COLLEGE POLICIES catalog 2020-2021 - chapter two

Page created by Randall Benson
chapter two
   catalog 2020-2021

                       Nondiscrimination		                   15

                       Academic requirements and policies    16

                       Student rights and responsibilities   33

                       Grievance and complaint procedures    44

                       General college policies              44

NONDISCRIMINATION                                                  Inquiries regarding federal laws and regulations
                                                                   concerning nondiscrimination in education or the district’s
                                                                   compliance with those provisions may also be directed to
Equal opportunity policy and                                       the vice chancellor, human resources and organizational
                                                                   development, Contra Costa Community College District,
grievance procedures                                               500 Court Street, Martinez, CA 94553, or U.S. Department
                                                                   of Education, Office of Civil Rights, 221 Main Street, Suite
DVC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,             1020, San Francisco, CA, 94105.
nation­al origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or age in
any of its policies, procedures, or practices, in compliance       For more information or to initiate a grievance contact:
with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (pertaining to
                                                                   Vice president of student services (504, Title IX, Sexual
race, color, and national origin), Title IX of the Educational
                                                                   Harassment; Title VI Coordinator and EEOC Officer)
Amendments of 1972 (pertaining to sex), Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975
(pertaining to age), and CCCCD Board Policy 2001. This             Vice president of finance and administration
nondiscrimination policy covers admission and access               (ADA Coordinator)
to, as well as treatment and employment in the college’s           925-969-2018
programs and activities, including vocational education.
Inquiries regarding the equal opportunity policies, the
filing of grievances, or requests for a copy of the college’s
grievance procedures may be directed to the following:
                                                                   Open course policy
disability support services coordinator for disability related     It is the policy of the Contra Costa Community College
issues; Title IX, Sexual Harassment Title VI, discrimination       District that unless specifically exempted by statute or
based on race, color, or national origin, the vice president of    regulation, every course, course section, or class reported
student services, Administration Building.                         for state funding, wherever offered and maintained by the
This procedure affords students an opportunity to resolve a        district, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation
variety of complaints, including those alleging discrimina­        by any person who has been admitted to the college and
tion based on race, sexual orientation, color, national origin,    who meets the prerequisites as may be established pursuant
sex, handicap, and age. Students who require assistance in         to regulations contained in Title 5 Section 55200.
the use of this procedure or any of the above-mentioned
poli­cies should contact the vice president of student
services. For more information about the sexual harassment
policy, please see: and for
more informa­t ion about equal opportunity policies and
procedures, please see:

                       DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE           CATALOG 2020-2021       chapter two       COLLEGE POLICIES              15

ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS                                                 Repeating courses with satisfactory grade
                                                                      As a general rule, students may not enroll more than once
AND POLICIES                                                          in a credit course if the student received a satisfactory
                                                                      grade on the previous enrollment. An enrollment occurs
                                                                      when a student receives an evaluative or non-evaluative
Academic course requirements                                          symbol in a credit course. Evaluative symbols include
and credit                                                            A, B, C, D, F, P, and NP. Non-evaluative symbols include
                                                                      I, IP, EW, and W. A satisfactory grade is an A, B, C, or P.
     Full-time status                                                 Substandard work is course work for which the grading
     A student must carry a minimum of 12 units in the fall           symbols D, F, NP, or NC have been recorded. A student
     or spring term or four units in a summer session to be           receiving an A, B, C, or P typically cannot enroll in that
     considered a full-time student. Fifteen units is the usual       course again, unless an exception to the general rule
     load for students who wish to complete the associate             applies that allows the student an additional enrollment or
     degree in two years.                                             enrollments in that course.
     Term unit limit                                                  The following exceptions to the general rule permit a
     In fall or spring term, a full-time course load is considered    student receiving a satisfactory grade to enroll in the
     to be at least 12 units. Students who wish to enroll in more     same credit course again:
     than 19 units in the fall or spring term or 12 units in the
     summer term must have permission prior to the start             • courses properly designated by a district as repeatable
     of the class. Request to exceed unit limits may be made         • a subsequent enrollment due to significant lapse of time
     online at                                 for:
                                                                          • legally mandated courses
     Veterans must carry a course load of at least 12 certifiable
     units in order to receive full veteran’s benefits.                   • courses necessary as a result of significant change
                                                                            in industry or licensure standards
     International students must carry at least 12
                                                                          • courses needed due to recency requirements for a
     certifiable units each term to maintain their F-1 status.
     Authorization to be below 12 units must be granted by
     a designated school official in the International Student       • variable-unit courses offered on an open-entry/open-exit
     Office.                                                          basis
                                                                     • documented extenuating circumstances
     Remedial unit limit                                             • occupational work experience courses
     By state law, students are only allowed to enroll in a
                                                                     • students with disabilities repeating a special class
     maximum of 30 units of remedial coursework. Remedial
     courses are non degree applicable credit, basic skills           For an additional enrollment in the same course to be
     courses and are numbered less than 100. The 30 unit              allowed, either the student must meet the circumstances
     limit includes all remedial courses taken at the three           specified for the exception or, in the case of repeatable
     community colleges within our district.                          courses, the course is properly designated as repeatable.
                                                                      Students must petition to be granted an exception that
         Exemptions                                                   allows a subsequent enrollment. The petition is found
         Students enrolled in ESL courses or officially               online at: If permission
         identified as having a learning disability are exempt        to repeat is granted, both grades will appear on the
         from the 30 unit limit.                                      transcript and will be used in the grade point average
                                                                      calculation. Only the first course completed will be applied
     Variable unit courses                                            towards a degree or certificate requirement. Units for both
     Some courses give students varying amounts of credit;            courses will apply towards the 60 units required for the
     for example, from one to three units. The number of units        degree.
     varies, depending on the following factors: the contract
     between instructor and student; how many segments                    Repeating courses with substandard grade
     of the course the student completes (for example, the                Students are limited to enrolling in non-repeatable,
     course may be divided into three four-week segments);                credit courses a maximum of three times. When a
     the subject matter and/or number of meetings; and the                substandard grade (“D”, “F”, or “NP”) is earned or
     number of classes the student attends.                               dropped with a “W”. Students who have received
                                                                          a substandard grade in a course should see the
                                                                          “improving a grade point average” on page 31 for
                                                                          more information. Students must petition for a third
                                                                          enrollment. The petition is found online at: www.dvc.

