Consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages: ELSA-Brasil results
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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232021269.2.30682019 3825 Consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages: THE BURDEN OF FOOD AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON HEALTH ELSA-Brasil results Jordana Herzog Siqueira ( 1 Nathália Miguel Teixeira Santana ( 2 Taísa Sabrina Silva Pereira ( 3 Alexandra Dias Moreira ( 4 Isabela Martins Benseñor ( 5 Sandhi Maria Barreto ( 6 Gustavo Velasquez-Melendez ( 4 Maria del Carmen Bisi Molina ( 1 Abstract The study aims to describe the con- sumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beve- rages according to sociodemographic, health and location variables. Cross-sectional study with 1 Programa de Pós- ELSA-Brasil data (2008-2010). A questionnaire Graduação em Saúde was used to collect sociodemographic, food, heal- Coletiva. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. th data and anthropometry. Descriptive analysis Av. Marechal Campos 1468, and association with variables of interest were Bonfim. 29047-105 Vitória carried out. In the sample, 8% of the total ca- ES Brasil. jordana.herzog@ loric value comes from non-alcoholic beverages 2 Instituto Federal de (5.6%: sugary drinks), and 4% from alcoholic Educação, Ciência e beverages (2.7%: beer). Consumers of unsweete- Tecnologia do Espírito Santo. Campus Santa Teresa ned and artificially sweetened beverages reported ES Brasil. moderate/strong physical activity, former smokers 3 Departamento de Ciências and higher education. The opposite was true for da Saúde, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. San sugary drinks. Eutrophic people reported higher Andrés Cholula Cholula consumption of sugary drinks and those obese, México. artificially sweetened and beer. Alcohol consump- 4 Escola de Enfermagem, Departamento de tion varied with age (young: beer; elderly: wine/ Enfermagem Materno- spirits) and education (low education: beer/spi- Infantil e Saúde Pública, rits; higher education: wine). Coffee, natural juice Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo and soda were the most consumed non-alcoholic Horizonte MG Brasil. beverages and beer was the most prevalent alcoho- 5 Departamento de Clínica lic beverage. Consumption variation was observed Médica, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de according to geographic location. The consump- São Paulo. São Paulo SP tion of sugary and alcoholic beverages is high in Brasil. Brazil and public health strategies are required. 6 Faculdade de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina Key words Soft Drinks, Fruit Juices, Artificial Preventiva e Social, Sweeteners, Alcoholic Beverages Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Belo Horizonte MG Brasil.
3826 Siqueira JH et al. Introduction this compound is the main factor that can confer health benefits and cause toxicity, depending on Changes in dietary patterns, such as increased the pattern of consumption and dosage12,13. The consumption of unhealthy and highly processed relationship between its excessive consumption industrialized foods1, represent an important and cardiovascular diseases14 is widely estab- contribution to adverse health outcomes2. In ad- lished, although the beneficial effects of moder- dition, increased consumption of beverages with ate consumption remain debated, since results of high energy density such as sugary drinks, in sev- meta-analyses15,16 and analysis of ten cohorts of eral countries, have also contributed to the high the English population17 showed no significant prevalence of chronic non-communicable dis- effects or no protective effect on cardiovascular eases (NCD)2,3. Excessive alcohol consumption outcomes. A recent meta-analysis showed that, in unquestionably leads to increased morbidity and men, any amount of alcohol is associated with an mortality due to NCD, but the effects of moder- elevated risk of hypertension18, but there are still ate consumption of different alcoholic beverages questions about the differential effect related to a on the cardiovascular system are still controver- certain type of alcoholic drink14. Although there sial4. If, on the one hand, there is consolidated is no consensus, a literature review has shown evidence that the high consumption of sugary that low and moderate wine consumption has a and alcoholic beverages increases the risk of car- cardioprotective effect, since it is inversely cor- diovascular diseases, on the other hand, there are related with ischemic heart disease19. still gaps in knowledge in relation to artificially In view of the above, additional caloric con- sweetened ones5. sumption and alcohol content from these bever- Four population surveys carried out between ages can play an important role in increasing the 1987-1988 and 2008-09 showed greater acquisi- incidence of cardiometabolic disorders8,14. The tion of processed foods and beverages at the ex- literature on the consumption