Management of Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Children and Adolescents abstract
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Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child Health Care System and/or Improve the Health of all Children CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE Management of Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in Children and Adolescents abstract Kenneth C. Copeland, MD, Janet Silverstein, MD, Kelly R. Moore, MD, Greg E. Prazar, MD, Terry Raymer, MD, CDE, Richard N. Shiffman, MD, Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, Over the past 3 decades, the prevalence of childhood obesity has increased Vidhu V. Thaker, MD, Meaghan Anderson, MS, RD, LD, CDE, dramatically in North America, ushering in a variety of health problems, Stephen J. Spann, MD, MBA, and Susan K. Flinn, MA including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), which previously was not typically KEY WORDS seen until much later in life. The rapid emergence of childhood T2DM poses diabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus, childhood, youth, clinical challenges to many physicians who find themselves generally ill-equipped to practice guidelines, comanagement, management, treatment treat adult diseases encountered in children. This clinical practice guideline ABBREVIATIONS was developed to provide evidence-based recommendations on managing AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics 10- to 18-year-old patients in whom T2DM has been diagnosed. The American AAFP—American Academy of Family Physicians BG—blood glucose Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) convened a Subcommittee on Management of FDA—US Food and Drug Administration T2DM in Children and Adolescents with the support of the American Diabetes HbA1c—hemoglobin A1c Association, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Family PES—Pediatric Endocrine Society Physicians, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the Amer- T1DM—type 1 diabetes mellitus T2DM—type 2 diabetes mellitus ican Dietetic Association). These groups collaborated to develop an evidence TODAY—Treatment Options for type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents report that served as a major source of information for these practice guide- and Youth line recommendations. The guideline emphasizes the use of management This document is copyrighted and is property of the American modalities that have been shown to affect clinical outcomes in this pediatric Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors population. Recommendations are made for situations in which either in- have filed conflict of interest statements with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through sulin or metformin is the preferred first-line treatment of children and ado- a process approved by the Board of Directors. The American lescents with T2DM. The recommendations suggest integrating lifestyle Academy of Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any modifications (ie, diet and exercise) in concert with medication rather than commercial involvement in the development of the content of as an isolated initial treatment approach. Guidelines for frequency of mon- this publication. itoring hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and finger-stick blood glucose (BG) concen- The recommendations in this report do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. trations are presented. Decisions were made on the basis of a systematic Variations, taking into account individual circumstances, may be grading of the quality of evidence and strength of recommendation. The appropriate. clinical practice guideline underwent peer review before it was approved All clinical practice guidelines from the American Academy of by the AAP. This clinical practice guideline is not intended to replace clinical Pediatrics automatically expire 5 years after publication unless judgment or establish a protocol for the care of all children with T2DM, and reaffirmed, revised, or retired at or before that time. its recommendations may not provide the only appropriate approach to the management of children with T2DM. Providers should consult experts trained in the care of children and adolescents with T2DM when treatment goals are not met or when therapy with insulin is initiated. The AAP acknowl- edges that some primary care clinicians may not be confident of their ability to successfully treat T2DM in a child because of the child’s age, coexisting conditions, and/or other concerns. At any point at which a clinician feels he or she is not adequately trained or is uncertain about treatment, a referral to a pediatric medical subspecialist should be made. If a diagnosis of T2DM is made by a pediatric medical subspecialist, the primary care clinician should develop a comanagement strategy with the subspecialist to ensure doi:10.1542/peds.2012-3494 that the child continues to receive appropriate care consistent with a med- PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). ical home model in which the pediatrician partners with parents to ensure Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics that all health needs are met. Pediatrics 2013;131:364–382 364 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Key action statements are as follows: cents at the time of diagnosis of b. are initiating or changing their 1. Clinicians must ensure that insulin T2DM. diabetes treatment regimen; or therapy is initiated for children c. have not met treatment goals; or and adolescents with T2DM who 3. The committee suggests that clini- d. have intercurrent illnesses. are ketotic or in diabetic ketoacidosis cians monitor HbA1c concentra- and in whom the distinction be- tions every 3 months and intensify 5. The committee suggests that clini- tween types 1 and 2 diabetes mel- treatment if treatment goals for cians incorporate the Academy finger-stick BG and HbA1c concen- of Nutrition and Dietetics’ Pediatric litus is unclear and, in usual cases, trations are not being met (intensi- Weight Management Evidence-Based should initiate insulin therapy for fication is defined in the Definitions Nutrition Practice Guidelines in their patients box). dietary or nutrition counseling of a. who have random venous or patients with T2DM at the time of plasma BG concentrations ≥250 diagnosis and as part of ongoing mg/dL; or 4. The committee suggests that clini- management. b. whose HbA1c is >9%. cians advise patients to monitor finger-stick BG (see Key Action 6. The committee suggests that clini- 2. In all other instances, clinicians Statement 4 in the guideline for cians encourage children and ado- should initiate a lifestyle modifi- further details) concentrations in lescents with T2DM to engage in cation program, including nutri- patients who moderate-to-vigorous exercise for tion and physical activity, and a. are taking insulin or other med- at least 60 minutes daily and to start metformin as first-line ications with a risk of hypoglyce- limit nonacademic “screen time” therapy for children and adoles- mia; or to less than 2 hours a day. Definitions Adolescent: an individual in various stages of maturity, generally considered to be between 12 and 18 years of age. Childhood T2DM: disease in the child who typically is overweight or obese (BMI ≥85th–94th and >95th percentile for age and gender, respectively); has a strong family history of T2DM; has substantial residual insulin secretory capacity at diagnosis (reflected by normal or elevated insulin and C-peptide concentrations); has insidious onset of disease; demonstrates insulin resistance (including clinical evidence of polycystic ovarian syndrome or acanthosis nigricans); lacks evidence for diabetic autoimmunity (negative for autoantibodies typically associated with T1DM). These patients are more likely to have hypertension and dyslipidemia than are those with T1DM. Clinician: any provider within his or her scope of practice; includes medical practitioners (including physicians and physician extenders), dietitians, psychologists, and nurses. Diabetes: according to the American Diabetes Association criteria, defined as 1. HbA1c ≥6.5% (test performed in an appropriately certified laboratory); or 2. fasting (defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 hours) plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L); or 3. 