Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings

Page created by Maurice Murray
Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings
Corporate Mindfulness
& Emotional Intelligence
    2021 Offerings
Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings

Mastermind delivers science-based          Did you know that the annual cost of         Cardiovascular & Immune Health.
mindfulness and emotional intelligence     employee stress-related health care and      Researchers found that during a 5-year
techniques to companies nationwide,        absenteeism is estimated at $300 billion     study the meditation control group
including American Airlines, Deloitte,     each year? Studies show that:                had a 48% reduction in their risk of heart
Turner Construction, FedEx, and                                                         attack, stroke and death.
Pier 1. Mastermind facilitators make       • Nearly 8 out of 10 employees regularly
meditation accessible with fully guided,   experience physical symptoms of stress       Mental Strength & Focus.
secular, brain health-based mindfulness                                                 A study demonstrated that meditators
and emotional intelligence practices       • 7 out of 10 regularly experience the       improved their performance on tests
designed to reduce stress, improve         psychological symptoms of stress             of cognitive skill, in some cases doing
focus and awareness and strengthen                                                      10 times better than non-meditators.
                                           • More than 75% cited money and work
community and connection.
                                           as the leading cause of their stress
                                                                                        Learning & Memory.
                                           • Job stress is negatively correlated with   Long-term meditators have larger
                                           job performance                              amounts of gyrification (folding in the
                                                                                        brain), which scientists suspect helps
                                           Research shows that a regular practice       with processing, decision-making and
                                           of mindfulness can improve overall           memory.
                                           health and improve relationships.
                                           Benefits include:                            Improves Relationships.
                                                                                        A regular mindfulness practice increases
                                           Reduce Stress.                               grey-matter density in parts of the
                                           Studies show that a regular practice of      brain associated with self-awareness,
                                           mindfulness and meditation can reduce        compassion, and introspection.
                                           the grey-matter density in areas of the
                                           brain related with anxiety and stress.
Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings
Corporate Offerings

For corporations and non-profits            themes such as “Intention,” “Creativity,”   These trainings feature brain health /
committed to improving the wellbeing        “Resilience,” and “Breathe,” among          neuroscience learning, experiential
and supporting the personal growth          others, to meet company-specific goals.     learning, and a toolbox that participants
of their employees, Mastermind offers                                                   may take away and incorporate into their
custom mindfulness and emotional            Mindfulness & Emotional                     daily life and interactions. Trainings can
intelligence trainings that provide         Intelligence Workshops / Speakers           last from 90 minutes to 12 hours or over
learning, practices, and key takeaway       (30-75 Minutes)                             multiple days. Trainings can happen
tools. Our most requested offerings come    Mastermind-trained speakers offer           on-site or off-site as part of a company
in the following formats:                   compelling brain health research, a short   retreat. Contact us to learn more about
                                            practice period, and practical tips for     how we can customize training content
Regular Mindfulness &                       applying mindfulness to daily life.         to meet your goals.
Emotional Intelligence                      Speaker events can range from 15 minutes
Meditation Classes (15-45 Minutes)          to 75 minutes depending on the event,       Packages
Workplace meditation classes support        the audience, and the goals of the hiring   Our mission is to help you instill
employee mental health and wellbeing.       company. Groups can choose from topics      measurable mindful cultural change in
These classes focus on mindful meditation   such as “Stress Management,” “Mindful       your organization. Research shows that
practice techniques for relieving stress    Digital Detox,” or request a custom talk    ongoing sessions increase accountability
and include a brief introduction to the     to match their event theme.                 and positively impact company culture.
practice method and the brain health                                                    Therefore, Mastermind offers a discount
benefits of the meditation technique.       Mindfulness & Emotional                     to companies booking four or more
The majority of class time is spent         Intelligence Trainings (1.5+ Hours)         sessions at once.
practicing mindfulness meditation.          Our most in-depth options are
Corporations can choose specific class      comprehensive trainings in mindfulness
                                            and emotional intelligence based on
                                            the most timely and relevant research.
Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings
Mindfulness & Emotional
       Intelligence Topics

