Channel 4: working across the UK

Page created by Martin Dominguez
Channel 4: working across the UK
Britain’s Creative

Channel 4:
the UK
Channel 4: working across the UK
Location, Location, Location

Hollyoaks   Posh Pawn
Channel 4: working across the UK

    At a glance               04
    Map: Where we work        06
    Map: Reflecting the UK 20

                          ACROSS THE UK   01
Channel 4: working across the UK
Gadget Man


Channel 4 acts as a creative                          Throughout our history, Channel 4
                                                      has commissioned from a huge
                                                                                                    Our strategy for building a sustainable
                                                                                                    sector outside London focuses on                               Connecting
greenhouse. We nurture                                range of independent production               facilitating contact between indies and
                                                      companies across the UK and can point         commissioners, seed-funding via our
and bring to fruition new                             to numerous success stories. We have          Alpha Fund, investment in talent and
creative and digital ideas,                           a continuing ambition to build a network      skills development, and therefore                              with indies:
                                                      of programme suppliers of the highest         growing hubs of creative excellence
and in the process we drive                           calibre from across the UK.                   across the UK.
                                                                                                                                                                   • We facilitated 258
economic growth, create                               Since its launch, Channel 4 has invested      Since 2011, the Alpha Fund has
                                                                                                                                                                     days of contact between
                                                      £12.3 billion in content, with £455 million   provided seed funding to independent
jobs and support hundreds                             spent on UK-originated programming in         production companies outside London                              commissioners and indies
of SMEs across the UK.                                2015. Each year we work with nearly 300       to develop their creative offering.                              and creative companies
                                                      production companies across TV, digital       The fund has helped to transform                                 in the Nations in 2015
                                                      and film, accounting for 37% of all public    the creative contribution of multiple
             Channel 4 is unique among public         service broadcasters’ spending on UK          companies all over the UK, increasing                          • 525 attendees from over
             service broadcasters in having a         independent production. In doing so, we       both their creative expertise and                                338 production companies
             publisher-broadcaster model.             commission from more TV production            business scale.
                                                      companies than BBC1, BBC2, ITV or
                                                                                                                                                                     at 21 briefings, including 7
             Unlike others, everything we air
             is commissioned from external            Channel 5, and more than ITV and              We have regional offices in Manchester                           genre briefings and 4 shorts
             production companies.                    Channel 5 combined.                           and Glasgow. The Manchester office                               briefings
                                                                                                    houses our Northern sales team. Our
             Alongside our not-for-profit model,      As stipulated by Ofcom, 35% of                Nations and Regions team, based in                             • Cities visited include
             this means that Channel 4’s revenues     all our hours and spend on original           Glasgow, is a strategic arm of Channel 4                         Glasgow, Belfast, Manchester,
             are invested back into content, going    programming must come from                    content commissioning. The department
                                                                                                                                                                     Cardiff, Leeds, Bristol,
             straight into the creative economy       outside of London. Channel 4 has              provides strategic input, development
                                                      further increased its commitment to           funding via the Alpha Fund, creative                             Newcastle and Edinburgh
             and supporting the independent
             production sector – and all at no        production in the devolved Nations,           briefing and partnership to the best
                                                      from a quota of 3% to a commitment            and most ambitious regionally-based                            • Our annual Meet the
             cost to the taxpayer. In fiscal terms,
             Channel 4’s activities generate a £1.1   that 9% of its main channel programme         indies across the UK.                                            Commissioners event
             billion contribution to UK GDP each      hours and spend will come from                                                                                 in London, run with PACT,
             year, and support 19,000 jobs across     the Nations by 2020.                                                                                           saw 46 commissioners
             the UK.                                                                                                                                                 conduct 200 meetings with
                                                                                                                                                                     independent production
                                                                                                                                                                     companies over two days

                                                                                                                                                                                 ACROSS THE UK   03
Channel 4: working across the UK
At a

Over £ bn
spent on content from
                     1     Food Unwrapped
                                                                                           Fifteen to One

outside of London in the
last 10 years

  149m 53%                                                28m
                                                                                          9% of first-run
£                                                      £                                  originations programme
                                                                                          hours were sourced
spent on production        of first-run originations                                      from suppliers in the
outside of London          programme hours were        spent on production
                                                                                          Nations (2015)
(2015)                     sourced from suppliers      in the Nations (2015)
                           outside of London

39% of the value of        21 indie briefing           7% of the value of                 Ofcom target:
first-run originations     sessions held outside       first‑run originations             9% of Channel 4 main
was spent outside          of London (2015)            was spent in the                   channel programme
of London (2015)                                       Nations (2015)                     hours and spend coming
                                                                                          from the Nations by 2020

                                                                                                            ACROSS THE UK   05
Channel 4: working across the UK
Where                                                                                                                                                                                Birmingham

we work                                                               Supershoppers – Firecrest Films
                                                                                                                      Homes by the Sea
                                                                                                                          – True North

                                                                                                                                                                                       Gadget Man – North One Television

Channel 4’s work and impact can be felt all
over the UK. The map opposite details the
locations of just some of our TV production
partners, Film4 shooting locations, Games                                                               Leeds
production partners, and our offices.

