Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

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Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

                                    Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox

                                                                                                                                                          BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                    in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive
                                    case series
                                    Aatish Patel, Julia Bilinska, Jerry C H Tam, Dayana Da Silva Fontoura, Claire Y Mason,
                                    Anna Daunt, Luke B Snell, Jamie Murphy, Jack Potter, Cecilia Tuudah, Rohan Sundramoorthi,
                                    Movin Abeywickrema, Caitlin Pley, Vasanth Naidu, Gaia Nebbia, Emma Aarons, Alina Botgros,
                                    Sam T Douthwaite, Claire van Nispen tot Pannerden, Helen Winslow, Aisling Brown,
                                    Daniella Chilton, Achyuta Nori

Guys and St Thomas’ NHS             Abstract                                                  with mucocutaneous manifestations without
Foundation Trust, London, SE1       Objective                                                 systemic features. 71 (36.0%) reported rectal pain,
                                    To characterise the clinical features of monkeypox        33 (16.8%) sore throat, and 31 (15.7%) penile
Correspondence to: A Patel
                                    infection in humans.                                      oedema. 27 (13.7%) had oral lesions and 9 (4.6%)
(ORCID 0000-0002-2503-2602)         Design                                                    had tonsillar signs. 70/195 (35.9%) participants
Additional material is published    Descriptive case series.                                  had concomitant HIV infection. 56 (31.5%) of those
online only. To view please visit                                                             screened for sexually transmitted infections had a
the journal online.                Setting
                                                                                              concomitant sexually transmitted infection. Overall,
Cite this as: BMJ 2022;378:e072410 A regional high consequences infectious disease
                                                                                              20 (10.2%) participants were admitted to hospital for         centre with associated primary and secondary care
bmj‑2022‑072410                                                                               the management of symptoms, most commonly rectal
                                   referrals, and affiliated sexual health centres in south
                                                                                              pain and penile swelling.
Accepted: 22 July 2022             London between May and July 2022.
                                                                                              These findings confirm the ongoing unprecedented
                                    197 patients with polymerase chain reaction
                                                                                              community transmission of monkeypox virus among
                                    confirmed monkeypox infection.
                                                                                              gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with
                                    Results                                                   men seen in the UK and many other non-endemic
                                    The median age of participants was 38 years. All          countries. A variable temporal association was
                                    197 participants were men, and 196 identified as          observed between mucocutaneous and systemic
                                    gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex with men.        features, suggesting a new clinical course to the
                                    All presented with mucocutaneous lesions, most            disease. New clinical presentations of monkeypox
                                    commonly on the genitals (n=111 participants,             infection were identified, including rectal pain and
                                    56.3%) or in the perianal area (n=82, 41.6%). 170         penile oedema. These presentations should be
                                    (86.3%) participants reported systemic illness.           included in public health messaging to aid early
                                    The most common systemic symptoms were fever              diagnosis and reduce onward transmission.
                                    (n=122, 61.9%), lymphadenopathy (114, 57.9%),
                                    and myalgia (n=62, 31.5%). 102/166 (61.5%)                Introduction
                                    developed systemic features before the onset of           On 6 May 2022, the UK High Consequence Infectious
                                    mucocutaneous manifestations and 64 (38.5%) after         Diseases (HCID) network was alerted to an individual
                                    (n=4 unknown). 27 (13.7%) presented exclusively           with monkeypox who had recently returned from West
                                                                                              Africa. Six further infected individuals were identified
                                                                                              the following week, without epidemiological linkage
 What is already known on this topic                                                          to West Africa. As of 12 July, 1735 people had been
 Previous cases of human monkeypox infection in the UK were imported or                       identified with monkeypox in the UK, most (96%)
 directly related to imported cases from West Africa, with limited reported human             occurring in gay, bisexual, or other men who have sex
 to human transmission                                                                        with men, and 79% occurring in London.1 2 People
                                                                                              with monkeypox infection have also been reported in
 The symptoms included in the current UK Health Security Agency case definitions
                                                                                              several other non-endemic countries in Europe and the
 are based on those documented in previous outbreaks
                                                                                              Americas, with the highest reported case loads outside
 What this study adds                                                                         of the UK in Spain and Germany.3
 Common symptoms were identified that are not included in current public health                  Monkeypox is due to an orthopoxvirus, which
 messaging, including rectal pain and penile oedema                                           rarely causes disease in humans. Although the exact
                                                                                              reservoir of the virus is still unknown, rodents are
 Features suggesting a change from the classic presentation of the disease were
                                                                                              suspected to play a part in transmission. The virus was
 observed, including a variable temporal association between mucocutaneous
                                                                                              first identified in 1958, among primates in captivity
 and systemic features and a biphasic appearance of lesions
                                                                                              for research purposes.4 Two genetically distinct
 Data characterising the clinical presentations, progress, and management of                  viral clades are described: Central African (Congo
 these cases is urgently needed to help guide both the management of patients                 Basin) and West African.5 The first reports of humans
 with monkeypox infection and the response to the outbreak                                    becoming infected were recorded in 1970, when a

the bmj | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410                                                                                        1
Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

