College DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM - Now - Mt. Hood Community College
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Contacts at Mt. Hood Community College College Now Office lnformation Arnita Tucker-McFarland Director of High School Services Division 503-491-6989 Jessica Ruiz Manager of Accelerated College Credit Jessica.ruiz( 503-491-6980 Rachel Evans Program Assistant rache!. borg(lv,mhcc. edu 503-491-6973 Fax 503-491-7390 Email CollegeNow((l), Web College Now Mail College Now Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street, Room ACI 162 Gresham, OR 97030 MHCC Department Contacts MHCC Admissions and Records 503-491-7393 MHCC Orientation Center 503-491-6927 MHCC Student Financial Services 503-491-7462 MHCC F inancial Aid 503-491-7262 MHCC Transcript lnformation 503-491-7393 March 2022 Rev. 2
Table of Contents C.on,acts al Mt. Hood Community College ..............................................................................................................2 College Now Office Infonnation ..........................................................................................................................2 MHCC Department Contacts ............................................................................................................................... 2 fntroduction to MHCC's College Now Dual Credit Program.................................................................................. 5 What is CoUege Now?.......................................................................................................................................... 5 Types of College Credit Eamed........................................................................................................................ 5 \Vhy Participate in College Now? ....................................................................................................................5 Oregon Dua1 Credit Standards ..............................................................................................................................6 Oregon Dual Credit Program Standards........................................................................................................... 7 Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................................................ 8 Articulate a Course & Become a CoJlege Now Instructor ....................................................................................9 QuaJifications Defined ., ....................................................................................................................................9 Application and Annual Renewal Deadlines .................................................................................................. 10 Application Process to Qualify..................................................................... .................................................. 1 O Approved Applicants ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Appltcation Renew · a] ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Regular Communication with MHCC............................................................................................................ 12 Annual Net Connect Meetíngs ....................................................................................................................... 12 Articulatíon Agreements ................................................................................................................................ 12 Sy1labi ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 Student A.ssessments ...................................................................................................................................... 13 Course Visitations .......................................................................................................................................... 13 Admissions and Registration .......................................................................................................................... 13 Gradi ng.................................................................................................................................................. ,......... 14 MHCC Grading Policies ................................................................................................................................ 14 Defauh E-Mail Set Up.................................................................................................................................... 15 How to Enter Grades ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Additional Program lnfonnation .............. .......................................................................................................... 17 Cost of College Now ............................................................................................................................... ., ...... 18 Drop and Wíthdraw Policies .......................................................................................................................... 18 Trc1nscripting and Ordering Transcripts.......................................................................................................... 18 Student Conduct ............................................................................................................................................. 18 Financial Aid lmplications ............................................................................................................................. 19 Students with Disabilities ............................................................................................................................... 19 March 2022 Rev. 3
Appendix A-Satnple Presidential Waiver ............................................................................................................20 Appendix B -CoUe-ge Now Application ................................................................................................................2 l Appendix C - Sample Course Outline ...................................................................................................................23 Appendix D -Sample Syl]abus ..............................................................................................................................26 Appendix E-SyHabus Check List ......................................................................................................................... 35 Appendix F -Sample Articulation Agreement ...................................................................................................... 38 Appendix Ci - Sample Registration Packet ............................................................................................................ 39 Appendix H - Academic Calendar .........................................................................................................................40 March 2022 Rev. 4
