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4 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 5 Foreword The Euro-Mediterranean region has one of the youngest popula- tions in the world, with one in every three people being younger than 25 years old, and with this number reaching almost half of the population for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Moreover, youth are among the most vulnerable groups in the face of the pressing challenges our Mare Nostrum has been facing in the last decades, mainly the issues of unemployment and gender equality, which have been exacerbated with the Covid-19 pandemic, but also migration, radicalization and violent extremism. Climate change and sustainable development represent also major challenges for the new generations, as the future of the region is at stake. Nevertheless, the daily achievements of millions of Mediterranean young people continue to be remarkable. They represent, in the South and in the North, one of the best assets of the region, and its greatest potential to address the root causes of the challenges we are facing. Euro-Mediterranean youth constitute our common hope, future, aspiration and Youth should therefore be given prominence in policy-making across Euro-Mediterranean countries; not only as objects of these policies commitment. Only together can we build Nasser Kamel Secretary General but as partners in the discussions and full actors in the promotion of inclusive and sustainable development in the region. a better future for our youth and better of the Union for the Mediterranean societies in our region. In this sense, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) has placed young people at the heart of its action, focusing on empowering and engaging them as agents for positive change. The UfM Youth John Paul Grech, Strategy 2030 is a milestone that comes as a targeted response to the call of the 42 UfM Ministers of Foreign Affairs, at the 2nd UfM Deputy Secretary General Regional Forum, to launch a ´Positive Agenda for Youth in the Med- of the UfM for Social and Civil Affairs iterranean´. This Strategy is fully in line with UN Youth 2030 and the EU Youth Strategy. In this framework, the UfM will continue to support and mobilize youth in its main areas of action, cognizant of the fact that in addition to introducing fresh and alternative perspectives, they have direct knowledge and insights into the issues they continue to be at the forefront of. The success of this Strategy and its Action Plan that will follow, is based on the conviction that we must act with, and not only for, youth, in view of promoting an effective regional cooperation with tangible impact on the ground. The UfM is fully committed to be a reliable partner in the quest to facilitate increased impact and expanded regional and country-level action to empower the Euro-Mediterranean youth in building an inclusive and sustainable future in the Mediterranean. Nasser Kamel Secretary General of the Union for the Mediterranean
6 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 7 Acknowledgement Table of Contents The UfM Co-Presidencies deserve foremost recognition for their Foreword........................................................................................... 5 unstinting commitment towards youth empowerment. Acknowledgement........................................................................ 6 The first drafts leading to the 2030 UfM Youth Strategy were originally developed by Deputy-Secretary General, Abdelkader EL KHISSASSI I. The Union for the Mediterranean....................................... 8 and former DSG, Ambassador Marisa FARRUGIA. II. General Context......................................................................... 9 An informal, shared taskforce within the UfM Secretariat as well as the Co-Presidencies proceeded with developing the original first III. The Global Vision....................................................................11 draft until its final phase. IV. The Mediterranean Vision................................................. 12 The preparatory guidelines towards it were established in 2017 V. Strategic Objectives and Priorities................................. 13 under the supervision of H.E. Fathallah Sijilmassi, former Secretary General of the UfM and his team. VI. Strategic Goals and Key Actions....................................15 H.E. Nasser Kamel, Secretary General of the UfM, deserves spe- VI.1. Youth and Sustainable Development........................16 cial acknowledgement for his own personal input in getting the a. Youth, Climate Action and Energy...............................................16 Strategy finalized. b. Youth and the Environment............................................................16 c. Youth and Urban and Rural Development................................18 A special recognition should also be reserved for the late Ms. Suzanne Kodsi – former Head of Sector, Political and Social development - Rela- VI.2. Youth and Human Development.................................19 tions with Regional Organizations & Regional Programmes, Neigh- a. Youth and Economic Development..............................................19 bourhood South, who firmly believed and supported this project. b. Youth and Education (including non-formal education) and Training....................................................................... 20 Special thanks are also due to Ms. Miriam Theuma, CEO, Malta National c. Youth and Social Inclusion and Participation......................... 20 Youth Agency, Government of Malta, for her significant contribution and revision of the draft Youth Strategy as well as to Ms. Meriem El VI. Monitoring, coordination, Hilali, former advisor within the UfM Secretariat in charge of Youth and capacity building.................................................................22 for the very first draft of the guidelines. VII. Conclusion...............................................................................23 Colleagues who worked within the UfM Secretariat between 2017 to 2021 all deserve acknowledgement. Acronyms........................................................................................25 The contribution of all UfM partners who participated in this exer- cise deserve due recognition: OECD, KAS, CMI, UNFPA, FAO, IEMED, MYF MED, FOMEJE, ERASMUS+, SCUOLA ITALIANA, NSC COE, RYCO, LAS, WYF, NTA, EYF, NYO Tunisia, WOSM, DYPALL. Since September 2021, H.E. Dr. John Paul GRECH, DSG, Social and Civil Affairs, and Ms. Fatima-Ezzahrae EL KBIRI, Partnership Spe- cialist, have been responsible for finalizing the Strategy and develop its Action Plan.
