Childrens' and parents' views and experiences of attending a childhood obesity clinic: a qualitative study

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Primary Health Care Research & Development 2009; 10: 236–244

            Childrens’ and parents’ views and
            experiences of attending a childhood
            obesity clinic: a qualitative study
            Sarah E. Owen1, Deborah J. Sharp1, Julian P. Shield2,3 and Katrina M. Turner1
             Academic Unit of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
             Clinical Sciences at North Bristol, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
             Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol, UK

                                 Aim: To explore childrens’ and parents’ views and experiences of attending a
                                 hospital-based childhood obesity clinic, in order to inform the development of services
                                 in primary care. Background: The prevalence of childhood obesity in the UK is rising.
                                 Previous literature identifies the need for long-term, regular follow-up during weight
                                 management programmes, and acknowledges the difficulties families face when
                                 making lifestyle changes. Primary care has been identified as a possible clinical setting
                                 that can meet these needs. However, there is a paucity of evidence to guide the
                                 development of such services. Method: A qualitative interview study was undertaken
                                 in a hospital-based childhood obesity clinic in Bristol, England. Short in-depth inter-
                                 views were held with 21 parents and 11 children attending this clinic. Interviewees
                                 were purposefully sampled to ensure interviews were held covering participants of
                                 varying age, gender and success in reducing their BMI. The interviews were audio-
                                 taped, fully transcribed and analysed thematically. Findings: Families valued the
                                 multidisciplinary team approach used in the clinic in terms of the education and
                                 support it offered. They enjoyed regular follow-up, reporting that this provided
                                 ongoing support and motivation. Families whose children succeeded in BMI reduction
                                 appeared more resourceful and tended to embrace ideas for making lifestyle changes.
                                 Unsuccessful families, however, found it harder to alter their lifestyle and often met
                                 barriers to change. The authors conclude that community obesity clinics will need to
                                 provide a multidisciplinary service offering regular support and individualized exercise
                                 and dietary advice whilst attempting to address barriers to change.

                                 Key words: childhood obesity; obesity management; primary health care; qualitative

                                 Received 17 October 2008; accepted 10 May 2009

            Introduction                                                                   et al., 2002; Wanless et al., 2007). Wanless et al.
                                                                                           (2007) highlight obesity in their latest report on
            Thirty percent of 11-year-olds in England are                                  the performance of the NHS, warning that the
            overweight or obese (National Child Measure-                                   economic cost of increased obesity threatens the
            ment Programme 2006/07) and the prevalence                                     sustainability of our health system.
            of childhood obesity continues to rise (Ebbeling                                  Overweight children frequently suffer bullying
                                                                                           and low self-esteem (Rudolf, 2004). More serious
            Correspondence to: Sarah E. Owen, Academic Unit of Primary
                                                                                           physical and psychological co-morbidities include
            Health Care, University of Bristol, 25 Belgrave Road, Bristol,                 dyslipidaemia, hyperinsulinaemia and depression
            BS8 2AA, UK. Email:                                   (Freedman et al., 1999; BMA Board of Science,
            r 2009 Cambridge University Press

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Views on attending a childhood obesity clinic 237

