AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital

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AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital

Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
                                                                        CORESTATE and bulwiengesa have therefore
                                                                        ­teamed up to take a systematic look at ­Germany's
                                                                         city quarter universe in this comprehensive paper
                                                                         and standard reference work.

                                                                         This is the first in a series of publications on
                                                                         the subject of city quarters and will provide the
                                                                         ­strategic foundation for subsequent works. We
                                                                          are creating a reliable list of modern city ­quarters
                                                                         in Germany with a focus on the recent past and
City quarters play an extremely important role in                        all projects currently under development or in
modern urban planning and are attracting more                            the planning stages. On this basis, we will ­define
and more interest from the real estate industry.                        sub-types of city quarters and discuss their
                                                                        ­                                                                             THE BASIC CONCEPT
                                                                        ­various characteristics and functions, as well as                            OF THE CITY QUARTER
City quarters are not a new invention. In fact,                          their impact on the surroundings.                        City quarters and
they have always been an element of ­sustainable                                                                                         COVID-19
                                                                        We are delighted to have this opportunity to                                  CITY QUARTERS
urban development. For decades, however,
the ­  prevailing conceptual models in urban                            share our thoughts with you and hope to pique                                 THE FUTURE OF
development promoted car-friendly, strictly
­                                                                       your interest in the city quarter asset class.                                URBAN DEVELOPMENT
zoned and low-density cities. The resulting
­separation of the individual types of use stands                       Happy reading!
 in stark contrast to the idea of a city quarter.
                                                                                                                                                      THE DEFINITION
                                                                                                                                                      CITY QUARTER
From a planning point of view, city quarters are
desirable for a number of reasons. They round off
the compact city model, give new life to brown­
field sites and boost efforts to achieve greater                                                                                                      OF THE PAST
climate efficiency, to name just a few examples.
                                                                                                                                     London Great
At the same time, city quarters are popular among                                                                                         Estates
their users and inhabitants, as they c    ­ombine
an integrated approach to urban design with                                                                                                           HOW MANY CITY
­meeting demand for housing and ­commercial                                                                                                           QUARTERS ARE THERE
 space. City quarters also reflect the spirit of our
                                                                                                                                                      IN GERMANY?
 era and go hand in hand with many megatrends                           Mark Holz                      Felix Embacher
 of the 21st century.                                                   CORESTATE Capital Group        bulwiengesa
                                                                        Group Head of Research         Head of Master Planning
                                                                                                       and Conversion Projects

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
     The basic concept of the city quarter


                                                                                                                                    The table below shows the ­characteristics
                                                                                                                                    of city quarters according to various

                                                                                                                                     DEFINTITION           CRITERIA

                                                                                                                                                           l Definable inner-city area                           l Good connection to city overall
                                                                                                                                                           l Characterised by mix of uses                        l L
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    iving space within walking
The term “quarter” or city quarter is used in many                                                                                                                                                                 distance
                                                                                                                                                           l High density of building
ways. There is no one systematic definition                                                                                                                                                                      l S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    trong and positive self-identity
                                                                                                                                     FELDMANN         6
                                                                                                                                                           l Robust urban structure
that provides a differentiation by type. The                                                                                                                                                                       and outside perception
term, which comes from French or Latin, was                                                                                                                l Unique appearance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l Balanced social structure of users
­originally used todenote part of an army camp.                         In literature, different approaches can be found                                   l Intact local supply infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l H
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    igh density of interaction among
 Today’s use of the word was influenced by the                          for developing a definition of what a city quarter                                 l Focal point for the public                            users
 literature on urban and sociological issues in                         is. The focus of the definitions is on quantifiable
 the 1960s1. The German term Quartier was used                          parameters, such as the number of residential                                      l Built after 1990                                    l Includes residential function
 as a unit of space for examining sociological                          units, or on qualitative factors associated with             BBSR    7
                                                                                                                                                           l More than 500 dwellings,                            l P
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lanned using a homogeneous
 processes in the urban environment and is                              social life.                                                                                                                               urban design concept
                                                                                                                                                           l 1,000 residents and/or 10 ha
 now generally applied to mixed-use or urban
 development projects. The directly related term                        SCHNUR2, for example, defines the quarter                                          l External and internal activities                    l Central area not clearly defined
 Quartiersentwicklung (“quarter development”,                           primarily in terms of its social functions for its           SCHNUR8
                                                                                                                                                           l Socially constructed space                          l Everyday living environments
 roughly equivalent to “urban development”)                             users. By contrast, the BBSR3 completely ignores
 described the proactive upgrading of socially                          these aspects in its criteria for identifying city
 deprived urban areas through urban development                         quarters and introduces a specific minimum
 policies based on a cooperative, participative                         size, along with an age limit. Furthermore, it
 and integrative approach. Nowadays, the term                           requires the inclusion of residential use and the
 Quartiersentwicklung is used to signify not only                       existence of a uniform urban design concept. The
 the development of socially deprived areas,                            BBSR4 does, however, acknowledge the social
 but also development on former industrial,                             component of the quarter in other publications.         1 Feldmann, Philipp. Die strategische Entwicklung neuer City Quartere. In: Schriften zur Immobilienökonomie Band 53. 2009
 infrastructure, military and greenfield land.                                                                                  2 Schnur, Olaf. Quartiersforschung. Zwischen Theorie und Praxis. 2008, S. 40
 Moreover, it is synonymous with the development                        FELDMANN5 lists both material and social                3 BBSR Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung. Neue City Quartere. 2012
 of an area of a city, or major development projects                    characteristics, albeit with the result that there is   4 BBSR Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung. Ziele nachhaltiger City Quartersentwicklung. 2013
                                                                                                                                5 Feldmann, Philipp. Die strategische Entwicklung neuer City Quartere. In: Schriften zur Immobilienökonomie Band 53. 2009
 in general.                                                            no specifically quantitative classification.
                                                                                                                                6 Feldmann, Philipp. Die strategische Entwicklung neuer City Quartere. In: Schriften zur Immobilienökonomie Band 53. 2009
                                                                                                                                7 BBSR Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung. Neue City Quartere. 2012, S. 3
The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                                           8 Schnur, Olaf. Quartiersforschung. Zwischen Theorie und Praxis. 2008
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
     The basic concept of the city quarter

