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                                    Persistent Cough in an Adolescent*

                             CASE                                     with a peak flow meter. The cough persisted, and the
   Jessica, a 14-year-old girl with a history of asthma,              peak flow recording showed normal airway resis-
went to her pediatrician’s office because of a persis-                tance. At this time, Jessica’s pediatrician suspected a
tent cough. She had been coughing for at least 3                      conversion reaction and contemplated the next best
months with occasional cough-free periods of less                     therapeutic strategy.
than a few days. The cough was nonproductive and                      Index terms: psychogenic cough, conversion disorder, habit cough, vocal
was not accompanied by fever, rhinorrhea, or facial                   tic.
or chest pain. Jessica and her mother observed that
the cough increased with exercise and typically was                   Dr. Martin T. Stein
not present during sleep. She has used two metered-
dose inhalers—albuterol and cromolyn—without                             A single symptom or a cluster of symptoms that
any change in the cough pattern.                                      do not fit neatly into a recognizable pattern of illness
   For the past 5 years, Jessica has had mild asthma                  is not an unusual occurrence in a medical practice.
responsive to albuterol. She enjoys running on the                    Further investigation into historical data or selected
cross-country team, soccer, and dancing. She is an                    laboratory tests usually reveal the etiology of the
average student and denies any change in academic                     problem. At other times, only the generation of a
performance. She has never been hospitalized or had                   new hypothesis leads to an acceptable explanation
an emergency department visit for asthma or pneu-                     for the symptoms. Patients like Jessica who present
monia. There has been no recent travel or exposure                    with a common symptom that is stubbornly unre-
to a person with a chronic productive cough, tobacco                  sponsive to standard medical interventions are not
smoke, or a live-in pet. Jessica lives with her mother                uncommon occurrences in primary care practice and
and younger sister in a 10-year-old, carpeted apart-                  challenge the diagnostic and therapeutic skills of the
ment without any evidence of mold or recent reno-                     most seasoned clinicians.
vation.                                                                  Jessica’s symptom, a persistent cough, is associ-
   In the process of taking the history, the pediatri-                ated with a prior history of mild asthma but is un-
cian noticed that Jessica coughed intermittently, with                responsive to standard medical interventions. Im-
two or three coughs during each episode. At times,                    portant developmental information includes her
the cough was harsh; at other times, it was a quiet                   status as an early adolescent (we do not know her
cough, as if she were clearing her throat. She was                    Tanner stage, menarche history, or sexual history),
cooperative, without overt anxiety or respiratory dis-                average and consistent academic performance, and
tress. After a complete physical examination with                     active participation in a variety of activities. Jessica’s
normal findings, the pediatrician interviewed Jessica                 parents have been divorced 6 years. During weekend
and her mother alone.                                                 visits to her father’s new family, she experiences a
   Jessica’s parents had been divorced for the past 6                 feeling of discomfort in response to “tension. . . and
years. She lived with her mother but visited her                      arguing when the kids are around.”
father, and his new family with two young children,                      Although the information about Jessica in the case
every weekend. She spoke about this arrangement                       scenario is sparse, it is a reasonable amount of data to
comfortably and said that she loved her father and                    obtain from an initial visit to a pediatrician. Subse-
mother but didn’t like the tension she experienced at                 quent office visits focused on discovering the cause
her father’s home. “I don’t like adults arguing when                  for the chronic cough while simultaneously trying
kids are around.” When asked why she thought the                      other therapeutic interventions. It was only after the
cough persisted so long, she commented in a neutral                   failure of those treatments and the reassessment of
tone, “I don’t know. It’s never been like this before.”               the psychosocial history that her pediatrician consid-
   Jessica’s pediatrician prescribed an inhaled steroid               ered a conversion reaction.
with the albuterol. When the cough did not respond                       Dr. Gordon Harper, an Associate Professor of Psy-
after 1 week, he ordered a chest radiograph (normal)                  chiatry at Harvard Medical School, begins the dis-
and a tuberculin skin test (purified protein deriva-                  cussion. Dr. Harper completed residencies in both
tive-negative), and he added montelukast (a leuko-                    pediatrics and psychiatry, as well as training in psy-
triene inhibitor) and monitored airway resistance                     choanalysis. He has been an active medical educator
                                                                      for more than two decades, past director of inpatient
                                                                      psychiatry at Boston Children’s Hospital, and is cur-
* Originally published in J Dev Behav Pediatr. 1999;20(6)
                                                                      rently medical director of Child and Adolescent Ser-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2001 by the American Acad-   vices, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
emy of Pediatrics and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.                  Dr. Jane Chen recently completed her pediatric res-

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idency and chief residency at the University of Cal-           ingless at best and offensive at worst (“they think
ifornia, San Diego after graduating from the Stanford          there’s nothing wrong with me”).4 The pediatrician
School of Medicine. As chief resident, Dr. Chen was            proceeds here indirectly, with open-ended questions:
known as an advocate for psychosocial issues of                “I’m interested in hearing more about how things
children and families as she guided conferences and            have been going for you.” Follow-up questions may
teaching rounds. Currently, she is a member of a               elicit unrecognized meanings, possibly in the onset
primary care group pediatric practice. Following the           or variability of the cough (looking for meaningful
comments of Drs. Harper and Chen, selected com-                associations, such as anniversary reactions). Al-
ments are presented from the discussion of this case           though an isolated cough would be an unlikely pre-
on the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics web             sentation of depression, in asking these questions,
site.                                                          the pediatrician can also assess mood.
