CONSENT A NDA ITEM # - Port of Bellingham
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CONSENT A^NDA ITEM #. MEMORANDUM TO: Rob Fix DATE: May 18,2021 FROM: Brian Gouran COPIES: Ben Howard, Alan Birdsall, Brian Wilson SUBJECT: Blaine Marina Inc. Site - PSA Amendment No. 21 with Landau Associates ACTION REQUESTED Approve a motion authorizing the Executive Director to execute Amendment No. 21 to the Professional Services Agreement with Landau Associates for consulting support at the Blaine Marina Inc. cleanup site in the amount of $155,200 for a total authorized budget of $1,767,340. BACKGROUND The Blaine Marina, Inc., site operated as fueling facility from the 1950's until 2015. Due to historic operations, the site requires remediation under the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA). In 2011, the Port entered into a Professional Services Agreement with Landau Associates (Landau) to perform an Interim Action (bulkhead repair), Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS), and other environmental remediation at the Blaine Marina, Inc. site under an Agreed Order with the Department of Ecology. The Blaine Marina, Inc. site is being managed as a multi-phase cleanup project. In 2011 Landau was selected to provide consulting support for all phases ofMTCA remediation at the site. It was anticipated at that time that the PSA would have multiple amendments to adaptively manage project scope and budget based on Ecology requirements. Budget authorization to date have been used to complete the bulkhead repair, finalize the site-wide RI/FS, develop a Cleanup Action Plan, perform the remedial design, develop plans and specifications, provide cleanup action construction oversight, and implement the bioremediation program. The bioremediation program was initiated in 2018 and is anticipated to continue through 2022. The attached scope of work includes continued operation and maintenance of the bioremediation program, monitoring, and reporting through 2021. It is anticipated that additional budget authorizations will be required to perform future bioremediation treatment events and long-term monitoring. FISCAL IMPACT Landau estimates a cost of $155,200 for completing the attached scope of work at the Blaine Marina, Inc. site. The revised budget authorization of $1,767,340 includes a previously approved contingency of $46,940. The project is being managed under an existing account (#213.546.1900) with funding through an existing MTCA state remedial grant contract for 50% funding of eligible costs with the remaining funded through the Environmental Remediation Operating Budget. STRATEGIC PURPOSE The project supports the Environmental 2021 Budget Objective No. 1: Work with Department of Ecology to move forward on high priority state-listed MTCA sites including the Blaine Marina Inc. Site. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval. Attachment: Proposal for Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 21
LANDAU ASSOCIATES April 27, 2021 Port of Bellingham P.O. Box 1677 Bellingham, WA 98227-1670 Attn: Mr. Ben Howard Transmitted via email to: Re: Request for Professional Services Agreement Amendment No. 21 Bioremediation Treatment Program Blaine Marina, Inc. Cleanup Site Blaine, Washington LAI Project No. 0001034.010 Dear Ben: Landau Associates, Inc. (LAI) is pleased to provide the Port of Bellingham (Port) this proposal for ongoing support related to remediation of the Blaine Marina, Inc. cleanup site (Site). This proposal is a request to amend LAI's professional services agreement (PSA) with the Port to provide a bioremediation treatment program related to cleanup activities through the end of 2021.These activities will generally include bioremediation and associated monitoring activities, and ongoing project management. The scope of services described below is based on LAI's understanding of the project, having prepared the project work plans and conducted these services from 2018 through 2020. Site and Project Background The Port entered a Consent Decree with the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to implement remediation at the Site in accordance with the cleanup action plan (CAP) and applicable Model Toxics Control Act regulations. The Port completed most of the required cleanup activities in 2018 that were described in the CAP (Ecology 2017), and detailed in the Engineering Design Report (LAI 2018).2 The ongoing cleanup activities discussed herein relate to implementing bioremediation to address the residual contamination left in place outside of the source area. Proposed Scope of Services This section describes the proposed scope of services to continue assisting the Port in implementing the final cleanup action, including project management, coordination with Ecology, and 1 Ecology. 2017. Cleanup Action Plan, Blaine Marina, Inc. Site, Blaine, Washington. Washington State Department of Ecology. May5. 2 LAI. 2018. Engineering Design Report, Blaine Marina, Inc. Site, Blaine, Washington. Landau Associates, Inc. June 25. 130 2nd Avenue South • Edmonds, Washington 98020 • (425) 778-0907 •
