ARCHITECTS' COUNCIL OF EUROPE - Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Page created by Terrance Contreras
ARCHITECTS' COUNCIL OF EUROPE - Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union
Co-funded by the
              Creative Europe Programme
                    of the European Union


                                             MIRZA & NACEY RESEARCH
                                             MIRZA & NACEY RESEARCH
ARCHITECTS' COUNCIL OF EUROPE - Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union


I       Foreword
        Key statistics
                                                   3.7 Turnover from outside country
                                                   3.8 Associations

                                                                                             JANUARY 2019
                                                   3.9 Branch offices                  44    © Mirza & Nacey Research Ltd
                                                   3.10 Public bids &
                                                                                             Research undertaken by:
        1.1 Numbers                10
                                                          Design Competitions
                                                   3.11 Certification work
                                                                                             Mirza & Nacey Research Ltd
                                                                                             Southdown House
        1.2 Profile                12              3.12 Use of BIM                     49    Ford Arundel
        1.3 Employment status      13                                                        West Sussex
                                                                                             BN18 0DE
        1.4 Field of employment    14                                                        United Kingdom
        1.5 Years qualified
        1.6 Age Profile
                                   17         4    4: ARCHITECTS – THE INDIVIDUAL
                                                   4.1 Earnings                        51    Tel: +44 1243 555302
                                                   4.2 Earnings by field of employment 53
                                                   4.3 Earnings by age                 54    Research commissioned by:
        2.1 Construction market    20
                                                   4.4 Earnings by gender
                                                   4.5 Working and studying in another
                                                                                       55    The Architects’ Council of Europe
                                                                                             29 Rue Paul Emile Janson
        2.2 Architectural market   24                    European country              57    B-1050 Brussels
        2.3 Market by building     26              4.6 Retirement                      61
        2.4 Market by client type  28              4.7 Hours worked                    63
        2.5 Market by service      29              4.8 CPD                             64
                                                                                                             Co-funded by the
        2.6 Future prospects       30              4.9 Building to nearly zero                               Creative Europe Programme
                                                         energy standards              66                    of the European Union
                                                                                             The European Commission support for the production

                                                                                             of this publication does not constitute an endorsement
        3: ARCHITECTURE – THE PRACTICE                                                       of the contents which reflects the views only of
        3.1 Profile                 33                                                       the authors, and the Commission cannot be held
        3.2 Legal formation
        3.3 Practice turnover
                                              II   COUNTRY PROFILES                    68    responsible for any use which may be made of the
                                                                                             information contained therein.

        3.4 How practices charge    38             APPENDIX                                  Photo credits for front cover:
                                                                                             Helsinki Central Library Oodi
        3.5 Hourly rates            39             Survey methodology & Notes          100   Place: Helsinki (Finland)
                                                                                             Architect: ALA Architects
        3.6 Profits                 41                                                       Photo: Iris Kärkkäinen

THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                      I-1

“The focus will be put on architecture as             picture. Looking at the last two studies 50 to 60%    I want to thank the authors, Mirza & Nacey and the
a discipline that encompasses the right               are working as independent architects, 7 to 10%       ACE office who guarantee the smooth running of
balance between cultural, social, economic,           in partnerships, and 20 to 30% have established       the enquiry, the Member Organisations for their
environmental and technical aspects for the           a limited company.                                    valuable assistance and finally, this year, the
common good”.                                                                                               Creative Europe programme of the European
                                                      On the other hand we see that the income of           Commission for its financial support.
This sentence is a quote of the new Work Plan         architectural practices is of moderate scale,
for Culture, concluded by the European Council        and these factors show, that the huge majority
in December 2018. It is part of the rationale         of architects are not motivated by income,
for the inclusion of the topic “High-quality          money and business, but are committed people,
architecture and built environment for everyone“      having in mind the quality, and let’s just say, the
in the Work Plan.                                     beauty of what they are doing: the design and
                                                      appearance of the built environment.
Why do I make this reference here? In my
view this quote, from an EU institution, is a         This year we have added a few questions
fundamental step forward in the view held of the      concerning “Women in architecture“, where we
role of architecture and, therefore, architects in    have established a task force last year, and have
our society.                                          enlarged the analysis concerning the issues that
                                                      are relevant to this topic.
The EU institutions classify us as being part of
business services or the construction sector, but     We are happy that we enjoyed record participation
our interests differ from those of industry; we are   - more than 30.000 colleagues responded to the
working for the quality of the built environment,     questionnaire, and we can use it as a great
for architectural quality and for a better life       source of information, which tells us, who we
for the people using it. And this is reflected in     are and enables us to present ourselves to our
the structure of the profession. We are not an        interlocutors within the EU institutions. This is,
industry, or even part of it; we are, by a huge       in my personal view, the essential asset of this
majority, small or even micro enterprises.            work. Another asset is to enable all those who
                                                      participated with their data to find themselves
This is clearly shown by this Sector Study in the     in comparison to the results. This might be a
structure of the profession. 71% of practices are     reason for all those who haven’t yet to participate
one person practices, 25% are 2-5 people, 3%          next time, we do this every second year, so 2020      Georg Pendl
are 6-10. The legal form shows a slightly different   shall be the next edition.                            ACE President

THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                                              I-2

  30 000 architects provided data for the 2018 ACE Sector Study
Architecture in Europe is                                       Five countries dominate                                                          More architects are working part-time
a growing profession                                            Two thirds of Europe’s architects                                                and fewer are unemployed or not working
Total number of architects has grown by                         are from five countries
24% in 10 years                                                                                                                                                                                   part-time 2018: %
                                                                                                                                                                                                            107 000
                                                                                                                         2018:                     41 000
                                                                 Italy                                              160 000
                                                                                                               part-time 107 000
                                                                  2008:                                                                                                                                            2018:
                                                                  41 000                                            111 000
                                                                         2008                                        2018                          2008:                                          full-time        432 000 2008:
                                                                 Spain                                               56 000                       394 000                                                                  41 000

      2008                                   2018                 2008:
                                                                                                               full-time        432 000
                                                                 394 000 Kingdom                                     41 000
                                                                                                                                            2008            08        10      12        14
                                                                                                                                                                                                 16           18
                                                                 France                                              30 000                       2008:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         394 000
                                                                                                                                                  23 000          retired                                       not working:
                                                                          08        10      12      14         16          18                                                                                   17 000
                                                                 2008:                                                       2018                                unemployed or
                                                                 23 000         retired                                      not working:                        not working for other reasons                                      08        10
                                                                                                                             17 000                                                                                       2008:
                                                                               unemployed or                                                                                                                              23 000          retired
                                                                               not working for other reasons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         not work
                                                                                                                                                 Independent professionals
               Long-term average
               increase is 2% per
                                                                                                                                                 More than half of the profession are sole
                                                   562 000
                             year                                                                                                                principals, freelance or partner/director

   453 000
                                                    562 000
                                                                                562 000                                    70

                                                                                                                                                                              private practice salaried practice

                                                                                 the number of architects                  practice                    sole principal
    453 000                        numbers                                           in Europe 2018                                                                                                           35
                                   continue to grow                                                                                                                                          other private
                                   in spite of the                                                                         35
                                   economic crisis
                                                                                                                                                                                        local/central other
                                                                                                                                                      partner / director                government public
                                                                                                                                      sector                                                                  0
             08      10       12   14   16    18
                                                       sector                                                               0
               08        10   12   14   16    18
THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                                                                                                          I-3

Female architects are the majority in the younger age groups                                                                   Many more Principals are male
53% of architects in their 30s are female, compared with 32% in their 50s.                                                     The gender balance of employees in private
The profession has the potential to become more equally balanced than it is today                                              practice or government is much more equal

number of architects 2008 to 2018:                                                                                                       Sole Principal              Partner & Director

                                                                                                             architects aged
                    500                                                                                      in their 30s

  female architects                                   female
   168 000 in 2008                                                                                           40s
   219 000 in 2018
                    300                                                                                                             Private Practice salaried
                                                                                                             20s                           employees                   Government

    male architects
                                                      male                                                   50s
   285 000 in 2008
   343 000 in 2018
                               08           10   12          14          16          18