                                                                  To explore conscious psychological processes, the
                     Martin T. Stein, MD                       pediatrician will ask what the symptom means to
                     Professor of Pediatrics                   Jessica. What does she think is going on (explanatory
                     University of California, San Diego
                     San Diego, California
                                                               model)?5 Does she think she has an infection? Some-
                                                               thing difficult to talk about, like a sexually transmit-
Dr. Gordon Harper                                              ted disease? Has she known or heard of anyone with
  As an initial approach to Jessica’s persistent and           such a cough (looking for possible identification, not
unexplained cough, the pediatrician may consider               for infectious source)? Has she noticed anything
factors at several levels:                                     about the variability of the cough? The case protocol
                                                               lets the pediatrician hear the patient’s concerns in
Neurophysiological                                             expressing Jessica’s voice: she does not like tension
Psychological— unconscious                                     or adults arguing. The pediatrician can ask, Who
Psychological— conscious (experiential)                        argues? Who is tense? Do they know it bothers her?
Social                                                         How does Jessica feel about asserting her wish for
                                                               less fighting?
   On the neurophysiological level, the “involunta-               In picking up Jessica’s own complaints, we move
risms” of Tourette syndrome (TS) and obsessive-                to the social dimension. Although much of the liter-
compulsive disorder (OCD) need to be included in               ature on conversion focuses on intrapsychic pro-
the differential diagnosis. A tickling sensation and           cesses, all physicians who have dealt with epidemic
the “need” to cough to relieve it are not infrequently         hysteria (mass sociogenic illness) know that social
seen among children and adolescent patients with               context shapes these symptoms and often offers the
symptoms in the TS- OCD spectrum.1 With the re-                arena in which interventions, including behavioral
cently reported association between these symptoms             therapies, effect relief.6,7 Jessica has come to the pe-
and postinfectious immunological changes (so-called            diatrician’s office with her mother; her father and
pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders as-            stepmother are also mentioned. They should be in-
sociated with streptococcal infections [PANDAS]),2             terviewed. What about context? Does the cough vary
clinicians are increasingly entertaining the possibility       with place (school, home, mother’s or father’s place)
of TS and OCD in children formerly thought to have             or situation (open conflict, smothered conflict)?
purely “functional” disorders, those conditions                   Keeping possible factors at all of these levels in
whose biological mediation we have not yet under-              mind, the pediatrician can develop a management
stood.                                                         plan that explores one or several of these. Hospital-
   Unconscious psychological processes (i.e., patho-           ization is indicated only for the most afflicted who
genic processes in which unrecognized meanings of              fail to respond to other treatment.8,9 With whichever
events or feelings play a part) have, since the time of        interventions one begins, the plan should have a time
Freud, been implicated in the origin of conversion             line, including a date fixed in advance at which, if no
symptoms. “Conversion” expresses the idea that                 change has occurred, all parties agree that a referral
psychological conflicts are “converted” into somatic           to a child psychiatrist will be made.
symptoms. Conversion is the only category in the
DSM-IV, otherwise rigorously nonetiological, in                                                Gordon Harper, MD
which a causal mechanism is specified.3 Jessica                                                Associate Professor of Psychiatry
                                                                                               Harvard Medical School
shows one of the classic features of conversion, la                                            Boston, Massachusetts
belle indifference: she does not seem to be troubled by
her symptom. Such apparent indifference suggests
that the symptom has “solved” an intrapsychic con-                                         REFERENCES
flict that would otherwise be causing distress. Clar-           1. Leckman JF, Walker DE, Cohen DJ: Premonitory urges in Tourette’s
                                                                   syndrome. Am J Psychiatry 150:98 –102, 1993
ification of such conflict is sometimes associated with         2. Swedo SE, Leonard HL, Garvey M, et al: Pediatric autoimmune neuro-
dramatic relief of the symptom. But even if such a                 psychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections: Clinical
theory is ultimately “right,” the pediatrician must                description of the first 50 cases. Am J Psychiatry 155:264 –271, 1998
not lead with it. Offering the patient a psychological          3. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
attribution (“I think you’re having trouble with your              Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric As-
                                                                   sociation, 1994
feelings”), in advance of the patient’s (or parent’s)           4. Harper G: Psychosomatic illness, in Parker S, Zuckerman B (eds): Be-
indicating that she is actively entertaining such a                havioral and Developmental Pediatrics: A Handbook for Primary Care.
