Chapter 2 March 2021 - ISite ULNE
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OUR FOUNDING INSTITUTIONS Vivre mieux plus longtemps OUR SPONSORS This publication was made possible through the financial support of the French government via the Investments for the Future Programme (I-SITE ULNE/ANR-16-IDEX-0004 ULNE) administered by the French National Research Agency (ANR). Photo credits: University of Lille, INSERM, Cyril Frésillon/CNRS Photo Library, S. Jarry/Istock2021 Design and development: Caillé associés 2
CONTENTS 04 Foreword 06 Educational 08 Strengthening innovation: a partnerships with central focus area I-SITE ULNE’s for I-SITE ULNE international partners 10 A project in sync 12 Promoting 14 An institution with the social research and centred around and economic disseminating large-scale challenges of the knowledge in the projects region outside world 16 Four Lille 18 Placing laboratories interdisciplinarity at named the heart of projects Laboratories and programmes of excellence (Labex) 3
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Foreword THE UNIVERSITY OF LILLE 2022: looking ahead toward the transition a number of challenges, including having to adapt to a change in its managing director in the spring of 2018, a shift in the institutional makeup of the project required by the ANR in the fall of 2018, and, more recently, the consequences of the pandemic. Each of these hurdles was overcome Gilberte Chambaud, through widespread participation President from everyone involved - not just from operational staff, but also from the of I-SITE ULNE Foundation’s Board of Directors. Every decision has been made in concert with the legal representatives of the T institutions, taking care to achieve a broad consensus and ensure the greatest “Every decision aking an active role possible transparency at every turn. in the deep structural has been made in transformations in Higher To achieve our aim of furthering concert with the legal Education Institutions (HEIs) environmental, economic, and societal representatives of the called for by the French changes, four initiatives combining government, the HEIs of research, training, and international social institutions, taking Greater Lille formed the I-SITE ULNE and economic partnerships - our “hubs care to achieve a broad initiative, which officially received the of excellence” - were created to structure consensus and ensure I-SITE label in February 2017 for a period our priority areas of activity: “precision of four years. This Initiative of Excellence health”, “science for a changing planet”, the greatest possible (IDEX) project showcases every aspect “the human-friendly digital world”, and transparency at every of the national I-SITE label - Science, “changing culture, societies and practices”. turn.” Innovation, Territory, and Economy - with a These initiatives stand out through their focus on the transitions needed to respond forward-thinking approach and their to the sweeping changes taking place in commitment to applying interdisciplinary society. solutions by combining the diverse areas of expertise possessed by the site’s The result was a vibrant group composed research units. of the University of Lille, Greater Lille’s This commitment was put to the test with Grandes Ecoles, Lille University Hospital, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in and several Public Scientific and Technical March 2020, as the site collectively set out Research Establishments (EPSTs), with an to find the solutions required, mobilising a annual budget allocation totalling €15m. €2m budget to fund 21 research projects In January 2018, the Foundation and its that were selected and financed in under governance were created to manage the two months. project. This initial period was rich in exchanges The strategic location of the Hauts-de- between communities with different France region has enabled I-SITE ULNE cultures who, although they already knew to take advantage of its strong ties with and had been in contact with one another, foreign universities, driven by a cross- were now given the opportunity to work border network with KU Leuven and Ghent side by side in the service of a shared University in Belgium and the University of project. The Foundation was faced with Kent in the United Kingdom. 4
Together, they have jointly conducted research projects within the context 3 questions with of numerous student and researcher exchanges and joint PhD programmes. Because one important aspect of the Régis Bordet I-SITE’s activities is training and education, over ten large-scale projects in the area Managing Director of educational innovation have received of I-SITE ULNE support, including the creation of the Lille Learning Lab in collaboration with our partners at KU Leuven and UC Louvain. This focus on education has also taken the form of equipping campuses to enable hybrid learning - which, for obvious I-SITE ULNE’s trial period training, international visibility, and ties reasons, became a priority during the with society and the business world. is scheduled to end in March. current pandemic. We have been working on this survey Has a timeline for future since the start of the academic year. The transformation of the graduate level milestones been established? It will provide suggestions for new of studies through interdisciplinary and Yes, the SGPI and the ANR have large-scale projects that will serve as international programmes was recently announced that in the third week of a trajectory of sorts for the decade to approved within the context of the SFRI January 2022, a committee will organise come. I-SITE ULNE’s leaders will also call for proposals, reserved solely for an assessment to determine whether participate in further structuring the member sites of the IDEX. final approval will be granted. An on-site organisational model of the future EPI at visit by part of the committee will take a crucial moment for the site’s future. Lastly, as one of the key aims of place in late November 2021. In the universities is to foster innovation meantime, the end of the trial period is and serve as a bridge to pass on this slated for 24 March 2021, and on Can you describe roughly what innovation to the industrial and economic 30 July 2021, we will submit an the initial trajectory for these world, I-SITE ULNE, with the unwavering assessment and planning report to the projects will be? support of the Hauts-de-France Region, committee for evaluation. In April 2021, The risk with an EPI as big as the one was able to implement apprenticeship the articles of association of the future in Lille is that each department and programmes and create industrial Experimental Public Institution (EPI) will institution can continue working on its university chairs in collaboration with need to be approved by the boards of own, independently, without a project to partner firms. directors of the University of Lille and bring them all together. Numerous steps have already been taken the other member institutions, to be It will be I-SITE ULNE’s role to