Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon

Page created by Roberta Contreras
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
Guide 2021
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
1 151                                                                                                                       5 509
         MOMS ON                                                                                                                 MEMBERS ON
         THE BESTMED                                                                                                             THE BESTMED
         MATERNITY                                                                                                               ONCOLOGY
         PROGRAMME                                                                                                               PROGRAMME

    7 799                                                                                                                967
     THE BESTMED DIABETIC                                                                                               BESTMED
     PROGRAMME                                                                                                           BABIES BORN

    2 130                                                                                                                     ALL DATA AS AT 31 JULY 2020

                             PERSONALLY YOURS                             3      Medicine                                                     15
    RISK ASSESSMENTS           Why do so many people choose Bestmed?       3     Preventative care benefits                                   16
                               All you need to know about Bestmed Tempo    4     Contributions                                                17

    5 077
                             BEAT                                         5    PULSE                                                          17
                               Method of Scheme benefit payment            6     Method of Scheme benefit payment                             18
                               In-hospital benefits                        6     In-hospital benefits                                         18
                               Out-of-hospital benefits                    8     Out-of-hospital benefits                                     19
    THE BESTMED HIV/AIDS       Medicine                                    9     Medicine                                                     20
                               Preventative care benefits                 10     Preventative care benefits                                   21
                               Contributions                              11     Contributions                                                21

    203 332                  PACE                                         12
                                                                                 When do co-payments apply?
                                                                                 Out-of-hospital radiology and ultrasounds per option
                               Method of Scheme benefit payment           12
                               In-hospital benefits                       12   CHRONIC DISEASE LIST                                           23
                               Out-of-hospital benefits                   14

2                                                                                                                            COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
Why do so many people choose Bestmed?
                                                                                          An extensive service provider network
                                                                                  More than 4 200 family practitioners in Bestmed’s network.
             Relevancy is the new currency
                                                                                  More than 2 600 specialists on Bestmed’s network.
   Bestmed has 13 structured plans designed to suit e
                                                     very life stage and         More than 15 800 network provider agreements.
   pocket.                                                                        Country-wide geographical network coverage.
   No automatic self-payment gaps on any option.

   Excellent preventative care benefits on all o
                                                ptions, including pneumonia
                                                                                         A leading health and wellness programme, Bestmed
   and flu vaccines, f emale contraceptives, paediatric immunisations, a
                                                                         back           Tempo, at no additional cost
   and neck preventative programme, HPV v
                                         accinations for females 9 to 26
                                                                                   An established network of healthcare professionals supporting your physical and
   years old, and a m
                     ammogram every 24 months for females older than 40.
                                                                                   mental wellbeing.
   Students are eligible for child dependant rates up to 26 years of age.         Fully funded fitness assessments at biokineticists.
   Extensive maternity benefits, including a maternity care programme.            Fully funded dietitian consults to assess and improve your eating habits.

   Disease management support programmes include diabetes (HaloCare),           		Health checks and screenings at our nationwide pharmacy network.

   oncology and 	HIV/AIDS programmes.                                             Includes family interventions, family workshops, vaccinations and baby growth

             Excellence that is Personally Yours
                                                                                          Be ‘appy’
   Bestmed has been offering medical aid for 56 y
                                                                                  A digital version of your membership card.
   Bestmed is the largest self-administered scheme which means that              Find a service provider.
   administration costs are less than our competitors.
                                                                                  Submit a claim.
   We are the fourth largest open medical scheme in the country.                 Check your available benefits.
   Single digit increases over 3 consecutive years.                               Email your membership card to service
   Four of our options have been selected as the best performers within the
                                                                                  Check your Health Risk Assessment results.
   South African medical scheme market (2018 GTC Medical Aid Survey).
                                                                                  Submit a referral. Let others share in the
   Bestmed has been voted third on the client s ervice satisfaction              benefits of Bestmed membership.
   benchmark by the Ask Afrika Orange Index 2019.                                Update contact details for dependants
   Bestmed has a strong solvency ratio of 35.4% as at 31 December 2019.          18 yrs and older for “Personally Yours”
   203 332 lives under Bestmed’s care.
                                                                                  Submit your chronic application/prescription.

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                  3
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
All you need to know about Bestmed Tempo

                      WHAT IS BESTMED TEMPO?
                      Bestmed Tempo is our health and wellness programme that assists members in leading a
                      healthier lifestyle and living their best lives.

                      As a member, you and your family already have access to the Bestmed Tempo benefits at
                      no additional costs. The wellness programme is available regardless of which one of the 13
                      Bestmed benefit options you may have chosen. By simply activating Bestmed Tempo, you
                      will automatically have access to over a thousand healthcare professionals who are trained
                      and motivated to help you improve your lifestyle and become the best version of yourself.

                      HOW DO I ACTIVATE THE PROGRAMME?
                      All you need to do is complete the Bestmed Tempo Health Assessment (previously HRA) at
                      any one of our nationwide network of pharmacy clinics, or at your company’s wellness day.
                      The assessment will not only give you an important view of your health status, but it will
                      also unlock all of the health benefits of the Bestmed Tempo wellness programme.

                      The Bestmed Tempo wellness programme is focused on supporting you on your path to
                      improving your health and realising the rewards that come with it. To ensure you achieve
                      this, you will have access to the following benefits:
                      • Bestmed Tempo Health Assessment (previously HRA) for adults which includes:
                         -    The Bestmed Tempo lifestyle questionnaire
                         -    Blood pressure check
    Set your TEMPO       -    Cholesterol check

    with a FREE          -    Glucose check
                         -    HIV screening
    Health               -    Height, weight and waist circumference

    Assessment,       • Bestmed Tempo Child Health Assessments:

    not a smoothie!      -    Ages 13-17 years: Assessment performed by a Bestmed Tempo partner biokineticist
                              (1 per beneficiary per year)
                         -    Ages 3-12 years: Assessment performed by a Bestmed Tempo partner occupational
                              therapist (1 per beneficiary per year)

4                                                                                      COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
-   Ages 0-2 years: Baby growth and development assessments done at a Bestmed
       Tempo partner pharmacy clinic – 3 assessments per year
• Bestmed Tempo Nutrition Assessment:
   -   Family nutritional assessment at a Bestmed Tempo partner dietitian (1 assessment
       per family per year).
• Bestmed Tempo Fitness and Nutrition programmes (beneficiaries 18 and older):
   -   3 personalised consultations with a Bestmed Tempo partner biokineticist                               BEAT
   -   3 personalised consultations with a Bestmed Tempo partner dietitian
• Bestmed Tempo Group classes:
   -   A range of group classes throughout the year to help encourage and support a
       healthier lifestyle regardless of your age or health status

No. The Bestmed Tempo benefits are exactly the same on all the options.
We hope you found the answer you’re looking for but, if not, please email us for more

                                                                                          Choose a
                                                                                          network option
                                                                                          for lower
                                                                                          contributions on

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                              5
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
The Beat range offers flexible hospital benefits with limited savings on some options to pay for out-of-hospital
expenses. This range is ideal for the young, active and just starting out. Beat1, 2 and 3 also offer you the decision to                           BEAT1                 BEAT2                 BEAT3                BEAT4
lower your monthly contribution in the form of a Network option.                                                           Accommodation           100% Scheme tariff.                                              100% Scheme
                                                                                                                           (hospital stay) and                                                                      tariff.
                                                                                                                           theatre fees
      Method of Scheme benefit payment                                                                                     Take-home medicine      100% Scheme tariff. Medicine limited to 7 days.
    BEAT1                      BEAT2                          BEAT3                          BEAT4                         Treatment in mental     100% Scheme tariff. Limited to 21 days per beneficiary.
                                                                                                                           health clinics
• In-hospital benefits are    • In-hospital benefits are     • In-hospital benefits are     • In-hospital benefits are
  paid from Scheme risk.        paid from Scheme risk.         paid from Scheme risk.         paid from Scheme risk.       Treatment of            100% Scheme tariff. Limited to 21 days or R32 299 per beneficiary. Subject to
• Some preventative care      • Some preventative care       • Some out-of-hospital         • Some out-of-hospital         chemical and            network facilities.
  benefits are available        benefits are available         benefits are paid from         benefits are paid from       substance abuse
  from Scheme risk.             from Scheme risk.              Scheme risk and some           your medical savings         Consultations and       100% Scheme tariff.
• Out-of-hospital benefits    • Out-of-hospital benefits       from your medical              account first, once          procedures
  are paid from your own        are paid from your             savings account.               depleted, from your day-
  pocket.                       medical savings account.     • Some preventative care         to-day benefit.              Surgical procedures     100% Scheme tariff.
                                                               benefits are available       • Some preventative care       and anaesthetics
                                                               from Scheme risk.              benefits are available       Organ transplants       100% Scheme tariff (PMBs only).
                                                                                              from Scheme risk.
                                                                                                                           Major medical           No benefit.                                 100% Scheme          100% Scheme
• Benefits relating to conditions that meet the criteria for PMBs will be covered in full when using DSPs, this will not   maxillofacial surgery   (PMBs only at DSP day hospitals).           tariff. Limited to   tariff. Limited to
  affect your savings (annual or vested) for applicable options.                                                           strictly related to                                                 R12 944 per          R13 181 per family.
                                                                                                                           certain conditions                                                  family.

