Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection

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Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection
omega                               SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS
                                                      IN NORWAY
OCTOBER 2018 - MARCH 2019

                                CHRISTIAN ORRU
                            Trade Union Representative
                                  at Follobanen Project
Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection
Dear Readers,
                            Autumn is coming and with it come the last tax assessments.
                            We invite all taxpayers, especially those who are not satisfied
                            with Tax Office’s decision, to read our article about compla-
                            ints. We also recommend interview with our guest Christian
                            Orru, who talks about trade unions in Norway.
                            Entrepreneurs may be interested in possibilities given by Nor-
                            way we write about. In this issue we have vital information
                            about sentral godkjenning, which can help building compa-
                            nies to succeed on the Norwegian market. Businesses lo-
                            oking for green solutions should definitely get familiar with
                            The Explorer – a new solution, called “Tinder for the entre-
                            preneurs”. If you use machines, we recommend our Partner’s
                            article about predictive maintenance.
                            After reading our article about current situation with skilled
                            workers in Norway you will stay tuned and be prepared for
                            any problems that can await you, and our text about procedu-
                            res after the accident at work will help you take proper action                                                                     Aleksandra F. Eriksen
                            when something happens. We wish such accidents and pro-
                                                                                                                                                              Chairman of the Board
                            blems never occur to any of our Readers, but it is always bet-
                            ter to be prepared, both for colder times and for challenges.                                                                     Omega Accounting AS
                                                                         Have a good read!                                                                        & Polish Connection

                                                                                                       Table of Contents

                            Why are the trade unions so important and what is their main goal?
                            – Interview with Christian Orru – Magdalena Polakowska                                                                                                          3.
                            Workforce shortage – rising demand for skilled employees – Magdalena Bielecka                                                                                   5.
                            Tax Appeals – Izabela Połeć                                                                                                                                     6.
                            The Explorer –  for the entrepreneurs – Magdalena Ułas                                                                                                8.
                            What is Sentral Godkjenning and why is it worth to acquire it – Paweł Boruń                                                                                     9.
                            Accident at work – what procedures to follow? – Magdalena Ułas                                                                                                12.
                            What can predictive maintenance do for You? – ABAX                                                                                                            14.

omega                                  SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS
                                                         IN NORWAY
                                                                     Chief Editor: Beata Iwancio-Jóskowska                                        Editorial Office:
                                                                                                                                                  Polish Connection Sp. z o.o.
                                                                     Translation: Olga Zawada, Magdalena Ułas                                     Antoniego Abrahama 37/3
                                                                                                                                                  81-366 Gdynia, Poland
                                                                     Graphic design & printing: Marek Sulej,                      +48 58 727 05 55; +47 67 41 24 70

                                                                     Emails to the Editor:
OCTOBER 2018 - MARCH 2019

                                                                                                                               Editorial team does not return unordered texts or editorial materials
                                                                     Cover photo: Christian Orru                               and is not responsible for the content of the advertisements.

                                   CHRISTIAN ORRU
                               Trade Union Representative
                                    at Follo Banen Project
Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection
Magdalena Polakowska

Why are the trade unions so
important and WHAT is their
main goal? – Interview with
Christian Orru
It is said that in Norway the Trade Unions have greater influence on employment than
in any other countries. More than a half of Norway’s employees are members of unions
and this trend also spreads to the foreign workers in Norway. Christain Orru – Trade
Union Representative at Follobanen Project, which is currently one of the most largest
ones in Norway and has a consecutive amount of foreign workers, tells us about the
core role of the unions and also about their mission.

