CORONA COVID-19 - Praxis Dr. Carmine

Page created by Tony Campos
CORONA COVID-19 - Praxis Dr. Carmine
                                      This guide outlines potential ways to prevent or
                                      greatly reduce the severity of a corona COVID-19
                                      infection by adjusting lifestyle and through dietary

                                      Axel Blindow


SELF-HELP                             This document may get updated as new
                                      information becomes available and the author

COMPENDIUM                            sees fit.

                                      The latest update can get downloaded at:
What to do? How to prevent?           content/uploads/Corona-COVID-19-Self-help-
Supporting the immune system as a     compendium-for-prevention-and-acute-
preventative measure and in case of
an acute infection
CORONA COVID-19 - Praxis Dr. Carmine

A.      Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
B.      Prevention ....................................................................................................................................... 6
     B1. Strengthening the immune system by adopting an anti-inflammatory lifestyle......................... 6
        1.      Relieve stress, maintain positive thoughts, laugh .................................................................. 6
        2.      Ensure good sleep!.................................................................................................................. 6
        3.      Anti-inflammatory diet ........................................................................................................... 7
        4.      Hydrate! .................................................................................................................................. 8
        5.      Avoid environmental toxins and harmful chemicals or reduce exposure .............................. 8
        6.      Improve blood circulation, stimulate lymph........................................................................... 8
        7.      Nitrogen oxide emissions - important for immune defence! – NO-Dump by Dr. Bush .......... 8
        8.      Improve digestion / elimination / detoxification .................................................................... 9
        9.      Prevent dry skin ...................................................................................................................... 9
        10.         Taking care of the Respiratory tract ................................................................................. 10
     B2. Supplements to strengthen the immune system as preventive measure.................................. 11
        1.      Vitamin C: 1000-8000 mg/d, depending on the risk of infection ......................................... 11
        2.      Vitamin A: 3000-5000 IU ....................................................................................................... 11
        3.      Vitamin D3&K2: 3000-5000 IU D3......................................................................................... 11
        4.      Quercetin: 1000mg ............................................................................................................... 11
        5.      Vitamin E: 200mg .................................................................................................................. 12
        6.      Melatonin: 0.3mg.................................................................................................................. 12
        7.      Good multivitamin and mineral ............................................................................................ 12
        8.      Etc. depending on your individual constitution .................................................................... 12
C.      Acute case ..................................................................................................................................... 13
     C1. Symptoms of Corona/COVID-19 according to WHO................................................................... 13
     C2. COVID-19 & Melatonin: Immune system overreaction and the key role of the "sleep hormone"
     .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
     C3. Strategy ....................................................................................................................................... 15
     C4. Acute measures (options) ........................................................................................................... 17
        1.      Zinc lozenges: 15mg every 2 hours ....................................................................................... 17
        2.      Vitamin C: 1,000 mg hourly to half-hourly............................................................................ 17
        3.      H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide - Munro Protocol for up to 3 days .............................................. 18
        3B HOCl ("Hozzel" water, Dr. Klinghardt) as an alternative to H2O2 ........................................... 18
        4.      Inhalation of reduced glutathione ........................................................................................ 18
        5.      Vitamin D3: 75000 IU each morning and evening, for a maximum of 3 days ...................... 19
        6.      Vitamin A: 100,000 IU for 3-4 days ....................................................................................... 20
        7.      Melatonin .............................................................................................................................. 20

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CORONA COVID-19 - Praxis Dr. Carmine

    8.     NoCoV-liposomal herbal mixture by Dr. Klinghardt ............................................................. 21
    9.     Herbs (Liquorice, Dandelion & Co)........................................................................................ 21
         (a)      Dandelion leaves ........................................................................................................... 21
         (b)      Licorice .......................................................................................................................... 22
         (c)      Marigold (e.g. as tea) .................................................................................................... 22
         (d)      Rosemary ...................................................................................................................... 22
    10.        Monolaurin (component of coconut oil) .......................................................................... 22
    11.        Support for detoxification ................................................................................................. 23
         (a)      Milk thistle .................................................................................................................... 23
         (b)      Curcumin ....................................................................................................................... 23
         (c)      Ginger ............................................................................................................................ 23
         (d)      N-acetyl cysteine NAC ................................................................................................... 23
    12.        ATP Support / Energy ........................................................................................................ 23
         (a)      Creatine/Creatine 5g/day ............................................................................................. 23
         (b)      D-Ribose 5g/day ........................................................................................................... 23
    13.        Drinking/gargling and/or inhalation of colloidal silver ..................................................... 23

 The content of this document is for general information only and does not replace medical advice. Readers
 are invited to check and verify the information contained therein. Questions about risks and possible side
 effects should be clarified with a doctor.
 Research on the topic of corona virus COVID-19 is in full swing worldwide. Knowledge of the Corona virus
 COVID-19 is constantly updated.
 The information contained in this document, which deals specifically with COVID-19, is based on the
 current findings and sources I have researched on the subject. It lies in the nature of the matter that parts
 of the information contained in this document may be outdated after an unknown period of time.
 Therefore, please check the up-to-dateness of the information.
 The implementation of recommendations from this document is solely at your own risk and responsibility!