2-hour plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during an oral glucose tolerance test performed as described by the World Health Organization by using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water; or 4. a random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) with symptoms of hyperglycemia. PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 2, February 2013 365 Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
(In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, criteria 1–3 should be confirmed by repeat testing.) Diabetic ketoacidosis: acidosis resulting from an absolute or relative insulin deficiency, causing fat breakdown and formation of β hydroxybutyrate. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dehydration, Kussmaul respirations, and altered mental status. Fasting blood glucose: blood glucose obtained before the first meal of the day and after a fast of at least 8 hours. Glucose toxicity: The effect of high blood glucose causing both insulin resistance and impaired β-cell production of insulin. Intensification: Increase frequency of blood glucose monitoring and adjustment of the dose and type of medication in an attempt to normalize blood glucose concentrations. Intercurrent illnesses: Febrile illnesses or associated symptoms severe enough to cause the patient to stay home from school and/or seek medical care. Microalbuminuria: Albumin:creatinine ratio ≥30 mg/g creatinine but
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS T2DM.13,14 The National Diabetes Edu- T2DM, and should communicate and interventions as well as face-to- cation Program TIP sheets (which can work closely with a diabetes team of face or peer-enhanced activities) be ordered or downloaded from www. subspecialists when such consultation appear to foster better results, at or is available, practical, and appropriate. least for weight management. 23 provide guidance on healthy eating, The frequency of such consultations Success in making lifestyle changes physical activity, and dealing with will vary, but should usually be to attain therapeutic goals requires T2DM in children and adolescents, but obtained at diagnosis and then at least the initial and ongoing education of the few other resources are available that annually if possible. When treatment patient and the entire family about are directly targeted at youth with this goals are not met, the committee healthy nutrition and exercise. Any be- disease.15 Most medications used for encourages clinicians to consult with havior change recommendations must T2DM have been tested for safety and an expert trained in the care of chil- establish realistic goals and take into efficacy only in people older than 18 dren and adolescents with T2DM.18,19 account the families’ health beliefs years, and there is scant scientific When first-line therapy (eg, metfor- and behaviors. Understanding the pa- evidence for optimal management of min) fails, recommendations for in- tient and family’s perception of the children with T2DM.16,17 Recognizing the tensifying therapy should be generally disease (and overweight status) before scarcity of evidence-based data, this the same for pediatric and adult establishing a management plan is im- report provides a set of guidelines for populations. The picture is constantly portant to dispel misconceptions and the management and treatment of changing, however, as new drugs are promote adherence.24 Because T2DM children with T2DM that is based on introduced, and some drugs that ini- disproportionately affects minority pop- a review of current medical literature tially appeared to be safe demon- ulations, there is a need to ensure cul- covering a period from January 1, 1990, strate adverse effects with wider use. turally appropriate, family-centered care to July 1, 2008. Clinicians should, therefore, remain along with ongoing education.25–28 Sev- alert to new developments with regard eral observational studies cite the im- Despite these limitations, the practic- to treatment of T2DM. Seeking the ad- portance of addressing cultural issues ing physician is likely to be faced with vice of an expert can help ensure that within the family.20–22 the need to provide care for children the treatment goals are appropriately with T2DM. Thus, the American Acad- set and that clinicians benefit from Restrictions in Creating This emy of Pediatrics (AAP), the Pediatric cutting-edge treatment information in Document Endocrine Society (PES), the American this rapidly changing area. In developing these guidelines, the Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Diabetes Association, and The Importance of Family-Centered following restrictions governed the the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Diabetes Care committee’s work: (formerly the American Dietetic Asso- Family structure, support, and educa- Although the importance of diabe- ciation) partnered to develop a set of tion help inform clinical decision-making tes detection and screening of at- guidelines that might benefit endo- and negotiations with the patient and risk populations is acknowledged crinologists and generalists, including family about medical preferences that and referenced, the guidelines pediatricians and family physicians affect medical decisions, independent are restricted to patients meeting alike. This clinical practice guideline of existing clinical recommendations. the diagnostic criteria for diabetes may not provide the only appropriate Because adherence is a major issue in (eg, this document focuses on approach to the management of chil- any lifestyle intervention, engaging the treatment postdiagnosis). Specifi- dren with T2DM. It is not expected to family is critical not only to maintain cally, this document and its recom- serve as a sole source of guidance in needed changes in lifestyle but also to mendations do not pertain to the management of children and ado- foster medication adherence.20–22 The patients with impaired fasting lescents with T2DM, nor is it intended to family’s ideal role in lifestyle inter- plasma glucose (100–125 mg/dL) replace clinical judgment or establish ventions varies, however, depend- or impaired glucose tolerance (2- a protocol for the care of all children ing on the child’s age. Behavioral hour oral glucose tolerance test with this condition. Rather, it is intended interventions in younger children plasma glucose: 140–200 mg/dL) to assist clinicians in decision-making. have shown a favorable effect. With or isolated insulin resistance. Primary care providers should en- adolescents, however, interventions Although it is noted that the dis- deavor to obtain the requisite skills to based on target-age behaviors (eg, tinction between types 1 and 2 di- care for children and adolescents with including phone or Internet-based abetes mellitus in children may be PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 2, February 2013 367 Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