                                                                                               progressed sequentially.16 Lesions have predominantly

                                                                                                                                                               BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
     UK Health Security Agency case definition of possible and probable monkeypox
                                                                                               affected the face (95% of infected people), palms
     infection as of 16 July 2022
                                                                                               and soles (75%), mucous membranes (70%), and,
     Possible infection                                                                        less commonly, genitals.5 Most infections are self-
     • A person with a febrile prodrome* compatible with monkeypox infection where there       limiting and relatively mild, with symptoms lasting
       is known prior contact with a confirmed case in the 21 days before symptom onset.       2-4 weeks. Severe manifestations of infection include
     • Or                                                                                      encephalitis, secondary skin infection, pneumonia,
     • A person with an illness where the clinician has a high suspicion of monkeypox          and ocular disease leading to loss of vision. Higher
       (for example, this may include prodrome or atypical presentations with exposure         risk populations include neonates, children, and those
       histories deemed high risk by the clinician, or classical rash without risk factors).   with immunodeficiency.17
     Probable infection                                                                           Monkeypox is designated as a high consequence
     • A person with an unexplained rash on any part of their body plus one or more            infectious disease in the UK.18 In the 2022 outbreak,
       classical symptom or symptoms of monkeypox infection*† since 15 March 2022 and          the rapid community spread meant that most
       either:                                                                                 infected individuals were managed at home after risk
     • has an epidemiological link to a confirmed or probable case of monkeypox in the 21      assessment.19 The box shows the current UK Health
       days before symptom onset                                                               Security Agency case definition of possible and
     • reported a travel history to West or Central Africa in the 21 days before symptom       probable monkeypox infection.20
       onset                                                                                      The observed clinical features of monkeypox
     • is a gay or bisexual man or man who has sex with men                                    infection in the 2022 UK outbreak differ from those
     *Consists of fever ≥38°C, chills, headache, exhaustion, muscle aches (myalgia), joint     in historical reports. We describe the characteristics
     pain (arthralgia), backache, and swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy).                   and clinical features of monkeypox infection in people
     †Acute illness with fever (>38.5°C), intense headaches, myalgia, arthralgia, back pain,   managed through a single south London centre and
     lymphadenopathy.                                                                          present a series of novel presentations.

                                  smallpox-like illness was investigated in areas of the       Setting
                                  Democratic Republic of Congo thought to be free of           We conducted a retrospective observational analysis of
                                  variola.6 7 Monkeypox is endemic in the Congo Basin          people with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed
                                  and West Africa, where outbreaks involving 23 to 88          monkeypox virus, who were tested and managed
                                  people have been described.8 9 Several animal species        through a south London HCID centre. The centre is
                                  are susceptible to the infection, and animal to human        one of five HCID centres in the UK and serves an inner
                                  transmission through handling and ingesting wild             city central and south London population. Swabs for
                                  game animals has been identified as the primary              diagnostic sampling were taken from the lesions at
                                  route of infection in African outbreaks, followed by         affiliated community sexual health and HIV medicine
                                  human to human transmission through close contact            services, on admission to hospital (inpatient ward or
                                  with infected individuals.10 Spread of respiratory           emergency department) or on transfer of patients with
                                  droplets and direct contact with skin lesions and scabs      suspected monkeypox from neighbouring NHS trusts
                                  have been described as the predominant routes of             (see supplementary figure 1). Samples were processed
                                  transmission between humans, but transmission can            at the Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory
                                  also occur via fomites.11 In 2003, the first monkeypox       at Porton Down, UK.21 People with suspected and
                                  outbreak in the Western hemisphere was reported in           confirmed monkeypox infection were risk stratified
                                  11 people in the United States who had been in close         according to disease severity, immune status, and their
                                  contact with infected prairie dogs. These animals            ability to self-isolate, and managed accordingly. As
                                  had been transported alongside a Giant Gambian rat,          part of routine clinical care, individuals were clinically
                                  presumed to be the primary source of the infection.12        assessed before testing. All people with a positive PCR
                                  Since 2018, travel associated monkeypox infection has        test result for monkeypox virus took part in a telephone
                                  been diagnosed in four people in the UK, with onward         consultation to be counselled about their result and to
                                  transmission to three further people.13 Sporadic cases       conduct a risk assessment.
                                  of imported infections have also been reported in the
                                  US, Singapore, and Israel.14                                 Inclusion criteria and data collection
                                     The incubation period of monkeypox is currently           All people tested for monkeypox virus between 13
                                  understood to be about 12 days (range 5-24                   May and 1 July 2022 were identified through routine
                                  days).11 12 Classic descriptions of monkeypox                tracking of samples sent from the centre’s virology
                                  infection depict biphasic clinical features, with a          laboratory to the Rare and Imported Pathogens
                                  prodromal phase characterised by fever, malaise,             Laboratory. Those who tested positive were included
                                  sweats, lymphadenopathy, and headache, followed              for further study.
                                  by skin eruption 2-4 days later.11 Skin lesions follow          Clinical data were collected through one of three
                                  a typical pattern of evolution, starting as macules and      electronic healthcare systems: Electronic Patient
                                  progressing into papules, vesicles, and pustules, which      Record iSOFT Clinical Manager 1.6 (iSOFT Group, Falls
                                  subsequently crust over and then desquamate.13 15            Church, VA), eNoting Client (an in-house patient records
                                  Historically, lesions have appeared simultaneously and       system), and preView (IMS MAXIMS, Milton Keynes,

