Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations

Page created by Byron Fernandez
Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
Code of Business Conduct
Putting our business principles
into action and delivering
Information for Good®

Version 3.3
Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
© 2023 TransUnion LLC
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Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
Code of Business Conduct
Putting our business principles
into action and delivering
Information for Good®

Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
Table of contents
Message from Chris ...........................................................................................................7

Our values and beliefs .......................................................................................................9
         The beliefs that help us win....................................................................................................10
         We’re all responsible...............................................................................................................11
         Compliance with our Code of Business Conduct ....................................................................12
         Waivers ..................................................................................................................................12
         Reporting known or suspected violations ...............................................................................12
         Tips and guidelines .................................................................................................................13

Our customers and consumers ......................................................................................15
         Business relationships and customers ....................................................................................15
         Government business ............................................................................................................15
         Confidential information, assets, data breach and use of systems..........................................15
         Information privacy ...............................................................................................................16

Our company and stakeholders.......................................................................................19
         Antitrust, competition laws, fair dealing and fair lending ........................................................19
         Bribes, inducements, kickbacks and payoffs...........................................................................20
         Anti-corruption laws.............................................................................................................20
         Gifts, entertainment and meals .............................................................................................20
         Anti-money laundering laws...................................................................................................21
         Conflicts of interest and business opportunities....................................................................22
         Insider trading.......................................................................................................................22
         Investor communication and bookkeeping, record keeping and documentation......................23
         External communications .......................................................................................................24
         Interacting with auditors and investigators ............................................................................24

Our people......................................................................................................................27
         Diversity and inclusion ...........................................................................................................27

Our community................................................................................................................29
         Human and labor rights..........................................................................................................29
         Community relations .............................................................................................................29
         Corporate social responsibility ..............................................................................................29

Getting help ....................................................................................................................31
         The TransUnion Helpline .........................................................................................................31

Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
6   |   Code of Business Conduct   Return to Table of Contents
Code of Business Conduct - Putting our business principles into action and delivering - TransUnion Investor Relations
Message from Chris
Our Code of Business Conduct ensures all associates, officers and board
members have the guidance to act in a manner consistent with our values.
We are committed to ethical and law-abiding decision-making and behaviors,
and steadfast in our efforts to embody Information for Good®. The Code
is the standard by which we operate with each other, our consumers,
customers, vendors and business partners; it underpins our brand promise.
Everyone at TransUnion is required to affirm the Code annually. This act
of compliance is necessary to create awareness, but we need to go beyond
compliance to conviction. Our actions should reflect the behaviors and
expectations captured in the Code. It’s vital that we’re well-informed,
review the Code on a frequent basis, and rededicate ourselves to acting
in accordance with our values and beliefs. This results in a team committed to
ethical and law-abiding conduct with integrity in every aspect of our business.
Thank you for your personal commitment to keep TransUnion and our
stakeholders at the forefront of your decisions so that we may all have
continued success.


Chris Cartwright
President and CEO

8   |   Code of Business Conduct   Return to Table of Contents
Our values and beliefs
The Code of Business Conduct is the cornerstone for how we work. The Code
reflects our belief in doing business the right way — the affirmation of Information
for Good®. We believe in operating with the highest ethical standards in everything
we do. We treat information responsibly. This is the foundation of every decision we
make, and the way we interact with each other, consumers, our customers, vendors
and business partners.
Several years ago, TransUnion undertook an extensive effort to understand from
associates what they believed was most important to the company. The resulting
list of qualities led to the values and beliefs we operate under today.

At TransUnion, we value:

              Integrity                                      People
              We act with honesty, trust and                 We recognize each of us is
              respect in all our interactions                essential to our success.
              and everything we do.

              Customers                                      Innovation
              We earn trust and build                         We aspire to deliver
              lasting relationships by                        tomorrow’s solutions today.
              delivering what we promise.
The beliefs that help us win

         I own it                                    I act decisively
                                                    & get things done
             We hold ourselves                         We make timely, informed
           and others accountable.                      and clear decisions. We
          We own our successes and                     move with speed and agility
                                                        to get things done and
           learn from our failures.
                                                            deliver results.

         I think like                                 I innovate
         a customer                                  and inspire
     We put ourselves in our customer’s               We bring new ideas to our work and
      shoes so we can anticipate their               inspire others to do the same. We’re
     needs and be ready with solutions.              a catalyst for change and willing to
         Their goals are our goals.                 act on our ideas to move the company
                                                             forward and upward.

               I make a
              difference                              I say what
             and so do you                          I need to say
             We embrace our diversity and                  We engage in and
         recognize the value and contribution
                                                         embrace candid, direct
         of each individual. We’re part of a team
          and understand how our own work               communication, as well as
          contributes to our wins and losses.          honest and healthy debate.

