Neurobiological Sensitivity to Social Rewards and Punishments Moderates Link Between Peer Norms and Adolescent Risk Taking - UNC DSN Lab
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Child Development, March/April 2021, Volume 92, Number 2, Pages 731–745 Neurobiological Sensitivity to Social Rewards and Punishments Moderates Link Between Peer Norms and Adolescent Risk Taking Eva H. Telzer , Nathan A. Jorgensen, Mitchell J. Prinstein , and Kristen A. Lindquist University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Although peer influence is a strong predictor of adolescents’ risk-taking behaviors, not all adolescents are sus- ceptible to their peer group. One hundred and thirty-six adolescents (Mage = 12.79 years) completed an fMRI scan, measures of perceived peer group norms, and engagement in risky behavior. Ventral striatum (VS) sen- sitivity when anticipating social rewards and avoiding social punishments significantly moderated the associa- tion between perceived peer norms and adolescents’ own risk behaviors. Perceptions of more deviant peer norms were associated with increased risky behavior, but only for adolescents with high VS sensitivity; ado- lescents with low VS sensitivity were resilient to deviant peer norms, showing low risk taking regardless of peer context. Findings provide a novel contribution to the study of peer influence susceptibility. Adolescence is a time of heightened vulnerability for identification of at-risk youth we need a process- risk-taking behavior that gives rise to later substance based understanding of peer influence that does not abuse, substance dependence, related health risk rely solely on self-report. The psychological pro- behaviors, and has critical implications for morbidity cesses underlying individual differences in suscepti- and mortality throughout the life span (see Telzer, bility may be best understood through the Rogers, & van Hoorn, 2017). Perceptions of peers’ examination of neural processes. risk behavior strongly predict adolescents’ initiation and escalation of risk-taking behaviors (Brechwald & Peer Influence Susceptibility in Adolescence Prinstein, 2011; Prentice, 2008). Yet, substantial work suggests notable variability in adolescents’ peer Peer influences, whether prosocial or deviant, influence susceptibility; for some, perceptions of may be especially salient during adolescence, when peers’ engagement in substance use are a strong pre- a reorientation from parental to peer contexts dictor of adolescents’ own substance use trajectories, occurs (Blakemore & Mills, 2014; Nelson, Jarcho, & whereas other adolescents are remarkably resilient to Guyer, 2016). Increased time spent with peers, as peer socialization pressures (Brechwald & Prinstein, well as a greater emphasis on gaining peer accep- 2011). However, it remains unclear which underly- tance, may place adolescents at risk for conforming ing processes make some adolescents more suscepti- to the norms and behaviors of their peer group in ble to peer influence. Unfortunately, individuals, and an effort to enhance their social belonging (i.e., “fit- perhaps especially adolescents, are remarkably una- ting in”; Do, Prinstein, & Telzer, in press). Percep- ware of, and unable to report the implicit processes tions of negative peer norms (e.g., peers who that contribute to conformity (Nisbett & Wilson, encourage deviant, risky, behaviors) can influence 1977). Self-reported measures of susceptibility may adolescents’ attitudes regarding the acceptability of thus be limited. Therefore, for effective prospective such behaviors, thereby encouraging engagement in health risk behaviors. As such, adolescence is gener- This research was supported by the National Institutes of ally a time of heightened susceptibility to peer Health (R01DA039923 to Eva H. Telzer) and the National Science influence. For instance, experimental studies have Foundation (BCS 1539651 to Eva H. Telzer). We greatly appreci- shown that compared to children and adults, ado- ate the assistance of the Biomedical Research Imaging Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as Car- lescents engage in more risk taking in the presence ina Fowler, Susannah Ivory, Amanda Benjamin, Virnaliz Jime- of peers versus alone (e.g., Gardner & Steinberg, nez, Ethan McCormick, Kathy Do, Paul Sharp, Lynda Lin, 2005) and tend to conform to the attitudes of their Christina Rogers, Jorien van Hoorn, and Tae-Ho Lee for assis- tance with study design, data collection, and analysis. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Eva H. Telzer, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Box #3270, 235 E. domain in the USA Cameron Ave Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270. Electronic mail may All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2021/9202-0021 be sent to DOI: 10.1111/cdev.13466