2                                                                                             doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | the bmj
Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

                                UK). Data were collected on personal characteristics,       participants described mucocutaneous manifestations

                                                                                                                                                      BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                signs and symptoms reported at presentation,                as being pruritic and 27 (13.7%, 9.2% to 19.3%)
                                mucocutaneous manifestations (description, number,          reported a concomitant widespread maculopapular
                                characteristics, and locations), risk factors as defined    rash.
                                by the UK Health Security Agency (travel, contacts, and       Systemic illness was reported by 170 (86.3%)
                                sexual history), HIV status, and sexual health screen       participants. The most commonly described systemic
                                results. Typical lesions were defined as macules,           symptoms were fever (n=122, 61.9%, 54.8% to
                                papules, vesicles, pustules, umbilication, crust, or        68.7%), lymphadenopathy (n=114, 57.9%, 50.6%
                                scab.                                                       to 64.9%), and myalgia (n=62, 31.5%, 25.1% to
                                                                                            38.5%) (table 2). In contrast with existing case
                                Statistical analysis                                        reports suggesting that prodromal systemic symptoms
                                We calculated means and medians for continuous              precede skin lesions, we observed a variable temporal
                                data, and percentages for nominal data. The Clopper-        association between mucocutaneous and systemic
                                Pearson exact method was used to calculate confidence       features. In 102/166 (61.5%, 53.6% to 68.9%)
                                intervals for symptom prevalence. Kaplan Meier for          participants, symptoms developed before the onset
                                length of stay analysis was calculated using Graphpad       of mucocutaneous manifestation and in 64 (38.5%,
                                Prism version 9.3.1. All other analysis was calculated      31.1% to 46.4%) after (n=4, unknown). Twenty seven
                                using Microsoft Excel version 16.62.                        participants (13.7%, 9.2% to 19.3%) presented with
                                                                                            mucocutaneous manifestations without systemic
                                Patient and public involvement                              symptoms.
                                The research question for this study was formed               Notably, 71 (36.0%, 29.3% to 43.2%) participants
                                through discussions with patients. Although there           reported rectal pain or pain on defecation, 33 (16.8%,
                                was no further direct patient or public involvement in      11.8% to 22.7%) sore throat, and 31 (15.7%, 11.0%
                                this paper owing to limited resources, we have asked        to 21.6%) penile oedema. Overall, 31/111 (27.9%,
                                members of the public to read our manuscript after          19.8% to 37.2%) participants with genital lesions
                                submission and also plan to disseminate key messages        had penile oedema and 60/82 (73.2%, 62.2% to
                                through social media and conferences.                       82.4%) participants with perianal lesions had rectal
                                Of 295 people tested for monkeypox virus by PCR             Exposure to infection
                                between 13 May and 1 July 2022, 197 (66.8%) tested          Of the 197 participants, 196 (99.5%) identified as gay,
                                positive. Overall, 155 (78.7%) of the participants          bisexual, or other men who have sex with men.
                                presented via affiliated sexual health and HIV medicine        Forty one of 155 (26.5%) participants reported
                                services, 24 (12.2%) via an emergency department,           known close contact with someone who showed
                                and 18 (9.1%) after acute admission to a ward.              symptoms of or had confirmed monkeypox infection
                                                                                            (n=42 not recorded).
                                Description of cohort                                          Fifty four (27.4%) participants had a history of
                                Personal characteristics                                    travel abroad within four weeks before symptom
                                All 197 infected individuals were men. The median age       onset. Most common destinations were within western
                                was 38 years (interquartile range 32-42 years, range        Europe: Spain (20), France (8), Belgium (4), Germany
                                21-67 years).                                               (4), and Greece (4). One participant had returned from
                                                                                            an endemic area (West Africa).
                                Clinical presentations                                         Overall, 170/177 (96.0%) reported sexual contact
                                All 197 participants (100%, 95% confidence interval         with a male partner within 21 days of symptoms
                                97.8% to 100%) presented with mucocutaneous                 developing (n=20 unknown).
                                manifestations. These had a range of documented
                                descriptions (see supplementary figure 2) and not           HIV and sexual health
                                all lesions progressed through the traditionally            Seventy of the 197 (35.5%) participants had HIV-
                                recognised evolution of macule to papule to vesicle to      1 co-infection (n=2 unknown). Sixty four (91.4%)
                                pustule to scab. Lesions were most commonly found           of these participants were receiving antiretroviral
                                on the genitals (n=111, 56.4%, 49.1% to 63.4%) and          therapy (n=4 unknown) (table 3). Fifty five (78.6%)
                                anus or perianal area (n=82, 41.6%, 34.7% to 48.8%).        had an undetectable HIV-1 viral load (
Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