Magdalena: Christian, what           ry Eirik Wangen Naess and the     ked in Norway are not aware of
made you to become the Trade         construction coordinator John-    how the Norwegian labour sys-
Unions’ representative at Fol-       ny Myrvold that works in the      tem works or that they are enti-
lobanen?                             NAF head office, who, together    tled to any kind of benefits from
                                     with my colleagues helped me      the Norwegian social system,
Christian: I have worked abro-
                                     become the main representati-     they don’t know the procedu-
ad for many years without ha-
                                     ve. Here at Follobanen Project    res for obtaining those benefits
ving any trade union assistan-
                                     we have more than 500 foreign     either, and even in such ca-
ce, suffering injustice for a long
time. I had my first contact with    workers, and we have no pro-      ses without any obligation we
the unions in Danimarca, whe-        blems with executing our rights   have provided our assistance
re I started to see the positive     thanks to the perfect organiza-   to those categories of workers
changes regarding our rights         tional system of the NAF and      thanks also to the precious col-
as foreign workers, and after a      the excellent Norwegian sys-      laboration with Polish Connec-
long friendship and collabora-       tem.                              tion that followed our workers
tion I realized that I wanted to                                       in all their steps concerning the
                                     Magdalena: Why are the Trade
give my contribution. When I                                           tax return doing excellent work.
                                     Unions so important especial-
arrived to Norway, I immediate-                                        It is important that the workers
                                     ly on big costruction sites and
ly had the chance to become a                                          see us not only as an institution
                                     what is their main role?
part of this reality. Here I have                                      that works with them but also
received a great amount of sup-      Christian: In general, foreign    as a point of reference for their
port from NAF District Secreta-      workers who have never wor-       initial stay in Norway. I perso-

Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection
of stress resiliance and psycho-
                                                                         logical health. But that does not
                                                                         discourage me at all. I will keep
                                                                         on going because I believe in
                                                                         the importance of what we do.

                                                                         Magdalena: Does being a Trade
                                                                         Union representative influence
                                                                         your private life?

                                                                         Christian: Of course, it has in-
                                                                         fluenced my private life for the
                                                                         better, it made me discover a
                                                                         great determination to achieve
                                                                         the objectives and gives me sa-
                                                                         tisfaction and pride. It showed
                                                                         me that all those values and
                                                                         feelings may come out from
                                                                         helping other people and being
                                                                         able to give assistance.
nally, by my free choice, am ful-    the documentation they need         Magdalena: What are your
ly available to the workers that     as well as their benefits and aid   plans for the future?
I represent, including Saturdays     for families.
and Sundays, because I believe                                           Christian: Integrate myself
                                     Magdalena: What’s the most          100% in Norway and become a
in my work and I’m proud of it
                                     challenging part in your work?      solid part of the workers’ union
                                     Christian: The most deman-          system. Continue to grow in
Magdalena: What are the most                                             that environment.
                                     ding part of our work is mainly
common problems employees
                                     based on the fact that we must      Christian, thank you very much
on Follobanen Project turn to
                                     always be up-to-date about the      for this interview!
you with?
                                     laws and always have the infor-
Christian: They often come           mation ready for our members,       As we all see from this inter-
with personal or collective di-      but not only that – the psycho-     view, Trade Unions’ core goal is
sputes that occur with the           logical factor is fundamental to    to help foreign workers to un-
employer. Those are the most         support and face various me-        derstand their rights and to exe-
common ones. Solving those           etings with companies that are      cute them. They help not only
issues takes time but after tar-     often long and very stressful.      with understanding the collecti-
geted meetings we can always         Our position is therefore very      ve agreement in force but also
find the most suitable solution.     sensitive among companies           with understanding the Norwe-
The workers often turn to me         and workers. We are a bridge        gian environment and culture
for help not only in understan-      between the employer and the        and Norway’s social backgro-
ding our collective agreement        employee which means we             und. We hope that in the future
or their rights but also for gene-   have to understand both and         there will be a lot more Trade
ral help, for example, an expla-     understanding both is not an        Unions` representatives like
nations of the paycheck, help        easy task. I guess being in that    Christian, fully devoted to his
on the various steps to obtain       position demands a great deal       work and beliefs.

Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection
Magdalena Bielecka

Workforce shortage –
rising demand for skilled
Scandinavian companies which rely on foreign workforce face rising demand for skilled
employees. Norway, which uses international workforce as well (with many employees
coming from Poland and Lithuania, for example), is in top five of countries struggling
with qualified workforce shortage.

