Bid Form
                      Appendix A: Detailed Bid Sheet (PAPER COPY)
                      Appendix A: Detailed Bid Sheet (ELECTRONIC .XLS COPY)
                      Non-Collusion Form
                      Iranian Divestment Form
                      Board of Directors Resolution (if applicable)
                      Disclosure of Prior Responsibility
                      Certification for Prevention of Sexual Harassment

                              County Office Building
                             620 State Street – 6th Floor
                           Schenectady, New York 12305

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
              Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
              Table of Contents

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS
 Notice to Bidders                                            4
 Bid Summary                                                  5
 General Instructions to Bidders                              7
 Standard Provisions                                        15
 Non-Collusive Certification                                22
 Iranian Energy Divestment                                  23
 Board of Directors Resolution                              24
 Disclosure of Prior Responsibility Determinations          25
 Certification for Prevention of Sexual Harassment          27
 Schenectady County Sexual Harassment Policy                28
 Specifications                                             41
 Bid Form                                                   44

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
               Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
               Notice to Bidders

                                 NOTICE TO BIDDERS
                             Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
The County of Schenectady is seeking proposals from qualified contractors for the procurement
of disposable paper/kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, and plastic products .

Specifications may be downloaded from BidNet Direct at or
electronic or paper copies may be requested by submitting a request via email to

All proposals must be delivered in a sealed envelope marked “Bid” and stating the title and
number of the bid, to the Purchasing Department, no later than 2:00 PM on May 6, 2021, at
which time they will be opened.

Vendors are not required to bid on all items within the bid to be an awardee.

Woman and minority owned businesses are encouraged to submit proposals. Schenectady
County is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

The right is reserved to reject any and all proposals or any part thereof.

Purchasing Department
County of Schenectady
Schenectady County Office Building
620 State Street
Schenectady, NY 12305
(518) 388-4242

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
              Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
              Bid Summary

1.0    Bid Identification
       1.1    This bid is for the procurement of cleaning supplies and various disposable
              paper/plastic products.
2.0    Requesting Department:
       2.1    Schenectady County Purchasing Department
3.0    Bid Number
       3.1    RFB-2021-31
4.0    PURPOSE
       4.1    The intent of these specifications is to furnish cleaning supplies and disposable
              paper/plastic products for use by various County departments.
       4.2    Minority Business Enterprises (MBE’s) and Women Business Enterprises
              (WBE’s) are encouraged to apply.
5.0    Bid Submission Deadline
       5.1    Bids must be received to the Purchasing Department no later than May 6, 2021 at
              2:00 PM at which time they will be opened and reviewed.
       5.2    QUESTIONS
              5.2.1 Questions regarding this bid must be submitted electronically to
             on or before April 28, 2021 at
                      Noon. Questions received after this date will not be answered.
6.0    Bid Submission
       6.1    Vendors are hereby requested to submit an electronic copy of their bid sheets
              in Excel Format, if available, via CD/DVD or thumbdrive included within the
              bid envelope.
       6.2    Bids must still include a paper copy of the bid sheets.
       6.3    In the event of a discrepancy, the paper copy will take precedent.
7.0    Term of Bid
       7.1    The bid award shall be from award through April 30, 2022. Prices shall remain in
              effect for the entire bid period.
       7.2    This contract is renewable for up to two additional one (1) year terms at the
              discretion of Schenectady County Purchasing and with written agreement from
              the vendors. Partial renewals will be accepted or rejected at the sole discretion of
              the county.
       7.3    Upon request of renewal consideration, vendors will have the option of proposing
              one price increase request for all awarded items (by line item) for the County’s
              review and consideration. The price increase request must include a justification
              for the proposed increase. Acceptance will be at the discretion of the Purchasing
              Department based on the best interests of the County.
       7.4    The County may request an extension of up to thirty (30) days of the current bid
              prices in order to allow time to complete the next bid analysis, if needed.
       7.5    Schenectady County is a member of several Group Purchasing Organizations
              (such as but not limited to Amerinet, United Iroquois Shared Services, and
              Premier, Inc.). Prices shall remain firm for the entire bid period except when
              changes are made due to changes to the Group Purchasing Organization contract.
              The bidder must have listed the specific GPO with the item on the bid sheets
              attached hereto.

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
              Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
              Bid Summary

8.0    Item Changes/Additions
       8.1    Manufacturer’s Discontinuance of Items
              8.1.1 During the term of the bid, in the event that a manufacturer discontinues a
                      bid item, the awardee must notify Schenectady County Purchasing of the
                      discontinued item, the recommended substitute, and the proposed cost. It
                      is expected whenever possible that the unit price (i.e. cost/oz., cost/sheet)
                      will be the same as the bid item. In the event that it not, Schenectady
                      County reserves the right to cancel the award for the individual item and
                      rebid the item or negotiate an acceptable price on the substituted item for
                      the duration of the bid.
       8.2    New Items
              8.2.1 During the term of this bid, in the event that a department requires the
                      addition of a new cleaning supply or paper good, the county hereby
                      reserves the right to request pricing through the bid term from those
                      vendors awarded items via this bid and to thereby add these items to the
                      current award.
9.0    Bid Security
       9.1    No bid security is required for this bid.
10.0   Safety Data Sheets
       10.1 Upon receipt of the notification of award, all vendors must supply to the
              Purchasing Department the Safety Data Sheets for all awarded items. These may
              be provided via a URL link or via PDF. All copies should be submitted

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
                  Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
                  General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                             V2021.1

