Collisions with Comets and Asteroids - The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic

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Collisions with Comets and Asteroids - The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic
Collisions with Comets
                   and Asteroids
                               The chances of a celestial body colliding
                                  with the earth are small, but the
                                consequences would be catastrophic

                                                        by Tom Gehrels

       re we going to be hit by an aster-        Comets and asteroids are, in fact, left-   disturbed by events beyond the solar
        oid? Planetary scientists are di-     over planetesimals. Most asteroids in-        system. If the sun passes by another
         vided on how worrisome the           habit the vast belt between the orbits of     star or a massive molecular cloud, some
danger is. Some refuse to take it seri-       Mars and Jupiter. Being quite close to the    of these cometary orbits are jarred. The
ously; others believe the risk of dying       sun, they were formed hot; as on the          planetesimal might then swing into a
from such an impact might even be             early earth, the high temperatures va-        narrow elliptical orbit that brings it to-
greater than the risk of dying in an air-     porized the lighter substances, such as       ward the inner solar system. As it nears
plane crash. After years of studying the      water, leaving mostly silica, carbon and      the sun, the heat vaporizes its volatile
problem, I have become convinced that         metals. (Only recently have astronomers       materials, which spew forth as if from
the danger is real. Although a major im-      found some rare asteroids that contain        a geyser. In ancient cultures, this celes-
pact is unlikely, the energies released       crystalline water embedded in rocks.)         tial spectacle was sometimes an omi-
could be so horrendous that our fragile          Comets, on the other hand, hover at        nous event.
society would be obliterated.                 the outer edges of the solar system. As          Some visitors from the Oort cloud are
   Early in our planetÕs history, asteroids   the solar system was formed, a good           never seen again; others have periods
and comets made life possible by accret-      deal of matter was thrown outward, be-        that get shorter with each successive
ing into the earth and then by bringing       yond the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.        pass. The best known of these comets
water to the newborn planet. And they         Coalescing far from the sun, the com-         are those that return regularly, such as
have already destroyed, at least once,        ets were born cold, at temperatures as        HalleyÕs, with a period of 76 years. The
an advanced form of that life. The di-        low as Ð260 degrees Celsius. They re-         chance that such a comet will collide
nosaurs were killed by such an impact,        tained their volatile materials, the gas,     with the earth is exceedingly small, be-
making way for the age of the mam-            ice and snow. Sometimes called dirty          cause it comes by so infrequently. But
mals. Now for the Þrst time, creatures        snowballs, these objects are usually ten-     the patterns of their orbits suggest that
have evolved to a point where they can        uous aggregates of carbon and other           in the next millennia, comet Halley or
wrest control of their fate from the          light elements.                               Swift-Tuttle (with a period of 130 years)
heavenly bodies, but humans must                                                            will sometimes swing by too close for
come to grips with the danger.                             Fiery Visitors                   comfort.
   Some four and a half billion years ago,                                                     In 1951 Gerard P. Kuiper, then at
the solar system formed out of a swirl-
ing cloud of gas and dust. Initially the
planetesimalsÑcoarse collections of
                                              I n 1950 Jan H. Oort, professor of as-
                                                tronomy at Leiden University in the
                                              Netherlands, was teaching a class that I
                                                                                            Yerkes Observatory of the University of
                                                                                            Chicago, surmised that another belt of
                                                                                            comets exists, just beyond NeptuneÕs
rocky materialsÑcoagulated, merging           was allowed to attend as an undergrad-        orbit, much nearer than the Oort cloud.
with one another to create planets. Be-       uate. While reviewing astronomical cal-       Working at the University of Hawaii,
cause of the energy released by the col-      culations for his students, Oort noted        David C. Jewitt and Jane Luu discovered
liding rocks, the earth began as a molten     that a number of known comets reach           the Þrst of these objects in 1992 after a
globe, so hot that the volatile substanc-     their farthest point from the sunÑcalled      persistent search; by now some 31 bod-
esÑwater, carbon dioxide, ammonia,            the aphelionÑat a great distance. He          ies belonging to the Kuiper belt have
methane and other gasesÑboiled oÝ. As         went on to formulate the idea that a          been found. In fact, Pluto, with its un-
the material of the inner solar nebula        cloud of comets exists as a diÝuse            usually elliptical orbit, is now consid-
was mopped up by the growing planets,         spherical shell at about 50,000 or more       ered to be the largest of these objects;
the bombardment of the earth slowed.          astronomical units. ( One astronomical        Clyde Tombaugh, who discovered Pluto
The glowing planet cooled, and a crust        unit is the distance from the earth to        in 1930, calls it the ÒKing of the Kuiper
solidiÞed. Only then did waterÑthe life-      the sun.) This distant cloud, containing      belt.Ó
giving ßuid that covers three quarters        perhaps some 1013 objects, envelops              Comets belonging to the Kuiper belt
of the earthÕs surfaceÑreturn, borne on       the solar system.                             are not directly disturbed by rival stars.
cold comets arriving from the solar             The Oort cloud reaches a Þfth of the        Instead they can stray close to Neptune,
systemÕs distant reaches. Fossil records      distance to the nearest star, Alpha Cen-      which may either help stabilize them or,
show that simple life-forms started           tauri. Inhabitants of this shell are thus     conversely, throw them out of orbit. (An
evolving almost right away.                   loosely bound to the sun and readily          as yet unknown 10th planet may also

