Page created by Virgil Dunn
left: The Tufts Government and
                                                                                                                                            Community Relations team is
                                                                                                                                            here to support the university’s
                                                                                                                                            neighbors, community partners,
                                                                                                                                            and government officials. From
                                                                                                                                            left to right, Rocco DiRico,
                                                                                                                                            Leah Boudreau, Liza Perry,
                                                                                                                                            and Marc Maggiore.

“Tufts University is fortunate to be located                               WORKING TOGETHER
  in four extraordinary communities:
                                                                            The Government and Community Relations team is the
  Boston, Grafton, Medford, and Somerville.
                                                                            university’s primary liaison for our neighbors, community
  Our students, faculty, and staff, many                                    partners, and government officials. We help Tufts use its
  of whom reside locally themselves,                                        resources, expertise, and knowledge to benefit the people
  are passionate about making the                                           of Boston, Grafton, Medford, and Somerville.

  world a brighter place through civic                                          Whether we’re strategizing with local leaders to grow
                                                                            our economic impact, collaborating with schools and
  engagement, research, and scholarship.
                                                                            nonprofits to meet local needs, hosting movie nights, or
  This commitment begins right in our                                       simply sitting down with neighbors to offer support, the
  own neighborhoods, where Tufts joins                                      best part of what we do is the opportunity to meet so many
  many local partners to create vibrant                                     incredible community members.

  communities and a better future.”                                             We’re always eager to connect. We invite you to
                                                                            follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, or      above: Young people in nearby
 —President Anthony P. Monaco                                               reach out directly. Whether you’d like to audit a class, find   communities know Tufts well
                                                                            a free program for your kids on campus, propose a new           because so many of our students
                                                                            partnership, or get help with a neighborhood issue, we’re       volunteer with youth-serving
                                                                            here to serve and support you.                                  organizations and campus
                                                                                By connecting people and organizations with university      community programs like Kids’
                                                                            resources, we’ll continue to make our communities stronger,     Day, Traveling Treasure Trunk,
                                                                            healthier, and more successful together.                        DREAM, Best Buddies, and Big
                                                                                                                                            Brothers, Big Sisters. Through the
                                                                                                                                            Leonard Carmichael Society alone,
                                                                            Rocco DiRico
                                                                                                                                            more than 1,000 undergraduates
                                                                            Executive Director, Tufts University
                                                                                                                                            serve more than 30 nonprofit
                                                                            Government and Community Relations
                                                                                                                                            organizations annually.

         on the cover: A Tufts University dental student teaches
         toothbrushing technique during Give Kids a Smile, an
         initiative that provides free oral health screenings, treatment,
         preventive, and restorative care to underserved children.

                                                                                                                                            COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2021-2022 : 1
PROSPERING                                           DISCOVERY & INNOVATION
                                                     A major research institution, Tufts University attracted
TOGETHER                                             $190 million in research funding to Massachusetts in
                                                                                                                Ranked one of the Top 10 Massachusetts Employers by                 DID YOU KNOW?
                                                     2020, much of which was spent locally. Research at Tufts
                                                                                                                Forbes, Tufts University is also one of the largest employers       Tufts University partners with
Tufts is an economic engine                          focuses on breaking down walls—between fields, between
                                                                                                                in Grafton, Medford, and Somerville. During fiscal year 2020,       small businesses in its host cities
and a catalyst for growth in                         faculty and students, between what is and what could
                                                                                                                Tufts employed approximately 5,000 people across our                to offer programs like the Cherish
Massachusetts and its local                          be—in order to solve the most pressing global challenges
                                                                                                                four campuses.                                                      Chinatown Challenge, Discover
host communities.                                    of our time.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Davis, Find Fenway, and Meet

                                                                                                                                                                                    Medford, which directly connect
                                                                                                                                                                                    more than 1,000 students to local
                                                                                                                                         in salaries paid to all Tufts employees
                                                                                                                                                                                    restaurants, shops, and fitness

                                                                                                                                                                                    studios. Off-campus spending
                                                                                                                                                                                    by students, faculty, and staff
                                                                                                                                        in employer payroll taxes, health

VISITOR & STUDENT SPENDING                                                                                                                                                          provides a vital contribution to
                                                                                                                                        insurance, and other benefits
                                                                                                                                                                                    local economies.
DURING A TYPICAL YEAR, SPENDING MORE                                          need-based financial aid

THAN $57 MILLION IN MASSACHUSETTS.                                            given to undergraduates from
                                                                              host communities in FY21