732 Telzer, Jorgensen, Prinstein, and Lindquist peers about risky behaviors (Cohen & Prinstein, avoid social punishment (e.g., disapproval by 2006; Knoll, Magis-Weinberg, Speekenbrink, & others) may be one factor that differentiates adoles- Blakemore, 2015). Moreover, many prospective lon- cents who are susceptible to peer influence and gitudinal studies have demonstrated that in addi- adolescents who are not. A stronger drive to gain tion to adolescents’ tendency to befriend peers who social rewards and avoid social punishments may engage in similar levels of risk taking (i.e., selection increase conformity to peer group norms, such that effects), adolescents’ perception that peers are youth engages in the behaviors that they think are engaging in health risk behaviors significantly pre- encouraged by the peer group as a means to attain dicts adolescents’ later engagement in health risk peer approval and avoid peer rejection (Do et al., in behaviors via socialization effects (Brechwald & press). Importantly, social rewards and punish- Prinstein, 2011). Taken together, a large body of ments need not be directly experienced but only research shows that adolescents are generally sus- anticipated to elicit social conformity (Falk et al., ceptible to negative peer influence. 2012). Indeed, the mere threat of peer rejection is However, while some adolescents are indeed enough to limit group deviance, and increase likely to emulate peers’ risk-taking behaviors, others adherence to social norms (Juvonen & Gross, 2005). are resilient to conformity pressures (Brechwald & Thus, approaching rewards and avoiding punish- Prinstein, 2011; Steinberg & Monahan, 2007). For ments are key motivational drivers and are rein- instance, research using both self-reported and per- forced via approval/acceptance and disapproval/ formance-based approaches to study peer influence rejection from peers. Peer influence susceptibility is susceptibility have shown that susceptibility is a therefore likely driven both by the motivation to normally distributed construct (Prinstein, Brech- affiliate, be accepted, and maintain a positive self- wald, & Cohen, 2011; Widman, Choukas-Bradley, concept as well to avoid exclusion and negative Helms, & Prinstein, 2016), suggesting approximately self-concept in the peer group (Falk et al., 2012). equal proportions of youth who are extremely high Given the limited efficacy of self-reports for or low in susceptibility. This variability in adoles- understanding implicit processes of conformity cents’ susceptibility prospectively predicts peer (Nisbett & Wilson, 1977), examining neurobiological influence effects. For adolescents who are high in sensitivity may be a promising avenue for probing susceptibility (i.e., greater changes in behavior fol- individual differences in susceptibility to peer influ- lowing exposure to experimentally manipulated ence. The ventral striatum (VS) is a key brain peer norms), perceptions of friends’ risky behavior region central to incentive-based, motivated behav- are associated with adolescents’ risky behavior. In iors (Smith, Berridge, & Aldridge, 2011) and is contrast, adolescents who are low in susceptibility implicated in encoding both appetitive (i.e., reward- do not show peer-related changes in risky behavior ing, approach-related) and aversive (i.e., punishing, over time (Prinstein et al., 2011; Teunissen et al., avoidance-related) social cues in the environment 2016). Moreover, late adolescents who self-report (Kohls et al., 2013). Across rodents, nonhuman pri- high susceptibility show a stronger link between mates, and humans, increases in dopamine signal- perceived peer norms and their own drinking ing peak during adolescence (Wahlstrom, White, & behavior compared to their low susceptibility peers Luciana, 2010), influencing motivated behaviors (DiGuiseppi et al., 2018). Taken together, the per- that are altered in adolescence (Padmanabhan & ceived norms of peers can play a powerful role in Luna, 2014). For instance, adolescents exhibit predicting adolescents’ risky behavior, but only for greater VS activation than children and adults those who are highly susceptible. when receiving primary (e.g., sweet liquid; Galv an & McGlennen, 2013) and secondary rewards (e.g., money; Galvan et al., 2006; Schreuders et al., 2018; Sensitivity to Social Rewards and Punishments Van Leijenhorst et al., 2010), as well as when antici- The Social Reward/Social Punishment Framework pating social rewards and avoiding social punish- (Falk, Way, & Jasinska, 2012) suggests two path- ments (e.g., social acceptance or rejection from ways by which susceptibility to normative social peers; Chein, Albert, O’Brien, Uckert, & Steinberg, influence occurs. One pathway occurs via the drive 2011; Guyer, McClure-Tone, Shiffrin, Pine, & Nel- to pursue social rewards conferred by conforming, son, 2009; Somerville, Hare, & Casey, 2011; 32 33). and the second pathway occurs via the avoidance Thus, conformity to peers may be driven, in part, of social punishment, including social exclusion. by a desire to attain social rewards and avoid social Individual differences in adolescents’ propensity to punishments, which may be substantiated via alter- seek social rewards (e.g., approval by others) and ations in VS sensitivity.
