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uf]=x'=sf=b=g+= @$÷)^^÷^& lh=k|=sf=sf=b=g+= @*^÷@)^& Contents Year 4 No. 25, September 2010 Editorial 2 Save the Wild Tiger to Save So Much More 3 Protected Forest Areas Declared 5 Amur Tigers to Get Protected Area on China-Russia Border 7 Two Crouching Tigers, Some Hidden Dragons 9 Communication Strategy for Tiger Conservation in Bangladesh 11 A Roaring Illegal Trade 15 Price: Rs 10/- Wildlife News 18
Editorial T he politeness and soft-spoken nature of Chairman of Constituent Assembly Subhash Nemwang is known not only to 601 constituent assembly members but also to those who listened to him at public functions where he was invited as chief guest. As a chief guest of National Conservation Day, he talked about the recent growth of tiger population in Chitwan National Park, gharial releases in Nepali rivers and their ultimate destination in Indian rivers, and more importantly based on parliament subcommittee reports accusing the forest ministry for not being able to stop rampant illegal forest destruction. But alas! Forest Minister and Secretary were not present at the occasion to listen to the accusations from non other than country’s chief of legislative body. In a similar manner, on 3rd September in yet another gathering of conservationists held at auditorium of newly built building of National Trust of Nature Conservation (NTNC), Forest Minister who is also Chairman of the trust proudly presented documentary on last year’s one hundred thousand tree plantation. However, the Prime Minister refuted the documentary saying that the documentary should be on what happened after a year of plantation rather than showing the last year's plantation fanfare. These are the two simple examples of the growing concerns on nation’s challenging conservation works by top executive and legislative level. There should be a mechanism to turn promptly concerns of this magnitude into action. • With the theme of "Save the Wild Tiger and save so much more", National Conservation Day was celebrated on September 23 2010. This day is represented as the day to commemorate to all the conservationists who dedicated their lives for the conservation of the nature. The celebration of National Conservation Day marks the anniversary of tragic helicopter crash in the Eastern region of Nepal in September 23 2006, which took lives of 26 prominent conservationists of Nepal. Conservation organizations like ICIMOD, IUCN Nepal, NTNC, TMI, WCN, WWF Nepal and WWG took the initiative to honor this day as National Conservation Day. The organizations proposed to the government to mark this day to honor the deceased in 2007. In 2007, the various conservation organizations including WWG celebrated this day as Conservation Day in an informal manner. The government had not yet declared this day officially. In 2008, the first National Conservation Day was celebrated after approval and declaration from the government. The last year's theme was 'Climate for life: call of the Himalayas'. This year keeping in mind for 2010 as year of the tiger, it is based on saving wild tigers. 2
Save the Wild Tiger to Save So Much More Photo: WWG Shyam S Bajimaya T he admiration expressed in the William Blake’s poem has lost its significance Tiger! Tiger! Burning Bright, In the forests of the night; Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Russia, Thailand and Vietnam making concerted in today’s materialistic world. What immortal hand or eye efforts towards the goal of Along with tiger, many species doubling the number of tigers. Could frame thy fearful symmetry? have been pushed to the brink of extinction due to human greed William Blake Nepal began its new and anthropogenic actions like conservation initiative with the habitat destruction, poaching a short span of 40 years, three enactment of National Parks and illegal trade. Thus, the fate species of tiger namely - Bali and Wildlife Conservation Act of many species of flora and in 1940, Caspian in 1970 and in 1973. The implementation fauna on this earth is at very Javan in 1980 become extinct of Act led to the creation of crucial state of survival. from their natural habitat. For the first protected area of the your information, just over a country - Chitwan National Despite conservation efforts century, there were eight species Park to protect the declining from local to the global levels, of tigers such as Amur, Bali, population of endangered we have not succeeded to Caspian, Indo-Chinese, Javan, species such as tigers and the extent possible with few Royal Bengal, South China and rhinos. Three national parks exceptions to reverse the Sumatran with an estimated Chitwan, Bardia and Banke declining population trend world population of 100,000 and two wildlife reserves of the key indicator species, tigers in the wild. Parsa and Suklaphanta in Tarai particularly the species with cover the key tiger population high commercial values. As a Today, the world populations and their main habitats. result, our own survival is also of tigers have abruptly The fourth amendment of questionable. come down to merely 3,200 the Act is a landmark in individuals, and consequently conservation for paradigm The most fascinating predator, their distribution and habitat shift from conventional type the tiger, is at the apex of have shrunk dramatically and of protected area management food chain, except us humans. confined to only six percent of to a participatory approaches, Although the tigers are regarded available habitat. The tiger range where sharing of 50% of the as a symbol of power, virility countries and international and fertility in the natural world communities have made their and worshiped as a guardian commitment to double the tiger of nature, like any other number by 2022, particularly species, they too are also facing promoted by WWF in 2008. tremendous pressure from the unprecedented activities like The 14 tiger range countries are poaching, illegal trade and Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, habitat loss. For instance, within China, India, Indonesia, Laos, 3
