Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -

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Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -

Choose France
Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -
                                                                                                               p.4   Introduction
                                                                                                               p.8   Degrees
                                                                                                               p.10 Vocational education: national
                                                                                                                     diplomas at the L2 and L3 levels
                                                                                                               p.12 Doctoral programs
                                                                                                               p.14 Universities

                                   UNITED KINGDOM                                                              p.16 The Grandes Écoles
                                                                                                                     and Écoles supérieures

                                                             THE NETHERLANDS                                   		• programs in engineering
                                                                                                               		• programs in
                                                                                                               		        business and management
                                                                                                               p.18 Schools of art
                                                                                                               p.20 Schools of architecture,
                                                                                                                     specialized schools

                                                                                                               IN FRANCE
                                                    FRANCE             SWITZERLAND
                                                                                                               p.22 Introduction
                                                                                                               p.24 Choosing a program
                                                                                                               p.26 Enrolling in
                                                                                                                     a French institution
                                                                                                               p.28 Grants and financial aid
France is                                                                                                      p.30 Applying for a visa
the world’s                                                                               ITALY

third-largest                                                                                                  LIVING IN FRANCE
destination                SPAIN
                                                                                                               p.32 Introduction
for                                                                                                            p.34 Housing
international                                                                                                  p.36 Work, Insurance

students and                                                                                                   p.38 Cultural life
                                                                                                                     Clubs ans special-interest groups
the leading                                                                                                    p.40 Prices
non-English-                                                                                                   p.42 ABOUT CAMPUS FRANCE

speaking                                                                                                       p.44 ON THE WEB

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Choose France                                                                                                                                                                           Choose France

                    An emphasis
                    on internationalization                                        Choose France
                    Internationalization plays a strong part in the strategy of    the pluses of living in France
                    France’s institutions of higher education. A period of study   With more than 270,000 international students making up 12% of total
                    or work abroad, courses taught in English, joint degrees,      postsecondary enrollments, France remains the third-most-popular
                    programs labeled or accredited by various international        destination for internationally mobile students after the United States, the
                    organizations or consortia, mobility programs such as          United Kingdom, and Australia.
                    Erasmus+, and branch campuses abroad—each of these             Advanced research
                    facets of institutional internationalization offers students   France benefits from a long, proud tradition of
                    opportunities to get an education with an international        scientific and technological research and in-
                                                                                   novation that underpins the nation’s achieve-
                    dimension.                                                     ments in fields such as aeronautics and space,
                                                                                   transportation, electronics, telecommunica-
                                                                                   tions, chemistry, biotechnologies, health, and
                                                                                   mathematics. The results of international
                                                                                   competitions attest to that performance:
                                                                                   • 12 winners of the Fields Medal (including
                                                                                   Arthur Avila in 2014) have been French. By
                                                                                   this measure, France is second only to the         high-quality educational offerings available in
                                                                                   United States in mathematics.                      every region of the country.
                                                                                   • France is one of the most heavily repre-
                                                                                   sented countries with respect to Nobel
                                                                                                                                      Count on a quality education
                                                                                   prizes (56), on a level with the United States,
                                                                                                                                      France invests substantial public funds in
                                                                                   the United Kingdom, and Germany.
                                                                                                                                      higher education. Fully 6.9% of the nation’s
                                                                                   • France is fourth in the world in the number
                                                                                                                                      GDP is devoted to education—higher than the
                                                                                   of patent applications filed with the Euro-
                                                                                                                                      OECD average of 6.1%—including €18.9 billion
                                                                                   pean Patent Office.
                                                                                                                                      from the Investissements d’Avenir (invest-
                                                                                                                                      ments in the future) program and €23.05
                                                                                   Diverse educational offerings of                   billion in national spending anticipated for
                                                                                   high quality                                       2015. The French government assumes a
                                                                                   75 universities, more than 200 schools of          very large share of the actual cost of eve-
                                                                                   engineering, 200 schools of business and ma-       ry student’s education (more than €11,000
                                                                                   nagement, 120 public postsecondary schools         per student per year). This national focus has
                                                                                   of art, 20 schools of architecture, and 3,000      several implications—among them that French
                                                                                   other specialized institutes and schools in        tuition charges are among the lowest in the
                                                                                   specific sectors such as social work, the allied   world; that degrees from anywhere in France
France is                                                                          health professions, tourism, sports, fashion,      are equivalent regardless of the institution
the world’s                                                                        and design together represent an immense           that grants them; and that those degrees are
fifth-largest                                                                      diversity of educational programs that res-        recognized around the world.
                                                                                   pond to the full spectrum of students’ acade-
economy, thanks
                                                                                   mic and professional objectives.                   France’s universities and other educatio-
to the quality of                                                                  The range of subjects taught in English is wi-     nal institutions do not distinguish between
its educational                                                                    dening. More than 800 programs in a variety        international students and French students.
system and the                                                                     of fields are now offered in English all over      Both groups face identical admission and
                                                                                   France. This network of programs is one of the     tuition requirements; both receive the same
national capacity
                                                                                   strong points of French higher education, with     degrees.
for research and
                                                    4                                                                        5
Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -
Choose France                                                                                                                      Choose France

                                 European,                                                                           Campus France is a
                                 distinctively French                                                                national agency that
                                                                                                                     helps international
                                 Quality of life                                                                     students achieve their
                                 Students enjoy lower prices and                                                     educational goals in
                                 special assistance in many aspects                                                  France. Since May 2012,
                                 of daily life—advantages that can
                                                                                                                     Campus France has
                                 markedly improve their quality
                                                                                                                     managed all facets of
                                 of life. The national health-care
                                 system is modern and accessible;                                                    grant and scholarship
                                 public transportation is efficient and                                              programs for international
                                 affordable; rent subsidies are widely                                               students (application
                                 available. In addition to access to                                                 for admission and award
                                 low-cost restaurants, students pay        weekends or during longer breaks in       of grant, orientation,
                                 discounted prices at museums and          the academic calendar.                    housing, and support
                                 athletic events.                          Because France is an integral part of     services during stay).
                                 Outside France’s vibrant cities, a wide   economic, social, and political Europe,
                                 variety of landscapes, from sparkling     many of the country’s educational         Campus France’s emphasis on
                                 seacoasts to majestic mountain                                                      providing a quality experience
                                                                           institutions have included a European     for international students
                                 ranges, offer an intriguing palette of    perspective in their programs. A          is found in every aspect of
                                 recreational possibilities.               course on Europe or an internship         its work—from promotion
                                                                           with a European firm is a great way       and information to online
                                 Unrivaled cultural dynamism               to broaden your French experience         admissions, travel planning, and
                                                                                                                     orientation upon arrival.
                                 Literature, films, museums, theaters,     and embrace Europe.
                                 opera, cafés, and the national flair                                                The agency’s Web site and
                                 for food and fashion are a part of        Talk to the world                         its many local offices are
                                 everyday life, evidence of the French                                               the engines of its student-
Did you know                                                               French is spoken by 220 million           service mission.
                                 emphasis on culture. Throughout the       people around the world. It is the
that France                      year, but especially in summer, the                                                 • :
                                                                           official language of 32 countries         Get information, search
                                 nation celebrates its own culture and     on 5 continents. The three capitals
is the world’s                                                                                                       programs from the licence to
                                 those of other nations in a parade        of the European Union—Brussels,           the doctoral level, apply for
most-visited                     of local and international events.        Luxembourg, and Strasbourg—are            admission, look for financial aid,
                                       French-speaking cities.                   and prepare for your trip.
                                                                           In EU institutions, French, German,       • Campus France local offices:
                                 At the crossroads of Europe               and English are the working               More than 200 offices in more
The national tourism site                                                                                            than 110 countries support       Bordered by nine different countries,     languages. French is also one of the      students with information and
                                 France is the ideal place from which      six working languages of the United       guidance.
The Web portal
                                 to discover Europe. The proximity of      Nations, one of the two official
of France’s national
institute of geography           Amsterdam, London, Berlin, Brussels,      languages of the International
                                 Barcelona, Munich, Milan, and             Olympic Committee, and one of the                                                                                                    >Near you
                                 other great cities means many             official languages of the African
Tourism offices and local        opportunities to explore Europe—on        Union.
development boards

