Characterization of the Reaction Products from Krill (Euphausia Superb) Oil Ethanolysis by Immobilized Lipase in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

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Characterization of the Reaction Products
                from Krill (Euphausia Superb) Oil
Ethanolysis by Immobilized Lipase in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
          Hye-Youn Lee, A.K.M. Asaduzzaman, Seon-Bong Kim, Yang-Bong Lee and Byung-Soo Chun*

                      Department Food Science & Technology, Pukyong National University,
                        599-1 Daeyeon-3dong, Nam-Gu, Busan 608 737, Republic of Korea
            Corresponding author : Phone: (+82) 51 629 5830; Fax: (+82) 51 629 5824

Krill oil including polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2)
and an organic solvent, hexane. The oil was extracted by SC-CO2 at temperature of 50°C and pressure of 20 MPa,
the flow rate of CO2 (22 g/min) was constant entire the extraction period of 2 h. Ethanolysis of krill oil was
performed with 1,3-regiospecific lipase to produce diglycerides and monoglycerides containing PUFAs, and fatty
acid ethyl esters. Immobilized lipases like liposyme TL-IM (Thermomuces lanuginose immobilized on silica gel)
were used for enzymatic ethanolysis. Ethanolysis was carried out in different processes (non-pressurized and
pressurized system) to compare the reaction products obtained by krill oil ethanolysis. The reaction products were
analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). Results

Antarctic krill (Euphausia superb), with an estimated biomass of approximately 500 million tones and with its
ecological role as the most important trophic link between primary production and vertebrate predators, is
incontestably the keystone species in the Antarctic marine ecosystem. The Antarctic krill is a rich source of
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), mainly the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C 20:5
n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C 22:5), which have been attracted much attention for health benefits[1]. In
addition, v-3 fatty acids are essential for normal growth and development of the brain and the nervous system and
may also play an important role in the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease, hyperten-sion, arthritis,
others inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, and cancer [2-4]. Since PUFAs are easily oxidized, they should be
preserved in the forms of triglycerides or esters [5,6]. Accordingly, krill oil needs to be treated with
transesterification. Alcoholysis can convert free fatty acid (FFA) into ester.
Transesterification or alcoholysis is the displacement of alcohol from an ester by another [7]. It can enhance the
value and the applicability of oils. Low-value oils and fats can be converted to bio- diesel, trans-free fats, medium
chain-length triglycerides and v-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) rich krill oils by several methods including:
methanolysis, interesterification and acidolysis [8,9]. Transesterification is a reversible reaction and accelerated in
the presence of a catalyst. In conventional chemical processing, the synthesis of esters by transesterification is
achieved from either acid or alkaline esterification. These catalytic reactions have low selectivity and undesirable
side reactions. Moreover, the process is not ecologically friendly [10–12]. As an alternative, lipases have been used
as biocatalysts for alcoholysis [13–15]. Enzymatic catalysis by lipase allows modifying the properties of lipids by
altering the locations of fatty acids in glycerides or replacing one or more of the fatty acids with new one. These
exchange reactions usually work with high regio- and/or enantio-selectivity, making lipase an important group of
catalysts [16].
In recent years, supercritical fluid extraction technology (SFE) which is used as an alternative for lipid extraction to
organic solvent extraction; has received much attention, because it allows a reduction in extraction time, requires
little sample manipulation, and involves a much lower solvent consumption, leading to extracts of increased purity
[17,18]. Supercritical fluids have a relatively high liquid-like density as well as a relatively low viscosity and high
diffusivity [19]. These properties provide a unique solvent that is both effective at dissolving materials as well as
penetrating solid matrices. These characteristics can provide appropriate circumstance for transesterification in terms
of the coefficient of mass transfer. Lipase is well suited for applications in supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2)
because their catalytic feature involves a lipid–water interface.
The objectives of this study are to investigate the effect of pressure and the properties of the supercritical carbon
dioxide on the enzymatic reactions in the krill oil.