meetings for shaping up the future strategies and recovery action plans for achieving the critical target of doubling the tiger population by 2022. To mark the year of the tiger, GTI plans to hold "Tiger Summit" in St. Petersburg, Russia in November 2010 for reaffirming top-level commitments from the heads of the government of the tiger range countries, and conservation partners and the park revenue and people' on mutual cooperation in endorsement of the recovery participation becoming resolving common cross- plans for saving tigers. obligatory. border conservation issues as well as explore development Nepal showed its commitment Nepal with the support from opportunities. by establishing a high- partners - WWF, FAO/UNDP/ level Tiger Conservation GEF, National Trust for Nature Nepal is a member to several Coordination Committee under Conservation and many others international conventions like the leadership of Rt. Honorable has done commendable work CITES, CBD and became a Prime Minister. Likewise, the in conservation of nature and member to Global Tiger Forum formation of Wildlife Crime endangered species. This has in 2001. The Forum is a multi Control Bureau and initiation been achieved by establishing a inter-governmental body for to create South Asia Wildlife network of protected areas and the conservation of tiger in Enforcement Network for taking a huge leap from species the wild. Nepal was elected combating wildlife crime are to landscape level conservation chairperson of the Forum in process. Nepal also declared with trans-boundary initiatives. in November 2004 and was Banke National Park to secure A successful model even at reelected chair by the fourth more tiger habitats as part of its global scale initiated in Nepal General Assembly of the Forum national commitment to double in collaboration with WWF held in Kathmandu in March the tiger numbers. In fact, Nepal Nepal and other conservation 2007. has already met the target of partners is the 'Tarai Arc Millennium Development Landscape", which covers an Recognizing the magnitude Goal by bringing about 24% area of 49,500 sq. km extending of tiger crisis, World Bank coverage of country's area from Bagmati river in the east President Robert Zoellick kicked under protected areas. of Nepal to Yamuna river in off "Global Tiger Initiative" in India, connecting 15 protected June 2008 for reversing the To mark the year of the tiger, area networks. declining tiger populations. Nepal has successfully launched "The Forgotten Crisis" meeting the cancellation of tiger postal Nepal is also promoting in Pattaya, "Kathmandu Global stamp by the Rt. Hon. Prime transnational cooperation with Tiger Workshop" in Nepal, "1st Minister recently. Beside these India and China, and Nepal has Asia Ministerial Conference on achievements, I am aware recently signed a memorandum Tiger Conservation" in Thailand, that the government has just of understanding with China and high-level official meeting declared more wildlife habitats and a resolution with India in Bali were the important under special management. Excerpts from the key note speech delivered on 23 September on the occasion of National Conservation Day at Nepal Academy Hall. Mr. Bajimaya is a former Director General of Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation of Nepal 4
Protected Forest Areas Declared M r. Harihar Sigdel, Deputy Director General of Department of Forest on Chitwan district, Panchase Forest Area bio trail (18,000 hectares) of Parvat, Baglung, National Conservation Day, Syanja districts, Madane Forest declared the protected forest area (13,800 hectares) of Gulmi, areas on 23 September 2010. Baglung, Pyuthan districts, While he was speaking on the Laljhandi Mohana Forest area occasion, some participants (24,664 hectares) of Kailali, claiming to be from Federation Kanchanpur districts, Basanta of Community Forest User Forest area bio trail (40,782 Group (FECOFUN) protested hectares) of Kailali district and the declaration terming it as Khata Forest area bio trail (5000 anti-forest users group move hectare) of Bardia district. from the government. They demanded to withdraw it and Nepal has already shown its left the program hall making commitment in National and rest of the audience confused. International level by declaring conservation areas (national Reading the declaration parks, wildlife reserves, statement, Mr. Sigdel said it hunting reserve), wetlands and is based on the provision of world heritage sites. Previously, Photo: WWG Forest Act 2049, Section 4 focus was on the sites and Article 23 (1). The Forest Act protected areas for biodiversity 2049 empowered the ministry conservation. By realizing to declare any part of the these areas alone was not national forest as Protected enough for overall biodiversity Forest Area if that forest has conservation, the need of special ecological, scientific and inclusion of special forest areas cultural value. The Ministry of and bio trails as protected area Forest made this decision on 16 was felt. September 2010 and the forest department got an authority to Bio trail is an area or trail prepare the management action joining two or more ecological plan as per Article 24 of Forest sites where there is continuous Act 2049, the statement reads. gene flow contributing to species conservation. It also The declared protected forest denotes an area whether areas are: Barandabhar forest temporary or permanent where area (10,400 hectares) of there is a potential of growth 5