54     SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996                                                       Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc.
Collisions with Comets and Asteroids - The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic
be stirring the cometsÕ path, but the ev-    impossible to tell where a particular   come by only every century or so. A
                     idence for its existence is inconclusive.)   cometÑsuch as Tempel-Tuttle, which      collision with such a short-period com-
                     The comets may then come very close          sweeps by at 72 kilometers per second   et might occur once in some three mil-
                     to the sun. Although those from the          every 33 yearsÑoriginated from.         lion years.
                     Kuiper belt tend to have shorter periods        Some comets are bound into small        However infrequent a cometary colli-
                     than those from the Oort cloud, both         orbits and have short periods, on the   sion might be, the consequences would
                     types of comets can be captured in tight     order of 10 years. These comets pose    be calamitous. The orbits of comets are
                     orbits around the sun. It is therefore       more of a concern than the ones that    often steeply inclined to the earthÕs; oc-
F. GOHIER Explorer

                     METEOR CRATER in northern Arizona, a depression 1.2 kilo-       wide but, being metallic, was strong enough to penetrate the
                     meters in diameter, was carved out by an asteroid that struck   atmosphere without disintegrating. The earth collides with
                     the earth 50,000 years ago. The asteroid was only 30 meters     an object of this size or larger once in a century.

                Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc.                                              SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996             55
Collisions with Comets and Asteroids - The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic

casionally, a comet is even going in the      if the asteroid goes around the sun          glomerate of silicates about 60 meters
opposite direction. Thus, comets typi-        thrice in the same time that Jupiter or-     wide, entered the atmosphere and burst
cally pass the earth with a high relative     bits once, the planetÕs gravitational in-    apart above the Tunguska Valley in Sibe-
velocity. For example, Swift-Tuttle, which    ßuence on the rock is greatly enhanced.      ria. The explosion was heard as far away
is about 25 kilometers across, ßies by        Just as a child on a swing ßies ever high-   as London. Although the fragments did
at 60 kilometers per second. It would         er if someone pushes her each time the       not leave a crater, the area below the
impact with cataclysmic eÝect.                swing returns, JupiterÕs rhythmic nudg-      explosion is still marked by burnt trees
   Unless it runs into something, a com-      es ultimately cause the asteroid to veer     laid out in a region roughly 50 kilome-
et probably remains active, emitting gas-     out of its original orbit into an increas-   ters across. The identity of the Tungus-
es and dust for some 500 passages by          ingly eccentric one.                         ka object inspired a lot of nonsensical
the sun. Eventually, the volatile materi-        The asteroid may either leave the so-     speculation for decades, and some high-
als are used up, and the comet fades          lar system or move in toward the ter-        ly imaginative suggestions were made,
away as a dead object, indistinguish-         restrial, rocky planets. Eventually, such    including that it was a miniÐblack hole
able from an asteroid. Up to half of the      vagrants collide with Mars, the earth-       or an alien spacecraft. Scientists, how-
nearest asteroids might in fact be dead,      moon system, Venus, Mercury or even          ever, have always understood that it
short-period comets.                          the sun. A major fragment enters the in-     was a comet or asteroid.
                                              ner solar system once in roughly 10 mil-         Events such as the Tunguska explo-
             Falling Rocks                    lion years and survives for about as long.   sion may occur once a century, and it
                                                  To estimate the chances of such a        is most likely that they would occur

