Climate change strategic framework of programmes -

Page created by Lester Fletcher
Climate change
strategic framework
of programmes

Climate change strategic framework for programmes
       – Carbon mitigation

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation   Page 2
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                  Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                 Carbon          Baseline              Calculation
area                                                                     steps and considerations                impact          comparison            summary
   Transport      Local           1. Carbon from                          • National-level policy                      2,368.92 75% reduction          The impact estimate
                  Transport          transport research                     developments, for example                           against 2019           followed the
                  Plan 4             complete – Identify                    centralised EV charging point or                    transport sector.      emissions reduction
                                     measures most                          hydrogen refuelling station roll-                                          pathway of the Clean
                                     likely to achieve                      out by government.                                   28% reduction         Growth Strategy (CGS)
                                     carbon reduction.                                                                           against 2019 total.   between 2019-2032.
                                                                          • Through Point 4 of the                                                     This trend over the 13
                                  2. Deliver tranche 2                      Government’s 10-point plan for                       In order to deliver   year period was then
                                     emergency active                       a green industrial revolution,                       the ‘high EE’         extrapolated for a 29
                                     travel scheme if bid                   plans to ban the sale of petrol,                     scenario, by 2030     year period – 2021-
                                     is successful.                         diesel or hybrid cars have been                      there need to         2050. The impact
                                                                            brought forward again to 2030                        be: Petrol cars       estimate is for the
                                  3. All districts to                       at the latest. This ambitious                        (485,531), Petrol     decarbonisation of
                                     have local Cycling                     target tees up further significant                   LGVs (4,801),         transport (in line with
                                     Walking and                            policy developments to support                       Petrol motorcycles    the CGS) from LTP4 up
                                     Implementation                         its realisation in the short term.                   (34,866), Diesel      until 2050.
                                     plans.                                 £1.9bn funding has already                           cars (288,342),
                                                                            been allocated as part of SR20                       Diesel LGVs
                                  4. Agree new Active                       for charging infrastructure and                      (146,455), Diesel
                                     Travel design                          consumer incentives.                                 HGVs (17,924),
                                     principles and                                                                              Diesel buses
                                     implement.                           • Post-Covid step-change to active                     and coaches
                                                                            transport or ‘bounce back’ to the                    (4,269), Electric
                                  5. Develop an Electric                    use of private cars.                                 cars (137,149),
                                     vehicle strategy                                                                            Electric LGVs
                                     and action plan.                     • Importance of connectivity and                       (5,821), Electric
                                                                            access considerations for new                        motorcycles
                                  6. Deliver                                developments, to ensure the                          (24,602), Electric
                                     Transforming Cities                    ‘baking in’ of car use is avoided                    HGVs (250),
                                     programmes.                            where possible.                                      Electric buses
                                                                                                                                 and coaches (129),
                                                                                                                                 Hydrogen HGVs
                                                                                                                                 (35), Hydrogen
                                                                                                                                 buses and
                                                                                                                                 coaches (9).

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                  Page 3
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                    Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                       Carbon            Baseline              Calculation
area                                                                       steps and considerations                      impact            comparison            summary
  Residential     Hampshire       1. Map energy            Funding National   • Continuation of Government                          885.11 44% reduction         We took the average
                  housing            efficiency of         policy               funding beyond Green Homes                                 against 2019          electricity and gas
                  retrofit           Hampshire-owned                            Grants and other Post-Covid                                domestic sector.      consumption for an
                  accelerator        housing stock                              stimulus packages. This includes                                                 EPC Band D house
                                     and understand                             potential for further government                           10% reduction         in Hampshire, and
                                     potential for                              funding flowing from the £100bn                            against 2019 total. compared it against
                                     improvement and                            capital expenditure allocated to                                                 an EPC Band B
                                     target energy                              the ‘infrastructure revolution’ in                         In order to deliver   house to establish
                                     efficiency solutions.                      the Spending Review 20.                                    the ‘high EE’         the level of efficiency
                                                                                                                                           scenario, by 2030     improvement. The
                                  2. Establish                                • Through Point 7 of the                                     there need to be      average reduction
                                     framework for                              Government’s 10-point plan for                             this many homes       in electricity and
                                     identifying which                          a green industrial revolution,                             fitted with: solid    gas consumption
                                     properties to                              there are plans for the wide scale                         wall insulation       was then converted
                                     prioritise focusing                        retrofitting of residential buildings.                     (82,920), cavity      into an average
                                     on EPC rated E, F,                         £1.1bn funding has already been                            wall insulation       emissions reduction
                                     G properties.                              allocated as part of SR20 for                              (31,892), loft        per house. This was
                                                                                making homes and buildings net-                            insulation            extended across the
                                  3. Design retrofit                            zero ready.                                                (267,894),            total proportion of
                                     programme,                                                                                            underfloor            Hampshire’s housing
                                     making use of                            • Roll out of demonstrator projects                          insulation (232,813), stock to be addressed
                                     existing successful                        as part of the Governments Social                          double glazing        by the programme,
                                     approaches (e.g.                           Housing Decarbonisation Fund.                              (22,325), new         which is assumed to
                                     Energiesprong),                                                                                       condensing boiler     be 80% of the stock
                                     and identifying                          • Rapid decarbonisation of the                               (162,650), LED        by 2050.
                                     potential pots                             grid will accelerate the case for                          lights (328,993), air
                                     of funding i.e.                            heat pump roll-out over very high                          source heat pump
                                     incentivising retrofit                     energy efficiency retrofit. Point 7                        (28,963).
                                     through council tax                        of the 10-point plan aims for 600k
                                     or business rate                           heat pump installations per year
                                     reduction.                                 by 2028.