 Copyright © 2020 Axel Blindow.
 The author grants permission to copy this document in its entirety and without changes and share it free of

 About the author:
 Axel Blindow (Dipl.Ing ETH, lic. oec. HSG) is an entrepreneur and business advisor with an educational background
 in engineering and economics. A personal health challenge brought him to deeply research health topics. He is a
 strong advocate of the principles of functional medicine, which uses a holistic approach to healing, looking to find
 and address root causes and including lifestyle choices and diet in their treatment protocols. After fully recovering
 using a functional medicine approach, he together with Dr. med Thomas Carmine created a seminar series for
 lifestyle coaching and ketogenic diet as part of medical treatment protocols. As time permits, he is available as a
 life coach at Praxis Dr. Carmine in Pfäffikon, Switzerland, , and online.
 He can be reached at .

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CORONA COVID-19 - Praxis Dr. Carmine

A. Introduction
The weaker the immune system, the easier it is for pathogenic invaders (bacteria, viruses, parasites)
to intrude the body, overcome the body's defence systems, spread and create illness.

Statistical trendlines on chronic diseases – from diabetes, Hashimoto's, ..., to multiple sclerosis,
Alzheimer's to cancer - show a dramatic increase and epidemic extent. More and more and ever
younger people are confronted with degenerative and chronic ailments. The poor health status of an
ever-increasing number of people exacerbates the problem of viruses such as COVID-19.

The data on COVID-19 is still unclear and may remain so to some extent, as reliable comparative
values are lacking, and different countries order the use of COVID-19 tests very differently.

The coronavirus COVD-19 is a new type against which we humans are not yet immunized. That's
what makes this virus so dangerous. The infection can lead to symptoms ranging from very mild
symptoms to severe lung complications with fatality.
About 8% of those infected do not even develop fever. This is called an asymptomatic course of the
infection. Nevertheless, these people can spread the virus for about 2 weeks!

In addition to a weak immune system, which is a key factor in getting infected and the disease
progression, COVID-19 exhibits another significant feature – its substantially elevated risk for older
people to develop the severe form. While there are virtually no serious cases of progression in
children up to 9 years of age, the likelihood of severe and critical cases increases with age. Recent
research suggests that this is related to melatonin levels, which decrease continuously with age. This
link between melatonin and COVID-19 is discussed below in chapter C2.

The main problem of the COVID-19 wave is its
rapid spread due to the lack of immunization
of the population. This leads to overcrowding
of intensive care units with severe cases.

The drastic shut-down/lock-down measures
taken by governments around the world are
primarily designed to reduce the propagation
speed of the COVD-19 wave. The bottleneck is
                                              Picture: SkyNews, Hospital in Bergamo in March 2020
the limited number of intensive care units
available. The aim is to provide sufficient
                                                WHAT CAN I DO?
numbers of ICUs until the end of the COVID
wave. The example of Northern Italy shows how   Most of us will get infected with the COVID-19
quickly the emergency system can reach its      virus in the coming days, weeks or months.
capacity limit.
                                                Be prepared and support your immune system
Epidemiological models assume that about 70%    in the best possible way, especially if you are a
of the population have to get infected and      person at risk.
immunized before a herd protection is in place
for the remaining 30%.

There is some likelihood, that we personally or family members will come into contact with the virus
sooner or later – in the next few days, weeks or months.
For the younger people among us, the contact with the virus will be unproblematic or even

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Older people and persons with pre-existing conditions or chronic ailments should use their time to
prepare and prepare their immune system in case of infection in the best possible way. Prevention is
the best insurance.

According to a study published in the journal "The Lancet" on March 11th 2020, which evaluated
COVID-19 cases in Wuhan, the following risk profile with regard to the death rate has emerged:1

    Risk factor                                       Death rate increased by
    Age                                               1.14-fold per year
    Chronic lung disease (COPD)                       5.4 fold
    Hypertension                                      3.05 fold
    Diabetes (type 2)                                 2.85 fold
    Heart disease                                     2.14 fold
    Smokers                                           2.23 fold
    Men                                               1.64 fold
    Asthma                                            Increased
    Immunodeficiency (HIV, cancer, corticosteroid     Increased
    intake, autoimmune diseases)
    Overweight                                        Increased
    Other pre-existing conditions and organ           Increased
    damage (liver, kidney, etc.)

While younger people have a low risk of dying from COVID-19, according to China data, they still
have a high hospitalization rate. Between 14-21% of those between the ages of 20 and 44 tested
were admitted to a hospital. The average rate across all age groups is 21-31.5%.2

                                               Worldwide, treatment strategies and vaccinations are
    Risk of younger people!
                                               being worked on at high pressure. It is to be hoped that
                                               an effective drug against COVID-19 will be available
    While the death rate is low among
                                               quickly. One hopeful is the malaria prophylaxis agent
    younger people, they still have a          chloroquine, which could be produced quickly and for
    relatively hospital admission rate of      which a long clinical experience of effect and side
    14-21%!                                    effects exists.

Regardless of how quickly a remedy is found, everyone should now think about strengthening their
immune system and getting fit for COVID-19 and other disease-causing germs. This should not
just be seen as a short-term measure. COVID-19 is today. No one can rule out that we will get in
contact with such novel viruses or "superbugs" (think about the antibiotics resistance crisis) more
often in the future. For epidemiologists it was clear it would only be a matter of time until a case like
COVID-19 would happen. Bill Gates already back in 2015 after the Ebola crisis warned in a TED talk
titled “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”, about the scenario we are facing now3.