Neurobiological Sensitivity to Peer Influence 733 Preliminary evidence suggests that individual punishments, as well as measures of perceived peer differences in VS activation interact with the group norms and self-reported risk-taking behav- social context to predict adolescent behavior. iors. Adolescents rated the extent to which the peer While traditionally viewed as a vulnerability, norms they encountered in daily life encouraged heightened VS activation can also promote resili- prosocial activities (e.g., try hard in school, volun- ence depending on the social context (see Telzer, teer for a good cause) and deviant activities (e.g., 2016). Indeed, the VS processes the motivational drink alcohol, lie to adults). We focused on adoles- salience of both positive and negative contexts cents’ perceptions of peers’ behaviors since percep- (Levita et al., 2009; Lindquist, Satpute, Wager, tions of friends’ risk behaviors are a stronger Weber, & Barrett, 2016), including anticipated predictor of adolescents’ own risk behavior com- positive outcomes like rewards as well as avoid- pared to actual peer behavior (DiGuiseppi et al., ance of negative and aversive outcomes such as 2018; Iannotti & Bush, 1992; Slagt, Dubas, Dekovic, punishments (Kohls et al., 2013). For instance, Haselager, & van Aken, 2015). Although prior heightened VS activation in a risky context, par- research has measured both adolescents’ percep- ticularly in the presence of peers or social tions of their friends’ behavior, as well as friends’ rewards, is associated with compromised cogni- own reported behavior (Prinstein & Giletta, 2016), tive control and increases in risk taking (Chein the extant literature suggests that peer norms need et al., 2011; Galvan, Hare, Voss, Glover, & Casey, only be perceived to influence adolescents’ behav- 2007; Perino, Miernicki, & Telzer, 2016; Qu, ior. Galv an, Fuligni, Lieberman, & Telzer, 2015; Tel- We hypothesized that adolescents who perceive zer, Fuligni, Lieberman, & Galv an, 2013). How- more deviant relative to prosocial peer norms ever, heightened VS activation in positive, would show heightened risk taking, but this would prosocial contexts is associated with decreases in be moderated by neurobiological sensitivity to risk taking (Telzer et al., 2013), underscoring that social rewards and punishments. In particular, we individual differences in VS sensitivity interact predicted that adolescents who perceived that their with the social context to promote or impede ado- peers were engaging in relatively more risky behav- lescent adjustment. iors (e.g., deviant peer norms) than positive behav- iors (e.g., prosocial peer norms) would be particularly vulnerable to risk taking, but only if Current Study those adolescents had heightened VS activation We examined how variability in VS activation when anticipating receiving social rewards and when anticipating the receipt of social rewards and avoiding social punishments. For these same neuro- the avoidance of social punishments moderates the biologically sensitive youth, we hypothesized that link between deviant peer group norms and adoles- when they perceived that their peers engaged in cent risk taking. This approach diverges from prior relatively more positive than deviant behaviors, research that has either examined the neural corre- they would be buffered from risk taking. We addi- lates of social influence itself (e.g., Cascio, O’Don- tionally predicted that adolescents with low VS acti- nell, Bayer, Tinney, & Falk, 2015; Nook & Zaki, vation would be resilient to peer influence effects, 2015; Welborn et al., 2016) or tested how VS activa- insofar as those adolescents would not be moti- tion predicts concurrent or future risk taking and vated to adhere to peer norms, whatever peer con- peer conformity effects (e.g., Cascio, Carp, et al., text they found themselves in. By measuring VS 2015; Qu et al., 2015), which assume that neurobio- activation when anticipating social rewards and logical sensitivity applies equally to all adolescents punishments, we were able to test whether peer and fails to consider that the environment may influence susceptibility is characterized by a drive determine if, and how, neurobiological sensitivity to obtain social rewards, a heightened motivation influences developmental outcomes. Thus, consider- to avoid social punishments, or both. ing neurobiological sensitivity as a moderator of In addition to examining neurobiological sensi- social context is a promising avenue for identifica- tivity as a moderator of peer norms on adolescent tion of the most susceptible and at-risk youth risk taking, we examined whether self-reported sus- (Schriber & Guyer, 2016). ceptibility (assessed with the Resistance to Peer In this study, adolescents completed the Social Influence (RPI) scale; Steinberg & Monahan, 2007) Incentive Delay (SID) task during an fMRI scan to moderates this link. Self-report instruments, such as measure VS sensitivity when anticipating the the RPI, allow adolescents an opportunity to reflect receipt of social rewards and avoidance of social on their own tendencies to resist pressures from
734 Telzer, Jorgensen, Prinstein, and Lindquist peers, with reported changes in youths’ responses area deprivation index (percentiles compared to across development (Steinberg & Monahan, national average with higher scores meaning greater 2007). However, self-reported susceptibility may be deprivation: range = 22–97; M = 68.0, SD = 17.8; less predictive of adolescents’ behaviors, as youth is University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public often unaware of, unable to, or unwilling to report Health, 2018). Adolescents and parents gave written on their conformity tendencies (Nisbett & Wilson, assent/consent in accordance with the university’s 1977; Prinstein et al., 2011; Prinstein & Giletta, Institutional Review Board. 