CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association

Page created by Warren Edwards
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
IN THIS ISSUE: Executive Committee
   Finals, Conference Registration &

         MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021

President-Elect   North Central Vice
                                       Far West Area       San Antonio Vice
Veronica Sopher   President            Vice President      President
                  Megan Overman,       Melissa Martinez,   Kim Cathey
                  CPC                  CPC
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
Gulf Coast Vice     Houston/             At Large Place 2    At Large Place 3
President           Beaumont
Craig Verley                             Stephanie De Los    Emily Conklin,
                    Vice President       Santos              CPC
                    Kim Hocot

    Returning Executive Committee members for 2020-2021 include:
·      President: Veronica Castillon, APR, Laredo ISD
·      Immediate Past President: Monica Faulkenbery, APR, Northside ISD
·      East Texas Area VP: Jamie Fails, Willis CISD
·      West Central Area VP: Kyle DeBeer, Waco ISD
·      Northwest Area VP: Kenneth Dixon, Lubbock ISD
·      Central Texas Area VP: Corey Ryan, Leander ISD
·      San Antonio Area VP: Anne Marie Espinoza, Uvalde CISD
·      At-Large VP Place 1: Rebecca Villarreal, APR, New Braunfels ISD

Thanks to the members of the Teller Committee for ratifying our election
results. These members include Liza Rodriguez, Canutillo ISD; Clarissa
Silva, Texas City ISD and Jenny Bridges, Waxahachie ISD.

     The deadline for submitting Professional Awards nominations is
                    Tuesday, December 17 by 4:00 p.m.

Honor TSPRA's best and brightest by nominating someone for the 2020
TSPRA Professional Awards in these following categories:

Professional Achievement Award - The recipient shall be a person
employed full time in the field of school public relations, hold professional
membership in TSPRA for at least 10 years and during that time exhibited
a creative, dedicated, and professional approach to school

Most Valuable Member Award - Sponsored by Intrado
SchoolMessenger - The recipient shall be a member of TSPRA who has
contributed significantly to the improvement of the association.

Rookie of the Year Award - Sponsored by O'Connell Robertson - The
recipient shall be employed full time in the field of school public
relations, hold professional membership in TSPRA, and exhibit a creative,
dedicated, and professional approach to school communications. This
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
person shall be a member of TSPRA and shall not have been employed in
school public relations for more than 36 months at the time of the
nomination deadline.

Bright Idea Award - Sponsored by Huckabee - This award shall go to a
TSPRA member and/or TSPRA nominee for outstanding ideas, strategies,
projects or programs designed to promote public education in Texas
through effective communications. To be considered for the award, an
entry must be creative, unusual, effective, and adaptable.

Media Award - Sponsored by Blackboard - To be given to a a media
professional who has contributed significantly to the public understanding
of public education in Texas through print or broadcast media.
Consideration should be given to a nominee who successfully explains
complex educational issues, presents issues in an unbiased manner, and
who initiates stories that promote the mission of public education.

Partner in Public Education Award - Sponsored by HCDE - To be given
to an individual or organization who has made significant contributions to
the cause of public education and/or the profession with actions and/or
contributions complementing the mission of TSPRA. The media and
active TSPRA members are not eligible to receive this award.

TSPRA members in good standing (dues paid) are eligible to submit
nominations, which will be made online through the OpenWater platform
today beginning at 2:00 p.m., the same tool used for submitting Star
Awards. Instructions for using OpenWater can be found on the top of the
landing page.

For criteria, nominating instructions and the online nomination form,

We love celebrating our amazing TSPRA members! So we can celebrate
you, please help us by telling us a little bit about yourself. Just fill out the
form and email it along with three photos to Tracie at
Member Mondays are posted, you guessed it, each Monday on our
Facebook page in the order of receipt.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
Submit Member Monday

   The deadline to register for the 2020 Annual
Conference without paying a late fee is January 24,
  2020. All registrations made after Jan. 24 will
              include a $100 late fee.