             2005; Reddy, 2006; Sabin et al., 2006). Obesity and                            conflicting emotions when excluding certain
             related co-morbidities tend to track into adult-                               foods from their child (Stewart et al., 2008). There
             hood increasing the risk of future cardiovascular-                             are mixed feelings about dietetic advice: some
             related morbidity and mortality (Brown, 2005;                                  children find dietitians too rigid in their approach,
             Bibbins-Domingo et al., 2007). Many comorbid-                                  whilst other families want more structured advice
             ities are reversible with adequate reduction in a                              (Barlow and Ohlemeyer, 2006; Dixey et al., 2006;
             child’s body mass index standard deviation score                               Murtagh et al., 2006). Other programmes (Dixey
             (BMI SDS) (Reinehr and Andler, 2004).                                          et al., 2006; Stewart et al., 2008) report increased
                There is currently a paucity of evidence for                                patient self-esteem through attending specialist
             treating childhood obesity (Summerbell et al., 2003;                           services and meeting other obese children. How-
             Brown, 2005; National Institute for Health and                                 ever, Dixey et al. (2006) warn that it is important
             Clinical Excellence, 2006) but primary care has been                           not to normalize obesity, thus reducing a child’s
             identified as a potential setting for its management                           incentive to lose weight.
             (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, 2003;                               These studies illustrate the way in which qua-
             NICE, 2006; Reddy, 2006). However, Rudolf (2004)                               litative research methods can be used to assess
             comments that primary care lacks the time needed                               parents’ and patients’ views and experiences in
             to address this problem and a BMA (British                                     detail, and provide insights into the factors that
             Medical Association) report (BMA Board of                                      may influence the success of community clinics
             Science, 2005) acknowledges that when simple                                   and secondary care services for childhood obesity.
             management in primary care fails, the involve-                                 None of them, however, have considered how
             ment of secondary care services is needed.                                     such services could be replicated in primary care.
                The attitude of clinicians providing care for                               Primary care has been viewed as a suitable
             obese children and their families is likely to be                              management setting for childhood obesity
             crucial in terms of service development and suc-                               (NICE, 2006) and providing care within this set-
             cess. Some studies have found general practitioners                            ting could improve patient acceptability and
             (GPs) to be concerned about childhood obesity                                  accessibility to childhood obesity services.
             and believing they could have a role to play in its                               One of the UK’s most established childhood
             management (Gerner et al., 2006; Walker et al.,                                obesity clinics is based in Bristol. It offers a mul-
             2007). However, other studies report that GPs and                              tidisciplinary service and aims to provide patients
             practice nurses view obesity as a social issue out-                            with three monthly assessments from a clinician,
             side their professional domain (Epstein and Ogden,                             dietitian and exercise specialist. The clinic is suc-
             2005; Walker et al., 2007) and feel that they cannot                           cessful with 70% of children attending achieving
             intervene effectively due to lack of time, knowl-                              reductions in BMI SDS (Sabin et al., 2007). A pilot
             edge and resources (Turner et al., in press). In                               trial is currently being undertaken to examine the
             addition, due to the lack of robust evidence-based                             feasibility of replicating Bristol’s hospital-based
             guidelines in managing childhood obesity, it                                   childhood obesity clinic in primary care (Hamilton-
             would be difficult for the government to impose                                Shield, 2006). We took this opportunity to hold
             ‘quality outcome framework’ targets to add                                     in-depth interviews with parents and children
             incentives for GPs managing obesity, although                                  attending the clinic to identify which aspects of
             targets have been added looking at adult obesity                               management they thought helped or hindered
             prevalence.                                                                    weight loss, and thus gain insight into how a
                Qualitative studies in the area of management                               childhood obesity clinic should be developed in
             of childhood obesity have identified a plea from                               primary care.
             parents and adolescents for long-term support
             during weight management to help them make
             lifestyle changes (Murtagh et al., 2006; Stewart                               Method
             et al., 2008). Many parents need guidance to deal
             with conflicts that arise due to resistance from the                           Interviews were held between July 2007 and
             child and extended families when trying to                                     February 2008 with 21 parents and 11 children
             introduce new diets (Dixey et al., 2006; Stewart                               attending the hospital-based clinic. Sampling was
             et al., 2008). Furthermore, parents may experience                             purposive to ensure interviews were held with boys
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238 Sarah E. Owen et al.