difficult,29,30 these recommendations These groups partnered to develop operators NOT, AND, OR were included in pertain specifically to patients 10 an evidence report that served as a various combinations. Articles address- to less than 18 years of age with major source of information for these ing treatment of diabetes mellitus were T2DM (as defined above). practice guideline recommendations.31 prospectively limited to those that were Although the importance of high-risk Specific clinical questions addressed published in English between January care and glycemic control in preg- in the evidence review were as fol- 1990 and June 2008, included abstracts, nancy, including pregravid glycemia, lows: (1) the effectiveness of treat- and addressed children between the is affirmed, the evidence considered ment modalities for T2DM in children ages of 120 and 215 months with an and recommendations contained in and adolescents, (2) the efficacy of established diagnosis of T2DM. Studies this document do not pertain to di- pharmaceutical therapies for treat- in adults were considered for inclusion abetes in pregnancy, including dia- ment of children and adolescents with if >10% of the study population was betes in pregnant adolescents. T2DM, (3) appropriate recommen- 45 years of age or younger. The Med- dations for screening for comorbid- line search limits included the fol- Recommended screening sched- ities typically associated with T2DM lowing: clinical trial; meta-analysis; ules and management tools for in children and adolescents, and (4) randomized controlled trial; review; select comorbid conditions (hyper- treatment recommendations for comor- child: 6–12 years; and adolescent: tension, dyslipidemia, nephropathy, bidities of T2DM in children and ado- 13–18 years. Additional articles were microalbuminuria, and depression) lescents. The accompanying technical identified by review of reference lists are provided as resources in the report contains more information on of relevant articles and ongoing accompanying technical report.31 comorbidities.31 studies recommended by a technical These therapeutic recommenda- Epidemiologic project staff searched expert advisory group. All articles tions were adapted from other rec- Medline, the Cochrane Collaboration, were reviewed for compliance with ommended guideline documents and Embase. MESH terms used in the search limitations and appro- with references, without an inde- various combinations in the search priateness for inclusion in this pendent assessment of their sup- included diabetes, mellitus, type 2, type document. porting evidence. 1, treatment, prevention, diet, pediat- Initially, 199 abstracts were identified METHODS ric, T2DM, T1DM, NIDDM, metformin, for possible inclusion, of which 52 lifestyle, RCT, meta-analysis, child, ad- were retained for systematic review. A systematic review was performed olescent, therapeutics, control, adult, Results of the literature review were and is described in detail in the ac- obese, gestational, polycystic ovary presented in evidence tables and companying technical report.31 To de- syndrome, metabolic syndrome, car- published in the final evidence report. velop the clinical practice guideline on diovascular, dyslipidemia, men, and An additional literature search of the management of T2DM in children women. In addition, the Boolean Medline and the Cochrane Database of and adolescents, the AAP convened the Subcommittee on Management of T2DM in Children and Adolescents with the support of the American Di- abetes Association, the PES, the AAFP, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The subcommittee was co-chaired by 2 pediatric endocrinol- ogists preeminent in their field and included experts in general pediat- rics, family medicine, nutrition, Native American health, epidemiology, and medical informatics/guideline method- ology. All panel members reviewed the AAP policy on Conflict of Interest and FIGURE 1 Voluntary Disclosure and declared all Evidence quality. Integrating evidence quality appraisal with an assessment of the anticipated balance between benefits and harms if a policy is carried out leads to designation of a policy as a strong potential conflicts (see conflicts state- recommendation, recommendation, option, or no recommendation.32 RCT, randomized controlled ments in the Task Force member list). trial; Rec, recommendation. 368 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS TABLE 1 Definitions and Recommendation Implications Statement Definition Implication Strong recommendation A strong recommendation in favor of a particular action is Clinicians should follow a strong recommendation unless made when the anticipated benefits of the recommended a clear and compelling rationale for an alternative approach intervention clearly exceed the harms (as a strong is present. recommendation against an action is made when the anticipated harms clearly exceed the benefits) and the quality of the supporting evidence is excellent. In some clearly identified circumstances, strong recommendations may be made when high-quality evidence is impossible to obtain and the anticipated benefits strongly outweigh the harms. Recommendation A recommendation in favor of a particular action is made when Clinicians would be prudent to follow a recommendation but the anticipated benefits exceed the harms but the quality of should remain alert to new information and sensitive to evidence is not as strong. Again, in some clearly identified patient preferences. circumstances, recommendations may be made when high- quality evidence is impossible to obtain but the anticipated benefits outweigh the harms. Option Options define courses that may be taken when either the Clinicians should consider the option in their decision-making, quality of evidence is suspect or carefully performed studies and patient preference may have a substantial role. have shown little clear advantage to 1 approach over another. No recommendation No recommendation indicates that there is a lack of pertinent Clinicians should be alert to new published evidence that published evidence and that the anticipated balance of clarifies the balance of benefit versus harm. benefits and harms is presently unclear. It should be noted that, because childhood T2DM is a relatively recent medical phenomenon, there is a paucity of evidence for many or most of the recommendations provided. In some cases, supporting references for a specific recommendation are provided that do not deal specifically with childhood T2DM, such as T1DM, childhood obesity, or childhood “prediabetes,” or that were not included in the original comprehensive search. Committee members have made every effort to identify those references that did not affect or alter the level of evidence for specific recommendations. Systematic Reviews was performed the final evidence report. An epide- on a late draft of these recommendations, in July 2009 for articles discussing miologist appraised the methodo- using the GuideLine Implementability recommendations for screening and logic quality of the research before it Appraisal.33 Several potential obsta- treatment of 5 recognized comorbidities was considered by the committee cles to successful implementation of T2DM: cardiovascular disease, dysli- members. were identified and resolved in the pidemia, retinopathy, nephropathy, and The evidence-based