possibility, will strike patient (and parent) as mean-             Boston, MA, Little, Brown, 1995

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5. Stoeckle JD, Barsky AJ: Attributions: Uses of social science knowledge     status, and in individuals less knowledgeable about
   in the “doctoring” of primary care, in Eisenberg L, Kleinman A (eds):
   The Relevance of Social Science for Medicine, ch 10. Boston, MA, Reidel,
                                                                              medical and psychological concepts. Conversion
   1981, pp 223–240                                                           symptoms in children tend to be limited to gait prob-
6. Boss LP: Epidemic hysteria: A review of the published literature. Epi-     lems or seizures. It is diagnosed more commonly in
   demiol Rev 19:233–243, 1997                                                women, and the prevalence is reported to be 11 to
7. Gooch JL, Wolcott R, Speed J: Behavioral management of conversion          300 per 100,000 people in the adult populations. The
   disorder in children. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 78:264 –268, 1997
8. Zeharia A, Mukamel M, Carel C, Weitz R, Danziger Y, Mimouni M:
                                                                              prevalence in childhood is unknown, and in chil-
   Conversion reaction: Management by the paediatrician. Eur J Pediatr        dren, there may not be an overrepresentation of fe-
   158:160 –164, 1999                                                         males.1
9. Brazier DK, Venning HE: Conversion disorders in adolescents: A prac-          The typical onset is in late childhood to early
   tical approach to rehabilitation. Br J Rheumatol 36:594 –598, 1997
                                                                              adulthood and generally with a sudden presentation.
                                                                              Generally, there is a better prognosis for children
Dr. Jane Chen                                                                 than for adults and in presentations of more recent
   Psychogenic cough is often described as a barking                          onset, although in all groups, recurrences are com-
or honking cough that is persistent, interferes with                          mon. Because these patients are very suggestible, it is
normal activities, and is without an organic etiology.                        important that there is a unified approach of the
It is described most commonly in children and ado-                            medical team. Patients should be told that there is
lescents. The cough may remit during sleep or dur-                            treatment, and that through behavior therapy they
ing pleasurable activities. Children initially may                            can exert voluntary control over their symptoms.
have a preceding respiratory infection with a cough                           They should be offered psychosocial evaluation in a
which then persists. Treatment generally is more                              nonthreatening manner to facilitate acceptance of the
favorable in pediatric than in adult populations. Be-                         diagnosis, such as being told that the illness is not
havior modification and either resolution or manage-                          “all in their head” and that these symptoms often
ment of psychological stressors is the focus of treat-                        occur on a subconscious level.3 Evidence-based stud-
ment.                                                                         ies do not support a specific behavioral therapy.
   The pattern of a psychogenic cough in children                             Occasionally, asking the patient to repeat to them-
and adolescents often has features consistent with a                          selves on a daily basis that they will not have any
conversion disorder. The DSM-IV describes the es-                             spells or symptoms may improve the condition. Spe-
sential features of conversion disorder as symptoms                           cific treatments for psychogenic cough reported in
affecting voluntary motor or sensory function that                            the literature include teaching the patient to mouth-
suggest a general medical condition with associated                           breathe (others suggest preventing mouth-breathing)
psychological factors.1 These stressors are often elic-                       and wrapping bed sheets tightly around the chest.
ited on the basis of observations that the initiation or                      Bronchoscopy, when associated with the patient’s
exacerbation of the symptom is preceded by psycho-                            misunderstanding that the procedure was performed
logical conflicts. Symptoms are distressful to the in-                        for therapeutic reasons, has also been reported to
dividual with some impairment in functioning; they                            resolve chronic cough.4,5
are not intentionally produced or feigned as in ma-                              In a recent review of children with pseudo-sei-
lingering. Other medical and psychiatric conditions                           zures who received a diagnosis of conversion disor-
are excluded.                                                                 der, secondary psychiatric diagnoses were common,
   The term conversion derived from the hypothesis                            as well as severe psychosocial stressors. Thirty-two
that the individual’s somatic symptom represents a                            percent had a history of sexual abuse, which should
symbolic resolution of an unconscious psychological                           be further addressed in the evaluation of a child or
conflict, reducing anxiety and serving to keep the                            adolescent with a conversion disorder.6 Other med-
conflict out of conscious awareness. Symptoms of a                            ical conditions may precede or coexist with the pre-
conversion disorder are variable and may include                              senting symptom, such as in Jessica, who had a his-
persistent cough, paroxysmal sneezing, sighing dys-                           tory of reactive airway disease.
