Consolidated Application for San Juan Generating Station - July 2019

Page created by Charlotte Murray
Consolidated Application for San Juan Generating Station - July 2019
Consolidated Application for
San Juan Generating Station
     July 2019
Consolidated Application for San Juan Generating Station - July 2019
Contact Information and Safe Harbor Statement

Investor Relations Contact Information

Lisa Goodman                                                Jimmie Blotter, Assistant Treasurer
Manager, Investor Relations                                 Director, Investor Relations and Shareholder Services
U.S. 1-505-241-2160                                         U.S. 1-505-241-2227                     

Safe Harbor Statement
Statements made in this presentation for PNM Resources, Inc. (“PNMR”), Public Service Company of New Mexico (“PNM”), or
Texas‐New Mexico Power Company (“TNMP”) (collectively, the “Company”) that relate to future events or expectations,
projections, estimates, intentions, goals, targets, and strategies are made pursuant to the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995. Readers are cautioned that all forward-looking statements are based upon current expectations and estimates. PNMR,
PNM, and TNMP assume no obligation to update this information. Because actual results may differ materially from those
expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements, PNMR, PNM, and TNMP caution readers not to place undue reliance
on these statements. PNMR's, PNM's, and TNMP's business, financial condition, cash flow, and operating results are influenced by
many factors, which are often beyond their control, that can cause actual results to differ from those expressed or implied by the
forward-looking statements. For a discussion of risk factors and other important factors affecting forward-looking statements,
please see the Company’s Form 10-K and 10-Q filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which factors are specifically
incorporated by reference herein.

Non-GAAP Financial Measures
For an explanation of the non-GAAP financial measures that appear on certain slides in this presentation (ongoing earnings,
ongoing earnings per diluted share and ongoing earnings guidance measures), as well as a reconciliation to GAAP measures,
please refer to the Company’s website as follows:

Consolidated Application for San Juan Generating Station - July 2019
Consolidated Application

PNM filed a consolidated application for San Juan Generating Station on July 1, 2019:
  • Abandonment of remaining capacity in San Juan coal plant (Units 1 and 4)
  • Securitization of approximately $361 million includes
    estimated undepreciated investment of $283 million
  • Approval for replacement power; recommended scenario
    balances costs, the environment and reliability:
                    Total MW
                            San Juan location provides regional property
                    +280 MW tax benefit; ensures reliability while minimizing
                            new battery technology risks
                                       Competitively-bid solar contracts include one
                    +350 MW
                                       of the largest solar facilities in the nation
                                       One of the highest percentages of utility
                    +130 MW
                                       battery storage integration in the nation

Timing: NMPRC decision requested by the end of 2019(1)
  (1) NMPRC has the ability to bifurcate the consolidated application, in which abandonment and securitization would be
      decided over a 6-month period (can be extended 3 months for good cause) and replacement power could be              3
      considered on a separate schedule
Consolidated Application for San Juan Generating Station - July 2019
Abandonment and Securitization Details

• Requests abandonment of San Juan coal plant after participation and coal
  supply contracts end June 30, 2022

• Requests securitization treatment of approximately $361 million:
                   undepreciated investment in San Juan Generating Station,
    $283 million   for which proceeds are available to fund replacement
                   power resources
    $29 million    decommissioning and reclamation costs
    $20 million    job training and severance costs
    $20 million    economic development funds
    $9 million     financing costs

Recommended Replacement Power Scenario Details

•   Competitive RFP processes resulted in a cost-effective mix of resources owned by PNM
    and third-party providers
•   To manage the risks of integrating new battery storage technology, total storage capacity
    does not exceed 5% of peak load and the capacity at each location is limited to 40 MW

                     PNM Owned Resources                                                    Third Party Resources

                             280 MW Gas Peaking
                             Units at San Juan                                                300 MW Solar PPA +
                             in-service June 2022                                             40 MW Storage ESA
                                                                                              begins June 2022
                             40 MW Storage
                             in-service June 2022                                             50 MW Solar PPA +
                                                                                              20 MW Storage ESA
                         30 MW Storage                                                        begins Jan 2022
                         in-service June 2022
                      __________________                                                      ________________
                         Total 350 MW                                                           Total 410 MW

Note: All potential replacement power scenarios incorporated 140 MW wind energy PPA included in June 1, 2019 RPS Filing
Replacement Power Scenarios Considered

                                        Recommended                         Scenario 2                    Scenario 3                 Scenario 4
                                      Scenario 1 - Hybrid             San Juan Location                 No Fossil Fuel             All Renewable
                                      • 280 MW gas(1)                • 476 MW gas(1)                 • 40 MW battery(1)                     -
PNM Owned Resources
                                      • 70 MW battery                                                • 110 MW battery
PNM Capex                                      $298M                           $331M                         $243M                       $37M
                         • 350 MW solar                                                              • 500 MW solar   • 1,059 MW wind
Third Party Resources
                         • 60 MW battery                                                             • 260 MW battery • 975 MW solar
Balancing Cost / Environment / Reliability:
                                                                 $4,732M              $4,834M          $5,452M
Incremental cost (NPV)                        $4,678M
                                                                 (+$54M)             (+$156M)         (+$774M)
CO2 emission reduction(2)                     62%                  59%                  65%              67%
                                         Managed risk,        Managed risk,      Increased risk as   Heightened
                                     storage capacity ≤5% storage capacity ≤5% higher % of system reliability risks -
Reliability                             of energy usage,     of energy usage,         based on     does not meet
                                     each battery location each battery location unproven battery federal reliability
                                       limited to 40 MW     limited to 40 MW        technology        standards
Other                                    Partial San Juan             Maximizes San Juan Limited San Juan    No San Juan
                                        property tax base              property tax base property tax base property tax base

