COOPERATION OPC Foundation and OPEN-SCS - Track and Trace: OPC UA in the Pharmaceutical Industry SUPPLY CHAIN
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COOPERATION OPC Foundation and OPEN-SCS Version V02 // August 2021 Serialization Production Aggregation SUPPLY CHAIN Customer Warehouse Transport Transport Wholesale Track and Trace: ©ALF photo, – OPC UA in the Pharmaceutical Industry
2 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 3 4 OPEN-SCS: INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS 20 OPEN-SCS: ORGANIZATIONS ealthcare supply chains need to be safe H • Working Group and ensure that counterfeit products are not • Membership introduced into the supply chain and to users. 22 OPEN-SCS: RESOURCES 6 OPEN-SCS: AT A GLANCE • Specifications • Training Material 8 QUOTES • Implementation Guidelines • Certification overview • Verifarma • facilityboss WELCOME TO THE • Vimachem 24 OPEN-SCS: SUCCESS STORIES • Uhlmann OPEN-SCS WORKING GROUP • TraceLink 24 ADVANCO • SEA Vision 26 Syntegon • Abbott 28 WIPOTEC-OCS Welcome to the OPEN-SCS working group, which, over the past 4 – 5 years, has created the • Körber 30 Körber OPEN SERIALIZATION COMMUNICATION STANDARD (SCS) for the integration of serialization • Mettler Toledo • WIPOTEC-OCS and track and trace systems. 12 OPEN-SCS: TECHNOLOGY 12 Technical Overview Serialization systems provide unique serial numbers – increasingly and data modelling and can be used within a protected automation 14 OPC UA based solution required by regulators – used to detect counterfeit products and to environment and in Enterprise and cloud-based solutions. We 18 Security support and track products through the supply chain. This func- used GS1 EPCIS to incorporate the international and widely ac- tionality is of vital importance in the healthcare industry, and is be- cepted standards for serialization in the Supply Chain. Working coming increasingly required in food & beverage, consumer goods, with subject matter experts on GS1/EPCIS, we have specified how electronics, and other regulated and high value industries. to use EPCIS correctly within an interoperable system, and how to I am extremely happy to report that we have a comprehensive set further integrate it into the OPC UA environment. Likewise, we of specification documents, which allow vendors to develop, test used the ANSI/ISA-95 standard because of its leading role in Man- and implement OPEN-SCS in their products. We also have a test ufacturing Operation Management Systems. Lastly, we have en- environment to help vendors test and validate their products. This sured that our OPC UA Companion Specification is aligned with was our goal, and now a select group of vendors have taken the the OPC UA Companion Specification for ISA-95. lead and are soon to release products to the market. The need for integration across serialization solutions is becoming The OPEN-SCS does not replace current standards but combines more visible to manufacturing and distribution companies. Not only them with OPC UA Companion Specifications to provide secure, is it being used for track and trace and detection of counterfeits in interoperable, reliable, vendor independent and platform-indepen- the supply chain, but it is also being used in supply chain optimiza- ©pro500 – dent communications. We selected OPC UA, GS1 EPCIS and tion, international trade monitoring, finances, and tax collection. ANSI/ISA-95 (IEC/ISO 62264) standards in order to ensure interop- This effort has brought together technology and people to create erability across different platforms/systems and across different something that brings great value to our families, our friends, and solution architectures. Another goal of ours is to ensure that, for all healthcare patients around the world. each system, equipment level, controller level, line-level systems, plant-level systems, and Enterprise systems, they are all part of a seamless serialization and track and trace implementation. With MARCEL DE GRUTTER OPC UA, we have a proven technology which includes security Executive Director OPEN-SCS
4 OPEN-SCS: INDUSTRY REQUIREMENTS 5 “ The Forty-First World Health Assembly, after reviewing the report of the Executive Board on the implementation Provisioned Unassigned Printed Commissioned Product Serial Serial Number Product Label Product Label of WHO’s revised drug strategy, requested: Number ness-level Track and Trace standards. The GS1 … governments and pharmaceutical manufacturers to cooperate in the CBV/VOC terminology has been used throughout the OPEN-SCS specifications to ensure easy inte- detection and prevention of the increasing incidence of the export or smuggling of gration of serialization systems using OPEN-SCS falsely labelled, spurious, counterfeited or substandard pharmaceutical preparations”. Unassigned Provisioned Printed Commissioned Tracking each step communication models with the EPCIS message Carton Serial Packaging in the Serial Number Carton Label Carton Label models. GS1/EPCIS subject matter experts directly ©k_yu_zhuravlev – Number serialization OPEN-SCS – Open Serialization Communication Specification lifecycle participate within the OPEN-SCS Technical Commit- tee’s engineering team. OPEN-SCS uses the GS1 Carton ( specified data identifiers and struc- Unassigned Provisioned Printed Commissioned ture, where appropriate, and defines OPEN-SCS INDUSTRY Pallet Serial Packaging Serial Number Number Pallet Label Pallet Label specific events and state changes in serialization within production, packaging, and distribution sys- tems. This extra information allows tracking of serial Pallet numbers and serialized products within a facility and REQUIREMENTS Shipping at a finer level of detail than GS1’s Electronic Product Code Information Specification (EPCIS). Figure 1: Serialization for some cases, extract ransom payments. Corporate OPEN-SCS must also be compatible with the indus- products, cartons and network vulnerability to these attacks extends down try’s manufacturing best practices, so that, through a pallets to production systems and the interfaces between close partnership with the International Society for Healthcare supply chains need to be safe and ensure that counterfeit products are not intro- them – even entirely within the four walls of the cor- Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), OPEN-SCS is poration. OPEN-SCS defines a highly secure inter- aligned with GAMP (Good Automated Manufacturing duced into the supply chain and to users. However, counterfeit pharmaceutical and health- face that is considered to be the best in industrial Practice) best practices. ISPE subject matter experts care products are widely produced and distributed globally. The estimated value has in- system security. Stolen serial numbers have a high directly participate on the OPEN-SCS Technical value because they are used with counterfeit