Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?

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Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
Introduction   1

                   From relict to future model?
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges
  in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape
                                          C INJA S CHWARZ
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
Front & back cover
Front: Pre-alpine landscape with the common pasture Mühlenberger Viehweide and the
characteristic species (from left to right) Stethophyma grossum (Photo: Gregor Stuhldreher),
Tree Pipit (Photo: Joachim Fünfstück) and Minois dryas (Photo: Thomas Fartmann).
Back: Common pasture Echelsbach Gschwend.
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
First supervisor:      Apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fartmann
Second supervisor:     Apl. Prof. Dr. Günter Purschke
Date of disputation:   11.03.2022
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
From relict to future model?
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in
  the pre-alpine agricultural landscape

            A thesis submitted for the degree of
                  Doctor rerum naturalium

                   Osnabrück University
                Faculty of Biology/Chemistry
      Department of Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology

                       submitted by
                      C I NJ A S C H W A RZ

Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?

Chapter I
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1

Chapter II
Comparison of common pastures and control plots ............................................................. 11
    Paper I
    Common pastures are important refuges for a declining passerine bird in a pre‐alpine
    agricultural landscape
    Journal of Ornithology 159: 945–954. ................................................................................... 12
    Paper II
    Conservation of a strongly declining butterfly species depends on traditionally managed
    Journal of Insect Conservation 25: 255–271. ........................................................................ 14
    Paper III
    Traditional grazing management creates heterogeneous swards and fosters
    grasshopper densities
    Insect Science (accepted) ....................................................................................................... 16

Chapter III
Summary and Synopsis .............................................................................................................. 20
References .................................................................................................................................. 27
Danksagung ................................................................................................................................ 38
Curriculum Vitae ....................................................................................................................... 39
Publications ................................................................................................................................ 40
Erklärung über die Eigenständigkeit der erbrachten wissenschaftlichen Leistungen ........... 41
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
Chapter I
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
2   Chapter I

Global biodiversity crisis                     Agricultural land in Europe
Humans have altered the physical en-
vironment of the earth at an unpreceden-       GENESIS OF TRADITIONAL LANDSCAPES
ted rate since the beginning of the indus-     The agricultural landscape in Europe is
trial era 200 years ago (Foley et al. 2005,    the result of a long-lasting land-use histo-
Rockström et al. 2009). As a result, bio-      ry with different stages that overlay, re-
diversity is declining sharply, with current   fine and replace each other (Plieninger et
rates of species extinction 1,000 times        al. 2006). Humans began to form the
higher than the natural background rate        landscape by introducing grazing systems
and this trend is increasing (De Vos et al.    with domestic animals and arable cultures
2014). Previous efforts to delay biodiver-     during the Palaeolithic (Bouma et al.
sity loss have been inadequate, with a         1998). Over time, this human impact on
growing mismatch between increasing            the landscape increased and became
pressure on biodiversity (e.g., resource       large-scale during antiquity (Vos & Mee-
consumption, overexploitation and clima-       kes 1999). From the Middle Ages to the
te change impacts) on the one hand, and        Renaissance, the entire European agricul-
slowing responses to this development          tural landscape was gradually exploited,
on the other (Butchart et al. 2010). Ar-       with a high degree of diversity in man-
guably, humans have triggered a sixth          agement systems (Bouma et al. 1998,
global mass extinction (Barnosky et al.        Vahle 2001). What we see as the tradi-
2011).                                         tional agricultural landscape was formed
    For terrestrial biomes, land-use change    mainly between the Renaissance and the
is assumed to be the main driver of the        19th century: Multifunctional land-use
biodiversity crisis (Sala et al. 2000, Foley   systems such as mixed agriculture, in-
et al. 2005, Rockström et al. 2009). In        tegrated forests, tree pastures and rough
Europe, biodiversity is strongly connect-      grazing lands, varied strongly on a small
ed to agricultural land due to a long histo-   scale, where they adapted to climate, phy-
ry of cultivating land and a diminution of     siography and local cultures (Bouma et al.
natural habitats (Beaufoy et al. 1994, Phil-   1998, Vos & Meekes 1999). Remnants
lips 1998, Vos & Meekes 1999, Plieninger       from this traditional landscape still exist
et al. 2006, Donald et al. 2006, Henle et      today, but a large proportion has been
al. 2008, Kleijn et al. 2009). At present,     drastically re-shaped into an industrial
agricultural land covers more than 40%         agricultural landscape since the industrial
of the European surface (EU-28, Euro-          revolution during the second half of the
stat 2017) and is very important for bio-      18th century (Vos & Meekes 1999).
diversity conservation (BMU 2007, Henle
et al. 2008). However, this is also where      LAND-USE CHANGE
we see the largest decrease in biodiversity    Since the industrial revolution, Europe
across different taxa such as plants, in-      has entered a new era of agricultural
sects and birds, and most farmland spe-        management practices (Rockström et al.
cies are highly threatened (Vickery et al.     2009): Land-use systems are predomi-
2001, Donald et al. 2006, Flohre et al.        nantly monofunctional on a large scale,
2011).                                         with similar production systems imple-
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
Introduction   3