I.     Bid Distribution                                          A.   Unless otherwise stated in the Bid Summary
       A. The County of Schenectady officially                        sheet, the following requirements are in
            distributes bidding documents through the                 place for Bid Security.
            Purchasing Division Office or through the            B. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond
            Bidnet/Empire State Purchasing Group bid                  or certified check in the amount equal to five
            notification system                                       (5) percent of the total base bid drawn upon
            ( Copies of                a national or state bank or trust company, to
            bidding documents obtained from any other                 the order of the Director of Finance,
            source are not considered official documents.             Schenectady, County. If bid is accepted, the
            Only those vendors who obtain bidding                     successful Bidder will enter into a contract for
            documents from either the Purchasing                      the same and will execute such further
            Division Office or the ESPG are guaranteed to             security as may be required for the
            receive addendum information, if such                     performance of the contract. BID SECURITY
            information is issued.                                    SHALL BE INCLUDED WITH BID AT TIME OF
       B. If you have obtained this document from a                   BID OPENING; FAILURE TO DO SO MAY CAUSE
            source other than the Schenectady County                  REJECTION OF THE BID AS MATERIALLY
            Purchasing Division or the Bidnet bid                     INCOMPLETE.
            notification system, it is strongly                  C. The Bid Security of the successful Bidder will
            recommended that you obtain an official                   be retained until such Bidder has executed
            copy.                                                     the contract `and furnished the required
II.    Bidding Documents                                              Contract Security, whereupon it will be
       A. Complete sets of the Bidding Documents may                  returned. If the successful Bidder fails to
            be obtained or examined as stated in the                  execute and deliver the contract and furnish
            Notice to Bidders.                                        the required Contract Security within fifteen
       B. Complete sets of Bidding Documents must be                  (15) days of the Notice of Award, the County
            used in preparing bids. The County does not               may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid
            assume any responsibility for errors or                   Security of that Bidder will be forfeited.
            misinterpretations resulting from the use of         D. Bid security of other bidders will be returned
            incomplete sets of Bidding Documents.                     within seven (7) days after the award of
III.   Submission of Bids                                             contract to the successful Bidder.
       A. Bids and any other required documents must V.          Non-Appropriations Clause
            be submitted, sealed in an opaque envelope,          A. Notwithstanding anything contained herein
            plainly marked with the name and number of                to the contrary, no default shall be deemed
            the bid and the name and address of the                   to occur in the event no funds or insufficient
            bidder and accompanied by the required                    funds are appropriated and budgeted by or
            documents.                                                are otherwise unavailable to the County for
       B. Bids must be received no later than the date                payment under this Agreement. The County
            and time specified in the Bid Summary Sheet.              will immediately notify the Contractor of such
       C. Bids must be submitted to:                                  occurrence and this Agreement shall
            Schenectady County Purchasing Department                  terminate on the last day of the fiscal period
            County Office Building                                    for which appropriations were received
            620 State Street – 6th Floor                              without penalty or expense to the County of
            Schenectady, NY 12305                                     any kind whatsoever, except as to those
       D. Schenectady County reserves the right to                    portions herein agreed upon for which funds
            reject any or all bids in whole or in part, to            shall have been appropriated and budgeted.
            waive any and all informalities, and to        VI.   Qualification of Bidder
            disregard all non-conforming, non-                   A. Schenectady County may make such
            responsive, or conditional bids.                          investigations as it deems necessary to
IV.    Bid Security                                                   determine the ability of the Bidder to
                                                                      perform the work. The Bidder shall furnish to

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
                 Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
                 General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                          V2021.1

          the County, within five (5) days of a request,       A.   Bid Form is attached hereto; additional copies
          all such information requested to complete                may be obtained from the County.
          the investigation.                                   B. Bids must be made on the Bid Form provided
     B. Conditional bids will not be accepted.                      by the County. The Bid Form must be
VII. Disqualification                                               completed in ink or by typewriter. The Bid
     A. Bids received from bidders who have                         Form must also be signed by an authorized
          previously failed to complete contracts within            representative of the bidder.
          the time required, or who have previously            C. Bids by corporations must be executed in the
          performed similar work in an unsatisfactory               corporate name by the president or a vice-
          manner, may be rejected. A bid may be                     president (or other corporate officer
          rejected if the bidder cannot show that it has            accompanied by evidence of authority to sign
          the necessary ability, plant and equipment to             on behalf of the corporation) and the
          commence the work at the time prescribed                  corporate seal must be affixed by the
          and thereafter to perform and complete the                secretary or an assistant secretary. The
          work at the rate or within the time specified.            corporate address and state of incorporation
          A bid may be rejected if the bidder is already            must be shown below the signature.
          obligated for the performance of other work          D. Bids by partnerships must be executed in the
          which would delay the commencement,                       partnership name and signed by a partner,
          performance or completion of the work.                    whose title must appear under the signature.
     B. Schenectady County reserves the right to                    The official address of the partnership must
          reject any bid if the information submitted               be shown below the signature.
          by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to        E. All names must be printed or typed below the
          satisfy the County that such bidder is properly           signature.
          qualified to carry out the obligations of the        F. The bid must contain an acknowledgment of
          contract and to complete the work                         receipt of all Addenda (the number of which
          contemplated therein.                                     will be filled in on the Bid Form).
     C. Bids may be considered irregular and may be            G. The address to which communications
          subject to rejection for the following reasons:           regarding the bid are to be directed must be
          1. If the bid is on a form other than that                included on the Bid Form.
               furnished by Schenectady County, or, if    X.   Specification Clarification
               the Schenectady County’s form is                A. All inquiries with respect to this Request for
               altered, or, if any part of the bidding              Bids must be directed to the Schenectady
               documents is detached.                               County Purchasing Department via email to
          2. If there are unauthorized additions,         
               conditional or alternate pay items, or          B. All questions about the meaning or intent of
               irregularities of any kind which make the            the specification must be submitted to the
               bid incomplete, indefinite, or otherwise             aforementioned department in writing.
               ambiguous.                                           Replies will be issued by Addenda via email to
          3. If the bid is not accompanied by the Bid               all parties recorded as having received the
               Security as specified by Schenectady                 bidding documents.
               County.                                         C. Addenda will also be posted on the Bidnet Bid
VIII. Non-Collusive Bidding Certificate                             System.
     A. All bidders bidding under the provisions of            D. Questions received less than three (3) days
          the specifications are subject to the                     prior to the date of submission of bids will
          provisions of Section 103 of the General                  not be answered. This timetable may be
          Municipal Law of the State of New York. A                 overridden by a specified “Last Date for
          signed Non-Collusive Bidding Certificate is               Submission of Questions” within the bidding
          required to be submitted with each bid on                 documents, Bid Summary Sheet, or Project
          the form provided by the County.                          Timetable.
IX. Bid Form