16        COLLEGE POLICIES          chapter two            DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE      CATALOG 2020-2021
Academic requirements and policies

    Repeatable courses:                                        Auditing of classes
    There are three types that may be designated as            Diablo Valley College does not permit auditing of classes.
    repeatable by all students:                                All students must submit an application for admission to
                                                               the college and officially register in all courses.
    1. courses for which repetition is necessary to
       meet the major requirement of California State
       University (CSU) or University of California (UC)       Course prerequisites and/or co-requisites
       for completion of a bachelor’s degree,                  Students enrolling in a course with a prerequisite must
                                                               complete that prerequisite with a “C” grade or higher
    2. intercollegiate athletics, and                          before they are allowed to register. A course has a
    3. intercollegiate academic or vocational competition.     prerequisite to ensure that a student has the appropriate
                                                               body of knowledge to be successful. Courses with a
    See course descriptions to determine which courses         co-requisite require that a student has successfully
    may be repeated.                                           completed the course in a prior term or is enrolled in the
                                                               co-requisite course in the same term.
    Limitations on enrollment                                  Please note: Dropping a class with a co-requisite will
    Enrollment limits have been placed on certain              result in a drop from both classes.
    types of courses offered within the Contra Costa
                                                               If taken at an institution other than DVC, coursework
    Community College District. Students are limited
                                                               used to meet a prerequisite must be completed at
    to a total of four enrollments in courses that are
                                                               a regionally accredited institution (e.g., colleges,
    considered “active participatory courses that are          universities, or high schools) as recognized by the
    related in content.” At DVC, these limitations apply to    U.S. Department of Education. All coursework used
    certain courses with the subject codes:                    from other institutions must be equated to a DVC
    • ART                                                      course. Should it be determined that coursework is
                                                               not equivalent to a DVC course, a student may opt to
    • DANCE                                                    challenge the prerequisite by following the prerequisite
    • DRAMA                                                    challenge process.

    • KNACT                                                    To see which courses have prerequisites and/or co-
                                                               requisites see the individual course offerings in the
    • KNCMB                                                    catalog.
    • KNDAN
                                                               Prerequisite and/or co-requisite challenge
    • MUSIC                                                    Students who are denied enrollment in a class because
    Within these subjects, courses that are “active            they do not meet the prerequisite requirement may
    participatory courses that are related in content” have    challenge the prerequisite. Challenge petitions are
    been assigned to “families” and students are limited       available in the Admissions and Records Office.
    to four aggregate enrollments within the “family”.
    The “families” are district-wide and the limitation
                                                                      Challenging a prerequisite or co-requisite
    to four enrollments applies to courses taken at any               Prerequisites and co-requisites may be challenged for
    college within the district. Refer to the discipline              the following conditions:
    descriptions in this catalog for further information on           • The prerequisite is based on health or safety and
    “families” and enrollment limitations.                              is either not valid or does not apply to a particular
Independent study courses
These courses are only available to students who have                 • The prerequisite is discriminatory on the basis of
exhausted the learning opportunities of our regular                     ethnicity, religious belief, political persuasion, age,
course offerings. They require the student to undertake                 gender, or sexual orientation.
a significant project or research with clearly established,           • The prerequisite course has not been reasonably
measurable learning objectives.                                         made available at DVC.
                                                                      • The prerequisite was not established according to
To apply for an independent study course, students
                                                                        state law.
should get a tentative agreement on their research project
from a supervising instructor. They must then complete                • The student has the knowledge or ability to
an independent study form (available in the Instruction                 succeed in the course or program despite not
Office or division offices) and receive approval of the                 meeting the prerequisite or co-requisite. The
supervising instructor and division dean.                               student has gained the knowledge and skills in
                                                                        another fashion, for example, through work or life
    Deadlines                                                           experience.
    Independent study forms must be submitted for
    approval to the division dean before the sixth week of     Contact the Admissions and Records Office regarding
    the term.                                                  information and forms for challenging prerequisites.

                  DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE           CATALOG 2020-2021         chapter two       COLLEGE POLICIES               17
Academic requirements and policies

Acceptance of transfer credits and                                        II. When CSU uses an upper-division course in their
                                                                              CSU GE pattern.
alternative credit
                                                                    3.   Transfer credit and coursework may be applied towards
Transfer of credit and coursework                                        the requirements of a degree or certificate program.
In order to evaluate for equivalent coursework, DVC accepts              Students are strongly encouraged to make a counseling
transcripts from institutions (e.g., colleges, universities, and         appointment to determine applicability of courses taken
high schools) from regional accrediting organizations as                 elsewhere towards their program at DVC.
recognized by the U.S Department of Education. DVC also
follows the recommendations of the American Association             4.   For Diablo Valley College general education
of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions and Records                      requirements, DVC will accept any course approved
Officers. The official transcript from the other college is              as part of an IGETC agreement at any other accredited
required. Students must submit sealed unopened transcripts               community college. Such coursework will be applied
in person or by mail to the Admissions and Records Office                in the area or category for which it was approved at the
of Diablo Valley College. Students must make a counseling                college where the course was completed.
appointment to review the evaluation of their transcripts.
                                                                    5.   Courses completed at other community colleges as part
The appointment initiates the evaluation of the transcript by
                                                                         of a Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) aligned degree
admissions and records; therefore, transcripts must be on file
                                                                         will be accepted for the requirements of the same TMC-
with admissions and records a minimum of two weeks prior
                                                                         aligned degree at Diablo Valley College. Courses with
to the scheduling of the appointment. It is recommended that
                                                                         a Course Identification (C-ID) number are accepted to
students complete this process prior to or during their first
                                                                         meet the area requirements of courses with the same
term of enrollment at DVC.
                                                                         C-ID number at DVC. Students are strongly encouraged
Students are advised that:                                               to make a counseling appointment to determine whether
                                                                         there are specific course requirements at transfer
1.    Only courses and credit from accredited institutions               institutions that will impact the courses they should
      (e.g., colleges, universities, and high schools) will be           select to meet their major requirements.
      considered for transfer to DVC.
                                                                    6.   When courses completed at other institutions are
2.    Upper division courses may be applied to degree,                   determined to be equivalent to DVC courses but their
      certificate and transfer requirements under the following          unit value varies, students will not be required to “make
      conditions:                                                        up” missing units for DVC GE, major and/or certificate
                                                                         requirements. Students are always required to complete
     a. Upper division coursework may be applied to
                                                                         a minimum of 18 units for both major and general
        satisfy DVC general education, major, and certificate
                                                                         education requirements with three units in each GE area
                                                                         and 60 units for a degree.
     b. Upper division coursework may be applied
        to Intersegmental General Education Transfer                7.   Transfer coursework may be used to meet pre-requisites
        Curriculum (IGETC) requirements under the                        at Diablo Valley College. See the information on
        following conditions:                                            prerequisites on page 17.
        I. When a University of California (UC) or California
           State University (CSU) campus has classified             8.   Transfer credit and DVC credit together determine
           a course or series as upper-division but has                  the student’s overall GPA when applied to academic
           requested that lower division transfer credit be              program requirements and financial aid and athletic
           allowed because an equivalent course is taught at a           eligibility. DVC will use plus/minus grades in GPA
           community college or because the preparation of the           calculation.
           subject is desired prior to transfer. Current examples
           include economics, organic chemistry and abnormal        9.   Transfer credit from colleges and universities with
           psychology.                                                   different credit systems (quarter units) are converted to
        II. When a non-California Community College (CCC)                semester hours of credit.
            course is determined comparable to one taught and       10. DVC may accept Advanced Placement (AP),
            approved for IGETC at a CCC, it may be applied to           International Baccalaureate (IB), and College Level
            IGETC regardless of its upper-division status.              Examination Program (CLEP) scores to meet DVC
        III. When a CSU uses an upper-division course in its            general education and Transfer Studies certificate of
            “lower division” General Educational pattern.               achievement requirements as well as CSU GE and IGETC
     c. Upper division coursework may be applied to                     requirements and the major requirements of local and
         California State University General Education (CSU             transfer associate degrees and certificates, if approved
         GE) requirements under the following conditions:               through the course substitution process. See the charts
        I. When an upper-division course is equivalent to               beginning on page 20 for the list of AP, IB, and CLEP
           a lower-division course used to satisfy a CSU GE             examinations accepted. Students who wish to have AP,
           requirement.                                                 IB, or CLEP scores evaluated by DVC must submit official
                                                                        score reports for consideration.