Gender pay gap exists across all employment types                                                                              Gender pay gap persists
Even amongst private practice salaried architects, where average earnings have the smallest                                    The gender pay gap has narrowed only very
variation, the gender pay gap is 17%                                                                                           slightly over the last 10 years
                                                               female               male

gender pay gap
                               all architects

                             Sole Principal
                                                                                                                                  €39 000
                                                                                                                                                                                 €37 000

                                                                                                                                                                                 €28 000
2018                     Partner & Director

                          Private Practice
                         Salaried Architect                                                                                       €27 000

                              Government                                                                                                                                         2018
                                                                                                                                       2008                             pay gap = 25%
                                                                                                                                       pay gap = 32%

                                    10000        20000                30000               40000      50000           60000
                0                                                 average pre-tax earnings, €, PPP
                                                                                                                                           08     10      12    14      16     18

THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                                                                               I-4

                                                                                 € 21 000m                                                                  € 2 134 000m                                                      € 2 084 000m

                Average earnings for                                              Top five countries for pay                                                 Increase in average earnings
€ 34 000        Partners & Directors have€ fallen  back                           Average earnings for Partners & Directors                                  since 2016
                                            32 700
                The gap between Partners & Directors and                          equalised for purchasing power parity
                                                                                                                   € 16(PPP)
                                                                                                                        000m                                 Earnings remain below 2008 level
                salaried architects in private practice is at its
                smallest for ten years                                             Luxembourg                                        € 56 738
                                                                                   Germany                                           € 54 286                                                                                earnings rise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             but only very
                                                                                   Norway                                            € 46 965                                                                                    gradually
                                                  Partners & Directors’                                                                                                                                                                                   € 21 000m
                                                 pay increased relative            Austria                                           € 46 168
                              big rise in
                                                  to others in 2016 but            Netherlands                                       € 44 524                     € 34 000
                              earnings is                                                                                                                                                                                     € 32 700
                                                        has fallen since
                              recorded by
                                                                                           08    10      12       14      16      18
           08      10      12 government
                                  14      16     18                                                                                                                       08          10        12            14        16      18
       average earnings                                                                                                                                                      sharp drop

                                                                                                                                                                                                         no change
                                                                                                                                                                                                         for 4 years
                                                                                                                   average earnings rates of change -                                                                                                          08
                                                           partner/director                                        not updated                                               08       10      12         14        16    18
                                                          Partners & Directors
                                                          local/central government
                                                         Government                                                                                                       average earnings
                                                          sole   principal        Studying and working in another country
                                                         Sole Principals
                                                                                  20% of architects have studied in another country,608% worked in another country last year
                                                         Private practice
                                                         salaried   salaried
                                                                  employe es         studied                                             Italy
                                                                                     outside                                                                    outside
                                                                                 own country                                                                own country                                                             partner/director
                                                         Freelance                                                                                                                                                                  local/central government
                                                            freelance                                                                    Germany                                                                                    sole principal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                         United Kingdom     10                                                                   Switzerland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      practice salaried
                                                                                                Create in Flourish, then drag to 700 pix wide. Downloadnotas working                                                             Italy
                                                                                                                                       Netherlands            outside
                   08      10       12   14      16    18                         not studied   SVG                                                       own country
                                                                                      outside   place SVG, then scale uniform by 25% . Portugal
                                                                                                                                                               in last
                                                                                 own country
                                                                                                Colours of housing are manually changed      in AI (and other)
                                                                                                                                                           12 months                                                             other countries
                                               Freelancers’ pay      ALL                                                               Austria

                                                  fell more than                                                                                                                      08      10         12        14    16      18
                                                 others’ in 2012                                                  08     10     12     14other countries
                                                                                                                                               16      18
                                                 and has barely                                                                                                                                                                                    ALL
                                                                                                                                                                                  seriously considered
                                               recovered since                                                                                                                    working outside
                                                                                                                                                                                  own country
                                                                                                                                                                                  in last 12 months

                THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                                                                                                                I-5