  Television programmes            	All 4 Games                   	Higher education
• Born Naughty? –                   commissions from                 partnerships and
  Birmingham                   • Tag Games – Dundee                  PTS locations
  (Maverick Television)        • Chunk Games – Glasgow            • Abertay University – Dundee
• One Born Every Minute –      • Lucid Games – Liverpool          • De Montfort University
  Bristol (Dragonfly)          • Pathos – Bolton                    – Leicester
• Dispatches –                 • Crash Lab – East Midlands        • Durham University
  Manchester (Blakeway)                                           • Full Fat TV – Birmingham
                               • Big Bit, Paper Seven –
• Homes by the Sea –             Brighton                         • Waddell Media – Belfast
  Leeds (True North)
• Fifteen to One – Glasgow
                               • Trusted Developments –           • Newry – Northern Ireland               Cardiff
  (Remedy Productions)
                               • Strawdog Studios – Derby          	Independent production
• Unreported World –
                               • Evil Twin Artworks – Swindon        company briefings
  Oxford (Quicksilver Media)
• Underage and Gay –                                                Glasgow, Manchester,
  Cardiff (Rondo/Yeti)             Film 4 shooting locations        Cardiff, Leeds, Bristol,
• Food Unwrapped –             •   High-Rise – Belfast              Belfast, PACT London
                                                                                                        Revenge Porn – TiFiNi
  Brighton (Ricochet)          •   Starred Up – Belfast
• Supershoppers –              •   The Selfish Giant – Bradford     Channel 4 offices
  Glasgow (Firecrest Films)
• Gadget Man – Birmingham
                               •   The Lobster – Republic
                                   of Ireland
                                                                    Manchester, Glasgow,
                                                                    London (Headquarters)               Oxford                                                                         Manchester
  (North One TV)               •   71’ – Liverpool, Leeds
• No Offence –                     and Blackburn
                                                                    C4 Pop Ups
  Manchester (Abbottvision)
• Jamie and Jimmy’s
                               •   Catch Me Daddy – Oldham
                                                                    Bournemouth, Norwich,
                               •   Macbeth – Scotland
  Friday Night Feast –                                              Wolverhampton, Preston,
                               •   Under the Skin – Scotland
  Brighton (Fresh One)                                              Glasgow, Belfast, Cardiff,
                               •   Mr. Turner – South Yorkshire     Doncaster, Corby, Leicester
• Revenge Porn –                                                                                            Unreported World – Quicksilver Media
                               •   How I Live Now – Wales
  Cardiff (TiFiNi)
                               •   How to Talk to Girls at                                                                                                                              No Offence – Abbottvision
• Inside Lego At Christmas –                                        Regional sales offices
  Belfast (Waddell Media)          Parties – Sheffield
                                                                    Belfast, Dublin                                                                 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night
                                                                                                                                                    Feast – Fresh One

                                                                                                                                                                                            ACROSS THE UK      07
Channel 4: working across the UK
True North                                                                                          Leeds
              Gok's Fill Your House for Free

                                               Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It

Supporting indies                                                                                    True North is an independent production
                                                                                                     company based in Leeds, producing
                                                                                                                                                      	The Growth Fund has been

