CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park

Page created by Dolores Vega
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
June 2021
                       Published by Calder Publications. To advertise please call 780-434-9732 or email

CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park                                                            City sanctions alcohol consumption in Gold Bar Park
   The City of Edmonton is developing a new                                                                 By: Austin Schuster                               and I think putting some rules around it and
park in Terrace Heights. Located at 98 Avenue                                                               On May 10 the City decided to allow alcohol       having some measurement around it, adding
and 63 Street, the new development will in-                                                              consumption in public parks with picnic areas,       some accountability and some public com-
clude fitness and sports amenities, open turf                                                            including Gold Bar Park. The decision is part        munications around it and some monitoring,
space, new asphalt trails, a concrete plaza,                                                             of a pilot project to assist the City in assessing   I think will be a good thing without kicking the
benches, waste bins, and planters.                                                                       the feasibility of making it a long-term policy.     doors wide open saying you can do this any-
   Construction starts in May 2021. During                                                               Giving public drinking the green light will de-      where.” -
construction, the park area will be fenced off                                                           pend on how the project is received and if the          As far as Gold Bar Park is concerned though,
and inaccessible to the public. The Capilano                                                             negative impacts outweigh the positives.             not much will change, and not many more
Skatepark, located in the park area, will also be                                                           This may be just the year for this                         people will be partaking in public drink-
closed during construction. Initially, the plan     review with the project team.                        kind of initiative. One article by                               ing than there were in the decades
was to allow the skatepark to remain open              Please respect all signage and obey staff         Global News advocated for mak-                                     before. Given the City’s dates and
during construction, but a safety review deter-     direction in this active work zone. If you have      ing drinking permissible in des-                                     hours that they are using to ana-
mined that this is not possible. There is the       questions or concerns about this work, please        ignated areas throughout the                                         lyze the effects, it’s also unlikely
potential to reopen the skatepark after specific    contact the Project Manager, Evan Spitz, at          summer could help stop the                                           that public drinking will cause a
work items are completed. This is currently in                       spread of COVID - https://ti-                                        greater number of complaints
                                                                                                                                                   Drinking in Gold Bar Park will
                                                                                                            Of course, there may be draw-                                   only be legal May 28-October 11,
Summer 2021 Green Shack Playground Program                                                               backs. If you find yourself on a Gold                            between the hours of 11 a.m. and
   The City of Edmonton is currently planning                                                            Bar safari, you may not have to stray far                     9 pm. So, if you find yourself having
the full Green Shack Playground Program for                                                              to find beer cans on the forest floor, with such     an early morning stroll and feel like having
Summer 2021.                                                                                             variety that they could fill a museum exhibit        a suds, think again! Or, more likely, if you’re
   To ensure the safety of the participants, we                                                          of Molson Canadian can designs throughout            roasting wieners at Gold Bar Park with a few
will be following the directions given by the                                                            the decades. Parks have often been places of         friends in the evening, remember to cut off the
Province and City Council. Due to COVID-19,                                                              refuge from public drinking laws, due to less        booze at 9 p.m. sharp and not a minute later.
the Summer Playground Program will be of-                                                                traffic and police activity in comparison to            It’s important to get outside, exercise, and
fered only OUTDOORS this year, regardless                                                                dense metropolitan areas like Whyte Avenue           get plenty of sunlight during the COVID-19
                                                    a final decision will be made on the offer-
of weather conditions.                                                                                   or Downtown.                                         pandemic. Gold Bar Park is a great outdoor
                                                    ing of 2021 Summer Playground Program
   We will not be using any on site indoor                                                                  City Council acknowledges that public             location that can now be enjoyed lawfully as a
                                                    and Day Camps - this will be shared with the
amenities for programming.                                                                               drinking is prevalent but hopes that putting         place to celebrate with your friends and family
                                                    community and the public.
   As we get closer to July and the restric-                                                             some rules around the practice will be benefi-       with outdoor gatherings. Take advantage of it
                                                      More information to come in the following
tions at the time are evaluated with the ability                                                         cial. Don Iveson points out that “[r]ealistically,   and enjoy our wonderful parkland.
to offer functional and successful programs,                                                             this is already happening a fair bit in COVID,          Cheers and bottoms up!
Vision Zero Street Labs                                                                                    Canada’s Volunteer Awards
   Vision Zero Street Labs creates an opportu-      add a parklet to narrow sections of the road and       Do you know a volunteer whose selfless-            our country’s most dedicated volunteers.
nity to trial temporary traffic safety solutions    slow traffic, install curb extensions to shorten a   ness would be an inspiration to Canadi-                 For additional information, please visit
on your streets by combining the expertise and      crossing distance, or paint a crosswalk to cap-      ans? Nominate them for Canada’s Volunteer  
power of Edmontonians and City of Edmonton          ture the attention of drivers. For additional in-    Awards, which recognizes the contributions of
staff to creatively address neighbourhood safe-     formation about Vision Zero Street Labs, please
ty and livability concerns. Each Street Lab is      visit
tailored to the unique needs of the community.
You could convert a block to a shared street,
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
South East Community League Association                                                                                                                      PO Box 38025

                   SECLA Board Contacts                               Celebrate National Indigenous Day with your children
COMMUNITY LEAGUE         REPRESENTATIVE      Publication Email           Tân’si!
                                                                         This month, join young families across the coun-
Avonmore                 Anita             try in celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day on
Capilano                 Monte             June 21!
                                                                         Introduce your child to books by Indigenous au-
Cloverdale               VACANT          thors, such as southeast Edmonton resident, Richard
Forest Terrace Heights   Connie M               Van Camp. Enjoy one of his books by checking out the
                                                                      selection at the Edmonton Public Library at https://ti-
Fulton Place             Miles     
                                                             You and your toddler can even
Gold Bar (Secretary)     Jamie              learn some Cree words in the book “We All Play,” by
Holyrood (Chair)         Claire            Indigenous writer Julie Flett, also available at Edmon-
                                                                      ton Public Library at
Idylwylde                Scott               And since the June 21 is also the solstice, sum-
Kenilworth               Kevin           mer will have officially arrived. Take advantage of the   are committed to raising awareness of the critical im-
                                                                      warmth and visit some of the special Indigenous sites     portance that children’s early years play in achieving
Ottewell                 Sandra    
                                                                      in our city -               success later in life. We hope you all stay healthy
Strathearn               James              We are a group of volunteers affiliated with child     and safe.
Secretary                Jamie            and family serving organizations in Edmonton and            Hai Hai
Treasurer                Andrew    
Vice-Chair               VACANT    
Projects                 Connie L  
SECLA SEV Liaison        Erika     

Page 2                            Connect to your community with                                                         Southeast Voice      June 2021
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
                                                                                                                                                              7902 - 73 Avenue
                                                                                                                                                              (780) 465 - 1941