BEAT NETWORK PLAN OPTION                                                                                                   Dental and oral         PMBs only at DSP      Qualifying PMB        Limited to           Limited to
                                                                                                                           surgery                 day hospitals.        procedures only at    R8 075 per family.   R10 094 per family.
• Bestmed offers members a choice of network hospitals for in-hospital benefits.                                           (In- or out of                                DSP day hospitals.
• If a member voluntarily chooses not to make use of a hospital within the Beat network, a maximum co-payment of           hospital)                                     Pulp procedures,
                                                                                                                                                                         extractions and
  R11 874 will apply.
                                                                                                                                                                         restorations in
                                                                                                                                                                         DSP day hospitals
                                                                                                                                                                         (only disabled
      In-hospital benefits                                                                                                                                               beneficiaries
                                                                                                                                                                         and beneficiaries
The Non-Network option provides you with access to any hospital of your choice. This is the standard option. The                                                         aged 0 – 7 years) –
Network option provides you with a list of designated hospitals for you to use and also saves on your monthly                                                            limited to R5 250
contribution.                                                                                                                                                            per family.

Benefits relating to conditions that meet the criteria for PMBs will be covered in full when using DSPs, this will not     Prosthesis              100% Scheme tariff.                         100% Scheme          100% Scheme
affect your savings.                                                                                                       (subject to preferred   Limited to R78 846 per family.              tariff. Limited to   tariff. Limited to
                                                                                                                           providers and DSPs,                                                 R79 678 per family   R97 260 per family.
                                                                                                                           otherwise limits and
Note: Benefits mentioned below are subject to pre-authorisation and clinical protocols.
                                                                                                                           co-payments apply)
Members are required to obtain pre-authorisation for all planned procedures at least 14 (fourteen) days before the
                                                                                                                           Prosthesis – External   No benefit (PMBs only).                                          Limited to R23 393
event. However, in the case of an emergency, the member, their representative or the hospital must notify Bestmed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    per family.
of the member’s hospitalisation as soon as possible or on the first working day after admission to hospital.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                           COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
BEAT1                 BEAT2                BEAT3                    BEAT4                                            BEAT1                 BEAT2               BEAT3                  BEAT4
 Prosthesis – Internal   Sub-limits per beneficiary:                Sub-limits per           Sub-limits per         Specialised               100% Scheme tariff. Subject to co-payments.                      100% Scheme
                         • *Functional limited to R14 106.          beneficiary:             beneficiary:           diagnostic imaging                                                                         tariff.
 Note: Sub-limit         • Vascular R31 470.                        • *Functional            • *Functional          (Including MRI scans,
 subject to overall      • Pacemaker (dual chamber)                   limited to               limited to           CT scans and isotope
 annual prosthesis         R42 986.                                   R14 107.                 R16 981.             studies. PET scans
 limit.                  • Endovascular and catheter-based          • Vascular               • Vascular             only included as
                           procedures – no benefit.                   R31 586.                 R33 605.             indicated per option)
 *Functional:            • Spinal R31 470.                          • Pacemaker              • Pacemaker
                                                                                                                    Oncology                  100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.
 Items utilised          • Artificial disk – no benefit.              (dual chamber)           (dual chamber)
 towards treating or     • Drug-eluting stents – PMBs and DSP         R42 986.                 R56 285.             Mammary surgery           No benefit for reconstructive surgery (which may include symmetrising, partial
 supporting a bodily       products only.                           • Endovascular and       • Endovascular and     (Breast cancer            or total mastectomy etc.) on the unaffected (non-cancerous) breast of a breast
 function.               • Mesh R11 044.                              catheter-based           catheter-based       patient)                  cancer patient.
                         • Gynaecology/Urology R9 025.                procedures – no          procedures –
                                                                                                                    Peritoneal dialysis       100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.
                         • Lens implants R6 887 a lens per eye.       benefit.                 no benefit.
                                                                                                                    and haemodialysis
                                                                    • Spinal R31 586.        • Spinal R33 605.
                                                                    • Artificial disk – no   • Artificial disk –    Confinements              100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                      benefit.                 no benefit.          (Birthing)
                                                                    • Drug-eluting           • Drug-eluting         HIV/AIDS                  100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs..
                                                                      stents – PMBs            stents R18 881.
                                                                      and DSP products       • Mesh R12 469.        Refractive surgery        PMBs only.                                100% Scheme            100% Scheme
                                                                      only.                  • Gynaecology/         and all types of                                                    tariff. Subject to     tariff. Subject to
                                                                    • Mesh R11 101.            Urology R9 144.      procedures to                                                       pre-authorisation      pre-authorisation
                                                                    • Gynaecology/           • Lens implants        improve or stabilise                                                and protocols.         and protocols.
                                                                      Urology R9 168.          R7 125 a lens per    vision (except                                                      Limited to R8 312      Limited to R9 381
                                                                    • Lens implants            eye.                 cataracts)                                                          per eye.               per eye.
                                                                      R6 887 a lens                                 Midwife-assisted          100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                      per eye.                                      births
 Exclusions              Joint replacement surgery                  Joint replacement        Joint replacement      Supplementary             100% Scheme tariff.
 (Prosthesis sub-limit   (except for PMBs).                         surgery (except for      surgery (except for    services
 subject to preferred                                               PMBs).                   PMBs).
                         PMBs subject to prosthesis limits:                                                         Alternatives to           100% Scheme tariff.
 provider, otherwise
                         • Hip replacement and other major joints                            PMBs subject to        hospitalisation
 limits and co-                                                     PMBs subject to
                           R33 130.                                                          prosthesis limits:
 payments apply)                                                    prosthesis limits:                              Palliative care and       100% Scheme tariff. Limited to R8 000 per month, over 3          100% Scheme
                         • Knee replacement R40 848.                                         • Hip replacement
                                                                    • Hip replacement                               Home-based care in        months. Total benefit limited to R24 000. Subject to pre-        tariff. Limited
                         • Minor joints R12 706.                                               and other major
                                                                      and other major                               lieu of hospitalisation   authorisation and DSPs.                                          to R10 000 per
                                                                                               joints R34 555.
                                                                      joints R33 368.                                                                                                                          month, over 3
                                                                                             • Knee replacement
                                                                    • Knee                                                                                                                                     months. Total
                                                                                               R45 907.
                                                                      replacement                                                                                                                              benefit limited
                                                                                             • Other minor joints
                                                                      R41 288.                                                                                                                                 to R30 000.
                                                                                               R14 106.
                                                                    • Other minor joints                                                                                                                       Subject to pre-
                                                                      R12 706.                                                                                                                                 authorisation and
 Orthopaedic and         100% Scheme tariff.
 medical appliances                                                                                                 Emergency                 Services rendered by ER24.
 Pathology               100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                                                                    Day procedures at a       Day procedures at a day-hospital facility funded at 100% Scheme tariff. Subject to
 Basic radiology         100% Scheme tariff.                                                                        day-hospital facility     pre-authorisation. DSPs apply for PMBs
                                                                                                                    International travel      Up to R10 million and a maximum of 90 days. Services rendered by Bryte Insurance
                                                                                                                    cover                     and managed by ER24.