mented using the same industrial meth-        creasing depopulation of marginal areas
ods (Vos & Meekes 1999). The majority         (Cocca et al. 2012).
of society is alienated from agricultural
land use, which is increasingly dominated     VALUE OF THE REMAINING TRADITIONAL
by external markets and governmental          LAND-USE SYSTEMS
planning procedures (Bouma et al. 1998,       Nowadays, traditional land use is often
Vos & Meekes 1999).                           synonymous with low intensity farming
    Thus, land-use change had two oppos-      because characteristics of both are (i) low
ing effects for the agricultural landscape    external input (e.g., nutrients, agrochemi-
in Europe (Foley et al. 2005, Henle et al.    cals), (ii) sparse land drainage, (iii) low
2008, Kleijn et al. 2009, Plieninger et al.   mechanisation, (iv) slow rate of land-use
2016): On the one hand, agricultural land     change and (v) low output per hectare
use was intensified on productive land        with minimised nutrient emission, water
which resulted in an expansion of arable      loss and reuse of production waste (e.g.,
land (Bakker 1989, Höchtl et al. 2005).       dung as fertilizer) (Beaufoy et al. 1994,
On the other hand, in more marginal           Velthof et al. 2014, Plieninger et al. 2016).
farming areas with physical or socio-         Often, spatially and temporally differenti-
economic obstacles, agricultural land fell    ated rotational principles exist with alter-
into disuse (Plieninger et al. 2016). Both    nating periods of human impact and of
intensification and abandonment led to a      regeneration (Plieninger et al. 2016).
dramatic decline of traditional land-use      Livestock farming is usually performed
systems and promoted the homogeniza-          with regional heritage livestock breeds in
tion of the landscape with severe negative    low stocking density and with a limited
effects on nature conservation and biodi-     use of concentrate feeds (Beaufoy et al.
versity (Beaufoy et a. 1994, Bouma et al.     1994, Velthof et al. 2014).
1998, Kleijn et al. 2009).                         Consequently, most traditional land-
    Today, few traditional land-use sys-      use systems (i) are rich in structures,
tems remain in Central Europe, especially     (ii) offer many ecological niches, (iii) sup-
in areas where land-use change is imped-      port a well-adapted wildlife due to long
ed due to marginal environmental condi-       continuity of management systems and
tions (e.g., in uplands, mountains and        (iv) have a high biodiversity with many
wetlands) or specific socio-economic,         rare species (Pykälä 2000, Lederbogen et
cultural, or political causes (e.g., land     al. 2004, Hampicke 2006). Thus, tradi-
property conditions) (Beaufoy et al. 1994,    tional land-use systems have a high prior-
Brown 2006, Plieninger et al. 2006). The      ity and a special importance for Europe-
co-development of land use, ecosystems        an nature conservation (Bakker 1989,
and species over such a long period of        Stenseke 2006). Although there is a gen-
time is globally unique (Pykälä 2000,         eral desire to preserve traditional land-use
Hampicke 2006, Stenseke 2006). Howev-         practices and cultural landscape, only a
er, the remaining systems are decreasing      small proportion of area is protected or
rapidly because of the increasing eco-        funded nowadays and thus preserved for
nomic importance of off-farm labour for       the future (Beaufoy et al. 1994). Due to
descendants of the farmers and an in-         the great regional variation in traditional
Common pastures as biodiversity refuges in the pre-alpine agricultural landscape - From relict to future model?
4   Chapter I

 land use, each system has evolved its       one of the main areas of common pas-
own characteristics and diversity that       tures in Central Europe.
requires differentiated considerations
(Beaufoy et al. 1994).                       Study area
                                             The study area – a stronghold for com-
Common land                                  mon pastures in Central Europe – is situ-
For many centuries, the use of common        ated in the pre-alpine region (hereafter
land was a central element of traditional    called pre-Alps) of southern Germany in
agriculture in Europe (Brown 2006). In       the Federal State of Bavaria (Figure 1)
the past, most of the pasturelands were      (Pille et al. 2003, Lederbogen et al. 2004).
commonly used under the condition of         For my dissertation, I have chosen twelve
equality for all members of a community      traditionally managed, large-scale com-
(Helfrich 2009, EFNCP 2021). Sharing         mon pastures in that region (Table 1).
land ensured a livelihood especially for         The study area is located between
small farms with little land ownership       750–900 m a.s.l. at the northern edge of
because the costs could be reduced e.g.,     the Alps (LfU 2020a). There, a molasse
by sharing the construction and upkeep       basin formed during the alpine orogene-
of fences, or the herding of livestock       sis since the Cretaceous and received the
(Lederbogen et al. 2004).                    ablated fine sediments, sands and gravel
    As part of the land-use change, com-     from the Alps (Doppler et al. 2004). In
mon pastures have sharply decreased in       interaction with sea-level fluctuation until
value and extent over the past two centu-    the Miocene, this led to two great shifts
ries (Lederbogen et al. 2004, Brown          between marine and freshwater molasse
2006). Fundamental changes in social and     (Doppler et al. 2004). The molasse basin
political conditions led to the increasing   is divided into the folded molasse, which
pursuit of private property and thus to a    forms part of the alpine nappe structure
separation and fragmentation of common       and the foreland molasse (LfU 2020a,
land (Beaufoy et al. 1994, Brown 2006).      Doppler et al. 2004).
One of the major changes made in this            During the Würm – the last glacial pe-
context was the distinction of open- and     riod in the Alps – glacier advances
woodland (Lederbogen et al. 2004). The       formed a young moraine landscape: Gla-
consequences for agricultural biodiversity   cial erosion and accumulation of mo-
were devastating because structure, com-     raines, tills and meltwater sediments de-
position and functioning across different    veloped a small-scale heterogeneous land-
scales became more and more homoge-          scape (LfU 2020a). Special features of the
neous (Cardinale et al. 2012).               study area are drumlins: Large hills facing
    Today, only remnants of the historical   north-east/south-west, streamlined with
common pastures with their traditional       the glacier flow (LfU 2020a).
management have survived, most of                The climate of the pre-Alps is cool
them in agriculturally marginal areas        and wet with a mean annual temperature
(Brown 2006, Plieninger et al. 2006). Due    of 7.7 °C and an annual precipitation of
to the vulnerability of this land-use type   1,336 mm (meteorological station Bad
and its potential for the conservation of    Kohlgrub 742 m a.s.l.; period: 1992–
biodiversity, I focus my dissertation on     2019; DWD 2020). The sunshine dura-
Introduction   5

Figure 1: Location of the study area and common pastures in Upper Bavaria (southern Germany). For the
abbreviation of the common pastures see Table 1.

