CLEAN AIR - What does the Government's

Page created by Harvey Payne
CLEAN AIR - What does the Government's
What does the

                 AIR               strategy mean for
                                     funeral fleets?
         The Government's clean air                The charge will apply to drivers           we help funeral directors to afford
         strategy, which was published             of petrol cars that do not meet the        to meet these new requirements for
         in January, describes reducing            Euro 4 emission standards - which          funeral vehicles.”
         pollution from nitrogen oxides            generally means cars registered before
                                                   2005 - and diesel vehicles which do        The Government’s strategy on road
         (NOx), which come mainly
                                                   not meet the Euro 6 standard, which        transport includes a pledge to stop all
         from diesel vehicles, as its most
                                                   generally means anything registered        sales of new conventional petrol or
         immediate challenge.
                                                   before September 2015.                     diesel powered cars and vans by 2040.
         However, responsibility for reducing                                                 As a result, registrations of new diesel
         NOx emissions has been devolved           In October 2021, the ULEZ will             cars fell 30% last year, according to
         mainly to a local level. London is        expand to cover all roads inside the       the Society of Motor Manufacturers
                                                   North Circular and South Circular. A       and Traders (SMMT).
         leading the way, introducing an Ultra
                                                   similar scheme in France now covers
         Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in                                                          However, the European Automobile
                                                   a number of major cities, including
         April 2019, which will require some                                                  Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA)
                                                   Paris, Lyon, Marseilles, Grenoble,
         motorists to pay £12.50 a day to drive                                               is confident that modern diesel
                                                   Lille, Strasbourg, Toulouse and
         into the existing congestion charging     Chambery.                                  cars could have a key role to play in
         zone, on top of the current £11.50                                                   helping achieve air quality targets
         charge.                                   “As well as London, Birmingham,            and reducing CO² emissions, after
                                                   Southampton, Oxford, Leeds, Bath,          new research that shows that many
         For vehicle operators running             Glasgow, and more, all have low            new diesel cars are already achieving
         specialist vehicles on longer             emission zone plans that are coming        the highest emissions standards.
         replacement cycles, which is likely       into operation this year and next,” says   ACEA, which represents 15 major
         to include some funeral directors,        Steve Cousins of Brahms Electric           Europe-based car, van, truck and
         this could have a significant financial   Vehicles. “That’s why we have been         bus manufacturers, now says that
         impact upon their business.               trying to be really innovative in how      differentiation should be clearly

CLEAN AIR - What does the Government's
made between the fleet of old diesel                   The ACEA is confident that modern
cars on European roads and the new
models now rolling off manufacturer                 diesel cars could have a key role to play
production lines.                                    in helping achieve air quality targets."
ACEA found that some 270 new            “It would be senseless of us to          press has implied that all diesel engine
types of diesel cars type-approved      overlook the use of diesel engine        vehicles emit harmful emissions.
against the latest Euro 6d-TEMP         cars,” said Graham Clow, National        This is not correct. Modern Euro
standard, also known as RDE-1,          Sales Manager for Coleman Milne.         6-complying vehicles are among the
were introduced on the European         “Our variant based on the new range      cleanest ever. New diesel and petrol
market over the past year. The ACEA     of Mondeo Panther diesels will           hearse and limousine sales are likely
research showed that all of these       yield WLTP tested Euro 6 emission        to continue until 2040, and used sales
diesel cars performed well below the    standards in excess of any ULEZ          well beyond this.
NOx threshold in the real driving       requirement. This engine variant uses
emissions (RDE) test that will be       AdBlue to reduce the NOx emissions       “Fully electric vehicles are a long way
mandatory from January 2020 – a         to meet the stringent standard. It has   off due to development constraints,
stage known as RDE-2 – and were         been highly publicised that diesels      weight issues and pricing. A new
some of the cleanest diesel models      are “dirty" and, although this is        hearse with an internal combustion
ever produced.                          certainly true of the older vehicles     engine, for instance, costs £100,000
                                        on the road, most vehicles registered    - to make and retail a fully electric
Coleman Milne, which includes in        post September 2015 are Euro 6           vehicle on the same platform would
its range diesel, petrol and hybrid     compliant, with newer vehicles           put the price up by 25-35%. These
models, is confident that there         becoming ever cleaner.”                  additional costs, along with real world
remains an important place in funeral                                            ranges of less than 200 miles, make
fleets for newer, cleaner diesel        Paul Wilcox, CEO of Wilcox               the diesel and petrol fleets still very
vehicles.                               Limousines, agrees. “The national        desirable and more practical.”