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
BEAT1                   BEAT2                 BEAT3                 BEAT4                                             BEAT1                BEAT2              BEAT3                BEAT4
    Co-payments                Co-payment of R3 800 on all                   Co-payment of         Not applicable.      Medical aids, apparatus      No benefit.          Savings account.                        Savings first.
                               endoscopic investigations and                 R3 800 on all                              and appliances                                                                            100% Scheme
                               specialised diagnostic imaging if done        endoscopic                                 including wheelchairs                                                                     tariff. Limited
                               in a private hospital. Any other facility,    investigations if                          and hearing aids                                                                          to R11 519 per
                               no co-payment.                                done in a private                                                                                                                    family. (Subject
                                                                             hospital. Any other                        (Hearing aids are subject                                                                 to overall day-to-
                                                                                                                        to pre-authorisation)                                                                     day limit)
                                                                             facility, no co-
                                                                             payment.                                   Supplementary services       No benefit.          Savings account.                        Savings first.
                               Co-payment for voluntary use of non-network hospital                                                                                                                               Limited to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M = R4 987,
                               R11 874. For network options.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  M1+ = R10 129.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Subject to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  overall day-to-
        Out-of-hospital benefits                                                                                                                                                                                  day limit)

Note: Benefits below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers, designated service   Wound care benefit           100% Scheme tariff.                                          Savings first.
providers (DSPs), formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP).                               (incl. dressings, negative   Limited to R 3 527 per family.                               100% Scheme
                                                                                                                        pressure wound therapy                                                                    tariff. Limited
Members are required to obtain pre-authorisation for all planned treatments and/or procedures.                          -NPWT- treatment and                                                                      to R4 987 per
                                                                                                                        related nursing services                                                                  family. (Subject
Approved PMBs will be paid from scheme risk.
                                                                                                                        -out-of-hospital)                                                                         to overall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  day-to-day limit)

                                  BEAT1                   BEAT2                BEAT3                BEAT4               Optometry benefit            No benefit.          Savings account.   Benefits available every 24 months
                                                                                                                        (PPN capitation provider)                                            from date of service.
    Overall day-to-day limit      Not applicable.                                                   M = R12 824,
                                                                                                    M1+ = R25 649.                                                                           Network Provider (PPN)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Consultation - 1 per beneficiary.
    Family Practitioner           No benefit.             Savings account.                          Savings first.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Frame = R825 covered AND
    (FP) and specialist                                                                             Limited to
                                                                                                                                                                                             100% of cost of standard lenses
    consultations                                                                                   M = R3 265,
                                                                                                                                                                                             (single vision OR bifocal OR multifocal)
                                                                                                    M1+ = R5 818.
                                                                                                                                                                                             OR Contact lenses = R1 565
                                                                                                    (Subject to
                                                                                                    overall day-to-
                                                                                                                                                                                             Non-network Provider
                                                                                                    day limit)
                                                                                                                                                                                             Consultation - R350 fee at non-
    Diabetes primary care         100% of Scheme tariff subject to registration with HaloCare.                                                                                               network provider Frame = R598 AND
    consultation                  2 primary care consultations at Dis-Chem Pharmacies limited to R359 per                                                                                    Single vision lenses = R210 OR
                                  consultation.                                                                                                                                              Bifocal lenses = R445 OR
                                                                                                                                                                                             Multifocal lenses = R770
                                  Beat4 option: Paid first from the “FP and specialist consultations” day-to-day                                                                             In lieu of glasses members can opt for
                                  benefit, thereafter Scheme risk.                                                                                                                           contact lenses, limited to R1 565
    Basic and specialised         No benefit.             Basic: Preventative benefit or savings    Savings first.      Basic radiology              No benefit.          Savings account.                        Savings first.
    dentistry                                             account.                                  Limited to          and pathology                                                                             Limited to
                                                                                                    M = R5 650,                                                                                                   M = R3 265,
                                                          Specialised: Savings account.             M1+ =                                                                                                         M1+ = R6 650.
                                                          Orthodontic: Subject to pre-              R11 349.                                                                                                      (Subject to
                                                          authorisation.                            (Subject to                                                                                                   overall day-to-
                                                                                                    overall day-                                                                                                  day limit)
                                                                                                    to-day limit).
                                                                                                    Orthodontics are
                                                                                                    subject to pre-

8                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
BEAT1                 BEAT2                BEAT3                 BEAT4                                          BEAT1                         BEAT2                        BEAT3                         BEAT4
 Specialised diagnostic        100% Scheme tariff.                        100% Scheme           100% Scheme             Acute                  No benefit.                   Savings account.                                           Savings first.
 imaging                       Limited to R5 343 per family,              tariff. Limited       tariff. Limited to      medicine                                                                                                        Limited to
 (Including MRI scans,         (excluding PET scans).                     to R11 223 per        R16 981 per                                                                                                                             M = R2 885,
 CT scans and isotope                                                     family (excluding     family.                                                                                                                                 M1+ = R5 830.
 studies. PET scans only                                                  PET scans).                                                                                                                                                   (Subject to overall
 included as indicated per                                                                                                                                                                                                              day-to-day limit)
                                                                                                                        Over-the-              No benefit.                   Savings account.                                           *Member choice:
 Oncology                      Oncology programme at 100% of Scheme tariff. DSP available.                              counter (OTC)                                        Subject to available savings.                              1. R683 OTC limit
                                                                                                                        medicine                                                                                                           OR
 Peritoneal dialysis and       100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.                                                                                                                                               2. Access to full
 haemodialysis                                                                                                          Includes                                                                                                           savings for OTC
                                                                                                                        sunscreen,                                                                                                         purchases (after
 HIV/AIDS                      100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.
                                                                                                                        vitamins and                                                                                                       R683 limit) =
 Rehabilitation services       No benefit.           Savings account.                           Vested savings.         minerals with                                                                                                      self-payment gap
 after trauma                                                                                                           nappi codes                                                                                                        accumulation.
                                                                                                                        on Scheme                                                                                                          Subject to
                                                                                                                        formulary                                                                                                          available savings.

                                                                                                                      *The Default OTC choice is 1. R683 OTC limit. Members wishing to choose the other option are welcome to contact Bestmed
                                                                                                                      Note: Generic medicines are always available at a lower cost than the original brand and are just as effective. Bestmed recommends using these
                                                                                                                      generic alternatives to avoid incurring additional costs.
Note: Benefits mentioned below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers,
designated service providers, formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP). Approved
CDL, PMB and non-CDL chronic medicine costs will be paid from the non-CDL chronic medicine limit first. Thereafter,
approved CDL and PMB chronic medicine costs will continue to be paid (unlimited) from Scheme risk.
Members will not incur co-payments for PMB medications that are on the formulary for which there is no generic
Note: Refer to the Chronic Conditions List at the back of the Comparative Guide.

                    BEAT1                    BEAT2                   BEAT3                    BEAT4
 CDL & PMB          100% Scheme tariff. Co-payment of 40% for non-formulary                   100% Scheme tariff.
 chronic            medicine.                                                                 Co-payment of 30%
 medicine                                                                                     for non-formulary

 Non-CDL            No benefit.                                      5 conditions.            9 conditions.
 chronic                                                             80% Scheme tariff.       90% Scheme tariff.
 medicine                                                            Limited to               Limited to
                                                                     M = R3 444,              M = R7 564,
                                                                     M1+ = R7 006.            M1+ = R15 129.
                                                                     Co-payment of 35%        Co-payment of 25%
                                                                     for non-formulary        for non-formulary
                                                                     medicine.                medicine.

 Biologicals        PMBs only as per funding protocol.
 and other          Subject to pre-approval.

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             9
Comparative Guide 2021 - Aon
Preventative care benefits
     Note: Benefits mentioned below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers,
     designated service providers, formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP).

                             BEAT1                  BEAT2                   BEAT3                   BEAT4
      Preventative care      • Flu vaccines.        •   Flu vaccines.                               • Flu vaccines.
      benefits               • Pneumonia            •   Pneumonia vaccines.                         • Pneumonia
                               vaccines.            •   Travel vaccines.                              vaccines.
      Note: Refer to         • Female               •   Paediatric immunisations.                   • Travel vaccines.
      Scheme rules for
                               contraceptives –     •   Female contraceptives –                     • Paediatric
      funding criteria
                               R2 315 per               R2 315 per beneficiary per year.              immunisations.
      applicable to each
      preventative             beneficiary per      •   Back and neck preventative programme.       • Female
      care benefit.            year.                •   Preventative dentistry.                       contraceptives –
                             • Back and neck        •   Pap smear – ages 18 and above, every 24       R2 315 per
                               preventative             months.                                       beneficiary per
                               programme.           •   HPV vaccinations.                             year.
                             • Pap smear – ages     •   Mammogram – ages 40 and above, every        • Back and neck
                               18 and above,            24 months.                                    preventative
                               every 24 months.     •   PSA Screening – ages 50 years and             programme.
                             • HPV                      above, every 24 months                      • Preventative
                               vaccinations.                                                          dentistry.
                                                                                                    • Haemophilus
                                                                                                      influenzae Type
                                                                                                      B vaccine (HIB).
                                                                                                    • Mammogram.–
                                                                                                      ages 40 and
                                                                                                      above, every 24
                                                                                                    • HPV
                                                                                                    • PSA Screening
                                                                                                      – ages 50 years
                                                                                                      and above, every
                                                                                                      24 months.
                                                                                                    • Pap smear – ages
                                                                                                      18 and above,
                                                                                                      every 24 months.