                         Community League Board                                                      Message from the President
                                                                                                        Our AGM was held on May 27th. Thanks to           - members of the community who donated
  President			Anita                                                          all of you who attended and took on board posi-      their knowledge, skills, and time to make
  Vice President			vacant                                                tions. For those who missed the meeting and/         Avonmore a great place to live. Without vol-
  Secretary			vacant                                                         or are new to the community here is a summary        unteers nothing happens.
  Treasurer			Ken                                                            of League activities for the past 12 months.            Thank you to everyone who supported the
  Communications		Nathan                                                   Most of the actions and activities described      League by purchasing a membership and/or
  Membership			Eugenio                                                      in this report were carried out by volunteers        volunteering in the past year.
  Grants and Funds Raising Scott/Lisa
  Soccer/Sports			vacant
  Civics				Bryan                                                              Programs and Activities
  Programs			Kaitlyn/Garrett                                             Play School: 10 children registered in full-         Online Trivia: partnered with leagues
  Assistant Treasurer		Leigh                                                 time program.                                        across Edmonton to offer 4 nights of online
  Volunteers			Bob                                                              Soccer: Continue to work with South East          trivia contests.
                                                                                                     Edmonton Soccer Association to offer soccer             Light up the Park for Christmas: Donated
                                                                                                     programs that are compliant with COVID re-           decorations were used to brighten up the rink
Be Part of Your Community                                                                            strictions and keep players and their families       shack for Christmas.
League Board - Positions to be Filled                                                                safe and healthy.                                       Scavenger Hunt: clues took residents on a
   Vice President - Second in command.               Directors at Large - Assist and provide            Gingerbread Event: 5th year for this event        tour of Avonmore’s history.
Share duties of the president as needed. Fills    support to committees and other board              modified for COVID. Partnered with Meat                  Yoga Classes: Wednesday evening classes
in when the president is not available. Leader-   members.                                           Street Pies to deliver kits to over 100 fami-        continued online with 10 to 15 participants.
ship and management experience is an asset.          Contact or any           lies.                                                   Garden Club: continued to meet online and
   Soccer Director – Promoter and organizer       board member for more information and if              Community League Day: Dynamo Dog                  provide presentations from local gardening
of community soccer                               interested in letting your name stand.             Sports, Starvin Marvin’s Food Truck and Car-         experts. Organized an online Yard and Gar-
                                                                                                     olines Concert replaced the usual Pancakes           den Tour in July. Maintained an active Face-
Coming Events                                                                                        in the Park4th event held on Community
                                                                                                     League Day in September. The weather was
                                                                                                                                                          book page with over 60 members.
                                                                                                                                                             Book Club: 12 members continued to meet
   June 12: Avonmore Big Bin Event, Rink          Bloom, Pop Park events
Bottle Drive, & Community wide garage sale           July 5 and August 27: Monday to Friday          great and there was a great turn out.                online every six weeks.
(if COVID restrictions lifted                     from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. - Green Shack                  Skating Rink: Free skating for all ages on           Online Paint Night: A creative evening for
   June to September: June Bike Month                When COVID Restrictions Permit: Commu-          the main rink and snowbank rink. Contracted          couples to celebrate Valentine’s day.
Competition, Active Avonmore, Avonmore in         nity Picnic and Outdoor Concert                    with a local trio to make and maintain the              Big Bin Event: held one event in fall 2020.

Big Bin Event                                                                                        Civics and Vision Project
   Saturday, June 12th - 9:00 a.m. to noon        feet) in diameter.                                    Valley Line LRT: representatives of Avon-         and/or other development applications when
   The Big Bin Event has been rescheduled            Materials Not Accepted                          more attended Valley Line Citizen Working            input was requested/allowed.
to June 12th. This is free to all members of         -Commercial waste                               Group and communicated to TransEd and                   Bus Service Redesign: kept residents in-
Avonmore Community League.                           -Mattresses, fridges, freezers, air condi-      City Councilor on issues related to traffic,         formed of developments and opportunities
   Memberships will be on sale on site. You       tioners - these go to an Eco Station and may       noise etc.                                           for input, provided input when able.
will have to transfer your trash into the bins    have recovery fees.                                   Neighbourhood Renewal: continued to                  Liaison with City Councilor on matters
yourself.                                            -`Household Hazardous Waste, washers,           collect information on faults (sidewalks and         related to the City and with EFCL and other
   Bring your refundable bottles to support       dryers and other large household appliances,       streets) and reported to the City.                   community leagues on shared concerns.
our skating rink!                                 old lawnmowers, tools with gas or electric            Development and Rezoning Applications:               Avonmore Vision Project: project launched
   Materials Accepted at No Cost                  engines, computers, televisions and other          Responded to proposed land use changes               in May.
   -Couches, chairs, and other household fur-     household electronics, tires and scrap metal
niture items too large for curbside pickup        - please take to an Eco Station. They will be
   -Renovation waste                              accepted there at no cost.                         Infrastructure - Buildings and
   -Yard waste, including branches no longer         No reuse items will be accepted in order to     Communication Network
than 1.2 meters (4 feet) by 0.75 meters (2.5      help minimize the spread of COVID-19.                 Buildings and Rink: The ACL owns and oper-        moved and replaced with solid wall and en-
                                                                                                     ates the community hall, rink shack and rink         larged cement pad.
Mural Project                                                                                        under a Tripartite Agreement between us, the            Communications Network and Tools: THe
  It’s time Avonmore had a mural to reflect       and grants, call for proposals from interested     City of Edmonton, and the Edmonton Federa-           League shares information with all the resi-
what we value in our community past and           artists and actual creation of the mural. If you   tion of Community Leagues (EFCL). The Agree-         dents of Avonmore and in some cases sur-
present, and our vision for the future. The       are interested in the project and would like       ment gives us the license to have facilities built   rounding communities. Even though there
League is forming a committee to work on          to be involved in the planning committee or        on city-owned land and defines how these fa-         are only 120 League members, all residents
the project with the goal of having a mural       any stage of the project, contact president@       cilities can be used (renters, programs, etc.).      benefit from the information and communi-
completed in the summer of 2022. Steps in Watch for further details in         It also sets out the types of activities we may      cation tools provided by the League.
the process include: community input into         future editions of SE Voice, on       engage in on city-owned land.                           -Website: website was redesigned on a
themes and location, application for permits      and our FB page.                                      The League is responsible for maintenance         new platform or easier access and updating.
                                                                                                     of our facilities. This includes cleaning, snow         -Social Media: Facebook Page - Avonmore
                                                                                                     removal, and waste disposal. This is the             Community League Chat - 594 members -
Creating an Outdoor Gathering Place                                                                  main area where paid services are used rath-         includes history, garden club, concert and
  The City loaned us 4 picnic tables for the      between the hall and the rink                      er than volunteers although there is a team of       parent and tot groups. Instagram - avonmo-
summer months. They are located between              Community members are invited to con-           volunteers who do most of the minor repairs.         releague and Twitter - @Avonmoreleague
the hall and the rink. They are there for ev-     tribute flowerpots etc. to make the space          In the past year the following improvements             -Avonmore Newsletters – 2 flyers were
eryone’s use. All we ask is that users:           more attractive,                                   were made to the Hall                                produced and delivered to promote events.
   -comply with current COVID restrictions           The league hopes to hold community                 -Tap, sink and counter added upstairs.               -South East Voice – 10 issues a year deliv-
and                                               events in the space later in the summer if and        -Storage cupboard added upstairs.                 ered to all residents. Produced together with
  -not move the tables outside of the area        when COVID restrictions are lifted.                   -Basement windows and window wells re-            leagues in SE Edmonton.

