Contents - Groupe Caisse des Dépôts
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Contents 24 Our economic model 26 Long-term investment 32 Supporting local and regional development policies 38 The carbon economy and the environment 42 Partnering and supporting SMEs: CDC Entreprises – CDC Capital Investissement 48 Real estate and housing: Société Nationale Immobilière – Icade 54 Insurance: CNP Assurances 57 Services: Transdev – Egis – Compagnie des Alpes – Belambra vvf 64 Using savings to fund social housing 71 Administration of protected private sector funds 76 Administrative mandates for public sector pension funds 22
OUR BUSINESSES ...embodied in a unique business model Long-term investmenT respective sectors. Caisse des Dépôts supports their expansion through organic focus Investment lies at the heart of the group’s purpose. Its investor role was defined in 2001 by the French Monetary and Finan- growth and acquisitions both in France and abroad. At the same time, as a shareholder, the group demands margin AN ORIGINAL MODEL cial Code: the nature of the funds entrust- and return on equity in line with industry COMBINING: Les valeurs du groupe ed to Caisse des Dépôts gives it a contrib- averages. It also expects its subsidiaries utory role in the economic development to evaluate their social and environmental n s ervir, pour long-term investment, être utile of France. In addition to a large portfolio impact and to be at the leading edge of à la collectivité n a portfolio of operating of diversified and secured assets which progress in this area. n savoir-faire, utiliser subsidiaries, are managed in a long-term perspective nos expertises pour innover in accordance with essentially financial n management of public criteria aimed at generating a steady and Public mandates with construire, pour agir mandates. n dans la durée high level of income, Caisse des Dépôts their own economic supports the development of a portfolio momentuM of operating subsidiaries. The group also owns a number of subsidiaries specially Caisse des Dépôts’ three core businesses assigned to supporting certain projects – deposits and escrow deposits, the and allowing it to develop new activities. management of regulated savings funds In addition, the group is heavily involved and the management of public pension in numerous public interest invest- schemes – are all subject to mandates ments, particularly in the French over- assigned by the French State. The group seas territories and in favour of SMEs. is reimbursed the cost of managing these activities on a cost price basis. Its task is to provide the best service at the best A Portfolio of operating cost. Drawing on the technical skills subsidiarieS acquired in performing these businesses, Caisse des Dépôts has over the years Through its subsidiaries, Caisse des been assigned new mandates for public Dépôts is heavily involved in the develop- initiatives, such as the administrative ment and support of SMEs and in the management of the Pensions Reserve personal insurance, real estate, public Fund (since 2001) and the management transport, transport infrastructure engi- of the French register of greenhouse gas neering and leisure industries. Its subsidi- allowances (2005), having itself set up aries are now key players in their carbon economy initiatives. 24 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
“An agile and effective group capable of mak- ing quick decisions and long-term commitments” Caisse des Dépôts – Strategic Plan n Agnès Pannier-Runacher Deputy Director of Finance and Strategy - Caisse des Dépôts group Spokesperson for the “Group partnerships” working group Caisses des Dépôts’ strengths make the difference: “A consensus has formed on the idea ■ reliability and security, above all illus- of belonging to the group, and on the trated by its AAA rating and the fact that four aspects that make up its strength: it has not faced any financial difficulty in ■ values: public interest, long-term over 190 years of existence; outlook, performance and realism; ■ a capacity to look long-term and to make ■ in-depth knowledge of public and the corresponding commitments; private sector challenges; ■ independence and neutrality; ■ financial solidity and credibility; ■ commitment to concepts of public interest ■ businesses and expertise rooted in and public service which distinguish it from the business world. other players in the economic world; These strengths should help the group ■ a necessary foothold in the competitive which is in a continuous process of sector and an awareness of the importance adaptation. Four recommendations of meeting performance targets. have been made: ■ to resist the temptation to branch This mix of public service culture and out into an increasing number of corporate culture as well as its financial activities and to concentrate on our credibility enables Caisse des Dépôts to key areas of expertise; provide solutions that neither the public ■ to be flexible enough to allow the authorities, nor the market would be able structure to evolve in line with strategic to offer alone. demands; ■ to be a group whose components are better co-ordinated; ■ to be an agile and effective group capable of making quick decisions and long-term commitments. In a world dominated by short-term thinking, Caisse des Dépôts can best serve the public interest by being a reliable and patient partner, heedful of the consequences of its decisions and hence of the principles of sustainable development.” 25
OUR BUSINESSES Long-term investment Rated AAA/Aaa, Caisse des The group’s total investments amount to Caisse des Dépots owns 40% of the share Dépôts was classified by 350 billion. This breaks down into 337 capital of CNP Assurances. Through its billon in financial assets and roughly 313 subsidiaries, it is a major player in: Global Finance magazine as billion in the form of shares in subsidiaries n real estate (Société Nationale Immobilière the safest bank in the world in and long-term equity interests. Having and Icade); 2007. Its large portfolio of endorsed the Principles for Responsible n public transport and transport infrastruc- secure, diversified assets is Investment in 2006, Caisse des Dépôts has ture engineering (Transdev and Egis); managed based on progressively developed its analysis of n the leisure market (Compagnie des Alpes environmental, social and governance and Santoline, the holding company for predominantly financial (ESG) criteria which are applied to all its Belambra-vvf); criteria, with the aim of investments. n private equity (CDC Entreprises for public generating a steady, high level interest missions and CDC Capital Inves- of income. Caisse des Dépôts Caisse des Dépôts’ investment portfolio is tissement for competitive activities). composed of listed securities, property and also holds stakes in companies forestry assets, units in private equity funds It further holds stakes in several subsidiar- to whose development it and unlisted equities. At 31 December 2007, ies of the Oséo group, including Oséo contributes actively. The total investments, excluding money-market Financement which specialises in lending institution further plays a key investments and non-property equity inter- and guarantees for SMEs. ests, represented roughly 337 billion. role in public interest investments and holds a diversified asset portfolio for this purpose. Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Launched in 2006 under the auspices of the United Nations, the PRI address the global investment community and endorse six actions: n Principe 1. We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes. n Principe 2. We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices. n Principe 3. We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest. n Principe 4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry. n Principe 5. We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles. n Principe 6. We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles. Caisse des Dépôts – a signatory – together with the Pensions Reserve Fund and the ERAFP supplementary pension scheme for civil servants which it manages, was the main financial sponsor in the process. The group contributed ideas that led to the development of the principles and is now actively involved in promoting them. 26 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
n Financial investments (market values) e50 billion e44 billion e41 billion 32 34 37 9 10 13 2005 2006 2007 n Financial assets n Subsidiaries and long-term equity interests Financial investments operations to support the development of companies in which it holds shares and to Caisse des Dépôts group currently owns ensure that their central decision-making shares in around 250 listed companies functions remain in France. and is the no. 1 or no. 2 shareholder of thirteen CAC 40 companies. Its listed Caisse des Dépôts upholds its interests as equity investments nonetheless represent a shareholder based on the recommenda- less than 3% of the total capitalisation of tions of an Advisory Committee, which is the Euronext Paris market. Caisse des charged with assisting the institution in all Dépôts has geared its investment policy matters of good corporate governance. towards achieving an optimum risk/return The committee, chaired by René Barbier profile over a long-term horizon and de La Serre, is composed of independent, manages a proprietary portfolio alongside suitably qualified persons and representa- a portfolio backed by the funds lodged in tives of Caisse des Dépôts. Thus, certain passbook savings accounts (Livret A and resolutions contrary to the provisions of the LDD). Thanks to its excellent reputation in Advisory Committee’s guide to voting at the marketplace, it has also been entrusted general meetings were not adopted. For with the management of the Pensions the most part, these resolutions related to Reserve Fund. questions of governance, movements within the capital structure that went against Caisse des Dépôts systematically exer- shareholders’ interests and conditions for cises its voting rights at company general granting additional remuneration. Addition- meetings to defend its patrimonial inter- ally, internal managers are now frequently ests. The institution was represented at meeting with companies prior to their about 250 general meetings in 2007, with general meetings to raise awareness of votes cast for more than 3,200 resolutions. Caisse des Dépôts’ environmental, social Caisse des Dépôts participates in capital and governance concerns (ESG criteria). focus The Pensions Reserve Fund n The Pensions Reserve Fund was set up to build reserves between now and 2020 to respond to difficulties in financing employee pensions, arising notably from demographic changes in the active and retired populations. It is administered on a financially autonomous basis in accordance with an asset allocation policy defined by its governance bodies. At end-2007, the fund held 334.4 billion of managed assets, of which 84.5% were marketable securities. The Pensions Reserve Fund has also signed the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI). 27
OUR BUSINESSES No. 1 or No. 2 shareholder of 13 CAC 40 companies n Caisse des Dépôts currently owns shares in around 250 companies. The gross value of the listed equities in The bond portfolio is divided into two Caisse des Dépôts’ proprietary portfolio categories, each geared towards different (excluding long-term equity interests) investment objectives: securities intended exceeded 31.4 billion in 2007. The net to be held over the long term to maturity value of listed equities (excluding long-term and securities intended to be held over a equity interests), after disposals, increased shorter-term investment horizon. Caisse by nearly 30.7 billion over the year. A small des Dépôts’ portfolios comprise mainly portion of these investments is held in highly-rated European debt securities. mutual funds, with directly-held shares in European companies making up the bulk The social and environmental investment of holdings. criteria are the same for companies in the fixed income portfolio as those applied to At 31 December 2007, the equity portfolio companies in the equity portfolio. Addition- represented 314.3 billion at historical cost ally, the Risk and Internal Controls Division and 321 billion at market value. For the specifically analyses the impact of environ- management of listed equities, the internal mental, social and governance factors. As managers now include the main ESG risk regards government-issued notes, criteria factors in the fundamental approaches have been set out, but countries with the used to value the companies in the portfolio. lowest ratings based on social investment Caisse des Dépôts called on the services criteria have already been excluded due to of an independent social and environmental their high financial risk profile. Obviously, ratings agency for companies in Europe to countries listed as non-cooperating in the establish an initial rating of its portfolio fight against money-laundering are also according to the criteria of the UN Global excluded. Compact. Brokers, who are gradually researching how companies practice social responsibility, represent another source of information. This research now represents a key criterion in the selection of brokers. It enriches the research which is available on the companies in the portfolio and represents a first step towards the integra- tion of social and environmental criteria. 28 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