8 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 9 I. The Union for II. General Context the Mediterranean The Union for the Mediterranean recognizes that Furthermore, since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic young people are a source of creativity, innova- has aggravated pre-existing obstacles, and cre- tion, and positive change. If an enabling environ- ated new ones, that impede the inclusion of youth, ment is provided to facilitate their full participation particularly, young informal workers, and female in all aspects of society, young people can play an workers who are overrepresented in high-risk sec- important role in stimulating development, growth, tors. This is also experienced in several education societal wellbeing, as well as in fostering regional fields, where inequalities have been exacerbated. cooperation and integration. The main reasons for these high rates of unem- In the European Union (EU), young people under ployment are: scarce decent work opportunities, the age of 30 accounted for one third of the EU-27’s underemployment, poor quality education with population in 20191. In the southern Mediterranean high dropout rates, skills mismatches in the labour region, 48% are under the age of 302. Neverthe- market, and finally, the lack of institutional capac- less, they are facing serious and complex challenges ities and mechanisms that respond to the youth’s that prevent them from full access to their poten- needs and concerns. These key challenges have tial as agents of positive change and prevent them significantly exacerbated the phenomenon of brain from sustainable, human-centric development for drain in the region. the region according to the United Nations 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. Unemployment is not the only challenge for young Access to labor markets and integration remain people in the Euro-Mediterranean region. It is inter- key challenges. twined with other equally urgent and pressing obstacles that are related to access to higher In 2020, the European Union counted 15% of young education of good quality, mobility, environment, women and men (between 15 and 34 years old) who inclusive growth, economic development, and were neither in the labour force nor in education prevention of radicalization, hence, the need for or training.3 The rates in the Middle East and North a regional strategy and a coordinated action plan. Africa (MENA) are more alarming. Indeed, 25% 4 This should be further supported with the main- of young women and men (between the age of 15 streaming of youth in national policies. The Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) is an inter- Euro-Mediterranean youth and women, including and 24) are unemployed. It is one of the highest governmental organization which brings together the most vulnerable such as people with disabili- rates in the world. Youth in the Euro-Mediterranean region is also all the 27 countries of the European Union and 15 ties, in order to become agents of positive change closely concerned by other relevant topics, that fall countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediter- and partners of regional development, coopera- In addition, women are disproportionately affected under the UfM Mandates, such as climate action, ranean. The UfM´s mission is to enhance regional tion and dialogue. by this socio-economic burden with an unemploy- energy, rural and urban development, digitaliza- cooperation, dialogue and the implementation of ment rate of 8.8% compared to 7.9% among their tion and so on. projects and initiatives with tangible impact on the To achieve these objectives, the UfM adopts an male counterparts which continues to fuel the Euro-Mediterranean citizens, with an emphasis on action driven methodology that has three com- gender gap in the region5. young people and women. ponents: political fora, dialogue platforms and regional projects. Following the UfM mandate The integration of the Euro-Mediterranean youth and adopted methodology, the UfM strategies in the economic, social, and political spheres is are implemented at three levels: the UfM Sec- 1 Eurostat 2020, Being Young in Europe Today- Demographic trends: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Being_ paramount to the success of the UfM´s mission, retariat level, the member states´ level and the young_in_Europe_today_-_demographic_trends. 2 European Strategy and policy analysis system 2019, Global Trends to 2030: Challenges and choices for Europe: https://www.iss.europa.eu/ and particularly, the agenda of the Youth dossier. regional level. The three levels allow to pursue the sites/default/files/EUISSFiles/ESPAS_Report.pdf. The main strategic objectives of the Youth agenda regional common ambition of creating effective 3 Eurostat 2020, “Statistics on Young People Neither in Employment nor in Education or Training”: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ are: 1) the enhancement of economic, social, and links between the policy dimension and its oper- databrowser/view/edat_lfse_20/default/table?lang=en. Eurostat 2021, Unemployment statistics: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Unemployment_statistics#Youth_ civic participation of young people in order to ational translation into concrete projects and ini- 4 unemployment. build more fair, inclusive, prosperous and sustain- tiatives on the ground to adequately address the 5 Eurostat 2021, Unemployment statistics: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Unemployment_statistics#Youth_ able societies; 2) and the empowerment of the challenges of the region. unemployment.