tion is comparatively high for Germany                scale mosaic of land use, which is particu-
with an average of 1,600 to 2,000 hours               larly impacted by dairy farming (BfN
per year (period: 1961–2019; DWD                      2012). In the past, pastures included the
2020). In the pre-Alps, small-scale climate           whole range from subjacent mires to pro-
differences prevail based on relief and               truded woodlands, which usually covered
altitude (Lederbogen et al. 2004). Fur-               the glacial deposits, so a wide range of
thermore, extreme weather events like                 semi-natural habitats developed (BfN
summer thunderstorms, winter fog, late                2012). For a long time, the rural popula-
frost and snowfall through until May are              tion relied on farming on such rather
characteristic of this region (Lederbogen             low-yield land at low costs because of a
et al. 2004).                                         lack in transport possibilities and long-life
    Due to the climate and landscape                  food preservation, and a generally low
morphology, the area is characterised by a            productive capacity in the agricultural
small-scale mosaic of different soil types:           sector (Beaufoy et al. 1994, Lederbogen
The most common soil types are brown                  et al. 2004). Some of the once extensive
earth, luvisol and pararendzina on morai-             common pastures still exist, with relative-
ne accumulations and drumlins, and stag-              ly stable livestock pasturing in the study
nosol, gley and mire in valleys and de-               area (BfN 2012). These common pastures
pressions (LfU 2020b). The scale and                  are characterised by fluent transitions
variety of mires make the pre-Alps the                between open and forest landscapes and
most important stronghold for mires in                the presence of extended mire (Scholle et
Central Europe (Succow & Jeschke 1990,                al. 2001).
Ackermann et al. 2012).                                   However, land-use change has not
    In this region, small-scale alternating           failed to leave its marks: Until the 19th
environmental conditions led to a small-              century, pastures were used predominant-
6      Chapter I

Table 1: Overview of common pastures and research content of the three papers in this thesis: Fieldwork
took place on patches of 25 ha (Paper I) and plots of 500 m 2 (Paper II, III). HA and MO are remaining areas
of a former common pasture, which is currently managed with traditional methods by one shareholder.
District: GAP = Garmisch-Partenkirchen, OAL = Ostallgäu, TÖL = Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, WM =
Weilheim-Schongau; management: R = Rotational grazing system, P = Permanent grazing system (May–














Abbreviation                        BS           BE          EG           HA         HO          LE              MO             MV             PV          RV          UR            ST
District                           OAL         WM           GAP          WM          WM          GAP             WM            OAL            WM          TÖL         WM           WM
Area (ha)                           68           27           80          15          32         56                 5            54           121          56           53           34
Management                           R           R            R            R           P          R                 P          P/R              R           P           R             R
Paper I: Common pastures are important refuges for a declining passerine bird in a pre-alpine agricultural landscape.
Tree Pipit
    Territorial mapping1
Environmental parameters
    Biotope types2
    Borderline density3
    Landscape diversity4

Paper II: Conservation of a strongly declining butterfly species depends on traditionally managed grasslands.
Minois dryas
    Oviposition-site mapping5
    Territorial mapping6
Environmental parameters
    Grazing pressure7
    Nectar plants8
    Sunshine duration9
    Vegetation structure10
    Vegetation types11

Paper III: Traditional grazing management creates heterogeneous swards and fosters grasshopper densities.
    Assemblage mapping12
Environmental parameters
    Grazing pressure7
    Sunshine duration9
    Vegetation structure10
    Vegetation types11
1  According to Bibby et al. (2000)
   According to Riecken et al. (2006)
3 Between open and forest landscape

4 Shannon Index according to O’Neill et al. (1988)

5 Sampled in a radius of 30 cm around oviposition and random sites

6 Sampled with a standardized transect walk (Pollard & Yates 1993, Weking et al. 2013)

7 Measured as number of cow and horse droppings

8 Method according to Krämer et al. (2012), based on Leopold (2001) and Corwell & Futuyuma (1971)

   Measured with a horizontoscope after Tonne (1954)
10 Included different vegetation layer covers, density and height

11 Using character and differential plant species according to Oberdorfer (1992), Dierßen & Dierßen (2008)

12 Sampled with box quadrat of 2 m2 placed randomly 10 × per patch (Gardiner et al. 2005, Gardiner & Hill 2006, Fartmann et al. 2008)
Introduction   7

ly in summer, with daily movement of             in ecosystems, (v) are declining or threat-
livestock (oxen, horses, dairy and young         ened and in need of protection and
cattle) and ancillary uses (peat working,        (vi) are determinable with standardised,
removal of timber, firewood, leaves for          proven and practicable methods (Dale &
bedding and grasses for winter feed)             Beyeler 2001, Lederbogen et al. 2004,
(Lederbogen et al. 2004). Since the indus-       Siddig et al. 2016). Based on these crite-
trialisation, some productive mineral soils      ria, I selected indicator species from the
have been drained, levelled and fertilised       classes of birds (e.g., Donald et al. 2006,
in contrast to less productive mires             Lederbogen et al. 2004, Gregory et al.
(Lederbogen et al. 2004). Furthermore,           2004, Graham et al. 2017, Newton 2017)
ancillary uses were largely discontinued         and insects (e.g., Lederbogen et al. 2004,
(Lederbogen et al. 2004).                        Fartmann & Hermann 2006, Poniatowski
    However, the dominant form of land           & Fartmann 2008, Krauss et al. 2010,
management has been maintained until             Schirmel et al. 2010) because they cover a
today: Common pastures are still used for        wide span of ecological demands on dif-
raising dairy cattle in low stocking capaci-     ferent spatial scales and avoid an over-
ties of 0.5–2.0 livestock units per hectare      simplified understanding of interactions
on extensive rotational or permanent             (Dale & Beyeler 2001).
pastures throughout the summer (Leder-
bogen et al. 2004). This land use is of          BIRDS
existential importance for the majority of       Birds respond to environmental changes
shareholders of the pastures in the study        at moderate spatial and temporal scales
area (Lederbogen et al. 2004).                   (Gregory et al. 2004). They are mainly
                                                 sensitive to changes in breeding habitats
Indicator species                                and food supply (Vickery et al. 2001,
Using indicator species is an established        Benton et al. 2002, Newton 2004). Due
method in environmental research to              to their position on top of the food
(i) assess the abiotic and biotic state of an    chain, their assemblages reflect alterations
environment, (ii) identify key information       of producers or consumers (Gregory et
about complex ecosystems and (iii) depict        al. 2004).
the impacts of environmental change on               A suitable indicator bird for this thesis
habitats, communities and ecosystems             is the Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis): It is
(Dufrêne & Legendre 1997, McGeoch                strongly specialised in semi-open habitats
1998, Dale & Beyeler 2001, Siddig et al.         with fluent transitions between open and
2016).                                           forest landscapes that are key elements of
    Therefore, in my thesis I chose to           the traditional used systems in the study
work with indicator species that (i) repre-      area (Loske 1987a, Gregory et al. 2004,
sent the community of valuable open and          Südbeck et al. 2005). Furthermore, it is
semi-open habitats on common pastures            representative for other species which
in the study area, (ii) are sensitive to envi-   need the same habitat (e.g., other farm-
ronmental changes, (iii) respond to these        land birds like the endangered Red-
changes in a known and predictable               Backed Shrike [Lanius collurio]) (Leder-
manner, (iv) indicate an impeding change         bogen et al. 2004).
8   Chapter I