  Wuhan cases, population risk factors. [2020.03]:
  Hospitalisation rates:
  Bill Gates, 2015, TED talk “The next outbreak? We’re not ready”:

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The measures described on the following pages discusses ways to efficiently strengthen the immune
system in a holistic way.

The aim is to boost the immune system
   1. in the run-up to a potential infection, as well as
   2. to provide additional support in the event of an acute infection

The key focus lies in measures that affect lifestyle and in supplementation as needed.

Our lifestyle and environment have changed dramatically over the last 50 years. Increasingly
sedentary lifestyles (with high rates of screen times both at work and at home), lack of exercise, risk
of chronic stress, poor/one-sided diet, nutrient-deficient foods, increased load of environmental
toxins, potentially harmful effects of EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and last but not least bad
sleeping habits – they all put a strain on body and mind and thus also on our immune system.

Overall, our lifestyle needs to become healthier again in order to get a grip on the epidemic increase
of chronic symptoms we are observing in the general population around the globe. Sleep hygiene, a
good diet, exercise and last but not least a balanced work/life balance are prerequisites to keep our
immune system fit in the long run.

The first section of this guide, B1, therefore deals with lifestyle for prevention. Some of the
measures described in it can be implemented immediately and easily, others require a period of
adjustment. Ideally, you commit to a long-term change over to a healthy anti-inflammatory lifestyle,
and not a one-off action that you safely can forget about after the COVID-19 wave has subsided.

Section B2 briefly lists dietary supplements that can support the immune system. They should be
exactly used like the name suggests, supplementary/complementary to a healthy lifestyle. The
healthier you are, the fewer additional measures will be needed. Some of the dietary supplements
listed below may be temporarily sold out as current demand is high during these days.
However, you don’t need all the listed supplements to achieve a good support of the immune
system. There are multiple ways to combine these supplements to an efficient stack.

Basic items like for example zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) should be back
in stock soon and already provide very cheap yet very powerful support of the immune system in the
event of an infection.

The information in this document contains information that I have researched and compiled on
the subject. They are intended as suggestions. In general, they are well tolerated. Whether this
also applies to your case must be clarified individually. Please inform yourself about possible
effects and side effects before implementing the measures presented. An implementation is
carried out exclusively at your own responsibility and risk!

With the best wishes,
Axel Blindow
Pfäffikon 30.03.2020

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B. Prevention

  B1. Strengthening the immune system by adopting an
      anti-inflammatory lifestyle
       Acute and chronic inflammation reduces our immune system's ability to respond
       appropriately to pathogenic germs such as viruses. The measures listed below help to create
       an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. They help decisively to strengthen the immune system and to
       prepare for any COVID-19 attack.

       1. Relieve stress, maintain positive thoughts, laugh
          Stress leads to a whole cascade of negative reactions in the body. Among other things,
          stress reduces the release of digestive enzymes and thus the absorption of nutrients
          from the diet. The best food is poorly digested and absorbed when you are stressed.
          Stress reduction is thus a key prerequisite for sustainable health and also for healthy
          Positive thoughts and laughter have a significant positive influence on physiological
          processes and the immune system. Laughter leads to an outburst of endorphins and
          opioids. That's why laughter feels so good!

       2. Ensure good sleep!
          Good sleep is essential for a good immune system. Poor sleep makes you many times
          more susceptible to colds, flus and of course also COVID-19. In addition to stress relief
          (see above), the following measures can help to improve sleep:
          • Don't go to bed too late
              (old saying: every hour of sleep before midnight counts twice!)

          •   Ideally, go to bed early enough so you don't have to use an alarm clock in the
              morning, and wake up refreshed at the desired time.

          •   Make a habit to go to bed at about the same time.
              This helps to strengthen the circadian rhythm, which is our inner clock. More than
              300 hormonal processes in the body are controlled by time and our inner clock. The
              Nobel Prize 2017 in Medicine was awarded to three scientists who fundamentally
              have added to our knowledge about circadian rhythms. Changes in sleep behaviors
              can severely disturb biological rhythms for the next days to come. (For every hour of
              jet lag and social jet lag (i.e. later bedtimes on weekends), the body needs roughly
              one day to adjust the inner clock).

          •   Don’t eat too late in the evening and too heavy (best to stop eating 3 hours before

          •   If you wake up regularly between 2 am and 4am at night,
              this could be due to low blood sugar. Around this time, liver activities start, requiring
              glucose (sugar). In such a case, try a smaller "late meal" (some carbohydrates with
              fat - e.g. bread with butter) before bedtime.

          •   No alcohol

          •   No bright light in the evening (dim your lights!)

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          •   If possible don’t use white LEDs/LEDs with a high degree of blue light (blue light
              suppresses the excretion of the sleep hormone melatonin)

          •   Blue light blocker glasses, blue light filter apps when working on screen

          •   In the hour before bed it would be best to refrain from screen time
              (pc/tv/smartphone…), avoid conflict-laden conversations and don’t engage in
              watching or reading stuff that emotionally stir you up, etc.

          •   A powernap (up to 20 minutes) during the day can strongly support the immune
              system, particularly if you have slept less than 6 hours at night or have not woken up
              refreshed in the morning (Instructions e.g. here:

       3. Anti-inflammatory diet
          • Stay away from ready meals with preservatives and additives as much as possible

          •   Buy organic whenever possible in order to minimize exposure to pesticides/... etc.).

          •   Prepare the food as gently as possible (do not fry/grill, overheat fats)

          •   Use fresh and local produce as much as possible

          •   Eat a large variety of foods, with a mixture of raw and cooked food. Diversity instead
              of monotony!