of industrialized pense of fresh and minimally processed foods1. beverages in Brazil is not extensive and the sur- The household availability of soft drinks in veys carried out use different methodologies. In Brazilian metropolitan areas increased by 500% Brazil, Household Budget Surveys (POF - Pesqui- between 1974-1975 and 2002-2003, correspond- sa de Orçamentos Familiares) are being carried ing to an increase of 0.4% to 2.1% of the total out in metropolitan areas and through them the calories consumed daily, with this consumption secular trend of household availability of food/ remaining stable in the most recent survey 2008- beverages has been assessed. POF 2002-2003 096,7. The consumption of these beverages has is based on household expenses that probably been widely studied as a potential risk factor for underestimate general individual consumption, several health problems. since it excludes food outside the home, an im- Recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses portant source of industrialized beverages20. The indicate that the consumption of sugar-sweet- Telephone-based Surveillance of Risk and Pro- ened drinks is associated with weight gain8, the tective Factors for Chronic Diseases (VIGITEL), risk of type 2 diabetes9 and coronary heart dis- carried out on probabilistic samples of the adult ease10. Still, studies involving the consumption population with fixed telephony in Brazilian of artificially sweetened drinks are controversial capitals and the Federal District, presents a ques- and inconsistent. Although a positive association tionnaire with questions about food consump- has already been identified between these bever- tion, however it is not is validated in all Brazilian ages and cardiometabolic disorders, the current regions21,22. evidence is still limited, and their consumption Thus, new data on the consumption of bever- does not seem to be a healthy alternative to sug- ages in large samples of the Brazilian population ar-sweetened drinks5,9. are needed to assist public food policies. There- With regard to alcoholic beverages, Brazil ex- fore, this study aims to assess the consumption ceeds the average annual consumption of pure al- of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in par- cohol per inhabitant of the American continent11 ticipants of the baseline of the Brazilian Longi- and the household availability of these beverages, tudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) ac- especially beer, has doubled since the 1980s6,7. cording to sociodemographic, health and study The main active ingredient of any alcoholic bev- location variables. erage is ethanol, and most evidence indicates that
3827 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(Supl. 2):3825-3837, 2021 Methods and consists of questions related to the frequen- cy, duration and intensity (AFTL: walking, mod- Study design and participants erate and vigorous; AFDL: walking, cycling) of physical activities25. The pattern of physical activ- This is a cross-sectional study conducted ity, in its different domains, was reported in min- from the baseline of ELSA-Brasil (2008-2010), utes/week, consisting of multiplying the weekly composed of 15,105 active or retired employees frequency by the duration of each of the activities of both sexes, aged between 35 and 74 years, from performed. Physical activity was considered to be six public institutions of higher education and that done with a minimum duration of 10 min- national research (USP, UFMG, UFBA, UFRGS, utes/week. The variable was later categorized as UFES and Fiocruz). Participants with missing low, moderate and strong. data and those with non-plausible dietary data (30 General information on the measurement of kg/m²)26. clinical examinations, as well as on the question- naire applied in person to collect sociodemo- Assessment of consumption of alcoholic graphic, health and lifestyle data is available in a and non-alcoholic beverages previous publication24. All RCs received central- ized training to maintain quality control in data To assess the consumption of alcoholic bev- collection. Interviewers and gaugers were also erages (beer, wine, spirits - cachaça, whiskey certified and recertified every six months. and vodka) and non-alcoholic beverages (soda, Sociodemographic data, health status and coffee, natural juice, industrialized juice, artifi- lifestyle, including the consumption of alcohol- cial juice, mate tea, chimarrão and coconut wa- ic and non-alcoholic beverages, were collected ter), participants used a semi-quantitative Food during an interview. The race/color variable was Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), with 114 food self-reported and categorized as white and non- items, validated by Molina et al.27, with the objec- white (black, brown, Asian-descendant and in- tive of estimating the usual dietary consumption digenous); age was categorized into four groups in the last twelve months. (35-44; 45-54; 55-64; 65-74); the level of educa- The FFQ is structured in: 1. Food/prepara- tion was categorized