pnea, hoarseness, paralysis, aphonia, difficulty swal-
lowing, urinary retention, loss of touch or pain sen-                                                                    Jane Chen, MD
sation, visual complaints, deafness, hallucinations, or                                                                  Camino Medical Group
seizures. The diagnosis should be made only after an                                                                     Sunnyvale, California
appropriate medical investigation.2
   Psychosocial factors may be associated with the                                                      REFERENCES
onset or exacerbation of symptoms. Patients may                               1. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
show “la belle indifference” or a relative lack of                               Mental Disorders, 4th ed. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric As-
concern about the symptoms, whereas in some teen-                                sociation, 1994
agers, symptoms may be described with elaborate                               2. Hodgman CH: Conversion and somatization in children. Pediatr Rev
                                                                                 16:29 –34, 1995
and exaggerated detail. A personality disorder may                            3. Gold M, Friedman SB: Conversion reactions in adolescents. Pediatr Ann
be associated with a conversion disorder, especially                             24:296 –306, 1995
the histrionic or the passive-dependent types. Pa-                            4. Gay M, Blager F, Bartsch K, Emery CF: Psychogenic habit cough:
tients with conversion disorder are often suggestible,                           Review and case reports. J Clin Psychiatry 48:483– 486, 1997
and symptoms may be modified on external cues                                 5. Butani S, O’Connell J: Functional respiratory disorders. Ann All Asthma
                                                                                 Immunol 79:91–101, 1997
that may be used in treatment.                                                6. Wylie E, Glazer JP, Benbadis S, Kotagal T, Wolgamuth B. Psychiatric
   Conversion disorder is more common in rural                                   features of children and adolescents with pseudoseizures. Arch Pediatr
populations, in those having a lower socioeconomic                               Adolesc Med 153:244 –248, 1999

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Web Site Discussion                                                              a personal insight into her thoughts and feelings about the di-
                                                                                 vorce, as they evolved over the past 6 years.
  Two participants in the cyberspace discussion of                                  I agree with the observations of other participants in this dis-
the case on the Developmental and Behavioral Pedi-                               cussion that Jessica’s cough could be a tic, a sign of a tic disorder.
atrics web site* provided thoughtful commentaries                                Though this would not be my first choice, it would be prudent to
that complement those of Drs. Harper and Chen:                                   obtain a complete family history for evidence of tic or Tourette
                                                                                 syndrome in family members, as well as evidence of any other tic
  Dr. Daniel P. Kohen, a behavioral and develop-                                 behaviors that Jessica may have experienced previously.
mental pediatrician from the University of Minne-                                   Robert D. Wells, Ph.D., a clinical child and ado-
sota, wrote:                                                                     lescent psychologist at the Valley Children’s Hospi-
   This is a very interesting and not terribly unusual situation. I
have seen many young adolescents with this kind of history, some
                                                                                 tal in Fresno, California, commented:
with a known history of asthma as an antecedent, and others with                    When I am considering a conversion disorder diagnosis, I have
a history of pneumonia or bronchitis which was treated success-                  found it helpful to use the following IM HELPLESS criteria:
fully but in which the cough lingers, as in Jessica’s situation. The             Idiopathic: This may be true with Jessica as no cause is yet dis-
pattern of the cough then changes in character somewhat, partic-                   covered.
ularly when careful observation elicits the description we hear                  Model of symptom: Jessica could be her own model due to her
from the pediatrician at the end of the case, i.e., “that Jessica                  asthma.
coughed intermittently with two or three coughs during each                      Histrionic: The history does not reveal whether she has histrionic
episode. At times, the cough was harsh; at other times, it was a                   features.
quiet cough, as if she were clearing her throat.” Jessica’s case                 Enmeshed family relationships: The history does not reveal this
seems to be quite consistent with a diagnosis of so-called “habit                  process.
cough,” “psychogenic habit cough,” or “cough tic.” While I don’t                 Life event: Jessica may have recent stressors from postdivorce
know that the precise pathophysiology has been worked out, it                      conflict.
has been clear that these cases have all been responsive to self-                Primary gain: It is unclear how this symptom is alleviating an
regulation training, i.e., training the patient in relaxation and                  unconscious conflict
mental imagery/self-hypnosis, with or without the use of biofeed-                La belle indifference: Is she concerned about her symptom?
back. (see Gay M, Blager F, Bartsch K, Emery CF, Rosenstiel-Gross                Exaggerated need for attention and affection: It is not clear from
AK, Spears J: Psychogenic habit cough: Review and case reports.                    the history, but it is a possible contributing factor.
J Clin Psychiatry 48:483– 486, 1987; Olness K, Kohen DP. Hypnosis                Secondary gain: Is the symptom helping her gain reinforcement?
and Hypnotherapy with Children, 3rd ed. New York, NY, Guil-                      Somatically focused family: Excessive and persistent attention to
ford Press, 1996, pp 154 –155; and Laurence Sugarman, M.D.,                        physical and mental symptoms is not mentioned in the history.