       ccording to the Norwe-      ighbouring countries as well.       concerns the entire country,
       gian Statistics Office                                          with Oslo leading the ran-
                                   Studies show that by year 2030
       (Statistisk sentralbyrå),                                       king of employees shortages.
                                   the number of working-age pe-
14% of country’s population        ople will decrease across the       Companies based in Oslo are
are immigrants. There are aro-     entire European Union. This         8 500 people short. Companies
und 100 000 Poles, 40 000 Li-      trend is especially visible in      operating in Nordland, Aker-
thuanians, and 35 000 Swedes       many eastern European coun-         shus and Finmark have had se-
in Norway, and the majority of     tries. Research shows the de-       rious recruitment issues in the
them are labour migrants. Oil      crease of people between the        past three months as well.
crisis of 2016 was responsible     ages of 16-64 in Poland, where
                                                                       The biggest demand for work-
for the decrease of labour mi-     the researchers predict a decre-
grants arriving in Norway.                                             force is in healthcare: there
                                   ase by 3 000 000 people.
                                                                       are 4 500 nurses required in
According to the Danish eco-       In the beginning of the year        Norway (an increase of 3 600
nomic research, the migration      NAV has carried out an annual       since 2017). There is high de-
labour market might face incre-    questionnaire to judge the com-     mand for carpenters, shipyard
ased competition due to em-        panies’ expectations concer-        workers, welders, electricians,
ployees shortages.                 ning workforce requirements in      general contractors, engineers,
Lack of qualified workforce is     the upcoming year. Majority of      and IT professionals.
caused by European-wide eco-       firms participating in the survey
                                   expected rise in employment.        If you want to enter Norwegian
nomic boom. Employment op-
                                                                       workforce, are running a con-
portunities are now available in   The research suggests that
                                                                       struction company or employ
many eastern European coun-        Norwegian companies are
                                                                       qualified workforce — get in to-
tries. For example, unemploy-      44 000 employees short, which
                                                                       uch with us!
ment in Poland is down to 4.9%     corresponds to 30% increase
in 2017 from 10.3% in 2013.        in demand compared to the           Sources:
There is a similar dynamics of     previous year. Expect Hor-
unemployment decrease in ne-       daland region, the problem

Omega SOLUTIONS FOR ENTREPRENEURS - CHRISTIAN ORRU Trade Union Representative at Follobanen Project - Polish Connection
Izabela Połeć

Tax Appeals
In 2018, the tax assessment notices in Norway should be published on June 27th,
August 15th and October 24th. The tax return is usually paid in the period of no longer
than 3 weeks after the tax assessment publication dates, while any additional tax
payments must be made in two instalments, with the dates for each payment specified
on payment forms (giro). If you don’t agree with the tax settlement, you can lodge a
formal appeal. Anyone who received tax assessment notice (skatteoppgjør) can lodge
an appeal. If the tax has been underpaid (restskatt) you must pay the full amount before
lodging the appeal. If tax office accepts your complaint, the money will be returned into
your account (both the sum you have paid and any other money the tax office owes
you - skatt til gode).

       he appeal can be made          made in 2015 and in earlier         nal tax deduction, being moved
       6 weeks after the tax as-      years. Please note that you can     to a different tax class, or cor-
       sessment notices have          appeal against decisions made       rection made of minstefradrag
been officially published. The        about tax forms submitted up        and so on. The form of cor-
tax office has 3 months to look       to 3 years ago, however, the tax    rection differs. If the taxpayer
into the appeal and make their        office might refuse to look into    received their tax assessment
decision. However, the appe-          old tax assessment notices wi-      notice (Skatteoppgjør 2017)
al is made after the deadline,        thout a valid cause.                without any additional docu-
but before a year has passed          In 2017 Norwegian tax office        ments or decisions - then they
since the tax assessment no-          has introduced some changes         need to make use of the form
tices have been published, you        - taxpayers can either edit their   RF-1030. If you are making
will have to wait longer for it to    submitted tax forms or make an      your appeal against a decision
be examined by the tax office.        appeal. Tax office differentiates   made in 2016, you need to use
What is more, in order to ensure      between tax return edition (en-     RF-1366 form (Endringsmel-
that your appeal is looked into,      dre og levere skattemeldingen)      ding for formues-og inntekts-
you should make sure to expla-        and appeal (klage).                 skatt 2016).
in why it has been delayed and
                                      Difference between tax form         Skattemelding for formue-
apologise for your tardiness.
                                      edition and tax appeal              og inntektsskatt – personlig
You can submit your complaint
                                                                          næringsdrivende mv (RF-1030)
online, using the Altinn system,      As far as the taxpayer is con-
or by post, sending it to the ap-     cerned — there is no difference     RF-1030 form looks like any
propriate tax office. In previous     at all. In both cases you submit    standard tax form — you sho-
years you could use RF-1117           a complaint against the result      uld fill in the appropriate spaces
form to make a formal appeal          of the tax assessment and ask       and apply for tax deductions
(Klage på myndighetenes fast-         for changes to be introduced so     and attach documents confir-
setting av formues- og inntekts-      that your tax return is re-exami-   ming you are eligible for the de-
skatt) and the form is still in use   ned by the tax office — whether     ductions you asked for. Having
when it comes to tax returns          by asking to be granted additio-    received the form, the tax office