                                                                              • Transition from focus on
                                                                                Hampshire-owned stock to
                                                                                owner-occupied. How can
                                                                                Hampshire accelerate a self-
                                                                                sustaining market in the county?

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                            Page 4
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                   Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                       Carbon           Baseline             Calculation
area                                                                      steps and considerations                      impact           comparison           summary
Buildings and Strategic           1. Developing              Effective joint   • The consultation on the Future                    15.74 0.18% reduction      Using a similar
infrastructure Planning              a consistent            working across      Homes Standard closed on                                against 2019 total   approach to the
                  to support         approach with           LAs                 7 February 2020, it will be                                                  above, however
                  climate            districts for                               introduced in 2025. This will                                                focused only on new
                  change             setting energy                              determine what the ‘higher                                                   constructions. The
                                     efficiency levels                           ambition’ energy efficiency                                                  estimated started
                                     on both domestic                            requirements will be, as well as                                             with average energy
                                     and commercial                              detail whether Local Authorities                                             consumptions
                                     developments.                               will have the power to set their                                             for domestic
                                                                                 own higher standards.                                                        and commercial
                                  2. Develop practical                                                                                                        properties in Band
                                     guidance for                              • Point 7 of the 10-point plan states                                          D, and then applied
                                     planning authorities                        that the FHS will be implemented                                             a 60% assumed
                                     on how to                                   in the shortest possible                                                     efficiency improved
                                     leverage planning                           timeline, and that there will be                                             (resulting from more
                                     requirements to                             a consultation on increased                                                  ambitious planning
                                     drive climate action.                       standards for non-domestic                                                   requirements). This
                                                                                 buildings.                                                                   provides the energy
                                  3. Encourage land use                                                                                                       consumption of
                                     planning that take                        • What actions or considerations                                               newly constructed
                                     into account carbon                         have district councils put in place,                                         properties, and
                                     sequestration,                              and how will this affect the wider                                           therefore the energy
                                     renewables, nature,                         group of councils.                                                           reduction, which can
                                     agriculture and                                                                                                          be converted into
                                     promotes net                              • More broadly what change will                                                emissions reduction.
                                     environmental gain.                         the government bring in at the                                               This was then applied
                                                                                 national level regarding ‘joined-                                            for the number of
                                  4. Encourage local                             up’ climate-aware planning,                                                  new domestic and
                                     authorities within                          integrating water efficiency,                                                commercial properties
                                     the county to use                           energy efficiency, on-site waste                                             built in Hampshire per
                                     their planning                              use and transport connectivity,                                              year across the 2021-
                                     and procurement                             for example embedding the 15                                                 2050 period to give
                                     powers to support                           minute city principle into planning.                                         the total emissions
                                     the development                                                                                                          reduction estimate.
                                     of the zero carbon
                                     homes market in
                                     the region.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                         Page 5
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                   Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                 Carbon             Baseline            Calculation
area                                                                      steps and considerations                impact             comparison          summary
    Energy        Renewable       1. Mapping of              Funding       • Tracking the decarbonisation                    318.97 4% reduction         This estimate took
  generation      energy             opportunities                           of the national grid, and any                          against 2019 total   the current total
                  generation         for renewable                           potential incentives introduced,                                            of renewables in
      and         accelerator        energy generation                       such as a replacement/expansion                                             Hampshire, and
  distribution                       across the                              of the FiT.                                                                 assumed a 3% year-
                                     County, including                                                                                                   on-year increase
                                     for example,                          • Removal of restrictions on the                                              resulting from
                                     commercial and                          development of onshore wind,                                                the programme’s
                                     industrial large roof                   which is currently the cheapest                                             activities. The
                                     sites.                                  renewable generation option.                                                programme timeline
                                                                                                                                                         was set at 21 years
                                  2. Liaise with LEP’s,                    • Development of grid constraints                                             – the operational
                                     Energy Hubs etc.                        (potentially very acute) as                                                 lifetime of solar
                                     to identify funding                     the Hampshire grid has more                                                 PV products, and
                                     opportunities,                          renewables, storage and smart                                               common PPA length.
                                     partnerships and                        systems brought online.                                                     The cumulative
                                     expertise.                                                                                                          growth of renewables
                                                                           • Keep a constant dialogue with                                               year on year was
                                  3. Identify key                            neighbouring Local Authorities in                                           combined with
                                     stakeholders,                           order to track the development of                                           projected grid
                                     partners, business                      renewable energy projects which                                             emissions factors to
                                     decision-                               may influence capabilities of the                                           calculate the amount
                                     makers etc. for                         grid or provide opportunities for                                           of grid emissions
                                     opportunities for                       collaboration across ‘boundaries’.                                          avoided through the
                                     joint working.                                                                                                      use of renewables.
                                                                           • Adapt any future accelerator
                                  4. Set up monitoring                       programmes to the introduction
                                     and reporting                           and growth of ‘smart’ tariffs, for
                                     structure to                            example for large commercial
                                     identify how many                       sites with expansive roof space.
                                     feasibility studies
                                     are converted.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                   Page 6
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                 Carbon           Baseline             Calculation
area                                                                   steps and considerations                impact           comparison           summary
    Energy        ‘Support        1. Review outcome      Funding        • Tracking the decarbonisation                    37.43 0.4% reduction       Similarly to the above,
  generation      and Scale’         of Community                         of the national grid, and any                         against 2019 total   this accelerator
                  Community          Energy South                         potential incentives introduced,                                           programme took
      and         energy             project to identify                  such as a replacement/expansion                                            the current total of
  distribution    programme          opportunities going                  of the FiT.                                                                community energy
                                     forward for new                                                                                                 in Hampshire and
                                     community energy                   • Removal of restrictions on the                                             applied a 3% year-on-
                                     projects, providing                  development of onshore wind,                                               year growth rate. This
                                     community                            which is currently the cheapest                                            cumulative growth
                                     resilience.                          renewable generation option.                                               was then combined
                                                                                                                                                     with projected grid
                                  2. Design a targeted                  • Development of grid constraints                                            emissions factors
                                     technical support                    (potentially very acute) as                                                to calculated the
                                     programme                            the Hampshire grid has more                                                grid emissions
                                     around the                           renewables, storage and smart                                              avoided through the
                                     findings, building                   systems brought online.                                                    use of community
                                     awareness for                                                                                                   renewables.
                                     community groups,                  • Keep a constant dialogue with
                                     and providing                        neighbouring Local Authorities in
                                     information or                       order to track the development of
                                     financing routes.                    renewable energy projects which
                                                                          may influence capabilities of the
                                                                          grid or provide opportunities for
                                                                          collaboration across ‘boundaries’.