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
                 Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
                 General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                           V2021.1

     E.  The County will be bound by responses given                withdraw its bid and the bid security will be
         by formal written Addenda only.                            returned.
XI. Bid Evaluation                                        XIII. Award of Bid
     A. Bids shall remain valid until:                          A. Award will be made as determined to be in
         1. the execution of a contract by                          the best interest of a Schenectady County.
              Schenectady County; or                            B. All offers received shall be net cost to the
         2. the award of a purchase order by                        County of Schenectady. The County shall not
              Schenectady County; or                                be responsible for any additional costs;
         3. as otherwise rejected by Schenectady                    including, but not limited to, overtime
              County; or                                            required by the vendor to meet the
         4. 45 days after bid opening.                              appropriate deadlines.
     B. Bids received will be evaluated by                      C. The apparent successful Bidder will be issued
         Schenectady County and will be based, as a                 a Notice of Award in the form of a
         minimum, upon the following criteria:                      Schenectady County purchase order or
         1. Lowest total bid cost and projected                     contract.
              timetable for completion of services              D. The County reserves the right to purchase
              and/or delivery of goods described                    items pursuant to General Municipal Law 104
              herein;                                               from New York State Contracts, other County
         2. Completeness of the bid; and                            contracts, or New York State Preferred
         3. Bidder's demonstrated capabilities and                  Sources within its discretion.
              professional qualifications.                      E. No successful bidder to whom a contract or
     C. The County reserves the right to purchase                   purchase order is let, granted or awarded,
         items pursuant to General Municipal Law 104                shall assign, transfer, convey, sublet, or
         from New York State contracts, other County                otherwise dispose of same, or of its right,
         contracts, or New York State Preferred                     title, and interest herein, including the
         Sources within its discretion.                             performance of the contract or purchase
     D. For those requests for bid issued as requests               order or the right to receive monies due or to
         for bids at the item level:                                become due, or of its power to execute the
         1. The County reserves the right to award                  contract or purchase order without the prior
              the contract on a per item, category, or              written consent of the Schenectady County
              aggregate basis, whichever is most                    Purchasing Agent. In the event the
              beneficial to the County of Schenectady.              contractor shall without prior written consent
         2. Bidders need NOT submit bids for all                    assign, transfer, convey, sublet or otherwise
              items listed to be eligible for an award of           dispose of the contract or purchase order or
              the contract.                                         of its right, title and interest therein,
XII. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids                            including the performance of this contract or
     A. Bids may be modified or withdrawn at any                    purchase order, or the right to receive monies
         time prior to the opening of bids by an                    due or to become due, or its power to
         appropriate document duly executed (in the                 execute such contract or purchase order to
         manner that a bid must be executed) and                    any other person or corporations, or upon
         delivered to the place where bids are to be                receipt by Schenectady County of an
         submitted.                                                 attachment against the Successful Bidder, the
     B. If, prior to awarding of the contract or within             County of Schenectady shall be relieved and
         three days after opening, whichever period is              discharged from any and all liability and
         shorter, any bidder files a duly signed written            obligation growing out of such contract or
         notice with the County and promptly                        purchase order to such contractor, and the
         thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable                  person or corporation to which such contract
         satisfaction of the County that there was a                or purchase order shall have been assigned,
         material and substantial mistake in the                    its assignees, transferees or sub lessees shall
         preparation of its bid, that bidder may                    forfeit and lose all monies theretofore

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
                 Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
                 General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                             V2021.1