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Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Choose France

                                                                                                        YEARS OF STUDY
                     Degrees                                                                                              LEVELS
                                                                                                                         DEGREES                                               THE L MD SYSTEM

                     The degrees awarded in French higher education reflect a
                                                                                                        9                 18 semesters • State diploma of Doctor
                                                                                                                              (+ 9 years) of medicine

                     common European architecture. The LMD system—for Licence                                                               D O C TO R A L D E P A RT M E NT S

                                                                                                                           DOCTORATE       • Doctorate
                     (bachelor), Master, and Doctorate—is based on the number of
                                                                                                        8                 16 semesters     Doctoral degrees are conferred
                                                                                                                                           by doctoral departments
                     semesters completed after leaving secondary school and their                                           (+ 8 années)   affiliated with France’s
                                                                                                                              480 ECTS     universities to successful
                     equivalent in European credits under the European Credit
                     Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)*:                                           7                                 candidates who have previously
                                                                                                                                           earned a French master’s
                                                                                                                                           degree or the equivalent.

                     Licence = 6 semesters = 180 ECTS                                                                     12 semesters • State diploma of Doctor            • Mastère spécialisé (MS)       • HMONP (professional credential
                     				(Baccalauréat or equivalent + 3 years)
                                                                                                        6                     (+ 6 years) of dental surgery
                                                                                                                                           • State diploma of Doctor
                                                                                                                                                                            • Master of Business
                                                                                                                                                                              Administration - MBA
                                                                                                                                                                                                              for independent practice of
                                                                                                                                             of pharmacy
                     Master = 10 semesters = 300 ECTS (L + M)
                     			                     (Baccalauréat or equivalent + 5 years)                                             MASTER • Research Master                    • Engineering degree            • Art school diploma (DNSEP)

                     Doctorate = 16 semesters = 480 ECTS (L + M + D)
                                                                                                         5                10 semesters • Professional Master
                                                                                                                              (+ 5 years) • Engineering degree
                                                                                                                                                                              (Titre d’ingénieur)
                                                                                                                                                                            • Master of Science - MSc
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • State architect’s diploma
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Diplomas of specialized
                                                                                                                                            (Titre d’ingénieur)             • Business school diplomas        schools (health, social work,
                     				(Baccalauréat or equivalent + 8 years)                                                                300 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                                            • Degrees from                    tourism, etc.)
                                                                                                        4                                                                     the Grandes Écoles

                     • The universities confer “na-             state and, in many cases, have
                     tional diplomas,” which have the           received international recognition or
                                                                                                                                 LICENCE • Licence (bachelor)                                               • Art school diplomas
                     same weight regardless of the              accreditation.
                     institution that confers them.                                                      3                 6 semesters • Licence professionnelle
                                                                                                                              (+ 3 years) (professional bachelor)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (DNAT - DNAP)
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Architecture diploma
                                                                • France’s schools of art and spe-                             180 ECTS
                     • The Titre d’ingénieur is a               cialized schools also undergo na-
                                                                                                                           4 semesters • University technical               • Admission to the first year   • Art school diploma (DMA)
                     national diploma. The schools
                     that award it are accredited by CTI,
                                                                tional certification.
                                                                                                         2                    (+ 2 years) diploma (DUT)
                                                                                                                               120 ECTS
                                                                                                                                                                              of a Grande École program
                                                                                                                                                                            • Preparation for admission
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Postsecondary technical certificate (BTS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Postsecondary tecnical certificate in
                                                                                                                                                                              to Grandes Écoles (CPGE)        agriculture (BTSA)
                     the French national commission on

The degrees
                     engineering degrees.
                                                                                                         1                                                                     Grandes Écoles
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Schools of art
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Schools of architecture
                                                                                                                                                                             Schools of business        Other institutions
                     • A similar accreditation procedure                                                                                         Universities               Schools of engineering (lycées, specialized schools)
conferred            exists for government-recognized
                                                                                                        Completion of secondary school + baccalauréat or equivalent (eligibility to enter higher educa-
                     schools of business and
in French            management, the diplomas of
                                                                                                                         tion in home country) = access to French higher education

universities and     which are approved by the French                                                   *Crédits ECTS: Credits earned under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System are recogni-
                                                                                                        zed throughout Europe. A full year of academic work represents 60 ECTS credits.
other institutions   Note                                                                     
of higher            From ENIC-NARIC centers, students who have already earned a degree in their
                     home country can obtain a certificate of comparability that enables admissions
education are        officers in French institutions to evaluate the degree for equivalence in the
                                                                                                                                            Did you know?
                     French system.                                                                                                         Any student presently enrolled in higher education in his or her home country
certified by                                                                                                                                may apply for admission to a French university or other institution of higher
                     ENIC-NARIC network:
the French           in France:                                                                  education, provided he or she meets certain criteria.

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Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                                             Choose France

                Vocational                                                                                                                                                                  The online catalog
                                                                                                                                                                                            of postsecondary

                                                                                                        Diplôme Universitaire                                                               professional programs
                                                                                                        de Technologie                                                                      in France
                                                                                                        (DUT, university
                professionally oriented national                                                        technical diploma)                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                            >Find your program