prod- Committee’s engineering team. creased from $10 Billion USD in 2012 to $130 Billion USD according to the World Health ucts. Using the OPEN-SCS specifications, manufac- OPEN-SCS provides the serialization management Organization (WHO). turers can implement industry best practices to keep system interfaces that support global regulation re- their serialization systems secure and serial numbers porting requirements and the packaging serialization protected. The OPEN-SCS specifications can be management processes from the enterprise serial- used to securely track product, carton, case, and ization manager to the packaging lines for serialized pallet serial numbers from unassigned, semi-random products throughout the manufacturing lifecycle. In some countries, counterfeit products are estimat- ners can be expensive and time consuming. But, in- numbers to commissioned products. OPEN-SCS also supports the activities of CPO ed to account for 70 % of the medications sold. tegration does not stop there, the laws and regula- (Contract Packaging Organizations), CMOs (Con- Counterfeit products hurt and even kill patients, re- tions mean that the packaging and warehouse OPEN-SCS IN YOUR GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN tract Manufacturing Organizations), 3PLs (Third Part duce customer confidence in life-saving treatments, equipment and associated plant operations man- OPEN-SCS is defined to be complimentary to the Logistics organizations) and reporting to government and damage company reputations. agement systems must exchange information with GS1 and the EPCIS standards that deal with busi- regulatory authorities as shown in figure 2. Governments are addressing the global healthcare both the manufacturers’ supply chain management counterfeiting crisis by creating laws that require se- systems and with dispensing support systems. rialization of healthcare products, their aggregation OPEN-SCS provides a standard interface for serial- onto shipping pallets at the manufacturer or re- ization equipment, allowing for seamless integration packager as well as authentication and verification at of systems from printers to corporate IT serialization '^ϭͬW/^ĂƚĂdžĐŚĂŶŐĞ;ŽƵŶƚƌLJZĞŐƵůĂƚĞĚͿ the dispenser. These laws require healthcare manu- systems. OPEN-SCS is designed to allow plug-and- facturers to apply unique, serialized identifiers to indi- play integration of the industrial printers and visual- vidual instances of physical objects for track and ization systems that are required to implement an trace purposes. effective and validated serialization solution. OPEN- SCS defines the standard for exchanging product ŝƐƉĞŶƐĞƌ SERIALIZATION FOR PRODUCTS, CARTONS, serialization information across an enterprise and CASES, AND PALLETS their contract partners. Everyone in the healthcare supply chain will need to While the initial work of OPEN-SCS is focused on the support serialization, starting at labelling and pack- healthcare industry and related laws and regulations, aging lines, through distribution centers, and on to the OPEN-SCS Packaging Serialization Specification final sellers. This usually requires new equipment in is designed to be effectively applied in other industries the production or packaging lines, both at the indi- that are increasingly requiring serialization of products. vidual salable item level, at the carton level, at the Security is a vital element in a serialization solution. case level, and at the pallet level (figure 1). Integration Criminal and terrorist organizations have increasingly KWEͲ^^^ĐŽƉĞ Figure 2: OPEN-SCS in and validation of new printer and associated scan- attacked corporate networks to cause harm and, in your global supply chain
6 OPEN-SCS: AT A GLANCE 7 OPEN-SCS ©aibenedis – AT A GLANCE CHALLENGE of systems from printers to corporate IT serialization STRONG SECURITY THAT IS SCALABLE mechanisms needed to facilitate dynamic discovery Healthcare supply chains need to be safe and ensure systems. OPEN-SCS defines the standard for ex- OPEN-SCS defines a highly secure interface that is and access to OPC UA information models. OPEN- that counterfeit products are not introduced into the changing product serialization information across the considered the best in industrial system security. SCS is one of the many information models under supply chain and to users. Governments are ad- enterprise. Stolen serial numbers have a high value because the OPC Foundation umbrella. dressing the global healthcare counterfeiting crisis by they are used with counterfeit products. In addition, creating laws that require serialization of healthcare BASED ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS the underlying OPC UA technology is based on ac- GROWING AREAS OF ADOPTION products, their aggregation into shipping pallets at OPEN-SCS has not reinvented the wheel – instead cepted security concepts and standards that are The functional breadth of OPC UA makes it universal the manufacturer or re-packager and authentication OPEN-SCS is based on existing accepted interna- also used for secure internet communications in- and applicable for use in an ever-growing list of new and verification at the dispenser. tional standards like OPC UA (IEC62541), GS1, cluding Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Transport Layer markets and applications. From local plants to re- EPCIS, and ANSI/ISA-95 (IEC/ISO 62264). OPEN- Security (TLS) and Advanced Encryption Standard mote field stations behind firewalls – OPC UA is con- AVOID VENDOR LOCK-IN SCS is compatible and aligned with industry best (AES). OPC UA offers protection against unauthor- sistently the preferred choice. Other standards bod- These laws require healthcare manufacturers to ap- practices e.g., with the International Society for ized access, sabotage, modification of process data ies increasingly use OPC UA as an interoperability ply unique serialized identifiers to individual instances Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) and GAMP (Good and careless operations. platform for defining and implementing their own in- of physical objects for track and trace purposes. Automated Manufacturing Practice). formation models. Currently, the OPC Foundation Everyone in the healthcare supply chain will need to ROBUST INFORMATION MODELING cooperates with over 63 such groups from various support serialization, starting at labelling and pack- SECURE, RELIABLE INTEROPERABILITY Robust information modeling is built into the heart of industries including discrete and process automa- aging lines, through distribution centers, to final sell- OPEN-SCS is based on OPC UA technology – a the OPC UA standard. OPC UA defines base build- tion, energy, engineering tool manufacturers, indus- ers. Proprietary solutions will create multiple inter- world accepted IEC standard which delivers a se- ing blocks and consistent rules to build object-ori- trial kitchen equipment, and now pharmaceutical faces, high efforts to support different solutions and cure, reliable transport of data and information from ented models with them. In OPC UA it is possible to with OPEN-SCS. finally will result in a vendor lock in. the shop floor to control systems, to production expose and discover information models in a consis- planning systems, and to the cloud and back. tent and universal manner between all OPC UA enti- STANDARD INTERFACE – SEAMLESS OPC UA is the key technology for the digital transfor- ties. OPC UA defines a few industry-agnostic infor- HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL INTEGRATION mation migrating from the protocol-based automa- mation models that other organizations use as a OPEN-SCS provides a standard interface for serial- tion pyramid to the modern information network. common starting point to define their own OPC UA ization equipment, allowing for seamless integration based information models. OPC UA also defines the
