Coronary Artery Disease Genetics Enlightened by Genome-Wide Association Studies

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Coronary Artery Disease Genetics Enlightened by Genome-Wide Association Studies
JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE                                                                                           VOL. 6, NO. 7, 2021





Coronary Artery Disease Genetics
Enlightened by Genome-Wide
Association Studies
Thorsten Kessler, MD,a,b Heribert Schunkert, MDa,b


 Genetic studies led to a deeper knowledge of the pathophysiological processes in CAD and the identification of novel
    treatment targets (e.g., in lipid metabolism).
 The interplay between genetic factors and traditional risk factors, such as obesity, hypertension, smoking, or
    hyperlipidemia, but also noise and air pollution, is the subject of extensive research.
 In the future, genetic risk scores may improve risk prediction and lead to the development of individualized treatment
    strategies, the cornerstone of precision medicine.


    Many cardiovascular diseases are facilitated by strong inheritance. For example, large-scale genetic studies identified
    hundreds of genomic loci that affect the risk of coronary artery disease. At each of these loci, common variants are
    associated with disease risk with robust statistical evidence but individually small effect sizes. Only a minority of
    candidate genes found at these loci are involved in the pathophysiology of traditional risk factors, but experimental
    research is making progress in identifying novel, and, in part, unexpected mechanisms. Targets identified by genome-
    wide association studies have already led to the development of novel treatments, specifically in lipid metabolism. This
    review summarizes recent genetic and experimental findings in this field. In addition, the development and possible
    clinical usefulness of polygenic risk scores in risk prediction and individualization of treatment, particularly in lipid
    metabolism, are discussed. (J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science 2021;6:610–23) © 2021 The Authors. Published by
    Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
    license (

C           ardiovascular diseases are the leading killers
                            (1).   Among
                                   and      its
chronic or acute coronary syndromes, and ischemic
                                                  these,   coronary
                                                                          the specific genetic variants underlying this observa-
                                                                          tion remained obscure (2). Fifteen years ago, muta-
                                                                          tions leading to familial hypercholesterolemia were
                                                                          the only known genetic causes of CAD. Recently, ad-
heart failure are leading entities. A positive family                     vances      in    biotechnology        facilitated        large-scale
history has been recognized for many years to be a                        genomic studies, which have led to remarkable dis-
risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), whereas                    coveries. Currently, the complex etiology of CAD

From the aGerman Heart Centre Munich, Department of Cardiology, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany; and the
German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK e.V.), partner site Munich Heart Alliance, Munich, Germany.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received November 16, 2020; revised manuscript received March 4, 2021, accepted April 1, 2021.

ISSN 2452-302X                                                                            
Coronary Artery Disease Genetics Enlightened by Genome-Wide Association Studies
JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE VOL. 6, NO. 7, 2021                                                                 Kessler and Schunkert             611
JULY 2021:610–23                                                                                            CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs

results from an interplay of hundreds of genetic risk                  (16) and Japanese (17)] have been performed.          ABBREVIATIONS

variants that infiltrate the entire population, and in                  A recently published large-scale GWAS also            AND ACRONYMS

a systems biology sense, lay the cellular foundation                   revealed 43 novel loci in Japanese, high-
                                                                                                                             CAD = coronary artery disease
for disease development. Based on this foundation,                     lighting the ongoing search for population-
                                                                                                                             CXCL1 = chemokine
several (exogenous) risk factors, such as hyperten-                    specific and trans-ancestry risk factors (18).
                                                                                                                             (C-X-C motif) ligand 1
sion, diabetes mellitus, and smoking (3), aggravate                    These studies are of outmost importance,
                                                                                                                             GWAS = genome-wide
the situation. This opens up new vistas on the patho-                  because the implementation of polygenic               association study
physiological processes in CAD and raises the hope for                 risk scores in clinical practice will largely         LDLR = low-density
novel therapeutic concepts that are able to interfere                  depend on the accuracy of predicting effect           lipoprotein receptor

with these, so far unknown, biological processes. In                   sizes of risk alleles, which varies with the          lncRNA = long non-coding
this review, we discuss recent findings in discovery                    genetic background (19).                              RNA

