Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association

Page created by Derrick Sanchez
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
13 November 2020
New information inside

                  and ME/CFS
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS


           13th NOVEMBER 2020 UPDATE

           The Covid situation continues to evolve rapidly. England
           is currently back in lockdown and Scotland, Northern
           Ireland, and Wales, are each observing their own
           restriction measures. Local alert systems are also in place
           in some areas and many people are advised to stay at
           home and to work from home - with the notable exception
           of those attending schools, colleges, and universities
           where exceptions are applicable.

                                     The death toll from Covid has
                                     now passed 50,000 in the UK
                                     which is more than for any other
                                     country in Europe. The current
                                     measures are designed to help
                                     put a brake on the spread of
                                     the virus and, while vaccines
                                     are now in full development and
                                     national inoculation programmes
                                     may be available in early 2021,
                                     the situation remains a significant

           Most people with ME/CFS should be regarded as clinically
           vulnerable and will need to stringently follow the latest
           Government advice. However, there will be those who
           have other serious medical conditions and may be
           considered clinically extremely vulnerable and, in England
           at least, will have been advised to adopt shielding

           The ME Association will be updating this leaflet as soon
           as it can, and will continue to share the latest news and
           information on its website and social media platforms. If
           you are in any doubt about what you should be doing,
           especially if you develop symptoms that you suspect
           might be Covid-19, please consult the Government


           Northern Ireland:


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Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS


Having reached the peak            So the whole country is going
of infection in mid April, the     to have to live with COVID-19
number of people being             for the foreseeable future. And
admitted to hospital with          this means adjusting the way
COVID-19, along with the           we all live according to the
number of deaths, is now           level of individual risk we face.
gradually falling.                 We are all on a steep learning
Hopefully, this trend will         curve here and at a national
continue for the next few          policy level there is going to
                                                                       to work, or choose to return
weeks and months until             be quite a lot of trial and error   to work, this has to be on the
we reach a very low level          before we get this right.           basis of people being able
of residual infection in the                                           to travel to work safely. And
community.                                                             all aspects of the workplace
                                   EASING THE                          must be safe in relation to
However, we are then going
                                   LOCKDOWN                            hygiene and social distancing
to enter a position where a
low but hopefully manageable
level of infection persists,       The second item of news,            Employers have a clear duty
possibly with periodic spikes in   which follows on from the           under Health and Safety
certain parts of the country.      progressive fall in numbers,        legislation to provide a safe
This situation will almost         is the way in which a very          working environment and the
certainly remain for the rest of   cautious easing of Lockdown         Health and Safety Executive
2020, and probably well into       has been announced.                 has opened a hotline for
2021 – until a vaccine becomes                                         people to call if they are
                                   The various items of relaxation
available, or the disease goes                                         not happy about what an
                                   announced by the Prime
away, or largely disappears.                                           employer is proposing or doing:
                                   Minister mean that changes in
                                                                       0300 790 6787, Monday to
Although vaccine                   relation to exercise, education
                                                                       Friday 8.30am to 10pm.
development research is            and employment are moving
                                   faster in England than              If you have concerns about
proceeding at a very rapid
                                   elsewhere in the UK. But none       working arrangements you
rate in several centres, I don’t
                                   of these changes are going          should discuss them with your
think we are going to see a
                                   to have any significant affect      trade union or professional
safe and effective vaccine
                                   on most people with ME/CFS -        body representative. The MEA
being made available for
                                   unless someone is planning to       has produced more detailed
public use until 2021. And while
                                   return to work or school.           guidance on employment –
the chances of success appear
                                                                       see our COVID-19 Resources.
to be fairly good, there is no     As far as education in England
guarantee that we will have a      is concerned, the key point         Dr Charles Shepherd
vaccine.                           here in relation to ME/CFS is       Hon Medical Adviser, MEA
                                   that any return to school is not
                                   compulsory - the government
                                   has simply issued guidance
                                   on returning to school for
                                   certain groups of children. My
                                   understanding is that nobody is
                                   going to be in trouble, or even
                                   fined, if they choose to continue
                                   to keep their children at home.
                                   For people with ME/CFS who
                                   may now be asked to return
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Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS


This update contains all the
                                                                                 ME CONNECT                                            CONTENTS
key information and guidance
that has emerged since the                                                                                                        4    Controlling the spread
last full MEA website summary         We’re here to help                                 0344 576 5326                                 of the virus
on Cv19 that was published on                                                            Do you need to talk?                     5    Hand and Respiratory
Tuesday 31st March. The MEA                                                             ME Connect is the telephone helpline
                                                                                          service of the ME Association.               Hygiene
website summary contains                                                                It provides information and support for
                                                                                               people with ME and those

comprehensive information
                                                                                             who live with or care for them.
                                                                                          ME Connect provides a safe and
                                                                                                                                  5    Vaccine Development
                                                                                        understanding environment for people

on all aspects of Cv19 as it                                                             with ME so that they know they are
                                                                                             being heard and understood.
                                                                                                                                  5    Testing for the virus
applies to ME/CFS. Go to:
                                                                                                 you for being there,
                                                                                                                                       What to do if you have                                                                  you provide a wonderful

                                                                                                                                       symptoms suggestive of
Individual sections cover:                                                                      “MEConnect gave me
                                                                                              information, reassurance

                                     ME Connect is a member of the
                                                                                                   and the tools to
                                                                                                        cope”                          coronavirus infection
n The Coronavirus (Cv-19) –
                                         Helplines Partnership
                                     which promotes high standards.

                                                                                                                                  6    Shopping – Food and
What it is, testing, treatment,                     CALL 0344 576 5326
                                              10am-12noon, 2pm-4pm, 7pm-9pm                                                            Medicines
vaccine development etc.                            every day of the year
                                                                                                                                  7    Employment
n What are the symptoms of
                                           Calls cost the same as other standard landline numbers (starting 01 or 02).
                                                 If you have a call package for your landline or mobile phone then
                                                       calls will normally come out of your inclusive minutes.

the coronavirus infection?                                                                                                        7    Government Guidance:
                                   We will continue to keep                                                                            The vulnerable
n What should you do if you        you up to date on all new                                                                           and extremely
have a new onset of cold or        developments via MEA social                                                                         vulnerable
flu-like symptoms?                 media and answer any
                                                                                                                                  8    ME/CFS Research
n Who is most at risk of           questions, where we can, on
catching this infection?           MEA Facebook.                                                                                  8    Progress on the new
                                                                                                                                       NICE clinical guideline
n Why people with ME/              Please look after yourself and
                                                                                                                                       on ME/CFS
CFS should qualify as being        stay safe. ME Connect – the
vulnerable                         MEA telephone helpline – is                                                                    8    Can pets transmit the
                                   open morning, afternoon and                                                                         infection?
n Why people with ME/CFS
                                   evening every day of the week
are not considered extremely                                                                                                      9    Possible forms of
                                   if you want to speak to someone
vulnerable                                                                                                                             treatment
                                   for information or support.
n How can you prevent                                                                       9    What should people
yourself from getting infected?                                                                                                        with ME/CFS do if they
                                   Dr Charles Shepherd
Can pets transmit the                                                                                                                  catch Cv19?
                                   Hon Medical Adviser
infection?                         The ME Association.                                                                            9    Face Masks
n What contact can you still       Regular Updates:                                                                               11   What should previously
have with other people? Social                                                                                                         healthy people do
mobility, distancing, self-        We have made this update
                                                                                                                                       if they experience
isolation and shielding            (and all future updates) into a
                                                                                                                                       symptoms suggestive of
                                   downloadable free leaflet. It
n What help is there for carers?                                                                                                       post infectious fatigue
                                   can also be found in the website
                                                                                                                                       and/or ME/CFS?
n Education and Employment         shop along with a ‘to whom it
                                   may concern’ letter which might                                                                11   Hospital based referral
n Shopping, food and               be helpful when arguing your                                                                        services for ME/CFS
medicine delivery                  case for additional support and                                                                11   Further information
n Foreign Travel                   help as a vulnerable person. Our
                                   welfare rights adviser has written                                                             11   ME Association working
n Hospital and other medical                                                                                                           arrangements
                                   a new leaflet that covers all the
                                   main DWP benefit changes that
n Further information              relate to COVID-19.
4                                                                                                                                             MEASSOCIATION.ORG.UK
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS

              THE COVERS
                  SPREAD OF THE VIRUS

There are now consistent                                               action is still needed to deal
indications from the daily                                             with employers who are not
government statistics on new                                           taking measures that help
cases and deaths, and from                                             to ensure employees are
the bed occupancy figures                                              not working closer than six
all round the UK (which are                                            feet (two metres) apart and
falling) that we are well past                                         are receiving appropriate
the peak and approaching a                                             protective equipment.
situation where there is a very                                        New research from America
low level of infection out in the                                      suggests that to be perfectly
community.                                                             safe the space between
As a result there will continue     n As of Wednesday 17th June        people should be more than
to be a progressive easing          2020, a total of 298,136 people    six feet (two metres). On a
of all lockdown measures -          have tested positive for the       personal basis, I am now trying
certainly for some healthy          virus and 41,969 people in         to keep my distance to nearer
groups in the population, and       the UK who tested positive for     twelve feet (four metres)
for certain occupations and         coronavirus (COVID-19) have        wherever possible.
businesses.                         died.                              News item:
However, for people with ME/        Source: UK Government:             The ‘Two
CFS, social distancing and        metres not enough’ when
isolation is going to have          Although the situation has         social distancing: https://
to remain for many months           been very serious in France,
to come - until a vaccine           Germany, Italy and parts of the    Academic paper in Journal of
is developed (probable), a          USA, the numbers of new cases      American Medical Association:
successful antiviral treatment      are all now falling to very low
has been found (possible) or        levels.
what is called herd immunity                                           Turbulent Gas Clouds and
                                    People who are vulnerable,         Respiratory Pathogen Emissions:
has occurred (ie a large
                                    including anyone with ME/          Potential Implications for
number of people are now
                                    CFS, should try to stay at home    Reducing Transmission of
immune to the infection) and
                                    except for:                        COVID-19.
the virus can no longer spread
effectively.                        n Shopping for essential items
                                    such as food and medicines
                                    n A walk or some form of daily
                                    n Medical appointments
                                    n Travel to work/school if you
                                    are able to do so
                                    You should also ensure that you
                                    are at least six feet (2 metres)
                                    apart from anyone outside of
                                    your household.
                                    Source: NHS Choices:
                                    Judging from feedback to
                                    the MEA Facebook page

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Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS

                      HYGIENE                                           TESTING FOR THE VIRUS

                                   n As we explain in the main          Following a very unsatisfactory
                                   website summary, the virus           initial approach to testing, it
                                   can remain active on many            does now appear that testing
                                   different types of surface. If       for evidence of current viral
                                   you are going supermarket            infection (the antigen test) is
                                   shopping for example, one            being rapidly increased with a
                                   high risk item is that large         Government aim of performing
                                   numbers of people are                100,000 tests per day. This should
                                   touching trolley handles. Some       mean that health and other key
                                   supermarkets are wiping down         workers will know if they have the
                                   handles before issuing them to       virus. They will also know when
The two key points on reducing     customers, but it is still worth     they are no longer infective and
the risk of catching the virus     using your own alcohol-based         can go back to work.
remain the same:                   sanitizer to wipe the handle
                                                                        However, problems do remain
n Avoid touching any surface       down before use.
                                                                        in finding an antibody test that
that other people have been
                                                                        is sufficiently reliable for the
touching. Always wash your
hands, fingers and wrists in
                                   VACCINE                              purpose of identifying people