          •   Avoid sugar (also in products...)!

          •   Reduce consumption of bread/pasta/starchy products (potatoes, etc.) (all
              carbohydrates other than dietary fibers are eventually converted into glucose

          •   Avoid foods you are sensitive to. Sometimes you might not be aware of food
              sensitivities and intolerances. Strong signs can be bloating, bad breath, rash, general
              fatigue or fatigue especially after eating, increased pulse, headache, etc.
              Gluten, dairy, soy and also eggs are the foods with the commonly highest pro-
              inflammatory potential.

          •   Reduce meat consumption. Prefer meat and products from pasture raised animals
              when consuming meat. They have a higher proportion of anti-inflammatory omega-3
              fatty acids than animals fattened with concentrated foods such as soy or corn, which
              are omega-6-heavy and therefore pro-inflammatory. – This also applies to organic

          •   Moderate consumption of fish (due to heavy metal exposure. No big fish (tuna, etc.),
              Wild caught fish from as clean waters as possible (Alaska) is better than farmed
              organic fish (which usually is also fed with omega6-heavy feed), etc.

          •   Eat lots of vegetables

          •   Eat fruit in moderation. Avoid or limit eating sweet fruits because of their high sugar
              content (unless you are in a tropical climate).

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          •    Do not consume your food and drinks too hot as this can burn your mucous
               membranes and make it prone to a virus attack.

       4. Hydrate!
          Studies show that dehydration weakens the immune system and makes it vulnerable to
          infections. Drink enough water throughout the day to strengthen the immune system.
          And if you already have an infection, make drinking a top priority! Coffee, teas, salty
          foods, they all drain. Therefore, limit the consumption of appropriate foods and increase
          the amount of water consumed.

       5. Avoid environmental toxins and harmful chemicals or reduce exposure
          In many cases the largest amount of toxins we are exposed to come from within our
          households and office spaces. These include ingredients in air fresheners, household
          cleaners, cosmetics but also industrially produced foods with their preservatives and
          dyes. (information and consumer guides e.g.

       6. Improve blood circulation, stimulate lymph
          In order to strengthening the immune system, it is important to ensure a good supply of
          oxygen and nutrients to the cells as well as removal of pollutants from the tissue.

           •   Move well, get enough fresh air
               Exercise/move, but do not overexert!
               => e.g. strong walking, light jogging, moderate strength training, ... Important:
               Breathe through the nose (she next point, 7.)

           •   If you have a viral infection but can still walk without any problems, get up from time
               to time and walk through the apartment and move your body. This will help to
               stimulate lymph flow and thus supports the immune system.

           •   Biohacks that I use myself:
               (a) BFR (Blood-Flow-Restriction
                    also for the elderly - she )
               (b) PEMF (Pulsing electromagnetic fields – improvement of microcirculation,
                   mitochondrial stimulation,... )
               (c) Infrared sauna
               (d) Red light therapy (for mitochondrial stimulation. ,

       7. Nitrogen oxide emissions - important for immune defense! – NO-Dump by Dr. Bush
          Nitric oxide expands blood vessels and capillaries and improves the ability of the lungs to
          absorb oxygen. Nitric oxides in the beneficial iNOS form is released in large quantities in
          higher intensity exercises. It relaxes the smooth vascular muscles, dilates the blood
          vessels and thus improves the ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen.

           Nitric oxide is also highly antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic. It is
           constantly produced in the nose (but not in oral breathing!) and helps the immune
           system to kill inhaled germs.

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           A very efficient way to produce a dump of iNOS and thus providing a strong antiviral and
           antibacterial boost to support the immune system is a brief but strong stimulation of the

           Dr. Zach Bush has developed a simple series of exercises ("NO-Dump") that will activate
           a strong NO-dump within 3-4 minutes. It takes about 3 hours to replenish the body’s NO
           storage after a "dump". Dr. Zach Bush therefore recommends doing the exercise up to 3
           times a day with 3-4 hours in between.
           (Instructions see:

           It is also interesting that humming when exhaling through the nose increases NO
           production by 15 times compared to a silent exhalation through the nose! (In below
           mentioned study, humming was done at 128Hz, C)

                                                                      Simple and effective!
                                                                      Buzzing increases the
                                                                      immune defense in the
                                                                      nasal and throat space!

           (Source: )

           Humming (with the mouth closed) can therefore be a very good method to activate the
           immune defense in the nasal/throat area, especially after potentially having been
           exposed to pathogens!

       8. Improve digestion / elimination / detoxification
             (a) Drink enough water (evenly distributed throughout the day)
               (b) Avoid constipation(reduces absorption and detoxification performance. Aim for
                   at least 1 bowel movement per day, better 2-3 times. If necessary take
                   magnesium (e.g. Mg-Malate) in the evening and titrate up as needed to produce
                   a bowel movements in the morning.
                   (Mg Malate e.g.:
               (c) If necessary, support intestinal flora with probiotics
               (d) Sweating (exercise, sauna)
               (e) Daily stretching/body movements utilizing all muscle groups up to the full range
                   of possible motion in order to activate lymph drainage

       9. Prevent dry skin
          Especially in cold seasons, the low humidity often leads to dry skin, slaps on the hands
          or brittle lips, all of which increase the risk of an infection. In addition to keeping the

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           body hydrated through drinking enough water, use skin creams/body lotions/lip balms
           without problematic additives to avoid dry skin.