and mechanistic exploration, as well as the therapeu-                                                                        LPL = lipoprotein lipase
                                                                       GENETICS OF CAD: OVERVIEW. The first
tic exploration of genetic risk variants for cardiovas-                                                                      MI = myocardial infarction
                                                                       discovery in modern CAD genetics research is
cular diseases with a focus on CAD.                                                                                          PCSK9 = proprotein
                                                                       exemplary in its success and challenges, the
                                                                                                                             convertase subtilisin/kexin
GENETICS OF CAD AND/OR                                                 chromosome 9p21 locus. It was unraveled               type 9
MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION                                                  independently by 3 research consortia at the
                                                                       same time (20–23), and together with the LPA locus,
Marenberg et al. (4) reported in 1994 that mono-                       represents the locus with the strongest effect on CAD
zygotic and dizygotic twins had a higher risk of dying                 risk (24). This is remarkable because how it exerts its
from CAD if their twins died themselves from CAD at                    molecular effects is not completely understood. The
young age. The same is true for subjects with a rela-                  locus has been initially called a “gene desert” because
tive who had a myocardial infarction (MI) (5). Early                   an obvious traditional candidate gene could not be
studies designed to unravel the underlying genetic                     determined. Close-by genes encode the cyclin-
risk factors had limited success. Particularly, candi-                 dependent     kinase   inhibitors   2A/2B    (CDKN2A/
date gene studies focusing on traditional risk factors                 CDKN2B), which have been thoroughly investigated
or    unrelated         pathways    (e.g.,     the     angiotensin-    but not proven to be involved (25). Another inter-
converting enzyme) (6) resulted in dead-end streets.                   esting candidate is the long noncoding RNA (lncRNA)
For a long time, only mutations in the low-density                     ANRIL because the risk allele associates with its
lipoprotein cholesterol receptor (LDLR) (7,8) or pro-                  expression, and increased expression of linear ANRIL
protein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9)                     was linked to enhanced atherosclerosis (26). In
(e.g., those leading to hypercholesterolemia) were                     contrast, circular ANRIL seems to be protective (27). A
considered as causal via this intermediate phenotype                   recent elegant study used genetic engineering in
(9,10).                                                                induced pluripotent stem cells and showed that
     Since 2007, mainly 2 factors have changed the                     replacement of the non-risk genotype by the risk ge-
scenario:       first,    the   introduction      of    arrays   that   notype led to overexpression of ANRIL and pro-
enabled genome-wide genotyping of an increasing                        atherogenic phenotypes in vascular smooth muscle
number of genomic variants with subsequent impu-                       cells (28).
tation of millions of further variants; and second,                      Since 2007, >200 loci like the one at chromosome
the formation of large international consortia jointly                 9p21 locus have been reported to be associated with
investigating the genetics of CAD. As a result, the                    CAD and MI. Comprehensive lists of these loci,
last several years have provided deep insights into                    including the risk alleles, allele frequencies, and
the genetic architecture of the disease with impli-                    candidates at the loci have been published previously
cations for future prevention and treatment strate-                    [for an overview, please see (12,29)]. Although
gies (11,12). In the beginning, most of the large-scale                initially only a handful of loci could be explained by
genetic studies mainly focused on subjects who had                     an influence on classical risk factors such as hyper-
been recruited in Europe and the United States. With                   tension or hypercholesterolemia, currently, approxi-
efforts    as    the     UK    Biobank       (13),    the   CARDIo-    mately one-half of the loci can be attributed to
GRAMplusC4D 1Mþ Hearts project (14), and the                           pathophysiological pathways, many of them being
Million Veteran Program (15), the discovery of ge-                     new “drivers” of CAD and/or MI (Figure 1). One
netic risk factors for CAD and/or MI in subjects of                    example is nitric oxide signaling (43–45), which has
European ancestry will continue. Meanwhile, how-                       been well characterized for modulating vascular tone
ever,     several       genome-wide      association         studies   but also plays a major role in precipitating genetic
(GWASs) in other ethnic groups [e.g., Han Chinese                      CAD risk (46,47).
Coronary Artery Disease Genetics Enlightened by Genome-Wide Association Studies
612          Kessler and Schunkert                                                                      JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE VOL. 6, NO. 7, 2021

             CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs                                                                                                            JULY 2021:610–23

      F I G U R E 1 Currently Known CAD Genes and Supposed Mechanisms

      Mechanisms were grouped to initiation, plaque progression, and platelet function but are not limited to this rough classification. Previously unknown genes were
      grouped to the proposed pathways if experimental data (using the queries “gene name” and “atherosclerosis” in PubMed) was published in the meantime: LMOD1 (30);
      NBEAL1 (31); IRS1 (32); PLCG1 (33); NCK1 (34,35); PRDM16 (36); HHIPL1 (37); MFGE8 (38); HNRNPUL1 (39); RAC1 (40,41); and DDX5 (42). CAD ¼ coronary artery
      diseased. Modified after and updated from Erdmann et al. (12). Modified image material available at Servier Medical Art under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
      Unsupported License.

                          CHALLENGES IN THE IDENTIFICATION OF THE MECHANISMS                          strategies to predict the causal genes at GWAS loci
                          LINKING PHENOTYPE AND GENOTYPE. GWASs detected                              (49). Nevertheless, there may be a need to prove
                          numerous variants that are associated with CAD.                             causal effects experimentally. A prominent example
                          However, the elucidation of the underlying mecha-                           is the chromosome 6p24 locus. It harbors the
                          nisms remains challenging. Usually, the ‘closest gene                       PHACTR1 gene, which, intriguingly, was not only
                          approach’ was used, that is, the genes that are located                     associated with CAD (50) but also with spontaneous
                          nearby the detected variant were reported as candi-                         coronary artery dissection (51) and coronary artery
                          dates. This strategy can be complemented by various                         calcification (52). There are also experimental data
                          bioinformatics approaches (e.g., expression data from                       that    support       association       of    calcification         with
                          datasets like GTEx (48)). The GTEx database includes                        PHACTR1 (53). However, an elegant experimental
                          genome-wide genotyping and transcriptome data,                              study revealed a rather surprising result. Using
                          making it possible to report expression quantitative                        CRISPR-based genome editing in stem cellderived
                          trait loci. Because a GWAS variant is associated with                       endothelial cells, alteration of a variant at the chro-
                          differential expression of a more distantly located                         mosome 6p24 locus led to expression changes of
                          gene, the closest gene might not be causal. A plethora                      EDN1 rather than PHACTR1 (54). EDN1 encodes
                          of studies used such strategies or a combination of                         endothelin-1, a well-studied vasoconstrictor and
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JULY 2021:610–23                                                                                                                             CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs

 T A B L E 1 CAD Genes Associated With CAD and Lipid Phenotypes in GWASs That Are Used as Therapeutic Targets

       Gene                                     Protein/Mechanism                                                          Clinical Use/Perspective                                    Ref. #