 Table 1 | Characteristics and anatomical location of lesions in participants with         People requiring hospital admission

                                                                                                                                                           BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 monkeypox infection                                                                       Twenty five (12.7%) participants were admitted to
 Characteristics                     No of participants (n=197)   % or % (95% CI)          hospital, of whom 20 (10.2% of the total cohort)
 Mucocutaneous manifestations                                                              were admitted for clinical reasons. The remainder
 Typical lesions                     197                          100.0 (97.8 to 100)      were admitted for containment as they were unable to
 Maculopapular rash                  27                           13.7 (9.2 to 19.3)       effectively self-isolate at home.
 Polymorphic appearance              70                           35.5 (28.9 to 42.7)
                                                                                              The most common clinical reasons for admission
 No of lesions
 1                                   22                           11.2                     were perianal or rectal pain (8/20 participants) and
 2-10                                102                          51.8                     penile swelling (5/20). Three participants had perianal
 11-50                               36                           18.3                     or groin abscesses. Two participants had tonsillar
 51-100                              0                            0                        abscesses. Two participants required ophthalmology
 ≥100                                8                            4.1                      review owing to eye involvement. Urinary retention,
 Unknown                             29                           14.7
                                                                                           superimposed bacterial lower respiratory tract
 No of sites
 1                                   76                           38.6
                                                                                           infection, and disseminated lesions in the context of
 2                                   30                           15.2                     immunocompromise occurred in one patient each.
 3                                   40                           20.3                     Of 20 participants admitted to hospital for clinical
 4                                   27                           13.7                     reasons, 15 (75.0%) had HIV co-infection. Three
 ≥5                                  24                           12.2                     (15.0%) of the admitted participants were considered
 Sites of typical lesions
                                                                                           to have immunosuppression due to either HIV or
 Face                                71                           36.0 (29.3 to 43.1)
 Trunk                               70                           35.5 (28.9 to 42.7)
                                                                                           immunosuppressive treatment.
 Arms/legs                           74                           37.6 (30.8 to 44.7)         No participants required organ support or died.
 Hands/feet                          56                           28.4 (22.2 to 35.3)      One participant required patient controlled analgesia
 Genitals                            111                          56.4 (49.1 to 63.4)      with fentanyl for severe rectal pain. Five participants
 Anus or perianal area               82                           41.6 (34.7 to 48.8)      had substantial proctitis confirmed on magnetic
 Oropharyngeal                       27                           13.7 (9.2 to 19.3)
                                                                                           resonance imaging (MRI), one participant with rectal
                                                                                           pain developed a rectal perforation that was managed
                                   transmitted infection, and 12 of these cases had more   conservatively, and one patient developed necrotising
                                   than one simultaneous sexually transmitted infection.   secondary bacterial infection. Participants with rectal
                                   Nineteen participants were not screened for any         pain were treated with oral and topical analgesia
                                   sexually transmitted infection at initial review.       (paracetamol, ibuprofen, opioids, and lidocaine
                                                                                           gel); rectal suppositories containing emollient,
                                                                                           mesalazine, or steroid; and oral laxatives. To date no
 Table 2 | Symptoms reported at time of presentation in participants with monkeypox        adverse events associated with these treatments have
 infection                                                                                 been observed.
 Symptom                                         No        % or % (95% CI)                    Median length of stay for discharged participants
 UKHSA case definition for classic symptoms                                                was 8 days (interquartile range 3.5 to 10 days) (see
 Mucocutaneous manifestations                   197       100.0 (97.8 to 100)              supplementary figure 3). One participant remains in
 Fever                                          122       61.9 (54.8 to 68.7)
                                                                                           hospital, and one additional patient was transferred to
