CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association

Page created by Marc Espinoza
CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
                                      SEPTEMBER 20-23 • LOVELAND, CO


A D V O C A C Y   E D U C A T I O N         S U P P O R T   L E A D E R S H I P
CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
CVMA                                                                                                                                                                                            CONVENTION 2018

What’s Inside
President’s Welcome................................................................................................3                                Education Program
Sponsor Recognition.............................................................................................. 4                                 Convention Highlights............................................................................... 10-11
Power of 10 Leadership Academy.................................................5                                                                    CE Sessions – by Day.................................................................................12-18
Convention Information and Services............................ 6-7                                                                                              Thursday.......................................................................................................... 12-13
            Registration Hours................................................................................... 6                                              Friday.................................................................................................................... 14-15
            Name Badges.................................................................................................... 6                                    Saturday...........................................................................................................16-17
            Event Tickets....................................................................................................... 6                               Sunday...........................................................................................................................18
            Proceedings.......................................................................................................... 6                 CE Sessions – Descriptions by Track...................... 20-33
            Internet........................................................................................................................... 6   Speaker Biographies.............................................................................. 34-40
            Convention Mobile App................................................................. 6                                                Acknowledgments.....................................................................................................41
            Charging Station.......................................................................................... 6                            Exhibit Hall
            Continuing Education Credit................................................7                                                            General Information and Hours......................................................42
            Hotel Map...................................................................................................................7           Exhibitor Listing and Map.........................................................................43
Convention Schedule......................................................................................8-9                                        Exhibitor Guide................................................................................................ 44-46

                                                                                               Put the CVMA Convention 2018
                                                                                               experience in the palm of your hand!

                                                                                                                                               Download the app at

                                                                    Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
                                                                    191 Yuma Street, Denver, CO 80223
                                                                    303.318.0447 • 800.228.5429
                                                                    fax: 303.318.0450 or 303.318.0449

Consent to Use of Photographic/Digital Images and Audio
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, CVMA Convention 2018 and other activities constitutes an agreement by the
registrant to CVMA’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs,
videos, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities.

CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
Welcome to CVMA Convention 2018!
You have endless options on where to spend your time and hard-earned
money to receive your education and professional development. We truly
appreciate you choosing CVMA Convention 2018!

From equine to small animal, exotics, and agricultural animal to professional
development and hands-on labs, we have over 120 hours of world-class
education lined up to meet your needs. And we are thrilled to have Paul
Osincup kick off convention with our Opening General Session on Thursday!

CVMA Convention 2018 strives to provide world-class biomedical education
and professional rejuvenation, and also a true sense of community.
Enjoy your experiences here with us in Loveland… We’re glad you’re here!                William French, DVM
                                                                                         President, CVMA

Welcome AVMA
CVMA is honored to welcome Dr. Melanie Marsden, District IX Board Representative, and Dr. Michael
Topper, President of the American Veterinary Medical Association, to our annual convention.

Welcome Veterinary Technicians
CVMA welcomes veterinary technicians to share the convention experience with veterinarians and
other veterinary professionals by participating in any classes available during convention. A CE
form is included in your registration packet to track your CEUs. CVTs should retain this form for
their records and follow CACVT guidelines. For more information, visit

Welcome CSU Veterinary Students
Generous contributions from Colorado veterinarians enable CSU veterinary students to participate in
CVMA meetings, including convention. These gifts Send-a-Student to CVMA programs and build the
future of veterinary medicine by cultivating the next generation of your colleagues.
Send-a-Student Sponsors
CVMA extends its sincere appreciation to the following individuals and organizations that contributed
sponsorships to the association’s 2018 Send-a-Student program.
(list as of August 13, 2018)

Alfred T. Videen Fund                      Elanco Animal Health (2)      Monument Pharmacy
Donald Beckett, DVM                        Timothy Holt, DVM (3)         Donald Seedle, DVM
Steven Benscheidt, DVM                     William Fredregill, DVM (2)   Adam Tempel, DVM
CATALYST Veterinary Practice Consultants   Randa MacMillan, DVM (2)      Timberview Animal Hospital (2)
Ted Cohn, DVM                              Khursheed Mama, DVM           Susan Woodard, DVM
Curtis Crawford, DVM                       Diane Matt, CAE               Victoria Wynn, DVM (2)
Dale Davis, DVM (2)                        Mark Ryan, DVM (2)

                                                                                                          PAGE 3
CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
CVMA                                                          CONVENTION 2018

Thank You CVMA Partners!
CVMA Convention 2018 is made possible because of the generous support of these industry
partners. We thank you for your continued support and commitment to CVMA and the veterinary

   Supporting Sponsors

  Contributing Sponsors

 Participating Sponsors

                                        AVMA | PLIT
                         CATALYST Veterinary Practice Consultants
                                    Ceva Animal Health
                                           IT Guru
                            Lasting Paws Pet Memorial Services
                                    Merck Animal Health
                                     MWI Animal Health
                                   Multi Radiance Medical
                                   Nutramax Laboratories

CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
Power of 10 Leadership Academy:
DVM and Practice Manager

Program Introduction
                                                                                     POWER of

                                                                                    Colorado Veterinary
                                                                                    Medical Association

Power of 10 Leadership Academy is a CVMA initiative designed to help veterinarians and practice
managers develop foundational skills in leadership, communication, and business. Power of 10
Leadership Academy offers two programs, Power of 10 | DVM and Power of 10 | PM. P10 | DVM is
intended for veterinarians who graduated within the last seven years, while its parallel program,
P10 | PM, is specifically designed for practice managers in all stages of their careers.

Facilitator Thank You
CVMA would like to extend a special thank you to our Power of 10 academy facilitators. We
appreciate the volunteered time, knowledge and development of the curriculum for both of
these programs. Thank you to H. Howells, DVM; Hannah Klein, DVM; Josh Vaisman; Kat Burns,
CVPM, CAWA; and Marianne Mallonee, CVPM, for your above and beyond contributions!

Sponsor Thank You
Our Power of 10 | Practice Manager program is possible thanks to the support of our very
generous sponsors.

 Premier Sponsors

 Hosting Sponsor

 Supporting Sponsors

Carr Healthcare Realty
CATALYST Veterinary Practice Consultants
Ethos Veterinary Health
Peak Veterinary Consultants
Structure LLC
Wells Fargo

                                                                                                 PAGE 5
CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
CVMA                                                                      CONVENTION 2018

Convention Information and Services
CVMA Registration Desk Hours                             Internet
Registration Desk is located in the Front Range          Complimentary Wi-Fi is available throughout the
Foyer and is open during the following hours:            meeting space for light web surfing. To keep it
         Thursday   7:00 AM – 5:30 PM                    running quickly for all attendees, please download
         Friday     6:00 AM – 6:00 PM                    large files or applications, like the CVMA 2018
         Saturday   6:00 AM – 6:00 PM                    Convention App, prior to coming to convention. To
         Sunday     6:00 – 10:00 AM                      access Wi-Fi, connect to the CVMA Convention 2018
                                                         network. Password for internet is CVMA18.
Name Badges
                                                         Mobile App
Attendees and guests must wear a convention
badge at all times. Admission to education sessions      CVMA Convention 2018 at your fingertips! CVMA
is not allowed for guests and children under the age     Convention App is the best way to stay connected
of 18. Guests who wish to attend any education           and up-to-date on all convention activities. Through
sessions must register as an attendee.                   the app, you have access to the following features:
                                                            • Create a custom agenda
Event Tickets
                                                            • Meeting and event schedules
Event tickets are required and will be collected at
each event. Event tickets are included in your              • Latest program and room updates
registration packet based on your RSVP during the           • Exhibitor and sponsor information
registration process. If you didn’t RSVP for a meal         • Proceeding notes
or other ticketed event, please visit the registration
                                                              lerts with important information to keep you
desk for onsite availability and pricing.
                                                             “in the know.” Make sure your push notifications
Proceedings                                                  are enabled to receive these notifications.
All convention participants have access to               Download the CVMA Convention 2018 app today at
proceedings as submitted by speakers. Access to
the proceedings is available in the following
convenient ways:

  nline – check your email for a link to access
 proceedings online.

  onvention App – download CVMA’s Convention
 2018 App for instant mobile access.

  rinter station - use the IT Guru sponsored
 printing station.                                       Rest and Recharge
                                                         Battery running low? Stop by the CVMA Lounge in
                                                         the Exhibitor Hall to charge both yourself and your
  NEW THIS YEAR!                                         phone or tablet!
                                                         Sponsored by
  Network and mingle with your chapter
  colleagues. Check your name badge for your
  chapter number and join us at the designated
  tables during the CVMA / CSU reception.

CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
Convention Information and Services
Continuing Education Credits                              Potential CE Credits per Day:
                                                          Thursday, September 20                  8*
All Colorado Veterinary Medical licenses expire on
                                                          Friday, September 21                    8
October 31, 2018.
                                                          Saturday, September 22                  7
The State Board of Veterinary Medicine (SBVM)
                                                          Sunday, September 23                    4
requires a minimum of 32 hours of continuing
                                                          Total Hours available                   27
education biennially to renew licenses in Colorado.

CVMA Convention 2018 offers 123 hours of continuing       *Includes hours obtained by purchasing Learning
education! You have the opportunity to earn up              Labs or Life Skills workshops (additional fees apply).
to 27 hours over the course of convention. Each           To track your CE, a Record of Participation form is
50-minute lecture is equal to one continuing              included in your registration packet. Please return
education credit.                                         your completed form to the CVMA Registration
CE Credits Available:                                     Desk at the conclusion of convention and we will
                                                          record your CE hours in your member profile. CVTs
Full Conference Registration         up to 27 hours
                                                          need to retain this form for their records and for
With Labs
                                                          reporting to CACVT.
Full Conference Registration         up to 23 hours
Without Labs

Embassy Suites Map
                                      Exhibit Hall
                                   Networking Lunch                           High Meadows Ballroom

                Canyon                                                              Aspen Daisy
                                                             River Birch A
                Maple A

                 Canyon        Mountain          Pinyon
                                                             River Birch B
                 Maple B        Holly             Pine

                                                             River Birch C
                Maple C                                                              Snowberry

                                   CVMA Registration
                                                                              Opening General Session
                                                                                 Morning Keynotes
                                                                               CVMA/CSU Reception
                                                                               Celebration Luncheon
                                                                  Lake             Family Game
                                                                Loveland          & Casino Night
         John Q. Hammons                                           B
                    Thompson    Big   Carter    Carter  Lake
                        A    Thompson  Lake      Lake Loveland
                                 B      A         B      A

                                                                                                            PAGE 7
CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
CVMA                                                                     CONVENTION 2018

Convention Schedule
Thursday, September 20                                                      Room Location
7:00 AM – 5:30 PM    Registration                                           Front Range Foyer
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM   Basic Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound*               River Birch A
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM   Dental Extraction – Basic*                             River Birch B
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM   Dental Radiology Learning Lab*                         River Birch C
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM   Can’t We All Just Get Along? Strategies for            Carter Lake
                     Constructive Conflict Resolution*
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM   Retaining and Attracting Quality Veterinary Team       Lake Loveland
10:00 AM             Golf Tournament*                                       Mariana Butte Golf Course
12:00 – 1:00 PM      Lunch (Learning Labs / Life Skills Workshops only)*    Atrium
1:00 – 5:00 PM       Dental Extraction - Advanced*                          River Birch B
1:00 – 5:00 PM       Intermediate Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound*        River Birch A
1:00 – 5:00 PM       Opening Session: Compassion Satisfaction, Resilience, High Meadows Ballroom
                     and Humor: Creating Positive Work Climates in
                     Veterinary Medicine - Mr. Paul Osincup**
5:00 – 6:00 PM       Meet and Greet with Mr. Paul Osincup**                 River Birch C

Friday, September 21                                                        Room Location
6:00 AM – 6:00 PM    Registration                                           Front Range Foyer
6:30 – 7:20 AM       Breakfast with the Experts*                            River Birch AB
6:30 – 7:25 AM       Continental Breakfast                                  Front Range Foyer /
                                                                            High Meadows Ballroom
7:30 – 8:20 AM       Morning Keynote Session – Dr. Betsy Charles            High Meadows Ballroom
8:30 AM – 5:20 PM    Education Programs
                     Agricultural Animal                                    Carter Lake
                     Beyond Medicine                                        Canyon Maple B
                     Complementary Medicine                                 Lake Loveland
                     Equine                                                 River Birch C
                     Small Animal                                           Canyon Maple A
                     Small Animal Symposium – Medical and Surgical          Canyon Maple C
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM    Board of Directors Meeting                             John Q. Hammons
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM    Exhibit Hall Open                                      Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
9:20 – 10:00 AM      Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall                      Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
12:00 – 2:00 PM      Networking Lunch in Exhibit Hall*                      Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
3:50 – 4:30 PM       Refreshment Break / Prize Drawing in Exhibit Hall      Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
5:30 – 7:00 PM       CVMA / CSU Reception*                                  High Meadows Ballroom

CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
Convention Schedule
Saturday, September 22                                                            Room Location
6:00 AM – 6:00 PM       Registration                                              Front Range Foyer
6:30 – 7:20 AM          Student Roundtable Breakfast*                             River Birch A
6:30 – 7:25 AM          Continental Breakfast                                     Front Range Foyer /
                                                                                  High Meadows Ballroom
7:30 – 8:20 AM          Morning Keynote Session – Dr. Peter Weinstein             High Meadows Ballroom
8:30 AM – 5:20 PM       Education Programs
                        Agricultural Animal                                       Carter Lake
                        Beyond Medicine                                           Canyon Maple B
                        Exotic / Wildlife / Zoo                                   Lake Loveland
                        Equine                                                    River Birch C
                        Small Animal                                              Canyon Maple A
                        Small Animal Symposium – Dental                           Canyon Maple C
9:00 AM – 2:30 PM       Exhibit Hall Open – NEW HOURS!                            Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
9:20 – 10:00 AM         Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall                         Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
12:00 – 2:00 PM         Celebration Luncheon*                                     High Meadows Ballroom
12:00 – 2:30 PM         Visit Exhibit Hall / Prize Drawing                        Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
                        Food available for purchase in Exhibit Hall if you are
                        not attending Celebration Luncheon
2:00 – 2:30 PM          Visit Exhibit Hall Before it Closes!                      Mountain Holly/Pinyon Pine
4:30 – 5:30 PM          Power of 10 Reception*                                    River Birch B
5:30 – 9:00 PM          Casino Night*                                             High Meadows Ballroom

Sunday, September 23                                                               Room Location
6:00 – 10:00 AM         Registration                                               Front Range Foyer
7:00 – 8:00 AM          Continental Breakfast                                      Front Range Foyer
8:00 – 11:50 AM         Education Programs
                        Agricultural Animal                                        Carter Lake
                        Beyond Medicine                                            Canyon Maple B
                        Equine                                                     River Birch C
                        Small Animal                                               Canyon Maple A

 * Advance registration and ticket required to attend
**Opening General Session open to all FULL Convention Registration attendees and Thursday registrants.
NOTE: Schedule and room assignments are subject to change. For the most up-to-date schedule, download the CVMA
Convention APP today at!

                                                                                                          PAGE 9
CONVENTION 2018 - PROGRAM - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association
CVMA                                                                                CONVENTION 2018

Convention Highlights

Join us for these opportunities to engage and connect! Please stop by our registration desk for more
information or to check availability for ticketed events.