spark to enable the upcoming creation of the published by the ministry in the months large-scale initiatives bringing together University of Lille 2022 in just a few short thereafter, with the creation officially set different faculties and institutes, months, even if several crucial institutional for 1 January 2022. institutions, and research units in milestones remain. Involvement has come Elections held in mid November 2021 a comprehensive interdisciplinary from every side, particularly thanks to the will select the team who will take over approach to issues related to numerous inter-institutional programmes the EPI and argue before the committee transitions. that have, with the support of the that we should be allowed to keep our A few examples come to mind: Foundation, enabled partners to come label. sustainable public policies in the service together in the service of a shared vision. of transition, innovative engineering Obstacles have been shattered, new ways What will the I-SITE’s leadership for tailor-made healthcare, etc. It is of working together have become the do during this time? by promoting a culture of ambitious norm, and a strong local dynamic has First and foremost, they will need to initiatives that ULNE will be able to taken shape to prepare, in ideal conditions, establish a comprehensive survey of take its place on the national and the advent of an entirely new university in all the activities made possible and international stage and train its students Lille. supported, so that this can be expressed for careers that will enable them to face in memorable terms, from research to - and change - a complex world! 5
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Education EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION A central focus area for I-SITE ULNE Coordinated and funded Operated in conjunction with various This project will also repurpose existing by I-SITE ULNE, the Lille partners from the world of research and spaces to suit evolving needs and higher education (including KU Leuven, teaching and learning methods. Learning Lab (LLL) is part UC Louvain, the TELS* chair, and the For instance, a traditional auditorium of the overall strategy for LearningLab network), the Lille Learning at the faculty of pharmacology will be educational transformation Lab project offers a network of training transformed into a hybrid collaborative and work spaces in Lille entirely devoted learning space. within the University. to testing and disseminating innovative This will enable both traditional teaching practices. transmissive modes of teaching and In addition to existing spaces such as the quick reorganisation of the room to the one at the Cité Scientifique campus, allow students to be broken down into the LLL will eventually feature locations groups. on three campuses, with a strong focus on interdisciplinarity and coherency: - the Villeneuve d’Ascq Pont-de-Bois campus (central location of the project); - the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FSJPS) in the Moulins district of Lille; - the Lille University Hospital and Medical School’s “Campus Santé”. Encouraging pedagogical thinking These labs integrate technologies in a “The aim of educational creative way to foster innovation and innovation is to foster student encourage pedagogical thinking, with the success by offering the right aim being to: learning paths for each type of - Offer a network of innovative training student, whether in traditional and work spaces; or in remedial education - Create a favourable environment for programmes, as well as to help training and assisting research faculty; teaching staff learn to adapt their - Enable exchanges of best practices teaching methods.” within the community to allow a shared culture to emerge; Christophe Mondou, - Offer tools that simplify learning Vice-President of Academic analytics research in order to improve Programmes at the University practices and spark questioning. of Lille *Technology Enhanced Learning Spaces 6
A TELS chair on connected Equipping classrooms with learning spaces coordinated by an cameras expert from KU Leuven To encourage hybrid classrooms in the - regular “proactive” support sessions to Since the start of November 2020, I-SITE wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, I-SITE allow users to discover, begin using, and ULNE has been home to Annalies Raes, ULNE’s Board of Directors decided to master advanced features of Moodle. researcher in Education and Educational grant €710,000 in funding to install video - personalised or individualised “reactive” Technology at KU Leuven. cameras in many of the classrooms support on the ways the platform’s At the head of the TELS chair, she will be of Greater Lille’s higher education features can be used in a classroom tasked with coordinating research from institutions. setting. HEIs in Lille on the themes of innovative digital learning spaces and learning Moodle for schools analytics. In a context in which digital life and the She will also bring her expertise and use of digital technology in education experience to assist with the creation of have become ever more institutionalised the Lille Learning Lab. within schools and HEIs, the “Moodle for schools” project aims to use the Moodle platform to promote, support, and sustain the systematic use of technologies that allow teaching content and learning PROFFIteROLE: activities to be digitalised. the icing on the cake Overseen by the digital and educational assistance department of Centrale Lille, With financial support from I-SITE this project brings together teams of ULNE’s Educational Innovation professors from the National School of Fund, PROFFIteROLE** is a Chemistry of Lille (ENSCL), the National platform capable of automatically “The research will be rooted in a School of Textile Arts and Industries generating a variety of different design-based research methodology. This methodology has been proven to (ENSAIT), and the National School of teaching materials (flash cards, contribute both to enhancing scientific Architecture and Landscape of Lille quizzes, serious game components, knowledge and to improving educational (ENSAPL). This programme, in place competitive tools based on more programmes and learning.” since January 2020 at the ENSCL and traditional linear media, etc.) ENSAIT and since the start of the 2020- from a single document. This Annelies Raes, 2021 academic year at the ENSAPL, saves significant amounts of iTEC research laboratory (KU Leuven) features two components: time at no extra cost. The system allows modifications and updates to the original document to be automatically applied to the various teaching materials derived from it, rendering it possible to easily keep them all up to date. PROFFIteROLE also enables teachers to automatically insert “sensors” to engage in learning analytics in a way far superior to what is possible with platforms such as Moodle. While it is currently used to train pharmacists, the method used can be deployed in other fields. The Lille Learning Lab provides a network of training and work spaces in Lille. 2 million euros invested in a Learning Lab 14 An educational innovation fund has enabled 14 projects to receive nearly 3 million euros in funding *Technology-Enhanced Learning Spaces & learning analytics **Acronym for “PRatiques OFFIcinales et jeux de ROLE” 7
