COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019

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COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone?

Friday, 29 March 2019

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
11 St Andrew’s Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4LE

Chaired by Prof David Sanders, Royal Hallamshire Hospital and
University of Sheffield

10.00   Arrival and networking – refreshments in the Platt room

10.30   Coeliac UK welcome – Chair of Coeliac UK’s Research Strategy
        Board, Prof Alan Perkins

Session 1

10.35   Dietary gluten permanently reconfigures gastrointestinal tissue
        resident immunity in coeliac disease
        Prof David Price

11.00    Doctor I still have symptoms; non responsive and refractory coeliac
         Prof David Sanders

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
11.25    o biopsy or not to biopsy? That is the question!
        Prof Carolina Ciacci

11.50    ealthcare professionals’ and patients’ views on the long term follow
        up of coeliac disease
        Dr Manpreet Bains

12.15   Lunch and poster exhibition – Platt room

Session 2

13.30    xploring the coeliac ‘fermentome’ and ‘microbiome’
        Prof Ramesh Arasaradnam

13.55   Therapeutic advances for coeliac disease
        Dr Francisco Leon

14.20   How complex can it be? The bread wheat genome and its implications
        for wheat intolerance
        Dr Manuel Spannagl

14.45    Break – refreshments – Platt room

Session 3

15.15   I s there a role for gluten in multiple sclerosis?
         Lina Moschoula Passali

15.40   What does gluten do to your brain?
        Dr Iain Croall

      The latest research; Coeliac UK and Innovate UK awards:
      Chris Sale – Nonacus Ltd, Lydia Campbell – Nandi Proteins,
      Chris Kennelly – Cievert Ltd

16.30   Chair’s closing remarks and presentation of poster prize

16.35   CLOSE

This event has been kindly sponsored by BFree, Dr Schär, Regenerus Labs and Thermo
Fisher and supported by Neogen Europe Ltd.

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
                                      Chair of Coeliac UK’s Research
                                      Strategy Board

Welcome                               I am especially pleased to inform
                                      you that since last year’s conference,
As Chair of Coeliac UK’s Research     when we announced our partnership
Strategy Board, I would like to       with Innovate UK, we have awarded
welcome you to the 2019 Research      three major grants to projects
Conference. We have an excellent      totalling £750k in support of
programme of presentations and        new research into less invasive
posters bringing you the very best    diagnostics, improved long term
of research in coeliac disease and    management of coeliac disease
gluten related science.               and improved ingredients for better
Our 50th anniversary year has         gluten free bread. We are delighted
been particularly successful for      that the grant holders are here today
research at Coeliac UK. Following     to tell you about their projects.
the announcement of our top 10        This conference provides a unique
Research Priorities and the launch    opportunity for clinical and scientific
of our Research Fund, we carried      interaction and networking. I hope
out a review of our policies and      you have an interesting, informative
governance for research, ensuring     and enjoyable day.
rigorous standards for awarding
research grants, protecting
intellectual property, data sharing
and ethical review. We have
established a new Research
Awards Panel, chaired by Dr Rick
Lones, and secured membership
of the Association of Medical
Research Charities.

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
                                         Chair of Coeliac UK’s
                                         Research Conference and
                                         Health Advisory Council

Dear friends and colleagues, thank       Last year we were delighted to
you for supporting Coeliac UK’s          announce the top ten research
10th annual research conference. At      priorities* for coeliac disease from
this event we continue to focus on       the priority setting partnership
clinically relevant topics and what is   (PSP) involving patients, carers,
new in the world of research.            healthcare professionals and the
                                         James Lind Alliance. Thanks again
It is my pleasure to Chair the
                                         to those of you who took part in
meeting and in my role as Chair of
                                         the PSP. Coeliac UK continues to
Coeliac UK’s Health Advisory Council
                                         explore new funding streams and
(HAC) I invite you too, to consider
                                         collaborations to support further
a role. The HAC currently has
                                         research in these areas.
vacancies for a dietitian, consultant
gastroenterologist and psychologist      *
with specialist knowledge and
experience in coeliac disease and
gluten related conditions. Please
contact Heidi Urwin, Research
Manager, at Coeliac UK for further

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
                                          Division of Infection and
                                          Immunity, Cardiff University
                                          School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK

Biography                                 He was appointed as Chair of
                                          Infection and Immunity at Cardiff
Professor David A Price MRCP DPhil        University School of Medicine in
DTM&H FRSB FLSW graduated                 October 2007. His programme
with double first class honours in        focuses on the development
medical sciences and pathology            and application of advanced
at the University of Cambridge and        biotechnology to address
completed his clinical training at        fundamental and translational issues
King’s College Hospital London.           in adaptive immunobiology.
He practised internal medicine,
                                          To date, he has published >350 peer
specialising in infectious and tropical
                                          reviewed papers, attracting >20,000
diseases, before pursuing a DPhil
                                          citations in the contemporary
in immunology at the University of
                                          literature, with a current H-index of
Oxford. After further academic clinical
                                          72 (ISI). In 2009, he was awarded
appointments, his research was
                                          the Graham Bull Prize in Clinical
conducted with fellowship support at
                                          Science by the Royal College of
the Vaccine Research Center, National
                                          Physicians, UK.
Institutes of Health, USA.

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019

Tissue resident lymphocytes play                      of gluten sensitive, interferon-γ-
a key role in immune surveillance,                    producing Vδ1+ IELs bearing T cell
but it remains unclear how these                      receptors (TCRs) with a shared
inherently stable cell populations                    non germline encoded motif that
respond to chronic inflammation.                      failed to recognise BTNL3/BTNL8.
In the setting of coeliac disease                     Exclusion of dietary gluten restored
(CeD), where exposure to dietary                      BTNL8 expression but failed to
antigen can be controlled,                            reconstitute the Vγ4+/Vδ1+ ‘gut
gluten induced inflammation                           signature’ among TCRγδ+ IELs.
triggered a profound depletion of                     Collectively, these data show that
naturally occurring Vγ4+/Vδ1+                         local antigen driven inflammation
intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs)                    dynamically reconfigures the tissue
with innate cytolytic properties                      resident TCRγδ+ IEL compartment
and specificity for the butyrophilin                  in genetically susceptible
like (BTNL) molecules BTNL3/                          individuals, leading to the
BTNL8. Creation of a new niche                        acquisition of a proinflammatory
with reduced expression of BTNL8                      immune landscape that underpins
and loss of Vγ4+/Vδ1+ IELs was                        the pathogenesis of CeD.
accompanied by the expansion