2016). Indeed, prior neuroimaging work has begun to reveal how neural activation predicts risk-taking Procedures behavior even more powerfully than adolescents’ Participants were recruited from a larger study own self-reports (Falk et al., 2014; Telzer et al., of 873 students in sixth and seventh grade. Partici- 2013). Thus, we hypothesized that neurobiological pants from the larger study provided interest in susceptibility would moderate the link between being contacted for a future fMRI study. Interested peer group norms and adolescent risk taking, above participants were then called and screened on the and beyond self-reported susceptibility. phone for eligibility (i.e., MRI contraindications) and recruited for the fMRI study within the same academic year as the larger study. We screened 284 Method families, of whom 91 were ineligible due to learning Participants disabilities, braces, head trauma, or other MRI con- traindications, and 45 were eligible but did not par- Participants were recruited from three rural public ticipate due to scheduling difficulties or no longer middle schools in the southeast United States. interested in participating, resulting in a final sam- Between 66.7% and 72.1% of students in these ple of 148 adolescents. Thus, of those contacted and schools was classified as economically disadvan- eligible, 77.5% participated. taged based on school reports (North Carolina For this study, adolescents and their primary care- School Report Cards, 2017), and 69.5% of students in giver attended the fMRI session, during which con- the district was eligible for free or reduced-price sent and assent were obtained. Participants lunch based on district reports. Of the 148 partici- completed an fMRI scan that lasted approximately pants who completed the fMRI session, three were 1.5 hr, during which they completed the SID task excluded from analyses due to not completing the (described in the below section), as well as four scan, two for excessive motion (> 2 mm in any other tasks that are not the focus of this manuscript. direction), one for technical errors, one for an MRI Following the scan, participants completed several artifact, and five for missing data on the peer group self-report measures using computer-assisted soft- norms questions, leading to a total sample of 136 ware in a private room, including perceived peer adolescents (70 female) ages 11–14 (Mage = 12.79, group norms and risk-taking behaviors, as well as SD = 0.59). We focus on early adolescents (ages 11– other measures which are not the focus of this 14) given that this developmental period is marked manuscript. Adolescents were compensated with a by increased behavioral (i.e., conformity) and neural monetary remuneration of $90, small prizes for com- (i.e., VS activation) sensitivity to peers. For instance, pleting the full scan and staying still (e.g., head- early adolescents show greater peer influence effects phones, candy; worth $20), snacks during the visit, in both prosocial (Foulkes, Leung, Fuhrmann, Knoll, and a meal. Parents were compensated with a mone- & Blakemore, 2018; van Hoorn et al., 2016) and devi- tary remuneration of $50, as well as a meal, compen- ant (Knoll, Leung, Foulkes, & Blakemore, 2017) peer sation for gas, and parking. contexts, and report lower RPI (Steinberg & Mona- han, 2007) relative to older adolescents. Adolescents were from diverse racial/ethnic back- Questionnaire Measures grounds (47 Hispanic/Latinx, 40 White, 31 Black/ Perceived Peer Group Norms African American, 12 multi-racial, 6 other). Overall, the sample was from low to middle socioeconomic Participants completed a revised version of the status in terms of parental reported household Perception of Peer Group Norms Questionnaire income (31%
Neurobiological Sensitivity to Peer Influence 735 (e.g., “may have tried or use tobacco”; “lie to Westdorp, Kaiser, & Hommer, 2000), and reliably adults”; “fight or bully others”) and eight positive engages the VS (Cremers, Veer, Spinhoven, Rom- (e.g., “try to set goals for school success”; “volun- bouts, & Roelofs, 2015; Kohls et al., 2013). For teer for a good cause”; “resist peer activities involv- instance, anticipation of both social and monetary ing tobacco, drugs, and alcohol use”) behaviors. All rewards recruits the VS (Spreckelmeyer et al., 2009), positive statements were reverse coded and a total and the anticipation of avoidable social punishments mean score was calculated so that higher scores recruits the VS similarly to VS activation during the indicate perceptions of relatively more negative anticipation of social reward gain (Kohls et al., 2013). peer group norms, and lower numbers indicate per- Each trial of the SID began with a cue that sig- ceptions of relatively more positive peer group naled whether the potential feedback would be a norms. The scale demonstrated good reliability reward, punishment, or neutral (500 ms; see Fig- (a = .827). ure 1). The cue was a different shape for each con- dition. The cue was followed by a jittered crosshair (between 0.48 and 3.9 s, M = 2.0 s), which was fol- Risk-Taking Behaviors lowed by the target (a white square; 300 ms), at Participants completed a modified version of the which point participants were instructed to press a Adolescent Risk-taking Scale (Alexander et al., button as quickly as possible. The display of social 1990). Adolescents reported on their frequency of feedback (1,450 ms) was dependent on the trial engaging in 14 risky behaviors on a 4-point scale type and participants’ reaction time. In the reward (0 = never, 1 = once or twice, 2 = several times, condition, a hit (i.e., fast enough response) earned 3 = many times). The scale included questions about the feedback of a happy face (i.e., social reward rule breaking (e.g., “I have snuck out of my house feedback), and a miss (i.e., too slow response) without my parents knowing”), sexual activity (e.g., earned a blurred face (i.e., neutral feedback). Dur- “I have had sex with someone I just met”), sub- ing the punishment condition, a hit earned a stance use (e.g., “I have gotten drunk or high at a blurred face (i.e., neutral feedback) and a miss party”), and dangerous behavior (e.g., “I did some- earned an angry face (i.e., social punishment feed- thing risky or dangerous on a dare”). A total mean back). Both hits and misses were followed by a score for all items was calculated (a = .769). blurred face in the neutral