Page created by Warren Francis
TRAVEL magazine | 2019

         Chiang Dao

Clean Travel
Visit a tranquil town of
beauty and adventure
in Northern Thailand!

2   i Magazine   i Magazine   3
                    What to do in Chiang Dao                             Editor’s Note
                    journey into the Jungle

                                                    Welcome to the the tranquil city of Chiang Dao.
                   Bathe in Hot Spring
                                                    Chiang Dao is a small, quiet town, away from
                    16                              the busy city life. It’s an area known by very few
                                                    tourists. The city is still easy to get to, located a
                                                    little over an hour from Chiang Mai city.
                   500 steps Temple
                                                    There are many things to see and do among the

                    18                              mountains of Chiang Dao. It won’t take long for
                                                    you to discover why so many travellers extend
                                                    their stay in this peaceful place.
                    Venture into the Caves
                                                    The following pages will give you some insight

                   20                               into the many attractions in Chiang Dao, and
                                                    answer any questions you may have about what
                                                    there is to do in this oasis.
                    Take of on your Mountain bike
                                                               iChiangDao Partnership

                   22                                 Chiang Dao Hut Resort | Marisa Resort & Spa
                                                        Ashi Guesthouse | A Home | KOKO Home
                                                     Chiang Dao FarmStay | Chiang Dao Home Hostel
                    See the beauty of Pha Daeng

                    Marvel at Doi Kham Fah                           iChiangDao.Com


                    Summit Doi Luang Chiang Dao

4   i Magazine                                                                                              i Magazine   5
What to do in                                                                               “Chiang Dao means
                                                                                                 the ‘City of Stars’.

     Chiang Dao                                                                                  Discover what this
                                                                                                 remarkable place
                                                                                                 has to offer you.”
     Chiang Dao has so much more
     than first meets the eye, namely
     the mountains. Discover a broader
     range of attractions by reading the
     following pages.

The reputation of Doi Luang Chiang Dao           local people. Immersing yourself in nature
mountain brings visitors throughout the          can be an excellent escape from the city
year to this otherwise quiet town. In the        streets. Mountain biking is another great way
right season it can be accessed and provides     to explore the area and visit waterfalls.
vigorous treks to breathtaking views.
                                                 An hour outside Chiang Dao resides Pha
The region’s geology have created hot springs    Deng National Park. Going on your own is a
and caves, two very unique experiences that      perfectly viable option. The park boasts the
can be enjoyed all year-round.                   impressive Sri Sangwan waterfall and year-
                                                 round mountaintop camping options. A
In the foothills of the mountain also lies the   day-trip bird-watching in the park is also a
“500 steps temple”, a local treasure and a       serene experience, which includes transport
perfect place for contemplation.                 from Chiang Dao directly to the Doi Kham Fah
More adventures await beyond the immediate
town! You can trek into the jungle, which can    We hope you will find this magazine useful in
be enjoyed at any time of year. The excursions   planning your trip to Chiang Dao!
are a chance to meet and stay next-door to

 6   i Magazine                                                                                                    i Magazine   7
Chiang Dao is surrounded
by some of the most pristine
jungle in all of Thailand. The

                                    Journey into
local community has teamed
up with another community
living deep in the jungle and

                                    The Jungle!
together they have established
                                                                                        “The jungle basecamp
a trekking program and a
jungle basecamp.                                                                        had a great
                                                                                        athmosphere. With
The basecamp is situated            Jungle    treks   operate                           the open fire and local
overlooking a small tea and
coffee plantation, which has        throughout the year and                             people, it felt like a
been the local industry for         are a good alternative to                           homestay experience.”
generations. A typical day          hiking up the mountain,
starts at the basecamp where
visitors can have their fill of     complete with a tasty
locally sourced fruits, tea,        lunch at the viewpoint!
coffee and honey cooked on an
open wood fire.

From      there    trekking    is
uphill through vegetation as
plantation gives way to forest
and then jungle. Lunchtime
is the literal high point of the
                                     Chiang Dao Jungle
day where guests are treated
to a sustainable meal, which
often comes wrapped in
bamboo leaves. The viewpoint
overlooks the crest of Doi
Luang Chiang Dao mountain.