                diplomas at the L2 and L3 levels                                                        The DUT is a national vocational/professional qualification representing 120
                                                                                                        ECTS credits (2 years of study). It is conferred by France’s university-based
                                                                                                                                                                                            >Catalogs >Licence
                                                                                                                                                                                            Listings of all BTS, DUT, and
                                                                                                        institutes of technology, or IUTs. DUT programs are offered in 25 specialty         professional licence programs,
                The evolution of the global economy has placed a high premium                           areas, 16 of which are related to production and industry (materials science and    with Web sites and contact
                on skills, advanced technical knowledge, and operational                                engineering, mechanical engineering, computer-assisted manufacturing, etc.)
                know-how as the keys to career advancement. To meet these                               and 9 to services (administration, communication, management, information,
                                                                                                        etc.). Programs prepare graduates to begin a career immediately after graduation.   Degree descriptions
                demands, France’s system of higher education has created
                                                                                                        Most require an internship. Graduates may also elect to continue their education
                undergraduate programs that combine theory and practice,                                by applying for admission to a school of engineering or management.                 > Resource Center
                enabling students to gain up-to-date skills, learn the latest                           The 113 IUTs located throughout France offer 685 different DUT degrees:             >Educational and research
                methods, and use professional tools in real-world settings.                                                                                                                   programs
                                                                                                                                                                    >Degree descriptions
                                                                                                                                                                                            The BTS, DUT, Licence
                Brevet de                                                                                                                                                                   Professionnelle, and Mastère
                Technicien Supérieur                                                                                                                                                        Spécialisé are presented in
                (BTS, postsecondary                                                                                                                                                         detail, including information
                technical certificate)                                                                                                                                                      on prerequisites and the
                                                                                                                                                                                            possibilities for further study.
                The BTS is a national vocational/
                professional qualification representing
                120 ECTS credits (2 years of
                postsecondary study). It is offered
                in 88 different areas spanning
                manufacturing, production, services,                                                    Licence Professionnelle (professional bachelor)
                and fine arts. Most BTS programs                                                        After successfully completing 2 years of postsecondary study, students
Undergraduate   are offered in the postsecondary                                                        may apply to enter a 1-year program that allows them to earn a Licence
                technical sections of secondary
programs        schools , public or private. Graduates
                                                                                                        Professionnelle, a national professional diploma signifying the accumulation
                                                                                                        of 180 ECTS credits. Programs are offered in universities and IUTs. 1,400
that combine    are equipped to perform specialized                                                     different programs are available in 8 broad fields: agriculture, fisheries,
                technical functions in a professional                                                   forests, and nature preserves; communication and information; business and
theory and      envi-ronment.                                                                           management; civil engineering, construction, woodworking, and mechanics;
practice        List of BTS specialties:                       19 available agriculture and agrifood    electricity and electronics; production and transformation; local administration;
                     specializations lead to a BTSA (Brevet   and personal services. Opportunities for professional internships and the
and use                                                        de Technicien Supérieur Agricole).       participation of practicing professionals in the delivery of instruction make the
                                                                                                        Licence Professionnelle a very effective way to start a career. Across France,
professional                                                   List of BTSA specialties:
                                                          more than 40,000 students are enrolled in programs.
tools                                                          referentiels/formations-et-diplomes/     National registry of professional certifications (RNCP):
in real-world
                                                          10                                                                                   11
Choose France CAMPUS FRANCE -
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                                                Choose France

                programs                                                                                                                                                                       Note
                                                                                                                                                                                               2014-2020 : Erasmus+
                                                                                                                                                                                               The new €14.7 billion EU pro-
                Any student holding a European Master or the equivalent may                                                                                                                    gram for education, training,
                apply for admission to a doctoral program in France. Programs                               Financing doctoral study
                                                                                                                                                                                               youth, and sports (77.5% for
                generally last 3 years. Candidates who prepare and successfully                             Demonstrating the ability to pay for doctoral study is very often a prerequisite   education) replaces the Eras-
                                                                                                            for admission to a doctoral program.                                               mus. Designed to be more
                defend a thesis or dissertation receive the Doctorate.
                                                                                                            • Doctoral contracts are a public mechanism for financing doctoral                 effective and innovative, it
                Scientific research is a top                      Doctoral programs                         education that emphasizes professional research experience, an essential           will be open to students at
                priority in France                                Doctoral training takes place within      part of doctoral education. Anyone holding a master’s degree or equivalent,        the doctoral level.
                                                                  research teams or units affiliated        regardless of age, may apply. Contracts are for 3 years and offer all of the
                France devotes 2.26% of its GDP
                                                                  with a Doctoral department. Candi-        benefits of a formal employment agreement. Contract terms are identical            index.php
                to research and development. That
                                                                  dates work under the supervision of       at all French institutions of higher education and research. The minimum
                effort has put France in fourth place
                                                                  a dissertation adviser. Most doctoral     guaranteed gross monthly compensation ranges of € 1680 /month. Doctoral
                among all nations in the European
                                                                  programs are found in the universities.   departments are responsible for recruiting candidates.
                patent system and in the sixth place
                                                                  More than 250 university Doctoral>Enseignement supérieur>Doctorat
                in international patent applications;
                                                                  departments organize research teams       >le financement doctoral>Contrat doctoral
                The CNRS is at the forefront of the
                world in number of publications                   around scientific and scholarly themes.   • Research training agreements with industry
                (Scimago, 2013 -              They coordinate doctoral programs and     CIFREs (conventions industrielles de formation par la recherche) enable
                                                                  ensure the coherence and efficiency of    young researchers to complete their dissertation while working for a firm.
                Several initiatives demonstrate the
                                                                  scientific and scholarly projects.        Participants agree on a research and development program that is pursued
                                                                                                                                                                                                joint dissertation
                vitality and future-oriented stance of
                                                                  Prospective doctoral candidates           in cooperation with a research team based outside the firm. CIFRE-funded
                                                                                                                                                                                                supervision programs
                the French research enterprise:
                • A national research agency (ANR) ma-            must apply directly to a specific         candidates must hold a master or an engineering degree.
                nages financing for research projects.            doctoral program.                         • International joint doctoral programs
                New financing tools                                                                         Governed by an agreement between a French institution of higher education
                • Investissements d’Avenir (investments             The catalog of Doctoral                 and a partner institution outside France, joint doctoral programs allow
                in the future): €35 billion, including            departments (in French and                candidates to work on their dissertation in two countries according to defined
                €18.9 billion for higher education and            English)                                  conditions (time spent in each country, dissertation defense, financing, etc.).
                research.                                                Most joint degree programs are accompanied by dedicated financial aid, the
                • Initiatives d’Excellence (IDEX, excel-          The Campus France catalog of              main purpose of which is to defray the candidate’s travel costs.
                lence initiatives): €7.7 billion in finan-        doctoral programs enables online
42% of          cing for scientific projects undertaken           review of dissertation topics and         Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates – EMJDS
                in close partnership with universities,           postdoc opportunities The addition        Full-time grants are offered to students who have been selected to participate
doctoral        grandes écoles, and research bodies.              of dissertation topics to the infor-      in a doctoral program that has been granted the Erasmus Mundus label. The
                • Laboratoires d’Excellence (labora-              mation already available (research
candidates      tories of excellence): €7.9 billion in            themes, affiliated laboratories, fi-
                                                                                                            amount of the doctoral grants varies from program to program and includes
                                                                                                            tuition, travel expenses, living expenses, and certain other costs.
are from        support for laboratories at the highest           nancing, contacts...) make the cata-      To be considered for an Erasmus Mundus grant, candidates must:
                levels of scientific endeavor, those              log a powerful tool for choosing an       • identify an Erasmus Mundus program appropriate for their intended research.
outside         renowned throughout the world. •                  appropriate doctoral program. The         • submit an application for admission to the university that coordinates the
                                                                                                                                                                                                > Finance your program
                Public support for corporate research                                                                                                                                           Find financial assistance online
France - the                                                      catalog can be searched by keyword        consortium. Applications are generally due between October and December.
                                                                                                                                                                                                using the CampusBourses grant
                and development has been increased.               (20,000), discipline (80 themes), and     Applicants are allowed to submit applications to no more than 3 different           search engine!
highest                                                           geographic region.                        consortia in a given year.
                                                                                                  >Erasmus Mundus>Selected projects>Joint doctorates
proportion in                                                                                               Agence Erasmus+ :
the world
                                                             12                                                                                    13
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Choose France

