CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th

Page created by Don Potter
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
2021 Summer Meeting


   Thursday, July 29th
    Friday, July 30th
   Saturday, July 31s

    Chuck Hafner Farm
  8501 Green Lakes Rd.
      Kirkville, NY
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
Welcome CTFANY members, fellow Christmas tree growers, vendors
and guests, to our 2021 Summer Meeting.

It is so great to meet in person again! After an awful year of
pandemic stresses and separations, and yet a record setting sales
season, we all look forward to seeing old friends as well as making
new ones, over the next few days.

An exciting conference has been planned for you that promises to
present timely and practical ideas - from fellow farmers, academic
experts, and industry vendors. It’s all in this program booklet, which
we suggest you keep for future reference.

We are all grateful to our Summer Meeting Committee, volunteers
all, who spent so much time putting this whole conference
together. They are: Travis Drexler, Dave Hicks, Pete Goderie, Gene
Knudsen and Bob Schoch.

And of course, a special thank you is due to Chuck Hafner for
hosting this year’s conference at his beautiful farm!

Peter Brooks
President CTFANY
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
Thursday – July 29, 2021

10:00 - 1:00     CTFANY Board Meeting - Conference Room
                           (Members invited)

12:00 – 6:00           Open Houses & Farm Tours

2:00 – 5:00            Vendor set up - Vendor area

Noon – 1:00          Hill of Beans Farm, Cortland NY

1:30 – 2:30          Whitetail Acres Farm, Fabius NY

2:45 – 3:45         Rocking Horse Farm, Jamesville NY

4:00 – 5:00             Spingside Farm, Fabius NY

5:15 – 6:00              Hafner Farm, Kirkville NY

6:15 – 7:30        Welcome BBQ Dinner - Main Building
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
Friday Morning – July 30, 2021

8:00 - 8:30     Registration - (Coffee, tea & water available), Visit vendors

8:30–8:45       Welcome and Orientation - Main Building
                Peter Brooks, CTFANY President & Chuck Hafner, Host

                   Grow             Business      Crafting/Green           Field

9:00–10:00         Deer      Social Media            Wreath           Wagon Tour or
               Management and the Press            Making 101         Walking Tour
               Fencing, DEC    Free, Free,           Greens
                 nuisance         Free            demonstration
                                                     for new
                              Alyssa Kogon           farmers
              Whitmore Fence
                    Co.                             Dave Hicks

10:30-11:30        Weed          New Farmers! Jacob’s Ladder          Wagon Tour or
              Identification       Planning,                          Walking Tour
                Challenge         mentoring, Cathy Jo Brown
                 DEC pest.           Q&A
                                 Brian Bell and
              Dr. Betsy Lamb     Gene Knudsen
                 and Brian

12:00-12:45                           Lunch and Annual Meeting
                               Christmas Tree Promotion Board Update
                                Marcia Gray, Executive Director

12:45-1:15                           Keynote Address
                          NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets
                                 Commissioner Richard Ball
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
Friday Afternoon July 30, 2021

                  Grow          Business      Crafting/Green          Field

1:30 - 2:30     Conifer Tree    Branding:      Farm Store            Shearing
                 Diseases       The good,       Operation             Trees
                  Dr. Gary     bad, & easy    Paulie Drexler,
                Chastagner        Alyssa      Chuck Hafner,        Duane Berkey
                                  Kogon        Karen Rapp

2:45 - 3:45    What’s New        Saving        Crafting with        Wagon or
                 for Tree       Farmland         Greens:           Walking Tour
                Farmers        Transfer of
                DEC pest.      ownership       Novel design
                               of working         ideas
              Dr. Betsy Lamb
                                 Terence         Naccarato
                and Brian

4:00 - 5:00    Tree Species    Financial &     Ideal Weed          Wagon Tour
                Selection      Personnel         Control
                                  Mgt.         Maximizing
                 Dr. Gary                       herbicide
               Chastanger,      Dario Arezzo    potential
               Washington      Austin Weaver
                  State         Farm Credit Tracy Harpster
                University          East

5:00 - 6:00    Social Hour - Beer, wine and soft drinks included

 6:00 7:30     Banquet & Entertainment by comedian Moody McCarthy
CONFERENCE PROGRAM 2021 Summer Meeting - Saturday, July 31s Chuck Hafner Farm Thursday, July 29th
Saturday Morning – July 31, 2021

 8:00 – 8:30     Registration - (Coffee, tea & water available), Visit vendors

 8:30 – 8:45               Welcome and Orientation - Main Building
                           Peter Brooks, Pres. & Chuck Hafner, Host

                   Grow           Business      Crafting/Green         Field

9:00 – 10:00    Research        Equipment Using Drones in         Wagon Tour
               Projects and    Maintenance  Agriculture
                 Results       Sharpening,
                               winterizing, Erick Haas
                 Cyndi                       Cazenovia
                Knudson,                    Equipment
                Research          Mike
                Director         McGarvey