Some treks feature waterfall
swimming, and along the way
one of the two guides can
often be found harvesting
natural    produce;      berries,
nuts,     mushrooms           and
the like, showing how the
interconnected      relationship
between the local community                                     Tea and coffee plantations have been the local jungle business for
and the jungle they live in. Days                               generations. Arabica coffee and local tea bushes grow succesfully
finish back at the basecamp                                     underneath the jungle canopy, preserving the forestry.
where hot drinks, hammocks
and rest are well-earned and
appreciated by all.

 8   i Magazine                                                                                                        i Magazine    9
Hiking Trail Comparison Nov. 2018 - Feb. 2019                                  Hiking in Chiang Dao: Why you need a guide
                                                                                                   Hiking without a guide in Chiang Dao can be quite dangerous. For this reason, we strongly

            Trail        Doi Luang Chiang Dao         Doi Kham Fah           Chiang Dao jungle     recommend that you hire a tour guide to keep you safe in the jungle. In fact, hiking without
Join Group 2-6 Person     2,500 Baht Per Person   1,800 Baht Per Person    1,500 Baht Per Person
                                                                                                   a guide is against Thai law. Sometimes, tourists go searching for flowers such as orchids and
Location                   Wildlife Sanctuary     PhaDaeng National Park    Community Forest
                                                                                                   herbs. However, the jungle is home to many toxic plants and animals including King Cobras
Meeting Time                    6.00 am.                 8.00 am.                9.00 am.

Drive to Start Point           1.5 Hours                  1 Hour                30 Minutes         and bears! Due to Chiang Dao’s proiximity to the Myanmar border, there are many local

Start Point Altitude           1,500 msl.               1,200 msl.               700 msl.          wildlife hunters. Without a guide, tourists can get hurt or lost. Additionally, communication
Hiking Time Up                 3 - 4 Hours             2.5 - 3 Hours           2.5 - 3 Hours
                                                                                                   with locals is difficult as most do not speak English well. Hiring a local guide will not only
View Point Altitude            2,225 msl.               1,834 msl.              1,500 msl.
                                                                                                   keep you safe but will enrich your experience in the jungle.
Hiking Time Down                3 Hours                2.5 - 3 Hours           1.5 - 2 Hours

Total Distance (Km.)             18 Km.                   14 Km.                  11 Km.

Waterfall                          No                       No                     Yes

Circle (Loop) Trail                No                      Yes                     Yes

Drive Time Back                1.5 Hours                  1 Hour                30 Minutes

Finish                     5.00 pm. - 6.00 pm.      5.00 pm. - 6.00 pm.     4.00 pm. - 5.00 pm.

Camping                           Yes                      Yes                     Yes

Base Camp                          No                       No                     Yes

Booking                   Book 1 day in advance   Book 1 in Day advance        Book 1 Day in

                              (Before 3 pm)           (Before 3 pm)        advance (Before 8 pm)


Save Travels
In order to ensure your local tour company and guide are licensed by the Thai

governement, you can contact ichiangdao partnership to confirm job order and

insurance (TAT License for company and guide).

10   i Magazine                                                                                                                                                                      i Magazine   11
12   i Magazine   i Magazine   13
Bathe in the
                                                                               Find your way to the hot
                                                                               springs by the smell of
                                                                               sulphur and spend your time

                  Hot Springs                                                  alternating between the hot
                                                                               tubs and the gentle stream
                                                                               running alongside. There
                                                                               are tubs of many different
                                                                               temperatures to suit you.
                  Pick a tub, hop in, and relax in the                         It’s recommended to switch
                  hydrothermal mineral hot springs.                            between the hot tubs and
                                                                               the cool stream. If you are
                                                                               brave you can progress up
                                                                               to the hottest tub, usually
                                                                               the empty one steaming the
                                                                               most visibly!

