COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020 - Discussion published by Joe Berry on Sunday, October 11, 2020 - H-Net

Page created by Duane Rios

Discussion published by Joe Berry on Sunday, October 11, 2020


Public schools are at the center of the manufactured breakdown of the fabric of everyday life. They
are under attack not because they are failing, but because they are public. Henry Giroux
COCAL is the Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor, a 20-plus year old network of contingent
activists and their organizations that does a conference (now tri-national - USA, CAN (including
QBC), and MEX) every other year, usually in August. 2018 was in San Jose, CA. and 2021 will be in
Queretaro, Mexico It also sponsors a listserv, called ADJ-L, and has an International Advisory
Committee,                   a       website,     and Facebook
page , as well as this news aggregator, COCAL
UPDATES. See below at bottom for details on joining the listserv and other resources.

COCAL XIV WEBINAR - Saturday, September 26, 2020
Due to the CORONA Virus, the COCAL XIV conference to be held in Querétaro, Mexico, has been
postponed until Summer 2021.

However, COCAL is pleased to announce that there will be a COCAL XIV Webinar with speakers from
Mexico, Canada, Quebec, and the U.S. which has been scheduled for Saturday, September 26, 2020,
from11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. (Mountain Standard Time) 1 p.m. to 3
p.m.(Central Standard Time) and 2 4 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Translation/interpretation
will be available in all 3 COCAL languages (English, French and Spanish) for all presentations and
breakout sessions.

REGISTER                                                                          NOW

The central theme of the presentations will be "An Over-View of Higher Education and Academic
Labor in Light of the COVID Pandemic and the Global Economic Crisis". Translation will be provided
in English, Spanish, and French.

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.



Dr. Sarika Bose

·    Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Department of English, Vancouver      Campus.
·    Areas of specialization: literature, literary creation, theatre.
·    Expertise: Victorian theatre, British culture.
·    Chair of the Contract Academic Staff Committee of the University of British Columbia Faculty
Association (UBCFA).
·     Chair of the 2020-2021 Contract Academic Staff Committee of the Canadian Association of
University Teachers (ACPPU), a federation of associations and unions representing more than 70,000
higher education workers.

Sylvain Marois, Ph.D. student in industrial relations

·    Lecturer in the Department of Literature, Theatre and Cinema, Laval University.
·    Researcher in university trade unionism.
·    Assistant Professor in the Department of Literature.
·    Labour Relations Officer at the Union of Lecturers at Laval University (SCCCUL).
·     Former vice-president (2012-2018) of the National Federation of Teachers of Quebec (FNEEQ-
CSN), a federation of 101 unions and represents more than 30,000 teachers. FNEEQ participates in
various international coalitions and confederations in which Mr. Marois has been actively involved in
recent years, including as a member of the COCAL Advisory Committee.

Dr. Vincent Tirelli

·    Assistant Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York (CUNY)
·      Mr. Tirelli received his Ph.D. from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2007, specializing in
American politics and political theory. His thesis is entitled "The Invisible Faculty Fight Back:
Contingent Academic Labor and the Political Economy of the Corporate University.".
·    He was a member of the Executive Board of the Professional Staff Congress, the CUNY teachers
and staff union affiliated with the American Federation ofTeachers (PSC-AFT)..
·      Mr. Tirelli is a founding member of COCAL and a member of its International Advisory

Dr. Axel Didriksson

·     Researcher at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in the "Institute for
Research on Universities and Education"(Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la
Educacion [IISUE]) and member of the "National System of Researchers" (SistemaNacional
deInvestigadores [SNI]), Level III. l’Institut de recherche sur les universités et l’éducation » (

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


·      An expert in research fields such as the political economy of knowledge, public education
policies in Mexico and theprospects of higher education, he has produced numerous publications that
have been translated into several languages.
·      Mr. Didriksson has received fellowships from 15 countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe, and Latin
America, conducting comparative studies on universities.
·       He has led UNESCO's collective projects and was president of the Global Network of
Universities for Innovation, representing Latin America and the Caribbean.
·     Dr. Didriksson was awarded the "National University Award 2019" in the field of social research
sciences socials by UNAM.