                                                                                                           Deeply committed to their                             Legislation passed in July 2013
                                                                                                           corporate, academic, and research                     redrew France’s academic and
                                                                                                           partners in France and abroad,                        scientific map, creating 25 groupings
                                                                                                           the nation’s universities daily                       designed to exploit the synergies
                Unlike in the major English-speaking countries, private institutions                       demonstrate their dynamism and                        to be found among the members                      Map of Research in France
                                                                                                           their ability to respond to change.                   at each site and to increase their                        and COMUE
                account for a relatively small share of postsecondary enrollments
                                                                                                           In parallel with the traditional academic             international visibility and clout
                in France (less than 17%). In France, more than 70 publicly financed
                                                                                                           degree ladder, the universities have                  Communautés d’universités et établisse-
                universities are evenly distributed around the nation. They award                          accommodated new educational needs:                   ments (COMUE, communities of universities
                national diplomas, which provide the assurance of a uniformly                              • University-based engineering programs               and other educational institutions)
                                                                                                           now confer 30% of the engineering degrees             The purpose of the new institutional grou-
                high level of educational quality regardless of where they are                             (Titre d’ingénieur) awarded in France each            pings is to coordinate the program offerings
                earned—from the famous Sorbonne to the alpine campuses of the                              year;                                                 and research and knowledge-dissemination
                universities of Grenoble and Chambéry and the island campus of                             • More than 2,000 career-oriented                     strategies of the public postsecondary insti-
                                                                                                           licence degrees, known as licences                    tutions in a given area. This is to be accom-
                the University of Corsica.                                                                 professionnelles, are available.                      plished by pooling the resources of univer-
                                                                                                           • Technical programs are offered in                   sities, schools, and research bodies to form
                The universities offer                                                                     25 specialty areas in university-based                centers of higher education, research, and
                programs in all disciplines,                                                               institutes of technology (IUTs, instituts             innovation. The new COMUEs grant diplomas
                including the sciences (mathematics,                                                       universitaires de technologie).                       in their own name.
                chemistry, physics, biology), technology                                                   • Management programs are available in
                                                                                                           university-based institutes of business ad-
                (computer      science,     engineering,
                electrotechnics, materials), literature,
                                                                                                           ministration (IAE, instituts d’administration             Medical studies
                                                                                                           des entreprises).
                languages, the arts, the social sciences,                                                                                                            Within the European LMD system, medical studies in France are divided into
                                                                                                           • Programs in political science and
                law, economics, business, health and                                                                                                                 3 stages of 3 years or more. The universities deliver medical education in
                                                                 Research, a key function                  economics are found in university-based
                medicine, and physical education. All of                                                                                                             cooperation with France’s 32 CHRUs, or university hospital centers. The first
                                                                                                           institutes of politics (IEP, instituts d’études
                the nation’s universities are public.            of the universities                       politiques) including Sciences Po Paris.                  year of medical education is the same for all four basic medical tracks: (i)
                                                                                                           • Journalism and communication are taught                 medicine (including physical therapy), (ii) dental surgery, (iii) pharmacy, and
                The universities offer programs at               As the primary locus of research
                                                                                                           in specialized institutes in several universities.        (iv) midwifery. Those who complete that year are eligible to sit for one of four
                every level; their graduates receive             and training in the basic sciences,
                                                                                                           Examples include CELSA at the University of               examinations that determine the student’s rank for purposes of obtaining
                nationally regulated degrees known               the universities ensure that their
                                                                                                           Paris-Sorbonne and the Centre Universitaire               one the places available, for that year. Students’ ability to continue their
                as national diplomas: the licence                degree programs stay abreast of
                                                                                                           d’Enseignement du Journalisme at the Univer-              medical education depends on the rank they obtain on the exam.
                (3 years), master (5 years), and doc-            progress in basic knowledge and
                                                                                                           sity of Strasbourg, the CFJ…                              International students and medical education in France
                torate (8 years).                                technology.
                                                                                                           Note                                                      Unless they have already obtained a medical degree in their home
                                                                 The international recognition as Fields                                                             country, international students must enroll in the first year of the first
                                                                                                           France’s universities have put in place a new
                                                                 Medals and Nobel Prizes, accorded                                                                   cycle of medical education and must pass the end-of-year examination.
                Note                                             French researchers attests to the uni-
                                                                                                           system to help students in licence programs
                                                                                                           succeed. The plan offers students a variety               Students who pass that examination may then jump to the level they
                Diplômes d’Université                            versities’ devotion to knowledge.         of services (orientation, a faculty adviser, a            had reached in their home country, subject to an assessment by the
                (DU, university diplomas)                        More than 250 Doctoral departments        student tutor), the option to change their                program’s administrators of the equivalence of their prior preparation.
France’s        Known as Diplôme d’Université (DU) or            staffed by 100,000 scholars and re-       program, and career guidance services, all of             • To begin the third stage of medical education, foreign students must
                Diplôme Inter-Universitaire (DIU), these         searchers provide research training in    which can help them make the most of their
system          institution-specific degrees reflect the         close cooperation with more than 1,200    first years of postsecondary education.
                                                                                                                                                                     undergo a special medical residency competition organized by the culture
                                                                                                                                                                     and cooperation service of France’s embassies and consulates. In 2012, 13
of higher       strengths of individual universities or          research laboratories. The departments    For more information about the plan, visit:
                                                                                                                                                                     places were offered in 17 medical specialties.
                the economic requirements of specific            confer more than 12,000 doctorates
education       regions. DUs are not national diplo-             each year.                                cid55536/plan-pluriannuel-pour-la-reus-                   • The Diplôme de formation médicale spécialisée (DFMS, diploma in specialized
                                                                                                           site-en-licence.html                                      medical training, 1–2 years) and the Diplôme de formation médicale spécialisée
enrolls         mas, but they offer international stu-           French Doctoral departments have                                                                    approfondie (DFMSA, advanced diploma in specialized medical training, 6
                dents opportunities to gain specialized          always been open to the world. 42%                                 months to 1 year) are specialized programs open to general (primary care) and
2.3 million     training and university-level education          of doctoral candidates are from outside   >Resource Center >Educational and                         specialized physicians who have earned their medical degree abroad.
students,       in specific fields.                              France.                                   research programs >Degree descriptions          
                                                                                                                                    Information on admission to both types of programs may be obtained from
61% of whom                                                                                                                                                          France’s embassies.
                                                                                                           >Resource Center
attend public                                                                                              >Practical and institutional guides                       • All of these programs require proficiency in French at level B2 or above in
                                                                                                           >Institutional profiles >Universities                     the CEFRL scheme.
                                                            14                                                                                                  15
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                                            Choose France