lntroduction to MHCC's College Now Dual Credit Program What is College Now? College Now provides high school students the opportunity to complete both a high school and college course simultaneously and receive credit from both schools. Articulated courses are taught at the student's high school by MHCC approved high school instructors. The coursework must be equivalent to taking a course on the MHCC campus. Types of College Credit Earned Students can eam two types of college credit through the College Now program: • Lower Division Transfer (LDT): Credit that is applied toward a one year certificate, Career Pathways Certificate, Associates or Bachelor's degree in subjects such as Writing, Science, Mathematics, History, Literature and more. • Career Technical Education (CTE): Credit that is applied toward a certificate program or Associates of Applied Science programs such as, Business Administration and Management, Automotive Technology, Early Childhood Education, Hospitality and Tourism Managernent and more. College Now courses taken in a high school classroom are articulated with courses at MHCC and students must be able to easily transition to the next level of coursework in the subject area upon entering a post-secondary institution. Articulation means the instructional quality; assessments, learning outcomes and material covered in the course are consistent with the same course offered on MHCC's campus. Since the coursework is aligned between high school and college courses requiring college level work, not ali high school courses are eligible. Check with a high school counselor to find out which courses are part of MHCC's College Now Dual Credit program at your school or visit College Now and look up schools under Participating High Schools. Why Participate in College Now? College Now offers high school students the opportunity to experience more challenging coursework and eam college credit while still in high school. The benefit to students who participate in College Now is having a head start on their post-secondary education at no cost saving both time and money. Students graduate high school with transferable college credit on an official MHCC transcript. Student Benefits • Save time and money • Experience more challenging coursework while in high school • Broaden high school curriculum • lncrease readiness for college level work • Motivation to continue to post-secondary education • Opportunity for advanced achievement • Provides technical preparation in career areas • Develops workplace skills • Assists with career selection March 2022 Rev. 5
lnstructors, Schools, and MHCC Benefits • Assists with progress towards the State 40-40-20 goals • Reduce redundancy of courses between high school and college • Facilitate productive interaction for curriculum development • Coordinated currículum assures students meet college standards • Address equity concems that can arise due to big/small school, or financia! variations between schools • Enhance relations between the college, high school and community • Address the teacher shortage and equity concems for underrepresented teachers in the districts Oregon Dual Credit Standards Mt. Hood Community College's College Now Dual Credit program operates within the Oregon State Standards for Dual Credit Programs, adopted in June 2014. There are three specific areas of focus for the Dual Credit Oregon State Standards: 1. Strengthening faculty connections • Regular, collegial interactions between hígh school faculty and their counterparts at sponsoríng colleges and universities are key to the success of these programs. Such interactions characterize sorne programs already, but they need to be developed and maintained throughout the state. • The pool of high school teachers qualified to participate in dual credit programs should be expanded. 2. Adopting systematic application and review processes for Dual Credit programs • A standardized application process for new program s is needed. • Individual programs should take advantage of system-level (CCWD and OUS) studies of the subsequent academic performance of Dual Credit students. These bienníal studies, which were piloted in A Y2007-2008, will be supplemented on the '•off year" by more focused analysis of questions or trends that emerge from the date ( for example: persistence of dual credit students in math or writing). • A sustainable means for verifying program quality is needed. 3. Enhancing public understanding of Dual Credit programs • Dual Credit programs should be continued and effectively publicized. They should be recognized as one of the key paths for academic acceleration. • Evidence of best practices and student success should be gathered systematically and shared regularly - both with faculty in the programs and with the public. This i11formario11 is extractedfrom the Orego11 Dual Credit Program Applicarion Pla1111i11g Guide a11d Procedures, CCWE-ODE. March 2022 Rev. 6
Oregon Dual Credit Program Standards The Oregon Dual Credil Standards e/ose/y align with, a11d are heavily indebted to the Nalional Allia11ce ofC011c11rre111 E11rollme111 P I h. , t d d C urriculum Carriraham 1 (Cl) (Cl)- College OI 1IDMnity CC111n6 � tlavagll • Dml CNdit Progmn aft ataloc-1 coan6 111.d apprcn� dinlagll. lbe � CGUIW appronl process of dte spoasoriDg college Slld/or UDÍ\--enity. n- coarws i--. dte - � dftig¡utio11, IIIIIIINf, tille, IUld cndits 1$ dleil' coDege COlllillHpUts, 111d dlcy •dime IO die - COIUH dHaipñODS. Carriralam 1 (Cl) (C2) • College or UDÍ\"mily CC111n6 ldmiDiswN tlavagll I Dual CNdit Propam an No0onMd OD !he officill IICldmiic n,cord for wdmlS al tlle spomoriq colltp OI IIDÍ\-WRily, Carrindom 3 (CJ) (C3)- College OI IIIU\� adminism-ed duoagb • Dml Cndil Pmp,m, re11.tct 1'ae pedlgogical, dleomical 111d pbilosoplúcal ariemation ofdle col)ep's 01 llllinnity's spoasoriDg academic dlparlmems. f ,cull) FaHlty 1 (Fl) (Fl)- IDsaucton tud&iDg collqe 011111n'enily counu duoagb Dllll Cnclil -• the aclldemic requinmtats Cor fi1.c1111)' 111d iDsttaclon ll!aclún& ill. llle collt:;e or IZD.Í\'fflÍtY.,- 1 (Fl) (F2) • Tbe colltge or mn..nit)' pnn."idn l,.igla Kllool msmicton widt traiDillg md �llhtia iA coouw cwriCllllUII, 1s!ofismat aiteria, toarse pllilowplly, IDd Dllll Cffitit admmistnltin RqlliJaaeats before certifyútg the �11Dl"l to tacll die college or UDÍ\� coarws. F:11:oJty 3 (FJ ) (F3) - wttucton cadamg Daal CRdu sectiom an put of • coatÍIIIIÍllg colltgial illtemlioa dtrougll promsional demopmall, s.emman, si?e ,-wn, IDd cmgDÍllg commllllicaliou with di.e college's or lmi\�' s fac11lty 111.d Dm1 Ciedit ldmmimaum. l1ús imeraction 111lll1 occur llt last &1111111lly 111d llddress issues S1lda as coune commt, comse delí�. assessmem, eo.;alution, IOd pro!essioml de\,Jopmmz m di.e fitld of stady. F:uult,-4 (F4} (F-t)- Dllll Cndít Prognm polos address ins1nx:IM IIIOlKompliuc:e wicla dte college's or UDÍ\�•• epeciaeiaas for cwnes ofli!IÑ lllrvogll !he Daal Oldil ProgJua (for uample, � in Dual Cr:Ñi.1 Progmn traimDg ud/or acti\'1tits) �tud�nl Studeat l (Sl) (Sl)- Tbe collep or 1IDl\"UDty ollicw1y repuen or admíis Dul Cr:Ñir Program s111dents as degree-seetmg, aon.