"Towards COCAL 2021 - Querétaro, Mexico" will begin with brief greetings and words of welcome
from our special guests:
·    Ms Teresa Garcia Gasca, Dean of the Universidad Aut-noma de Querétaro (UAQ)
·    Mr. Ricardo ChaparroSanchez, Secretary General of SUPAUAQ, the host union of COCAL 2021.
Sindicato Único del Personal Académico de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
·     Bertha G. Rodroguez Samano, chemist. Secretary-General of the Asociacion Autonoma del
Personal Académico de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (AAPAUNAM).
·    Aguston Rodriguez Fuentes ,engineer. Secretary-General of the Sindicato de Trabajadores of the
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (STUNAM).

*Program information and instructions regarding the ZOOM Webinar link will be sent to all
registrants prior to the event.
Register for the COCAL XIV WEBINAR before September 19th.
Registrations received after September 19 may not be eligible for special accommodations due to
logistical limitations.
If you have any questions, please contact David Milroy at

David Milroy
CPFA Director of Administration
(858) 204-7915

Pacific Standard time.

NOTE #2:

The COCAL International Advisory Committee needs a volunteer to take over the webmaster duties
for our website  Our longtime webmaster, David Rives of Oregon, needs to
step back. It is not a high- maintenance job, but has a lot of potential for future development to serve
the contingent faculty movement. If interested or for more information reply to this email at

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.




1. Netherlands: Neo-liberal reforms in HE research funding have bad effects on academics


1. for this week

2. Strike coverage, including colleges, from Payday Report

3. Striking in the corona virus depression

4. U of MI bosses seek court order to end grad strike




and                                                                                         and



                On Sep 13, 2020, at 7:38 PM, William Jones  wrote:

                Dear LAWCHA Members,

                The LAWCHA Contingent Faculty Committee is looking for new members.

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


                Since its formation, the committee has focused on advancing greater
                participation on the part of contingent faculty within LAWCHA, raising
                awareness about the unique challenges contingents face, and, more
                broadly, advocating on behalf of non-tenure track faculty within the history
                profession. With support from the LAWCHA board, we have, among other
                things, seen increased travel grants for contingent faculty to attend the
                LAWCHA conference, the explicit solicitation of conference papers from
                contingent faculty, changes to the due structure, and support for
                contingent faculty organizing campaigns. We have worked closely with the
                Independent Scholars Committee on areas of shared concern, and the last
                LAWCHA conference featured a very successful plenary on contingent
                faculty and independent scholars.

                While we are especially interested in having contingent faculty on the
                committee, we would welcome anyone interested in joining us as we
                continue work on these and other related issues, especially as we consider
                the particular challenges COVID presents for already insecurely-employed
                contingent faculty.

                Please contact Claire Goldstene ( if you’d like to
                join the committee or would like more information.

                Thanks and best wishes,


                William P. Jones, Professor
                Director of Graduate Studies
                Department of History
                University of Minnesota

                President, Labor and Working-Class History Association

6. “More Expendable than ‘Essential’: Black Workers’ Rights and Racial Class Struggles Under the
COVID Crisis”

Special Issue of Labor Studies Journal
In Conjunction with the 2021 United Association for Labor Education Annual Conference
May 24-27, 2021, University of Illinois at Chicago

The following is an excerpt from the Call for Papers.
Download the full Call here.

It is often said, when the United States catches a cold, Black people get double pneumonia. As

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


COVID-19 devastates populations across the world, the historically rooted, social disparities
impacting African American workers have been exacerbated. Black workers disproportionally, and
often involuntarily, represent a significant portion of frontline laborers. Although Black workers
comprise 11.9 percent of the U.S. population, or one in nine workers overall, they represent one in
six workers classified as “essential.” Black workers are disproportionally represented in service
industries especially as retail, janitorial, and food service workers, postal service employees, one-fifth
of childcare and social service workers, and a third of all bus drivers. Black workers also constitute a
disproportionate number of construction workers, home health aides and gig economy service

We are inviting submissions for a special edition on workers’ rights and racial class struggles during
the COVID crisis for Labor Studies Journal. This call for papers seeks research that speaks to the
political, economic, social, and cultural implications of African American labor history in
understanding the social and labor crises during the COVID pandemic. Case studies from a local,
national, and/or global comparative standpoint, are highly encouraged. We encourage submissions
from the perspectives of multiple disciplines, including but not limited to, labor studies, history,
sociology, gender studies, political science, economics, labor, and law.