The Krill (Euphausia superb) were collected from Dongwon F & B Co., S. Korea. The krill blocks were stored at
-80°C for no longer than 1 year before being used experimentally. Commercial immobilized lipase, lipozyme TL-IM
(Thermomuces lanuginose immobilized on silica gel) was purchased from Novozymes (Bagsvaerd, Denmark). Pure
carbon dioxide (99.99%) was supplied by KOSEM, Republic of Korea. All reagents used in this work were of
analytical or HPLC grade.

Sample preparation
The krill samples were dried in a freeze-dried for about 72 h. The dried samples were crushed by a mechanical
blender and sieved (700 µm) by mesh. These samples called freeze dried raw krill were then stored at -80°C until
using for SC-CO2 and organic solvent extraction.

 SC-CO2 extraction
The set up of a laboratory scale of SCF extraction process can be operated at pressure up to 25 MPa. The extraction
of oil from krill was performed at optimum conditions of pressure and temperature (20 MPa and 50°C).

 Soxhlet extraction by hexane
In order to compare the reaction product of SC-CO2 with conventional organic solvent extraction, soxhlet extraction
was selected. The extraction was carried out in a soxhlet apparatus using hexane as solvent. An amount of three
gram of freeze dried raw krill sample was placed into the extraction thimble (28 x 100 mm, Advantec, Tokyo, Japan)
and the extraction was run 12 h until the color of the condensed solvent at the top of the apparatus was clear. The
sample was then dried in the oven at 80 ± 1°C for 2 h after which it was cooled in desiccators before reweighing.
After that, the extracted oil was stored at -20°C until further analysis.

Fatty acid analysis by gas Chromatography (GC)
Fatty acids profiles of both krill oil obtained by SC-CO2 and organic solvent, hexane extraction were analyzed by
GC-flame ionization detector (FID) using a Agilent Technologies 6890N gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies,
USA). The fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were prepared firstly and then separated using an SPTM-2560, Fused
Silica capillary column (100 m length x 0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.20 µm of film). Helium at a flow rate 0.9
ml/min was used as a carrier gas of fatty acid methyl esters. The split ratio was fixed at 10:1. The oven temperature
was programmed starting at a constant temperature of 140ºC for 5 min, and then increased to 240ºC at a rate of
3.5ºC/min and hold at 240ºC for 15 min. Injector and detector temperatures were 250ºC. FAMEs were identified by
comparison of retention time with standard 37 Component FAMEs mixture (SuplecoTM, USA).

Ethanolysis of krill oil in different processes (non-pressurized and pressurized system)
In non-pressurized system, the ethanolysis was performed with lipozyme TL-IM (4 w% of oil) in the Erlenmeyer
flasks containing a mixture of krill oil (5 g) and ethanol (1.0 mole ratio). The mixtures were incubated at 60ºC for 8
h and shaken at 120 rpm. For the pressurized system, the ethanolysis by SC-CO2 was processed at temperatures of
60ºC and pressure of 8 MPa at constant reaction time of 2 h. Lipozyme TL-IM was used for immobilized lipase and
the mole ratio was 1 w% of oil.

Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
TLC for the separation of lipid mixtures was performed on the 20 x 20 cm aluminum foil-backed plates pre-coated
with 0.2 mm layer of a silica gel 60 (ALUGRAM ® SIL G/UV254; Macherey-Nagel, Germany). The lipid solutions
were mixed with isopropanol/hexane (5:4, v/v; 4000 ppm). The mixtures (5 mL) were spotted onto a
chromatographic plate. The lipid compounds were separated using cyclohexane/ethyl acetate (3:2, v/v) in the
development tank. Iodine vapor was used for the detection of the spot.