Proposal: Port of Beilingham/Blaine Marina, Inc. PSA Amendment Request No. 21 Landau Associates bioremediation treatment activities. Cleanup activities at the Site have become increasingly routine, following implementation of the source area excavation in 2018. As such, the scope of services described herein has been modified to reflect a more routine, bioremediation treatment program budget and structure. Task Oil: Project Management This task will include typical project management and coordination activities such as contracting with LAI's subcontractors and subconsultants, invoicing, budget tracking and forecasting, internal coordination, coordination with subconsultants and with the Port. Task 013: Ecology Coordination Based on LAI's recent experiences with Ecology for the Site, we have assumed that a low level of ongoing coordination with Ecology will be required during remedial treatment. Activities that will be accomplished under this task include preparing monthly progress reports, attending one meeting to discuss the project status with Ecology personnel, and responding to requests and project questions or concerns raised by Ecology outside the scope of other defined tasks for the Site. Task 032: 2021 Bioremediation Bioremediation at the Site consists of in situ infiltration of amended solution to promote accelerated degradation of the residual hydrocarbon contamination remaining at the Site and ongoing evaluations of groundwater and surface water data to assess treatment performance in order to modify the bioremediation approach prior to each infiltration event. This task also includes preparing an annual report to document and communicate results and remedial progress to Ecology. Bioremediation Treatment Two bioremediation infiltration events will be conducted in 2021. Prior to mobilizing, LAI will evaluate performance information from previous events and the groundwater quality data to determine optimal volumes and nitrate concentrations for the infiltration solutions. LAI will coordinate with the Port to confirm access to the Site and will schedule infiltration events to avoid conflicts with Port tenant operations to the greatest extent possible. Based on our experience conducting the infiltration events at this Site in 2020, LAI estimates that each infiltration event will be completed in 4 days on site, with a two-person field crew working 10-hour days. For the purpose of developing the estimated costs for 2021, LAI has assumed 10-hour workdays during the onsite injection events, and has included meals and lodging for the field staff using 2021 General Services Administration per diem rates. Per LAI's existing contract with the Port, 2021 per diem rates for lodging and meals are budgeted into this task. Documentation consistent with previous years' requirements by the Port will be provided with the corresponding monthly invoice when appropriate. Vendor and supplier costs for the mixing tank and containment, hydrant and water use, and the chemicals required for each injection are included in the bioremediation task budget. April 27, 2021
Proposal: Port of Bellingham/Blaine Marina, Inc. PSA Amendment Request No, 21 Landau Associates Based on observations during 2020, LAI has included six additional Site visits by one person throughout the year to provide smaller-scale nitrate infiltration in an area along Sigurdson Avenue noted to be challenging for large-volume injections. During these visits, personnel will add small batches of nitrate solution, and will remove light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), if present, at monitoring well MW-10 (the only location where a collectable volume of LNAPL is present). Field personnel will also address issues such as investigation-derived waste (IDW) storage and disposal, meeting with subcontractors or equipment vendors, or other onsite needs for coordinating remedial efforts with ongoing Port tenant activities. To address IDW, LAI assumed that up to four 55-gallon drums of IDW and LNAPL will require characterization and disposal throughout the year. Performance Assessment On a quarterly basis during 2021, LAI will assess bioremediation performance to understand degradation progress and nitrate distribution. These data help to inform the ongoing adjustments to the bioremediation program. Specifically, the data are used to guide the timing of the infiltration events and develop appropriate infiltration volumes and nitrate concentrations to maximize nitrate distribution to the contaminated areas. Nitrate concentrations are adjusted based on the observed nitrate depletion, and total infiltration volumes are adjusted to promote mounding of the groundwater, to distribute nitrate into the upper reaches of the "smear zone" where petroleum contamination is observed above the normal groundwater elevation. The assessments incorporate evaluation of groundwater elevations to understand flow patterns, and key bioremediation performance indicators in groundwater and the adjacent surface water, For the purpose of estimating costs for these activities, LAI assumed that 14 laboratory samples will be collected quarterly, consistent with the requirements in the Bioremediation Work Plan, approved by Ecology (LAI 2019).3 Laboratory analyses will include 11 groundwater, 2 surface water, and 1 quality control sample during each quarter. The analytical results will be used as noted above—to provide ongoing adjustments to the bioremediation program, and to track remedial progress using the indicator hazardous substances identified in the CAP. The proposed budget includes the anticipated labor, equipment and supplies, and laboratory analytical costs. LAI has assumed that field data collection for each quarterly event can be completed by a two-person crew within 1 day (10 hours on site). Annual Report Remedial progress and Site conditions will be summarized in an annual report after completing the fourth quarterly monitoring event in 2021. This task will include quarterly data management (data validation, tabulation, review/assessment, and coordination with the laboratories when needed), submitting data to Ecology's Environmental Information Management database, and preparing the 3 LAI. 2019. Groundwater Bioremediation Work Plan, Blaine Marina, Inc. Site, Blaine, Washington. Landau Associates, Inc. June 26. April 27, 2021