CVMA Opening General Session with                                 Morning Keynote Sessions
TEDx Speaker, Paul Osincup                                        Reset to Positive –
Compassion Satisfaction, Resilience, and                          Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Charles
Humor: Creating Positive Work Climates in                         Friday, September 21 | 7:30–8:20 AM
Veterinary Medicine
                                                                  Kickstart your morning with our Keynote Session,
Thursday, September 20 | 1:00-5:00 PM                             designed with all practitioners in mind. Dr. Charles
A Colorado native, Paul earned a Master’s Degree                  will inspire you to choose to see the bright side of
in Higher Education Leadership & Administration at                the profession by using the work of positive
the University of Northern Colorado. He served as                 psychologists. You will also learn skills to help all
Associate Director of Conflict Resolution and                     you come into contact with, including your teams
Student Conduct Services at Colorado State                        and clients, and how to reset to positive.
University (CSU) where he was responsible for
addressing high-risk student situations such as                   What Keeps You up at Night:
sexual assault, domestic violence, and severe                     Controlling the Chaos We Call Veterinary
alcohol & drug abuse. With such a serious day job,                Medicine –
it’s no wonder he spent his free time as a stand-up               Dr. Peter Weinstein
and improv comic. This combination of leadership                  Saturday, September 22 | 7:30–8:20 AM
and levity has fueled Paul’s mission to equip people              How can we control the chaos of an extremely
with strategies for creating work climates that are               complex industry with more moving parts than
more positive, productive, and fun. Oh, and did we                any other healthcare profession? Challenge your
mention he’s married to a veterinarian? As a DVM                  thinking and problem-solve some of the hardest
husband, he has a unique perspective into the world               issues that leave you scratching your head, sleeping
of veterinary medicine.                                           restlessly, and wondering ‘WHY?’ Focusing on the
                                                                  economic and business issues that impact everyone
Breakfast with the Experts                                        from students to experienced veterinarians, you will
Friday, September 21 | 6:30–7:25 AM                               learn to think differently about veterinary medicine.
Begin the day with CSU faculty and other veterinary               Business Education – A Collaboration
experts in small group settings with discussions on               with VBMA
select topics:
                                                                  Saturday, September 22 | 10:00 AM–5:20 PM
   •   Agricultural animal          • Small animal
   •   Dentistry                       internal medicine          CVMA is excited to collaborate again with the
   •   Equine                       • Small animal soft          CSU Veterinary Business Management Association
                                       tissue surgery             (VBMA) student group to bring you a day of
   •   Exotics
                                                                  education on practice affordability, achieving
Discuss that tough client case or ask advice on                   success through strong team dynamics and
a specific challenge in your practice. This is your               entrepreneurship. We have “Must Attend” speakers
chance to ask the experts!                                        lined up for this unique afternoon of education that
Seating is limited per topic; advance registration is required.
                                                                  will inspire and engage you with tips you can
Please check with registration for onsite availability.
                                                                  implement today!

Convention Highlights

Networking Lunch*                                          Celebration Luncheon*
Friday, September 21 | 12:00–2:00 PM                       Saturday, September 22 | 12:00–2:00 PM
Fuel up between CE sessions and visit with all of          Celebrate with those who keep the profession
the exhibitors and sponsors who help make                  strong as we recognize their contributions and
convention a success. Join us in the exhibit hall for      service to the veterinary community. Learn the
a “grab-and-go” lunch where you can eat while              latest on CVMA, applaud deserving individuals who
chatting with colleagues and business partners in a        receive prestigious awards, and participate in the
relaxed atmosphere. Take advantage of this network         installation of new CVMA officers. This joint lunch
exchange opportunity to learn the many products            also celebrates the Colorado Association of Certified
and services available to enhance practice efficiency.     Veterinary Technicians (CACVT), which represents
                                                           3,000 professionals who work in tandem with
Welcome Reception* hosted by:                              Colorado veterinarians to deliver the very best care
CVMA / CSU                                                 and skill to patients and clients.
Friday, September 21 | 5:30–7:00 PM
This reception hosted by CVMA and CSU always
delights! Join us Friday evening for a festive gathering
to enjoy socializing, music, delicious food, and beer
tasting with Horse and Dragon Brewery. This is the
perfect way to end the day as you connect and network
with colleagues. You will also have the opportunity
to mingle with your fellow chapter colleagues.

                                                           Family Game and Casino Night*
                                                           Saturday, September 22 | 5:30–9:00 PM
Student Breakfast Roundtable*                              This fun and exciting evening will feature family
Saturday, September 22 | 6:30–7:20 AM                      games, food, cash bar, and gambling events with
Interested in topics that affect your success? This        “CVMA dollars.” Spend the evening socializing,
student event explores the topic of limiting beliefs       playing cards, black jack, craps, and family-friendly
around money and interviewing through facilitator-         games. At the end of the evening you can “cash in”
led discussions with veterinary professionals. Open        your tokens for tickets to win prizes. It’s a fun
forum sessions allow you to truly ask those burning,       evening and a great way to wind down after a day
pertinent questions in a relaxed atmosphere.               of learning.
Jumpstart your day with food, fun, and excellent           Special note: This is a child-friendly event. Purchase tickets and
                                                           bring the whole family!
peer-to-peer exchanges.
Sponsored by
                                                             dvance registration required; ticketed event; please
                                                            check with Registration for onsite availability.

                                                                                                                       PAGE 11
CVMAProgram-at-a-Glance                                                                           | THURSDAY
                                                                                 SEPTEMBER 20, 2018
                                                                                            CONVENTION 2018

Pre-conference Learning Labs and Life Skills Workshops
      LEARNING LABS                     LEARNING LABS                        LIFE SKILLS                  OPENING GENERAL
         MORNING                         AFTERNOON                           WORKSHOPS                        SESSION
     8:00 AM-12:00 PM                     1:00-5:00 PM                   8:00 AM-12:00 PM                      1:00-5:00 PM
          RIVER BIRCH C                    RIVER BIRCH B                      CARTER LAKE               HIGH MEADOWS BALLROOM
          Dental Radiology          Dental Extraction – Advanced      Can’t We All Just Get Along?         Compassion Satisfaction,
          Dr. Edward Eisner          Dr. John Huff, Dr. Larry Klima    Strategies for Constructive          Resilience, and Humor:
                                                                            Conflict Resolution             Creating Positive Work
                                                                       Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Charles        Climates in Veterinary

     8:00 AM-12:00 PM                     1:00-5:00 PM                   8:00 AM-12:00 PM                     5:00-6:00 PM
           RIVER BIRCH B                   RIVER BIRCH A                    LAKE LOVELAND               HIGH MEADOWS BALLROOM
    Dental Extraction - Basic                                           Retaining and Attracting             Meet and Greet with
   Dr. John Huff, Dr. Larry Klima    Small Animal Abdominal             Quality Veterinary Team               Mr. Paul Osincup
                                     Ultrasound – Intermediate                  Members
                                        Dr. Georgette Shields                Rebecca Rose

     8:00 AM-12:00 PM
           RIVER BIRCH A
    Small Animal Abdominal
      Ultrasound - Basic
     Dr. Georgette Shields

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                                                           SEPTEMBER 20, 2018     | THURSDAY

                            CVMA’s Opening General Session with Mr. Paul Osincup
                            Compassion Satisfaction, Resilience, and Humor:
                            Creating Positive Work Climates in Veterinary Medicine
                            1:00–5:00 PM | 4 hours of CE
                            You’ll be treated to a session with speaker and positive workplace
                            strategist, Paul Osincup, whose rare blend of inspiring content and
                            side-splitting humor will keep you engaged and entertained! Come
                            learn why his TEDx Talk: “Leading with Laughter: The Power of Humor
                            in Leadership” has been viewed over 140,000 times, and why his work
                            has been highlighted in SUCCESS Magazine, Scrubs Magazine, and on
                            his mom’s fridge.
                            Learn how Paul’s previous experience helped fuel his mission to equip
        Join us after       people with strategies for creating work climates that are more
 Opening General Session    positive, productive, and fun. As a DVM husband, he has a unique
  for a Meet & Greet with   perspective into the world of veterinary medicine.
        Mr. Osincup!