community based management practices will create new economic opportunities with private sector participation and joint management system. The community and users group will get seventy-five percent of the income generated through eco tourism in protected forest areas to launch forest management, community development and income generation programs. Protected Forest Area Management Action Plan of flora and fauna and their religious forest and protected The management action plan movement is possible. The leasehold forest. It assumes the will be prepared with the movement of animals from management model of bio trails inclusion of following issues: one natural habitat to another will be more inclusive in nature The department of forest will control inbreeding, help than previously practiced then forwards the plan to the in genetic diversity, increase management models. ministry for approval and in number of animals, help in implementation. conceiving animals, Declaration Protected areas are generally and conservation of bio trail conservation oriented hence the Forest boundary and area for endangered species like distribution of forest products covered elephants, rhinos and tigers and non-timber forest products Participatory approach help in maintaining and are restricted hampering the Forest conservation modus developing world heritage sites household and agricultural operandi which could lead a tourism activities. Those households, Forest management development. Therefore, which are not included in the models protected biodiversity at buffer zone, could be part of Conservation of natural landscape level bio trails play this protected forest areas. resources, community an important and sensitive role. development and livelihood People participation is necessary The core areas of protected program to conserve bio trails. forest areas are incorporated The benefit sharing in bio trail development and mechanism of forest and National forest, community conservation while fringe areas non timber products forest and other forest areas are managed under forest The responsibility of the fall under the bio trail and so management modalities. the program with the people’s participation The fallen and laying trees in The program schedule, such bio trails will be conserved the core areas of protected necessary resources and and managed as protected forest areas can be collected monitoring methods community forest, protected and utilized. Eco-tourism and Others We would like to correct few of the errors in issue no 24, August 2010 of Wildlife Times 1. There should be May 7, 2010 instead of May 7, 2067 at last line of the page 5. 2. There should be Chief Secretary, Government of Nepal instead of Main Secretaries, HMG in page 6. 3. There should be Minister, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation- Member Secretary. We regret for the inconvenience caused. 6
Amur Tigers to Get Protected Area on China- Russia Border Photo: WWG H UNCHUN, China, August 31, 2010 (ENS) - China's Jilin province and sub-species is now believed to number just 500 animals in the wild. year's festival, which featured such events as tiger conservation and economic development the neighboring Primorsky forum, costume parade, art province in Russia have agreed The agreement was signed performances and an ecological to jointly establish the world's during the second annual Amur tour of tiger habitat. first transboundary protected Tiger Cultural Festival in the area for the endangered Amur northeastern Chinese city of The agreement was signed by tiger. Hunchun. officials with the Jilin Provincial Forestry Department of China Also called the Siberian tiger, The China-Russia agreement and two Russian agencies: Panthera tigris ssp. altaica, this was one of the highlights of this the Wildlife and Hunting 7
in northeastern China. Among that population, 20 tigers have been periodically spotted within the borders of China’s Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces. As part of the new pact, Jilin and Primorsky provinces will increase information sharing on Amur tiger and Far East leopard Photo: WWG protection and work to adopt Department of Primorsky according to a comprehensive identical monitoring systems province and Special Inspection 2005 population census for tigers and their prey. TIGER of Russia, which is the led by Dale Miquelle of the official name of the Bureau Russian Far East Program and They agreed to conduct joint on Protection of Rare and Wildlife Conservation Society, ecological surveys and develop Endangered Species of Flora Vladivostok, Russia. plans to launch an anti- and Fauna. poaching campaign along the However, after having been China-Russia boarder. "A new transboundary protected stable for more than a decade area would provide a wider due to intensive conservation The agreement marks another and healthier habitat for Amur efforts, partial surveys milestone during the Chinese tigers and other endangered conducted in subsequent winters Year of the Tiger in 2010. WWF species, such as the Far East indicate that the Russian tiger launched the TX2 campaign leopard, musk deer and goral," population is declining. early this year, which seeks to said Yu Changchun, director of double the number of wild tigers the Conservation Department "Because tigers in this region by the next Year of the Tiger in within the Jilin Forestry require large territories 2022. A groundbreaking tiger Department. to acquire sufficient prey, conservation declaration from current strictly protected the 13 countries that still have The number of Amur tigers in areas, comprising 3.4 percent wild tiger populations was China is estimated at between (10,300 km2) of the region, are prepared in Bali, Indonesia 18 and 22, according to the unlikely to prevent extirpation in July this year, and is due Chinese government in 2007, of the subspecies in the face of to be signed before the close and it is not known if any still expanding forestry and external of Year of the Tiger at a tiger survive in North Korea. demand for tiger parts," conservation summit hosted by Miquelle and his co-author Russia. The Declaration seeks to The Amur tiger now occurs wrote in a 2006 article in the create a tiger recovery program primarily in Russia, where it has "Journal of Applied Ecology." that is global in scope while made a spectacular comeback also promoting transboundary since the 1930s, when the Destruction and fragmentation cooperation amongst the 13 population fell as low as 20 to of habitat, poaching and lack of tiger range countries. 