INSECTS                                        all threatened species      in   Germany
Insects are excellent indicator species for    (Lederbogen et al. 2004).
grasslands because they are short-lived
and respond rapidly to environmental           Knowledge gaps
changes (Schirmel et al. 2010, Ponia-          The main reasons for current levels of
towski et al. 2018). In less fragmented        biodiversity loss are habitat destruction
landscapes like the study area, habitat        and habitat loss as result of land-use
quality has been mentioned as a major          change (Sala 2000, Jantz et al. 2015).
driver for insect distribution and diversity   Thus, one of the main tasks for mitiga-
(Krämer et al. 2012, Löffler & Fartmann        ting the global biodiversity crisis now is
2017, Münsch et al. 2018, Poniatowski et       to identify and conserve agricultural sys-
al. 2018). Habitat quality depends largely     tems with high biodiversity. This thesis
on the availability of sufficient host,        contributes to this by analysing the bio-
nectar or food plants, sufficient vegetati-    diversity value of traditionally used com-
on structure and microclimate (Ponia-          mon pastures in the pre-Alps. Carefully
towski & Fartmann 2008, Munguira et al.        selected indicator species show the rele-
2009, Stuhldreher & Fartmann 2018). In         vance of this habitat for the threatened
this thesis, I focussed on the less mobile     community of farmland species in Cen-
group of Orthoptera (hereinafter termed        tral Europe (Quinger et al. 1995, Leder-
‘grasshoppers’) and the highly mobile          bogen et al. 2004, van Swaay et al. 2006,
butterfly species Minois dryas. Grasshop-      Streitberger et al. 2012). Knowledge
pers have a high functional significance in    gained from this thesis should contribute
grasslands due to their key role as her-       to conserving existing biodiversity hot-
bivores and prey (Samways 2005).               spots.
Consequently, I chose them to gain in-             A further task for the mitigation of
sights into the state of the whole ecosys-     biodiversity loss is to outline processes
tem.                                           and functional connections between land-
    Butterflies – with their exceedingly       use practice and biodiversity. Despite the
complex habitat requirements – are de-         once global distribution of common pas-
clining more strongly than many other          tures, not much is known about the rela-
taxonomic groups (Thomas et al. 2004,          tionship between this farming system and
Thomas 2005). They are a major model           the demands of most species living in it
group in ecology and biodiversity conser-      (Beaufoy et al. 1994). To contribute to
vation (Watt & Boggs 2003, Ehrlich &           closing this gap, I focussed on how rela-
Hanski 2004). Particularly M. dryas is         tionships between plants, invertebrates
severely affected by land-use change due       and birds have developed and the result-
to its specialisation on the nutrient-poor     ing dependence of many highly specialist
open mires that are a key element of the       species on a relatively stable, albeit hu-
common pastures in the study area              man-modified environment (Beaufoy et
(Ebert & Rennwald 1991, van Swaay et           al. 1994). A detailed area-wide systematic
al. 2006). It is representative for other      analysis of the habitat preferences of
species of secondary usage-dependent           farmland species like Tree Pipit, M. dryas
open habitats that make up a large part of     and grasshoppers on common pastures
Introduction   9

compared to the surrounding landscape is       bility concerning land use and the special
still missing. Thus, the relevance of graz-    role of the pre-Alps for their conserva-
ing for their conservation on common           tion. Further, I focus on transitions be-
pastures in general and on different grass-    tween forest and open landscapes be-
land and mire types in particular is largely   cause they are sharply separated as a con-
unknown.                                       sequence of land-use change. With my
    This thesis is the first study using a     research and the knowledge gained, I
systematic and quantitative approach on a      hope to raise attention for the common
multi-taxa level considering vertebrate        pasture as a valuable land-use type.
and invertebrate species and drivers for       Hence, I address the following research
biodiversity for common pastures in the        questions:
pre-Alps. Furthermore, the ecological
research presented here contains the larg-     Importance of common pastures in the modern
est number of common pastures with the         agricultural landscape of the pre-Alps
largest spatial extent conducted so far in     - How does land-use change affect land-
this area. The few existing studies are          scape, habitats and biodiversity?
mostly descriptive (Lederbogen et al.          - Are common pastures important
2004) or consider only one common pas-           refuges for farmland species and biodi-
ture (Bhattarai et al. 2004, Rosenthal &         versity hotspots?
Lederbogen 2008), or a single taxon (An-
thes et al. 2003, Grüneberg 2003, Harry        Grazing influence on the habitat quality of
et al. 2005, Rosenthal 2010, Fumy et al.       common pastures
2020). Therefore, generalisations can only     - How does grazing affect habitat quality
be made to a limited extent. Studies             for farmland species and biodiversity?
which are comparable in scope to this          - What are the key drivers for farmland
thesis in other parts of Central Europe          species and biodiversity in the study
are exceptions so far (Kostrzewa 2004,           area?
Sutcliffe 2013).
                                               Implications for conservation
Aims of the thesis                             - Which management recommendations
The main aim of my thesis is to examine          for the conservation of farmland species
whether and to what extent common                and biodiversity can be derived from
pastures contribute to biodiversity con-         the findings?
servation in the modern agricultural land-
scape of Central Europe. There is some         Outline of the thesis
evidence which indicates that they serve       This thesis consists of three papers, each
as refuges for declining wildlife (Leder-      of which focuses on the aforementioned
bogen et al. 2004) – but to date, quantifi-    questions for one indicator species or
able research is missing                       group, i.e., (i) Tree Pipit (A. trivialis),
   In addition, I examine how traditional      (ii) dryad (M. dryas) and (iii) grasshoppers.
long-time grazing affects habitat quality      In the first paper, I quantify Tree Pipit
for declining farmland indicator species.      territories on common pastures and
In this context, I pay particular attention    compare them to the surrounding land-
to mire ecosystems due to their vulnera-       scape. I analyse in detail which key fac-
10 Chapter I