“Imaginative Medicine”—a videotape that demonstrates self-reg-
ulation techniques in primary care office practice for a variety of                 Looking at these criteria makes me think that conversion dis-
common conditions, including habit cough. For information about                  order is not a likely explanation for Jessica’s persistent cough, but
this videotape, contact Laurence I. Sugarman, M.D., General &                    the history regarding these components may need to be explored
Behavioral Pediatrics, 2233 Clinton Avenue South, Rochester, NY                  further. I also wonder about initial onset of a tic disorder which
14618-2632, tel: 716-271-0860, fax: 716-271-1383.) Jessica’s life is             most commonly begins with a barky, throat-clearing, vocal tic.
certainly a “set-up” for conversion disorder. However, the fact
that she has initiated talking about socioemotional stressors (“I                Dr. Martin T. Stein
don’t like adults [at my father’s home]arguing when kids are                        Adolescence is a vulnerable time for the develop-
around.”) would argue against a conversion disorder, since there
is at least in part a conscious expression of difficult feelings,                ment of a psychosomatic condition. It is a predictable
whereas in conversion disorder, physical symptoms develop pre-                   moment in development when excessive attention to
cisely because the difficult feelings are not easily accessible or               body sensations occurs with rapid physical and emo-
amenable to conscious expression, and the patient therefore de-                  tional changes. Approximately 20% of adolescents
velops a physical symptom. While this diagnosis is a judgment
call and ought to be considered, I would argue more strongly for
                                                                                 worry about their health “all the time,” whereas only
a diagnosis of “habit cough” and for training in self-management                 15% “never give their health a thought.” Prazar pro-
as noted above. Unlike a diagnosis of conversion disorder, which                 vides definitions and examples of five psychoso-
often by its very nature suggests the need for long-term psycho-                 matic disorders in adolescents (Table 1). Although
therapy, most patients with a habit cough experience relief of                   some of the specific categories of conditions are dif-
symptoms rather quickly in response to varying types of sugges-
tion therapy. These approaches make use of the clinician’s under-                ferent from those proposed by the discussants (as
standing of pulmonary physiology; in particularly, consideration                 well as variations of the categories found in the
of the distinction between cough-variant asthma which is often                   DSM-IV), I have found this framework to be useful in
worse at night and patients with a psychogenic habit cough, most                 understanding patients with physical symptoms that
of whom, like Jessica, sleep through the night without coughing.
Self-regulation and suggestion interventions emphasize develop-
                                                                                 cannot be explained by biomedical findings and that
ment of mind-body techniques to focus on development of a sense                  are associated with psychosocial factors (Table 1).
of mastery over and disappearance of the symptom.                                   The discussants considered the possibility of a tic
   In addition to a behavioral approach to her habit cough, Jessica              disorder as an explanation for Jessica’s persistent
deserves an opportunity to explore her ambivalent and apparently                 cough. A transient tic disorder (lasting longer than 4
unresolved feelings regarding the current visitation arrangements,
the tension she describes between adults in her life (dad and                    weeks and less then 1 year) is consistent with Jessi-
stepmom), and her role in each family. She might also benefit from               ca’s history of a 3-month duration. Tourette syn-
                                                                                 drome (TS) is a consideration only if we hypothesize
                                                                                 that this case may be the first stage of the disorder.
*A bimonthly discussion of an upcoming challenging case takes place at the
                                                                                 TS is defined as severe multiple motor tics of at least
Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics web site. This web site is spon-         1 year’s duration with less than a 3-month remission.
sored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the American Acad-             Vocal tics are associated with motor tics in children
emy of Pediatrics section on Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics.            and adolescents with TS, but not necessarily contem-
Henry L. Shapiro, M.D., is the editor of the web site. Martin Stein, M.D., the   poraneously. A knowledge that tics, in some cases,
Challenging Case editor, incorporates comments from the web discussion
into the published Challenging Case. To become part of the discussion at
                                                                                 are a genetic disorder should encourage the pursuit
the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics home page, go to http://             of a complete family history. The gene for TS seems                                                                  to be autosomal dominant with a high variability for

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TABLE 1.     Categories of Psychosomatic Disorders
        Disorder                                  Definition                                                 Examples
   Conversion                Presence of a physical symptom that unconsciously           Some cases of limb paralysis and blindness,
     reactions                 communicates unpleasant emotions; the patient               recurrent headache, recurrent abdominal
                               displays little or no anxiety associated with the           pain
                               symptom; physical findings are inconsistent with
                               physiological concepts
   Psychophysiological       Presence of a physical symptom that is precipitated         Some cases of diarrhea and palpitations;
     symptoms                  by activation of biological systems (autonomic              exacerbation of inflammatory bowel
                               nervous system and/or neuroendocrine system);               disease, asthma, and peptic ulcer disease
                               the symptom is organic in origin and is
                               associated with unpleasant feelings with which
                               the patient can easily identify; physical findings
                               are consistent with organic illness
   Hypochondriasis           Presence of a physical symptom that is associated           Some cases of recurrent headaches,
                               with extreme concern by the patient; the patient            recurrent abdominal pain, diffuse pain
                               is preoccupied with physical disease; physical
                               findings do not substantiate organic illness
   Malingering               Display of a physical symptom that the patient              Some cases of skin infections, recurrent
                               creates consciously to avoid unpleasant                     headache, and recurrent abdominal pain;
                               situations, physical findings often corroborate             self-administration of excess medication
                               factitious illness
   Somatic delusions         A symptom of psychosis; other signs of thought              Patients complaining of their heart
                               disorder are present; physical symptoms are                 shriveling up, or patients complaining of
                               bizarre and not substantiated by physical                   something wrong the blood flowing
                               findings                                                    through their body
Reprinted with the permission of the publisher from Prazar: Psychosomatic disorders and conversion reactions, in Friedman SB, Fisher
M, Schonberg SK: Comprehensive Adolescent Health Care, 2nd ed, St. Louis, MO, Mosby, Inc., 1998, pp 902.