30 animals. prey have reduced the number of wild Amur tigers. One of six Nepal and India signed a joint Today, there are 331 to 393 remaining subspecies of tigers, resolution at the end of July to adult and sub adult Amur tigers (and sometimes referred to as jointly conserve biodiversity in the Russian Far East, with a Siberian tiger), the Amur tiger including tigers, and strengthen an adult breeding population is primarily found in eastern ecological security in the of approximately 250, Russia, with a small number transboundary region. 8
Two Crouching Tigers, Some Hidden Dragons Photo: WWG Barun S Mitra T iger is an iconic animal in culture and history of both China and India. There are completely eliminating all trade of tiger parts. reduced. In some of these parts, forests have made a dramatic comeback. Some of these old perhaps two dozen tigers left Recently there were some tiger habitats could be ready in the wild in China, mostly indications that there is perhaps again to host wildlife. along the Siberian border. a shift from this mutual blame India currently estimates that game. India recently recognized China is seriously looking for about 1400 tigers are roaming that protecting tigers is ways of reintroducing tigers in in the wild. But a controlled manner, globally, tiger is a in a few areas where highly endangered tigers once roamed. species, and remains Hardly any country so despite many has as much expertise initiatives launched and experience to save it over the of managing tiger past four decades. habitats as India. With recent relocation India believes that of tigers into areas the demand for tiger from where they had parts in traditional vanished, India is Chinese medicine also grappling with is one of the major similar problems. sources of threat to tigers in Indian China does not have forests. Others think wild tigers ready for that the pressure of poaching primarily India's responsibility, translocation. so they have set to meet demand in China since the Chinese do not come up an ambitious effort to try constitutes a smaller threat, to India to poach the tigers. to develop ways of re-wilding about 25%. The bulk of the tigers that have been born in threat to tigers in India comes China, on the other hand, captivity. This is a very exciting from shrinking forest habitat is exploring alternative scientific opportunity. and the consequent conflict conservation strategies. between human and wildlife. following its economic rise, In both these aspects, increasing number of people preparation of tiger habitat, re- Tiger conservation is not are finding non-rural economic wilding and reintroduction of primarily an issue of law opportunities, as a result, the tiger, China and India could enforcement. India has human pressure on forest cooperate, and if successful, it problem of protecting its tigers, and wild areas in many parts would secure not just the tiger, just as China has problem in of China have significantly but generate huge amount of 9
goodwill between the elephant and the dragon! China poses an even more audacious challenge to old conservation mindset. It has almost perfected the art of breeding tigers in captivity. It has more than 5000 tigers in captivity in zoos and other facilities. It could initiate a controlled trade in tiger parts from its captive tigers, and that could lower the incentive to poachers to kill wild tigers. Even if India does not wish to join in this effort to help the cause of conservation through commerce, it stands to gain if China is successful in meeting the demand for tiger parts from its stock of captive tigers. From the history of world trade, it is clear that smugglers and criminals profit only when there is a restriction on trade, creating an unmet demand for goods and services. Naturally, when trade is outlawed, only outlaws trade! If China were to legalize trade in tiger parts from its breeding facilities, the poachers in India would have little chance of competing with the market forces. Consequently, threat of poaching will almost get eliminated in India. There are many examples from across the world where legal trade has eliminated illegal trade. Over a million crocodiles are harvested each year from farms, yet there is hardly any evidence of any crocodile being killed in India in order to meet the demand from the international fashion industry. Excerpts from the article published in India-China Chronical, Vol 1, Issue 1, Jul-Aug, 2010. The Author is Director of Liberty Institute, New Delhi, India 10