18        COLLEGE POLICIES         chapter two             DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE        CATALOG 2020-2021
Academic requirements and policies

11. Coursework and credits that may transfer will be             Students are advised to meet with a counselor or program
    determined based on an evaluation that may include           advisor to discuss the course substitution option and
    but is not limited to: course content, objectives,           to complete the petition process well before they plan
    student learning outcomes, units, grades, course             to apply for a degree or certificate. Students may be
                                                                 approved to substitute a course prior to completing the
    level and applicability toward degree, certificate or
                                                                 course. Students petitioning to substitute coursework
    prerequisite requirements as well as CSU GE and IGETC        from outside the district must provide official transcripts
    requirements. Should it be determined that coursework        from such institutions; it is not necessary to provide
    cannot be used for transfer, a student may explore other     documentation to substitute coursework completed
    options (e.g., credit by exam, IGETC Certification in a      within the Contra Costa Community College District.
    Language Other than English). Students are encouraged
    to meet with a counselor to explore all possible options.    Only courses and credit from a regionally accredited
                                                                 institution (e.g., colleges, universities, and high schools) as
12. Foreign transfer credit may be applied toward the 60-        recognized by the U.S. Department of Education will be
    unit requirement for the DVC associate degree only after     considered for application to DVC degree and certificate
                                                                 requirements. When courses are substituted and their
    an evaluation by an approved credential evaluation
                                                                 unit value varies, students will not be required to “make
    service (for a list see: Students are
                                                                 up” missing units for DVC GE, major, and/or certificate
    advised to meet with a counselor and obtain guidelines       requirements. Students are always required to complete
    from DVC admissions and records before requesting            a minimum of 18 units for major and general education
    such an evaluation. Evaluations must include a course-       requirements, with three units in each area, and 60 units
    by-course report with unit equivalencies, distinguishing     for a degree.
    between upper and lower division coursework and
    including letter grades. Students who wish foreign           For certificate programs, at least twenty-five percent of the
                                                                 required courses must be completed at DVC.
    coursework to be used to meet specific course
    requirements for prerequisites, DVC majors, general
    education, or certificate requirements must provide
                                                                 Course substitution policy for students with dis-
    detailed course descriptions. Foreign coursework cannot      abilities for DVC associate degrees or certificates
    be used to certify California State University General       Students, because of their disabilities, may be unable to
                                                                 complete a course required of DVC’s associate degree or
    Education (CSU GE) or IGETC requirements, except for
                                                                 certificate programs. Those wishing to apply for a course
    the IGETC Language Other Than English requirement.           substitution should review the college’s complete course
    Transfer of credit policy varies from institution to         substitution policy. This policy is available in the Disabil­
    institution. Students who intend to transfer are advised     ity Support Services (DSS) Office. To initiate an applica­
    to review the policy of the receiving institution.           tion, please make a counseling appointment with a DSS
                                                                 counselor by calling 925-969-2140.
   Course substitution
   Students may petition to substitute coursework completed
                                                                 Alternatives to course credit
                                                                 DVC recognizes that some students have already reached
   within the Contra Costa Community College District
                                                                 a portion of their educational objectives through prior
   and at a regionally accredited institution (e.g., colleges,   coursework. DVC offers five options for students to
   universities, and high schools) as recognized by the          receive alternatives to course credit: advanced placement,
   U.S. Department of Education to meet DVC degree               international baccalaureate, CLEP, credit by exam, and
   and certificate requirements. In order to initiate the        military service credit.
   process, students must submit the Petition for Course
   Substitution to the DVC Admissions and Records Office.        Units awarded under any of the categories below may
   The Admissions and Records Office will forward the            not be used to meet the residency requirement for the
   Petition for Course Substitution to the appropriate faculty   associate degrees.
   for approval. Course substitutions may be granted for
   courses that may be comparable but are not equivalent in      Advanced placement - for transfer
   content to a program requirement.                             requirements
                                                                 Each four-year college or university determines the
   Students who wish to transfer credit for a course             amount of credit that will be given for AP examinations
   completed at another community college as part of an          and how that credit may be used. Students planning
   associate degree for transfer (ADT) that does not have a      to transfer should consult the catalog of the college to
   course identification (C-ID) number or is not equivalent      which they plan to transfer for information on how these
   to a DVC course should complete the course substitution       examinations can be used to meet admission, general
   process. Students are strongly encouraged to make a           education, and major requirements.
   counseling appointment to determine whether there are
   specific course requirements at transfer institutions that    For students planning to transfer to a University of
   will impact the courses they should substitute to meet        California or California State University campus, refer
   their major requirements.                                     to the CSU GE and IGETC charts beginning on page 20
                                                                 for use of AP exam credit towards meeting these general
                                                                 education requirements.

                     DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE          CATALOG 2020-2021       chapter two       COLLEGE POLICIES               19
                        Diablo Valley College                                                 College Credit for Advanced Placement (AP) Tests                                                                     2020-2021

                        Students may earn credit for College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement (AP) Tests with scores of 3, 4, or 5. AP credit can be used to meet IGETC, CSU GE, and AA/AS general education
                        (GE). Students must have the College Board send AP exam results to the Admissions Office (hand-carried copies will not be accepted) for use on the AA/AS or GE patterns.

                        All Units Denote Semester.
                                                                                                                                  Units for DVC         CSU GE             CSU       IGETC GE        UC Units       UC Limitations
                                                                   Minimum                        AA/AS                            Associate          Certification       Units     Certification    Towards           Toward
                                        AP Exam                    AP Score                  DVC GE Area Units                       Degree            Area Units        Towards     Area Units      Transfer       Transfer Units

                        Art History                                    3                Area III – Arts and Humanities                  6               C1 or C2            6         3A or 3B          5.3
                                                                                                    3 units                                              3 units                       3 units

                        Art, Studio                  2-D Design        3                         No GE Area                             3              No GE Area           3        No GE Area         5.3        5.3 semester
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   units max for all
                                                     3-D Design        3                         No GE Area                             3              No GE Area           3        No GE Area         5.3        exams

                                                       Drawing         3                         No GE Area                             3              No GE Area           3        No GE Area         5.3

                        Biology                                        3                  Area II – Natural Sciences                    6               B2 and B3           6        5B and 5C          5.3
                                                                                                    4 units                                              4 units                      4 units

                        Chemistry                                      3                  Area II – Natural Sciences                    6               B1 and B3           6        5A and 5C          5.3
                                                                                                    4 units                                              4 units                      4 units

chapter two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Academic requirements and policies

                                                                                                                                                     (6 units if taken
                                                                                                                                                       prior to F09)

                        Computer            Computer Science1          3                         No GE Area                              3             No GE Area           31       No GE Area         5.3
                        Science                             A                                                                     6 units max for
                                                                                                                                  both Computer                                                     (2 semester
                                                                                                                                  Science exams                                                      units prior
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to F18)