The investment portfolio totalled 316.6 billion Sticking closely to its responsible invest- at 31 December 2007, up by more than ment principles, Caisse des Dépôts n The bond portfolio (in e millions) 32 billion compared with the previous year. co-chairs a working group under the UN Fixed-income securities make up the bulk of Environment Programme Finance Initiative the portfolio, but a small portion is invested (UNEP-FI) focusing on responsible real 16,549 14,633 in inflation-indexed bonds. estate investment. It is seeking to define 14,014 The smaller (32.6 billion) loan portfolio has what can be deemed as a responsible grown 30.9 billion year-on-year. investment in the real estate sector and to The trading securities portfolio, excluding design tools to enable more responsible short-term money-market investments, management of these investments. Draw- 4,205 2,806 1,846 totalled 30.8 billion at 31 December 2007. ing on the work of this group, efforts are 9,809 11,827 14,703 under way to set up an internal system for Real estate investments factoring in environmental and social 2005 2006 2007 considerations when making real estate n Treasury bills Caisse des Dépôts owns real estate assets, investments. n Bonds and other fixed-income securities which are managed as long-term investments. At 31 December 2007, the carrying amount of real estate assets was 32.2 billion. In 2007 the carrying amount of acquisitions amounted to roughly 3430 million, and disposals came to 3150 million. The prin- cipal transactions during the year concerned offices and investments in retail and logis- tics premises. The real estate portfolio remains centred on France, but interna- tional diversification is under way. focus Société Forestière and environmental innovation n A majority-owned subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts, Société Forestière is the leading private services company for forests and parks in France. Covering more than 235,000 hectares of land, the company manages forest assets on behalf of a great number of French banks and insurers and an increasing number of private individuals and companies. Société Forestière is at the pinnacle of progress in sustainable forest management, with expertise in adapting forestry methods to climate change, new methods of timber harvesting and carbon sequestration. In 2007 the company set up a biodiversity activity which led to the creation of a new subsidiary, CDC Biodiversité, in February 2008. 29
focus INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Throughout its history Caisse des Dépôts has contributed to the construction and management of France’s major infrastructure. The group intends to reinforce its role as a long-term investor in infrastructure: transport, energy and telecommunications and the environment. Forestry investments 3450 million, with corresponding commit- ments (potential calls for funds) of around Caisse des Dépôts directly and indirectly 3750 million. The portfolio is managed holds a portfolio of forestry assets which with a view to diversification and long-term cover more than 42,000 hectares of land. investment. Regular dialogue is main- These assets are managed by Société tained with private equity fund managers Forestière. to whom mandates are entrusted so as to ensure that environmental, social and Investments in unlisted assets governance factors continue to be taken into consideration in their decisions. Caisse des Dépôts also invests in unlisted assets and venture capital funds. At 31 December 2007, the carrying amount of the related portfolio was roughly 30 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
“The main priorities of the strategic plan are to set out clear investment guidelines and a responsible investment policy.” Priority focus on infrastructure investment Since end-2005, Caisse des Dépôts has invested heavily in infrastructure projects. The Elan 2020 strategic plan reaffirmed this commitment by making investment in major transport, energy, environment and telecom- munications infrastructure a priority. This area of expansion consists of a distinct Caisse des Dépôts – Strategic Plan class of assets which offer recurrent long- term revenues for a well-controlled level of risk. Caisse des Dépôts holds a high-quality n Nathalie Gilly asset portfolio and intends to continue invest- Director of Strategy and Clients – Banking ing in infrastructure projects, backed by its Division – Caisse des Dépôts long-standing contribution to the financing of public infrastructure and recognised finan- Spokesperson for the “Investor function” cial expertise. working group In 2007 the infrastructure portfolio was reinforced following several large acquisi- tions, including 25.5% of Eutelsat Commu- nications, the leading European provider of satellite telecommunications and 47% of Saur, the number three water distribution and sanitation specialist in France. Invest- ments in TDF and the Millau Viaduct were also finalised. “Caisse des Dépôts is a financial investor on the capital markets, a strategic investor in its subsidiaries and long-term equity interests and a public interest investor all rolled into one. In total, the portfolio consists of eight major assets and resources and represents a total The priority of the Elan 2020 strategic plan is to establish clear investment investment of close to 32 billion. guidelines, in two areas in particular – the criteria that define a public interest investment and the principles that should be observed in dealings with subsidiaries while respecting competition rules. Adopting a strong socially responsible investment policy is also a key pillar of the action plan. Elan 2020 also reinforces the group’s overall identity as a long-term public sector investor. It will therefore help to ensure that environmental, social and governance factors are given greater consideration in the financial marketplace.” 31