8 QUOTES 9 “ The work we are doing with all the members of the OPEN-SCS Working Group, is “ a commitment to patients for quality and affordable medications. At Vimachem, we We believe in open and fruitful cooperation with our partners and customers, al- have developed interfaces to nine serialization Level 2s and the cost to monitor and ways thinking of our common goal – the wellness and safety of the patient. Here maintain them is a yield to productivity and cost-efficiency. Through the OPEN- is where OPEN-SCS plays a crucial role by providing a common understanding SCS Working Group, we have developed pilots using the OPEN-SCS standards, about interoperability and flexibility between every link in the value chain.” which are to be rolled out to Global Pharmas to standardize all serialization inter- SANTIAGO A. SPECTOR MENTASTI, faces and optimize the operationalization of track and trace.” CEO Verifarma ALEX VIDRAS, Optimizing Pharma manufacturing, Track and Trace – Pharma 4.0, Adjunct Faculty at Columbia University QUOTES “ Maximum flexibility and communication across multi-vendor platforms are paramount for both our customer and us. To guarantee that the manufacturing processes and the production of their highly sensitive products are quick, error-free and reliable, the OPEN-SCS standardization, combined with our flexible solution, supports a multi-ven- dor approach.” “ THOMAS KREUTLE, Head of Development & Operations, From facilityboss’ perspective, joining the OPEN-SCS Working Group was an obvi- Digital Solutions bei Uhlmann Pac-Systeme ous choice. It is our vision to equip a heterogeneous production with our homoge- neous level-spanning solutions. By doing this, a lot of time and effort is concen- trated on closing the gaps between our solution and different customer’s infrastructures. A standard developed by OPEN-SCS aims to close this gap and makes it easier for all of us to meet requirements across organizations and regula- tory bodies. Simultaneously, this is making the customer more flexible in their deci- “ sions and enables fast and efficient scalability. Therefore, as a software manufac- Business requirements for serialized product identity and availability of accurate turer operating in the field of serialization, the ongoing effort to support OPEN-SCS’ product status is the new normal across today’s diverse and evolving global phar- latest features in our products and our customer’s installations saves money, time, maceutical and healthcare supply chain. OPEN-SCS is leading the way in helping and, as seen due to the events of 2020, actively helps people by preventing coun- ensure a secure, interoperable foundation for this information through the standard- terfeits by guaranteeing safe medical products. Given this context, joining OPEN- ized flow of critical serialization data and related events between packaging and se- SCS is not only a sound business decision but a moral duty.” rialization systems in the production and packaging ecosystem.” MAX LARSSON, BRIAN DALEIDEN, CEO facilityboss GmbH VP Industry Marketing/Community and Co-Founder @ TraceLink
10 QUOTES 11 “ Mettler Toledo PCE is actively following the developments of the OPEN-SCS “ standard with great interest. OPEN-SCS fits in with our development philosophy We have faced several projects where cross-vendor integration has been a cru- because the focus is on interoperability and standardized communication of seri- cial factor in our success. We believe that, by cooperating together within OPEN- alization systems. The event-based exchange of messages is efficient communi- SCS, we can define a common approach, procedure, and method to close the cation between different manufacturers and ensures the best possible integration existing gaps within standards and create value for the pharmaceutical industry. into their infrastructure for customers.” SEA Vision has a flexible architecture, which facilitates easy integration of OPEN- SCS methods in order to be complaint with upcoming specifications.” ALEXANDER EL BERINS, Head Product Management & Engineering, Mettler-Toledo GIANLUCA SALA, Technical Product Manager presso SEA Vision “ I have been a supporter of OPEN-SCS from the beginning – for Abbott, it will give “ us the opportunity to much more easily integrate equipment from different suppliers and move more easily to the latest technology instead of reinvesting in a full line. As a Founding Member of the OPEN-SCS Working Group and its Steering Com- This will help us to keep our innovations in packaging as well as our efficiency high mittee, WIPOTEC-OCS is supporting a very open and flexible connectivity ap- – especially for the emerging markets, which deserve much more attention in the proach. The benefits are outstanding and we are convinced that it’s worth fighting future.” against the global lack of standardization for serialization / T&T equipment in packaging lines and data exchange. But also, faster implementation through ULF SUERIG, Director Supply Chain Optimization Abbott standardized interfaces, smooth validation processes through consistent func- tionalities, and avoiding vendor lock-in, results in better prices.” VOLKER DITSCHER, Director Global Sales Track & Trace “ Focusing on a real Level-3 Serialization Site Server translates for our solution to easily connect with all partner systems – line level, global repository, and MES. Providing an interface technology, which is quick to implement, easy to configure, and stable to use is key – and that is part of our companies’ DNA for more than 50 years. Being STC member and active contributor for OPEN-SCS is therefore important for us. OPEN-SCS makes the difference by enabling interoperability! ” …MORE QUOTES JÜRGEN LASKOWSKI, Director Global Manufacturing Integration & Serialization Solutions Körber Business Area Pharma