expression.1 The mild and transient forms of tics seen               taps into unconscious psychological processes men-
in many relatives suggest the existence of both pro-                 tioned by Dr. Harper, in which “unrecognized mean-
tective and risk factors. As pointed out by Dr.                      ings of events or feelings play a part” in the origin of
Harper, ongoing research into the immune-regulated                   conversion symptoms. Counseling in contemporary
association between Group A ␤-hemolytic strepto-                     pediatric practice is consistent with Freud’s sugges-
coccal infection and movement disorders suggests a                   tion that “the patient. . . gave verbal expression to the
potential infectious etiology for tic disorders (and                 affect.” The progress made in the past century since
obsessive-compulsive disorder) among children and                    Freud’s observations is reflected in the expanded
adolescents.2 Although I have never observed a tic in                paradigm available to clinicians when faced with a
any of the pandas at the San Diego Zoo, this condi-                  persistent and unexplained symptom—a consider-
tion has taken on the name pediatric autoimmune                      ation of factors that may be neurophysiological (e.g.,
neuropsychiatric disorders associated with strepto-
                                                                     PANDAS), psychological (either unconscious or ex-
coccal infections (PANDAS). At present, preliminary
                                                                     periential), and social.
studies on the use of prophylactic antibiotics in chil-
dren with tic disorders has not been proven to be
beneficial in the alleviation of symptoms.3                                                      REFERENCES
   History repeats itself, even when we consider the                  1. Cohen DJ, Leckman JF: Developmental psychopathology and neurobi-
tremendous advances in twentieth-century medi-                           ology of Tourette’s syndrome: Advances in treatment and research.
cine. In 1895, Sigmund Freud wrote about a variety                       J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 33:2, 1994
of physical symptoms (especially motor symptoms                       2. Garvey MA, Giedd J, Swedo SE: PANDAS: The search for environmen-
and often with an onset in adolescence) that he clas-                    tal triggers of pediatric neuropsychiatric disorders—Lessons from rheu-
sified as “hysterical phenomena,” a precursor to the                     matic fever. J Child Neurol 13:413– 423, 1998
                                                                      3. Garvey MA, Perlmutter SJ, Allen AJ, et al: A pilot study of penicillin
origin of conversion symptoms. Freud wrote that
                                                                         prophylaxis for neuropsychiatric exacerbations triggered by streptococ-
“we found, at first to our greatest surprise, that the                   cal infections. Biol Psychiatry 45:1564 –1571, 1999
individual hysterical symptoms immediately disap-                     4. Freud S, Breuer J: The psychic mechanism of hysterical phenomena,
peared without returning if we succeeded in thor-                        Studien Uber Hysterie (1895), reprinted in Adler MJ (ed): Great Books of
oughly awakening the memories of the causal pro-                         the Western World, vol 54. Chicago, IL, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.,
cess with its accompanying affect, and if the patient                    1992, pp 26
circumstantially discussed the process in the most
detailed manner and gave verbal expression to the
affect.”4 Dr. Kohen’s recommendation to use to men-                  Address for reprints: David Elkind, Ph.D., Department of Child Develop-
tal imagery and teach patients self-hypnosis, while                  ment, Tufts University, 105 College Avenue, Medford, MA 02155-5583; fax:
not directly focusing on “awakening the memories,”                   617-627-3503.