tors determine habitat quality for the        management recommendations for the
Tree Pipit. Territories and home-range        conservation of M. dryas.
scale are regarded separately due to diffe-      The third paper addresses the impacts
rent demands. In addition, I discuss the      of common pasturing on grasshopper
importance of common pastures for the         assemblages. For a comparison between
conservation of this species.                 common pastures and the surrounding
    The second paper focuses on the habi-     landscape, I consider species richness,
tat and oviposition-site preferences of M.    density and indicator species. I analyse
dryas in common pastures and the sur-         drivers for the composition of grasshop-
rounding landscape (land-use types: Fal-      per assemblages and give implications for
low, mown once, mown twice or more            conservation.
often). I differentiate between grasslands       In the last chapter, I draw together the
on mineral soil, fens, transition mires and   findings from the three papers to provide
raised bogs within the land-use types. I      a synthesis of my research on a multi-taxa
then discuss the relevance of common          level. Finally, I develop perspectives for
pastures and give, where appropriate,         management and biodiversity conserva-
Chapter II
Comparison of common pastures and control
12    Chapter II

Paper I

Common pastures are important refuges for a d eclining
passerine bird in a pre‐alpine agricultural landscape

S C HW AR Z C, T R A UT N E R J, F A RT M AN N T (2018)
Journal of Ornithology 159: 945–954. -018-1561-0

     Agricultural landscapes play an important role in biodiversity conservation. The Tree
     Pipit (Anthus trivialis) was formerly a widespread breeding bird in European farm-
     lands. However, today, its numbers are sharply declining in most European coun-
     tries. The aim of our study was to compare territory densities of Tree Pipits in com-
     mon pastures and control plots in the surrounding pre-alpine agricultural landscape
     in southern Bavaria (Germany). Additionally, we determined the drivers of territory
     and home-range establishment in Tree Pipits.
         Habitat composition in common pastures and control plots reflected distinct dif-
     ferences in land-use intensity. Common pastures had larger areas of nutrient-poor
     habitats and higher landscape diversity compared to control plots. In line with this,
     we detected a clear response of Tree Pipits to differences in habitat composition.
     Territories were nearly exclusively found in common pastures. Within the common
     pastures, Tree Pipits preferred those parts that had a higher landscape diversity and,
     additionally, at the territory scale, larger areas of groups of trees.
         The common pastures are important refuges for the threatened Tree Pipit in the
     pre-alpine agricultural landscape of the study area. In contrast to the control plots,
     the common pastures provided (i) sufficient suitable song posts and (ii) heteroge-
     neous vegetation with appropriate nesting sites and a high availability of arthropod
     food resources. Our study corroborates findings from other studies across Europe
     highlighting the prime importance of traditionally used wood pastures for the Tree
     Pipit and biodiversity in general.
Comparison of common pastures and control plots       13

Common pastures are important refuges for the threatened Tree Pipit in the agricultural landscape of the
pre-Alps (Photo: Joachim Fünfstück).

Characteristic habitat for Tree Pipits with sufficient song posts in a diverse landscape on the common pas-
ture Lettigenbichl.
14     Chapter II

Paper II

Conservation of a strongly declining butterfly species depends
on traditionally managed grasslands

S C HW AR Z C, F AR TM A N N T (2021)
Journal of Insect Conservation 25: 255 –271. -020-00288-2

     Introduction: Due to land-use intensification at productive soils and abandonment
     of marginal farmland, biodiversity has dramatically declined throughout Europe. The
     dryad (Minois dryas) is a grassland butterfly that has strongly suffered from land-use
     change across Central Europe.
     Aims/Methods: Here, we analysed the habitat preferences of adult M. dryas and the
     oviposition-site preferences in common pastures located in mire ecosystems of the
     German pre-Alps.
     Results: Our study revealed that plot occupancy was equal at common pastures and
     control plots. However, the abundance of M. dryas was higher at common pastures,
     although the composition of vegetation types did not differ between the two plot
     Discussion: Open fens and transition mires traditionally managed as common pas-
     tures or litter meadows (= meadows mown in autumn to obtain bedding for live-
     stock) were the main habitats of M. dryas in our study area. They offered (i) sufficient
     host plants (Carex spp.), (ii) had a high availability of nectar resources and (iii) a vege-
     tation that was neither too sparse nor too short. In contrast, both abandonment and
     intensive land use had negative impacts on the occurrence of the endangered butter-
     fly species.
     Implications for Insect Conservation: Based on our study and other recent re-
     search from the common pastures, we recommend to maintain the current grazing
     regime to foster biodiversity in general and M. dryas in particular. Additionally, where
     possible, abandoned fens and transition mires adjacent to common pastures should
     be integrated into the low-intensity pasture systems. The preservation of traditionally
     managed litter meadows is the second important possibility to conserve M. dryas
Comparison of common pastures and control plots     15

Minois dryas strongly prefers fens and transition mires on common pastures (here on Serratula tinctoria)
(Photo: Thomas Fartmann).