-delJft smmg, ar --IIWIK1IWM S111dmts of di.e college or lllln1!nlty 111d records counes aclmilmtend lllroagll a Dual Crtdit Progr:ua OD official !ipCIIISOriag college or 11Di\wuty lrmSCripts. Student ! (S?) (S2) • Colleges or IW\-enilie1 outliu spea1ic coune reqwrullDIS 111d prerequisiees for slllduts. Studeat 3 (SJ) (S3) - Higb 5Chool studats aft pt"O\ided widl • sC1ldeat cuide lbat ndiaies stadan' ñgbts IDd mponsibilities as weD " PfO'iduic gaidelille Cor die uumr oí aedi1. •�uHsmRt 1 (Al) (Al) - Dual aedi1 sllldeats are held to comparable SUDdlnh oí ICllm'emem as !hose apecled of stadeots ill. cm-campm HCtions Asulsment ? (.-\!) (A2)- Tbe college or IIIIÍ.\-enity l!ll5UIH 1hU Dllll Ciedil Ptognm s111dmts are held to llolll:p,Ulble p:adiDg sWMbrcb as !hose expecttd of slDdems ill oiHampas sectioas Au.imH11t 3 (A.3) (A3)- Dual Chdic smdmm an usessed asiDg campuable medlods (e.g. papen, porlfollos, qaizz,ts, labs, etc,) IS dteJr OIK.llllplS COlllllaplffl. E, ,lu,rioo :Enlnalioa l (El) (El) - ne college or ani,-wnity ccmdaicts ,m end�f-wm smdem coane e,.-aluatioa for counes offHtd lhrougll !he Daal Crtdit Propam.. Tiw cGUIW g'ÜmiOJl is íDlnded 10 iml11t11u prognm illlpfO\"UIIUI nlbB tbll1 ÍIWl1ICIDr e,.•alutlGD. Names (oí di.e illStnKIDr or sllldotl Wllllld DOC be me� ill lbe ft-.m:11iou. March 2022 Rev. 7
Oregon Sponsored Dual Credit Standards Adopted by the Higher Ed11catio11 Coordi11ati11g Commission J1111e 9, 2016; 11pdated by the ÜPersight Committeefor High School Based College Credit Partnerships May 16, 2019 According to the state of Oregon standard: In Sponsored Dual Credit courses , a high school teacher partners with a sponsoring faculty member at the college to offer the course. These courses are sufficiently similar to enable the student to be described as "taking a course" from the postsecondary institution. Currículum Curriculum 1 College or university courses administered through a (SDC-C1) Sponsored Dual Credit Program are catalogued courses and approved through the regular course approval process of the sponsoring college and/or university. These courses have the same departmental designation, number, title, and credits as their college counterparts, and they adhere to the same course descriptions and student learning outcomes. Curriculum 2 College or university courses administered through a (SDC-C2) Sponsored Dual Credit Program are administered in a manner that is consistent with like courses at the sponsoring college or university and recorded similarly on the official academic record for the sponsoring college or university. Curriculum 3 College or university courses administered through a (SDC-C3) Sponsored Dual Credit Program reflect the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of the sponsoring college or university department/program where the credit will be awarded. Curriculum 4 The syllabi for college or university courses administered (SDC-C4) through a Sponsored Dual Credit Program are consistent with the syllabi from the sponsoring college or university and include clearly defined learning outcomes and student expectations. Syllabi are reviewed and approved by the academic faculty in the partnership from the sponsoring college or university departmentfprogram where the credit will be awarded. Curriculum s Credits for college or university courses administered through (SDC-C5) a Sponsored Dual Credit Program are awarded based on documented student achievement consistent with the student learning outcomes and course content. Faculty Faculty 1 High school teachers teaching college or university courses as part of (SDC-F1) a Sponsored Dual Credit Program are approved and authorized by the sponsoring college or universit y in accordance with corresponding institutional policies, procedures and practices. March 2022 Rev. 8
Faculty 2 The sponsoring college or university provides high school teachers in (SDC-F2) Sponsored Dual Credit Programs with training and orientation in course curriculum, assessment criteria, course philosophy, and Sponsored Dual Credit administrative requirements before they begin to teach the college or university courses. Faculty 3 The sponsoring college or university has a well-documented process (SDC-F3) for regular, ongoing, and substantive interaction between high school teachers and college or university faculty in Sponsored Dual Credit Programs to address student learning outcomes, course content, delivery, and assessment to maintain consistency across course sections offered by the college or university. This interaction occurs at least once a quarter/semester.* *College or university facultypartners may determine that more interactions are appropriate, based on the high school teacher's level of expertise, teaching experience, and experience working in Sponsored Dual Credit Programs. However, in all cases, the interaction must occur at least once a quarter/semester. Faculty4 (SDC-F4) Sponsored Dual Credit Program policies at each sponsoring college or university address teacher non-compliance with the college's or university's expectations for courses offered through Sponsored Dual Credit Programs (for example, nonparticipation in Sponsored Dual Credit Program training and/or activities). Such policies clearly define the impact of non-compliance, including the effect on awarding college or university credit. Faculty 5 Teaching partnerships within Sponsored Dual Credit Programs (SDC-F5) demonstrate that the aggregate of the teaching roles within the partnership provides appropriate expertise in the content or professional area, and performs the duties, responsibilities and functions of traditional faculty, based upon clearly stated criteria, qualifications, and procedures. Sponsoring faculty members have clearly defined authority and responsibility and exercise a major role in the design, approval, and implementation of the teaching partnerships. Faculty 6 High school teachers teaching college or university classes as part of a (SDC-F6) Sponsored Dual Credit Program receive feedback for continuous improvement to ensure that student learning outcomes, course content, and assessment are consistent with the sponsoring college's or university's course, as determined by institutional policies, procedures and practices. High school teachers teaching college or university courses in a Sponsored Dual Credit Faculty 7 Program have access to essential academic resources comparable to (SDC-F7) those used in other sections of the same courses offered by the sponsoring college or university as deemed appropriate by faculty in the department/program where credit will be awarded. Student March 2022 Rev. 9