                                             Computer Science1         3                         No GE Area                              6             No GE Area           61       No GE Area         2.6
                                                           AB                                                                     6 units max for
                                                                                                                                  both Computer
                                                                                                                                  Science exams

                                             Computer Science1         3        Area 1B – Communication & Analytical Thinking           6                  B4               61       No GE Area         5.3
                                                    Principles                                    3 units                                                3 units
                                                                                    Area 1C – Mathematic Comprehension

                        Economics               Macroeconomics         3           Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences             3                   D               3             4             2.6
                                                                                                    3 units                                              3 units                       3 units

                                                Microeconomics         3           Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences             3                   D               3             4             2.6
                                                                                                    3 units                                              3 units                       3 units

                        English               English Language         3                Area IA - English Composition                   6                  A2               6            1A             5.3        5.3 semester
                                               and Composition                                     3 units                                               3 units                       3 units                     units max for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   both English
                                             English Literature        3                Area IA – English Composition                   6               A2 and C2           6         1A or 3B          5.3        Lang/Comp and
                                              and Composition                                         and                                                6 units                       3 units                     English Lit/Comp
                                                                                        Area III – Arts and Humanities
                                                                                                    6 units

CATALOG 2020-2021
                        Environmental Science                          3                  Area II – Natural Sciences                    4               B1 and B3           4        5A and 5C          2.6
                                                                                                    4 units                                              4 units                      3 units

                                                                                                                                                      (May apply to
                                                                                                                                                     either B1+B3 or
                                                                                                                                                     B2+B3 if taken
                                                                                                                                                      prior to F09.)

                              If a student passes more than one AP exam in calculus or computer science, only one examination may be applied to the baccalaureate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 4
Units for DVC          CSU GE            CSU Units        IGETC GE       UC Units   UC Limitations
                                                                Minimum                  AA/AS                         Associate           Certification       Towards         Certification   Towards       Toward
                                     AP Exam                    AP Score            DVC GE Area Units                    Degree             Area Units         Transfer         Area Units     Transfer   Transfer Units

                        Government and          Comparative        3       Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences          3                   D                  3                4           2.6
                        Politics                                                            3 units                                           3 units                             3 units

                                               United States       3       Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences          3              D and US-2              3           4 and US-2       2.6
                                                                                            3 units                                           3 units                             3 units

                        History            European History        3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                C2 or D               6             3B or 4        5.3
                                                                                              or                                              3 units                             3 units
                                                                           Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences
                                                                                            3 units

                                               United States       3            Area III - Arts and Humanities               6             (C2 or D) and            6            (3B or 4)       5.3
                                                     History                                   or                                              US-1                                and
                                                                           Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                           3 units                              US-1
                                                                                            3 units                                                                               3 units

                                            World History –        3            Area III - Arts and Humanities               3                C2 or D               3             3B or 4        5.3
                                                   Modern                                      or                                             3 units                             3 units

                                                                           Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences   (6 units if taken                         (6 units if
                                                 (formerly                                  3 units                     prior to F19)                         taken prior to
                                             World History)                                                                                                        F19)

                        Human Geography                            3       Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences          3                   D                  3                4           2.6
                                                                                            3 units                                           3 units                             3 units

                        Language          Chinese Language         3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                        Other than              and Culture                                3 units                                            3 units                            3 units
                                           French Language         3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                                                                           3 units                                            3 units                            3 units
                                         (Only if taken prior
                                                      to F11)                                                                             (6 units if taken

CATALOG 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                            prior to F09)

                                           French Language         3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                                and Culture                                3 units                                            3 units                            3 units

                                           French Literature       3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                                                                           3 units                                            3 units                            3 units
                                               (Only if taken
                                                prior to F09)

                                          German Language          3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                                                                           3 units                                            3 units                            3 units
                                         (Only if taken prior

chapter two
                                                      to F11)                                                                             (6 units if taken
                                                                                                                                            prior to F09)

                                          German Language          3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                               and Culture                                 3 units                                            3 units                            3 units

                                           Italian Language        3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                                 and Culture                               3 units                                            3 units                            3 units

                                         Japanese Language         3           Area III – Arts and Humanities                6                  C2                  6           3B and 6A        5.3
                                                and Culture                                3 units                                            3 units                            3 units

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2 of 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Academic requirements and policies
                                                                                                                               Units for DVC         CSU GE        CSU Units    IGETC GE         UC Units       UC Limitations
                                                                  Minimum                      AA/AS                            Associate          Certification   Towards     Certification     Towards           Toward
                                       AP Exam                    AP Score                DVC GE Area Units                       Degree            Area Units     Transfer     Area Units       Transfer       Transfer Units

                                                         Latin       3                Area III - Arts and Humanities                  6                 C2            6         3B and 6A           5.3
                                                                                                  3 units                                             3 units                    3 units
                                                                                                                                                                                                (2.6 units if
                                                                                                                                                                                               taken prior to

                                                 Latin: Vergil       3                Area III - Arts and Humanities                  3                 C2            3         3B and 6A           2.6

                                                                                                  3 units                                             3 units                    3 units
                                                 (Only if taken
                                                  Prior to F12)

                                              Latin Literature       3                Area III - Arts and Humanities                  6                 C2            6         3B and 6A           2.6
                                                                                                  3 units                                             3 units                    3 units
                                                 (Only if taken
                                                  prior to F09)

                                            Spanish Language         3                Area III - Arts and Humanities                  6                 C2            6         3B and 6A           5.3

chapter two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Academic requirements and policies

                                                                                                  3 units                                             6 units                     3 units
                                                 (Only if taken
                                                  prior to S14)

                                            Spanish Language         3               Area III – Arts and Humanities                   6                 C2            6         3B and 6A           5.3
                                                  and Culture                                    3 units                                              3 units                    3 units

                                            Spanish Literature       3               Area III – Arts and Humanities                   6                 C2            6         3B and 6A           5.3
                                                                                                 3 units                                              6 units                    3 units
                                                 (Only if taken
                                                  prior to S13)

                                            Spanish Literature       3                Area III - Arts and Humanities                  6                 C2            6         3B and 6A           5.3
                                                  and Culture                                     3 units                                             3 units                    3 units

                        Mathematics               Calculus AB1       3       Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking          3                 B4            31            2A              2.6         5.3 semester
                                                                                                 3 units                     6 units max for all      3 units                     3 units                       units max for
                                                                                                   and                        Calculus exams                                                                    both Math AB
                                                                                  Area IC - Mathematics Comprehension                                                                                           and the Math BC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                exams; 2.6 units
                                                  Calculus BC1       3       Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking          6                 B4            61            2A              5.3         for both Math AB
                                                                                                 3 units                     6 units max for all      3 units                     3 units                       and the Math AB
                                                                                                  and                         Calculus exams                                                                    subscore.
                                                                                  Area IC - Mathematics Comprehension

                                              Calculus BC/AB1        3       Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking          3                 B4            31            2A              5.3
                                                     Subscore                                    3 units                     6 units max for all      3 units                     3 units
                                                                                                  and                         Calculus exams
                                                                                  Area IC - Mathematics Comprehension

                        Music Theory                                 3                         No GE Area                             6                 C1            6         No GE Area          5.3         Credit for full

CATALOG 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                   Music Theory
                        (Only if taken prior to F09)                                                                                                                                                            exam. Students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                who earn only a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                subscore will not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                receive exam