10 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 11 The UfM Youth strategy aims to address the main challenges young people are facing in the region training, and (vi) social protection and inclusion of Euro-Mediterranean youth. III. The Global which are centred on human development, and sus- tainable development. The UfM is also committed It mainly aims to empower young people as essen- Vision to gender equality, women´s empowerment, and tial agents of positive change for the development combating all forms of violence against women and and stability of the region. To achieve these strategic girls as well as gender stereotypes. objectives, there is a need for a common regional agenda that proposes regional solutions that can The strategy intends to deal with these six priority be pursued by the UfM and its Member States in areas that are: (i) climate action and energy, (ii) coordination with their partners especially, inter- environment, (iii) urban and rural development, national youth-led and focused organisations, civil (iv) economic development and digitalisation, (v) society, think tanks, other international organisa- education (including non-formal education) and tions, and the private sector. The UfM, as an intergovernmental action-oriented with young women and men to achieve the stra- organisation, has accumulated years of experience tegic goals of the UfM that aim to foster human and and expertise in its areas of action since its incep- sustainable development, guarantee the achieve- tion in 2008 through the creation, support, and ment of gender equality, and enhance regional dia- promotion of initiatives and projects in the region logue and cooperation among its Member States that it will continue to reinforce through its Youth and partners from both shores. Strategy 2030. Moreover, the 2017 Roadmap for Action has paved the way for the UfM Secretariat To meet its strategic goals, the UfM has (co-)organ- to focus its efforts on youth employment, higher ised several events, supported many initiatives, education access, mobility, environment, inclusive and labelled different projects on youth-related growth, empowerment and prevention of radical- issues such as employment, research and educa- ization6. The UfM Youth Strategy also relies on the tion (including higher education mobility), skills EU 2020: A new Agenda for the Mediterranean, and employability, civil society, business develop- which recalls the necessity of paying particular ment, gender empowerment, climate action, inno- attention to the human dimension and opportu- vative careers, digital education and blue and green nities for young people. economy that targeted more than 100, 000 young women and men in the region. Consequently, many The UfM considers the Euro-Mediterranean youth tailor-made solutions and concrete actions have issues among its main priority areas of action. It been identified and established for future action. also opts for a close collaboration and partnership 6 UfM Secretariat 2017, “UfM Roadmap for Action: The Union for the Mediterranean: an Action-driven Organisation with a Common Ambition”: https://ufmsecretariat.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/UfM-Roadmap-for-action-2017.pdf
12 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 13 IV. The V. Strategic Mediterranean Objectives and Vision Priorities The Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the ences of Euro-Mediterranean youth and preserve The Union for the Mediterranean put youth at the The strategy will be implemented at three related, Mediterranean, July 2008, set out a strategic ambi- their fundamental rights. heart of all its action, focusing on empowering mutually supportive and interdependent levels: tion for the region, its people and its youth7. In addi- young women and men between the age of 18 and at UfM Secretariat level, Member State level and tion, the Marseille Declaration of November 2008 Solidarity 35 in the Euro-Mediterranean region, enhancing regional level, within each level’s limit, responsi- enhanced further the Paris Joint Declaration and Ensure active social, economic, and political par- their access to education, employability and skills, bility, competence and capacity, as follows: underlined the creation of an area of peace, sta- ticipation of the youth and solidarity among the employment, engaging them as full partners, giving bility, security and shared prosperity as well as fos- communities of the Euro-Mediterranean region. a strong impulse to youth engagement in areas of • The UfM Secretariat level - Mainstream youth tering social, economic, and political cooperation regional priority and tapping into their potential as and youth-related issues, undertake key actions in the region.8 Development agents for change and development. At the occasion for meeting strategic youth goals through Develop physical, intellectual, emotional capacities of the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process in actions and initiatives that include regional net- Drawing on the Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit and craft the skills and talents of young women and November 2020, the Co-Presidency Statement of works and