                                                                               Typical times of day to go are
                                                                               mornings and early evenings
                                                                               when the ambient weather is
                                                                               cooler. In the evenings, it is a
                                                                               common sight to see fireflies
                                                                               weaving through the air with
                                                                               a backdrop of the moon and

                                                                               The local community can be
                                                                               seen regularly attending the
                                                                               hot springs as an outing with
                                                                               their families and friends.

                                                                               The hot springs are formed
                                                                               from water that has filtered
                                                                               through     the   mountain’s
                                                         “ Look at the stars   limestone rock, which has
                                                                               been heated volcanically
                                                         from your hot tub     deep      underground,   and
                                                         and see why Chiang    finally, has returned to the
                                                         Dao is named ‘the     surface.

                                                         city of stars’. “     This truly is an attraction not
                                                                               to be missed and is a staple
                                                                               of travellers passing through,
                                                                               particularly as there is no
                                                                               entrance fee.

14   i Magazine                                                                                 i Magazine   15
“The steps wind
                                                                                    through beautiful
                                                                                    forest and and are
                                                                                    enchanted with
                                                                                    butterflies along the
                                                                                    way to the temple.”

                                                                                    The temple itself is dedicated to the
                                                                                    revered meditation master Luang
                                                                                    Poo Sim, who once practiced here.
                                                                                    His image adorns many of the walls.
                                                                                    Above the cave is a beautiful, golden
                                                                                    stupa and the whole complex offers
                                                                                    views across the local hills, with plenty
                                                                                    of places for a peaceful sit down.

                                                                                    Entrance to the temple is free
                                    While there is no shortage of temples in        but visitors are asked to dress
                                    Thailand, Wat Tham Pha Plong is not one         modestly when entering the temple

     500 steps
                                    to be missed. Located in the beautiful          grounds. Make sure to cover your
                                    mountain ranges by Chiang Dao Wildlife          shoulders and knees. Visitors are
                                    Sanctuary, the temple is a magical retreat      also asked to keep the peace by

                                    into nature and a truly spiritual place.        minimizing noise, and by conducting
                                                                                    themselves quietly and respectfully.
                                    The small cave temple is perched
                                    impressivley on a hillside and can be           We recommend visiting in the
                                    reached by an ascent of 510 steps. Though       morning to avoid the afternoon heat.
     Discover the “500 step         this may sound daunting, it is a mix of         Hours: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                    climbs and decents, with plenty of places
     temple”, a spiritual retreat   to stop off for a rest and watch the resident
     nestled on a mountain, in a    monks pass by. At the top, free drinking
     cave, by a stream and in the   water and umbrellas are provided.
     jungle!                        Along the way are signposts with Buddhist
                                    wisdom from the Dharma, which can be            Rental Gear for Bird Watching , Camping
                                    contemplated as you make your way up.           ,Package Bird Watching ,Package Bird

16    i Magazine                                                                                                                i Magazine   17
Venture into the
                                                                “Inside you will find
                                                                fascinating formations
                                                                of illuminated

                                                                       must hire one of the friendly,
                                                                       local guides who will take
                                                                       you through with a gas lamp.
                                                                       The tour takes roughly thirty
                                                                       minutes. Use caution as the
                                                                       floor can be slippery and you
                                                                       will need to watch your head
                                                                       on low-hanging rocks. There
                                                                       are also places where you
                                                                       will have to get down low and
                                                                       crawl. It is recommended to
                                                                       wear shoes with a good grip.

                                                                       Look out for the small bats
                                                                       that live in the cave, and
                                                                       which can be seen sleeping
                                                                       soundly or flying overhead.
                                                                       The caves are also steeped
                                                                       in history and legend, and
                                                                       there are effigies not only of
The Chiang Dao Caves are        Caves are known as Tham                Buddha but also of some of
one of the town’s main          Seua Dao (540m), Tham Phra             the hermits who are said to
tourist attractions and for     Nawn (360m), Tham Maa                  have lived here. The cave also
good    reason.    Extending    (7365m), Tham Naam (660m),             functions as a temple and so
for up to 12 kilometres         and Tham Kaew (477m).                  appropriate dress is essential.
and consisting of over 100                                             Shawls can be rented on site
caves under the mountains       The first two caves, Tham              for a small fee.
surrounding Chiang Dao, this    Seua Dao and Tham Phra
complex system of limestone     Nawn, are easily accessed by
chambers is worth taking        the stairs from the entrance
the time to see. There are      and are well lit. You do not
currently 5 unique caves that   need a guide for these two.
are open to the public. These   For the rest of the caves you

18   i Magazine                                                                         i Magazine   19
Take off on your                    The landscape of Chiang Dao is vast and
                                         beautiful, and one great way to experience it

     Mountain Bike
                                         is to get on your own wheels, breathe in the
                                         open air, and cruise through the outdoors.