  10:15 –      Post Harvest       CTFANY         Wreathes           Shearing
   11:15         Needle          Strategic      and Greens
                Retention        Planning                         Duane Berkey
                                 Session 1    Faye Beckwith       Larry Downey
                Dr. Gary
               Chastanger       Gene Veno,
                                Bob Schoch
11:30 -12:30   Diversifying        CTFANY          Weed          Soil Health
                  Farm            Strategic    Identification   and Nutrition
               Operations         Planning       Challenge        Research
                 Beyond           Session 2      DEC pest.         Results
               agritourism                        credits
                member          Gene Veno,                        H. Grant
                  panel         Bob Schoch     Dr. Betsy Lamb      Troop,
                                                 and Brian       agronomist
                 Drexler                         Eschenaur

 12:30-1:00                Lunch, survey and farewell

      Tour of Hafner’s greenhouse and retail operation (25 minute drive)
             Please check in at the registration desk for directions.
Catering Menu

                    Thursday BBQ
   Pulled pork, smoked brisket, chicken parmigiana,
                 salads & baked beans

                     Friday Lunch
  Hot or sweet Italian sausage w. peppers and onions,
                    BBQ beef, salads

                  Friday Banquet
     St. Louis Spare ribs, chicken cordon bleu,
 Delmonico steak, baked ziti, green beans, tossed salad

                 Saturday Lunch
     Fireman’s BBQ chicken, salads & baked beans

Lemonade, ice tea and water will be available at all meals

     Complimentary beer and wine will be available
         at dinner on Thursday and Friday.
Session Descriptions
Strategic Planning for CTFANY
These two sessions allow members to become involved in the
preliminary work on a strategic planning process to be
completed in the next six months. For the past 16 months the
routine grant funding from the NY Department of Agriculture
and Markets was stalled due to the pandemic which resulted in
serious financial difficulties for the organization. In fact, it made
it clear that operating expenditures that include past levels of
staffing are not affordable with current operating revenues. The
session will be facilitated by two individuals with track records
of solving deficits for trade associations and other nonprofit
organizations. Over a long career, Gene Veno has increased
revenues and revitalized numerous trade associations. He is
currently the Director of Governmental Affairs for the
Susquehanna River Basis Commission. Gene will be joined by
Bob Schoch, CTFANY board member, who also has a long track
record of financial recovery planning and implementation. The
session will orient participants to the proposed planning process
and timeline, review possible surveys of members, brainstorm
key issues and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats facing CTFANY.

Social Media and Press: Free, Free, Free and Free
Nothing beats free when you are on a budget. Learn how to
engage your public both on social media and through simple
marketing tricks both on and off the web. Save time during the
seasonal rush by starting to build your audience now. This
session will enlighten you on engaging local audiences, the
press and even influencers. Course highlights include building
your own press list as well as how to send out a press release
that will get attention.
Alyssa Kogon is a public relations specialist who has helped
many organizations and some Christmas tree farms obtain
television and newspaper coverage at no cost. She will discuss
the importance of an ongoing efforts to facilitate free publicity
along with digital advertising and social media.

Branding: The Good, The Bad, and The Easy
In this presentation you will learn the simple way to brand your
farm. It’s not about you, the trees, or your merchandise. It’s all
about the customer. Help them to pick your message every
time. Through the use of continuity, consistent and careful
messaging and creating a presence in the community outside of
your business you can become more than a resource during the
holidays. By picking your focus and personality, each farm can
become more than just a holiday destination. Best yet, it’s
practically free to give your farm high exposure all year long.
Alyssa Kogon offers extensive knowledge and experience in the
area of social media, press engagement and branding small
businesses. She specializes in helping organizations, political
candidates and business owners integrate social media and
community engagement into their day-to-day operations. With
over twenty years of experience in the communications field,
Alyssa understands that cost is usually the biggest obstacle to
achieving public notice. Her simple yet effective approach to
developing local strategic outreach will allow even a novice to
garner the attention they deserve. Alyssa is a newspaper
columnist, public relations specialist, and currently works for
the New York State Senate.
CTPB Research Program: A Growing Investment
Cyndi Knudson, Research Director of the Christmas Tree
Promotion Board, will provide an overview of the CTPB
Research Program, including the research project selection
process and how Christmas tree growers can provide input on
research topics. A review of currently funded projects and
results of completed research will be discussed. As a graduate
of Virginia Tech and the University of Georgia, Cyndi’s career in
agriculture includes work as an agricultural extension agent
(agronomy), university research associate, and as a producer of
a variety of agricultural commodities. She operates a bee and
honey farm, Honey River Farm.

