CLIMATE CHANGE Copying Nature To Fight - American Chemical Society

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CLIMATE CHANGE Copying Nature To Fight - American Chemical Society
Copying Nature To Fight
                 CLIMATE CHANGE
                                                  By Max G. Levy

                        An ancient chemical process enabled Earth to become
                    a lush place teeming with life. Now researchers are replicating
                          this process in an attempt to slow global warming.

                       very plant, animal, and person owes          This seesaw is part of the much broader
                                                                 carbon cycle that has affected the radiation
                       their life to one sequence of chemical    balance of our planet. Cutting down huge
                       reactions: photosynthesis. The process,   swaths of forests and the burning of
                       which converts water and carbon           carbon-based fossil fuels causes the levels
                                                                 of CO2, a major greenhouse gas, to rise. And
               dioxide into food using sunlight, first evolved   plants on Earth along with other natural
               in cyanobacteria more than 2 billion years ago.   parts of the carbon cycle can’t restore the
                                                                 balance on their own.
                 That’s right. Plants weren’t the first organ-      But what if we could copy what plants do
               isms to develop photosynthesis, though they       to grab some of that excess CO2 to make
               are better known for it. Cyanobacteria are the    fuels sustainably, instead of relying so
                                                                 heavily on fossilized carbon?
               ones that originally filled the atmosphere with      “Artificial photosynthesis is a really
               photosynthesis’s gaseous by-product, oxygen       attractive approach,” says Jillian Dempsey, a
                                                                 chemist at the University of North Carolina,
               (O2), which set the stage for more diverse life   Chapel Hill. “You’re able to store the energy
               on Earth.                                         of the sun in the bonds of [molecules].”
                 As beneficiaries of photosynthesis, humans         At a large enough scale, such sun-
                                                                 powered processes could give us enough
               depend on plants in a sort of carbon seesaw.      energy-storing molecules to make fuels
               Plants take in CO2 and release O2. They store     out of thin air and water like plants and
                                                                 cyanobacteria do.
               that carbon as sugar. Hanging vines, grass,
               and trees all grow by pulling carbon atoms out    PLANTS MAKE IT LOOK EASY
               of the air. We do the reverse, taking in O2 and   While it’s tempting to write photosynthesis
                                                                 off as a simple reaction—CO2 and water
               releasing CO2. Finally, everything we eat com-    comes in, a leaf makes its food, and O2
               pletes the handoff: Human eats plant (or the      heads out—the chemistry occurring is sur-
                                                                 prisingly complex. It’s a dance of protons,
               animal who already did), human exhales, plant     electrons, and biological machinery that had
               stores carbon, and the cycle continues.           millions of years to evolve.

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CLIMATE CHANGE Copying Nature To Fight - American Chemical Society

                                                         photosynthesis                                                                   Carbon atoms go back and forth
                                                                                                                                          between the atmosphere and rocks,
                                        deforestation                                                   to ocean                          soil, plants, and the ocean via chemical
                                                                            burning                                                       processes; some processes are very
                                                 reforestation             fossil fuel                                                    slow, and others happen quickly. This
                                                                                                                                          constant exchange is called the carbon
                                                                                                                        from ocean        cycle. Human activities have disrupted
                   respiration                                                                                                            the natural balance of this cycle by
                                                                                                                                          using once-buried fossil fuels, which
                                                                                                                                          would otherwise have kept a large
                                                                                                                                          amount of carbon beneath layers of
                                                                                                                                          the Earth.
                                                                 soils                                       surface water
                           carbonate minerals in rocks