Interested authors should submit a paper proposal abstract to Special Editor Dr. Augustus Wood
at Proposals should be submitted no later than FRIDAY,
NOVEMBER 20. Any questions about submissions should be directed to

 7. “Heartland Community College (Illinois) has extended the contracts of its part-time and full-time
faculty to avoid going through negotiations during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

"Instead, the Heartland board of trustees on Tuesday approved a one-year extension to June 30, 2022.
It also voted to extend the contract with the Heartland Adjunct Faculty Association for one year,
making it effective through June 30, 2023.

“Part-time faculty will receive 2.5% pay increases in the extended year. Full-time faculty will receive
a flat dollar amount based on an average 2.5% increase, with higher paid faculty getting a lower
percentage raise and lower paid faculty receiving a higher percentage, according to Rick Pearce,
provost and vice president of academic affairs.”

8. Members of congress question CUNY’s use of CARE Act funding

9. U of MS prof investigated for his support of anti-racist Scholar’s Strike

10. U Mass/Amherst workers beat layoffs with mass action

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.



12. Labor and the Cold Civil War, by Bill Fletcher, Jr. & Jose Alejandro La Luz

13. Strikes at U of IL Chicago

14. Well worth a look though not directly contingent faculty related, the rich robbing the rest of us

15. NYC school reopening to use adjuncts

16. This from Oakland, CA, Peralta CCD

Hi everyone! Just wanted to make sure that everyone has seen the petition we are submitting to
Chancellor Oakley and the Board of Governors against a “special trustee” being imposed on Peralta,
and has the opportunity to sign it. And please circulate the petition to your own lists! We want as
many signatures as possible, and I’m sure everyone will want to support us in our fight.

-John Holmes, Merritt, PFT #1603

Dear organizers,

We are so excited to come together soon with the thousands of you, coming from more than seventy
countries, who will be participating in Strike School.

In this email, you will find several materials that will be important for your preparation and
participation in Strike School.

Here is a short document titled "How to prepare for Strike School".

Here you can find your first homework assignment. Make sure to find an hour to work on this
together with your organizing group before our first class on the 24th of September.

Here you can find the first two chapters of Jane's book No Shortcuts, where she provides an overview
of the core concepts that will be taught in this class. You can also find the 1199 principles, which are
only one page long and serve as a guiding star for the organizing methods taught in this class.

That’s all for now. By next Wednesday we will send you the course link and a participant’s manual.
We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait.

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


In solidarity,
Jane, RLS and the O4P team


Estimados organizadores,

Estamos muy emocionados de poder reunirnos en breve con miles de ustedes, provenientes de más
de setenta países, quienes participarán en la Huelga Escolar.

En este correo electrónico, encontrarán varios materiales que serán importantes para su preparación
y participación en la Huelga Escolar.

Aquí les enviamos un breve documento titulado "Cómo prepararse para la escuela de huelga".

Allí podrán encontrar su primera tarea. Asegúrense de encontrar una hora para trabajar en esto
conjuntamente con vuestro grupo organizador antes de nuestra primera clase el próximo 24 de

Allí podrán encontrar los dos primeros capítulos del libro de Jane "Sin Atajos", donde proporciona una
descripción general de los conceptos básicos que se enseñarán en esta clase. También podrán
encontrar los 1199 principios, que contienen sólo una página de extensión y sirven como guía para
los métodos de organización que se enseñarán en esta clase.

Eso es todo por ahora. El próximo miércoles les enviaremos el enlace del curso y un manual del
participante. No sabemos cómo te sientes respecto a curso, pero ya estamos ansiosos de comenzar.