OUR BUSINESSES Supporting local and regional development policies As an investor in long-term The Local and Regional Development Of the 24 housing projects set up in 2007, public interest projects, Caisse Division provides equity financing for five related to local development partner- projects relating to housing, urban renewal, ships, nine to the renewal of existing districts des Dépôts partners local and business property, public facilities, digital (including in Avignon, Bordeaux, Mulhouse, regional development policies. infrastructure, the environment and renew- Brest and Pau), one concerned the develop- In 2007 investments in this able energies. ment of housing for a specific category of field amounted to Priority is given to projects which target the population (a student residence in d400.2 million, and an disadvantaged populations and areas, Avignon) and seven related to areas where meet sustainable development criteria and demand outstrips supply (Nice, Grenoble, additional d87.5 million was are fairly distributed on a geographical Bayonne, Choisy-le-Roi and Nantes). These allocated to the financing of level. schemes led to the creation of 563 housing engineering studies and the units. support of public interest Property investment and urban renewal As regards business property transactions, associations. Caisse des Dépôts was notably involved in n Property investment the regeneration of industrial wasteland in In supporting urban renewal, Caisse des Châlons-sur-Saône, construction of a build- Dépôts focuses on strategic projects in ing for the European Centre for Innovative favour of a district or region, in areas such Textiles (CETI) in Roubaix and the delivery as housing, shops, businesses, medical of the new Perseigne shopping centre in and social services and leisure and tourist Alençon (urban renewal zone). attractions. All projects that are considered need to meet sustainable development Caisse des Dépôts also made preparations criteria. to reinforce its offering, to build or regenerate 1,000 housing units and support the renewal In 2007 3148.9 million was invested in of university campuses in anticipation of the public interest projects, such as: roll-out of the Elan 2020 strategic plan in n supporting local authority initiatives, 2008. n projects focused on areas in transition towards the market where there is a lack n Supporting urban renewal of private investment, schemes n projects capable of generating significant Caisse des Dépôts assists the French State additional private investment which would and local authorities in the urban renewal not take place without the minority partici- of large social housing estates, blocks of pation of Caisse des Dépôts. flats in need of repair and rundown districts 55% of property transactions in 2007 located in town centres. supported local and regional development In 2007 Caisse des Dépôts contributed initiatives (priority urban planning zones, 326.1 million in equity financed direct industrial wasteland, competitive clusters subsidies for engineering, project creation and urban development zones). The other and more broadly skills development in the transactions focused on town centre field of urban renewal. renewal and the development of economic activity or healthcare facilities in medium- sized towns. The allocated funds created substantial leverage, leading to investments of more than 31 billion overall. 32 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
n Breakdown of local and regional development investments: Investment of less than 73 million n Investment of 73-10 million n Investment of 710-20 million 2006 n Investment of 720-50 million n Investment of more than 750 million focus 2007 INVESTMENTS A total of e487.7 million was invested in support of public initiatives, a 15% increase on 2006. This notably enabled the Antilles Guiana Reunion – Indian New Caledonia construction of 563 housing units Ocean with a much more even geographical distribution. Investments in the renewable energies sector helped to achieve 77mw of electricity generation projects. Public infrastructure 2007 activity (public-private partnerships) doubled. Projects included three hospitals, three secondary schools, the A88 motorway and the funicular railway in Puy-de-Dôme. Social micro-credit initiatives developed significantly with 130 trials undertaken and a total of 12,300 microloans guaranteed, representing a 62% increase compared with 2006. Antilles Guiana Reunion – Indian New Caledonia Ocean Through its cooperation with the National (UESL). This agreement enables low-in- Gearing effect Urban Renewal Agency (Agence Nationale come households to buy their first home pour la Rénovation Urbaine, ANRU), Caisse via the two-stage “Pass Foncier” scheme, des Dépôts helped to examine 150 projects which enables them to purchase the build- submitted by local authorities particularly ing before the land. Around 50 individual n Every euro invested by Caisse by seeking to optimise their urban and homes were purchased following the first des Dépôts generates additional environmental appeal. An exceptional decisions made in 2007. investment based on the following contribution of 3100 million was made to multiples: 6.3 in the business ANRU. property sector, 2.4 in the housing sector, 8 to 15 in the commercial The involvement of Caisse des Dépôts in sector, 6 to 23 in the urban leisure promoting first-time home ownership for and tourism sector and 6.2 in the low-income households is the subject of healthcare and medical-social sector. an agreement between the State and Union d’Economie Sociale pour le Logement 33
OUR BUSINESSES Infrastructure and renewable n Investments in renewable energies energies Caisse des Dépôts has invested 329 million in support of the government’s n Investments in public interest policy on renewable energies. This invest- infrastructure projects ment focused on business start-ups and Caisse des Dépôts provides equity financing power production from wind, geothermal for the implementation and management of and hydro-power, solar, biomass and public amenities and facilities (roads, rail, biofuel plants. The target set by the Elan hospitals, buildings, etc.), by means of 2020 strategic plan is for investments in public-private partnerships which transfer this field to account for 5% of the total the management and financing of the annual investment budget by 2010. project to a private operator. Investments reached 371.5 million in 2007, double the The increased support for this field is visible 2006 level, marking a real take-off in this through the continued focus on wind and field. biomass projects and by the clear emer- gence of solar and micro-hydraulic In 2007 Caisse des Dépôts helped launch developments. the road-rail project from Perpignan to Luxembourg, which is being developed and Supporting businesses and local operated by the Lorry-Rail consortium. authorities Of the six projects awarded, two were conducted via Icade, 1 via Egis and 1 via n Supporting new businesses Transdev. In support of social economy initiatives, Caisse des Dépôts assists very small busi- n Investment in