approach to final guideline. Evidence was in- peripheral vascular disease. Search guideline development requires that corporated systematically into 6 key criteria were the same as for the search the evidence in support of each key action statements about appropriate on treatment of T2DM, with the inclusion action statement be identified, ap- management facilitated by BRIDGE-Wiz of the term “type 1 diabetes mellitus.” praised, and summarized and that an software (Building Recommendations Search terms included, in various com- explicit link between evidence and in a Developer’s Guideline Editor; Yale binations, the following: diabetes, melli- recommendations be defined. Evidence- Center for Medical Informatics). tus, type 2, type 1, pediatric, T2DM, based recommendations reflect the A draft version of this clinical practice T1DM, NIDDM, hyperlipidemia, retinopa- quality of evidence and the balance of guideline underwent extensive peer re- thy, microalbuminuria, comorbidities, benefit and harm that is anticipated view by 8 groups within the AAP, the screening, RCT, meta-analysis, child, and when the recommendation is followed. American Diabetes Association, PES, adolescent. Boolean operators and The AAP policy statement, “Classifying AAFP, and the Academy of Nutrition and search limits mirrored those of the Recommendations for Clinical Practice Dietetics. Members of the subcommittee primary search. Guidelines,”32 was followed in desig- were invited to distribute the draft to An additional 336 abstracts were nating levels of recommendation (see other representatives and committees identified for possible inclusion, of Fig 1 and Table 1). within their specialty organizations. The which 26 were retained for systematic To ensure that these recommendations resulting comments were reviewed by review. Results of this subsequent can be effectively implemented, the the subcommittee and incorporated into literature review were also presented Guidelines Review Group at Yale Center the guideline, as appropriate. All AAP in evidence tables and published in for Medical Informatics provided feedback guidelines are reviewed every 5 years. PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 2, February 2013 369 Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
KEY ACTION STATEMENTS process, blood glucose (BG) concen- T2DM. Patients in whom ketoacidosis Key Action Statement 1 trations may be normal much of the is diagnosed require immediate time and the patient likely will be treatment with insulin and fluid re- Clinicians must ensure that insulin asymptomatic. At this stage, the dis- placement in an inpatient setting therapy is initiated for children ease may only be detected by abnor- under the supervision of a physician and adolescents with T2DM who mal BG concentrations identified who is experienced in treating this are ketotic or in diabetic ketoaci- during screening. As insulin secretion complication. dosis and in whom the distinction declines further, the patient is likely to Youth and adolescents who present with between T1DM and T2DM is unclear; develop symptoms of hyperglycemia, T2DM with poor glycemic control (BG and, in usual cases, should initiate occasionally with ketosis or frank concentrations ≥250 mg/dL or HbA1c insulin therapy for patients: ketoacidosis. High glucose concen- >9%) but who lack evidence of ketosis a. who have random venous or trations can cause a reversible toxic- or ketoacidosis may also benefit from plasma BG concentrations ity to islet β cells that contributes initial treatment with insulin, at least on ≥250 mg/dL; or further to insulin deficiency. Of ado- a short-term basis.34 This allows for b. whose HbA1c is >9%. lescents in whom T2DM is subse- quicker restoration of glycemic con- (Strong Recommendation: evidence quently diagnosed, 5% to 25% present trol and, theoretically, may allow islet quality X, validating studies cannot with ketoacidosis.34 β cells to “rest and recover.”35,36 be performed, and C, observational Diabetic ketoacidosis must be treated Furthermore, it has been noted that studies and expert opinion; pre- with insulin and fluid and electrolyte initiation of insulin may increase ponderance of benefit over harm.) replacement to prevent worsening long-term adherence to treatment in children and adolescents with Action Statement Profile KAS 1 T2DM by enhancing the patient’s per- Aggregate evidence quality X (validating studies cannot be performed) ception of the seriousness of the dis- Benefits Avoidance of progression of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and worsening metabolic acidosis; resolution of acidosis and ease.7,37–40 Many patients with T2DM hyperglycemia; avoidance of coma and/or death. Quicker can be weaned gradually from insulin restoration of glycemic control, potentially allowing islet β therapy and subsequently managed cells to “rest and recover,” increasing long-term adherence to treatment; avoiding progression to DKA if T1DM. Avoiding with metformin and lifestyle modifica- hospitalization. Avoidance of potential risks associated with tion.34 the use of other agents (eg, abdominal discomfort, bloating, loose stools with metformin; possible cardiovascular risks As noted previously, in some children with sulfonylureas). and adolescents with newly diagnosed Harms/risks/cost Potential for hypoglycemia, insulin-induced weight gain, cost, diabetes mellitus, it may be difficult to patient discomfort from injection, necessity for BG testing, distinguish between type 1 and type 2 more time required by the health care team for patient training. disease (eg, an obese child presenting Benefits-harms assessment Preponderance of benefit over harm. with ketosis).39,41 These patients are Value judgments Extensive clinical experience of the expert panel was relied on in best managed initially with insulin making this recommendation. Role of patient preferences Minimal. therapy while appropriate tests are Exclusions None. performed to differentiate between Intentional vagueness None. T1DM and T2DM. The care of chil- Strength Strong recommendation. dren and adolescents who have either newly diagnosed T2DM or The presentation of T2DM in children metabolic acidosis, coma, and death. undifferentiated-type diabetes and and adolescents varies according to Children and adolescents with symp- who require initial insulin treatment the disease stage. Early in the disease, toms of hyperglycemia (polyuria, should be supervised by a physician before diabetes diagnostic criteria are polydipsia, and polyphagia) who are experienced in treating diabetic met, insulin resistance predominates diagnosed with diabetes mellitus patients with insulin. with compensatory high insulin se- should be evaluated for ketosis (serum cretion, resulting in normoglycemia. or urine ketones) and, if positive, for Over time, β cells lose their ability to ketoacidosis (venous pH), even if their Key Action Statement 2 secrete adequate amounts of insulin phenotype and risk factor status In all other instances, clinicians to overcome insulin resistance, and (obesity, acanthosis nigricans, positive should initiate a lifestyle modifica- hyperglycemia results. Early in this family history of T2DM) suggests tion program, including nutrition 370 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS and physical activity, and start committee recommends starting the credible RCTs in adolescents with metformin as first-line therapy drug at a low dose of 500 mg daily, T2DM. The evidence to recommend for children and adolescents at increasing by 500 mg every 1 to 2 initiating metformin at diagnosis