Mayassi T1,2, Ladell K3…Price DA3,*, Jabri B1,2,4,*
 Committee on Immunology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; 2Department of Medicine,
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA; 3Division of Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University
School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK; 4Department of Pathology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.
*Senior authors.
COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
                                          Consultant Gastroenterologist,
                                          Royal Hallamshire Hospital and
                                          Professor of Gastroenterology,
                                          University of Sheffield, UK

Biography                                 with patients who have coeliac
                                          disease has resulted in him being
Professor David S Sanders is a            awarded the Coeliac UK Healthcare
Professor of Gastroenterology and         Professional of the Year Award
a Consultant Gastroenterologist at        (2010) and the inaugural Complete
the Royal Hallamshire Hospital &          Nutrition Coeliac Health Care
the University of Sheffield. He has       Professional Award (2013). He is
published >400 peer reviewed papers       fortunate to work as part of the
(H-score > 60). He is internationally     Sheffield Gastroenterology team
recognised for his work in coeliac        which has been recognised for its
disease, percutaneous gastrostomy         standards of clinical care. The Small
feeding (PEG) and small bowel             Bowel Endoscopy service won one
endoscopy. His other research             of the inaugural British Society of
interests include pancreatic              Gastroenterology National GI Care
exocrine insufficiency, irritable bowel   awards (2011) and the Medipex
syndrome and gastrointestinal             award (2013). In 2012 the PEG team
bleeding.                                 won both Health Service Journal
He has received a number of               primary care and integrated clinical
research awards: European Rising          care awards. In 2014 the Sheffield
Star Award (2010), Cuthbertson            Gastroenterology team, won one
Medal (2011) and Silver Medal             of the SAGE (Shire Awards for
in 2017 (the latter two awards            Gastrointestinal Excellence) awards
from the UK Nutrition Society),           for its primary care and GI bleed unit
Swedish Gastroenterology Society          services. In 2017 because of his
Bengt Ihre Medal (2017) and most          diverse clinical nutrition interests
recently the BSG Hopkins prize for        he was voted (by patients and
Endoscopy (2019). His clinical work       healthcare professionals) the Clinical
COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
Nutrition Health Care Professional of the Year. Professor Sanders has chaired
both the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) Small Bowel and Nutrition
Section (2006-2012) and the BSG Audit Committee (2010-2013).
He is the current Chair of the Coeliac UK Health Advisory Council, BSG
Council Member and President of the International Society for the Study of
Celiac Disease (ISSCD). The Sheffield Unit has recently been recognised as
the Rare Diseases Collaborative Network for refractory coeliac disease (NHS
England) in collaboration with Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.


Coeliac disease is a common              This talk will provide a practical
condition affecting up to 1% of the      approach to the investigation of
European adult population. Whilst        patients who do not respond to
the majority of patients will respond    a gluten free diet. I will highlight
to a gluten free diet with resolution    the differences between the more
of symptoms and an improvement           common non-responsive coeliac
in histology, a significant minority     disease and the rare entity of
have persistent problems. Refractory     refractory coeliac disease and
coeliac disease is a relatively          discuss current management and
uncommon cause of non-response           treatment options for both non-
to a gluten free diet with potentially   responsive coeliac disease and
serious consequences of severe           refractory coeliac disease.
malabsorption and the risk of
progression to lymphoma.

COELIAC UK'S RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2019 - The gluten free diet; a solution for everyone? Friday, 29 March 2019
                                           Professor Carolina Ciacci,
                                           Celiac Center, University of
                                           Salerno, Italy

Biography                                  research, focusing on coeliac
                                           disease, irritable bowel syndrome,
Prof Ciacci is head of the                 IBD and mucosal immunology.
Gastrointestinal Immunology Center         As a principle investigator or
for the study of coeliac disease,          co-investigator on several university
inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD)          and Italian Ministry of Health
and food intolerances at S. Giovanni       funded grants, she has led a number
di Dio e Ruggi D’Aragona Hospital,         of clinical studies, and has also
Salerno, Italy (clinic and laboratory).    coordinated the economical research
Prof Ciacci is also head of the            for those studies.
tertiary clinic for GI rare diseases and
                                           She is a member of the Gender and
the tertiary IBD clinic, a unique centre
                                           Diversity task force of United Gastro
that covers an area of about 1 million
                                           Week (2017-2021) and a member for
                                           the Commission for the qualification
She is the coordinator of the              of professorship in gastroenterology,
Campania Region Celiac Disease             infectious disease and dermatology
Network and responsible for the            for the Italian Ministry of Education
CeliaDB, a registry of more than           (2018-2020). She was a collaborator
15,000 coeliac patients living             for the implementation of the World
in the Campania Region.                    Gastrointestinal Organisation         guidelines for celiac disease.
                                           Prof Ciacci is the author of more
Prof Ciacci is Professor of                than 250 scientific papers, 198 of
Gastroenterology at Salerno                those are present in Scopus, sum
University and has a broad                 of citations 7532, h-index 43 and
background in clinical and basic           Google scholar h-index 47.