                                                                              U NIVE RS IT Y E MPLOYEES
                                                                                                                       P R OP ER TY TAXES AND VOLUNTARY
                                                                                                                       PAY MENTS TO HOST COMMUNITIES IN 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                    value of partnerships and
                                                                                                                                                                                    other contributions to host
                                                                                                                                                                                    communities in 2020


                                                                              U NDE RG RADUAT E AND
                                                                              G RADUAT E ST U DE NTS
                                                                                                                Housing is a top priority for
                                                                              ACROSS FO U R CAMPUSES
                                                                                                                the university. Tufts added                                         Tufts undergraduates enrolled
                                                                                                                more than 450 beds over                                             from host communities

                                                                              ALU MNI LIVING IN MA
                                                                                                                the past 5 years and plans to
                                                                                                                add more in the near future,
                                                                                                                including a new high-density,
                                                                                                                on-campus residence hall.

                                                                                                                                                                                    COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2021-2022 : 3

EMERGENCY RELIEF                      The COVID-19 pandemic produced extraordinary
                                      collaborations between Tufts and its local communities.
387K masks and medical
                                      The university offered support, resources, expertise, and
equipment items donated to
                                      knowledge from the earliest days, taking every opportunity
local hospitals by Tufts alumni
                                      to keep its neighbors safe and healthy.
and parents
                                          Tufts was the first university in Massachusetts to offer
6K damaged N95 masks repaired         campus facilities for relief efforts, housing first responders,
by Tufts students and faculty for     health-care workers, and COVID+ patients; providing cold
a local hospital                      storage and food donations to hunger-relief organizations;
                                      and awarding emergency grants to local nonprofits.
30 COVID emergency grants
                                          Recognizing the importance of testing in densely
donated to local nonprofits
                                      populated communities, Tufts also administered 1,400 free
                                      COVID-19 tests to our neighbors and worked with Medford
                                      and Somerville to launch one of the first public school
                                      pooled testing programs in the state, serving 8,831 students.
SUPPORT                               This partnership, the only one like it in Massachusetts,
                                      enabled local schools to reopen safely.

bed nights donated to police
officers, firefighters, healthcare
workers, and COVID+ patients

Medford and Somerville K-12
                                     “Our partnership brought peace of
                                       mind to students, staff, and families
                                       while there were still so many
students served by Tufts pooled        unknowns. I firmly believe that the
testing partnership
                                       success of last year’s collaboration
                                       has allowed us to start this school
                                       year off on a strong note with
220K                                   everyone’s health and safety as our
pounds of food stored on campus
                                       continued highest priority.”
and distributed by nonprofits to
people facing food insecurity         —Superintendent Dr. Marice Edouard-Vincent,
                                                                                                        A Somerville Public School teacher visits the Albert F.
                                        Medford Public Schools
                                                                                                        Argenziano School for COVID testing. Tufts partnered with
                                                                                                        Medford and Somerville to create one of the state’s first
                                                                                                        public school pooled testing programs.

                                                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2021-2022 : 5
SERVING TOGETHER                                                                                        HEALTHIER                                           Students, faculty, and
Driven by the ideals of human rights and democratic                                                                                                         staff from across the
                                                                                                                                                            health sciences provide
participation, Tufts students, faculty, and staff seek solutions
                                                                                                        Tufts University’s reputation for
to the world’s most pressing challenges and share a                GIVING TOGETHER
                                                                                                        health sciences innovation extends
commitment to improving people’s lives, beginning right
here at home.
                                                                   TUFTS COMMUNITY GRANTS
                                                                   Since 1995, Tufts University
                                                                                                        to many unique community                            free medical care,
    Every fall, 185 incoming undergraduates and                    faculty and staff have joined
                                                                                                        partnerships, from free medical
                                                                                                        care at The Sharewood Project to
                                                                                                                                                            health education, and
                                                                   together each year to make
                                                                                                                                                            nutrition programming
75 student leaders choose to spend their first days at Tufts
                                                                                                        Jumbo’s Kitchen cooking classes
volunteering with 45 local nonprofits through the FOCUS            financial donations to support
                                                                                                        for kids led by nutrition and
pre-orientation program. Medical students all complete at
least 50 hours of community service learning and dental
                                                                   local nonprofit organizations
                                                                   in Boston, Grafton, Medford,
                                                                                                        medical students.                                   for our neighbors.
students participate in a 5-week community externship each         and Somerville.
year. More than 1,000 students from across the university
have participated in the Tisch Summer Fellows program
since it began, and in a typical summer, they contribute over
                                                                                                        COMMUNITY DENTISTRY
24,000 hours of work to local nonprofit organizations.