Characteristic oviposition habitat of M. dryas: The stick marks the position of the egg in a fen on the
Mühlenberger Viehweide (left). The egg was dropped during flight between sedges and rushes on the moss
layer (right) (Photo: Gregor Stuhldreher).
16    Chapter II

Paper III

Traditional grazing management creates heterogeneous
swards and fosters grasshopper densities

S C HW AR Z C, F AR TM A N N T (2021)
Insect Science (accepted) -7917.13041

     Common pastures were once the dominant type of land use in many European re-
     gions. However, during the past 150 years, they have declined dramatically. Recent
     studies have shown that they are hotspots for rare plant, butterfly and bird species in
     the study area, the Bavarian pre-Alps (southern Germany). However, studies on the
     value of these pastures for Orthoptera (hereinafter termed ‘grasshoppers’) have been
     scarce. Here, we studied the effects of traditional summer grazing in common pas-
     tures on grasshopper assemblages.
         Our study revealed that grasshopper species richness did not differ between
     common pastures (N = 57) and controls (N = 57). By contrast, density of all and
     threatened species varied between common pastures and controls in all plots and
     within the two vegetation types with the highest grasshopper abundance, grasslands
     on mineral soil and fens. Two threatened species, Pseudochorthippus montanus and
     Stethophyma grossum, were identified as indicators for common pastures; controls had
     no indicative species. Traditional low-intensity grazing in common pastures has re-
     sulted in open and heterogeneous swards with some bare ground, a low cover of lit-
     ter and an intermediate vegetation height favouring high densities of grasshopper
     species in general and threatened species in particular. This is especially true for the
     two most productive vegetation types, grasslands on mineral soil and fens.
         To promote biodiversity in general and grasshopper densities in particular, we
     recommend maintaining traditional cattle grazing (stocking capacities: 0.5–2.0 live-
     stock units/ha) in common pastures. Where possible, this grazing regime should also
     be introduced in the surrounding landscape.
Comparison of common pastures and control plots   17

The vegetation type ‘grassland on mineral soil’ on the common pasture Echelsbach Gschwend.

The vegetation type ‘fen’ on the common pasture Mühlenberger Viehweide.
18   Chapter II

The vegetation type ‘transition mire’ on the common pasture Berghofer Söldner.

The vegetation type ‘raised bog’ on the common pasture Echelsbach Gschwend.
Comparison of common pastures and control plots   19

Pseudochorthippus montanus (left) and Stethophyma grossum (right) are indicator species for common
pastures in the pre-Alps (Photos: Thomas Fartmann, Gregor Stuhldreher).
Chapter III
Summary and Synopsis
Summary and Synopsis   21

Importance of common pastures in the          insects and (iv) unsuitable for biodiversity
modern agricultural landscape of the          conservation. Exceptions are other low-
pre-Alps                                      intensity land-use systems that make up
                                              only a marginal part in the pre-Alps now-
HOW DOES LAND-USE CHANGE AFFECT               adays. In the context of this thesis, these
LANDSCAPE, HABITATS AND BIODIVERSITY?         systems comprise exclusively traditionally
The biodiversity crisis which is driven by    managed hay and litter meadows that are
land-use change is clearly present in the     closely linked to the existence of com-
pre-alpine agricultural landscape: Bavari-    mon pastures providing fodder and litter
an grasslands declined by about 3.9%          as bedding for cattle and horses in the
between 2003 and 2012, which is above         winter-season.
the German average of 3.6% (BfN 2014).
In addition, only 5–13% of the current        ARE COMMON PASTURES IMPORTANT
grasslands in the study area have a high      REFUGES FOR FARMLAND SPECIES AND
nature value (HNV), i.e., are rich in spe-    BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOTS?
cies and ecological valuable due to low-      The results from this study show that the
intensity management (Matzdorf et al.         modern agricultural landscape in the pre-
2010). This proportion is below the na-       Alps is largely unsuitable as a habitat for
tionwide average of 16.8% (Matzdorf et        farmland species, threatened species and
al. 2010).                                    species- and individual-rich assemblages.
    Traditionally used common pastures        With its systematic approach at a multi-
in the pre-Alps are one form of such low-     taxa level, this thesis demonstrates the
intensity farmland with century-long          value of common pastures as refuges in
management continuity (Lederbogen et          the modern agricultural landscape. Thus,
al. 2004). But they decreased sharply as a    the few remaining common pastures in
result of land-use change (personal mes-      the study area are of outstanding im-
sages, Waldherr 2000): The Mühlenberger       portance for the conservation of wildlife
Viehweide (MV), for example, declined         species and farmland biodiversity as a
by 62% between 1818 and 2004 (Leder-          whole in the pre-Alps. My findings are in
bogen et al. 2004). Areas excluded from       line with other studies across Europe,
the original pasture were directly affected   which emphasise the crucial relevance of
by land-use change and either went fal-       traditionally used pastures for wildlife
low or became intensively used grasslands     conservation (e.g., Moga et al. 2009, Diaz
(own observation).                            et al. 1997, Pinto-Correia & Mascarenhas
    The comparison between remaining          1999, Lederbogen et al. 2004, Streitberger
common pastures and surrounding grass-        et al. 2012, Helbing et al. 2014).
lands in this thesis clearly shows the con-       Specifically, I show that farmland
sequences of land-use change in our           birds, represented by the Tree Pipit, reach
modern agricultural landscape: Surround-      significantly higher abundances on com-
ing grasslands – no matter whether inten-     mon pastures compared to the surround-
sified or abandoned – are largely (i) ho-     ing landscape (Paper I), where their oc-
mogeneous on both landscape and habi-         currence is alarmingly low. Equally,
tat scale, (ii) poor in nutrient-poor habi-   common pastures meet the complex de-
tats, (iii) sparsely populated by birds and   mands of threatened butterfly species like
22   Chapter III