       Southeast Voice        June 2021                                    Connect to your community with                                                           Page 3
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
Hold On To Your Empties!                            Community- wide                                    Active Avonmore
Bottle Drive                                        Garage Sale                                          Many people in Avonmore logged their kilo-        of the year. Watch the Avonmore Community
   Saturday, June 12th - 9:00 a.m. to Noon          It’s BACK! the community garage sale is Sat-       meters in January to March as part of Ritchie’s     Chat page on Facebook and for
   Avonmore community                               urday June 12 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.            Move for Mental Health Community League             details. Kilometers should be emailed once a
league is holding a bottle                          Households that would like to participate can      Challenge. We would like to keep the challenge      week to
drive during our big bin                            simply bring out a table or two in their front     going in Avonmore until the end of 2021. What-         As in previous years for those members
event on Saturday, June                             yards. Anyone in the community can walk the        ever your age, whatever your preferred move-        who bike, the biking kms will be forwarded
12th. Bring your empties to                         neighborhood and shop all the yard sale items.     ment we encourage you to track your distances       to Ritchie for the communities challenge in
the community hall and we                           We would like to remind everyone to please         and report them. There will be monthly prize        June. Email kilometers to active@avonmore.
will be taking them to the                          mask and maintain distancing Please see the        draw and prizes for overall winners at the end      org and they will be sent to Richie.
depot that afternoon! All                           link below for guidelines for this type of sale
money raised during this
                                                    bourhoods/garage-sale-licence.aspx If you          Online Community
bottle drive will go towards                                                                             Are you on Facebook? “Like” Avonmore              more Concert Series”. Come join us!
                                                    are interested in hosting a yard sale, email
fixing up the ice- rink boards, and a few other                                                        Community League and join “Avonmore                    Check us out on Twitter and Instagram!
                                           to have your address
community projects that may need funding this       added to a map of yard sales happening that day.   Community League Chat” to follow what’s             Follow us and share any photos or events
summer.                                                                                                happening with the Community League and             happening in or around our community and
                                                                                                       see what your neighbours are talking about.         join the conversation using #YEGAvonmore
Avonmore Book Club                                  Avonmore Garden Club                               Other groups include: “Avonmore Parent &               Twitter: @AvonmoreLeague
   The Book Club continues to meet online              Join our Avonmore Garden Club Facebook          Tot”, “Avonmore Garden Club” and “Avon-                Instagram: avonmore league
using Zoom. We hope to switch to backyard           page for updates, give away’s and free ad-
get togethers in June       New members are         vice. You’ll find notices of plants and seeds
always welcome. We meet on Sundays at               to share, gardening advice and all our events.     Avonmore Community League Membership
7:00. Contact if             We will also be launching our own version of          New to Avonmore? First year membership              A few of the direct benefits of an Avonmore
you are interested in joining. Every month we       Communities in Bloom. - a way for commu-           is free. Contact           Community League membership include dis-
put together a list of “good reads.” If you’d       nity members to recognize and reward those            As COVID continues to have a major ef-           counts on pizza orders, lawn mowing, paint,
like a copy of the list contact president@          who make that extra effort in their yards and      fect on our family and work lives, it is an         furnace cleaning, and more.                                       gardens. Watch our Facebook page for de-           opportunity to spend more time supporting              We are striving to keep our city and com-
                                                    tails.                                             our neighbourhood. This support can be dis-         munity safe by following all provincial and
                                                                                                       played in any number of ways. The first one         city recommendations, and if we all stay
Avonmore Vision                                                                                        that comes to mind is spending more time            aware of the risk, we will soon be back to
   We’re off to a great start, but we still need    Avonmore’s future. A “Vision” is just a re-        outside, which promotes good health and             normal.
to hear from more of you! After spending a          cord of what we want from our community            makes Avonmore a safer neighbourhood with              Memberships can be purchased by email-
week in front of the community hall, the big        and what our values are.                           more eyes on the street. Membership sales           ing, or buy di-
idea boards moved to the south entrance to              With a vision in hand, our community can       is a valued source of funding for our Com-          rectly from Dairy Queen on 75th Street (when
Mill Creek Park (near the sled hills). They         speak with a common voice. It helps both           munity League to support these activities, so       lockdown is over), or online at https://efcl.
were so full of comments that we had to             developers and City Planners understand            I am asking for your continued support to our       org/membership-purchase/ (there is a $5 fee
cover them over to make room (after taking          what we want while also showing we are or-         community by purchasing a membership.               for online purchases)
pictures to record them). To give everyone a        ganized and have done our homework. With
chance, the boards will move to a new part of       such a diverse community, putting together a
Avonmore each week.                                 vision is no simple task, so we will be doing
                                                                                                       Outdoor Soccer
                                                                                                          Plan D Dates (June 15th start date):
   You can also have your say by taking the         this in three phases.
                                                                                                          · Mon. May 31 12:00 noon: Club and Com-
survey at, com-               The first phase is a short survey and “Idea
                                                                                                       munity Pre-Declarations Due & all teams cre-
menting on our facebook page (www.face-             Board” you can write on that we will be out
                                                                                                       ated in Portal and placed in requested divisions (www.facebook.            until mid-June. More information, and the
                                                                                                          · Tues. June 1      6:00pm: Initial Club Al-
com/ or emailing us (vi-            survey can be found on our web page ( www.
                                                                                                       location Meeting (Ivor Dent Clubhouse) & Ini-                        Also, if you are inter-                                                             · Fri. June 4 10:00am: Final Declarations
                                                                                                       tial Community Division Meeting (TBA)
   The Avonmore Vision is a community led           ested in joining our team, please email us at                                                          along with payment due
                                                                                                          · Wed. June 2        4:00pm: All Zone/Club
project to get a “Vision” that will help shape      (                                                                                    · Thurs. June 10 4:00pm: All Players and
                                                                                                       field availabilities uploaded in Portal. Home
Contractors Needed for Community Facility Repairs                                                      fields assigned to team profiles in Portal if       Team Officials on EMSA Portal Rosters
                                                                                                       you are assigning home fields to your teams.           · Fri. June 11 5:00pm: Schedules Posted
   The League is looking for contractors who        maintenance planned in advance while there
                                                                                                          · Thurs. June 3 6:00pm: Final Club Allo-         on the EMSA Website
would be interested in providing building and       are some emergencies. We would prefer to
                                                                                                       cation Meeting (Ivor Dent Clubhouse) & Final           · Mon. June 14 4:00pm: Team Rules and
repair services for our facilities. Over a year’s   give our business to contractors from Avon-
                                                                                                       Community Division Meeting (TBA)                    Regulations Forms Due
time we need to call on plumbers, electricians,     more and/or surrounding neighbourhoods. If
                                                                                                          6:00pm: List of head coaches with two               · Tues. June 15     6:00pm: Season Start
roofers, carpenters as well as other special-       you are interested, please contact Elise Vajs-
                                                                                                       teams due to Jenna for Comm, and myself             Date for both Club and Community.
ized services. Most of the work is general          abe at
                                                                                                       for Club – we will try to help as much as pos-         · Tues. June 29 4:00pm: Rosters are now
                                                                                                       sible but expect many conflicts due to home         locked. In order to add players/team officials
                                                                                                       and away fields.                                    you must contact the EMSA Registrar.