                                                                                                                                    THE ESSENCE OF A CITY
                                                                                                                                    QUARTER IS CREATED
                                                                                                                                    BY THE MIXED USES,
                                                                                                                                    WHICH – AT LEAST IN
                                                                                                                                    THEORY – GIVES THE
                                                                                                                                    QUARTER A DEGREE OF
To categorise city quarters for the purposes of
                                                                                                                                    INDEPENDENCE WITHIN
this study, it is necessary to determine ­typological
features based on the broad definitions cited.                                                                                      THE CITY AND SERVES
                                                                                                                                    TO SATISFY A RANGE OF
To this end, account is taken of the material,                                                                                      USER NEEDS.10
­social and economic aspects of the quarter while                       At the social and economic levels, a quarter
 examining various typological forms.                                   is characterised by the type and composition
                                                                        of its population, the diversity and distribution
                                                                                                                                    In addition to the co-existence of the
At the material level, the quarter is characterised                     of uses and services, and the individuality and
                                                                                                                                    uses, synergies should also arise
by features that include location, size and density,                    independence of the quarter within the relevant
                                                                                                                                    between them to create added value
as well as structural design, the ratio of buildings                    city. The city quarter functions as a sociotope9
                                                                                                                                    for all stakeholders in the quarter. Other
to open spaces, the street layout and public                            with a balanced social structure. It is a city on a
                                                                                                                                    urban structures – such as purely
spaces. The quarter must be distinguished from                          small scale.
                                                                                                                                    residential neighbourhoods, commercial
individual property; it represents diverse individual
                                                                                                                                    and business centres, or hypermarkets
buildings that appear as a unified concept and                          How the residents of a quarter perceive the
                                                                                                                                    and retail parks – represent the extremes
exist within an urban design context. In the case                       atmosphere there has a direct influence on the
                                                                                                                                    of monofunctional use in clear contrast
of quarter development, urban visual accents are                        quality of life. Still, its image vis-à-vis outsiders
                                                                                                                                    to the idea of the city quarter.
introduced through the overarching design and                           also has an influence on identity within the
planning concepts for the area concerned.                               quarter.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                                           9 Strohmeier, Klaus Peter. Quartier und soziale Netzwerke: Grundlagen einer sozialen Ökologie der Familie. 1983.
                                                                                                                                10 Feldmann, Philipp. Die strategische Entwicklung neuer City Quartere. In: Schriften zur Immobilienökonomie Band 53. 2009
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
    The basic concept of the city quarter

                                                             PARIS MAYOR ANNE
                                                             HILDAGO WANTS TO            The mix of uses in a city quarter generally
                                                                                         consists of the following main types of use:
                                                             CREATE A ’15-MINUTE CITY‘
                                                             IN WHICH ALL NEEDS CAN         Residential
                                                             BE CATERED FOR                 Office
                                                             WITHIN A 15-MINUTE             Retail
                                                             WALK. CITY QUARTERS,
                                                             HOWEVER, AIM TO CREATE      Residential use is a key, essential element in                         The main types of use are supplemented and
                                                                                         the development of inner-city quarters. It goes                        complemented by additional forms which can be
                                                             A ’5-MINUTE QUARTER‘.11     beyond satisfying basic needs and serves as a                          grouped under the following headings:
                                                                                         means of self-expression and presentation to
                                                                                         the outside world. This is also where successful                           Social infrastructure
                                                                                         quarter development creates a feeling of identity
                                                                                                                                                                    Transport infrastructure
                                                                                         and promotes a positive sense of belonging.
                                                                                                                                                                    Cultural amenities
                                                                                         New housing concepts such as micro-living                                  Leisure and recreation
                                                                                         and co-living can complement the traditional
                                                                                         residential use in the quarter and, in conjunction                     Social infrastructure in its broadest sense includes
                                                                                         with other types of use, generate added value.                         facilities for health care, social services and
                                                                                                                                                                education. Concert halls, museums, cinemas and
                                                                                         Offices – the production sites of companies                            theatres are all examples of c   ­ ultural amenities,
                                                                                         in the services and IT sectors – also play a                           which provide benefits to the residents of the city
                                                                                         significant part in the development of city                            as a whole beyond the boundaries of the quarter
                                                                                         quarters and provide places of work for residents                      itself.
                                                                                         of the quarter or city. Offices account for far
                                                                                         less construction volume per user compared to                          Transport infrastructure is an important element
                                                                                         residential buildings. As a result, they increase                      in the development of a quarter and guarantees
                                                                                         the numbers of users relative to the volume of                         residents’ mobility. In the context of the city quarter,
                                                                                         the buildings, thus contributing to the vibrancy of                    it includes the public transport network, parking
                                                                                         the quarter.                                                           garages and the provision of services such as bike
                                                                                                                                                                sharing. Depending on the size of the quarter, train
                                                                                         Attracting retail stores, pubs, cafes and                              or rapid transit stations may even be provided and
                                                                                         restaurants usually requires a quarter to be                           integrated.
                                                                                         located in an urban setting. Retail and restaurant
                                                                                         use depends on a certain degree of agglomeration,                      Uses that are classified as leisure and recreation
                                                                                         or a critical mass of potential customers. Local                       include sports facilities and green spaces in
                                                                                         retail outlets make it possible for residents and                      particular. These provide an opportunity for social
                                                                                         people who work in the quarter to run errands in                       integration and make an important contribution to
                                                                                         the near vicinity. This ties into the urban design                     enhancing the quality of life and leisure within the
                                                                                         principle of a compact city.                                           quarter.

Die Assetklasse der Zukunft – CORESTATE Capital Group GmbH                               11 Bloomberg, The 15-Minute City - No Cars Required - Is Urban Planning’s New Utopia; November 2020
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
     The basic concept of the city quarter



                                                                                      infrastructure                               The long-term viability
                                                                                                                                   and attractiveness of a
                                                  Residential                                                                       lively quarter requires
                                                                                                                                      the incorporation of
                                                                                                                                  sustainable solutions that
                               Leisure &                                              Hotel                                      take environmental, social
                                                                                                                                and economic factors alike
                                                                                                                                into account. Green spaces,
                                                                                                                                culture and leisure facilities
                                                                                                                               in conjunction with housing,
                                                                                                                               work, basic goods and social
                                                                                                                                facilities complement them
                                                                                                                              and give people a high-quality

                                                                                       Office                                      experience in a quarter.
                 Food &
                                                                                                                                  Karin Groß, Head of Real Estate Capital
                                                                                                                                   ­Investment Portfolio Management/
                                                                                                                                        Commercial Management
                                                                                                                                    Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe

                                                                        Shopping centres are another example of hybrid
                                                                        use. They are an agglomeration of a wide range
                                                                        of retail, catering, leisure and entertainment
Along with the basic and supplementary types of
use, there are also hybrid forms of these same                          Distinguishing between private and public spaces
types. First and foremost among them is hotels,                         plays an important role in the context of the city
which offer a combination of accommodation                              quarter. Residential units are probably the most
and catering. Micro-apartments and serviced                             private spaces, but other use types – such as
apartments enable longer stays than otherwise                           offices and hotels – also offer private spaces, as
offered by hotels. In this way, the quarter provides                    they are only partially accessible to the public or
opportunities for temporary residence.                                  not at all.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
     The basic concept of the city quarter

                                                                          DUE TO THEIR SCALE, CITY
                                                                          QUARTER DEVELOPMENTS                                 INTERNATIONAL
                                                                          PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY                               QUARTER DEVELOPMENT
                                                                          TO SHAPE THE LOCATION.
                                                                                                                               On an international level, the framework
                                                                                                                               conditions for urban development are similar
                                                                                                                               or comparable throughout Europe. The Leipzig
                                                                                                                               Charter on Sustainable European Cities provides
                                                                                                                               impetus for urban development and advocates
                                                                                                                               stronger links between housing, work and leisure
                                                                                                                               in cities.