12 OPEN-SCS: TECHNOLOGY – TECHNICAL OVERVIEW 13 gregation events usually start with the Lowest Sale- character sets for serial numbers. This allows for able Unit (LSU) (e.g., bottle or carton) and potentially complete flexibility in defining serial numbers so OPEN-SCS TECHNICAL OVERVIEW includes multiple levels in the packaging hierarchy that systems can support the many different (such as a pallet made up of cases, cases made up country regulations for syntax and character sets. of packages, and packages made up of cartons, The OPEN SERIALIZATION COMMUNICATION STANDARD (OPEN-SCS) is a set of interface with serialization information defined at each level of The specification also defines a set of server profiles the hierarchy.) to support interfaces to Level 2 systems (smart print- specifications for exchanging product serialization information across an enterprise and their con- ers and controllers), Level 3 systems (MES and site tract partners from the packaging process to the distribution warehouse. THE OPC 30260 – UA COMPANION serial number management systems), and Level 4 SPECIFICATION FOR OPEN-SCS DEFINES (business and supply chain systems). MULTIPLE OPC UA OBJECTS: ➞ A Serial Number Pool Manager: which provides FIGURE 2: TYPICAL SCOPE OF THE Pallet 73735 45963 78134 methods and data to obtain serial numbers from a PACKAGING SERIALIZATION SOLUTION 02965 58303 90708 73735 45963 78134 98859 23851 27965 02965 58303 90708 pool maintained by the server, to return unused The OPC-10030-4 – UA Companion Specification 33666 62570 64775 98859 23851 27965 81666 26440 20422 15838 47174 76866 serial numbers back to the pool for ISA-95 Job Control Specification defines the 15838 47174 76866 Figure 1: Carton ➞ An Event Manager: which provides methods to methods and data to control production and pack- Unassigned Provisioned Printed Label with Commissioned Label attached to The Lifecycle of a notify of changes in state of serial numbers (unas- aging orders. It follows the ANSI/ISA-95 and IEC/ISO Serial Numbers Serial Numbers Serial Numbers product, case, pallet, … Serial Number signed, provisioned, printed, commissioned, 62264 standard for Job Orders and Job Responses, sampled, scrapped, and released from produc- providing a real-time secure interface to executing tion/packaging). It also provides methods to re- jobs. It defines a generic model for control of jobs, ceive GS1/EPCIS formatted files to provide in- which can be used in any industry. teroperability with corporate supply chains. The OPC 30261 – UA Companion Specification Pro- ➞ An Aggregation Manager: which provides meth- file for Job Control extends the Job Control specifi- ods to specify aggregating products (such as cation with profiles that define the specific security The interface specifications are called the OPEN- on a label, to applying the label to the serialized cases to pallet) and un-aggregating products requirements for controlling serialization jobs and re- SCS Packaging Serialization Specification and the product, to final delivery of the product. (such as pulling cartons from a case for sampling ceiving job responses. OPC 30261 also defines the OPC UA OPEN-SCS Companion Specifications. or redistribution). industry-specific product master data properties These specifications define formal information and FIGURE 1: THE LIFECYCLE OF A ➞ An SID Class: which provides information about used in serialization solutions, such as regulated transaction models for the exchange of product seri- SERIAL NUMBER the serial number ID collection owner, the serial product name, warning copy description, brand alization information that is required to meet known When the serial number is printed, it is combined number syntax specification, and the allowed name, and product packaging code. healthcare supply chain serialization regulations and with other information required on the label, for ex- associated standards. It specifies the requirements ample: product code, lot number, expiration date, for the implementation of system components and etc. interfaces that manage the lifecycle of product serial- ➞ 1. An unassigned Serial Number, where the num- ization information from a packaging process to a ber has not been assigned to any specific prod- distribution warehouse. uct, assembly, production order, or packaging Figure 2: run. Typical Scope of THE SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS INCLUDE: ➞ 2. A provisioned Serial Number containing the se- the Packaging ➞ OPEN-SCS Packaging Serialization Specification rial number in a digital form that has been associ- Serialization Solution (PSS) ated to a specific product, package type, produc- ➞ OPC 30260 – UA Companion Specification for tion order, or packaging run. OPEN-SCS V1.1 ➞ 3. The Serial Number as it is printed on a label and ➞ OPC 30261 – UA Companion Specification Profile combined with other label information, but not yet for Job Control V1.0 applied to the physical product (called a printed ➞ OPC-10030-4 – UA Companion Specification for label). ISA-95 Job Control V1.0 ➞ 4. The printed label as it is applied to the physical ➞ OPEN-SCS OPC UA Implementation Guidelines product (called a commissioned label), which is now called an SID in the OPEN-SCS specification. In order to meet the requirements for both in-facility and supply chain tacking, the Serial Number lifecycle In some cases, the activity of serialization includes is described from creation of the serial number (usu- the packing of serialized child objects (packages) ally a semi-random number), to merge with an elec- into serialized and parent objects (containers) in a tronic product code (EPC as defined by GS1 global) process identified as aggregation. Serialization ag-
14 OPEN-SCS: TECHNOLOGY – OPC UA BASED SOLUTION 15 Independent The Industrial Interoperability Standard Reliable from Sensor to Cloud IoT 4.0 Industrie Protocol agnostic Field Level Communications Industrie4.0 Extendable M2M International Secure Cross-domain Scalable WHY USE OPC UA BASED SOLUTION cured, industrial interoperability. Whether it is large hyperscaler providers, such as Amazon Web Ser- vices, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure; or chip- vidual vendors. Hence, all OPC UA communications are 100 % independent of the vendors who imple- ment them, the programming languages used, and level companies such as Intel, Qualcomm, NXP, and the platforms upon which such products run. OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is the information exchange standard for secure, reliable, Microchip; or end users such as Foxconn, Samsung, Equinor, Volkswagen, Continental, Miele, and Pfizer; OPC UA IS IEC62541 STANDARD manufacturer and platform-independent industrial communications. It enables information ex- the vast majority (80 %) of the top-50 automation This IEC standard, known as IEC62541, is ideally change between products from different manufacturers and across operating systems. companies worldwide are members of the OPC suited for collaboration with other organizations. Foundation. Consequently, the OPC UA standard has been local- ized in different parts of the world, including China, SECURE, RELIABLE INTEROPERABILITY South-Korea, and Singapore. OPC UA is the latest generation of OPC technology from the OPC Foundation. OPC UA rewrites the orig- STRONG SECURITY THAT IS SCALABLE For nearly two decades, OPC has been, and contin- Activities include: inal OPC standard from the ground up and extends OPC UA is based on the same industry-accepted ues to be, the go-to connectivity standard in indus- ➞ Development and maintenance of specifications its relevance by addressing a broad range of modern security concepts and standards used in secure in- try. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) era, ➞ Certification an d compliance testing of implemen- communication requirements. As such, OPC UA de- ternet communications. Examples include SSL, TLS, OPC adoption has also shown growth in new, non- tations livers a secure, reliable transport of data and infor- and AES. OPC UA offers protection against unau- industrial markets. ➞ Cooperation with other standards organizations – mation from sensors and the shop floor to control thorized access, sabotage, modification of process OPC UA is an IEC standard and is therefore ideally like OPEN-SCS. systems, production planning systems, and cloud data, and careless operations. OPC UA security suited for collaboration with other organizations. As a platforms (and back). mechanisms include: user and application authenti- global, independent, non-profit organization, the WORLD’S LARGEST ECO-SYSTEM FOR cation, signing of messages, and data encryption. OPC Foundation coordinates the further develop- INTEROPERABILITY PLATFORM AND VENDOR-INDEPENDENT While users are free to choose which OPC UA secu- ment of the OPC standard in collaboration with us- With over 800 members around the world, the OPC OPC UA is an open standard that neither depends rity functions they want to use, based on their infra- ers, manufacturers and researchers. Foundation is the world’s largest ecosystem for se- upon nor binds to proprietary technologies or indi- structure and context, vendors are obliged to imple-
16 OPEN-SCS: TECHNOLOGY – OPC UA BASED SOLUTION 17 From Automation Pyramid to Information Network implement different IMs. Key OPC UA functions in- only support basic rules, can still process data from clude: OPC UA Servers without any knowledge of the com- ➞ Browsing: A look-up mechanism used to locate plex data structures residing in the OPC UA Server. UNIVERSAL INDUSTRIAL NETWORK object instances and their semantics ➞ Read and write operations: used for current and GROWING AREAS OF ADOPTION External World OPC UA is not a protocol! historical data The functional breadth of OPC UA makes it universal ➞ Method execution and applicable for use in an ever-growing list of new Instead it is a collection ➞ Notification for data and events markets and applications. From local plants to re- Management Level L4 of technologies to ensure mote field stations behind firewalls – OPC UA is the a secure exchange of SIMPLIFICATION BY UNIFICATION right choice upon which to standardize. Other stan- Planning Level L3 standardized information OPC UA defines an integrated address space and a dards bodies increasingly use OPC UA as an in- from the sensor to the unified information model that supports process teroperability platform for defining and implementing Supervisory Level L2 cloud (and back). data, alarms, historical data, and function calls their own information models. Currently, the OPC (methods). Beyond OPC classic functionality, OPC Foundation cooperates with over 65 such groups Control Level L1 OPC UA over … UA also supports the description and use of complex from various industries, including: discrete and pro- TCP, UDP, MQTT, … APL, procedures and systems in uniform object oriented cess automation, energy, engineering tool manufac- Field Level L0 Smart Automation Devices SPE, 5G, TSN, … components. Hence, OPC UA Clients, which may turers, industrial kitchen equipment, and many more. Source: VDI (2013), MDPI (2019) Network segments IT-related Semantic interoperability from field to cloud Function OT-related Find more information ment all of them depending on the OPC UA profile ➞ For Cloud-based communications, OPC UA uses here: www.opcfounda- they want to support. popular protocols like MQTT and AMQP. This ability to choose which security features are ➞ For communication across field applications, OPC used, makes OPC UA usable (scalable) in all types of UA uses UDP and specialized protocols like TSN environments (e.g. limited computing resources vs. or 5G for deterministic communication. large computer systems). ➞ Web Sockets may also be used to support browser-based OPC UA Clients. New protocol ACCESSIBILITY AND RELIABILITY bindings like QUIC (UDP-based Internet protocol) OPC UA defines a robust architecture with reliable can be integrated easily without breaking existing communication mechanisms, configurable timeouts, functionality. and automatic error detection that restores commu- nications between OPC UA Clients and Servers with- ROBUST INFORMATION MODELING out data loss. In addition, OPC UA redundancy func- Robust information modeling (IM) is built into the tions for both client and server applications make heart of the OPC UA standard. OPC UA defines base OPC UA suitable for high-availability applications. building blocks and consistent rules to build object- oriented models with them. With OPC UA, it is pos- USES THE LATEST OPEN STANDARDS sible to expose and discover information models in a OPC UA is based on various types of standards and consistent and universal manner between all OPC protocols carefully chosen based on their ability to UA entities. OPC UA defines a few industry agnostic meet the needs of specific OPC UA use cases. IMs that other organizations use as a common start- For example: ing point to define their own OPC UA based IMs. ➞ For OPC UA Client-Server communications, OPC OPC UA also defines the mechanisms needed to fa- UA uses an optimized TCP based binary protocol cilitate dynamic discovery and access to OPC UA for data exchange over the IANA registered port IMs. This is crucial for third-party interoperability be- 4840. cause different OPC UA implementations will natively