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•   Answer associates’ questions about TransUnion
We’re all responsible                                            policies and, when in doubt about the right course of
                                                                 action, seek advice and guidance from your manager.
TransUnion’s Code of Business Conduct applies to all
associates, officers and board members of TransUnion         •   Never condone any conduct or activity that may
and its subsidiaries (noting that compliance with this           raise questions about TransUnion’s honesty, integrity
Code is subject to other governing documents and                 or compliance with legal standards.
agreements of TransUnion). We expect consultants,            •   Encourage everyone in our organization to voice
contractors and others temporarily working for                   concerns when they come up.
TransUnion to follow the principles outlined in this         •   Report Code violations you’re aware of to your
document during the time they perform work for us.               manager, Human Resources Representative,
                                                                 Legal Department, or the Helpline. If you have
Being a TransUnion associate means that you:                     knowledge of misconduct, you may be held
•   Uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.             responsible for failing to take appropriate
    This means being professional and respectful when            action.
    performing your TransUnion responsibilities. You         •   Implement appropriate disciplinary procedures after
    should be honest in every business communication.            a confirmed code violation occurs with oversight
    You shouldn’t endorse or participate in activities           from Human Resources.
    that may embarrass TransUnion or lead to negative
    publicity about us or our customers.
•   Read, understand and follow all TransUnion
    policies which include not only this Code of             Did you
    Business Conduct but all policies, procedures
    and standards that apply to your TransUnion
    responsibilities. As a condition of employment,
    each year you’re required to formally attest
    to your compliance with this Code.
                                                                  The Board of Directors of
•   Conduct business in full compliance with
    the letter and spirit of all laws, rules, regulatory
                                                                  TransUnion periodically reviews
    orders and court orders that apply to TransUnion.             our Code of Business Conduct.
                                                                  This includes confirming our
In addition, if you’re a manager,                                 managers are providing the
that means you’re expected to:                                    appropriate “tone at the top”
•   Know the Code and promote a culture of ethical                to encourage compliance
    business conduct.
                                                                  with this Code, TransUnion
•   Support your staff in locating all TransUnion policies        policies and legal standards.
    and confirm they read and understand them.

Our legal standards require you to                           TransUnion policies include this
conduct business in full compliance                          Code of Business Conduct, as well
with the letter and spirit of all laws,                      as various policies, procedures and
rules, regulations and court orders that                     standards adopted at the enterprise
apply to TransUnion.                                         and business unit levels.
These legal standards may be reflected                       You can find all Compliance policies
in TransUnion policies, information                          on the Compliance web page of
described to you by your manager, or                         TransUnion’s intranet website.
information discussed with you by our
                                                             You can also ask your manager or
Legal Department.
                                                             a Human Resources manager for
                                                             copies of applicable policies.
Compliance with our
                                                  Code of Business Conduct
         If you have questions about your job     You’re expected to use good judgment and abide
                                                  by this Code of Business Conduct and all company
         responsibilities, laws or applicable     policies and procedures.
         TransUnion policies, discuss them        If you violate this Code or any company policies
         with your manager.                       and procedures by, among other things, failing to
                                                  report a known or suspected violation, by withholding
                                                  information relating to a violation, or authorizing or
         If you feel uncomfortable talking with   knowingly allowing a subordinate to be in violation:
         your manager, you should call the        •   You may expose yourself and TransUnion to civil,
         TransUnion Helpline.                         criminal or financial liability.
                                                  •   You could harm TransUnion’s reputation and
                                                      competitive position.
                                                  •   You may be subject to disciplinary action,
                                                      up to and including possible termination
                                                      and/or criminal prosecution.

                                                  Only the Board of Directors or the Audit and
           Remember, you’ll receive               Compliance Committee of the Board of Directors
           annual training on the                 may provide you a waiver of this Code. All such
           Code as well as other                  waivers must be promptly disclosed publicly as
                                                  required by law or applicable stock exchange
           policies. You’re required              regulation. For all others, only TransUnion’s Chief
           to acknowledge you                     Legal Officer may approve a waiver.
           read, understand and will
           comply with the Code.                  Reporting known
                                                  or suspected violations
                                                  Associates must promptly report any possible non-
                                                  compliance with this Code. In addition, they must
                                                  promptly report:
                                                  •   Any questionable accounting, internal
                                                      accounting controls or auditing matters
                                                  •   Any possible non-compliance with applicable
                                                      legal and regulatory requirements
                                                  •   Any alleged retaliation against associates and
                                                      other persons who make a good faith report
                                                      under this Code
                                                  Reports may be made in any of the manners
                                                  described below. For additional guidance, you can
                                                  read the Board of Directors’ Whistleblower Policy.