                                                                                                                               In an international comparison, European
                                                                                                                               countries have a weaker dynamic as far as
                                                                                                                               population growth is concerned. The increased
                                                                                                                               need for housing in European cities is driven
                                                                                                                               mainly by patterns of migration.
                                                                        Green spaces play a special role in the public
                                                                        realm. They are synonymous with quality of life,       A contrast to the type of urban development
                                                                        health, relaxation and movement. In addition, they     seen in Europe can be found in emerging
                                                                        promote biodiversity, allow people to experience       markets, where a much stronger dynamic in
                                                                        nature and are important for the microclimate.         the growth of the population is associated with
                                                                                                                               rapid urbanisation. To meet this huge demand
                                                                        From a business perspective, a property’s              for housing, urban development must be driven
                                                                        location is a key indicator of financial success       forward at a rapid pace.
                                                                        and represents one of the most important factors
                                                                        in terms of value and return on investment. As a       These developments are leading to urban
                                                                        rule, an individual property should blend in with      regeneration projects which are quite radical in
Public spaces play an equally important part in                         an existing location rather than standing out as       some cases, involving the redesign of existing
a city quarter, serving as the elements that link                       its main influence. Due to their scale, city quarter   structures and functions. Parts of historic city
the various use types. In doing so, they fulfil                         developments – unlike individual buildings –           centres may be demolished and replaced with
a variety of functions. They serve not only to                          provide an opportunity to define the character         modern tower blocks. Examples of this type
bridge distances and help people find their way                         of a location and play a role in other elements of     of urban redevelopment include the Chinese
around a quarter, but also as places to rest and                        the value chain. To ensure its long-term success,      megacities of Beijing and Guangzhou.
relax. Public spaces have great importance on a                         a city quarter therefore requires a coherent
sociological level as places to meet and socialise,                     overarching design concept and a balanced mix          In addition to redeveloping city centres, entire
thereby reinforcing a quarter’s sense of identity.                      of uses.                                               quarters are being built in areas near the centres.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
      The basic concept of the city quarter

GOOGLE MOBILITY STATISTICS – PERCENTAGE CHANGE                                                                          For much of last year, COVID-19 held sway over
FROM PRE-COVID-19 REFERENCE VALUE (2020)                                                                                our cultural and social lives and the economy. As
                                                                                                                        an example, most of this study was produced by
                                                                                                                        people working from home during the lockdown.
                                                                                                                        One thing we have learned in recent months is
                                                                                                                        to refocus on the local. Sweeping restrictions
  0                                                                                                                     have been imposed on international travel and
-10                                                                                                                     remain in place, and even national and regional
                                                                                                                        journeys are no longer a normal part of life. With
                                                                                                                        the aid of Google’s mobility statistics, it is still
-30                                                                                                                     possible to identify a clear trend in favour of
-40                                                                                                                     remaining close to home.

-50                                                                                                                     The situation demonstrates the advantages of
-60                                                                                                                     city quarters, where interaction takes within the
                                                                                                                        space of a few kilometres and basic needs can
                                                                                                                        be met in the immediate vicinity.

      15.02       15.03       15.04       15.05   15.06    15.07        15.08   15.09   15.10   15.11   15.12   15.01   Of course, not even city quarters have been
                                                                                                                2021    spared the closure of non-essential businesses
                                                                                                                        and near abandonment of offices. But the basic
       Shopping & leisure                     Work                                                                      principle of mixed use in a small area remains a
                                                                                                                        distinct advantage of city quarters – especially
       Local amenities                        Housing
                                                                                                                        when compared with monofunctional sub-
       Public transport stops
Source: Google

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
     City quarters as the future of urban development

2            CITY QUARTERS
             AS THE FUTURE OF

                                                                “       As an investor with a long-term
                                                                          outlook, the Ärzteversorgung
                                                                            Westfalen-Lippe pension
                                                                           fund began investing in the
                                                                          development of city quarters
                                                                         many years ago. For example,
                                                                        we took over the development of
                                                                         the KÖ-Quartier in Düsseldorf
The development of city quarters is favoured by
a variety of different factors and drivers. These
                                                                        in 2013, plus we invested in the
include political and planning guidelines that have                       MainTor district in Frankfurt             Cities use policy statements to define objectives
a direct influence over the development of cities.                      in 2012, the Gerling-Quartier in            for development and give them direction. They
                                                                         2017 and an inner-city quarter             provide operational principles and serve as a
The requirements of users and the investment                                                                        vision and guide.
                                                                               due for development

profile of investors also have a positive effect on
the development of city quarters.
                                                                             in Copenhagen in 2020.                 In Munich, for example, development is guided
                                                                                                                    by the aim of being “compact, urban and green”.
The megatrends that shape and change our                                                                            In Leipzig, urban development is directed by
overall society additionally affect how cities are                        Karin Groß, Head of Real Estate Capital   the principle of creating a compact, mixed-
planned and built.                                                         Investment Portfolio Management/         use city. Other concepts include the social city,

                                                                                Commercial Management               sustainability and the conservation of resources.
In the following section, we will look at the
                                                                            Ärzteversorgung Westfalen-Lippe                                                                  They follow the principle of
various drivers involved in the development of city                                                                 To meet the high level of demand for inner-city
quarters.                                                                                                           housing and contribute to mixed-use cities, the
                                                                                                                                                                              the compact city, and they
                                                                                                                    concept of urban space was included in the             enable residents to connect with
The main advantage city quarters offer users is the                                                                 German land use act in 2017, which provides for        each other. Despite a potentially
mix of uses and the resulting synergies. In addition,                                                               the mixed use of housing, commercial, social,          higher density, such quarters are
higher-level planning – such as mobility concepts                                                                   cultural and other facilities. In the Nördliche
                                                                                                                                                                            more liveable and sustainable
– can be applied across a quarter. The end user’s                                                                   Wallhalbinsel area of Lübeck, the implementation
interest in concepts like these represents the first                                                                of one of the first city quarters is planned for the
                                                                                                                                                                               – in both a social and an

driver for demand.                                                                                                  site of the historic dockyard warehouses. Apart              environmental sense.
                                                                                                                    from building spaces to live and work, the aim is to
City quarters also offer advantages for investors.                                                                  create a city of short distances. The urban quarter
Unlike properties with a monofunctional use, they                                                                   will follow this development principle and, thanks
                                                                                                                                                                                Sabine Georgi, Country Manager
afford the opportunity of spreading risk through                                                                    to coordinated planning, will also provide other
the diversification of uses.                                                                                        management options.                                                     RICS

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
AN ASSET CLASS OF THE FUTURE - CITY QUARTERS Assessing the modern city quarter landscape in Germany - Corestate Capital
     City quarters as the future of urban development

MEGA                                                                                         Society is shaped and altered through
                                                                                             long-term processes of change which
                                                                                             can be described as megatrends. These
                                                                                             processes affect individuals, society in

                                                                                             general and the economy. We need to take
                                                                                             these processes into consideration if we
                                                                                             are to understand the significance and
                                                                                             the role of city quarters today and in the

                                                                                             These are the megatrends that are
                                                                                             changing our society or have already
                                                                                             changed it: 12

        KNOWLEDGE CULTURE                                               GLOBALISATION          KNOWLEDGE CULTURE                                        NEO-ECOLOGY
                                                                                         The way we handle information is changing.                The neo-ecology megatrend reaches into every
                                                                                         Enormous amounts of knowledge are being                   aspect of daily life, from organic shopping and
        CONNECTIVITY                                                    NEW WORK         generated in decentralised structures, with               the EU single-use plastics directive to the energy
                                                                                         knowledge losing its elite character and                  revolution. It acquires its significance through
        INDIVIDUALISM                                                   MOBILITY         increasingly becoming public property.                    global challenges such as climate change and
                                                                                                                                                   the extinction of species.