                                                                                                       Community Swim Postponed/Discounted Passes
                                                                                                          Owing to the limited availability of City        counted multi admission pass (5+ visits)
                                                                                                       pools, the free weekly Community swim pro-             Continuous Monthly Membership - 20%
                                                                                                       gram has been postponed to later in 2021.           discount off an on-going monthly member-
                                                                                                       League Members still have the opportunity           ship using our convenient Pre-Authorized
                                                                                                       to use the Community League Wellness Pro-           Debit Program.
                                                                                                       gram. This Program allows access to City               These discounts can be acquired by present-
                                                                                                       recreational facilities at any time. It includes:   ing your valid Edmonton community league
                                                                                                          Annual Membership - 20% discount on              membership card at any one of the City of
                                                                                                       Adult, Family, Child, and Youth/Senior Annual       Edmonton’s sports and fitness facilities. Com-
                                                                                                       Memberships                                         munity league members who purchase one of
                                                                                                          Multi Admission Pass (new purchases              the options will be issued a photo access card
                                                                                                       only) - 15% discount on our already dis-            to be swiped at each admission.
Page 4                                 Connect to your community with                                                                       Southeast Voice      June 2021
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
Capilano                                                                        10810 - 54 Street
                                                                                                                                                             (780) 469 - 2149

  COMMUNITY LEAGUE BOARD                                                                                2021 Capilano SUMMER Green Shack Program
                                                                                                          Attention all kids of Capilano community!      ground programs for children 6-12 years old
                                                                                                        Come join our Green Shack leader at Capilano     that includes drop- in sports, games, activi-
  President 		                     Kris 		          780 720-9003                                        Community Park (10810 – 54 St.) for a sum-       ties, and crafts.
  Past President		                 Bill		           780 934-1558                                        mer full of fun and games!                          *Please note that these dates and times
  Vice President		                 Shelley		        780 497-0395                                          DATES: July 5 – August 27, 2021                are tentative and may change according to
  Treasurer		                      Kyle		                                TIMES: 2:30 – 5:30 p.m., Monday to Friday      the Government of Alberta’s COVID restric-
  Secretary		                      Laura		          780 982-9876                                          A playground leader will deliver FREE play-    tions.
  Hall Rental		                    Marzena          780 909-5886                                        Capilano Community League Sign Rental
  Grants/Planning		                Allan		          587 989-4031                                           Contact Patrick at: 780-995-8818 or pat-      $25. Guaranteed 3 days.
  Casino Coordinator		             Jean		           780 863-0914                                                                  Please note: small business announce-
  Memberships		 Jean		                                                  Do you have a message for the community,      ments/advertising also accepted at our dis-
  City Programs		                  Kristin		        780 238-7795                                        a birthday, anniversary, graduation or special   cretion.
  CCL Programs		                   Maria		          780 984-6839                                        event that you would like advertised? Adver-        Some restrictions apply and we reserve the
  Social Director		                Heather		        780 466-1380                                        tise it on our changeable sign located at the    right of refusal. Community announcements
                                                                                                        intersection of 65 St and 108 Ave.               take precedence over small commercial busi-
  Neighborhood Watch		             Jeff		           780 469-0026
                                                                                                           Sign rental fees: Community League Mem-       ness announcements.
  Southeast Voice		                Jill 		          780 718-7270                                        bers - $10 ($15 for non-members).                   Please call as far in advance as possible to
  Webmaster		                      Katie		          780 916-4579                                           Small business/commercial advertising -       avoid disappointment!
  Social Media		                   Jean		           780 863-0914
  Sign Rental		                    Patrick		        780 995-8818                                        Come play tennis!
  Building & Grounds		             Carson		         587-930-6977                                           Join the Capilano Tennis Club now to play     seniors, juniors, singles and more. Private
  Civics Director		                Monte		          780 243-7547                                        a full season of tennis! Located next to Cap-    and group lessons available for adults and
  Babysitting Registry		           Becky		          587 589-5848                                        ilano Community League, our 4 courts are         juniors. For more details and to sign up, go to
                                                                                                        open for play with memberships for families,
  Capilano Playschool		            Bethany		        780-660-6993
  Tennis		                         Daniel		         780 245-1285                                        Capilano Community Youth Sport Programs
  Soccer Programs		                Shelley		        780 497-0395                                          Families, we hope that with the Alberta gov-   preschool soccer, ball hockey, shinny hockey
  Soccer Programs		                Curtis		         780 908-3889                                        ernment predictions for return to normal that    and learn to skate - will be back in full swing
  Ice Allocation		                 Lyris		          780 242-8874                                        many of the sport programs offered through       for the 2021/2022 season.
  Hardisty Gym/Preschool Soccer Shauna D            780 966-3205                                        Capilano Community League - gymnastics,
  SECLA		                          Monte		          780 243-7547
  City – NRC		                     Tyler		          780 690-8613
  Meetings are held every 3rd Wed of the month 7:00 p.m. - Sept – June                                                             CAPILANO
  Capilano Community is on Facebook “Like Us”
  Check us out on Instagram @capilanocommunity
  Capilano Community is using the Nextdoor app!
                                                                                                                   COMMUNITY WIDE

Capilano Playschool – Register for 2021/2022!                                                                                GARAGE SALE
   Capilano Playschool is accepting regis-         skills through physical activity, art and crafts,
trations for the 2021/2022 school year. We         field trips, stories, music and more. We are
offer a choice of our Healthy Apple (health        located in Hardisty School (10534-62 street).
and wellness) or Christian program. We                For more information on our parent coopera-                                         Saturday, June 12, 2021
run morning classes two or three days per          tive playschool, or to get a registration package,                                           9AM-3PM
week. All classes are for 3- and 4-year-olds       please contact Bethany at 780-660-6993 or
and include a “Learn Through Play” philoso-; check out                                                   Stay Tuned for
phy that facilitates children learning letters,    our website; or
numbers, socialization and self-regulation         find us on Facebook! Hurry as space is limited!                                              More Details