      General                No benefit             Once a year for members 12 years and above. Twice a year for
      full-mouth                                    members under 12 years.
      examination by
      a general dentist
      (incl. gloves and
      use of sterile

      Full-mouth intra-      No benefit             Once every 36 months for all ages.
      oral radiographs

10                                                                                       COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
BEAT1                       BEAT2                        BEAT3                        BEAT4                Contributions
  Intra-oral                  No benefit                  Two (2) photos per year for all ages.
                                                                                                                                                                             BEAT1                         BEAT2                          BEAT3                     BEAT4
                                                                                                                                     Non-Network (NN) /                      NN             N              NN              N              NN               N        NN
                                                                                                                                     Network (N)
  Scaling and/or              No benefit                  Twice per year for all ages.
  polishing                                                                                                                          Medical Savings Account                           N/A                           16%                            16%              14%
  Fluoride                    No benefit                  Twice per year for all ages.                                               Principal          Risk                 R1 680         R1 511         R1 725          R1 551         R2 618           R2 356   R4 190
  treatment                                                                                                                          Member
                                                                                                                                                        Savings              R0             R0             R328            R296           R499             R449     R682
  Fissure sealing             No benefit                  Up to and including 21 years. Frequency must be in accordance with
                                                          accepted protocol.                                                                            Total                R1 680         R1 511         R2 053          R1 847          R3 117          R2 805   R4 872

                                                                                                                                     Adult              Risk                 R1 303         R1 174         R1 339          R1 205          R1 861          R1 676   R3 461
  Space                       No benefit                  Once per space during the primary and mixed denture stage.                 Dependant
                                                                                                                                                        Savings              R0             R0             R255            R230           R354             R319     R563
                                                                                                                                                        Total                R1 303         R1 174         R1 594          R1 435         R2 215           R1 995   R4 024
  Maternity                   100% Scheme tariff. Subject to the                       100% Scheme tariff. Subject to the
  Benefits                    following benefits:                                      following benefits:                           Child              Risk                 R706           R636           R726            R653           R1 011           R911     R1 035
                              Consultations:                                           Consultations:                                                   Savings              R0             R0             R138            R124           R192             R174     R169
                              • 6 antenatal consultations at a FP OR                   • 9 antenatal consultations at a FP OR                           Total                R706           R636           R864            R777           R1 203           R1 085   R1 204
                                 gynaecologist OR midwife.                                gynaecologist OR midwife.
                              Ultrasounds:                                             • 1 post-natal consultation at a FP OR        Maximum contribution
                              • 1 x 2D ultrasound scan at 1st trimester                   gynaecologist OR midwife.                  child dependants*
                                 (between 10 to 12 weeks) at a FP OR                   Ultrasounds:                                  Recognition of a child                  Child dependants under the age of 21 years and registered students up to the
                                 gynaecologist OR radiologist.                         • 1 x 2D ultrasound scan at 1st trimester     dependant                               age of 26 years, in accordance with the Rules, are regarded as child dependants.
                              • 1 x 2D ultrasound scan at 2nd trimester                   (between 10 to 12 weeks) at a FP OR
                                 (between 20 to 24 weeks) at a FP OR                      gynaecologist OR radiologist.            * You only pay for a maximum of four children. All other children join as beneficiaries of the Scheme free of charge.
                                 gynaecologist OR radiologist.                         • 1 x 2D ultrasound scan at 2nd trimester
                                                                                          (between 20 to 24 weeks) at a FP OR
                                                                                                                                   CDL = Chronic Disease List; DBC = Documentation Based Care (back rehabilitation programme); DSP = Designated
                                                                                          gynaecologist OR radiologist.
                                                                                                                                   Service Provider; FP = Family Practitioner or Doctor; TEMPO = Biometric Screenings; HIB = Haemophilus influenzae
                                                                                                                                   Type B vaccine; HPV = Human Papilloma Virus; M = Member; M1+ = Member and family; MRP = Mediscor Reference
                                                                                       • Any item categorised as a maternity
                                                                                                                                   Price; PMB = Prescribed Minimum Benefit; PPN = Preferred Provider Negotiators; PSA = Prostate Specific Antigen.
                                                                                          supplement can be claimed up to a
                                                                                          maximum of R100 per claim, once a
                                                                                          month, for a maximum of 9 months..

Disclaimer on exclusions: General and option-specific exclusions apply. Please refer to for more details.

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COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11
The Pace range offers more comprehensive in-hospital and out-of-hospital benefits. These options all have
                             additional day-to-day benefits to cover extensive out-of-hospital expenses. This range is ideal for families and
                             those seeking comprehensive cover.

                                   Method of Scheme benefit payment
                              PACE1                    PACE2                     PACE3                    PACE4
                              • In-hospital benefits are paid from Scheme risk benefit. Some              • In-hospital benefits, out-of-hospital

                      PACE      out-of-hospital benefits are paid from the annual savings first
                                and once depleted will be paid from the day-to-day benefit.
                                                                                                            benefits and preventative care
                                                                                                            benefits are paid from Scheme risk.
                              • Once the day-to-day benefit is depleted, benefits can be paid             • Once out-of-hospital risk benefits are
                                from the available vested savings. Some preventative care                   depleted, further claims will be paid
                                benefits are available from Scheme risk benefit.                            from savings.

                              • Benefits relating to conditions that meet the criteria for PMBs will be covered in full when using DSPs, this will
                                not affect your savings (annual or vested).

                                   In-hospital benefits
                             Note: All benefits mentioned below are subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols and funding guidelines.
                             Members are required to obtain pre-authorisation for all planned procedures at least 14 (fourteen) days before the
                             event. However, in the case of an emergency, the member, their representative or the hospital must notify Bestmed
                             of the member’s hospitalisation as soon as possible or on the first working day after admission to hospital.
                             Benefits relating to conditions that meet the criteria for PMBs will be covered in full when using DSPs, this will not
                             affect your savings.

                                                       PACE1                   PACE2                   PACE3                     PACE4
                              Accommodation            100% Scheme tariff.
                              (hospital stay) and
                              theatre fees

                              Take-home                100% Scheme tariff. Medicine limited to 7 days.
Did you know that             Treatment in             100% Scheme tariff. Limited to 21 days per beneficiary.
Bestmed’s Pace                mental health
option range does             Treatment of             100% Scheme tariff.
not have co-payment           chemical and
                              substance abuse
                                                       Limited to 21 days or R32 299 per beneficiary. Subject to network facilities.

or automatic self-            Consultations and        100% Scheme tariff.
payment gaps?
                              Surgical                 100% Scheme tariff.
                              procedures and