Raise the Roof
                                                                                                     programmes across an eclectic range
                                                                                                     of genres including documentaries,                 instrumental in supporting a
                                                                                                     children’s content, factual, features,             sustained period of expansion for
                                                                                                     and factual entertainment.                         True North, helping the company
                                                                                           Glasgow                                                      build a bridge from its base in
From the early days hot-desking                 Creative Director, Sarah Walmsley says:              Run by founders Andrew Sheldon and
                                                                                                     Jess Fowle, and supported by Managing              the North of England to the rapidly
at Channel 4’s Glasgow office, the              “We’re keen to take on Channel 4
trajectory of Raise the Roof Productions        trainees whenever the opportunity                    Director Marc Allen, True North’s hit              evolving global television market.
has been impressive.                            arises. They’re always of the highest                shows include Building the Dream,
                                                                                                                                                         Andrew Sheldon, Creative Director and Founder, True North
                                                standard and working with them has,                  Homes by the Sea, Too Many Cooks and
Raise the Roof has gone on to produce           without exception, been beneficial to                The Last Leg Goes Down Under. In 2014,
242 hours of television for Channel 4.          the company.”                                        Channel 4 invested in True North through
Their most recent commissions include                                                                its £20 million indie Growth Fund, which
                                                                                                                                                   The company also provides an important
the returning series, Goks' Fill Your           As well as welcoming trainees, Raise                 supports creative SMEs to grow and
                                                                                                                                                   training ground for new production talent
House for Free, and a brand new                 the Roof works closely with Channel 4                remain independent without the need
                                                                                                                                                   in the North of England. Their connection
format, Big House, Little House.                to support skills and talent development             to consolidate with other production
                                                                                                                                                   to Channel 4 has bolstered their
                                                in Glasgow. They have received                       companies or seek private investment
                                                                                                                                                   long-standing commitment to nurturing
Launched in June 2010, they quickly             development money through the Alpha                  loans. Channel 4’s investment was
                                                                                                                                                   diverse talent, with four BAME trainees
won their first commission, Vacation            Fund and have worked together with                   critical in supporting True North to retain
                                                                                                                                                   recruited in the past 15 months, as well
Vacation Vacation, and moved into their         Channel 4 on schemes to develop                      and expand its Northern base, without
                                                                                                                                                   as the placing of other candidates from
own space in The Hub at Glasgow’s               more senior members of staff.                        the need to build a presence in London.
                                                                                                                                                   diverse backgrounds.
Pacific Quay. Their focus on long
running, returning formats, including                                                                Since Channel 4’s investment,
Phil Spencer: Secret Agent, has                                                                      True North has expanded its presence at
allowed the company to invest in staff                                                               Media City in Manchester, grown its edit
and development. They now have                       	They’re investing in us and we’re             capacity across the company by 40% to
16 permanent members of staff,                         investing in them… the Nations                18 edit suites, and begun a campaign to
and in 2015 alone they issued                                                                        win its first US commission. Hiring has
                                                       and Regions department have                                                                  Building the Dream
372 freelance contracts.                                                                             increased, with their headcount growing
                                                       been great champions of ours and              from 80–100 in 2014 to 140–150 in 2016.
Raise the Roof has offered opportunities
                                                       have always had our back. There’s             They have also doubled the amount of
to Channel 4 trainees, ranging from                    no doubt that their support has               returning series on their slate, providing
researchers and coordinators to series                 helped secure commissions.                    a strong and sustainable revenue base;
producers and executive producers,                                                                   indeed, revenues have doubled to just
and has found the experience                            Jane Muirhead, Managing Director             under £10 million since Channel 4’s
mutually beneficial.                                                                                 investment. True North’s programmes
                                                                                                     are now watched in more than 200
                                                                                                     countries around the world.

08     WORKING
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Channel 4: working across the UK
Supporting indies

Nine Lives                                                                                    Manchester
                                                                                                               Yeti                                                                                           Wales

