Classic Car Insurance Documents - Carole Nash

Classic Car Insurance Documents - Carole Nash
Classic Car
Useful Numbers and                                                                                  Welcome
Information                                                                                         We hope you find this booklet useful in ensuring you
                                                                                                    get the most out of your insurance policy.
Customer Services                                                                                   Contained within this booklet is information about
If you have any queries regarding this policy, please                                               your policy cover. Please take time to read the policy
contact us:                                                                                         wordings and your Carole Nash Terms of business
Phone: 0800 093 2939                                                                                (enclosed with your documents) as they contain vital
                                                                                                    information about your policy.
                                                                                                    If you have any queries regarding this policy, please
Making a Claim                                                                                      contact us:
Should you be in the unfortunate position of having                                                 Phone: 0800 093 2939
to make a claim, our in-house ’Talking Claims’ service                                              Email:
removes much of the inconvenience and hassle to you.
Simply call
0800 804 7964.
More information can be found on page 7.
Breakdown Assistance
Should you need to use breakdown assistance under
the terms of this policy, simply call the number below:
In the UK: 0800 093 5318
In Ireland: 090 645 1972
Rest of Europe: 0044 1737 826 112
More information can be found on page 15.
Legal Expenses
Should you require help to recover costs such as loss
of earnings, a policy excess, hire of another vehicle
or compensation for any injury you suffer as a result
of an accident which was not your fault. This cover is
included as part of your policy.
24hr Legal Helpline Tel No. 0333 241 9567
More information can be found on page 9.
Foreign Use
Should you wish to travel to a country outside the EU
which is not listed in your Policy Schedule, or if you
wish to travel with your vehicle overseas for longer
than is stated in your Policy Schedule, please call us on
0800 093 2942.
More information can be found on page 6.

Important Information
Changes in your circumstances
You must tell Carole Nash Insurances immediately
about any changes to the information set out in the
Statement Of Fact, Certificate Of Motor Insurance or
on your Policy Schedule.
More information can be found on page 9.
Data Protection
Please check your insurers’ privacy notice on the
Statement of Fact for more information on how they
use your information.

                                                            Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd
Contents                                                                            Contract of Classic Car
Contract Of Classic Car Insurance       2                                           Insurance
Classic Car Insurance Policy Wording    3                                           Details of your Insurer can be located in your Policy
Definitions                             3
                                                                                    Contract of Insurance
Section 1                                                                           We will provide insurance under the terms,
Liability to Others                     3                                           exceptions, conditions and endorsements of this
                                                                                    policy, during any period for which we have accepted
Section 2                                                                           your premium. Please take time to read through your
Cover for Fire & Theft                 4                                            documents which contain important information
Section 3                                                                           about the details you have given.
Damage to your Vehicle                 5                                            The law of England and Wales will apply to this
                                                                                    contract unless:
Section 4
                                                                                    • you and the Insurer agree otherwise; or
Windscreen                             6
                                                                                    • at the date of the contract you are a resident of (or,
Section 5                                                                              in the case of a business, the registered office or
Personal Accident                      6                                               principal place of business is situated in) Scotland,
                                                                                       Northern Ireland, Channel Islands or the Isle of Man,
Section 6
                                                                                       in which case (in the absence of agreement to the
Audio Equipment Cover                  6
                                                                                       contrary) the law of that country will apply.
Section 7                                                                           Signed for and on behalf of the Insurers.
Wedding Use                            6
Section 8
Foreign Use                            6
                                                                                    Ian Donaldson
General Exceptions                     10
                                                                                    Chief Executive Officer
Policy Conditions                      10                                           Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd

Cancellation                           11

Legal Expenses Cover                   12
Definitions                            13
Section 1
Uninsured Loss Recovery                14
Section 2
Motor Prosecution Defence              15
Section 3
Motor Contract Cover                   16

UK & European Breakdown
Recovery Policy                        18
Definitions                            18
Section 4
UK Assistance                          18
Section 5
European Assistance                    19

Complaints Procedure                   22

1                                           Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                       2
Classic Car Insurance                                    Policy
                                                         The contract between us and you that is made up of
                                                                                                                        • any person using, but not driving, your vehicle with
                                                                                                                           your permission for social, domestic and pleasure
                                                                                                                                                                                      of and in the course of their employment by the
                                                                                                                                                                                      policyholder or by any other person claiming under
Policy Wording                                           the current Policy Schedule, Certificate of Motor
                                                         Insurance, Statement of Fact and this booklet.
                                                                                                                        • any passenger travelling in or getting in or out of
                                                                                                                                                                                      this insurance. This does not apply if we need to
                                                                                                                                                                                      provide cover due to the requirements of relevant
                                                                                                                           your vehicle.                                              laws.
Definitions                                              Policyholder/The Insured
                                                                                                                                                                                   • loss of, or damage to, any property belonging to
The following words or phrases have the meanings         The person(s) or company or partnership named in               Business Use
                                                                                                                                                                                      (or in the care of) any person claiming under this
given below whenever they appear in the main Classic     the Policy Schedule.                                           If your Certificate of Motor Insurance allows                 section of the insurance.
Car Insurance policy wording. These will be shown in                                                                    business use, we will insure your employer or business
                                                         Policy Schedule/Amended Policy Schedule                                                                                   • anyone covered by any other insurance.
bold.                                                                                                                   partner against the events shown under ‘Driving your
                                                         The document showing the vehicle we are insuring               vehicle’ while you are working for that employer or        • loss of or damage to any motor vehicle covered
Agreed Value (if applicable)                             and cover which applies. Please read the Policy                                                                              under this insurance.
                                                                                                                        partner, but not while using a vehicle provided by the
This is the amount shown in the Policy Schedule          Schedule carefully.                                            employer or partner unless that vehicle is shown in        • loss or damage to any vehicle, caravan or trailer
that represents the value of your vehicle. This is the   Statement of Fact                                              the Policy Schedule.                                          being towed or attached to your vehicle and any
most we will pay you if your vehicle is lost, totally                                                                                                                                 property carried in or on them.
                                                         The document completed by you or on your behalf                Emergency Medical Treatment
destroyed or where the reasonable cost of repairs is                                                                                                                               • anyone who does not hold a valid licence for driving
                                                         which contains information you gave at the time the            We will pay for emergency medical treatment
greater than the agreed value.                                                                                                                                                        your vehicle.
                                                         insurance was arranged and on that we have relied in           after an accident involving any vehicle which this
Note: Agreed Value can be considered only if you         providing this insurance.                                                                                                 • the legal liability of anyone who is not driving but
have submitted all necessary photographs (and                                                                           insurance covers.
                                                                                                                                                                                      who is claiming cover if they know that the driver
valuation if required) and these have been received      United Kingdom/UK                                              The Road Traffic Act says we must provide this cover.
                                                                                                                                                                                      does not have a valid licence to drive your vehicle.
and accepted by Carole Nash Insurance Consultants        England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of        By law the person using the insured vehicle must pay
                                                                                                                                                                                   • legal liability, being used on any part of an airport
Ltd. If this documentation has not been received and     Man and the Channel Islands.                                   the cost of emergency treatment. They should pass
                                                                                                                                                                                      or airfield provided for aircraft movement, parking
your vehicle is lost, totally destroyed or damaged,      You/Your                                                       the bill for emergency treatment to us straight away
                                                                                                                                                                                      or maintenance; (except where we need to provide
the most we will pay will be market value.                                                                              along with a fully completed accident report form.
                                                         The person named as “the insured” in the Policy                                                                              cover under road traffic law).
Certificate of Motor Insurance                           Schedule, or as “the policyholder” in any                      Legal Personal Representatives                             • any liability that arises while your vehicle is being
Evidence that you have the motor insurance required      Certificate of Motor Insurance or renewal notice               After the death of anyone who is covered by this              used on a private property that is not a road within
by law. It shows who may drive the vehicle and what      that applies to this insurance.                                insurance, we will deal with any claim made against           the meanings of the Road Traffic Act, unless the
it may be used for.                                      Your Vehicle/Insured Vehicle                                   that person’s estate, provided that the claim is              liability arises from an accident which happens while
Conditions                                                                                                              covered by this insurance.                                    your vehicle is being driven.
                                                         Any vehicle described in the Policy Schedule or
These describe your responsibilities and the             specified in the current Certificate of Motor                  Legal Costs                                                • any legal cost or other amounts that you pay or
procedures that you must follow. Failure to meet with    Insurance.                                                                                                                   agree to pay, or that any persons, company or firm
                                                                                                                        If we agree in writing, we will pay for the following
policy conditions could mean that you do not have                                                                                                                                     claiming cover under this policy section pays or
                                                                                                                        legal fees if they arise from a claim caused by an
the full protection of your policy and that we may
refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the amount
                                                         Section 1                                                      accident that is covered under this insurance:
                                                                                                                                                                                      agrees to pay, without first getting our agreement.