I ndeed, most of the danger to the earth
  comes from asteroids. Like comets,
asteroids have solar orbits that are nor-
                                              rock hitting the earth, the asteroids have
                                              Þrst to be sorted according to size. The
                                              smallest ones we can observe, which are
                                                                                           over the oceans or remote land areas.
                                                                                           But they would be devastating if they
                                                                                           happened near a populated area. If one
mally circular and stable. But there are      less than a few tens of meters across,       exploded over London, for instance, not
so many of them in the asteroid belt          rarely make it through the earthÕs at-       only the city but also its suburbs would
that they can collide with one another.       mosphere; friction with air generates        be laid waste.
  The debris from such collisions can         enough heat to vaporize them. The as-           Of the smaller asteroids, the few me-
end up in unstable orbits that resonate       teroids that are roughly 100 meters and      tallic ones are tough enough to pene-
with the orbit of Jupiter. By virtue of its   larger in diameter do pose a threat.         trate the atmosphere and carve out a
immense mass, Jupiter competes with           There are 100,000 or so of these that        crater. The 1.2-kilometer-wide Meteor
the sun for control of the motions of         penetrate the inner solar system deeper      Crater in northern Arizona is an exam-
these fragments, especially if an aster-      than the orbit of Mars. They are called      ple; it came from a metallic asteroid
oidÕs orbit Òbeats,Ó or resonates, with       near-earth asteroids.                        about 30 meters in diameter that fell
that of the giant planet. So, for instance,      In 1908 one such object, a loose con-     some 50,000 years ago.

56     SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996                                                      Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc.
Collisions with Comets and Asteroids - The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic
The Threat from Asteroids
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Studies of the eÝects of that explo-

                                  T   he asteroid belt, home of most asteroids, lies
                                      between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The
                                  chart (below ), put together from Spacewatch
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sion paint a frightening picture. An
                                                                                                                                                                                                           enormous Þreball ejected rocks and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           steam into the atmosphere, jarred the
                                  observations, shows that smaller asteroids,                                                                                                                              earthÕs crust and triggered earthquakes
                                  produced by fragmentation of the larger ones, are                                                                                                                        and tsunamis around the globe. Vast
                                  more numerous.The rocks normally remain in                                                                                                                               clouds of dust, from the earth and the
                                  circular, stable orbits, but collisions, along with                                                                                                                      asteroid, erupted into the stratosphere
                                  the gravitational influence of Jupiter, can throw                                                                                                                        and beyond. There ensued total dark-
                                  them into narrow, unstable orbits. Then the                                                                                                                              ness, which lasted for months.
                                  asteroids may enter the inner solar system, where                                                                                                                           Acid rain began to fall, and slowly
                                  they pose a threat to the earth.                                                                                                                                         the dust settled, creating a layer of sed-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           iment a few centimeters thick over the
                                                  10 3                                                                                                                                                     earthÕs surface. Below this thin sheet
                                                                                                                                                                                                           we see evidence of dinosaurs. Above it
                                                                                                                                                                                                           they are missing, as are three fourths
                                                                                                                                                                                                           of the other species. The darkness fol-
                            NUMBER OF ASTEROIDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                           lowing the explosion must have initially
                                                                                                                                                                                                           plunged the atmosphere into a freeze.