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Tips and guidelines
When faced with a situation where you have a concern,        You may report or inquire
keep these steps in mind:
                                                             about suspected violations
1.   Make sure you have all the facts. To the best of
     your knowledge, you must provide as much detail         in confidence and without
     and factual information as possible.                    fear of retaliation.
2.   Understand exactly what you’re being asked to do.
     Does it seem right? Or does it seem unethical or        Your anonymity will be
     improper? Use your judgment and common sense.           protected to the fullest extent
3.   Clarify your responsibility and role. Are your          possible if you contact the
     co-workers and colleagues informed? Is there
     shared responsibility? It may help to get others        TransUnion Helpline.
     involved and discuss the problem.
4.   Discuss the problem with your manager.
                                                             TransUnion will not permit
     This is basic for all situations. It’s your manager’s   retaliation of any kind against
     responsibility to help solve problems. If for some      you for asking questions or
     reason your manager is not helpful, you should
     contact the TransUnion Helpline.                        reporting, in good faith,
5.   Seek help from other TransUnion resources. If           possible violations of this
     you feel you cannot discuss the matter with your        Code of Business Conduct.
     manager, discuss it with your Human Resources
     representative or someone from TransUnion’s
     Legal Department. They’ll make sure you obtain
     the guidance you need. Ignoring the issue is not
     an acceptable option.

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Our customers and consumers
Our values and beliefs are at the core of how we work together, and honoring them
is critical in maintaining our business commitments and are an important part of
TransUnion’s success. We do what we say we’ll do. We provide services that we believe
meet – or exceed — the expectations of consumers and our customers.

Business relationships                                 Confidential information,
and customers                                          assets, data breach and
It’s important to preserve our values and beliefs      use of systems
when selecting where and with whom we do
business. This includes our customers and all          Protecting information is our top priority, and
third parties who help us meet the needs of those      everyone at TransUnion has a responsibility to
customers, as well as consumers. We want to work       protect the privacy and security of our assets.
with individuals and companies that share our          Information is a key asset to our business and
commitment to ethical business conduct.                competitive position.
We comply with all the terms and conditions of our     You’re not authorized to access TransUnion’s
agreements with our customers, vendors, suppliers,     confidential information, sensitive company
agents and other third parties. We expect them to      information, or personal information relating
do the same.                                           to associates, customers or consumers if it
                                                       doesn’t relate to your employment duties. You
If you become aware there’s been or is about to be
                                                       should never share proprietary information about
a violation of any agreement entered into by or with
                                                       TransUnion, our customers, consumers or any
TransUnion, you should immediately notify your
                                                       other third-parties with anyone outside or within
manager. In turn, your manager must then advise
                                                       TransUnion who is not authorized to receive that
the TransUnion Legal Department
                                                       information, including spouses, friends, business
                                                       associates, customers and vendors.
Government business                                    You may only use TransUnion’s computer network,
                                                       email system, materials, ideas, products, services
Special rules and obligations apply to business        and property for purposes directly related
arrangements with governmental authorities or          to our business. You’re required to keep all
agencies.                                              passwords associated with that equipment and
Government authorities or agencies include             our computer systems confidential at all times
government sources, state-owned banks,                 and in accordance with our Information
telecommunication providers or other types             Security program.
of service providers.                                  Your use must also comply with applicable
You shouldn’t make an offer or respond to a            TransUnion policies and legal standards. Assets,
proposal to do business with a governmental            including data in the possession of TransUnion,
authority or agency unless your manager has            must never be used, removed, transferred or
authorized and received prior approval of the          borrowed unless your manager and Information
transaction from TransUnion’s Legal Department.        Security, Legal or Compliance have approved it
                                                       and it’s compliant with TransUnion policies.
Your use of TransUnion’s computer systems is at         You’re strictly prohibited from:
the sole discretion of TransUnion. You should secure    •   Providing personal information about another
and protect all computers and telecommunications            individual to a person without a legitimate
equipment like cell phones, wireless email devices          purpose and proper authorization to receive it
and laptops assigned to you.
                                                        •   Obtaining or modifying a consumer report or
You must follow all TransUnion policies, security           information from that report in violation of
measures and internal controls for computer                 applicable laws or TransUnion policy
and communication systems, including portable
                                                        •   Aiding any person to obtain or modify consumer
electronic devices, laptops, telephones, and other
                                                            information, products or services offered by
storage devices provided by TransUnion or used in
                                                            TransUnion unless in compliance with applicable
connection with its business.
                                                            laws and TransUnion policies and procedures

         Can I? Send myself company files to            Did you
         my personal email account so I can             know?
         review them later?