                                                                                                 FUNERAL DIRECTOR MONTHLY | 39
CLEAN AIR - What does the Government's
What does the Government’s CleanAir strategy mean for funeral fleets?

Affordable electric funeral vehicles
are key to new clean air regulations
By Steven Cousins, Brahms Electric Vehicles

                                                                                  tBrahms               an extra £12.50 daily fee or for non-
                                                                                  lengthened electric   compliant vehicles.
                                                                                  removal ambulance
                                                                                  in production         “Brahms is producing an electric
                                                                                                        removal ambulance based on a
                                                                                                        lengthened Nissan eNV200. If
                                                                                                        funeral directors wish, this can be
                                                                                                        delivered with side glass and a twin
                                                                                                        deck to function as a hearse with
                                                                                                        viewable coffin with room for two
                                                                                                        stretchers below. Or, as most funeral
                                                                                                        directors have indicated, be used as
                                                                                                        a simple low cost electric removal
                                                                                                        ambulance, with two stretchers.

                                                                                                        “Our other innovation, again to
                                                                                                        keep costs down, is the seven-
                                                                                                        seat fully electric hearse. Almost
                                                                                                        everyone who has bought our
                                                                                                        Nissan Leaf two-seat electric hearse
                                                                                                        has then bought an additional give-
                                                                                                        seat Nissan Leaf saloon. That gives
                                                                                                        enormous flexibility to bereaved
“After many years of concern about        Euro 6 standard is required. These
                                                                                                        people and to bearers. Funeral
the environment and climate change,       use the ‘AdBlue’ Urea supplement
                                                                                                        directors get an extra vehicle they
2019 is finally the year when these       to reduce NOx emissions from the
have an impact on businesses, and         exhaust. It is these NOx emissions                            can use for calls, and we have
funeral directors are no exception.       and exhaust particulates that have                            developed an adaptation for the
                                          been linked to many health problems                           hearse to enable discrete removals in
“Many cities around the UK are            and premature deaths at a level of                            the Birmingham clean air zone. The
invoking clean air rules that are         40,000 annually across the UK.                                cost of the two vehicles is still way
legislating older diesels off the road                                                                  less than a conventional five-seat
and only allowing the latest diesels      “Funeral directors are facing a                               petrol or diesel hearse – and that’s
and electric vehicles to enter parts      ‘carrot and stick’ approach from city                         our approach, we want to make
of the city or face large fees or fines   governments. In London there is                               electric vehicles really affordable as
each day.      Many petrol vehicles       encouragement for electric vehicles,                          well as super cheap to operate.
slip through the net - for example        which are not charged to enter the
in London, if a vehicle is Euro 4         Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ),                               “We will be showing our new
compliant (as are most cars post-         a ‘neutral’ position of just paying                           electric removal ambulance at NFE
2005), then they are still able to be     the congestion charge for compliant                           2019 later this year, along with some
used. For diesel cars and vans the        diesels and petrol vehicles, and then                         other exciting developments.”

   New ‘7-seater’ electric hearse -                                                       from      £65000
   Multi-functional, can do calls as well as funerals                             Please call 01536 384261
   and removals. Very long deck.
   Meets city clean air rules. Low purchase cost and
   low operating costs. Easy parking.

                                                    Photo courtesy C.P.J.Field

CLEAN AIR - What does the Government's
Coleman Milne launches Norwood
and Rosedale hybrids for 2019
By Graham Clow – National Sales Manager, Coleman Milne

“We are fast approaching the launch       uColeman Milne’s
of London’s Ultra Low Emission            new Norwood
Zone, in April 2019. It is a given that   hybrid hearse
this amount of revenue will not be
over looked by all the larger cities
around the UK, which will follow
London’s lead with the full backing
of the Government.

“Coleman Milne, as Europe’s largest
funeral vehicle manufacturer, has been
looking ahead to ensure that city-
centre funeral directors are still able
to operate the appropriate vehicles
to fulfil the traditional roles, whilst
moving with the changing times.