                                                                                                               Based in Wales, Yeti Productions has
                                                                                                               been successful in building key supply
                                                                                                               relationships with both the Formats and        	The Nations and Regions department
                                                                                                               Documentaries teams at Channel 4. The            has helped Yeti immensely – with
                                                                                                               company launched as Yeti in October              advice, funding and active internal
                                                                                                               2014 as a new company created by                 support at Channel 4. We feel we’ve
                                                                                                               Rondo Media. While still part of Rondo,
Dispatches: Aldi’s Supermarket Secrets                        Dispatches, Benefits Britain: Universal Credit   the team made their breakthrough with
                                                                                                                                                                had a real champion for both our
                                                                                                               Channel 4 back in 2011, following Alpha          programme ideas and our
                                                                                                               Fund support in a taster tape simply             capabilities as a supplier.
                                                                                                               entitled Tattoo.
Based in Manchester, Nine Lives Media                                                                                                                            Paul Symonds, Producer/Director at Yeti
is an award-winning independent
                                                  	At a time when news and current                            That led to a single and documentary
production company specialising
                                                    affairs can be dominated by the                            series commission with Channel 4, the
in current affairs, children’s and
                                                                                                               company’s first network commission
documentary programming.                            Westminster agenda, Channel 4                              alongside their considerable home-
                                                    continues to invest in unearthing                          grown success in Wales. Since that
Launched in 2007 by Cat Lewis, the
company employs 20 people and its
                                                    stories from all parts of the UK,                          early success, the company have
                                                    and supporting journalism that                             carved out a successful series of
slate includes high-impact investigations
                                                    originates outside London.                                 formatted documentaries including
for Channel 4’s Dispatches current
                                                                                                               Frozen at Christmas and Britain’s
affairs strand, overseen by Executive
                                                    Cat Lewis, CEO of Nine Lives Media                         Favourite Superhero; as well as
Producer Mike Lewis. Their film Aldi’s
                                                                                                               the recent My Millionaire Dads
Supermarket Secrets, investigated
                                                                                                               and Me.
the practices of the fast-growing
supermarket chain, won the highest-
                                              In addition to commissioning, Channel 4                          The company has also won a new
ever audience share for Dispatches,
                                              works with Nine Lives Media and other                            daytime commission from Channel 4,
bringing in nearly 4 million viewers.
                                              independent production companies                                 Find It, Fix It, Flog It, a 20-part series
                                              outside London to develop skills and                             which will premiere in late 2016.
Nine Lives’ documentary for Dispatches,
                                              talent in investigative journalism. Nine
Benefits Britain: Universal Credit, looked
                                              Lives provides placements for Channel
at the impact of the Universal Credit pilot
                                              4’s Investigative Journalism Scheme,
schemes in the North West and is an
                                              which includes mentoring and paid,
example of how Channel 4 sees the
                                              practical hands-on experience in
benefit of working with local production
                                              Manchester for people looking to pursue
companies, leveraging local knowledge                                                                                                                       Britain’s Favourite Superhero
                                              a career in this highly specialised field.
and sources to seek out impactful stories.

10       WORKING
         ACROSS THE UK
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ACROSS THE UK   11
Channel 4: working across the UK
Supporting indies

Lime Pictures                                                                                    Liverpool
                                                                                                                Full Fat TV                                                                 Birmingham

Lime Pictures and Channel 4 have a long                                                                         Set up in 2015 by Colette Foster in
and successful history – not least through                                                                      Birmingham, the company first gained
the five episodes of Hollyoaks per week           	Channel 4’s commitment to                                   support via the Channel 4 Alpha Fund,
that they have been producing for us                Hollyoaks has enabled Lime                                  which provided resources to employ
since 1995.                                         Pictures to sustain over 300                                Senior Development Producer Perjeet
                                                    permanent roles, meaningfully                               Aujla. It is a personal passion of
They are also responsible for a range                                                                           Colette’s to work with talent who come
of other high profile programming
                                                    invest in the local infrastructure                          from the local area, and to deliver hit
including Celebs Go Dating for E4,                  and talent, providing a stable                              network shows from the Midlands.
ITVBe’s The Only Way Is Essex, Rocket’s             foundation for the creation and
Island for BBC, and MTV’s Geordie Shore.            retention of a strong craft base.                           In early 2016, the Nations and Regions
They also make The Singles’ Project, a                                                                          Alpha Fund gave some further backing
dating show on Bravo that made Lime the             Claire Poyser, Joint Managing Director (with Kate Little)   to Colette’s continuing development
first UK producer of US real-time content.                                                                      push, which has resulted in two new
                                                                                                                single commissions from Channel 4
The All3Media-owned indie, headed up                                                                            Features: Joe Wicks: Summer Body
                                                                                                                                                          Joe Wicks: Summer Body Coach
by joint Managing Directors Claire Poyser       Hollyoaks                                                       Coach, following the Instagram
and Kate Little, is known for delivering                                                                        sensation in his first TV pilot; and 24
distinctive projects with a huge social                                                                         Hours Inside Your Body, a ground-
media and online presence, allowing the                                                                         breaking Features commission.
key 16–24 audience to engage directly
with their favourite shows and channels.                                                                        Gaining Alpha Fund backing has              	The support Full Fat TV has received
                                                                                                                also been instrumental in helping             from the Alpha Fund has been a huge
Lime has also collaborated with Channel 4                                                                       the company to gain investment.               confidence boost for the company.
on initiatives such as the Northern Writers’                                                                    In 2015, Fremantle acquired a 25%             It’s early days but we are mightily
Award (see page 20), the Channel 4                                                                              stake in Full Fat TV, seeing the
                                                                                                                                                              ambitious – we are creating a
Diversity Storylining Initiative and a recent                                                                   company’s relationship with
collaboration with Directors UK that led to                                                                     Channel 4 and its regional base               sustainable Midlands base that
two female directors, Charlotte George                                                                          as an attractive proposition.                 offers opportunities for talent from
and Claire Tailyour, joining a mentoring                                                                                                                      the region to grow their careers
scheme at Hollyoaks.                                                                                                                                          without having to go to London.
                                                                                                                                                              Colette Foster, Founder