broadband nesses and local job creation schemes. infrastructure n Breakdown of investments by Caisse des Dépôts is committed to invest- In 2007 Fonds d’Aide au Conseil (local business segment in 2004-2007 ing in high-speed internet infrastructure support schemes) assisted more than (in 7 millions) used by local authorities. In 2007 11 local 7,400 structures, with some 116,000 authority projects were awarded to indus- employees, in collaboration with finance 450 trial consortia partnered by Caisse des operators in which Caisse des Dépôts is a 400 Dépôts, leading to 338.7 million of invest- shareholder. Support for initiatives in the 350 ment. This involvement helped to connect social economy and solidarity sector 300 250 more than 800 industrial parks to fibre optic amounted to 311.7 million. A further 35.4 200 networks, unbundle 770 telephone distri- million was invested in national business 150 bution frames and offer broadband to more start-up and assistance networks (including 100 than 20,000 businesses. Caisse des Adie, France Initiative Réseau, France Active, 50 Dépôts systematically assists with the Réseau Entreprendre and Réseau Boutiques 0 preliminary engineering studies. de Gestion). 2004 2005 2006 2007 n Urban policy n Long-term equity interests n Social economy n Digital infrastructure n Public interest infrastructure n Renewable energies n Real estate and housing 34 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
solutions forum Lorry-rail Lorry-Rail, the first major road-rail freight service in Europe, links Perpignan to Luxembourg. With 42.6% of the share capital, Caisse des Dépôts took risks by playing a precursory role and supporting the development of the market and the extension of the road-rail network. Spanning 1,050 km, the rail-motorway has the capacity to transport around 30,000 trailers per annum, with CO2 emissions estimated at around 80% lower than by road - qualities that could eventually see Lorry-Rail become the forerunner to a European rail-road freight network. For further information: 35
OUR BUSINESSES Through the France Investissement n The development of digital security programme Caisse des Dépots contributes to serve the local authorities @ Partnering regional to the actions led by Oséo and CDC Entre- prises in the creation and equity financing of businesses in specific niches, especially Caisse des Dépôts is involved in the field of digital security for the service of public enti- ties. 2007 was marked by the acquisition authorities via the Internet in support of disadvantaged populations of Forsup and its merger with its main and areas. The 313 million contribution to competitor AchatPublic, a public e-procure- n In 2008 Caisse des Dépôts is “loans-on-trust” funds, private equity and ment platform set up by Caisse des Dépôts launching a website dedicated to business acquisition-transfer operations are and of which the group is a shareholder. A regional authorities. All the group’s examples of the group’s efforts in assisting 32 million capital increase was carried out local authority offerings are business creation in France. for this operation. presented, together with the Caisse des Dépôts also participated in the activities of the 25 regional divisions n Supporting semi-public companies development of Keynectis – the only certi- and their contact details: and local investment companies fication operator in France – in which the In 2007 the portfolio of investments in group has a 14% stake. It also acquired semi–public companies (SEM) and local 100% of the secured transactional access investment companies, which carry out provider FAST, a platform for the electronic strategic local and region development exchange of documents between local projects, reached 3632 million. New authorities and the French State. acquisitions amounted to 377.4 million, including a 345 million stake in the Metz- Online administration and business based semi-public electrical power plant. services Service public local, the online guide to n Information and support for local local administrative procedures, has authorities 1,004 clients (local authorities and public Localtis and Marie-conseils are online infor- entities). mation and support services made available to local authorities by Caisse des Dépôts. The cyber-base programme The site is accessible by In 2007, 130 public centres for digital 2,700 local entities and receives 71,000 technology (cyber-bases) were opened, visits each month. In 2007 Mairie-conseils bringing the total number supported by responded to 10,000 telephone queries Caisse des Dépôts to 539. 44% of these from towns and groups of towns. cyber-bases are located in priority urban planning zones. The cyber-base network is supported by the portal which targets managers of digital centres. It is operated by local authorities and serves 700 digital centres (cyber-base and other brands) which drew in 1.7 million customers in 2007. The cyber-base network is involved in various programmes, some specifically targeting VSEs, job seekers and prisons. 36 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
“Clearer relations with public authorities.” Encouraging the use of new technologies Caisse des Dépôts has devoted 322.9 million in support of government policy for the development of the use of digital technologies. E-education In partnership with the Ministry for Education Caisse des Dépôts – Strategic Plan and Research, Caisse des Dépôts assisted 14 regions, 33 départements and 19 regional educational authorities to connect to digital workspaces (ENT - espaces numériques n Jean-Jacques Delaporte de travail). In 2007, 380,000 user accounts Director and Chief Executive Officer were created, enabling members of the – GIE Informatique CDC educational community to access online services relating to teaching or school-re- Spokesperson for the “Relations with lated activities. local authorities” working group The newly available “Mon enfant à l’école primaire” offering, accessible via municipal websites, gives parents access to informa- tion on their child’s schooling and extra- curricular activities. n Management of the Social Cohesion Fund Created on the back of the French social “The relations between Caisse des Dépôts and the public authorities are cohesion law, the Social Cohesion Fund totally legitimate. They are described in the French Monetary and Financial has been managed by Caisse des Dépôts Code. This legitimacy has developed over time by helping public authorities to since 2005. In 2007, 312.2 million was discover new social services and by anticipating and formalising their needs. invested alongside a Government and CNAF These