                              Organ transplants        100% Scheme tariff. (PMBs only)
PACE1                 PACE2                 PACE3                   PACE4                                        PACE1                 PACE2                 PACE3                   PACE4
 Major medical         100% Scheme           100% Scheme tariff.                                                 Exclusions             Joint replacement     Not applicable.
 maxillofacial         tariff. Limited to                                                                        (Prosthesis            surgery (except for
 surgery strictly      R13 062 per                                                                               sub-limit subject to   PMBs).
 related to certain    family.                                                                                   preferred provider,    PMBs subject to
 conditions                                                                                                      otherwise limits       prosthesis limits:
                                                                                                                 and co-payments        • Hip replacement
 Dental and oral       Limited to            Limited to            Limited to              Limited to            apply)                    and other major
 surgery (In- or out   R8 075 per family.    R13 419 per family.   R16 862 per family.     R20 187 per family.
 of hospital)                                                                                                                              joints R33 486.
                                                                                                                                        • Knee
 Overall annual        100% Scheme           100% Scheme           100% Scheme tariff.     100% Scheme                                     replacement
 prosthesis limit      tariff. Limited to    tariff. Limited to    Limited to              tariff. Limited to                              R44 530.
 (subject to           R90 246 per           R115 895 per          R116 489 per            R134 419 per                                 • Minor joints
 preferred provider,   family.               family.               family.                 family.
                                                                                                                                           R13 834.
 otherwise limits
 and co-payments                                                                                                 Orthopaedic and        100% Scheme tariff.
 apply)                                                                                                          medical appliances
 Prosthesis –          Sub-limits per        Sub-limits per        Sub-limits per          Sub-limits per        Pathology              100% Scheme tariff.
 Internal              beneficiary:          beneficiary:          beneficiary:            beneficiary:
                       • *Functional         • *Functional         • *Functional           • *Functional         Basic radiology        100% Scheme tariff.
 Note: Sub-limit         limited to            limited to            limited to              limited to
 subject to overall                                                                                              Specialised            100% Scheme tariff.
                         R16 209.              R17 634.              R18 999.                R19 712.            diagnostic imaging
 annual prosthesis
                       • Vascular            • Vascular            • Vascular              • Vascular            (Including MRI
                         R32 892.              R43 460.              R43 580.                R49 873.            scans, CT scans
 *Functional:          • Pacemaker           • Pacemaker           • Pacemaker             • Pacemaker           and isotope
 Items utilised          (dual chamber)        (dual chamber)        (dual chamber)          (dual chamber)      studies. PET scans
 towards treating or     R56 167.              R62 637.              R62 637.                R62 637.            only included
 supporting a bodily   • Endovascular        • Spinal including    • Spinal including      • Spinal including    as indicated per
 function                                                                                                        option)
                         and catheter-         artificial disc       artificial disc         artificial disc
                         based procedures      R58 102.              R58 212.                R67 215.            Oncology               Oncology programme. 100% of Scheme          Oncology programme. 100% of Scheme
                         – no benefit.       • Drug-eluting        • Drug-eluting          • Drug-eluting                               tariff. DSP available.                      tariff. DSP available. Access to extended
                       • Spinal R32 892.       stents R18 999.       stents R18 999.         stents R22 384.                                                                        protocols.
                       • Artificial disk –   • Mesh R18 999.       • Mesh R18 999.         • Mesh R19 712.
                                                                                                                 Mammary surgery        No benefit for        100% Scheme tariff for reconstructive surgery (which may
                         no benefit.         • Gynaecology/        • Gynaecology/          • Gynaecology/        (Breast cancer         reconstructive        include symmetrising, partial or total mastectomy etc.) on the
                       • Drug-eluting          Urology               Urology                 Urology             patient)               surgery (which        unaffected (non-cancerous) breast of a breast cancer patient.
                         stents – PMBs         R14 190.              R14 249.                R16 269.                                   may include
                         and DSP products    • Lens implants       • Lens implants         • Lens implants                              symmetrising,         The benefit is limited to R36 750 and is subject to
                                                                                                                                        partial or total      pre-authorisation.
                         only                  R12 184               R12 184                 R18 014
                       • Mesh R12 349.         a lens per eye.       a lens per eye.         a lens per eye.                            mastectomy
                       • Gynaecology/        • Joint               • Joint replacements:   • Joint                                      etc.) on the
                         Urology R8 906.       replacements:       - Hip replacement         replacements:                              unaffected
                       • Lens implants       - Hip replacement       and other major       - Hip replacement
                                                                                                                                        breast of a breast
                         R6 769 a lens         and other major       joints R52 248.         and other major                            cancer patient.
                         per eye.              joints R52 188.     - Knee replacement        joints R60 144.
                                             - Knee replacement      R60 857.              - Knee replacement    Peritoneal dialysis    100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.
                                               R60 560.            - Minor joints            R69 644.            and haemodialysis
                                             - Minor joints          R22 502.              - Minor joints        HIV/AIDS               100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.
                                               R22 502.                                      R22 384.
                                                                                                                 Confinements           100% Scheme tariff.
 Prosthesis –          Limited to            Limited to            Limited to              Limited to            (Birthing)
 External              R22 918               R27 311               R27 431                 R30 993
                       per family.           per family.           per family.             per family.

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                          13
PACE1                   PACE2                 PACE3                    PACE4                                          PACE1                 PACE2                  PACE3                 PACE4
 Refractive surgery       100% Scheme             100% Scheme           100% Scheme tariff.                             Diabetes primary        100% of Scheme tariff subject to registration with HaloCare.
 and all types            tariff. Limited to      tariff. Limited to    Limited to R10 094 per eye.                     care consultation       2 primary care consultations at Dis-Chem Pharmacies limited to R359 per
 of procedures            R8 977 per eye.         R9 380 per eye.                                                                               consultation. Paid first from the “FP and specialist consultations” day-to-day benefit,
 to improve or                                                                                                                                  thereafter Scheme risk.
 stabilise vision
 (except cataracts)                                                                                                     Basic and specialised   Savings first.        Savings first.         Savings first.        Limited to
                                                                                                                        dentistry               Basic:                Basic:                 Basic:                M = R12 454,
 Midwife-assisted         100% Scheme tariff.                                                                                                   Preventative          Preventative           Preventative          M1+ = R21 021.
 births                                                                                                                                         benefit or savings    benefit or savings     benefit or savings    (Subject to overall
                                                                                                                                                account. Limit once   account. Limit once    account. Limit once   day-to-day limit)
 Supplementary            100% Scheme tariff.
 services                                                                                                                                       savings exceeded.     savings exceeded.      savings exceeded.     Orthodontic:
                                                                                                                                                Specialised:          Specialised:           Specialised:          Subject to pre-
 Alternatives to          100% Scheme tariff.                                                                                                   Savings account       Savings account        Savings account       authorisation.
 hospitalisation                                                                                                                                then limit.           then limit.            then limit.
                                                                                                                                                Orthodontic:          Orthodontic:           Orthodontic:
 Palliative care          100% Scheme             100% Scheme tariff. Limited to R 15 000 for three (3) months.                                 Subject to            Subject to             Subject to
 and Home-based           tariff. Limited to R    Total benefit limited to R45 000. Subject to pre-authorisation                                pre-authorisation.    pre-authorisation.     pre-authorisation.
 care in lieu of          10 000 for three        and DSPs.                                                                                     Limited to            Limited to             Limited to
 hospitalisation          (3) months. Total                                                                                                     M = R4 131,           M = R6 926,            M = R7 463,
                          benefit limited
                                                                                                                                                M1+ = R8 384.         M1+ = R13 852.         M1+ = R13 912.
                          to R30 000.
                                                                                                                                                (Subject to overall   (Subject to overall    (Subject to overall
                          Subject to pre-
                          authorisation and                                                                                                     day-to-day limit)     day-to-day limit)      day-to-day limit)
                          DSPs.                                                                                         Medical aids,           Savings first.        Savings first. 100% Scheme tariff. Limited to R10 450 per
 Emergency                Services rendered by ER24.                                                                    apparatus and           100% Scheme           family. (Subject to overall day-to-day limit).
 evacuation                                                                                                             appliances              tariff. Limited
                                                                                                                                                to R11 519 per
 Day procedures           Day procedures at a day-hospital facility funded at 100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-                               family. (Subject to
 at a day-hospital        authorisation. DSPs apply for PMBs                                                                                    overall day-to-day
 facility                                                                                                                                       limit).
 International travel     Up to R10 million and a maximum of 90 days. Services rendered by Bryte Insurance and          Wheel chairs            Subject to medical    Limit on wheelchairs of
 cover                    managed by ER24.                                                                                                      apparatus and         R14 131 per family per 48 months.
                                                                                                                                                appliance limits.

      Out-of-hospital benefits                                                                                          Hearing aids are
                                                                                                                        subject to pre-
                                                                                                                                                Limited to R8 000
                                                                                                                                                per family every 24
                                                                                                                                                                      Limit on hearing
                                                                                                                                                                      aids of R28 796
                                                                                                                                                                                             Limit on hearing
                                                                                                                                                                                             aids of R32 418
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Limit on hearing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   aids of R36 098
                                                                                                                        authorisation           months. (Subject      per beneficiary per    per beneficiary per   per beneficiary per
Note: Benefits below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers, designated service                           to the overall day-   24 months.             24 months.            24 months.
providers (DSPs), formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP).                                                       to-day limit).
Members are required to obtain pre-authorisation for all planned treatments and/or procedures. Approved PMBs will
                                                                                                                        Insulin pump            No benefit.                                                        100% Scheme
be paid from scheme risk.
                                                                                                                        (excluding                                                                                 tariff. Limited
                                                                                                                        consumables)                                                                               to R42 000
                            PACE1                   PACE2                 PACE3                  PACE4                                                                                                             per beneficiary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   every 24 months.
 Overall day-to-day         M = R10 901,            M = R15 389,          M = R19 237,           M = R35 861,                                                                                                      Subject to pre-
 limit                      M1+ = R21 801.          M1+ = R30 779.        M1+ = R39 756.         M1+ = R57 829.                                                                                                    authorisation.