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Authority of the Brain

   In our postmodern society, the brain has become              tices or products. Popular magazine articles such as
the ultimate scientific authority. Over the past de-            “Fertile Minds”10 and “How To Build a Baby’s
cade, neuroscientists have learned an enormous                  Brain,”11 Internet articles such as “Building a Better
amount about the growth and functioning of the                  Baby Brain,” national television programs such as
brain. Most of this research, however, has been done            “Building Brains: The Sooner the Better” and “Your
on animals: rats, cats, and primates. New knowledge             Child’s Brain,” and computer programs such as Baby
has been obtained in three main areas: synaptogen-              Wow, Jumpstart Baby, and Future Bright offer inter-
esis, critical periods, and the effects of enriched en-         pretations that go far beyond what the data warrant.
vironments. These advances reflect new technologies                There is some good news and some bad news
that make it possible to obtain accurate counts of              associated with this heightened, brain-driven interest
brain cells, to measure brain activity, and to identify         in infant learning and development. Many of the
those areas of the brain responsible for many mental            suggestions for infant stimulation, supposedly stem-
functions. Much of this information has now been                ming from brain studies, were in fact arrived at on
popularized in the media and has created a whole                the basis of clinical experience and developmental
new enterprise zone of infant stimulation products.             research. For example, in a recent monograph titled
   Before reviewing and evaluating some of these                Rethinking the Brain,12 the author argues that the fol-
products, it might be helpful to briefly summarize              lowing are “key findings” of recent brain research:
some of our new knowledge about brain growth and
activity.1 First, when discussing synaptogenesis, it is         • Human development hinges on the interplay be-
important to note that at birth the infant has far                tween nature and nurture.
fewer synapses than does the adult. During the first            • Early care and nurture have a decisive and long-
few years of life, however, synapses proliferate ex-              lasting impact on how people develop, their abil-
ponentially with the result that the brain of infants             ity to learn, and their capacity to regulate their
and young children is host to vastly more synapses                emotions.
than is the adult brain. This early explosion of syn-           • The human brain has remarkable capacity to
apses is followed by a period of synaptic pruning                 change, but timing is crucial.
that is largely regulated by experience. As a result of         • There are times when negative experiences or the
this selective thinning, the adult brain has fewer                absence of appropriate stimulation are more likely
synaptic connections than does that of the child. It is,          to have serious and sustained effects.
however, the pattern of connections rather than their           • Evidence amassed over the last decade points to
number which makes the adult brain so much more                   the wisdom and efficacy of prevention and early
capable than the brain of the infant.2 With respect to            intervention.
critical periods, there are age windows during which
certain types of stimuli seem to be essential for nor-            These ideas are neither new nor grounded in neu-
mal brain development. The age at which these win-              roscience. Presenting such well-entrenched develop-
dows open varies with different functions and abil-             mental principles as those originating from brain
ities. To illustrate this point, consider that the critical     studies presumably lends them more authority and
period for the attainment of some visual skills, such           makes them more persuasive. Although misleading,
as tracking and shape discrimination, occurs during             invoking the authority of the brain to support
the first year of life.3 On the other hand, the window          healthy childrearing is excusable. If it encourages
for higher-level functions, such as planning and fore-          parents and infant caregivers to use more develop-
sight, does not seem to open until adolescence. Fi-             mentally appropriate childrearing practices, then no
nally, animal studies suggest that an environment               serious damage has been done, and some benefits
rich in sensory stimulation and full of opportunities           may well accrue.
for motor activity is more conducive to brain growth              There is, however, also some bad news from this
than is an environment which lacks these possibili-             new appeal to the authority of the brain. Although
ties.4                                                          Shore,12 like Diamond and Hopson,7 Jensen,8 and
   Although these findings are suggestive, neurosci-            Greenspan,9 calls upon the authority of the brain in
entists are cautious about extrapolating from these             support of well-established practices, writers for the
animal studies to human brains and human behav-                 popular press are not bound by similar scruples. In
ior.5,6 Several responsible, balanced books for the lay         the Time article, Nash10 has no hesitation in offering
public such as Magic Trees of the Mind,7 Teaching With          parents advice on the basis of our new knowledge of
the Brain in Mind,8 and The Growth of the Mind9 detail          how rapidly the brain grows during the early years:
these cautions. Unfortunately, others writing for par-          “Loving care provides the baby’s brain with the right
ents have not shown similar restraint, particularly             kind of stimulation. Neglecting a baby can produce
those advocating or selling infant stimulation prac-            brain wave patterns that dampen happy feelings.