Adult patients with coeliac disease        ambiguous and mucosal damage not
(CeD) will have have duodenal              appropriately described. Previous
biopsy at diagnosis and in some            observational studies suggest that
cases at follow up. However, with          at least a subgroup of adults (young
the availability of highly specific        adults, for example) may not need
CeD serum antibodies and markers           the biopsy because the risk of an
of gluten intake, as a proxy index of      overlapping disease or a serious
mucosal atrophy, views towards the         complication of CeD is very low. An
duodenal biopsy may have changed.          ongoing prospective international
                                           study will give a definitive answer
In adults, the biopsy is still necessary
                                           as to which adult patients affected
to confirm the suspicion of CeD
                                           with CeD are required to undergo
based on positive serology but also
                                           endoscopy and those who are not.
to avoid missing another diagnosis
and/or CeD complications. Moreover,        The follow up of patients with CeD
about 20% of patients with positive        can include a second endoscopy
serology show no mucosal damage            and biopsy, especially in the case of
(potential CeD) and it is still unclear    symptoms. However, in the absence
if and when those patients should          of any concerns the procedure is
start the gluten free diet (GFD). On       often avoided. In addition, fecal and
the other hand, complications are          urine gluten immunological peptide
quite rare and never diagnosed at the      tests are being introduced to allow
time of the first endoscopy. Histology     monitoring of compliance to a GFD.
can appear to be frequently

                                         Assistant Professor, Division of
                                         Epidemiology and Public Health,
                                         University of Nottingham

Biography                                Current projects include preventing
                                         smoking uptake among adolescents
Dr Manpreet Bains was appointed          in India, and the development and
as Assistant Professor in Qualitative    feasibility of a novel intervention
and Mixed Methods Health Research        for active ageing and smoking
in the Division of Epidemiology          cessation. Manpreet is also involved
and Public Health, University of         in a project exploring the longer
Nottingham in 2013. She is also part     term recovery needs among patients
of the UK Centre for Tobacco and         affected by community acquired
Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS). Manpreet       pneumonia.
is a mixed methods researcher who
                                         Manpreet also convenes the
has forged a respected research
                                         Qualitative Methodology and
career, particularly in qualitative
                                         Analysis module on the Masters in
methods spanning a broad variety
                                         Public Health programmes offered
of topics in public health and health
                                         by the Division, and is experienced
services research.
                                         in supervising undergraduate and
Manpreet has provided qualitative        postgraduate students. Manpreet is
methods expertise on research            also involved in public involvement
funded by the NIHR, MRC, Cancer          and jointly coordinates the UKCTAS’
Research UK and Coeliac UK.              tobacco related public involvement
Her work spans purely qualitative        activity (
studies, feasibility studies, to mixed   engagement.html).
methods trials in tobacco control,
respiratory medicine, gastrointestinal
disease, maternal health, alcohol and
influenza to name some.


Abstract                                  Methods
                                          Forty three semi structured
Introduction                              interviews were conducted with
Recommendations for following up          HCPs (gastroenterologists, general
persons with coeliac disease (CD)         practitioners and dietitians) and 50
suggest regular review by a physician     individuals with CD. Those with CD
or dietitian in secondary or primary      were purposively sampled to include
care. However, not only is the evidence   persons receiving follow up and
underpinning these guidelines limited,    those who were not (through choice
views of healthcare professionals         or discontinued). Interviews explored
(HCP) involved in the management          individuals’ follow up experiences/
of the condition and individuals living   practices, understanding of the
with it has scarcely been studied.        purpose of follow up, its perceived
                                          importance and if it could be
                                          improved. Interviews were digitally
                                          audio recorded, transcribed verbatim
                                          and analysed using the framework

Results                                    Patient findings
HCP findings                               Many participants felt support and
Some HCPs stated the evidence              the provision of information to
base for follow up was insufficient.       manage their condition was lacking
However, others felt follow up             soon after diagnosis, when needed
was crucial to ensure individuals          most. Follow up was seen as a
were adhering to a gluten free diet,       relatively individualised process with
and for vulnerable individuals (eg         people reporting a wide variation in
newly diagnosed, elderly, children,        process from repeat bone scans and
pregnant women and those with              endoscopies, to having never been
co-morbidities), than those more           followed up at all. Regularity of follow
proactive in their self management.        up also varied with many participants
Non attendance was not seen as             acknowledging that it was rarely in
particularly problematic by most;          line with the recommended timelines.
those wanting follow up attend and         For some, attendance served to
those that did not chose not to.           reassure individuals that they were on
However, several participants inferred     track, while others felt they needed
that a proportion of those choosing        to attend to ‘stay in the system’ or in
not to attend were likely to be less       case of any developments. Hence,
compliant and thus may not attend          they seemed to lack understanding
due to fear of being judged. Many          on what follow up is meant to
stressed that an element of patient        achieve. However, for those choosing
responsibility and engagement was          not to attend, reasons related to not
an important factor in the successful      viewing it as worthwhile or useless,
management of coeliac disease.             particularly if individuals felt they
Generally the process for follow up        were managing well or because
tends to revolve around recap and          previous negative experiences with
reassurance for patients whilst the        unsupportive or unknowledgeable
main concerns for HCPs are the             healthcare professionals had
deteriorating timelines in which some      deterred them. Most agreed that
patients are left without support for      an annual review at a local location
a number of years. HCP opinion on          with a consistent person who was
and knowledge of current national          knowledgeable about coeliac disease
guidelines on following up individuals     would be a sufficient form of follow
with coeliac disease was varied,           up, but that this should be supported
with most admitting that they were         by additional services that could
not necessarily adhering to every          deal with more immediate issues.
part of the current standards. Many        However, some participants were
HCPs noted that a lack of clear            happy not to have follow up as they
guidelines at a local level added to the   were managing fine, or were happy to
confusion and disparity in treatment.      have it offered as needed rather than
Improvements at a national level           with prescribed regularity.
tended to involve a request for clear
guidelines based on good evidence
that were able to be managed in a
resource poor environment.

Comparing HCP and patient views         in that attendance was their
HCP and patient views were similar      own choice and that it was their
in that follow up provided an           responsibility to engage. However,
opportunity to reaffirm and reinforce   patients did not see attendance as
compliance, and thus reassured          a choice but something that was
patients that they were managing        either encouraged/discouraged by
the condition well. The importance      HCPs (e.g. some patients felt the
of having a blood test to measure       condition was not taken seriously
compliance objectively was also         by HCPs), and was influenced by the
relayed by both parties. However,       extent to which they were followed
both groups suggested a lack of         up in accordance with recommended
understanding about the purpose,        timelines.
value and importance of follow up.
Moreover, there was some agreement
about NHS resources being wasted        Conclusions
for cases where follow up was           There was a wide variety of follow
seen as being pointless or during       up arrangements currently delivered,
processes, such as ordering repeat      described by HCPs. Many HCPs
prescriptions that were deemed unfit    seemed to be unconvinced by the
in their current form.                  quality of the evidence underpinning
Divergent views were apparent,          national guidance for follow up or
for instance HCPs believed non          were unaware of it. Meanwhile, most
attendance was associated with          individuals with coeliac disease
convenience and that patients           expressed a preference for receiving
forgot about appointments; whereas      some form of annual follow up, but
patients stated non attendance          the reason for having it was unclear
related to how worthwhile they          to them. Some had a preference for
deemed it to be, with some admitting    not attending follow up or having it
that they lacked confidence in HCPs,    provided only as needed.
and instead these individuals felt
more knowledgeable themselves.
HCPs also underscored the role of
patients in the follow up process,

