Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics

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Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology
   for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics

                              Lewis D. Pennington, Ph.D.
                              Senior Director, Head of Platform Chemistry

                       INVENTING NEW MEDICINES

                                                    April 26th, 2022
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Forward-looking Statements
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                   ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                                                                              PAGE 2
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Outline of Presentation

• Kymera’s pipeline and platform                               Founded
• Identifying a small molecule                                   2016
  ligand for a novel E3 ligase
• Developing a heterobifunctional
  degrader for a POC POI*                                    Recognition
• Evaluating pharmacology for
  cellular POC efforts
• Summary and Outlook

* POC, proof-of-concept; POI, protein-of-interest

              ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                 PAGE 3
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Kymera’s Pipeline of Novel Protein Degraders
  Pathway          Program                   Indication(s)                 Discovery              IND Enabling                   Phase 1    Phases 2/3        Next Milestone Rights*
                                              Multiple Immuno-                                                                                                  Patients POB
                                           inflammatory Diseases:                                                                                                  mid-22
                                                 HS, AD, RA              Multiple molecules staged as
                                                   others                potential back ups if needed
 IL-1R/TLR          IRAKIMiD
                (IRAK4, Ikaros, Aiolos)
                                             MYD88MT Tumors                                  KT-413                                                               POM: 2022

                       STAT3               Liquid & Solid Tumors                             KT-333                                                               POM: 2022
                                               Autoimmune &
                                              Fibrotic Diseases

    p53               MDM2                 Liquid & Solid Tumors                    KT-253                                                              NEW       IND: 2H22

Collaboration      Confidential                 Confidential

 Discovery                                                                                   Multiple programs in immune-inflammatory and
                           Several Discovery Programs                                                                                                           ≥ 1 DC: 2H22
  Pipeline                                                                                   oncology indications to deliver ≥ 1 IND/year

                                                                                            6 targets in 5 disease areas outside of
Collaboration                 6 Undisclosed Programs
                                                                                            immunology-inflammation and oncology
                                                                                                                                           = Oncology   = Immunology-Inflammation
                *Option to participate equally in the development and commercialization of Sanofi-partnered programs in the US

                    ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                                                                 PAGE 4
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
We Want to Drug All Target Classes

                                             Expanding the Druggable Proteome with TPD

      Inadequately Drugged                                                                             Clinically Validated Targets
                                                        Undrugged Targets
ID    Targets with Clear                      UD      No other technology can drug
                                                                                               TR      Enabled by E3 Ligase Tissue
      Degrader Advantage                                                                               Restricted Expression
     Small molecule binders exist but
       unable to drug target fully                                                                  On-target unwanted pharmacology
           e.g., IRAK4, MDM2…
                                                   Ligandable          Un-ligandable                     limits clinical application
                                                    Proteins             Proteins
                                                   e.g., STAT3…    e.g., other transcription

                                                                                                    Tissue sparing or selective E3 ligases
                                                                                                    eliminate unwanted toxicity and
                                                                                                    allow full clinical potential
          Heterobifunctional                    Heterobifunctional       Molecular
             Degraders                             Degraders              Glues
           ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                              PAGE 5
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Platform for Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology

E3 Ligase Whole-body Atlas
   • RNA & protein expression profiles of ~ 600 E3s
   • Disease & healthy tissues & cells (tissue distribution,
     absolute abundance, & subcellular localization)
   • Novel E3 & POI pairing based on expression & biology

Proprietary Chemistry
   • High-quality ligands for novel E3s
   • Innovative degraders for new therapeutic opportunities
   • Advanced molecular design principles for improved drug
     properties (e.g., DC50, Dmax, SH2O, Papp, & Foral)*

             * DC50, concentration at half-maximum degradation; Dmax, maximum degradation;
                        SH2O, aqueous solubility; Papp, cell permeability; Foral, oral bioavailability

         ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                 PAGE 6
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Comprehensive Hit Finding Toolbox

      Virtual                                        Fragment-
                                  DEL                                             Covalent                    HTS                  ASMS
      Screen                                        Based Screen
Criteria                 Criteria                 Criteria                    Criteria                Criteria             Criteria
• Availability of        • High quality protein   • Availability of high      • Proteins have         • Available high-    • Availability of high-
  structure or           • Ideal QC profile         quality                      reactive cysteines     throughput assay     quality protein
  homology model           (single-species by       (crystallization-grade)                             format
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Guiding Principles