platforms, international civil society for the Mediterranean, the Mediterranean vision men in order to fulfil their aspirations. the UfM Regional Forum highlighted that “efforts organisations and agencies, youth led organisa- of the UfM Youth Strategy 2030 is founded on an must be focused on the crucial employment chal- tions, educational organisations and institutions, understanding that And principles of: lenges, mainly for young people” and stressed “the think tanks, and regional private foundations. importance to fully involve the younger generations, “Europe and the Mediterranean countries Access to empower women and promote gender equality, • The Member States level - Mainstream are bound by history, geography and cul- Have access to quality education, training, employ- in terms of rights and opportunities” 10. youth and youth-related issues and under- ture. More importantly, they are united by ment and service, such as health, in particular take key actions for meeting strategic a common ambition: to build together a mental health therapy, which has increased The UfM Strategy aims to contribute to and sup- youth goals through national youth poli- future of peace, democracy, prosperity and during the COVID19 pandemic. port the achievement of the objectives of the United cies and youth-related policies, strategies, human, social and cultural understanding. Nations’ youth strategy Youth 2030 - Working action programmes and other initiatives. To achieve these common objectives, par- Inclusion with and for young people, the European Union ticipants agree to continue with renewed Include young people in economic, social, and Youth Strategy, Engaging, Connecting, Empow- • The international level - Support, coop- dynamism the quest for peace and coop- political spheres. ering (2019-2027), the Council of Europe’s Youth erate, and work with European Youth Strate- eration, to explore their joint problems and Sector Strategy 2030 - Engaging young people gies (in particular encouraging and promoting transform these good intentions into actions Diversity with the Council of Europe’s values, Cairo’s Min- all the actions planned for the European Year of in a renewed partnership for progress” 9 . Recognize and respect differences among young isterial Declaration on Strengthening the role of Youth 2022), the African Youth Charter, Arab people. Women in Society that was adopted by the UfM Youth Strategies, and the United Nations’ Youth In line with this strategic ambition, the UfM vision in 2017, and Anna Lindh Foundation´s strategy Strategy and Strategic Development Goals. for the future of young women and men of the Empowerment Working Together Towards 2025. Mediterranean is guided by the following values: Empower young women and men to become Drawing on the main UfM mandate, six priority self-reliant, responsible, and co-partners in deci- To achieve these strategic objectives, the UfM rec- areas have been identified by the UfM under over- Respect sion making and policy making. ognizes the importance of developing a coherent arching themes of Youth and Sustainable Develop- Guarantee the dignity and respect of all young strategy that would allow it to act in a coordinated ment and Youth and Human Development: women and men and their right to full social and Equality and flexible way with the Member States and its economic inclusion into society. Ensure equality between every young woman and partners. Consequently, the strategy will coordi- man. nate the actions of the UfM in the youth sector and Recognition identify priority actions needed for 2021-2030. It Recognize the shared beliefs, culture, and experi- also aims to help the Member States to define col- lectively the actions that need to be taken. 7 UfM Secretariat 2008, “Joint Declaration of the Paris Summit for the Mediterranean.”: https://ufmsecretariat.org/wp-content/ uploads/2015/10/ufm_paris_declaration1.pdf. 8 UfM Secretariat 2008, “Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Conference.” 9 UfM, “Joint Paris Declaration” 10 https://ufmsecretariat.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Co-Presidency-Statement-V-UfM-Regional-Forum.pdf
14 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 15 VI. Strategic Goals and Key Actions Achieving strategic youth goals Youth and Youth and Sustainable Human Development Development • Youth, Climate Action • Youth, Economic and Energy Development and • Youth and the Digitalisation Environment • Youth ,Education and • Youth and Urban and Training Following the recommendations of several events, The outlined key actions may need to be further fora, meetings and workshops organized by the developed, re-orientated, revised, or expanded Rural Development • Youth, Social Inclusion, various divisions within the UfM, and its partners in light of evolving or unforeseen circumstances and Participation between 2017 and 2020, especially those related over the timeframe of the strategy. A detailed to the youth sector, the UfM has decided to focus and targeted Action Plan will follow the adoption its activities, initially, on the following key actions of the Strategy. in order to achieve its strategic youth goals in the six priority areas mentioned before.