                                                                        • Public demand for greater
                                                                          democratisation and public
                                                                          ownership of energy generation.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                 Page 7
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                  Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                   Carbon         Baseline            Calculation
area                                                                     steps and considerations                  impact         comparison          summary
    Energy        Energy          1. Identify critical      Funding       • The EIZ will address a specific               252.99 3% reduction         Due to the difficulty
  generation      Innovation         local energy issues                    problem in Hampshire, however it                     against 2019 total   in calculating the
                  Zone               which could be                         will be important to remain focused                                       emissions impact
      and                            addressed to                           on how this issue evolves in a                                            of an EIZ when the
  distribution                       unlock a more                          rapidly changing energy system.                                           specific innovation
                                     resilient energy                                                                                                 or problem has not
                                     system for                           • EIZs are to integrate the aims                                            been defined, this
                                     Hampshire.                             of the Industrial Strategy and                                            calculation estimated
                                                                            Clean Growth Strategy with the                                            the impact of Phase 1
                                  2. Design the Energy                      devolution agenda, however these                                          & 2 of the Tysley EIZ,
                                     Innovation Zone                        could change depending on future                                          the only operational
                                     concept and                            government decisions.                                                     EIZ in the UK. This
                                     proposal, securing                                                                                               includes the avoided
                                     buy-in from relevant                 • EIZs are to address policy and                                            grid emissions of a
                                     parties.                               regulatory barriers, however these                                        waste wood biomass
                                                                            will both change over time (in part                                       plant over 21 years,
                                  3. Submit funding                         due to pressure and evidence from                                         a hydrogen bus
                                     application                            EIZs), in which case, realignment                                         refuelling station
                                     to Central                             and new problems will be required.                                        serving 20 buses
                                     Government.                                                                                                      over 12 year vehicle
                                                                          • EIZs are funded by government,                                            lifetimes, and a
                                                                            it is not yet clear how much                                              refuelling station.
                                                                            funding is available, or till when.
                                                                            In this regard, business models
                                                                            that deliver financial self-
                                                                            sufficiency are essential.