Capilano Community Memberships
   Capilano Community Memberships are              5615 – 101 Avenue (Cash only). Note: $5.00
available for the 2020/2021 season.                fee attached to the purchase.
   Family $20.00                                      --SEESA (South East Edmonton Seniors As-
   Senior couple $10.00                            sociation), 9350 – 82 Street. Available at front
   Single $10.00                                   desk during business hours (Cash only). Note:
   Need a Capilano Community Membership?           Currently closed due to COVID.                                       If you are interested in participating in this year's
Contact Jean at 780-863-0914.                           --Edmonton Federation of Community
                                                                                                                                 community wide garage sale or
or                      Leagues (online only). Note: EFCL adds a
   As well, memberships are available at:          $5.00 admin fee.                                                                 have questions please call
   --“All Care Pharmacy” located at 5016 - 106        Your community league membership also                                Marzena 780-909-5886 or Jean 780-863-0914
Ave. Contact the pharmacy at 780-244-2737          offers a number of perks, deals and discounts                             COvid-19 Restrictions will determine
for store hours (Cash only). Thanks to “All Care   from various local businesses and organiza-                                 if event will be able to proceed
Pharmacy” for supporting our community!            tions. Go to for more information.
    --Servus Credit Union, Capilano Mall #110,

       Southeast Voice        June 2021                                      Connect to your community with                                                         Page 5
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
Kids Run Wild Orienteering-Coming this summer!
                                                                                   Capilano Community League is hosting a            When: July 6 - August 10
                                                                                6-week program with “Kids Run Wild.” This            Registration fees: $50/person for Capilano
                                                                                program is for kids and their parents to learn    membership holders and $65/person for
                                                                                orienteering and navigational skills in our       non-members. Please check out our website
                                                                                beautiful river valley. Come join us, learn new   and Facebook page for more detailed infor-
                                                                                skills, build confidence and knowledge, and       mation including the link for the registration
            at the Community Hall 10810-54 St                                   meet new friends.                                 form. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

             Open to Capilano Community League members only:
                must have a current community membership
                                                                                Gold Bar Park Alliance - Together, we did it!
                                                                                   On May 10, 2021, Gold Bar Park Alliance        date documentation on the City of Edmonton
           **Memberships will also be available for purchase at event
                                                                                and the citizens, stakeholder organizations       website to identify that city council have not
                     $20/family or $10 single/senior **
                                                                                and provincial representatives working with       yet made the decision on the routing of the
   Items that WILL NOT be accepted: mattresses & box springs,
                                                                                Gold Bar Park Alliance were successful in         sewage trunk-line.
         hazardous waste materials, tires, oil/gas, paint cans,                 achieving the following two unanimous city           Next Steps: Gold Bar Park Alliance is very
           appliances with compressors (fridges & freezers)                     council motions:                                  excited to continue our work to confirm that
                                                                                   1) The invalid decision to reroute and con-    directing major future sewage treatment ex-
                              We have partnered with FIND Edmonton
                         o                                                      struct a major future sewage trunk-line to the    pansion to the long-planned and correctly sit-
                    it y                                                        Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant instead       ed Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Treat-
                u n                     )
         Comm                    ($ 2 0   and will be accepting donations of:
                                                                                of the planned Alberta Capital Region Waste-      ment Plant continues to be the best decision
             ($8) &                chase-        Antiques & Collectibles
    Masks            b le  for pur                                              water Treatment Facility will be revisited with   for our City and its citizens.
            ava il a                                Artwork & Mirrors
    will be                 nly
                                                                                appropriate city council oversight and public        We want to keep you informed. Email us at
                 cash o                               Bookshelves               input.                                   to have your
                                            Coffee & End Tables                    2) City of Edmonton Administration to up-      name added to our large email distribution list.
                                       Dining Room Sets & Dressers
                                        Home Decor & Kitchenware
                                    Sofas, Couches, Love seats & Chairs         Learn Karate at Capilano!
                                   Computer Desks & Office Accessories            Hey karate kid, aged 7 to 70! Stuck at          p.m.) and adults (7-8 p.m.). Quality instruc-
                                        Weights & Sporting Goods                home and looking to stay active? Rather than      tion, affordable for all: family rates available.
                                         Small Kitchen Appliances               watching Cobra Kai or trying that Eagle Fang      Once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, we
                                                                                thang, why not try learning the karate style      will welcome back students to the physical
            ALL COVID-19 GUIDELINES WILL BE FOLLOWED                            that inspired Miyagi-do karate: Okinawan          space; those wishing to continue training vir-
           If you have any questions about the event please contact             Goju-ryu!                                         tually from home will have that option.
                 Marzena 780-909-5886 or Jean 780-863-0914                        Classes are online every Tuesday and               Work your mind, work your body. For more
                                                                                Wednesday evening; come to one or both.           information, call or text 780-619-3136 or vis-
                                                                                Separate classes for youth/families (6-7          it

                                           Hearing aid devices and
                                       services at affordable prices

                                                                                                       325, 9707 – 110 Street, Edmonton AB T5K 2L9

   CAPILANO HEARING                                                                 Real Estate
                                                                                    wCommercial & Residential
                                                                                                                                    Wills and
                                                                                                                                    Estate Planning
                                                                                    Corporate Law

                                                                                    wIncorporations                                 wEnduring Powers Of Attorney
                                                                                    wAnnual Returns/Minute Books                    wPersonal Directives
                                                                                    wYear End Resolutions

                   For ALL Services                                                               Competitive Rates & Convenience
                                                                                                          To book an appointment call
                                                                                                                  Bruce Neill
                                                                                                               (780) 474-7777
                                                                                                        Out of office appointments
    • Hearing Tests • Hearing Aids • Repairs •

         Call us today!     Capilano Mall 5615 101 Ave NW, Edmonton
   780-413-8480        Capilano Hearing
Page 6                         Connect to your community with                                                       Southeast Voice        June 2021
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
                                                                                                                                                              9411 - 97 Avenue
                                                                                                                                                              (780) 465 - 0306