Student 1 (SDC-S1) The sponsoring college or university officially registers or admits Sponsored Dual Credit Program students as degree-seeking, non degree seeking, or non-matriculated students of the college or university and records courses administered through a Sponsored Dual Credit Program on official sponsoring college or university transcripts. Registration, grading, and transcription procedures and timelines are reasonably consistent with those for other students taking the same courses from the sponsoring college or university. The sponsoring college or university outlines specific course Student 2 requirements and prerequisites for students in Sponsored Dual (SDC-S2) Credit Programs. Student 3 High school students in Sponsored Dual Credit Programs are (SDC-S3) provided with a student guide that outlines students' rights and responsibilities and provides guidelines for the transfer of credit and credits with a purpose. Assessment Assessment 1 The college/university ensures Sponsored Dual Credit Program students' proficiency of (SDC-At) learning outcomes is measured using comparable grading standards and assessment methods to on campus sections. Continuous lmprovement Continuous lmprovement t The sponsoring college or university conducts an end-of-term (SDC-Cll) student course evaluation for courses offered through a Sponsored Dual Credit Program. The course evaluation is intended to influence program improvement rather than instructor evaluation. Names (of the instructor or students) should not be included in the evaluation. Roles and Responsibilities The High School and Instructor • Facilitate infonnation to students for the MHCC College Now program as supplied by MHCC. • Assist students with the on-line admissions and registration process and procedures according to the appropriate deadlines outlined on the MHCC College Now Academic Calendar. • Submit grades in MyMHCC according to deadlines noted on the MHCC College Now Academic Calendar. Additional infonnation about grading located on page 14 of this manual. • Attend annual meetings with MHCC faculty for alignment and articulation of course currículum and student leaming outcomes. • Provide access, accommodations, flexibility, and additional/supplemental services for special populations and protected classes of students. • Renew articulation agreement each year with signed agreement and an updated syllabus. March 2022 Rev. iO
Mt. Hood Community College and the College Now Program • Partner with high schools to create awareness of the College Now opportunity for students and parents. • Maintain an informational website for College Now. • Provide high school teachers with training and access to the college on-line grading system. • Provide materials necessary for admissions, registration and grading processes. • Provide assistance with MyMHCC account access and set up. • Transcript College credit and provide transcripts upon student request. • Create and maintain and make available Articulation Agreements. • Facilitate annual Net Connect meetings between high school and college faculty. • Complete observations and assessment ofhigh school class as necessary. MHCC Faculty Responsibility • Must review ali currículum as part of the dual credit/sponsored dual credit request to articulate. • Provide ali new high school instructors with orientations/course-specific training in course philosophy, currículum, pedagogy, and assessment prior to the high school instructor teaching the course • Introduce the high school teacher to outcomes and activities of the MHCC articulated course, including but not limited to outcomes, syllabi, assignments, exams and assessment projects, and measures of outcomes. • Conduct peer observations of the high school teacher in the first year (each term for sponsored dual credit) of articulating a course and then every other year after that. Other class visits can be scheduled as needed. • Prepare reports after peer observations in the first year (each term for sponsored dual credit) a teacher articulates a course and then every two years after that. Share the report with your high school teacher mentee and submit it to the High school Services Division director April l. • Approve articulated course grades. Approve assignments/documentation as needed for CTE programs. Review final grades and discuss changes/concerns with instructor. Sign final grade roster and retum to College Now office. • Develop discipline-specific standards/qualifications for Dual Credit and sponsored Dual Credit high school instructors. Review and approve/deny courses based on state, college, and discipline specific standards, and communicate with the high school instructor upon approval/denial. • Determine if the potential high school instructor currículum qualifies for either Dual Credit or Sponsored Dual Credit. • Engage in regular interactions with high school instructors as required by DC and SDC standards. Regular interactions may occur via email, phone, video conference, or in-person. lnteractions between the high school instructor and college faculty should consist of course leve) sharing (e.g., currículum, assessments, pedagogy, etc.). • Conduct site visits/observations as needed at the discretion of the college's high schoo\ services department. Site visits/observations are an opportunity to observe course content and delivery, currículum, and assessments, and to provide feedback on course alignment. College faculty may conduct site visits/observations and submit completed visit reports to the college's High School Services Department director. • Support development of and participate in discipline-specific professional development for the Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit instructors through the High School Services Department including, meetings. Symposiums, Instructor Meetings and/or Professional Leaming Communities (PLCs). March 2022 Rev. 11
Student • Read and understand the infarmation provided in the MHCC College Now Student Handbook prior to registering far courses. Contact the College Now instructor, high school counselor or the College Now Office to clarify any questions. • Meet college deadlines. lt is the student's responsibility to know the registration dates and deadlines far payment or dropping College Now courses. • Keep track of MHCC student account log-in infarmation to access student records and registration system. • Meet course prerequisites far College Now courses established at the high school. College courses must be registered far in sequence. Not registering far a prerequisite means there can be no credit awarded far the course series. Please visit Mt. Hood Catalqg to revíew courses and prerequisites. • Complete the curriculum and assessments far College Now courses as approved by the college. If special services are needed, the student will work with the high school far these services. Reasonable adjustments in teaching methods and/or assessments that do not alter the content of a course or program, may be possible. All students must meet the student leaming outcomes of the course to eam credit. • Drop or wíthdraw from courses by the deadline in cases where the student is not eaming a passing grade. Failure to drop by MHCC's deadline will result in transcription the grade eamed. • Check college transcript far accuracy at the end of each term registered far College Now courses. • Order official transcript when ready to transfer to another college or university. Visit Reguest Transcript far how to obtain a copy of the official transcript. March 2022 Rev. ]2