                Market is recovering - slowly                                          Construction market fell by less than                                  Top five architectural markets by value
                The architectural market started to turn up                            architects’ market                                                     The same five countries with largest number
                in 2012 but there has been little change in                                                                                                   of architects but in a different order
                the rate of increase since
                € 21 000m                                                            € 2 134 000m                                              € 2 084 000m   Germany                                                   € 4 971 m
                                                                                                                                                              United Kingdom                                        € 2 265 m

                                                                 € 16 000m                                                                                    Italy                                                 € 2 072 m

    € 21 000m                                                          € 2 134 000m                                          € 2 084 000m                     France                                                    € 961 m
                                                                                                sharp fall                                                    Netherlands                                               € 783 m
                                                      total market                              for 2 years
                         sharp downturn          € 16 000m                                      followed by
                                                        size rising                                                          growth starts
                         lasts for 4 years                                                      long period of
                                                      but remains                                                            but by 2018

                                                                                                                                                                       €16 400                                           m
                                                      smaller than                              stability                    construction output
                                                         pre-crisis                                                          is still less than
                                       market slow
                                         to recover
                                                                                                                                                                      the market for architectural services
                        08       10      12    14        16    18
                                                                                                                                                                               in Europe 2018
                                                                                                    08     10        12     14            16      18                                 08        10        12        14        16     18

                  Housing leads the way                                                                                                                       A confident future
               More than half of the profession’s turnover comes from private housing, particularly small                                                     Optimists now greatly outweigh pessimists
            08  10   12    14     16   18                       08    10    12   14                                                                                   08        10        12        14        16        18
               domestic jobs. The proportion of turnover from housing has grown  since16
€ 21 000m                                                               € 2 134 000m                                      € 2 084 000m
                     2010                                                                       2018
 /central government                            € 16 000m
                                                          lei- health
                                                                                                                                                leisure                                                                 32% expect
 principal                                      retail                                                                        offices
                                                         sure                                                                                                                                                           work to rise
rice salaried            individual houses
                                                               educ-                               individual houses
overnment                                        industrial    ation                                                             retail                                                                                           70

ance                                                                                                                         health
                                                                                                                                                                  more                                                  15% expect
d                                                                                                                                                                 pessimists                                            work to fall
                                              public                                                                                                                                           pessimism
                     other private                                                                                          education                                                                               70
                               Create in       hous-
                                         Flourish,       other
                                                   then drag to 700 pix wide. Download as            other private
                                                                                                                                               other              than optimists               drops off
                        housing                 ing
                               SVG                                                                      housing                                                                                sharply
                               place SVG, then scale uniform by 25% .
                                                                                                                              public                                                                                              35
       08       10     12      14
                               Colours 16      18 are manually changed in AI (and08
                                       of housing                                   other) 10      12     14         16
                                                                                                                            18                                 08          10        12        14        16        18
                  Create in Flourish, then drag to 700 pix wide. Download as
                  place SVG, then scale uniform by 25% .                                                                                                                                                            35
                  Colours of housing are manually changed in AI (and other)
                                                                                        2018                                                                                                                                        I-6

Countries with the largest number of architects don’t necessarily perform the best
The five countries with the largest number of architects (right most column) are highlighted.
                                     long-term changes between 2010 and 2018                                                                                                                                  rank in 2018
                                        % change in number of          % change in construction        % change in architectural       % change in hourly rates          % change in earnings             number of architects
                                             architects                                                       market
                                     Romania                          Estonia                         Slovenia                        Portugal                        Lithuania                       Italy
                                      Portugal                        Latvia                          Romania                         United Kingdom                  Estonia                         Germany
                                      Estonia                         Lithuania                       Spain                           Estonia                         Germany                         Spain
largest increase

                                      United Kingdom                  Ireland                         Finland                         Czech Republic                  Italy                           United Kingdom