        NEO-ECOLOGY                                                     SILVER SOCIETY
                                                                                               CONNECTIVITY                                             HEALTH
        HEALTH                                                          URBANISATION
                                                                                         The principle of connectivity dominates social            Health is a key life goal and is rooted in our
                                                                                         change and is the most influential megatrend              awareness, culture and self-perception. Health-
        GENDER SHIFT                                                    SAFETY           of our time. Digital communication technologies           conscious people want to inhabit health-
                                                                                         are changing our everyday lives and giving rise to        promoting environments and expect them to be
                                                                                         new lifestyles and patterns of behaviour.                 the norm.

                                                                                               INDIVIDUALISM                                            GENDER SHIFT
                                                                                         Individualism basically means freedom of choice           The trend towards changing roles and ­breaking
                                                                                         on a personal level and constitutes the cultural          down gender stereotypes is bringing about
                                                                                         principle of the western world.                           ­radical change in the economy and society.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                    12 Zukunftsinstitut GmbH. Megatrend-Dokumentation. 2018
     City quarters as the future of urban development

Globalisation is affecting worldwide economic
activity. Trade disputes, diplomatic crises and
the power of large international corporations
mean that globalisation is often perceived as
a problem. However, we must not lose sight of
the positive aspects that come with it, such as
cultural exchange

      NEW WORK
Digitalisation is taking over many aspects of
our working lives and changing them. Against
the background of the COVID-19 pandemic,
­mobile working has taken on a new significance.
 ­Independently of this, more and more people are
  calling for a symbiosis of life and work.

      MOBILITY                                                               URBANISATION
In urban areas in particular, existing forms of                         More and more people worldwide live in cities,
mobility are being called into question. ­Technical                     making them the most powerful influencing
innovations and the changing needs of the                               factors and most important problem solvers
­population are leading to the creation of new                          in a globalised world. Cities are becoming the
 forms of transport and the rediscovery of old                          ­countries of the future, representing new ways of
 ones, such as the bicycle.                                              living and thinking

      SILVER SOCIETY                                                         SAFETY
We have an ageing population and increasing                             People have a natural need to feel safe. Although
numbers of elderly people. At the same time,                            we live in the safest of times, the perception we
people are remaining healthy for longer and                             have of our safety is much lower, creating a call
therefore have time for self-expression in new                          for greater levels of safety.
lifestyles at an advanced age.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     City quarters as the future of urban development

                                                                                                                                                                                                          The world of work is in a state of flux caused
                                                                           QUARTER CERTIFICATION                                                                                                          by digitalisation, globalisation and the ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                                                          COVID-19 pandemic. One significant trend is
                                                                           Since 2012, the German Sustainable                                                                                             flexible working with regard to place, time or
                                                                           Building Council (DGNB) has been                                                                                               content. Concepts such as co-working and
                                                                           awarding certificates for sustainable                                                                                          serviced apartments offer responses to these
In the past, the increased need for housing in                             neighbourhoods. The focus is on an                                                                                             developments.
cities arising from urbanisation has often been                            overall evaluation of the developments in
met by building monofunctional residential                                 the area.                                                                                                                      Connectivity can be apparent in various ways in
developments, usually on the edges or outskirts                                                                                                                                                           the development of a city quarter. It may exist
of the city. However, in many cities, the daily                            In addition to assessing ecological quality,                                                                                   between people, the types of use and the buildings
commute from these dormitory towns results                                 the DGNB also examines and grades                                                                                              or technical installations. Quarter-based apps
in traffic chaos. By bringing together retail                              economic, sociocultural and functional                                                                                         offer users the possibility to communicate among
trade, housing, restaurants and bars and offices                           quality, as well as the quality of the                                                                                         themselves and interact with amenities such
within a single quarter, it is possible to create                          processes involved in the development.                                                                                         as parking guidance systems. Non-electronic
an environmentally friendly and economically                                                                                                                                                              solutions in particular, such as communal areas
successful city of short distances.                                                                                                                                                                       and the design of public spaces, can also help
                                                                        The German government’s climate policy sets a                                                                                     people to connect with each other.
By planning appropriate mobility concepts                               target of reaching climate neutrality by the year
within the quarter and providing public transport                       2050. As a core element of the overall economy,                                                                                   The changing division of roles is leading to
connections to the quarter within the city, city                        the real estate industry must provide answers                                                                                     new demands for couples and families. In order
quarters can offer a wide range of solutions to                         to the issue of climate protection. Because                                                                                       to guarantee the compatibility of career and
the transport problem in cities and help meet                           the development of city quarters is a process                                                                                     family, childcare facilities are essential. Within
climate targets.                                                        that takes several years, if not decades, the                                                                                     the context of a city quarter development, the
                                                                        foundations for sustainable quarters have to be                                                                                   scale of projects enables an appropriate range of
                                                                        laid now. A climate-neutral quarter will have a           The modern city quarter aims to meet the                                childcare options.
In the area around Berlin’s Tegel airport, the Urban
                                                                        zero overall balance of monitored CO2 emissions.          challenges of the present and the future.
Tech Republic project and the neighbouring
Schuhmacher quarter, a complex mobility                                 In Berlin, Howoge is constructing a city quarter                                                                                  The lack of essential medical amenities in
concept is being planned that aims to make the                          that will be CO2 neutral and have affordable rents.                                                                               rural areas illustrates the importance of a good
switch from the car to other modes of transport                         Unlike the construction of individual buildings,          ZIA CHAIRMAN DR.                                                        healthcare network. Medical care can be provided
an attractive option. Alongside high-speed cycle                        developing a quarter creates the opportunity              ­ANDREAS MATTNER                                                        in a quarter or the surrounding area due to the
lanes, mobility hubs will serve as transfer points                      to strategically plan and leverage the synergies           STATES: "THE CITY OF                                                   density of building and its urban location.
between various means of transport, such as                             between the uses and the various buildings.
public transport, bike and car sharing. In the                          For example, overarching energy and mobility               THE FUTURE IS A CITY                                                   Germany is one of the countries most affected by
Schuhmacher quarter, the concept will also                              concepts that would not be feasible for individual         OF QUARTERS“ 13                                                        demographic change and has one of the oldest
include garage parking.                                                 properties can be realised across a quarter.                                                                                      populations.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                                         13 ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V, Pres-semitteilung, ZIA: Die Stadt der Zukunft ist eine Stadt der Quartiere, Berlin, 26.08.2020
     City quarters as the future of urban development

                                                                                                  PROPORTION OF POPULATION
                                                                                                  AGED 65 OR OVER