Articulate a Course & Become a College Now Instructor Becoming a College Now/dual Credit or Sponsored Dual Credit instructor is a multi-phase process. lnterested high school instructors complete an application process and submit the required materials for review. An extensive review process is conducted at MHCC that begins with a credential review by college administrators. *: In Sponsored Dual Credit courses, a high school teacher partners with a sponsoringfaculty member al the col/ege to ofler the course. Once the applicant's credentials are approved and or a sponsored dual credit relationship approved the course syllabus is sent to MHCC faculty to review and work with the applicant to ensure alignment of course objectives and student leaming outcomes. Essentially, the course taught at the high school must align with the MHCC course to ensure student success upon entering college after high school. This process can take two to four weeks depending upon availability of reviewers on campus. During the summer months, the process can take much longer as fewer faculty reviewers are available. Once a high school instructor is approved as a College Now instructor, each following year the renewal to continue to offer MHCC credit includes submission of a new articulation agreement and updated syllabus. Additionally, College Now/Dual Credit teachers are required to meet with MHCC faculty each year. Sponsored Dual Credit teachers must meet with MHCC faculty no less than each quester/semester. To establish an articulation agreement the high school instructor must meet the qualifications to teach at the community college level and the high school course must articulate to the MHCC course. Qualifications Defined There are two types of courses that can be articulated at MHCC; Lower Division Collegiate (LDC) and Career Technical Education (CTE). Each has its own criteria for qualification and high school instructors must meet at least one of the following criteria. March 2022 Rev. 13
Instructor Quallficatlons Instructor Quallflcatlons Lower Dlvislon Colleglate (LDC) Career Technlcal Education (CTE) A master's degree with a major in the prima!)' Threc calendar years of work expericnce in instructional assignment. an occupatíonal arca directly related to the A master' s degrce in any discipline and 24 instructional program (thc work experience quarter hours of graduate credit in the prima!)• must be beyond that acquired in instructional assi1mmcnt. apprenticeship, on-the-job training). Currently enrolled in an appropriate graduate Occupational competency for the tcaching degree program with satisfactory completion assignmcnt secured through a combination of 24 quarter hours of graduate credit. of thrce years of work experience and Presidential \Vah·er: In subjcct arcas in specialized traíning. (\Vhen applicable, the '"·hich indiYiduals have demonstrated their applicant's qualifications may be reviewed competencies and sen-ed in professional by the appropriate occupational advisory fields and in cases in which documcntation to comm1ttee.) support the indi,·idual's proficiency and high le\'el of competency can be assembled, the master' s degree requirement may be waind at the d1scretíon of the College president. Sample Presidential \\Taiver located in AppendixA. Instructor q1JJ2lijications are in accordance with .\IHCC's lnstitutional Stt1J1dards Jor Facult;-Staff Qualification.s - Administratn·e Regulation: AR5060F. March 2022 Rev. l4
Application and Annual Renewal Deadlines August 31 st is the deadline for new College Now Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit applicants to submit the required application materials to offer college credit the following academic year. lt is also the deadline for renewal submission which includes a new articulation agreement and updated syllabus. Orientation for approved applications will occur during the month of October each year and on an as needed basis when necessary. Application Process to Qualify There are six simple steps to apply to offer College Now courses. Please note Step 4 has two separate processes, one for instructors offering Lower Division Transfer courses and one for instructors offering Career Technical Education courses. STEP 1: • Identify the course(s) that will be articulated. The course must be an existing course in the MHCC Course Catalog. This is available at MHCC Catalog. • Contact the College Now Coordinator to request the application materials and course specific documents. STEP 2: • After contacting the College Now Coordinator, the application materials will be sent to you electronically and will include: o Dual Credit Instructor Application sample located in Appendix B o Copy of MHCC course outline(s) sample located in Appendix C o Copy of MHCC course syllabus sample located in Appendix D o Course guide if available o MHCC Faculty Syllabus Checklist sample located in Appendix E o Course Articulation Agreement sample located in Appendix F o Any other course relevant information STEP 3: • Complete the application • Draft the course syllabus. Please use the Syllabus Checklist to ensure all items required are included: STEP 4 - Lower Oivision Collegiate Course Applicant: • Retum the completed application materials which include: o Completed Dual Credit Instructor Application o Current resume o Copy of the instructor's official college transcripts- if unofficial transcripts submitted official may be requested by the review committee o Course syllabus for the course being considered that meets MHCC standards (see MHCC faculty syllabus checklist) o Signed Articulation Agreement • Application materials can be submitted to the College Now Coordinator electronically or mailed to the College Now Office. STEP 4 - Career Technical Education Course Applicant: • Retum the completed application materials which includes: o Completed Dual Credit Instructor Application o Copy of the instructor's official college transcripts- if unofficial transcripts submitted official may be requested per the review committee o Course syllabus for the course being considered that meets MHCC standards (see MHCC faculty syllabus checklist) o Copy of Program Technical Skills March 2022 Rev. 15