as elementary (≤8 years of tions; 2. Measures of consumption portions; 3. study), medium (9-11 years of study) and high- Frequencies of consumption, with eight response er/graduate (≥12 years of study); smoking was options, ranging from “More than 3x/day” to categorized as never, former smoker and current “Never/Almost Never”; 4. Seasonal consump- smoker; family income per capita was calculated tion for individuals who reported spontaneously and analyzed in Brazilian reais. Physical activi- consuming the food item only at a certain time ty was estimated using the International Physi- of the year or in the season. The list of food and cal Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) long version, beverages was read by ELSA-Brasil interviewers in the domains of leisure time physical activi- to the participants, who were asked to respond ty (AFTL) and displacement physical activity about their usual consumption in the last twelve (AFDL). The instrument was validated in Brazil months, in daily, weekly and monthly consump-
3828 Siqueira JH et al. tion frequencies. A kit of utensils was used during Results the administration of the FFQ, to help estimate the amount of food, preparations and beverages The final sample consisted of 14,224 individuals consumed. with an average age of 52.1±9.1 years. Significant Regarding non-alcoholic beverages natural differences were found between genders accord- juice (fruit or pulp), industrialized juice (box or ing to sociodemographic, health and total calorie bottle), artificial juice (powder), coffee and mate variables (Table 1). Most of the sample was rep- tea, the participant had three response options: resented by women (55%), with higher educa- with sugar, without sugar or with artificial sweet- tion (53.5%), overweight (40.4%), who practice ener. Regarding soda, the participant had two an- weak physical activity (76.9%) and who never swer options: with sugar or with sweetener. Final- smoked (57.2%). The average caloric intake was ly, coconut water and chimarrão were considered 2,291±778 Kcal/day. in their natural versions, that is, without added The consumption of non-alcoholic bever- sugar. Regarding alcoholic beverages, it was asked ages differed in relation to sociodemographic about the consumption of spirits (cachaça, whis- and health variables (Table 2). Higher average key or vodka), beer and wine (white or red). consumption of non-sweetened and artificially The beverages were divided into two groups: sweetened beverages was observed in women, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Alcoholic beverages older age, white, with higher education/postgrad- were presented separately (beer, wine and spir- uate education and who reported engaging in its) and as the sum of all drinks. Non-alcoholic moderate/strong physical activity and being for- beverages were presented separately (each bever- mer smokers (p
3829 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(Supl. 2):3825-3837, 2021 Table 1. Distribution of sociodemographic, health and total calorie variables according to sex. ELSA-Brasil, 2008- 2010. Sex Total Male Female Variables (n=14,224) p-value* (n=6,366) (n=7,858) n (%) n (%) n (%) Age 35 to 44 1421 (22.3) 1703 (21.7) 3124 (22)
3830 Siqueira JH et al. Table 2. Consumption of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages according to sociodemographic and health variables. ELSA-Brasil, 2008-2010. Non-alcoholic beverages Alcoholic beveragesa With Unsweetened With sugar Beer Wine Spirits Variáveis sweetener (ml/day) (ml/day) (ml/day) (ml/day) (ml/day) (ml/day) Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Sex Male 171±292 312±367 132±232 214±313 32±52 5.8±13 Female 180±279 243±326 159±242 76±158 25±40 1.2±5 p-value* 0.050
3831 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(Supl. 2):3825-3837, 2021 Table 3. Consumption of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages according to Research Center. ELSA-Brasil, 2008-2010. Centro de Investigação Espírito Minas Rio de Rio Grande ELSA- p- Variables Bahia São Paulo Santo Gerais Janeiro do Sul Brasil value* Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Non-alcoholic (n=1,869) (n=1,011) (n=2,979) (n=1,699) (n=1,986) (n=4,686) (n=14,224) beverages (ml/day) Soft drinks with 45±108 50±138 54±137 74±185 68±172 67±174 61±159