(1) Designates resources located in the San Juan area school district
(2) From 2005 levels in alignment with the Paris Agreement                                                                                         6
Note: A PPA for 140 MW of wind energy was requested separately in a June 1, 2019 RPS Filing and was incorporated into all contemplated scenarios
2019 – 2023 Investment Plan

            $3.6B investment plan updated to incorporate $298M replacement power;
                $278M generation investment and $20M transmission investment


                         $634              $25                                                                                        $665
                                           $34                                                                                $20
                 $30                             $47                      $285                          $570                            $70
                          $37                                                                  $20
                          $60                    $88                                                      $43                          $128
                                                 $88                        $79                           $82
(in millions)

                        $142                     $171                     $169                          $181                           $201
                                                                                     $310                           $336
                                    $254                $270                                             $245
                         $245                    $245                      $245                                                        $245

                         2019                    2020                     2021                          2022                          2023
                TNMP                                    PNM T&D                                           PV Lease Purchases/Other Replacement Power (3)
                PNM Existing Generation                 PNM Renewable Additions                           PNM Transmission Expansion(2)
                SJGS Replacement Power                  50% NMRD Renewable Additions                      Corporate/Other
                Depreciation (1)
 Targeted 2018-2023 Rate Base CAGR (2018 base): Total 9.3% / PNM 6.6% / TNMP 16.2%
(1) Depreciation does not include amounts associated with NMRD
(2) Western Spirit acquisition of $285M in 2021 reflects assumed purchase price of $360M, net of $75M customer funding                             7
(3) For Palo Verde leases that expire in 2023, capex assumes either the purchase of the leases or replacement of the power through new resources
Updated 2021-2023 Potential Earnings Power

Updates incorporate recommended replacement power scenario, adds 2023
• Partial year of San Juan rate base in 2022, no remaining rate base in 2023
• Interim financing supports replacement power until securitization proceeds received mid-2022
                                           Allowed               2021 Earnings Potential                    2022 Earnings Potential                    2023 Earnings Potential
                                           Return /              Avg Rate                                   Avg Rate                                   Avg Rate
                                                                                          EPS                                        EPS                                       EPS
                                         Equity Ratio              Base                                       Base                                       Base
PNM Retail(1)                           9.575% / 50%              $2.5 B                $1.52                $2.4 B                $1.48                $2.4 B               $1.48
PNM Retail
                                        9.575% / 50%                                                        $150 M                 $0.09               $280 M                $0.17
Replacement Power(2)
PNM Renewables(3)                       9.575% / 50%             $145 M              $0.09        $140 M       $0.08        $130 M       $0.07
PNM FERC(4)                              10% / ~50%              $530 M           $0.26 - $0.30 $740 M $0.37 - $0.42 $780 M $0.39 - $0.44
Items not in Rates(5)                                                           ($0.03) - ($0.01)         ($0.03) - ($0.01)         ($0.03) - ($0.01)
    Total PNM                                                     $3.2 B          $1.84 - $1.90    $3.4 B   $1.99 - $2.06    $3.6 B   $2.08 - $2.15
TNMP(6)                                  9.65% / 45%              $1.4 B             $0.80         $1.6 B      $0.84         $1.7 B      $0.90
Corporate/Other(7)                                                              ($0.21) - ($0.19)         ($0.19) - ($0.17)         ($0.23) - ($0.21)
Equity Financing Plans(8)                                                       ($0.09) - ($0.08)         ($0.17) - ($0.15)         ($0.17) - ($0.15)
Total PNM Resources                                               $4.6 B          $2.34 - $2.43    $4.9 B   $2.47 - $2.58    $5.3 B   $2.58 - $2.69
(1) Average  rate base has been reduced by approximately $130M to represent ($0.05) of Earnings Potential for the lost equity return on the Four Corners investment resulting from the 2018
    general rate review settlement. 2022 rate base is reduced by $160M to reflect the projected average rate base retired at SJGS.
(2) Replacement Power includes $298M investment; $278M of generation investment and $20M of transmission investment.
(3) PNM Renewables reflect assets collected through the Renewable Rate Rider.
(4) PNM FERC in 2021-2023 reflects a return of 8%-9% to account for Western Spirit investment recovered through incremental rates.
(5) Consists primarily of decommissioning/reclamation trust income (net of fees/ taxes), AFUDC, certain incentive compensation, and the 65MW ownership of San Juan Unit 4 (prior to retirement).
(6) TNMP earnings include additional recovery for Energy Efficiency, along with items excluded from rates (primarily AFUDC) and interest savings from the refinancing of existing debt.
(7) Corporate/Other includes the earnings impacts associated with short and intermediate term bank debt and the 50% equity interest in NMRD.
(8) Equity Financing Plans reflect financing alternatives, including ATM Program issuance of up to $150M (dilution impacts assume $50M issued in 2020

    and $100M issued in 2021, with a full year dilution impact in 2022), and $300M mandatory convertibles beginning mid-2021.                                                           8
                            This table is not intended to represent a forward-looking projection of 2021 - 2023 earnings guidance.
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