 APOC3                 Apolipoprotein C-3/lipoprotein lipase activity Z,                            Antisense APOC3 inhibitor (Volanesorsen) leads to a dose-                         (60–63)
                          plasma triglycerides \ / increased CAD risk                                  dependent 31%–71% reduction in triglycerides, effective
                                                                                                       triglyceride reduction in familial chylomicronemia syndrome
 ANGPTL3/4             Angiopoietin-like protein 3/4/Lipoprotein lipase activity Z,                 Evinacumab, a monoclonal antibody against ANGPTL3, reduced                       (60,64–70)
                          plasma triglycerides \ / increased CAD risk                                  plasma LDL-cholesterol levels in patients with familial
                                                                                                       hypercholesterolemia by 47%
 PCSK9                 Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9/LDL-cholesterol                Monoclonal antibodies and antisense molecules reduce PCSK9                   (9,50,7175)
                          receptor recycling on the hepatocellular surface Z,                         function and LDL-cholesterol and cardiovascular events
                          LDL-cholesterol receptor density Z, LDL-cholesterol
                          \ / increased CAD risk
 LPA                   Lipoprotein(a)/lipoprotein with prothrombotic and                            Lipoprotein(a) can be reduced by lipid apheresis; TQJ230, an                      (76–80)
                          proinflammatory properties / increased CAD risk                               antisense oligomer, is currently investigated in clinical trials
 NPC1L1                Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1/Involved in the resorption of cholesterol             Ezetimibe, a NPC1L1 inhibitor, was able to reduce LDL-                           (78,81,82)
                          from the intestine, LDL-cholesterol \ / increased CAD risk                   cholesterol and cardiovascular events when added to statin
 HMGCR                 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase/pivotal in                          Statins targeting 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase                        (83,84)
                          endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis, LDL-cholesterol                         have been repeatedly shown to reduce cardiovascular events
                          \ / increased CAD risk

 *Assessing the Impact of Lipoprotein (a) Lowering With TQJ230 on Major Cardiovascular Events in Patients With CVD [Lp(a)HORIZON].
   CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; CoA ¼ coenzyme A; GWASs ¼ genome-wide association studies; LDL ¼ low-density lipoprotein; PCSK9 ¼ proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9.

modulator of vascular smooth muscle cell function.                                   A NOVEL VIEW ON LIPID METABOLISM. Although
Even if the results from genome editing are in doubt,                                most of the genomic loci were not linked to CAD
the    studied       variant        was      also     associated         with        before, GWASs also identified genes that are associ-
endothelin-1 precursor protein levels in plasma,                                     ated with both CAD and traditional risk factors (e.g.,
which validated the finding (54).                                                     lipid metabolism and blood pressure). While both
  Another strategy might be the investigation of                                     hypertension and hypercholesterolemia increase CAD
transgenic mouse models regarding atherosclerotic                                    risk, lipid metabolism remains unique. Important
plaque formation. Although the limitations of this                                   examples of early associations are PCSK9 and LDLR,
approach, because of the differences between mice                                    as discussed previously (59). However, there are more
and humans, are obvious, a recent review provided                                    genes that expanded our view on lipid metabolism
evidence that most of the genes identified by CAD                                     and might represent future treatment targets. In this
GWASs that were already studied in atherosclerosis-                                  section, we want to discuss 3 promising examples. In
prone mouse models revealed consistent results                                       addition, Table 1 lists CAD risk genes in lipid meta-
(55). Nevertheless, results from such studies need to                                bolism that are targets of current and future treat-
be interpreted with caution because the approach of                                  ment strategies.
deleting genes might be too artificial. One example is                                S O R T 1 . The chromosome 1p13.3 locus was identified
the GUCY1A1 locus, which harbors private mutations                                   early in the GWAS era (21,50). Subsequently, experi-
leading to a loss of function (43), and common non-                                  mental studies identified sortilin 1 (SORT1) (85), a
coding variants that are associated with CAD (56).                                   protein that plays an important role in the regulation
However, the knockout of the murine counterpart                                      of plasma LDL cholesterol by interacting with APOB in
Gucy1a1 led to enhanced atherosclerotic plaque for-                                  the Golgi apparatus in hepatocytes (85), as the most
mation (57), a finding that opposes the genetic asso-                                 likely candidate gene at this locus. The risk variant
ciations. However, in a population-based approach in                                 affects gene expression with the risk allele being
mice, a variant that was associated with reduced                                     linked to lower SORT1 mRNA levels (86). Its use as a
Gucy1a1 expression was also linked to enhanced                                       therapeutic target might be complicated because the
atherosclerotic plaque formation (44). The approach                                  enzyme affects a variety of phenotypes [for an over-
of investigating genetic variation in mice (e.g., using                              view, see (87,88)], including proper function of neu-
the Hybrid Mouse Diversity Panel) (58) might be                                      rotrophins and neuron viability (89). However, SORT1
particularly useful. Taken together, these examples                                  has also been linked with frontotemporal dementia,
illustrate the hurdles on the way from genotype to                                   and clinical trials using a monoclonal antibody
phenotype that need to be considered when inter-                                     targeting SORT1 in this indication (e.g., A Phase 2
preting findings from such analyses.                                                  Study       to    Evaluate         Safety       of   Long-term          AL001
614   Kessler and Schunkert                                                     JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE VOL. 6, NO. 7, 2021

      CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs                                                                                      JULY 2021:610–23

