Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs

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Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
Comprehensive solutions from one single source

Advice to companies and entrepreneurs

                                        L AWYERS   TA X ADVISORS
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
Welcome to SNP Schlawien

Full-service law firm
SNP Schlawien is one of the leading commerci-       Our advisors convince you with their experti-
al law firms in Germany with a special focus on     se and their personal commitment. All lawyers,
medium-sized businesses. As a multidisciplinary     notaries and tax advisors continue to further
partnership with more than 80 lawyers, notaries     educate themselves and are specialists in their
and tax advisors we offer you a wide range of ad-   consulting area. They look back on many years
visory services from one single source.             of experience in your field of business and have
                                                    an in-depth understanding of your needs, think
We advise and represent our clients Germany-        entrepreneurial, listen to you carefully and ana-
wide. Due to our offices located in Berlin, Dres-   lyse all possible options thoroughly. Thus we can
den, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Leipzig,      guaranty tailor-made solutions for your individu-
Munich and Stuttgart we are always in your pro-     al needs in each single case.
ximity. Thanks to our extensive staff capacity
we can support various mandates of every size.
Furthermore we also act as an outsourced legal
department for many companies.
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
“The firm is known for advising often

Focus on the client                                    long-standing clients from the Ger-
                                                       man Mittelstand.“

As a client of SNP Schlawien, you can count on us         JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2019/2020
in any stage of the development of your business.
Your concern is given top priority. In this context,
our focus is always on the long-term, trustful, fair
cooperation with you – also and especially in the
day-to-day business.

An experienced partner of our firm acts as your
personal contact for all your issues: Personally.
Continuously. At eye level. If required, he coordi-
nates a powerful, interdisciplinary team from all
consulting areas of our firm for you, including tax
advice. Thanks to this personal support by one
of our partners leading the team for your project
you receive pragmatic, effective and economi-
cally viable solutions for you as well as unam-
biguous recommendations for your actions for
sustainable results. Because your satisfaction
with our advice is our goal and aspiration.
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
Our offer:
One-stop interdisciplinary advice

                                                       Many issues companies have to deal with can be       Your personal contact person would be plea-
                                                       solved in an optimum manner only if contempla-       sed to take care of all your interests, involving
                                                       ted from different perspectives taking into con-     additional advisors if need be, and to organize
                                                       sideration the conjunction of their legal, tax and   the interdisciplinary cooperation of lawyers and
                                                       financial consequences.                              non-lawyers within a team. Owing to this holistic
                                                                                                            advice, we as a multidisciplinary commercial law
                                                       For this reason, SNP Schlawien offers you all        firm generate a clear added value for you in com-
                                                       the essential consulting services on a one-stop      parison to pure law firms or tax consultants.
                                                       basis: With our lawyers, notaries and tax ad-
                                                       visors, as well as with the required specia-
                                                       list knowledge, we provide comprehensive
                                                       advice to you throughout Germany.

“The growth gives SNP the capacity to ad-
vise on several transactions at once while
still managing to advise its primarily Mittel-
stand- oriented, regular clients in peak deal
          JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2015/2016
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
LEGAL ADVICE                                         NOTARIAL ADVICE                                       TAX ADVISE