of any claim payment.                                    Liability to Others                                            • the solicitor’s fee for representing anyone we insure
                                                                                                                           at a court of summary jurisdiction, fatal accident      Section 2
                                                         What is covered
                                                                                                                           enquiry or coroner’s inquest.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Cover for Fire & Theft
A change in the terms of the insurance that replaces                                                                    Proceedings for Manslaughter or Causing Death
the standard insurance wording, and is printed on, or    Driving Your Vehicle                                           by Dangerous, Careless or Inconsiderate Driving            What is covered
issued with, the Policy Schedule.                        We will insure you for all the amounts you may be              We will pay fees for legal services to defend anyone       If your vehicle is lost or damaged by fire, theft or
Excess                                                   legally liable to pay for:                                     insured under this policy if legal proceedings are         attempted theft during the period of insurance,
The amount you must pay towards any claim.               • death or injury to other people; or                          taken against that person for manslaughter or causing      we will either repair or replace your vehicle or
                                                         • damage to another person’s property up to a                 death by dangerous, careless or inconsiderate driving.     give the legal owner a cash payment. The most we
Insurer/We/Our/Us                                                                                                       The following conditions will apply to this cover:
                                                            maximum amount of £20,000,000 and claimants                                                                            will pay will be the market value of your vehicle
The insurer described in the Policy Schedule.                                                                           • you must ask us to provide it and we agree              immediately before the loss or damage or the agreed
                                                            costs and expenses and any other costs and
Market Value                                                expenses up to £5,000,000                                      in writing;                                             value of your vehicle if your vehicle is insured on
The cost of replacing your vehicle with one of the       as a result of any accident you have while you are             • the death or deaths giving rise to the proceedings      that basis.
same make, model, specification, mileage and age,        driving, using or in charge of your vehicle, or caused            must have been caused by an accident covered by         We can choose which of these actions we will take
and that is in the same condition your vehicle was       by a trailer, caravan or other vehicle that is attached           the policy;                                             for any claim we agree to.
in immediately before the loss or damage you are         to your vehicle, during the period of insurance.               • the accident that caused the death or deaths must       Where your vehicle is beyond economical repair we
claiming for.                                                                                                              have happened in the UK.                                will pay you the market or agreed value if your
                                                         Cover for Other People
                                                                                                                                                                                   vehicle is insured on that basis, including accessories
Period of Insurance                                      If you ask us to we will also cover the following              What is not covered                                        and spare parts at the time they are lost or damaged.
The period of time covered by this insurance (as         people for legal liabilities to others:                        These exceptions apply to the whole of Section 1 -         However, we will not pay more than the amount for
shown in the Certificate of Motor Insurance and          • named drivers provided they are permitted to drive          Liability to others.                                       which you insured them. Accessories and spare parts
your Policy Schedule).                                      as shown on your Certificate of Motor Insurance.            • death of, or bodily injury to any person arising out    of your vehicle, which are in your private garage at