                                         A mountain biking day-trip tour with an
     Ride through the outdoors, feel     experienced Chiang Dao local guide is available
     the wind in your face and see the   to you. The tour begins mid-morning at 9am
                                         and goes until 3pm. During the tour, you will
     spectacular scenery unfold around   cycle with the guide over both paved and dirt
     you.                                roads, all surrounded by outstanding scenery.
                                         The guide will take you through a unique
                                         bicycle trail that includes many breathtaking
                                         landscapes, sights and activities along the
                                         way. The tour will break for lunch at a local
                                         restaurant where you will enjoy a delicious
                                         traditional Thai meal. In the afternoon, your
                                         adventure will take you to a secluded waterfall.
                                         This scenic tour will give you the opportunity
                                         to tour Chiang Dao like a local and to truly
                                         immerse yourself in the Thai culture of Chiang

                                         This activity is perfect for families and is
                                         a medium intensity sport. Mountain bikes
                                         and safety helmets will be provided. Groups
                                         consist of 2-6 people.                             “A thrilling way
                                                                                            to spend time
                                         Mountain bikes are also available for rental to
                                         explore on our own. Both rentals and mountain      outdoors and
                                         biking tours can be booked online. You can         see the beautiful
                                         search “service and rentals” on ichiangdao.        landscape.”
                                         com for more information.

                                                       Rent Mountain Bike
                                                       Package Clying Tour

20   i Magazine                                                                                          i Magazine   21
“You must visit the Pong
                                                                                                 Argn Hot Springs and Sri
                                                                                                 Sang Wan Waterfall”

           See the beauty of                                                                  This is a great spot for birdwatchers! You may

           Pha Daeng
                                                                                              also discover many of the park’s huge varieties of
                                                                                              insects, amphibians and reptiles. The park is also
                                                                                              home to several larger exotic animals.

          This is one of Thailand’s larger national parks. It covers
          an area of 1,155 square kilometers in Chiang Dao,
          Wiang Haeng and Chai Prakan districts of Chiang
          Mai. The park is open all year round!

      Pha Daeng National Park provides a full     surrounding jungle, you can walk 30
      day excursion that can be reached by        minutes along a nature trail located near
      bicycle, motorbike or by car. The park      Sri Sang Wan Waterfall. There is also a
      is located about 32km from Chiang Dao       flower garden along the trail, as well as
      city.                                       an insect museum in the information
      Within the park there are the picturesque   center.
      and relaxing Pong Argn Hot Springs. Sri
      Sang Wan Waterfall is also located in Pha   Pha Daeng National Park has two
      Daeng National Park. Both attractions       camping zones, one located at Sri Sang
      falling within 1km of each other. We        Wan Waterfall and the second at Pong
      suggest taking time to go to both of        Argn Hot Springs.
      these stunning natural features.            Entrance to the park is 100 Bhat.
      If you would like a scenic view of the

22   i Magazine                                                                                                                     i Magazine     23
Marvel at
                     Doi Kham Fah
                     Get back to nature and explore the
                     mountains of Pha Daeng National

                                                                                                                                The pine forest of Doi Kham
                                                                                                                                Fah is teeming with life and also
                                                                                                                                offers views of its big brother
                                                                                                                                Doi Luang Chiang Dao. Enjoy
                  Doi Kham Fah is a beautiful mountain, comprised of                                                            lunch while looking out towards
                  jungle, tropical vegetation and pine trees found in Pha                                                       the mountain.
                  Daeng National Park.