                                                                                                              0%       5%       10%       15%       20%      25%

                                                                                                  The needs of the older population also have to be
                                                                                                  met in the development of city quarters. Where
                                                                                                  individual properties are concerned, issues such
                                                                                                  as accessibility are important considerations.
                                                                                                  With regard to the mix of uses, normal residential
                                                                                                  use can be supplemented by types of use such
                                                                                                  as assisted living or retirement apartments
                                                                                                  to enable the elderly to live independently and
                                                                        THE CITY QUARTER ASSET    connect with others.
                                                                        CLASS EMBRACES THE
                                                                                                  In this context, there are various initiatives that
                                                                        SPIRIT OF THE TIMES AND   deal with city quarter developments that are                             Another factor affecting perceived safety is road
                                                                        PICKS UP ON MANY OF       suitable for older residents. The EU’s HELPS14                           traffic, which reduces the perceived safety when
                                                                        THE MEGATRENDS FOUND      project offers recommendations for action for                            speed increases and the share of public space is
                                                                                                                                                                           high.. By the same token, integrating alternative
                                                                        IN URBAN PLANNING         those involved locally in the development of city
                                                                                                  quarters.                                                                mobility concepts can raise the level of perceived
                                                                        MODELS.                                                                                            safety.
                                                                                                  A high frequency of users contributes to the level
                                                                                                  of perceived safety in public spaces, thanks to                          In conclusion, we can say that the city quarter
                                                                                                  the element of social surveillance. This “eyes on                        asset class embraces the zeitgeist and picks
                                                                                                  the street” principle was strongly influenced by                         up on many of the megatrends found in urban
                                                                                                  the urban planning and architecture critic Jane                          planning models. As a result, the city quarter
                                                                                                  Jacobs.                                                                  embodies the concept of the mixed-use city of
                                                                                                                                                                           short distances. Energy and mobility concepts
                                                                                                  Proper planning of public spaces can increase                            make it possible to address issues of climate
                                                                                                  perceived safety by avoiding areas and                                   protection and take them into consideration in a
                                                                                                  underpasses that are poorly designed and offer                           far more effective way than can be achieved at
                                                                                                  poor visibility.                                                         the level of individual properties.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                             14 „Housing and Home Care for the Elderly and Vulnerable People and Local Partnership Strategies in Central European Cities“
     The definition of city quarter

                                                                                                                                THE STUDY USES
                                                                                                                                THE FOLLOWING

                                                                                                                                CATEGORY            SIZE                USE

                                                                                                                                Traditional         20,000 to           Mix of core use types:
                                                                                                                                quarter             400,000 sqm         residential, office and retail

                                                                                                                                Mega quarter        400,000 sqm +       Mixed-use large-scale city quarter development
A study of city quarters requires a clear                                                                                       Small-scale         up to               Mix of core use types:
quantifiable definition that can be used to                             The idea of a quarter goes hand in hand                 quarter             20,000 sqm          residential, office and retail
distinguish city quarters from other types of                           with a mix of uses that represents the basic
                                                                                                                                Commercial          20,000 to           Dominant commercial use
urban settlement and generate sub-categories of                         precondition for a traditional city quarter. The
                                                                                                                                quarter             400,000 sqm         (more than 90 % commercial use)
quarters.                                                               proportion of the various uses may vary from
                                                                        one project to another. With regard to the type of      Residential         20,000 to           Dominant residential use
For the purposes of this study, a city quarter is                       use, a distinction is made accordingly between          quarter             400,000 sqm         (more than 90% residential use)
taken to be an inner-city area or an area close                         the traditional quarter, the residential quarter and
to the city centre with a high level of building                        the commercial quarter.                                 Vertical                                Mix from core use types
                                                                                                                                                    40,000 sqm +
density characterised by a mix of the core uses                                                                                 quarter                                 Residential, office and retail
residential, office and retail, that can be                             A quarter must be of a certain size if high-level
complemented by other types of use. The city                            concepts are to be implemented throughout it. In
quarter represents a structural and social frame                        this respect, a quarter is generally different from
of reference generally consisting of several                            an individual property. One exception to this rule      Further special categories can also be
buildings with a positive self-identity and local                       is a vertical quarter, which, in the form of a mixed-   derived alongside the sub-categories                    The project design will be subject to
basic amenities within walking distance.                                use tower, must feature a certain size and mix of       already listed in this study. These include             requirements and framework conditions
                                                                        uses in order to generate the impact of a quarter.      technology or innovation quarters, for                  associated with the specific location.
In particular, the city quarter must be                                 In Germany, however, vertical quarters are of           example. Such quarters usually have
differentiated from other urban structures in                           peripheral importance, as towers of this type           a campus-style character and exist                      In terms of administration, it is possible to
terms of the type and extent of building use. With                      can rarely be built in central locations due to         in association with universities and                    differentiate between managed and non-
monofunctional types of settlement, such as                             planning regulations and urban development              research facilities. A prime example                    managed quarters.
business parks or housing developments with no                          policy. Given their size, city quarters may have        would be the Adlershof quarter in Berlin.
other amenities, it is impossible for synergies to                      a defining effect on their location. In terms of                                                                Project sponsors may range across
form between other use types. By this definition,                       size, quarters under 20,000 sqm and above               The location of the quarter within the                  the spectrum from public to private
even monofunctional developments which                                  400,000 sqm in area are viewed as their own             respective city is another criterion for                enterprises, with projects frequently being
are labelled as quarters cannot be classed as                           sub-categories. Still, it should be noted that there    classification.                                         managed as public-private partnerships.
traditional city quarters and are placed within                         are no hard and fast rules for qualifying as a city
their own sub-category.                                                 quarter.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
      The definition of city quarter


                           HOTEL 5%                                                                                       AVERAGE SIZE: 56,966 sqm

                                                                                                                          A traditional quarter is defined as any quarter
                                                                                                                          with a total area of between 20,000 sqm and
                                                                                                                          400,000 sqm GFA (gross floor area) which does not
                                                                                                                          fall into any other category of quarter (particularly
                                                                                                                          commercial or residential). Traditional quarters
                                                                                                                          typically have a high mix of uses. With over
                                                              RESIDENTIAL 58%                                             300 quarters identified, this is the most
                                                                                                                          frequently occurring of the sub-categories.


                                                                                                                          l Werksviertel, Munich
                                                                                                                          l The Q, Nuremberg
                                                                                                                          l Laurenz Carré, Cologne
                                                                                                             OFFICE 20%   l Glückstein-Quarter, Mannheim

                   OTHER 6%
                   SCHOOL, GYM, ETC.                                                                                              6%
                                                                                                                                              DISTRIBUTION BY                                      STANDING ASSETS VS. PIPELINE
                                                                                                                                               MARKET TYPE*
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Standing Assets                              Pipeline
                                                                                                                                                      A Cities
                                                                                                                           16%                        B Cities                      50%                19.7%                       80.3%
                                                                                                                                                      C Cities                                     0              25                50     75         100
                                                                                RETAIL 11%                                                            D Cities


The percentages relate to the average distribution by area in all the traditional quarters included in this study.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                                     * The market types used in this study comply with the definitions of markets as set out by bulwiengesa
         The definition of city quarter

                                                                                         RESIDENTIAL 47%
                                                                                                                 AVERAGE SIZE: 587,154 sqm

OTHER 9%                                                                                                         Mega      quarters   are   large-scale    urban
SCHOOL, CONCERT HALL ETC.                                                                                        development and city quarter projects with a
                                                                                                                 total area of over 400,000 sqm GFA. As a rule,
                                                                                                                 mega quarters are developed in several stages
                                                                                                                 of construction. The time required for
                                                                                                                 development may be ten years or more. Mega
                                                                                                                 quarters are highly mixed-use, often with a high
                                                                                                                 proportion of commercial use. Due to their size,
                                                                                                                 mega quarters may have a defining effect on a
                                                                    HOTEL 2%

                                                                                                                 l Stuttgart 21, Stuttgart
        OFFICE 39%                                                                                               l HafenCity, Hamburg
                                                                                                                 l EuropaCity, Berlin


                                                                                                   RETAIL 3%
                                                                                                                      11%            DISTRIBUTION BY                                        STANDING ASSETS VS. PIPELINE
                                                                                                                                      MARKET TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                                           Standing Assets                                Pipeline *
                                                                                                                                              A Cities
                                                                                                                                              B Cities
                                                                                                                                              C Cities                                     0               25               50       75         100
                                                                                                                                              D Cities


   The percentages relate to the average distribution by area in all the mega quarters included in this study.