                        Downloaded from by guest on May 20, 2015
Abuse can produce heightened anxiety and stress                        tions from brain research to education: “Anything
responses.”                                                            that people would say right now has a good chance
   After describing how the brain progressively re-                    of not being true two years from now because the
fines the circuits for reaching, grabbing, crawling,                   understanding is so rudimentary and people are
walking, and running, the author suggests that par-                    looking at things in such a simplistic way.”13 Like-
ents do the following10:                                               wise Greenough,5 one of the leading researchers
   Give babies as much freedom to explore as safety permits. Just      demonstrating the effects of enriched environments
reaching for an object helps the brain develop hand-eye coordina-      on animal brains, cautions that there is no reason to
tions. As soon as children are ready for them, activities like draw-
ing and playing the violin and piano encourages the development        believe that there are critical periods for socially
of fine motor skills.                                                  transmitted skills such as reading, mathematics, and
   How are parents to interpret these recommenda-                      music and that these skills can be acquired at any
tions? What constitutes neglect and abuse? If you do                   age. Other researchers also indicate that the empha-
not respond every time a baby cries, is that neglect?                  sis on the infant brain ignores the important findings
Are you abusing a child and causing bad brain wave                     to the effect that the mature brain has the ability to
patterns if you restrain the infant from engaging in a                 change and reorganize.6
potentially dangerous activity? Likewise, how is a                        My own sense, after reviewing this material, is that
parent to know when a youngster is ready for draw-                     we should move slowly and carefully when intro-
ing and playing the violin and the piano? If parents                   ducing infant stimulation on the basis of the author-
do not give their child these lessons, are they harm-                  ity of the brain. Before we make that enormous leap,
ing the brain of their offspring? Recommendations                      we need to build some bridges between the elec-
such as these are clearly irresponsible. They are too                  tromicroscopic events of the brain and the life-sized
general to be helpful and yet specific enough (violin                  happenings of human thought and behavior.
and piano lessons) to create parental anxieties. Un-
fortunately, this is but one example of many articles                                                David Elkind, PhD
                                                                                                     Department of Child Development
in the print media which attempt to translate brain
                                                                                                     Tufts University
research into childbearing practices. The results are                                                Medford, Massachusetts
often more confusing and stress-provoking than they
are helpful.
   Perhaps the most controversial derivative of the                                                REFERENCES
authority of brain research is the proliferation of                     1. Bruer JT: Education and the brain: A bridge too far. Educ Res 26:4 –16,
computer programs for infants. Indeed, the fastest-                        1997
growing field of software development is so-called                      2. Goldman-Rakic PS, Bourgeios JP, Rakic P: Synaptic substrate of cogni-
                                                                           tive development in the prefrontal cortex of the non-human primate, in
“lapware” for infants aged 6 months to 2 years. The                        Krasegnor NA, Lyon GR, Goldman-Rakic PS (eds): Development of the
term “lapware” comes from the consideration that to                        Prefrontal Cortex: Evolution, Biology and Behavior. Baltimore, MD,
get infants to look at a computer screen, parents have                     Paul H. Brooks, 1997, pp 27– 47
to sit the baby on their laps. If lapware were simply                   3. LeVay S, Wiesel T, Hubel DH: The development of ocular dominance
                                                                           columns in normal and visually deprived monkeys. J Compr Neurol
a way for parents to cuddle their children, probably                       191:1–51, 1980
no harm would be done. But the writers of these                         4. Greenough WT, Black JE, Wallace CS: Experience and brain develop-
programs have grander expectations: “Nine months                           ment. Child Dev 58:539 –559, 1987
to three years is the only age that matters in terms of                 5. Greenough WT. We can’t just focus on the ages zero to three. APA
real brain development” said BabyWow founder and                           Monit 28:19, 1997
                                                                        6. Nelson CA, Bloom FE: Child development and neuroscience. Child Dev
CEO Tony Fernandes. “BabyWow takes the com-                                68:970 –987, 1997
puter and turns it into a stimulation machine for                       7. Diamond M, Hopson J: Magic Trees of the Mind. New York, NY,
really young kids.” Other programs such as Jump-                           Dutton, 1998
start Baby and Future Bright suggest that these pro-                    8. Jensen E: Teaching with the Brain in Mind. Alexandria, VA, Association
                                                                           for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1998
grams help children make discriminations, track pat-                    9. Greenspan S: The Growth of the Mind. Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley,
terns, and increase their attention spans. None of                         1997
these claims have been demonstrated experimen-                         10. Nash M. Fertile minds. Time February 3, 1997:48 –56
tally.                                                                 11. Bagley S. How to build a baby’s brain. Newsweek Spring/Summer
   Neuroscientists are much more restrained in their                       1997:28 –32
                                                                       12. Shore R: Rethinking the Brain. New York, NY, Family and Work Insti-
interpretations of brain research. For example, Susan                      tute, 1998, pp ix–xi
Fitzpatrick, a neuroscientist at the McDonnel foun-                    13. Fitzpatrick S: Smart brains: Neuroscientists explain the mystery of what
dation, had this to say about the rash of extrapola-                       makes us human. Am Sch Board J Nov 1995 p 21

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Persistent Cough in an Adolescent
                     Martin T. Stein, Gordon Harper and Jane Chen
                                Pediatrics 2001;107;959
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Persistent Cough in an Adolescent
                   Martin T. Stein, Gordon Harper and Jane Chen
                              Pediatrics 2001;107;959

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 PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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