16 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 17 VI.1. Youth and Sustainable Development a. Youth, Climate Action and Energy - digitalization and create opportunities for envi- 2. Engage young people in promoting and ment focusing on the Water, Energy, Food and Strategic Youth Goal ronmentally friendly action; adopting sustainable behaviours and lifestyles Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus and Water, Employ- 7. Mainstream youth-related issues in climate as key components of the wider UfM contri- ment and Migration (WEM) Nexus; Ensure that young people are aware and informed action and energy policies through the collabo- bution to sustainable consumption and pro- 14. Promote water diplomacy and the role of of climate action and energy challenges, that their ration and cooperation with UfM, regional, Euro- duction; women and wider gender aspects; views and concerns are taken into account through pean, and international agencies and bodies; 3. Address the cross-sectorial nature of environ- 15. Continue supporting UfM joint endeavour consultations and participatory decision making 8. Provide support for existing platforms of youth mental challenges to foster growth and job cre- with the Centre for Mediterranean Integra- processes, when formulating policies and that they organisations working on climate and energy ation in line with a sustainable future, making tion (CMI) and other actors including Interna- are encouraged, supported and facilitated to take (REEE) solutions; the best use of innovation and digitalization; tional Centre for Water Management Services appropriate actions in the field through initiatives 9. Form and support, when already existing, 4. Promote the implementation of environmental (CEWAS), KAS-Remena on Youth and Water: and activities that concern youth. regional networks (such as Mediterranean policies that contribute to sustainable devel- supporting the flagship Mediterranean Youth Youth Climate Network (MYCN)) and link opment, poverty eradication, and social and for Water(MEDYWAT) also to elaborate efforts Key Actions prominent youth initiatives across the region; economic inclusion of young people, taking toward creating an intersectoral platform to 10. Ensure the meaningful involvement of civil into consideration young people’s engagement boost entrepreneurial on water and water 1. Engage and involve young people in climate society and youth-led organisations in the deci- through a participatory approach; related themes such as Entre-Med to foster action, climate resilience and Renewable Energy sion making processes; 5. Support young people’s participation in envi- entrepreneurial on water aspects (aligned with and Energy Efficiency (REEE) planning, imple- 11. Support young people access to leadership ronmental matters by focusing on the role of the UfM Water Agenda’s objectives); mentation and governance; positions in the climate, energy and environ- non-formal education; 16. Enhance capacity of young people on Inte- 2. Address and raise awareness among young mental sectors; 6. Promote and support youth engagement and grated Water Resources Management (IWRM) people on climate change and energy issues, 12. Support education programs/trainings related participation in environmental action and policy and Water and Climate finance; assess their socio-economic impacts, mainly to climate action challenges at different levels making; and promote youth led related initi- 17. Accelerate entrepreneurship with a focus on regional energy insecurity, and involve the of education (schools; higher education); atives; technology-based start-ups, start-ups that are youth, civil society, and decision makers in 13. Integrate gender perspective into climate policy 7. Equip young people with relevant skills and focused on agricultural production, and inno- a regional policy dialogue on cross-cutting and action and include the knowledge, needs training to promote sustainable tourism vations in businesses that recycle waste and/ issues related to climate and energy such as and capacities of young women and facilitate through the cooperation with the relevant or conserve natural resources, like water for the improvement of regional energy efficiency their participation at all levels of action; partners; agricultural production; and the implementation of local solutions; 14. Favour youth initiatives in innovative sustain- 8. Mainstream youth and youth-related issues in 18. Promote the role of systems thinking and 3. Support the Euro-Mediterranean young people able business models and actors. environmental policies through the collabora- understanding the interconnections between to acquire the necessary skills in order to inte- tion and cooperation with European, regional, water and other interconnected sectors as grate the green and circular economy, imple- b. Youth and the Environment - and international agencies and bodies; an important skill set for entering the water ment solutions for clean energy, and contribute Strategic Youth Goal 9. Support the development of youth-related sector job market; to achieve a dynamic energy policy in the region projects and initiatives in water and environ- 19. Support online training opportunities that through entrepreneurship and the creation of Ensure that young people are informed and aware mental sectors; help develop the skills required for youth in smart, green and blue jobs; of environmental challenges, including in the areas 10. Reinforce the role of youth in fighting deserti- the water sector; 4. Support the involvement of the Euro-Medi- of biodiversity, pollution and resource efficiency, and fication and deforestation in the region, pro- 20. Encourage non-traditional skills for entering the terranean young people as active agents and that their views and concerns are taken into account mote sustainable food systems, ecosystems job market to include leadership and creativity; partners in combating the effects of climate when formulating policies and that opportunities restoration and nature-based overall solutions; 21. Foster volunteering