League-Wide Bike Challenge Is Back                                                                     Big Bin Event Has Been Rescheduled To June 26
   The June Bike Challenge was first orga-                                                                The Big Bin Event is your opportunity to           This year, the event will include a partner-
nized by Ritchie Community League last year                                                            dispose of non-hazardous household and             ship with Find Edmonton to collect household
and approximately 17 community leagues                                                                 yard waste. Originally scheduled for May,          articles and furniture to help folks who are
joined the fun. This year 18 communities                                                               it was postponed due to COVID-19. We are           transitioning into secure housing, and we will
have signed up, including Cloverdale.                                                                  tentatively rescheduling it for June 26 from       also be collecting egg cartons for the Edmon-
   This event is only for the month of June                                                            10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. The bin will be out-       ton Food Bank. In addition, there will be a toy,
and is a great opportunity to keep active dur-                                                         side of the Cloverdale Community Hall.             book, and game swap.
ing COVID-19 restrictions and improve your
mental health.
   If you’re interested in participating, all you                                                      On-Demand Transit In Cloverdale
                                                                                                         On-Demand Transit service is now avail-          booked three ways:
need to do is email Bob at socialdirector@
                                                                                                       able in Cloverdale. In addition to the stops          -Download the Edmonton On Demand every Sunday
                                                                                                       on 98th Ave, there is a new stop in front of       Transit app to your mobile device.
night in June with the number of km you
                                                                                                       the Community Hall. The On-Demand bus will            -Book online via the ETS On Demand web-
managed to ride for the week.
                                                                                                       take you to the closest Transit Hub (Connors       site (
   The weekly results for Cloverdale and the
                                                                                                       Road / 95 Ave). The On-Demand bus can be              -Call 780-496-2400.
Edmonton-wide rankings will be posted so
we can keep track of our progress as the
challenge goes on. Cloverdale’s team is                                                                AGM Returns Online June 27
called Cloverdale United.                                                                                 Join your neighbours online at the 2021 An-     other news. We’ll also hold elections to fill
   Last year, Cloverdale had 67 participants                                                           nual General Meeting on Sunday, June 27 at         vacancies on the board. Contact Michelle at
and we managed to come in second to                                                                    2pm. It will be another virtual online event due
Ritchie, which was a fantastic achievement                                                             to COVID-19 public health protocols. The link      for information about volunteering with the
considering the size of our community. This                                                            to the Event will be posted on the Community       Cloverdale Community League. Watch for
year, they are looking into accounting for the                                                         League website:            updates about volunteer opportunities and
size of the communities and the number of             Let’s all get out our bikes this June, record       At the AGM, you’ll receive reports on the       other AGM details on our website (clover-
participants in each community in order to          the kilometres we ride each week, and let’s        Cloverdale Community League achievements , Facebook and Next-
help level the playing field.                       see if we can out-ride Ritchie this year!          of the past year, our financial report and         Door social media.

Have You Been a Victim of Crime in Cloverdale?
  Have you noticed an increase in crime?            numbers have been stable over the past sev-        reported to the EPS on their non-emergency         Vehicles and Garages make up 80% of crimes
We’ve heard that some residents feel crime          eral years. If you are the victim of a crime,      line: 780-423-4567. Reporting crimes helps         in Cloverdale. Please remember to keep your
has increased, but EPS statistics report that       regardless how small, it’s imperative that it is   us advocate our needs to the city. Theft from      car and garage doors locked.

                                                                                                                    FOREST HEIGHTS
                                                                                                                    CHIROPRACTIC AND
                                                                                                                    WELLNESS CENTRE
                                                                                                           R Chiropractic R Acupuncture R Massage therapy
                                                                                                                                                                      Dr. Rick Rana      Dr. Henry Tso
                                                                                                                              billing offered                          D.C.,R.Ac         D.C., BScKin

                                                                                                                  RCheck out our reviews and
                                                                                                                new patient specials on our website                                     new patients
                                                                                                                       Late evening appointments

                                                                                                                     10144 79 St. 780.469.1561                       Jangira Boychuk

        Southeast Voice        June 2021                                     Connect to your community with                                                          Page 7
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
City Unveils Gallagher Park Concept Plan                                                              Help Create Community in Cloverdale!
   The City has recently released a 139 page                                                          Become a Block Connector
concept plan for Gallagher Park. This project                                                            Cloverdale, your block or condo building        monton. Contact Marilyn for more details.
started in 2018 and aimed to create a 20-year                                                         needs you to be the point-person to connect
vision and development plan for the Park.                                                             your neighbours and make our neighbour-              Areas that Need Block Connectors:
The concept plan covers the history of Clo-                                                           hood a friendlier place to live. If you are in       -SoHo
verdale, an inventory of current amenities,                                                           the following multi-family units or blocks and       -Cloverdale Manor
and a strategy for implementing a series of                                                           have an interest, email Marilyn at: Neighbour-       -Cloverdale Hill Condos
new plans.                                                                                                 - Landing 9815, 9811
          There are five categories of planned                                                           If you want to attend an informal info ses-       -Waterside
enhancements for the park, the first of which                                                         sion, earmark June 2nd at 7 pm for an online         -92 St.
is to address the lack of amenities. A stand-                                                         30 minute overview of the Block Connector            -93 St.
alone public washroom is proposed to be                                                               role as part of Abundant Communities Ed-             -95 St South of 97 Ave
located south of the existing playground,         with adding entrance features to major entry
or to be added as part of a rink shack up-        points.
grade. Additional picnic tables and seating                  The fourth concept category is
areas are proposed to be added to the park        about activities, and notes that the exist-         Root for Trees Returns
and the south side of the Muttart. To take        ing facilities (Muttart, Edmonton Ski Club,            Root for Trees is Edmonton’s volunteer tree
advantage of the views from the hill, a view-     Bennett Centre, and Cloverdale Community            planting initiative. Since 2012, volunteers
point or lookout areas are recommended to         League) and festivals (such as the Folk Fest)       have planted over 259,363 trees and shrubs,
be added along Connors Road and Cloverdale        will be able to grow their programming with         helping to expand our urban forest and pro-
Hill Road. Seasonal warming huts could be         the upgrades to the park.                           tecting the local biodiversity. You can help by
added to align with Edmonton’s Winter City                   The final category focuses on the        doing a volunteer planting shift, which can be
Strategy and make the hill more comfortable       environment and heritage. The plan proposes         booked online at:
for sledders.                                     to protect all treed areas, with the exception      coe-root-for-trees
          The second category of concepts         of those along 96 Ave and along the Camel              This year, guided planting shifts will have a
center around safety and security. In addition    Hump trails in order to facilitate the sidewalk     location preassigned. Our nearest location is
to adding wayfinding signage, the plan also       construction and trail upgrades. The commu-         on Cloverdale Hill (the South-East part, along
suggests upgrading lighting along park paths      nity overwhelmingly supported a naturaliza-         98th Avenue and the Strathearn pathways).
and pruning trees along the park to facilitate    tion approach to landscaping (with exception        You can book other locations if desired, or
views.                                            to the Muttart grounds), and the plan pro-          take part in a self-guided planting shift.
          The third category focuses on ac-       poses expanding some naturalization areas.             Safety measures will be in place, including:
cess and accessibility. The plan noted that       For heritage, the plan is to add interpretive       available hand sanitizer, disinfected shovels
this was the most frequently talked about         elements, either about the area’s history and       for volunteers, gloves, and two meter plant-       autumn will be made available in the com-
theme during community engagement ses-            notable residents, or about the local environ-      ing areas to facilitate social distancing.         ing months. More details are available about
sions, particularly in regards to encouraging     ment around the river floodplains. There is            Volunteer shifts for the late summer and        Root for Trees on the City’s website.
access to the park via LRT and improving the      also opportunity for the addition of public art.
connections for cyclists, skiers, and pedes-                 Despite the completion of the con-
trians. The plan states that “no new car park-    cept plan, the City reports that “there is cur-
ing areas are proposed for the park because       rently no funding available for implementation
the focus for access to this park is by active    of the concept plan,” and notes that even if
transportation or via the new LRT station.”       there was, a recent Environmental Impact As-
Sidewalks, bike paths, and shared-use trails      sessment and Site Location Study has brought
are suggested, particularly along the Mut-        forth concerns regarding “primarily seepage
tart and the south side of 96 Ave along the       and drainage issues”. To address these con-
Edmonton Ski Club. A large sidewalk with          cerns, the City is in the design phase of a seep-
benches, upgraded lighting, and some deco-        age project, and “investigations are currently
rative fencing is proposed along the park at      underway to determine how best to remedi-
95 Street (96 Ave to 97 Ave). Cloverdale Hill     ate” the drainage issues on the bottom of the
Road will remain one-way to allow continued       hill. No details around timing or construction
usage of the route for pedestrians and cy-        impacts are available at this time, although it
clists, and a shared use path will be built on
the North side of Connors Road as part of the
LRT project. Potential upgrades to the trail
                                                  is listed as being addressed in summer/fall of
                                                  2021. The full concept plan is available on the
                                                  City’s website at
                                                                                                           Come Sing with Us!
pathways in the Camel Humps (naturalization
area east of Gallagher Hill) is proposed, along   park-master-plan.aspx                                    Attention Southside Singers
                                                                                                           •   Award winning organization
Ribbon of Green                                                                                            •   Professional conductors
   Help shape the future of Edmonton’s River                                                               •   Travel locally, nationally, internationally
Valley. Your input will help create strategic                                                              •   Variety of musical styles
planning guidance for the future of the River
Valley and inform how decisions are made for                                                               Children's Choirs - Ages 6-15
this integral piece of Edmonton’s landscape.                                                               Youth Choir - Ages 15-24
The question at the heart of the project is                                                                Contact us for more information about our choir programs
this: How will we ensure that the River Valley,                                                   | | 780-994-6539
the backbone of our open space network, re-
mains vibrant and ecologically resilient as the
city grows? As a Cloverdale resident, your
participation is important to influence plans
for this vital ecological corridor—a valued
recreation destination, a place of incredible
cultural significance and a draw for visitors
throughout the region—which is also our
home. Join the conversation at:
Page 8                                Connect to your community with                                                                      Southeast Voice     June 2021
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
Forest Terrace Heights
                                                                                                                                                                  10150 - 80th Street