 Headache                                       49        24.8 (19.0 to 31.5)
 Fatigue/lethargy                               46        23.4 (17.6 to 29.9)              a different hospital for capacity reasons.
 Myalgia                                        62        31.5 (25.1 to 38.4)
 Arthralgia                                     21        10.(6.7 to 15.8)                 Test negative participants
 Back pain                                      21        10.7 (6.7 to 15.8)               Of the 98/295 people who tested negative for
 Lymphadenopathy:                               114       57.9 (50.6 to 64.9)              monkeypox virus by PCR, the most common clinical
   Axillary                                     1         0.9
                                                                                           presentations were rash (n=46, 47.0%), oral or genital
   Cervical                                     16        14.0
   Inguinal                                     90        79.0                             ulcers (n=16, 16.3%), and pustules (n=24, 24.5%).
   Cervical and inguinal                        7         6.1                              Other presentations included rectal symptoms (n=8,
 No of UKHSA case definition classic symptoms, excluding cutaneous manifestations          8.2%), sore throat (n=2, 2.0%), fever (n=1, 1.0%), and
 0                                              27        13.7                             hidradenitis suppurativa (n=1, 1.0%).
 1                                              55        27.9                               An alternative diagnosis was identified in 49
 2                                              43        21.8
                                                                                           participants (50.0%), including T pallidum (n=14,
 3                                              36        18.3
 4                                              12        6.1
                                                                                           14.3%), herpes simplex virus (n=13, 13.5%), N
 5                                              13        6.6                              gonorrhoeae (n=12, 12.2%), varicella zoster virus
 6                                              5         2.5                              (n=7, 7.1%), C trachomatis (n=6, 6.1%), bacterial skin
 7                                              6         3.0                              infection (n=3, 3.1%), Mycoplasma genitalium (n=1,
 Other symptoms                                                                            1.0%), skin infestation (n=1, 1.0%), and new HIV-1
 Rectal pain or pain on defecation              71        36.0 (29.3 to 43.2)
                                                                                           infection (n=1, 1.0%).
 Sore throat                                    33        16.8 (11.8 to 22.7)
 Penile swelling                                31        15.7 (11.0 to 21.6)
 Bleeding/discharge per rectum                  22        11.2 (7.1 to 16.4)               Novel presentations
 Dysuria                                        11        5.6 (2.8 to 9.8)                 We describe presentations of monkeypox infection
 Conjunctivitis                                 2         1.0 (0.1 to 3.6)                 in the participants that are not commonly reported.
UKHSA=UK Health Security Agency.                                                           Corresponding images appear at the end of the article.

4                                                                                         doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | the bmj
Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

 Table 3 | HIV co-infection and immune status of participants with monkeypox infection          the swelling progressed rapidly, and the patient was

                                                                                                                                                           BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                   No with event/Total No of participants (%)   admitted to hospital for assessment.
 HIV status                                                                                        On examination, 14 large, umbilicated lesions
 Positive                                          70/197 (35.5)                                were identified along the penile shaft, coronal sulcus,
 Negative                                          125/197 (63.5)                               and scrotum. There was associated subcutaneous
 Unknown                                           2/197 (1.0)                                  oedema with no evidence of necrosis, and the skin
 Antiretroviral therapy
                                                                                                was not tense or painful. Single pustular lesions
 Yes                                               64/70 (91.4)
 No                                                2/70 (2.9)                                   on the participant’s arm, back, and hip were also
 Unknown                                           4/70 (5.7)                                   noted, along with inguinal lymphadenopathy. He
 HIV-1 viral load
Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

              One participant, a 46-year-old man with a history         exposure to the virus. The patient was reviewed on day

                                                                                                                                        BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
           of HIV (viral load
Clinical features and novel presentations of human monkeypox in a central London centre during the 2022 outbreak: descriptive case series

                                   One participant, a 25-year-old man, presented with         with vesicular lesions at the base of his penis that he