                   sand and silt                           fossil fuels                  deep ocean

                                                              That machinery severs the strong bonds in H2O and CO2 to build             the leaf should produce a fuel, such as
                                                           more complex molecules, such as glucose (C6H12O6).                            ethanol, that our energy-driven technologies
                                                              What the reaction equations don’t show is what spurs the reactions:        can use. Alternatively, some artificial leaf
                                                           the catalysts, which are substances that speed up specific chemical           technologies don’t require CO2 but rather
                                                           reactions. With the right catalysts, researchers have succeeded in            take in water to produce hydrogen fuel (H2).
                                                           building small devices that not only mimic natural photosynthesis, but
                                                           also beat it.                                                                 THE SIMPLEST FUEL
                                                                                                                                         Hydrogen, when consumed in a fuel cell,
                                                           PHOTOSYNTHESIS 2.0                                                            produces no carbon emissions—its only
                                                           Let’s take a look at the role catalysis plays in photosynthesis. First,       emission is water. Today, most H2 is pro-
                                                           plants absorb sunlight in their chloroplasts, which are organelles found      duced from methane (CH4) in a process that
                                                           in plant and algae cells. Inside the chloroplasts are chlorophyll pig-        emits CO2.
                                                           ments that absorb mostly red and blue, but not green wavelengths of              If scientists could figure out how to make
                                                                                                        light (thus their color). This   H2 using sunlight in an affordable way,
                                                                                                        absorbed energy powers the       hydrogen fuels would be more sustainable.
                                                                                                        plant’s chemical reactions.         To do this with an artificial leaf, it would
                                                                                                            Artificial photosynthe-      have to carry out the oxidation and
                                                                                                        sis needs its own version        reduction reactions required to make H2
                                                                                                        of chlorophyll. To find
                                                                                                                                         from H2O, or “water splitting.” Like photosyn-
                                                                                                        substances to act like chlo-
                                                                                                                                         thesis, the reactions seem straightforward
                                                                                                        rophyll in an artificial leaf,
                                                                                                                                         on paper.
                                                                                                        scientists are testing natural
                                                                                                        pigments, synthetic dyes, or
                                                                                                        other materials that absorb
                                                                                                        visible light.                          2H2O a O2 + 4H+ + 4e-
                                                                                                            In plants, once light is
                                                                                                        absorbed, a complicated                       4H+ + 4e- a 2H2
                                                                                                        chain of biological catalysts
                                                                                                        called enzymes carry out
                                                                                                        reactions in a precise order        But in practice, water splitting is an
                                                                                                        to create fuels such as glu-     electrochemical process that relies on elec-
                        RACHEL PRICER

                                                                                                        cose. In an artificial leaf, a   tricity to power the oxidation and reduction
                                                                                                        similar thing must happen—       reactions.
                                                                                                        except instead of glucose,          “If I just put a cup of water out in the

16                  OCTOBER 2021 | ChemMatters
CLIMATE CHANGE Copying Nature To Fight - American Chemical Society
                                                                                                                                         To make their own food, green plants contain
sunshine, it’s not going to spontaneously turn                                                                                           chlorophyll pigments that absorb energy to
                                                                                                                                         drive chemical reactions. Pigments absorb
into hydrogen and oxygen,” says Dempsey,
                                                                                                                                         light with levels of energy that are just right
who designs catalysts for solar-fuel produc-
                                                                                                                                         to excite their electrons. The type and amount
tion.                                                                                                                                    of a molecule’s bonds influence what those
   H2O doesn’t easily part with its elec-                                                                                                absorption wavelengths actually are. Chloro-
trons and protons, or hydrogen ions (H+).                                                                                                phyll-a and chlorophyll-b are important
Electrolysis needs a steady flow of external                                                                                             pigments that enable photosynthesis in green
electrical energy, which can be supplied by a                                                                                            plants. They absorb light in the violet-blue
solar-powered artificial leaf. A current helps                                                                                           and orange-red parts of the electromagnetic
separate the oxygen atom from the hydrogen                                                                                               spectrum.
ions by pulling electrons away from the water
molecule (oxidation). Those electrons flow
from one part of the electrochemical cell,                                                                                                                              Chlorophyll-a
known as the anode, to another, known as
the cathode. There, H+ ions pair up with elec-

trons (reduction) to form H2 gas, which forms
bubbles that can then be captured for use.
   Catalysts, such as iron oxide and platinum,
speed up the forming and breaking of chem-
ical bonds.

                                                                                                                                                                                           RS GRAPHX, INC.
   “Catalysis gives us access to seemingly
impossible chemical transformations,”                                                                                                                       Wavelength (nm)
Dempsey says.

MAKING CARBON FUELS                                                          NATURAL INSPIRATION
Ethanol, (C2H5OH), typically makes up 10%                                    What’s extraordinary is that these chemical choreographies work.
of the gas you pump into most cars. Some                                     Light, CO2, and water go in; fuel comes out. And in some ways, chem-
flex-fuel cars can handle up to 85% C2H5OH.                                  ists have designed catalysts to make these fuels more efficiently than
   Today, most ethanol in the United States                                  plants produce sugars.
comes from fermenting crops, which rely on                                      “It turns out that natural photosynthesis isn’t actually that efficient
a lot of land, water, and energy from fossil                                 of a process,” Dempsey says. Only about 1% of the solar energy that
fuels to grow. This is where artificial-leaf                                 hits a plant turns into fuel energy. The efficiency of artificial leaf tech-
researchers come in. They are engineering                                    nologies can exceed 20%.
catalysts to produce ethanol and butanol                                        This doesn’t mean artificial photosynthesis copies natural pho-
(C4H9OH) in a more sustainable way. Butanol                                  tosynthesis in all aspects though. Plants are less efficient, but they
has similar uses to ethanol.                                                 make more complex fuels with greater precision than artificial devices.
   “To build carbohydrates or ethanol or                                     “Some of these systems that are showing promise make a whole slew
butanol,” says Dempsey, “we need to carefully                                of stuff—12 different products mixed together,” Dempsey says.
choreograph how the protons and the elec-                                       A major current challenge in catalyst research involves designing
trons are being reassembled.”                                                materials that speed up specific reactions and make only the products
   Turning a couple of CO2 molecules into                                    we want.
C2H5OH requires shuffling around 12 protons
and 12 electrons.