 FP and specialist          Savings first.          Savings first.Limited to                     Limited to             Supplementary           Savings first.        Savings first.         Savings first.        Limited to
 consultations              Limited to              M = R4 394,                                  M = R5 640,            services                Limited to            Limited to             Limited to            M = R5 640,
                            M = R2 245,             M1+ = R8 906. (Subject to overall            M1+ = R9 144.                                  M = R4 405,           M = R5 523,            M = R2 684,           M1+ = R11 102.
                            M1+ = R4 512.           day-to-day limit)                            (Subject to overall                            M1+ = R9 144.         M1+ = R11 102.         M1+ = R5 640.         (Subject to overall
                            (Subject to overall                                                  day-to-day limit)                              (Subject to overall   (Subject to overall    (Subject to overall   day-to-day limit)
                            day-to-day limit)                                                                                                   day-to-day limit)     day-to-day limit)      day-to-day limit)

14                                                                                                                                                                                                      COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
PACE1                 PACE2                 PACE3                 PACE4                       Medicine
 Wound care benefit      Savings first.        Savings first.        Savings first.        Limited to
 (incl. dressings,       100% Scheme           100% Scheme           100% Scheme           R13 774 per           Benefits mentioned below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers, designated
 negative pressure       tariff. Limited to    tariff. Limited to    tariff. Limited to    family. (Subject to   service providers, formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP). Refer to the Chronic
 wound therapy           R3 622 per family.    R6 887 per family.    R10 687 per           overall day-to-day    Conditions List at the back of the Comparative Guide.
 -NPWT- treatment        (Subject to overall   (Subject to overall   family. (Subject to   limit)
                                                                                                                 Note: Approved CDL, PMB and non-CDL chronic medicine costs will be paid from the non-CDL chronic medicine limit
 and related nursing     day-to-day limit)     day-to-day limit)     overall day-to-day
 services –                                                          limit)                                      first. Thereafter, approved CDL and PMB chronic medicine costs will continue to be paid (unlimited) from Scheme risk.
 out-of-hospital)                                                                                                Members will not incur co-payments for PMB medications that are on the formulary for which there is no generic
 Optometry benefit       Benefits available every 24 months from date of service.
 (PPN capitation         Network Provider (PPN)                                                                  Note: Approved PMB biological and Non-PMB biological medicine costs will be paid from the Biological limit first.
 provider)               Consultation - 1 per beneficiary.                                                       Once the limit is depleted, only PMB biological medicine costs will continue to be paid unlimited from Scheme risk.
                         Frame = R825 covered AND
                         100% of cost of standard lenses (single vision OR bifocal OR multifocal)                                                  PACE1                     PACE2                      PACE3                     PACE4
                         Non-network Provider                                                                      CDL & PMB chronic               100% Scheme               100% Scheme                100% Scheme               100% Scheme
                         Consultation - R350 fee at non-network provider Frame = R598 AND                          medicine                        tariff. Co-payment        tariff. Co-payment         tariff. Co-payment        tariff. Co-payment
                         Single vision lenses = R210 OR                                                                                            of 35% for                of 30% for                 of 25% for                of 20% for
                         Bifocal lenses = R445 OR                                                                                                  non-formulary             non-formulary              non-formulary             non-formulary
                         Multifocal lenses = R770                                                                                                  medicine.                 medicine.                  medicine.                 medicine.

 Contact lenses          In lieu of glasses members can opt for contact lenses                                     Non-CDL chronic                 7 conditions.             18 conditions.             19 conditions.            28 conditions.
                         Network Provider (PPN)                                            Network Provider        medicine                        90% Scheme tariff.        90% Scheme tariff.         90% Scheme tariff.        90% Scheme tariff.
                         Contact lenses = R1 565                                           (PPN)                                                   Limited to                Limited to                 Limited to                Limited to
                         OR                                                                Contact lenses =                                        M = R6 650,               M = R9 144,                M = R14 749,              M = R19 889,
                         Non-network Provider                                              R1 850                                                  M1+ = R13 299.            M1+ = R18 287.             M1+ = R29 496.            M1+ = R39 958.
                         Contact lenses = R1 565                                           OR                                                      Co-payment                Co-payment                 Co-payment                Co-payment
                                                                                           Non-network                                             of 30% for                of 25% for                 of 20% for                of 15% for
                                                                                           Provider                                                non-formulary             non-formulary              non-formulary             non-formulary
                                                                                           Contact lenses =                                        medicine.                 medicine.                  medicine.                 medicine.
                                                                                           R1 850                  Biologicals and other           PMBs only -               Limited to                 Limited to                Limited to
                                                                                                                   high-cost medicine              subject to pre-           R166 132                   R332 485                  R492 077
 Basic radiology         Savings first. 100% Scheme tariff.          Savings first.        100% Scheme
                                                                                                                                                   approval.                 per beneficiary.           per beneficiary.          per beneficiary.
 and pathology           Limited to M = R3 265, M1+ = R6 531.        100% Scheme           tariff. Limited to
                         (Subject to overall day-to-day limit)       tariff. Limited to    M = R5 640,             Acute medicine                  Savings first.            Savings first.             Savings first.            Limited to
                                                                     M = R3 562,           M1+ = R11 102.                                          Limited to                Limited to                 Limited to                M = R8 906,
                                                                     M1+ = R7 065.         (Subject to overall                                     M = R2 352,               M = R4 869,                M = R1 544,               M1+ = R13 834.
                                                                     (Subject to overall   day-to-day limit)                                       M1+ = R4 869.             M1+ = R9 737.              M1+ = R3 800.             (10% co-payment)
                                                                     day-to-day limit)                                                             (Subject to overall       (Subject to overall        (Subject to overall       (Subject to overall
                                                                                                                                                   day-to-day limit).        day-to-day limit).         day-to-day limit).        day-to-day limit).
 Specialised             100% Scheme           MRI/CT scans: Maximum of 3 scans per beneficiary.
 diagnostic imaging      tariff. Limited       PET scan: 1 scan per beneficiary. 100% Scheme tariff.               Over-the-counter                *Member choice: 1. R683 OTC limit OR 2. Access to full savings                 Savings account.
 (Including MRI scans,   to R14 606 per                                                                            (OTC) medicine                  for OTC purchases (after R683 limit) = self-payment gap
 CT scans and isotope    family.                                                                                   Includes sunscreen,             accumulation. Subject to available savings.
 studies. PET scans                                                                                                vitamins and minerals
 only included as                                                                                                  with nappi codes on
 indicated per option)                                                                                             Scheme formulary

 Rehabilitation          Vested savings.       100% Scheme tariff.                                               *The Default OTC choice is 1. R683 OTC limit. Members wishing to choose the other option are welcome to contact Bestmed
 services after trauma

 HIV/AIDS                100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.

 Oncology                Oncology programme. 100% of Scheme          100% of Scheme tariff. DSP available.
                         tariff. DSP available.                      Access to extended protocols.

 Peritoneal dialysis     100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.
 and haemodialysis

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
Preventative care benefits                                                                                                          PACE1                        PACE2                        PACE3                       PACE4
                                                                                                                 Intra-oral                 Two (2) photos per year for all ages.
Note: Benefits mentioned below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers,
designated service providers, formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP).
                                                                                                                 Scaling and/or             Twice per year for all ages.
                        PACE1                   PACE2                   PACE3                   PACE4            polishing
 Preventative care      • Flu vaccines.         •   Flu vaccines.                                                Fluoride                   Twice per year for all ages.
                        • Pneumonia             •   Pneumonia vaccines.                                          treatment
 Note: Refer to           vaccines.             •   Travel vaccines.
 Scheme rules for       • Travel vaccines.      •   Paediatric immunisations.                                                               Up to and including 21 years. Frequency must be in accordance with accepted protocol.
                                                                                                                 Fissure sealing
 funding criteria
                        • Paediatric            •   Female contraceptives – R2 315 per beneficiary per year.
 applicable to each
                          immunisations.        •   Back and neck preventative programme.                        Space                      Once per space during the primary and mixed denture stage.
 care benefit.          • Female                •   Preventative dentistry.                                      maintainers
                          contraceptives –      •   Haemophilus influenzae Type B vaccine. (HIB).
                          R2 315 per            •   Mammogram – ages 40 and above, once every 24 months.         Maternity                  100% Scheme tariff. Subject to the following benefits:
                          beneficiary per       •   PSA screening – ages 50 and above, every 24 months.          Benefits
                          year.                 •   HPV vaccinations.                                                                       Consultations:
                        • Back and neck         •   Bone densitometry.                                                                      • 9 antenatal consultations at a FP OR gynaecologist OR midwife.
                          preventative          •   Pap smear – ages 18 and above, every 24 months.                                         • 1 post-natal consultation at a FP OR gynaecologist OR midwife.
                          programme.                                                                                                        Ultrasounds:
                        • Preventative                                                                                                      • 1 x 2D ultrasound scan at 1st trimester (between 10 to 12 weeks) at a FP OR
                          dentistry.                                                                                                           gynaecologist OR radiologist.
                        • Haemophilus                                                                                                       • 1 x 2D ultrasound scan at 2nd trimester (between 20 to 24 weeks) at a FP OR
                          influenzae Type B                                                                                                    gynaecologist OR radiologist.
                          vaccine. (HIB).                                                                                                   Supplements:
                        • Mammogram                                                                                                         • Any item categorised as a maternity supplement can be claimed up to a maximum of R100
                          – ages 40 and                                                                                                        per claim, once a month, for a maximum of 9 months.
                          above, once every
                          24 months.                                                                           Disclaimer on exclusions: General and option-specific exclusions apply. Please refer to for more details.
                        • HPV vaccinations.
                        • Pap smear – age
                          18 and above,
                          every 24 months.
                        • PSA screening
                          – ages 50 and
                          above, every 24