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 International STRENGTHENING partnerships with I-SITE ULNE’s international partners From providing funding for international academic chairs to strengthening cross-border initiatives and bringing in international talent, I-SITE ULNE is consolidating its international presence. The humanities and Increased cross-border social sciences go international! cooperation on joint research To enable greater international visibility projects for research in the humanities and social I-SITE ULNE funds a number of sciences, I-SITE ULNE offers support to initiatives from the 3i network (the further the development of international Interregional Internationalisation networks for research projects falling Initiative) between the University of Lille, within the scope of its “Changing Ghent University, the University of Kent, cultures, societies and practices” hub. and KU Leuven. In particular, it encourages networking It also funds exceptional international between faculty and researchers academic chairs, offering Lille’s through its short cross-border exchange scientific community the opportunity programme. For instance, this funding to develop privileged relationships with gave Gilles Maury, professor at the internationally renowned researchers National School of Architecture and brought to Lille for projects jointly put Landscape of Lille (ENSAPL), the into place with their host laboratories. opportunity to work with a network of In addition, the InclusU consortium, faculty members from three European created in response to the “European schools of architecture. The aim was Universities” call for proposals, has to encourage students to focus on how enabled the University of Lille to join religious architecture can be repurposed forces with six other academic partners* in France by assessing how architects in Europe to research issues related to have gone about doing so in Belgium inclusion and vulnerability. and the UK. Funding from the French and German Nearly twenty Master’s students governments will enable the teams were given the opportunity to visit to move forward with this project in the University of Kent’s School of perfect harmony with I-SITE ULNE’s Architecture and take part in an event “Vulnerability and inclusion” cluster. with the architect Terry Farrell in which Studying how the young people of Europe move Winner of the European and International Studies CEI, the HYPEM** project, coordinated by François Potdevin of the URePSSS*** research laboratory, aims to identify the physical and athletic activities in which young adults in Europe prefer to engage in different countries. Understanding this phenomenon can help reveal the individual and cultural reasons young people take part in physical activity, at a time when many stop exercising at the start of their university studies. Adapted to the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study will survey a sample of first-year students at fourteen European partner universities via a multilingual website. Interviews will also be conducted remotely on typical profiles. Quantitative and qualitative analysis should then render it possible to measure the effect of living in different European regions on the way people engage in athletic activity. 8
54 joint PhD candi- dates from the 3i cross-border network 400 exchange grants funded Workshops featuring students from three different European architecture schools. the students were able to examine the Eric Hittinger. An expert in public policy broader context of the transformation and economics in the area of electricity of architectural heritage in the United in technology, Hittinger’s work aims to Kingdom. better grasp the benefits and limitations of emerging technologies, and particularly Bringing talented researchers to energy storage, electric vehicles, and Lille renewable energy sources. The Catalysis and Solid-State Chemistry “I-SITE ULNE’s support offers *Malmö University (Sweden), the University of Minho Research Unit (UCCS - UMR 8181), has (Portugal), the European University Viadrina (Germany), the experts from its member hosted two Brazilian researchers for Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania), the University of institutions the opportunity several months, Fabio Bellot Noronha Wroclaw (Poland), and Mykolas Romeris University to structure and consolidate (expert in heterogeneous catalysis and (Lithuania). their networks of European and **How do the Young People of Europe Move? biosourced hydrogen production), and ***Sport, Health, and Society Pluridisciplinary Research international partners. Ivaldo Itabaiana (expert in biocatalysis Unit A large-scale international and medical bionanotechnology), for the research project can’t be built in a single day. CatBioInnov project funded by the Lille These ‘jump-start’ funding European Metropolis (MEL), I-SITE ULNE, instruments are crucial to learning and the Hauts-de-France Region. to forge stronger ties, identify The project is based on the concept of points of complementarity and a “zero-waste” biorefinery, and aims to connections between partner develop flexible and modular processes groups, and foster the emergence to use every component of a given of ambitious projects.” biomass. Within the scope of this same project, the Laboratory of Electrical Pauline Ravinet, Engineering and Power Electronics (L2EP) Vice President for European has hosted the American researcher Affairs, University of Lille A joint PhD project with KU Leuven The Internet of Things as an enabler of a circular economy: Is the current liability regime fit for purpose? A PhD student in a joint PhD programme, Elias Van Gool’s thesis work is supervised by Denis Voinot of the University of Lille and Evelyn Terrin of KU Leuven. The topic of his thesis is the adaptation of the legal system to allow the Internet of Things to contribute to a more sustainable economy - and, more specifically, a circular economy. The complexity of the system and the diverse nature of those involved in it complicates the division of liability among them. The aim of this study is to reveal whether the current European Union product liability system allows the Internet of Things to fully play its part as a catalyst for the circular economy. 9