   The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                         * Due to their size and the long project durations, all mega quarters are classed as “pipeline”.
                                                                                                                 However, individual or multiple construction stages may already be complete, as in the case of HafenCity, Hamburg
      The definition of city quarter


                                                                                                                             AVERAGE SIZE: 16.785 sqm

                                                                                                                             Small-scale quarters are traditional quarters
                                                                                                                             on a smaller scale of up to 20,000 sqm GFA.
                                                                                                                             These quarters are also characterised by the
                                                                                                                             mix of uses typical of all quarters. Due to their
                                                                                                                             size, this type of city quarter can increasingly be
                                                                                                                             found in smaller cities.

                                                            RESIDENTIAL 47%


                                                                                                                             l Huyssen Quarter, Essen
                                                                                                                             l Clemens-August-Quarter, Bonn
                                                                                                                             l Das Quadrat, Stuttgart

             HOTEL 9%

                                                         RETAIL 16%                                                                    20%

                                                                                                        OTHER 4%                             DISTRIBUTION BY                       STANDING ASSETS VS. PIPELINE
                                                                                                        DAYCARE. GYM, ETC.                    MARKET TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                                   Standing Assets                     Pipeline
                                                                                                                                                   A Cities
                                                                                                                                                                                           48.6%              51.4%
                                                                                                                                                   B Cities
                                                                                                                              15%                         22%
                                                                                                                                                   C Cities                        0         25      50           75         100
                                                                                                                                                   D Cities


The percentages relate to the average distribution by area in all the small-scale quarters included in this study.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
      The definition of city quarter


                                                                                                                    AVERAGE SIZE: 50,376 sqm

                                                                                                                    The primary characteristic of a commercial

         OFFICE 41%                                                                                                 quarter is that its main use is of a commercial
                                                                                                                    nature (more than 90%). In most cases offices
                                                        RESIDENTIAL 1%                                              are the dominant form of use. However, a mix
                                                                                                                    of uses by hotel or retail tenants, for example,
                                                                                                                    must also be present.

                                                                                         HOTEL 20%

                                                                                                                    l Macherei, Munich
                                                                                                                    l Schultheiß Quartier, Berlin
                                                                                                                    l Messe City, Colgone


DAYCARE, PARKING, ETC.                                                                                                             DISTRIBUTION BY                     STANDING ASSETS VS. PIPELINE
                                                                                                                       12%          MARKET TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                       Standing Assets                     Pipeline
                                                                                                                                          A Cities
                                                                                                                                          B Cities            48%            33.7%              66.3%
                                                                                                                      6%                  C Cities                     0         25      50           75         100
                                                                                                                                          D Cities
                                                    RETAIL 16%                                                                            Other


The percentages relate to the average distribution by area in all the commercial quarters included in this study.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
      The definition of city quarter


                                                                                                                     AVERAGE SIZE: 56,430 sqm

                                                                                                                     Like the commercial quarter, the residential
                                                                                                                     quarter is defined by its primary use type (more
                                                                                                                     than 90% residential). Still, this category of city
                                                                                                                     quarter also requires a mix of uses to be present,
                                                                                                                     consisting mainly of retail and smaller office
                              RESIDENTIAL 97%                                                                        units.


                                                                                                                     l MiKa Quarter, Dresden
                                                                                                                     l Wohnen am Nockherberg, Munich
                                                                                                                     l LindeQuarter, Wiesbaden


                                                               RETAIL 2%                                                  12%
                                                                                                                                    DISTRIBUTION BY                        STANDING ASSETS VS. PIPELINE
                                                                                                                                     MARKET TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                           Standing Assets                     Pipeline
                                                                                                                                           A Cities
                                                                                                                                                                               18.9%              81.1%
                                                                                                                                           B Cities
                      OFFICE 1%                                                                                       12%                         22%            55%
                                                                                                                                           C Cities                        0           25    50           75         100
                                                                                                                                           D Cities

The percentages relate to the average distribution by area in all the residential quarters included in this study.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
      The definition of city quarter


                                                                                                                         AVERAGE SIZE: 87,809 sqm

                                                                                                                         Vertical quarters are still the exception in
                                                                                                                         Germany, as they can sometimes be difficult
                                                                                                                         to implement for planning reasons and did not
                                                                                                                         appeal to users in the past. This situation has
                                                                                                                         changed over time. There is now greater demand
                                                                                                                         for mixed-use towers specifically, and the project
                                                                                                RESIDENTIAL 33%          pipeline has seen significant growth. The very
                                                                                                                         nature of vertical quarters means that they are
                                                                                                                         mainly found in the major cities of Germany.

                         OFFICE 42%

                                                                                                                         l Upper West, Berlin
                                                                                                                         l The Four, Frankfurt

                                                                                                              HOTEL 9%   l Omniturm, Frankfurt


                                                                                                                                        DISTRIBUTION BY                       STANDING ASSETS VS. PIPELINE
                                                                                                                                         MARKET TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                              Standing Assets                     Pipeline
                                                                                                                                                 A Cities
                                                                                                                                                                              9.5%                90.5%
           OTHER 6%                                                                                                                              B Cities
           DAYCARE, GYM, ETC.                                                                                                                    C Cities                     0         25      50           75         100
                                                                                                                                                 D Cities
                                                             RETAIL 10%

The percentages relate to the average distribution by area in all the vertical quarters included in this study.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     Quarters of the past

4        QUARTERS
         OF THE PAST

                                                                                                                                                                                    Since 2012, however, there has been a gradual
                                                                                                                               The response to the functional, planning-            abandonment of the principle of functional
                                                                                                                               related and constructional problems of the new       separation. Plans have been implemented to turn
                                                                                                                               housing estates was to make them even bigger         the monofunctional office district into a mixed-
                                                                                                                               or to increase the building density. However, the    use quarter and provide it with new qualities.
                                                                                                                               spatial separation between the workplace and the     The process also included changing the name
                                                                                                                               home remained.                                       of the transformed area, which is now known
                                                                                                                                                                                    as the Lyoner Quartier.
                                                                                                                               Over the course of time, the increasing preference
                                                                                                                               for single-family houses as a form of dwelling       Mixed-use quarters therefore stand in stark
                                                                                                                               and demographic changes meant that these             contrast to monofunctional structures.
Lyoner Quarter in Niederrad
                                                                                                                               developments gradually lost market value and
                                                                        The functional separation was applied in               evolved into socially disadvantaged areas.           The development of the new city quarters
                                                                        residential developments on the outskirts of                                                                began in the United States in the 1970s. The
                                                                        cities in particular, in line with the garden city     Some of these housing estates are still              first examples included the development of
                                                                        concept. This context also saw the Radburn             stigmatised today. In other cases, however,          The Cannery and the redevelopment of Ghirardelli
                                                                        design concept being applied, with long narrow         further alteration and planning measures have        Square in San Francisco. Amenities including
                                                                        residential buildings arranged at right angles to      succeeded in halting the negative trend. The         shops, restaurants and cafés were incorporated
After the Second World War, the focus in                                the thoroughfare.                                      Märkisches Viertel in Berlin, for example, has       into waterside historical industrial buildings.
Germany was initially on rapid reconstruction,                                                                                 been upgraded by enhancing the infrastructure,       Today, Ghirardelli Square also features a 5-star
concentrating on the city centres and quarters                          The construction of these new housing estates          redeveloping the neighbourhood shopping              hotel and is a popular tourist attraction.
that had been destroyed in the war.                                     involved re-using existing floor plans, designs        centre and making other improvements.
                                                                        and cost structures, sometimes resulting in                                                                 The first new city quarters in Europe were
In the period that followed, the urban planning                         monotony and the loss of a spatial relationship        An example of this separation of functions           developed in the industrial cities of Manchester,
model was defined by the car-friendly, strictly                         with the city.                                         in commercial property development is the            Birmingham and Glasgow in the late 1970s.
zoned low-density city. This style of construction                                                                             Niederrad office city, which was created in the      The reurbanisation project in the Castlefield
is the complete opposite of urban block                                 Usually located a considerable distance away           1960s and embodied the idea of an office city        area of Manchester saw the creation of a
development. Promoted by renowned architects                            from the heart of the city, housing estates had        in green surroundings. This business park in the     quarter with attractive housing, office
such as Le Corbusier, new urban developments                            little to offer users apart from a flat or house and   south-west of Frankfurt am Main was and still is     complexes and leisure and cultural facilities,
separated the functions of the various use types.                       a view of the green surroundings.                      characterised by a variety of tower blocks.          as well as a wide array of bars and restaurants.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     Quarters of the past