                                                                          • Point 10 of the Government’s
                                                                            10-point plan focuses on green
                                                                            finance and innovation. It commits
                                                                            to raising total R&D investment
                                                                            to 2.4% of GDP by 2027. To
                                                                            accelerate, this government is
                                                                            launching £1bn net-zero innovation
                                                                            portfolio across ten priority areas,
                                                                            including £100m for energy
                                                                            storage and flexibility innovation

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                  Page 8
Key policy        Programme Key milestones               Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                    Carbon           Baseline             Calculation
area                                                                  steps and considerations                   impact           comparison           summary
  Waste and       Work with       TBC                                   • UK Government Our Waste, Our                      88.81 225% reduction       This estimate took the
   circular       districts                                               Resources strategy was published                        against 2019 waste   total waste emissions
                  within HWP                                              in 2018. Its key milestones/                            sector               of Hampshire in
  economy         to transition                                           targets are: 50% recycling rate                                              2018 and applied
                  towards                                                 for households (2020), deposit                          1% reduction         an average annual
                  a carbon-                                               return scheme (2023), mandatory                         against 2019 total   reduction figure based
                  driven waste                                            separate food waste collections                                              on overachieving
                  system                                                  (2023), eliminating food waste to                                            in comparison to
                                                                          landfill (2030), eliminate avoidable                                         average annual
                                                                          waste of all kinds (2050), double                                            reduction in UK waste
                                                                          resource productivity (2050).                                                emissions 2013-18.
                                                                          Much of this is echoed in the                                                This annual reduction
                                                                          Clean Growth Strategy.                                                       was then extrapolated
                                                                                                                                                       over 29 years to
                                                                        • Will the UK government set a                                                 2050.
                                                                          national carbon price, or will
                                                                          Hampshire County Council set
                                                                          an internal carbon price? Either
                                                                          will have impacts on how HWP
                                                                          transforms Hampshire’s waste

                                                                        • Implicit in the move to a zero-
                                                                          waste economy is circularity
                                                                          being introduced into the
                                                                          business models of all businesses
                                                                          operating in the county. A waste-
                                                                          register in order to link up waste
                                                                          with potential productive uses has
                                                                          been tried, however ran into data
                                                                          quality issues.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                 Page 9
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                 Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                         Carbon             Baseline             Calculation
area                                                                    steps and considerations                        impact             comparison           summary
   Natural   Carbon        1. Understand the               Funding National   • Hampshire has already committed                    601.21 7% reduction          We took the land
 environment sequestration    role of carbon               policy               to planting 1 million trees, the                          against 2019 total.   use of Hampshire
                  opportunities     sequestration and                           success of this programme will be                         It has been           and divided it across
                                    agree a monitoring                          crucial to determining the level of                       estimated that        cropland, grassland,
                                    and measurement                             opportunity, and ambition, for this                       Hampshire’s           forestland and
                                    framework.                                  programme.                                                natural capital       settlement. We then
                                                                                                                                          is valued at          allow the council to
                                  2. Map out all                              • The Government’s 25 Year                                  £1,939,006,604        set the rate of change
                                     potential areas for                        Environmental Plan will be a crucial                                            between different
                                     action.                                    guiding force, for example in the                                               land use types.
                                                                                area of ‘embedding a natural                                                    Each land use type
                                  3. Maximise                                   capital approach’, which includes                                               has an associated
                                     appropriate                                accounting for natural capital in                                               carbon factor, set by
                                     opportunities                              decision-making.                                                                the IPCC. The total
                                     for tree planting,                                                                                                         estimate is the total
                                     rewilding, and                           • The Government set aside budget                                                 emissions reduction
                                     biodiversity                               in 2018 for planting 11 million trees                                           between 2021-
                                     net gain etc. to                           by 2022, however with huge                                                      2050 from changes
                                     support carbon                             Covid-related budget strains, focus                                             from emitting to
                                     sequestration.                             may shift away from tree planting                                               sequestering land use
                                                                                to economic stimulus, unless                                                    types.
                                                                                alternative business models can be