Communication Strategy for Tiger Conservation in Bangladesh T he Sundarbans Tiger Project of Wildlife Trust of Bangladesh on 13-17 organized a workshop titled ‘Developing a conservation education and community outreach strategy for tiger conservation in Bangladesh’ March 2010. This was a first step to develop a communication strategy for tiger conservation in Bangladesh to support the Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan 2009-2017 (BTAP). The workshop was designed based on best practice approaches in Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) developed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and Ramsar Wetland International. The Sundarbans Tiger Project organized the workshop with the vision to bring together key leaders from stakeholder groups interested in or already involved in Sundarbans and tiger conservation to advice on the development of a Conservation Education and Community Outreach (CE &CO) strategy in support of the Bangladesh Tiger Action Plan (BTAP). 11
The workshop was the first step behaviors are the best to target prioritizing behavior change in bringing the BTAP to a larger for change. It also helps identify towards a future positive audience of potential partners the interventions, which lead change for the tiger and including Forest Department, to the desired behaviors of the ended with Evaluation and local and national NGOs, local target audiences to conserve Recommendations. It was community people, and media tiger and the Sundarbans a participatory approach personnel; and laid the first and allowed ample time for building bricks for developing a The workshop adopted a discussion and participation. communication roadmap. The hybrid methodology to CEPA This multi-stakeholder BTAP lays the groundwork for mainly based on Ramsar Action workshop process was aimed tiger conservation activities in Planning Guide and the CEPA at fostering a climate of trust Bangladesh. However, there is toolkit of CBD. This consisted and creativity, building the need to plan a communication of several steps starting with confidence and motivation of strategy that helps understand Introduction and learn by doing, stakeholders to contribute. what community/audience meaningful dialogue with local is best to target, who the stakeholders including FD The primary objectives of the influencers are, and what staff, experiencing Sundarbans, workshop were to develop 12
an integrated CE & CO change pathways and therefore regular communication among Strategy in support of the a communication strategy the workshop participants. BTAP, develop a draft BTAP that will include the target A network/collaboration CE & CO implementation audiences, the influencers, and is necessary to enable the plan including research and the best behaviors to target for participating organizations campaign milestones, build in change also the intervention to work together for tiger country capacity by training ideas. Subsequently, the conservation. There is also participants in the following: implementation plan will be need to reach out further with Communication, Education, developed in another multi- the Forest Department to Participation and Awareness stakeholder workshop. develop the strategy further as (CEPA) methodology; social FD is the major stakeholder marketing techniques; and in One of the major objectives of Sundarbans and key how to plan, design, implement, of the workshop was to implementation partner of the evaluate and monitor a CE & create a platform from which strategy. An effective follow up CO strategy and subsequent prospective partners can process will to be developed implementation plan. collaborate and participate in by STP to ensure continual developing a multi-stakeholder participant involvement and The main objective of the communication strategy for tiger completion of the strategy workshop was to develop a CE conservation in Bangladesh. development stage is necessary & CO strategy in support of the This was satisfactorily achieved local communities should BTAP. But after the workshop in the workshop as noted be involved in the strategy the participants had a better by the participants in the development process through idea about the whole strategy evaluation session. However, knowledge, attitudes and development process and they this objective is ongoing and so practices (KAP) survey, FGDs and found that it is not possible they must continue to work on collaborative implementation to develop a whole strategy maintaining participation and plan. All the assumptions made in 5 days workshop. The involvement constantly. by the participants regarding participatory process gave the behavior change, KAP and opportunity to look at the tiger The workshop was also an communications interventions conservation from different opportunity for the participants during the strategy development perspectives and motivated to develop their own capacity process, must be validated by the everyone to work further in strategy development target audiences through focus on it. It involved conducting using CEPA methods and group discussions (FGDs) and formative research in the target social marketing techniques. surveys to develop an effective population on conservation Participants agreed that this and efficient communication behaviors, knowledge, attitudes workshop provided guidance strategy and implementation and plan intervention program tools on developing effective plan. Direct communication to provide messages, services, conservation strategies focusing with the target audiences is support and/or benefits to on behavior change and the necessary to complete the KAP get the desired behavior. The role of communication in this surveys and FGDs. WTB need workshop was first phase of process. to build skills of the STP team developing this roadmap. This to undertake these FGDs and groundwork will form the The key recommendations came surveys. basis for next steps in further forward from the evaluation developing the behavior session, firstly, to establish 13