                                                                        oncepts similar to those of the modern city         COVENT GARDEN,
     A LOOK BACK AT THE HISTORY OF                                      quarter can be found dating back to the early       PART OF THE BEDFORD ESTATE
     URBAN DEVELOPMENT                                                  history of urban planning. Georgian London,
                                                                        for example, contained holistically planned
     Estate development                                                 developments of districts and quarters in what
     in Georgian London                                                 is today’s West End. Similar concepts were also
                                                                        seen during the urban expansion in Germany in
                                                                        the late 19th century, examples being Südstadt in
                                                                        Cologne and Haidhausen in Munich.

                                                                        The great urban expansions of the 17th century –
                                                                        known in London as estate developments              A remnant of this can still be clearly seen in the
                                                                        – followed a pattern of urban density and a         cityscape. Seven Dials – also an estate in London’s
                                                                        pronounced mix of uses. The ground-floor units      West End, and largely owned by Shaftesbury
                                                                        were intended for use by retail businesses, pubs    PLC – is clearly identifiable as being of the same
                                                                        and restaurants. The upper floors were set          mould. It is true that some of these estates have
                                                                        aside for residential use by various sociographic   gone through periods of decline in the course
                                                                        cohorts. Meanwhile, the rear buildings were         of history. Seven Dials, for example, has been
                                                                        reserved for crafts and manufacturing, and          euphemistically described by writers and poets
                                                                        occasionally even for small-scale agricultural      of several eras as a “problem district”. However,
                                                                        purposes. Prominent examples of these estate        it too experienced an impressive renaissance in
                                                                        developments include Bedford Estate (where          the 20th century. This example also shows how
                                                                        Covent Garden Market is situated), Portland         important holistic and sustainable planning is,
                                                                        Estate and Grosvenor Estate – all in the West       as Grosvenor Estate has never been an area of
                                                                        End.                                                social deprivation.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     Quarters of the past

The beginning of modern quarter development in
Germany is marked by the MediaPark in Cologne.
In the late 1980s, a decision was made to create
a new city quarter for use by a pool of media
companies at the disused Gereon freight depot.
Various building complexes with a lettable are of
around 195,000 sqm, along with an expansive
park and a lake, were built on a site measuring
approximately 20,000 ha. The MediaPark building
complex was also designed

to be car-free above ground, with delivery traffic
and access via an underground ring road. The
individual buildings are connected to one another
by pedestrian walkways and a central square.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     Quarters of the past

                                                                        DR STEPHAN ANDERS
                                                                                                    “    Certified quarters make
                                                                                                      it possible to generate higher
                                                                                                    income and increase acceptance
                                                                                                        of the development among

                                                                        OF THE GERMAN
                                                                                                              the population.
                                                                        SUSTAINABLE ­BUILDING
                                                                        COUNCIL (DGNB)
                                                                        SAYS: „ALONG WITH                    Dr. Stephan Anders,
                                                                        ­SUSTAINABLE CITY                 Head of DGNB Certification
                                                                         ­QUARTER DEVELOPMENT         German Sustainable Building Council
The basic 1980s concept of city quarter                                   IN GENERAL …                             (DGNB)
development has changed little since then. In
densely populated urban areas, the conversion
                                                                          ­DIGITALISATION AND
of existing buildings or the construction of                               RESILIENCE HAVE BECOME
new buildings that are related to one another                              INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT
in urban planning terms creates a mix of uses
                                                                           IN THE PROFESSIONAL
that produces synergy effects. However, the
development of city quarters is always closely                             DEBATE.“
related to the urban development models and the
requirements of the era.

Sustainability is an increasingly important
issue in all areas of the economy. Overarching,
integrated energy and mobility concepts that
are not possible for individual properties can
be realised at quarter level. For example, CO2-
neutral quarters are now being planned, such as
the Weststadt quarter in Esslingen, which also
takes the aspect of mobility into account. With
increased energy efficiency helping to reduce
operating costs in the long term, buildings
and ensembles with sustainability certificates
offer an opportunity to save money. The social
component of city quarters can result in increased
demand from tenants, which avoids vacancies
and secures rental income. Digitalisation also
makes it possible to improve a large number of
processes in city quarters relating to things such
as energy use, mobility, logistics and the flow of

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     How many city quarters
     are there in Germany?

                                                                                              SUB-CATEGORIES OF QUARTERS

                                                                                                 Mega quarter

                                                                                                 Small-scale quarter
                                                                                                 Traditional quarter
                                                                                                 Commercial quarter
                                                                                                 Residential quarter
             HOW MANY
                                                                                                 Vertical quarter
             CITY QUARTERS ARE
             THERE IN GERMANY?


     This study considers city quarter
     developments in the Federal Republic
     of Germany. The sources of the data
     used include the bulwiengesa AG
     property database, desktop research
     and interviews with stakeholders in the
     market. The sub-categories devised in
     this study were used as a further criterion
     for narrowing down data.

     The period under consideration limits
     the quarters to those with a construction
     start date from 2009 onwards.

     Throughout Germany, 616 quarters were
     identified. The following presentation
     shows the locations of the quarters
     identified. The quarters are concentrated
     in cities and conurbations. As expected,
                                                                        THROUGHOUT GERMANY,
     the larger quarters can be found in major                          616 QUARTERS
     cities.                                                            WERE IDENTIFIED.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
      How many city quarters
      are there in Germany?

 Grouped by the year construction started,                               Looking at area by completion date instead of        Due to the size and complexity of many quarter
 the number of quarters shows a rising trend,                            pure numbers produces a different result, with       developments, the implementation times can be
 having increased more than fivefold between                             the greatest areas set to be completed in 2023       significantly longer than for individual properties.
 2010 and 2020. This highlights the increasing                           (almost 4 million sqm) and 2025 (around 5
 significance of city quarters as an asset class.                        million sqm). This is down to the fact that larger   As a result, only 29% of the 616 quarters
 In 2021, construction work is expected to begin                         projects have a longer planning horizon than         examined in the period under consideration from
 on 112 quarters. It is quite plausible that the                         smaller ones. The Werksviertel in Munich is one      2009 onwards have currently been completed,
 number of projects where construction is due                            of the major developments due to be completed        with 27% currently under construction. Concrete
 to start further in the future is decreasing. The                       in 2025.                                             plans are in place for more than one-fifth of the
 number of quarters completed also rises sharply                                                                              concepts, with 23% in the ideas stage.
 over the course of time and is set to peak at
 88 in 2023.15                                                                                                                In many cases – especially with large-scale
                                                                                                                              quarters – completion takes place over a number
                                                                                                                              of construction phases. Completion windows
                                                                                                                              therefore provide more indicative insights than
   120                                                                                                                        completion dates in this kind of development.