                                                                                                                                                          BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                a right sided tonsillar abscess.                              had attributed to shaving. He then developed a fever,
                                   He described developing right sided neck pain,             cervical lymphadenopathy, headache, fatigue, and
                                quickly followed by an erythematous, pruritic rash            loss of appetite. He subsequently developed lesions on
                                over his trunk. He subsequently developed fever,              his face, hands, torso, thighs, and penile shaft (fig 8).
                                progressively worsening right submandibular swelling,         Oral flucloxacillin was started because of the erythema
                                and pain, and he reported fatigue. The swelling               around the lesions. The genital lesions progressed
                                increased, resulting in dysphagia and difficulty              from vesicles to pustules, which in the next five days
                                breathing. The patient was referred to his local ear,         scabbed over. The scabbed lesions then coalesced and
                                nose, and throat centre where a right tonsillar abscess       ulcerated, with substantial yellow purulent exudate.
                                was observed.                                                 On day 8 of symptom onset the patient presented to the
                                   A single papule was noted on the patient’s right           emergency department and was discharged owing to
                                forearm. A swab taken from the papule tested positive         no clinical concern. He was admitted to hospital three
                                for monkeypox virus, and the patient was transferred          days later for pain management, wound care, and
                                to the high consequence infectious diseases ward.             treatment of presumed secondary bacterial infection.
                                On examination he had a widespread symmetrical                He received intravenous co-amoxiclav, octenisan wash,
                                erythematous maculopapular rash over his chest                and fucidin cream, and the appearance of the lesions
                                (sparing the midline), back, and upper arms, with             improved. A wound swab showed heavy mixed growth,
                                areas of confluent erythema (fig 7). Smaller areas            including coliforms. Test results for N gonorrhoea and
                                of a petechial rash were also noted. The right tonsil         C trachomatis (triple site (throat, rectal, and urethral)
                                was enlarged, with an overlying pustular lesion and           testing), herpes simplex virus, and T pallidum were all
                                yellow-green exudate, with associated right cervical          negative. The patient was discharged after five days
                                lymphadenopathy (fig 7). A small, crusted lesion              with prescribed oral co-amoxiclav.
                                was evident on each antecubital fossa. The patient
                                had no genital or anal lesions. He was treated with           Discussion
                                benzylpenicillin and metronidazole. Tonsillar and             We describe the clinical characteristics of the first
                                skin swabs tested positive for monkeypox virus by             197 patients with monkeypox infection diagnosed
                                PCR. Over the course of hospital admission, the rash          or managed within a south London HCID centre and
                                subsided and the dysphagia improved. Two repeat               associated sexual health and HIV services during the
                                throat swabs tested positive for monkeypox virus by           2022 outbreak in London. We identified important
                                PCR. Results for N gonorrhoeae and C trachomatis were         differences in clinical manifestations between the
                                negative. Additionally, test results for blood cultures,      current outbreak and previous outbreaks in endemic
                                respiratory viral screen, herpes simplex virus, and           regions, which colleagues in the wider healthcare
                                varicella zoster virus PCR, and HIV, Epstein Barr virus,      setting, including primary care and clinics specialising
                                cytomegalovirus, and mumps IgM were all negative.             in genitourinary medicine; ear, nose, and throat
                                                                                              conditions; and infectious diseases should be aware
                                Abscesses                                                     of to facilitate early diagnosis of monkeypox infection
                                Two participants had soft tissue abscesses identified         (table 5).
                                on ultrasound examination.
                                   One of these participants, a 45-year-old man               Principal findings
                                with a history of HIV (viral load

 Table 5 | Summary of signs and symptoms of monkeypox infection in a London 2022 cohort compared with previous reports from the Democratic

                                                                                                                                                                                 BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 Republic of the Congo in 2007-11 and Nigeria in 2017-18
                                                                                   Democratic Republic of the Congo 2007-11
                                London 2022 (n=197)                                (n=216)10                                          Nigeria 2017-18 (n=122)22
 Lesions (ordered by        Macular, papular, vesicular, pustular, umbilicated,    Macular, papular, vesicular, pustular, umbilicated, Vesiculopustular
 frequency)                 scabbed, crusted, widespread maculopapular (see        scabbed
                            supplementary figure 2)
 Mean count at presentation 6*                                                     370                                                NA
 Progression                Lesions present at different stages simultaneously.    Progression from one phase to another occurs       NA
                            Not all lesions progressed from one phase to           in order
                            another in order
 Distribution (most common) Genitals (56.4%), perianal (41.6%)                     Head, arms                                         Face (96% of 71), leg (91% of 69), trunk
                                                                                                                                      (80% of 70)
 Systemic (most common)         Fever (61.9%), lymphadenopathy (57.9%), myalgia    Malaise (85.2%), lymphadenopathy (57.4%),       Fever (88%), headache (79%),
                                (31.5%)                                            fever/chills (45.3%), sweats (19.9%)            lymphadenopathy (69%), myalgia (63%)
 Localised (most common)        Rectal pain (36.0%), sore throat (16.8%), penile   Sore throat (78.2%), nasal discharge/congestion Sore throat (58%)
                                oedema (15.7%)                                     (31.0%)
NA=not available.
*Lesion count displayed as mean to allow comparison with previous data.