Un saludo solidario,
Jane, RLS y el equipo de Organizándonos para Aumentar Nuestra Fuerza


Chers organisateurs,

Vous êtes des milliers à vous être inscrits à la formation “Grèves : mode d’emploi”, dans plus de 70
pays, et nous sommes très heureux de vous voir bientôt.

Dans cet email, vous trouverez différentes ressources qui seront importantes pour préparer la
formation et y participer.

Voici un court document : “Se préparer à la formation”.

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


Vous trouverez ici vos premiers devoirs. Prévoyez une heure avec votre groupe pour travailler sur cet
exercice ensemble avant notre première session le 24 septembre.

Vous trouverez ici les deux premiers chapitres du livre de Jane, “Seule l’organisation paie”, où elle
présente les concepts clés qui seront expliqués au cours des sessions. Vous trouverez aussi les
principes du syndicat 1199, qui tiennent sur une page, et peuvent servir de guide sur les méthodes
d’organisation tout au long de cette formation.

C’est tout pour l’instant. Mercredi prochain nous vous enverrons le lien pour la formation, et un
manuel pour les participants. On se réjouit de vous voir !

En solidarité,

Jane, la Fondation Rosa Luxembourg et l’équipe O4P

18. What does safe return to school look like? Ask the teachers unions (Jackson Potter and Lois

19. Boston adjunct in trouble economically


21. Kenyon College student workers go union

22. Faculty senate vote of no confidence at U of MI

23. for this week

24. How COVID united the higher ed workforce

Hi Everyone: our work for the safe and equitable reopening of schools continues.

The network of local teacher unions and community groups that organized the National Day of Action
on August 3rd has scheduled a second one for September 30th (flyer below; click here for more

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


information and to help spread the word).

We hope you will join an action or organize one in your city or town.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

In Solidarity,

Jackson Potter
Chicago Teachers Union

26. SFSU (CA) layoffs of staff

27. SEIU files NLRB charges against Elon U (FL) over former adjuncts

28. Columbia College/Chicago adjunct union (unaffiliated) files ULP over COVID issues

29. "Starting in August, Education Department officials touted a developing partnership with CUNY
to recruit out-of-work adjuncts and graduating education students to fill vacant DOE positions. But
the first email to roughly 5,500 potentially eligible CUNY graduate students — and another to
colleges with laid-off adjuncts advertising the new DOE openings — only went out Sept. 15, according
to CUNY officials.

"One CUNY adjunct, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of jeopardizing her job, said the idea
was received mostly with eye rolls. “Teaching college does not mean you can teach fourth graders,"
the adjunct said. “That’s a panic move by the de Blasio administration.”

"Mulgrew said only teachers with valid K-12 teaching licenses would be considered for city schools.”

and more from CUNY
T"he City University of New York is in jeopardy. As thousands of students return to CUNY this fall,
they will face rising online class sizes, scarce career and mental-health resources and crumbling
infrastructure – threatening the quality public education they need and deserve."

“On June 30th, the CUNY administration, under the leadership of Chancellor Félix Matos Rodríguez

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


laid off some 3,000 adjunct faculty in a pitiful attempt to balance his budget. He “saved” a tiny
fraction of the multi-billion-dollar cost of educating half a million students each year—but the cost
both to students and those faculty who remain on payroll is ballooning online class sizes.”

30."The University of Vermont and its faculty union are at an impasse in negotiations about the
impact of the pandemic on the school’s teaching conditions.

"UVM’s administration in late July agreed to come to the table to hash out a deal with faculty after
the union filed its first-ever unfair labor practice charge with the Vermont Labor Relations Board. The
complaint had charged that professors were largely locked out of the school’s planning process for
the fall, and as part of the settlement, union representatives were appointed to the university’s
reopening task forces.

“Professors and the administration have come to agreement on a number of issues, including the
suspension of pre-tenure reviews, daily health checks for faculty, and travel restrictions for

“But outstanding matters include whether to allow faculty to switch their classes to all-remote
modalities if they have health concerns, the use of student course evaluations, and extra
compensation for course preparation over the summer.”