18 OPEN-SCS TECHNOLOGY – SECURITY 19 ©Panithan – OPC UA Client OPC UA Server Client Application Server Application Security Token • User Authorization • User Authorization • User Authentication Managed Sessions • User Authentication OPC UA Comms OPC UA Comms Secure • Confidentiality • Confidentiality • Integrity • Integrity Message Channels • Message Authentication • Message Authentication © – Platform Communication Platform Communication • Signing Signed and Encrypted • Signing • Encryption • Encryption Messages OPEN-SCS SECURITY These levels of protection allow manufacturers to con- Of course, no system is safe unless it is implemented Product-specific, unique serial numbers have a high value in the life-sciences industries. Counter- figure exactly the level of security that they require. correctly within products, and then installed correctly OPEN-SCS also defines a minimum level of security during construction. feit products, with little to no actual medicine, can be sold for huge profits to unsuspecting pa- to meet OPEN-SCS compliance. Security certificates The OPC Foundation members and partners have tients. Counterfeit products can destroy patient confidence in medicines and can even kill people. are required, client and server authorization and published the whitepaper authentication are required, and data encryption is ➞ Practical Security Recommendations for Building required. The use of the OPC UA security policy OPC UA Applications SECURITY_POLICY_NONE is not allowed. These to assist developers and users in the proper meth- security policies protect data at all levels of utilization, ods needed to create and maintain a secure system. including printers and scanners, control systems, site serialization systems, and up to corporate serialization SUMMARY Countries are now requiring unique serial numbers For these reasons, the OPEN-SCS specifications systems. They ensure that only signed, approved ap- The OPC UA specification and OPEN-SCS require- on products so that dispensaries, pharmacies, place a high value on security to protect against plications and systems have access to manage your ments use the trusted information triad of message and patients can be confident that they have true misuse or corruption of serial numbers as they serial numbers. confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and use ac- and safe products. Criminals want to get their move across systems. cess control following the AAA framework of user hands on valid serial numbers to put their counter- DEFENSE IN DEPTH authentication, user authorization, and audit ac- feit products into your supply chain or even to di- OPEN-SCS uses the three levels of security pro- The security concept of “defense in depth” is used to counting. These measures provide an industry-prov- rectly sell them to your customers. Additionally, tection provided by OPC UA: provide assurance that your valuable information is en security solution that protects information as it hackers and terrorists will try to disrupt supply 1. Client and server application user security protected using the multiple layers defined above. As moves through your networks, thus preventing chains for vital medicines by corrupting serial num- 2. Client and server session security a result, an attacker must break through several barri- counterfeit products or stolen serial numbers from ber databases, labeling equipment, or packaging 3. Signed and encrypted transport security ers before compromising or accessing your secure entering your supply chain. lines. data.
20 OPEN-SCS: ORGANIZATIONS 21 Serialization ©Jezper – Production Aggregation ©Jezper, melita – SUPPLY CHAIN Customer Warehouse Transport Transport Wholesale OPEN-SCS THE MEMBERSHIP TODAY WORKING GROUP INCLUDES COMPANIES The OPEN-SCS Working Group is organized as a Joint Working Group in the OPC Foundation. It was created in 2015 by eleven (11) original companies who desired to use OPC UA as the basis of their serialization technology. Those eleven companies formed the original Steer- SCS OPC UA Companion Specification, all of ing Committee, which was headed by Mr. Marcel de which are available on the web site Grutter from Abbott. To advance the work necessary to fulfill their Charter, the Steering Committee formed two sub-Committees, a Technical Committee and a MARKETING COMMITTEE Marketing Committee. The Marketing Committee includes volunteers from Abbott, Advanco, BR&L Consulting, OPC Founda- TECHNICAL COMMITTEE tion, Syntegon, Körber Pharma Software, and The Technical Committee, which is headed by WIPOTEC-OCS. Dennis Brandl from BR&L Consulting, includes Cos Pipero, an SME from Beeond and numerous PRODUCTS volunteers who create, edit, and submit for vote, First products, based on the above specifications, the Working Groups specifications. Those speci- have emerged from Advanco, Syntegon, Körber fications include the OPEN-SCS Use Cases, the Pharma Software, and WIPOTEC-OCS, with many For membership information, please contact Michael Bryant at Packaging Serialization Specification, the OPEN- others in the pipeline.
22 OPEN-SCS: RESOURCES 23 SUPPORT TEAMWORK TRUST OPEN-SCS ©aibenedis – COMMUNICATION MOTIVATION RESOURCES INSPIRATION ALLIANCE SPECIFICATIONS ➞ OPC UA Companion Specification for Serial- TRAINING MATERIALS ment, securing, and maintenance of OPEN-SCS so- The OPEN-SCS Engineering Team is a group internal ization: this document defines the OPC UA Infor- OPEN-SCS Members can access training and de- lutions. This publication will be made available to to the OPEN-SCS Working Group where Members mation Model for exchanging product serialization velopment resources to help further the integration of Members to help with the rollout of their solutions. can participate on the creation, review, and delivery information across an enterprise and their con- OPEN-SCS interfaces: At times, usually as new revisions of the specifica- of all OPEN-SCS specification and supporting re- tract partners from the packaging process to the ➞ Training Videos: a series of videos on the funda- tions are being drafted, Members will participate in sources. distribution warehouse. mentals of OPC UA solutions, and the implemen- interoperability workshops, where every vendor will The team meets at least monthly to review the prog- ➞ OPC UA Companion Specification for Job tation of the OPEN-SCS OPC UA Companion be able to test their products with the other partici- ress and coordinate their activities with the OPC Orders: this document defines the OPC UA Infor- Specifications. pants. Foundation for the review and release of specifica- mation Model for ISA-95 Job Orders, ISA-95 Job ➞ OPC UA Nodeset files: OPEN-SCS maintains a tions according to the formal policies. Responses, and access to queued, executing, private GitHub repository to access the OPC UA CERTIFICATION OVERVIEW and completed job order status and responses. Nodeset files, which represent the OPC UA Infor- The OPC Foundation has a certification process for The OPEN-SCS specifications are organized by mation Models in an XML form and can be used general OPC UA products, which provides vendors a functional scope: The released specifications are posted on the public to implement the interfaces. means whereby they can certify their Clients and/or ➞ Packaging Serialization Specification (PSS): facing website ( as they ➞ OPEN-SCS