                                      described in literature, penile swelling and rectal pain            could help to explain why the outbreak had become so
                                      were common presentations in this cohort and the most               widespread at the point of detection.
                                      frequent indications for hospital admission. Severity                 Just under a third (31.5%) of the cohort screened
                                      of symptoms did not, however, always correlate with                 for a sexually transmitted infection had a co-infection.
                                      a high lesion burden or typical patterns of cutaneous               The most common co-infections were N gonorrhoeae
                                      manifestations. Five participants presented with                    and C trachomatis on rectal sampling, which might
                                      abscesses. These patients had a low lesion burden or                have increased the severity of rectal symptoms
                                      atypical rashes and therefore monkeypox infection was               at presentation. In those who tested negative for
                                      not suspected during initial review on surgical wards.              monkeypox virus, the most common alternative
                                         At presentation, almost half (47.2%) of the cohort               diagnoses were syphilis, herpes simplex virus, varicella
                                      had exclusively mucocutaneous manifestations                        zoster virus, N gonorrhoeae, and C trachomatis. It is
                                      or developed systemic symptoms after rather than                    imperative to screen all people for sexually transmitted
                                      preceding the onset of lesions. This contradicts the                infections who present to healthcare settings with
                                      current UK Health Security Agency probable case                     suspected monkeypox infection to ensure prompt
                                      definition, which requires typical systemic symptoms                diagnosis and treatment of co-infections.
                                      to be present in addition to cutaneous lesions and
                                      epidemiological risk.20 The predilection of lesions to              Policy implications
                                      genital, perianal, and perioral or tonsillar areas, and             This study supports previous findings that monkeypox
                                      the history of recent sexual contact in 96% of our                  infection is generally a self-limiting disease with a
                                      cohort suggests lesions may initially form at the site of           low fatality rate.17 No deaths were reported in the
                                      inoculation, followed by the development of systemic                cohort and no patients required level 2 or 3 care. Many
                                      symptoms and subsequent dissemination of lesions.                   patients do, however, seem to require admission for
                                      However, some of the participants, such as those with               symptom control, which during a growing outbreak
                                      solitary lesions, did not develop further dissemination.            has important implications for the allocation of
                                      More than a third (35.5%) of this cohort described a                healthcare resources. Additionally, we have recognised
                                      polymorphic rash, a finding that has been recognised in             some serious complications of monkeypox infection,
                                      other emerging evidence from this outbreak.27 Lesions               including severe penile oedema, tonsillar abscess
                                      appearing at different stages and timepoints could                  requiring monitoring for airway patency, imaging
                                      be a consequence of autoinoculation. Widespread                     confirmed proctitis, and rectal perforation.
                                      maculopapular rashes were also observed that did not                   Only a quarter of this cohort had known contact
                                      become pustular or ulcerated. These patterns represent              with someone with confirmed monkeypox infection,
                                      a change in the clinical presentation of the disease.               raising the possibility of either asymptomatic or
                                         Solitary lesions and tonsillar signs were not                    paucisymptomatic       transmission.     Understanding
                                      previously known to be typical features of monkeypox                these findings will have major implications for contact
                                      infection. On initial presentation, single lesions                  tracing, public health advice, and ongoing infection
                                      could be mistaken for other conditions such as                      control and isolation measures.
                                      syphilis, lymphogranuloma venereum, and ingrown
                                      hair follicles. Throat features included ulcers, pain,              Strengths and limitations of this study
                                      secondary bacterial superinfection, and quinsy, which               This cohort captures a spectrum of disease severity,
                                      could all be mistaken for bacterial tonsillitis. Infection          encompassing those presenting to sexual health
                                      in patients presenting in such ways may have gone                   services, attending emergency departments, and
                                      undiagnosed in the community for some time. This                    requiring hospital admission, including transfers

8                                                                                                        doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | the bmj

                                between hospitals. Limitations of this study, however,                   data. AP, JB, JCHT, AD, CYM, and LBS were responsible for statistical