             Table 1 Characteristics of the study population                               homes, and one was held by telephone. On aver-
                                                                                           age, parent interviews lasted 20 min and child
             Characteristic                                            Number of           interviews 14 min. All were audiotaped and fully
                                                                                           transcribed. Interviews were undertaken until
             Of all families/ children interviewed, clinic                                 saturation of key themes was reached.
             outcome for child                                                                Each transcript was read and re-read in order to
               Successful                                               9                  gain an overall understanding of the parents’ and
               Unsuccessful                                             9                  childrens’ views and experiences. This process was
               DNA                                                      3
             Parents interviewed                                                           also used to identify themes and to develop a coding
               Mothers                                                 17                  frame. Transcripts were read by another member of
               Fathers                                                  4                  the research team, so that the analysis and coding
               Grandmother                                              1                  frame could be refined through discussion.
             Sex of children/adolescents interviewed
               Girls                                                    6
                                                                                              Transcripts were imported into the software
               Boys                                                     5                  package ATLAS.ti and electronically coded. Data
             Age of child/adolescent interviewed                                           coded under specific themes, for example, diet,
               5–10 years                                               2                  were then retrieved and summarized. Compar-
               11–18 years                                              9                  isons were then made between the accounts given
             Clinic outcome for children/adolescent
             interviewed                                                                   by ‘successful’ and ‘unsuccessful’ patients/parents
               Successful                                               4                  and non-attenders (DNAs); between girls and
               Unsuccessful                                             5                  boys; and between children (aged 5–10 years)/
               DNA                                                      2                  adolescents (aged 11–18 years) and their parents.
             DNA 5 did not attend appointment.                                             Thematic patterns and deviant cases were noted.
                                                                                           Original transcripts were then re-read to ensure
                                                                                           the resulting findings accurately reflected and
            and girls of varying age, who had/had not lost                                 fully mapped the data collected.
            weight, and with families who did/did not attend
            follow-up appointments (Table 1). A ‘successful’
            participant was defined as someone who had                                     Results
            reduced his/her BMI since attending the clinic
            (mean BMI SDS reduction for successful partici-                                The main themes to result from the analysis were
            pants in this qualitative study was 0.69). Partici-                            the role of the clinic; the approach used by the
            pants who ‘did not attend appointments’ (DNAs)                                 team; advice given and changes made by families
            were defined as those who had attended the clinic                              in relation to diet and exercise. In this paper, to
            for one or more appointments but had not then                                  maintain confidentiality, participant’s names have
            returned for follow-up.                                                        been removed.
               The lead author (S.E.O.) conducted short in-
            depth interviews with parents and then, if both                                Role of the clinic
            parent and child consented, their child (aged 7–18                                Many participants described that one of the
            years). S.E.O. was not known to the interviewees                               clinic’s principal benefits was its ongoing support,
            in any capacity and attended the clinic only to                                keeping families mindful of the issue of weight.
            interview participants for this study. Two separate                            Mothers reported feeling relieved that someone
            interview guides were used: one for the parents                                was supporting them and their children in making
            and another for the children. Both guides inclu-                               changes. Parents and adolescents alike described
            ded questions about the child’s referral to the                                how the adolescents preferred to hear advice
            clinic, descriptions and feelings about appoint-                               from a professional rather than from their family.
            ments, suggestions for improvement and reasons
            for non-attendance. The parent’s interview guide                                   Yeah, it’s different to me telling him, ‘No, you
            also covered issues such as clinic accessibility and                               can’t have this, you can’t have that’. And if
            thoughts about the hospital setting.                                               he’s got somebody else telling him more
               Most of the interviews took place in the hos-                                   professional than mey .
            pital, four were conducted in participants’ own                                                (Mother of 9-year-old boy, DNA)
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Views on attending a childhood obesity clinic 239