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                                                                    to protect you and your loved
                                                                    ones through it all.

                                                                    800-228-7548, option 5

                                                                                                    PAGE 13
   Program-at-a-Glance                                                                 CONVENTION 2018

                AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL                           BEYOND MEDICINE                  COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE
                          Carter Lake                             Canyon Maple B                          Lake Loveland

                                        6:30–7:20 AM – Breakfast with the Experts (River Birch AB)

                         7:30-8:20 AM – Morning Keynote with Dr. Betsy Charles (High Meadows Ballroom)

                   State Veterinarian Update             Managing Stress to Prevent Burnout     Updates and Integrative Approaches
                         Dr. Keith Roehr                         Katherine Garcia                   to Equine Cervical Disease
                                                                                                          Dr. Mindy Story
  8:30 –
9:20 AM

                                                      9:00 AM-5:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open

                                          9:20-10:00 AM – Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

                 Coxiella burnetti Infection in                                               Case Selection: Updates in Non-Surgical
                          Dairy Goats                                                                  Cruciate Management
                        Dr. Alex Turner                                                                    Dr. Lindsey Fry
  10:00 –
10:50 AM
                                                           Working ON Not Just Working
                                                                 IN Your Practice
                                                                Dr. Peter Weinstein

               Disaster Response for Agricultural                                               Where The Rubber Meets the Road:
                      Animal Veterinarians                                                       Applying Non-Surgical Cruciate
   11:00 –                Dr. Joe Smith                                                          Treatments in General Practice
                                                                                                         Dr. Lindsey Fry
11:50 AM

                                           12:00-2:00 PM – Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

                 Rattlesnake Envenomation in
                       Livestock Species
                          Dr. Joe Smith
   2:00 –
 2:50 PM
                                                           Working ON Not Just Working        Integrative Veterinary Pain Management
                                                                 IN Your Practice                      in Companion Animals
                Smartphone Diagnostics for the                  Dr. Peter Weinstein                        Dr. Rob Landry
                    Livestock Practitioner
   3:00 –               Dr. Joe Smith
 3:50 PM

                                           3:50-4:30 PM – Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

             Management of the Critically Sick Calf                                           Integrative Approaches to Reproductive
                       Dr. Joe Smith                                                                  Failure in Large Animals
   4:30 –                                                            continued                             Dr. Timothy Holt
 5:20 PM

                                     5:30-7:00 PM – Welcome Reception (High Meadows Ballroom)
                                                          Sponsored by CSU and CVMA

   PAGE 14
                                                                                    SEPTEMBER 21, 2018

                                                                                   SMALL ANIMAL SYMPOSIUM –
                                                                                                               | FRIDAY

              EQUINE                                SMALL ANIMAL                  MEDICAL & SURGICAL EMERGENCIES
            River Birch C                             Canyon Maple A                        Canyon Maple C

                            6:30–7:20 AM – Breakfast with the Experts (River Birch AB)

            7:30-8:20 AM – Morning Keynote with Dr. Betsy Charles (High Meadows Ballroom)

            Equine Rabies                      Research with Practice Impact                 Hemoabdomen:
            Dr. Jaci Boggs                          Dr. Michael Lappin                     Surgical Management
                                                       (moderator)                           Dr. Lee Breshears
                                                                                              Dr. Stacy Meola

                                          9:00 AM-5:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open

                              9:20-10:00 AM – Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

      Equine Infectious Diseases                                                        Gastric Dilation-Volvulus:
          Making Headlines                                                               Surgical Management
           Dr. Wendy Vaala                                                                  Dr. Lee Breshears
                                                        continued                            Dr. Stacy Meola

Matching a Vaccination Program to the         Hot Topics in Companion Animal                Laryngeal Paralysis:
 Horse, Its Lifestyle, and Disease Risk              Infectious Disease                    Surgical Management
            Dr. Wendy Vaala                          Dr. Michael Lappin                      Dr. Lee Breshears
                                                                                              Dr. Stacy Meola

                              12:00-2:00 PM – Networking Lunch in the Exhibit Hall

Designing a Practical Parasite Control                                                 Gastrointestinal Emergencies:
   Program for Horses of All Ages                                                  Septic Abdomen and Perforated Bowel
          Dr. Wendy Vaala                                                                    Dr. Lee Breshears
                                                        continued                             Dr. Stacy Meola

        The Horse with Colic:                 Hot Topics in Companion Animal         Urinary Emergencies and Urethral
       Referral is Not an Option                     Infectious Disease                         Obstruction
           Dr. Earl Gaughan                         Dr. Stacie Summers                       Dr. Lee Breshears
                                                                                              Dr. Stacy Meola

                               3:50-4:30 PM – Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall

  Wounds Near Synovial Structures           Updates in Canine Heartworm Disease       Approach to the Trauma Patient
         Dr. Earl Gaughan                              Dr. Marisa Ames                      Dr. Lee Breshears
                                                                                             Dr. Stacy Meola

                        5:30-7:00 PM – Welcome Reception (High Meadows Ballroom)
                                              Sponsored by CSU and CVMA

                                                                                                                         PAGE 15

                  AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL                             BEYOND MEDICINE
                                                                                             CONVENTION 2018

                                                                                                      EXOTIC / WILDLIFE / ZOO
                            Carter Lake                               Canyon Maple B                            Lake Loveland

                                          6:30-7:20 AM – Student Breakfast Roundtable (River Birch A)

                         7:30-8:20 AM – Morning Keynote with Dr. Peter Weinstein (High Meadows Ballroom)
                       Ask the Diagnosticians:                   State Board of Veterinary                      Companion Pigs:
                  Sample Collection, Preparations,                   Medicine Update                    Introduction and Preventive Care
  8:30 –                  and Submission                              Abigail Gaskins                             Dr. Joe Smith
9:20 AM                    Dr. Juan Munoz,
             Dr. Forgivemore Magunda, Dr. Josh Daniels,
                    Dr. Charlie Davis (moderator)

                                                9:00 AM-2:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open (NEW TIME)

                                             9:20-10:00 AM Refreshment break in the Exhibit Hall
                                                                                                              Companion Pigs:
                                                                                                         Medicine and Pharmacology
  10:00 –                                                  How Can I Afford to Buy a Practice with
                                                                                                                Dr. Joe Smith
10:50 AM                                                  $250K of Debt...You Can’t Afford NOT To!
                                                                     Dr. Peter Weinstein
                     In-Depth Look at Breeding
                         Soundness in Bulls
                 Dr. Timothy Holt, Mr. John Schenk,
                         Dr. Richard Wheeler                                                                   Companion Pigs:
   11:00 –                                                                                               Surgery and Emergency Cases
11:50 AM                                                                                                         Dr. Joe Smith

                         12:00–2:30 PM – Visit the Exhibit Hall (OPEN DURING LUNCH; NEW CLOSING TIME)

                                     12:00–2:00 PM – Celebration Luncheon (High Meadows Ballroom)

                          PAP Update:                      Emotional Intelligence, Communication,              Companion Pigs:
                       Where Are We Now?                     and Problem Solving: Master these                 Clients and Cases
                        Dr. Timothy Holt                       skills to achieve stronger team                    Dr. Joe Smith
   2:30 –                                                   dynamics, better medicine, and more
 3:20 PM                                                              profitable practices
                                                              Dr. Missy Tasky, Dr. Tracey Jensen
                                                                        Mr. Dusty Bonner