“The new self-charging hybrid
Norwood and Rosedale range utilises
a 2.0 litre petrol engine, coupled to
an electric motor and lightweight                            Euro 6 emission standards, in             “In the past 12 months there
lithium ion battery pack. The hybrids                        excess of any ULEZ requirement.           has been an increasing number
pull away in full electric mode and                          This engine variant uses AdBlue to        of “straight to crematorium” or
the petrol engine only kicks in when                         reduce the NOx emissions to meet          “cremation without ceremony”
required, no need to recharge at base                        the stringent standard. As most           services which funeral directors
and no limit to the distance that can                        NAFD members are now aware,               are now offering as a more cost-
be covered. These vehicles will allow                        we are delighted to be extending          effective alternative. In response to
for a silent approach into the church                        our Mercedes range to include a           this we are nearing completion of
or crematorium and are, without                              Euro-style hearse too, which will         an appropriate vehicle that we feel
doubt, the most cost-effective way                           be launched at the 2019 National          will fulfil this requirement perfectly,
to acquire a hybrid fleet.                                   Funeral Exhibition. Alongside the         a vehicle that will also meet the
                                                             existing E-Class range, the Euro-         growing number of occasions when
“Our diesel variant based on the                             style hearse will be available with the   a bariatric hearse is required.”
new range of Mondeo Panther                                  E220 ultra-clean Euro 6 diesel with
diesels will yield WLTP tested                               AdBlue, or E200 petrol engine.

                                                                                                            FUNERAL DIRECTOR MONTHLY | 41
What does the Government’s CleanAir strategy mean for funeral fleets?

Co-op finds requests for
alternative hearses increases by
21% in three years
Recent research has revealed that           1970’s Mercedes E320). Families
the number of requests for unique           have also requested an Only Fools
hearses in the last three years has         and Horses themed hearse, canal
increased by a fifth. Of the 100,000        boat, milk float, steam train, tractor
funerals Co-op conducts each year,          and trailer and a tandem bicycle for
alternative hearses are now used for
                                            funerals too.
one in 100 funerals.

Leading the way in these requests           in November, Co-op Funeralcare
were its Land Rover, Rainbow and            also launched the first Poppy hearse,
Austin hearses although, following          transforming a Ford Cardinal with a
close behind, were Rusty (a Vauxhall        showering of 100 poppies to mark the
                                                                                      uCo-op Funeralcare’s Poppy hearse
Wyvern 1953) and Dolly (a classic           centenary of the end of World War I.

A sixth Rolls-Royce Phantom VII for AW Lymn
This month, Matthew and Nigel
Lymn Rose, the Managing Director
and Chief Executive of family
business, A. W. Lymn The Family
Funeral Service, will undertake
a 2100-mile round trip to collect
the company's sixth Rolls-Royce
Phantom V11 hearse from Italy.

It is five years since the first of these
vehicles was brought back from
specialist coach builder Biemme and
they are now a familiar sight on the
roads in the Midlands, where the
company’s 27 funeral homes are

Matthew comments: “The original
blueprint for the car was quite
different to the Rolls-Royce Silver         vehicles are so unique and we feel       pAW Lymn’s       with matching passenger vehicles.
Mists we ran in the 1990’s and              we should be able to serve these         fleet of         Unusually, it also owns a London
2000’s, but the investment and              whilst still meeting the needs of our    Rolls Royce      Routemaster hearse, which has been
vision have proved to be the right          clients in Nottingham, Derby and         Phantoms         used all over the country on trade
choice. These vehicles are able to          Mansfield.”.                                              hires.
cope with the modern funeral whilst
retaining the classic Rolls-Royce             Alongside the modern hearses                            Matthew concludes: “We think that,
style and dignity,” he continued.           and its 19 matching Rolls-Royce                           when the sixth hearse arrives, we
“Although six may sound like a large        Phantom VII saloons, the company                          will be fully fleeted - that is unless,
number, we have experienced a rise          also has vintage Rolls-Royce hearses                      of course, something else catches
in the number of trade hires as the         from the 1930’s and 1960’s, all                           Nigel’s eye!”

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