                              If a student passes more than one AP exam in calculus or computer science, only one examination may be applied to the baccalaureate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 4
Units for DVC           CSU GE           CSU Units    IGETC GE       UC Units   UC Limitations
                                                                   Minimum                      AA/AS                             Associate            Certification      Towards     Certification   Towards       Toward
                                        AP Exam                    AP Score                DVC GE Area Units                        Degree              Area Units        Transfer     Area Units     Transfer   Transfer Units

                        Physics                      Physics 12       3                  Area II – Natural Sciences                      4              B1 and B32           4         5A and 5C        5.3      5.3 semester
                                                                                                   4 units                      6 units max for all       4 units                       4 units                  units max for all
                                                                                                                                  Physics exams                                                                  Physics exams

                                                     Physics 22       3                  Area II – Natural Sciences                      4              B1 and B32           4         5A and 5C        5.3
                                                                                                   4 units                      6 units max for all       4 units                       4 units
                                                                                                                                  Physics exams

                                                     Physics B2       3                  Area II - Natural Sciences                      6              B1 and B32           6         5A and 5C        5.3
                                                                                                   4 units                      6 units max for all       4 units                       4 units
                                         (Only if taken prior to                                                                  Physics exams
                                                           F13)                                                                                       (6 units if taken
                                                                                                                                                        prior to F09)

                                         Physics C: Electricity       3                  Area II - Natural Sciences                      4              B1 and B32           4         5A and 5C        2.6
                                               and Magnetism                                       4 units                      6 units max for all       4 units                       3 units
                                                                                                                                  Physics exams

                                          Physics C: Mechanics        3                  Area II - Natural Sciences                      4              B1 and B32           4         5A and 5C        2.6
                                                                                                   4 units                      6 units max for all       4 units                       3 units
                                                                                                                                  Physics exams

                        Psychology                                    3           Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences              3                    D               3              4           2.6
                                                                                                   3 units                                                3 units                        3 units

                        Seminar                                       3                         No GE Area                              3               No GE Area           3

                        Statistics                                    3       Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking           3                   B4               3             2A           2.6
                                                                                                  3 units                                                 3 units                        3 units
                                                                                   Area IC - Mathematics Comprehension

CATALOG 2020-2021
                              If a student passes more than one AP exam in physics, only six units of credit may be applied to the baccalaureate, and only four units of credit may be applied to a
                              certification in GE Breadth.

chapter two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 4 of 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Academic requirements and policies
                            Diablo Valley College                                     College Credit for College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams                                                          2020-2021

                            Students may earn credit for College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams with scores of 50 or higher. CLEP credit can be used to meet CSU GE and AA/AS general education (GE) and/or major
                            requirements. Students must have College Board send CLEP exam results to the Admissions Office (hand-carried copies will not be accepted) for use on the AA/AS or GE patterns. UC does not accept
                            CLEP exams.

                            All Units Denote Semester.
                                                                                               CLEP                                 AA/AS                               Units for DVC           CSU GE           CSU Units
                                                     CLEP Exam                                 Score                           DVC GE Area Units                      Associate Degree        Certification      Towards
                                                                                                                                                                                               Area Units         Transfer

                            American Government                                                  50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3                    D                 3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                            Biology                                                              50                         Area II – Natural Sciences                         3                   B2                 3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                            Business                                Financial Accounting         50                                  No GE Area                                3               No GE Area             3

                                                               Information Systems and           50                                  No GE Area                                3               No GE Area             3
                                                                  Computer Applications

                                                             Introductory Business Law           50                                  No GE Area                                3               No GE Area             3

chapter two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Academic requirements and policies

                                                                Principles of Accounting         50                                  No GE Area                                3               No GE Area             3

                                                              Principles of Management           50                                  No GE Area                                3               No GE Area             3

                                                                 Principles of Marketing         50                                  No GE Area                                3               No GE Area             3

                            Chemistry                                                            50                         Area II – Natural Sciences                         3                   B1                 3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                            Economics                                                            50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3                    D                 3
                                                          Principles of Macroeconomics
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                                                                                                 50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3                    D                 3
                                                           Principles of Microeconomics
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                            English1                                                             50                       Area III – Arts and Humanities                       3                   C2                 3
                                                                     American Literature
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                                                             Analyzing and Interpreting          50                       Area III – Arts and Humanities                       3                   C2                 3
                                                                             Literature                                               3 units                                                    3 units

                                                                       English Literature        50                       Area III – Arts and Humanities                       3                   C2                 3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units
                                                                            (Only if taken
                                                                             prior to F11)

                            History2                                                             50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3               D and US-1             3
                                                                          United States I
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                                                                                                 50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3               D and US-1             3
                                                                         United States II
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                                                                                                 50                     Area III - Arts and Humanities or                      3                 C2 or D              3
                                                                   Western Civilization I                            Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                                    3 units
                                                                                                                                      3 units

CATALOG 2020-2021
                                                                                                 50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3                    D                 3
                                                                  Western Civilization II
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                            Human Growth and Development                                         50                  Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                  3                    E                 3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                    3 units

                            CLEP College Composition, College Composition – Modular, English Composition (no essay), English Composition with Essay and Freshman College Composition are not accepted for general education
                            units or elective credits.
                            CLEP Social Sciences and History exam is not accepted for general education units or elective credits.                                                                               Page 1 of 2
CLEP                                AA/AS                                      Units for DVC             CSU GE            CSU Units
                                                      CLEP Exam                                  Score                          DVC GE Area Units                             Associate Degree          Certification       Towards
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Area Units          Transfer

                            Humanities                                                             50                      Area III – Arts and Humanities                              3                     C2                  3
                                                                                                                                       3 units                                                             3 units

                            Language Other                                 French Level I3         50                                No GE Area                                        6                 No GE Area              6
                            than English3
                                                                                                   59                      Area III – Arts and Humanities                               9                    C2                   9
                                                                          French Level II3                                             3 units                                (12 if taken prior to        3 units          (12 if taken
                                                                                                                                                                                       F15)                                 prior to F15)

                                                                          German Level I3          50                                No GE Area                                        6                 No GE Area              6

                                                                                                   60                      Area III – Arts and Humanities                               9                    C2                   9
                                                                         German Level II3                                              3 units                                (12 if taken prior to        3 units          (12 if taken
                                                                                                                                                                                       F15)                                 prior to F15)

                                                                          Spanish Level I3         50                                No GE Area                                        6                 No GE Area              6

                                                                                                   63                      Area III – Arts and Humanities                               9                    C2                   9
                                                                         Spanish Level II3                                             3 units                                (12 if taken prior to        3 units          (12 if taken
                                                                                                                                                                                       F15)                                 prior to F15)

                                                           Spanish with Writing Level I3           50                                No GE Area                                        6                 No GE Area              6

                                                                                                   63                      Area III – Arts and Humanities                              9                     C2                  9

                                                          Spanish with Writing Level II3
                                                                                                                                       3 units                                                             3 units

                            Mathematics4                                                           50             Area IB – Communication and Analytical Thinking                      3                     B4                  3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                              3 units
                                                                                                                       Area IC – Mathematics Comprehension

                                                                                                   50             Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking                      3                     B4                  3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                              3 units
                                                                           College Algebra
                                                                                                                       Area IC – Mathematics Comprehension