Wildlife Watch Group Publication Wildlife Watch Group has been publishing books on the issues of wildlife and conservation. Following books can buy from WWG office at Pulchowk or Saraswoti Book Centre at Harihar Bhawan, Lalitpur. The lists of books available at Wildlife Watch Group are: There’s some monkey business Conservation heroes: Their going on here legacy lives on Mangal Man Shakya and Lucia de WWG and WWF Nepal: Vries: Price Nrs. 1500, US$ 25, Euro 15 Price Nrs. 100, US$ 2, Euro 1,5 ISBN: 978-99946-820-6-5 ISBN: PHONIXSTUDIOS SN 0045-1 Cost of Conflict on Nepal’s Armed Conflict and Conservation Efforts Conservation: Case studies from Editors: Mangal Man Shakya and around the world Anil Chitrakar: Editors: Mangal Man Shakya and Price Nrs. 700, US$ 10, Euro 9, Arzu R Deuba: ISBN:978-99946-820-1-6 Price: Nrs.1500 US$ 25, Euro 20, ISBN: 978-99946-820-7-2 Gharial Conservation in Nepal g]kfnsf] ;+/If0f If]qdf ;z:q Dr. Tirtha Man Maskey: åGåsf] k|efj Price Nrs.1000, US$ 16, Euro 12, jGohGt' lgu/fgL ;d"x ISBN: 978-99946-820-4-1 ISBN: 978-999-46-820-8-9 Tiger Warden From the jungle to Kathmandu: Laxmi Badan Maskey: Horn and Tusk Trade Price 400, Esmond Bradley Martin: ISBN: 978-99946-820-2-7 Price Nrs: 1000, US$ 30, Euro 20, ISBN: 978-999-46-820-9-6 Trading for Extinction: Conflict and Conservation: An expose of illegal wildlife Himalayan Biodiversity on the Trade in Nepal brink Mangal Man Shakya: Mangal Man Shakya and Anil Price: 450, US$ 7, Euro 6 Chitrakar: ISBN: 999933-885-6-4 Price: Nrs. 400, ISBN: 978-99946-820-0-8 14
A Roaring Illegal Trade Rashvinjeet S. Bedi W ildlife trader Anson Wong is not alone when it comes to employing ‘questionable’ high profits. In fact, it is so lucrative that Elizabeth John, senior communication officer methods in the trade. for Traffic (The Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network), is Many might wonder what hesitant in saying the current wildlife trader Anson Wong price for the various species of was thinking when he decided animals in the market. to smuggle 95 boa constrictors, two rhinoceros vipers and a “Discussing prices only mata mata turtle in his luggage. encourages people to go out, Was he desperate, arrogant, or catch wildlife and sell them. Illegal trade in just plain stupid to take such a Just look at how talk of high risk? prices are driving the current wildlife is the tokay gecko collection craze,” second biggest But he is not the only one to she says. have employed “questionable” illegal trade in methods in the trade. Illegal trade in wildlife is the second biggest illegal trade the world after Last month, a woman was in the world after narcotics. narcotics. Interpol caught trying to smuggle a Interpol experts estimate that tiger cub in her luggage at wildlife smuggling is worth experts estimate the Suvarnabumi Airport in US$10bil to US$20bil a year. Bangkok. that wildlife The trade is diverse, ranging smuggling is The two-month-old cub, which from live animals and plants was reportedly destined for to a vast array of wildlife worth US$10bil to customers in Iran, was sedated products, including food items, and hidden among stuffed tiger leather goods, wooden musical US$20bil a year. toys in the suspect’s carry-on instruments, timber, tourist luggage. curios and medicines. Other people have been caught In 2009, 129 major or model smuggling animals like birds wildlife law enforcement actions and lizards in their clothes. by South-East Asian authorities across seven countries were Illegal trade in wildlife is reported. These resulted in 156 considered to be a low risk job arrests and 45 convictions. that yields 15
But, she says, “Some animals and plants are rare and more vulnerable. They need protection and can’t be traded.” This is where the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) comes into play. An international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival, CITES works by subjecting international trade in specimens of selected species to certain controls. Cute and Cuddly : A Thai veterinarian playing with the tiger cub that had been found drugged These are categorized as and hidden among stuffed toy tiger in the suitcase of a women flying from Bangkok to Iran. Appendix 1, 2 or 3. Appendix 1 lists animals that are threatened with extinction and trade is More than 18,545 animals “The trade crosses borders. permitted only in exceptional were recovered alive; in total, Malaysia plays a role as a transit circumstances. Animals on the over 267 tonnes of wildlife point and source country. appendix 2 and 3 lists are less and derivative products were As other countries are losing vulnerable but trade is still confiscated, with a minimum wildlife, Malaysia is a target,” controlled. estimated black market value says John. of RM124mil. Because of potential profits, Malaysia is considered to be smugglers often take the risk And Malaysia is in the spotlight one of the most diverse sources and smuggle animals that are because of Wong’s exploits. of wildlife in the world, she not supposed to be traded. Known as the “Asian wildlife adds. kingpin” and the “Lizard King”, In this trade there are kingpins, Wong was previously jailed in “We have some of the most middlemen, collectors – and the US for seven years. unique and rarest animals in the customers, of course. world, among them orangutan, For his latest brush with the tigers, tapirs, pangolins and The demand exists because law, Wong, who was caught in turtles.” there are people who want to transit to Jakarta from Penang, display a tiger skin on their wall, received a six-month jail John points out that a large part or who believe that pangolins sentence and RM195,000 fine, of the wildlife trade is legal. can cure asthma. (Pangolins, which many considered a slap which are the most traded on the wrist for him. “If not, we wouldn’t be able to species, can cost up to RM220 eat a lot of the fish that we eat per kg. The scales, believed to But the wildlife trade in Malaysia and use the timber that we do have medicinal properties, can is beyond Wong alone. on a daily basis.” fetch up to RM800 per kg.) 16