along the time of diagnosis of T2DM. weeks, up to an ideal and maximum with lifestyle changes comes from 1 dose of 2000 mg daily in divided RCT, several observational studies, and (Strong recommendation: evidence doses.41 It should be noted that the consensus recommendations. quality B; 1 RCT showing improved main gastrointestinal adverse effects Lifestyle modifications (including nu- outcomes with metformin versus (abdominal pain, bloating, loose trition interventions and increased lifestyle; preponderance of bene- stools) present at initiation of met- physical activity) have long been the fits over harms.) formin often are transient and often cornerstone of therapy for T2DM. Yet, medical practitioners recognize that Action Statement Profile KAS 2 effecting these changes is both chal- Aggregate evidence quality B (1 randomized controlled trial showing improved outcomes lenging and often accompanied by with metformin versus lifestyle combined with expert opinion). regression over time to behaviors not Benefit Lower HbA1c, target HbA1c sustained longer, less early conducive to maintaining the target deterioration of BG, less chance of weight gain, improved range of BG concentrations. In pedi- insulin sensitivity, improved lipid profile. Harm (of using metformin) Gastrointestinal adverse effects or potential for lactic acidosis atric patients, lifestyle change is most and vitamin B12 deficiency, cost of medications, cost to likely to be successful when a multi- administer, need for additional instruction about medication, disciplinary approach is used and the self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG), perceived difficulty of insulin use, possible metabolic deterioration if T1DM is entire family is involved. (Encourage- misdiagnosed and treated as T2DM, potential risk of lactic ment of healthy eating and physical acidosis in the setting of ketosis or significant dehydration. exercise are discussed in Key Action It should be noted that there have been no cases reported of vitamin B12 deficiency or lactic acidosis with the use of Statements 5 and 6.) Unfortunately, metformin in children. efforts at lifestyle change often fail for Benefits-harms assessment Preponderance of benefit over harm. a variety of reasons, including high Value judgments Committee members valued faster achievement of BG control over not medicating children. rates of loss to follow-up; a high rate of Role of patient preferences Moderate; precise implementation recommendations likely will depression in teenagers, which affects be dictated by patient preferences regarding healthy adherence; and peer pressure to nutrition, potential medication adverse reaction, exercise, participate in activities that often and physical activity. Exclusions Although the recommendation to start metformin applies to all, center on unhealthy eating. certain children and adolescents with T2DM will not be able Expert consensus is that fewer than to tolerate metformin. In addition, certain older or more debilitated patients with T2DM may be restricted in the 10% of pediatric T2DM patients will at- amount of moderate-to-vigorous exercise they can perform tain their BG goals through lifestyle safely. Nevertheless, this recommendation applies to the vast interventions alone.6,35,44 It is possible majority of children and adolescents with T2DM. Intentional vagueness None. that the poor long-term success rates Policy level Strong recommendation. observed from lifestyle interventions stem from patients’ perception that the intervention is not important because Metformin as First-Line Therapy disappear completely if medication is medications are not being prescribed. Because of the low success rate with continued. Generally, doses higher One might speculate that prescribing diet and exercise alone in pediatric than 2000 mg daily do not provide medications, particularly insulin ther- patients diagnosed with T2DM, met- additional therapeutic benefit.34,42,43 In apy, may convey a greater degree of formin should be initiated along with addition, the use of extended-release concern for the patient’s health and the the promotion of lifestyle changes, metformin, especially with evening seriousness of the diagnosis, relative to unless insulin is needed to reverse dosing, may be considered, although that conveyed when medications are glucose toxicity in the case of signifi- data regarding the frequency of ad- not needed, and that improved treat- cant hyperglycemia or ketoacidosis verse effects with this preparation are ment adherence and follow-up may (see Key Action Statement 1). Because scarce. Metformin is generally better result from the use of medication. In- gastrointestinal adverse effects are tolerated when taken with food. It is deed, 2 prospective observational common with metformin therapy, the important to recognize the paucity of studies revealed that treatment with PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 2, February 2013 371 Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
lifestyle modification alone is associ- Drug Administration (FDA) for use in Insulin offers theoretical benefits ated with a higher rate of loss to children, both thiazolidinediones and of improved metabolic control follow-up than that found in patients incretins are occasionally used in while preserving β-cell function or who receive medication.45 adolescents younger than 18 years.48 even reversing β-cell damage.34,35 Before initiating treatment with met- Metformin is recommended as the Initial use of insulin therapy may formin, a number of important con- initial pharmacologic agent in ado- convey to the patient a sense of siderations must be taken into lescents presenting with mild hyper- seriousness of the disease.7,53 account. First, it is important to de- glycemia and without ketonuria or Throughout the writing of these termine whether the child with a new severe hyperglycemia. In addition to guidelines, the authors have been diagnosis has T1DM or T2DM, and it is improving hepatic insulin sensitivity, following the progress of the National critical to err on the side of caution if metformin has a number of practical Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and there is any uncertainty. The 2009 advantages over insulin: Kidney Diseases–supported Treat- Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines Potential weight loss or weight ment Options for type 2 Diabetes in on Type 2 Diabetes in Children and neutrality.37,48 Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) trial,54 Adolescents from the International Because of a lower risk of hypogly- designed to compare standard (met- Society for Pediatric and Adolescent cemia, less frequent finger-stick formin alone) therapy versus more Diabetes provides more information BG measurements are required aggressive therapy as the initial on the classification of diabetes in with metformin, compared with insu- treatment of youth with recent-onset children and adolescents with new lin therapy or sulfonylureas.37,42,49–51 T2DM. Since the completion of these diagnoses.46 If the diagnosis is un- Improves insulin sensitivity and guidelines, results of the TODAY trial clear (as may be the case when an may normalize menstrual cycles have become available and reveal obese child with diabetes presents in females with polycystic ovary that metformin alone is inadequate also with ketosis), the adolescent syndrome. (Because metformin in effecting sustained glycemic con- must be treated with insulin until the may also improve fertility in trol in the majority of youth with di- T2DM diagnosis is