efforts, which lie at the root of most of the assignments and activities contribution totalling 314.5 million. Through conducted by Caisse des Dépôts today, are not in the interests of a guarantee mechanism, the fund promotes self-development. The action undertaken by Caisse des Dépôts is only the provision of: meaningful if it satisfies a collective need. n Micro-credit to businesses, This is now more than ever the case. In a profoundly changing public sector n Micro-credit to individuals, where innovative management methods are developing, Caisse des Dépôts n Interest-free loans for young employed can respond to new needs by drawing on its strengths: institutional stability, persons (“jeunes avenir” loans). the capacity to undertake and maintain long-term commitments, the sense of public interest and the trust inspired by the security of its services. It will operate within a clear framework in its areas of recognised expertise whenever commissioned by the public authorities to do so. The mandates it carries out or which are entrusted to it will be subject to stable and pre-defined financial conditions.” 37
OUR BUSINESSES The carbon economy and the environment Caisse des Dépôts has been Carbon economy research Making carbon emission trading committed to tackling climate secure Mission Climat is Caisse des Dépôts’ task change for several years. In force for research into the carbon economy. Caisse des Dépôts administers the national 2007, it stepped-up research Its initiatives focus on three major areas: register of greenhouse gas allowances on into the carbon economy and n the functioning of the existing scheme; behalf of the French State. In November launched new initiatives in this n carbon finance and market developments; 2007, this register was awarded exemplary n new tools for fighting climate change. status by the UNFCCC (United Nations domain. Based on the Mission Climat created the APREC (Asso- Framework Convention on Climate Change) principles and regulations ciation for the Promotion of Research into to interface with the international system governing the implementation the Economy of Carbon), in order to liaise managed by the United Nations. of the Kyoto Protocol defined effectively with the world’s leading research by EU and international centres and facilitate the exchange of Helping to develop a carbon information and the management of credit market institutions, Caisse des Dépôts in-depth studies. In 2007, Mission is working towards secure Climat: n BlueNext: a structure tailored to the carbon emission trading and n set up the “Club Tendance Carbone” in global carbon market the development of a new fluid collaboration with BlueNext and Météo The spot trading platform Powernext France, offering a forum for industry Carbon, set up by Caisse des Dépôts in global market. It also invests in operators; 2004 with Powernext (a subsidiary of renewable energy projects. n reviewed Phase 1 of the European CO2 Euronext), has fulfilled its objectives in emission trading scheme in collaboration becoming a European leader in carbon with Paris-Dauphine University, the Massa- trading. chusetts Institute of Technology and University College Dublin; At the end of 2007, this activity was trans- n launched a research programme into ferred to a new entity, BlueNext, in which adaptation to climate change and the Caisse des Dépôts and Euronext hold financing of infrastructures. interests of 40% and 60% respectively. focus Seringas® software n In December 2004, Caisse des Dépôts was commissioned by the French State to administer the French greenhouse gas emissions register and developed the Seringas electronic system for this purpose. Due to the system’s high technical reliability, Caisse des Dépôts was asked to implement it in eight other countries, including Russia, where it was launched in June 2007. Seringas, which has been adapted to meet United Nations requirements, has positioned Caisse des Dépôts as a leading player in the administration of greenhouse gas credits and allowances. 38 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
“Enhancing and boosting innovation within the group.” BlueNext specialises in trading and DVP settlement on the futures and spot markets and aims to become the world’s leading carbon and environmental exchange. n Sagacarbon, a broker specialising in carbon emissions allowances Sagacarbon, a brokerage firm acquired by Caisse des Dépôts at the end of 2006, advises clients on investment strategy and Caisse des Dépôts – Strategic Plan trades in CO2 allowances on their behalf, on both the organised and OTC markets. In 2007, Sagacarbon developed a range n Virginie Gourmelon of products tailored to its clients’ specific Manager - Budget, management risk profiles. control and economic steering – Caisse des Dépôts n European Carbon Fund (ECF) The European Carbon Fund, created by Spokesperson for the “Innovation, Caisse des Dépôts and Fortis, has raised new business and oversight” working group almost 3143 million to date. It finances projects in favour of the preservation of the environment and the transfer of clean tech- nologies, and will eventually help to increase liquidity on the European carbon assets market. Caisse des Dépôts is currently considering launching other funds. “Caisse des Dépôts group has always demonstrated its ability to innovate Developing new products and adapt to society’s changing needs. More recently, it has been a forerunner in digital development and carbon finance through the creation of n Domestic projects investment banking activities. Domestic projects are inspired by the joint This strong ability to innovate has been given neither the attention, nor the implementation mechanisms between recognition it deserves. As part of the Elan 2020 strategic plan, concrete industrialised countries provided for in the proposals have been made to boost innovation within the group by: Kyoto Protocol and are designed to reward n giving greater priority to innovation as part of group strategy and setting up greenhouse gas reduction projects in an effective mechanism for managing and encouraging innovation; economic sectors not covered by the n capitalising on the group’s know-how and its stronghold in the European exchange system. French regions to propose innovative services in areas where needs Within this context, Caisse des Dépôts are considerable: by pushing the boundaries of sustainable launched an initiative in favour of domestic development, biodiversity preservation and the fight against global low greenhouse gas emission projects. warming; by supporting the modernisation and development of online In 2007, four methodologies were bench- administrative services and investing in digital infrastructures; and by marked by the French supervisory authori- encouraging the development of personal care services.” ties and in October, Caisse des Dépôts launched a call for project proposals. The possibility of extending this initiative beyond 2012 is currently under review. 39