condition. After the feed- back, a jittered crosshair (between 0.51 and 4.2 s, M = 2.3 s) was presented before the next trial Resistance to Peer Influence began. Trials were presented in an event-related To examine self-reported peer susceptibility, we design, with reward, punishment, and neutral trials utilized the RPI Scale (Steinberg & Monahan, 2007) randomly ordered. Participants completed two that included 10 items (e.g., "I go along with my rounds of the task, totaling 116 trials (48 reward, 48 friends just to keep my friends happy."). The origi- punishment, 20 neutral). nal scale uses a two-question tree-structure for each To prevent a ceiling or floor performance effect item to derive final scores on a 4-point Likert scale. and ensure participants performed roughly at 50% In order to simplify readability for participants, accuracy so that they received relatively equal items used in this study were condensed into one amount of positive and negative feedback, the time question each on a 1- (really true) to 4- (not at all required for a successful hit was adaptive, starting true) point scale, with higher scores representing at 0.30 s for the first trial and adding or subtracting higher RPI and lower scores representing greater 0.02 s after a miss or hit, respectively, with an peer susceptibility. Additionally, all items were upper bound of 0.50 s and a lower bound of 0.16 s. modified to be “I” statements rather than "Some In order to make the task motivationally salient, people" statements. The scale demonstrated good age-matched adolescent faces posing emotional internal consistency (a = .858). facial expressions were utilized as rewards and punishments. The faces were photographs of ethni- cally diverse male and female adolescents (24 faces, SID Task 12 female) taken from the National Institute of Participants completed the SID task while under- Mental Health Child Emotional Faces Picture Set going fMRI to measure neural responses when antici- (NIMH-ChEFS). Participants were trained on the pating receiving social rewards and avoiding social meaning of each cue and completed 12 practice tri- punishments. The SID is modified from the widely als prior to entering the scanner. Three participants used Monetary Incentive Delay Task (Knutson, only had one round of usable fMRI data from the
736 Telzer, Jorgensen, Prinstein, and Lindquist Figure 1. Social incentive delay task. Each trial consists of a cue (circle, diamond, or triangle), a jittered crosshair delay, a target (white square) signaling participants to press a button, and feedback (e.g., happy face). Each cue and corresponding feedback depicted in lower panel of figure. [Color figure can be viewed at] task (due to early exit from scanner or technical (FOV) = 230 mm; 37 slices; slice thickness = 3 mm; issues), but were included in analyses because they voxel size 2.5 9 2.5 9 3 mm3) was acquired copla- met a priori requirements for the number of trials nar with a T2*-weighted structural matched-band- needed per condition (8 hits, or above a 15% hit width (MBW), high-resolution, anatomical scan rate). (TR = 5,700 ms; TE = 65 ms; matrix = 192 9 192; FOV = 230 mm; 38 slices; slice thickness = 3 mm). In addition, a T1* magnetization-prepared rapid-ac- fMRI Data Acquisition and Preprocessing quisition gradient echo (TR = 2,400 ms; Imaging data were collected using a three Tesla TE = 2.22 ms; matrix = 256 9 256; FOV = 256 mm; Siemens Prisma MRI scanner. The SID was pre- sagittal plane; slice thickness = 0.8 mm; 208 slices) sented on a computer screen and projected through was acquired. The orientation for the EPI and a mirror. A high-resolution structural T2*-weighted MBW scans was oblique axial to maximize brain echo-planar imaging (EPI) volume (TR = 2,000 ms; coverage and to reduce noise. Preprocessing was TE = 25 ms; matrix = 92 9 92; field of view conducted using FSL (FMRIB’s Software Library,
Neurobiological Sensitivity to Peer Influence 737 version 6.0; and included Exploratory, the following steps: Skull stripping using BET whole-brain analyses for each contrast are presented (Smith, 2002); motion correction with MCFLIRT in Table S1 and are available on Neurovault (Gor- (Jenkinson, Bannister, Brady, & Smith, 2002); spatial golewski et al., 2015: smoothing with Gaussian kernel of full width at lections/LXPKHSIX/). Notably, the VS was half maximum 6 mm; high-pass temporal filtering activated more to anticipating social rewards and with a filter width of 128 s (Gaussian-weighted social punishments than to neutral. Our primary, least-squares straight line fitting, with confirmatory analyses employed a region-of-interest sigma = 64.0 s); grand-mean intensity normaliza- (ROI) approach with the bilateral VS using a mask tion of the entire 4D data set by a single multiplica- based on Neurosynth by searching “VS” (http://neu tive factor; and individual level ICA denoising for motion and physiological noise using MELODIC The resulting automated meta-analytic image was (version 3.15; Beckmann & Smith, 2004), combined based on 415 studies, and was thresholded at Z = 14 with an automated signal classifier (Tohka et al., (see Figure S1). Using this mask, we extracted 2008; Neyman-Pearson threshold = 0.3). For the parameter estimates of signal intensity from the pri- spatial normalization, the EPI data were registered mary contrasts of interest (reward anticipation vs. to the T1 image with a linear transformation, fol- neutral anticipation and punishment anticipation vs. lowed by a white-matter boundary-based transfor- neutral anticipation). Parameter estimates from each mation (Greve & Fischl, 2009) using FLIRT, linear of these contrasts therefore represent neural activa- and nonlinear transformations to standard Montreal tion in the VS when anticipating social rewards and Neurological Institute (MNI) 2-mm brain were per- social punishments, each controlling for anticipation formed using Advanced Neuroimaging Tools to neutral. Parameter estimates from the VS ROI (Avants et al., 2011), and then spatial normalization were used as a moderator in subsequent analyses to of the EPI images to the MNI. test our primary hypotheses. fMRI