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Society and the economy A PROJECT IN SYNC with the social and economic challenges of the region I-SITE ULNE conducts activities in collaboration with the Hauts-de-France Region, the Lille European Metropolis (MEL), and SATT Nord. The aim: increase the number and scope of innovative projects related to society and the economy at large. Twenty-nine innovative companies were created in 2019 in association with I-SITE ULNE’s member institutions and the The Hackatech 2020 event held at Lille’s Euratechnologies, Eurasanté, Chamber of Commerce in March 2020. Blanchemaille, Euralimentaire, Plaine Images, Cré’innov, and APUI business incubators. Ten are the fruit of or are related to ULNE research, two of which have a Fostering entrepreneurial culture licence with SATT Nord. Inria - Hackatech 2020 An example: Zymoptiq, a To encourage the creation of new biotechnology firm co-founded by startups in the area of digital technology, Alexis Vlandas of the University of I-SITE ULNE supported the Hackatech Lille’s IEMN research laboratory, event, which was organised and offers world-class enzymatic testing overseen by researchers from the solutions. Zymoptiq was a recipient Inria and the University of Lille. It of a Start-up Force Award from was broken down into four phases: I-SITE ULNE. conceptualisation, project launch, a 54-hour sprint, and support for projects over six months. Hackatech brought together fourteen teams and 117 by Eurasanté (twelve interdisciplinary participants (corporate employees, corporate projects and involvement students, PhD students, entrepreneurs, from 150 students) and support and researchers). for eight winning projects over five months. Let’s grow deeptech - Helping PhD students discover the By partnering with the regional project world of entrepreneurship: selected for the Bpifrance “SATT • A two-day event organised by the integration, incubators, and accelerators” Doctoral College for 600 first-year call for proposals coordinated by PhD students and their thesis Eurasanté, I-SITE ULNE is supporting supervisors featuring conferences, two key aims: first-hand accounts, and workshops. - Attracting students to entrepreneurship • The launch of a “Start Your PhD” and deeptech (technological contest by SATT Nord for 2nd- and breakthrough innovation): 48-hour 3rd-year PhD students, followed by creativity sessions (bootcamps) held support for selected projects. 10
“Chicory, a plant that is emblematic of the North of France, has brought together passionate individuals from both the private sector and academia to work on shared health- and nutrition-related projects. This rich, people-centric venture has today resulted in the creation of a joint research team. There is no doubt that this new team, organised flexibly to leave ample room for creativity, is just one of many phases in what will become a long-term partnership.” Bruno Desprez, CEO of Florimond Desprez the programme and received their Encouraging partnerships headquartered in Cappelle-en-Pévèle, diplomas on 28 September 2020. between the private sector and and the expertise in plant biotechnology A new session, offered remotely, began academia and functional genomics of the Charles on 6 November, which also offers an The RECONVERT industrial chair Viollette Institute. E-health curriculum. Coordinated by Arnaud Doniec and The objective: to create new varieties Emmanuel Lemelin of IMT Lille-Douai, of chicory and develop new ingredients. Lille Innovation & Business Academy: this chair offers an approach that better The underlying aim is to improve the “Sharing excellence through the enables the selective deconstruction plant’s qualities in terms of nutrition circular economy” of buildings by organising the flow of (health benefits), taste (bitterness), and The goal of this training programme, products and materials created through physiology (the plant’s natural defence created especially for professionals, is to the process to allow them to be better mechanisms). offer sustainable solutions to the issue reused and recycled locally. This research laboratory is jointly funded of the qualifications and skills required Master’s students, corporate executives, by the ERDF and I-SITE ULNE. by the arrival of the circular bioeconomy. and researchers came together in a A research-backed interdisciplinary collaborative approach to innovation that educational offering, the programme is took the form of “creative labs”. Offering educational programmes centred around three pilot modules: Cofunded by the Lille European that account for the needs of “reinventing my business by thinking Metropolis and I-SITE ULNE, the businesses of life cycles”, “managing change in RECONVERT project brings together University Certification (DU) in Health a circular economy”, and “Industry an exhaustive value chain through its Entrepreneurship (University of Lille in 4.0: New manufacturing tools for the partners: three research laboratories collaboration with Eurasanté) chemicals of the future”. from the University of Lille (CRIStAL, To foster the creation of healthcare- TVES, CLERSE), two research centres industry startups, I-SITE ULNE has Université de l’alternance from IMT Lille-Douai (Materials and offered its support for the creation (“Dual education project”) Processes and Digital Systems), five of this innovative interdisciplinary A project that aims to truly transform companies (Rabot Dutilleul Construction, programme that combines theory and expand the offering in terms of Nacarat, Suez, BatiRIM, Neo Eco), and practice. It includes a period of university apprenticeships and the the Hauts-de-France Public Land- immersion within the companies services proposed to apprentices, faculty, Management Corporation, and the themselves. It transmits a culture and businesses, the programme helps Team2 competitiveness hub. of entrepreneurship to students in fund innovative initiatives created by professionally oriented periods of their member institutions through a dedicated The Chicory for One Health Joint studies (completing PhDs or in their final €500,000 fund allocated by I-SITE ULNE. Research Team year of Master’s studies), researchers, By making innovation a focal point of Coordinated by Caroline Rambaud healthcare professionals, and business its research and experiments, I-SITE from the University of Lille, the executives, by offering a programme ULNE aims to render its educational Chicory for One Health Joint Research that showcases the value of research programmes more attractive, showcase Team (CHIC41H) brings together the through an innovative educational its areas of expertise, and respond to genetic and plant-selection expertise experience. An initial class of seven the challenges of the new regulatory of the company Florimond Desprez, students have successfully completed environment for 2022. 25 39 PhD theses co-funded incubated projects to be transferred to the private sector, with companies and ERDF/ co-funded by the Hauts-de-France Region and SATT Nord, Regional funds including 10 in the humanities and social sciences 11