         No. The use of personal email
                                                             TransUnion often monitors
         accounts for sending and receiving                  computer systems, including
         TransUnion business emails is                       email and voicemail, to ensure
         prohibited. See the Information                     compliance with TransUnion
         Security Department Policy and their                policies.
         intranet page to learn more.
                                                             For additional information,
                                                             refer to the TransUnion Policy
                                                             and Agreement Forms found
Information privacy                                          on The Hub.
TransUnion is committed to complying with
applicable privacy and data protection laws because
protecting the privacy of personal information is the
right thing to do.
Failure to properly protect the privacy and security
of personal information may affect TransUnion’s             What if? I learn about a potential data
performance, value and reputation. It may also
damage our consumer and business relationships              issue, like improper use or access of
and result in legal liability.                              consumer data. What should I do?
You must comply with TransUnion policies,
procedures and legal standards when handling
consumer personal information. Contact                      You must immediately notify your
TransUnion’s Compliance Department if you’re not            manager. He or she will then notify The
sure how to handle data protection and privacy
                                                            Data Incident Response Team. To learn
                                                            more about reporting a data issue, read
                                                            Compliance Policy Statement LRC 245 –
                                                            Enterprise Issue Management.

16   |   Code of Business Conduct                                               Return to Table of Contents
Protecting TransUnion is everyone’s
job. If you have concerns about an
issue at TU, such as data security,
privacy, employee safety, ethical
behavior or any other risk, Speak up!
Questions about the Issue
Management Program can be emailed
If you wish to remain anonymous, you
may use the TransUnion Helpline to
report the incident, see list of phone
numbers in Getting Help section.

                                        You can report
                                        ethics concerns
                                        anonymously via
                                        the web helpline.

18   |   Code of Business Conduct   Return to Table of Contents
Our company and stakeholders
Our values and beliefs not only guide our actions with customers and consumers,
they are core in how we manage our company and deliver value to our stakeholders.
As a successful business, we all have an interest in protecting the company. We
strive for financial success by growing our business and making a reasonable profit.
We implement controls to manage our risks and create reliable records. And we
maintain open communication with our investors and keep them apprised of all
material developments.

Antitrust, competition laws,                           In addition, we are firmly committed to ensuring
                                                       our financial institution customers are confident in
fair dealing and fair lending                          their ability to make lending decisions based on the
                                                       information provided by TransUnion. TransUnion’s
                                                       products and services are used by creditors subject to
TransUnion seeks to outperform our competition
                                                       fair lending laws. These laws protect individuals from
fairly and honestly. It’s our responsibility to
                                                       discrimination in the lending process.
understand our customers’ requirements
and satisfy them by offering quality services
at competitive terms and prices.                       You must not:
Competition and antitrust laws regulate dealings       •   Discuss or enter into any understanding with
with competitors, customers, distributors and              competitors concerning prices, production limits,
other third parties. All TransUnion team members           products, services, customers or territories.
must understand how competition and antitrust          •   Discuss or enter into any understanding with
laws affect their daily work. You must fully and           competitors regarding the boycotting of certain
consistently comply with applicable competition            customers, industries, competitors or suppliers.
and antitrust laws.
                                                       •   Use trade secret or proprietary information of
These laws prohibit agreements with a competitor to        another company to win customers.
set any terms of sale (such as prices, discounts and
credit terms) and limit the information TransUnion     •   Induce past or present employees of other
can share with competitors. Because of these risks,        companies to share proprietary information with you.
you’re prohibited from discussing competitive          •   Make disparaging comments about the products,
matters with any competitors without prior                 services or actions of any of TransUnion’s
authorization from TransUnion’s Legal Department.          competitors.

What is Antitrust?

Antitrust generally refers to laws                     Violations of these laws can carry stiff
established to protect trade and                       criminal penalties as well as civil fines.
commerce from unlawful restraint
                                                       For more information about antitrust and
and monopolies or unfair business
                                                       competition laws, read the TransUnion
                                                       publication Guide to Antitrust and
Such laws exist to preserve a fair                     Competitive Laws that’s available on
and competitive economy.                               TransUnion’s intranet website.
Did you
                                                             What is bribery?
                                                             Bribery is the offer, promise,
                                                             giving, demanding or acceptance
     If you wish to enter into an                            of an advantage as an inducement
     activity with any competitor,                           for an action which is illegal,
     you must obtain your                                    unethical, a breach of trust,
     manager’s approval and the
                                                             or improper performance
     approval of TransUnion’s Legal
                                                             of a function or activity.
     Department in advance.

It’s our policy to treat all consumers fairly
based on legitimate business factors necessary
                                                       Bribes, inducements,
to evaluate creditworthiness, without regard
to protected characteristics. In the United
                                                       kickbacks and payoffs
States, fair lending laws define these protected       All associates, board members, officers, third parties,
characteristics as race or color, religion, national   representatives or agents of TransUnion must
origin, sex, marital status, age, income derived       conduct business on its behalf honestly and without
from any public assistance program, or exercise of     the use of bribery, inducement or corrupt practices
a consumer’s rights under law.                         in order to gain an unfair advantage. TransUnion has
It’s illegal for creditors, using any information      a zero tolerance policy toward these practices and
obtained, to discriminate against an applicant         is committed to only the highest levels of openness,
based on protected characteristics in all aspects      integrity and accountability.
of a credit transaction.
                                                       Anti-corruption laws
                                                       TransUnion must comply with all anti-bribery and anti-
                                                       corruption laws of the countries and nations in which
                                                       we operate. When acting for or on behalf of TransUnion,
    What are Fair                                      you must not:

    Lending Laws?                                      •   Make, promise, offer or deliver any donation, gift,
                                                           favor, payment, contribution or other gratuity
                                                           to an official or employee of any government or
    Fair Lending Laws are federal                          governmental agency, or any person seeking public
    laws protecting consumers
                                                       •   Make any indirect payments to organizations
    from unfair, discriminatory and                        associated with such employee, official or person.
    predatory lending practices.                           For example, you cannot make indirect payments
                                                           through attorney fees, sales commissions, political
    Fair Lending Laws prohibit                             committees or parties, or consultant fees.
    discrimination against an                          You’re permitted to make legally-required payments,
                                                       such as fees for licenses, permits or other official
    individual or group of people                      expenses required by law or regulation to do business.
    based upon one or more                             However, prior to authorizing any such payment, you
    protected characteristics.                         should confirm with your manager that the payment
                                                       has been approved by the TransUnion Accounting
                                                       You should contact your local Legal Department for
                                                       guidance if you’re unsure whether you might be dealing
                                                       with a government official, or have any other questions
                                                       on complying with anti-bribery laws. Always speak up
                                                       and report any suspected bribery activity.
Gifts, entertainment and meals
You may give to or accept gifts or entertainment
from customers or vendors only if they’re ordinary,
reasonable and of limited value, and consistent with
TU policy.
Such gifts or entertainment must not violate any legal
standards or generally accepted ethical standards,
including the standards of the recipient’s organization   You may support your selected political
You may be a guest or host for customary business         parties or candidates for public office
functions such as meals, provided they’re for a valid
business purpose and reasonable in cost.                  with your own funds, as long as you
You can find additional information in Compliance         don’t imply your action is on behalf of
Policy Statement LRC 226 – Gifts, Entertainment and       TransUnion.

                                                          You may not make a political contribution
                                                          with TransUnion’s funds or request
Anti-money laundering laws                                reimbursement from TransUnion for
TransUnion is committed to fully complying with all       a political contribution unless your
anti-money laundering laws and regulations. Money         manager has approved the contribution
laundering involves hiding the origin of unlawfully       and received prior approval from
gained money, such as through drug transactions,
bribery, terrorism or fraud. TransUnion conducts          TransUnion’s Legal Department.
business only with reputable customers, suppliers
and others involved in legitimate business activities,
with funds derived from legitimate sources. Steps for     Refer to Compliance Policy Statement
compliance include:                                       LRC 231—Political and Lobbying
•   Knowing your business partners: Where                 Activity for additional information.
    appropriate or required, conduct integrity
    assessments or ensure the party has been
    reviewed and approved to do business with
    TransUnion, and be generally familiar with their
    business practices
•   Monitoring financial activity: Observe and record
    transactions consistent with all established
    policies and procedures
•   Keeping complete records: Keep current,
    complete and accurate records of all business
•   Reporting any suspicious activity: Immediately
    alert TransUnion’s Legal Department of any
    suspicious activity
•   Cooperating fully with legal and regulatory
    authorities charged with enforcing anti-money
    laundering laws

Working with a relative or someone with whom you
Conflicts of interest and                                     have a personal relationship may cause a conflict
                                                              of interest. TransUnion may need to limit these
business opportunities                                        circumstances, therefore you must disclose to your
                                                              manager any relationship you have with another
A conflict of interest arises when your private
                                                              associate, contractor or consultant of TransUnion so
interest interferes (or appears to interfere) in
                                                              that TransUnion may review the matter.
any way with the interests of TransUnion or your
objectivity and effectiveness as a TransUnion team            Whether a conflict of interest exists isn’t
member. Because it impairs your ability to make               always clear. When in doubt, you should discuss
objective judgments, any conflict of interest —               the particular situation with your manager or
or even something that appears to be a conflict               TransUnion’s Legal Department.
of interest — should always be avoided. However,
if the conflict cannot be avoided, you must disclose
and have it approved by your manager and the                  Did you
TransUnion Human Resources Department.
In particular, you should not:
•        Use TransUnion’s property, information or your
         position for personal gain. An example is entering
         into any investment or business opportunity
         for yourself, family, friends or any business             You can find additional
         controlled by you, your family or friends, which
         you know about through your job at TransUnion.
                                                                   information about conflicts
                                                                   of interest in the Conflicts
•        Compete with TransUnion directly or indirectly
         for business opportunities, unless you’ve                 of Interest Legal Policy on
         disclosed the opportunity to your manager and             TransUnion’s intranet website.
         TransUnion’s Legal Department. You must also
         have been specifically advised by TransUnion’s
         Legal Department that TransUnion will not pursue
         that particular opportunity.