12      WORKING
                                                                                                                                                                                         ACROSS THE UK   13
Channel 4: working across the UK
                                                                                                        Fiona Wilson                                                                              Glasgow
                                                              This Is England ‘90

Nurturing talent
                                                                                                                                                    Fiona shadowed Anouk on location,

Shane Meadows                                                                                                                                       spent time in the edit and also had the
                                                                                                                                                    opportunity to shoot; one-third of the
                                                                                                                                                    footage in the final cut was actually
                                                                                                                                                    directed by Fiona.

Acclaimed writer and director Shane                                                                                                                 When Channel 4 commissioned a full
Meadows made his first documentary                                                                                                                  series of Britain’s Benefit Tenants, Fiona
for Channel 4 in 1995, before directing          	This Is England has been the perfect                                                             was asked to direct an episode, and
four feature films with Film4, and the             example where an investment ten                                                                  following a recommission, Fiona stepped
much-lauded semi-autobiographical                  years ago for a film has sparked off                                                             into the role of Series Producer.
TV drama trilogy spin-off from This Is             over £12 million of production spend
England. Shane’s film and TV work with
Channel 4 has all been set and filmed
                                                   out of our Sheffield office.
                                                                                                        Channel 4 develops new talent in
in the Midlands, often featuring young,            Mark Herbert, Joint CEO Warp Films                   the Nations and Regions through
undiscovered local talent.                                                                                                                              	Shadowing Anouk was an
                                                                                                        shadowing, allowing production talent
                                                                                                        to observe and absorb, first-hand,                absolutely fantastic and invaluable
Shane’s career began at a local                                                                                                                           opportunity… the additional
                                                                                                        the skills of more established
film centre in Nottingham, where he           2008 BAFTA for Best British Film,
borrowed a camcorder at weekends              highlighting Meadows as one of the
                                                                                                        production professionals.                         experience and support gave
and developed his technique of                UK’s best directors.                                                                                        me a lot of confidence.
                                                                                                        Fiona Wilson, currently at Scottish
film-making using his friends as
                                                                                                        indie IWC, is just one professional               Fiona Wilson, IWC
actors in a series of short films.            In 2013, for his fourth collaboration
                                                                                                        who has broadened her experience
                                              with Film4, Meadows documented the
                                                                                                        thanks to the success of this initiative.
In 1995 he was approached to direct           reunion of one of Manchester’s biggest
                                                                                                        Although experienced, Fiona had not          Britain’s Benefit Tenants
TV documentary King of the Gypsies for        bands, the era-defining Stone Roses,
                                                                                                        yet directed a full hour for Channel 4
Channel 4. After writing and directing his    who Shane cites as one of his main
                                                                                                        Documentaries. When IWC won the
Midlands trilogy (Twenty Four Seven, A        inspirations and the soundtrack for
                                                                                                        commission for Britain’s Benefit
Room For Romeo Brass and Once Upon            the This Is England generation.
                                                                                                        Tenants, a single hour documentary,
a Time in the Midlands), Film4 funded
                                                                                                        investment from the Nations and
Shane’s BAFTA-nominated thriller and          Film4 continues to work with Meadows
                                                                                                        Regions department meant that Fiona
cult classic Dead Man’s Shoes in 2003.        and his long-term producing partner,
                                                                                                        was able to shadow the director on
                                              Mark Herbert of Sheffield-based Warp
                                                                                                        the project, Anouk Curry.
This Is England was Meadows’ third            Films. The relationship built by Film4
collaboration with Film4. Set in 1983,        gave Channel 4 the opportunity to
it tells the story of Shaun, an 11-year-old   support TV spin-offs This Is England
growing up in the North of England. The       ‘86, ‘88 and ‘90, the latter winning
film was a critical success and won the       three TV BAFTAs in 2016.