                                        Research funded by Coeliac UK

                                        Consultant Gastroenterologist,
                                        University Hospitals Coventry
                                        and Warwickshire and Clinical
                                        Academic, Universities of
                                        Coventry, Leicester and Warwick

Biography                               he is chair of the British Society of
                                        Gastroenterology (BSG) research
Professor Ramesh Arasaradnam            committee. His research interests
is a clinical academic/Consultant       are in inflammatory conditions within
Gastroenterologist at University        the GI tract and application of non
Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire       invasive technology for early disease
(UHCW) affiliated with University of    diagnosis. He is a Medical Advisor to
Coventry, University of Leicester and   BAD-UK (Bile Acid Diarrhoea) charity
University of Warwick. He graduated     and Trustee for GUTs UK charity.
from Queen’s in 1996 and is a Fellow
of the Royal College of Physicians,
London as well as the European
Board of Gastroenterology. Currently


Whilst there is now increasing          We then looked at the VOC chemical
awareness of coeliac disease            print in those with CD (pre-treatment
(CD), much is left to be understood     with a GFD) and subsequently at six
of disease mechanism and in             months and showed that whilst the
particular metabolic changes at         VOC print does alter it still remains
cellular level. These metabolic         different compared to those without
changes are altered in the disease      CD. When the microbiome was
state and in response to a gluten       explored, those with CD had lower
free diet (GFD) with resultant          diversity and certain species eg
changes in the gut bacteria.            Clos. perfringens remained at lower
                                        levels. This observation persisted at
We have been exploring the concept
                                        six months despite being on a GFD.
of ‘fermentome’ that is metabolic
products or volatile organic            The relevance of these bacteria are
compounds (VOCs) that are present       unknown and functional aspects need
in certain inflammatory disease         to be explored. Nevertheless, these
states. VOCs produce a unique           exploratory findings suggests that
chemical fingerprint which can          certain species in those with CD do
be detected in different biological     not alter to a ‘normal’ state despite
samples from urine, breath and          being on a GFD and histological
even sweat. We have previously          resolution. These changes can
shown that those with CD produce        potentially be mapped in urine by
a unique chemical in urine -            measuring VOC chemical prints.
cyclooctatetraene. This alkene is
thought to be a by product of certain
anaerobic bacteria.

                                        Research funded by Coeliac UK

                                        Adjunct Professor, Jefferson
                                        Medical College, Philadelphia
                                        and Co-founder of Provention Bio,
                                        Celimmune and Gultenostics

Biography                               Health), biotech (Alba Therapeutics,
                                        MedImmune) and ‘big pharma’
Dr Francisco Leon, MD PhD, is the co-   (Bristol-Myers Squibb, Johnson
founder of the companies Provention     & Johnson) before becoming an
Bio, Celimmune and Glutenostics,        entrepreneur.
developing and commercialising
                                        Francisco is a clinical immunologist
medicines, diagnostics and
                                        who received his MD and PhD from
preventative approaches for people
                                        Autónoma University in Madrid,
with coeliac disease and other
                                        Spain. Francisco is also Adjunct
immunological disorders.
                                        Professor at Jefferson Medical
Francisco had extensive experience      College, Philadelphia and has co-
in translational immunology in          authored more than 85 peer reviewed
academia (National Institutes of        articles, book chapters and patents.


People with coeliac disease are           AMG 714, or PRV-015. Interleukin 15
interested in medicines to prevent        (IL-15) is a driver of intraepithelial
the symptoms and effects of gluten        lymphocytes in coeliac and
contamination in the gluten free          refractory coeliac disease Type
diet. Multiple ‘shots on goal’ are        II (RCD-II), AKA pre-enteropathy
needed since most medicines fail          associated T cell lymphoma (Pre-
to be approved, and it is likely that     EATL). The results of AMG 714/PRV-
combinations will be needed for full      015 in coeliac disease and RCD-II will
efficacy. Multiple experimental non-      be presented.
dietary therapies for coeliac disease
                                          With the support of coeliac
are being tested in clinical trials and
                                          patient support groups, the next
will be reviewed.
                                          round of clinical trials could result
One of the most advanced such             in a medication available in the
experimental medications is the           coming years.
anti-IL-15 monoclonal antibody

                                       Senior Scientist and Deputy
                                       Group Leader, Plant Genome
                                       and Systems Biology, Helmholtz
                                       Zentrum München, Germany

Biography                              As a member and team leader in
                                       the International Wheat Genome
Dr Manuel Spannagl is a Senior         Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) he
Scientist and Deputy Group Leader      coordinated and directed the efforts
in the Plant Genome and Systems        to generate a high quality gene
Biology (PGSB) group at the            annotation for the newly generated
Helmholtz Zentrum München in           bread wheat reference genome
Germany. PGSB has been engaged         sequence.
in the development of plant genome
                                       His work on the bread wheat genome
bioinformatics for over 15 years
                                       sequence also included analyses
and has shaped the field of plant
                                       on gene families/phylogenomics,
genomics with publications on
                                       gene expression, transposable
numerous plant reference genome
                                       elements and genome structure.
                                       In acknowledgment of this work
After completing his training in       he received an IWGSC leadership
bioinformatics Manuel joined PGSB      award in 2017. His current work
in 2003 and contributed to several     focuses on exploring the natural
high impact publications such as       diversity of wheat and cereals in
the tomato, Medicago, sorghum,         general, using comparative genomics,
brachypodium, barley and bread         enabled by the new technologies for
wheat genome. With his PhD thesis      sequencing and genome assembly.
on the genomic repertoire of complex   This work involves a strong interest
and polyploid cereal genomes           in understanding and describing the
completed in 2015 he became            genes, gene families and mechanisms
involved in wheat genomics and         related to wheat sensitivities.
wheat related diseases.