o Current Resume o Copy of current TSPC License o Signed Articulation Agreement • Application materials can be submitted to the College Now Coordinator either electronically or mailed to the College Now Office. STEP 5: • The application will undergo a credential review where MHCC administration (Division Dean, Associate Vice President ofApplied Technologies, Workforce and Partnerships, and College President) will determine ifthe applicant's credentials meet the requirements of Community College instructors. • Upon an approved credential review, the applicant's course syllabus will be reviewed by a MHCC faculty member to ensure course objectives and student leaming outcomes of MHCC are aligned and covered in the College Now course at the high school. • During the review there may be a request for a phone or in-person meeting • The process takes two to four weeks. STEP 6: • Notification of the application outcome will come from the College Now Coordinator through e-mail communication a copy of the signed agreement will be e-mailed to the applicant and a high school administrator. Modern Language Division Course Approval Process The requirement for articulation with MHCC's Modem Language Department is defined as one year of high school language instruction is equivalent to one term of college instruction. When approved, students who en ter their third year of high school instruction may enroll for two tenns offirst year college language courses: winter tenn- 101, spring term = 102 ("'Terms" follow the MHCC term schedule.) Students who enter their fourth year of high school language instruction may enroll for up to two terms of college language courses: winter tenn = 103, spring term ... 201 (ifhigh school instructor approved). Sorne high schools do not have the 201-option available and students at these schools would receive spring term 103 course credit. Approved Applicants Upon approval, the new College Now instructor will need to complete the following: • Attend New Instructor Training/Orientation (scheduled in the month ofOctober each year) or on an as needed basis. • Obtain a MHCC identification number: o Provide SSN and DOB if not provided on the initial application. This is needed to assign your MHCC ID number. The demographic data required on the College Now application allows the college to check the system and ensure new instructors do not already have an existing MHCC ID number. If there is no existing number, an ID number will be assigned. This is important because a MHCC ID is needed to enter grades electronically or enter the system to check on class lists. The MHCC ID number will be provided by the College Now Coordinator. • Access the MHCC Portal -All grading will be done electronically through the portal. Class rosters will also be available here. To access the portal: March 2022 Rev. 16
o Go to the MHCC Home Page o Click on MyMHCC located on the top right comer of the screen o This is the Login page • Enter User Name - this is up to the first seven or eight letters of your last name and your first initial (for example: Jane Williams would be Williams) • Enter Password - this is the six digit birth date in MMDDYY fonnat (for example: October 1, 1966 would be 100166) • Please change the password and remember what it is changed to for future grading sessions. The on-line prompted instructions are very specific, please read them carefully when choosing a new password. • Complete the FERPA statement: o FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of educational records for students. Under FERPA Mt. Hood Comrnunity College cannot release, without student permission: • Financial records (accounts, financia! aid, etc.) • Grades and GPA infonnation • Class schedules, times, locations • Personally identifying infonnation such as ID numbers, SSN, and birth dates The first-time instructors enter the MHCC system to enter grades an automatic prompt to complete the FERPA statement process will appear. About College Now Orientation Orientation is scheduled each year in the month ofOctober (and accommodated on an as needed basis).MHCC faculty and the High School Services Division provídes high school teachers in Sponsored Dual Credit Programs with training and orientation in course currículum, assessment criteria, course philosophy, and Sponsored Dual Credit administrative requirements before they begin to teach the college or university courses. High school instructors submitting a request for articulation must submit their resume and transcripts prior to submitting course specific materials. The MHCC Dean of the academic department that the high school instructor is requesting to articulate in reviews the high school instructor's credentials and decides to move forward to a course review. During the course review, the requesting high school instructor develops syllabi and course materials based on the MHCC Course Outline. Once submitted MHCC Faculty reviews the syllabi and course materials (e.g., mid-term and final exams). Materials are evaluated for curriculum, outcomes and assessment alignment. The Faculty may request additional information or clarification from the high school instructor if alignment is not clear. This is similar to MHCC's part-time faculty hiring process, where part-time faculty applicants are hired based on credentials and then provided the Course Outline to develop syllabi and course materials. The approval decision to articulate with a high schoo\ instructor for dual credit or sponsored dual credit based on credentials and course materials is al the discretion of the specific Dean and Faculty ofthe department. Once approved, or a sponsored dual credit development occurs in conjunction faculty and the dual credit coordinator program team facilitates an orientation of the new DCISDC instructor either in-person, via zoom or by phone. This administrative orientation covers DC/SDC program expectations (e.g., DCISDC Roles and Responsibilities, State Dual and Sponsored Dual Credit Standards, Instructor Handbook), syllabi submission, grade submission, and allendance ofannual or quarterly meetings dependent upon approval type. Other tapies covered in the include orientation are communication tools (such as the High School Services Dept website), registration materials and information, and access to instructor resources (e.g., professional development and library). The orientation also walks new instructors through MyMHCC portal (MHCC's intemal website and LMS) training, including their login and password, how to navigate the intemal college website, and course specific pages (e.g., class rosters, posting grades, change of grade submission). March 2022 Rev. 17