                  Grandes Écoles
                  and the Écoles supérieures                                                                                                                                                Engineering and
                                                                                                                                                                                            management dominate the
                  Unique to France, the system of Grandes Écoles was set up in paral-
                                                                                                                                                                                            offerings of the Grandes
                  lel with the university system at the beginning of the 19th century.                                                                                                      Écoles, but one also
                  The Grandes Écoles offer top-quality education oriented toward                                                                                                            finds programs in public
                  practical problems. The system includes schools of engineering and                                                                                                        administration
                  business, the Écoles Normales Supérieures (ENS), and the national                                                                                                         (the specialty of the
                  schools of veterinary medicine. The Grandes Écoles are highly selec-                                                                                                      prestigious École Nationale
                                                                                                                                                                                            d’Administration - ENA),
                  tive; their degrees signify the completion of a a rigorous program.
                                                                                                                                                                                            military sciences, higher
                  All Grandes Écoles offer five-                Engineering                                                                                                                 education and research,
                                                                                                            Business and management                                                         agronomy, and veterinary
                  year diplomas recognized                      More than 200 schools of enginee-
                                                                ring, public and private, run the ga-       The Grandes Écoles of business and management enjoy special forms of            sciences.
                  by the government to be                                                                   official recognition:
                                                                mut of engineering sciences. But they
                  equivalent to the European                                                                                                                                                The Écoles
                                                                also have some common characteristics,      • certification by the French State, indicated by a stamp on the graduate’s
                  master                                        emblematic of the solid quality of the                                                                                      Normales Supérieures
                                                                Titre d’ingénieur, a venerable French       • listing in the registry of Grandes Écoles published by the Conférence des     The Brittany satellite campus
                  They may also offer intermediate              degree that is fully equivalent to the                                                                                      of the ENS Cachan has become
                  degrees and specialized diplomas,                                                         Grandes Ecoles, which regulates all of France’s Grandes Écoles                  a full-fledged École Normale
                                                                European master.
                  among them the bachelor (in 3 or 4            The Titre d’ingénieur is a national         • official recognition of certain diplomas as equivalent to a master.           Supérieure, bringing the number
                  years), the master of science (MSc, in        diploma that entitles its holder            Operating at a variety of levels, France’s many schools of business and         of ENSs to four: Cachan, Lyon,
                                                                to apply to a doctoral program.             management offer programs geared to economic requirements and new               Paris, and now Rennes.
                  4 or 5 years), the master of business
                  administration (MBA), and the mas-            Depending on the school in which it         management practices. Internships and international exchanges play a large      Each ENS has its own procedure
                                                                is offered, the degree may indicate                                                                                         for international admissions.
                  tère spécialisé (MS, 1 year after the                                                     role in many programs. The great majority of schools have come together to
                                                                general expertise in engineering or
                  master).                                                                                  offer common entrance exams. About 190 schools admit students directly          Schools of veterinary
                                                                more specialized study—in agronomy,
                  The traditional path into the Grandes         chemistry, biology, or information          from secondary school.                                                          medicine
                  Écoles was by examination following           science, for example. Public schools        Most of France’s business schools are private; many are affiliated with local   France has four national schools
                  2 years of preparation. Students then         of engineering charge tuition of            chambers of commerce and industry.                                              of veterinary medicine—in
                                                                approximately €610 per year.                The annual tuition varies widely but is generally between €4,000 and            Paris (Maisons-Alfort), Lyon,
                  earned their degree in 3 more years
                                                                Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles                                                                                        Nantes, and Toulouse. They
                  of increasingly specialized study.                                                        €30,000.
                                                                Françaises d’Ingénieur :                                                                                       admit students at various levels
                  However many schools now offer                                                                                                                                            using a common examination
                  admission to a 5-year curriculum              New Degree description : Le Titre           Note                                                                            administered independently
The Financial     directly from secondary school.               d’ingénieur                                                                                                                 by each of the four schools.
                                                                                                            Many of France’s business schools have attained international recognition by    Admission decisions are made
                  To accommodate international
Times ranked      students, many Grandes Écoles
                                                                                                            meeting the standards of various accrediting bodies, among them CGE, EQUIS,     on the basis of examination
                                                                                                            AACSB, and AMBA. Some forms of recognition apply to the school itself, others   results or academic records,
6 French          offer admission on the strength of                                                        to the degree conferred. All signify international recognition.                 plus application and interview.
                  the applicant’s academic record.                                                                                                                                          Programs in the 4 veterinary
schools among                                                                                                                                                                               schools lead to the degree of
                  The degree may be earned in 2 to 5                                                                                                       Doctor of veterinary medicine,
the world’s top   years, depending on the amount of                                                         >Resource center>Practical and institutional guides>Institutional profiles      a government-sanctioned
15 master in      credit the applicant receives for his                                                                                                                                     diploma required for practice as
                  or her prior academic work.                                                                                                                                               a veterinarian.
management        Conférence des Grandes Écoles           
                  (CGE) :                         >Resource center
                                                                  >Educational and research programs
(2013).                                                           >Degree descriptions >Titre d’Ingénieur
                                                           16                                                                                       17
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                                                     Choose France

                The higher
                                                                                                           Public postsecondary schools                  programs are often costly. Some are
                                                                                                           of applied arts                               listed in the RNCP, the national re-        Conservatories
                                                                                                           France’s ecoles supérieures d’arts            gistry of professional certifications:      Music, dance, dramatic arts…

                schools of art                                                                             appliqués publiques confer national                        Working in partnership
                                                                                                           diplomas in very specific fields upon                                                     with universities, France’s
                                                                                                                                                         Schools of for the preservation             conservatories offer programs
                                                                                                           the successful completion of a 2- or
                                                                                                                                                         and promotion of historic and               on the LMD model (licence,
                                                                                                           5-year program. Two-year programs
                Fine arts, applied arts, and crafts are the focus of France’s                                                                            cultural heritage                           master, doctorate).
                                                                                                           lead to a BTS (brevet de technicien                                                       List of conservatories:
                                                                                                           supérieur) or DMA (diplôme des mé-            Three public schools of historic and
                many écoles supérieures d’art offer postsecondary degree                                                                                 cultural heritage offer advanced
                                                                                                           tiers d’art); 5-year programs to a DSAA                                          > Guide pratique
                programs at the 2- to 5-year levels. Most are selective, some                              (diplôme supérieur d’arts appliqués).         programs. Some curricula prepare            de la musique > Base de
                                                                                                                                                         students for careers requiring
                highly so. Students apply by taking an entrance examination                                All prepare graduates for careers in                                                      données > Conservatoires et
                                                                                                           design-related fields: graphics (media        knowledge of historic and cultural          écoles de musique
                and submitting a portfolio. Public or private, they are distin-                            and multimedia); spatial design (inte-        heritage (art historians, guides and
                guished by their reputation among professionals.                                           rior architecture, lifestyle, set design);    presenters), others for careers invol-
                                                                                                           fashion, textiles, and environmental          ving its preservation (conservators,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   >Resource Center
                Nearly 50 public postsecondary                   National higher schools of art:           design; design of products and ser-           restorers, architects of historic monu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   >Educational and research programs
                                                                                                           vices; and crafts (textiles, jewelry,         ments and properties).
                schools of art grant national diplomas           institutional credentials                                                                                                         >degree descriptions
                recognized by the French govern-                 France’s highly selective écoles natio-   books, glass, ceramics, etc.):                • École du Louvre (EDL), Paris:           >Degrees in Art
                ment. Private schools and schools af-            nales supérieures d’art award master-       
                filiated with chambers of commerce               level diplomas in applied arts, plastic                                                 • École Nationale des Chartes (ENC),
                                                                                                           Private schools of art
                and industry (known historically as              arts, visual arts, design and creation,                                                   Paris:
                                                                                                           Many private schools offer 3–5 year
                écoles consulaires) confer certificates          textile design, industrial design, and
                                                                                                           postsecondary programs and confer             • Institut National du Patrimoine
                or occupational titles, some of which            photography.
                                                                                                           diplomas specific to the school. Such           (INP), Paris:
                appear in the national directory of
                                                                 • l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts
                occupational certifications (www.
                                                                   Décoratifs (ENSAD, decorative arts) –
                                                                                     Art degrees within LMD system
                All have competitive admissions poli-
                                                                 • l’École Nationale Supérieure des
                cies that require applicants to pass
                                                                   Beaux-arts (ENSBA, fine arts) –
                an entrance exam and present a port-
                folio of their work. With respect to                                                                                                                                                 CampusArt
                                                                 • l’École Nationale Supérieure de la
                schools and degrees, a fundamental
                                                                   Création Industrielle (ENSCI - Les                                                                                      
                distinction is made between applied
                                                                   Ateliers, industrial design) –
                arts and fine arts.                      
                Public postsecondary schools                     • l’École Nationale Supérieure de la
                                                                   Photographie (ENSP, photography) –
                of art and design: national
                diplomas                                         • le Fresnoy - Studio National des arts
                46 public postsecondary schools of art             contemporains (contemporary art) -                                                                                                Apply online to the 60
                and design (écoles supérieures d’art et                                                                                                                   member institutions of
                de design) fall under the joint oversight
                                                                 Two schools offer a 2–4 year program                                                                                                the CampusArt network
                of the ministries of culture and commu-
                                                                 in film and theater that is open to ap-                                                                                             of French schools of art
                nication and of education. Applicants
                                                                 plicants who have completed 2 years
France sets     are admitted directly from secondary
                                                                 of postsecondary study.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The CampusArt network offers
                school according to their performance                                                                                                                                                applicants a choice of some
the             on an entrance examination. The                  • l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts                                                                                             200 different art programs
                                                                   et Techniques du Théâtre (ENSATT,                                                                                                 at the licence and master
                schools offer 3- and 5-year programs
international   in the visual and plastic arts (contem-            theater arts) –
                                                                                                                                                                                                     levels. By completing a single
                                                                                                                                                                                                     online form, students who
standard        porary art and design). Students may             • la Fémis - École Nationale Supérieure                                                                                             have completed 3 years of
                also be admitted by transfer into the              des Métiers de l’Image et du Son                                                                                                  art education may apply for
in the fields   second or third year.                              (ENSMIS, sound and lighting) –                                                                                                    admission to the entire
                List of public postsecondary schools of                                                                                                                      network of schools and track
of art          art:                                                                                                                                                                    the progress of their
and culture                                                                                                                                                                                          application through to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the offer of admission.
                                                            18                                                                                          19
Choose France                                                                                                                                                                 Choose France