Proposal: Port of Bellingham/Blaine Marina, Inc. PSA Amendment Request No. 21 Landau Associates annual report for Ecology's review. The annual report will include a summary of remedial activities for the year, anticipated activities for the upcoming year, and an updated estimate of the restoration timeframe. LAI has budgeted for the preparation of draft and final versions of the report. Cost Estimate The estimated cost for providing these services in 2021 is summarized below. The services will be provided in accordance with the 2021 Compensation Schedule (attached), using the task numbers shown below and a subcontractor markup not to exceed 4 percent. LAI anticipates that these services will be provided from mid-February to December 2021. Table 1: Budget Summary Table - 2021 Bioremedlation Proposed Revised Blaine Marina, Inc. Current Budget Modification Budget Task Oil: Project Management $116,200 $12,500 $128,700 Task 012: Agreed Order Negotiations $24,150 $0 $24,150 Task 013: Ecology Coordination $26,150 $4,500 $30,650 Task 014: Rl Work Plan Preparation $56,050 $0 $56,050 Task 015: Interim Action Support $118,100 $0 $118,100 Task 016: Rl Implementation $196,100 $0 $196,100 Task 017: Rl Report Pre|3aration $56,900 $0 $56,900 Task 018: FS Report Preparation $99,300 $0 $99,300 Task 019: DCAP Preparation $15,400 So $15,400 Task 020: Public Participation Support $4,100 $0 $4,100 Task 021: Consent Decree Negotiations $2,400 $0 $2,400 Task 023: Pre-Design Investigation $131,850 $0 $131,850 Task 024: Engineering Design Report $78,970 $0 $78,970 Task 025: Construction Plans and Specifications $128,500 $0 $128,500 Task 026: Permitting Support $11,880 $0 $11,880 Task 027: Construction CQA $117,400 $0 $117,400 Task 028: Construction Completion Report $26,600 $0 $26,600 Task 029: Groundwater Monitoring (through 2019) $87,150 $0 $87,150 Task 030: Bioremediation (thronsh 2019) $123,300 $0 $123,300 Task 031; Bioremediation (through 2020) $144,700 ($5,000) $139,700 Task 032: Bioremediation (through 2021) $0 $143,200 $143,200 TOTALS $1,565,200 $155,200 $1,720,400 *Completed tasks shown in gray. LAI estimates that approximately 23 percent of the Task 032 budget will be used for subcontracted services including equipment, laboratory fees, and chemical vendors. We understand that you will authorize the above-described services, if approved, through an amendment to LAI's current PSA extended through December 31, 2021. LAI's services would be provided in accordance with the terms April 27, 2021
Proposal: Port of Bellingham/Blaine Marina, Inc. PSA Amendment Request No. 21 Landau Associates and conditions of the existing agreement, except as modified herein. This proposal will be attached to the PSA amendment as Exhibit A, * * * » * We look forward to providing continued support to the Port on this project. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this proposal or wish to discuss the project further. LANDAU ASSOCIATES, INC. \ v^s-^--§^.:::^-_:::^>--=- JeremyDavte, PE, PMP Senior Associate Engineer JMD/SAR/ccy 2014-0731 P:\001\034\OIO\FHeRm\M\PSA Amendments\2021\lAI BMI PSA Amendment Request No 21 - 04-27.21.docx Attachment: 2021 Compensation Schedule April 27, 2021
COMPENSATION SCHEDULE - 2021 ASSOCIATES Personnel Labor Hourly Rate Senior Principal 290 Principal 270 Senior Associate 250 Associate 225 Senior 200 Senior Project 180 Project 165 GIS Analyst 165 Senior Staff/CAD Designer 150 Staff/Senior Technician II 135 Data Specialist 135 CAD/GIS Technician 130 Project Coordinator 120 Assistant / Senior Technician I 110 Technician 90 Support Staff 80 Expert professional testimony or the preparation thereof for court, deposition, declaration, arbitration, or public testimony is charged at 1.5 times the hourly rate. Rates apply to all labor, including overtime. Equipment Field, laboratory, and office equipment used in the direct performance of authorized work is charged at unit rates. A rate schedule will be provided on request. Subcontractor Services and Other Expenses Subcontractor billing and other project expenses incurred in the direct performance of authorized routine services will normally be charged at a rate of cost plus a four percent (4%) handling charge. A higher handling charge for technical subconsultants and for high-risk field operations may be negotiated on an individual project basis; similarly, a lower handling charge may be negotiated on projects requiring disproportionally high subconsultant involvement. Invoices Invoices for Landau Associates' services will be issued monthly. Interest of 1% percent per month (but not exceeding the maximum rate allowable by law) will be payable on any amounts not paid within 30 days. Term Unless otherwise agreed, Landau Associates reserves the right to make reasonable adjustments to our compensation rates overtime (e.g., long-term continuing projects). \\edmdata01\pro|ects\OOl\034\010\FI[eRm\M\PSA Amendments\2021\POB 2021 Compensation Schedule.docx LandaU ASSOC'iateS
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