Application Renewal Each College Now instructor will need to complete the renewal process each year. This includes submitting a new articulation agreement and an updated syllabus by August 31 st for consideration to offer college credit the following academic year. The process will be prompted by the College Now Office. Regular Communication with MHCC Once approved as a College Now instructor, expect regular communication with MHCC instigated by the College Now Coordinator and faculty. Frequent e-mails about admissions, registration and deadlines will be sent. Additionally, there will be up to two required annual net connect meeting as and quarterly meetings for sponsored dual credit. Annual Net Connect Meetings There will be up to two annual Network and Connections (Net Connect) meetings each year. The purpose of the Net Connect meetings is provide updates about changes and answer questions about the College Now program, align course objectives and leaming outcomes, and prepare articulation agreements for the next academic year. During the department Net Connect meetings MHCC and College Now faculty meet to discuss currículum updates, course assessment tools and strategies, recommended and required texts. College Now instructors who do not attend the annual Net Connect meetings are at risk of losing College Now articulation. Articulation Agreements Annual Articulation Agreements are required by MHCC for each College Now instructor. These agreernents are signed after the new course reviews or syllabus reviews for renewals. See Appendix F for a sample Articulation Agreement. Maintaining Alignment, Non-compliance and Failing to Meet the Standards lf concems should arise regarding the quality of instruction or concems about course content not being sufficiently aligned with MHCC's requirements or the state dual credit/sponsored dual credit standards the following steps should be taken to enable the high school and school district to address the concems of MHCC faculty or staff. It is intended that instructional issues be addressed prornptly and, on a case, -by-case basis. The goal is to assist the High School Dual Credit teacher in correcting the concems in a timely manner so their course is significantly the same as a course taken on at the MHCC campus and to maintain alignment whenever appropriate. In the case of High School Dual Credit teacher failing to meet the quarterly or annual dual credit requirements of providing a revised syllabus for each new contract period, attending annual or quarterly articulation meetings, workshops or professional development, and making time for their course assessment with their MHCC Faculty Liaison, the following steps will be taken: • Contact the Manager for Accelerated College Credit or High School Service Division Director at MHCC regarding the concems specific to the Dual Credit offering so that he or she can contact the dual credit faculty the course is aligned with • The Manager of Accelerated College Credit or Director of the Division will discuss the concems with the High School Dual Credit Faculty and set a reasonable time for the High School Dual Credit Faculty to address the concems and correct the problems. • If the above steps do not correct the problems within a reasonable time (i.e. one semester), the Manager of Accelerated College Credit or Director of the Division will co-write a letter to the appropriate parties, listing the following: March 2022 Rev. 18
o A specific date by which the concems listed in the letter need to be addressed or corrected as deterrnined on a case-by-case basis within one MHCC academic year. lnclude the consequences of not correcting the problems by the above date. • o Hold follow•up discussions with the appropriate parties on the issues. March 2022 Rev. 19
Syllabi Ali instructors of MHCC, whether on campus or for College Now, are required to submit a new syllabus for each course each year. College Now instructors will be required to submit their syllabi during the annual Net Connect meetings. College Now course syllabi must meet the MHCC syllabi checklist. Samples are provided when possible and the MHCC Faculty Syllabus Checklist (Appendix E) should be used to assist with syllabus creation. Student Assessments College Now student assessments must align with MHCC requirements for the course. Student Learning Outcomes must be clearly stated on the course syllabus and include grading standards for A-F grades. During the Net Connect articulation meetings assessments will be on the agenda to ensure faculty from both the high school and college have the opportunity to discuss and share assessment practices and methods. Course Visitations & Observations for Continuous lmprovement Course visitations are highly encouraged for both the high school and college faculty. High school College Now instructors are welcome to visit the MHCC campus and observe sections of the courses they teach. MHCC faculty liaisons may visit College Now instructors at the high school. MHCC faculty are strongly urged to visit as these visits are meant to enhance the collaboration between the high school and college faculty and ensure course alignment. The observation visits are required o/ Faculty at /east once per academic year in the sponsored dual credit teacl,ing partnership. lncluding the completion ofthe and submission of the Site Visit Observation Fonn the High School Services Department. The College Now manager, coordinator or director wíll routinely visit the high schools. The expectation is regular, ongoing, and substantive interaction between high school teachers and MHCC faculty particularly in the case of Sponsored Dual Credit where interaction must occur at least once a quarter/semester. * Course Observation Form (See Appendü !). Admissions and Registration College Now students will register for their courses on-line. This requires students to complete the College Now High School Admissions fonn at least two weeks prior to registration opening dates. The recommendation is for ali students to complete the admissions form during fall term. Students must register on-line for College Now credit within the timelines for each cotlege tenn. The dates are posted on the college website at College Now Calendar and within the Student Handbook also located on-line at College Now . No late registrations will be allowed. lt is recommended that College Now instructors take the entire class to a computer lab and do admissions and registration as a group. The role of College Now instructors for admitting and registering students for dual credit is to facilitate inforrnation sharing. AII materials will be provided by the College Now office. Admissions and registration packets will be e-mailed or delivered to each high school College Now instructor two weeks prior to the opening of on-line registration. The packets include: on-line admissions and registration instructions, student inforrnation handouts, posters, academic calendar, course and section numbers, any other pertinent infonnation (see Appendix G for Registration Packet sample). Students must register at the beginning of each term in order to receive College Now credit. Checking the Class List Class lists can be checked at any time during the terrn. During weeks five and six, College Now instructors are encouraged to check their MHCC class list to ensure ali students who intended to participate are on the class list or still want to take the course for college credit. An e-mail reminder will be sent to all current term College March 2022 Rev. 20