         assigned under the contract or purchase               G. COUNTY IS NOT SUBJECT TO FEDERAL, STATE
         order, except so much as may be required to                OR LOCAL TAXES.
         pay its employees.                              XVI. Indemnification
XIV. Remedy for Breach                                         A. The successful bidder shall indemnify, save,
     A. In the event of a breach by CONTRACTOR,                     and hold harmless the County of
         CONTRACTOR shall pay to the COUNTY all                     Schenectady, its officers, agents, servants,
         direct and consequential damages caused by                 and employees from any and all liability for
         such breach, including, but not limited to, all            anything and everything whatsoever arising
         sums expended by the COUNTY to procure a                   from loss or damage due to any act or
         substitute contractor to satisfactorily                    omission of the Contractor, its clients, agents,
         complete the contract work.                                or employees. See attached Standard
XV. Delivery and Payment                                            Provisions
     A. All bid prices shall include freight and shall   XVII. Anti-Discrimination Clause
         be quoted F.O.B. destination.                         A. Pursuant to Section 220-E of the NYS Labor
     B. Schenectady County operates a formal                        Law, regarding provisions in contracts
         Purchase Order System. Under NO                            prohibiting discrimination on account of race,
         circumstances will the vendor or contractor                creed, color or national origin in employment
         be paid without a purchase order. Contractor               of citizens upon public works, the Contractor
         shall deliver only the items specified on the              agrees:
         purchase order. Any Contractor, who delivers               1. That in the hiring of employees for the
         items which are not ordered, or who                             performance of work under this contract
         duplicates or overships items, does so                          or any subcontract hereunder, no
         entirely at his own expense. Such shipments                     contractor, subcontractor, nor any
         will be at no cost or responsibility to                         person acting on behalf of such
         Schenectady County.                                             contractor or subcontractor, shall by
     C. All deliveries shall be made within ten (10)                     reason of race, creed, color, disability,
         business days of vendor’s receipt of purchase                   gender, marital status, military status,
         order, unless otherwise specified in the Bid                    sexual orientation or national origin
         Specifications or Summary Sheet, or as                          discriminate against any citizen of the
         otherwise agreed upon between the vendor                        state of New York who is qualified and
         and the Purchasing Department.                                  available to perform the work to which
     D. Unless otherwise specified by the County,                        the employment relates;
         inside delivery is required. Some delivery                 2. That no contractor, subcontractor, nor
         locations are not equipped with loading docks                   any person on his behalf shall, in any
         and no additional compensation shall be paid                    manner, discriminate against or
         to vendors for inside delivery at those                         intimidate any employee hired for the
         locations.                                                      performance of work under this contract
     E. Orders will be placed on an “As Needed”                          on account of race, creed, color,
         basis by Schenectady County departments.                        disability, gender, marital status, military
         There will be no minimum order amounts                          status, sexual orientation or national
         required. Bids stipulating minimum quantity                     origin;
         of dollar value orders may be rejected by                  3. That there may be deducted from the
         Schenectady County at its sole discretion.                      amount payable to the contractor by the
     F. Prior to payment, the items furnished and or                     state or municipality under this contract
         work performed will be inspected by the                         a penalty of fifty dollars for each person
         Purchasing Agent or his designee to                             for each calendar day during which such
         determine their conformity to specification.                    person was discriminated against or
         No payment will be made for items or work                       intimidated in violation of the provisions
         not meeting specification.                                      of the contract;

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
                 Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
                 General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                             V2021.1

          4.   That this contract may be cancelled or                Schenectady County Purchasing Department
               terminated by the state or municipality,              has received the sample. Schenectady
               and all moneys due or to become due                   County will not be responsible for any
               hereunder may be forfeited, for a second              charges incurred by the vendor for the
               or any subsequent violation of the terms              provision, packaging, shipping, or return of
               or conditions of this section of the                  samples. Items submitted shall be clearly and
               contract; and                                         securely marked for identification, as per the
          5. The aforesaid provisions of this section                specifications. Labels showing manufacturer
               covering every contract for or on behalf              and fabric content should be attached to all
               of the state or a municipality for the                samples. The awarded vendors’ samples will
               manufacture, sale or distribution of                  be retained by the Department for the
               materials, equipment or supplies shall be             duration of the quote, for verification of
               limited to operations performed within                future deliveries.
               the territorial limits of the state of New   XX. Insurance Requirements
               York.                                            A. Also see attached Standard Provisions
XVIII. Interpretation                                           B. No work shall be commenced under the
      A. In the event of any discrepancy,                            contract or purchase order until the
          disagreement or ambiguity among the                        successful Bidder has delivered to the County
          documents which comprise this RFB, and/or,                 Purchasing Agent or his designee proof of
          the Agreement (between the County and the                  issuance of all policies of insurance required
          successful bidder/proposer) and its                        by the contract to be procured by the
          incorporated documents, the documents                      successful Bidder.
          shall be given preference in the following            C. If at any time, any of said policies shall expire
          order to interpret and to resolve such                     or become unsatisfactory to the County, the
          discrepancy, disagreement or ambiguity: 1)                 successful Bidder shall promptly obtain a new
          the Agreement; 2) the RFB; 3) the                          policy and submit proof of insurance of the
          Contractor’s proposal or bid.                              same to the County for approval. Upon failure
XIX. Equivalent Goods                                                of the successful Bidder to furnish, deliver
      A. Manufacturers name brands are listed to                     and maintain such insurance as above
          indicate minimum requirements and bidding                  provided, the contract or purchase order
          may be on brands listed, (if specified), or                may, at the election of the County, be
          equivalent. Specifications shall be furnished              forthwith declared suspended, discontinued
          by bidder to support equivalency. In the                   or terminated.
          event of any claim by any unsuccessful bidder         D. Failure of the successful Bidder to procure
          concerning or relating to the issue of “equal              and maintain any required insurance shall not
          or better” or “or equal”, the successful bidder            relieve the successful Bidder from any liability
          agrees, that his own cost and expense, to                  under the contract, nor shall the insurance
          defend such claim or claims and agrees to                  requirements be construed to conflict with
          hold the County of Schenectady free and                    the obligations of the successful Bidder
          harmless from any and all claims for loss or               concerning indemnification.
          damage arising out of this transaction for any XXI. Prevailing Wage-As applicable.
          reasons.                                              A. All laborers providing services under this
      B. UPON REQUEST ONLY, unless otherwise                         contract, whether employed by the
          notated in the bid specifications, vendors are             Contractor or by the Subcontractor(s), shall
          required to submit a sample of each item                   be paid not less than the current prevailing
          quoted within 72 hours of request to the                   rate of wages and shall be provided
          Schenectady County Purchasing Department                   supplements not less than the prevailing
          or to any political subdivision or authorized              supplements as established by the New York
          districts located in the state of New York. It is          State Department of Labor, per the New York
          the bidder’s responsibility to assure that the             State Prevailing Schedule of Wages.