confirmed.47 Al- patients with polycystic ovary syn- abetes. The study also revealed that though it is recognized that some the addition of rosiglitazone to met- drome, contraception is indicated children with newly diagnosed T2DM formin is superior to metformin for sexually active patients who wish may respond to metformin alone, the alone in preserving glycemic control. to avoid pregnancy.) committee believes that the presence Direct application of these findings of either ketosis or ketoacidosis dic- Taking pills does not have the discom- to clinical practice is problematic, tates an absolute initial requirement fort associated with injections. however, because rosiglitazone is not for insulin replacement. (This is Less instruction time is required to FDA-approved for use in children, and addressed in Key Action Statement 1.) start oral medication, making it is its use, even in adults, is now se- Although there is little debate that easier for busy practitioners to verely restricted by the FDA because a child presenting with significant prescribe. of serious adverse effects reported hyperglycemia and/or ketosis requires Adolescents do not always accept in adults. Thus, the results suggest insulin, children presenting with more injections, so oral medication that therapy that is more aggressive modest levels of hyperglycemia (eg, might enhance adherence.52 than metformin monotherapy may be random BG of 200–249 mg/dL) or required in these adolescents to Potential advantages of insulin over asymptomatic T2DM present addi- prevent loss of glycemic control, but metformin for treatment at diabetes tional therapeutic challenges to the they do not provide specific guidance onset include the following: clinician. In such cases, metformin because it is not known whether the alone, insulin alone, or metformin Metabolic control may be achieved effect of the additional agent was with insulin all represent reasonable more rapidly with insulin com- specific to rosiglitazone or would be options. Additional agents are likely to pared with metformin therapy.37 seen with the addition of other become reasonable options for initial With appropriate education and tar- agents. Unfortunately, there are lim- pharmacologic management in the geting the regimen to the individual, ited data for the use of other cur- near future. Although metformin and adolescents are able to accept and rently available oral or injected insulin are the only antidiabetic agents use insulin therapy with improved hypoglycemic agents in this age currently approved by the US Food and metabolic outcomes.53 range, except for insulin. Therefore, 372 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS the writing group for these guide- plus-rosiglitazone intervention in main- evaluated the relationship between lines continues to recommend met- taining glycemic control over time.54 glycemic control and the risk of de- formin as first-line therapy in this veloping microvascular and/or mac- Summary age group but with close monitoring rovascular complications in children for glycemic deterioration and the As noted previously, metformin is a safe and adolescents with T2DM. A num- early addition of insulin or another and effective agent for use at the time of ber of studies of children with pharmacologic agent if needed. diagnosis in conjunction with lifestyle T1DM55–57 and adults with T2DM have, changes. Although observational studies however, shown a significant relation- and expert opinion strongly support ship between glycemic control (as Lifestyle Modification, Including lifestyle changes as a key component of Nutrition and Physical Activity measured by HbA1c concentration) and the regimen in addition to metformin, the risk of microvascular complications Although lifestyle changes are con- randomized trials are needed to de- (eg, retinopathy, nephropathy, and neu- sidered indispensable to reaching lineate whether using lifestyle options ropathy).58,59 The relationship between treatment goals in diabetes, no sig- alone is a reasonable first step in HbA1c concentration and risk of mi- nificant data from RCTs provide in- treating any select subgroups of chil- crovascular complications appears to formation on success rates with such dren with T2DM. be curvilinear; the lower the HbA1c an approach alone. Key Action Statement 3 concentration, the lower the downstream A potential downside for initiating risk of microvascular complications, with lifestyle changes alone at T2DM onset The committee suggests that clini- the greatest risk reduction seen at the is potential loss of patients to follow- cians monitor HbA1c concentrations highest HbA1c concentrations.57 up and worse health outcomes. The every 3 months and intensify treat- value of lifestyle modification in the ment if treatment goals for BG and It is generally recommended that management of adolescents with HbA1c concentrations are not being HbA1c concentrations be measured T2DM is likely forthcoming after a more met. (Option: evidence quality D; every 3 months.60 For adults with detailed analysis of the lifestyle in- expert opinion and studies in chil- T1DM, the American Diabetes Associ- tervention arm of the multicenter TODAY dren with T1DM and in adults with ation recommends target HbA1c con- trial becomes available.54 As noted pre- T2DM; preponderance of benefits centrations of less than 7%; the viously, although it was published after over harms.) American Association of Clinical Endo- crinologists recommends target con- Action Statement Profile KAS 3 centrations of less than 6.5%. Although Aggregate evidence quality D (expert opinion and studies in children with T1DM and in adults with HbA1c target concentrations for children T2DM; no studies have been performed in children and adolescents and adolescents with T1DM are higher,13 with T2DM). several review articles suggest target Benefit Diminishing the risk of progression of disease and deterioration resulting in hospitalization; prevention of microvascular HbA1c concentrations of less than 7% complications of T2DM. for children and adolescents with Harm Potential for hypoglycemia from overintensifying treatment to reach T2DM.40,61–63 The committee concurs HbA1c target goals; cost of frequent testing and medical consultation; possible patient discomfort. that, ideally, target HbA1c concentration Benefits-harms assessment Preponderance of benefits over harms. should be less than 7% but notes that Value judgments Recommendation dictated by widely accepted standards of diabetic care. specific goals must be achievable for the Role of patient Minimal; recommendation dictated by widely accepted standards of preferences diabetic care. individual patient and that this concen- Exclusions None. tration may not be applicable for all Intentional vagueness Intentional vagueness in the recommendation as far as setting goals and patients. For patients in whom a target intensifying treatment attributable to limited evidence. Policy level Option. concentration of less than 7% seems unattainable, individualized goals should be set, with the ultimate goal of reaching guideline target concentrations. In addi- this guideline was developed, the TODAY HbA1c provides a measure of glyce- tion, in the absence of hypoglycemia, trial indicated that results from the mic control in patients with diabetes even lower HbA1c target concentrations metformin-plus-lifestyle intervention were mellitus and allows an estimation of can be considered on the basis of an not significantly different from either the individual’s average BG over the absence of hypoglycemic events and metformin alone or the metformin- previous 8 to 12 weeks. No RCTs have other individual considerations. PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 2, February 2013 373 Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