3                                                                               Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                                                                             4
the time of the loss or damage, will also be covered.
If your vehicle is insured on an agreed value basis
                                                            of insurance, we will either repair or replace your
                                                            vehicle or give the legal owner a cash payment. The
                                                                                                                               or grade of fuel being used.
                                                                                                                            • the cost of repairing or replacing parts of your
                                                                                                                                                                                      Wedding use
(as stated in your Policy Schedule) in the event of a       most we will pay will be the market value of your                  vehicle that improves your vehicle beyond its          If stated in your Policy Schedule your policy
total loss you may be able to purchase the remaining        vehicle immediately before the loss or damage or                   condition before the loss or damage happened.          includes cover for you and any named drivers listed
salvage at the amount your vehicle will attract in the      the agreed value of your vehicle if your vehicle is             • loss of or damage to your vehicle due to or            on your Certificate of Motor Insurance to drive the
open market in its damaged condition. This will be          insured on that basis.                                             occasioned by the impounding or destruction of         vehicle in connection with wedding use.
decided on an individual claim basis.                       We can choose which of these actions we will take                  your vehicle by an authorised body.
If we are told that the vehicle belongs to someone
else or if you are buying the vehicle under a hire
                                                            for any claim we agree to.
                                                            Where your vehicle is beyond economical repair                  Section 4                                                 Section 8
purchase or leasing agreement, we will normally
make the payment for the total loss of the vehicle to
                                                            we will pay you the market or agreed value if your
                                                            vehicle is insured on that basis, including accessories         Windscreen                                                Foreign Use
the legal owner.                                            and spare parts at the time they are lost or damaged.                                                                     We provide the minimum cover required by law to
                                                            However, we will not pay more than the amount for               What is covered                                           allow you to use your vehicle in any of the following
What is not covered                                         which you insured them. Accessories and spare parts                                                                       countries:
• the amount of the excess shown in the Policy                                                                             We cover loss or damage to the Windscreen or
                                                            of your vehicle, which are in your private garage at                                                                      • any country, which is a member of the European
   Schedule.                                                                                                                Window Glass for your vehicle and any damage to
                                                            the time of the loss or damage, will also be covered.                                                                        Union.
• loss of value, wear and tear, mechanical, electrical,                                                                    the bodywork caused by the broken glass. Please refer
                                                            If your vehicle is insured on an agreed value                   to your Policy Schedule for the amount of cover           • any country which the Commission of the European
   electronic or computer failures or breakdowns or         basis(as stated in your Policy Schedule) in the                 provided and the excess.                                     Communities is satisfied has made arrangements
   breakages.                                               event of a total loss you may be able to purchase the                                                                        of Article (8) of EC Directive 2009/103/EC relating
• damage to tyres by braking, punctures, cuts or           remaining salvage at the amount your vehicle will               What is not covered                                          to civil liabilities arising from the use of a motor
   bursts.                                                  attract in the open market in its damaged condition.            Please refer to your Policy Schedule.                        vehicle.
• loss or damage to any telephone, television, video,      This will be decided on an individual claim basis.                                                                        European Union (EU) compulsory cover does not
   DVD video, traffic information system, system,
   satellite navigation or CB radio equipment fitted to
                                                            If we are told that the vehicle belongs to someone              Section 5                                                 apply when you are driving any vehicle that you do
                                                            else or if you are buying the vehicle under a hire
   or carried in the vehicle.                               purchase or leasing agreement, we will normally                 Personal Accident                                         not own or have not hired under a hire purchase or
                                                                                                                                                                                      leasing agreement.
• depreciation in value of your vehicle after you          make the payment for the total loss of the vehicle to                                                                     In addition we will also provide the cover shown
   have made a valid claim under this Section.              the legal owner.                                                What is covered                                           in your Policy Schedule while you are using your
• loss or damage caused by deception.                      What is not covered                                             We will pay you or your legal representative the          vehicle within the areas listed above.
• any loss or damage if your vehicle is left unlocked,     • the amount of the excess shown in the Policy                 amount shown as personal accident in your Policy          While you are visiting these countries, your insurance
   your vehicle windows are left open or your vehicle          Schedule.                                                    Schedule if you, your husband, wife or civil partner      will be extended to cover the following:
   keys are left in, on or about your vehicle while it is                                                                   are accidentally injured whilst in or getting in or out   • your vehicle being moved (including loading and
                                                            • loss of value, wear and tear, mechanical, electrical,
   unattended.                                                                                                              of your vehicle.                                              unloading) by sea, rail or air between the countries
                                                               electronic or computer failures or breakdowns or
• any loss or damage if you have exceeded the annual          breakages.                                                   We will pay out if within three months the injury             where you have cover.
   mileage limit.                                                                                                           results in:-                                              • in the event of any incident which results in a claim
                                                            • damage to tyres by braking, punctures, cuts or
• theft or unauthorised taking of the vehicle by a            bursts.                                                      • death;                                                    under Section 2 - Cover for fire and theft, or Section
   member of the policyholder’s family or anyone                                                                            • loss of sight in one or both eyes;                        3 - Damage to your vehicle:
                                                            • loss of use.
   normally living with you.                                                                                                • loss of one or more hands or feet;                        − the cost of delivering your vehicle to you or to
                                                            • depreciation in value of your vehicle after you
• compensation or expenses as a result of you not                                                                          We will only pay one benefit for death or injury to any         your home in the UK after necessary repairs have
                                                               have made a valid claim under this Section.
   being able to use your vehicle.                                                                                          person for any one incident.                                    been finished; or
                                                            • compensation or expenses as a result of you not
• loss of or damage to accessories unless your vehicle                                                                                                                                  − foreign customs duty you must pay because
                                                               being able to use your vehicle.                              What is not covered
   is damaged or stolen at the same time.                                                                                                                                                   damage to your vehicle prevents its return to the
                                                            • theft or unautherised taking of the vehicle by a             • death or injury caused by suicide or attempted
• loss of or damage to your vehicle due to or                                                                                                                                              United Kingdom.
                                                               member of the policyholder’s family or anyone                   suicide.
   occasioned by the impounding or destruction of                                                                                                                                     • General Average and Salvage charges if you are
                                                               normally living with you.                                    • any claim for injury or death where the person was
   your vehicle by an authorised body.                                                                                                                                                   liable.
                                                            • damage caused by chewing, scratching, tearing                   under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• the cost of repairing or replacing parts of your                                                                                                                                   We will only provide this cover if your permanent
                                                               or fouling by domestic pets, or caused by vermin,            Please refer to your Policy Schedule for any other
   vehicle that improves your vehicle beyond its                                                                                                                                      home is in the United Kingdom.
                                                               insects, mildew or fungus.                                   exclusions under this section of your policy.
   condition before the loss or damage happened.                                                                                                                                      Important: The length of time that we will give
                                                            • damage caused by frost, smog or any gradual
                                                                                                                                                                                      cover for under this section in any one period of
Section 3                                                      process.
                                                            • any loss or damage if your vehicle is left unlocked,
                                                                                                                            Section 6                                                 insurance will be limited. The number of days that
Damage to Your Vehicle                                         your vehicle windows are left open or your vehicle           Audio equipment cover                                     we will provide this cover for will be specified in the
                                                                                                                                                                                      endorsements shown in your Policy Schedule.
                                                               keys are left in, on or about your vehicle while it is
                                                               unattended.                                                  Please refer to your Policy Schedule for cover details.   If you want to travel to a country that is not shown
What is covered                                                                                                                                                                       in your Certificate of Motor Insurance, or if you
                                                            • any loss or damage if you have exceeded the annual
If your vehicle is damaged as a result of an accident,
malicious damage or is vandalised during the period
                                                               mileage limit.                                               Section 7                                                 wish to go for longer than the number of days shown
                                                                                                                                                                                      in your endorsement, please contact our Customer
                                                            • any loss or damage caused by an inappropriate type