    Through innovative, interdisciplinary research aimed at

addressing real world problems, Tufts also creates cutting-
edge research and programs like Shape Up Somerville that                                                                 saved by community members annually through
                                                                   community organizations have
benefit host communities.                                                                                                discounted services at the Tufts Dental Clinic
                                                                   received grants since 1995

                                                                                                                         kids receive dental care from Tufts at their school

1,000                                                     +
                                                                                                                         through the Boston Public Schools Dental Program

                                                                   G RANTS AWARDE D


                                                                                                        TUFTS CHINATOWN WELLNESS INITIATIVE (TCWI)
Each year more than 1,000 Leonard Carmichael Society                                                    Tufts medical students partner with the Asian Community
undergraduate students volunteer for over 30 local                                                      Development Corporation and Greater Boston Chinese Golden               Volunteer animal-handler teams

organizations.                                                                                          Age Center to lead workshops for community residents that               trained by Paws for People at

                                                                                                        promote health literacy and disease prevention in English, Mandarin,    the Cummings School of

                                                                                                        and Cantonese.                                                          Veterinary Medicine visit with
                                                                                                                                                                                community members in nursing
                                                                                                                                                                                homes, mental health care
                                                                                                       “E VERYONE DESERVES EQUAL HEALTHCARE ACCESS                             settings, hospitals, youth group
                                                                                                         AND IT STARTS WITH GETTING PEOPLE THE                                  homes, public schools, libraries,
                                                                                                         INFORMATION THEY NEED ABOUT THEIR HEALTH.”                             and elsewhere.
                                                                   President Monaco meets with
                                                                                                       —Jocelyn Vuong, M24, TCWI Volunteer
                                                                   Tufts Community Grant recipients.

                                                                                                                                                                                COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2021-2022 : 7
                                                                                                       GATHERING TOGETHER
 share their passion and
 excitement with high school
 students in local schools. They                                                                       Tufts offers numerous programs and perks for our neighbors.
 spark students’ curiosity through
 hands-on activities and inspire
 young women, people of color,                                                                         Free Family Events                   Tufts Community Partners              MassVote
                                                                                                       Cummings School of Veterinary        Apple Tree Arts                       Medford Family Network
 and first-generation college-
                                                                                                         Medicine Annual Open House         Art Resource Collaborative for Kids   Medford Farmers Market
 bound students to consider a                                                                          Give Kids a Smile                    Arts Medford                          Medford Health Matters
 STEM path for themselves.                                                                             Kids’ Day                            Asian American Civic Association      Medford Historical Society
                                                                      Tufts undergraduate and          Read By the River                    Asian Community                       Medford Public Library Foundation
                                                                      graduate students love to        Super Arts Saturday                    Development Corporation             Medford Public Schools
                                                                                                       Tufts Community Day                  Asian Task Force Against 		           Mission Hill Main Streets
                                                                      spark Science, Technology,
“I T WAS LIFE-CHANGING.”                                                                                                                     Domestic Violence                   Mission Hill Neighborhood
                                                                      Engineering, and Math (STEM)     Free Lecture Series                  Asian Women For Health                  Housing Services
—Josiah Quincy Upper
                                                                      education excitement for kids    Friedman School Speaker Series       Big Brothers, Big Sisters             Mystic Community Market
  School student                                                                                       Hoch Cunningham 				                 Boston Arts Academy                   Mystic Learning Center
                                                                      through hands-on community         Environmental Lecture Series       Boston Chinatown                      Mystic River Watershed Association
                                                                      programming in schools and       Tisch College Solomont 			             Neighborhood Center                 Mystic Valley NAACP
                                                                                                         Speaker Series                     Boston Public Schools                 Mystic Valley YMCA
                                                                      at campus events.
                                                                                                                                            Breakthrough Greater Boston           Peer Health Exchange
                                                                                                       Free or Discounted Health Care       Brooks Estate                         Project Soup
                                                                                                       Sharewood Project                    CACHE                                 RESPOND, Inc.