Tree Species Selection
Dr. Gary Chastagner is one of the country’s foremost experts on
Christmas trees who has conquered conifer diseases, developed
guidelines to keep cut trees fresh, and helped introduce new
species to the American market. In this session, he will discuss
the characteristics important in selecting tree species. Dr. Gary
Chastagner is a professor of plant pathology at the Washington
State University, Research and Extension Center, near Puyallup,
WA where he has worked since 1978. He received his Ph.D. in
plant pathology from the University of California-Davis in 1976.
He leads an internationally recognized research and extension
program dealing with the management of diseases on Christmas
trees, management of sudden oak death, and factors that affect
the postharvest quality and safety of cut Christmas Trees.
Dr. Chastagner has co-authored numerous publications and is a
frequent speaker at regional, national, and international
Christmas tree conferences. Over his career he has received a
number of honors and awards, including the National Christmas
Tree Association (NCTA) Lifetime Achievement Award – 2019;
American Phytopathological Society (APS) Pacific Division
Lifetime Achievement Award – 2013; APS Excellence in
Extension Award – 2011; NCTA Outstanding Service Award –
2010; Pacific Northwest Christmas Tree Association (PNWCTA)
Barney Douglass Research Award – 2005; and the PNWCTA
President’s Appreciation Award – 2003

Diseases and Post-Harvest Needle Retention
In this session, Dr. Gary Chastagner will discuss various diseases
and the post-harvest needle retention of various tree species.
His work is base at WSU’s Puyallup Research and Extension
Center, where he grows 15 acres of conifers from around the
world. This presentation on the CoFirGE project will talk about
some of the disease and/or postharvest needle retention
research. Although the focus of the CoFirGE project is the
identification of regionally adapted sources of Turkish and
Trojan firs that have the ability to produce high quality
Christmas trees, it is really an example of the type of work that
is needed to identify genetically superior sources of domestic
and exotic conifers for use as Christmas trees. The fact is that
most conifers that are grown as Christmas trees are an “exotic”
because they often do not occur naturally in the areas were
Christmas trees are grown. Fraser fir is an exotic species in NY
and even noble fir is an exotic species in the PNW because it
does not naturally occur in the low elevation sites where
Christmas tree plantations are grown.
Saving Farmland and Transferring
Ownership of Working Farms
Terence Duvall, from the Columbia Land Conservancy, will
discuss various programs and options for saving farmland.
These programs include property assessment reductions for
agricultural use assessment and forestry management through
the 480A program. The program will concentrate on how these
options can affect transferring ownership of working farms.

Equipment Maintenance
This session will address the daily, seasonal, and preventative
maintenance of tools and equipment used in Christmas tree
farming. Sharpening methods will be shown for blades of all
types-shears, mowers, circular saws. Troubleshooting of small
engines will be discussed along with routine repairs and
winterizing precautions. Methods of battery storage will also be
addressed. Maintenance checklists will be distributed for all
types of equipment. Mike McGarvey, an engineer trained at the
Merchant Marine Academy, grew up on a farm and assists in
the operation of a friend’s Christmas tree farm. Ask him to tell
you about last winter’s experience maintaining the Palmyra
Atoll, a marine research facility owned by the Nature
Conservancy on a small island eight days by boat from Hawaii.

Financial and Personnel Management, Tax Planning
and Strategies for 2021 and beyond…
Dario Arezzo, & Austin Weaver, Farm Credit East. This session
will take a look at the ever-changing tax landscape, both at the
federal and state level. Participants will learn about capital gains
optimization, applicable tax credits and how to preserve more
wealth with innovative tax strategies.
What’s New for Tree Farmers - Pest Identification
This session will focus on insect identification, with pictures, and
include including IPM practices to limit damage. An interactive
question and answer session is planned. DEC pesticide credits
will be issued for those attending the entire session presented
by Dr. Betsy Lamb and Brian Eschenaur of Cornell University.

Weed Identification Challenge
Dr. Betsy Lamb and Brian Eschenaur of Cornell University
Cooperative Extension, will discuss weed identification using
specimens, photographs, and a “weed challenge” to test your
knowledge. DEC pesticide credits will be offered for those
attending the entire session.

Soil Health and Nutrition-Research Results
H. Grant Troop, agronomist, will provide a general overview of
soil fertility and discuss interpretation of soil test results and
methods of amending soils for the best results for various
species of Christmas trees. He will discuss recent research
results that may affect your current practices as new
information specific to Christmas trees is discovered.

Erick Haas will be speaking on the use of drone technology to
efficiently manage trees and crops. Types of drones and
licensing requirements will be discussed.
Deer Fencing
Fred Whitmore is an experienced fence installer; he will be
speaking on the use and construction of fences for deer
management on your tree plantation.

New Farmers – Intro to Growing Christmas Tree
Brian and Gene will share tips, many learned the hard way, to
help make your initial planting successful your business and
more profitable. Bring your questions and we’ll do our best to
answer them!

Retail Shop Operations
Karen Rapp, Paulie Drexler and Chuck Hafner all operate
successful Christmas retail shops that add to the customer
experience and to the bottom line. Join them to learn more
about what works and what doesn’t, where to source product,
pricing and more.

Greens and Field Demonstrations
Faye Beckwith, Cathy Jo Brown, Mike Naccarato, Dave and
Marica Hicks, Duane Berky, and H. Grant Troop will be sharing
with you their knowledge and experience demonstrating
technique and process, crafting greens and growing trees into
profitable products.
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