10                                                                                  Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                                                                             11
Services team on 0800 093 2942.                             • incidents caused by riot or civil unrest outside of           much of the inconvenience and hassle to you. Simply         notice, the policy will be cancelled and you will be
                                                               England, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man or the              call                                                        charged for the number of days cover that has been
General exceptions                                             Channel Islands;                                              0800 804 7964.                                              provided plus a cancellation fee will be made. Please
                                                                                                                                                                                         refer to the Carole Nash Terms of Business for details.
                                                            • earthquake;                                                   If you are making a claim following the theft or
These general exceptions apply to the whole of this         • ionising radiation or radioactive contamination               attempted theft of, or malicious damage to, your            7. Cooling Off Period
insurance.                                                     from nuclear fuel, nuclear waste, or the radioactive,         vehicle, you must give immediate notification of the
                                                                                                                                                                                         You have the right to cancel your policy for a period
Your insurance does not cover the following:                   toxic, explosive or other dangerous properties of             incident to the Police.
                                                                                                                                                                                         of 14 days, either from the day of purchase/renewal of
1. a ny liability, accident, injury, loss or damage that      explosive nuclear equipment or nuclear parts;                 2. Defending or Settling the Claim                          the contract or from the day you receive your policy
    happens while any vehicle covered by this insurance     • pressure waves caused by aircraft and other flying            Unless they have our written permission, no person          documentation, whichever is the later. If you exercise
    is:                                                        objects; or                                                   can represent or admit liability for us or for you or any   this right you will be charged for the number of days
• being used for a purpose which the vehicle is not        • carrying any dangerous substances or goods (except            other person claiming cover under this policy.              cover that has been provided plus a cancellation fee.
   insured for;                                                where we need to provide cover to meet the                    We can carry out the defence or settlement of any           Please refer to the Carole Nash Terms of Business for
• in the charge of or being driven by anyone who              compulsory motor insurance law).                              claim and we can choose the solicitor who will act for      details.
   is not described in the Certificate of Motor             5. any liability, loss or damage that happens outside           you in any legal action.                                    There will be no refund if a total loss has occurred.
   Insurance as a person entitled to drive;                     the UK (apart from where cover is provided under             We can also take legal action in your name or the           You may cancel your policy with immediate effect
• is in the charge of anyone who is excluded from              European Union (EU) compulsory cover in Section              name of any other person covered by this policy,            by notifying Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd by
   driving by an endorsement;                                   1 - Liability to others and Section 8 - Foreign use, or      to recover any payment we have made under this              phone or by post.
• being driven by or in the charge of anyone who does          unless you have paid an extra premium to extend              policy. You must give us all the information and help       If you wish to cancel and the insurance cover has not
   not hold a driving licence;                                  your cover).                                                 we need to deal with the claim.                             yet commenced, you will be entitled to a full refund
• being driven by or in the charge of anyone who           6. any proceedings brought against you outside the                                                                          of the premium paid.
                                                                UK, unless they result from using your vehicle in
                                                                                                                             3. Other Insurance
   is disqualified from driving, who does not hold a                                                                                                                                     8. Cancellation by You
                                                                a country which we have agreed to extend this                If you were covered by any other insurance for the
   driving licence or who is prevented from holding
                                                                insurance to cover.                                          incident, which resulted in a valid claim under this        Your insurance policy has been arranged for a period
                                                                                                                             policy, we will only pay our share of the claim.            of 12 months and you are required to pay the full
• being driven by or in the charge of anyone who does      7. any liability, injury, loss or damage caused directly
                                                                                                                             However, in respect of any claim under Section              premium. If you cancel the insurance other than
   not meet the terms and conditions of their driving           or indirectly by:
                                                                                                                             1 - Liability to others, we will not pay for any claim      in accordance with point 7 ‘Cooling off period’ and
   licence;                                                 • pollution, or
                                                                                                                             in respect of which you have cover under any other          there have been no claims or incidents that could
• being used on any part of an airport or airfield         • contamination unless the pollution or                                                                                     give rise to a claim, you will be refunded the unused
                                                                                                                             insurance policy.
   provided for aircraft movement, parking or                  contamination is directly caused by one incident                                                                          part of your premium as stated in your policy
   maintenance; (except where we need to provide               at a specific time and place during the period of             4. Reasonable Precautions                                   documentation, less a Carole Nash cancellation fee,
   cover under road traffic law);                              insurance and is:                                             You must take all reasonable steps to keep your             details of which can be found in the Carole Nash
• towing a caravan, trailer or other vehicle for a            − sudden                                                      vehicle in a safe and roadworthy condition and              Terms of Business.
   payment;                                                    − identifiable                                                protect it from damage, including fire, theft or            Your insurance premium will include a payment for
                                                                                                                             attempted theft, malicious damage and someone               your Legal Expenses and Breakdown cover which
• being used to carry passengers or goods in a way            − unintended
   likely to affect the safe driving or control of the                                                                       taking your vehicle without your permission.                Carole Nash have included as part of the Carole
                                                               − unexpected
   vehicle;                                                                                                                  The vehicle must be kept or used with a valid               Nash product. This payment is non-refundable upon
                                                            The pollution caused by one incident will be                     Department of Transport test (M.O.T.) certificate, if
• being used on any race track or off road activity of     considered to have occurred at the time the incident                                                                         cancellation of the policy other than if cancelled by
   any description, (except where we need to provide                                                                         one                                                         you during your 14-day ‘Cooling off Period’ period.
                                                            took place. This exception does not apply if any                 is needed. You must also keep to all legal regulations
   cover under road traffic law);                           compulsory motor insurance law says we must                                                                                  Please refer to the Carole Nash terms of Business for
                                                                                                                             relating to your vehicle and its ownership. You must        details.
• carrying an insecure or unsafe load; and                 provide this cover.                                              allow us to examine your vehicle whenever we ask.           You may cancel your policy with immediate effect
• use on a derestricted toll road where the public
   can pay to have access and where speed restrictions      Policy conditions                                                5. Keeping to the Terms of This Policy
                                                                                                                             We will only give you the cover that is described in
                                                                                                                                                                                         by notifying Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd by
                                                                                                                                                                                         phone or by post.
   are temporarily or permanently suspended including
   the Nurburgring.                                         You must comply with the following conditions to                 this policy if:                                             There will be no refund if a claim has occured.
2. any liability that you have agreed to accept unless     have the full protection of your policy. If you do not           • any person claiming cover has met with all its terms,    9. Our Right to Cancel
     you would have had that liability anyway.              comply with them we may at our option cancel the                    conditions and endorsments, as far as they apply;        In the unlikely event that your existing Insurer or
3. a nyone who does not meet all the terms and             policy or refuse to deal with your claim or reduce the              and                                                      Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd need to cancel
     conditions of this insurance.                          amount of any claim payment.                                     • the declaration and information given on the             your policy, you will be given seven days notice in
4. a ny loss, damage, injury or liability directly or      1. How to Make A Claim                                              Statement of Fact on which this contract is based,       writing. This will be sent to your last known address.
     indirectly caused by:                                                                                                      is complete and correct as far as you know.              Valid reasons for cancelling include but are not
                                                            Contact Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd
• war, invasion, any act of terrorism, act of foreign      with full details immediately after any damage or                6. Failure to Pay A Premium Instalment                      limited to:
   enemy, hostilities (whether war is declared or not),     accident that might result in a claim under this                 If you fail to pay an instalment you will be charged        • if you do not pay your premium or instalment
   civil unrest, revolution, or any similar event (except   policy. You or any other person claiming under this              a missed payment fee and be given a notice of                  payment by payment due date;
   where we need to provide cover to meet the               policy must send any claim form, summons or other                cancellation.                                               • where we reasonably suspect fraud or
   compulsory motor insurance law);                         correspondence to Carole Nash immediately.                       If payment is not made within the period of this               misrepresentation;
                                                            Carole Nash has a ’Talking Claims’ service removes