31. blank

32. On September 9, 2020, CA Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (“AB”) 736, expanding the
professional exemption under Industrial Welfare Commission (“IWC”) under Wage Orders Nos.
4-2001 and 5-2001 to expressly include part-time or “adjunct” faculty at private, nonprofit colleges
and universities in California. The sponsors of AB 736, the Association of Independent California
Colleges and Universities, advocated for the bill to address perceived ambiguities in the
California Labor Code that had spawned litigation causing some colleges and universities to reclassify
adjunct faculty as hourly, non-exempt employees.

33. NJ State Senate approves bill to give adjunct faculty UI.

34. U of IL/Chicago strike win for SEIU (staff)

35. "NEWARK — Facing up to a $288 million deficit this year despite previous efforts to stop the

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


financial bleeding, the University of Delaware is turning to layoffs, furloughs and other deep cuts in
coming days.

"UD’s 1,330 faculty members are exempt from these cuts. The university continues to have
discussions with the unions representing employees, including the UD chapter of the American
Association of University Professors.

"The cuts come after drastic cuts in discretionary spending, a hiring and salary freeze, salary cuts for
senior administration as well as laying off 1,100 part-time employees last spring. That covered about
$86 million of the projected shortfall, and the Board of Trustees drew down the endowment portfolio
to cover the remaining $82 million."

36. Roundup and webinar on higher ed from Labor Notes

37. Return of the lockout : gig workers face hostile actions by Uber etc


        IN SEARCH OF PROFESSOR PRECARIOUS, our team’s documentary feature about the
        exploitation of contingent faculty in Canada—which is really an international issue—is
        starting to be seen and is now available to all.

        If you missed the free online premiere on Labour Day Weekend, anyone can catch the
        film in a few other ways. It will be screened at three online festivals, two of which are
        coming up: The International Social Change Film Festival
        Oct.17-24: , and Workers Unite Film Festival Oct.

        Watch, too, the free web panel, which updated us on the issues, with panelists Joe Berry,
        Sarika      Bose,      Frank      Cosco,     Pam      Johnson        and     Chandra

        You can also watch the film for a small fee on Vimeo on Demand, or buy a DVD or Blu-
        Ray, accessible via the film website:

        Or, better yet, get your campus or public library, or your union or association to licence
        a copy: they can contact the filmmaker at

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


        The         film           got        a       very      positive       review

        and won an Award of Excellence from Docs Without Borders Film Festival.

        And don't forget the COCAL Webinar coming up this Saturday, Sept 26. Go to this
        Google Docs page or their web page for more information about it from this wonderful
        North                     American                  organization                 of

        Thanks to all the interviewees, sponsors and crowdfunders, and my COCAL sisters and

        Gerry Potter
        Red Heeler Media Inc.
        271 Lynnwood Way NW
        Edmonton AB T5R 1B2

        Watch for our documentary, IN SEARCH OF PROFESSOR PRECARIOUS!
        Company website:
        Film website:



"Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education". by Joe Berry, from
Monthly Review Press, 2005. Look at  for full information,
individual sales, bulk ordering discounts, or to invite me to speak at an event or email

To regularly receive this periodic news aggregator, COCAL Updates, Email  It is
archived at and at

To join international COCAL listserve email  If this
presents problems, send an e-mail to or, send "Subscribe" to 

Join the national membership organization for contingent faculty and their allies, New Faculty
Majority (NFM). Support, resources,and strategies for all things related to precarious faculty.

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


To access the Center for the Study of Academic Labor (CSAL) and its journal “Academic Labor:
Research and Artistry” go to

To    access     "Workplace:      a  Journal    of   Academic                                       Labor"      go       to

Also COCAL XIV in August, 2021 in Queretaro, Mexico. WWW.COCALINTERNATIONAL.ORG
Joe Berry
510-527-5889 phone/fax landline
21 San Mateo Road,
Berkeley, CA 94707
cell-510-999-0751 or
In Vermont-802-380-0193
Skype: joeberry1948

Citation: Joe Berry. COCAL UPDATES, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020. H-Adjunct. 10-11-2020.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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