                Schools of                                                                               Specialized
                architecture                                                                             schools
                Postsecondary programs in architecture in France follow the                              More than 3,000 schools and institutes,        public and private,
                harmonized European system of degrees based on the Licence,                              are categorized as “specialized schools.”      They offer degree
                Master, and Doctorate (LMD).                                                             programs in very specific areas—among          them social work,
                                                                                                         paramedical fields, tourism, culinary           arts, and hotel
                • The first cycle of study lasts 3              The nation’s 20 schools of               management, among others.
                years and leads to a DEEA (diplôme              architecture, all overseen
                d’études en architecture), the equiva-          by the French Ministry of                These institutions offer government-
                lent of a Licence.                              Culture, confer national diplomas.       accredited degrees as well as other
                • The second cycle lasts 2 years and                        credentials specific to the institution
                leads to a DEA (diplôme d’état d’archi-         Two other schools deliver degrees        that confers them. Programs demand
                tecte), equivalent to a master’s degree.        that are considered equivalent:          from 2 to 5 years of study. Admission
                • The HMONP (Habilitation à la Maî-             • the public Institut National des       is by examination or on the basis of
                trise d’Œuvre en Nom Propre), which             Sciences Appliquées (INSA) in            the applicant’s academic record.
                entitles the holder to direct buil-             Strasbourg:
                ding projects without supervision,              • the private École Spéciale
                requires a sixth year of study and              d’Architecture (ESA):
                completion of an internship.
                                                                Architecture and
                • A third cycle of study leads to the           landscape architecture
                DSA (diplôme de spécialisation et               Programs leading to a master’s-equiva-
                approfondissement en architecture), a           lent DPLG (diplôme de paysagiste) are
                national diploma requiring 1–2 years of         offered by three national schools of
                study depending on the field of spe-            architecture and landscape design that
                cialization, or one of the various avai-        follow a common admission process.
                lable DPEAs.                                    Applicants must hold a French bac-
                Upon completion of a minimum of                 calauréat or the equivalent and have
                7 years of study, some schools offer            completed 2 years of postsecondary
                a combined curriculum in architecture           study. The curriculum spans 4 years.
                and engineering in partnership with a
                                                                • BORDEAUX : École Nationale Supé-
                school of engineering. Students who
                                                                rieure d’architecture et de paysage:
                complete such a program receive a
                degree in architecture as well as a
                second degree conferring the right to           • VERSAILLES : École Nationale Supé-
                practice as an engineer.                        rieure du Paysage:
                Students who earn a research Master   
                or the equivalent may elect to pursue           • LILLE : École Nationale Supérieure
                a Doctorate in architecture.                    d’architecture et de paysage:

                                                                >Resource center>educational and
                                                                research program>Degree descriptions

                                                           20                                                                                      21
Studying in France                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Studying in France

                     a higher education system      Studying
                     that works
                                                    in France                                                                                                                                                                               Make an informed choice

                                                    At any level—bachelor, master, or doctoral—it pays to have a
                                                    well-defined educational plan and a clear goal before choosing
                                                                                                                          The Campus France Web site
                                                    an institution and program.                                           is your best source for the
                                                    By identifying programs that dovetail with your prior                 information you need to plan
                                                                                                                          a period of study in France.
                                                    experience and academic accomplishments, you can increase
                                                                                                                 Hambourg We tailor information
                                                    your chancesDublin
                                                                  of admission. Manchester MER DU NORD
                                                                                                                          specifically to the needs of
                                                                            IRLANDE                                                                                                                                                                      Berlin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            prospective students in more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            than 110 different countries!
                                                                                                              R O YA U M E - U N I                                     La Haye
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A L L E M
                                                                            Saint-Denis                                                               Dunkerque
                                                                                                                                                                      Bruxelles                                                             >Campus France near you
                                                      REUNI ON                                                                                      Calais         Lille                                                                                  Prague
                                                                                                                                                                     Valenciennes                                                             REPUBLIQUE
                                                                                                                                                        Amiens Arras                      LUXEMBOURG                                           TCHEQUE
                                                      GUYANE                                   MANCHE                                     HAUTE                 PICARDIE                                                                                                                 S
                                                                                                                               Le Havre NORMANDIE               Compiègne
                                                                                                                                                                                Reims           Metz
                                                                                                                                             Rouen                                  E                                          Stuttgart                               Vienne     Brati
                                                                                                                           BASSE                             Paris               GN
                                                      MART I NI QUE                                                                                                            PA E Nancy                    Strasbourg
                                                                                                                         NORMANDIE                                          AM    N
                                                                      Fort-de                   Brest                                                    ÎLE-DE-          CH DEN      LORRAINE                                                 Munich

                                                                      France                                                                             FRANCE                                                                                                                      B
                                                                                                        BRETAGNE                                                                   Troyes