                                                                              • Point 9 in the Government’s
                                                                                10-point plan aims to protect and
                                                                                expand the natural environment –
                                                                                aiming to improve/protect 30% of
                                                                                UK land by 2030. Part of this will
                                                                                include the creation of new National
                                                                                Parks and Areas of Outstanding
                                                                                Natural Beauty, and will receive
                                                                                funding through a £40m second
                                                                                round of the Green Recovery
                                                                                Challenge Fund. The government
                                                                                is also planning to establish 10
                                                                                landscape recovery projects, and
                                                                                deliver a series of Environmental
                                                                                Land Management pilots.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                          Page 10
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                  Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                     Carbon            Baseline             Calculation
area                                                                     steps and considerations                    impact            comparison           summary
   Business       Energy          1. Identify SMEs and      Government       • National-level policy                            118.34 3.6% reduction       This estimate took
    & green       Efficiency in      networks.              information,       developments, both in terms of                          against 2019         the total number of
                  SMEs                                      advice and         business support (particularly in                       industry &           SMEs in Hampshire,
   economy                        2. Scope out              guidance, plus     terms of Covid and post-Covid                           commercial sector    assumed 75% of them
                                     resources and          funding.           stimulus) and energy efficiency                                              would be engaged
                                     information                               will be crucial determinants of                         1.4% reduction       over the lifetime
                                     already available,                        step-change in the efficiency                           against 2019 total   of the programme
                                     to produce                                of SMEs in Hampshire. The                                                    (until 2050), and
                                     information                               case for energy efficiency as an                                             accounted for a 30%
                                     about energy                              economically productive activity                                             drop-off rate. It then
                                     efficiency aimed at                       will be key as stimulus is focused                                           set a average energy
                                     businesses.                               on re-growing the economy and                                                reduction rate owing
                                                                               revitalising businesses.                                                     to efficiency, and
                                  3. Working group                                                                                                          applied then to the
                                     with businesses                         • National-level support for                                                   average electricity
                                     to establish where                        apprenticeships and training                                                 and gas consumption
                                     Hampshire County                          schemes which encourage skills                                               of an average SME.
                                     Council can                               development across green                                                     The resulting figure
                                     support.                                  technologies.                                                                showing consumption
                                  4. Set up                                  • Rapid decarbonisation of the                                                 and therefore the
                                     apprenticeship and                        grid will reduce the case for high                                           electricity and gas
                                     training schemes.                         energy efficiency retrofit.                                                  consumption savings.
                                                                                                                                                            These were converted
                                  5. Link with local                         • To what extent can energy                                                    into carbon emissions
                                     energy efficiency                         efficiency and resource efficiency                                           and multiplied by
                                     businesses.                               (circularity) be promoted together,                                          the total number of
                                                                               making the efforts part of a                                                 businesses engaged
                                  6. Establish how to set                      fundamental ethos shift on the                                               by the programme.
                                     up a measurable                           part of businesses, as opposed to
                                     baseline in                               a discrete activity they complete.
                                     order to set up a
                                     voluntary emissions
                                     reduction target.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                      Page 11
Key policy        Programme Key milestones               Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                   Carbon             Baseline     Calculation
area                                                                  steps and considerations                  impact             comparison   summary
   Business       Developing      1. Working with SMEs Leveraging       • The programmatic area will be             Size of 2019                This estimate
  and green       a Hampshire        etc., including those business       driven in part by the successful      green economy:                  took the UK-level
                  green              in rural areas, to    networks       delivery of other programmes,          £1,056,561,086                 green economy
  economy         economy            understand the                       such as waste, renewables                                             and employment
                                     opportunities to                     and energy efficiency. These             Size of 2050                 figures, and used
                                     develop a green                      programmes will plant crucial         green economy:                  the comparative size
                                     economy in                           seeds for Hampshire’s green           £33,249,977,376                 of Hampshire’s total
                                     Hampshire.                           economy, unearthing new                                               economy versus the
                                                                          business models, providing                Size of 2050                national economy
                                                                          green energy for productive use       green workforce:                to map them to the
                                                                          and creating new markets. In                   160,056                Hampshire-scale.
                                                                          order to maximise their impact                                        Once estimates
                                                                          on the direction of Hampshire’s                                       were established
                                                                          economy, a joined-up strategic                                        for the size of the
                                                                          approach towards a green                                              2019 green economy
                                                                          economy will be required,                                             and workforce in
                                                                          identifying where markets,                                            Hampshire, the
                                                                          strengths and opportunities exist                                     national green
                                                                          for Hampshire.                                                        economic growth
                                                                                                                                                trend figure was
                                                                        • Additionally, this programme will                                     applied (4.9%) year on
                                                                          be heavily steered by national-                                       year to 2050.
                                                                          level Government policy. In
                                                                          getting to Net-Zero by 2050
                                                                          the UK’s economy will need to
                                                                          transform into a green economy,
                                                                          and the Government will
                                                                          introduce policies, incentives and
                                                                          regulations to facilitate this, and
                                                                          meet its overall target.