              Trace Minerals and the Immune System
                       Dr. Lourens Havenga
   3:30 –
 4:20 PM
                                                                                                               Case Presentations:
                                                                                                     Interpreting Exotic Companion Animal
                                                                                                       Blood Abnormalities in Avian, Small
                                                                                                             Mammal, and Reptiles
                 Trace Minerals and Reproduction            From the Back of the Classroom to an
                                                                                                                Dr. Miranda Sadar
                       Dr. Lourens Havenga                   International Diagnostics Company
                                                                       Conor Blanchet
                                                                        Aaron Wallace
   4:30 –
 5:20 PM

                                            5:30–9:00 PM – Casino Night (High Meadows Ballroom)

   PAGE 16

             EQUINE                             SMALL ANIMAL
                                                                           SEPTEMBER 22, 2018

                                                                                     SMALL ANIMAL
                                                                                                   | SATURDAY

                                                                                   SYMPOSIUM – DENTAL
            River Birch C                        Canyon Maple A                          Canyon Maple C

                         6:30-7:20 AM – Student Breakfast Roundtable (River Birch A)

         7:30-8:20 AM – Morning Keynote with Dr. Peter Weinstein (High Meadows Ballroom)
    Current Mare Reproductive               Canine Heartworm Disease:            Regional Nerve Blocks in Dentistry
   Diagnostics and Therapeutics:               Clinical Conundrums                         Dr. John Huff
    From the Ovary and Beyond                     Dr. Marisa Ames
          Dr. Jenn Hatzel

                                9:00 AM-2:30 PM Exhibit Hall Open (NEW TIME)

                             9:20-10:00 AM Refreshment break in the Exhibit Hall
                                                                                  Top Ten Tips to Lower Risk and
                                                                                 Frustration for Dental Extractions
                                                                                               in Dogs
             continued                                                                     Dr. Larry Klima
                                                  Culturing MRSA:
                                            Find Out What It Means to Me
                                                      Parts 1 & 2
                                                  Dr. Brooke Simon

    Referral Cases to an Assisted                                                  Surgical Extractions Made Easy
     Reproductive Techniques                                                                Dr. John Huff
           (ART) Program
           Dr. Jenn Hatzel

          12:00–2:30 PM – Visit the Exhibit Hall (OPEN DURING LUNCH; NEW CLOSING TIME)

                     12:00–2:00 PM – Celebration Luncheon (High Meadows Ballroom)

      Equine Dentistry Update                 Solving Cranial Cruciate            Top Ten Tips to Lower Risk and
           Dr. Scott Marx                        Ligament Disease                Frustration for Dental Extractions
                                               Dr. Michael Conzemius                           in Cats
                                                                                           Dr. Larry Klima

                                           Developmental Elbow Disease:                 Dental Radiograph
                                           Treating a Complex Conundrum                   Interpretation
                                                Dr. Michael Conzemius                      Dr. John Huff

 Surgical Extraction of Equine Cheek          Treating Osteoarthritis:        Critical Considerations When Performing
Teeth – Options When Oral Extraction         Fact, Fiction, and Opinion                Oronasal Fistula Repairs
            is not Possible                    Dr. Michael Conzemius                        Dr. Larry Klima
             Dr. Jackie Hill

                            5:30–9:00 PM – Casino Night (High Meadows Ballroom)

                                                                                                                        PAGE 17

             AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL             BEYOND MEDICINE                         EQUINE
                                                                                              | SUNDAY
                                                                                SEPTEMBER 23, 2018
                                                                                        CONVENTION 2018

                                                                                                               SMALL ANIMAL
                     Carter Lake                  Canyon Maple B                   River Birch C                 Canyon Maple A

                                                   7:00-8:00 AM – Continental Breakfast

              Small Ruminant Breeding                                       Therapeutic Farriery for the    Common Liver Conditions:
                 Soundness Exams                                                Equine Practitioner          What You Need to Know
  8:00 –        Dr. Cleon Kimberling                                           Dr. Stephen O’Grady              Dr. David Twedt
8:50 AM

                                             End of Life Communication
                                            Principles: Compassion, Care,
                                                 and Client Relations
                                                  Dr. Jim Humphries
               Obstructive Urolithiasis                                       Evaluation of the Equine     How To Deal with Abnormal
                in Small Ruminants:                                         Hoof Capsule: Let’s Consider        Liver Enzymes
  9:00 –        Medical and Surgical                                        Abnormal Foot Conformation          Dr. David Twedt
9:50 AM             Management                                                  Dr. Stephen O’Grady
                  Dr. Katie Simpson

                                                  9:50-10:00 AM – Refreshment Break

             USDA Accreditation Renewal       Cannabis Clinical Trials          The Many Uses of the        Liver Conditions You Likely
               Module #30: Honeybees                  In Dogs:                  Wooden Shoe and Its           Did Not Learn About in
                Dr. Richanne Lomkin            CSU Paving the Way                Proper Application                 Vet School
  10:00 –                                      Dr. Stephanie McGrath             Dr. Stephen O’Grady              Dr. David Twedt
10:50 AM

             USDA Accreditation Renewal          Practical Cannabis          Farriery for the Hind Limb    Chronic Hepatitis in the Dog –
             Module #17: National Poultry      Knowledge for Clinical           Dr. Stephen O’Grady          How to Cure Most Cases
   11:00 –       Improvement Plan                      Practice                                                   Dr. David Twedt
                Dr. Richanne Lomkin               Dr. Casara Andre
11:50 AM

                                            SAVE THE DATES

                                        WE’RE MOVING BACK TO KEYSTONE!
                                      Join us in the mountains in 2019 and 2020!

     CONVENTION 2019                                                     CONVENTION 2020
      September 12-15, 2019 • Keystone, CO                               September 10-13, 2020 • Keystone, CO

   PAGE 18

                     PAGE 19
CVMA                                                                                             CONVENTION 2018

Pre-conference and Opening General Session
Thursday, September 20, 2018                                               8:00 AM–12:00 PM
                                                                           Lake Loveland
8:00 AM–12:00 PM
                                                                           Retaining and Attracting Quality Veterinary
River Birch B
                                                                           Team Members
Dental Extraction – Basic Learning Lab                                     Rebecca Rose, CVT
John Huff, III, DVM, FAVD, DAVDC and Larry Klima, DVM, DAVDC               You know there is a shortage of trained, qualified veterinary
Learn the principles of surgical extractions, including the creation       team members, and managers are continually searching for loyal
and handling of full thickness mucoperiosteal flaps, sectioning of         veterinary team members. But what are the reasons? Let’s explore
teeth, and proper extraction technique. Participants will receive          solutions! National and local statistics point to demand, and
hands on experience extracting both canine and feline teeth with           during the workshop we dive deep into these numbers. Is attrition
extra emphasis placed on the classically difficult teeth such as           due to salary, or are there other reasons people leave the practice
canines, lower first molars, and upper 4th premolars.                      and the industry? Together we will explore team attrition and
                                                                           retention and offer suggestions in attracting team members for
Sponsored by                                                               the long haul. Join us for an interactive workshop, designed to be
                                                                           thought provoking, full of tangible resources, and fun!
                                                                           Sponsored by