 General                Once a year for members 12 years and above. Twice a year for members under 12 years.
 examination by
 a general dentist
 (incl. gloves and
 use of sterile

 Full-mouth intra-      Once every 36 months for all ages.
 oral radiographs

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
                                                   PACE1                   PACE2                     PACE3             PACE4
  Medical Savings Account                          19%                     14%                       14%               3%

  Principal Member                Risk             R3 307                  R4 988                    R5 726            R8 068

                                  Savings          R776                    R812                      R932              R250

                                  Total            R4 083                  R5 800                    R6 658            R8 318

  Adult Dependant                 Risk             R2 323                  R4 891                    R4 610            R8 068                   PULSE
                                  Savings          R545                    R796                      R750              R250

                                  Total            R2 868                  R5 687                    R5 360            R8 318

  Child Dependant                 Risk             R835                    R1 100                    R985              R1 891

                                  Savings          R196                    R179                      R160              R58

                                  Total            R1 031                  R1 279                    R1 145            R1 949

  Maximum contribution
  child dependant*

  Recognition of a                Child dependants under the age of 21 years and registered students up to the age of
  child dependant                 26 years, in accordance with the Rules, are regarded as child dependants.

*You only pay for a maximum of four children. All other children join as beneficiaries of the Scheme free of charge.

DBC = Documentation Based Care (Back Rehabilitation Programme); DSP = Designated Service Provider; FP = Family
Practitioner or Doctor; TEMPO = Biometric Screenings; HIB = Haemophilus influenzae Type B vaccine; HPV = Human
Papilloma Virus; M = Member; M1+ = Member and family; MRI/CT scans = Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Computed
Tomography scans; MRP = Mediscor Reference Price; NP = Network Provider; PET scan = Positron Emission
Tomography scan; PMB = Prescribed Minimum Benefits; PPN = Preferred Provider Negotiators; PSA = Prostate
Specific Antigen.

                                                                                                                                Unlimited FP
                                                                                                                                on our Pulse

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                  17
The Pulse range is ideally suitable for you if:
                                                                                                                                                            PULSE1                               PULSE2
• You are seeking a plan option that is based on your income (Pulse1).
• You are comfortable with making use of designated service providers (DSPs) within our Pulse network.                Major medical maxillofacial           No benefit.                          100% Scheme tariff.
• You are looking for unlimited comprehensive cover for hospitalisation and the added benefit of preventative care.   surgery strictly related to certain

                                                                                                                      Dental and oral surgery               No benefit.                          100% Scheme tariff.
      Method of Scheme benefit payment                                                                                (In- or out of hospital)

                                                                                                                      Prosthesis (subject to preferred      100% Scheme tariff.                  100% Scheme tariff.
 PULSE1                                                       PULSE2                                                  provider, otherwise limits and        Limited to R53 079 per family.       Limited to R106 277 per family.
 • In-hospital benefits are paid from Scheme risk.            • In-hospital benefits are paid from Scheme risk.       co-payments apply)
 • Some preventative care benefits are available from         • Some day-to-day benefits and preventative care        Prosthesis – Internal                 Sub-limits per beneficiary:          Sub-limits per beneficiary:
   Scheme risk.                                                 benefits are available from Scheme risk.                                                    • *Functional R11 281.               • *Functional R17 634.
 • Some out-of-hospital benefits are paid from                • Some out-of-hospital benefits are paid from           Note: Sub-limit subject to overall    • Vascular R26 302.                  • Vascular R41 086.
   Scheme risk.                                                 Scheme risk.                                          annual prosthesis limit               • Pacemaker (dual chamber)           • Pacemaker (dual chamber)
 • Only Pulse specialist DSP network.                         • Only Pulse specialist DSP network.                                                            R42 986.                             R55 692.
                                                                                                                      *Functional: Items utilised
 • Benefits relating to conditions that meet the criteria for PMBs will be covered in full when using DSPs.                                                 • Endovascular and catheter-based    • Spinal R41 086.
                                                                                                                      towards treating or supporting
                                                                                                                      a bodily function                       procedures – no benefit.           • Artificial disk R18 049.
                                                                                                                                                            • Spinal R26 302.                    • Drug-eluting stents R18 049.
                                                                                                                                                            • Artificial disk – no benefit.      • Mesh R18 049.
      In-hospital benefits                                                                                                                                  • Drug-eluting stents – PMBs and     • Gynaecology/Urology R13 419.
                                                                                                                                                              DSP products only.                 • Lens implants R11 519 a lens
All benefits below are subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, funding guidelines and designated hospital                                         • Mesh R9 619.                         per eye.
networks.                                                                                                                                                   • Gynaecology/Urology R7 944.        • Joint replacements:
Members are required to obtain pre-authorisation for all planned procedures at least 14 (fourteen) days before the                                          • Lens implants R5 523 a lens per    - Hip replacement and other major
event. However, in the case of an emergency, the member, their representative or the hospital must notify Bestmed                                             eye.                                 joints R49 160.
of the member’s hospitalisation as soon as possible or on the first working day after admission to hospital.                                                                                     - Knee replacement R57 413.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 - Minor joints R21 374.

                                           PULSE1                                 PULSE2                              Prosthesis – External                 No benefit (PMBs only).              Limited to R25 649 per family.

 Accommodation (hospital stay)             100% Scheme tariff at a DSP hospital.                                      Exclusions (Prosthesis sub-limit      Joint replacement surgery (except    Not applicable.
 and theatre fees                                                                                                     subject to preferred provider,        for PMBs).
                                                                                                                      otherwise limits and                  PMBs subject to prosthesis
 Take-home medicine                        100% Scheme tariff.                    100% Scheme tariff.                 co-payments apply)                    limits:
                                           Medicine limited to 3 days.            Medicine limited to 7 days.                                               • Hip replacement and other major
 Treatment in mental health                100% Scheme tariff. Limited to 21 days per beneficiary.                                                             joints R26 956.
 clinics                                                                                                                                                    • Knee replacement R34 080.
                                                                                                                                                            • Minor joints R12 765.
 Treatment of chemical and                 100% Scheme tariff (only PMBs).        100% Scheme tariff. Limited to 21
 substance abuse                           Limited to 21 days per beneficiary.    days or R32 299 per beneficiary.    Orthopaedic and medical               100% Scheme tariff.                  100% Scheme tariff.
                                           Subject to network facilities.         Subject to network facilities.      appliances                            Limited to R6 531 per family.

 Consultations and procedures              100% Scheme tariff.                                                        Basic radiology and pathology         100% Scheme tariff.