Now instructors reminding them to check their class list. To check a class list: • Go to MHCC Home Page • Click on MyMHCC located at the top of the page • At the Login page March 2022 Rev. 21
o Enter U ser Name- this is up to the first seven or eight letters of last name and first initial (for example: Jane Williams would be williamj) o Enter Password - for the first time sign in - this is the six digit birth date in MMDDYY fonnat (for example: October 1, 1966 would be 100166) Please change the password and remember what it is changed to for future grading sessions. The on-line prompted instructions are very specific, please read them carefully when choosing a new password. Subsequent log in's will require the new password created- not your DOB • Click on the My Courses tab on the gray link bar • Next, Click on the Faculty Main link in the left navigational area • Click on the Class List link in the middle of the page • Ensure the Current Option Settings box contains the correct tenn and year: Current Opt1on Settings Program Session calendar Year UNDG SP 2016 1 Click Here to Set Options 1 lf incorrect, use the Click Here to Set Options link to change the tenn and year. • Enter the course and section number in the main box o The catalog number should default to the current year catalog (UG 16 for FA 16, WI 17, SP 17) • Check the waitlist box to included waitlisted students- there should not be a wait list but if there is, contact the College Now Office. • Click Submit Request For help, training, or questions about this process please contact the College Now office. Grading Grading is done on-line through the MyMHCC link at the top of the MHCC home page. Grading on time is critica) for State reporting and the Academic Calendar (Appendix J) dates cannot be changed. The only exception is during spring tenn when high schools may get out later than the end of the college term. MHCC Grading Policies Standard college grades apply to College Now courses. Students eam grades A-F based on course performance and assessment. Students have the opportunity to drop for two weeks following the clase of registration or withdraw from a course through the end of the tenn at MHCC. lf a student does not drop or withdraw due to a low grade, the student is responsible for the grade posted to their MHCC transcript. This means a D or F grade could appear on the student's transcript. The College Now office strongly recommends students unsure of their grade at mid-term drop the College Now course to avoid a low grade on their pennanent college transcript. College Now grades do count toward and impact future Financia) Aid awards. MHCC Grading options: A- Excellent March 2022 Rev. 22
B-Above A verage C-Average D-Below Average F-Failing S-Satisfactory (Pass): not recommended for College Now courses due to limited transferability U-Unsatisfactory (No Pass): not recommended for College Now courses due to limited transferability 1- Incomplete: Student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework and complete the additional 25% prior to the end of the next term W-Withdraw: Students can withdraw up to the last day of finals week NR-No grade received from instructor X-Audit: not recommended for College Now courses due to limited transferability Grades are assigned based on work completed at the end of the scheduled class time. Additional work or make up after the ending date of the class is not justified unless an Incomplete was assigned. Grades and/or records found to be fraudulent will be changed. Additional grading descriptions can be found at Grading lnfonnation. Oefault E-Mail Set Up Prior to entering grades, College Now instructors are encouraged to set up a default e-mail account. Once grades are entered and submitted an e-mail is sent to the instructor's default address with a confinnation of the grades. If you do not enter a default e-mail there will be no confirmation of grades. Please follow these steps: • Go to MHCC Home Page • Click on MyMHCC located at the top ofthe page • At the Login page o Enter User Name - this is up to the first seven or eight letters of last name and first initial (for example: Jane Williams would be williamj) o Enter Password - for the first time sign in - this is the six digit birth date in MMDDYY format (for example: October l, 1966 would be l 00166) Please change the password and remember what it is changed to for future grading sessions. The on-line prompted instructions are very specific, please read them carefully when choosing a new password. Subsequent log in's will require the new password created - not your DOB • Click on the Personal In/o link right next to user name at the top right comer of the page • Click on the Biographical lnfo link under My lnfo • Under Other Addresses click on the pencil icon. 0 • Click on + Add Contact lnfo • Select Personal Email Address under Contact Info Type • Enter the email address you would like your grading confirmation to be sent to. • Click Submit Your default email address will be reviewed and set. March 2022 Rev. 23
How to Enter Grades Grades are to be submitted on-line via MyMHCC portal. Ifthis is the first time logging into MyMHCC portal, it is required that instructors complete a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) acknowledgement form. This is automatically prompted during the first login. • Go to MHCC Home Page • Click on MyMHCC located at the top ofthe page • At the Login page o Enter User Name- this is up to the first seven or eight letters oflast name and first initial (for example: Jane Williams would be williamj) o Enter Password - for the first time sign in - this is the six digit birth date in MMDDYY format (for example: October 1, 1966 would be 100166) • From the Faculty Home Page, under the Faculty course Center select Grade Entry for the desired course. Faculty Course Center IJ Course Llsl for Kealanl Balfour V1ew More Opt,ons V1ew My faculty Schedule Fall Term -2016 Course THle Go Dh'ectly To HD100A-65 College Success Grade Enlry • Selecl Area ... Course Details Class List Allendance Curren! Courses • There ara no curren! courses (If your course center shows that no courses match the given search criteria; click on View More Options, select the correct term, and clíck on View Courses.) ------ - - -- Faculty Course Center U ' No coursea match the given aearch criteria. Pleaae change the aearch criteria and search again. Course List for Kealani Balfour View Mos-e Options V1ew My Faculty Schedule • Once you have selected Grade Entry, a class list of ali registered students will appear. Use the drop down menu under Final Grade to assign each students grade. o lf an "F" or "U" grade is assigned you will be required to enter Last Date of Attendance. • Then click SAVE on the bottom left hand comer. You MUST click the SAVE button to save your input. Once you hit save you will see a pop up message confirming that you have submitted grades. At this point you may want to print each grade sheet for your records. March 2022 Rev. 24
You can also read