                                                                                                                                             ALFRED T. KAMAJIAN (illustration ); JOHNNY JOHNSON (graph )
                                                  10 2                                                                                                                                                        Over many centuries, the reverse ef-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           fectÑa slow greenhouse warming, by

                                                                                                      ROBERT JEDICKE University of Arizona
                                                                                                                                                                                                           as much as 15 degrees CelsiusÑhad an
                                                                                                                                                                                                           equally devastating outcome. The aster-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           oid had struck the earth in a vulnerable
                                                                                                                                                                                                           place, slicing into a rare region with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                           deep layer of limestone. ( Less than 2
                                                   10                                                                                                                                                      percent of the earthÕs crust has so much
                                                                                                                                                                                                           limestone; AustraliaÕs Great Barrier Reef
                                                                                                                                                                                                           is an example.) The explosion ejected
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the carbon dioxide from the limestone
                                                           12.8       6.4       3.2       1.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                           into the atmosphere, where, along with
                                                             ASTEROID DIAMETER (KILOMETERS)                                                                                                                other gases, it helped to trap the earthÕs
                                                                                                                                                                                                           heat. Jan Smit of the Free University,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Amsterdam, has proposed that the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           severe warming, rather than the initial
  An even greater peril is posed by the                         be globally disrupted, creating the equiv-                                                                                                 freeze, killed the dinosaursÑthere is
1,000 or 2,000 medium near-earth as-                            alent of a nuclear winter. Large clouds                                                                                                    some evidence that they died oÝ slowly.
teroids that are roughly one kilometer                          of dust would explode into the atmo-
and larger in size. One of these aster-                         sphere to obscure the sun, leading to                                                                                                                    Spacewatch
oids is thought to collide with the earth                       prolonged darkness, subzero tempera-
once in about 300,000 years. Note that
this estimate is only a statistical aver-
age. Such a collision can happen at any
                                                                tures and violent windstorms.
                                                                  Even more dangerous are the largest
                                                                near-earth asteroids, which are about
                                                                                                                                                                                                           S   oÑare we going to be hit? To begin
                                                                                                                                                                                                               with, the answer lies in the domain
                                                                                                                                                                                                           of planetary astronomy. The dangerous
timeÑa year from now, in 20 years or                            10 kilometers in diameter. Fortunately,                                                                                                    objects have to be located, as soon as
not in a million years.                                         there are only a few such threatening                                                                                                      possible, to diminish the chances of
                                                                objects, perhaps just 10. ( Even more                                                                                                      our unexpected demise. Furthermore,
          Frightful Darkness                                    fortunately, they happen to be mere                                                                                                        they have to be tracked on the succeed-
                                                                fragments of the objects in the asteroid                                                                                                   ing nights, weeks, months and even