When concentrations are found to be Glycemic control correlates closely Recognizing that current practices above the target, therapy should be with the frequency of BG monitoring in may not always reflect optimal care, intensified whenever possible, with the adolescents with T1DM.64,65 Although a 2004 survey of practices among goal of bringing the concentration to studies evaluating the efficacy of fre- members of the PES revealed that target. Intensification activities may quent BG monitoring have not been 36% of pediatric endocrinologists include, but are not limited to, in- conducted in children and adoles- asked their pediatric patients with creasing the frequency of clinic visits, cents with T2DM, benefits have been T2DM to monitor BG concentrations engaging in more frequent BG moni- described in insulin-treated adults twice daily; 12% asked patients to do toring, adding 1 or more antidiabetic with T2DM who tested their BG 4 times so once daily; 13% asked patients to agents, meeting with a registered di- per day, compared with adults fol- do so 3 times per day; and 12% asked etitian and/or diabetes educator, and lowing a less frequent monitoring patients to do so 4 times daily.61 The increasing attention to diet and exer- regimen.66 These data support the questionnaire provided to the pedi- cise regimens. Patients whose HbA1c value of BG monitoring in adults atric endocrinologists did not ask concentrations remain relatively sta- treated with insulin, and likely are about the frequency of BG monitor- ble may only need to be tested every 6 relevant to youth with T2DM as well, ing in relationship to the diabetes months. Ideally, real-time HbA1c con- especially those treated with insulin, regimen, however. centrations should be available at the at the onset of the disease, when Although normoglycemia may be time of the patient’s visit with the clini- treatment goals are not met, and difficult to achieve in adolescents cian to allow the physician and patient when the treatment regimen is with T2DM, a fasting BG concentration and/or parent to discuss intensification changed. The committee believes that of 70 to 130 mg/dL is a reasonable of therapy during the visit, if needed. current (2011) ADA recommendations target for most. In addition, because for finger-stick BG monitoring apply to postprandial hyperglycemia has been Key Action Statement 4 most youth with T2DM67: associated with increased risk of The committee suggests that clini- Finger-stick BG monitoring should cardiovascular events in adults, cians advise patients to monitor be performed 3 or more times daily postprandial BG testing may be finger-stick BG concentrations in for patients using multiple insulin valuable in select patients. BG con- those who injections or insulin pump therapy. centrations obtained 2 hours after a. are taking insulin or other For patients using less-frequent in- meals (and paired with pre-meal sulin injections, noninsulin thera- concentrations) provide an index of medications with a risk of hy- pies, or medical nutrition therapy glycemic excursion, and may be poglycemia; or b. are initiating or changing their alone, finger-stick BG monitoring useful in improving glycemic control, may be useful as a guide to the particularly for the patient whose diabetes treatment regimen; or success of therapy. fasting plasma glucose is normal but c. have not met treatment goals; or whose HbA1c is not at target.68 Rec- d. have intercurrent illnesses. To achieve postprandial glucose ognizing the limited evidence for (Option: evidence quality D; expert targets, postprandial finger-stick benefit of FSBG testing in this pop- consensus. Preponderance of ben- BG monitoring may be appropri- ulation, the committee provides efits over harms.) ate. suggested guidance for testing fre- quency, tailored to the medication Action Statement Profile KAS 4 regimen, as follows: Aggregate evidence quality D (expert consensus). Benefit Potential for improved metabolic control, improved potential for prevention of hypoglycemia, decreased long-term complications. Harm Patient discomfort, cost of materials. BG Testing Frequency for Patients With Benefits-harms assessment Benefit over harm. Newly Diagnosed T2DM: Fasting, Value judgments Despite lack of evidence, there were general committee perceptions that Premeal, and Bedtime Testing patient safety concerns related to insulin use or clinical status outweighed any risks from monitoring. The committee suggests that all Role of patient preferences Moderate to low; recommendation driven primarily by safety concerns. patients with newly diagnosed T2DM, Exclusions None. regardless of prescribed treatment Intentional vagueness Intentional vagueness in the recommendation about specific approaches attributable to lack of evidence and the need to plan, should perform finger-stick BG individualize treatment. monitoring before meals (including Policy level Option. a morning fasting concentration) and 374 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS at bedtime until reasonable metabolic Oral agents: Once treatment goals are a rapid-acting insulin analog is given control is achieved.69 Once BG con- met, the frequency of monitoring can be for “X” grams of carbohydrates inges- centrations are at target levels, the decreased; however, the committee ted (see box below). When using this frequency of monitoring can be mod- recommends some continued BG test- method, the patient must be willing and ified depending on the medication ing for all youth with T2DM, at a fre- able to count the number of grams of used, the regimen’s intensity, and the quency determined within the clinical carbohydrates in the meal and divide patient’s metabolic control. Patients context (e.g. medication regimen, HbA1c, by the assigned “carb ratio (X)” to who are prone to marked hypergly- willingness of the patient, etc.). For ex- know how many units of insulin should cemia or hypoglycemia or who are on ample, an infrequent or intermittent be taken. In addition, the patient must a therapeutic regimen associated with monitoring schedule may be adequate always check BG concentrations before increased risk of hypoglycemia will when the patient is using exclusively an the meal to determine how much ad- require continued frequent BG testing. oral agent associated with a low risk of ditional insulin should be given as Expectations for frequency and timing hypoglycemia and if HbA1c concen- a correction dose using an algorithm of BG monitoring should be clearly de- trations are in the ideal or non-diabetic assigned by the care team if the fasting fined through shared goal-setting be- range. A more frequent monitoring BG is not in target. Insulin pumps are tween the patient and clinician. The schedule should be advised during based on this concept of “basal-bolus” adolescent and family members should times of illness or if symptoms of hy- insulin administration and have the be given a written action plan stating perglycemia or hypoglycemia develop. capability of calculating a suggested the medication regimen, frequency and bolus dosage, based on inputted grams timing of expected BG monitoring, as Oral agent plus a single injection of of carbohydrates and BG concen- well as follow-up instructions. a long-acting insulin: Some youth with trations. Because the BG value deter- T2DM can be managed successfully with mines the amount of