          2CO2 + 12H+ + 12e-
          a C2H5OH + 3 H2O
                                                                                                                                                      An early type of artificial
   Scientists design new catalysts for artifi-                                                                                                        leaf, developed by Daniel
                                                                                                                                                      Nocera, was made with
cial photosynthesis to make the process as
                                                 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY

                                                                                                                                                      a catalyst-coated silicon
efficient and sustainable as possible.                                                                                                                wafer that, in sunlight,
   “We have gotten to the point where                                                                                                                 split water into molecules
scientists have done enough preliminary                                                                                                               of H2 and O2.
studies to know that what we are proposing
is achievable,” Dempsey says.

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Harnessing Sunlight for Power and Products

                  Inputs                               Process                              Products                                       Uses

                                                                                                                                    Transport fuel
                                                     Artificial                             Solar fuels                              Raw materials
                                                  photosynthesis                                                                      Electricity
                                                                                        Hydrogen fuel
                                                                                     Carbon-based fuels                               H2O

                              H2O                                                        C2H5OH

             MAKING AN ARTIFICIAL LEAF                                                           the societal cost of climate change. A recent
             So, what would an artificial leaf device actually look like?                        survey of more than 2,000 economists pro-
                “It basically looks like this sandwich structure—the catalyst layers are         jected the economic damages from climate
             sandwiching the photo-absorber,” says Peter Agbo, a staff scientist at Law-         change will reach $1.7 trillion per year by 2025
             rence Berkeley National Lab who works with the Joint Center for Artificial          and roughly $30 trillion per year by 2075.
             Photosynthesis.                                                                        Artificial photosynthesis could inch us back
                Existing devices are also small. A hydrogen device with 12.6% efficiency         toward a better balance on the planet’s carbon
             that Agbo recently built was less than one inch across. For artificial photo-       seesaw.
             synthesis to become practical, it needs to produce fuels at a large scale to
             compete with the world’s existing energy supply of relatively inexpensive           Max G. Levy is a freelance science writer
             and abundant fossil fuels.                                                          based in Los Angeles, California.
                Scaling up artificial photosynthesis is still far off, but it’s moving along.
                “We’ve identified the fundamental scientific challenges,” Dempsey says.          REFERENCES
             “We’re learning how to put the different pieces together.”                          Hisatomi, T.; Kubota, J.; Domen, K. Recent Advances
                What might ultimately get the technology across the finish line is another          in Semiconductors for Photocatalytic and
             turn back to nature—but this time, instead of just copying it, scientists              Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting. Chemical
             want to use it. Engineers from the University of California at Berkeley, for           Society Reviews, 43(22), pp 7520–7535; Jan 13,
             example, recently combined nanoparticles with living nonphotosynthetic                 2014:
             bacteria.                                                                              landing/2014/cs/c3cs60378d [accessed Aug 2021].
                Their microbe of choice, Moorella thermoacetica, naturally reduces CO2           Kistler, T. A.; Danilovic, N.; Agbo, P. A Monolithic
             to make a small amount of acetic acid (CH3COOH). When the researchers                  Photoelectrochemical Device Evolving Hydrogen
             fed the bacteria tiny clusters of gold atoms and exposed them to sunlight,             in Pure Water. Journal of the Electrochemical Society,
                                                                                                    166(13), H656; June 9, 2019: https://iopscience.
             the gold clusters were able to pull electrons from the amino acid cysteine
             and send them to the microbe’s enzymes. The electrons interacted with the
                                                                                                    Aug 2021].
             bug’s enzymes, which spurred the bacteria to make much more acetic acid
                                                                                                 Yang, P. Liquid Sunlight: The Evolution of
             from CO2 than they normally would have. The acetic acid can then be used
                                                                                                    Photosynthetic Biohybrids. NanoLetters, American
             to make fuels and other valuable chemicals.                                            Chemical Society, 21(13), pp 5453−5456; July
                It will take a lot of time and money before artificial photosynthesis can           2, 2021:
             compete with fossil fuels. But the needed investment won’t come close to               nanolett.1c02172 [accessed Aug 2021].

18 OCTOBER2021
6 OCTOBER            ChemMatters
           2021 | | ChemMatters
CLIMATE CHANGE Copying Nature To Fight - American Chemical Society
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