Data Analysis Analysis Plan Individual level, fixed-effects analyses were esti- Moderation analyses were conducted in SPSS mated using the general linear model convolved (version 25; Armonk, NY USA: IBM Corp) using the with a canonical hemodynamic response function in PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013). This is a path-analy- SPM8. The task was modeled as event-related with sis approach to moderation that simultaneously eight conditions, including three anticipation condi- models multiple conditional effects using ordinary tions (reward, punishment, neutral), two outcome least squares regression for continuous outcomes. conditions for both reward (hit, miss) and punish- Bootstrap bias-corrected confidence intervals (95%) ment (hit, miss), and one outcome condition for neu- are estimated, where nonzero overlapping confi- tral. Anticipation conditions were modeled as the dence intervals indicate a significant effect. Modera- onset of the cue and the duration of the cue and jit- tion was conducted by standardizing the predictor ter prior to the target, and outcome conditions were and moderator variables prior to analysis. Adoles- modeled at the onset of and the full duration of the cent risk taking served as the dependent variable, feedback. Six motion parameters were modeled as and age was entered as a covariate. We first tested regressors of no interest. Using the parameter esti- whether self-reported susceptibility (i.e., RPI) moder- mates from the general linear model (GLM), linear ates the link between peer group norms and adoles- contrast images comparing each of the conditions of cent risk taking. We then tested whether VS interest were calculated for each individual. The pri- activation to anticipating social rewards and punish- mary contrasts of interest for this study were reward ments moderates the link between peer group norms anticipation versus neutral anticipation and punish- and adolescent risk taking. We further included RPI ment anticipation versus neutral anticipation. as a covariate to ensure VS activation serves as a Individual subject contrasts were then submitted moderator above and beyond self-reported peer to random effects, group-level analyses using influence susceptibility. For probing the significant GLMFlex (McLaren, Schultz, Locascio, Sperling, & moderation effects, we used the Johnson–Neyman Atri, 2011), which corrects for variance–covariance technique and marginal-effects plots in conjunction inequality, removes outliers and sudden activation with visual depictions of simple slope using small changes in the brain, partitions error terms, and ana- multiples (created with the R-based interActive data lyzes all voxels containing data (http://mrtools.mgh. visualization tool; McCabe, Kim, & King, 2018).
738 Telzer, Jorgensen, Prinstein, and Lindquist Table 1 Descriptives and Correlations Among Study Variables Variable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Peer group norms 1 .03 .09 .16 .44*** .14+ 2. VS reward-neutral 1 .72*** .07 .11 .04 3. VS punish-neutral 1 .10 .02 .08 4. Resistance to Peer Influence 1 .10 .06 5. Risk taking 1 .24** 6. Age 1 M (SE) 2.16 (.06) 0.11 (.02) 0.06 (.02) 3.33 (.05) 0.24 (.02) Range 1.0 to 4.13 0.61 to 0.76 0.89 to 0.88 1.0 to 4.0 0 to 1.43 + p < .10. **p < .005. ***p < .001. Results activation to social punishments (66.85% of observa- tions are within the region of significance). Descriptive Statistics For visualization purposes, we used small multi- Table 1 presents correlations among all study ples to plot a broad range of simple slope effects, variables. Adolescents who perceived relatively which displays the observed data that are most rep- more negative than positive peer group norms resentative of each simple slope (McCabe et al., reported greater risk taking. VS activation when 2018). As shown in Figure 2, for adolescents with anticipating social rewards or punishments was not relatively higher VS activation (0.5 SD below the associated with peer group norms or risk taking. Age was positively correlated with risk taking, and marginally related to more negative peer group Table 2 norms. Males and females did not differ on any of Ventral Striatum (VS) Sensitivity to Social Rewards and Social Pun- the study variables (ps > .16). We therefore con- ishments Moderates Link Between Perceived Peer Group Norms and trolled for age but not sex in our primary analyses. Adolescent Risk Taking ΔR2 B (SE) p 95% CI Moderation of Link Between Peer Norms and Adolescent Reward—neutral Risk Taking Step 1: Covariates .072 .007 Self-reported RPI did not moderate the associa- RPI .108 (.080) .177 [ .266, .050] tion between perceived peer group norms and ado- Age .243 (.081) .003 [.082, .403] lescent risk taking (B = .024, SE = .019, p = .22, 95% Step 2: Main effects .176 .000 CI [ .014, .061]). In contrast, VS activation when PGN .394 (.075) .000 [.246, .542] VS reward-neutral .130 (.072) .074 [ .013, .273] anticipating receiving social rewards and avoiding Step 3: Interaction .027 .030 social punishments each moderated the association PGN 9 VS .161 (.073) .030 [.016, .306] between peer group norms and risk taking, above Total R2 .275 and beyond self-reported RPI (Table 2). Punishment—neutral We probed this interaction using the Johnson– Step 1: Covariates .072 .007 Neyman technique (Bauer & Curran, 2005; Hayes & RPI .108 (.080) .177 [ .266, .050] Matthes, 2009), which mathematically derives the Age .243 (.081) .003 [.082, .403] “regions of significance,” where the conditional effect Step 2: Main effects .160 .000 of the predictor variable transitions between not sta- PGN .396 (.076) .000 [.246, .546] tistically significant to statistically significant. The VS punish-neutral .048 (.078) .537 [ .105, .201] simple slope of perceived peer group norms on ado- Step 3: Interaction .050 .003 PGN 9 VS .229 (.076) .003 [.078, .380] lescent risk taking is no longer significant at 0.95 SDs Total R2 .282 below the mean on VS activation to social rewards (78.65% of observations are within the region of sig- Note. PGN = peer group norms; RPI = Resistance to Peer nificance) and 0.90 SDs below the mean on VS Influence.