Wheat is one of the most important        This new resource established the
crops for human nutrition, but its        foundation for in depth analyses of
components are also causative             gene expression and regulation in
for several human diseases and            the bread wheat genome (Ramirez-
sensitivities, such as coeliac disease.   Gonzalez et al., 2018) as well as
With the recently published whole         the first genome wide map of
genome sequence for bread wheat           genes and gene families encoding
(IWGSC 2018), an important resource       immunoresponsive proteins
is now available to identify and          (Juhasz et al., 2018).
study gene families related to wheat
sensitivities and their products in a     This map is a first step to enhancing
genome wide manner. Its complex           breeding efforts of wheat lines that
genetic setup and large genome size       are safer for human consumption
of five times the human genome has        and provide a higher environmental
made the wheat genome impossible          stability. Ongoing wheat pan-
to decode for decades.                    genomics and resequencing efforts
                                          such as the 10+ wheat project
In 2005, the International Wheat          (
Genome Sequencing Consortium              will greatly contribute towards
(IWGSC;              understanding natural variation and
had the goal to produce a reference       the possible impact of different wheat
genome sequence for bread wheat           genotypes on the immunoreactive
by the year 2020. Thanks to novel         potential of wheat products.
algorithms and bioinformatics
strategies, a reference genome
sequence along with gene
predictions could now be reported
even earlier (IWGSC 2018).

                                        Postgraduate, University
                                        of Copenhagen

Biography                               of MS and MRI. The research group
                                        is currently running a clinical trial
Lina Moschoula Passali has an           investigating possible effects of a
MSc in Clinical Nutrition from the      gluten free diet among patients with
University of Copenhagen and            early stages of MS. Additionally,
is currently exploring gluten and       the group is studying potential gut
multiple sclerosis (MS). During her     brain interactions in MS, trying to
BSc in Food Science with Nutrition      understand the role of increased
& Health, University of Copenhagen,     intestinal permeability in MS.
she was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s      Together with three other members
Thyroiditis, which awakened her         of the research group, Lina has
interest in autoimmunity.               recently published a systematic
Claims of gluten free diets being       review on the role of gluten in MS.
beneficial for patients with            Her long term research goals include
autoimmune diseases inspired her to     providing clear answers to whether
conduct research on the topic with      a high gluten intake can increase the
the aim of generating evidence based    risk of autoimmunity and whether
knowledge on the role of nutrition in   gluten free or low gluten diets can be
autoimmunity.                           beneficial for patients with multiple
                                        sclerosis or other autoimmune
She wrote her bachelor thesis           disorders in addition to coeliac
on non coeliac gluten sensitivity       disease.
and thereafter she started a
collaboration with the Bartholin
Institute, leading experts in gluten
and type 1 diabetes, as well as
researchers from Rigshospitalet,
Glostrup working within the fields


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic      We conducted a systematic review
disease affecting the central nervous     aiming to evaluate the evidence
system. The cause of MS is unknown,       suggesting a possible role of gluten
and even though medical treatments        in MS by addressing the questions:
have been developed, the disease is
                                          • Can patients with MS benefit from
still not curable.
                                            avoiding gluten?
There is an increasing interest in diet   • Do patients with MS have increased
as a modifying factor in MS, but no         levels of gluten related markers?
official dietary guidelines specific
                                          • Do patients with coeliac disease
for patients with MS have been
                                            (CD) or MS have increased risk of
developed yet. Being on a gluten free
                                            developing MS or CD respectively?
or low gluten diet is a current health
trend and potential mechanisms            Studies investigating possible
through which gluten theoretically        beneficial effects of gluten free
could contribute to deteriorating the     diets for patients with MS found
course of autoimmunity have been          positive results but have major
suggested.                                methodological limitations. Results
                                          regarding the presence of gluten
                                          related markers in MS patients
                                          are inconsistent, whereas current
                                          literature does not support a link
                                          between MS and CD. The current
                                          level of evidence is inadequate to
                                          state whether gluten plays a role in
                                          MS. Limitations of current evidence
                                          have been identified and directions of
                                          future research have been suggested.

                                        Cognitive Neuroscientist,
                                        Sheffield Institute of Gluten
                                        Related Disorders (SIGReD),
                                        Sheffield, UK

Biography                               brain harms and study how these
                                        affect patient outcome.
Dr Iain Croall is a cognitive
                                        He joined SIGReD as a dedicated
neuroscientist who joined the
                                        image analyst in the research of
team at the Sheffield Institute of
                                        how the brain is affected across
Gluten Related Disorders (SIGReD)
                                        all types of gluten sensitivity. His
in 2017. He completed his PhD at
                                        current projects include imaging
Newcastle University in 2015, and
                                        work designed to capture “real time”
has previously worked as a research
                                        brain changes due to gluten in non
associate at the University of
                                        coeliac gluten sensitive (NCGS)
                                        patients, a survey study examining
Iain’s career has shaped him into a     trends between dietary compliance
scientist who specialises in working    and quality of life in NCGS, and a
at the intersection between cognition   large scale MRI experiment utilising
and the underlying physiology of the    UK Biobank data to study the neuro-
brain. His PhD thesis characterised     psychological harms of coeliac
and linked the physical and             disease in greater depth and scope
cognitive effects of traumatic brain    than has been previously achieved.
injury, while his previous postdoc
                                        In the future, he hopes to turn his
experience examined different blood
                                        attention to examine the potential
pressure treatment regimens in a
                                        role of gluten as a modifiable risk
randomised clinical trial of patients
                                        factor for dementia in a subgroup of
with vascular dementia. This
                                        the general population.
experience has helped him develop
an expertise in using “advanced” MR
imaging techniques to characterise