OUR BUSINESSES n Voluntary offsetting Caisse des Dépôts invests in renewable Voluntary carbon offsetting allows compa- energy projects to support national or local nies, individuals or event organisers to finance public policies. These equity and quasi- another party’s carbon emission reductions, equity investments are committed to in order to curb the impact of their own development and operational projects, as emissions or as a step towards carbon part of the objectives set by the local neutrality. government authorities under the long- Caisse des Dépôts plans to launch a new term investment programme in favour of product on this market. This product will electrical production from wind, biomass, make it possible to process transactions geothermal, hydroelectric, solar and biogas securely by purchasing the appropriate plants. credits and to record the entire transaction Investments totalled 329 million in 2007, for traceability purposes. versus 313 million in 2006. The increase reflects the continued focus on the wind Renewable energies sector and the emergence of major solar and biomass projects. After two years of groundwork and research into renewable energy sources, in 2007 Caisse des Dépôts implemented major projects and secured its position as an active investor in this sector, with a diversified portfolio in terms of both sectors and geographical location. focus Acquisition of a stake in Sopral group n In keeping with its investment (leader in France) and (iii) vegetal-based its vegetable-oil refining business, strategy in favour of sustainable energy and chemistry in partnership using rapeseed and sunflower oils, development projects, Caisse des with Diester Industrie (biodiesel particularly for the production of Dépôts acquired a 19% stake in producer), Diester Industrie diester in the energy sector and Sopral at the end of 2007. Sopral International and Novance. Soprol second-generation biofuels in the specialises in oil-based products and group intends to capitalise on its vegetal-based chemistry sector. in particular: (i) oils and oil-meals stronger financial position following (leader in France), (ii) oil-based foods this transaction to continue developing 40 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
solutions forum INNOVATION FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION Caisse des Dépôts is active in the fight to cut greenhouse gas emissions. It supports the development of the carbon market set up by the international community and administers the French register of greenhouse gas emissions. In conjunction with other investors it created the European Carbon Fund, which helps finance greenhouse gas reduction and as a shareholder of BlueNext, it created the international exchange for the environment alongside NYSE Euronext. Caisse des Dépôts participates in the development of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydraulic and biomass and has invested in SMEs which produce these renewable energies throughout France. For further information: Caisse des Dépôts is devoting special atten- tion to the development of methanisation projects. Although methanisation produc- n Investments in renewable energy tion facilities are widespread across North- projects ern Europe, they are still at the early A significant portion of these investments development stage in France. (315 million) corresponds to interests acquired in companies supporting wind In 2007, Caisse des Dépôts also invested farm projects, mainly in the Provence- in the rehabilitation of small hydroelectric Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, Poitou-Charentes, plants, mainly in the Acquitaine and Franche- Champagne-Ardennes and Auvergne Comté regions. regions. nInvestment in local distribution Several solar energy projects have also been companies launched. This is a rapidly expanding energy source since the introduction in 2006 of a In 2007, Caisse des Dépôts continued to new feed-in tariff for managers of distribution assist local and regional authorities in networks. These projects include both solar supporting local power suppliers (Entre- plants mounted on the rooftops of buildings prises locales de distribution d’énergie - in the tertiary and equipment sectors and ELD). Following the acquisition by Caisse ground-level plants. des Dépôts of a 15% stake in the Metz electrical power plant, the plant was trans- A first round of investments took place in formed into a local semi-public company the biomass sector (in the Champagne- (société anonyme d’économie mixte locale) Ardennes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur and pursuant to the EU Directive on the liber- Picardie regions). An upsurge in combined alisation of the energy market. heat and power projects using biomass energy is expected in 2008 in response to the invitations to tender launched by the public authorities in 2007. 41
OUR BUSINESSES Partnering and supporting SMEs In 1994, Caisse des Dépôts ■ CDC Entreprises joined forces with the French n CDC Entreprises is a wholly-owned equity of high-potential French businesses. State to launch the first subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and CDC Entreprises currently manages three-year investment houses the institution’s public interest 32.5 billion in assets, including 32.1 billion programme in favour of activities in the field of private equity. on behalf of Caisse des Dépôts. small- and medium-sized Authorised by the AMF, it is active in all enterprises (SMEs), with the areas of private equity, providing finan- Fund investment cing to promising French SMEs opera- aim of assisting unlisted SMEs ting in high-technology or traditional CDC Entreprises mainly manages funds of through every stage of their industrial sectors with the potential to funds, acquiring minority stakes alongside development. Today, as a create value and employment. public and private sector players in national, major player in private equity regional and technology-oriented private CDC Entreprises participates both directly equity bodies and vehicles. Its investments in France, Caisse des Dépôts and indirectly throughout the business life are arm’s length, providing a knock-on effect is present in this sector cycle, from seed-stage technology financing amongst private investors. through two subsidiaries, CDC