Reference Implementation code: Servers and then obtain a logo which attests their this specification defines formal information and are approved. They are also posted on the OPC a .NET application has been developed to dem- compliance to the standard specification for selected transaction models for the exchange of product Foundation website among all the approved Infor- onstrate and train developers on the implementa- profiles. Information on the OPC Certification process serialization information required to meet known mation Models for the various industry domains tion of OPEN-SCS specifications using the OPC can be found on the OPC Foundation website at healthcare supply chain serialization regulations ( Foundation Reference Implementation OPC UA and associated standards. cations-OPC UA-information-models). SDK. In addition to that, OPEN-SCS can be certified by an ➞ Use Cases: this document illustrates a set of rep- independent lab to comply with this standard by resentative examples of the the application of the OPEN-SCS Members can also access a Members IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES testing against existing products that have already serialization process as defined by the PSS. SharePoint Portal to follow the review-cycle of the The OPEN-SCS Engineering Team maintains a se- been certified. new specifications, propose and approve changes, ries of practical use cases and scenarios to address and access implementation resources. the concerns related to the implementation, deploy-
24 OPEN-SCS: SUCCESS STORIES 25 “ For more than 41 years, advanco has been delivering open solutions for the supply chain and continues now with the implementation of OPEN-SCS.” ALF GOEBEL, CEO © Copyright 2021 advanco®. All Rights Reserved. ADVANCO’S OPEN-SCS OFFERING ARC PLATFORM | As the leading provider for Level 3 and Level 4 Item Level Serialization, advanco has been offering extensive, holistic and mission critical solutions in the fields of supply chains as well as track and PROCESSES SUPPORTED trace for more than 41 years. BY ARC PLATFORM Our Development and Support team draws on over executive member of the OPEN-SCS group. ARC SERIALIZATION PROCESSES: four decades of experience in the supply chain sec- Open-Serialization Communication Standard Ser- ➞ Global Serial Number Management – ARC Cloud will act as Global Serial Number Management System tors, arming our customers with an industry-leading vice acts like an orchestrator between Levels 2 and ➞ Local Serial Number Management – ARC has the capability to manage serial numbers on-site level software platform, known as ARC. This end-to-end 4. ARC OPEN-SCS Packaging Serialization service ➞ Serial Number Provisioning – ARC connects to Level-4 or internal Local Serial Number Management solution works seamlessly through manufacturing, manages serial numbers by requesting serial num- ➞ Label Printing – ARC provides serial numbers to Level-2 for label printing packaging, and along the entire supply chain, featur- bers from Level-4 entities with secure OPC UA com- ➞ Label Commissioning – ARC sends the commissioned items to Level-4 after packaging ing track and trace. Advanco is the first founding and munication protocol. ARC OPEN-SCS Job Order ➞ Product Delivery – ARC LESs manages shipping activities service manages packaging orders and sends the necessary information to the Level-2 systems. In JOB ORDER PROCESSES: 2020, advanco implemented Job Order service and ➞ Job Order – ARC OPEN-SCS Job Order Service sends the job order to the Level-2 system tested the full cycle serialization process with ➞ Label Commissioning – Level-2 system sends the packaging hierarchy to ARC OPEN-SCS Job Order Service SYNTEGON. //
26 OPEN-SCS: SUCCESS STORIES 27 “ Syntegon´s aim is to set and enlarge global standards. It was clear to join the OPEN-SCS working group and also to implement the interface as a standard for our track and trace portfolio to offer the highest flexibility on the customer side. The open approach realizes many benefits in terms of fast and easy integration, standardized validation procedures and allows customers to choose the best of breed of different systems. The future is openness combined with partnering on all levels.” © Depositphotos MATTHIAS HEINRICHS, Head of Sales and Global Product Management UNLOCK YOURSELF AND FEEL THE FREEDOM Open and Standardized Interfaces at all levels TO COMBINE BEST-IN-CLASS SOLUTIONS LEVEL 4 Syntegon, formerly Bosch Packaging, is a leading global provider of process and packaging tech- nology, offering complete solutions for the pharmaceutical and food industries for over 50 years. ERP 3rd party systems Based on decades of experience, Syntegon can re- support, offer customers maximized flexibility in ma- LEVEL 3 fer to numerous successful projects in the pharma- chine handover and the following benefits: ceutical, automotive and other industries around the ➞ Fast integration globe. The portfolio includes hardware, software ➞ Interoperability of different systems from Level 1 to Level 3 for track and trace as well as ➞ Freedom to choose best of breed equipment Industry 4.0 store floor digitization and line packag- ➞ No lock-in to one supplier. CPI Level 3 Suite ing solutions. Open communication and experienced Warehouse Enhanced Serial Number Management Line Manager and Automation CPS/ CPA Line rework Import / Export, Smart and flexible shop floor Serial Number Generator digitalization Fully integrated Line Manager – Master Data Functionality Single Objects Data Acquisition no matter from which supplier Automatic processing of all Create digital twins of production relevant data single products 3rd party lines LEVEL 1/2 Warehouse Monitoring and Business Intelligence Rework De-/Re-aggregation, Reduce TCO and improve OEE re-labelling, status change
28 OPEN-SCS: SUCCESS STORIES 29 “ As a leading supporter of OPEN-SCS, we’re exactly the opposite of “all talk and no action”! Join the standardization journey for global interoperability and help us to continuously improving supply chain visibility with global standards!” VOLKER DITSCHER, Director Global Sales Track & Trace TQS: OPEN INTERFACES FOR MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY structure failure, the production line is secured by means of a local AND COMPATIBILITY WITH ANY SITE LEVEL SOFTWARE buffer memory. The permanent data storage is performed only in TQS relies on the use of one open standard interface, avoiding the the site management software system (L3). One open and stan- creation of any proprietary island solutions. The TQS Line Man- dardized interface ensures unrestricted use with regard to all ma- ager software gives you the lowest possible IT overhead. The chines and components already in use at a manufacturer’s site. work order data can be input directly into the machine. The Line WIPOTEC-OCS already deployed more than 3,000 