Brain harms are recognised to          presentation) have not yet been
exist across the spectrum of gluten    imaged to explore for associated
related disorders. However, while      brain harms, while investigations like
the blunt cerebellar atrophy which     postal surveys can show links which
accompanies a case of Gluten           lend credence to how gluten free diet
Ataxia may be quickly evident, the     adherence affects their quality of
presentation and effects of brain      life. “Advanced” imaging techniques
damage in coeliac disease (CD)         can also identify brain damage not
and non coeliac gluten sensitivity     immediately evident to the naked
(NCGS) can be more subtle and are      eye, helping us better understand the
less well understood. This may lead    pathology and difficulties which CD
to uncertainties over to what extent   patients face.
harms exist and how impactful they
                                       This talk will give an overview of the
are on the patient’s life.
                                       neurological focused research being
The last two decades have laid         conducted at the Sheffield Institute
strong foundations in the study of     of Gluten Related Disorders. These
these extra-intestinal effects, but    experiments are critical in advancing
there are many ways this research      our understanding of brain harms
stands to be expanded. In NCGS,        found across gluten sensitivity.
patients (with a gastroenterological

                                         Head of Research &
                                         Development, Nonacus Ltd

Project team                             During this time and amongst other
                                         developments Michael has developed
At Nonacus our mission is to             a novel Targeted Next Generation
reduce invasive diagnostic testing       Sequencing (NGS) assay which can
by developing robust non invasive        count DNA in a digital way giving an
alternatives.                            exact read out of the sequences read
                                         and quantify them with sensitivity
Dr Michael Parks leads research and      down to 1/1000 while importantly
development at Nonacus Limited           removing PCR and sequencing error
where he has worked for four years       and bias.
developing novel products and
technologies for non invasive genetic    Nonacus Limited and the University
testing within prenatal healthcare and   of Cambridge are both enormously
oncology.                                grateful to both Coeliac UK and
                                         Innovate UK for this opportunity
Before joining Nonacus, Michael          to advance diagnostics in gluten
worked at the Birmingham                 sensitivity. We look forward to
Women’s Hospital as the lead             combining our expertise to assist
translational research scientist         coeliac disease patients.
for the Wellcome Trust, Health
Innovation Challenge Fund
supported NIPSIGEN project. This
project focused around developing,
validating and implementing within
the NHS new non invasive prenatal
diagnostic (NIPD) tests for single
gene disorders.                          Coeliac UK and Innovate UK grant holder


The Project                            expect to overcome some of the
                                       limitations of existing testing for
Working closely with Dr Elizabeth      coeliac disease.
Soilleux and her team at the           We envisage no ongoing or minimal
University of Cambridge who are        gluten exposure of patients being
joint applicants on this 18 month      required prior to testing and
grant, we intend to develop Nonacus’   we anticipate endoscopy being
proprietary, highly sensitive DNA      unnecessary. Additionally the test
capture methodology for detecting      outcome will remove some of the
coeliac disease, low frequency DNA     subjectivity associated with the
sequences and couple it with the       current “gold standard” for coeliac
computer algorithm developed by        disease which involves a pathologist
the Soilleux group, in order to form   examining a small bowel biopsy
the perfect pipeline for a novel       taken at endoscopy (Figures 1
minimally invasive coeliac disease     and 2), but disagreement between
diagnostic test.                       pathologists about the diagnosis is
After initial validation and work up   common.
of the Nonacus technology with the     Both the Nonacus and Cambridge
Soilleux group’s novel algorithm on    University teams are confident that
duodenal biopsy material we will       their approach will yield a test that
quickly move onto evaluating the       is less likely to miss a diagnosis of
technologies applicability to blood    coeliac disease and will remove the
samples.                               uncertainty seen with current test
The outcome of this grant is to        methods.
develop a non invasive coeliac
disease diagnostic test which we

                                       Figure 1 Damaged intestine -    Figure 2 Healthy intestine
                                       Coeliac disease

                                          Founder and Chief Technology
                                          Officer, Nandi Proteins Ltd

Project team                              and nutritional properties and
                                          manufacture dried powders on pilot
The Nandi Proteins led consortium         scale. The prototype ingredients
includes Genius Foods which               will be tested in model gluten free
develops and commercialises               recipes at SCFDI which contains
gluten free baking and breads, an         a sensory suite and development
ingredients business AB Mauri, an         kitchens. The optimised ingredients
agronomy firm Agrii and Heriot Watt       will be tested by AB Mauri and
University (HWU), Edinburgh which         Genius Foods in commercial gluten
will also collaborate with the Scottish   free recipes.
Centre for Food Development and
                                          Dr Lydia Campbell is the founder and
Innovation (SCFDI) also in Edinburgh.
                                          Chief Technology Officer of Nandi
The roles of the collaborators in         Proteins Ltd and will lead the project.
the project will be as follows: Agrii     She is also Associate Professor
will supply faba beans, oats and          in the School of Engineering and
rapeseed pressed cakes, Nandi             Physical Science at HWU. She
Proteins Ltd and HWU will extract         previously held positions for 10 years
protein, improve functionality            in product R&D at Nestlé Switzerland
using patented technology, test           and Germany.
the ingredients for storage stability

                                          Coeliac UK and Innovate UK grant holder


The Project                            this loss. Dairy and egg proteins
                                       are added for these reasons but are
Coeliac UK and Innovate UK have        expensive and potentially add to
together contributed ~£181k            allergenicity. Around 70% of plant
towards a £250k research project       proteins are imported into Europe
aimed at developing gluten             in the form of soy. Replacement
replacements from UK grown crops.      by locally sourced plant proteins
                                       would address a key dietary need
We plan to design a unique formula     while lowering manufacturing
of three ingredients consisting        costs and simplifying supply
of protein extract from rapeseed       chain management and securing
pressed caked, naked oats and          feedstock supply.
faba bean as a gluten replacer in
bread. These crops are currently       Bakery is the largest sector of GF
grown in the UK, but underutilised.    products, which reached sales of
The functionality of the ingredients   €1.5 billion in the past decade.
will be tailored by innovative         Faba beans (30% protein) are the
processing technology which will       major beans grown in the UK but are
lead to development of gluten free     underutilised for human food. Naked
breads with improved nutrient          oats contain more protein than
profiles and desired sensory and       hulled oats (20% vs 10%) and are
texture characteristics. New bread     a small crop in the UK. Rapeseed
formulations and ingredients           pressed cake (RPPC) contains 30-
will be tested by two industrial       40% protein. The UK produced 2.38
partners in their gluten free (GF)     million tonnes of rapeseed in 2017.
bread range. This aligns with          After the oil has been pressed out,
Coeliac UK’s strategy to target food   approximately 1.48 million tons
manufacturers to increase the range    of RPPC remains, which is used
of foods which are gluten free.        as animal feed. The development
                                       of new markets with protein
A GF diet is currently the only        concentrates from these feedstocks
treatment for coeliac disease. GF      could significantly improve the
foods usually have lower protein       quality of life of people with coeliac
concentrations eg GF bread has 30%     disease whilst adding value to the
less protein than standard breads,     entire UK (bio) economy.
indicating the need to compensate