insulin to be given a single injection of long-acting insulin in at each meal, the recommended testing BG Testing Frequency for Patients on conjunction with an oral agent. Twice a frequency for patients on this regimen Single Insulin Daily Injections and Oral day BG monitoring (fasting plus a sec- is before every meal. Agents ond BG concentration – ideally 2-hour Single bedtime long-acting insulin: post prandial) often is recommended, as The simplest insulin regimen con- long as HbA1c and BG concentrations Box 1 Example of Basal Bolus sists of a single injection of long- remain at goal and the patient remains Insulin Regimen acting insulin at bedtime (basal asymptomatic. If an adolescent has a BG of 250 insulin only). The appropriateness of mg/dL, is to consume a meal the insulin dose for patients using BG Testing Frequency for Patients containing 60 g of carbohydrates, this regimen is best defined by the Receiving Multiple Daily Insulin with a carbohydrate ratio of 1:10 fasting/prebreakfast BG test. For Injections (eg, Basal Bolus Regimens): and an assigned correction dose patients on this insulin regimen, the Premeal and Bedtime Testing of 1:25>125 (with 25 being the committee suggests daily fasting BG Basal bolus regimens are commonly insulin sensitivity and 125 mg/dL measurements. This regimen is as- used in children and youth with T1DM the target blood glucose level), sociated with some risk of hypogly- and may be appropriate for some youth the mealtime bolus dose of cemia (especially overnight or with T2DM as well. They are the most insulin would be as follows: fasting hypoglycemia) and may not labor intensive, providing both basal 60 g/10 “carb ratio” = provide adequate insulin coverage insulin plus bolus doses of short-acting 6 units rapid-acting insulin for for mealtime ingestions throughout insulin at meals. Basal insulin is pro- meal the day, as reflected by fasting BG vided through either the use of long- plus concentrations in target, but day- acting, relatively peak-free insulin (by time readings above target. In such needle) or via an insulin pump. Bolus (250–125)/25 = 125/25 = cases, treatment with meglitinide insulin doses are given at meal-time, 5 units rapid-acting insulin for (Prandin [Novo Nordisk Pharma- using one of the rapid-acting insulin correction ceuticals] or Starlix [Novartis Phar- analogs. The bolus dose is calculated by Thus, total bolus insulin coverage maceuticals]) or a short-acting using a correction algorithm for the at mealtime is: 11 U (6 + 5) of insulin before meals (see below) premeal BG concentration as well as rapid-acting insulin. may be beneficial. a “carb ratio,” in which 1 unit of PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 2, February 2013 375 Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
Key Action Statement 5 patients with T2DM both at the time agement, summarized below (A The committee suggests that clini- of diagnosis and as part of ongoing complete list of these recom- cians incorporate the Academy of management. (Option; evidence mendations is accessible to health Nutrition and Dietetics’ Pediatric quality D; expert opinion; pre- care professionals at: http://www. Weight Management Evidence- ponderance of benefits over Based Nutrition Practice Guide- harms. Role of patient preference cat=4102&auth=1.) lines in the nutrition counseling of is dominant.) According to the Academy of Nutri- tion and Dietetics’ guidelines, when incorporated with lifestyle changes, Action Statement Profile KAS 5 balanced macronutrient diets at 900 Aggregate evidence quality D (expert opinion). to 1200 kcal per day are associated Benefit Promotes weight loss; improves insulin sensitivity; contributes to glycemic control; prevents worsening of disease; facilitates with both short- and long-term (eg, a sense of well-being; and improves cardiovascular health. ≥ 1 year) improvements in weight Harm Costs of nutrition counseling; inadequate reimbursement of status and body composition in clinicians’ time; lost opportunity costs vis-a-vis time and resources spent in other counseling activities. children 6 to 12 years of age.70 Benefits-harms assessment Benefit over harm. These calorie recommendations Value judgments There is a broad societal agreement on the benefits of dietary are to be incorporated with lifestyle recommendations. changes, including increased activ- Role of patient preference Dominant. Patients may have different preferences for how they wish to receive assistance in managing their weight-loss ity and possibly medication. Re- goals. Some patients may prefer a referral to a nutritionist strictions of no less than 1200 kcal while others might prefer accessing online sources of help. per day in adolescents 13 to 18 Patient preference should play a significant role in determining an appropriate weight-loss strategy. years old result in improved weight Exclusions None. status and body composition as Intentional vagueness Intentional vagueness in the recommendation about specific well. 71 The Diabetes Prevention Pro- approaches attributable to lack of evidence and the need to individualize treatment. gram demonstrated that partic- Policy level Option. ipants assigned to the intensive lifestyle-intervention arm had a re- duction in daily energy intake of 450 kcal and a 58% reduction in pro- Consuming more calories than one children and adolescents, because gression to diabetes at the 2.8-year uses results in weight gain and is the great majority of children with follow-up.71 At the study’s end, 50% a major contributor to the increasing T2DM are obese or overweight at of the lifestyle-arm participants had incidence of T2DM in children and diagnosis.26 The committee suggests achieved the goal weight loss of at adolescents. Current literature is in- that clinicians encourage children least 7% after the 24-week curricu- conclusive about a single best meal and adolescents with T2DM to follow lum and 38% showed weight loss of plan for patients with diabetes mel- the Academy of Nutrition and Di- at least 7% at the time of their most litus, however, and studies specifi- etetics’ recommendations for main- recent visit.72 The Academy of Nutri- cally addressing the diet of children taining healthy weight to promote tion and Dietetics recommends that and adolescents with T2DM are health and reduce obesity in this protein-sparing, modified-fast (keto- limited. Challenges to making rec- population. The committee recom- genic) diets be restricted to children ommendations stem from the small mends that clinicians refer patients who are >120% of their ideal body sample size of these studies, limit- to a registered dietitian who has weight and who have a serious ed specificity for children and expertise in the nutritional needs of medical complication that would adolescents, and difficulties in gen- youth with T2DM. Clinicians should benefit from rapid weight loss.71 eralizing the data from dietary re- incorporate the Academy of Nutri- Specific recommendations are for search studies to the general tion and Dietetics’ Pediatric Weight the intervention to be short-term population. Management Evidence-Based Nutri- (typically 10 weeks) and to be con- Although evidence is lacking in chil- tion Practice Guidelines, which de- ducted under the supervision of dren with T2DM, numerous studies scribe effective, evidence-based a multidisciplinary team specializ- have been conducted in overweight treatment options for weight man- ing in pediatric obesity. 376 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on May 15, 2015
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