                                                                        • Post-Covid stimulus could play
                                                                          a key role in kick-starting this
                                                                          transformation, however in 2025
                                                                          and beyond it is not guaranteed
                                                                          that such stimulus or any
                                                                          incentives are carried forwards.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                          Page 12
Key policy        Programme Key milestones               Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050)                         Carbon               Baseline     Calculation
area                                                                  steps and considerations                        impact               comparison   summary
   Business       Retrofit        1. Engage with        National policy,   • Rapid decarbonisation of the             Total newly-                      It is assumed that
  and green       training           Hampshire Futures interventions and     grid will reduce the case for high       trained jobs                      this retrofit training
                                     etc. to help set   funding              energy efficiency retrofit.              created                           programme will mainly
  economy                            up construction                                                                  to service                        service the substantial
                                     and engineering                       • In order to justify large-scale          Hampshire                         retrofit demand
                                     training on                             retrofit training or apprenticeship      domestic retrofit:                of the ambitious
                                     retrofitting i.e.                       programmes, sufficient retrofit          80,597                            ‘Hampshire housing
                                     commissioning and                       demand will be required. This will                                         retrofit accelerator’. It
                                     maintenance of                          in turn depend on government                                               is assumed that newly
                                     heat pump systems.                      funding allocations, as it is unlikely                                     trained contractors
                                                                             Local Authorities can afford                                               will service 50% of
                                                                             to support large-scale retrofit                                            the total number
                                                                             programmes independently.                                                  of houses to be
                                                                                                                                                        addressed by
                                                                           • The training process could be                                              the programme
                                                                             introduced alongside vocational                                            (640,000). This is
                                                                             training for electricians, plumbing,                                       hugely dependent on
                                                                             carpentry, etc. in colleges. This                                          the current capacity
                                                                             will integrate energy efficiency                                           of Hampshire’s retrofit
                                                                             into the core skills curriculum and                                        market. An average
                                                                             ‘normalise’ it.                                                            investment required
                                                                                                                                                        for retrofitting
                                                                           • National-level support for                                                 each house gave a
                                                                             apprenticeships and training                                               figure for the total
                                                                             schemes which encourage skills                                             investment required.
                                                                             development across green                                                   The job creation figure
                                                                             technologies e.g. heat pump                                                for energy efficiency
                                                                             technology.                                                                from the 2020 Stern
                                                                                                                                                        paper was then
                                                                                                                                                        applied to the total
                                                                                                                                                        investment required
                                                                                                                                                        to provide an estimate
                                                                                                                                                        of the total FTE jobs

  Carbon impact estimate total:       4,687.52 ktCO2e
  Reduction against 2019:		            54.84%

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Carbon mitigation                                                                                                    Page 13
Climate change strategic framework for programmes
       – Resilience

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Resilience   Page 14
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                               Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050) steps and considerations
   Transport      Highways       1. Identify and map highway                                 • As climate impacts change in type and severity over the time period, this work stream
                  Infrastructure    assets most at risk from weather                           will need to adapt and have in-built flexibility.
                  (Management)      fluctuations.
                                                                                             • The last governmental ‘Transport Resilience Review’ was completed in 2014. It is
                                  2. Develop existing highway asset                            unknown when the next will released, however Government steer and drive behind
                                     data sets to identify required                            this area will be a crucial determining factor. For example in decisions regarding the
                                     maintenance interventions.                                strategic road and rail networks.

                                  3. Identify appropriate material                           • National-level policy developments, for example centralised EV charging point or
                                     treatment and/or mitigation                               hydrogen refuelling station roll-out by government, will be determining factors for how
                                     measures.                                                 this programmatic area will progress beyond 2025. As well the possibilities of a post-
                                                                                               Covid step-change to active transport or ‘bounce back’ to the use of private cars.
                                  4. Identify appropriate design
                                     standards and materials for new
                                     capital infrastructure.

                                  5. Embed life cycle and investment
                                     planning across all assets
                                     to optimise resilience of the
  Residential     Hampshire       1. Map energy efficiency of            Funding / national • Although there is considerable funding being made available currently for energy
                  housing            Hampshire-owned housing             policy               efficiency as part of post-Covid stimulus, this doesn’t currently include the resilience
                  retrofit           stock and understand                                     of homes. Although this will increasingly enter the frame, it is unlikely as much funding
                  accelerator        potential, ensuring resilience to                        will be made available, even in the medium-term.
                                     overheating etc. is considered.
                                                                                             • As climate impacts change in type and severity over the time period, the accelerator
                                  2. Establish framework for                                   will need to adapt the scale of ambition, the prioritisation of certain areas and
                                     identifying which properties to                           measures, and also potentially change some measures.
                                     prioritise in terms of installing
                                     resilience measures such as                             • Transition from focus on Hampshire-owned stock to owner-occupied. How can
                                     SuDs and providing shading.                               Hampshire accelerate a self sustaining market in the county?

