Chevron says Black Lives Matter but funds politicians voting against civil rights - 23 July 2020

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Chevron says Black Lives Matter but funds politicians voting against civil rights - 23 July 2020
Chevron says Black
Lives Matter but
funds politicians
voting against civil

23 July 2020
Global Witness finds that Chevron gives over four times more campaign
funding to US politicians who fail to uphold civil rights legislation.

As the United States faces a watershed moment
in the country’s movement for racial justice,
Chevron is aiming to portray itself as an ally to
Black communities with public statements of
solidarity in the struggle against systemic
racism. However, Global Witness found that
behind the scenes, the company funnels
hundreds of thousands of dollars through its
political action committee to politicians whose
                                                                  © David Paul Morris/Bloomberg via Getty Images
civil rights voting records earned “F” grades
from the NAACP1. According to a Global Witness                    statements in the days that followed. Chevron
analysis, Chevron gave over 4 times more in                       was the only major US oil company to do so.
political funding to candidates with “failing”
                                                                  It wasn’t the first statement on racial justice to
civil rights grades than to politicians with
                                                                  come from Chevron. The oil major, which calls
“passing” grades, as scored by the civil rights
                                                                  itself a “human energy company,” has
organization’s 2019 Legislative Civil Rights
                                                                  previously spoken out on racial justice issues.
Report Card for the 116th Congress.
                                                                  The company has boasted commitments to
In the aftermath of the brutal and highly visible                 diversity and inclusion, highlighted partnerships
police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis,                    with historically Black colleges and universities,
Minnesota late May 2020, millions of people                       and cited efforts internally to improve diversity
flooded the streets in major cities and small                     in their workforce, including among
towns alike to vocally oppose longstanding                        leadership. Following Floyd’s death, the
police violence and racism. Corporations took to                  company tweeted their solidarity and shared
social media to publicly show their support for                   statements from top executives.
the Black Lives Matter movement. Yet, while
                                                                  But behind the public persona, Chevron is
companies like Netflix, Citigroup, and Amazon
                                                                  propping up politicians who consistently work
voiced their support, the fossil fuel industry was
                                                                  to oppose and dismantle policies that would
largely silent, with just a few releasing
                                                                  further racial justice and equality. According to

 As one of the nation’s leading civil rights organizations,       Member of Congress votes on bread and butter civil rights
the NAACP produces an annual Civil Rights Legislative             issues.
Report Card, debuted in 1914, to demonstrate how every

GLOBAL WITNESS                                                2                         CHEVRON, STOP FUNDING RACISM JULY 2020
public campaign finance records 2 for the current               His poor civil rights voting record is largely due
election cycle spanning 2019 and 2020, Chevron                  to judicial confirmations that risk dismantling
has given at least $529,500 through its political               civil rights law, such as the appointment to an
action committee to US Congressmembers with                     appeals court of Steven Menashi, the author of a
failing civil rights grades, as scored by the                   controversial 2010 academic article appearing
NAACP. This compares to $124,000 given to                       to promote ethnonationalism.
politicians with passing grades.
                                                                Or look to Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), the former
Nearly half of Congress received a failing grade                Republican Senate Majority Whip who maintains
from the NAACP, largely falling on partisan lines.              a tremendous amount of influence in the party.
However, 80% of the members of Congress                         Chevron gave the maximum possible donation
whom Chevron has contributed to have failing                    to Cornyn as limited by FEC guidelines4. In the
civil rights marks. Many elected officials with                 aftermath of Floyd’s killing, the senator said it
poor civil rights records are also key advocates                was a reminder that “we have a long way to go
for the oil and gas industry, and Chevron is                    in the fight for equal justice under the law,” and
notorious for its massive political spending to                 recently joined a handful of his Republican
push pro-industry interests3. But it appears the                colleagues in a working group on legislation to
company’s political spending also props up                      overhaul policing. But he then went on to reject
politicians who use their positions of power to                 the notion that systemic racism within policing
further entrench racial injustice.                              and beyond exists in the United States, seeming
                                                                unable to accept the notion of implicit racial
For example, Chevron has contributed to Sen.
Tom Cotton (R-AR), who recently penned a
disturbing New York Times op-ed calling to                      The Texas senator, who earned a disgraceful 7%
“Send In the Troops” in response to ongoing                     civil rights score, is also cozy with fossil fuel
protests against police brutality and racism. His               interests. He is the top recipient of oil and gas
argument to deploy the military on protestors                   money across the board, and recently
caused many to point out how Cotton’s call to                   introduced a bill to gift oil and gas companies a
arms would put Black residents at risk.                         government handout amid the coronavirus
In response, Cotton defended his article and
referred to the backlash as the newsroom’s                      Then there’s Sens. Martha McSally (R-AZ), Joni
“woke progressive mob.” The senator, who                        Ernst (R-IA), Steve Daines (R-MT), Cory Gardner
called for justice for George Floyd in a sparse                 (R-CO), and Thom Tillis (R-NC) – all of whom
resolution also opposing calls to defund police,                received maximum contributions from Chevron
received a dismal NAACP civil rights score of 7%.               and failing grades from the NAACP. They all

 The political spending data spans 1 January 2019 through       3
                                                                 Public Citizen found Chevron is among the top 20
14 June 2020 looks only at PAC contributions, and was           corporate political donors of the last decade.
pulled from OpenSecrets, which sources its data from the
                                                                 FEC guidelines include maximum limitations on federal