T   he energies liberated by an impact
    with such an object would be tre-
mendous. The kinetic energy can be cal-
                                                                belt, which can be as large as 1,000 kilo-
                                                                meters across.) An asteroid of this size
                                                                collides with the earth only once in 100
                                                                                                                                                                                                           years so that their orbits can be accu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           rately extrapolated into the future.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              In the early 1970s a 0.46-meter pho-
culated from 1/2 mv 2, where m is the                           million years or so.                                                                                                                       tographic camera at the Palomar Obser-
mass of the object, and v is the incom-                           One such event is evident in the fossil                                                                                                  vatory in southern California was dedi-
ing velocity. Assuming a density of                             record. The impact of a celestial object                                                                                                   cated to the search for near-earth ob-
about three grams per cubic centimeter,                         marks the end of the Cretaceous geo-                                                                                                       jects. Eleanor Helin of the Jet Propulsion
as known from meteorites, and an av-                            logic period and the beginning of the                                                                                                      Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., led one
erage velocity of 20 kilometers per sec-                        Tertiary, 65 million years ago. After                                                                                                      of the teams of astronomers, and Eu-
ond, a one-kilometer-wide object would                          years of searching, the crater from that                                                                                                   gene M. and Carolyn S. Shoemaker of
strike with a shock equivalent to tens                          eventÑa depression about 170 kilome-                                                                                                       the U.S. Geological Survey led the other.
of billions of tons of TNTÑmillions of                          ters in diameterÑhas been identiÞed in                                                                                                     The scientists photographed the same
times the energy released at Hiroshima                          the Yucat‡n Peninsula of Mexico. Al-                                                                                                       large areas of the sky at half-hour inter-
in 1945.                                                        though the crater cannot be directly                                                                                                       vals. As asteroids orbit the sun, they
  Granted, asteroids do not emit the nu-                        seen, it has fortuitously been identiÞed                                                                                                   move with respect to the background
clear radiation that caused the particu-                        by drillings for oil and in images taken                                                                                                   stars. If near to the earth, the asteroid
lar horrors of Hiroshima. Still, an explo-                      from the space shuttle Endeavour. The                                                                                                      is seen to travel relatively fast; the mo-
sion of millions of Hiroshimas would do                         depression resulted from the explosive                                                                                                     tion is easily recognized from the mul-
more than destroy a few cities or some                          impact of an object perhaps 10 to 20                                                                                                       tiple exposures.
countries. The earthÕs atmosphere would                         kilometers in diameter.                                                                                                                       Since the pioneering eÝorts at Palo-

Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc.                                                                                                     SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996                                                                       57
Collisions with Comets and Asteroids - The chances of a celestial body colliding with the earth are small, but the consequences would be catastrophic


mar, other observers have become in-        oids, was born in Tucson. A 0.9-meter      all from Tucson, use this facility regu-
terested in near-earth asteroids. At Sid-   telescope at the University of ArizonaÕs   larly for Þnding comets and asteroids.
ing Spring in the mountains of eastern      Steward Observatory on Kitt Peak, 70       McMillan, Marcus L. Perry, Toni L. Moore
Australia, a dedicated group of scien-      kilometers west of Tucson, is now ded-     and others, also from Tucson, use it for
tists uses a 1.2-meter photographic         icated to Spacewatch. Robert Jedicke,      Þnding planets around other stars.
camera to hunt for these rocks. In 1994     James V. Scotti, several students and I,      Instead of photographic plates, our
observers in California and Aus-                                                                electronic light detectors are
tralia, with their photographic                                                                 charge-coupled devices, or
methods, jointly discovered 16                                                                  CCDs. These are Þnely divided
near-earth asteroids. ( At the                                                                  arrays of semiconductor pic-
end of that year, the Palomar                                                                   ture elements, or pixels. When
project closed as more modern                                                                   light hits a pixel, its energy
techniques were developed                                                                       causes positive and negative
elsewhere.)                                                                                     electrical charges to separate.
   About 15 years ago Robert S.                                                                 The electrons from all the pix-
McMillan, also at the University                                                                els provide an image of the
of Arizona, and I began to real-                                                                light pattern at the focal plane
ize that at this rate, it would                                                                 of the telescope. A computer
take more than a century to                                                                     then compares images of the
map the 1,000 or more aster-                                                                    same patch of sky scanned at
oids that are larger than one                                                                   diÝerent times, marking the
kilometer across. By taking ad-                                                                 objects that have moved.
vantage of electronic detection                                                                    In this manner, Spacewatch
devices and fast computers, the                                                                 observers may Þnd as many as
rate of Þnding asteroids could                                                                  600 asteroids a night. Most of
be greatly increased. Space-                                                                    these are in the asteroid belt;
watch, a project dedicated to                                                                   only occasionally does an ob-
the study of comets and aster-                                                                  ject move against the star Þeld
                                                                                            UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA

                                                                                                so fast that it must be close to
                                                                                                the earth. (Similarly, an airplane
SPACEWATCH telescope on top                                                                     high above in the sky seems to
of Kitt Peak in southern Ari-                                                                   move slower than one coming
zona is dedicated to searching                                                                  in low for a landing.) In 1994
for comets and asteroids.                                                                       Scotti found an asteroid that

58    SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996                                                   Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc.
The Threat from Comets                            served the Arjunas. The data,                                                                                                                       haps the most powerful intercontinen-
                                                         once routinely discarded but                                                                                                                        tal ballistic missiles could blast a small
     C    omets reside beyond the orbit of Nep-

                                                        ALFRED T. KAMAJIAN ( illustration ); ROYAL GREENWICH OBSERVATORY Science Photo Library/Photo Researchers, Inc. ( photograph)
          tune in the Kuiper belt and the Oort           now stored and declassiÞed,                                                                                                                         object out of the way. (That, incidentally,
     cloud and, like asteroids, come near the            show the continuous shower-                                                                                                                         would also be a good means of getting
     earth only when dislodged from their cir-           ing of the planet by small as-                                                                                                                      rid of these relics from the cold war.)
     cular paths. The Kuiper belt probably               teroids. Because of the atmo-                                                                                                                          It seems likely, however, that we will
     merges into the Oort cloud, which ex-               sphere, these rocks burn up                                                                                                                         have more than 100 years to prepare.
     tends a fifth of the distance to the nearest        with little consequence, even                                                                                                                       Given that much time, a modest chemi-
     star, Alpha Centauri. Comet Halley (below)          though similar ones scar the                                                                                                                        cal explosion near an asteroid might be
     is a visitor from the Oort cloud that has           airless moon.                                                                                                                                       enough to deßect it. The explosion will
     swung into a steeply elliptical orbit around           The next step for Spacewatch                                                                                                                     need to change the asteroidÕs trajectory
     the sun, having a period of 76 years.               is to install our new telescope,                                                                                                                    by only a small amount so that by the
                                                         which was built with an exist-                                                                                                                      time the asteroid reaches the earthÕs
                                                         ing 1.8-meter mirror, so that                                                                                                                       vicinity, it will have deviated from its
                                                         we can Þnd fainter and more                                                                                                                         original course enough to bypass the
                                                         distant objects. This state-of-                                                                                                                     planet.
                                                         the-art instrument, the largest                                                                                                                         Present technology for aiming and
                                                         in the Þeld of asteroid obser-                                                                                                                      guiding rockets is close to miraculous.
                                                         vation, should serve genera-                                                                                                                        I once overheard two scientists arguing
                                                         tions of explorers to come.                                                                                                                         about why Pioneer 11 had arrived 20
                                                         Meanwhile, at C™te dÕAzur Ob-                                                                                                                       seconds late at SaturnÑafter a journey
                                                         servatory in southern France,                                                                                                                       of six years. But the detonation will
                                                         Alain Maury is about to bring                                                                                                                       have to be carefully designed. If the as-
                                                         a telescope into operation with                                                                                                                     teroid is made of loosely aggregated
                                                         an electronic detection sys-                                                                                                                        material, it might disintegrate when
                                                         tem. Duncan Steel and his                                                                                                                           shaken by an explosion. The pieces
                                                         colleagues in Australia are                                                                                                                         could rain down on the earth, causing
                                                         switching to electronics as                                                                                                                         even greater damage than the intact as-
                                                         well, although this project has                                                                                                                     teroid, as hunters who use buckshot
                                                         funding problems perhaps                                                                                                                            know. A ÒstandoÝÓ explosion, at some