Neurobiological Sensitivity to Peer Influence 739 Figure 2. Small-multiples depictions of the interaction effect of perceived peer group norms and ventral striatum (VS) activation on adolescent risk taking. The small multiples illustrate the interaction across the range from 1.5 SD below to 1 SD above the mean in VS activation to (a) social rewards and (b) social punishments. Each graphic shows the computed 95% confidence region (shaded area), the observed data (gray circles), the maximum and minimum values of the outcome (dashed horizontal lines), and the crossover point (dia- mond). PTCL = percentile. We z-transformed risk taking, such that negative scores represent below average risk taking, whereas posi- tive scores represent above average risk taking. [Color figure can be viewed at]
740 Telzer, Jorgensen, Prinstein, and Lindquist mean and higher), peer group norms were signifi- were resilient in the face of negative peer norms, cantly associated with adolescent risk taking, such showing low risk taking regardless of peer context. that those perceiving relatively more deviant peer Together, these findings suggest that VS sensitivity norms showed heightened risk taking, whereas to social rewards and punishments does not serve those perceiving relatively more prosocial peer as a monolithic negative susceptibility marker, but norms were buffered from heightened risk taking. instead may tune adolescents to the social norms of In contrast adolescents with relatively lower VS their peer context, amplifying peer influence effects activation were resilient to peer norms, such that in both positive and negative ways. These effects prosocial and deviant peer norms were not associ- persisted above and beyond self-reported peer ated with risk taking. As shown in Figure 2, the influence susceptibility, suggesting that neurobio- crossover point (small diamond on each line) cap- logical sensitivity to social rewards and punish- tures where the groups (i.e., high and low neurobi- ments may be a more sensitive index of heightened ologically sensitive youth) are no longer susceptibility to peer influence, and may capture significantly different from one another. The cross- more implicit aspects of susceptibility that are not over point occurs when youth report relatively accessible to or reported by individuals. more prosocial peer group norms, suggesting that This method of using the brain as a moderator high and low neurobiologically sensitive youth only of social context diverges from prior research differ in their risk-taking behaviors when they are emphasizing that neurobiological sensitivity applies in more deviant peer contexts. equally to all adolescents. This perspective offers two important advantages which may be especially relevant for prevention efforts. First, this perspec- tive underscores that not all adolescents are vulner- Discussion able to peer influence effects, and that adolescents Adolescence is marked by increases in susceptibility with low neurobiological sensitivity (i.e., low VS to peers, heightened risk taking, and rapid changes activation) will be resilient to conformity pressures, in VS activation. This study examined how variabil- as they may not be motivated to adhere to peer ity in VS sensitivity to social rewards and punish- norms, no matter the peer context they find them- ments moderates individual differences in selves in. Second, this perspective underscores that susceptibility to peers. We found that heightened high VS sensitivity does not equally place all youth VS activation when anticipating social rewards and at risk; only for adolescents in negative peer con- avoiding social punishments moderated the associa- texts (e.g., deviant peer norms) is heightened VS tion between perceived peer norms and risk taking, activation linked to adolescents’ own risk behav- suggesting that the VS is signaling the motivational iors. Adolescents with high VS activation who are relevance of anticipating social feedback, regardless in positive peer environments (e.g., prosocial peer of valence, placing youth at risk when they are in norms) are buffered from engaging in risk taking. negative peer contexts but buffering them in posi- Importantly, our results may not only identify ado- tive peer contexts. lescents most at risk, but also perhaps those who While prior research has examined the neural may be the most open to positive socializing influ- correlates of peer conformity (e.g., Cascio, O’Don- ences from prosocial peers. Future research should nell, et al., 2015; Nook & Zaki, 2015; Welborn et al., examine the extent to which sensitivity to social 2016), or how heightened striatal activation predicts rewards and punishments moderates the links concurrent or future peer influence and conformity between prosocial norms and prosocial behaviors. effects (e.g., Cascio, Carp, et al., 2015), this study Heightened VS activation reinforces the reward- provides a novel contribution by examining how ing nature of engaging in motivated appetitive variability in VS sensitivity to social rewards and behaviors and avoiding aversive behaviors (Kohls punishments moderates the link between social con- et al., 2013). Although speculative, individuals with text and risk taking. In particular, we found that heightened VS activation to both anticipated social perceptions of more deviant peer norms were asso- reward gain and social punishment avoidance may ciated with increased risk-taking behavior but only experience greater motivation to adhere to peers’ for adolescents with high VS activation when antici- behavior, perhaps out of a desire to gain peer pating both social rewards and punishments. Ado- acceptance, increase social connection, and avoid lescents with high VS sensitivity who perceived peer disapproval and rejection (Falk et al., 2012). As more prosocial peer norms engaged in less risk tak- such, those with heightened VS activation in nega- ing. In contrast, adolescents with low VS activation tive peer contexts (e.g., perceived deviant peers)