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Scientific events PROMOTING “It is particularly beneficial for our institution to be able to rely on strong and recognised local expertise to research build collaborative projects and showcase the skills of our students.” and disseminating knowledge Pierre Savary, in the outside world Director of ESJ Lille is no doubt that this event has enabled the start of numerous exchanges between research laboratories that might ultimately lead to new collaborative projects. The Transition(s) lecture series: informing civic discourse and public Lilloprojets, Transition(s) Lilloprojets: Creating policy conferences, expertise interdisciplinary networks The Transition(s) lecture series, open to the In September 2019, a networking general public, was launched in autumn in scientific journalism, event was held that brought together 2020 with the arrival of Catherine Larrère, scientific experience and members from a variety of backgrounds philosopher and professor emeritus at Paris I events, etc. I-SITE ULNE in I-SITE ULNE’s research laboratories. Panthéon-Sorbonne University, a specialist Created under the name “Lilloprojets”, it in ethical and political issues related to the is committed to funding made a networking application available climate crisis and new technologies. academic and scientific events to each participant. Approximately sixty She and her counterpart, Philippe Sabot, to disseminate knowledge researchers from a variety of disciplines Professor of Modern Philosophy at the were present. University of Lille, discussed the topic “The outside of the academic The aim was to create a space for local Anthropocene: An era for transitions?”. This community. academics to meet and initiate new series, scheduled for the 2020-2021 year, interdisciplinary projects on the general will bring together experts from a variety theme of transition. of specialities. The aim is to illustrate the Among the collaborative projects, which challenges that I-SITE ULNE is working were showcased on posters to aid in the to overcome in response to the different search for local academic partners, three transitions that are taking place in its were selected by a jury of PhD students region. Lectures are already scheduled to and were granted funding in the form discuss the issue of shifts in gender and of a Master’s scholarship. In addition to economic and social transitions. the projects that received funding, there Expertise in scientific journalism in Lille While the scientific expertise of Lille’s research community is undeniable in many subject areas, few are aware that the Lille School of Journalism (ESJ) is one of the rare journalism schools in France to offer a scientific journalism programme. I-SITE ULNE is naturally interested in showcasing this aspect and promoting these skills, in light of the scientific potential of its member institutions. This has included putting the directors of this programme in touch with the media The Conversation, which it has joined in order to work on shared projects. 12
“When the pandemic struck, I was contacted very early on by The Conversation. We felt it was im- portant to take part in the work of this media outlet, which functions in a collaborative way that helps explain concepts that can be very hard to grasp by having articles verified by a scientific journalist, who is there to help restate the information in an intelligible way. It is a very serious media outlet and an excellent way of keeping our fellow citizens informed.” Anne Goffard, Doctor and Virologist at the Lille University Hospital The 2020 Science Festival: Xpérium season 4 Held at the Lille Grand Palais event space, An exceptional year with small A showcase for research partnerships this exhibition drew over 600 visitors over workshops directly in schools! in Lille, Xpérium, housed at the LILLIAD two days and showcased a selection of Since joining the higher education and Innovation Learning Centre in the centre approximately forty extremely diverse research community in Lille, the I-SITE of the Cité Scientifique campus, offers projects in the areas of education, digital ULNE Foundation has taken pride in an extraordinary experience to the technology, architectural heritage, health, supporting local science outreach general public. It aims to allow visitors to and territorial studies. initiatives, one of the most significant of discover the research currently underway which is coordinated in large part by HEIs in Lille’s laboratories and to explain the during the Science Festival (Fête de la fundamental principles and potential science) that takes place each autumn. applications that it offers. This year, the CNRS, the University of I-SITE ULNE contributes to the strategic Lille, and the I-SITE ULNE Foundation, positioning of this important science Lille’s researchers in the headlines outreach programme, which helps who organise the “Science Village” of media outlet The Conversation traditionally held at Lille’s Gare Saint increase the visibility of our researchers In these hectic times, with science Sauveur event space, had to show a bit throughout the local community. constantly making headlines, the media of creativity to adapt to the COVID-19 The programme for the fourth year, outlet The Conversation, a champion of crisis. “Kaleidoscope”, offered visitors a academic expertise, showcases its worth Researchers travelled directly to schools multifaceted view of images, which by offering the general public free access to meet with students from the local have been the topic of studies and to reliable information based on scientific area. Six schools hosted researchers innovations both in terms of technology research. from one research unit per day, who and society as a whole. Be it in the area I-SITE ULNE’s participation in this media led workshops in small groups while of law, history, sociology, philosophy, outlet has resulted in heightened visibility respecting social distancing measures. or the use of images and the role of for the work of our local researchers, Ten research laboratories took part in the human beings in the past, present, and who contributed twice as often as last event this year, with workshops on the future uses of images, this fourth year of year, publishing nearly one hundred theme of the relationship between human Xpérium showcased the vibrancy of Lille’s articles in all! In particular, the expertise beings and nature. research community in this strategic and of specialists from Lille’s research For the general public, one workshop highly active area of research. community was showcased in nearly per day was broadcast live at 12:15 p.m. twenty articles that helped readers on the YouTube channel Sciences&Co, Providing support to allow understand particular aspects of the a partner for this year’s rather unique academic events to be held in Lille COVID-19 crisis. Science Festival, which ultimately was a With nearly thirty events sponsored since Anne Goffard, a virologist at Lille great success! its creation, I-SITE ULNE has tirelessly University Hospital, was single-handedly worked to make it possible to organise responsible for the publication of seven outstanding academic events in Lille. articles on the topic, the first of which - For instance, in May 2019, the city hosted entitled “What coronaviruses do to our the “Innovatives SHS” exhibition. This bodies” - drew over 450,000 page views! trade exhibition, created by the CNRS in 2013, aims to showcase the ability of researchers in the humanities and social sciences to meet the needs of society and transfer their findings to local governments, associations, and businesses. 13