14      WORKING
                                                                                                                                                                                         ACROSS THE UK   15
Nurturing talent
C4 Pop Ups                                                                                                     Journalism Scheme
                                                                                Glasgow, Preston, Norwich,                                                                                                 Glasgow, Belfast,
                                                                                 Leicester, Wolverhampton,                                                                                               Leeds, Manchester,
                                                                              Bournemouth, Belfast, Cardiff,                                                                                                      Leicester
                                                                                          Corby, Doncaster

In addition to apprenticeships and work    diversity of entrants into the creative                             Channel 4 is committed to pursuing
experience initiatives, C4 Pop Ups is an   and digital industries, which in turn has                           high-quality investigative journalism and
outreach programme of skills workshops     strengthened the sector in the Nations                              is known for its risk-taking, high-impact,       	The training I received changed
across the UK, promoting careers           and Regions through a wider range                                   agenda-setting news and current affairs            my life, giving me the skills and
within the industry and unearthing         of experiences and ideas.                                           – reflecting its important remit to show           the confidence to find stories
undiscovered talent.                                                                                           alternative viewpoints and stimulate               and tell them in an engaging
                                           The attendees were encouraging in                                   debate. Investigative journalism is a
It’s an ambition of Channel 4 that         their diversity: our research also found                            highly specialist field and Channel 4
                                                                                                                                                                  and thoughtful way.
the people who make television             that 44% did not have a degree-level                                has been working with production                   Kevin Anderson, AP at Firecrest Films, Glasgow –
programmes should be as diverse            education and 28% came from                                         companies and institutions across                  Channel 4 Investigative Journalism Scheme 2014
as the people who watch them.              households receiving Income Support.                                the UK to train up a new generation of
We are therefore committed to ensuring     Following the Pop Ups, 97% said that                                investigative journalists and widen the
that people from all backgrounds and       they knew what to do next about a                                   pool of talent to include people from
walks of life can successfully pursue      career in the media/creative industries,                            diverse backgrounds. Channel 4’s              Dispatches: Secrets of Cadbury
careers in the media industry.             after experiencing the day.                                         Investigative Journalism Scheme
                                                                                                               provides on the job training with
In particular, we are deliberately         Other examples of skills partnerships                               independent production companies
targeting young people from                in the Nations and Regions include                                  working on Channel 4’s Dispatches
disadvantaged backgrounds, and are         Gen Up, a skills development                                        strand and takes two sets of trainees:
focusing away from the main ‘media         partnership with TRC Media, and                                     entry-level and more experienced
hub’ cities. In 2015, our programme        Dare to Be Digital, with Channel 4                                  candidates (for example at AP or
visited Bournemouth, Norwich,              supporting and mentoring the University                             producer-level) who are looking to move
Wolverhampton, Preston and Glasgow,        of Abertay’s video games competition.                               into more senior roles. The scheme has
reaching more than 600 young people                                                                            included placements with independent
with its open days.                                                                                            production companies across the UK,
                                                                                                               such as Matchlight and Firecrest Films       The course, which has been developed
Local independent production and                                                                               in Glasgow, Nine Lives Media in              in partnership with Channel 4’s News
digital companies play a central role                                                                          Manchester, Below the Radar and Erica        and Current Affairs team, will cover areas
in these events, allowing local young       C4 Pop Ups                                                         Starling in Belfast and True North in        such as techniques of in-depth research,
people to understand what they do,                                                                             Leeds. This collaboration has resulted       including handling complex data,
network with them and hear about                                                                               in the successful development and            understanding financial information,
opportunities available to them in                                                                             retention of new journalistic talent         working undercover, using freedom of
their area. Channel 4 believes that this                                                                       outside of London.                           information, the law, compliance and
scheme has helped to broaden the                                                                                                                            safety alongside filming and editing.
                                                                                                               Channel 4 has also teamed up with            As part of the course, which starts in
                                                                                                               De Montfort University’s Media School        September 2016, students will learn
                                                                                                               in Leicester to launch a new Investigative   how to identify, pitch, research and film
                                                                                                               Journalism MA.                               investigative stories.

16      WORKING
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Nuzhat Ali

                                                                                                                                                                                   Sharma Walfall

Nurturing talent

Nations and Regions                                                                       As part of Channel 4’s 360° Diversity
                                                                                          Charter commitments, Channel 4
                                                                                          partnered with Northumbria University
                                                                                                                                     December 2014. Her play When George
                                                                                                                                     Came to Bradford was part of the
                                                                                                                                     Bradford Literature Festival and has

Diversity Production                                                                      and New Writing North on this new
                                                                                          award, to reach out to a diverse
                                                                                          spectrum of writers. The partnership
                                                                                                                                     been recorded for the BBC Radio
                                                                                                                                     website. Nuzhat is active in her
                                                                                                                                     community as a member of the Muslim