                                                                                                                                        Le Mans
                                                                                                               Rennes                                 Orléans
                                                      GUADEL OUPE                                 Lorient                DE LA LOIRE                                                                                                                                                HO
                                                                                 Pointe-                                                                                                                   Mulhouse
                                                                    Basse-       à-Pitre                                       Angers                                             Dijon       Besançon                                          AUTRICHE
                                                                    Terre                                                                  Tours    CENTRE                                                               Zurich
                                                                                                                                                                         BOURGOGNE           FRANCHE-
                                                                        Papeete                                                       Poitiers
                                                                                                                                                                                              COMTÉ         SUISSE
                                                      POLYNÉSI E
                                                      F RANCAI SE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SLOVENIE     Zagreb
                                                                                              OCÉAN                         La Rochelle                                                                                                                                            CR
                                                                                                                               POITOU              Limoges          Clermont-
                                                                                           AT L A N T I Q U E               CHARENTES                               Ferrand           Lyon                                          Milan
                                                                                                                            Royan                  LIMOUSIN                                    Chambéry
                                                      NOUVEL L E-                                                                                                                   Saint-
                                                      CAL ÉDONI E                                                                                                                  Étienne   Grenoble                  Turin
                                                                                                                                                               AUVERGNE                                                        I TA L I E
                                                                        Nouméa                                                  Bordeaux                                            RHÔNE ALPES

                                                                                                                                                             Albi          Alès                PROVENCE
                                                                                                                                                                           Nîmes                  ALPES
                                                                                                                                             MIDI-PYRÉNÉES                                                 Nice
                                                                                                                                                                          Montpellier Avignon CÔTE D’AZUR
                                                                                                                    Biarritz                                                                                Cannes

                                                                                                                                                                 LO C
                                                                                                                                                               IL DO
                                                                                                                                           Toulouse                                            Aix-en-Provence


                                                                                                                                                             SS E
                                                                                                                                                            U U
                                                                                                                                                          O G

                                                                                                                                                         R AN
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Toulon             CORSE


The richness and                                                                                                                                         Perpignan                                                                 CORSE                  Rome

diversity offered                                    Porto
                                                                                                  E S PA G N E
by the French                                      PORTUGAL                                    Madrid
system make it                                        Within a given field of study, you will find a wide variety of curricula and
                                                      programs. That variety is one of the strong points of the French educational
easy to find an                                  Lisbonne
                                                      system. Throughout France one finds educational institutions of very high
educational                                           quality in every field. These, too, exhibit variety—there are the universities, of
program that                                          course, but also the free-standing schools of engineering, business, and art.
matches your                                          The resulting institutional diversity is one reason for the variety of curricula
                                                      found within a given field.
and goals
                                    22                                                                                          23
Studying in France                                                                                                                                                                                   Studying in France

                     a program
                                                                                                                                                                                             Do I have to be able to
                                                                                                                                                                                             speak French to study in
                     Campus France                                                                                                                                                           • Applicants from outside
                                                                                                                                                                                             the European Union seeking
                     for all the information you need                                                                                                                                        admission to the first year of
                                                                                                                                                                                             postsecondary education (L1)
                                                                                                                                                                                             or to a school of architecture
                                                                                                                                                                                             must follow a special admission
                                                                                                                                                                                             procedure, known as DAP.
                                                                                                                                                                                             As part of that procedure,
                                                                                                                                                                                             applicants must demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                                                             their proficiency in French,
                                                                                                                                                                                             either by passing a language
                     LMD Catalog                                                                                                                                                             test (TCF-DAP or TEF) or by
                                                                                                                                                            earning a degree in French as a
                                                                                                                                                                                             foreign language (DELF/DALF).
                     >Find your program                                                                     Catalog of short programs and cultural and linguistic stays
                                                                                                                                                                                             > To enroll in the second or
                     Campus France’s online catalog of                                                                                                      third year of a Licence program,
                     French higher education includes                                                       >Find your program>Catalog>Short courses in French                               in a Master’s or Doctoral
                     more than 30,000 programs at the                                                                                                                                        program, or in a Grande École,
                     Licence, Master, and Doctoral levels                                                   This catalog focuses on programs in French as a foreign language and summer      students must meet the
                                                                    The catalog of programs                 and winter courses offered by Campus France member institutions. Students        French-proficiency standards
                     offered by some 3,500 postsecond-
                                                                    taught in English:                      are awarded ECTS credits, either by passing a test or by earning a certificate   set by individual educational
                     ary institutions.
                                                                           or attestation.
                     A powerful search engine allows                                                                                                                                         > Even for programs taught in
                     users to perform custom searches
                                                                    >Find your program                      Search criteria:                                                                 English, institutions may require
                     by keyword, field of study, academic           >Catalog                                • Location, as shown on an interactive map of France’s regions                   applicants to demonstrate
                     level (L, M, D), and geographic region.        >Programs taught in English             • Level of French proficiency and area of study                                  a minimum level of French
                                                                                                            • More than 150 althletic, cultural, and food-related activities.                proficiency.
                     It also provides links to the Web sites        This catalogue presents 900 pro-
                     of institutions of interest to the user        grams, including more than 700                                                                                 
                     and an overview of each institution.           taught entirely in English.                                                                                              >Find your program
                                                                                                            A strong local presence: Campus France maintains more                            >Resource center
                     Profiles of dozens of academic                 Each entry contains essential infor-
                                                                                                            than 200 offices in more than 110 countries to advise and                        >Degree description
                     and professional subjects taught               mation on admission requirements,
                     in French institutions round out
                                                                                                            support prospective students                                                     >Tests of and degrees in
                                                                    type of diploma, accreditation, lan-                                                                                     French as a foreign language
                     the database, along with informa-              guage requirements, costs, and avai-    Campus France’s local offices, called Espaces, allow students to meet
                     tion on student services, doctoral             lable programs in French as a foreign   face to face with professionals who can help them carry out their plans
                     departments, and other topics.                 language.                               to study in France.
                                                                                                            The mission of the local offices is to answer students’ questions about French
                                                                           higher education at the information-gathering stage and during the applica-
Make                                        >Find your program                                              tion process. By providing concrete services in a personal way, the staff help
                                                                                                            students put together an educational plan. They move that plan forward by
the right                                                                                                   helping students to identify appropriate programs, to gather information on
                                                                                                            grants and scholarships, to prepare for departure, and to put together persua-
choice by                                                                                                   sive applications for admission. They even follow up on applications.

gathering                                                                                              >Near you
all the facts
                                                               24                                                                                  25
Studying in France                                                                                                                                                                                                 Studying in France