has 3 months to make its de-         assessment notice, in the top           Tax arrears payment procedu-
cision and send you your new         right-hand side (skatteklasse 1         re: restskatt
tax documents. Sometimes the         or skatteklasse 2). People who-         - Under 100 NOK – does not
office requires additional docu-     se spouses have not earned              apply
mentation, and you should pro-       more that 46 640 NOK (approxi-
vide it immediately. Remember        mately 21 297 PLN) are eligible         - Under 1000 NOK – must be
to provide the tax office with                                               payed 3 weeks after the tax as-
                                     for II tax class. Year 2017 is the
case reference number, which                                                 sessment notices have been
                                     last time you could be eligible
will be provided on the docu-                                                published
                                     for skatteklasse 2.
ments you received from the
                                                                             - 1000 NOK and more – payed
tax office.                          Basic tax deductions: fradrag
                                                                             in two instalments due 3 and 8
Klage på vedtak (rapporter med       It is worth checking if you got         weeks after the tax assessment
fødselsnummer) (RF-1364)             all tax deductions you applied          notices have been published –
                                     for in your skattemelding for           skatteoppgjør.
If your tax office has sent you
                                     2017. In your tax forms, in co-
your tax assessment form to-                                                 Klage på forskuddstrekk
gether with a relevant case re-      lumn called Utskrift av liknin-
                                     gen and in column called fra            Sometimes in the prelimina-
ference number and decision
                                     Skattemeldingen you can find            ry tax return (skattemelding)
explaining the tax return, you
                                     all tax deductions you applied          does not take into the account
can make your appeal using
                                     to get. In the column called Lik-       tax advance which has been
RF-1364 form. The letter from
the office should contain ap-        ningsgrunnlag or Grunnlag for           deducted by the employer. It
peal deadline as well as letter      fastsetting you will find the tax       might also be the case that the
reference number you should          deductions granted by the tax           advance listed is actually lower
refer to in your appeal. The         office. If the amounts you find         than that listed on the lønnslip
correction (made on a separa-        in these columns differ from            and annual tax report made by
te sheet) along with the rema-       one another, you might not have         the employer. Your tax office
ining documentation should be        been granted all tax deductions         must be notified about these in-
attached to the form. The form       you asked for. We recommend             consistencies immediately and
should contain case reference        you to check why.                       you should ask the officials to
number and a brief description                                               look into them, so that the mat-
of the case, as there is no space    Tax deduction for the amount            ter can be rectified. Your appe-
for detailed information about       of time spent in Norway: min-           al should explain the situation
the nature of the appeal. Tax of-    stefradrag                              and contain relevant lønnslip
fice has 3 months to review the      It is often the case that the           documents as well as annual
appeal and make its decision         minstefradrag is calculated as          tax reports from your employer
(either partly or entirely appro-    either too high or too low. This        /employers, which will confirm
ve of your appeal or reject the      deduction works similarly to the        that tax advances have been
case entirely). Having reached       Polish tax deductible expenses,         docked from your salary. This
its decision, the tax office will                                            appeal should be sent to the tax
                                     but is not an equivalent. Lowe-
send you relevant documents.                                                 collector (kemnerkontor) rather
                                     red minstefradrag often results
What you need to pay attention       in tax being underpaid, while an        than tax office.
to after receiving your tax as-      increased minstefradrag would           If you have any questions or
sessment notice: Has our tax         mean that the taxpayer will re-         concerns, please do not hesita-
been calculated in the appro-        ceive a tax return they are not         te to get in touch with our offi-
priate tax bracket?                  eligible for. In both cases, it falls   ces in Gdynia or Warsaw, where
Tax bracket should be speci-         to the taxpayer to rectify these        we will be happy to explain the
fied on the first page of your tax   errors.                                 inexplicable :).