M. dryas throughout their life cycle (Paper    not be considered without looking at
II, see below). They occur with high           grasslands on mineral soils, as they make
abundances on common pastures and              up large parts of most common pastures
allocated hay and litter meadows. More-        and have a special value for the overall
over, I show for the entire assemblage of      foraging behaviour of livestock.
grasshoppers that abundances of all spe-            Fens make up the largest part of the
cies – and particularly of those under         mire types on common pastures consid-
threat – are significantly higher on com-      ered in this thesis. Among the mire types,
mon pastures in contrast to the surround-      grazing pressure is highest in fens; how-
ing landscape (Paper III).                     ever, it is significantly lower than in grass-
                                               land on mineral soil (Figure 11). In fens,
Grazing influence on the habitat quali-        the grazing regime results in (i) higher
ty of common pastures                          covers of shrubs and Cyperaceae and
                                               (ii) a rather denser and higher field layer
HOW DOES GRAZING AFFECT HABITAT                than in surrounding fens. Fens are
QUALITY FOR FARMLAND SPECIES AND               strongly preferred by Tree Pipits due to
BIODIVERSITY?                                  the fluent transition between open and
Although the importance of traditional         woodland habitats that provide (i) suffi-
low-intensity farmlands for biological         cient song posts and (ii) heterogeneous
conservation is increasingly coming to         vegetation with appropriate nesting sites
the force, there is still a gap in knowledge   and a high availability of arthropod food
about how different forms of manage-           resources (Paper I), such as grasshoppers
ment in distinct areas concretely affect       (Pätzold 1990). Grasshopper densities are
habitats, species and assemblages (Bun-        twice as high on common-pasture fens
zel-Drüke et al. 2009). One of the most        compared to surrounding fens (Paper
controversially discussed aspects in this      III). Grasshoppers favour fens due to
context is the influence of grazing on         (i) the high covers of Cyperaceae as food
mire ecosystems (e.g., Küchler et al. 2009,    and (ii) the vegetation structure with high
Groom & Shaw 2015). Livestock grazing          and dense parts as shelter. In addition,
affects habitats not only through
browsing, but also through lying, wallo-
wing, trampling and urine or fecal deposi-
tion (Milchunas et al. 1988). Studies pro-
vide different insights depending on mire
type, local site conditions and idiosyn-
crasies of grazing regimes, amongst
others. Consequently, a carefully differen-
tiated systematic consideration is necessa-
ry, which has largely been missing for my
study area and my study taxa. Due to the       Figure 2: Number of cow droppings (mean value
                                               ± SE) in open and semi-open habitat types on
regional specifics, a differentiation in the   common pastures based on data of Paper II and
mire types of fen, transition mire and         III. Differences were tested using Generalized
                                               Linear Mixed-effect Models (GLMM) with subarea
raised bog is necessary. The grazing in-       as a random factor. Different letters indicate
fluence on the different mire types can-       significant differences between vegetation types.
Summary and Synopsis   23

fens are strongly preferred habitats for M.     ates good germination conditions for
dryas because they provide (i) sufficient       shrubs like Picea abies and Pinus x rotundata
host plants (Carex spp.), (ii) a high availa-   (own observation, Lederbogen et al.
bility of nectar resources and (iii) a vege-    2004). The analyses in Paper II and III
tation that is neither too sparse nor too       confirm that grazed raised bogs have
short (Paper II).                               (i) more shrubs, (ii) less cover of herbs
    Transition mires are the second largest     and (iii) a lower vegetation density. In
mire ecosystems on common pastures.             contrast to the other mire types, grazing
Grazing pressure is rather low (Fig-            leads neither to an improvement of the
ure 11). They clearly differed from transi-     habitat quality for farmland species nor to
tion mires outside the common pastures          an increase in biodiversity. Only few and
due to (i) more heterogeneous structures        predominantly highly specialised species
with a mosaic of open soil and high vege-       (e.g., Metrioptera brachyptera) prefer raised
tation, (ii) higher covers of Cyperaceae        bogs anyway; in the study area, they have
and shrubs and (iii) lesser cover of herbs.     been shown to prefer disused raised bogs
Additionally, transition mires on com-          (Paper III).
mon pastures are frequently closely inter-           Grassland on mineral soil occupies a
locked with fens (own observation, Le-          special position within the common pas-
derbogen et al. 2004). Thus, a range of         tures because here traditional manage-
species – even those with less mobility –       ment has partially changed as a conse-
can benefit from the offer of both habitat      quence of the land-use change. Leder-
types. This is particularly favourable for a    bogen et al. (2004) already observed that
species like M. dryas, which has complex        nearly half of the common pasture on
and changing requirements during its life       mineral soil within their study area (pre-
cycle and whose main habitat are both           Alps and calcareous fringe of the North-
vegetation types on common pastures             ern Alps) had been fertilised and drained
(Paper II).                                     to improve productivity. My observations
    Raised bogs have large extents on a         confirm this development and that graz-
few common pastures but are completely          ing pressure on mineral soil is significant-
missing on others. In contrast to fen and       ly higher than in the mire types as a con-
transition mire, they are less interlocked      sequence (Figure 11). Yet even on miner-
with other mire types and grazing pres-         al soil, the current management creates a
sure is very low due to inadequate fodder       structural heterogeneity with both
values (Figure 11) (own observation, Le-        (i) open soil and sparse vegetation and
derbogen et al. 2004). Sphagnum mounds          (ii) ruderal patches with tall rushes and
build up a nearly closed surface on raised      herbs that are largely missing in the sur-
bogs, both on common pastures and in            rounding area. There, mineral soil grass-
the surrounding area. All surrounding           lands are predominantly intensively
raised bogs discussed in this thesis are        mown. This thesis shows that especially
disused. Due to the low grazing pressure,       grasshoppers prefer grazed grasslands on
there are only few differences between          mineral soil, which is evident from high
pastures and surrounding fallows: On            densities of all and threatened species
pastures, the surface is occasionally inter-    (Paper III). Conversely, threatened farm-
rupted by livestock trampling, which cre-       land species like M. dryas prefer predomi-
24   Chapter III