12                                                                                   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                                                                                 13
• if you do not provide us with information or
   documentation we reasonably require;
                                                          • the condition or specification of your vehicle
                                                                                                                         Legal Expenses Policy                                     or money your opponent agrees to pay to settle
                                                                                                                                                                                   your claim.
• where you have not taken reasonable care to               changes (if your vehicle is covered on an agreed            This insurance is arranged by Motorplus Limited t/a       Disbursements
   provide complete and accurate answers;                    value basis);                                               Coplus and underwritten by UK General Insurance Ltd       Any sum spent by the legal representative on behalf
• where you or anyone else covered by the insurance      • the main driver of your vehicle changes;                    on behalf of Great Lakes Insurance SE. Great Lakes        of the insured person in respect of services supplied
   has not met the policy terms and conditions            • the registered keeper of your vehicle changes;              Insurance SE is a German insurance company with its       by a third party, providing that:
• where a change in your circumstances means we         • you change your vehicle for another one;                    headquarters at Königinstrasse 107, 80802 Munich. UK      a. the insured person received the services;
  can no longer provide cover.                            • any modifications to or alternations from the               Branch office: Plantation Place, 30 Fenchurch Street,     b. the insured person was responsible for paying the
Carole Nash will work out any refund (if applicable)         manufacturers standard specification, including             London, EC3M 3AJ.                                             third party for the services;
for the unused part of your premium in line with the         any manufacturer or dealer fitted option, whether           Motorplus Limited t/a Coplus and UK General               c. the insured person knew that the services were
cancellation by you section of this policy. Carole           or not performance is altered or any other                  Insurance Limited are authorised and regulated by the         being provided by a third party;
Nash will also deduct a cancellation fee. Please refer       changes which could improve value, appearance,              Financial Conduct Authority.
to the Carole Nash Terms of Business for details.                                                                                                                                  d. the services were in addition to and distinct from
                                                             performance or handling;                                    Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch, is authorised by         the services supplied by the legal representative
Where we find evidence of fraud or deliberate             • you change the place where you usually keep your            Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht and           to the insured person on their own account; and
misrepesentation we may void the policy back to the          vehicle;                                                    subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct
date when you first provided us with this information                                                                                                                              e. we have agreed the amount to be paid in advance
                                                          • any driver develops a health condition which may            Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.
or the start of the policy.                                                                                                                                                            of the third party being instructed.
                                                             affect their driving;                                       Details about the extent of their regulation by the
Where fraud is identified we will:                                                                                       Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation     Disbursements may include, for example, barrister’s
                                                          • the mileometer on your vehicle fails (applicable                                                                      fees (provided that the barrister is not acting under a
• not return any premium paid by you;                                                                                   Authority are available from
                                                             only if you have submitted an annual mileage                                                                          Conditional Fee Agreement) or expert’s report fees.
                                                                                                                         uk/ or by contacting 0800 111 6768.
• recover from you any costs we’ve incurred;                declaration); or
• pass details to fraud prevention and law               • you change your occupation;                                 Definitions                                               Fees and Expenses
   enforcement agencies who may access and use this                                                                                                                                Any professional fees reasonably incurred by the legal
                                                          • you change your address;                                     The following words or phrases have the meanings
   information.                                                                                                          given below whenever they appear in the Legal             representative in pursuit of the claim together with
                                                          This is not a full list. If you are not sure whether
                                                                                                                         Expenses policy wording. These will be shown in           any disbursements that they incur or pay, including,
Other insurers may also access this information.          to report any change, please speak to Carole Nash
                                                                                                                         bold.                                                     where appropriate, value added tax. For the purposes
Please bear in mind that it is an offence under the       Insurance Consultants Ltd. We may re-assess your
                                                                                                                                                                                   of this definition, “reasonably incurred” shall mean
Road Traffic Act to drive, or permit a motor vehicle to   cover and premium as a result of any important                 Adverse Costs                                             costs that are deemed by a court to be reasonable.
be on a public highway or other public place, if you      information you give and mid-term changes may be
                                                                                                                         Any legal costs (including profit costs,
have not met the minimum insurance requirement.           subject to additional fees, as detailed in our Terms of                                                                  Insurer
                                                                                                                         disbursements, VAT and interest) which the insured
                                                          Business document.                                                                                                       UK General Insurance Limited, who is an insurers’
10. Arbitration                                                                                                          person pays the opponent by order of the court
                                                          If the information provided by you is not complete             or with our prior written agreement. These may            agent and in the matters of a claim, act on behalf of
If we accept your claim, but disagree with the
                                                          and accurate:                                                  include, for example, the opponent’s solicitor’s fees,    Great Lakes Insurance SE.
amount due to you, the matter may be passed to
an independent arbitrator. When this happens, the         • we may cancel your policy and refuse to pay any             barrister’s fees and/or expert’s fees.                    Legal Representative
arbitrator must make a decision before you can start         claim;                                                                                                                Any appropriately qualified person (or company or
                                                                                                                         Approval, Approve(d), Approving
proceedings against us.                                   • we may not pay any claim in full; or                                                                                   firm) who has been approved by us to represent
                                                                                                                         The act of us agreeing in writing to provide indemnity
                                                          • we may revise the premium and/or change the                 in accordance with the terms of this policy.              an insured person in pursuit of a claim against an
11. Avoiding Certain Terms and Right of Recovery
                                                             compulsory excess, or                                                                                                 opponent. “the legal representative” is a reference
We may have to pay a claim because the law of a                                                                          Consent
                                                          • the extent of the cover may be affected.                                                                               to the specific legal representative who acts in a
country which this policy operates in says we must. If
                                                                                                                         Our written agreement to a particular course of           particular claim.
we would not have paid this claim otherwise, we can       13. Fraudulent Claims                                          action (such as settling a claim).
ask for a refund from you or the person responsible       If you or anyone representing you; makes a claim                                                                         Motor Insurance Policy
for causing the claim.                                    or part of any claim that is fraudulent, false or              Costs                                                     The policy of motor insurance for your vehicle which
                                                          exaggerated;                                                   Under this policy we will pay the following:              has been issued in accordance with the requirements
12. Changes in your Circumstances
                                                          We may:                                                        a. the professional fees and expenses                    of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
You must tell Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd
                                                          • reject the claim or reduce the amount of payment                reasonably and properly charged by the legal          Opponent(s)
immediately about any change to the information set
                                                             we make;                                                        representative, up to the standard rates set by
out in the Statement of Fact, Certificate of Motor                                                                                                                                 The third party responsible for the accident or
                                                                                                                             the courts
Insurance or on your Policy Schedule. You must            • cancel your policy from the date of the fraudulent                                                                    collision which has given rise to an insured event
also tell Carole Nash Insurance immediatley if any of        act and not return any premium paid;                        b. your opponents costs which you are ordered to         under this policy and against whom the insured
the following happens:                                                                                                       pay by a court, the most we will pay for all claims   person wishes to bring a claim. Proceedings may not
                                                          • recover from you any costs we’ve incurred relating
                                                                                                                             arising out of one event is £100,000                  be issued against us, the insurer or your insurance
• you or any driver receive any motoring convictions        to the fraudulent claim and any further claims
   or fixed penalty endorsements (pending or not); or        notified after the date of the fraudulent act;              Cover Period                                              broker or agent, nor may proceedings be issued
   any accidents, claims, thefts or losses occur         • pass details to fraud prevention and law                    The period shown in your current Certificate of Motor     against an employer where you are the employer and
    including fault and non fault, whether claimed for       enforcement agencies who may access and use this            Insurance.                                                the driver is your employee.
    or not on any motor vehicle policy;                      information. Other insurers may also access this                                                                      Part 36 Offer
• you or any other driver has been convicted of a           information                                                                                                           Any offer made by an opponent to settle a claim
    criminal offence or have any possible prosecutions                                                                   Any sum that a court says your opponent must pay