                  Dosing in Frontotemporal Dementia [FTD] Patients             example is the previously mentioned nitric oxide
                  [INFRONT-2]; NCT03987295; A Phase 3 Study to                 signaling pathway, in which, upon release of nitric
                  Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of AL001 in Fronto-              oxide, vascular smooth muscle cells form the second
                  temporal Dementia [INFRONT-3]; NCT04374136) are              messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate (96).
                  currently underway.                                          This leads to relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
                  Lipoprotein lipase and its modulators. Lipoprotein lipase    cells. Vice versa, mice that lack the nitric oxide re-
                  (LPL) is a vascular enzyme critically involved in            ceptor in vascular smooth muscle cells show a hy-
                  metabolizing triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. The locus       pertensive phenotype (97). However, an intracellular
                  harbors both common, noncoding, and rare variants            increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels
                  that lead to a loss of function and increased risk of        also inhibits migration of vascular smooth muscle
                  CAD. Other variants lead to a gain of function and           cells (98), which itself is a hallmark of atheroprog-
                  reduced CAD risk, respectively (90). Importantly, not        ression (99). Another genetic locus mediating its ef-
                  only the LPL gene but also pivotal endogenous reg-           fects most likely through alterations of vascular
                  ulators of LPL activity are associated with CAD,             smooth muscle cell biology is the 9p21 locus (27,28).
                  including APOA5 (8,60), APOC3 (60–62), ANGPTL4               Further promising putative targets were identified
                  (91), and ANGPTL3 (67). For most of these, treatment         and are discussed in this section.
                  approaches are currently being investigated (Table 1).       TCF21. Recently, a comprehensive view on the role of
                  ANGPTL3 in particular revealed promising results:            the CAD gene TCF21 (79) in atherosclerosis was pub-
                  evinacumab,       an    anti-Angptl3   antibody,   reduces   lished. A disease-associated variant in the 3 0 un-
                  plasma triglyceride levels and atherosclerotic plaque        translated region of TCF21 alters its mRNA stability by
                  formation in mice. In humans, the administration of          differential binding of a microRNA (100), which al-
                  the humanized counterpart confirmed the effect on             lows insight into the fascinating interaction of disease
                  plasma triglyceride levels (68), and recently, a bene-       genetics and gene regulation by noncoding RNAs.
                  ficial effect was also shown for LDL cholesterol (70).        Wirka et al. (101) reported that a loss of Tcf21 resulted
                  T R I B 1 . A less mature candidate is represented by the    in an inhibition of the phenotype switch of vascular
                  TRIB1 locus (56,78,92). TRIB1 also seems to influence         smooth muscle cells, and, as a consequence, there
                  lipid metabolism with an inverse correlation of he-          were fewer fibromyocytes in the fibrous cap of
                  patocellular TRIB1 expression and the expression of          atherosclerotic plaques, which indicated reduced
                  lipogenic genes; in line targeted overexpression of          stability. It is now also known that the molecular
                  Trib1 in wild-type mice reduced cholesterol levels           mechanism, for example, involves an interaction of
                  (93). Whether this approach can ultimately be trans-         TCF21 with the myocardin-serum response factor
                  ferred to human treatment will be interesting to             pathway (102). Increasing the availability of TCF21
                  follow.                                                      might have beneficial effects in the prevention
                                                                               and stabilization of atherosclerotic plaques, but
                  TARGETING THE VASCULAR INTERFACE. A number                   further information about the production and fate of
                  of risk genes have been classified to influence pro-           TCF21 is needed. Therapeutic targeting of the
                  cesses in the vascular wall. With increasing knowl-          mRNAmicroRNA interaction by oligomers might
                  edge about the involvement of immune cells [for an           be     even   more    complicated       by    the   need   for
                  overview, see (94)] and platelets [for an overview, see      delivering such substances to the vascular smooth
                  (95)] in atherosclerosis, it seems prudent to investi-       muscle cell.
                  gate the vascular interface where resident, recruited,       ADAMTS7. A more convenient target in this regard
                  and circulating cells, and lipids interact to beget          might be the extracellular matrix protease ADAMTS-7
                  atherosclerotic plaque formation. Some recently              (79,103,104). It is produced by endothelial cells and
                  investigated genetic examples are discussed in the           vascular smooth muscle cells and has been shown to
                  following section.                                           degrade multiple members of the thrombospondin
                  Genes involved in vascular smooth muscle cell                family (105,106). Mice lacking Adamts-7 develop less
                  f u n c t i o n . Vascular smooth muscle cells can influ-     atherosclerosis      and   are    resistant   to    neointima
                  ence atherosclerosis by at least 2 mechanisms: first,         formation secondary to vascular injury (106,107).
                  via vascular tone, and thereby, modulation of blood          The downstream mechanisms in atherosclerosis so
                  pressure;    second, via local processes including           far remain unknown. However, in vitro, ADAMTS-7
                  inflammation, vascular remodeling, and so on, lead-           degrades the sushi, von Willebrand factor type A,
                  ing either to stabilization or destabilization of the        EGF, and pentraxin domain containing 1 (SVEP1)
                  plaque. As expected, there is significant genetic             protein (106), another extracellular matrix protein
                  overlap between these 2 phenotypes. An important             with    an    important    role    in   development        and
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JULY 2021:610–23                                                                                                                   CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs

   F I G U R E 2 Generation and Use of Polygenic Risk Scores

   Identification: genome-wide association studies are required to identify variants that are associated with CAD and early-onset myocardial infarction (EOMI). Bio-
   informatic tools enable the imputation of not directly genotyped variants to increase the numbers of variants that can then be compared between healthy control
   subjects and cases. Statistical analysis leads to the identification of variants that are associated with CAD at the genome-wide level of significance (p < 108). Modeling:
   in a second step, polygenic risk scores are based on modeling the sum of particular risk alleles, integrating their effect sizes. Polygenic risk scores follow a Gaussian
   distribution with most subjects carrying an intermediate number of risk alleles and a small portion either carrying a small or a large number of risk alleles. Application:
   genetic information is the only tool in risk prediction and management that is basically available at birth and could be used to predict risk and tailor prevention
   strategies. During life, the influence of risk factors and their management becomes increasingly important. In older adults, imaging to detect atherosclerosis and its
   complications remains the main diagnostic tool. Over time, the strategy shifts from prevention in young and middle-aged subjects to treatment and secondary
   prevention. However, genetic information could, be used at all stages to predict risk in young and middle-aged individuals (1), evaluate the beneficial effects of
   lifestyle but also pharmacological interventions (2), and predict the response to a given treatment strategy (e.g., statins or PCSK9 inhibitors) (3). For details, see text.
   Modified image material available at Servier Medical Art under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unsupported License. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

lymphatic        vessel     formation        (108).      SVEP1       was       embryonic         development,           in     particular      for     the
identified        as   a   CAD       gene    by     an    exome-wide            coronary          vasculature,            and        ischemia-driven
association study (91). First results now render an                            neoangiogenesis (110,111). In atherosclerosis, HHIPL1
atheroprotective role of SVEP1 possible with Svep1                             represents an interactor of hedgehog signaling in
haploinsufficiency promoting atherosclerotic plaque                             vascular       smooth       muscle       cells     with     a    positive
formation and recruitment of leukocytes to the                                 influence on vascular smooth muscle cell migration
vascular wall (109). Although there are still open                             and proliferation. Mice lacking Hhipl1 present smaller
questions regarding the role of circulating SVEP1 as                           atherosclerotic plaques (37). Further evidence can be
a biomarker or risk modifier and the multiple                                   drawn from a study in which antagonizing hedgehog
sources     of    SVEP1       in    the    body,     SVEP1      further        signaling led to the opposite effect with larger
indicates the need for the identification of ADAMTS-                            atherosclerotic plaques (112). Of note, in a recently
7 inhibitors as a possible upstream target to increase                         published analysis of genetic variants that influence
therapeutic effects.                                                           atherogenic phenotypes in vascular smooth muscle
HHIPL1. Novel players in the vascular wall with specific                        cells in vitro, there was a considerable overlap of
drugs available include hedgehog interacting protein-                          genetic      variants       that     influenced         such     vascular
like 1 (HHIPL1) (79). HHIPL1 has been annotated to                             smooth muscle cell phenotypes and genetic variants
hedgehog         signaling,        which    is   indispensable          in     that are associated with CAD (113).
616          Kessler and Schunkert                                                                           JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE VOL. 6, NO. 7, 2021

             CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs                                                                                                                    JULY 2021:610–23

      C E NT R A L IL LU ST R A T I O N The Identification of Genetic Variants Influencing Coronary Artery Disease Risk Affects
      Several Fields

      Kessler, T. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science. 2021;6(7):610–23.

      From a deeper knowledge of the: 1) pathophysiological processes, 2) novel treatment targets were identified; 3) the interplay between genetic factors and traditional
      risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, smoking, or hyperlipidemia but also noise and air pollution is the subject of extensive research. Finally, genetic risk scores
      may in the future 4) improve risk prediction and lead to the development of 5) individualized treatment strategies, the cornerstone of precision medicine.
      PCSK9 ¼ proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9. Modified image material available at Servier Medical Art under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Un-
      supported License.

                           CIRCULATING CELLS AND VASCULAR INFLAMMATION.                                    metabolism, targeting the inflammatory cytokines
                           In the process of atherosclerotic plaque formation and                          reduced cardiovascular events in high-risk subjects.
                           progression, lipid-laden monocytes are recruited to                             This and the experimental evidence, summarized in
                           the intimal layer, giving rise to foam cells, cell necrosis,                    Schloss et al. (117), is now complemented by genetic
                           and apoptosis, as well as plaque progression and/or                             evidence. Interestingly, genes with GWAS evidence for
                           destabilization (99). The benefits from lipid-lowering                           association with CAD being classified as playing a role
                           therapies are well documented. The inflammatory                                  in inflammation do not contain the usual suspects such
                           part of this process was controversially discussed in                           as interleukin-1 b (118), components of the NLRP3
                           epidemiology and clinical trials, albeit experimental                           inflammasome (119), or classic proatherogenic che-
                           evidence on the role of inflammation in atherosclerosis                          mokines (e.g., chemokine [C-X-C motif] ligand 1
                           was overwhelming. The CANTOS (Canakinumab Anti-                                 [CXCL1]) (120). However, another member of the CXCL
                           inflammatory Thrombosis Outcome Study) (114) and                                 family, CXCL12, as well as IL6R, are CAD genes (21,79).
                           studies using colchicine in patients with CAD (115,116),                        CXCL12 represents the ligand for CXCR4 and signaling
                           however,         showed         that     independent           of    lipid      via      this      receptor        influences          atherosclerosis
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JULY 2021:610–23                                                                                       CAD Genetics Enlightened by GWASs