                                      Denmark                         Malta                           Luxembourg                      Austria                         Czech Republic                  France
                                      Sweden                          Hungary                         Czech Republic                  Germany                         Luxembourg                      Portugal
                                      Malta                           Switzerland                     Sweden                          Malta                           Spain                           Greece
                                      Austria                         Luxembourg                      Lithuania                       Romania                         Romania                         Belgium
                                      Luxembourg                      United Kingdom                  Malta                           Finland                         Austria                         Poland
                                      Finland                         Norway                          Denmark                         Slovenia                        Finland                         Netherlands
                                      Greece                          Serbia                          Portugal                        Belgium                         Belgium                         Denmark
                                      Belgium                         Sweden                          Estonia                         Denmark                         Denmark                         Romania
                                      Norway                          Poland                                                                                                                          Czech Republic
                                      Cyprus                          Austria                                                                                                                         Serbia
                                      Spain                           Germany                                                                                                                         Switzerland
                                      Germany                         Denmark                                                                                                                         Sweden
                                      Italy                           Netherlands                                                                                                                     Austria
                                      Slovakia                        Finland                                                                                                                         Hungary
                                      Netherlands                     Belgium                                                                                                                         Norway
                                      Switzerland                     Slovakia                                                                                                                        Finland
smallest increase or a decrease

                                      Hungary                         France                          Germany                                                                                         Ireland
                                      Czech Republic                  Slovenia                        United Kingdom                                                  Portugal                        Croatia
                                      Poland                          Czech Republic                  Austria                         Sweden                          France                          Bulgaria
                                      France                          Croatia                         Belgium                         Spain                           Ireland                         Slovakia

                                      Croatia                         Bulgaria                        Croatia                         Poland                          Malta                           Lithuania
                                      Serbia                          Romania                         Ireland                         Ireland                         Slovenia                        Slovenia
                                      Slovenia                        Italy                           Poland                          France                          Croatia                         Malta
                                      Ireland                         Spain                           Netherlands                     Netherlands                     Sweden                          Cyprus
                                      Lithuania                       Cyprus                          Italy                           Croatia                         United Kingdom                  Luxembourg
                                      Latvia                          Portugal                        France                          Italy                           Greece                          Latvia
                                      Bulgaria                        Greece                          Greece                          Greece                          Poland                          Estonia

                                  2010 chosen as base year because several more countries participated in the 2010 survey than the 2008 survey.
                                  Comparisons between 2010 and 2018 only possible where the same country participated in both years’ surveys, which is why there is less information about earnings, hourly rates and market.

THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                                                                                                                      I-7

Architects                                                                   Statistical Definitions
Persons who are recognised as Architects under the European                  Confidence Level
Union Professional Qualifications Directive and professionally and           The likelihood that the results are real and repeatable and have not
academically qualified and generally registered / licensed / recognised      occurred randomly. If the Confidence Level is 50% then the results would
to practice architecture in the jurisdiction in which they are residing.     be random. We select a Confidence Level of 95% which suggests if
                                                                             you repeat this exercise there is a 95% chance you will achieve similar
Architectural students                                                       results.
Full-time or part-time students following a recognised course of
architectural studies leading to a qualification listed in Annexe V7 of      Mean
the Qualifications Directive (2013/55/EC).                                   A type of average where individual data are added together and then
                                                                             divided by the number of pieces of data
Architectural Staff
Comprises Principals Partners & Directors; Associates: Architects;           Median
Technical staff.                                                             A type of average calculated by placing all individual data in order of
                                                                             magnitude and selecting the middle value.
Architectural Practices
The form or structure through which architects practice the architectural    Quartile
profession. It includes sole principals, partnerships and limited            An indication of the bottom or top quarter of the sample calculated by
companies.                                                                   placing all individual data in order of magnitude. The Lower Quartile is
                                                                             the value one quarter of the way up and the Upper Quartile is the value
Sole Principal                                                               three quarters of the way up this list of data. We have marked countries
An Architect working independently who provides a full range of              where accuracy is greater than plus or minus 10 with an asterisk to
architectural services to clients.                                           recommend caution when interpreting the findings. We generally avoid
                                                                             referring to these countries within the text commentary although all
Turnover                                                                     countries are included in the charts and maps.
The total income earned through the provision of services by an
architectural practice in a tax year. Excludes VAT.

Not Economically Active
Not engaged in the practice of architecture or any directly associated
activity such as research or teaching. Includes architects who are retired
and who are unemployed.

Freelance Architect
An architect who contracts his/her services to an architectural practice
or organisation and does not accept commissions directly from clients.

THE ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSION IN EUROPE 2018                                                                                                             I-8
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