soap and hot water for at least    DEVELOPMENT                          who have had the infection
                                                                        in the past and one that is not
20 seconds after touching
                                                                        producing false positive results.
any surfaces that could have
                                   Scientists in Oxford and             Anyone who has symptoms that
the virus on them. Soap and
                                   Imperial College London have         are suggestive of COVID-19
water is more effective than
                                   made really rapid progress in
sanitizers. This is because the                                         should now be able to have a
                                   developing a vaccine and
virus is protected by a thin                                            test.
                                   clinical trials have now started.
outer layer of fat. Soap causes
                                   The Oxford trial will take 1000
this fat layer to disintegrate
                                   people and split them into           GENERAL
and the virus then decays.
                                   two equal groups - one group         MANAGEMENT
n Do not touch your face,          being given the vaccine, the
eyes or mouth with your fingers    other group receiving another
– especially when you have         vaccine. They will then be           As many people are no longer
been touching surfaces that        followed up and asked to report      going outside in the sunshine,
could be infected.                 if they develop any symptoms         or only doing so for short
                                   suggestive of Cv19 and tested        periods, the risk of vitamin D
In addition to the very detailed
                                   for the virus. If the Cv19 vaccine   deficiency is increasing. So new
guidance on hand and
                                   group are not catching the           advice is for everyone to take
respiratory hygiene in section
                                   infection and the other group        a daily 10 microgram vitamin D
E of our main website summary
                                   are this will be a good indicator    supplement.
here are two more tips on this
                                   of efficacy. The researchers will    People with ME/CFS are already
vital aspect of preventing you
                                   also want to make sure that the      at risk of vitamin D deficiency -
catching Cv19:
                                   vaccine is safe.                     so this is sound advice. Vitamin
n Careful hand washing is, not
                                   All this will take time - at least   D is also essential for bone and
surprisingly, leading to some
                                   six months. The results will then    muscle health. We have an MEA
people having dry cracked skin
                                   have to be analysed and              information leaflet covering
– which is another risk factor
                                   manufacture of the vaccine           vitamin D symptoms, prevention
as the virus can hide in small
                                   started up. So a vaccine is not      and treatment of deficiency.
skin cracks. Use a good hand
                                   an immediate solution.
moisturizer after washing and                                           Helpful links: https://tinyurl.
drying hands to keep the skin      This is a helpful news link:         com/ybjmfubh and https://
6                                                                                    MEASSOCIATION.ORG.UK
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS

 CORONAVIRUS                                                                for many people, home delivery
                                                                            and supermarket access remains
The advice here remains the same                                            problematic.
in that people with symptoms,                                               It’s worth noting that there
or suspected symptoms, should                                               are now a huge number of
contact NHS 111 for further                                                 community volunteer groups
advice:                                                                     being set up all around the
NHS Coronavirus: Advice for                                                 country who can provide
everyone:                                              volunteers to do shopping,
vccz7ux                                                                     collect prescriptions etc. – we
                                                                            now have a very active one
n There is now a specific NHS
                                                                            with over 100 volunteers in the
111 Coronavirus online service
                                                                            Cotswold village where I live.
should you develop symptoms.            Concerns about the delivery of
This helps the NHS monitor              food and medicine to people         Some local councils are also
occurrences and should help             who are confined to their homes     coordinating aid and some local
you to determine if you are likely      – the vulnerable and extremely      shops who don’t normally deliver
to have the coronavirus: https://       vulnerable – are still a major      are now offering delivery.                    cause for concern.                  ME Charities and MPs send letter
Do not go to your GP surgery or         The ME Association, along with      to supermarkets asking for more
local hospital. Your GP can speak       our charity colleagues in Forward   support for people with M.E:
to you on the phone. If symptoms        ME, have sent a letter to the
worsen, especially if you become        Government and the main             Jo Moss – who has severe M.E. –
short of breath, have rapid             supermarkets, to express our        has written a fantastic blog with
breathing, or are drowsy, or            deep concerns and requesting        tips for those who are struggling
develop a very high temperature,        urgent action to help those         with supermarket home
you must get in contact again           most in need. We are awaiting a     deliveries:
with either your GP or NHS 111 –        response.                           ya88stnj
as hospital admission may then
be necessary.                           Some people are now able            If you are having problems
                                        to access home delivery slots       persuading a supermarket that
Finally, there are further reports to
                                        or click and collect slots via      ME/CFS is a vulnerable illness
indicate that loss or taste of smell
                                        supermarkets online - especially    and deserving of home delivery
is an important symptom of Cv19
                                        if you let the supermarket know     etc. you can make use of the
and can be one of the initial signs
                                        you are vulnerable, or extremely    MEA statement and a new ‘to
of infection. Some people are, not
                                        vulnerable, or are a regular user   whom it may concern letter’ on
surprisingly, losing several kgs of
                                        of the service and pay monthly      vulnerability.
weight during the active infection
                                        for a delivery option.
stage.                                                                      More information:
                                        Most supermarkets are now
A more detailed summary of                                                  Which magazine on supermarket
                                        opening specifically for
symptoms can be found in section                                            shopping:
                                        vulnerable people, and those
B of the main summary.                                                      yc73rds3
                                        that care or support them,
                                        during special times each week.     Comprehensive list of community
                                        Check supermarket websites for      support groups: https://tinyurl.
                                        more information. If you need       com/yc5uuj4p
                                        someone to shop for you, these
                                                                            This website covers offering
                                        might offer a good option.
                                                                            and requesting help within
                                        So, there are signs that things     a neighbourhood: https://
                                        might be improving. However,
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Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS

                  COVERSTHE VULNERABLE

The two lists produced by                                                One of the categories in the
the government have,                                                     extremely vulnerable list is:
not surprisingly, caused some
                                                                         “People on immunosuppression
confusion.                                                               therapies sufficient to
VULNERABLE                                                               significantly increase risk of
As we have made clear all
along in our main website                                                It could be worth speaking
summaries, people with ME/                                               to your GP to see if they think
CFS should be regarded                                                   given your personal situation,
as vulnerable in relation to                                             you are at increased risk of
coronavirus infection.                                                   infection.

This is because there is a strong                                        NICE reference: Postural
risk that they will suffer a                                             hypotension in adults:
significant exacerbation of ME/     the extremely vulnerable list,       fludrocortisone: summary of
CFS symptoms, or a relapse, if      you will be at very high-risk of     possible benefits and harms:
they catch the virus.               developing serious respiratory
                                    complications from the
n If you are having problems
persuading a medical
                                    infection.                           EMPLOYMENT
professional, employer or           If this is the case, then register
supermarket that ME/CFS             as an extremely vulnerable           We are receiving an increasing
is a vulnerable illness and         person by visiting this              number of queries relating to
deserving of additional             Government website: https://         employment issues. As a result,
consideration you can make You will        we have produced a separate
use of the MEA statement            be entitled to additional help       and more detailed guide to
and the new ‘to whom it may         and support – including home         employment, coronavirus and
concern letter’ on vulnerability.   delivery of shopping and             ME/CFS.
                                    medications if you need them.        This can be accessed here:
Anyone with a chronic
neurological condition, or          You should also be practicing        The ME Association: Key Points
another condition on the            shielding measures and               on Employment, ME/CFS and the
vulnerable list, or because of      avoiding all contact with other      Coronavirus:
their age, should be practicing     people for 12 weeks from the         ya3zhvuj
stringent social distancing         date you receive your letter
                                    from NHS England (if you didn’t      If you are having problems in
                                    receive a letter by 30 March         persuading an employer that
Govt. Guidance on social                                                 ME/CFS is a vulnerable illness
                                    you are advised to contact
distancing measures and                                                  you can make use of the MEA
                                    your GP surgery).
vulnerable list: https://tinyurl.                                        statement and a new ‘to
com/t6ssvqa                         Govt. Guidance on shielding          whom it may concern letter’ on
                                    and extremely vulnerable list:       vulnerability.
ME/CFS is not included as
                                    Please note that if you are
a specific condition in the
                                    taking the drug fludrocortisone
second Government list of
                                    for Postural Orthostatic
people who are regarded as
                                    Tachycardia Syndrome (PoTS),
being extremely vulnerable.
                                    which helps to increase blood
However, if you have another        volume, this drug can cause
medical condition that is on        immune system depression.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) - 13 November 2020 New information inside - The ME Association
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS


                                     could be a simple and reliable
                                     way of tracking the amount
                                     of infection in the general
                                     FDA announcement on
                                     FMTs: Fecal Microbiota for
                                     Transplantation: Safety Alert
                                     - Regarding Additional Safety
                                     Protections Pertaining to SARS-
Research that is being funded        CoV-2 and COVID-19: https://       CAN PETS TRANSMIT
through the MEA Ramsay                    THE INFECTION?
Research Fund is continuing
                                     We are in contact with all
where possible.                                                         The view from the veterinary
                                     the research groups that we
I am chairing or attending                                              experts is that humans are
                                     fund where patient contact
regular virtual meetings for the                                        unlikely to catch the virus from
                                     is involved and are discussing
ME Biobank and the ME/CFS                                               pets and pets cannot catch the
                                     how this affects the progress of
Research Collaborative                                                  virus from humans.
                                     their research.
The ME Biobank is continuing                                            However, this is another area
                                                                        of scientific uncertainty and to
to operate at the Royal Free         PROGRESS ON THE                    err on the side of caution, you
Hospital, but no patient contact     NEW NICE CLINICAL                  should avoid touching cats
is being made in relation to new
blood sample collection.
                                     GUIDELINE ON ME/CFS                and dogs that belong to other
                                                                        people (because the virus can
The MEA is funding a new                                                persist on animal fur), and avoid
                                     NICE has decided to halt all
research study involving                                                your own pets licking you!
                                     further work on the guideline
cardiopulmonary exercise
                                     because many of the clinical       There is also a report of tigers
testing at the University of
                                     staff on the committee (myself     in Bronx Zoo in America having
Leicester - although it remains
                                     included) are heavily involved     the infection – possibly from a
uncertain when this can
                                     with our duties in relation to     zookeeper.
commence as it will involve
                                     coronavirus. However, work         Government Guidance: Advice
patient recruitment. More
information can be found in the      is now resuming with working       for people with animals: https://
MEA website May news archive.        groups on specific topics
                                     meeting in June and the full
A new warning from the FDA           committee meeting again in
about the potential dangers          July.                                  DID YOU KNOW?
associated with coronavirus
and faecal microbiome                My personal view is that we may            NHS 111
transplants (FMTs) illustrates how   not be able to meet the current
                                                                          IS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE
this infection is going to have      target of publishing the new
                                                                         AND OVER 30,000 PEOPLE USE
an impact on research activity       NICE guideline in December 2020
                                                                                IT EVERY DAY!
relating to ME/CFS, especially       and a more realistic date might
                                     be Spring 2021.
any studies that require patient
                                     NICE has also been contacted
Some interesting new research        about guidance on how people
from Australia, which links to       with serious pre-existing health
the presence of the virus in         problems should be managed
human faeces, is indicating          if they have to be admitted
that monitoring the level of         to hospital with coronavirus
coronavirus in sewage works          infection.
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Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS

 OF TREATMENT                    CFS DO IF THEY CATCH CV19?