                                  3. Identify low regrets adaptation
                                     measures which can be easily
                                     integrated with typical energy

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Resilience                                                                                                                   Page 15
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                              Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050) steps and considerations
Buildings and Urban               1. Engage with district councils on   Effective joint   • UK Government strategy and direction will be hugely influential, especially if national-
infrastructure resilience            urban resilience, understand       working across      level targets or mandatory risk-reporting is introduced.
                  targets            their current level, planned       LAs
                                     activities and general appetite.                     • Periodic updates to the UK Climate Projections will need to be considered and

                                                                                          • Budget constraints on Local Authorities following emergency Covid spending will
                                                                                            likely hamper efforts for some years, this will impact planned activities as well as
                                                                                            ‘general appetite’, and will require national funding pots to be made available.
Buildings and Flood risk          1. Open discussion with district      Effective joint   • As potential floods change in risk profile and severity over time, discussions with
infrastructure zoning                councils and developers            working across      developers and planning authority councils will need to be aware and adapt.
                                     regarding new developments on      LAs
                                     flood risk land.                                     • Flood risk regulations are set nationally, with analysis and information made available
                                                                                            by the Environment Agency. Whether flood risk is dealt with from the local government
                                                                                            level or central government will influence the scope of activity local authorities will be
                                                                                            able to undertake.

                                                                                          • Working in collaboration with neighbouring authorities will be important to ensure a
                                                                                            regional approach to flood risk is taken.

                                                                                          • It is estimated that the average annual risk exposure for public and commercial
                                                                                            buildings in Hampshire under extreme rainfall is £5,693,628. Public health and
                                                                                            productivity impacts are estimated at £13,365,456 annually.
Buildings and Strategic           1. Encourage local planning          Effective joint    • What actions or considerations have district councils put in place, and how will this
infrastructure Planning              authorities to create an evidence working across       affect the wider group of councils. Potential to encourage the group to set higher-
                  to support         base of existing green corridors LAs                   ambition requirements as part of planning requirements for developers.
                  climate            as well as potential urban heat
                  change             island.                                              • Although the Future Homes Standard is due to be introduced in 2025, this focuses on
                                                                                            low carbon heating, energy efficiency and ventilation, as opposed to resilience. There
                                  2. Establishing a framework to                            is however some mention of overheating, and may well be opportunity to broaden the
                                     minimise the impacts of climate                        scope. This will likely require some lobbying of central government.
                                     change (flooding, overheating
                                     etc.) on both domestic and                           • Close attention will need to be paid to the UKCP updates, as these will reflect the
                                     commercial developments.                               changing hazards and severities facing developments in Hampshire.

                                  3. Develop practical guidance for
                                     planning authorities on how to
                                     leverage planning requirements
                                     to drive climate action that
                                     addresses resilience.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Resilience                                                                                                                Page 16
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                            Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050) steps and considerations
    Energy        ‘Support        1. Review outcome of Community                    • Tracking the decarbonisation of the national grid, and any potential incentives
  generation      and Scale’         Energy South (CES) project to                    introduced, such as a replacement/expansion of the FiT.
                  Community          identify opportunities going
      and         energy             forward for new community                      • Removal of restrictions on the development of onshore wind, which is currently the
  distribution    programme          energy projects, providing                       cheapest renewable generation option.
                                     community resilience.
                                                                                    • Development of grid constraints (potentially very acute) as the Hampshire grid has
                                  2. Design a targeted technical                      more renewables, storage and smart systems brought online.
                                     support programme around
                                     the findings of the CES                        • Public demand for greater democratisation and public ownership of energy
                                     project, building awareness                      generation.
                                     for community groups, and
                                     providing information or
                                     financing routes.
    Energy        Energy          1. Identify critical local energy                 • The EIZ will address a specific problem in Hampshire, however it will be important to
  generation      Innovation         issues which could be                            remain focused on how this issue evolves in a rapidly changing energy system.
                  Zone               addressed to unlock a more
      and                            resilient energy system for                    • EIZs are to integrate the aims of the Industrial Strategy and Clean Growth Strategy
  distribution                       Hampshire.                                       with the devolution agenda, however these could change depending on future
                                                                                      government decisions.
                                  2. Design the Energy Innovation
                                     Zone concept and proposal,                     • EIZs are to address policy and regulatory barriers, however these will both change
                                     securing buy-in from relevant                    over time (in part due to pressure and evidence from EIZs), in which case, realignment
                                     parties.                                         and new problems will be required.