             Successful families described how they had                                     not know what to expect, others were hoping for
             actively managed the weight problem and were                                   psychological support with parenting issues,
             motivated to lose weight by the time they                                      dealing with extended families and their child’s
             returned for the next appointment. They                                        emotional needs. Some also regretted the fact
             appeared to be motivated by a desire to feel pride                             that they were not invited to see the dietitian and
             in their ability to lose weight, to please the health                          exercise specialist at the first appointment and
             care professionals and in some cases, to prove                                 then had to wait some time for much needed
             that they could succeed.                                                       advice and motivation.
                 I didn’t have to lose it but I felt that I wanted                              Well, we all know what to do and I was going
                 to do it, you know, I really wanted to do ityI                                 out there and they was just telling me what I
                 wanted to be proud.                                                            already knew, basically.
                                  (16-year-old girl, successful)                                           (Mother of 8-year-old boy, DNA)
             Some families felt that more frequent appoint-                                     But I think there are lots of issues for kids as
             ments would have been desirable, as they would                                     well, you know, around bullying and self-
             have increased the individual’s motivation to lose                                 esteem, and none of that’s really been looked
             weight:                                                                            at. I mean, I know he’s onlyywell, he was
                                                                                                only six when he started coming here, but
                 I’d rather it had been less of a gap and seen                                  they still are very aware of their body and
                 them more through that year, because I
                                                                                                issues around that.
                 would have got more kicks up the bum,
                                                                                                    (Mother of 8-year-old boy, unsuccessful)
                 because I’m one of these people thatywell,
                 I’m just a standard teenageryif I don’t get
                 told to do something, I’ll sit here and I’m not                            Approach used by the team
                 going to do it, am I?                                                         Families commented on the supportive nature of
                                  (18-year-old boy, successful)                             the clinic staff and the majority of participants
                                                                                            specifically referred to the manner of the lead
             In contrast with successful families, families who                             clinician. Whilst adolescents reported his approach
             had not succeeded in weight loss or were DNAs                                  as relaxed, parents of younger children described
             spoke about weight issues in a passive manner.                                 him as being direct and hard, commenting on his
             The accounts from many of these families sug-                                  ‘no nonsense’ description of the serious con-
             gested that they could not identify ways of                                    sequences of obesity and lifestyle changes that
             changing their lifestyle long-term and almost felt                             families needed to make. Some parents stated that
             that the clinic might do the work for them. For                                they had been shocked and angered by his
             example, the role of the clinic was described as                               approach, although parents whose children had
             ‘looking after their child’ or ‘keeping you in                                 reduced their BMI described this approach as
             control’.                                                                      helpful and even as key to their child’s success.
                 We didn’t know what to expect, but it was                                      yif he’d have took a softly, softly approach,
                 brilliant y . We just got somebody that was                                    I don’t know that we, we’d be here today,
                 looking after hery.                                                            finding out that he’s lost weight.
                   (Mother of 13-year-old girl, unsuccessful)                                         (Father of 12-year-old boy, successful)
                 Mother: Yeah, well, I feel great like, it’s like                           Parents whose young children had not succeeded
                 they kind of look after him.                                               in weight loss had mixed responses to his
                 Interviewer: So you feel better about it?                                  approach.
                 Mother: Yeah, they’ll get it better [good]
                                                                                                But if it’s his way of getting throughyhe’s
                 and looking after what he eats, what he don’t eat.
                                                                                                very experienced and I’m not and that’s
                   (Mother of 14-year-old boy, unsuccessful)
                                                                                                probably his way of getting through to her
             Many unsuccessful families and DNAs said that                                      and making her realise. I don’t have to agree
             the clinic was simply providing them with infor-                                   with that.
             mation that they already had. Whilst many did                                        (Mother of 10-year-old girl, unsuccessful)
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240 Sarah E. Owen et al.