                                                                                                   50             Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking                      3                     B4                  3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                              3 units

CATALOG 2020-2021
                                                        College Algebra – Trigonometry
                                                                                                                       Area IC – Mathematics Comprehension

                                                                                                   50             Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking                      3                     B4                  3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                              3 units
                                                                                                                       Area IC – Mathematics Comprehension

                                                                             Trigonometry          50             Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking                      3                     B4                  3
                                                                                                                                      3 units                                                              3 units
                                                                             (Only if taken                                            and
                                                                              prior to F06)                            Area IC – Mathematics Comprehension

chapter two
                            Natural Sciences                                                       50                         Area II – Natural Sciences                               3                  B1 or B2               3
                                                                                                                                        3 units                                                            3 units

                            Psychology                                                             50                 Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                         3                      D                  3
                                                                Introductory Psychology
                                                                                                                                       3 units                                                             3 units

                                                             Introduction to Educational           50                                No GE Area                                        3                 No GE Area              3

                            Introductory Sociology                                                 50                 Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                         3                      D                  3
                                                                                                                                       3 units                                                             3 units


                            If a student passes more than one CLEP test in the same language other than English (e.g., two exams in French), then only one examination may apply to the baccalaureate. For each test in a
                            Language other than English, a passing score of 50 is considered “Level I” and earns six units of baccalaureate credit; the higher score listed for each test is considered “Level II” and earns additional
                            units of credit and placement in Area C2 of GE Breadth, as noted.

                            CLEP College Mathematics exam is not accepted for general education units or elective credits.                                                                                                Page 2 of 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Academic requirements and policies
                        Diablo Valley College                                         College Credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) Exams                                                                  2020-2021

                        Students may earn credit for International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level exams with scores of 5, 6, or 7. IB credit can be used to meet IGETC, CSU GE, and AA/AS general
                        education (GE). Students must have the International Baccalaureate Organization send IB exam results to the Admissions Office (hand-carried copies will not be accepted) for use
                        on the AA/AS or GE patterns.

                        All Units Denote Semester.
                                                              Minimum                                                            Units for DVC        CSU GE           CSU          IGETC GE        UC Units      UC Limitations
                                                                 IB                             AA/AS                             Associate         Certification     Units        Certification    Towards          Toward
                                      IB Exam                  Score                       DVC GE Area Units                        Degree           Area Units      Towards        Area Units      Transfer      Transfer Units

                         Biology HL                               5                     Area II – Natural Sciences                      6                B2              6              5B              5.3       The units

                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units                     granted for IB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  exams are not
                         Chemistry HL                             5                     Area II – Natural Sciences                      6                B1              6              5A              5.3       counted toward
                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units                     the maximum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  number of
                         Economics HL                             5              Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences               6                 D              6               4              5.3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  credits required
                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  for declaration
                         Geography HL                             5              Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences               6                 D              6               4              5.3       of a major or
                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units                     the maximum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  number of units

chapter two
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Academic requirements and policies

                         History (any region) HL                  5                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                     6              C2 or D           6            3B or 4           5.3       a student may
                                                                                                    or                                                 3 units                        3 units                     accumulate
                                                                                 Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences                                                                                         prior to
                                                                                                  3 units                                                                                                         graduation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Students who
                         Language A Literature HL                 51                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                    6                C2              6              3B              5.3       enter the UC
                         (any language)                                                           3 units                                              3 units                        3 units                     with IB credit
                                 (Prior to F13 Language                                                                                                                                                           do not have to
                                 A1 [any language] HL)                                                                                                                                                            declare a major
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  earlier than
                         Language A Language and                  51                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                    6                C2              6              3B              5.3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  other students,
                         Literature HL (any language)                                             3 units                                              3 units                        3 units
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  nor are they
                                 (Prior to F13 Language
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  required to
                                  A2 [any language] HL)
                         Language A (any language,                51                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                    6                C2              6           3B and 6A          5.3       earlier.
                         except English) HL2                                                      3 units                                              3 units                        3 units

                         Language A (any language,                51                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                    6                C2              6           3B and 6A          5.3

                         except English) HL2                                                      3 units                                              3 units                        3 units

                         Language B (any language)                51                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                    6            No GE Area          6              6A              5.3
                         HL2                                                                      3 units                                                                             3 units

                         Mathematics HL                           51         Area IB - Communication and Analytical Thinking            6                B4              6              2A              5.3
                                                                                                 3 units                                               3 units                        3 units
                                                                                  Area IC - Mathematics Comprehension

                         Physics HL                               5                     Area II - Natural Sciences                      6                B1              6              5A              5.3
                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units

                         Psychology HL                            5              Area IV - Social and Behavioral Sciences               3                 D              3               4              5.3
                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units

CATALOG 2020-2021
                         Theatre HL                               51                  Area III – Arts and Humanities                    6                C1              6              3A              5.3
                                                                                                  3 units                                              3 units                        3 units

                          For CSU, an IB score of 4 or higher may meet this requirement.

                          The IB curriculum offers language at various levels for native and non-native speakers. Language B courses are offered at the intermediate level for non-natives. Language A1 and A2 are advanced
                          courses in literature for native and non-native speakers, respectively.
Academic requirements and policies

Credit by exam                                                 Military service credit
   Students may earn credit through examinations                     Veterans may apply for evaluation of military service
   available through DVC academic departments. These                 for credit through the Admissions and Records Office.
   examinations are usually more comprehensive than                  Credit may be granted toward an associate degree for
   the typical final examination for a course, and they              the following training:
   may be prepared by national organizations.
                                                                     • Six units of elective credit for the completion of
   To take these examinations students must submit a                   basic training and one year or more of active duty
   “Petition for Credit by Examination” form, available                in the military service upon submission of DD-214
   at the division offices, to the department chair at                 (separation papers) with a discharge other than
   least six weeks before the end of a fall or spring                  dishonorable, to the Admissions and Records
   term. The department chair approves or denies the                   Office.
   petition within five days and returns the form to the             • Three of the six elective units may be applied
   student. The student submits the form and pays the                  towards the fulfillment of CSU General Education
   course fee to the Admissions and Records Office.                    requirement “E. Lifelong Understanding and Self
   They will forward the form to the department chair.                 Development.”
   Arrangements for administration of the examination
   will be made by department faculty. The examination      ROTC
   itself may take any appropriate form such as written,
                                                            All DVC students interested in becoming commissioned
   oral, portfolio, demonstration, or a combination of
                                                            officers in the United States Air Force, Army, or Navy may
                                                            register for lower-division military science courses at UC
   In addition:                                             Berkeley and have these credits applied toward a DVC’s
                                                            associate degree. Credit is granted initially through UC
   • The student should not already have taken the          Extension, but will be applied toward an associate degree
     course or attempted an examination in the course,      at DVC when a transcript is received. Interested students
     whether at DVC or elsewhere.                           should call UC Berkeley for more information.
   • A maximum of 12 units toward an associate degree
     or six units toward a certificate may be earned        Attendance policy
     by courses for which credit has been earned by         Students are expected to attend all class meetings, regardless
     examination.                                           of whether the instructor takes attendance. The instructor
   • Credits earned by examination cannot be used to        may drop students who miss more than the equivalent of
     satisfy the 12-unit residence requirement for the      two weeks of a term-length course. Students must contact
     associate degree.                                      the instructor to inform him or her of an absence. The college
   • The student’s academic record shall be clearly         does not relay such messages.
     annotated to reflect that credit was earned by
     examination.                                           Attendance at the first class meeting
   • A student may only petition to take the                If a student wishes to secure a place in class, he or she must
     examination once.                                      attend the first class meeting. The instructor may drop
                                                            students who do not attend the first class meeting, thereby
   • The course must not be a prerequisite for one the
                                                            opening a space for students wishing to add the class. If
     student has already taken or is now enrolled in.
                                                            students do not attend the first class meeting, it is still their
   • The student will be charged a fee for the              responsibility to officially drop the class.
     examination equivalent to the enrollment fee for
     the class, with exception granted to adult school      Field trips
     students who are eligibile to receive college credit
                                                            If participating in a class field trip or other college sponsored
     per an active articulation agreement with DVC.
                                                            activity causes a student to miss other classes, the student
                                                            will not be penalized for the absence. Students must
   Grading shall be according to the regular grading        be allowed to make up any class work or point earning
   system. If a student passes the examination, a grade     opportunities that they have missed (including exams,
   is recorded on his or her permanent record with the      quizzes, and participation points) provided they have
   notation “credit by examination”. If a student fails,    notified their instructor a minimum of two weeks in advance
   that failure is recorded on the permanent record and     of their impending absence (or as soon as possible if there are
   the student is not allowed to take the examination       extenuating circumstances such as post-season intercollegiate
   again. Substandard grades may be remediated by           competition, rain make-ups, or field trips within the first two
   enrolling in the course. The petition form is retained   weeks of the term).
   in the student’s permanent file.