8:00 AM–12:00 PM
River Birch C
                                                                           1:00 PM–5:00 PM
Dental Radiology Learning Lab                                              River Birch A
Edward R. Eisner, DVM, DAVDC; Kathy Eby-Pershing, CVT;
Sara Sharp, CVT, VTS-Dentistry; Trudy Howerter, CVT                        Intermediate Small Animal Abdominal Learning Lab
                                                                           Georgette Shields, DVM, MS, DACVR
Discover intra-oral radiography for general practice and learn entry
level dental radiography interpretation before taking intra-oral           This intermediate lab will build on the fundamentals learned in
radiographs with stationary and hand-held dental x-ray equipment.          the Basic Small Animal Abdominal Learning Lab. Participants will
Learn positioning techniques to produce diagnostic-quality images,         learn abnormal ultrasonographic appearances of pathology to the
and how to evaluate the quality of the exposed images.                     major abdominal organs. The basic anatomy and ultrasound
                                                                           technique of the gastrointestinal tract will also be explored.
Sponsored by
                                                                           Sponsored by

                                                                           1:00 PM–5:00 PM
8:00 AM–12:00 PM                                                           River Birch B
River Birch A
Basic Small Animal Abdominal Learning Lab                                  Dental Extraction – Advanced Learning Lab
Georgette Shields, DVM, MS, DACVR                                          John Huff, III, DVM, FAVD, DAVD; Larry Klima, DVM, DAVDC;
                                                                           Sara Sharp, CVT, VTS-Dentistry; Trudy Howerter, CVT;
Learn the necessary fundamental skill set for basic abdominal              Kathy Eby Pershing, CVT
scanning techniques. The basic physics of ultrasound will be
discussed, with emphasis on machine controls that can be                   Building on skills developed in the basic extraction lab, this course
manipulated to improve image quality. Attendees will learn the             offers instruction to further hone extraction technique by focusing
anatomy and normal ultrasonographic appearances of the main                on challenging sites such as canine maxillary 1st molars and 3rd
abdominal organs. These skills will be reinforced and practiced in         incisors, mandibular 2nd molars, as well as canine and feline
small groups under the mentorship of experienced instructors.              retained tooth roots. In addition, time will be spent learning
                                                                           proper technique in flap manipulation for oronasal fistula repair
Sponsored by                                                               and open root planing.
                                                                           Sponsored by

8:00 AM–12:00 PM
Carter Lake
                                                                           1:00–5:00 PM
Can’t We All Just Get Along? Strategies for                                High Meadows Ballroom
Constructive Conflict Resolution
Elizabeth (Betsy) Charles, DVM, MA                                         Opening General Session
Explore the nonviolent communication model developed by                    Compassion Satisfaction, Resilience, and Humor:
Dr. Marshall Rosenberg in a practice environment. Using group              Creating Positive Work Climates in Veterinary Medicine
discussion, small group activities, and personal reflection,               Paul Osincup, MS
participants will gain the skills necessary to allow them to resolve       Kick off your convention experience on Thursday afternoon for
conflict constructively. Also, participants will learn how understanding   the opening session of CVMA Convention 2018!
diversity plays a role in constructive conflict resolution.
                                                                           Join us for an entertaining and informative session with
Sponsored by                                                               Paul Osincup, positive workplace strategist, and conflict resolution
                                                                           specialist. Learn how his previous experience helped fuel his
                                                                           mission to equip people with strategies for creating work climates.

CE Session Descriptions – by Track
MORNING KEYNOTE SESSIONS                                                AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL
High Meadows Ballroom                                                   Carter Lake

Join us at our Keynote Sessions, designed with all                      Friday, September 21, 2018
practitioners and professionals in mind!                                8:30–9:20 AM
                                                                        State Veterinarian’s Animal Health Update
Friday, September 21, 2018
                                                                        Keith Roehr, DVM
7:30-8:20 AM                                                            This report details disease and animal health issues of significance
                                                                        in the last year. This presents a unique opportunity to learn the
Reset to Positive                                                       current disease issues of importance to livestock producers and
Elizabeth (Betsy) Charles, DVM, MA                                      to have a dialog to offer perspectives from private practicing
                        Dr. Charles will use the work of Shawn          veterinarians.
                        Achor and other positive psychologists               • Learn the current animal health report
                        as well as work done by the Veterinary               • Share animal health perspectives from practicing veterinarians
                        Mental Health Practitioners group in
                        inspiring participants to choose to see
                        the bright side of the profession while also    10:00-10:50 AM
                        gaining the skills to help all they come into   Coxiella burnetti Infection in Dairy Goats
                        contact with, their teams, and clients,
                                                                        Alex Turner, DVM
                        also reset to positive. Attendees will:
                                                                        Review a case of an infection with Coxiella burnetti in a CO dairy
                        • Learn how the tenets of positive
                                                                        goat herd and explore considerations for animal and public health
                            psychology can transform veterinary
                                                                        officials, diagnostic testing and treatment for the veterinarian, and
                                                                        management for the producer.
                        • Understand who we are as a profession
                                                                             • How to recognize and when to test for Coxiella burnetti
                           so we can choose a positive outlook
                                                                             • Differential list for sheep and goat abortions
                                                                             • Biosecurity and public health concerns with Coxiella burnetti
Saturday, September 22, 2018
                                                                        11:00-11:50 AM
7:30-8:20 AM
                                                                        Disaster Response for Agricultural Animal Veterinarians
What Keeps You up at Night: Controlling the Chaos
                                                                        Joe Smith, DVM, MPS, DACVIM (LAIM), cVMA
We Call Veterinary Medicine
Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA                                               Content will be focused on the common aspects of response for
                                                                        multiple disaster types, including the Incident Command System
                        A discussion of the issues impacting
                                                                        (ICS). Preparation, action, and debriefing plans will be
                        veterinary medicine that leave you
                                                                        demonstrated with respect to several common disaster responses.
                        scratching your head, sleeping restlessly,
                                                                        Cases involving response to trailer wreck accidents will be used
                        and wondering ‘WHY?’ Focusing on the
                                                                        for specific examples of agricultural animal disaster response.
                        economic and business issues that
                        impact everyone from students to                     • Understand the structure for disaster response with respect
                        experienced veterinarians, this session                 to the Incident Command System (ICS)
                        will help you think differently about                • Describe preparation, action, and debriefing plans common
                        veterinary medicine. How can we control                 to agricultural animal disaster response
                        the chaos of an extremely complex
                        industry with more moving parts than            2:00-2:50 PM
                        any other healthcare profession? Attend
                        the Saturday Morning Keynote and:               Rattlesnake Envenomation in Livestock Species
                        • Understand the economic issues               Joe Smith, DVM, MPS, DACVIM (LAIM), cVMA
                           impacting the veterinary profession
                                                                        Using clinical cases and reviews from comparative literature, this
                        •Grasp the complexity of the veterinary        session will focus on diagnosis, management, and follow up therapy
                         business model                                 for rattlesnake envenomation in livestock species. Discussion will
                                                                        involve a comparative approach to rattlesnake envenomation in
                                                                        veterinary species with respect to pharmacotherapy and patient
                                                                             • Understand pathophysiology basis for treatment of
                                                                                rattlesnake envenomation in livestock
                                                                             • Describe case management with respect to emergency and
                                                                                long term therapeutic measures
                                                                             • Develop plans for clients for emergency triage prior to
                                                                                arrival of veterinary support