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Schenectady County Request for Bid
                 Disposables & Cleaning Supplies
                 General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                            V2021.1

     B.   All vendors submitting bids agree to conform              more shall have in place agreements
          to all current NYS Department of Labor and                providing appropriate apprenticeship training
          prevailing wage laws. The County has applied              programs approved by the Commissioner of
          for and has received a PRC number for this                the Department of Labor for the type and
          project, which has been included with this                scope of work to be performed before the
          document as an attachment. The successful                 contracts are let. These agreements shall
          vendor(s) is/are responsible for complying                conform to the procedures and requirements
          with all current labor rates and regulations              set forth in Section 816-b of the New York
          throughout the duration of any contract                   State Labor Law.
          resulting from this document. For policy or      XXIII. Affirmative Action Requirements
          rate questions call the NYS Department of              A. This section is applicable to construction
          Labor at (585) 258-4505. Actual rates are                 contracts of $200,000 or more.
          available via the internet at:                         B. It is the policy of the County of Schenectady
                that Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and
          shtm or from the Schenectady County                       Woman Business Enterprises (WBE) are
          Purchasing Department at the address listed               afforded the maximum opportunity to
          on the Notice to Bidders.                                 participate in the performance of contracts,
      C. Payrolls and Payroll Records: Every                        in excess of $200,000, let by the County and
          contractor and subcontractor MUST keep                    its several agencies and authorities. The
          original payrolls or transcripts subscribed and           County commits itself to a goal oriented
          affirmed as true under penalty of perjury.                Contract Compliance Program which assures
          Payrolls must be maintained for at least five             that Minority Business Enterprises and
          (5) years from the project's date of                      Woman Business Enterprises are considered
          completion. At a minimum, payrolls must                   in awarding contracts for goods, services and
          show the following information for each                   construction. Furthermore, it is the policy of
          person employed on a public work project:                 the County of Schenectady that contractors
          Name, Social Security number,                             and subcontractors utilize minority and
          Classification(s) in which the worker was                 women labor to the greatest extent feasible.
          employed, Hourly wage rate(s) paid,                    C. In bidding on this contract, the contractor
          Supplements paid or provide, and Daily and                acknowledges an understanding of this
          weekly number of hours worked in each                     policy. The contractor shall carry out the
          classification.                                           policy by making every reasonable effort to
      D. Every contractor and subcontractor shall                   award contracts and subcontracts to MBEs
          submit to the Department of Jurisdiction                  and WBEs and utilizing minority and women
          (Contracting Agency), within thirty (30) days             labor in the performance of this contract.
          after issuance of its first payroll and every          D. In an effort to assist contractors with
          thirty (30) days thereafter, a transcript of the          compliance attached you will find the
          original payrolls, subscribed and affirmed as             following documents attached: Affirmative
          true under penalty of perjury. The                        Action WMBE Utilization Policy and
          Department of Jurisdiction (Contracting                   Affirmative Action Compliance Forms.
          Agency) shall receive and maintain such          XXIV. Iranian Energy Sector Divestment
          payrolls.                                              A. Contractor/Proposer hereby represents that
XXII. Apprenticeship Training Program                               said Contractor/Proposer is familiar with New
      A. This section is applicable to construction                 York State General Municipal Law Section
          contracts of $200,000 or more.                            103-g entitled “Iranian Energy Sector
      B. In accordance with Schenectady County                      Divestment”, in that said
          Legislative Resolution No. 22 of February 11,             Contractor/Proposer has not:
          2003 and Section 816-b of the new York State              1. Provided goods or services of $20 Million
          Labor Law, contractors and subcontractors of                    or more in the energy sector of Iran
          County construction contracts of $200,000 or                    including but not limited to the provision

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                General Instructions to Bidders – Purchasing                                               V2021.1