to small buyouts, on a national and regional Entreprises for public interest level. Its mainly proprietary investments are CDC Entreprises takes a socially responsible limited to a maximum amount of 315 million approach to its direct and indirect invest- missions and CDC Capital per SME. CDC Entreprises also manages ments. These principles are set out in the Investissement for competitive funds open to third parties (the French State, charters governing the France Investissement activities, both approved by the European Investment Fund, etc.). It programme. the AMF (French stock market implements the State-sponsored France authority). Investissement programme launched at the end of 2006 and is planning to invest some 32.2 billion by 2012 in strengthening the focus The France Investissement programme n CDC Entreprises has committed over 3580 million to the France Investissement programme, including 3180 million for the creation of private funds of funds; 3347 million invested in 33 investment vehicles; 340 million invested in co-investment activities and 320 million invested in the France Investissement Guarantee Fund managed by Oséo. CDC Entreprises’ contribution to direct co-investment activities has doubled for the period 2007 to 2012. During this six-year period, it will commit 3360 million to a limited number of venture capital and private equity transactions in order to increase the stake per investment, which ranges from 31.5 million for a venture capital investment and 32 million for a private equity investment, to 310 million. 42 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
solutions forum DEMETER, A DEDICATED ENVIRONMENT FUND In the early post-2000 years, SMEs in the eco-industry and eco-energy sectors struggled to find support from investors in the absence of specialised investment funds. Alongside its subsidiary CDC Entreprises, Caisse des Dépôts created Demeter, a European private equity fund fully dedicated to the development of SMEs in the eco-industry and eco-energy sectors. It invested €20 million in this fund and attracted new partners, including the French oil institute, the international Robeco group and Veolia. The Demeter fund supports the development of companies such as Paprec Recyclage, a leading independent player in the French recycling sector. This company has a production site in La Courneuve, where it recycles used paper, cardboard and wood and collects other selected items, such as plastic bottles and metal cans. For further information: CDC Entreprises’ fund investment activity such as Tunisia (Phenica Seed Fund) and Direct investment has expanded briskly since the launch of Morocco (Maghreb Private Equity Fund II). the France Investissement programme, with CDC Entreprises also invests directly in over 5347 million invested in 33 seed, CDC Entreprise has also devoted companies. venture capital and private equity funds, and 5180 million to funds of funds managed Under the France Investissement in small buyouts (AgroInvest, Génopole 1er by private partners participating in the programme, it has stepped up and expan- jour, Avenir Entreprises Mezzanine, etc.). France Investissement programme and ded the scope of its direct co-investment has committed 520 million to the France activities to encompass France’s budding Some of its investments are in energy- and Investissement Guarantee Fund managed business champions. On average, CDC environment-oriented vehicles. by Oséo. Entreprises invests 560 million each year in a limited number of transactions, in It has also continued to invest in emerging connection with the funds and business countries that have special links to France, angel companies in its portfolio. 43
OUR BUSINESSES “SMEs present a challenge for the nation and a priority for Caisse des Dépôts” CDC Entreprises invests directly: n on a co-investment basis, in venture capital transactions of over 31.5 million and in private equity transactions and business transfers for over 32 million, in all activity sectors; n through the P&C (Patrimoine et Création) fund devoted to mature independent compa- nies operating in the cultural or heritage fields Caisse des Dépôts – Strategic Plan (luxury goods, publishing, films, radio, television and music); n through Avenir Entreprises, its subsidiary in partnership with Oséo, in growth operations n Brigitte Gotti and buyouts of less than 32 million. Principal Private Secretary to the Chair- man of the Caisse des Dépôts Supervi- sory Commission For further information: Spokesperson for the “SME develop- ment” working group Oséo “Within the context of Elan 2020, Caisse des Dépôts n The Oséo group was formed has decided to support the development of 1,000 SMEs in 2005 (merger between Anvar over three years, with the triple objective of developing dynamic SMEs, and BDPME) and consists of three assisting SMEs with business transfers and promoting innovative SMEs. entities with three different business Caisse des Dépôts is focusing on the six following drivers: lines: Oséo Innovation – support n increased visibility through a communication campaign on the “priority for innovation; project financing given to SMEs” and by informing company managers; and assistance through aid and n closer coordination with the Oséo group, a key player in debt financing for loans; Oséo Financement – debt SMEs, in order to provide an attractive supportive environment within the financing in partnership with banks reach of SMEs; and other financial institutions; n ongoing action in favour of regional funds, in order to set up close-proximity Oséo Garantie – provision of teams of regional players at the service of entrepreneurs; guarantees for bank loans; equity n support for projects that facilitate access to European financing by SMEs; financing. The Oséo group and n support for initiatives enabling the introduction or development of employee Caisse des Dépôts have a close- share ownership; knit relationship. n financial support, with nearly 52.2 billion committed through CDC Caisse des Dépôts holds a 43.2% Entreprises under the France Investissement programme until 2012, or interest in Oséo Financement, to 53 billion including the leverage effect amongst investors participating in which it also provides substantial the programme. A first assessment has shown that, via a knock-on effect, financing backed by passbook investors as a whole contribute over 55 for each euro invested by CDC savings deposits earmarked for Entreprises. sustainable development (livret ” développement durable). 44 Caisse des Dépôts / 2007 Business Review and Sustainable Development Report
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