And there are people who pieces of ivory found inside believe that eating tiger parts can a container labelled as white improve their sexual prowess wood from Nigeria. while others simply like to keep endangered animals for their Due to the high yields, someone exotic value (see accompanying with a legal permit to trade stories). could also misuse it, John says. John says smugglers devise “For example, you only declare many different ways to smuggle 500 live cobras when there are the wildlife. actually 1,000. Is the officer going to verify the number?” A tiger could be chopped up before being sold to restaurants, Wildlife trafficking is also she says. increasingly being linked to organised crime, she says, “The other parts such as teeth, citing the example of the 300 "Why are people like Wong still given claws, penis, skin and whiskers Madagascar tortoises found licences to trade?" M. Surendran, could be sold separately. Once with narcotics in an unclaimed President of Malaysia Animal Right Society. you cut up the animal, it would bag at the Kuala Lumpur be quite easy to smuggle the International Airport in June. parts across the border.” In July, a police raid on a stolen He says that while such zoos Tiger meat from Malaysia has car syndicate also netted a huge might have legitimate breeding been known to make it all the collection of endangered wild programmes, they also act as a way to China. animals. The prized seizure transit point for animals from at the warehouse in Taman all over the world. John also says that it is quite Wahyu, Kuala Lumpur, was a common for pangolins to be pair of the rare bird of paradise, “With this front, they can smuggled in consignments of also known as cenderawasih import and export animals. It frozen fish. In another instance, in Malay, which supposedly looks legitimate,” he explains. monitor lizards were smuggled has the power to bring good in a lorry full of garlic to mask fortune to its owner. The pair Showing some documents to their smell. is said to be worth RM1mil on prove his point, he claims that the wildlife black market. a zoo in Johor was found to Recently, Customs officers in be breaching regulations over Hong Kong seized 384 elephant President of Malaysia Animal and over again but it is still in tusks packed in two shipping Rights Society (ROAR) N. operation. containers that came into the Surendran wonders why people city’s port from Tanzania. like Wong are still given licences As for Wong’s conviction, to trade despite his reputation Surendran says Perhilitan The ivory valued at RM4.4mil as a known wildlife smuggler. cannot claim any triumph to entered Hong Kong via Malay- catching him red-handed. sia and were transported in “They are giving him free run,” packages declared as “dried he says, referring to Perhilitan. “That was uncovered by airport anchovies”. security. Perhilitan was only Surendran also believes that involved in the prosecution. In January this year, Hong private zoos and theme parks act It was not as if Perhilitan Kong Customs also seized 186 as a front for the illegal trade. conducted a sting operation.” 17
Leopard attack kills child Female recruited as Guard Deputy Conservation Officer for National Park said that security job is challenging but fruitful job for Bardia, September 5. The women. He said that people are relatives who lost their dear attracted to this job because of ones due to animal attacks challenges and excitement. have found employment in the Parks. The women of Buffer Rhino birth gives joy to Zone of Bardia National Park Bardia National Park have found job opportunities as Kaski, August 6. A four year security guards in the Park. Kathmandu September 6. Park old child of Kalika VDC died staffs are celebrating the birth due to leopard attack. Bipana The women involved in this job of first rhino in two years at Timilsina, daughter of Surya are satisfied. Twenty five years Bardia National Park since Raj Timilsina, was attacked by old Parvati Acharya is enjoying the government started anti- the leopard at six in the evening the work. Her father had died poaching measures. near her house. The corpse after being attacked by the was found the next morning elephant. Another one-horned rhino calf in pieces according to Bindu was spotted with the mother Adhikari, a local. There are four women involved by park staff during a recent in the guarding of the Park. elephant patrol in Bardia. The relatives and locals went They want to prove themselves for search after the leopard took as able and independent. Supported by experts from the the child away. In the evening, Acharya said that she is ready Zoological Society of London clothing items were found and to walk as much as possible and (ZSL) and a grant from the the body was found in pieces face any difficulty. Darwin Initiative, a systematic in the morning. The leopard anti-poaching and monitoring attacked the child while she Being born and raised in the patrols are carried out by the was on her way to her home Buffer Zone area, she loves Department of National Parks from neighbor's house. animals and the forests. Her and Wildlife Conservation married life became happy after (DNPWC) and the National The mother, Narayani Timilsina, she took the job. Trust for Nature Conservation fell unconscious after the death (NTNC) to protect this of her daughter and was taken to Shanti Saud working as guard endangered animal. the hospital. Suryaraj Adhikari, lost her husband. Her husband a local, informed that VDC has was killed by the elephant of Nepal's rhino population has asked for permission to kill the the Park. She is responsible for been subjected to intensive leopard and the forest office taking care of seven members poaching over the past decade. has been told informally. of her family. Ramesh Thapa, Now less than 450 rhino remain 18