Magdalena Ułas

The Explorer – «Tinder»
for the entrepreneurs
On the 31st May Norwegian prime minister Erna Solberg presented The Explorer during
Innovasjonstalen in Oslo. Development of such an utility was her government’s idea in
the first place. The purpose of The Explorer is to increase export of Norwegian green
solutions by matching them with international customers.

       s Erna Solberg and Ani-                                             ster their own solutions if they
       ta Krohn Traaseth from                                              only meet the requirements,
       utility’s developer Inno-                                           which are:
vation Norway say, Norway’s
                                                                           The company must comply
green technology is first class                                            with good business practice
and The Explorer shall help to
                                                                           The solution must include one
reach the expanding market of
                                                                           or more of the UN’s sustainable
sustainable low-emission solu-
                                                                           development goals
tions, such as electrification of    members represent following
maritime transport.                  entities: Equinor, Yara, Statkraft,   The solution must contribute to
                                     DNB, DNV GL, NHO, LO, Abelia,         the green change.
The Explorer will be part of the
bigger brand Merkevaren Norge.       Norge 203040, Norwegian Se-           It is free to register one’s solu-
One can find there for example       afood Council, Virke, Norwe-          tions, but the registered propo-
a brand center with information      gian Shipowners’ Association,         sitions undergo quality check
about Norway and Norwegian           Norwegian Environment Agen-           before the procedure is fini-
business, export-oriented busi-      cy, Finans Norge, GCE Blue            shed.
ness programs and presence           Maritime Cluster, Fostech AS,         The registered solutions alre-
on international events. Utility’s   Grieg Group, X Four-10, Zero,         ady include Yara’s electric con-
concept, form and criteria for       Ministry of Trade, Industry and       tainer ship, Glitna’s sustainable
content and companies’ partici-      Fisheries, Ministry of Climate        fish farm, Equinor’s floating
pation were decided after talks      and Environment and Innova-           wind farm Hywind, and Scan-
with industry representants, Mi-     tion Norway.                          ship’s solution for converting
nistry of Trade, Industry and Fi-    In the beginning the new utility      waste on ships to fuel.
sheries and Ministry of Climate      contained 40 ecological solu-
and Environment.                     tions for energy and sea indu-        Sources:
A strategic council was created      stry. From the 31 May it is po-
to support the program. The          ssible for all companies to regi-

Paweł Boruń

What is Sentral Godkjenning
and why IS IT worth
to acquire it?
Sentral godkjenning is the equivalent of Polish construction qualifications and permits to
work in construction industry. Any company, which is granted these permits can acquire
better and more profitable contracts in Scandinavia because sentral godkjenning (later
in this text abbreviated to SG) is officially certified by the Norwegian National Office of
Building Technology and Administration (DIBK) and companies have to comply with
strict conditions in order to obtain SG.

Brief background                     competences have been made          that quality is the main aspect
                                     more precise and requirements       considered at public procure-
The idea of centralising the pro-
                                     were made more clear. Accor-        ment processes in Norway.
cess of granting construction
                                     ding to new guidelines, SG can      Consequently, obtaining the-
qualifications is quite new, as it
                                     be granted only to companies        se qualifications improves the
was born and implemented in
                                     which are known or their con-       company’s standing in the Nor-
1997. Initially there were two le-
                                     scientious work and follow the      wegian construction market.
vels at which SG could be obta-
                                     most recent construction regu-
ined - central and local, with the                                       Who grants SG?
                                     lations. Current logo of the pro-
latter being granted only for the                                        DIBK (Norwegian National Offi-
                                     gram is golden. What is more,
duration of running construc-                                            ce of Building Technology and
                                     local godkjenning have been
tion project. However, all chan-     abolished.                          Administration) is the body
ged in 2012. Simultaneously, a                                           responsible for granting con-
                                     Striving for top quality
new, red logo was introduced.                                            struction qualifications. DIBK
You can use this logo until De-      It seems that obtaining sentral     is tasked with verifying compe-
cember 31st 2018.                    godkjenning is a must if a com-     tences of the company applying
                                     pany considers developing the-      for SG. They check if the com-
Changes made in 2016
                                     ir business on the Norwegian        pany is solvent, if it has enough
Both: the process of granting        market. Norwegians put em-          qualified staff, and whether it
construction qualifications and      phasis on good quality of servi-    is legally registered to operate
visual identification of the pro-    ces and items and construction      in Norway and so on. What is
gram    underwent     significant    work is no different. This claim    more, the DIBK runs random
changes in 2016. Company             can be supported by the fact        checks of companies which