                yand certainly seeing somebody like (lead                                      to behave like a child and be treated like
                clinician) makes you feel a bit kind of, you                                   a child.
                know, he doesn’t mince his words. And so in                                      (Mother of 10-year-old girl, unsuccessful)
                a way, that’s quite good, I think, for me, to
                have somebody like that.                                                   Accounts from these families suggested that they
                    (Mother of 8-year-old boy, unsuccessful)                               often appeared to lack the resourceful nature and
                                                                                           support of the successful families and many
                                                                                           described facing criticism and even sabotage from
            Dietary advice received and changes made                                       extended families.
            by families
              Children and adolescents, who had reduced                                        I’m so annoyed with what they’re (extended
            their BMI, and their parents, described specific                                   family) doing, because I, I’m trying to help
            dietary changes that they had implemented and                                      him and they’re giving in. And it does make
            foods that they had entirely cut out of their diets.                               me feel really, really annoyed.
                                                                                                  (Mother of 9-year-old boy, unsuccessful)
                ysince coming here. I probably would have
                given him a smaller pudding, instead of cut-                               Some parents described disappointment with the
                ting it out completely and giving more fruit.                              dietetic advice regardless of their child’s success
                       (Mother of 6-year-old boy, successful)                              that they had not received this advice at their first
                                                                                           clinic visit when they felt it would have had most
            Parents of successful young children described                                 impact, or had wanted far more specific advice,
            feelings of guilt when restricting their offspring’s                           diet plans and recipes.
            diet, initially made worse by the child’s protests at
            dietary changes. These parents acknowledged this                                   need to have a diet pack, they need to have
            was a problem that had to be overcome, often                                       this is the regimeyyour team to get together
            with the support of family. These families descri-                                 and make a pack, a real child-friendly pack
            bed practical ways around situations and were                                      that’s going to appeal to parents, that’s bright,
            proud of their ability to embrace new ideas, for                                   that’sy
            example, they would alter cooking methods to                                              (Mother of 7-year-old girl, successful)
            reduce the fat content of a favourite meal or                                      It’s all very well going through what you’re
            introduce low-fat treats. These ideas sometimes                                    eating and saying you should cut this down
            stemmed from a mother’s personal experience of                                     or you should cut that out, but suggestions or
            commercial slimming clubs.                                                         like a diet sheet ory
                We can have chips. Did you know you can                                                   (Mother of 11-year-old boy, DNA)
                have chips?y yit’s wonderful. This is a
                slimming world recipe.                                                     Exercise advice received and changes made
                     (Mother of 7-year-old girl, successful)                               by families
                                                                                              Successful families praised the exercise specia-
            Unsuccessful families did not describe imple-
                                                                                           list: he was described as having motivated ado-
            menting specific dietary changes. Parents of                                   lescents and children to try new sports and
            younger children spoke of how they found it hard
                                                                                           exercises by setting realistic goals and using
            to overcome the feelings of guilt they experienced
                                                                                           incentive sticker charts with the younger children.
            when trying to restrict diets. They reported feel-
            ing cruel, sometimes wondering if they might be                                    ybecause it makes you actually think about
            causing psychological harm to their child.                                         it and realise how muchybecause you’ve got
                                                                                               a goal, you’ve kind of had to work out how to
                yshe’s still a child and she just got so sick of
                                                                                               reach that goal.
                Special K, so recently, she has gone back to
                                                                                                                (15-year-old boy, successful)
                having things like Coco Pops. Now, I know
                they’re no good for her, but you’ve still got to                           One adolescent attributed her recent BMI
                think of her as a child. She’s not an adult, and                           reduction to increasing the intensity of her exer-
                I think that’s what they miss here, perso-                                 cise. Having previously been under the impres-
                nallyy yshe’s still a child and she still needs                            sion that she was doing sufficient exercise, she
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Views on attending a childhood obesity clinic 241