                                                              Insider trading
         What is a conflict                                   You must never trade in securities of TransUnion
         of interest?                                         or of one of its business partners or customers
                                                              based on material, non-public information learned
                                                              through your position with TransUnion.
         This occurs when your private                        U.S. securities laws prohibit trading on the basis
         interest interferes (or appears                      of material non-public information. If you have
                                                              access to material non-public information about
         to interfere) with interests of                      a company, including TransUnion, regardless of
         TransUnion, or otherwise affects                     its source, you’re not permitted to use or share
         your objectivity or effectiveness                    that information for your personal benefit. All
                                                              non-public information about TransUnion, its
         as a TransUnion team member.                         customers, suppliers, or joint venture parties
                                                              should be considered confidential information.
                                                              Trading in securities of these entities while in
                                                              possession of material non-public information,
You must report the existence or discovery of                 as well as being the source of that information for
any circumstances that constitute a conflict of               others who trade, may constitute illegal insider
interest or could create a potential conflict of              trading. Additional information regarding avoiding
interest, including any financial or other business           insider trading is available in Legal Department
relationship, transaction, arrangement, or other              Policy Statement LRC 247 – Insider Trading.
interest or activity with any of TransUnion’s suppliers,
customers, competitors or other persons.

22   |    Code of Business Conduct                                                     Return to Table of Contents
Investor communication and
bookkeeping, record keeping                                    The integrity of our business
                                                               requires we have accurate
and documentation                                              information in order to make
We’re committed to providing investors with full,              responsible business decisions.
fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure.
Therefore, the records, data and information owned,            For example, our accounting
used and managed by TransUnion must be truthful,
accurate and complete. You’re responsible for the              is based upon whether the
integrity of the information, reports and records under        supporting documents are
your control. It’s essential the integrity, accuracy and
reliability of TransUnion’s books, records and financial       truthful, accurate and complete.
statements be maintained to comply with all legal,
accounting, tax and other regulatory requirements.
Associates, who prepare, maintain or have custody of
TransUnion’s records and reports must ensure these         Did you know?
                                                           Examples of unacceptable practices include:
•   Accurately and fairly reflect, in reasonable detail,
                                                           • Backdating entries or transactions
    the assets and transactions of TransUnion
                                                           • Reporting revenue or expenses without
•   Are protected from loss or destruction                    supporting documentation
•   Are retained for specified periods of time             • Entering into unrecorded, special
    in accordance with TransUnion’s document                  or “off the books” transactions
    retention policy
•   Are maintained in confidence                           Important
All our books and records must:                            If you discover any inaccurate records, reports
•   Be maintained in reasonable detail
                                                           or documents — even if you didn’t create the item
                                                           — you must immediately inform your manager
•   Appropriately reflect our transactions                 or the TransUnion Helpline.
•   Conform to applicable legal standards
You’re responsible for the integrity of all records        You must obtain all necessary approvals before you or
and documents you create or maintain as part               someone under your supervision disburses or transfers
of your job responsibilities.                              any TransUnion funds or property.
                                                           You must always manage business records according to
                                                           our record retention policy and applicable legal standards.
You should not:
                                                           In the event you’re made aware of litigation or a
•   Misrepresent facts in any TransUnion                   governmental investigation and you have business records
    business document                                      in your possession that may relate to that litigation or
•   Falsify any financial or other records                 investigation, you must advise your manager. He or she
                                                           should then consult with TransUnion’s Legal Department
•   Bypass our system of internal controls
                                                           to determine the proper handling of those records.

•   Route all communication regarding business
Did you                                                           operations, results, plans, or prospects in relation
                                                                  to our business, competitors, customers, or
know?                                                             suppliers through the proper channels. Do not
                                                                  discuss these with any person associated with the
                                                                  media, any investment banking firm, any financial
                                                                  analyst, or regulator, unless that discussion
         Business records and                                     has been pre-approved by TransUnion’s Legal
         communications often become                              Department.
         public. You should avoid                             •   Review and comply with Communications Policy
                                                                  LRC 248 – Public Communications and
         exaggeration, derogatory                                 Compliance with Regulation FD.
         remarks, guesswork, and “joking”
         or “surly” characterizations of
         people, events and companies                         Interacting with auditors
         in any communication. This                           and investigators
         applies to email, voicemail,                         All interactions with auditors and investigators
         instant messaging, internal                          should be coordinated with management and the
         memos, formal reports and                            Legal and Compliance Department. It’s important
         even personal notebooks and                          to provide complete and accurate information when
                                                              communicating with:
         calendars. So remember, keep
                                                              •   Any auditors or investigators — internal
         your documents factual.                                  or external
                                                              •   Any governmental agency or official
                                                              There are laws that provide for severe criminal and
External communications                                       civil penalties for anyone who tries to improperly
                                                              influence, obstruct or impede a governmental agency
Since TransUnion is a global leader, you may be               in the performance of their official duties. Personnel
asked to comment as a representative of TransUnion            of government agencies may include auditors,
on industry initiatives, consumer matters or other            employees, agents or investigators doing work on
economic concerns. It’s critical our communications           behalf of such agencies.
with external audiences are managed in a                      On a periodic basis, you may be called upon to
coordinated way to ensure our messages are                    provide information for governmental or regulatory
accurate, consistent and timely. In addition, as a            filings. This responsibility will include certifying the
publicly traded company, TransUnion is prohibited             information you or your associates have provided is
from selectively disclosing material non-public               complete and accurate.
information.                                                  If called upon to provide this information, you’re
You should:                                                   expected to respond in a timely manner. Required
•        Refer all media inquiries directly to TransUnion’s   disclosure in the filings must be full, fair, accurate,
         Public Relations team.                               timely and understandable.