       10. Taking care of the Respiratory tract
           COVID-19 spreads mainly via droplets, which adhere either to the mucous membranes
           of the nose, the throat or on the walls of the trachea and bronchi. However, before the
           viruses can penetrate into the body, they must overcome the mucous membrane. The
           virus needs to intrude into a mucosal cell in order to be able to multiply. This step,
           during which the viruses sit locally in the mucous membranes, takes time (incubation

           The airways have extremely effective defense and self-cleaning mechanisms. The
           mucous membranes have tiny flickering hairs on the outside which are covered with a
           thin layer of mucus. These hairs move synchronously in a circle and thus transport the
           mucus slowly from the bronchi into the throat space much like a conveyor belt. This
           process removes invaders and foreign particles caught in the mucus from the airways.
           When the mucus becomes too viscous or the mucous layer too thick, the elimination
           function gets disturbed.

           In the lungs the macrophages (scavenger cells) act as an additional line of defense
           eliminating foreign particles in the inhaled air (such as fine dust and other particles –
           including viruses and bacteria).

           (Info from:

           Measures to support the mucous membrane and bronchi:

               •   Gargle with water or cold/warm tea. Do not use alcohol-containing
                   mouthwashes, as alcohol irritates/dries the mucous membranes.
               •   Keep mucous membranes moist (drink regularly!) (better a few sips every 15
                   minutes than larger amounts every few hours)
               •   Inhalation of water vapor (old household remedy...) or use of a nebulizer with
                   saline solution up to several times a day (nebulizer e.g.
               •   Rinse the nose with lukewarm water or saline solution, e.g. with a netipot
                   Pot/5968?rcode=NZT459 or in a set with Himalayan salt:
               •   Avoid particulate matter/house dust/pollen (allergy sufferers!) as much as
                   possible and avoid smoking in order to not put additional stress on the
                   scavenger cells, so they can focus on harmful pathogens like viruses.

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  B2. Supplements to strengthen the immune system as preventive measure
       In times of increased risk for an infection, the immune system can be supported with the
       following supplements, among others:

       1. Vitamin C: 1000-8000 mg/d, depending on the risk of infection
              Best to be taken in several servings every 1-2 hours in the mornings and up until
              mid-afternoon (later use could have detrimental effects on your sleep) –.
              ATTENTION: Be careful with vitamin C and other immune boosters when you have
              autoimmunity! It could trigger an autoimmune flare up.
              When administering higher dosages, best use buffered vitamin C powder (ascorbic
              acid bound to alkaline minerals which is less straining on the stomach). E.g.:

       2. Vitamin A: 3000-5000 IU
              Attention: take as vitamin A, retinol, and not in beta-carotene form!) , e.g.:

       3. Vitamin D3&K2: 3000-5000 IU D3
              When taken for a longer period, the dosage should be set according to the D3-25OH
              blood level. Please consult your doctor regarding the lab work.
              Best taken as liquid (drops) and with vitamin K2 added, e.g.:

               (information on D3/K2 combo e.g. here:

       4. Quercetin: 1000mg
             Studies have shown that quercetin is effective against a whole range of viruses,
             including the SARS virus, a relative of COVID-19.

               Quercetin not only blocks the ability of viruses to infect cells, but also prevents virus
               replication. In a recently published study (March 2020) on pneumoniae streptococcal
               infections, the authors concluded that quercetin could be a candidate for an
               effective and potent low-cost clinical treatment against pneumococcal infections.


               The bioavailability of quercetin is increased when taken together with a bit of
               vitamin C.


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       5. Vitamin E: 200mg
              preferably in the form of mixed or gamma tocopherols (and tocotrienols), not only
              as in the synthetic alpha-tocopherol form (cheap form usually found in

              Vitamin E has a protective effect on the respiratory tract and can significantly reduce
              the risk of a cold.

       6. Melatonin: 0.3mg
             1/2 hour before bedtime
             For the rationale behind supplementing with melatonin, see chapter C2. COVID-19 &
             Melatonin: Immune system overreaction and the key role of the "sleep hormone"

       Additionally and as required:

       7. Good multivitamin and mineral
             (Pay particular attention to the forms of B vitamins I the supplement – the product
             should not contain folic acid, but folate and also no cyanocobalamin as B12).
             g/87150?rcode=NZT459 – this product uses very high dosages in one serving. I would
             take about 1/4 to 1/3 of the recommended daily dose for normal prevention and a
             bit more in phases of a weak immune system)

       8. Etc. depending on your individual constitution

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C. Acute case
 C1. Symptoms of Corona/COVID-19 according to WHO

 According to current knowledge, the disease COVID-19 usually begins after an incubation
 period of 4-7 (but also up to 12) days with
   •   fever (98% of all cases, usually 38-39°C/100.5-102°F),
       after 1-3 days followed by
   •   dry cough (76% of all cases).
 Usually also accompanied by muscle pain and fatigue.
 The virus first spreads in the mouth and throat, only later and not in all cases into the
 lungs. (she. B1. 10Taking care of the Respiratory )
 Some patients develop shortness of breath after a few days.