14                                                                               Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                                                                             15
which may or may not offer any admission of liability,      Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland             • we have given written approval to pursuing a claim           success in the claim, the amount of damages that
which may be made by either party at any time               and the European part of Turkey.                                   prior to you commencing any legal proceedings or             are likely to be recovered, or the amount of the
during the duration of the claim and if it is to be                                                                            making an appeal;                                            costs of the claim;
accepted, must be agreed within 21 days of the offer                                                                        • you follow our or the legal representative’s advice       • keep us informed (or ask the legal representative
being made. Such an offer has the potential to cause        Any direct or indirect consequence of terrorism
                                                                                                                               and provide any information they ask for;                    to keep us informed), particularly if any offers have
the insured person to pay part of their opponent’s          as defined by the Terrorism Act 2000 and any
                                                                                                                            • your legal representative follows the                        been made;
costs should the insured person reject an offer,            amending or substituting legislation.
                                                                                                                               requirements set out in the your legal                    • get our written consent before any part 36 offer
continue with the legal proceedings and subsequently        Uninsured Loss(es)                                                 representative must do the following’ section                or other offer of settlement is accepted or rejected;
fail to obtain more than they were offered by the           Any loss directly arising from the insured incident                below.                                                    • get our written consent before any claim is
opponent, or should they accept outside the 21 day          in question that is not covered by any other insurance          We will not cover:                                              discontinued;
period. This includes offers made under Part 36 of the      policy.
Civil Procedure Rules 1998.                                                                                                 • adverse costs and fees and expenses you have              • take reasonable steps to keep all costs, fees and
                                                            Vehicle                                                            paid directly to the legal representative or any             expenses as low as possible;
Policy                                                      The vehicle specified in the motor insurance policy,               other person without our prior written approval;          • attend court or go to any expert examination when
This before-the-event legal expenses policy                 which was being driven or ridden by a person entitled           • any claim resulting from a road traffic accident not         asked to do so;
providing cover for adverse costs and fees and              to drive or ride under the motor insurance policy,                 covered by the motor insurance policy;                    • act upon any order for costs promptly;
expenses, together with the Policy Schedule and any         together with any trailer attached to such vehicle at           • any legal action brought against you;                     • not do anything to impede any negotiations about
endorsement which attaches to it.                           the time of the insured Incident.                               • any claim where you intend to represent yourself             costs or any assessment of costs;
Proportionate Manner                                        We, Our, Us                                                        (known as a litigant-in-person) unless:                   • provide us with access to your legal
In determining whether a claim can be pursued in a          MotorPlus Limited an insurance intermediary who                 • we have given prior written approval; or                     representative and authorise them to keep us
‘proportionate manner’ the factors we will take             is authorised to manage claims on behalf of the                 • the claim is allocated to the small claims track and         informed of the progress of the claim and any other
into account in assessing whether those costs are           insurer.                                                           has been accepted by us                                      relevant matters;
reasonable include but are not limited to:                                                                                  • any claim which you settle or discontinue without         • allow us to have any legal bill audited or assessed.
                                                            You, Your, Yourself, Insured Person
• the prospects of success and the likely costs of                                                                            our consent;
   pursuing the claim;                                      The named holder of this policy who lives in the                                                                             Settling Claims in Particular
                                                            United Kingdom together with any other person                   • any costs, fees or expenses incurred after you
• the amount claimed and the amount that is likely to                                                                         have rejected our or the legal representative’s
                                                            who is entitled to drive or ride the vehicle under the                                                                       We have the right to:
   be recovered;                                                                                                               advice to settle or discontinue a claim;
                                                            motor insurance policy (including any other person
• the amount of adverse costs that we would be                                                                             • any fines, penalties or damages you are ordered to        • settle a claim by paying the amount in dispute;
                                                            who is a passenger/pillion in the vehicle)
   likely to pay if the claim was unsuccessful;                                                                                pay by a court or similar authority;                      • settle the costs covered by this policy if there is no
• the prospects of enforcing a judgment or
   agreement; and
                                                            Section 1                                                       • disputes arising from parking offences;                      other way of getting these costs back;
                                                                                                                            • any claim where the opponent cannot be traced or
• the circumstances of the insured incident, including     Uninsured Loss Recovery                                            identified, or is not insured for the risks of a claim;   Section 2
   the conduct of the insured person.
Reasonable Prospects
                                                            We will pay the costs for adverse costs and fees
                                                                                                                            • any claims where you have instructed the legal
                                                                                                                               representative to stop acting on your behalf or
                                                                                                                                                                                         Motor Prosecution Defence
                                                            and expenses for you to take legal action as a result              where the legal representative has refused to
‘Reasonable prospects’ means we deem there is a             of any road traffic accident being the fault of the                                                                          We will pay the costs of defending your legal rights
51% or greater chance that you will be successful in                                                                           continue to represent you;                                (including making an appeal against your conviction
                                                            opponent occurring within the territorial limits and
your pursuit of legal proceedings. This means that                                                                          • any costs, fees or expenses following you                 or sentence) after any event which results in criminal
                                                            during the cover period which covers the following:
you have a greater chance of winning than losing.                                                                              breaching the terms of this policy (see ‘you must         proceedings being brought against you for an offence
                                                            • damage to the insured vehicle; or                                do the following’ below);
Small Claims Track Limit                                                                                                                                                                 relating to your ownership or use of the insured
                                                            • damage to any personal belongings within or on the           • any costs awarded by the court as a result of your        vehicle.
If you are resident in England or Wales, the most you          insured vehicle; or                                             unreasonable behaviour or that of your legal              Pleas in mitigation are covered where there is
can claim in the small claims track of the county           • your death or bodily injury while you are travelling            representative;                                           a reasonable prospect of such a plea materially
court in England and Wales, small claims track limit           in or on, or getting into or out of; or on or off the
being any claims under £10,000 or where you are                                                                             • where you have disregarded our advice to accept a         affecting the likely outcome.
                                                               insured vehicle; or                                             part 36 offer to settle a claim;
pursuing a claim for personal injury any claim under                                                                                                                                     We will provide cover as long as:
                                                            • any other uninsured losses that you sustain.                 • where we have advised the insured person that
£1,000.                                                                                                                                                                                  • the proceedings arise from an event that occurred
                                                            We will provide this cover as long as:                             their claim would be best settled by other means             within the territorial limits and within the cover
Territorial Limits (Motor Contract Cover)                   • your claim has reasonable prospects of success;                  than the issue of legal proceedings in a court of law        period;
The territorial limit is Great Britain, Northern Ireland,   • the claim can be pursued in a proportionate                     within the United Kingdom.                                • the proceedings will be decided by a court within
The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.                       manner;                                                      You must do the following - failure to do so will result        the territorial limits;
Territorial Limits (Uninsured Loss Recovery and             • the accident happened within the territorial limit           in cover being withdrawn for adverse costs, fees and         We will not provide cover for the following;
Motor Prosecution Defence)                                     and within the period of insurance;                          expenses:
                                                                                                                                                                                         • parking offences for which you do not receive
The European Economic Area (the European Union              • the incident was the fault of the opponent.                  • provide promptly any other supporting information            penalty points against your licence;
plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and in              • you do not deliberately mislead us or the legal                 we or the legal representative ask for;
                                                                                                                                                                                         • driving or riding while under the influence of alcohol
addition the Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Albania,           representative or exaggerate the claim or bring              • keep us and the legal representative informed                or drugs;
Andorra, Bosnia Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia,                    any false or contrived claims;                                  of any matters that might affect the chances of