3832 Siqueira JH et al. 8 7,2 7 6,4 6 5,8 5,6 5,2 5,0 5 4,8 4,7 4,5 4,5 4,1 4,0 4,0 % 4 3,5 Suggar-sweetened Alcoholica 3 2 1 0 Bahia Espírito Minas Rio de Rio Grande São Paulo ELSA-Brasil Santo Gerais Janeiro do Sul Research center Figure 1. Daily caloric contribution of sugar-sweetened and alcoholic beverages to total energy consumption according to Research Center. ELSA-Brasil, 2008-2010. a n=8,956. Source: Elaborated by the authors. beverages, is characterized by the intake of coffee, It is well documented that men have a high- juices and soft drinks, and two foods are marked- er intake of alcoholic beverages than women and ly for regional consumption, one being tea in the that habitual consumption is higher in individ- south of the country28. In addition, greater coffee uals with higher education29. The INA (2008- intake was observed in the north and northeast 2009) showed a higher prevalence of soft drink of the country28, corroborating with the data intake in men and in the highest income quar- from the present study that found higher con- tile28, as did VIGITEL, which also found a high- sumption averages in the Bahia RC. The lowest er consumption of soft drinks among men with averages of beer consumption were observed in higher education during the period evaluated the Rio Grande do Sul RC, while it presents the (2007-2016)30. In our study, the average con- highest average consumption of wine and chi- sumption of sugary and alcoholic beverages was marrão, known as more convenient options for higher in men and in individuals with less educa- the regional climate and culture. tion (except for wine). We observed that in indi- According to the POF (2008-2009), the av- viduals with higher education, the consumption erage consumption of soft drinks in Brazilian of non-sweetened drinks, those artificially sweet- adults was approximately 100 ml/day6, a value ened and wine is higher. Artificial sweeteners are close to that found in this study. In the United marketed as an alternative for weight loss be- States and United Kingdom, the average con- cause they do not add calories, although studies sumption of soft drinks is higher, around 284 have already indicated changes in the microbiota ml/day and 114 ml/day, respectively9. POF (2008- and glucose homeostasis31. The consumption of 2009) analyses also showed that alcoholic and wine, a drink generally with a higher price, has non-alcoholic beverages contribute about 17% been associated with a better quality of life and to total energy consumption3. In this sample, the cardioprotective benefits32. contribution of these beverages was slightly low- Meta-analysis showed the effect of consum- er, around 12%. ing sugar-sweetened drinks on weight gain and
3833 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(Supl. 2):3825-3837, 2021 Table 4. Averages and daily caloric contribution of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages to total energy consumption. ELSA-Brasil, 2008-2010. Sex Total Male Female Male Female Variables p- p- Percentage Percentage of caloric value* Mean±SD Mean±SD (Kcal/day) value* of caloric contribution (Kcal/day) contribution Non-alcoholic (n=6,366) (n=7,858) (n=6,366) (n=7,858) (n=14,224) (n=14,224) beveragesa Unsweetened 35±68 37±67 0.081 1.4 1.8
3834 Siqueira JH et al. natives, such as artificially sweetened beverages the POF and VIGITEL make the comparison of and fruit juices5. A recent systematic review and data delicate, but they contribute to the discus- meta-analysis shows that the habitual consump- sion of the topic. There are still no published tion of sugar-sweetened drinks increases the risk studies that endorse this declining trend as of of type 2 diabetes regardless of adiposity, and ar- 2007, considering that the last national popula- tificially sweetened drinks and fruit juice do not tion-based survey was carried out in 2008-2009. decrease the risk of such injury and, therefore, At the same time, it is important to highlight cannot be considered healthy options9. These that the growth of the food processing indus- findings are probably related to the high glycemic try, the inclusion of transnational companies in index (soft drinks) and moderate one (juices) as- parallel with the expansion of supermarkets has sociated with type 2 diabetes41; the high fructose been rapidly diversifying the options of drinks content associated with insulin resistance42; in with high energy density in Brazil47. The con- addition to the deleterious effects of caffeine43, sumption of these beverages in the country fol- phosphoric acid and dyes44. lows the trends of increasing excess weight, since It is worth pointing out that the potential the percentage of Brazilian adults with excess benefits of consuming non-calorie drinks will weight increased from 24% (1974-1975) to 49% not be achieved if the intake is accompanied (2008-2009)48. In the present study, overweight by a compensatory increase in energy intake exceeds 60%. In this context, one of the main tar- from other food sources5. Thus, we have shown gets for rapidly improving public health has been in the present study that the consumption of the taxation of processed foods and beverages49. non-sweetened and artificially sweetened bever- The search for strategies to reduce or slow ages was associated with the practice of more vig- the expansion of consumption of industrialized orous physical activity and that eutrophic indi- products is essential. It is already proven that the viduals consumed more sugar-sweetened drinks, taxation of soft drinks in Brazil would lead to re- while the obese presented greater consumption ductions in consumption50. In 2017, the Minister of artificially sweetened beverages. Thus, we can of Health in Brazil, in an informal note, reported see that, under these