                     in a French institution
                     of higher education                                                                                                                                                                  A convenient online
                                                                                                                                                                                                          application process is in
                     All international students, whether or not they receive                                                                                                                              place for applicants from
                     additional financial aid, enjoy the same low tuition rates as                                                                                                                        32 countries. Nationals of
                                                                                                                     Note: Enrolling in first year of higher education (L1)                               these countries must use
                     French students at universities and other public institutions.
                                                                                                                     The request for preliminary admission (DAP)                                          the online process
                     The true cost of the education they receive is much higher                                      Students holding a secondary-school diploma from outside France and wishing          (CEF procedure).
                     (€10,000 to €14,000 per year), but the difference is paid                                       to enroll in the first or second year of undergraduate study at a French univer-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          With Internet access, students
                     by the French government. Every international student, like                                     sity are required to complete an application for preliminary admission, known
                     every French student, benefits from this national policy, which                                 as a DAP (demande d’admission préalable) at the cultural office of the French
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Submit a single application
                                                                                                                     embassy in their country of residence. In 30 countries, the DAP process must         to multiple institutions
                     ensures the quality of French degrees.                                                          be completed online. Whether online or on paper, the DAP process begins in           • Track the progress of their
                                                                                                                     January of each year and follows a very strict timeline.                             application
                     Enrollment is a three-step                                                                      Special case: “Admission Post-Bac” (APB)                                             • Apply for a visa, in cooperation
                     process:                                                                                        The “Admission Post-Bac” system of preliminary online admission to the first
                                                                                                                                                                                                          with a Campus France local
                     1 • Obtaining an offer of admission                                                             year of postsecondary study is required of international students (including
                                                                                                                                                                                                          • Communicate with Campus
                     from a French institution. The offer of                                                         those holding a French baccalauréat) who seek admission to the first year of         France
                     admission is a precondition for obtain-                                                         study in certain selective institutions, such as IUTs (university-based institutes
                     ing a visa to enter France (visa is requi-                                                      of technology), STSs (postsecondary technical sections of secondary schools),        The process also involves taking
                                                                                                                                                                                                          a test of French proficiency (if
                     red for non EU students).                                                                       CPGEs (programs that prepare students for the entrance examinations of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          required by an institution to
                     2 • Administrative registration.                                                                Grandes Écoles), and other institutions not covered by the DAP process.              which the student has applied)
                     Upon arriving in France, students must                                                                                                             and ends with a personal
                     report to their new institution and pay           Note                                          European Union                                                                       interview in which the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          student has the opportunity
                     tuition and fees for the coming year.
                                                                       There are no officially recognized            Students from the countries of the European Union wishing to enroll in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to present his or her
                     The student then receives proof of en-
                                                                       equivalences between French de-               first year of postsecondary study must apply using the Admission Post-Bac            educational plan.
                     rollment and a student ID card.
                                                                       grees and foreign degrees. Institu-           online application process.
                     3 • Academic registration. Following              tions make independent determinations                                                                                    
More than            administrative     registration,     the          of equivalence. The institution may also      Paying tuition to a French institution of higher education                           >Prepare for your stay
                     student is invited to visit his or her            give credit for the applicant’s profes-sio-                                                                                        >Enroll
145,000 (68%) of                                                                                                     The tuition rates charged by public educational institutions in France
                     new academic department to register               nal experience. Each institution has                                                                                               >From countries using the
the international                                                                                                    are set by decree.
                     for specific classes at specific times            full discretion to admit applicants                                                                                                CEF procedure
students in                                                                                                          Annual tuition rates for degree programs in public institutions,
                     and to be briefed on examination                  and to determine the level at which           2014-2015
France choose        procedures. No additional charges are             they will be admitted—that is, the            • €184 for Licence programs
an institution       assessed for academic registration. This          amount of credit to be granted for            • €256 for Master’s programs
outside Paris,       step completes the admission and                  prior academic work.                          • €391 for Doctoral programs
where they enjoy     enrollment process.
                                                                                                                     • €610 for engineering programs
a high quality                                                         Assessment of foreign degrees and             These charges include access to university libraries. There is an additional
of everyday life                                                                                                     charge to enroll in the national student health insurance plan, which is mandato-
and academic                                                           ENIC-NARIC network :       ry. Special services offered by some programs may also entail additional charges.
                                                                                                                     In addition to these basic charges, students may have to pay additional fees
facilities and                                                         Site for France :
                                                                       fr/comparabilite.php                          for specific services or special programs.
amenities                                                                                                            Private institutions, including schools of business, are more expensive.
that promote
                                                                  26                                                                                        27
Studying in France                                                                                                                                                                                  Studying in France

                     and financial aid
                     There are several ways to finance a period of study or research                         nance a period of 3 to 12 months
                                                                                                             of study in another European insti-
                     in France: grants and scholarships, aid and travel stipends.
                                                                                                             tution beginning in the second year
                     Campus France is in charge of all facets of grant and scholarship                       of postsecondary study. Students
                     programs for international students.                                                    are entitled to 12 months of mobi-
                                                                                                             lity (study and/or internship) at each
                                                                                                             of the three major degree levels (li-
                     SCHOLARSHIPS FROM                             nominated by French institutions.         cence, master, doctorate).
                     THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN                       Self-nominations are not accepted.
                     AFFAIRS                                       • The “Quai d’Orsay–Entreprises”          erasmus-plus
                                                                   grant program offers grants to
                                                                                                                                                           a bilingual search engine and database,
                     The French Ministry of Foreign                                                          • Erasmus Mundus joint master                 will speed your search
                                                                   encourage graduates of top-notch
                     offers various types of grants that                                                     and doctoral programs are orga-
                                                                   foreign universities to come to France                                                  for financial aid
                     cover tuition and various services:                                                     nized by at least three institutions
                                                                   in cooperation with large French                                              >Finance your program
                     health insurance, travel costs, and                                                     of higher education in different
                     living expenses.                                                                        countries. Programs include a period
                     • “Major excellence grants”               of study in at least two institutions
                     france/studying-in-france/                    The Major program enables interna-        and lead to a double, multiple, or
                                                                   tional students in French lycées abroad   joint degree. Grants are available to
                     Scholarships awarded by                       who score well on their baccalaureate     students, doctoral candidates, and
                     France’s embassies abroad                     exam to study in France up to the mas-    faculty.
                     French government grants for                  ter’s level.                    
                     academic programs, internships,              ters-conjoints
                     and language study in France                  dispositif-post-bac-excellence-major
                     are administered by the Ministry
                     of Foreign and European Affairs.                                                        GRANTS FROM THE AGENCE
                                                                   THE NEW ERASMUS+
                     Regardless of their country of                                                          UNIVERSITAIRE
                                                                   PROGRAM FOR 2014–2020
                     residence or the type of scholarship                                                    DE LA FRANCOPHONIE
                     for which they intend to apply,               Erasmus+ merges the existing                                                            Accessible from, CampusBourses
                                                                                                             • The Agence Universitaire de la
                     candidates must contact, at least             Erasmus programs in education                                                           enables users to perform multiple-criteria searches in
                                                                                                             Francophonie (AUF), an associa-
                     one year in advance, the culture              and training with the Youth in Action                                                   French or English of nearly every financial aid program
                                                                                                             tion of French-speaking universities,
                     and cooperation office of the                 program, adding to these an athletic                                                    open to international students and junior scholars wishing
                                                                                                             offers grants to support mobility
                     French embassy in their country               component for the first time in any                                                     to study in France. Covered are more than 650 programs
                                                                                                             among its 800 member institutions
                     of residence.                                 European program.                                                                       from national and local government agencies, corporations,
                                                                                                             in 100 countries. Emphasis is placed
                                                                                                                                                           foundations, academic institutions, France’s embassies
                     Several types of grants are available:        A new experimental mechanism will         on South–South mobility.
                                                                                                                                                           abroad, foreign governments and institutions, and
                     study grants, internship grants, and          enable master-level students to ob-                       multilateral organizations.
                     high-level scientific grants.                 tain loans at favorable rates to study
                                                                   in another country. More open to                                                        Users may search by keyword or by set search criteria
                     Specific programs                             non-European countries than was the                                                     (nationality, discipline, level of study, type of grant),
                     • “Eiffel excellence grants” enable           original Erasmus program, Erasmus+                                                      thus allowing them to locate programs that match their
                     awardees to earn a master’s degree            is expected to facilitate the mobility                                                  background and plans. Full information is available for each
                     or, for doctoral candidates enrolled          of more than 4 million people, among                                                    program, along with links to the Web sites of the sponsoring
                     in dual-degree programs, to travel            them 2 million students.                                                                entities.
                     for up to 10 months. Candidates are           Students may obtain grants to fi-

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