               of oil or liquefied natural gas tankers or                   Municipal Law Section 103-g to award
               products used to construct or maintain                       the Bid/Proposal to any Bidder/Proposer
               pipelines used to transport oil or                           who cannot make the certification, on a
               liquefied natural gas for the energy                         case-by-case basis under the following
               sector of Iran.                                              circumstances:
         2. Acted as a financial institution and                           a. The investment activities in Iran were
               extended $20 Million or more in credit to                       made before April 12, 2012, the
               another person for forty-five days or                           investment activities in Iran have not
               more, if that person’s intent was to use                        been expanded or renewed after April
               the credit to provide goods or services in                      12, 2012, and the Bidder/Proposer has
               the energy sector in Iran.                                      adopted, publicized and is
    B.   Any Contractor/Proposer who has                                       implementing a formal plan to cease
         undertaken any of the above is identified on a                        the investment activities in Iran and to
         list created pursuant to Section 165-a (3)(b)                         refrain in engaging in any new
         of the New York State Finance Law as a                                investments in Iran; or
         person engaging in investment activities in                       b. The County of Schenectady has made
         Iran, shall not be deemed a responsible                               a determination that the goods or
         bidder pursuant to Section 103 of the New                             services are necessary for the County
         York State General Municipal Law.                                     to perform its functions and that,
    C.   Except as otherwise specifically provided                             absent such an exemption, the County
         herein, every Contractor/Proposer submitting                          would be unable to obtain the goods
         a bid/proposal in response to this Request for                        or services for which the Bid/Proposal
         Bids/Request for proposals must certify and                           is offered. Such determination shall
         affirm the following under penalties of                               be made by the County in writing and
         perjury:                                                              shall be a public document.
         1. “By submission of this bid, each bidder          XXV. Extension of Bids to All Political Subdivisions and
               and each person signing on behalf of any           Authorized Districts Located in the State of New
               bidder certifies, and in the case of a joint       York
               bid, each party thereto certifies as to its        A. It is the intent of this Request For Bids that all
               own organization, under penalty of                      political subdivisions, and districts located in
               perjury, that to the best of its knowledge              the State of New York, be entitled to make
               and belief, that each bidder is not on the              purchases of materials, equipment or
               list created pursuant to NYS Finance Law                supplies from the resulting bid award.
               Section 165-a (3)(b).” Schenectady                 B. No officer, board or agency of a county,
               County will accept this statement                       town, village, or school district shall make any
               electronically in accordance with the                   purchase through the County when bids have
               provisions of Section 103 of the General                been received for such purchase by such
               Municipal Law.                                          officer, board or agency, unless such
         2. Except as otherwise specifically provided                  purchase may be made upon the same terms,
               herein, any Bid/Proposal that is supplied               conditions and specifications at a lower price
               without having complied with subdivision                through the County.
               (a) above, shall not be considered                 C. All purchases shall be subject to audit and
               forward. In any case where the                          inspection by the other political subdivisions
               Bidder/Proposer cannot make the                         for which the purchase was made.
               certification as set forth in subdivision (a)      D. All orders will be placed by the participating
               above, the Bidder/Proposer shall so state               entities. Each participating entity shall be
               and shall furnish with the bid a signed                 billed by and make payment directly to the
               statement setting forth in detail the                   successful Bidder.
               reasons therefor. The County reserves              E. Upon request, participating entities must
               its rights, in accordance with General                  furnish the successful Bidder with the proper

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        tax exemption certificates or documentation                 entered into pursuant to this advertisement,
        of tax exempt status. (Purchase orders                      disadvantaged business enterprises will be
        should have this information and be retained                afforded full opportunity to submit bids in
        for documenting the tax exempt sale.)                       response to this invitation and will not be
     F. The sole responsibility in regard to                        discriminated against on the grounds of race,
        performance of the bid, or any obligation,                  color, or national origin in consideration for
        covenant, condition or term thereunder by                   an award.
        the successful Bidder and the participating
        entities will be borne and is expressly               B.     A copy of Schenectady County’s full Title VI
        assumed by the successful Bidder and the                     Program and Assurances Statement is
        participating entities and not by Schenectady                available for download on our website at
        County. In the event of a failure or breach in     
        performance of any such bid by a                             tiveAction.
        participating entity or the successful Bidder,   XXVII.    Pursuant to State Finance Law §139-j and
        Schenectady County, specifically and                       §139-k, this solicitation includes and imposes
        expressly disclaims any and all liability for              certain restrictions on communications
        such defective performance or breach, or                   between the County and a Bidder during the
        failure of either party to perform in                      procurement process. A Bidder is restricted
        accordance with its obligations, covenants                 from contacting other than the designated
        and the terms and conditions of this                       staff from the earliest notice of intent to solicit
        Schenectady County centralized bid.                        offers through final award and approval of the
XXVI. Title VI                                                     Procurement Contract (or Purchase Order)
     A. The County of Schenectady, in accordance                   unless it is a contract that is included amount
        with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil               certain statutory exceptions set forth in State
        Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. §§             Finance Law §139-j(3)(a). County Employee
        2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, i.e.                are required to obtain certain information
        1. Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987                    when contacted during the restricted period.
        2. Federal Transit Laws, Title 49, United                  The designated staff contact is the Director of
             States Code, Chapter 53                               Systems Integration & Procurement or their
        3. 49 CFR. § 1.51                                          representative, 518.388.4242,
        4. 49 CFR Sheriff Van1                           
        5. 28 CFR § 42.401 et seq.                                 Bidders responding to this RFB must familiarize
        6. 28 CFR. § 50.3                                          themselves with these State Finance Law
        7. 70 FR 74087, December 14, 2005                          requirements and will be expected to affirm
        hereby notifies all bidders that it will                   they understand and agree to comply on the
        affirmatively insure that in any contract                  form included with the bid.

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                                   STANDARD PROVISIONS

       The parties to the attached contract further agree to be bound by the following, which is
hereby made a part of said contract. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the
attached contract and these standard provisions, unless otherwise provided, these standard
provisions shall prevail.

       I. This contract shall be deemed executory only to the extent of monies appropriated and
available for the purpose of the contract, and no liability on account thereof shall be incurred by
the County beyond the amount of such monies.

        II. The Contractor specifically agrees to adhere to the provisions of the New York State
Labor Law Article 8, entitled Public Work and all of the provisions contained therein, including
Labor Law Section 220-d entitled “Minimum rate of wage and supplement” and Article 9
entitled Prevailing Wage for Building Service Employees.

       III. The Contractor specifically agrees, as required by the provisions of the Labor Law,
Section 220-e, as amended, that:

               (a) In hiring of employees for the performance of work under this contract or any
                   subcontract hereunder for the manufacture, sale or distribution of materials,
                   equipment or supplies hereunder, no contractor, subcontractor nor any person
                   acting on behalf of such contractor or subcontractor shall by reason of race,
                   creed, color, sex or national origin, discriminate against any citizen of the
                   State of New York who is qualified and available to perform the work to
                   which the employment relates.