phenotypes. In particular, endothelial cellderived              middle-aged men, the genetic information on this
CXCL12 seems to have pro-atherosclerotic properties              locus was added to the Framingham Risk Score and
(121), whereas the role of CXCR4 is more complex (122),          compared the combination to the Framingham Risk
which    limits     its   current   value   in    prevention     Score alone. Although there was an improvement in
and therapy.                                                     reclassification (i.e., approximately 13% of men could
  The role of platelets in mediating the effects of the          be more accurately classified to their risk group),
GWAS loci remains more controversial. However, the               there was no substantial value of adding chromosome
observation that antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, a            9p21 information (126). The same was basically
strategy that has no value in primary prevention, re-            observed for further studies that incorporated >10
duces the incidence of cardiovascular events in sub-             risk loci (127). In comparison, a polygenic risk score
jects homozygous for the risk allele at the GUCY1A1              may incorporate many more variants that do not
locus will fuel further research (45).                           necessarily meet the criterion of being associated
                                                                 with CAD at the genome-wide significance threshold.
POLYGENIC RISK SCORES                                            Such scores consist of up to 6 million variants. This
                                                                 concept revealed that although all subjects have a
Promises of genetic studies of adding knowledge to               given number of risk alleles, only a few subjects have
the pathophysiology of CAD and identifying novel                 very high or very low numbers. Nevertheless, this
therapeutic targets seem to be fulfilled. Another                 means for those at the extreme ends that the risk of
promise is to identify subjects at risk with a higher            suffering   from   CAD   is   markedly   decreased      or
precision than conventional risk scores. Undoubt-                increased. In a study published by Khera et al. (128),
edly, a polygenic risk score can predict information             the risk for those subjects who represented the 8%,
already at birth (i.e., long before risk factors or im-          2.3%, and 0.5% of the largest number of risk alleles
aging modalities may be used in this respect)                    was increased >3-, 4-, and 5-fold, respectively. This
(Figure 2). Therefore, genetic information offers the            prompted an interesting comparison. Because famil-
only tool to guide primordial prevention (i.e., tar-             ial hypercholesterolemia has a prevalence of 0.4% in
geted interventions) before onset of traditional risk            the population with a 3-fold increase in CAD risk, and
factors or visible disease manifestations. However,              the subjects at the top 0.5% of the polygenic risk score
initial results were disappointing [for an overview,             display a >5-fold increased CAD risk, the polygenic
see (123)]. The discovery of many more genomic var-              risk score has a higher predictive power than diag-
iants that are associated with CAD, the possibility to           nosis of a monogenic disease as familial hypercho-
impute millions of variants throughout the human                 lesterolemia (128). Furthermore, this seems to be
genome that have not been directly genotyped,                    independent of the information of a positive family
biostatistical modeling, and the availability of large           history (129). In a cohort of patients who experienced
cohorts as the UK Biobank (13) have enabled the                  early-onset MI, the prevalence of familial hypercho-
construction of (genome-wide) polygenic risk scores              lesterolemia was 1.7%, and the estimated increase in
that changed the scenario. In addition, this recent              MI risk was estimated as 3.8-fold. A comparable in-
approach is used to rather discriminate differences in           crease in risk of MI was observed for those subjects in
absolute risk between subjects than to differentiate             the top 5% polygenic risk score. However, with 17%,
healthy and diseased subjects, which might be more               the prevalence was 10 times higher. Mean LDL
appropriate.       The    methodological    and    statistical   cholesterol levels were 206 and 132 mg/dl in those
background cannot be fully addressed in this review              with familial hypercholesterolemia and subjects in
and was recently summarized by Aragam and Natar-                 the top 5% polygenic risk score, respectively, which
ajan (124). In brief, a polygenic risk score is calculated       indicated independent mechanisms (130). Along this
as the sum of a number of genomic variants weighted              line, genetic risk scores performed better when they
for their effect estimate, which has been determined             were compared with traditional risk factors (e.g.,
by GWASs (125) (Figure 2).                                       smoking or hypercholesterolemia) (131). Importantly,
  Currently, such scores are often used in research:             this concept does not only work in subjects of Euro-
1) to predict the risk of experiencing CAD or major              pean ancestry. In a study focusing on South Asian
complications; 2) to identify subjects who may                   subjects, the top 5% polygenic risk score was also
display strong benefit from a given intervention or               associated with an approximately 3- to 4 times
therapy; and 3) to study the inter-relationship be-              increased risk of CAD (132). Nevertheless, most of the
tween the risk of CAD and other phenotypes.                      contemporary polygenic risk scores for CAD are
PREDICTION OF RISK. One of the first approaches                   derived from studies in subjects of European ancestry
used the chromosome 9p21 locus to predict CAD. In                and are not necessarily transferable to populations of
618   Kessler and Schunkert                                                               JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE VOL. 6, NO. 7, 2021