nantly nutrient-poor habitats, but benefit     are widespread habitats of all common
to some extent from grassland on mineral       pastures in the study area; however, they
soil if it is closely connected to main ha-    are largely missing in the surrounding
bitats in fen or transition mires.             agricultural areas. These habitats are
                                               strongly preferred by insects due to their
WHAT ARE THE KEY DRIVERS FOR FARMLAND          (i) high abundances of nectar sources,
SPECIES AND BIODIVERSITY IN THE STUDY          (ii) high covers of sedges that are fre-
AREA?                                          quently needed as a food source and
The high landscape diversity on common         (iii) structural heterogeneity with a small-
pastures is a key driver for the existence     scale mosaic of high and dense field layer
of farmland species in the pre-Alps. Birds     vegetation and of sparse plant cover with
like the Tree Pipit and butterflies like M.    open soil (Paper II, III). Biodiversity is
dryas can satisfy the complex demands          particularly high in parts with higher graz-
during their life cycle there. My thesis       ing pressure that supresses the accumula-
shows that Tree Pipits benefit strongly        tion of litter and the emergence of too
from the fluent transition between open        many shrubs. Because of these favourable
habitats and woodland on common pas-           habitat conditions for insects, fens and
tures, which offers suitable song posts,       transition mires are extremely valuable
lookouts and sites for nesting and fora-       for foraging of insectivorous farmland
ging (Paper I). In the agricultural lands-     birds.
cape of Central Europe, the radical sepa-           In view of climate change, landscape
ration of forest and open habitats is a        and structural heterogeneity within habi-
major threat to farmland birds (Moga et        tats become even more important: They
al. 2009). Also lesser mobile species like     serve as buffers during extreme climate
butterflies benefit from the high lands-       events and as an opportunity for claiming
cape diversity with small-scale mosaics of     new habitats (Fartmann et al. 2021).
habitat types on common pastures. It                In summary, the key drivers for farm-
facilitates the use of diverse resources: M.   land species and biodiversity on multi-
dryas, for example, has its main habitats in   taxa scale in this thesis are (i) a high land-
fen and transition mire, but it benefits       scape diversity with some but not too
strongly from nectar resources on ad-          many trees and shrubs in smooth transi-
jacent grassland on mineral soil (Paper        tion to semi-open and open habitats, (ii) a
II). In the modern agricultural landscape      high availability of open and semi-open
of Central Europe, however, transitions        nutrient-poor habitats – particularly fens
and close connections of habitats are          and transition mires – and (iii) a high
largely missing (Benton et al. 2003, Babai     structural heterogeneity on habitat scale
& Molnár 2014, Wielgolaski et al. 2017).       due to an appropriate grazing regime that
    A further key driver that fosters farm-    favours Cyperaceae and flowering plants
land species and biodiversity on common        but suppresses accumulation of litter as
pastures in the pre-Alps is the high avail-    well as vegetation that is too high and
ability of nutrient-poor open and semi-        dense.
open habitats. Fens and transition mires
Summary and Synopsis   25

Implications for conservation                 transition mires and (iii) the shape of
                                              each pasture that affects accessibility (cf.
WHICH MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS              Lederbogen et al. 2004).
FOR THE CONSERVATION OF FARMLAND                  Furthermore, I recommend integrat-
SPECIES AND BIODIVERSITY CAN BE DERIVED       ing fens and transition mires adjacent to
FROM THE FINDINGS?                            common pastures when they are either
My thesis revealed the high importance        fallows or intensively managed. The inte-
of common pastures for the conservation       gration of adjacent grasslands on mineral
of farmland species and biodiversity in       soil should be carefully vetted: If they are
the pre-alpine agricultural landscape.        improved, livestock may prefer grazing
Consequently, my main recommendation          mainly in these parts, whereas less nutri-
is to protect the remaining common pas-       ent-rich parts become abandoned (see
tures with their traditional management.      above). However, it is advisable to moni-
Despite the predominantly century-long        tor the grazing behaviour of livestock
continuity in management, the pressure        carefully with each change in the form of
on common pastures through land-use           management.
change is already visible today: Several          While this thesis makes the positive
parts of mineral soil grasslands are being    influence of grazing on fen and transition
improved through fertilization and drai-      mire on common pastures obvious, a
nage to enhance productivity and fodder       positive influence on raised bogs has not
value for livestock (own observation,         been detected. Raised bogs are extreme
Lederbogen et al. 2004). Consequently,        habitats which are poor in species and
the grazing regime changes on the entire      individuals – and also in livestock (Fig-
pasture, and the vulnerable balance           ure 11). The only characteristic species
between grazing pressure, vegetation          for raised bogs was the grasshopper
development and wildlife animals is at        Metrioptera brachyptera that prefers fallows
risk of being disturbed. While improved       in contrast to grazed bogs (Paper III).
grassland is more frequented by livestock,    Otherwise, I found no differences be-
other parts – especially mires – are less     tween grazed and abandoned raised bogs
frequented (Figure 11).                       with regard to study species and assem-
    As my thesis shows, grazing is particu-   blages. To conclude, grazing on raised
larly necessary to avoid succession and to    bogs does not seem to be relevant for
conserve the extraordinary biodiversity of    biodiversity conservation and should not
fens and transition mires. Therefore, I       be prioritised. Yet where grazing intensity
recommend stopping the improvement            changes and a higher grazing pressure is
of grassland on mineral soil. Where this is   to be feared for raised bogs, the conse-
not possible, the development of grazing      quences for highly adapted assemblages
behaviour in connection with the influ-       have to be monitored so that actions can
ence on farmland species and biodiversity     be taken rapidly where needed (e.g., fenc-
should be monitored. A suitable extent of     ing off raised bogs, reducing stocking
grazing in mires is individual for each       capacity).
common pasture, depending on (i) the              In view of the consequences of cli-
proportion of improved mineral soil           mate change, it is particularly beneficial to
grassland, (ii) the proportion of fens and    maintain and restore high water levels on
26   Chapter III

common pastures. Hydrologically intact        traditionally used grasslands are usually
mires are more resilient to climate change    highly fragmented which obstructs the
and thus habitats can be conserved (Essl      spreading and exchange of flora and fau-
et al. 2012).                                 na (EEA 2011). In addition to common
    Finally, an aim for conserving farm-      pastures, traditionally managed hay and
land species and biodiversity is to pre-      litter meadows – as part of the traditional
serve and enlarge a network of large and      livestock farming in the pre-Alps –
well-connected traditionally used areas. In   should be preserved, enlarged and con-
the modern agricultural landscape of          nected within the habitat network.
Central Europe, ecologically valuable
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