               (b) No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall in any manner
                   discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the performance of
                   work under this contract on account of race, creed, color, sex or national

               (c) There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor by the
                   county under this contract a penalty of five dollars for each person for each
                   calendar day during which such person was discriminated against or
                   intimidated in violation of the terms or conditions of this section of the
                   contract, and

               (d) This contract may be cancelled or terminated by the county or municipality
                   and all monies due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited for a second
                   or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this section of the
                   contract, and

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               (e) The aforesaid provisions of this section covering every contract for or on
                   behalf of the county or a municipality for the manufacture, sale or distribution
                   of materials, equipment or supplies shall be limited to operations performed
                   within the territorial limits of the State of New York.

       IV. The Contractor will comply with the provisions of Section 291-299 of the Executive
Law and the Civil Rights Law and the Governor’s Code of Fair Practice, and any amendments
and rules and regulations pursuant thereto, will furnish all information and reports deemed
necessary by the State Division of Human Rights under the law, and will permit access to its
books, records and accounts by the State Division of Human Rights, the Attorney General and
the Industrial Commissioner for the purpose of investigation to ascertain compliance with the
non-discrimination clauses, the Executive Law and Civil Rights Law.

        V. The Contractor acknowledges that the terms of the contract include the Schenectady
Fraud, Waste and Abuse Prevention Policy which is incorporated herein by reference and which
is available to Contractor on the internet at

VI. The Contractor, if a medical provider under this contract:

       (a) represents and warrants that it is in compliance with all requirements applicable to
           Medicaid providers, including, but not limited to, the maintenance of a certified
           Medicaid compliance program for fraud, waste and abuse and further that none of its
           employees and contractors are an excluded individual or entity as such term is
           defined under federal or state law;
       (b) agrees that it shall submit no bill for payment for which payment would violate
           sections 1128, 1128A and 1156 of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR1001.1901;
       (c) agrees to continue to screen any and all of its employees and contractors to determine
           if any such person company or entity is an excluded individual or entity;
       (d) agrees to provide a list of all employees or contractors with sufficient identifying
           characteristics to allow the County to perform an independent screening of such persons
           or entities to determine if they are an excluded individual or entity;
       (e) agrees that in the event that any payment made by the County to the Contractor is
           determined to be in violation of the requirements of sections 1128, 1128A and
           1156 of the Social Security Act and 42 CFR1001.1901, the Contractor shall
           indemnify, save and hold harmless the County of Schenectady, its officers, agents,
           servants and employees from any and all liability for anything and everything
           whatsoever arising from loss or damage, penalty or recoupment due to any
           determination that Contractor, its clients, agents or employees is or was an excluded
           individual or entity.

       VII. The relationship of the Contractor to the County shall be that of independent
contractor. The Contractor, in accordance with its status as an independent contractor, covenants

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and agrees that it neither hold itself out as nor claim to be an officer or employee of the County
by reason thereof, make any claim, demand or application to an officer or employee of the
County including but not limited to Worker’s Compensation coverage, Unemployment Insurance
benefits, Social Security coverage or retirement membership or credits.

        VIII. Should any claim or demand be made, or any action brought against the County in
any way relating to this agreement or the performance thereof, the Contractor agrees to render
diligently to the County without additional compensation, any and all cooperation which the
County requires of the Contractor. Contractor shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses
incurred in such cooperation.

         IX. The Contractor shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County of Schenectady,
its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all liability for anything and everything
whatsoever arising from loss or damage due to any act or omission of the Contractor, its clients,
agents or employees.

        X. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that all claims for payment
by the Contractor hereunder are expressly made subject to monies made available to the County
therefore, by appropriation or otherwise and that the County shall incur no liability to the
Contractor for any such payments beyond the monies so appropriated, or otherwise made
available to it.

        XI. If this contract is an installment purchase contract, it is not a general obligation of the
County. Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the County are pledged to the
payment of any amount due or to become due under such installment purchase contract. It is
understood that neither this contract nor any representation by any public employee or officer
creates any legal or moral obligation to appropriate or make monies available for the purpose of
the contract.

        XII. The Contractor will carry public liability and property damage insurance and, if this
is a construction contract, owners and contractors protective insurance issued by a company
authorized to do business in the State of New York, in amounts satisfactory to the County, which
shall name the County as a primary non-contributory additional insured.

        The Contractor shall also carry disability benefits and workers’ compensation insurance.
Certificates of workers’ compensation insurance shall be delivered on one of the following

           •   CE-200, Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers’
               Compensation and/or Disability Benefits coverage; or
           •   C-105.2 – Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance; or
           •   SI-12 – Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Self-Insurance, GSI-105.2 –
               Certificate of Participation in Workers’ Compensation Group Self-Insurance.

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         Certificates of disability benefits coverage shall be delivered on one of the following

            •   CE-200, Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from NYS Workers’
                Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Coverage; or
            •   DB-120.1 – Certificate of Disability Benefits; or
            •   DB-155 – Certificate of Disability Benefits Self-Insurance.

       Contractor shall attach to this Agreement certificates of insurance evidencing
Contractor’s compliance with these requirements.

       XIII. Each and every provision of law and clause required by law to be inserted in this
Contract shall be deemed to have been inserted herein. If any such provision is not inserted,
through mistake or otherwise, then upon the application of either party, this Contract shall be
physically amended forthwith to make such insertion.

       XIV. The Contractor shall keep and maintain efficient, complete and separate books and
records concerning any and all costs incurred in the performance of this agreement. Such books
and records shall be kept available and maintained in a format for examination by qualified
personnel of the County and/or the New York State Department of Audit and Control at all
reasonable times and places during the period of execution of this agreement and for six (6) years
from the date of final payment thereunder.

        If part or all of the performance hereunder is to be conducted through subcontractors with
other entities, then the Contractor agrees that it shall make the provisions of this article a formal
part of all such subcontracts which shall specifically make reference to the records as noted
hereinabove, and that all such records maintained by such subcontractors shall be made available
and disclosed to qualified personnel of the County and/or the New York State Department of
Audit and Control.