                                        Managing Director,
                                        Cievert Ltd

Project team                            Consultant Gastroenterologist
                                        and Honorary Professor of
Cievert is a digital health company     Gastroenterology.
based in Newcastle, with offices
                                        Matt’s research interests are in small
in London. They specialise in
                                        bowel disease and clinical nutrition,
developing innovative software
                                        with outputs predominantly in coeliac
for the health sector, working in
                                        disease and gastrostomy feeding.
partnership with the NHS to develop
their solutions.                        In coeliac disease Matt’s work
                                        has focused on detection, using
Established in 2011 by Chris
                                        differing endoscopic techniques
Kennelly, a former NHS radiographer,
                                        and point of care tests. Matt Is
Cievert software can now be found
                                        now examining the autoimmune
in NHS Trusts across the UK. In fact,
                                        association between coeliac disease
their software has helped manage
                                        and Type 1 diabetes, and also
over 100,000 patients to date. Chris
                                        investigating the overlap with non
has also previously worked within
                                        coeliac gluten sensitivity. In 2016,
NHS commissioning leading on
                                        he was awarded the Julie Wallace
regional capacity planning within
                                        Award by the Nutrition Society for
                                        his contributions to this field.
The Penguin Coeliac clinical model
will be developed and tested by
Dr Matt Kurien, Senior Clinical
Lecturer in Gastroenterology
and Honorary Consultant
Gastroenterologist and Prof Sanders,

                                        Coeliac UK and Innovate UK grant holder


The Project                              Cievert’s software, Penguin, to
                                         remotely monitor how patients are
Despite national and international       living with their coeliac disease and
guidelines advocating follow up          automatically use this information to
of coeliac disease, there remains        tailor clinical need to the individual.
significant differences in how           Secondly, using this improved data
individuals are supported and            collection to help better identify
followed up. For example, some           those responding to a gluten free
patients have regular follow up          diet, without the need for invasive
consultations with their GPs, others     biopsies of the gut.
see gastroenterologists or dietitians,   The result will be that patients
and others have no follow up at all.     requiring support are identified more
Ideally, long term care should be        quickly and those that are doing
tailored to the individual need of the   fine receive reassurance without
patient. Some patients will adapt        unnecessarily consuming finite
well to the dietary modification and     clinical resource.
require minimal ongoing support          If you are a gastroenterologist
or care, whilst others may require       and interested in being part of this
significantly greater intervention.      project and trialling the use of this
This project has two broad aims.         software please contact Chris:
Firstly, to improve how coeliac
patients are followed up by using



Entries to the Coeliac UK Research Conference 2019
poster competition.

There is a £500 prize for the best poster. The lead author may use the prize
money to help pay towards attendance at an international event to increase
dissemination of their research. The winner of our poster competition will be
announced at the end of the conference.


Marks L1, Rej A, Kurien M, Rees M, Cross S, Hadjivassiliou M, Sanders DS

University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK1

Abstract                                  Method
                                          Newly diagnosed CD patients
Introduction                              were prospectively recruited from
Coeliac disease (CD) is common, but       the Coeliac Specialist Clinic at
is underdiagnosed in the elderly due      the Royal Hallamshire Hospital,
to lack of physician awareness and        Sheffield, between 2008 and 2017.
heterogeneity of presentation. We         All patients had villous atrophy on
aimed to establish whether there has      biopsy, positive coeliac serology
been a change in the diagnosis of         (IgA tissue transglutaminase and
CD in the elderly (over 65 years old)     IgA endomysial antibodies) and
from 1990 until present day, as well      compatible Human Leukocyte
as the clinical and histopathological     Antigen (HLA) typing. Additionally,
features of CD in old versus young        patients were retrospectively
adults.                                   identified from 1990 to 2008 to
                                          determine the trend in elderly CD
                                          diagnostic frequency over time.

Results                                             1.02:1 in the over 65 age group
1605 patients with CD were recruited                (p < 0.001). Younger patients more
(n = 644 prospectively, n = 961                     commonly presented with fatigue
retrospectively). Of these, 208                     (p < 0.001) and gastrointestinal
patients (13.0%) were diagnosed                     symptoms including diarrhoea
over the age of 65 years between                    (p = 0.005), abdominal pain
1990 and 2017. The proportion of                    (p = 0.019), and IBS type symptoms
elderly CD diagnoses increased from                 (p = 0.008). Older people more
0% (n = 0/11) in 1990-1991 to 18.7%                 frequently presented with B12
(n = 41/232) in 2016-2017 (p < 0.001).              deficiency (p = 0.037) and had milder
The female to male ratio decreased                  degrees of villous atrophy than
with increasing diagnostic age from                 younger patients (p = 0.005).
1.71:1 in the 18 - 34 age group to

Table 1 Association between clinical features at presentation and age of coeliac disease diagnosis

                          Prevalence                   Age (years)
                           in overall
                          prospective        18-34        35-64          >65          p value
                           cohort %            %            %             %
                           (n = 644)       (n = 258)    (n = 287)      (n = 99)

                               24.9          31.8          23.0         12.1

Chetcuti Zammit S1, Sanders DS, Sidhu R

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK1

Abstract                                 Method
                                         Patients with newly diagnosed
Introduction                             CD (villous atrophy on duodenal
The relationship between                 histology and positive CD serology)
symptomatology, serology and             were recruited. Patients underwent
findings on small bowel capsule          a SBCE at the time of diagnosis.
endoscopy (SBCE) in patients with        Information on SBCE was recorded.
coeliac disease (CD) remains unclear.    Signs and symptoms at presentation,
Clarifying such associations will help   serological markers, histological
determine if symptoms and serology       classification of disease in the
can predict severity and extent of       duodenum were noted.
disease on SBCE.