 Value-added Portfolio
          • Strategic pairing of novel E3s & POIs for targeted diseases
          • Judicious balancing of biology & chemistry risks

 Qualified Biology
          • Holistic assessment of novel E3s (“LED” qualification)
          • LED: ligandability, expression profile, & degradative

 Enabled Chemistry
          • Strategic tailoring of hit-finding: binding sites & ligand
          • X-ray crystal structures: ligandability, hit finding, & SBDD*

* SBDD, structure-based drug design

                      ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                        PAGE 8
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Kymera‒GSK Partnership

                                                     E3 Ligase           DEL Selection
                                                     Expertise            Expertise*

>80                                                                                                                              1
   E3s                                    E3
                                                         DEL Selection
                                                                           Ligand        Degrader    Degrader Cell         Discussed
              E3 Selection           Qualification                       Optimization   Generation       POC
Evaluated                                                                                                                   Today

                                                                                                                     * DEL, DNA-encoded library

            ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                        PAGE 9
Chemically Harnessing Novel E3 Ligase Biology for Next-generation TPD Therapeutics
Novel E3 Ligase X (E3LX): Value Proposition

     Current E3 Ligases are Limited                                                          E3LX Expression Profile by RNA-Seq#
               • All are ubiquitous: cereblon, VHL, MDM2,                                                   Healthy Tissues
                 IAP, etc.                                                             VHL
               • Each has chemistry, biology, or safety                               E3LX

     Improved Ubiquitous E3s Needed                                                                         Primary Tumors
               • Novel E3-based degraders that allow                                  CRBN

                 improved oral bioavailability, increased neo-                        E3LX

                 substrate scope, and fewer safety challenges

     Tissue-selective E3s Most Valued*
               • Including tissue-restricted or tissue-sparing                                        Low                          High

               • Potential for improved efficacy and safety
                                                                                                              E3LX: low expression in most healthy tissues
                                                                                                            E3LX: high expression in select primary tumors
* Békés, M.; Langley, D. R.; Crews, C. M. Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 2022, 21, 181-200.                                      #   RNA-Seq, RNA sequencing; GTEx, TCGA data

                        ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                                 PAGE 10
E3LX Expression Profile Substantiated by Proteomics
             E3 Ligase Whole-body Atlas                                    E3LX Protein Expression Profile
                                     Tissues                                            HEALTHY Tissues**
                                                Ubiquitous    E3LX
E3 Ligases


                                                                                         CANCER Cell Lines***
                                                                                    E3LX                                          CRBN

                                                               ** Wang et al., Mol Syst Biol 2019, reprocessed and supplemented with internally acquired data.
                                                               *** Nusinov et al., Cell 2020, reprocessed

              ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                                            PAGE 11
E3LX: Qualified Biology

                                                                                                       E3LX Degradative Activity
    Expression Profile                                                                                      by AdPROM#
             • RNA & protein show favorable healthy & disease profile                                       A549 Cells Stably Expressing
                                                                                                             GFP‒STK33 Fusion Protein
               for tissue-selective degradation; cytosolic & nuclear
               localization of protein                                                                        E3LX Construct 1   E3LX Construct 2
                                                                                                                +    -   -         +      -    -    antiGFP‒E3LX fusion protein
                                                                                                                -    +   -         -      +    -    E3LX‒antiGFP fusion protein
    Degradative Activity                                                                               55
                                                                                                                -    -   +         -      -    +    E3LX construct

             • Endogenous: no known substrate → no known degron                                        36

             • Induced: STK33 is neo-substrate using AdPROM system                                                                                   IB: STK33

    Ligandability                                                                                      72

             • RING E3 ligase (family includes MDM2, cIAP1, etc.)*                                     36
                                                                                                                                                     IB: FLAG
             • No reported X-ray crystal structures or SM ligands
                                                                                                                                                     IB: GAPDH

* Jevtić, P.; Haakonsen, D. L.; Rapé, M. Cell Chem. Biol. 2021, 28, 1000-1013.                                                      #   AdPROM, affinity-directed PROtein Missile

                         ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                                               PAGE 12
E3LX: Enabled Chemistry