             only now realized the level of work required to                                advice from professionals. The lead clinician was
             make a significant difference. She described a                                 reported to take a different approach according
             school PE lesson to illustrate her point:                                      to the age of the patient: parents of young chil-
                                                                                            dren described him as making them feel entirely
                 ylike we were doing aerobics the other day
                                                                                            responsible for lifestyle changes and offering
                 and in the hour’s lesson we did ten minutes of
                                                                                            rather direct blunt advice, while adolescents
                 actual worky
                                                                                            reported his approach to be relaxed.
                                  (15-year-old girl, successful)                               Whilst the clinic is successful in terms of BMI
             A range of views was expressed amongst the                                     SDS reductions, its approach does not suit every-
             unsuccessful families regarding the exercise                                   one. Successful families appeared to be motivated
             advice provided. Some described how they felt it                               by the clinic’s direct and no-nonsense attitude to
             was surplus to requirements, as they already did                               obesity and subsequently embraced new ideas and
             adequate exercise, while others found it moti-                                 made significant lifestyle changes. These families
             vating. It was difficult to quantify how much                                  seemed resourceful, were usually supported by
             exercise these children did and in some cases                                  extended families and had ideas for changing diets
             accounts were defensive.                                                       and introducing opportunities for exercise. Unsuc-
                                                                                            cessful families found it hard to identify the specific
                 She never even turns the computer ony                                      lifestyle changes needed and also met barriers to
                 because as soon as she gets home from                                      change, for example, parent’s emotional conflicts
                 school, she’s up to her horses and if she’s at                             when restricting their child’s diet. They needed
                 home, she’s at her horses from nine o’clock                                more regular and practical support to deal with
                 in the morning ‘til seven o’clock at night.                                issues of interfering extended families and to
                 So she’s out and about all the time.                                       explore parental anxieties, and needed practical
                     (Mother of 8-year-old girl, unsuccessful)                              ideas for exercise and diet changes.
             Others described the advice as being impractical
             due to the expense or lack of exercise facilities.
             A few families never received the exercise advice                              Strengths and limitations of the study
             and regretted this.                                                               The flexible open nature of the interviews
                                                                                            allowed participants to articulate their views and
                 Yeah, and I said that the gym he suggested                                 experiences of the clinic, although conducting
                 was down in (area name), and I phoned them                                 interviews in the hospital setting may have
                 up and they don’t accept kids under twelve,                                restricted the extent to which parents and chil-
                 so do you know what I mean, some of things                                 dren felt able to express negative views. The
                 that he suggested would have been good if I                                purposive sampling strategy meant interviews
                 could have afforded ity                                                    were held with children of varying gender, age
                             Mother (11-year-old boy, DNA)                                  and success, allowing us to identify possible rea-
                                                                                            sons for why children had or had not lost weight.
                                                                                            However, this sampling approach will have lim-
             Discussion                                                                     ited the extent to which findings can be general-
                                                                                            ized. The generalizability of the findings will also
             Summary of main findings                                                       have been limited by the fact that we only
                Most parents and children attending the hos-                                recruited participants from one clinic. Further-
             pital-based childhood obesity clinic found clinic                              more, our data suggested that the approach used
             staff supportive by providing useful information                               by the lead clinician had a major impact on par-
             about diet, exercise and the long-term effects of                              ticipants and their families. Many parents of
             obesity.                                                                       overweight children do not realize their child is
                Families reported regular clinic contact as                                 overweight (Etelson et al., 2003) and might not
             important, helping maintaining motivation to                                   view their weight as problematic (Jain et al.,
             make lifestyle changes and supporting families                                 2001). The individuals we interviewed had
             who struggled to make changes. Parents and                                     acknowledged that their child had a weight pro-
             adolescents valued receiving dietary and exercise                              blem and had sought help.
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242 Sarah E. Owen et al.