AGM and other league news                                                                           The ravine is clean
   The annual general meeting for Forest Ter-    780-463-1613. You can also get one at Grow-
race Heights community league was held on        er Direct (7231 101 Ave NW). The 2021/22
June 1 and several board positions were up       memberships will be available in June.
for election. A list of board members and           -The Forest Terrace Heights community
meeting minutes are available on our web-        hall at 101050 80 St NW remains closed to
site, Click on “About the     all events and rentals. Contact hall@forest-
League’’ in the main menu.              with questions.
   -Thanks to everyone who entered our Mys-         -The next board meeting is Sept. 14 at 7
tery Puzzle Contests in April and May.           p.m. online. League members and other resi-
   - a membership in FTHCL, contact mem-         dents are welcome to join us. Email presi- or call Sonya at for the meeting link.

                                                                                                                                                     Bike for the bank
                                                                                                                                                       The league will donate $250 to Edmonton’s
                                                                                                                                                     Food Bank when our team reaches 2,000 ki-
                                                                                                                                                     lometres and we will double that donation if
                                                                                                      More than 100 volunteers collected 113         we top last year’s total of 5,557.6 kms.
                                                                                                    garbage bags of debris plus the usual aban-        Look for Food Bank donation bins around
                                                                                                    doned shopping carts from Fulton Ravine          the neighbourhood each Sunday in June. If
                                                                                                    during our annual cleanup on May 1.              you would like to host a donation bin in your
                                                                                                      Thanks for being such good citizens and        yard, please email
                                                                                                    special thanks to Jaime from REACH Edmon-
                                                                                                    ton for his help promoting the event.
                                                                                                                                                     It’s time to dump your junk
                                                                                                    Call for volunteers

                                                                                                       The Heights Imagination Library is looking
                                                                                                    for volunteers to organize a printing and dis-
                                                                                                    tribution awareness campaign and to head             We are going to keep the date for our annual
                                                                                                    up some sponsorship initiatives.                 Big Bin Event on June 19, but if the current CO-
                                                                                                       The Imagination Library is an international   VID-19 restrictions are extended, we will have
                                                                                                    literacy program founded and sponsored by        to postpone.
                                                                                                    Dolly Parton Foundation that provides a free,        The bin will be available from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Raffle supports new playground                                                                      age-appropriate book once a month to regis-      June 19 at Legend Automotive, 7110 98 Ave.
   The Forest Heights Playground Project         supporting Forest Heights School.                  tered children up to age five.                   It’s free for all Forest Terrace Heights communi-
now has a website, https://fhsplayground.           You can also help by online shopping. The          The Forest Terrace Heights branch was set     ty league members with a 2020/21 or 2021/22, where you can see what         playground fund receives a percentage of pur-      up in November, and has distributed dozens       membership (available on site).
the fundraising committee is up to and op-       chases from a variety of retailers, including      of books to children in our neighbourhood.           To book your time slot, email events@forest-
tions to donate.                                 Amazon, Walmart, Indigo and Home Depot.               Please email for If we have to reschedule the event,
   Now on is a raffle with a minimum prize of    To start contributing, go to, click   a child registration form or if you are inter-   you’ll get first dibs on a booking at the same
$2,000. Sales end June 17, and the draw date     on Teams and enter “Forest Heights” under          ested in the volunteer positions or in other     time on the new date.
is the next day.                                 Find a Team. The Flipgive code is P992BF. Or       ways to support or sponsor the program.              Acceptable materials include household re-
   Watch for another bottle drive coming         go to, click on Support a Team                                                        fuse, furniture, yard waste, landscaping debris,
up in September. In the meantime, you can        and enter the code FK2QV2.                         Walking Wednesdays                               general waste, recyclables and large appliances
contribute to the playground fund by drop-          This month, the committee would particu-     Our urban poling group meets Wednes-                (fridges, freezers, stoves, etc.). We will NOT
ping off bottles at Roper Road Bottle Depot      larly like to thank Millar Western and G&E   days at 7 p.m. at the hall for about a three           accept commercial waste, metal or mattresses.
at 5618 54 St NW. Let them know you are          Pharmacy for their support.                  kilometre walk together. A membership in               Please take household hazardous waste to an
                                                                                              any community league is required, but it is            Eco Station, where it will be accepted at no
Get growing in The Heights                                                                    otherwise free. Walks are limited to five par-         cost.
   The Heights Community Garden is still on      Email to get on the ticipants due to COVID restrictions.                       Please consider getting involved. To vol-
track for an expansion this year, so there may   waiting list. The garden committee is happy     If you are interested in trying urban pol-          unteer to direct traffic, unload vehicles or sell
be a few plots available. Plot fees are $20      to welcome interim garden coordinator An- ing, aka nordic walking, please email sonya@              memberships, email
and gardeners must have a current commu-         drea and minute-taker Mackenzie. New mem- or call/text her at 780-720-            Either five-hour shifts or split-shifts are avail-
nity league membership and sign a contract.      bers are also welcome.                       7034.                                                  able.
       Southeast Voice       June 2021                                   Connect to your community with                                                            Page 9
CONSTRUCTION NOTICE: Fulton Ravine South Park
Fulton Place
                                                                                                                                                        6115 Fulton Road
                                                                                                                                                        (780) 466 - 8140