Training Scheme pilot                                                                     goes beyond simply developing a
                                                                                          resource-base for writer development:
                                                                                          the three organisations’ different
                                                                                                                                     Women’s Council. Since winning the
                                                                                                                                     award, she is working with Nicola
                                                                                                                                     Shindler’s Red Productions, developing
                                                                                          networks, skills, experience and           an original drama series.
With the aim of generating more               The trainees will be working with indies    knowledge create a unique and
diverse production talent at entry-level,     including Icon Films, Rondo, RDF Bristol,   powerful support structure for talent      Sharma Walfall is a young writer-actor
the Nations and Regions Production            Boomerang and Plimsoll. The scheme          development. We have committed to          from Manchester and a number of her
Training Scheme launched as a pilot           is due to start in September 2016.          the scheme for another three years.        short films have gone into production.
in Glasgow in 2016.                                                                                                                  Winning the award has allowed Sharma
                                              In parallel, we also invested in            Through the award, Channel 4               time away from her job and to take up a
The scheme saw six new entrants               mid-level talent in Glasgow, to help        discovered some fantastic writing talent   placement on Hollyoaks, where she
immerse themselves in paid work               grow and develop the careers of             in 2015: Nuzhat Ali is currently working   is developing story ideas and writing
placements as trainee researchers             high-potential people identified by         with Red Productions and Sharma            her own original Hollyoaks script.
and coordinators at four production           indies. We supported two individuals:       Walfall has taken up a placement
companies: Raise the Roof, IWC,               at Raise the Roof we funded a six-month     on Hollyoaks.
Remedy and Lion. Placements were              role as shadowing Series Producer on
funded 50/50 by Channel 4 and the             Gok’s Fill Your House for Free, and at      Nuzhat lives in Bradford. She home-
host indies.                                  IWC we funded a shadowing directing         educated her two younger children for         	Winning the award has been an
                                              placement on Location, Location,            eight years and started writing when            incredible experience, I’ve always
The placements were enhanced by a             Location and Britain’s Benefit Tenants.     they went on to further education.              wanted to be a writer for television
three-week training programme, aiming                                                     Nuzhat was one of ten people selected
to give trainees’ careers a kick start with   A number of our year-long                                                                   but found it wasn’t easy to get into.
                                                                                          for the Street Voices 5 Play Writing
key skills and industry insights.             paid placements under the main                                                              Having no previous TV writing
                                                                                          Course in October 2014, and she
                                              Production Trainee Scheme will be           followed this by being chosen for the           experience, this award and
The placements were so successful that        in the Nations and Regions. In Belfast,     Dream Reality Radio competition in              placement has been an amazing
all of the companies decided to extend        host companies are Big Mountain and
                                                                                                                                          opportunity. I am really grateful
the original contracts, which are now         Waddell Media, and in Birmingham
due to end in September 2016. This            Full Fat TV and 7 Wonder will be                                                            to win the award and recommend
augurs well as Channel 4 rolls out the        hosting placements, which are due                                                           new writers to enter.
entry-level scheme in Bristol and Cardiff     to start in September 2016.
                                                                                                                                          Sharma Walfall
to support another six trainees.

18      WORKING
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Four in a Bed

Reflecting the UK
Channel 4 seeks to reflect the length and breadth                                              Gogglebox

of the UK in our programmes, from popular staple
programmes with contributors from across the                                                          Eden

UK to drama and comedy that portray life in a
particular region. This map shows just some
examples of regional portrayal in 2016.

                                                                                                               Paul Merton’s Secret Stations


               Come Dine With Me                  No Offence


                                                                                                   Amazing Spaces

  Amazing Spaces                    Eden
  Come Dine With Me                 Drifters
  Gogglebox                         Paul Merton’s Secret Stations
  Hollyoaks                         No Offence                                                                              Grayson Perry: All Man
  Four in a Bed                     Grayson Perry: All Man

                                                                                                                      ACROSS THE UK      21
Channel 4 introduced Random Acts              Random Acts Network Centres, enabling