and community engage- change and increasing climate resilience; for environmentally friendly action and employment 11. Integrate gender perspective into environ- ment important to encourage youth who are 5. Support the involvement of young researchers are made available to them. mental policies and actions, and facilitate their building the required water sector job skills; in existing scientific and research programs and participation at all levels of action and a focus 22. Develop capacity building workshops that can initiatives as well as their integration in existing Key Actions on knowledge, needs and capacities of young be replicated on the themes highlighted in regional/global networks such as Mediterra- women; the survey results including systems thinking, nean Experts on Climate and environmental 1. Promote and increase employment oppor- 12. Empower the youth to act as agents of change, sustainable development, leadership, entre- Change (MedECC); tunities related to green and blue growth for as part of the solution, in environmental issues; preneurship development, the Water-Ener- 6. Mobilise young people through innovation and young people; 13. Foster youth engagement in the water employ- gy-Food Nexus, and digital skills;
18 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 19 23. Build partnerships between water and youth organizations in the region and others globally access to cultural activities, expansion of dig- ital services in rural areas, etc; VI.2. Youth to facilitate knowledge exchange and transfer; and 2. Improve inclusive, multimodal and sustainable transport for all and mainstream youth related and Human 24. Research and gap analysis of worldwide and Mediterranean specific. 3. issues in policies on inclusive and accessible mobility; Address the needs of young people and inte- Development c. Youth and Urban and Rural Development grate them in policy conception, implementa- - Strategic Youth Goal tion, and evaluation through the consultation of a representative advisory board, and the Ensure that the interests of young people are taken organisation of workshops to foster their par- into account in policies, programmes and initia- ticipation in shaping the public space and the tives for sustainable urban and rural development urban environment; and that the issues of displacement and migration 4. Mainstream youth, youth related issues, and of young people is actively tackled. gender specific challenges in urban and rural development policies through the collabora- a. Youth and Economic Development - iterranean Youth Prize aimed at promoting Key Actions tion, cooperation, and dialogue with European, Strategic Youth Goal the best initiatives, new ideas and initiatives regional and international agencies and bodies; of youth associations; 1. Reinforce sustainable and inclusive urban 5. Promote the specific needs of young women Strengthen and enhance decent job creation 8. Organize projects and events for young people development through regional activities, pro- in urban and in rural areas; and employment opportunities for young people on the role of innovation and decent job crea- jects, and initiatives that produce positive 6. Identify sustainable and concrete solutions to (including apprenticeships), support them in devel- tion in the key green and blue sectors; socio-economic impact on the life of young reduce the negative impact of urban and rural oping their employability with skills-base, par- 9. Continue supporting initiatives and projects people such as expansion of green urban areas, displacement on young people. ticularly their entrepreneurial and ICT skills, and implementing solutions that enable young address the particular needs of young people not people not in employment, education or in employment, education or training, accounting training to integrate the labour market and for the diverse needs of vulnerable youth. society, including through enhanced cooper- ation between public employment services, Key Actions training institutions and the private sector and employers; 1. Contribute effectively in all the phases of Nation 10. Focus on jobs of the future to prepare young Strategies to ensure the inclusion of youth. people for new employment opportunities in 2. Support capacity building of National Author- the coming decade, with a specific focus on ities and Government to improve the access the green and digital transition; and quality of services to NEETs. Support young 11. Promote digital literacy and skills development entrepreneurs and MSMEs managed by young through Information and Communication Tech- people with capacity-building programmes, nologies (ICT) education for all young people; networking and business development oppor- 12. Open up new prospects for cross-border tunities; employment and education opportunities for 3. Promote and support innovative young entre- young people through the ICT development preneurs, including entrepreneurial opportu- and exchange and transfer of knowledge; nities yielded by the social economy; 13. Continue to support regional youth focused 4. Contribute to reducing the number of young training programmes that involve ICT training; people not in employment, education or training 14. Encourage the collaboration between the pri- (NEETs); vate sector and youth associations; Foster 5. Provide financial support for youth-led organ- women entrepreneurship by providing mentor- isations to lead initiatives aimed at advancing ship as well as opportunities for young people; entrepreneurship, innovation and decent job 15. Promote training and social entrepreneurship creation (i.e. through entrepreneurship hubs, practices that stimulate the development of training, etc.); territories and job creation at the local level 6. Promote quality and effective apprenticeships, and support the establishment of an inclusive thus contributing to a speedy labour market exchange programme for social entrepreneurs recovery; in order to harness entrepreneurial skills with 7. Support the establishment of a Euro-Med- an inclusive impact in the Mediterranean.