                                                                                                       Tufts Dental Clinic                  CASPAR                                Ricesticks and Tea Food Pantry
                                                                                                                                            Center for Arabic Culture             Royall House and Slave Quarters
                                                                                                       Arts & Entertainment                 Center for Citizenship and            Saint James Outreach
 local students and their families
 attend Read by the River in a
                                     LEARNING TOGETHER                                                 Community Movie Nights
                                                                                                       Community Music Programs
                                                                                                                                              Social Responsibility
                                                                                                                                            Chinese Consolidated Benevolent
                                                                                                                                                                                  Second Chances
                                                                                                                                                                                  Silver Lining Mentoring
 typical year                                                                                          Family & Children’s Concert Series     Association of New England          Sociedad Latina
                                     Transformative educational experiences are central to the         Magic Circle Theater                 Chinese Historical Society of         Somerville Community Corporation
                                                                                                       Sunday Concert Series                  New England                         Somerville Community
                                     Tufts mission. Through partnerships and collaborations,
                                                                                                       Tufts Art Galleries                  Chinese Progressive Association         Growing Center
                                     vibrant community events, and perks for local residents, the                                           Community Cooks                       Somerville Council on Aging

                                     university strives to offer lifelong learning opportunities for   Fitness                              Community Cupboard                    Somerville Education Foundation
                                                                                                       Swimming Lessons                     Community Harvest                     Somerville Family
                                     our neighbors.
                                                                                                       Youth Athletic Clinics               East Somerville Main Streets            Learning Collaborative
                                         Tufts wants to ensure that every child has access to                                               Elizabeth Peabody House               Somerville Food Security Coalition

                                     educational opportunities that inspire them. To that end,         STEM Education                       Emerald Necklace Conservancy          Somerville High School
 area high school students                                                                             Adventures in Veterinary Medicine    English At Large                        Robotics Team
                                     Jumpstart volunteers help local preschoolers get ready for
 participated in the annual Region                                                                     Center for Engineering Education     Fenway Alliance                       Somerville Homeless Coalition
                                     kindergarten while Let’s Get Ready provides SAT Prep for            and Outreach                       Fenway Community Center               Somerville Math Fund
 IV Science & Engineering Fair,
                                                                                                       Mini-Med School                      Friday Night Supper Program           Somerville Museum
                                     teens. High school students can apply for a Tufts University
 sponsored by Tufts in 2020                                                                            Tufts Pre-College                    Friends of the Chevalier Theater      Somerville Public Schools
                                     Pre-College Scholarship to take a class for credit, and                                                Friends of the Chinatown Library      Strong Girls United Foundation
                                     neighbors can audit classes at a discounted rate. STOMP           Continuing Education                 Friends of the Middlesex              Strong Women, Strong Girls
                                                                                                       Community Audit Program                Fells Reservation                   The Beautiful Stuff Project
                                     Fellows use their engineering expertise to mentor K-12
                                                                                                       Osher Lifelong Learning Institute    Grafton Food Bank                     The Rose Kennedy Greenway

                                     teachers, and Big Brothers, Big Sisters volunteers mentor         REAL Program                         Grafton Senior Center                 The Theater Offensive
                                     young community members.                                          University College Workshops         Greater Boston Chinese Golden         The Welcome Project
                                                                                                         and Short Courses                    Age Center                          Toys for Local Children
 local schools where kids access         Youth Arts are also well-supported. CIty Studio offers
                                                                                                                                            Groundwork Somerville                 Toys for Tots
 free tutoring in math, science,     Boston teens free access to art studios, equipment, and           Transportation                       Haley House                           Walnut Street Center
 and literacy from hundreds of       artist mentoring; the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at        Tufts Shuttle (Davis Square, 			     Hearty Meals for All                  Wang YMCA of Chinatown
                                                                                                         Medford Square, Fenway)            Josiah Quincy Elementary School       Wayside Youth and Family
 Tufts undergraduate, graduate,      Tufts hosts the Massachusetts Scholastic Art and Writing                                               Josiah Quincy Upper School              Support Network
 medical, dental, nutrition, and     Awards; and summer camp scholarships are available                                                     Kwong Kow Chinese School              West Medford Community Center
 veterinary students                                                                                                                        Massachusetts Science &               West Medford Open Studios
                                     through Tufts Children’s Theater for local students.
                                                                                                                                              Engineering Fair

                                                                                                                                                                                  COMMUNITY IMPACT REPORT 2021-2022 : 9
Government & Community Relations
Tufts University
14 Capen Street
Medford, MA 02155


We’re always eager to connect. We invite you to follow
us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, or reach
out directly. Whether you’d like to audit a class, find a
free program for your kids on campus, propose a new
partnership, or get help with a neighborhood issue, we’re
here to serve and support you.

Government & Community Relations
Tufts University
14 Capen Street
Medford, MA
                                                            Medical and dental students
                                                            recently launched Cherish
                                                            Chinatown, an initiative that
                                                            educates students about the history
                                                            of Boston’s Chinatown, the home
@TuftsCommunity on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
                                                            of Tufts’ Health Sciences Campus,
                                                            and encourages students to engage
                                                            in community outreach projects
                                                            like neighborhood clean-ups.
Community Newsletter:
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