                  Doi Kham Fah is surrounded by numerous mountains.
                  There are plenty of activities to do on the mountain
                  such as camping, trekking and bird watching. The            “From January to
                  camping point is located at 1,726m, where you will
                  get an incredible panoramic view of the surrounding         February the cherry
                  mountains, and from there, you can hike to the 1,834m       trees bloom. Year-
                  summit.                                                     round the sea fog and
                  The mountain is located 22km from Chiang Dao city,          waterfall are a sight
                  which is approximately a one-hour to drive to the           to behold.”
                  mountain’s checkpoint office. If you’re interested in
                  camping on Doi Kham Fah, you can enter the park by
                  paying a small entrance fee. From there, you can drive
                  up the mountain to the camping zone and set up a tent
                  overlooking the mountainous view. Guided trekking
                  tours through a unique jungle trail are also available
                  (note: you must be accompanied by a guide in order
                  to trek up the mountain). The guided tour will pass
                  through farming plots, plantations, and jungle, seeing
                  striking landscapes of surrounding mountains along
                  the way. Motorbike, tent and sleeping bag rentals, as
                  well as tours can be booked by visiting iChiangDao.       Camping Gear Rental , Package Trekking DoiKhamFah

24   i Magazine                                                                                                                                    i Magazine   25
             Doi Luang Chiang Dao
      Doi Luang Chiang Dao directly trans-       trees give way to flora and fauna, is at
      lates to English as ‘Mountain-Big City-    a peculiarly low altitude on this moun-
      Star’, and it certainly is big. As Thai-   tain, making it an excellent place to see
      land’s third highest mountain (2,225m)     a high altitude ecosystem up close.
      Doi Luang Chiang Dao is only smaller
      than Doi Pha Hom Pok (2,285m) and          Wind coming east from the Himalayas
      Doi Inthanon (2,565m). While the pre-      has carried the butterflies and flower
      vious two are made of granite, Doi Lu-     seeds of that region. Doi Luang Chiang
      ang Chiang Dao is made of limestone.       Dao has sixty unique flowers to Thai-                            Chiang Dao Wildlife
      This means that water filters directly     land including the fabled parrot flower,
      through the rock and has produced a        which was the subject of an interna-                             Sanctuary
      unique series of caves and hot springs     tional treasure hunt.Doi Luang Chiang
      beneath the mountain.                      Dao has proved to be the perfect sanc-      “Doi Luang Chiang
                                                 tuary. The mountain is also a celebrat-     Dao is Thailand’s    Doi Luang Chiang Dao is located
      The sub-alpine region of Doi Luang Chi-    ed birdwatching site.                                            within Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary.
                                                                                             tallest limestone    The wildlife sanctuary is only open
      ang Dao, the part of a mountain where
                                                                                             mountain, soaring    to tourists, Thai or foreign, at certain
                                                                                             2,225 metres above   times of year. This is to protect both
                                                                                                                  the animals within and human visitors.
                                                                                             sea level.”          The current open season is November
                                                                                                                  2018 to February 2019 and trekking is
                                                                                                                  permitted during this period as long
                                                                                                                  as tourists are accompanied by a local

                                                                                                                  Guides will help you comply with
                                                                                                                  the    wildlife    sanctuary    policies.
                                                                                                                  Wednesdays are ‘rest days’ for the
                                                                                                                  mountain paths and are not available
                                                                                                                  for trekking. There are two paths up the
                                                                                                                  mountain that are alternated yearly to
                                                                                                                  promote the grow- back of flora and
                                                                                                                  fauna. This season, the open path is
                                                                                                                  the Khun Huy Mae Kok trail (Den Ya
                                                                                                                  Kad trail). Additionally, camping on the
                                                                                                                  peak is strictly controlled by the park
                                                                                                                  rangers to a maximum of 150 people
                                                                                                                  per night. Ask your guide should you
                                                                                                                  wish to arrange a visit.

26   i Magazine                                                                                                                              i Magazine   27
i Magazine
303 M.5 Chiang Dao
Chiang Mai , Thailand
+66 861 989 728
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