have obtained SG in order to           Architecture and design,          lves with the HMS KS-System
verify their documentation and         Fire safety,                      Soluton Leader (www.program.
business practices.                    Concrete and brick construc-, which provides you
Duration and cost of SG                tion,                             with detailed documents on the
                                       Plumbing,                         very strict conditions governing
Sentral godkjenning is granted
                                       Steel and metal construction,     the SG process.
for a period of 3 years. It is ne-
cessary to apply for a new SG          Wood construction and car-        All documents are available in
after its expiration. You can also     pentry,                           both Polish and Norwegian. It
apply for a higher class of con-       Air conditioning and ventila-     is worth mentioning that con-
struction qualifications, which        tion,
                                                                         struction business owners will
will only improve the company-         Earthworks,                       have to complete various chec-
’s position on the market. The         Modernisation work.               klists, HSM routines and many
cost of SG is 3100 NOK per                                               more requirements, which se-
year.                                Conditions of granting SG
                                                                         ems to be the biggest obstacle
Main categories of qualifica-        There are four main conditions
                                                                         when applying for SG certificate.
tions                                that a company must fulfil in
                                     order to qualify for SG. First of   Detailed information about SG
There is three categories in         all, it must employ workers who     categories and requirements
which SG is granted (Tiltaks-        are qualified in the area of tra-   Category 1 – planning/desi-
klassene)                            de the company is applying for      gning or application in a given
SØK – responsibility for project     SG. For example, if a company       trade area;
and application rights;              applies for SG in first category
                                     of wood carpentry trade, it ne-     Requires      master   craftsman
PRO – responsibility for design;
                                     eds to employ someone with a        certificate and at least 4 years
UTF – responsibility for execu-      journeyman qualification certi-     of professional experience.
tion of a project.                   ficate (svennebrev). Moreover,      Category 1 – execution in a gi-
An additional categorisation         the company should present          ven trade area;
applies as well, which takes into    documentation confirming that
                                                                         Requires journeyman certifi-
the account the function taken       it has worked on, and comple-
during the control:                  ted at least 3 projects falling     cate (svennebrev) and at least
                                     into the chosen category in the     2 years of professional expe-
* KPR – responsibility for con-
                                     space of 8 years. References        rience.
trol of project process;
                                     should be available for each        Category 2 – planning/desi-
* KUT – responsibility for con-      project. Furthermore, com-          gning in a given trade area;
trol of execution of the project.    pany’s manager/boss should
                                                                         Requires an engineer certificate
Trade areas                          complete a mandatory mana-
                                     gement course – the so called       and at least 6 years of profes-
Another key piece of informa-                                            sional experience.
                                     HSM-kurs for daglig leder.
tion regarding the SG is the
trade areas it can be obtained       Internal quality control system     Category 2 – execution in a gi-
in. It is worth mentioning that                                          ven trade area;
                                     Another important aspect of
a company can apply for SG in                                            Requires a master craftsman
                                     the matter is introduction of an
different trade areas of its busi-                                       certificate (mesterbrev) and at
                                     effective internal quality con-
ness activity.                                                           least 3 years of professional
                                     trol system. We encourage our
To name a few:                       readers to familiarise themse-      experience.