20 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 21 b. Youth and Education (including non- 11. Enhance academic mobility for young people 8. Invest in young people as volunteers, com- 11. Establish ‘Euro-Mediterranean Youth Advisory formal education) and Training - throughout the region; munity activists as agents of change in their board’ to integrate youth’s knowledge, per- Strategic Youth Goal 12. Encourage girls’ access into Science, Tech- communities; spectives, and concerns at all levels of action nology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) 9. Enhance youth participation in gender equality and advance their participation in policy con- Promote and support quality education, training, disciplines; initiatives; ception and decision-making process at the and lifelong learning for all young people, facili- 13. Promote internationalisation of education 10. Commit financial resources to support local and regional level. tate smooth transitions from education to working “at home”, prioritize tertiary education in the youth-led organisations in the region; life, and address the needs of early school leavers region, and stimulate policy debate about the and young people not in employment, education internationalisation of education in order to or training. mainstream it throughout the region; 14. Foster regional and bilateral cooperation that Key Actions strengthens R&D departments and units in edu- cational institutions and other relevant bodies 1. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality edu- in the Euro-Mediterranean region; cation and promote lifelong learning oppor- 15. Support the exchange of good practices and tunities through inter-sectorial training and the identification of joint projects on vocational webinars on transversal topics such as green education and training. Promote rural devel- and blue skills and support the empowerment opment through strengthening non-formal of young people in the social economy as poten- education for young people. tial entrepreneurs and job creators; 2. Support and facilitate alternative learning c. Youth and Social Inclusion and programmes for early school leavers and Participation - Strategic Youth Goal young people not in employment, education or training; Promote and strengthen young people’s potential 3. Support the capacity building of youth-led for active citizenship, the empowerment of young organisations and youth workers in the women, address the needs of vulnerable and at-risk Euro-Mediterranean region and partner with young people and combat extremism. them in order to reach disadvantaged young people; Key Actions 4. Provide support for youth-lead organisations to deliver non-formal education activities at a 1. Foster young people’s potential for local, regional and international levels; socio-economic stability and development in 5. Support greater links between upper secondary the region; vocational education and tertiary education to 2. Promote and support gender equality and the enhance employability of young people; empowerment of young women; 6. Promote and support e-learning and distance 3. Advance young people’s participation, in par- learning for young people; ticular young women, in decision making in 7. Support school-to-work transitions for young the field of peace and security, migration and people; in the prevention and resolution of social con- 8. Promote intercultural dialogue through edu- flicts, violence and extremism; cational, professional, cultural, and artistic 4. Support and facilitate young people in inter- exchange among the Euro-Mediterranean youth cultural dialogue, bridging potential cultural in collaboration with Anna Lindh Foundation; divides and combat extremism and all forms 9. Continue to support the Euro-Mediterranean of racism; University of Fez (UEMF), as a flagship project, 5. Support access to social and health services for the Euro-Mediterranean University of Slovenia young people’s sexual and reproductive health, (EMUNI) and the Eastern Mediterranean Inter- this will prevent radicalization and extremism; national School (EMIS); 6. Strengthen and provide support for disad- 10. Help increase the employability of students upon vantaged, disabled, and at-risk young people; graduation, for instance through increased 7. Strengthening young people’s civic and polit- Euro-Mediterranean traineeship opportuni- ical awareness, media literacy, and involve- ties, and yet help offer perspectives in coun- ment in disaster prevention, preparedness tries of origin to combat brain drain; and responses;