Results                                   Discussion
Sixty patients with newly diagnosed       This is the largest study on newly
CD (mean age 44.9 years SD ±              diagnosed CD and SBCE. Older
17.4, 17 - 76) were included in this      patients are likely to have more
study. Older patients (p = 0.025)         extensive disease on SBCE at
and patients presenting with iron         diagnosis. Symptoms and serology
deficiency anaemia (p = 0.026) had        had no impact on the findings on
more extensive small bowel (SB)           SBCE apart from weight loss and iron
involvement. Patients presenting          deficiency anaemia.
with weight loss were more likely
to have SB involvement beyond the
duodenum (p = 0.027). Patients
presenting with iron deficiency
anaemia (p = 0.038) and weight loss
(p = 0.009) were significantly older at
diagnosis. Serum albumin was lower
in those patients diagnosed later on
in life (p = 0.007).
There was no significant association
between anti-tissue transglutaminase
antibody (p = 0.396) and extent of
affected SB mucosa.
Patients with more severe Marsh
classification of disease on histology
from the duodenal bulb had more
extensive SB involvement (p = 0.017).


Chetcuti Zammit S1, McAlindon ME, Ellul P, Rondonotti E,
Carretero C, Sanders DS, Sidhu R

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK1

Abstract                                Method
                                        This was a European, multicentre
Introduction                            study that included five expert
Flexible spectral imaging colour        capsule reviewers who were asked
enhancement (FICE) is a form of         to evaluate a number of normal
virtual chromoendoscopy that is         and abnormal de-identified images
incorporated in the capsule reading     from SBCE of patients with CD to
software and that can be used by        determine whether the use of FICE
reviewers to enhance the delineation    and blue light can improve the
of lesions in the small bowel. This     detection of CD related changes.
has been shown to be useful in the
detection of pigmented (ulcers,
angioectasias) lesions. However, its
application to coeliac disease (CD)
images from small bowel capsule
endoscopies (SBCE) has rarely been

Results                                  Discussion
Sensitivity and specificity of           FICE and blue light were not found
conventional white light in the          to be superior to conventional
delineation of CD related changes        white light in the delineation of
were 100%. The next best image           macroscopic changes related to CD
modification was FICE 1 with a           on SBCE.
sensitivity of 88% and a specificity
of 96%. There was no difference
between conventional white
light, FICE and blue light for the
identification of CD related changes.
There was a low agreement (Fleiss
Kappa 0.107; p = 0.147) between
expert reviewers in selecting the best
image modification that detected CD
related changes.


Chetcuti Zammit S1, Sanders DS, Sidhu R

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK1

Abstract                                Results
                                        A total of 80 patients (68.8% females,
Introduction                            56.3% newly diagnosed) with CD were
Osteoporosis is an established          included. Mean age of the patients
complication of coeliac disease (CD).   was 48.3 years ±17.3.
Adherence to a gluten free diet is
important for the small bowel (SB)      Mean anti-tissue transglutaminase
to heal and to improve calcium and      antibody was 53.9 ± 65.4 at the time
vitamin D absorption, both of which     of SBCE. Anti-endomysial antibody
are important in bone formation and     was positive in 49 patients (61.3%) at
repair.                                 SBCE. Patients had a mean calcium
                                        of 2.35 ± 0.079 mmol/l and mean
Method                                  vitamin D of 58.1 ± 26.0 nmol/l. A
Patients with histologically proven     significant number of patients had
CD were recruited. Small bowel          deficient (44%) and insufficient (32%)
capsule endoscopy (SBCE) was            vitamin D levels.
carried out within two months of
obtaining duodenal histology. BMD
was carried out within 12 months
of SBCE.

Patients had the following BMD                     CD (T score lumbar spine p = 0.013, T
results: 42 patients (53.2%) normal,               score total hipp = 0.048, overall score
28 patients (35.4%) osteopenia, 9                  p = 0.019).
patients (11.4%) osteoporosis.
                                                   Extent of abnormal SB mucosa
In patients with newly diagnosed                   on SBCE correlated with BMD
CD, age at SBCE correlated inversely               parameters. Percentage of abnormal
with BMD (T score lumbar spine                     SB mucosa correlated with BMD at
p = 0.022, T score total hip p < 0.001,            the lumbar spine and T score at the
overall score p < 0.001). This was                 spine (Table 1).
also true in patients with established

Table 1 Association between clinical features at presentation and age of coeliac disease diagnosis

                              Total SB transit     % length of abnormal SB    % time without villi
                            Pearson                 Pearson                   Pearson
                                         p value                 p value                   p value
                           correlation             correlation               correlation
 BMD lumbar spine
                              0.150       0.214      -0.239       0.044           /        < 0.001
 BMD total hip g/cm2         -0.155       0.183      -0.202       0.080        -0.168      0.226
 T score lumbar spine         0.150       0.223      -0.254       0.035           /        < 0.001
 T score total hip           -0.186       0.115      -0.197       0.093        -0.169      0.237
                                          0.809                   0.376                    0.378
 Calcium mmol/L               0.082       0.491      -0.064       0.589        0.088       0.540
 Vitamin D nmol/L            -0.004       0.977      -0.138       0.269        0.361       0.014

This is the first study that demonstrates that extent of SB involvement
on SBCE corresponds to increased severity of BMD particularly in the
elderly. They should be treated aggressively to improve BMD and should be
monitored closely with regular repeat BMD.


Chetcuti Zammit S1, Kurien M, Sanders DS, Sidhu R

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK1

Abstract                                  Method
                                          One hundred patients with CD
Introduction                              and 200 controls were recruited.
Patients with established coeliac         All of these patients underwent
disease (CD) can present with             a SBCE because of symptoms,
recurrent symptoms requiring further      abnormal serology or a suspicion
investigations including small bowel      of complications. Extent of disease
capsule endoscopy (SBCE). There is        SBCE and SBT were studied in
paucity of data on the relationship       relation to symptomatology, serology
between the extent, severity of disease   and severity of histology from the
and small bowel transit (SBT) on          duodenum.
capsule endoscopy in relation to
histology, clinical and serological

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