        XV. It is understood that this instrument represents the entire agreement of the parties
hereto; that all previous understandings are merged herein; and that no modifications hereof shall
be valid unless written evidence thereof shall be executed by the party to be charged.

        XVI. If any term or provision of this agreement or the application thereof to any person
or circumstance shall to any extent be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this
agreement or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than
those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and every other
term and provision of this agreement shall be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted
by law.

       XVII. Any contractor or subcontractor on a public works construction contract with the
County of Schenectady, exceeding two-hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00), shall have an
approved apprenticeship program as provided for in Article 23 of the New York State Labor Law

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and shall so certify on the Apprenticeship Certification Form – Schenectady County Public
Works Contract prior to execution of the contract by the County.

       XVIII. Any contractor or subcontractor who receives “State Funds” or “State-
Authorized-Payments” acknowledges that they must comply with all applicable provisions of
Executive Order #38 promulgated by the Governor of the State of New York, including:

              1. Individuals/entities that receive SF/SAP to provide Program Services must
                 determine whether they are qualified as a Covered Provider for a Covered
                 Reporting Period (CRP), by using the EO-38 Covered Provider Determination
                 Worksheet located at:

              2. If an individual/entity has determined that it is a Covered Provider (or is projected
                 to qualify as a Covered Provider), it must determine whether it is in compliance
                 with the Administrative Expenses limitations set forth in the regulations. Unless a
                 waiver is granted, the regulations set the limitations on Administrative Expenses
                 that apply to Covered Providers, which can be found at:

              3. If an individual/entity has determined that it is a Covered Provider (or is projected
                 to qualify as a Covered Provider), it must then determine whether it is in
                 compliance with the Executive Compensation limitations set forth in the
                 regulations, which can be found at: If an individual/entity has determined that it is
                 a Covered Provider (or is projected to qualify as a Covered Provider), it can then
                 determine whether it is in compliance with the Executive Compensation
                 limitations set forth in the regulations.

              4. If an individual/entity has determined that it is a Covered Provider, it must
                 submit an EO #38 Disclosure Form no later than 180 days after the close of their
                 Covered Reporting Period. If a Covered Provider exceeds (or projects that it will
                 exceed) the Administrative Expenses or Executive Compensation limitations, it
                 may submit a timely waiver application no later than submission date of its EO
                 #38 Disclosure Form.

              5. If a Covered Provider is found to be out of compliance with the requirements
                 in the regulations, either through the review of an EO #38 Disclosure Form or
                 through failure to submit an EO #38 Disclosure Form, it must comply with all
                 requests and further proceedings with the relevant state agency to comply with
                 EO #38.

XIV. Title VI Policy Statement:

       It is the policy of the County of Schenectady to prevent and eliminate discrimination in
       all of its operations and services as well as all aspects of employment. All Department,

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        Divisions, Offices, and Bureaus will plan, develop, and implement their programs and
        activities so that no person is subjected to unlawful discrimination based on race, color,
        gender, age, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or
        Vietnam era veteran status.

        Schenectady County assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national
        origin as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights
        Restoration Act of 1987 (P.L. 100.259) be excluded from participation in, be denied the
        benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity.
        Schenectady County further assures every effort will be made to ensure
        nondiscrimination in all of its programs and activities, whether those programs and
        activities are federally funded or not. In the event that Schenectady County distributes
        federal aid funds to another government entity, it will include Title VI language in all
        written agreements and will monitor for compliance.

   Title VI Authority:
   Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the Federal Law that protects individuals from
   discrimination on the basis of their race, color or national origin in programs that receive
   Federal financial assistance.

   The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 clarified the broad, institution-wide application of
   Title VI.

   1.   Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq.
   2.   Federal Transit Laws, Title 49, United States Code, Chapter 53
   3.   49 CFR § 1.51
   4.   49 CFR part 21
   5.   28 CFR § 42.401 et seq.
   6.   28 CFR § 50.3
   7.   70 FR 74087, December 14, 2005

   Title VI Program and Assurances:
   A copy of Schenectady County’s full Title VI Program and Assurances Statement is
   available for download on our website at,

   Title VI Exhibit 1:
   During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees, and
   successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the “contractor”) agrees as follows:

   1. Compliance with Regulations: The contractor (hereinafter includes consultants) will
      comply with the Acts and the Regulations relative to Non-discrimination in Federally-
      assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary for

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       Research and Technology (OST-R), as they may be amended from time to time, which
       are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract.

   2. Non-discrimination: The contractor, with regard to the work performed by it during the
      contract, will not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
      disability in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of
      materials and leases of equipment. The contractor will not participate directly or
      indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including
      employment practices when the contract covers any activity, project, or program set forth
      in Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 21.

   3. Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and
      Equipment: In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation made by
      the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of
      materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified
      by the contractor of the contractor’s obligations under this contract and the Acts and the
      Regulations relative to Non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national

   4. Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports
      required by the Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will
      permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information and its
      facilities as may be determined by the Recipient or the OST-R to be pertinent to ascertain
      compliance with such Acts, Regulations, and instructions. Where any information
      required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to
      furnish the information, the contractor will so certify to the Recipient or the OST-R, as
      appropriate, and will set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.

   5. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of a contractor’s noncompliance with the
      Non-discrimination provisions of this contract, the Recipient will impose such contract
      sanctions as it or the OST-R may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited
          a. withholding payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor
             complies; and/or
          b. cancelling, terminating, or suspending a contract, in whole or in part.

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