 Surgical procedures and                   100% Scheme tariff. Excluded           100% Scheme tariff.                 Specialised diagnostic imaging        100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation.
 anaesthetics                              from benefits: functional nasal
                                           surgery, surgery for medical                                               (Including MRI scans, CT scans
                                           conditions e.g. Epilepsy,                                                  and isotope studies. PET scans
                                           Parkinson’s disease and                                                    only included as indicated per
                                           procedures where stimulators                                               option)
                                           are used.
                                                                                                                      Oncology                              Oncology programme. 100% of Scheme tariff. DSP available.
 Organ transplants                         100% Scheme tariff (only PMBs).
                                                                                                                      Peritoneal dialysis and               100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                    COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
PULSE1                               PULSE2                                     Out-of-hospital benefits
 Confinements (Birthing)               100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                                                                 Note: Granting of benefits under the primary care services and the Scheme benefits shall be subject to treatment
 Mammary surgery                       No benefit for reconstructive        100% Scheme tariff for               protocols, preferred providers, DSPs, dental procedure codes, pathology and radiology lists of codes and medicine
 (Breast cancer patients)              surgery (which may include           reconstructive surgery (which        formularies as accepted by the Scheme.
                                       symmetrising, partial or total       may include symmetrising, partial
                                       mastectomy etc.) on the              or total mastectomy etc.) on the     Members are required to obtain pre-authorisation for all planned treatments and/or procedures.
                                       unaffected (non-cancerous)           unaffected (non-cancerous)
                                       breast of a breast cancer patient.   breast of a breast cancer patient.                                           PULSE1                                PULSE2
                                                                            The benefit is limited to
                                                                            R36 750 and is subject to pre-        Overall day-to-day limit               N/A                                   M = R14 546, M1+ = R28 914.
                                                                                                                  FP consultations                       Unlimited FP visits. Subject to       Unlimited FP visits at Bestmed FP
 Refractive surgery and all types      No benefit (PMBs only).              100% Scheme tariff. Limited to                                               Bestmed Pulse1 FP network.            network providers.
 of procedures to improve or                                                R9 440 per eye.
 stabilise vision (except cataracts)                                                                              Diabetes primary care                  100% of Scheme tariff subject to registration with HaloCare.
                                                                                                                  consultation                           2 primary care consultations at Dis-Chem Pharmacies limited to R359
 Midwife-assisted births               100% Scheme tariff.                                                                                               per consultation.
 Supplementary services                100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                                                                                                         Pulse2 option: Paid first from the day-to-day benefit, thereafter Scheme
 HIV/AIDS                              100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.                                                        risk.
 Alternatives to hospitalisation       100% Scheme tariff.                                                        Casualty and out-of-network FP         Limited to R1 425 per family per      Limited to R1 544 per family per
 Palliative care and Home-based        100% Scheme tariff. Limited to       100% Scheme tariff. Limited to        visits                                 year.                                 year.
 care in lieu of hospitalisation       R8 000 per month for 3 months.       R15 000 per month for 3 months.
                                       Total benefit limited to R24 000.    Total benefit limited to R45 000.     Specialist consultations               Specialist consultations must         Specialist consultations must be
                                       Subject to pre-authorisation and     Subject to pre-authorisation and                                             be referred by a Pulse1 Network       referred by Network Provider.
                                       DSPs.                                DSPs.                                                                        Provider. Limited to M = R1 187,      Limited to M = R3 207, M1+ = R6 175.
                                                                                                                                                         M1+ = R 1 782.                        Subject to overall day-to-day limit.
 Emergency evacuation                  Services rendered by ER24                                                                                         Subject to Pulse Specialist DSP       Subject to Pulse specialist DSP
                                                                                                                                                         network. R500 penalty for non-        network.
 Day procedures at a day-hospital      Day procedures at a day-hospital facility funded at 100% Scheme tariff.                                           referral to specialists in PMB
 facility                              Subject to pre-authorisation. DSPs apply for PMBs                                                                 cases.
 International travel cover            Up to R10 million and a maximum of 90 days. Services rendered by Bryte     Basic and specialised dentistry        Basic dentistry: Subject to           Basic and specialised dentistry
                                       Insurance and managed by ER24.                                                                                    Bestmed Pulse Dental Network.         is subject to pre-authorisation.
                                                                                                                                                         Specialised dentistry: No benefit.    Limited to
 Co-payments                           Co-payment where procedure has       Co-payment of up to R11 874
                                                                                                                                                                                               M = R7 303,
                                       been clinically approved:            per event for voluntary use of a
                                                                                                                                                                                               M1+ = R9 262
                                       • R3 800 on all laparoscopic         non-DSP hospital.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Subject to overall day-to-day limit.
                                       • R3 800 on prostate procedures,                                           Medical aids, apparatus and            No benefit.                           100% Scheme tariff. Limited to
                                       • R3 800 on procedures for                                                 appliances                                                                   R10 331 per family. Subject to
                                         prolapse/incontinence,                                                                                                                                overall day-to-day limit.
                                       • R3 800 on arthroscopy other                                              Wheelchairs                            No benefit.                           Limit on wheelchairs of
                                         than acute trauma,                                                                                                                                    R13 299 per family per 48 months.
                                       • R3 800 on endoscopy
                                                                                                                  Hearing aids are subject to            No benefit.                           Limited to R28 736 per beneficiary
                                         investigations done primarily in
                                                                                                                  pre-authorisation.                                                           per 24 months at DSP. Pre-approval
                                                                                                                                                                                               required, Subject to quotation,
                                       • Co-payment of up to R11 874                                                                                                                           motivation and audiogram.
                                         per event for voluntary use of
                                         a non-DSP hospital.                                                      Supplementary services                 No benefit.                           Limited to
                                                                                                                                                                                               M = R4 275,
                                                                                                                                                                                               M1+ = R8 490.
                                                                                                                                                                                               (Subject to overall day-to-day

COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
PULSE1                                PULSE2                                      Medicine
 Wound care benefit (incl.        No benefit.                           Limited to R9 975 per family.
 dressings, negative pressure                                                                                  Benefits mentioned below may be subject to pre-authorisation, clinical protocols, preferred providers, designated
 wound therapy treatment                                                                                       service providers, formularies, funding guidelines and the Mediscor Reference Price (MRP). Refer to the Chronic
 -NPWT- and related nursing                                                                                    Conditions List at the back of the Comparative Guide.
 services – out-of-hospital)
                                                                                                               Note: Approved CDL, PMB and non-CDL chronic medicine costs will be paid from the non-CDL chronic medicine limit
 Optometry benefit                Benefits available every 24           Benefits available every 24            first. Thereafter, approved CDL and PMB chronic medicine costs will continue to be paid (unlimited) from Scheme risk.
 (PPN capitation provider)        months from date of service at        months from date of service.
                                                                                                               Members will not incur co-payments for PMB medications that are on the formulary for which there is no generic
                                  PPN provider only.                    Network Provider (PPN)
                                                                        Consultation - 1 per beneficiary.      alternative.
                                  Consultation - only PPN               Frame = R825 covered AND               Note: Approved PMB biological and Non-PMB biological medicine costs will be paid from the Biological limit first.
                                  providers.                            100% of cost of standard lenses        Once the limit is depleted, only PMB biological medicine costs will continue to be paid unlimited from Scheme risk.
                                  Frame = R225 covered AND              (single vision OR bifocal OR
                                  100% of cost of standard lenses       multifocal) OR Contact lenses =
                                  Single vision lenses = R210 OR        R1 565                                                                         PULSE1                                 PULSE2
                                  Bifocal lenses = R445 OR              OR
                                                                                                                CDL & PMB chronic medicine             100% Scheme tariff.                    100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                        Non-network Provider
                                                                                                                                                       40% co-payment on                      25% co-payment on
                                                                        Consultation - R350 fee at non-
                                  In lieu of glasses members can opt                                                                                   non-formulary medicine.                non-formulary medicine.
                                                                        network provider Frame = R598
                                  for contact lenses, limited to R630   AND                                     Non-CDL chronic medicine               No benefit.                            16 conditions.
                                                                        Single vision lenses = R210 OR                                                                                        90% Scheme tariff.
                                                                        Bifocal lenses = R445 OR                                                                                              Limited to M = R6 887,
                                                                        Multifocal lenses = R770                                                                                              M1+ = R13 774.
                                                                        In lieu of glasses members can                                                                                        Co-payment of 20% for
                                                                        opt for contact lenses, limited to                                                                                    non-formulary medicine.
                                                                        R1 565
                                                                                                                Biologicals and other high-cost        PMBs only - subject to                 Limited to R156 743 per
 Basic radiology and              Pulse1 Protocols and tariff lists     Subject to NP protocols and tariff      medicine                               pre-approval.                          beneficiary.
 pathology                        apply. Referral by Pulse1 NP          lists. (Subject to overall day-to-
                                                                        day limit). Referral by NP required.    Acute medicine                         100% Scheme tariff.                    100% Scheme tariff.
                                                                        Subject to pre-authorisation.                                                  Subject to Bestmed formulary.          Limited to M = R4 572,
                                                                                                                                                                                              M1+ = R9 262. (Subject to overall
 Specialised diagnostic imaging   No benefit.                           Subject to pre-authorisation.                                                                                         day-to-day limit)
 (Including MRI scans, CT scans                                         MRI/CT scans: A maximum of
 and isotope studies. PET scans                                         3 scans per beneficiary.                Over-the-counter (OTC) medicine        Limited to R387 per family.            Limited to R608 per family.
 only included as indicated per                                         PET scans: 1 scan per beneficiary.
 option)                                                                                                        Includes sunscreen, vitamins and
                                                                                                                minerals with nappi codes on
 HIV/AIDS                         100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.                    Scheme formulary
 Peritoneal dialysis and          100% Scheme tariff. Subject to pre-authorisation and DSPs.

 Oncology                         Oncology programme. 100% of Scheme tariff. DSP available.

 Rehabilitation services after    No benefit.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                  COMPARATIVE GUIDE 2021
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