                  DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE          CATALOG 2020-2021        chapter two        COLLEGE POLICIES               27
Academic requirements and policies

Leave of absence                                                         The following are non-evaluative symbols:
Students who need to take a leave of absence during the term             W — —  — Withdrawal———————————— 0
may obtain the request form from the DVC website at www.                 (Assigned to students who withdraw from a class within the and then receive written approval                   allowed time.)
from each of their instructors. Then the student must discuss
the petition with a counselor and obtain their signature, as             EW     — — Excused Withdrawal———————— 0
well as the signature of the vice president of student services.         (Assigned to students who withdraw due to documented
A leave of absence is limited to 10 instructional days.                  extenuating circumstances - by appeal only)
Instructors may drop students who have been absent for
                                                                         MW — — Military Withdrawal———————— 0
more than the equivalent of two weeks of instruction without
                                                                         (Assigned when a student who is a member of an active or
an approved leave of absence.
                                                                         reserve United States military service receives orders compelling
                                                                         a withdrawal from courses.)
Grading                                                                  IP — —  — In Progress———————————— 0
                                                                         (Indicates the course was in progress beyond the end of the
Grade policy                                                             term.)
The assignment of grades is the exclusive responsibility of
the individual instructor. DVC grading policies are based on             RD —  —  — Report Delayed—————————— 0
the faculty’s philosophy, California Administration Code,                (Indicates delay in reporting grade.)
Title 5 (Sec. 51300-51325), and the Contra Costa Community
                                                                         Grades earned on non degree applicable courses are not
College District Board Policy 4001.
                                                                         included in the degree applicable grade point average.
DVC uses the following evaluative grades and non-evaluative
symbols:                                                              Academic honors
                                                                      Students who have completed at least 12 letter-graded units
Grade                                      Grade points per unit
                                                                      during the term and earned a grade point average of at least
     A    —  —  — Excellent————————————— 4                            3.0 will receive honors recognition on their transcripts.

     B    —  —  — Good——————————————— 3                               Graduation honors
     C    —  —  — Satisfactory———————————— 2                          Graduation honors will appear on a student’s transcript if
                                                                      a 3.5 grade point average in all college work (excluding non
     D —  —  — Passing, less than satisfactory———— 1                  degree applicable and upper division courses) is maintained
     (Not a recommending grade for continuation in sequential         at the end of the term in which the student has applied to
     courses)                                                         graduate. A student intending to graduate in the spring must
                                                                      have a 3.5 grade point average as of February 1 for honors
     F    —  —  — Failing—————————————— 0                             to appear in the ceremony program, but the 3.5 grade point
                                                                      average must be maintained at the end of the term to have
     The following grade symbols are not considered in
                                                                      honors appear on the student’s transcript.
     calculations of cumulative grade point averages,
     but the “W,” “I,” and “NP” grades are considered in
     determinations of progress probation and dismissal:              Incomplete grades
                                                                      Incomplete grades are assigned only in cases of emergency
     An “I” followed by a grade of B, C, D, F, or N is an             such as accident, illness, or family emergency. An incomplete
     incomplete grade that has not yet expired. The grade that        contract must be completed by the instructor and accepted
     follows will be issued if the incomplete is not made up or       by the student at the time the grade is posted. The instructor,
     the incomplete contract expires.                                 student, and division dean must all sign the contract, which
                                                                      is then submitted to the Admissions and Records Office.
     I    —  —  — Incomplete———————————— 0                            Students who receive an incomplete grade cannot register for
                                                                      the same course in which they received the incomplete. The
        		 IB                                                         incomplete grade must be resolved no later than one calendar
        		 IC                                                         year following the grade assignment or it will automatically
        		 ID                                                         revert to the alternate grade assigned by the instructor
                                                                      per the contract. Extensions to the one-year deadline may
                                                                      be granted for good cause with instructor approval. The
        		 IN                                                         instructor must notify the Admissions and Records Office of
     P —  —  — Pass ——————————————— 0                                 the extension prior to the expiration of the incomplete.
     (At least satisfactory or a C grade; units not counted in GPA)
      NP — —  — No Pass—————————————— 0
     (Less than satisfactory; units not counted in GPA)

28         COLLEGE POLICIES          chapter two              DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE       CATALOG 2020-2021
Academic requirements and policies