            ΄09 ΄10 ΄11 ΄12 ΄13 ΄14 ΄15 ΄16 ΄17 ΄18 ΄19 ΄20 ΄21 ΄22 ΄23 ΄24 ΄25 ΄26 ΄27 ΄28 ΄29 ΄30 ΄31 / ΄40 ΄41

                                                                                                                                             DEVELOPMENT STATUS
(million)                                                                                                                                             Concept stage
       6                                                                                                                                              Detailed planning
       5                                                                                                 Office                                       Under construction

       4                                                                                                 Retail                                       Completed                     21%


            ΄10 ΄11 ΄12 ΄13 ΄14 ΄15 ΄16 ΄17 ΄18 ΄19 ΄20 ΄21 ΄22 ΄23 ΄24 ΄25 ΄26 ΄27 ΄28 ΄29 ΄30 ΄31 ΄40

 The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                                        15 The number of quarters completed in the future may increase or decrease based on the nature of the project.
     How many city quarters
     are there in Germany?

                                                                                                                            With more than 300 quarters identified, the
                                                                                                                            number of implemented and planned projects is
                                                                                                                            the greatest in category A cities.

                                                                                                                            Ninety-eight of the quarters are in category B       NUMBER OF QUARTERS
                                                                                                                            cities, followed by 81 in C cities. The lowest       BY MARKET TYPE
                                                                                                                            number is found in the D cities, with 54 quarters.
                                                                                                                            Seventy of the quarters examined are in locations    350
                                                                                                                            outside the market type categories.                  300
                                                                                           5%        8%
                                                                                   7%                                                                                              0
                                                                                                                                                                                        A       B       C       D   Other

                                                                                     DISTRIBUTION OF
                                                                                 QUARTERS BY SIZE (GFA in sqm)
                                                                                         < 20,000
                                                                                                                                                                                 TOTAL AREA
The essence of a city quarter is its mix of uses.                                        20,000–40,000
                                                                         30%                                                                                                     BY MARKET TYPE (SQM MILLION)
The ratio of individual uses within a quarter                                            40,000–100,000
is therefore of particular interest. Residential                                         100,000–200,000         49%                                                              25
use is the predominant form, at 62%. Almost a
                                                                                         > 200,000                                                                                20
quarter of the spaces examined are used as
offices. Retail (8%) and hotel use (4%) play a
supplementary role in terms of space. Up to now,
use for logistics has been rather rare and only                                                                                                                                   10
found in a few instances.
                                                                        What is noticeable in this analysis is that the                                                            5
On average, a quarter has an area of around                             average sizes have remained relatively constant
60,000 sqm GFA, with about half of the quarters                         over time – there is no trend towards larger or                                                            0
having an area of between 20,000 and 40,000                             smaller quarters. Only the future projects with                                                                 A       B       C       D   Other
sqm GFA. Almost one-third of the quarters have                          a long planning horizon deviate significantly
an area of 40,000 to 100,000 sqm GFA. Some                              from the historical average. According to current
7% of the quarters have a total area of between                         findings, the expected average size of quarters
100,000 and 200,000 sqm. Only 5% of the                                 with a construction start date between 2023 and
quarters examined are larger than 200,000 sqm.                          2025 is 125,000 sqm GFA.

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
     How many city quarters
     are there in Germany?

                                                                        A comparison of the various market types
                                                                        reveals clear differences in the distribution of the
                                                                        individual use types. For all market types,
                                                                        residential use accounts for the biggest category
                                                                        D cities                                                                  1%

                                                                        A comparison of surface areas reveals a similar                     5%                                        4%
                                                                        7% picture to the number of quarters.                         7%
                                                                        The highest proportion of office use is in A cities,
                                                                                                                                                A CITIES                             B CITIES
                                                                        at 26%, followed by B cities with 22%. The lowest
                                                                        share of office use is in D cities. In all market                       Residential                           Residential
                                                                        types, retail is the third most common type of use.                     Office                                Office
                                                                        The figures for area usage compared with market
                                                                                                                               26%              Retail                                Retail
                                                                        type do not reveal any clear trend, however.                                                22%
                                                                                                                                                Hotel                                 Hotel
                                                                                                                                                              62%                                   60%
                                                                        In the cities in the study, hotels had roughly the                      Logistics                             Logistics
                                                                        same share of area (4% to 5%).


                                                                                                                                                4%                               4%            8%
                                                                                                                                     6%                                   12%

                                                                                                                                                C CITIES                             D CITIES

                                                                                                                                                Residential                           Residential
                                                                                                                                                Office              12%               Office
                                                                                                                                                Retail                                Retail
                                                                                                                                                Hotel                                 Hotel
                                                                                                                                                Logistics     69%                     Logistics     70%

The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa
        Wie viele Stadtquartiere
        gibt es in Deutschland?

                                                                                                                 Based on an approximation of the capital values                                     In terms of quality, the quarters studied
                                                                                                                 of the individual quarters, the estimated market                                    represent all types of residential area. To
  MARKET SIZE FOR QUARTERS                                                                                       size of the quarters identified amounted to almost                                  a large extent, quarters are realised in the
  BY CITY AND MARKET TYPE 16                                                                                     EUR 200 billion as of 2020. This study reveals that                                 “average” to “good” categories. Around 10%
                                                                                                                 the focus of the market in terms of city quarters                                   of the quarters are in an “excellent” area.
  Capital value                                                                                                  is on the category A markets. Munich, Berlin,                                       “Basic” areas account for a very small share
in EUR billions
                                                                                                                 Hamburg and Frankfurt have the highest figures                                      of the total.
           60                                                                                                    due both to the number of projects and the high
           50                                                                                                    capital value parameters.

           40                                                                                                    At over EUR 30 billion, however, the market for B                              A newly built quarter, often replacing a brownfield
           30                                                                                                    to D cities is of a very appreciable size. Averaged                            site or “underused” building, may well have a
                                                                                                                 out across the individual quarters, this equates to                            positive effect on the quality of the residential
           20                                                                                                    almost EUR 134 million each.                                                   area itself. Once the quarter is complete, some
           10                                                                                                                                                                                   locations experience a positive development
                                                                                                                                                                                                due to increased provision of restaurants and
             0                                                                                                                                                                                  bars, retail outlets, social infrastructure and jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                In this case, the quarter not only has an impact























                                                                                                                                                                                                within itself, but also radiates its benefits to the


                                                                                                                 BY RESIDENTIAL LOCATION








                                                                                                                                                                                                surrounding area. This is a welcome effect from


                                                                                                                 25%                                                                            an urban planning point of view.























  The Asset Class of the Future – CORESTATE Capital Group | bulwiengesa                                          16 Approximation of market size from capital values of individual cities or market types. Calculation based on data from Riwis, bulwiengesa;
                                                                                                                     no calculation was made for quarters outside the A to D markets (approx. 3 million sqm GFA) due to a lack of reliable data.
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