                                                                                                                                                                                      BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                                                         analyses. AP, JB, JCHT, and DDSF wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
                                are the retrospective design, observational nature,                      AP, JB, JCHT, DDSF, AD, CYM, LBS, JM, JP, CT, RS, MA, CP, VN, and AB
                                potential variability of clinical record keeping, and                    edited the manuscript. AN, DC, AB, HW, CVNTP, AB, EA, GN, and SD
                                single centre geographically limited data. The lack                      provided support and advice throughout the process of writing and
                                                                                                         analysing this study. All authors approved the final version of the
                                of prospective, prespecified data collection criteria
                                                                                                         manuscript. AN is the guarantor. The corresponding author attests
                                means that some findings might be underestimated if                      that all listed authors meet authorship criteria and that no others
                                not documented at the time.                                              meeting the criteria have been omitted.
                                                                                                         Funding: None received.
                                                                                                         Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform
                                Conclusions                                                              disclosure form at and
                                These findings confirm the ongoing unprecedented                         declare: no support from any organisation for the submitted work; no
                                community transmission among gay, bisexual, and                          financial relationships with any organisations that might have an interest
                                                                                                         in the submitted work in the previous three years; no other relationships
                                other men who have sex with men seen in the UK                           or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.
                                and many other non-endemic countries. Urgent                             Ethical approval: Data and clinical images were collected as part of
                                research is needed to further understand the modes                       routine care by the responsible clinical team and anonymised at the
                                of transmission of monkeypox virus, particularly                         point of extraction. Written informed consent was given for the use
                                                                                                         of all clinical images and details of disease progression. The data
                                around sexual contact, and also the possibility of                       collection was approved by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
                                asymptomatic spread. We have highlighted new                             Trust clinical governance committee as a service evaluation.
                                clinical presentations and shown photographs to assist                   Patient consent: Obtained.
                                clinicians in the diagnosis of monkeypox infection.                      Data sharing: Anonymised data is available on reasonable request.
                                   Rectal pain and penile oedema were the most                           The lead author (AN) affirms that the manuscript is an honest,
                                common presentations requiring hospital admission                        accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported and
                                                                                                         that no important aspects of the study have been omitted.
                                in this cohort, yet these symptoms are not currently
                                                                                                         Dissemination to participants and related patient and public
                                included in public health messaging. We recommend                        communities: To disseminate our results, we will share this
                                clinicians consider monkeypox infection in those                         information within our professional societies and networks at
                                presenting with these symptoms. Those with                               conferences and webinars. We will use social media to share the
                                                                                                         key messages and produce a plain language summary to be used
                                confirmed monkeypox infection with extensive penile                      for wider dissemination to patient advocacy groups, and patient
                                lesions or severe rectal pain should be considered for                   organisations.
                                ongoing review or inpatient management. The variable                     Provenance and peer review: Commissioned; externally peer
                                temporal association between mucocutaneous and                           reviewed.
                                systemic features, presence of solitary lesions, and                     This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the
                                                                                                         Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
                                biphasic appearance of lesions represent a variation                     which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work
                                from the classic features.                                               non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different
                                   The continued growth of this outbreak means that                      terms, provided the original work is properly cited and the use is non-
                                                                                                         commercial. See:
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                                                                                                                                                                                             the bmj | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410
                                                                                                                                   Fig 1 | Progression of penile lesions and penile oedema

                                                                                                                                                          BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 2 | Secondary bacterial infection of penis due to Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus dysgalactiae. Also see supplementary figure 4

12                                                                                       doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | the bmj

                                                                                                                                                          BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 3 | T2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging scan of pelvis showing a 3.5 cm cavity in left mesorectum, adjacent to the rectal wall representing
an area of localised perforation (arrow)

the bmj | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410                                                                                       13

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Fig 4 | Development of solitary lesion on right upper inner thigh, tracking laterally to outer thigh. Also see supplementary figure 5

14                                                                                          doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | the bmj

                                                                                                                                                          BMJ: first published as 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 on 28 July 2022. Downloaded from on 27 December 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Fig 5 | Cutaneous lesions on the nose, hand, and penis over time. On day 17 there were fresh pustular lesions on the hand, a partly scabbed lesion
on the face, and fully scabbed lesions on the penis

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Fig 6 | Symmetrical maculopapular rash of the torso, back, and buttocks. Also see supplementary figure 6

Fig 7 | (Left) Symmetrical erythematous maculopapular rash on back and upper arms, with areas of confluent erythema. (Right) Right tonsillar
enlargement with an overlying pustular lesion and yellow-green exudate with slight deviation of the uvula

16                                                                                       doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410 | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | the bmj

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Fig 8 | Progression of penile lesions. Multiple lesions progressed to become confluent, subsequently forming a large ulcer

the bmj | BMJ 2022;378:e072410 | doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072410                                                                      17
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