You have good reason to expect one of the lea-       The notaries at our offices in Berlin and Frankfurt   German and international tax laws too are very
ding commercial law firms in Germany to provide      have been acting in all areas of notarial consul-     multi-faceted. Changes and further develop-
comprehensive advice and representation in all       ting, support and recording for many years. In        ments by the legislator as well as the case law
legal areas of relevance for enterprises. You have   addition they can draw from the expertise of la-      require you as a taxpayer to have a regular, in-
access to more than 80 legal advisers, more than     wyers from all areas of law and tax consultants of    dividual configuration and optimization of your
half of them having an additional qualification as   SNP Schlawien. Our notaries can prepare recor-        tax interests. SNP Schlawien has the tax advi-
certified attorney. Our proficient lawyers provi-    dings in German or English language. Due to the       sors, certified tax law attorneys and certified tax
de advice to you on an individual basis and in a     electronic access to nationwide land register and     law advisers for qualified consulting tailored to
competent manner on all legal questions and are      business register data, we can prepare and exe-       your requirements as well as to answer your tax
                                                                                                                                                                  “The law firm boasts long-standing re-
committed to representing you both out of court      cute land and corporate transactions in a timely      issues. They work in all the classical fields of tax   lations with medium-sized and big busi-
and in court. Our clients include shareholders and   manner and irrespective of the location of the        consulting and offer support in all tax issues to
companies of any size: Be it a managing director,    property or the company‘s head office.                you as a private person, freelancer, small or me-
                                                                                                                                                                  nesses, many of which are provided the
management board or supervisory board, a sole                                                              dium-sized business or as a large-scale enterpri-      full range of services.”
proprietor or a medium-sized, family-owned or                                                              se too.
                                                                                                                                                                       JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2013/2014
listed partnership or corporation – they all know
where they get valid and practicable answers to
their frequently complex sets of issues, most of
which require a long-term approach.
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
LEGAL ADVICE                                                                             NOTARIAL ADVICE
•   Banking and finance law                                                              • company law recordings
•   Commercial and distribution law                                                      • real estate law recordings
•   Company succession                                                                   • law of succession and guardianship law
•   Corporate law                                                                          recordings
•   Intellectual property                                                                • marriage and family law recordings
•   IT law
•   Labour law
•   Law of succession and family law

                                                                                                                                    TAX ADVISE
                                       •   Liability and insurance law                                                              • Tax consulting
                                       •   M&A                                                                                      • Accounting, Controlling
                                       •   Private Equity and Venture Capital                                                       • Business consulting
                                       •   Public law                                                                               • Company succession, purchase and foun-
                                       •   Public procurement law                                                                     dations
                                       •   Real estate and construction law                                                         • International tax law
                                       •   Restructuring, recapitalisation, insolvency
                                       •   Tax law
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
Always in your proximity

                                                     GERMANY-WIDE                                         INTERNATIONAL NETWORK

                                                     With our presence at eight offices throughout the    SNP Schlawien is a member of LNI Legal Network
                                                     nation you have the opportunity to get in cont-      International, who is ranked in Band 2 of the
                                                     act with us face-to-face at any time. Many of our    Leading Law Firm Networks in the current issue
                                                     clients appreciate these short distances and hold    of the international directory Chambers & Part-
                                                     talks with their advisor in one of our representa-   ners. It is an international association of leading
                                                     tive conference rooms on site. Nevertheless you      law firms with more than 5,000 legal advisors in
                                                     can also arrange a meeting with our lawyers, no-     more than 60 countries. The network is based on
                                                     taries, tax advisors or auditors at your headquar-   mutual personal acquaintance and professional
                                                     ters or even more location-independent, advice       appreciation, which has developed over years of
                                                     over the phone.                                      joint processing of the most various projects lea-
                                                                                                          ding to consistent quality standards. LNI guaran-
                                                                                                          tees that we can provide excellent advice to you
                                                                                                          on international legal issues even in jurisdictions
                                                                                                          where we are not represented with own offices.

Leading Law Firm Networks in Global-wide:
„LNI is comprising firms based around the wor-
ld. It has recognised experts in a vast range of
jurisdictions, offering clients comprehensive ad-
vice on transactional and contentious matters.“

                              Chambers Global 2020
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
BERLIN                      FREIBURG
Kurfürstendamm 33           Merzhauser Straße 161
10719 Berlin                79100 Freiburg
+49 30 253780-0             +49 761 214405-20

DRESDEN                     LEIPZIG
An der Dreikönigskirche 3   Speck‘s Hof
01097 Dresden               Reichsstraße 4/Aufgang A
+49 351 80729-0             04109 Leipzig       +49 341 71009-60

DÜSSELDORF                  MUNICH
Josephinenstraße 11–13      Officium an den Pinakotheken
40212 Düsseldorf            Türkenstraße 16
+49 211 5375373-0           80333 München   +49 89 28634-0

Uhlandstraße 2              Danneckerstraße 58
60314 Frankfurt am Main     70182 Stuttgart
+49 69 610908-0             +49 711 244441-0
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
Comprehensive solutions from one single source - Advice to companies and entrepreneurs
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