kept at the Janta High School as told by the teacher Hom Bahadur Gurung. Although the locals are taking care of the turtle, they are unknown about the feeding behavior of the turtle and have asked helped from District Forest Office to show interest in the matter. Even though local newspaper has stated it as a rare turtle, no specifications have been made whether the turtle found is rare type or not. in Bardia and Chitwan National He was captured by the team of Seven rhinos in one Park and Shuklaphanta Wildlife Deputy Conservation Officer Community Forest Reserve. Kamaljung Kunwar. According to Kunwar, Panta was associated Bardia, September 9. Shiva The elephant patrol teams have with renowned illegal wildlife Community Forest (CF) found also seen success in Chitwan trader Yakche. Yakche is a in Buffer Zone of Bardia National Park, where a female renowned smuggler of wildlife National Park has seven one calf was recently rescued after parts in Nepal and China. He horned rhinos. The number being separated from its mother has been in wildlife trade for last rose in a recent time. during the monsoon. two decades and has smuggled as many as 20 rhino horns. The experts say that Shiva CF Release of Illegal trader According to Gopal Prasad is a perfect place for rhino before the date Panta, Chief Conservation habitat. This forest is linked Officer, Gokul was fined 1 with taduwa-Khata corridor. Chitwan September 7. Gokul lakh rupees. According to The rhino gave birth in this Panta of Narayangadh involved Megh Bahadur Pandey, Gokul jungle recently according to in the trading of horns of rhinos was also subjected to 15 years a local RamKrishna Tharu. has been released before the imprisonment. Before, the rhinos were seen scheduled time. Even though he only occasionally but now their was to be released in April 29, Rare turtle found numbers have increased. 2011, he was released on August 30, 2010. He left for abroad Lamjung September 8. A rare Deputy Conservation Officer after the release. The Chitwan turtle has been found in Rinus Ramesh Thapa said, "even National park is unaware of Mohoriyakot VDC of Eastern though the CF has rhino with the release. According to the Lamjung. The turtle found near child does not mean the birth Park, he was captured in 2063 Janta High School weighed took place there only". Baisakh and was given 15 years about two kilograms as stated in prison and one hundred by the locals. The rhinos of Chitwan have thousand fine. He appealed been trans-located at Bardia and to the court in Hetauda. In The locals have never seen any Shuklaphanta. In 2008 census, November 17, 2008, the court turtle in their village and are there are 408 rhinos in Nepal. decreased his prison terms from stunned by the discovery. The The grassland near the river 15 to 5 years. His release date school is crowded with the and jungles are ideal habitat was in 2011. spectators. The female turtle is for rhinos. Excess grasses in 19
the National Park are the cause for rhinos to be Owl hunters arrested found at CF. The increase in number of rhinos has ultimately led to increase in patrolling and security. The conserved animals move from the corridor to Katarniyaghat Wildlife Reserve in India. The Nepal Army patrols upto Kothiyaghat. The local youth club also supports the program. There are 28 rhinos at Bardia National Park according to Deputy Conservation Officer. Rally to save Vultures Kathmandu September 11. The police arrested three people involved in illegal trading of Brown Fish Owl. The police arrested these people red handed when they were dealing for the owl in Gothathar. The police arrested Tilak Bahadur Khadka, Prem Bahadur Bamjan of Sindhupalchowk and Srijana Khatri of Jorpati. According to Rana Bahadur Chand, DSP of Kathmandu Crime Branch Khadka and Bamjan used to bring Owls in the residence of Srijana Khatri. Three of them have been sent to Hanuman Dhoka for further investigation. The police have not been able to get hold of the buyers yet. Bardia September 10. Bardia Nature Conservation Club, Thakurdwara, on the Day of International The illegal traders have to serve two years in Vulture Conservation Day, organized motorcycle prison or ten thousand fines according to the rally. The rally started from Thakurdwara National Park and Wildlife Conservation Act covering eleven VDCs of Rajapur area and many 2049. Brown Fish Owl are found in South Asia other VDCs of Bardia District. and South Africa. The Day was celebrated from last year to These owls have high economic values in conserve the habitat of vultures and to prevent Pakistan. use of diclofenac medicine for domestic animals which is a prime cause of death of vultures. The government from 2009 has banned the APPEAL distribution and use of diclofenac but the use is Dear valued readers, still continuing. The 25th issue of the Wildlife Times is in your hands. It is our small effort to raise various issues related with wildlife conservation. Please help us include the activities from your group or organizations of wildlife conservation by sending us the concerned information. We would love to find any suggestion and criticism. Please feel free to leave your feedback at Wildlife Times is partly We also seek support from your supported by organization to continue this Wildlife Times. We look WWF Nepal Program forward to your queries, comments and support. Published by: Wildlife Watch Group (WWG), GPO Box 8975, EPC 696, Machaagal-20, Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal Phone: +977-1-5524188, 5555018, Fax: +977-1-5555018, E-mail:, Editor: Mangal Man Shakya, Design & Print: WW GPS
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