16                                                                                  Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                                                                                17
• driving or riding without valid motor insurance;              any adjustment to your policy;                                    or nuclear fission or fusion or other comparable            to pay additional fees if we feel the situation
• any offence which would be covered under                   • fails to reveal or hides a fact likely to influence the           reaction or radioactive force or matter.                    warrants it. This will remain entirely at our
   Uninsured Loss Recovery, Section 1;                           cover we provide;                                                                                                            discretion;
• where you qualify for legal aid;                           • makes a statement to us or anyone acting on our                − Loss or damage caused by war, invasion, foreign          − The legal representative or solicitor of your
• fines, penalties, or compensation orders, or                  behalf, knowing the statement to be false;                        enemy hostilities (whether war is declared or not),         choosing will have direct contact with us and
   applications for judicial review.                          • sends us or anyone acting on our behalf a                         civil war, terrorism, rebellion, revolution, military       must fully cooperate with us at all times, and
                                                                 document, knowing the document to be forged or                    force or coup, or confiscation, nationalisation,            you must cooperate with your representative,
Section 3                                                        false;                                                            requisition, destruction of or damage to property
                                                                                                                                   by or under the order of any government, local or
                                                                                                                                                                                               providing all necessary information and assistance
                                                                                                                                                                                               to them as required;
                                                              • makes a claim under the policy, knowing the claim
Motor Contract Cover                                             to be false or fraudulent in any way; or
                                                                                                                                   public authority.
                                                                                                                              • any damage directly occasioned by pressure waves
                                                                                                                                                                                            − Any solicitor that you appoint must sign our
                                                                                                                                                                                               standard terms of appointment and adhere to all
                                                              • makes a claim for any loss or damage you caused
We will pay the costs of you taking or defending                                                                                 caused by aircraft and other aerial devices travelling        of its terms. You agree to us having access to the
                                                                 deliberately or with your knowledge.
legal action as a result of any action arising from a                                                                            at sonic or supersonic speeds.                                legal representative’s or solicitor’s (as the case
                                                              If your claim is in any way dishonest or exaggerated                                                                             may be) file relating to your claim. You will be
contract you have to:                                                                                                         • claims in respect of damage or losses arising from
                                                              then we will not pay any benefit under this policy or                                                                            considered to have provided express consent to
• buy, hire or sell the insured vehicle or its spare parts                                                                      races, rallies or competitions, or claims where the
                                                              return any premium to you and we may cancel your                                                                                 us or our appointed agent to access the file for
   or accessories; or                                                                                                            vehicle has not been maintained in accordance
                                                              policy immediately and backdate the cancellation to                                                                              auditing, quality and cost control purposes.
• service, repair or test the insured vehicle.                                                                                   with the manufacturer’s recommendations and/or
                                                              the date of the fraudulent claim. We may also take
We will provide cover as long as;                                                                                                instructions - including servicing and vehicle faults.    Arbitration
                                                              legal action against you and inform the appropriate
• you entered into the contract within the territorial       authorities.                                                    • claims in excess of the limit of indemnity of              − If there is a dispute between you and us, or you
   limits;                                                                                                                       £100,000 for any one claim.                                   and the insurer, which arises from this insurance,
                                                              We will not provide cover for the following:
• the dispute first arose within the cover period;                                                                                                                                             you can make a complaint to us in accordance
• any legal action is brought within the territorial
                                                              • any claim that is not notified to us as soon as is
                                                                 reasonably possible after the date of event when             Conditions That Apply to All                                     with the complaints process which can be found
                                                                                                                                                                                               on page 19. If we, or the insurer, are not able to
   limit; and
• after taking into account the view of your legal
                                                                 the claim may be prejudiced by late notification.
                                                              • any claim arising out of an insured person’s alleged
                                                                                                                              of the Legal Expenses Policy                                     resolve the matter satisfactorily and the matter
                                                                                                                                                                                               can be dealt with by the Financial Ombudsman
   representative, in our opinion you are more likely            dishonesty or violent conduct.
                                                                                                                              Legal Representative                                             Service, you can ask them to arbitrate in the
   to succeed than not when recovering damages,               • any claim arising out of an insured person’s alleged
                                                                                                                                − Before legal proceedings are issued, a                      matter.
   defending the legal action or settling the dispute in         use of drugs or alcohol.
   another way.                                                                                                                    representative from our panel will be appointed          − If the matter cannot be dealt with by the
                                                              • disputes arising, from or relating to:                            to act for you to pursue, defend or settle any              Financial Ombudsman Service, it can be referred
We will not provide cover for the following;                     − criminal prosecutions or family proceedings,                   claim we have accepted in accordance with the               to arbitration by a single arbitrator who will be
• the first £100 of every claim under this section:                the exclusion for cover in respect of criminal                 terms and conditions of this policy;                        agreed by both you and us. The arbitration shall
• any event which occurs within the first three                    prosecutions shall not apply if you are making              − Should legal proceedings need to be issued or               be in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996
   months of this policy, unless the claim is for new               a claim for motor criminal prosecutions, under                 have been issued against you, or where there is a           and any amending or substituting legislation
   goods or services bought after the start of this                 section 2 motor prosecution defence of this                    conflict of interest, you can choose a non-panel            and will be binding on both parties. The costs of
   policy;                                                          policy;                                                        solicitor of your choosing. You must inform us              the arbitration shall be at the discretion of the
• any contract where the amount in dispute is less              − judicial review or applications for judicial review;          in writing of the full name and address of the               arbitrator.
   than:                                                         − enforcement proceedings;                                      representative you want to act for you;                   − If we are not able to agree on the appointment
• £1,000 for buying, selling or hiring the insured              − the terms and conditions of this policy, including          − If there is any dispute over your choice of solicitor       of an arbitrator, we shall ask the President of the
   vehicle; or                                                      alleged rights of a person other than you to                   you will be asked to nominate an alternative.               Chartered Institute of Arbitrators to decide. Their
• £250 for servicing, repairing or testing the insured             enforce the terms of this policy. For the avoidance            If, after having done so, we are still not able             decision will be final and binding on both parties.
   vehicle;                                                         of doubt no person other than those defined                    to agree, you may escalate the matter in                Statutory Regulations
• a dispute over the amount of money or other                      under the definition of insured person shall be                accordance with the Arbitration condition of this
                                                                                                                                                                                            − In all matters relating to the performance of this
   compensation due under an insurance policy;                      entitled to claim against this policy.                         policy. Until the complaint has been resolved,
                                                                                                                                                                                               insurance contract, it is the responsibility of both
• a dispute which arises following your deliberate           • any adverse costs or fees and expenses in any                     or until such time as an arbitrator has reached a
                                                                                                                                                                                               you and us that we both respectively comply
   breach of a contract.                                         claim where those costs are covered by another                    decision, we shall be entitled to appoint a legal
                                                                                                                                                                                               with all Acts of Parliament and with all orders,
                                                                 insurance policy or similar scheme including cover                representative from our panel in order to protect
                                                                                                                                                                                               regulations and bylaws made with statutory
Exclusions That Apply to All                                     arising by virtue of an insured person’s trade union
                                                                                                                                   your interests in any legal proceedings;
                                                                                                                                − If you do select to appoint your own solicitor,
                                                                                                                                                                                               authority by Government Departments or by
                                                                                                                                                                                               local or other authorities. The cost of meeting the
of the Legal Expenses Policy                                  • Any direct or indirect consequence of:                             this insurance will not cover expenses over and
                                                                                                                                   above the costs that our panel would charge in
                                                                                                                                                                                               requirements of this clause will be payable by you
                                                                 − Irradiation, or contamination by nuclear material;                                                                          and us in our own rights respectively.
Fraudulent Claims                                                or                                                                equivalent circumstances. For your information,
                                                                                                                                   this means that we would take into account the          Proportionality
You must not act in a fraudulent way. If you or                  − The radioactive, toxic, explosive or other
                                                                                                                                   seriousness of the claim and the location and class      − Where an award of damages is the only legal
anyone acting for you:                                              hazardous or contaminating properties of any
                                                                                                                                   of solicitor that you choose. The hourly rate is         remedy to a dispute and the cost of pursuing civil
• fails to reveal or hides a fact likely to influence              radioactive matter; or
                                                                                                                                   currently set at £125 + VAT. We reserve the right        proceedings is likely to exceed the value of any such
   whether we accept your proposal, your renewal, or             − Any device or weapon which employs atomic                      to assess each case on its merits, and may agree         award of damages, the most the insurer will pay in