                                                                                                                                     PAGE 21
CVMA                                                                                        CONVENTION 2018

CE Session Descriptions – by Track
AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL continued                                         10:00-11:50 AM
Carter Lake                                                           In-Depth Look at Breeding Soundness in Bulls
3:00-3:50 PM                                                          Timothy Holt, DVM; John Schenk, BS, MS; and Richard Wheeler, DVM
                                                                      This session will be a discussion of abnormal sperm morphology
Smartphone Diagnostics for the Livestock Practitioner
                                                                      in bulls, their underlying cause, and implications on potential
Joe Smith, DVM, MPS, DACVIM (LAIM), cVMA                              fertility. Appropriate microscopic and/or staining techniques will
Using multiple commercially available smartphone-based                be reviewed. These topics will be focused as they pertain to Bull
applications, demonstrations on how the smartphone can be used        Breeding Exams conducted by veterinarians.
in agricultural animal practice will be presented, and applications         • Discuss sperm morphology evaluation
of the AliveCor device for recording of ECG events in goats and             • Learn proper staining techniques
cattle will be shown. Discussion will include pros and cons of
                                                                            • Review microscope use in determining sperm morphology
many available applications and devices for a smartphone in a
veterinary practice setting.
                                                                      2:30-3:20 PM
     • Identify ways to utilize diagnostic methods on a smartphone
        for routine practice                                          PAP Update: Where Are We Now?
     • Learn how to use the AliveCor ECG device for ECG event        Timothy Holt, DVM
        collection for cattle and goats                               Review the pathophysiology of Bovine Pulmonary Hypertension
                                                                      and what we have learned over the last 38 years. Discussions will
4:30-5:20 PM                                                          lead into the PAP test and the new findings related to elevation of
Management of the Critically Sick Calf                                the test, age of the animal, repeatability, nutrition and other topics
                                                                      including the PAP EPD.
                                                                           • Understand the PAP measurement and what can influence
Information and relevant research on poisonous plants in the                  the test
western U.S. will be discussed. Clinical signs of poisoning,
                                                                           • Prepare veterinarians on how to answer some questions
historical information, and relevant tissues needed for diagnosis
                                                                              concerning Bovine High Mountain Disease
will be presented. An information bulletin highlighting over 35 of
the most common poisonous plants in the west will be provided.             • Learn what the PAP EPD means and how to properly use it
                                                                              for the high mountain rancher
      • Describe common poisonous plants of the region, discuss
         clinical signs of poisoning, and present information to
                                                                      3:30-4:20 PM
         prevent or mitigate losses
      • How to prepare a sample of an unknown plant for taxonomic    Trace Minerals and the Immune System
         identification, chemical analysis and laboratory testing     Lourens Havenga, DVM, BVSc
                                                                      Learn the function of trace minerals in detail by discussing the
                                                                      minerals in both the innate and acquired immune systems in
Saturday, September 22, 2018                                          bovine. This session will also share research on when
                                                                      supplementation is required to impact the response of both
8:30-9:20 AM
                                                                      immune modulating drugs and vaccines.
Ask the Diagnosticians: Sample Collection,                               • Understand the functions of different trace minerals in the
Preparations, and Submission                                                innate and acquired immune systems
Juan Munoz Gutierrez, MVZ, PhD; Forgivemore Magunda, BVSc,               • Discuss how trace mineral status impacts both the innate
MPH, PhD, DACVP; Josh Daniels, DVM, PhD, DACVM;                             and acquired immune systems
Charlie Davis, DVM (moderator)                                           • Learn how to identify the key risk period and address
The panel of presenters will answer questions and discuss the               possible vaccine response failure
sample collection, preparation, and submission necessary to           Sponsored by
facilitate accurate and timely diagnosis through the necropsy,
surgical pathology, and ancillary diagnostic services offered by
CSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory.
      • Identify and appropriately collect samples for anatomical
         pathology diagnosis for relevant species
      • Prepare and submit samples for diagnosis

CE Session Descriptions – by Track
AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL continued                                        10:00-10:50 AM
Carter Lake                                                          USDA Accreditation Module #30: Honeybees
4:30-5:20 PM                                                         Richanne Lomkin, DVM
                                                                     This module will familiarize the accredited veterinarian with the
Trace Minerals and Reproduction                                      impact of the implementation of the VFD on honeybees. With
Lourens Havenga, DVM, BVSc                                           the significant loss of pollinators in recent decades and the
Describe the function, forms of supplementation, and the flow        implementation of the VFD rule, this highlights an urgent need for
of trace minerals during the reproductive and growth cycles.         honeybee education and training in the diagnosis and treatment
Discussions will highlight clinically important risk areas in the    of honeybees.
heifer, cow, bull, and calf.                                              • Discuss the U.S. honeybee industry
     • Learn the most important reproductive functions of the key        • Describe the honeybee biology, diseases, diagnosis, and
        trace minerals                                                       treatments
     • Understand how trace mineral status changes during a              • Recognize the judicious use of antimicrobials in honeybees
        reproductive cycle, why they change, and how this affects         • Understand the VFDs and honeybees, and the role of the
        reproductive outcomes                                                veterinarian
     •Recognize the key risk period by production animal class
        and how to address                                           11:00-11:50 AM
Sponsored by                                                         USDA Accreditation Module #17 – National Poultry
                                                                     Improvement Plan
                                                                     Richanne Lomkin, DVM
                                                                     This module will familiarize the accredited veterinarian with the
                                                                     National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) and discuss the
                                                                     systems in place that have reduced poultry disease, improved
Sunday, September 23, 2018                                           poultry and human health, and created a continuing surveillance
                                                                     system for potential poultry health problems.
8:00–8:50 AM                                                              • Describe the scope of NPIP and how changes to the Plan
                                                                             are made
Small Ruminant Breeding Soundness Exams
                                                                          • Identify the portions of NPIP that are most relevant for
Cleon Kimberling, DVM                                                        further exploration
During this presentation, a detailed description of the steps for         • Define the different flock and state classification levels in
Breeding Soundness Examination will be discussed in small                    the NPIP
ruminants. Also, this session will cover the significant return on
the producer’s investment
                                                                     BEYOND MEDICINE
9:00-9:50 AM
                                                                     Canyon Maple B
Obstructive Urolithiasis in Small Ruminants:
Medical and Surgical Management                                      Friday, September 21, 2018
Katie Simpson, MS, DACVIM
Obstructive urolithiasis is a challenging and potentially fatal      8:30-9:20 AM
disease that veterinarians who work on ruminants and camelids        Managing Stress to Prevent Burnout
face with some frequency. Methods of diagnosing and treating
                                                                     Katherine Garcia, MA, LAC, MAC
this disease will be discussed, with an emphasis on new
information that has become available in the last five years.        This session will discuss stress and how it can lead to burnout
Particular emphasis will be placed on newly described                among veterinary professionals. Learn how burnout can lead to
treatment modalities.                                                physical, mental health, and/or substance use issues and explore
                                                                     ways to manage stress and related issues.
                                                                          • Define stress and burnout
                                                                          • Explore how burnout can affect physical and mental health
                                                                             in veterinary professionals
                                                                          • Describe strategies to better manage stress and emotions
                                                                             to prevent symptoms of burnout