•        Have your manager, Corporate Communications
         and Legal pre-approve any articles, speeches or
         other materials you want to submit to the media
         or present at an industry or customer conference         For information about rules when
         or governmental hearing.
                                                                  engaging in online activities and social
•        Not disclose actions or activities relating to our
         business operations outside of TransUnion unless         media, refer to Compliance Policy
         that disclosure has been pre-approved by your            Statement LRC 185 - Online Activities
         manager, Corporate Communications and Legal.
                                                                  and Social Media.
         This includes communications made via
         social media.

24   |    Code of Business Conduct                                                       Return to Table of Contents
Engaging with
social media:

• Don’t post confidential
  information about our
• Don’t post confidential
  information about our
  consumers, customers,
  co-workers, business
  partners or vendors.
• Do not present yourself
  as a spokesperson for
• Clearly state any opinions
  you’ve expressed are
  your own.
• Be mindful of TransUnion’s
  corporate values and non-
  discrimination policies.
  Whether intentional or
  otherwise, your words
  reflect on TransUnion.

26   |   Code of Business Conduct   Return to Table of Contents
Our people
Our values and beliefs — designed by our people — have a clear application to our
workplace and how we treat one another every day. Each represents the way we hope
associates address their work product and their work environment, taking ownership
and pride in what they do.

Workplace                                                     Diversity and inclusion
At TransUnion, we have a shared responsibility in             We see diversity as a source of strength and know that
maintaining a safe, professional, productive, healthy and     it’s essential to our mission, innovation, and growth.
inclusive working environment. We believe that our ability    At TransUnion, we know that diversity helps us win.
to attract and retain talented associates positions us for    TransUnion is a place where everyone can be themselves,
success. That’s why we’re an equal opportunity employer,      and we enrich both our work and each other’s lives by
seek a diverse employee base, and provide appropriate         sharing our unique experiences and perspectives.
compensation opportunities and performance standards          We are an equal opportunity employer and are committed
that reflect our best efforts. We value the contributions     to treating all our employees and job applicants equally.
of all associates and do our part to foster the best          We promote equality and conduct business according
working environment.                                          to principles of social justice, respect and freedom of
TransUnion associates should:                                 expression. All supervisors and managers are responsible
•   Treat everyone with respect and dignity,                  for ensuring that policies of equal opportunity are applied
    being sensitive to the diverse beliefs and                at all times and that all procedures and practices are free
    backgrounds of others.                                    of discrimination. We appoint, train, develop and promote
                                                              employees on the basis of merit and ability alone.
•   Express yourself in a positive, polite and
    non-confrontational manner in both words                  We are committed to an inclusive workplace environment
    and gestures, and maintain appropriate dress              free from acts of discrimination and harassment, and we
    and hygiene standards.                                    strive to make all employment decisions based on job-
•   Comply with and support all management                    related qualifications without regard to race, color, sex,
    directives, and business unit and department              age, disability, medical condition, physical appearance,
    goals and objectives in the performance of your job.      marital status, national origin, ancestry, alienage or
    However, if you believe in good faith a directive, goal   citizenship status, pregnancy, ethnicity, religion/creed,
    or objective is in violation of this Code, you should     disability, genetic information, gender (including gender
    call the TransUnion Helpline as soon as possible.         identity or gender expression, or status as a transgender
                                                              person), sexual orientation, military or veteran status,
•   Not tolerate harassment, bullying, discrimination
                                                              marital or familial status, status as a victim of domestic
    or violence.
                                                              violence, stalking or sex offenses, or any other category
•   Not damage or misappropriate the property of              protected by applicable law (“protected characteristics”).
    TransUnion or our associates, customers or guests.
•   Read and adhere to this Code and all TransUnion
    policies relating to your job duties.
•   Promptly report any conduct that is unlawful,               TransUnion is committed to
    abusive, an actual or potential health or safety
    hazard or in violation of this Code                         a positive work environment.