18                                                                                    Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd   Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd                                                                               19
respect of legal costs is the value of the likely award
 of damages.
                                                           Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation
                                                           by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details of the
                                                                                                                           Section 4                                                  If you have to go into hospital after an accident,
                                                                                                                                                                                      within the territorial limit and within the period
Severability                                               Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-
                                                           based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period
                                                                                                                           UK assistance                                              of insurance and are more than 20 miles from your
                                                                                                                                                                                      home, we will pay for one nights’ bed and breakfast
 − If any term of this contract of insurance is to         while seeking full authorisation, are available on the                                                                     in a hotel we choose, for your passenger(s). The
 any extent invalid, illegal or incapable of being         Financial Conduct Authority’s website. AXA Assistance           What is covered under Section 4                            most we will pay is £100 a person. You must pay
 enforced, such term will be excluded to the extent        (UK) Limited operates the 24-hour motoring                                                                                 for any extra hotel costs. We will also arrange for an
                                                                                                                           Home and Roadside Assistance
 of such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability; all   assistance helpline.                                                                                                       ambulance to take you to a hospital near your home
 other terms will remain in full force and effect.                                                                         We will come out to the insured vehicle if you can’t
                                                                                                                           ride it after a breakdown, accident, or an act of          if medically necessary, the maximum that we will
Acts of Parliament                                         Definitions                                                                                                                pay is a total of £300. A doctor must give permission
                                                                                                                           vandalism within the territorial limit and within the
                                                           The following words or phrases have the meanings                                                                           before we do this.
 − All references to Acts of Parliament in this                                                                            period of insurance.
                                                           given below whenever they appear in the
 policy shall include the equivalent laws in                                                                               We will try to repair the insured vehicle at the           Replacement Driver
                                                           Breakdown Assistance policy wording. These will be
 Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the                                                                       roadside. The repair work will be free of charge, for      If you are the only driver and cannot drive because
                                                           shown in bold.
 Channel Islands and shall include any subsequent                                                                          up to one hour, but you must pay the cost of any           you are ill or injured within the territorial limit and
 amendments, re-enactments or regulations.                 Breakdown                                                       parts, fuel or other supplies used to repair the insured   within the period of insurance, we can arrange and
Privacy Statement                                          Where the insured vehicle cannot be driven due to               vehicle.                                                   pay for a replacement driver to take you, the insured
                                                           an electrical or mechanical fault, the theft or loss of         If we have to make a forced entry to the insured           vehicle and your passengers to your home address
For full details of how we protect your privacy and
                                                           keys, a flat tyre, or running out of fuel.                      vehicle because you are locked out or have lost your       within the territorial limit.
process your data please read the Privacy Statement
that accompanies this policy. The Privacy Statement        Insured Vehicle                                                 keys, you must sign a declaration, saying that you will
                                                                                                                                                                                      Message Service
can also be viewed online by visiting                      Any vehicle specified in the Policy Schedule or                 be responsible for the damage.
                                                                                                                                                                                      We can get a message to a person you have chosen,                      described in the current Certificate of Motor                   If we cannot repair the insured vehicle at the
                                                                                                                                                                                      if your journey has been delayed as a result of
                                                           Insurance.                                                      roadside and it cannot be repaired the same day at
Cancellation Right                                                                                                         a local garage after being recovered by us, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                      a breakdown, accident, or an act of vandalism
                                                           The insured vehicle must be no more than:                                                                                  within the territorial limit and within the period of
Please refer to the main cancellation section on page                                                                      arrange and pay for one of the following;
8 for details.                                             • 3.5 tonnes when fully loaded;                                                                                            insurance.
                                                           • 5.5 metres (18 feet) long;                                    Onward Travel                                              Broken Glass
Making a Claim                                             • 2.3 metres (7 feet 6 inches) wide.                            We will arrange and pay for the insured vehicle, you
                                                                                                                                                                                      We can arrange for an approved supplier to come out
The claims procedure outlined below is administered                                                                        and one passenger to continue with your journey to
                                                           This also includes any caravan or trailer attached to                                                                      to you to replace any broken glass, but you will have
by Motorplus Limited. If you need to make a claim                                                                          your destination, or to return home; or
                                                           your motor vehicle (as long as it is no longer than 7.6                                                                    to pay for the work they do.
under section 2 or 3, please call 0333 241 9567.
                                                           metres (25 feet) long, including the towbar).                   Hotel Accommodation
If you need to make a claim under Section 1, please                                                                                                                                   Accidents
                                                           Period of Insurance                                             If you are more than 50 miles from your home
contact Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd on                                                                                                                                      We will come out to the insured vehicle if you
                                                           The period shown in your current Certificate of Motor           address, we will pay for the cost of bed and breakfast
0800 804 7964.                                                                                                                                                                        cannot drive it after an accident. We will pay the
                                                           Insurance.                                                      for you and your passengers. The most we will pay
Carole Nash Insurance Consultants Ltd will pass the                                                                                                                                   recovery charges on your behalf, but will be entitled
                                                                                                                           is £50 per person. You must pay for any extra hotel
details of your claim on to a solicitor.                   Territorial Limit                                                                                                          to ask you for all reasonable help to take action in
                                                                                                                           costs; or
                                                                                                                                                                                      your name to get our costs refunded from another
Legal Helpline                                             The territorial limit for Section 4 is Great Britain,
                                                                                                                           Car Hire                                                   organisation.
Carole Nash Legal Expenses includes access to Legal        Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of
                                                           Man.                                                            We will arrange and pay for a hire car, up to 1600cc,      Claims
Helpline to give advice, 24 hours a day, 365 days a                                                                        for up to 24 hours. You must have a valid driving
year, on any personal legal matter. We may record          The territorial limit for Section 5 is Andorra, Austria,                                                                   We shall not be responsible for more than four claims
                                                                                                                           licence with you, and pay a deposit to the hire-car
the calls to protect you. Legal Helpline Tel. No. 0333     Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark,                                                                              against the service during any 12 month period. Once
                                                                                                                           company by credit card, to cover the cost of the fuel
241 9567. We agree to cover you under the terms and        Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece,                                                                      the maximum number of claims has been reached,
                                                                                                                           you use, insurance and any extra days’ hire.
conditions of this policy.                                 Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,                                                                          a referral service will be offered. All costs will be
                                                           Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands,                     We will provide car hire as long as you are between        charged to you.
                                                                                                                           25 and 65 years old. We will try to arrange something
UK & European Breakdown                                    Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Ireland,
                                                           San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,                  for you if you are under 25 or over 65, but we cannot
                                                                                                                                                                                      Section 5
Recovery Policy                                            Switzerland and Turkey.                                         guarantee that we will be able to help. You might not
                                                                                                                           be able to get a hire car if you have endorsements on      European assistance
                                                           We, Us, Our                                                     your driving licence.
UK and European, roadside assistance and vehicle
                                                           Inter Partner Assistance S.A. UK Branch and AXA                 We will choose the most appropriate solution from          We will provide the cover of this Section as long as
recovery is nderwritten by Inter Partner Assistance
                                                           Assistance (UK) Ltd both of The Quadrangle, 106-118             the options above.                                         you are not travelling outside the UK for more than 91
S.A. UK Branch, with a registered office at 106-118
                                                           Station Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 1PR, UK.                                                                                 days at a time.
Station Road, Redhill, RH1 1PR is a Branch of Inter                                                                        Storage
Partner Assistance S.A. (Financial Conduct Authority       You, Your                                                       If the insured vehicle has to be stored after we have      The most we will pay for all claims arising out of one
registration number 202664), which is a Belgian firm       The person named in your current Certificate of                 recovered it, we will pay for the cost of storing the      event under this Section is £2,500 subject to the
authorised by the National Bank of Belgium under           Motor Insurance and any person authorised to drive or           insured vehicle. The most we will pay is £50.              terms and conditions of this policy.
number 0487. Deemed authorised by the Prudential           be a passenger in the insured vehicle.
Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the                                                                         Medical Assistance                                         What is covered under Section 5

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