            Comparison with existing literature                                            Implications for future research and
               Many of our study’s findings are consistent with                            clinical practice
            existing literature: families of obese children would                             This study identifies potential areas for service
            like regular contact with services as a source of                              improvement at a time when multidisciplinary
            support and motivation (Murtagh et al., 2006;                                  childhood obesity services are being initiated
            Stewart et al., 2008) and one author recommends                                in the community. In transferring a childhood
            this weekly to monthly (Dietz and Robinson,                                    obesity clinic to primary care, we recommend
            2005); parents can feel conflicting emotions when                              maintaining the same clinic model: a lead clin-
            restricting diets (Stewart et al., 2008); extended                             ician (eg, practice nurse with training in child-
            families can sabotage a parent’s attempts to sup-                              hood obesity or a GP with special interest), a
            port a child losing weight (Dixey et al., 2006;                                dietitian and exercise specialist. Our model of
            Stewart et al., 2008) and guidelines suggest the use                           care suggests that a specialist team would operate
            of behavioural therapy (Dietz and Robinson, 2005;                              within primary care. This is mindful of GPs’ views
            Baumer, 2007) to deal with this. We also identified                            that childhood obesity is out of their remit of care
            the call for structured but not excessively rigid                              due to the complexity of this problem (Epstein
            dietetic advice (Barlow and Ohlemeyer, 2006;                                   and Ogden, 2005; Walker et al., 2007; Turner et al.,
            Dixey et al., 2006; Murtagh et al., 2006). Baumer                              in press).
            (2007) suggests that dietitians need to give prac-                                Dietary advice needs to be practical, pragmatic
            tical, individualized and pragmatic advice, an idea                            and individualized, mindful of a child’s food
            further developed in our study.                                                preferences, the families’ financial resources, time
               Unsuccessful children in this study often                                   and cooking skills. Whilst some families will need
            described taking a lot of exercise. Literature                                 minimal input, others require help planning
            states that reducing sedentary activities rather                               meals, education about cooking methods and help
            than increasing exercise improves weight loss                                  dealing with food refusal. Often the families need
            (Epstein et al., 1995; Steinbeck, 2005; Spear et al.,                          more regular advice, support and supervision
            2007) and this issue needs to be addressed.                                    when they first start to make dietary changes,
               Finally, our study noted that different approa-                             helping to maintain motivation.
            ches tended to be taken by clinicians according to                                The exercise specialist also needs to be moti-
            the age of the patient. Younger children’s parents                             vating and give practical suggestions for reducing
            were viewed as ‘vehicles of change’ and the lead                               sedentary activities and increasing exercise. They
            clinician took an ‘exacting approach’ when talk-                               need to have a working knowledge of local sports
            ing to these parents about the implications of                                 facilities and provide achievable goals and
            childhood obesity. Parents have been described as                              rewards for children.
            ‘vehicles of change’ in the management of their                                   The lead clinician will need to provide regular
            child’s weight, particularly for younger children                              and ongoing support in person. Regular appoint-
            (Edmunds et al., 2001; Steinbeck, 2005; Spear                                  ments, for example, monthly, would motivate
            et al., 2007) and the National Institute for                                   families by reminding them why they need to
            Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines (NICE,                               make changes and providing practical ideas to
            2006) state that parents should be encouraged to                               overcome problems that they encounter.
            take responsibility for lifestyle changes for their                               Due to the complex and sensitive nature of
            children.                                                                      childhood obesity it is likely that the attitude of
               In contrast, when consulting adolescents, the                               clinicians is crucial to the success of services. Our
            lead clinician tended to direct advice at the ado-                             study reflects on the attitude of the lead clinician
            lescents rather than their parents. A sensitive                                and raises the possibility that his approach con-
            manner was used accepting this age as a time of                                tributed to the clinic’s success. We conclude that
            increasing maturity, mindful of pressures that                                 the lead clinician must be supportive whilst not
            this age group face. Spear et al. (2007) review                                over-sympathetic, as s/he might run the risk of
            evidence regarding the ‘target for change’. They                               legitimizing obesity and thus reduce the motiva-
            conclude that for children under 12 years, parents                             tion to change. Equally the clinician needs to be
            need to be targeted, whilst evidence relating to                               at ease in adapting his/her approach according to
            adolescents is less conclusive.                                                the age and personality of the patient.
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