               February 24-27, 2020
             Omni Barton Creek Resort
Executive Committee Meeting ♦ Monday a.m., Feb. 24
 Pre-Conference Sessions ♦ Monday p.m., Feb. 24
   Regular Conference Sessions ♦ Tues., Feb. 25
          through noon on Thurs., Feb. 27
  Star Awards Banquet ♦ Wednesday p.m., Feb. 26
               8212 Barton Club Drive
                 Austin, TX 78735

                 REGISTER NOW

We are at capacity at Omni, so we suggest you
secure your Sonesta reservation. If you need to cancel
your reservation at the Omni, please contact us
immediately before cancelling, so we can offer your
room to another attendee.

Group Code: 0223TXSPRA
Block Dates: 02/23/20 - 02/27/20
Call: 512-483-5902

If you are staying at Omni. Become an Omni Select
Guest® member by SIX WEEKS BEFORE
CONFERENCE to earn free nights plus complimentary
on-property benefits. It’s easy to sign up and it is

Select Guest members receive:
·    Free Wi-Fi
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
·    Bottled water
                    ·    Customized preferences
                    ·    Beverage benefit
                    ·    Pressings & shoe shine
                    ·    Express check-in & check-out
                    ·    Earn free nights

                                   JOIN SELECT GUEST

Preconference is a great time to dive deep into a concentrated subject
with your peers. Sessions run on Monday, February 24, 1-4 p.m. and are
only $100. Register for them during conference registration. Questions?

PRECONFERENCE - Put The APR In Your Professional Portfolio
Invest in yourself, invest in your career and start your path to becoming an
APR during this interactive session. Don't let another year pass without
adding this credential to your professional portfolio. During this session,
you will meet with an APR mentor to get a jump start on your portfolio
project and learn what it takes to earn this prestigious credential. The
session will provide you with a roadmap to earning your APR. Rebecca
Villarreal, APR and TSPRA APRs.

PRECONFERENCE - Mastering The Visual Code: The Building
Blocks Of Powerful Visual Storytelling
Telling a compelling video story is dependent on knowing a hidden visual
language that has been with us since early cinema days. The language is
‘hidden’ because it is a visual code embedded in every TV show, every
video message and every movie you have ever watched. Although it is
ever present, this visual code is easy to over look simply because it is
visual. Julie Jones, director of the National Photographers Association’s
(NPPA) News Video Workshop, will introduce you to this language and
show you how to harness it so you can build better stories from the
concept all the way through to the last edit.

This three-hour workshop will flex your marketing muscles and get you in
shape for any season! You’ll go through exercises and guides to maximize
your website (regardless of where you’re at), plan small and large
campaigns, and work with what you’ve got to market all you have. Join us
at the pre-conference starting line! Lisa Losasso Jackson, Eleven

PRECONFERENCE - Rookie Boot Camp
Every PR professional needs some tools to help navigate school
communications. TSPRA Rookie Boot Camp will provide you with some
basic tools, tops and techniques to finding your way through the day-to-
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
day adventures we all face. Get to know your fellow rookies and meet
some veterans who will help maximize your TSPRA experience. Barry
Perez, Northside ISD; Kim Hocott, Pearland ISD; Claudia Lemus-
Campos, PSJA ISD; Ian Halperin, Wylie ISD

PRECONFERENCE - TCU What Leaders Can Learn From Hurricanes:
Crisis Communication And Messages Of Resilience
Hurricane Harvey not only battered the Texas coast in 2017, but it also
dumped several feet of rain across the Houston area. One school district
in Fort Bend County, Texas, used a discourse of resilience before, during,
and after the storm to position its community for renewal. From this year-
long academic case study about the discourse of renewal, built with help
from the Fort Bend ISD communication team, find out how public sector
leaders can model resilience discourse. This model is one way to "round
up" crisis communication into more than warnings and announcements.
Also, in this interactive session, attendees will work individually and in
groups on developing a storytelling map, for finding the right voices in
your district for every type of story. Jacqueline Lambiase, Ph.D., is
department chair and professor of strategic communication at TCU in Fort
Worth, TX. She directs the Certified Public Communicator Program at
TCU, which partner s with TSPRA to provide graduate-level professional
development for school communicators. Lambiase has published more
than 40 journal articles, edited books, white papers, and book chapters on
social media and public-sector communication, public relations ethics,
crisis communication, and gender in advertising.