GLOBAL WITNESS                                              3                        CHEVRON, STOP FUNDING RACISM JULY 2020
make up part of a joint fundraising committee              tied to Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The SLF
that includes a former conservative talk radio             has pledged nearly $11M in advertising through
host with a well-documented history of racist              state-based affiliates to support McConnell, who
and misogynistic comments.                                 as Senate Majority Leader has arguably been the
                                                           largest single roadblock to progress on racial
McSally, who joined Senator Cotton in
                                                           justice through the legislative process in recent
introducing the modest resolution calling for
justice for Floyd, has also advanced hateful
rhetoric. In 2018, she proposed, apparently in             Consider “The Voting Rights Advancement” Act
jest, a border wall between California and                 of 2019, an effort to restore and build upon the
Arizona designed “to keep these dangerous                  landmark civil rights legislation of 1965 that
criminals out of [the] state,” in a reference to           tackled racial discrimination in voter
California’s sanctuary city policies to not                suppression. The 2019 bill passed in the House
cooperate with federal immigration                         of Representatives, but has been blocked by
enforcement. At the same time, she has been                McConnell for the better part of the year. Just
criticized for putting Big Oil ahead of the public         this week, Democrats renewed calls to allow a
health of her constituents and hosts an                    vote in honor of the recent passing of civil rights
overwhelmingly anti-environment voting                     icon and champion of the Voting Rights Act, Rep.
record.                                                    John Lewis (D-GA). Yet McConnell has so far
                                                           indicated no intention of doing so.
When asked by Global Witness about its funding
of politicians with failing civil rights records,          For all its lip service to racial justice and
Chevron reiterated its support for diversity and           equality, Chevron’s backing doesn’t end with
inclusion in the workplace and said: “We                   politicians who push hateful rhetoric and
support candidates based on a wide number of               dismantle civil rights policies. In an analysis on
factors including their views towards the need             corporate ties to police foundations, LittleSis
for affordable, reliable and ever cleaner energy.          found that Chevron holds a spot on the Houston
We engage with and support many elected                    Police Foundation board and previously
officials who take positions on a wide range of            partnered with the foundation to host a law
issues. We are not always aligned with all of              enforcement conference in Houston. Police
their views but it is important for us to be part of       foundations, which partner with corporations to
the dialogue and share our perspectives,                   raise money that supplements police budgets,
including those on diversity and inclusion, with           enable spending on technology and weaponry
candidates.”                                               with little public oversight. Chevron’s ties to this
                                                           police foundation show a willingness to ignore
A PATTERN OF HYPOCRISY                                     the calls of the Black Lives Matter movement to
                                                           dismantle the systemic racism of policing even
But Chevron’s spending doesn’t just go to
                                                           as they claim to support it.
politicians with poor racial justice records, they
also give substantial amounts to outside groups.           The oil major also operates in insidious ways
For instance, Chevron contributed $1.625M to               that directly oppose their proclamations of
the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF), a super-PAC

GLOBAL WITNESS                                         4                      CHEVRON, STOP FUNDING RACISM JULY 2020
solidarity with marginalized populations. Just           Chevron actively harms the movement for racial
last month, E&E News revealed Chevron was                justice they claim to support – in their
likely behind a public relations scheme to               operations, their public relations and their
convince journalists to push the message that            political funding. Their donations finance
environmentalists advance “radical” climate              politicians who perpetuate systemic racism in
policies, such as the Green New Deal, that would         the United States by barring legislation that
hurt minority communities. The apparent slip-            would advance racial justice, confirming judges
up listed Chevron’s name at the bottom of the            opposed to civil rights laws, and pushing
press release, though Chevron has denied                 policies that disproportionately harm
involvement in the campaign. The revelation,             communities of color. Chevron publicly claims
however, shows efforts to peddle a false                 to be an ally to Black communities and the Black
narrative around environmental policies by               Lives Matter movement, yet in reality they are
stoking racial divides.                                  part of the system that upholds structural
                                                         racism in the US.
Time and again Chevron’s actions go against
their proclamations. As many have ardently
pointed out, including Drilled’s Amy Westervelt,
Chevron’s #BlackLivesMatter statements ignore               Members of the 116th Congress First Session
the charges of environmental racism                         are graded by the NAACP as failing with “F”
perpetuated against communities of color                    scored as 59%-0% and “D” scored as 69%-
where the company has polluted for                          60%. Passing grades “A”, “B”, or “C” are
generations.                                                scored above 70%.

In Richmond, California, where Chevron has                  One candidate, former Rep. Sean Duffy, was
presided since 1902, more than 80% of residents             recorded receiving money from Chevron in
are people of color. Organizers from these                  this cycle, but was not graded in the
communities have long fought for their health               NAACP’s 116th Congressional score card due
and safety, battling in the courts to try and hold          to early retirement. Duffy has been excluded
Chevron to account for pollution violations and             from our analysis.
failed safety measures. Health conditions
disproportionately impact Richmond residents,               Two other candidates (first time
where children have roughly twice the rate of               Congressional candidate Yvette Herrell and
asthma as in neighboring areas and every                    former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher) were
community bordering Chevron’s facility is in the            recorded as receiving, and then returning,
99th centile for the respiratory illness. This is           contributions from Chevron in this cycle,
particularly alarming given the ongoing                     and so have also been excluded from our
coronavirus pandemic that is thought to be                  analysis.
exacerbated by air pollution and pre-existing
                                                            The framework of applying NAACP civil
respiratory conditions, and which impacts Black
                                                            rights grades to corporate political spending
and Brown lives disproportionately.
                                                            was inspired by Popular Information.

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