Category 3 – planning/desi-        vant certificates can still hold     way. The company provides
gning and application in a given   the responsibility for the con-      support and services in the area
trade area;                        struction process and opera-         of architectural and construc-
                                   tion. In order to be able to carry   tion design, technical and legal
Requires a civil engineer diplo-
                                   out a construction project, the      consultations, aids its clients in
ma and at least 8 years of pro-
                                   company should still fulfil all SG   obtaining of Sentral Godkjen-
fessional experience.
                                   conditions and requirements.         ning (Norwegian construction
Category 3 – execution in a gi-
                                   In order to begin construction       qualifications) as well as offers
ven trade area;
                                   project of any kind, a company       a wide variety of courses for
Requires is engineer diploma
                                   should submit an application to      construction companies. What
and at least 5 years of profes-
                                   the relevant body, which grants      is more, Soluton AS provides
sional experience.
                                   construction permits. Having         electronic quality control sys-
Sentral godkjenning and re-        obtained the permission from         tem – Soluton Leader. Join us
sponsibility for a construction    commune the company can              on Facebook to stay up to date!
project                            begin its work.

We would like to finish off with   Soluton AS is a Polish consul-
an interesting fact. A company     ting firm offering services for
which did not obtain the rele-     construction business in Nor-
Magdalena Ułas

Accident at work –
what procedures to follow?
Workplace accident might happen to anyone. When it comes to such accidents, foreign
employees lead in Norwegian rankings. What to do if a workplace accident in Norway

Let’s start by saying that Nor-     A copy of the form should be         •   Death.
wegian employers are obliged        given to the health & safety in-
                                                                         Employer is obliged not only
to provide all members of the-      spector of the company as well.
                                                                         to report the accident to the
ir staff with insurance against
                                    Injuries classified as serious ac-   police and Arbeidstilsynet, but
workplace accidents. It can be
                                    cidents:                             also to enter the accident into
a Norwegian insurance, or an
                                    •   Head injury or concussion,       the company accident register.
international insurance, which
                                        which results in a loss of       The register should contain the
must cover Norway. Employee
must take part in basic as well         consciousness;                   description of the accident, its
as specific health & safety tra-                                         time and date, its course, cau-
                                    •   Bone fractures (except for
ining. If the company employs                                            ses and effects. The register
                                        minor injuries such as fin-
more workers, there must be                                              should be made available to
                                        ger fractures);
a staff member qualified to be                                           the health & safety inspectors,
health & safety inspector (ver-     •   Internal injuries;               Arbeidstilsynet and any other
neombud).                           •   Loss of limbs or other body      control bodies.
Unfortunately, even the stric-          parts;                           Each event should be reported
test health and safety regula-      •   Serious poisoning;               to NAV, so that the employee
tions introduced by Norwegian                                            can apply for the compensation
                                    •   Loss of consciousness
law cannot guarantee that there                                          from NAV and/or from the insu-
                                        (caused by oxygen deficien-
will be no workplace accidents.                                          rance company. Deadline for
                                        cy for example);
If an accident takes place, apart                                        NAV report is 12 months after
from calling an ambulance or        •   Burns and frostbite (injuries    the accident takes place.
taking the injured employee             of face, hands, feet, genita-
                                                                         As you can see, the employer’s
to the hospital, the employers          lia area / 3rd degree burns
must comply with the following                                           obligations are not limited to
                                        and frostbite / lower degree
procedures. If the accident is                                           calling an ambulance or brin-
                                        injuries if they cover over
classified as serious, the police                                        ging the injured party to the
                                        5% of the body);
and Norwegian Labour Inspec-                                             hospital. Fortunately, the offi-
                                    •   Hypothermia;                     ces which need to be informed
torate (Arbeidstilsynet) must be
notified immediately. First re-     •   Injuries requiring hospitali-    of the accident can guide the
port can be made via the phone,         sation (does not include a       affected parties and provide
then a relevant form must be            visit at the ER or daily cli-    them with all the necessary do-
submitted to Arbeidstilsynet.           nic);                            cumentation.

                                               calls to EU,
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                       from            300kr per month

Other prices apply from Norway to countries not included, special numbers, offshore, ships and planes. Read more at
How Predictive
of machinery
and equipment
can save a business money?

                                                                                                         Photo.: Morten Rakke
Today’s organisations are under increased pressure to become more agile in a fast-
changing environment. Technology connects the workplaces like never before and
enables the implementation of detailed-planning activities to ensure operational
reliability and achieve business objectives. Large amounts of money are invested in
owning and operating machinery and equipment. Therefore, making smart decisions
in regards to high-value assets is essential to maintain profitability.