conditions, sugar-sweet- being in favor of adopting a tax on sugar-sweet- ened drinks may be being replaced by artificially ened drinks, but no initiative was observed. Thus, sweetened ones because they have fewer calories in Brazil, there are no advances in the taxation and, therefore, appear to be healthier options. of sugar-sweetened drinks and there is also no However, even though studies in this area are progress in the regulation of advertising of food consolidating in the literature, studies already and beverages, despite the fact that the country show that the high consumption of artificial has made a commitment to reduce obesity and sweeteners can contribute to the increased risk the Pan American Health Organization con- of obesity and negative health effects45, in addi- sumption of sugar-sweetened drinks by 201951. tion to increasing the risk of stroke46. We also ob- Brazil is one of the signatories to the Glob- served that individuals who practice low physical al Strategy to Reduce Harmful Use of Alcohol52, activity and current smokers made greater use of approved by the World Health Assembly, which sugar-sweetened drinks, adding another compo- brings some aspects and recommendations also nent to the less healthy lifestyle. present in the National Alcohol Plan53 and in the Although POF data since the 1980s showed an prohibition on drinking and driving54. However, increase in household soft drink availability until when analyzing the public policies adopted, with 2002-2003 and stability in 2008-20096,7, a study regard to the reduction of harmful use of alcohol, by VIGITEL found a significant reduction in reg- it is observed that measures such as the restric- ular consumption (≥5 days/week) of soft drinks tion of marketing, sponsorship and promotions and artificial juices from 30.9% to 16.5% during and increase in prices and sales limits55 are not the years analyzed (2007-2016), although one in being adopted in Brazil. six adults (16.5%) reported daily consumption30. ELSA-Brasil is not a representative study of These data, however, need to be interpreted with the Brazilian population, but it portrays a por- caution, since, despite the downward trend ob- tion of the population, which by the results served in the period, health risks cannot yet be found, does not differ much from the general considered to be overcome, since in 2016 al- population. The FFQ is the most suitable instru- most 26 million Brazilian adults consumed sug- ment for epidemiological studies, but it presents ar-sweetened drinks almost daily or even every as a limitation the possibility of overestimating day30. The methodological differences between food consumption. This issue is frequently re-
3835 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 26(Supl. 2):3825-3837, 2021 ported, but it was possible to minimize it with ple of civil servants from three Brazilian regions greater quality control in data collection and and used a collection instrument that allows exclusion of participants who reported implau- greater detail of food consumption, as it reflects sible intake values. However, the methodological habitual consumption. aspects of this study reinforce its internal validi- Finally, the consumption of sugary-sweet- ty, such as the standardization of data collection, ened and alcoholic beverages is high in Brazil the consolidated procedures for conducting the and there is already evidence that public health interview, measurement of anthropometric mea- strategies discourage the consumption of these sures and periodic training in all RCs. Although beverages as part of a healthy lifestyle. Food the Brazilian surveys that investigated food con- guidelines, inspection policies and taxation of sumption have strengths (representativeness of processed foods are necessary to reduce and pre- the Brazilian population), they also have limita- vent diseases related to overweight, in addition to tions. ELSA-Brasil is carried out with a large sam- improving the population’s food consumption. Collaborations JH Siqueira performed the analysis and interpre- tation of the data and produced the writing of the article. NMT Santana, AD Moreira and TSS Pereira assisted in data analysis and critically reviewed the content. IM Benseñor, SM Barreto and G Velasquez-Melendez contributed to the study design and data acquisition. MCB Molina assisted in the study design, data acquisition, crit- ical review of the content and final approval of its version for publication. Acknowledgments To ELSA-Brasil employees and participants for their important contributions. To professor José Geraldo Mill for contributions in the arti- cle. JH Siqueira received a scholarship from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Espírito Santo (FAPES)/ Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). MCB Molina has a Conselho Nacion- al de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) productivity grant. To Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Esta- do de Minas Gerais (Fapemig).
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