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                  African ancestry (133). Together with uncovering                       is well established and recommended by current
                  novel risk factors, ancestral differences remain a                     guidelines (140). Although a high polygenic risk score
                  major challenge in this field of genome-driven preci-                   is associated with an increase in risk comparable to
                  sion medicine.                                                         traditional risk factors, statins were not prescribed as
                                                                                         often in such subjects (141,142). Two further studies
                  A STEP TOWARDS PRECISION MEDICINE? Personal-                           revealed that polygenic risk scores were also able to
                  ized medicine incorporating genetic information is                     identify subjects who benefitted most from treatment
                  often regarded as a cornerstone of the term “precision                 with the PCSK9 inhibitors evolocumab and alir-
                  medicine.” As 2 examples, we aim to discuss: 1) what                   ocumab (143,144). In a post-hoc analysis of FOURIER
                  polygenic risk scores could provide for subjects to                    (Further Cardiovascular Outcomes Research With
                  change their lifestyle and behavior; and 2) how                        PCSK9 Inhibition in Subjects With Elevated Risk) trial
                  polygenic risk could inform decision-making in the                     (74), the absolute risk reduction by the monoclonal
                  use of lipid-lowering drugs specifically in pri-                        antibody evolocumab was 1.4% in participants with
                  mary prevention.                                                       multiple traditional risk factors but low genetic risk;
                  G e n e t i c s a n d l i f e s t y l e . Knowledge of genetic CAD     in contrast, subjects with a high genetic risk displayed
                  and/or MI risk could tailor prevention and treatment                   an absolute risk reduction of 4.0%, regardless of
                  strategies to specific patient groups. Subjects carrying                traditional risk factors (143). Likewise, alirocumab
                  a high genetic risk could more profoundly reduce risk                  treatment led to an absolute risk reduction of 1.5% in
                  if they follow a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise,              participants with low genetic risk compared with 6%
                  healthy diet, and absence of smoking (134). In the UK                  in subjects with a high genetic risk (144). Whether
                  Biobank, compared with subjects with a low genetic                     these post hoc results, although encouraging in
                  risk and a poor lifestyle, risk of CAD was increased                   identifying treatment responders, can be replicated
                  >4-fold in subjects with high genetic risk and a poor                  in prospective clinical trials on subjects without pre-
                  lifestyle. Despite this impressive interplay of inde-                  vious disease manifestation in line with an acute
                  pendent risk factors, subjects with a high genetic risk                coronary syndrome is awaited. In addition, we so far
                  but a healthy lifestyle also displayed a lower risk of                 only have limited knowledge how genetic risk, which
                  CAD as subjects with a low genetic risk but a poor                     inherently includes alterations in a variety of patho-
                  lifestyle (135). However, the power of genetic risk                    physiological pathways, is modulated by 1 single
                  scores to beneficially influence behavior is challenged                  therapy. Therefore, although the data on statins are
                  by observations that indicate that the communication                   encouraging, we need to be aware that this class of
                  of genetic risk does not influence smoking, physical                    drugs rather represents a role model because the
                  activity, or diet (136). Most of the recent studies were               studies and the necessary data are available. Because
                  small and found no or little effect. For example, Jouni                only a small number of the genes that have been
                  et al. (137) reported no improvement in metrics as                     tagged by GWASs variants are involved in lipid
                  participation in decision-making or perception of the                  metabolism, we currently do not know which other
                  quality of discussion in 207 subjects, one-half of                     drugs might reveal comparable benefits.
                  whom were informed about traditional risk factors                      R i s k o f C A D a n d o t h e r p h e n o t y p e s . Quantifying
                  alone or the combination of traditional risk factors                   the genetic risk of CAD using a genetic score can also
                  with genetic risk. Further prospective studies are                     be used to study the connection between CAD and
                  needed to determine whether knowledge of genetic                       other traits on the basis of genetics. A recent example
                  risk might translate to a reduction in CAD risk.                       by Ntalla et al. (145) is based on a genetic risk score
                  Individualized          t r e a t m e n t . Genetic   risk   factors   that incorporated 300 CAD-related variants and found
                  might also influence response to therapeutic strate-                    an association with a plethora of cardiovascular
                  gies. An exciting example is that subjects with a high                 phenotypes: 1) traditional CAD risk factors, such as
                  genetic risk score had larger benefit from statin                       hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity, and
                  treatment, both in secondary and primary prevention                    type 2 diabetes; 2) diseases that occur as complica-
                  (138). A genetic score including 57 variants identified                 tions of CAD, such as atrial fibrillation, heart failure,
                  subjects at high genetic risk for CAD who also dis-                    and premature death; and 3) other cardiovascular
                  played the strongest reduction in CAD risk, with 46%                   diseases, such as migraine, abdominal aortic aneu-
                  compared with 26% in subjects with a lower genetic                     rysm, aortic stenosis, peripheral artery disease, and
                  risk (139). In addition, knowledge of genetic risk                     stroke. Although the overlap in genetic risk does not
                  might help to identify undertreated individuals. In                    necessarily prove causality, it powerfully demon-
                  patients with high cardiovascular risk (e.g., in pa-                   strates the potential of genetic scores to investigate
                  tients with hypercholesterolemia), the use of statins                  complex       interactions      in    large-scale      datasets.
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Education, for example, is known to influence life-          reclassification     improvement      was     present     but
style behavior, such as smoking, diet, or physical ac-      modest (152). A further comparison of a standard
tivity (146). As for CAD, a strong genetic component        model to determine CAD risk compared with a model
was also shown for intelligence and educational             that also included a polygenic risk score in the ARIC
attainment (i.e., the length of school education). In       (Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities) study and the
Europe, educational attainment was inversely corre-         MESA (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis) failed
lated with the incidence of CAD, meaning that least         to show improved reclassification of patients (153).
educated subjects had the highest CAD incidence and         Guidelines   that    address   the   indication,     imple-
mortality rates (147). A genetic score for educational      mentation,   and     proper    genetic    counseling      are
attainment was also correlated with CAD with an in-         needed before genetic risk scores will enter clinical
verse relationship. The score was also associated with      routine. The basis for this need is prospective clin-
the traditional risk factors of smoking, obesity, and       ical trials that definitively evaluate the benefit of
hypertension. When the model was adjusted for these         genetic risk scores in prevention and treatment.