Recovery and purification of 2-monoacylglycerols (MAGs)
Recovery of 2-MAGs from the ethanolysis reaction was performed by solvent extraction following the methodology
specified by Muñío et al. [20] which is summarized in Fig. 1. First, residual ethanol were eliminated from the
reaction mixture and the resulting 2-MAG–ethyl ester mixture was dissolved in an ethanol/water mixture (90:10, v/v)
in the proportion 1:9 (v/v); for extracting ethyl esters this mixture was extracted three times with an equal volume of
hexane. Finally the hydroethanolic solution rich in 2-MAGs was stored at -30ºC until analysis by GC.

Figure 1. Experimental procedure for the recovery of 2-MAGs from the final alcoholysis mixture by solvent
extraction [20].

Fatty acids profiles of both krill oil obtained by SC-CO2 and organic solvent, hexane extraction
Table 1. shows the fatty acids composition of krill oil was extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2)
and an organic solvent, hexane. The average molecular weight of krill oil was extracted by SC-CO2 was calculated
and it was found 829.9 g/mol from fatty acid composition.

       Table 1. Fatty acids profile of krill oil extracted with SC-CO2 and with hexane (% of total fatty acids)

                                                                   Krill oil
                Fatty acid (%)                  SC-CO2
                                            (20 MPa, 50ºC)
                   C14:0                         19.6                                 12.7
                   C16:0                         22.6                                 20.2
                   C16:1                         14.6                                 10.1
                   C18:0                          2.5                                  2.1
                   C18:1                          7.5                                  7.1
                   C18:2                          1.8                                  0.5
                   C20:0                          1.0                                  1.6
                   C20:1                          0.8                                  0.4
                   C20:2                          3.7                                  3.0
                C20:5(EPA)                        4.2                                 15.0
                C22:6(DHA)                        1.6                                  3.2
                  Others                         20.1                                 24.1

Analysis of ethanolysis products by TLC
For fatty acid analysis, the individual mono-, di-, tri-glyceride and ester were separated by TLC. Fig. 2. shows the
ethanolysis products of krill oil by lypozyme TL-IM. Lipozyme TL-IM generated 1,2-diglycerides which was higher
than 1,3-diglycerides. 1,3-Lipase is apt to react with fatty acids in the sn-1 and sn-3 positions [21].
(1)         (2)          (3)



                                   1,3 DG
                                   1,2 DG



Figure 2. TLC-analysis of lipid compounds converted from krill oil (1) lipid standard (mono-, di-, tri-olein), (2,3)
enzymatic ethanolysis of krill oil in SC-CO2 system

Regiospecific analysis of triacylglycerols
The fatty acids composition at position 2 of the TAGs obtained was analyzed by ethanolysis with immobilized lipase,
lipozyme TL-IM following the method proposed by Shimada et al. [22]. Table 2 shows the fatty acids composition
krill oil ethanolysis in different processes (non-pressurized and pressurized system).

          Table 2. The krill oil ethanolysis in different processes (non-pressurized and pressurized system)
                     and SCO2 extracted krill oil for comparison of the fatty acids composition.

                           2-MAG fraction after enzymatic reaction of krill oil
                                                                                     SCF extraction of oil
          Fatty acid (%)    In non-pressurized system      In pressurized system
                                                                                            from krill
                                (T=60ºC, 120 rpm)              (8 MPa, 60ºC)
              C14:0                     16.6                        18.3                      19.6
              C16:0                     17.8                        19.3                      22.6
              C16:1                     11.6                        13.1                      14.6
              C18:0                      2.1                         2.2                       2.5
              C18:1                      7.4                         7.2                       7.5
              C18:2                      2.2                         2.0                       1.8
              C20:0                      2.0                         1.5                       1.0
              C20:1                      0.5                         0.2                       0.8
              C20:2                      6.2                         5.3                       3.7
           C20:5(EPA)                   10.2                         8.6                       4.2
           C22:6(DHA)                    4.5                         4.4                       1.6
             Others                     18.9                        17.9                      20.1
This research was supported by Technology Development Program for Fisheries, Ministry for Food, Agriculture,
Forestry and Fisheries, Republic of Korea.

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