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 In severe and critical cases, COVID-19 can lead to severe pneumonia, respiratory failure,
 septic shock and multiple organ failure.
 Symptoms are categorized according to the
 following criteria:                                        Even people with asymptomatic
                                                            history (no or only mild symptoms)
  •    Mild cases:
                                                            can transmit and spread the virus
       Patients without or only mild pneumonia
                                                            for 2 weeks!
  •    Severe cases (29%):
       Patients with shortness of breath, a respiratory rate of at least 30/minute, an
       oxygenation of the blood of max. 93%, an oxygenation index of less than 300 and/or
       lung infiltrates of more than 50% within 24-48 hours.

  •   Critical cases:
      Patients with respiratory failure, septic shock and/or dysfunction or failure of multiple

C2. COVID-19 & Melatonin: Immune system overreaction and the key role of
    the "sleep hormone"
Latest studies on COVID-19 cases found that the majority of infected cases ( around 80%), show a
mild course.

Patients with severe disease history show an overreaction of the immune system, a so-called
"cytokine storm".

In the serum of seriously ill individuals, very high concentrations of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R)
and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were measured, as opposed to people with mild illness. The two serum
cytokines are therefore important markers for the severity of the disease (Huaxia, 2020).

A cytokine storm is a dangerous overreaction of the immune system that can be serious to fatal.
High concentrations of inflammatory cytokines are formed, which in turn stimulate immune cells to
form further cytokines. The resulting immune response does not automatically calm down, but
shoots beyond the target. That's what makes it so dangerous.

Substances that have an antiviral, antibacterial effect as well as an immunomodulating property,
strengthening the weakened immune system and at the same time preventing an excessive
inflammatory reaction, are therefore paramount in treating the COVID-19 infection.

(see: Dr. med. L.M. Jacobs,
vorbeugen/ )

The cytokine storm is spread by activating so-called NLRP3 inflammasomes. Melatonin may
suppress this increased NLRP3 activation. This property makes melatonin a very special substance
in the fight against COVID-19. It means that the course of infection is greatly reduced in patients
with correspondingly high melatonin content.

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It is known that the Melatonin levels is very high
in children and then decreases over the course of  Key to COVID-19
life. Naturally high melatonin levels seem to be
                                                   Melatonin prevents immune system
the reason why there are literally no severe
COVID-19 cases in children up to the age of 9      overreaction in COVID-19
years and why most severe cases occur in
elderly people.
(see:Doris Loh, 14.3.2020,

Be careful with ACE inhibitors and selenium!
ACE inhibitors are used, for example, to treat high            No selenia at COVID-19!
blood pressure. However, they increase the
expression of the ACE-2 gene. The same applies to             Supplementation of selenium, as is
selenium. COVID-19 infects by binding to ACE-2                often recommended for colds, is not
receptors. Stimulating ACE2 could therefore                   advisable in COVID-19!
increase the activity of COVID-19 virus!

Source: Lecture Corona Dr. Klinghardt 17.3.2020, :

C3. Strategy
    •   The virus can survive several days on smooth surfaces (door handles, touch screens, tables,
        telephone handsets, etc.). Similarly, aerosol transmissions (air particles) up to 8 meters have
        been detected. In dry air, the aerosols can remain in the air for another 15-30 minutes.
        Precautions such as
               o avoiding to shake hands;
               o keeping distance;
               o frequent hand washing
                    (with soap, minimum 20 seconds. Soap has antiviral properties. It causes the fatty
                    lipids membrane of the viruses to burst)4;
               o only touching eyes, nose, mouth directly after washing your hands;
               o etc.

        should be strictly adhered to.

    •   Self-isolate at the first signs of an infection. No contact with people at risk (elderly persons, sick
        persons, persons with pre-existing pulmonary diseases, persons with cancer, etc.)

 Why soap is so good at killing COVID-19:

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•   At the first signs of a cold (whether a sore throat, cold, fatigue, headache, increased
    temperature/fever, cough...) a COVID-19 infection should be considered, and countermeasures
    started immediately. Even if you are not sure whether it is a normal cold or a COVID-19
    infection. Don't wait and watch, but instead act as if.

•   It makes sense, for example, to always           Intervene at the first signs!
    have zinc lozenges and vitamin C at hand
    and to think about the measures you want         The earlier the immune system is
    to take in case get an infection and             supported after the onset of first
    organize these remedies now. Many                symptoms, the higher the chance of
    immune supporting supplements are                preventing the onset of infection or
    currently out of stock. In this case, re-check   significantly reducing the course.
    availability frequently and develop
    replacement strategies.
•   If you think you have a COVID-19 infection,      Attention!
    be sure to contact your doctor (call!).
                                                     Individuals with asymptomatic
•   Adjust the dosage to the severity of the
                                                     development with no or only mild
    symptoms. The recommended dosages in
                                                     symptoms are still carriers of the virus for
    the below section are partly very high and
                                                     up to 14 days and can spread the virus!
    are intended for short-term use at the
    beginning of the acute infection only (1-3
    days). They are not intended for prolonged
    use!                                             Prepare now!
•   When the initial symptoms have
    completely subsided, the acute protocol          Plan, how you intend to proceed in case
    can be terminated.                               you get infected and organize everything
•   If you don’t feel hungry during an infection,    you need.
    don't force yourself to eat. But always
    remind yourself to stay hydrated by
    drinking drinking water!                         Everything at hand?
•   In my opinion, not all the options of the
                                                     It makes sense, for example, to always
    acute measures need to be implemented.
                                                     have zinc lozenges and vitamin C at
    Often, taking zinc lozenges and vitamin C at
    the very first sign of an infection can fight
    the virus off within the first few hours or a
    day. Keep adding more measures in case           Contact your doctor!
    symptoms do not recede.
                                                     Be sure to contact a doctor if you feel you
                                                     are affected by a COVD-19 infection!