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Inter-institutional projects AN INSTITUTION centred around large-scale projects The future Experimental Public Institution (EPI), built around the “University of Lille 2022” project, will bring together faculties, institutes, and other HEIs. The objective will be to foster interactions between the EPI’s structures in order to work together on emblematic, meaningful projects in the area of transitions. I-SITE ULNE has already begun providing support for this type of project. fruit of a partnership between the Lille Institute of Planning and Urbanism, the National School of Architecture and Landscape of Lille, and Sciences Po Lille. The Faculty of Law and Political Science, Polytech’ Lille, and the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences have also joined in, and this partnership will only increase in scope with a coming call for expressions of interest. In 2021, this chair will host a series of conferences entitled “Productive metropolitan areas and territorial resilience” and a summer school entitled “Inventing a sustainable metropolitan campus”. This is an original format for a project born out of an educational approach that has brought together a variety of research communities to participate in a socially responsible research project. An “Urban Education” chair In the midst of the current climate Graduate programmes crisis and the pandemic, our academic The start of the 2020 academic year and scientific communities are active marked the inauguration of three on every front. In light of the issue of graduate programmes centred around the overall transition that drives I-SITE I-SITE ULNE’s research focus areas: ULNE, the “Lille Urban Education” chair is “Precision health”, “Science for a focused on quality of life and a number changing planet” (SCP), and “Information “Greater Lille’s territory, in all its com- of aspects of life in the region: transport, and Knowledge Society” (IKS), which will plexity and with all its challenges, is energy, resources, housing, work, be supplemented in 2021 by “Changing a fertile ground for fascinating tran- production, etc. The chair aims to create cultures, societies and practices”. Their sitions that are capable of federating a foundation for producing knowledge, purpose is to promote high-calibre the different hubs of I-SITE ULNE.” expertise, and innovation in the service research-centred learning by fostering of local governments in the Greater Lille interdisciplinarity, international travel, François Andrieux, area. Applying academic approaches and successful occupational integration. Director of ENSAP Lille to the challenges faced by society, it Each programme coordinates a studies changes in metropolitanisation, selection of Master’s degrees from reshoring, transitions, and resilience. It different areas of expertise associated aims to be both an observatory and a with the related societal challenges, to place in which debates and experiments bring together, today, those who will can take place between research and one day work together on collaborative education. This academic chair is the projects. 14
“The new pharmacy features an educa- tional and research aspect coordinated with the Faculty of Pharmacology. It offers an opportunity for our university hospital campus to develop projects that bring together teams from the future EPI’s diffe- rent institutions.” Bertrand Décaudin, Dean of the Lille Faculty of Pharmacology It also offers support to PhD students, - Analysing the implications in terms Strengthening ties between whose research is placed at the heart of public health policy (production engineers and healthcare of the theme. Additionally, the graduate processes, purchasing policy, etc.). professionals programmes are an excellent example of this kind of project on a university The Laboratory of Multiphysics and of cooperation between I-SITE ULNE’s hospital campus that is unique in Multiscale Mechanics (LaMcube), a joint different partners, with the Data Science Europe. CNRS research laboratory (University and E-TECH programmes (IKS) and the - Designing a model for supporting of Lille and Centrale Lille) has long BIOREF and IRACM (SCP) programmes change and offering new educational conducted research on pelvic mechanics co-accredited by the University of Lille programmes in a complex and age-related dysfunctions to further and Centrale Lille. organisational structure that brings the development of innovative medical together different individual profiles and devices. A new pharmacy at Lille University a variety of skills in a fast-changing The arrival of Professor Tien-Tuan Hospital environment. Dao, a specialist in biomedical and The Lille University Hospital’s pharmacy - Evaluating the potential of the future biomechanical engineering, in a position - one of the largest hospital pharmacies pharmacy and future organisational created by Centrale Lille Institut with the in Europe - centralises its activities strategies in terms of sustainable financial support of I-SITE ULNE, aims to on a single site, where all of the development and workplace quality of bolster the ties between the engineering pharmaceutical activities of the hospital life. and healthcare sectors, with the firm are conducted. - Searching for innovative solutions in conviction that this will act as a driver To modernise the production process terms of logistics (within the pharmacy for innovation in the areas of medical and the capacity of its pharmaceutical and between the pharmacy and hospital devices, medical imaging, and digital operations to adapt, Lille University services) and process automation. healthcare. Hospital has begun construction of a - Engaging in broader reflection on high-performance, open, and modern pharmaceutical policy in France, central pharmacy, with a massive (8500 particularly in terms of the scientific, m²) building project including a modern social, and political issues at stake, pharmacotechnology platform, a single in association with healthcare automated warehouse, and a service area professionals, policy experts, to develop clinical pharmacy. sociologists, economists, etc. The new pharmacy will be located on the southern end of the hospital campus, near the metro station and across from the Faculty of Pharmacology. The aim will be to ensure synergy, day after day, between teaching and research. In this context, I-SITE ULNE will provide support for a project involving UFR3S, Lille University Hospital, the Lille University School of Management, Centrale Lille, and Sciences Po Lille, with several aims: 15