  BOARD                                        FULTON PAGE                                        6th ANNUAL FULTON PLACE GARDEN TOUR
  Mike                                         TURNERS CLUB                                          Planning for the 6th Annual Fulton Place
                                                                                                  Garden Tour is underway and we are looking
                                                                                                                                                       Include your name and address and the
  President                                        Fulton Place Community League is starting a
                                               book club for all members and non-members.         for potential gardens to add to the tour. Do you   name and address of any nominees. Nomi-
                                               It’s free to join. The Fulton Page Turners will    have an amazing or unique garden OR know           nees will be contacted for more information
                                               meet every two months either virtually or ap-      a neighbour that has an extraordinary garden       and to arrange a visit.
                                               propriately in-person (as per AHS regulations)     space? If you would like to be considered, or        Tour dates will be the evening of Tuesday,
  Vice President League Affairs
                                               to jointly discuss a book, share thoughts and      if you would like to nominate a garden, please     June 22nd & Wednesday, June 23rd.
  7809515253                                   ideas, and plan the next reading session. If
  Gavin                                        you are interested in joining please or learning   Fulton Place Walking Club
  Vice President Civic Affairs                 more please email League Program Director             Are you interested in getting outside to               Lisa at                enjoy the warmer weather and explore your
  7805041896                                                                                      community, but also want to meet your
  Jeff                                         2021 Outdoor Soccer                                neighbours?
                                                                                                     The Fulton Place Community League will
  Treasurer                                                                       be starting a walking club this spring and we
  Lisa                                                                                            want your input! We are looking to schedule
  Program Director                                                                                regular walks and one-off walking events to                                                                      help you get active and connect with your
  Facilities/Memberships                                                                          community. If you are interested, please                                                                            complete the interest form at https://tinyurl.
  Joshua                                         Online registration has commenced for the        com/FPCLWC to let us know what frequen-
  Communications                               upcoming season. Please visit:                     cy, day, time and length work best for you        to join the fun.       or
  Hall Rental
  Ice Rink

                                                              Know Your
  Babysitter Registry and Course
  Seniors Liaison

  Fulton Place Garden


                                                                       An individual’s guide when
                                                                         interacting with police

                                                                                                                                                                                   Or scan
                                                                                                                                                                                   the QR
                                                 More information is available at                                                                                                  code
                                                                                                                                                                                   to learn
   Memberships are available for sale on our
website, at Servus at Capilano Mall and All
Care Pharmacy at 5016 106 Ave NW. Family
is $25, Adult is $15, Senior is $5.

Page 10                             Connect to your community with                                                                   Southeast Voice      June 2021
Gold Bar                                                                  4620 - 105 Avenue

                                Gold Bar Executive
Name                                Position           Email                           CONGRATULATIONS!
*President                          Adam Rompfer              Membership Contest!                                December’s Winner - Heather Johannes-
                                                                                         February’s Winner is Allison Curtis             son
*Vice President                     Jamie Melnyk      Winner receives a $ 20 gift card to Blues          January’s Winner - Sherr Wadson
*Secretary                          Cody Charlene        Java/all care pharmacy. We will be having            ***Remember to be entered all you have
*Treasurer                          Nicole Kraychy          a winner once a month ( 2020/2021). Buy           to do is buy your membership at Blues Java
                                                                                       your membership now!                              or All Care pharmacy, online or by calling
Bingo Director - Fort Road          Jessica Negrey
                                                                                         Passed winners:                                 Amy 780 668-6836.
Bingo Director - Parkway            Charlene Lazenby
Bingo Worker Director               Lorie Smith             COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE NOW
Casino Director                     Isabella Pierce                 You can NOW buy your memberships at             Please Remember Your Card.
Communications Director             Lisa Shorten    BLUES JAVA COFFEE SHOP- CASH ONLY                   ALL MEMBERSHIPS ARE ENTERED INTO
                                                                                       (5010-106Ave), ALL CARE PHARMACY                  OUR MONTHLY CONTEST. THE WINNER
Community Liaison                   Rhae Hansen
                                                                                       (5016-106Ave) come check out these won-           GETS $20 GIFT CARD TO BLUES JAVA OR
Director At Large                   Pat Chmilar            derful business and pick up your community        ALL CARE.  
Social Director                     Ronda Lisowski         membership- CASH/CHEQUE ONLY. On the                 You can purchase memberships at any of
Financial Director                  Andrew Mason      second Tuesday of every month, show your          the above places or Call Amy Cooper 780 668
                                                                                       membership card at Blues Java Café to receive     6836
Green Shack Program Director        Joelle Zimmerman      a FREE hot Beverage (coffee, tea, and hot           Adults/Family $20 and seniors $5. CASH or
Hall Manager                        Liisa Armstrong    chocolate) between the hours of 7- 11am.          CHEQUE ( goldbar community league)
Membership Director                 Amy Cooper
Programming Director                Sharon Harker             Sunday Strong
Sign Director                       Lindsay Kocil               We will either be in person (following covid    Facebook or email for current information.
                                                                                       guidelines), zoom or outdoors if it’s nice, de-      Contact Lisa to register or with any questions.
                                                                                       pending on what future restrictions are like. or email
#goldbargary                                                                           We will pick up classes when allowed. Check
   Gary the Gold Bar Gold Panner AKA Triple G will
be hiding somewhere in our neighborhood and he
moves around every month. It was too cold for                                          Mom and Me Fitness
him to be outside in February but he’s heard things                                       Depending on government covid guide-           Check Facebook or email for current informa-
are starting to warm up. Will you be the first to                                      lines we will either be in person or on zoom      tion
find him and reveal to the world what he looks                                         or outdoors (if the weather is nice).       or email
like? Post any clues at hashtag #goldbargary.                                             We will pick up classes when allowed.

       Southeast Voice       June 2021                             Connect to your community with                                                   Page 11
You can also read