             Golf is also available as a Preconference activity!

February 24, 2020
Fee: $100.00
Coore Crenshaw Cliffside Course
• Tee Times Starting at 12:33 pm
• $100 per player
• Price per player includes 18 hole green fee, shared golf cart with GPS,
range balls and tournament operations
• Rental clubs are $75 per set including 6 golf balls. (Make your own
arrangements for the rental.)
• No cancellations for this event; if weather prohibits play, golfer should
attend one of the pre-conference sessions
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
Functions of the Dash

The dash is one of the most effective punctuation marks of all. It can
halt readers in their tracks—it makes them pay attention—as they
read through your words of wisdom. Basically, the
dash creates the biggest of the "punctuational pauses," the smallest being
the comma; next, the parentheses; and finally, the dash. Though the dash
does have other uses, showing up primarily in creative writing, it can
help expository writers in five situations.

1. Explanatory or Defining Phrases
Set off explanatory or defining phrases with a dash.

Of the three punctuation marks producing a pause—the comma, the dash,
the parentheses—the dash produces the most abrupt pause of all.

2. Parenthetical Material
Set off parenthetical material with a dash.

The dash can halt readers in their tracks—it makes them pay attention—
as they read through your words of wisdom.

3. Introductory Defining Phrase
Set off an introductory defining phrase with a dash.

Em dashes, parentheses, and commas—these are
the major punctuation marks used to create a pause.

4. Appositives
You should use the dash to set off
an appositive when commas might cause confusion:

Pauses in sentences—explanatory
phrases, defining phrases, parenthetical material,
and introductory defining phrase—prompt many writers to use the dash.

5. Sudden Break in Thought
Set off a sudden break in thought with a dash.

The committee's expansive logic—it went
far beyond any previous decision—increased
the available remedies rather dramatically.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2020-2021 - The Texas School Public Relations Association
Victory—that was her only goal.


Christina Eckert was promoted from Media Specialist to Director of
Marketing at Northside ISD/San Antonio.

Cindy Doyle, Klein ISD/EF, retires on December 31, 2091.

    WELCOME                              LINKS YOU CAN
  NEW MEMBERS                                 USE
>Ashley Ford, Waxahachie ISD           Despite the popularity of live chat
>Kaitlin Paonessa, Georgetown          and email, phone calls are still the
ISD                                    preferred medium by customers –
                                       and often the main culprit of poor
                                       customer experiences. Here are 10
                                       TIPS for handling professional
                                       phone calls.

                                       The value of social media as a
                                       marketing tool is ongoing,
especially around the holidays
                                      when you want to spread the word
                                      any promotions or events. Here are
                                      40 FREE HOLIDAY GRAPHICS
                                      and more tips to make your job a
                                      little easier.

                                      You need the best free graphic
                                      design software around to make it
                                      as a graphic designer in this
                                      expensive tech-heavy industry.
                                      HERE IS A LIST of the best of the
                                      best options to cover the basics of
                                      what you'll need.

        VOLUNTEER NOW                                H-E-B is the innovative, all-in-   H-E-B launched the Excellence in
one volunteer solution for school     Education Awards program in
districts. Powered by technology      cooperation with the Texas
nonprofit VolunteerNow,      Association of School
makes it easy to recruit, manage      Administrators in 2002 as a
and track the volunteers who          positive way to support public
support schools. Schedule your        education in Texas. It has become
demo now at or       the largest monetary awards
214-818-9848!                         program for educators in the state.
                                      Since its inception, over $11 million
                                      has been awarded. Visit
                             to nominate
                                      your favorite educator.

Text: TSPRA members! Enjoy
Sprint Perks benefits for your
personal needs! Visit Sprint store
near you. Use GAEDU_XTX_ZZZ
to get your benefits.

                               CONTACT INFO

                     406 E 11th Street, Stes 101-105
                            Austin, TX 78757
                       Telephone: (512) 474-9107
                          Fax: (512) 477-0906

               Copyright © 2019 TSPRA All rights reserved.


                      Texas School Public Relations Association
                               406 East 11th Street
                                  Suites 101-105
                               Austin, United States
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