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C4. Acute measures (options)

In case of first signs of a cold/infection:
  1. Zinc lozenges: 15mg every 2 hours
     Don’t take more than 8 times a day and not for longer than 3-4 days

      When taking higher doses for longer periods, copper deficiency among other things could

      Taken at the earliest sign of symptoms, zinc lozenges can protect against a cold developing
      and shorten the duration of a cold by seven days.

      Often the signs of a beginning cold will disappear within a few hours when taking zinc
      lozenges. It is important to let the lozenges melt slowly in the mouth so that the zinc is
      absorbed directly through the oral mucosa. This is exactly where the zinc is needed in the
      starting phase of the infection.

      The best zinc lozenges contain zinc in ionized form – such as "Enhanced Zinc Lozenges" by
      Lozenges/87151?rcode=NZT459 )

      Background information:

  2. Vitamin C: 1,000 mg hourly to half-hourly
     Dose according to symptoms. Take 1-2g of vitamin C every hour.

      If soft stool/diarrhea develops, this indicates your personal bowel tolerance limit. When bowel
      tolerance is reached, suspend further vitamin C intake for a few hours and then resume with
      your hourly servings.

      In times when the immune system is under heavy load, the personal bowel tolerance can be
      very high. In some cases, amounts of more than 100g/day are tolerated in acute phases of the
      disease. Please inform yourself about the effects and side effects of a high-dose vitamin C
      intake before exerting this option. Further information on dosing up to the bowel tolerance
      can be found here:
      Flush-Protocol.pdf or by searching the web for "C Flush calibration protocol".

      A vitamin C infusion would clearly be preferable to a high-dose oral intake if available.
      However, an oral high-dose vitamin C intake up to the personal bowel tolerance can be a very
      efficient short-term measure of self-help if an infusion in the doctor's office is not possible.

      If you take vitamin C at a high dose for several days, it is important not to stop taking it
      abruptly, but to gradually reduce the dose.

      For a high dose ingestion, buffered vitamin C in powder form is the best option to get, as it can
      easily be dissolved in water and does not strain the stomach as much as pure ascorbic acid.

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  3. H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide - Munro Protocol for up to 3 days
     To reach and kill viruses directly at the mucous membranes.

      Execute the following procedure at the first signs of an infection up to 3x daily:
      (a) Inhale 3% H2O2: 5-10ml
          In case no inhaler/nebulizer is available, the hydrogen peroxide solution can also be
          sprayed into the mouth several times a day. You can get empty glass bottles with a spray
          lid in pharmacies or for instance here:
      (b) Spray 1.5% H2O2 solution into nose and ears (dry ears after 4 minutes with cotton swabs)
      (c) At the end gargle with 3% H2O2 solution for one minute to clear all mucus that has been
          solved and drained into mouth and throat.

      Bill Munro describes that with this protocol he brings almost all infections to a halt on the first
      day and usually does not need a second or third day of treatment.


         • Pure 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) WITHOUT additives can be obtained in any
              pharmacy. If buying hydrogen peroxide from a drugstore or any other retailer, make
              sure that the solution does not contain any additives.
         • Nebulizer e.g.

  3B HOCl ("Hozzel" water, Dr. Klinghardt) as an alternative to H2O2
      If available, HOCl solution could be used instead of hydrogen peroxide (see above). Dr. Dieter
      Klinghardt is selling a product with stable HOCl and specifically recommends it for fighting
      COVID-19. He is using it for disinfecting objects as well as for spraying his face and into nose
      and mouth several times a day.


  4. Inhalation of reduced glutathione
     Bring glutathione, the strongest antioxidant produced by our body, directly to the mucous
     membranes and into the bronchi.

      Dissolve glutathione powder in 5-10ml isotonic saline solution (optional with some
      natron/baking soda) and inhale with a nebulizer.

      I would start with

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          •   200mg of Glutathione in 5-10ml saline solution, 2-3x a day and,
              if necessary, increase
          •   up to 600mg of Glutathione in 5-10ml saline solution, 3x a day.

      The link to a review study at the end of this section lists studies and the dosages used. Dosage
      used were up to 60mg of Glutathione/kg body weight without side effects reported (this
      would be the equivalent to 3.6g/day in a 60kg person).

      Optionally, a 2-3 drops of a Lugol solution (=daily dose) could be added to one of daily the
      inhalation sessions. A Lugol solution is a potassium iodide and iodine solution in distilled
      water. Iodine has strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

         • Lugol solution, e.g.:
         • Capsules with pure glutathione powder in its reduced form WITHOUT any additives
              can be ordered e.g. here:
              The product contains high-quality SETRIA glutathione from Japan, which is used by
              many high quality brands. When looking for alternative products, please make sure
              you choose pure glutathione powder in reduced form without any additives.
         • Nebulizer e.g.

      Information on glutathione inhalation:
          • Youtube video by Dr. Sircus:


  5. Vitamin D3: 75000 IU each morning and evening, for a maximum of 3 days
     Dr. Steven Gundry, author of “The plant paradox” and former heart surgeon, is a strong
     advocat of taking high dose vitamin D to fight off an infection at first sign.
     He says that has never seen a
     If symptoms disappear, reduce supplementation to 2x5000 IU, then after 2 more days lower
     down to the prevention dose of 5000IU per day. Since vitamin D is fat soluble, it is best taken
     with food that contains fat.