TQS solutions Manager software runs on any TQS module on the line and can globally and all of them utilize our open and flexible interface based BREAKING THE CHAINS OF VENDOR LOCK-IN easily and conveniently connect already to a huge number of Lev- on the OPEN-SCS approach. Our interface for secure and el 3 providers. The core of the Line Manager software is the pro- dependable data transport is already implemented by more than duction database which stores the data during the production 85 individual L3 solution providers and thus proves flexibility and operations. In the event of a temporary server and network infra- data integrity. As companies around the world implement the necessary changes to become compliant, it will add an increased level of cost, risk, and especially complexity to today’s operations. Specifically, production floor and warehouse equipment should be incompatible with each other. But in a business, like the pharma- Easy integration through a highly flexible able to exchange information with a customers’ business system ceutical industry, where constant changes are commonplace, sys- software solution distinguished by open throughout the drug’s packaging lifecycle. However, they do not tems need to be flexible enough to accommodate those changes. interfaces indicate how this data should be exchanged. There are currently multiple vendors in the industry offering serialization solutions to SOLUTION: OPEN SERIALIZATION accomplish this, but these systems are proprietary and are often COMMUNICATION STANDARD (OPEN-SCS) unable to communicate with each other. A consortium of pharmaceutical manufacturers and vendors are answering this call to action through a group collaboration called CHALLENGE: AVOIDING DEPENDENCY the Open Serialization Communication Standard (OPEN-SCS) ON ALL-IN-ONE VENDORS Working Group. Its goal is to develop an industrial interoperability Most vendors do not only sell serialization equipment, but they also standard for healthcare packaging serialization regulations that im- provide the software and its integration into a company’s IT infra- proves deployment efficiency and reduces the high cost of compli- structure. As soon as such software is installed, it can be con- ance. OPEN-SCS enables a pharmaceutical manufacturer to fol- nected only with that vendor’s hardware. In this scenario, it leaves low a “best-of-breed” approach for different product presentations the pharmaceutical company with an inability to do business with (carton, bottle, pouch, etc.) and pick the most suitable vendor for any other vendor, since the software, and often the hardware, are the particular application.
30 OPEN-SCS: SUCCESS STORIES 31 THE NEXT LEVEL OF SERIALIZATION BENEFITS WHY WERUM PAS-X Benefit from Werum PAS-X Track & Trace Serialization TRACK AND TRACE Aggregation to comply with the anti-counterfeiting requirements • Vendor-independent line controller integration of any country around the globe. Drug manufacturers can benefit • Easy extension to the Werum PAS-X Packaging from additional advantages of comprehensive production control Solution including EBR and KPI/OEE and documentation, including equipment management, when • Comprehensive product-based functionality integrating the serialization solution into our PAS-X packaging out of the box solution or PAS-X MES. • Compliance with all international anti-counter- feiting requirements, such as Korea (KD code), • Available as standalone T&T solution China (preprinted serial numbers from CFDA), • Or seamlessly integrated into the packaging solution USA (DQSA H.R. 3204), Turkey (IST) etc. with EBR or full-scope MES • Based on global standards e.g. GS1 • Easy extension with KPI functionality • Pre-configured standard solutions • Proven GMP compliance for 30+ years • Turnkey projects and one-stop-shop solutions • Support around the world for every customer • Line controller independency • Experience from international deployments SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE • 21 CFR Part 11 and Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) compliant • Support of EPC Tag Data Standard for electronic product coding, e.g. SSCC, GTIN • Smooth standard integration with multiple KEY FUNCTIONALITIES level 4 and level 2 systems: • Support of GS1 labeling information – Line controller: Seidenader, Systech • Management of modular packaging line layout includ- International, Uhlmann etc. ing print layout recipe management – ERP systems: SAP, ORACLE etc. • Management of serialization numbers in operations Open-SCS – Central repositories: • Management of modular aggregation for e.g. item, WERUM PAS-X TRACK AND TRACE Working Group SAP (Auto-Id Infrastructure AII, Object bundle, pallets member Event Repository OER) • Integration with centralized Track & Trace repositories SERIALIZATION AGGREGATION – IBM (Info Sphere Traceability Server using standards like EPCIS ISTS, Websphere Sensor Events WSE) • Handling of packaging orders and batch information – Axway Track & Trace • Handling of mass data for serialization and aggregation Line controller independent solution for compliance with anti-counterfeiting requirements. Werum – Support of heterogeneous system landscapes processes • Multiple language/unicode support • Dialogs to create, discard, aggregate and disaggregate PAS-X Track & Trace provides serialization and aggregation functionality for packaging processes, units and hierarchies integrating the ERP and the global repository with the shop floor packaging equipment and line • User management including rights management & audit trail controllers of any vendor. Level 4 • Generation, randomization of serial numbers • Support of multiple serial number formats e.g. SGTIN-96 Central ERP system • Providing serial number blocks to packaging lines repository • Recording and reconciliation of used and unused PAS-X Track & Trace is a smart option to get started with our man- SAP ® certified serialization numbers Level 3 Integration with ufacturing IT solutions and can easily be extended to the PAS-X SAP applications • Packaging line performance management out of the box Packaging Solution or the full-scope PAS-X MES. MES solution using T&T connectivity Packaging solution Track and Trace solution, KPI solution Level 0-2 PAS-X Line controller in manual packaging HEADQUARTERS / USA OPC Foundation 16101 N. 82nd Street Suite 3B Scottsdale, AZ 85260-1868 Phone: (1) 480 483-6644 OPC EUROPE Huelshorstweg 30 33415 Verl Germany OPC JAPAN c/o Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd 2-16-3 Konan Minato-ku, Tokyo 1080075 Japan OPC KOREA c/o KETI 22, Daewangpangyo-ro 712, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 13488 South Korea OPC CHINA ©ALF photo – B-8, Zizhuyuan Road 116, Jiahao International Center, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C P.R.China V02
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