                                                                                                        Random Acts
                                                                                                                             in 2011 to show films by artists (as          as many young people as possible to
                                                                                                                             opposed to making programmes about            access the programming, including in
                                                                                                                             them) and has since broadcast over            areas where access to film and TV
                                                                                                                             500 short films from renowned figures         has been limited. The network has
                                                                                                                             including Ai Weiwei and Kate Tempest.         successfully supported 134 young
                                                                                                                                                                           artists to deliver 83 films to date
                                                                                                                             In 2016, Random Acts launched with            (mid-2016).
                                                                                                                             renewed purpose: to work with more
                                                                                                                             established artists and allow them to         The best films will feature on the
                                                                                                                             play with the form and premiere work          Random Acts strand on television and
                                                                                                                             from them, as well as to identify and         online, alongside films by established
                                                                                                                             develop fresh and diverse creative talent     artists commissioned directly by
 The Snowman and The Snowdog
                                                                                                                             from across the UK, offering young            Channel 4. By mid-2016, 75% of the
                                                                                                                             people aged 16–24 the opportunity to          films reviewed by Channel 4 had
                                                                                                                             create high-quality short films. Over         been selected for distribution online,
                                           Made in Chelsea: The Game                                                         three years, Arts Council England has         and two films (5%) had been selected
                                                                                                                             committed to invest £3 million in five        for broadcast.
All 4 Games

                   All 4 Games comprises a team of            then publish and promote the games
                   four games industry veterans based         across all the channel’s networks.
                   in Glasgow, commissioning games            Recently, Scottish-developed game                                   	We’re inviting artists to use TV as
                   linked to Channel 4 programming, and       Super Arc Light was published by                                      a canvas and let their imaginations
                   topping the App Store’s charts with        All 4 Games to global recognition,                                    run wild and create the work itself.
                   programme-linked games such as The         boosted by international-featuring                                    It’s liberating for them – hardly
                   Snowman and The Snowdog, Made in           by Apple, and garnering coverage
                   Chelsea and Hollyoaks. Our mobile          in The New York Times.
                                                                                                                                    anyone gives them the budget and
                   game for Stand Up To Cancer, Reverse                                                                             then says ‘go away and make it’.
                   The Odds, was developed by Chunk in        Since 2012, All 4 Games has supported                                 The heart and soul of Random Acts
                   Glasgow and has won various awards         the video game competition Dare to                                    lives across all our digital platforms
                   including a Digital Emmy.                  be Digital. It is run by The University                               to give artists more exposure than
                                                              of Abertay in Dundee, which provides
                   All games commissioned to date             a £25,000 prize and mentorship for
                                                                                                                                    ever before.
                   (September 2016) have been produced        the winning student team to help them                                 Pegah Farahmand, Editor, Random Acts
                   in the Nations and Regions, from           establish a company and publish
                   locations including Dundee, Bolton,        their first game.
                   Derby and Bristol.
                                                                                                                                                 Man Made Youth
                   All 4 Games aims to give small game
                   studios a route to market for their own
                   indie games; advise developers on how
                   to improve the quality, monetisation
                   and marketability of their games; and

                                                                                                         London – ICA, South West – Calling
                                                                                                         the Shots, South East – Screen South,
                                                                                                         Midlands – Rural Media Company,
                                                                                                         North – Tyneside Cinema

 22      WORKING
         ACROSS THE UK
                                                                                                                                                                                             ACROSS THE UK   23
Regional offices
                    Manchester regional office

                   Channel 4 has four regional offices:        Glasgow
                   Glasgow, where the Nations and              Channel 4’s Glasgow office is the
                   Regions and All 4 Games teams are           only editorial office outside London,
                   based; Manchester, a Channel 4 Sales        housing both the Nations and Regions
                   office; and two further Sales offices       and All 4 Games teams.
                   in Belfast and Dublin.
                                                               The office is a hub for producer
                   Manchester                                  meetings, briefings and events,
                   Channel 4 Sales in Manchester is            and serves as a regular base for our
                   responsible for UK agency and client        London colleagues when they are
                   relationships outside the South East        in town for edits and meetings with
                   of England, creating a North West hub       Scottish indies.
                   for our commercial, creative and
                   industry partners.                          TRC Media also operates from our office,
                                                               delivering high-end media training for
                   We work with these clients to               Nations and Regions companies.
                   deliver activity across the full range of
                   Channel 4 commercial opportunities,         While the Nations and Regions team
                   covering sport, sponsorship, digital,       focuses on increasing production and
                   shorts, product placement and               spend outside the M25 for the channel,
                   advertiser funded programming.              All 4 Games works to give independent
                                                               games producers a publishing platform,
                   The channel’s growing regional sales        as well as releasing games in conjunction
                   team in Manchester forms the core of        with Channel 4 programmes.
                   the new premises, with an open hub
                   space with up to 15 hot desks and
                   meeting rooms for up to 60 people.

                   These facilities will be available to
                   Channel 4’s Growth Fund indies, and
                   its production, creative, commercial
                   and third-party sales partners,
                   as well as the Channel 4 Board,
                   Commissioning, Nations and
                   Regions and All 4 Games teams.

  24     WORKING
         ACROSS THE UK
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