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Labexes FOUR LILLE LABORATORIES named laboratories of excellence (Labex) CAPPA, EGID, CEMPI, and Distalz: these four laboratories of excellence foster and further cutting- edge research on issues such as the environment, health, and mathematics. CAPPA With research focused on the study of atmospheric and to measure personnal indoor and outdoor exposures aerosols and their impact on the climate and air quality, to hazardous air pollutants. By combining the expertise the CAPPA Labex (Chemical and Physical Properties of the of its researchers in theoretical chemistry with that Atmosphere) brings together over 160 researchers from of outside experts in the area of nuclear chemistry seven laboratories and actively participates in orienting and materials, the OVERSEE cluster’s project, which is the activities of the “Science for a changing planet” hub. unlike any other in France, studies what becomes of It boasts a large network of academic and international radionuclides in the atmosphere. In terms of teaching, partnerships at both a national level (ADEME, ATMO, Hauts- the Labex has also shown itself to be a top-tier laboratory de-France, IFPEN, CNES, IRSN, Météo-France, and INRAE) with the foundation of an international Master’s Degree in and an international level (the European ACTRIS project, Atmospheric Sciences, making it a precursor in the creation international measurement campaigns, the development of of the graduate programmes offered by I-SITE ULNE. global atmospheric models). Lastly, in close collaboration with the CLIMIBIO regional Work conducted in synergy with other hubs contributes project, its researchers help inform the public debate by to the deployment and operation of low-cost networks of providing robust data in response to societal questions portable connected sensors used to monitor air quality on atmospheric pollution and the adaptations required in with very high temporal and spatial levels of sensitivity response to global climate change. Project financed by the French government via the Investments for the Future Programme, project number ANR-11-LABX-0005. Technical and scientific coordinator: Denis Petitprez EGID teams from the University Hospitals in Lille and Amiens, Founded in 2009, the Labex EGID (European Genomic as well as those in Reims, Liège, Paris, Tours, and Angers Institute for Diabetes) offers unique translational as part of the PreciDIAB National Precision Medicine integrative research solutions to provide the solid Centre’s activities, enable EGID to optimise the impact of scientific foundations needed to optimise and tailor care its discoveries to fuel new treatment options for diabetic for diabetics. Composed of five research units, EGID patients. Another important aim is to revolutionise the boasts a talented research staff of over 250 individuals understanding and prevention of diabetes and the care that is unique in France. Not only has EGID demonstrated offered to diabetics, so as to enable truly Predictive, that precision diabetes medicine is both necessary and Preventive, Personalised, and Participative medicine. feasible, but it has also begun to implement this approach In addition, EGID is committed to training the doctors and through its clinical branch, the PreciDIAB National scientists of tomorrow through an international graduate Precision Medicine Centre. programme in precision medicine. This year, eighteen EGID has an overall policy in place to showcase and draw students in their final year of Master’s studies and eleven attention to its scientific findings and create startups PhD students will receive training in and through research to utilise its most innovative data. Partnerships with from EGID laboratories. Project financed by the French government via the Investments for the Future Programme, project number ANR-11-LABX-0046. Technical and scientific coordinator: Philippe Froguel 16
Distalz Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that progressively leads to massive brain cell death. The medical, social, and economic impact of this disease on our society stands in stark contrast to the lack of available care options. That is why eight of the top French research units in Lille, Nice, and Paris decided to unite and bring their interdisciplinary expertise together to create the Labex Distalz (Development of Innovative Strategies for a Transdisciplinary approach to ALZheimer’s disease) in hopes of fighting Alzheimer’s more effectively. This Labex applies a variety of fundamental approaches, from genomics to the most sophisticated biological models. It combines clinical perspectives with social and ethical concerns. Distalz boasts a unique identity with a critical mass of over 300 researchers, engineers, and technicians capable of competing and working with the world’s foremost research centres. This top-tier research apparatus is associated with an outstanding educational initiative that aims to create “I-SITE ULNE’s Labexes are a leading international programme on Alzheimer’s disease. formidable drivers for research in physics, chemistry, mathematics, Project financed by the French government via the Investments for the Future Programme, project and space science, as well as for number ANR-11-LABX-0009. Technical and scientific coordinator: Philippe Amouyel the application of this research to the crucial challenges of the digital and environmental transformation that is now shaping our societies. CEMPI They are also tools for teaching in and through research, in the service of our laboratories and the synergy Since 2012, the Labex CEMPI (European Centre for Mathematics, Physics between teaching and research that and their Interactions), backed by the Paul Painlevé mathematics exists between universities and laboratory (LPP) and PhLAM (Laboratory of Physics of Lasers, Atoms and research units.” Molecules), has boasted a broad range of expertise in pure and applied mathematics, atomic physics, optics, and technological research. Nicolas Arnaud, CEMPI’s focus is on the interactions between mathematics and physics, Coordinating Scientific Director computer science, and biology. for the Lille site (CNRS) PhLAM also operates FiberTech Lille, a technological platform dedicated to the manufacture of innovative optical fibres that benefits from FLUX, an “equipment of excellence” (Equipex); this platform is an added value both for theoretical research and for industrial and international partnerships. CEMPI has made several remarkable advances in fundamental mathematics and complex processes in optics and atomic physics. The relationship between research and learning is maintained by an extremely successful graduate school, with 80% of CEMPI’s postdocs subsequently hired in permanent academic positions. For these reasons, in 2019 CEMPI was recognised as one of the ANR’s “flagship” projects. “Lille’s healthcare teams are Through the combined work of CEMPI’s mathematicians and physicists, conducting cutting-edge research in leveraging the “Emergent Topology in Photon Fluids” ERC Consolidator precision healthcare; their research Grant, promising perspectives have been revealed for the application of into diabetes and neurodegenerative topological concepts to new states of light. diseases are just two illustrations of This theme is also at the centre of the work conducted by the DYDICO this.” research cluster, composed of the LPP, PhLAM, and IEMN laboratories. DYDICO works on the architecture and the hardware components Samir Ould-Ali, required for a connected world, also drawing on the CEMPI’s expertise Regional INSERM Delegate, in the area of fibre optics and complex dynamics. Lastly, the “Research” North-West District option of CEMPI’s “Mathematics”, “Scientific computing”, and “Complex systems, optics & lasers” Master’s degrees are an integral part of the “Information and Knowledge Society” graduate programmes. Project financed by the French government via the Investments for the Future Programme, project number ANR-11-LABX-0007. Technical and scientific coordinator: Emmanuel Fricain 17