                                                                Any behavior in conflict with maintaining
                                                                a safe, healthy, non-discriminatory, non-
    For additional guidance, you can read
                                                                violent, alcohol-free, drug-free, crime-
    the TransUnion Harassment Policy                            free environment will not be tolerated.
    and Workplace Violence Policy in
    TransUnion’s handbook.
28   |   Code of Business Conduct   Return to Table of Contents
Our community
Finally, our values and beliefs carry out into our community. We encourage employee
involvement in community programs and socially responsible activities. We are
sensitive to culture and needs of all local communities in which we have a presence.
We support efforts that promote education and economic well-being in communities
where we work.

              Human and                         Community                           Corporate social
              labor rights                      relations                           responsibility

We’re committed to respecting     At TransUnion, being a good          For us it’s clear that it’s not
and preserving human rights,      corporate citizen means giving       enough to be a good investment,
not only for our associates but   back to the communities where        we are committed to being a
for the communities in which      we operate. Our Community            good corporate citizen. We
we operate. In our Human and      Program, called GoodWorks@TU,        encourage you to read our annual
Labor Rights Policy, we adopt     focuses on the ways in which we      Corporate Social Responsibility
international human, labor and    believe we can most meaningfully     report (
development standards as the      give back. We encourage you to       for information on the work
baseline for how we operate       read our annual Corporate Social     TransUnion is doing to support
our business. Furthermore, we     Responsibility report (transunion.   communities all over the world.
underscore this commitment        com/csr) for information on
with regular trainings for        the work TransUnion is doing in
associates on relevant human      communities all over the world.
and labor rights issue areas.

TransUnion as a company funds                         activities, you’re encouraged to
and supports a variety of community-                  participate and make a difference.
based activities that make a difference
                                                      TransUnion recognizes participating in
in people’s lives. One example is its
                                                      these types of volunteer programs and
participation in programs that promote
                                                      activities enriches the lives of associates.
financial literacy, empowering people to
                                                      TransUnion provides paid time off to
make smart financial choices.
                                                      eligible associates who participate in a
TransUnion also periodically sponsors                 qualifying volunteer program or activity.
regionally focused volunteer opport-                  Charitable matching gift programs are
unities throughout the year. Whatever                 also available in select regions.
way you choose to volunteer, either
through a company-sponsored event                     See Accounting SOP 703 – Charitable
or as an individual in neighborhood                   Contributions for further information.
30   |   Code of Business Conduct   Return to Table of Contents
Getting help
Often, the right thing to do is obvious. At other times, a situation may seem complex or
unusual and we may be unsure about how to proceed. If you have a concern, please
speak up immediately. Not only do we have a duty to do so, it allows us to quickly gain
clarity and avoid potential problems. If something has gone wrong, it gives us an
opportunity to investigate and correct it.

The TransUnion Helpline                                     •   Trinidad & Tobago: 1-833-224-0172
Non-TransUnion personnel staff the helpline 24 hours        •   UK 0800 915 1571 or
day, 7 days a week. They’ll document your issue and             +44 (0) 800 915 1571 if dialing from outside the UK
forward it to TransUnion Global Compliance for
investigation and resolution.
1.Step 1: An automated voice in English will indicate the
  phone line is owned by ComplianceLine (Safecall in
  the UK).                                                   You may also file a report through the web
2.Step 2: Remain on the line and a live operator will        at
3. Step 3: If you need a translator – please request one.

The access codes by country are:                            Should you wish to contact TransUnion’s
                                                            Legal Department, Information Security
•   U.S. & Canada: 844-691-8137
                                                            Department or Human Resources
•   U.S. Virgin Islands: 844-691-8137                       Department regarding a Code of Business
                                                            Conduct matter and you don’t know who
•   Brazil: 0-800-900-0197                                  to call, please contact the TransUnion
•   Chile: 800-914-037                                      Helpline.
•   Colombia: 01-800-518-9496
                                                            Leave your name, contact information and
•   Costa Rica: 0800-542-5564                               the department you’d like to speak with.
•   Dominican Republic: 1-849-936-1370
                                                            A representative from that department
•   El Salvador: 503-2113-8404                              will be in touch with you as soon as
•   Germany: 08001803962                                    possible.
•   Guatemala (Claro): +502-2458-1826
•   Honduras: 800-2791-9423
•   Hong Kong: 800 906 155
•   India: 000-800-9191-223
•   Ireland: 0800 915 1571
•   Kenya: 0-800-221-003
•   Mexico: 800-681-5387
•   Namibia: 264-83-380-0154
•   New Zealand: 0800-448-204
•   Nicaragua: 001-800-226-0584
•   Philippines: 1800-1-322-0447
•   South Africa: 080-098-1995
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