                                                         more severe than ours. Next to                                                                                                                      distance from the surface, may be the
                                                         join the electronic age might                                                                                                                       most eÝective in that case. Earth-based
                                                         be Lowell Observatory near                                                                                                                          radar, telescopes and possibly space
                                                         FlagstaÝ, Ariz., under the su-                                                                                                                      missions will be needed to determine
passed within 105,000 kilometers of            pervision of Edward Bowell. The U.S. Air                                                                                                                      the composition of an asteroid and how
the earth. Also in that year, Spacewatch       Force is also planning to use one of its                                                                                                                      it might break up.
reported 77,000 precise measurements           one-meter telescopes to this end; Helin                                                                                                                          Further into the future, laser or micro-
of comet and asteroid positions. One           and her associates already use the one                                                                                                                        wave devices might become suitable.
gratifying aspect of Spacewatch is that        on Maui in Hawaii. And amateur astron-                                                                                                                        Gentler alternatives, such as solar sails
it has private and corporate supporters        omers are coming on-line with elec-                                                                                                                           and reßectors planted on the asteroidÕs
(currently 235) in addition to the U.S.        tronic detectors on their telescopes.                                                                                                                         surfaceÑto harness the sunÕs radiation
Air Force OÛce of ScientiÞc Research,             If there is an asteroid out there with                                                                                                                     in pushing the asteroid oÝ courseÑ
the National Aeronautics and Space Ad-         our name on it, we should know by                                                                                                                             have also been suggested. A few scien-
ministration, the Clementine space pro-        about the year 2008.                                                                                                                                          tists are studying the feasibility of nu-
gram, the National Science Foundation                                                                                                                                                                        clear devices to deßect very massive
and other governmental organizations.                                                                                                  Deßecting an Asteroid                                                 asteroids that show up at short notice.
   Spacewatch has discovered an abun-                                                                                                                                                                            Comets and asteroids remind me of
dance of small asteroids, those in the
range of tens of meters. The numbers
of these objects exceed predictions by a
                                               A   nd what if we Þnd a large object
                                                    headed our way? If we have only
                                               Þve yearsÕ notice, we can say good-bye
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shiva, the Hindu deity who destroys
                                                                                                                                                                                                             and re-creates. These celestial bodies
                                                                                                                                                                                                             allowed life to be born, but they also
factor of 40, but we do not as yet under-      to one another and regret that we did                                                                                                                         killed our predecessors, the dinosaurs.
stand their origins. These asteroids we        not start surveying earlier. If we have 10                                                                                                                    Now for the Þrst time, the earthÕs in-
call the Arjunas, after the legendary In-      years or so, our chances are still slim. If                                                                                                                   habitants have acquired the ability to
dian prince who was enjoined to persist        we have 50 yearsÕ notice or more, a                                                                                                                           envision their own extinctionÑand the
on his charted course. Military recon-         spacecraft could deploy a rocket that                                                                                                                         power to stop this cycle of destruction
naissance satellites have since also ob-       would explode near the asteroid. Per-                                                                                                                         and creation.

                          The Author                                                                                                                                                                        Further Reading
  TOM GEHRELS was inspired to study celestial objects upon at-                                                                                                                         THE ORIGINS OF THE ASTEROIDS. Richard P. Binzel, M. Antonietta
tending a class given by Jan Oort in the Netherlands, who surmised                                                                                                                      Barucci and Marcello Fulchignoni in ScientiÞc American, Vol. 265,
the existence of a distant shell of comets now called the Oort cloud.                                                                                                                   No. 4, pages 88Ð94; October 1991.
Gehrels is professor of planetary sciences at the University of Ari-                                                                                                                   HAZARDS DUE TO COMETS AND ASTEROIDS. Edited by T. Gehrels.
zona at Tucson, a Sarabhai Professor at the Physical Research Labora-                                                                                                                   University of Arizona Press, 1994.
tory in India and principal investigator of the Spacewatch program                                                                                                                     ROGUE ASTEROIDS AND DOOMSDAY COMETS. Duncan Steel. John
at Kitt Peak, Ariz., where he hunts for comets and asteroids.                                                                                                                           Wiley & Sons, 1995.

Copyright 1996 Scientific American, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                  SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN March 1996              59
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