Ready to bring accessible, science-based        mindfulness practice, and accessible
mindfulness to your corporate office?           ways to mitigate stress in daily
Here are some of our most-requested             life. Participants will leave less stressed,
mindfulness and emotional intelligence          with better understanding of stress
topics:                                         and their particular stress points, and a            I can’t thank you enough
                                                mindfulness routine for stress resilience.
Intro to Mindfulness                                                                           or your mindfulness session with
Learn what mindfulness is, how to practice      Cultivating Grit                               American Airlines ... Being able to
mindfulness meditation, and the health          This offering will deep-dive into the
benefits of training your brain. This session   science of resilience or “grit.”               host this virtually with team
includes seated mindfulness practice            Participants will learn how to use
                                                                                               members across the enterprise
and discussion. Participants leave with         mindfulness techniques to cultivate
less stress, a deeper understanding of          strength and flexibility in the prefrontal     was a gift. The more focus we can
mindfulness and the foundation for              cortex, the area of the brain associated
establishing a practice.                        with regulating emotions and regaining         give our wellbeing the better we are
                                                control of stressful situations.               for family and our community.
Stress Management
Through Mindfulness                             Mindful Digital Detox
This workshop includes an overview of           Explore mindful ways to cultivate a healthy    		 Amani L. Council
the mental and physical effects of              relationship to your digital technology.       		American Airlines
stress, the brain health benefits of regular    Participants will reflect on their current
                                                relationship with technology, understand
                                                and practice the power of single-pointed
                                                focus, and leave with tools for optimizing
                                                digital engagement.
Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings
Mindfulness & Emotional
       Intelligence Topics

Focus & Memory                                 Building Emotional Intelligence
Learn mindfulness practices designed           Designed to improve awareness,
to strengthen the circuits of working          connection and communication, and
memory and attention. Participant will         promote overall wellbeing, this training
have a better understanding of habits          is based on the research-driven work               I have never been one to
that improve memory and focus, and             of Daniel Goleman, and focuses on
things that we may be doing daily              awareness and management of self and         meditate, but with your navigation
that deteriorate our ability to focus and      others. Participants will gain tools and     and visualization techniques I was
connect the dots. This class includes          mindfulness techniques that may be
mindful meditation to strengthen the brain     incorporated into daily living.              truly able to ease some stress.
pathways that drive memory and focus.
                                                                                            I will definitely be meditating with
                                               Mindfulness for Creativity
Finding Work-Life Balance                      This workshop will explore the brain’s       you in the future.
In today’s world of multi-tasking and          role in the creative process and how
24/7 connectivity, work can seem               mindfulness can help you expand your
                                                                                            		Meaghan Herlyn
omnipresent and overwhelming. In               ability to think outside the box and find
                                                                                            		Haynes and Boone
this workshop, mindfulness experts             new methods for applying creativity in
will offer practical strategies for            your life. Participants will gain a better
incorporating mindfulness into work            understanding of what creativity is, and
and life. Participants will practice           how to foster its growth daily.
single-pointed focus to increase
engagement, happiness, and
effectiveness in all aspects of their lives.
Corporate Mindfulness & Emotional Intelligence 2021 Offerings

While Mastermind trainings and classes are customized for your specific group and priced accordingly, following
are starting points for some of our most popular offerings. Your exact pricing will be based on company / class
size, specific goals of the training, location, and budget. Currently all trainings are done virtually via ZOOM unless
you specify and provide and an alternative video conferencing host.

       n Regular / Weekly Classes $750 per month and up

       n Workshops & Speaker Sessions $500 and up

       n Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness Trainings $1,500 per session and up

Discounts may be provided for monthly bookings or class packages.

                                                        The energy of the mind
                                                                is the essence of life.
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