Pass/no pass grades (P/NP)                                           Grade corrections
These grades are not used in the calculation of grade point          Students who believe that they have received an incorrect
averages, although the units for P grades are applied toward         grade must initiate a grade correction within one calendar
the 60 required for an associate degree. Four-year colleges          year after they received the grade. To have a grade corrected,
often limit the number of P units that they will accept from         students must ask the instructor to correct the grade and
transfer students. To determine if there are any negative            have them submit a grade correction form. The instructor
implications to choosing a P/NP grading, students are
                                                                     has final authority to determine if the student’s grade should
advised to refer to the policies of the college to which they
intend to transfer. P/NP grade option cannot be reversed             be changed.
after 25 percent of the class has passed.                            Note: Except in extenuating circumstances such as serious
                                                                     illness, grade corrections may not be made from “F” to “W.”
Student choice (SC)                                                  It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a class
A course labeled “SC” means that before the deadline,                prior to the drop deadline.
students can decide to take the course for a letter grade or
for a P/NP grade. Students must complete a form in the               Student appeals for grade changes
Admissions and Records Office to take the course for a P/NP
                                                                     DVC is committed to the concept of academic freedom,
grade. If students do not choose the P/NP option before the
                                                                     which guarantees to individual instructors wide latitude in
deadline, they will be issued a letter grade for the course. It is
                                                                     how they structure and conduct their classes. Such matters
often best to discuss this choice with a counselor.
                                                                     as the amount of homework, the kind and frequency of
Students have until the fourth week of the class (or 25 percent      testing, the nature of the grading system, the degree of
of the term for shorter classes) to decide. After the deadline       class participation expected, the choice of textbooks, the
has passed, the grading choice may not be reversed.                  theoretical perspective, and the emphasized topics are
                                                                     all, within very wide boundaries, at the discretion of the
                                                                     instructor (described under “fairness of grading”).
Non credit courses
Non credit courses are open to all students for registration.        Difficulties occasionally arise between students and faculty
There are no enrollment fees for non credit courses, but an          members about grades. Most misunderstandings are
application for admission is necessary. Non credit courses are       resolved amicably and the college urges students to discuss
not graded and are non degree applicable.                            problems directly with faculty members. Because some
                                                                     disagreements cannot be resolved informally, DVC has a
                                                                     procedure for resolution of grade complaints that the student
Fairness in grading
                                                                     must initiate.
During the first week of each class, instructors will give their
students a copy of their class syllabus, which will include             Grounds for grade changes
their grading policies. Students may expect instructors to:
                                                                        The most common problems are those concerning the
  • record the student’s grade for each oral and written                grade assigned for class work. According to state law, a
    test or report that will affect the final grade, notify the         grade assigned by an instructor at the end of a term can
    student of the grade, and if necessary, review the results          be changed only by that instructor, except in cases of
    with the student;                                                   mistake, fraud, bad faith or incompetence. (A finding of
                                                                        bad faith should be supported by specific evidence that
  • evaluate the student within the first quarter of the class
                                                                        the instructor harbored ill-will or discriminatory intent,
    and notify the student of the results of the
                                                                        which motivated the instructor to assign to a student
                                                                        a grade lower than the grade the student should have
  • count a final examination for no more than half the                 earned based on objective criteria.) This policy does not
    course grade;                                                       apply to challenges of deadlines for pass (P) or no pass
  • base final grades on at least three of the student’s tests          (NP). Pass/no pass grades cannot be changed to letter
    and/or reports (exception in cases of violations of DVC’s           grades once 25 percent of the class has passed.
    academic dishonesty procedure 4001.04).
                                                                        The informal steps below (1 and 2) may be undertaken
                                                                        at any time; however, a formal complaint must be filed
Note: Instructors are expected to retain any test or report that        in writing with the vice president of instruction, or
is not returned to a student for a period of one academic year.         designee, no later than one year following the end of the
Grade records should be available for a period of three years           term in which the grade was given. A formal complaint
after grades are awarded. Instructors who are not scheduled             may be filed at any time with the chancellor, who will
to teach should leave their records with their division dean.           refer the complainant to his designee, the DVC president.
                                                                        The president will designate the Complaint Review
                                                                        Committee to consider the complaint.

                      DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE            CATALOG 2020-2021          chapter two      COLLEGE POLICIES              29
Academic requirements and policies

     Process                                                           The complaint review committee will be composed
     If a clerical or tabulation error has been made, it can be        of three faculty members appointed by the Faculty
     handled through the grade correction process.                     Senate, one of whom must be from the same division
                                                                       as the faculty member involved in the complaint;
     The “fairness in grading policy” section (under academic          two students appointed by the ASDVC; and the vice
     policies) clearly explains the grading guidelines a student       president of instruction, or designee, who will act as
     can expect. At the beginning of each class, instructors           chairperson. (All six shall be voting members.) A tie
     must give students a copy of their grading policies.              vote means the complaint is not proven. The results
     If a student believes that a faculty member has deviated          will be referred to the president.
     from these policies in the evaluation of his/her work, he/        The student may be accompanied by a representative.
     she may pursue a complaint under the description of
     mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence. The student               a. The committee shall meet within 30
     has the option of having a representative present at this                instructional days of receipt of a complaint.
     and/or subsequent meetings.                                              If the complaint is filed within four weeks of
                                                                              the end of a term, the meeting may be delayed
     1.   In the event of a problem over a grade, the student                 at the option of either the student, the faculty
          should first meet with the instructor and request an                member involved or the vice president of
          explanation of the grade. If it is uncomfortable for the            instruction until the next term. In this event,
          student to deal with an instructor alone, a person of               the committee shall meet within the first four
          the student’s choice may accompany him/her. If the                  weeks of the new term. If time constraints
          instructor agrees to a grade change he/she fills out a              prevent the meeting at the end of spring term,
          grade change report in accordance with grade change                 the meeting shall be held within the first 20
                                                                              instructional days of the fall term. If this delay
          correction policy.
                                                                              would result in hardship for the student or
     2.   If the student and the instructor cannot resolve the                faculty member, they should advise the vice
          problem, the next step is for the student to meet                   president of instruction and may request the
          with the department chair, who will attempt to                      meeting take place at the earliest time the
                                                                              other party(ies) and the vice president are
          mediate the issue. If the department chair is unable
                                                                              available. In closed hearing, the committee
          to achieve settlement, the next step for the student
                                                                              will hear testimony by the student, the faculty
          is to meet with the division dean, who will attempt                 member, the division dean who attempted
          to mediate the issue. The mediation effort shall                    mediation, and any supporting witnesses that
          include a conference with the division dean, the                    either the student or faculty member care to
          department chairperson, the student and the faculty                 introduce. The burden of proof shall rest with
          employee, if available, and/or individual or combined               the complainant. Documentation may also be
          sequential meetings between the division dean and                   submitted. Summary minutes will be taken;
          the department chairperson, the student and the                     the hearing may be tape recorded, but only
          faculty employee, if available. The student may have                with the permission of all participants.
          a representative present in either event. If the issue           b. Within ten instructional days, the committee,
          is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student, the             under the direction of the vice president
          division dean should prepare a written summary                      of instruction, or designee, will meet
          of the mediation efforts and forward it to the vice                 and recommend a resolution based on a
          president of instruction for the continuation of the                majority vote of all six members. A written
          appeal process.                                                     recommendation will be submitted to the
                                                                              college president within 15 instructional days
     3.   If the student is not satisfied with these mediation                of such meeting; a minority report, if any, must
          efforts, he/she may request a formal hearing before a               be noted. Copies of the recommendations will
          complaint review committee, which is the president’s                be sent to the student, the faculty member, and
          designee. The student must submit his/her complaint                 all members of the committee.
          in writing and should include a precise statement                   If the committee does find that fraud, bad
          of the nature of the complaint (mistake, fraud, bad                 faith, or incompetence led to a grading error,
          faith or incompetence), any facts relevant to it, and               the rationale for the decision must be stated
          the student’s perception of a fair resolution. The                  in the recommendations, and the committee
          complaint must be filed with the vice president                     must recommend a replacement grade to the
          of instruction, or designee, no later than one year                 president.
          following the end of the term when the grade was                 c. The president will review the committee’s
          given.                                                              recommendations, then notify the student,
                                                                              the faculty members, the members of the
                                                                              committee, the Faculty Senate president and
                                                                              the vice president of instruction or designee,
                                                                              of the college president’s decision within ten
                                                                              instructional days of its receipt.

30        COLLEGE POLICIES         chapter two            DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE     CATALOG 2020-2021
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