As noted in the full website
summary, several experimental                                      FACE MASKS
treatments are now being
assessed and clinical trials
                                                                   There is a great deal of debate
completed examining three
                                                                   in the media about the value
                                                                   of wearing disposable or home-
The UK Recovery Trial is                                           made face masks.
currently evaluating HIV drugs
                                                                   Most doctors agree that these sort
lopinavir/ritonavir as well as
                                 Not surprisingly, we are now      of non medical face masks can
anti-inflammatory steroid
                                 starting to receive occasional    provide some protection when
dexamethasone and anti-
                                 reports from people with ME/      it comes to the person wearing
malarial hydroxychloroquine.
                                 CFS who are making a slow         the mask and the spread of any
“Said to be the largest of its                                     respiratory infection they may
                                 recovery and/or experiencing
kind in the world, the study                                       have. But these sort of cheap
                                 a significant exacerbation of
is being conducted by the                                          masks provide very little protection
                                 their ME/CFS symptoms after
University of Oxford at more                                       to the person wearing the mask
                                 catching Cv19.
than 130 NHS hospitals across                                      when it comes to prevention
the country.”                    People with ME/CFS have been      of viral droplets from someone
                                 describing their experiences of   else who is coughing or sneezing
Large-scale trial for
                                 COVID-19 infection in several     entering their mouth or nose. They
coronavirus drugs launches
in UK:      discussions on MEA Facebook.      may even be counter-productive
y9h88hp9                         On a more positive note, I        in that they become moist and
                                 am not currently aware of         trap viral particles during the day.
Preliminary results indicate     anyone with ME/CFS who has
that dexamethasone could                                           People also end up touching their
                                 been admitted to hospital with
be a real breakthrough in                                          face to fiddle with the mask and
                                 severe respiratory problems.
the treatment of COVID-19                                          don’t properly clean them before
for people in hospital who       In our current state of           they are used again.
have severe respiratory          knowledge we don’t know
                                                                   In current circumstances NHS staff
complications:                   with any certainty whether
                                                                   need all the high grade medical
                                 people with ME/CFS are more
The Guardian: Coronavirus                                          face and eye masks and visors
                                 susceptible to catching Cv19      that do provide a high level of
survivors’ blood plasma could
                                 as a result of their immune       personal protection from the
be used to fight infection:
                                 system dysfunction, which         virus. The situation may therefore
                                 includes low level immune         change when these sort of masks
                                 system activation, and whether    can be purchased by the public.
                                 they are more vulnerable to
                                 developing the more serious       To help prevent the spread of
                                 respiratory complications.        infection many shops are now
                                                                   asking people to wear a face
                                 What is becoming increasingly     mask and wearing a mask
                                 clear is that people with ME/                        on public
                                 CFS will probably develop an                         transport in
                                 exacerbation of symptoms,                            England is now
                                 or a relapse of symptoms –                           compulsory
                                 because a new and significant                        - unless
                                 infective episode is a common                        you have
                                 cause of exacerbation/relapse                        a medical
                                 in ME/CFS.                                           exemption.
10                                                                              MEASSOCIATION.ORG.UK
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS

                   COVERS HEALTHY PEOPLE DO IF

I am aware, through personal        develop prolonged fatigue, or     sleep or increased sleep
and media reports, of of an         a fatigue syndrome following      (hypersomnia),
increasing number of previously     Cv19 infection, e.g:
                                                                      n Returning to the GP if new
healthy people who are now
                                    “One possible route here          symptoms develop, or a fever
experiencing what could be a
                                    would be to make use of           or chest symptoms continue, or
post-infection fatigue syndrome                                       get worse.
following Cv19 infection.           the baseline information
                                     on people who already            Health and care professionals
This is not surprising given                                          often carry on working when
that fatigue is often a very         have clinical data and
                                                                      they are ill but in this case, they
prominent symptom of this             blood samples stored
                                                                      (and everyone else) should
infection and there are some          at the UK Biobank but           avoid any pressure to return to
good epidemiological studies          did not have PVFS or            work until they feel that they
(i.e. the Dubbo research that         ME/CFS at the time of           are fully capable of doing so.
Ian Hickie et al. carried out in
                                     enrolment and then go            Two further items of interest
Australia) to show that post-
                                    on to develop prolonged           involve research from South
infection fatigue can affect
around 10% or people in this           fatigue, or a fatigue          Africa which indicates that
sort of situation.                  syndrome following Cv19           having had a BCG vaccination
                                            infection”                in the past (to protect from
Dubbo reference: Post-infective                                       TB) may help to reduce the
and chronic fatigue syndromes       Dr Shepherd was interviewed       severity of the Cv19 infection.
precipitated by viral and non-      for The New Scientist recently:
                                    Could the coronavirus trigger     And there is growing evidence
viral pathogens: prospective
                                    post-viral fatigue syndrome?:     to indicate that older people
cohort study: https://tinyurl.
                                who go on to develop
                                                                      more serious respiratory
As to how research might be         As far as management is           complications after a few
carried out to investigate what     concerned, the guidance is        days may be experiencing an
is happening to people after        fairly similar when it comes      overactive immune system/
the acute infection is over, this   to people with ME/CFS who         inflammatory response to the
was discussed at the recent         experience an exacerbation or     virus. This could be linked to
ME Biobank Steering Group           relapse, and previously healthy   the way in which they may
meeting (as there are plenty of     people who are not getting        have been in contact with
epidemiologists at the London       better after 7 to 10 days and     other coronavirus infections
School of Hygiene and Tropical      go on to develop symptoms         in the past, have developed
Medicine – some of whom are         suggestive of a post viral        antibodies, and are now
looking at Cv19) and at the last    fatigue syndrome.                 producing an overactive
CMRC Board meeting – where          The basics being:                 immune system response.
Prof Chris Ponting is taking a
special interest.                   n Old fashioned
                                    convalescence involving very
One possible route here would       careful pacing of physical and
be to make use of the baseline      mental activities,
information on people who
                                    n Attention to good nutrition –
already have clinical data and
                                    as some people with Cv19 are
blood samples stored at the
                                    experiencing weight loss,
UK Biobank but did not have
PVFS or ME/CFS at the time of       n Good sleep management in
enrollment and then go on to        relation to either unrefreshing
MEASSOCIATION.ORG.UK                                                                                   11
Coronavirus (COVID-19/Cv19) and ME/CFS


Hospital staff across many        appointments. So, it looks as
disciplines have been retrained   though these ME/CFS services
to work in other wards,           will be operating with very
including the care of Cv19        limited capacity for at least the
patients, and this applies to     next three months.
those working in the ME/CFS
                                  If you have an urgent query
specialist clinics.
                                  it is still worth contacting
As a result, some ME/             the service to see if there
CFS referral services have        is someone available who
reduced their level of service    can provide information or
or cancelled outpatient           guidance over the phone.


If you are keen to keep up with the latest         It continues to be an incredibly busy time for
developments, it’s worth watching the daily        your charity and we’re doing all we can to help
Downing Street News Conference that takes          address the many concerns that are reaching
place at 5pm each day and is broadcast live        us. Responses may be delayed, but we will get
on the BBC news channel.                           back to you as soon as we possibly can.
We will also continue to do our very best to       Please take care. Stay at home and stay safe.
keep you informed through MEA website and
social media announcements.

 ME ASSOCIATION WORKING                             PVF AND PVFS
                                                   We have a new MEA information leaflet
                                                   covering the diagnosis and management of
 We issued a statement to provide information
                                                   Cv19 PVF and PVFS. This is now available as a
 on all aspects of our work and the services
                                                   free website download.
 we provide. Almost all key activities are
 continuing as normal – the main change
 being that we have now closed Head Office
 in Buckingham and office staff are now
 working from home.
 The main impact here is that we will not be
 able to send out any paper literature, purple
 books, or merchandise from the office for the
 foreseeable future. ME Connect – the MEA
 telephone helpline – remains operational,
 seven days a week, for information and
 ME Association statement:
 The ME Association and Coronavirus: New
 working arrangements:

12                                                                             MEASSOCIATION.ORG.UK
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