Hit Finding Strategy                                       E3LX‒Ligand X Complex Structure
                                                            by X-ray Crystallography (3.3 Å)
   • Binding sites unknown at time of DEL selection
   • DEL selection done at GSK (~ 100 unique DELs)
   • Diverse, 2‒4 cycle library; billions of compounds     Carboxylate group
                                                           Methylamino group

X-ray Crystal Structure
   • Ligandability validated (Ligand X Kd = 0.20 mM)              Monomer 1              Monomer 2
   • Enables structure-based virtual screening                 Ligand X binds at the interface of dimeric
   • Allows SBDD for binding affinity & exit vectors           C-terminal domain of E3LX

         ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                    PAGE 13
Ligand X: Key Properties

Improved Properties Needed

  Molecular, Physicochemical, & Pharmacological Properties   E3LX, Ligand X   CRBN, Pomalidomide   VHL, VH032

Binding affinity, Kd (mM)                                        0.20                1.2             0.60
Molecular weight, MW (Da)                                        623                273               473
Topological polar surface area, TPSA (Å2)                        128                110               111
Lipophilicity, cLogP                                              3.8              ‒0.20             0.70
Kinetic aqueous solubility, PBS at pH 7.4 (mM)                    15                258               284
Passive permeability, WT-MDCK Papp A→B (x 10‒6 cm/s)             0.30                30              0.60

          ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                       PAGE 14
Ligand X: Exploratory Binding SAR

Carboxylic Acid is Important

                        Binding Affinity            Ligand X         Analogue 1        Analogue 2

E3LX SPR Kd (mM)                                     0.20               9.5                46

DNA Exit Vector is Favorable

                        Binding Affinity                Analogue 3                Analogue 4

E3LX SPR Kd (mM)                                            0.16                    0.14

         ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                            PAGE 15
Degrader X: Exploratory Binding SAR

Degraders Have Lower Affinity

                        Binding Affinity            Degrader X (R = H) and Analogue 1 (R = Me)

E3LX SPR Kd (mM)                                       Degrader X = 1.6; Analogue 1 = 6.3

Methylene Linker Similar to Amine

                        Binding Affinity                           Analogue 2

E3LX SPR Kd (mM)                                                      0.89

         ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                         PAGE 16
Degrader X: Exploratory Cell-free Assays Toward Rapidly Assessing
                 Inducible Degradative Activity

            Ternary Complex Formation       Cell-free Ubiquitination
                   by AlphaLISA             by Western Blot (WB)*
                                                         MZ-1   Degrader X

                                                 (mM)      1      20 10   1


                                         BRD2 (88 kDa)


                                        BRD4 (152 kDa)

                                                                          * Cell lysate derived from OCI-LY10 cells

     ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                    PAGE 17
Degrader X Analogue: Exploratory Cell-based Assays Toward Rapidly
             Assessing Inducible Degradative Activity

         Cell-based Degradation                                  Cell-based Degradation                                  Cell-based Degradation
                 by WB                                                  by HiBiT                                                 Rescue
                                                                 Degrader X Analogue Concentrations                         Degrader X Analogue at 10 mM
              E3LX Wild-type   E3LX Knock-out
 Degrader X                                                             10uM     3.33uM   1.11uM    0uM                         1      2   3
       (nM)                                                      120%                                      BRD2                                     1. DMSO
                                                                                                                                                    2. 5.0 mM MG-132
   BRD2                                                          100%                                                                               3. 100 mM JQ1

                                                                 60%                                                     120%

    E3LX                                                         40%                                                     80%
                                                                 20%                                                     40%
                                                                  0%                                                      0%
                                                                        E3LX Wild-type    E3LX Knock-out                            DMSO   MG-132        JQ1

HEK293 cells used throughout

                 ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                                                                                                PAGE 18
Summary and Outlook

• E3LX: favorable tissue-selective expression profile was identified by the E3 ligase
  whole-body atlas at Kymera

• The first SM ligand for E3LX, Ligand X, was identified by DEL selection at GSK

• The first E3LX‒Ligand X complex structure by X-ray solved at Kymera

• The first E3LX-based exploratory tool degraders exhibit UPS-mediated degradation

• Improvement of physicochemical and pharmacological properties of new E3LX ligands
  and E3LX-based degraders needed to further harness this novel E3 ligase

          ©2022 KYMERA THERAPEUTICS, INC.                                               PAGE 19

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