                                                                                                                                    PAGE 23
CVMA                                                                                          CONVENTION 2018

CE Session Descriptions – by Track
BEYOND MEDICINE continued                                               2:30-4:20 PM
Canyon Maple B                                                          Emotional Intelligence, Communication, and Problem
                                                                        Solving: Master these skills to achieve stronger team
10:00 AM-5:20 PM                                                        dynamics, better medicine, and more profitable practices
                                                                        Missy Tasky, DVM; Tracey Jensen, DVM, DABVP; and Dusty Bonner
Working ON Not Just IN Your Practice
Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA                                               How many times have you been in the hospital, whether as a
                                                                        student, practitioner, or practice owner, and heard the team
Based upon the principles in Michael E Gerber’s, “The E Myth”, this     comment about the lack of communication? Have you worked
5-hour workshop will build a foundation of practice success that        as part of a team that has difficulty solving problems that lead to
includes four pillars and how to deliver a client, patient, and staff   effective solutions? If this sounds familiar, then we have a session
experience based on those pillars. This workshop will lead into         for you. Our veterinarians and practice owners, currently “in the
a detailed approach to creating a system, while The Client              trenches” themselves, are excited to share with you practical tips
Experience, a differentiator in true practice success, is dissected     and techniques to improve communication and problem solving
and systematized.                                                       with your peers and team. The result? Increased personal
     • Understand what systems are and where they fit into             productivity, improved hospital culture, higher standards of care,
        practice success                                                and new levels of profitability.
     • Learn how to create systems for success                          Sponsored by
     • Create a foundation upon which the systems are developed
     • Focus on the Client Experience System as one of the most
        significant factors in practice success                         4:30-5:20 PM
Sponsored by                                                            From the Back of the Classroom to an International
                                                                        Diagnostics Company
                                                                        Conor Blanchet, MPH,MBA, DVM Candidate (2020) and
Saturday, September 22, 2018                                            Aaron Wallace, MS, MBA, DVM Candidate (2019)
8:30-9:20 AM                                                            Please join Aaron Wallace and Conor Blanchet, two Colorado
                                                                        State University MBA/DVM students, for a crash course in
State Board of Veterinary Medicine Update                               entrepreneurship and innovation as they walk through the challenges
Abigail Gaskins                                                         and obstacles associated with building a veterinary start up. Using
                                                                        their own start up, Lacuna Diagnostics Inc. as a case study, these
The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) houses the
                                                                        award winning business competition entrepreneurs will outline
State Board of Veterinary Medicine (SBVM). This session will
                                                                        what it truly takes to take an idea to creation.
present the latest legislative and rule changes, new initiatives,
and how to navigate the regulatory system when you need                 Sponsored by
information or must answer a Board inquiry. Participants will:
     • Learn new laws, rules and policies that affect the profession
     • Gain a better understanding of state government and
        DORA’s mission of consumer protection                           Sunday, September 23, 2018
     • Discover ways in which the SBVM works to protect
        consumers, while also ensuring a strong business                8:00-9:50 AM
        environment where veterinary services can thrive
                                                                        End of Life Communication Principles: Compassion,
10:00-11:50 AM                                                          Care, and Client Relations
                                                                        Jim Humphries, DVM, CVS
How Can I Afford to Buy a Practice with $250k of
Debt? You Can’t Afford NOT to!                                          This session will offer expert insight into the extremely important
                                                                        topic that faces every veterinary professional. From helping clients
Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA                                               decide when it is time to consider end of life care or euthanasia,
Using a discussion of where money comes into and where money            to how the veterinary team helps clients come to grips with the
goes out in a typical veterinary practice, an understanding of the      dying process, learning these skills are essential for a caring
differences in how owners and associates make money is delineated.      veterinary hospital team. Learn how to generate the proper
Then explore the realities of how a business is bought and sold         amount of empathy and effective communication during
and what you need to buy a veterinary practice.                         difficult times without sounding clinical, hurried, or dispassionate.
     • Understand the basic economics of a veterinary business          By understanding these important techniques, then the end of
                                                                        a pet’s life is not about losing a client, but rather deepening the
     • Learn the four types of money and how owners and
                                                                        loyalty with your practice.
        associates differ in their access to the types of money
                                                                              • Learn how to relate with any client, deepen relationships
     • Discuss what banks look for in loaning money and why
                                                                                 with them, and break down communication barriers
        owning a practice allows for easier debt retirement
                                                                              • Discuss how to generate hospital resources for end of life
Sponsored by
                                                                              • Understand how to prepare your clinic to speak with “one
                                                                                 voice” and how to implement in-hospital trainings

CE Session Descriptions – by Track
BEYOND MEDICINE continued                                                  10:00-10:50 AM
Canyon Maple B                                                             Case Selection: Updates in Non-Surgical Cruciate
10:00-10:50 AM                                                             Lindsey Fry, DVM, Resident ACVSMR

Cannabis Clinical Trials in Dogs: CSU Paving the Way                       As the area of rehabilitation and sports medicine in veterinary
                                                                           medicine grows we are exploring alternative options to surgical
Stephanie McGrath, DVM, MS, DACVIM
                                                                           management of CCL injury and disease in the stifle joint. In this
This presentation will address the study design and results of the         lecture, we will explore the pathophysiology of CCL disease in
safety/PK study, the challenges of performing the first cannabis           dogs, review literature (old and new), and start to discuss how
clinical trials in dogs, an update on the clinical trials, and future      rehabilitation and conservative management can be a valid choice
directives. The pilot studies involved osteoarthritis and epilepsy in      in select cases.
dogs, which are devastating to our veterinary patients and neither              • Understand the pathophysiology of CCL disease in dogs
has an ideal treatment to date. If this study can demonstrate that                 and how their assessment can help determine the disease
dogs attain sufficient blood exposure with oral dosing and that                    process in the patient for appropriate recommendations
CBD is effective, it has the potential to improve the quality of life of
                                                                                • Learn the complexity of CCL disease and the need to
this population of dogs, as well as decrease the rate of euthanasia.
                                                                                   approach the condition from a multimodal standpoint
      • Update on veterinary cannabis clinical trials
                                                                           Sponsored by
      • Difficulties and obstacles involved in starting work with
      • Safety, toxicity, and pharmacokinetic study design and results
                                                                           11:00-11:50 AM
11:00-11:50 AM                                                             Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Applying
Practical Cannabis Knowledge for Clinical Practice                         Non-Surgical Cruciate Treatments in General Practice
Casara Andre, DVM, cVMA                                                    Lindsey Fry, DVM, Resident ACVSMR
Pet parents are looking to you for answers! Ensure you have the            This lecture will build on the information discussed in the
knowledge and resources to be an active adviser when a pet                 previous hour and get into the nuts and bolts of managing a CCL
parent decides to use cannabis for their pet. This session covers          case without surgical intervention. Discussion will include pain
tips on having the “cannabis discussion” with your clients, possible       and inflammation management, joint health, neuromuscular and
applications in veterinary medicine, and six recommendations to            fibrotic stability of the joint, bracing, rehabilitation techniques and
give owners when they are deciding to use a cannabis product.              modalities, joint injections, and long term plans for the management
     • Learn cannabis harm reduction principles in veterinary             of these cases.
        medicine                                                                • Understand a comprehensive approach to CCL disease
     • Discuss recommendations for exploring veterinary cannabis                  management and feel confident in making
        (dosing and monitoring)                                                    recommendations for clients in these cases
     • Understand the six recommendations for cannabis product                 • Discuss specific tools and treatment options for managing
        selection                                                                  the CCL deficient stifle (with or without surgical
                                                                                   intervention) to lead to the best outcomes for patients
                                                                           Sponsored by
Lake Loveland
                                                                           2:00-3:50 PM
Friday, September 21, 2018                                                 Integrative Veterinary Pain Management in Companion
8:30-9:20 AM                                                               Animals
                                                                           Rob Landry, DVM, DAIPM, CVA, CCRP, CNPM
Updates and Integrative Approaches to Equine
Cervical Disease                                                           This session will discuss current and future trends available for the
                                                                           management of acute and chronic pain in small animals, specifically
Mindy Story, DVM, DACVS, cVMA, CIVCA                                       in companion animals (canine and feline). From improving pain
Learn an overview of the more common rehabilitation techniques             recognition, assessment, failures, and successes, attendees will
used in equine practice. This session will also look at a brief review     discuss clinically applicable and evidence-based therapies along
of current literature and a current study evaluating the science of        with alternative, nutritional, and regenerative therapies available to
acupuncture.                                                               the general practitioner.
     • Be ready to implement strength and mobility exercises                   • Discuss the role of neuroinflammatory response to chronic
        when designing a rehab program in equine practice                          pain and a new breakthrough approach to alleviating the
     • Understand when rehabilitation modalities may or may not                   progression of chronic osteoarthritis
        be indicated                                                            • Understand the current research and trends for managing
     • Learn the value of research studies looking at acupuncture                 acute and chronic pain in small animals

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