I-SITE ULNE I Transition(s) I Chapter 2 Interdisciplinarity PLACING INTERDISCIPLINARITY at the heart of projects and programmes Only with interdisciplinarity is Innovative methodology that evaluate industrial biomass refinery it possible to comprehensively combines logic, the economy, processes in the Hauts-de-France tackle the complexity of the and chemistry Region. After beginning her career at George issues related to transition. Washington University, USA, researcher Her approach, which can be applied to I-SITE ULNE supports projects Michele Friend agreed to join Lille’s other disciplines, uses an “institutional research community in late 2019 to fill compass” as a multi-criteria decision- that enable the development of an exceptional international academic making tool. This novel approach, original methods that foster chair. Specialised in the philosophy explained in a book currently being this interdisciplinarity. It also of mathematics, logic, the theory written by Friend, will open new of relativity, chemistry, ecological possibilities for assessing projects, works to train young people to economics, and computer science, systems, organisations, and institutions. use and mix disciplines during Friend currently works at the Catalysis The multi-criteria decision-making their PhD studies. and Solid-State Chemistry Research Unit system created by Friend provides a (UCCS). unique qualitative assessment based She cooperates closely with chemists on three categories of data: economic on work tied to the RECABIO research (including technical performance), social, cluster, which is part of the “Science for and environmental. It comparatively a changing planet” hub. evaluates the appropriateness of There, she is developping an extremely activities within a given industry (here, innovative decision-making tool to biorefineries) in terms of processes, scale, and region. All decisions are ranked in terms of three qualities: harmony, passion, and suppression. The data sets are aggregated using normalisation, weighting, vector addition, and Euclidean geometry, and the result is a compass that indicates the dominant quality of the process being assessed. By using a syncretic decision-making tool centred around the balance between various data such as “life cycle analysis”, “economy”, and “society”, it becomes possible to rethink processes to achieve the desired effect. 18
The issue of gender in the agro-ecological transition in Europe The Gender in the Agro-ecological Transition in Europe “The PEARL project has enabled us to recruit brilliant (GATE) project - winner of the call for proposals issued candidates to conduct research into key interdisciplinary by the “Changing culture, societies and practices” scientific questions requiring computer science researchers. Without a doubt, this PhD programme hub - is coordinated by Clotilde Lemarchant of the is an effective tool for fostering interdisciplinary Lille Centre for Sociological and Economic Research research.” and Studies (CLERSE). GATE aims to assess the agro-ecological transition of farming production Olivier Colot, models from the perspective of the social practices Director of the Research Centre in Computer Science, at work in farming. In spite of the successive waves Signal and Automatic Control of Lille (CRIStAL) of modernisation in the agricultural world, gender is still deeply engrained in the way work is organised in the farming industry. The activities performed by men are strongly differentiated from those performed by Recruiting PhD students women. The project focuses on the practices governing how work is organised, acting as an observatory to boost interdisciplinary that measures the changes brought about by the progressive introduction of environmentally friendly research farming practices. Today, the gendered organisation of farming work is undergoing a realignment and restructuring process, a reflection of the systemic cultural changes taking In February 2019, I-SITE ULNE was awarded a European Union place throughout the industry - which, while small in Horizon 2020 grant for the “PEARL” project (Programme for terms of population, occupies a strategic position in EArly-stage Researchers in Lille). The aim of this ambitious PhD terms of the contemporary environmental, economic, programme is to recruit 30 international PhD students to work and social challenges at stake. The GATE project on innovative interdisciplinary research projects, as well as to is rooted in a twofold hypothesis that the agro- make foreign PhD students more at home and strengthen ULNE’s ecological transition is realigning gender relations in reputation in Europe and throughout the world as an attractive place agricultural work, and that, in turn, these realigned to conduct research. gender relations can inform us on the societal impact Thanks to substantial international publicity, over 200 applications of the changes that are occurring. The purpose of this were received. They were evaluated using a process that meets research is both to add to the existing literature on the highest standards (transparency, integrity, ethics, etc.), and agro-ecology - which until now has been focused on seventeen doctoral students were ultimately recruited for the 2020- the study of social actors in the agricultural world, their 2021 academic year. power relationships, and their role in disseminating Another selection process is currently under way to recruit thirteen innovations - and to contribute to the debate on the PhD students for the 2021-2022 academic year. These PhD students nature of this transition. work on interdisciplinary research topics under the guidance of Is it limited to technical and economic adjustments, supervisors from different hubs, which strengthens the ties between or is a more comprehensive shift taking place in the different research units and/or institutions and furthers the cohesion practices and representations seen in this industry? policy of the future EPI. This project will compare findings from field research Learn more at conducted in the Hauts-de-France Region with the practices observed in a comparable agricultural region in Spain, as part of a partnership with Complutense University of Madrid’s Applied Sociology Department. 19
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