risk factors, the association between the educational
                                                            SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
attainment genetic score and risk of CAD was attenu-
ated, indicating that educational attainment mediates
                                                            Within the past 15 years, tremendous success has
CAD risk via lifestyle. Another important finding was
                                                            been made in the elucidation of CAD genetics.
that the association was not altered by adjustment for
                                                            Although genetic studies often face the critique that
the number of years spent in school (148). Taken
                                                            they have not led to a breakthrough in a reduction of
together, it was hypothesized that some genetic vari-
                                                            CAD incidence, they have certainly led to identifica-
ants affect lifestyle behavior via educational attain-
                                                            tion of novel treatment targets. Some of these are
ment, and some genetic variants directly influence
                                                            already addressed in clinical practice (e.g., PCSK9),
these lifestyle factors, culminating in increased risk of
                                                            whereas others are still a focus of translational
CAD. Therefore, increasing the duration of school ed-
                                                            studies but may be ready for prime time in the near
ucation as a consequence might not be the clue to
                                                            future. In addition, GWASs give an exciting insight
reduce the impact of education on CAD risk (149).
                                                            into the pathophysiology of CAD—that most of the
Limitations and challenges of polygenic risk
                                                            identified loci are not associated with traditional risk
s c o r e s . As mentioned previously, transferability of
                                                            factors and that the role of almost one-half of the loci
results from subjects of European ancestry to other
                                                            in the pathophysiology still remains unknown. It is
ethnicities remains a challenge. In addition, the
                                                            obvious that our understanding of coronary athero-
search for genetic risk variants is still ongoing. The
                                                            sclerosis remains incomplete and requires further
heritability of CAD, which is explained by the
                                                            experimental research. Lastly, the rise of polygenic
currently known risk variants, is still believed to be
                                                            risk scores demonstrates the power of genetics to
below approximately 30%, and the concept of
                                                            improve risk prediction and personalize prevention
“missing heritability” remains an open issue (150). It
                                                            and treatment strategies. The Central Illustration
remains questionable whether it is theoretically
                                                            summarizes the impact of CAD genetics on these
possible to identify variants that explain all or even
                                                            different fields.
a large portion of the heritability of complex traits.
However, is this even necessary, particularly in risk       OUTLOOK
prediction? Perhaps the genetic basis of complex
traits as CAD needs to be understood as probabilistic       What can we expect from the near future? Results
rather than deterministic. In addition, even the risk,      from ongoing efforts of large international consortia
which is believed to be determined by monogenic             to identify further CAD risk variants are awaited. The
risk variants, seems to be modulated by polygenic           opportunity to perform exome or even whole-genome
risk (151). Besides the hurdles in the medical com-         sequencing at low cost will probably lead to the
munity to adequately implement genetic risk scores          identification of further rare variants with large ef-
in clinical practice, there are also psychosocial fac-      fects and thereby reduce the “missing heritability.” It
tors that need to be considered. Knowledge of ge-           will furthermore be exciting to see whether polygenic
netic risk could lead to fear, but also, in cases of low    risk scores can overcome the discussed hurdles and
genetic risk, to the feeling of invulnerability. In         be implemented into clinical practice. Lastly, can we
addition, there are also studies that pour some water       expect the discovery of novel therapeutic targets? So
into the wine. In another analysis of the UK Biobank        far, medications inspired by genetic findings all
data that compared standard risk models and                 interact with lipid metabolism. Although the drugs
models,    including    polygenic    risk   scores,   the   are new, and the clinical results are promising, they
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                  do not represent entirely new therapeutic concepts.                               research centers SFB 1123 TRR 267 (B06) and also supported by
                                                                                                    additional grants received from the German Federal Ministry of Ed-
                  This basically also applies to inflammation-related
                                                                                                    ucation and Research within the framework of ERA-NET on Cardio-
                  targets. It will be exciting to see whether we will                               vascular Disease (ERA-CVD: grant JTC2017_21-040) and within the
                  witness the introduction of therapies that address                                scheme of target validation (BlockCAD: 6GW0198K). Further support
                  vascular remodeling or cell proliferation to reduce                               was received from the British Heart Foundation/DZHK collaborative
                                                                                                    project “Genetic discovery-based targeting of the vascular interface
                  atherosclerotic plaque formation and progression.
                                                                                                    in atherosclerosis.” Dr. Schunkert has received personal fees from
                  However, even if this is not the case, findings from                               MSD Sharp & Dohme, Amgen, Bayer Vital GmbH, Boehringer Ingel-
                  genetic studies in CAD and other cardiovascular dis-                              heim, Daiichi-Sankyo, Novartis, Servier, Brahms, Bristol-Myers-
                  eases will continue to expand our view on the biology                             Squibb, Medtronic, Sanofi Aventis, Synlab, Pfizer, and Vifor T as
                                                                                                    well as grants and personal fees from Astra-Zeneca outside the sub-
                  underlying the diseases, thereby also improving pre-
                                                                                                    mitted work. Drs. Schunkert and Kessler are named inventors on a
                  vention and therapy.                                                              patent application for prevention of restenosis after angioplasty and
                                                                                                    stent implantation outside the submitted work.

                                                                                                    ADDRESS          FOR       CORRESPONDENCE:                Dr. Heribert
                  Dr. Kessler was supported by the Corona Foundation as part of the                 Schunkert, German Heart Centre Munich, Department
                  Junior Research Group Translational Cardiovascular Genomics (S199/
                                                                                                    of Cardiology, Technical University of Munich, Laza-
                  10070/2017) and the German Research Foundation as part of the
                  collaborative research center SFB 1123 (B02) Dr. Schunkert was sup-
                                                                                                    rettstrasse 36, 80636 Munich, Germany. E-mail:
                  ported by German Research Foundation as part of the collaborative       


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