                                  3. Submit funding application to                  • EIZs are funded by government, it is not yet clear how much funding is available, or till
                                     Central Government.                              when. In this regard, business models that deliver financial self-sufficiency are essential.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Resilience                                                                                                             Page 17
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                              Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050) steps and considerations
  Waste and       Work with      1. Identify critical points of                       • UK Government Our Waste, Our Resources strategy was published in 2018. Its key
   circular       districts         vulnerability in the waste                          milestones/targets are:
                  within HWP        collection and treatment
  economy         to create a       process.                                               • 50% recycling rate for households (2020), deposit return scheme (2023),
                  more resilient                                                             mandatory separate food waste;
                  waste system 2. Identify where circular practices
                                    and principles can be adopted                          • collections (2023), eliminating food waste to landfill (2030), eliminate avoidable
                                    or adapted to reduce their                               waste of all kinds (2050);
                                    exposures. This includes
                                    looking at potential synergies                         • double resource productivity (2050). Much of this is echoed in the Clean
                                    and efficiencies across district                         Growth Strategy. This programme will need to be aligned with this timeline.
                                                                                      • Circular business models are more resilient by their nature. Although a waste-register
                                                                                        in order to link up waste with potential productive uses has been tried previously but
                                                                                        ran into data quality issues, this could be attempted on a county scale using smart
                                                                                        digital solutions.

                                                                                      • As climate risks change over time, the waster system will need periodic reassessment
                                                                                        for new vulnerabilities.
   Natural   Green          1. Understand the role of green                           • Hampshire has already committed to planting 1 million trees, the success of this
 environment infrastructure    infrastructure in reducing climate                       programme will be crucial to providing learnings and momentum for further green
                  opportunities     impacts (e.g. minimising flooding                   infrastructure, and will demonstrate a workable monitoring and measurement
                                    and overheating) and agree a                        framework.
                                    monitoring and measurement
                                    framework.                                        • The Government’s 25 Year Environmental Plan will be a crucial guiding force, for
                                                                                        example in the area of ‘embedding a natural capital approach’, which includes
                                  2. Maximise appropriate                               accounting for natural capital in decision-making and ensuring at every stage of
                                     opportunities for tree planting,                   project development opportunities for tree planting and rewilding are considered.
                                     rewilding, and biodiversity net
                                     gain etc. to support benefits                    • The Government set aside budget in 2018 for planting 11 million trees by 2022,
                                     such as habitat creation and                       however with huge Covid related budget strains, focus may shift away from tree
                                     flood management.                                  planting to economic stimulus, unless alternative business models can be developed.
                                                                                        It will be crucial that the co-benefits of green infrastructure are measured and
                                                                                        communicated, as well as translated into economic benefits.

                                                                                      • National-level policy and support to encourage reafforestation and tree planting as an
                                                                                        effective mechanism through which to alleviate flood risk.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Resilience                                                                                                            Page 18
Key policy        Programme Key milestones                                Dependencies Longer-term (2025-2050) steps and considerations
   Business       Developing      1. Research existing evidence           Funding,          • National-level policy developments, both in terms of business support (particularly in
  and green       a resilient        and consult SMEs etc.,               potentially         terms of Covid and post-Covid stimulus) and resilience will be crucial determinants
                  Hampshire          including those in rural areas, to   Hampshire           of step-change in the resilience of SMEs in Hampshire. Following Covid the case
  economy         green              understand the opportunities         County Council,     for resilience is strong, however with growing debts and shrinking budgets national
                  economy            and barriers to developing a         LEP or national     funding will be required. The essential long-term position should be that resilience
                                     resilient green economy in           government.         preserves more than enough economic value in the long-run to justify investment.
                                                                                            • Requirements for post-Covid stimulus to be ‘resilient investments’ and regulations
                                  2. Off the back of this, leverage                           mandating risk assessments could play a key role in kick-starting this transformation,
                                     partner organisations’ activities                        however in 2025 and beyond it is not guaranteed that such stimulus or requirements
                                     and plan targeted interventions                          will be carried forwards due to wider economic pressures.
                                     to support Hampshire’s SMEs
                                     in taking on ambitious steps to                        • A key part of this programme will be adapting to the changing risks by leaning on
                                     improve resilience, and in the                           Hampshire’s constantly developing strengths and shifting decision-making to favour a
                                     process, drive innovation.                               long-term view.

                                                                                            • Understanding how climate risks and projections will vary depending on the location
                                                                                              of businesses across the region (rural vs urban impacts) and the effect this will have
                                                                                              on developing a green economy in Hampshire.

Climate change strategic framework for programmes – Resilience                                                                                                                 Page 19
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