      Information taken from:

          •   High dosing of vitamin D for infection prevention, podcast Dr. Gundry on COVID-19.
                  o Video: , starting at
                  o Transcript:

      While a short-term high dosing of Vitamin D3 to fight off the infection should be
      unproblematic, vitamin D3 must not be taken for more than 3 days at these high doses, unless

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     in special protocols, in which calcium intake is drastically reduced at the same time (e.g.
     Coimbra Protocol). For safety reasons, no additional calcium should be taken as a dietary
     supplement during the 3-day high dosing and the consumption of calcium-rich foods should
     be restricted. Although this is not a longer-term intake of high-dose vitamin D, as used in the
     Coimbra Protocol, here are some basic information on the calcium-poor diet used in the
     Coimbra protocol:

        • high-dose vitamin D product e.g.:
             (best to combine with vitamin K2: 100mcg vitamin K for each 10,000IU of vitamin D)

  6. Vitamin A: 100,000 IU for 3-4 days
     ATTENTION: Choose Vitamin A (retinol), NOT Beta Carotene.

        • High-dose vitamin A e.g.:

  7. Melatonin
     Daily dose:
     • 5mg for mild symptoms and                                 Melatonin
     • up to 50mg (or even 100mg) in the elderly and/or
        with increasing/severe symptoms.                         a key substance against
                                                                 COVID-19 (she point C2!)
     Intake of the daily dose:

      •   40% during the day, further divided into equal servings every 2hrs.
      •   30% in the evening, 2h after dinner,
      •   30% before bedtime, latest at 10 p.m.

     High dose product with 0.5mg of melatonin in 1 drop:

          oz-59-ml/48649 (Attention: please inform yourself about potential import restrictions
          into your country of residence!).

     Consult your doctor about the use of melatonin in your specific case, especially when you
     have diabetes (melatonin inhibits insulin release...), heart problems, high blood pressure, or
     use beta-blockers.

     In case melatonin is not available or can’t be prescribed, melatonin precursors can be
     substituted (e.g. Tryptophan, 5-http). However, you can’t reach the high levels of melatonin
     that are indicated as protective in the article.

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      •      The above dosing is based on the information given in chapter C2. COVID-19 &
             Melatonin: Immune system overreaction and the key role of the "sleep hormone"
      •      Supplementation protocol see appendix to the article:

  8. NoCoV-liposomal herbal mixture by Dr. Klinghardt
     COVID-19 uses a specific enzyme, furin, for activation and access to the host cell. Furin occurs
     in humans, among other things, in the lungs, liver and small intestine.

     The use of human furin by COVID-19 makes the virus up to 100x more virulent than the
     original SARS coronavirus.

     Dr. Dieter Klinghardt, an expert in the field of coronaviruses (he treated a larger number of US
     military personnel during the SARS virus wave), has put together a liquid herbal mixture of
     mainly bitter substances, which is supposed to restrict furin excretion and thus may inhibit
     the spread of COVID-19 in the body.

      • Liquorice/Liquorice
      • Andrographis
      • Marigold
      • Dandelion
      • Artemisia
      • Alpine skullcap
      • Rosemary
      One daily dose of 45 drops contains 9.75mg of each of the ingredients in liposomal form.

      • The product is available here:

      • Lecture Dr. Klinghardt, 17.3.2020:

  9. Herbs (Licorice, Dandelion & Co)
     The ingredients contained in NoCoV (she above) are highly effective against viruses and have a
     synergistic effect. Dr. Klinghardt continuously adapts the composition based on his

     Of course, the ingredients in NoCoV can also be taken individually.

      (a) Dandelion leaves
          The antiviral effect has also been demonstrated in studies against influenza viruses.( she
          e.g.: ).
          You can eat fresh dandelion leaves as a salad.

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          Dandelion extract (usually from the root), e.g.

      (b) Licorice
          is an ancient remedy. The effect against viruses and diseases of the upper airways (cough,
          bronchial catarrh, corona) is scientifically proven. (more information:
          However, if taken for a longer period of time, use deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), as this
          glycyrrhizin in licorice can disturb the hormone balance.

          Product e.g. as
           o Capsules:

          o    Chewable tablets
               Extract-90-Chewable-Tablets/2626?rcode=NZT459 )

      (c) Marigold (e.g. as tea)

      (d) Rosemary
          has mild antiviral and antibacterial, but above all also mucous properties

  10. Bronchipret (CH)/Bronchicum (GER)/Bronchial Clear (Thyme, Primrose, Climbing Ivy)
     If you suspect an early stage lung infection, as evidenced by dry cough that is not yet very
     severe, you also might want to add herbal anti cough remedies to your regimen, like products
     with thyme, primrose and climbing ivy as main active ingredients. These plant extracts help to
     reduce and calm the inflammatory process in the lungs and tend to make the mucus more

     A systematic review which confirms good results for cough using these and similar
     phythotherapeutics can be found here:

     Products, e.g.:
        • Bronchipret (GER, AUT, CH:
        • Bronchicum (GER, AUT: or for instance
        • Bronchial Clear (International:
            Bronchial-Clear-90-Tablets/23499?rcode=NZT459 )

  11. Monolaurin (component of coconut oil)
     Monolauric acid, a component of coconut oil, has strong antiviral properties.


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