22 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 23 VI. Monitoring, VII. Conclusion coordination, and capacity building The UfM’s actions on these strategic goals will aim how it plans to further include young people to optimise and complement existing programmes in its activities, not just as beneficiaries, but as through consolidated or new initiatives, in close agents, actors and partners of the Euro-Mediter- cooperation with UfM Member States, international ranean regional mission. The UfM Secretariat will organisations and agencies, youth organisations, consolidate the involvement of youth and main- educational institutions and networks, research stream youth- related policy issues transversally centres, civil society, think tanks and regional through its six sectors. Thus, the UfM Secretariat foundations. The UfM Secretariat will continue to will: be closely involved in the preparation of regional and international youth processes related to the 1. Consolidate youth networks on key themes for Mediterranean region. regional integration; 2. Ensure the active `participation of young people Acknowledging that the UfM methodology offers in the different UfM regional actions and net- great opportunities to help young people to con- works; nect regionally, the UfM Secretariat will provide 3. Mainstream the youth dimension at all levels additional support for the active engagement and of action; participation of young people through networking 4. Provide support and structural funding for events and support active groups and partners in youth networks; each policy field. 5. Promote and support research and knowl- The UfM Youth Strategy 2030 will contribute to and projects in order to continue addressing the edge building on the lives of young people in the empowerment of young women and men of issues in the six identified priority areas: climate The UfM Secretariat will monitor ongoing youth-re- the region; the region in order to facilitate their substantive action and energy, environment, urban and rural lated activities by other organisations in com- 6. Oversee, monitor, promote and facilitate the participation in all aspects of society. The strategy development, economic development and digital- plementarity and synergy with existing efforts in implementation of the strategy and evaluate also aims to further consolidate regional integra- ization, education and training and social inclusion addition to connecting to active youth initiatives the achievements of the UfM strategic goals; tion, cooperation and dialogue among member and participation. in the region. The UfM will also continue to expand 7. Ensure effective monitoring through quality states, communities, and citizens from both shores and manage the regional dialogue on youth and data gathering and long term research in of the Mediterranean. The UfM keen interest in Youth is not punctual nor making it as inclusive as possible with the partic- order to track ongoing progress, identify and circumcised in time. As an interregional organiza- ipation of the main stakeholders - governments, share good practices, and diagnose gaps for The operational translation of the strategy will be tion, the UfM considers that it has a responsibility, civil society, and the private sector. future actions; based on a future action plan that will be adopted by given by its Member States, to enable young people 8. Hold consultations with youth organisations, the UfM Secretariat, Member States, and regional build their lives. As facilitators of networks and concrete actions NGOs and networks; partners. on the ground, each Division of the UfM Secre- 9. Review and evaluate the strategy and its impact Young people are the future. Let´s help them tariat will include in its annual work programme on the lives of young people in the region. The Youth Strategy 2030 will seek to join efforts shape it. key actions to meet the strategic goals and also of member states and reinforce existing initiatives
24 UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal UfM Youth Strategy 2030 | Euro-Mediterranean youth towards a common goal 25 Acronyms CEWAS International Centre for Water Management Services CMI Center for Mediterranean Integration EMIS Eastern Mediterranean International School EMUNI Euro-Mediterranean University of Slovenia EU European Union ICT Information and Communication Technology IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management MedECC Mediterranean Experts on Climate and environmental Change MEDYWAT Mediterranean Youth for Water MENA Middle East and North Africa MYCN Mediterranean Youth Climate Network NEET Not in employment, education or training REEE Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics UEMF Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez UfM The Union for the Mediterranean WEFE Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems WEM Water, Employment and Migration
ufmsecretariat.org Palau de Pedralbes | Pere Duran Farell, 11 | 08034 Barcelona, Spain Phone: 00 34 93 521 4100 | Fax: 00 34 93 521 4102
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