Neurobiological Sensitivity to Peer Influence 741 may adhere to those norms and engage in more possible that there are sensitive periods during risk taking, whereas those with heightened VS acti- which heightened VS activation is a particularly vation in positive peer contexts (e.g., perceived salient susceptibility marker. Longitudinal research prosocial peers) may adhere to those norms and will be key to unpack whether early striatal sensi- avoid risk taking, engaging in levels similar to their tivity, sensitivity at particular developmental peri- peers with low VS sensitivity. Collectively, these ods, and/or longitudinal increases in VS sensitivity findings implicate high VS activation to both antici- similarly serve as particular risk factors. A develop- pated social reward gain and social punishment mental longitudinal investigation of peer influence avoidance as a potential susceptibility marker that susceptibility will allow us to examine how changes modulates the perceived value associated with peer in psychobiological processes might be associated influence. with changes in peer influence susceptibility and These findings have implications for interven- correspondingly, prospective risk-taking behaviors. tions seeking to decrease adolescent risk taking. In addition, peer influence susceptibility likely is While some youth will be impervious to interven- the product of complex and interacting networks tions, those who are neurobiologically sensitive (i.e., throughout the brain. While this study examined have heightened VS activation to social rewards regional brain activity within the VS, this research and punishments) will be more likely to benefit reflects the assumption that brain regions operate in from interventions that focus on changing adoles- isolation. Compared to work on adults (e.g., cents’ social context and the perceived norms of O’Donnell, Bayer, Cascio, & Falk, 2017; Wasylyshyn their peers. Indeed, prior work suggests that peer et al., 2018), more research is needed among youth influence may be driven by misperceptions of using a network neuroscience approach. For norms and overestimations of risk attitudes among instance, greater connectivity between regions peers (i.e., pluralistic ignorance; Prentice & Miller, involved in executive control (e.g., dorsolateral pre- 1993; Prinstein & Wang, 2005). Thus, among youths frontal cortex) and motivational relevance (e.g., VS) who are neurobiologically sensitive (i.e., heightened may be associated with less peer influence suscepti- VS activation), interventions that focus on helping bility, as heightened connectivity may signal effec- adolescents seek alternate socially rewarding stim- tive top-down cognitive control. In contrast, greater uli (e.g., engagement with prosocial peers) may connectivity between regions involved in affective have the largest impact. These findings suggest salience (e.g., amygdala) and motivational relevance social contextual processes that might be most rele- (e.g., VS) may be associated with greater peer influ- vant to target in psychosocial preventive ence susceptibility, as heightened connectivity may approaches, and greater awareness of the biologi- signal greater attention to socio-affective stimuli cally reinforcing properties of peer conformity. and a motivation to seek social rewards. Focus on connectivity within and between these networks will allow us to begin to identify the psychobiologi- Limitations and Future Directions cal processes associated with peer influence suscep- Although the adolescent transition represents a tibility across development. key period of heightened susceptibility to peers Finally, future research would benefit from the (Brechwald & Prinstein, 2011; Prentice, 2008) in use of peers’ self-reported norms and behaviors, both deviant and prosocial contexts (Foulkes et al., which would reduce concerns about methods vari- 2018; Knoll et al., 2017; van Hoorn et al., 2016), ance. Nonetheless, the use of adolescents’ perceived remarkably little prospective longitudinal work has peer norms offers an advantage in examining a been conducted, especially examining the develop- more proximal predictor of risk behavior, since mental psychobiological precursors of peer influ- prior work shows that adolescents’ perceptions of ence susceptibility. Because our study was cross- their peers’ behavior mediate the association sectional, we are unable to examine how peer influ- between peers’ actual reported behavior and ado- ence and neurobiological susceptibility unfold over lescents’ own behavior (Fromme & Ruela, 1994; time. Specifically, we cannot test the direction of Prinstein & Wang, 2005). effects, and it is possible that adolescents engaging in risk taking seek out peers who endorse the same Conclusions behaviors (i.e., selection effects). Given substantial reorganization of the adolescent brain (Nelson Adolescents vary considerably in peer influence et al., 2016), including significant changes in VS susceptibility (Brechwald & Prinstein, 2011), how- activation across adolescence (Telzer, 2016), it is ever, remarkably little work has adequately
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