Preventive vs. predictive main-   data collected, by sensors and     ness owners see the value in a
tenance tasks                     remote monitoring while the        proposition about investing in a
                                  machine is running. Under-         proactive approach to mainte-
There is an important distinc-
                                  standing the importance of         nance. Maintaining profitability
tion between preventive and
                                  acting in anticipation of future   is achieved by reducing the like-
predictive maintenance tasks.     problems is the new trend and      lihood of unscheduled down-
The former is performed, when     business opportunity in assets     time, in turn substantially mini-
the machine is out of service.    management strategy. There-        mising the expenditures, saving
The latter relies on real-time    fore, the vast majority of busi-   time and boosting efficiency.

“One of our clients working in the    the engine hours”, says Bjørn        gine hours and the customer can
construction industry detected a      André Hagen.                         get customized notifications via
malfunction with his machinery        In addition, the company risks       email and/or SMS. We have many
at a very early stage. Since the      warranty loss, if the time or us-    lift rental companies, which use
replacement of damage occurred        age hours of the plant machin-       our services to schedule different
during the scheduled mainte-          ery exceed the factory require-      alerts, since some parts need to
nance service, the firm was able      ments. There are also different      be changed based on usage time,
to fix the failure without any loss   maintenance         requirements     others require service in a given
of productivity and cheaper than      depending on the type of equip-
                                                                           period of time”, says Bjørn André
it would have cost them if break-     ment. A typical mini digger re-
down had occured”, says Bjørn                                              Hagen.
                                      quires a service after 50 hours
André Hagen, Product Owner            of use, while big excavators         Accurate invoicing based on
ABAX Equipment Control.               can run longer, i.e. about 1500      equipment usage
Manual logging of the engine          hours every year.
                                                                           Rental companies sell their
hours can cost your business          “Memorizing specific factory re-     service agreements based on
a fortune                             quirements for different equip-      the usage log, and they depend
It is required by law that all        ment is time-consuming. There-
                                                                           on working equipment to as-
machinery and equipment are           fore, strategies that mitigate the
                                                                           sure satisfaction and eliminate
properly maintained to ensure         risk of outage duration and hu-
                                                                           customer churn. However, at
employees` and others` health         man error are preferable among
                                      many managers”, explains Bjørn       times, users may not log the
and safety. In case of inspec-
                                      André Hagen.                         engine hours correctly, and the
tion, the company must be able
                                                                           machinery could be used af-
to provide evidence of an up-to-      Technological advances im-
                                                                           ter working hours. Therefore,
date maintenance log, and that        prove maintenance manage-
                                      ment                                 using telematics solutions to
operations can be carried out at
no risk. In case of damage, the                                            monitor how much the equip-
                                      New technologies facilitate ef-
company will be held liable if the                                         ment is being used and when
                                      fective resource management.
breakdown maintenance was                                                  it is being used is essential. If
                                      By using any device connected
performed after the failure of        to the Internet, the company         service or maintenance are re-
equipment. Yet, many types of         can receive access to telemat-       quired during the rental period,
plant machinery have multiple         ics data about their equipment.      the customers can easily locate
operators. If an administrator        This enables companies to gain       the equipment using a digital
does not have precise data on         full control over the equipment,     map and contact the customer
their assets, they are not able to    while also providing valuable        ahead of required maintenance
know for how many hours the           information such as how often        time.
equipment was already used.           and for how long the machinery
                                      has been used. This is particu-      “One of our customers in the rent-
“Having more than one piece of
                                      larly useful when the company        al industry notifies their clients
equipment and remembering
                                      operates at multiple sites, if the   about upcoming services, sends
when the service is due can be
laborious. Tracking the running       equipment is spread across           out the technician and invoices
time of machinery manually is         large areas or if it is rented out   accordingly. For each machine
counterproductive, and firms are      to subcontractors.                   they rent, they are able to sell ad-
looking for electronic logging de-    “The ABAX 5 with usage log al-       ditional yearly maintenance ser-
vices that automatically record       lows to track the number of en-      vice”, says Bjørn André Hagen.

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