CELTIC News 1/2019 - Celtic-Next
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CELTIC News 1/2019 The newsletter of EUREKA Cluster CELTIC-NEXT CELTIC Chair’s Corner: How CELTIC is changing to support Europe’s competitiveness Events: Closing event of CELTIC flagship project SENDATE View from a Public Authority: Innovate UK funding scheme for CELTIC projects Start-up Success Stories: Better access to telemedicine for the elderly – Smart Health TV Solution
C E LT I C N e w s Editorial Table of Contents Dear readers, Editorial ................................................................ 2 As planned, the CELTIC-NEXT Cluster started Stockholm. its operations in January 2019. CELTIC-Next In this issue, you can also read about CELTIC Chair’s Corner will issue two calls for proposals per year, one EGIS, the EUREKA Global Innovation Sum- How CELTIC is changing to support Europe’s in spring and one in autumn. All information mit, which took place in Manchester on 14- competitiveness .................................................. 3 related to our calls and projects can be found 16 May. CELTIC and the other six EUREKA Events on the CELTIC-NEXT Web site. Clusters jointly contributed with a large CELTIC Proposers Day in London ..................... 4 The start of CELTIC-NEXT was synchro- numbers of speakers to the success of this nous with the take up of the new function of event. A highlight was the handover ceremo- Making the Internet more secure – Valérie Blavette, the new Chairperson giving ny of the EUREKA Global Project of the Year Closing event of CELTIC flagship project CELTIC a new face. It is seen as a strong point Award 2019. Two CELTIC projects were SENDATE .............................................................. 6 that Valérie comes from a big European op- among the 5 finalists for this prestigious erator, Orange in France. Together with the price: the CELTIC flagship project SASER and EUREKA Global Innovation Summit in two Vice-Chairpersons, Jari Lehmusvuori one of the very first projects on SDN (Soft- Manchester .......................................................... 9 from Nokia and Riza Durucasugil from Netas ware Defined Networks), SIGMONA. Finally and the entire CELTIC Core Group the Euro- the EUREKA Global Project of the Year Award View from a Public Authority pean industries are very well represented. In 2019 went to CELTIC project SIGMONA - read Innovate UK funding scheme for CELTIC her article on the view of the CELTIC Chair, more about it under Events in the article projects .............................................................. 10 Valérie explains how CELTIC-NEXT is evolving about EGIS. to support Europe’s competitiveness. In Another interesting event is coming soon: Start-up Success Stories March Valérie has also been elected by the The CELTIC Event 2019 will take place in Va- Better access to telemedicine for the elderly EUREKA Clusters as the new inter-Cluster- lencia on 19-20 June, collocated with EuCNC. – Smart Health TV Solution ............................. 11 spokesperson. She will take this additional The programme includes keynote speeches, function for one year, starting in July. a panel on successful CELTIC projects, and After the decision of Innovate UK in late an exhibition of CELTIC projects. 2018 to fund CELTIC projects we organised A brand new information is that the CELT- for the first time a CELTIC Proposers Day in IC Core Group will have two new members. the United Kingdom. It took place on 5th Feb- The German companies ADVA and Bosch will ruary in the prestigious building of Institute strengthen the CELTIC Core Group and will of Contemporary Arts in London. The clear contribute to generating new CELTIC proj- goal of the day was to stimulate the UK com- ects. munity to participate in CELTIC projects. In this edition of CELTIC News our start up Very important for this is that the UK ICT story is a Spanish SME: Raul Herrero, CEO of community builds up a close relationship Smart Health TV Solution, explains how his with the existing CELTIC communities from company achieved better access to telemed- other EU countries. The Proposers Day gave icine for the elderly. The company uses the some new insights on recent technological innovative multimedia platform that was de- developments, provided information on veloped in CELTIC project E3 to eliminate the funding opportunities and showed 12 new digital divide in telemedicine. Please have a project Ideas. You can find more information look at his article. about this event in the article “CELTIC Pro- posers Day in London”. Another highlight was the SENDATE Clos- IMPRINT ing Event that took place on 27th March 2019 Peter Herrmann Editor-in-chief: in Sweden. After three years the Editor-in-chief Peter Herrmann CELTIC flagship project SENDATE that target- herrmann@celticplus.eu ed “secure networking of data centres in Europe” held its closing event. The 73 million Contact: euro project generated numerous new secu- Celtic Office rity technologies that resulted in new and c/o Eurescom GmbH improved products and it realised four world Wieblinger Weg 19 records. More than 100 high-level re 69123 Heidelberg, Germany presentatives from industry and public Tel: +49 6221 989 381 funding organisations participated at the Fax: +49 6221 989 451 event, which was held at Ericsson headquar- www.celticplus.eu ters in the high tech city of Kista close to 2 CELTIC News 1/2019
C E LT I C C H A I R ‘ S C O R N E R How CELTIC is changing to support Europe’s competitiveness In addition to our Cluster, also EUREKA as SENDATE and the success of CELTIC a whole is changing. This is most visible from flagships the way Clusters interact with EUREKA and how Clusters work together.. From the start of CELTIC, its flagship projects In the inter-Cluster meeting in March, have made a strong contribution to innova- CELTIC-NEXT has been elected to represent tion in European ICT. Our recent flagship proj- the Clusters during the Dutch EUREKA Chair- ect SENDATE for secure networking of data manship for one year from July 2019. I will centres in Europe showed it again in a brilliant assume the role of inter-Cluster chairperson way. At its closing event at the Ericsson head- Valérie Blavette with pleasure in these exciting times. The quarters in Kista, Sweden on 27th March, the Orange strengths of the Clusters with their huge in- high-level representatives from industry and blavette@celticnext.eu dustry communities are getting more and public funding organisations learned about more attention in the whole EUREKA net- the impressive impact of the project. work and beyond. I am convinced that EU- Thanks to SENDATE results, cybercrime, REKA will make an even stronger contribution which causes very high costs for enterprises The first half of 2019 has seen significant to the European research landscape and the and the whole society, will be reduced. changes at CELTIC, which reflect and support competitiveness of European industry in the Among many great achievements the proj- changes in the European ICT industry. First, near future. ect has developed new datacentre technol- the name of our EUREKA Cluster changed ogy which has the potential to make from Celtic-Plus to CELTIC-NEXT. Second, I New countries participating in CELTIC European suppliers globally more competi- took over the function of CELTIC-NEXT chair- tive. SENDATE is also a good example of im- person from Jacques Magen, who had done a Not only the topical scope, but also the region- pactful collaboration between large and great job for CELTIC since the Cluster was al scope of CELTIC is expanding. While every- small enterprises. launched. And third, the scope of CELTIC has one is talking about Brexit, the UK has decided We are already defining our next flagship expanded. to participate in our activities and fund CELTIC project. We encourage flagships on topics projects. I am optimistic that the first Propos- that are important for a number of countries The composition of the CELTIC-NEXT Core ers Day 2019, which took place in London like AI, green ICT, digital sovereignty, and Group and management team shows how im- on 5th February, will be the start of a long- more. portant our Cluster is for the European ICT lasting cooperation between Innovate UK and Please join us, if you would like to take industry. I am coming from a big European CELTIC. In our Spring call, we already got the part in those initiatives! network operator, Orange, and the two vice- first project proposals with UK participation. chairpersons are representing major equip- We are also working with the Canadian public Next CELTIC Event ment manufacturers – Jari Lehmusvuori is authority and Canadian companies to extend from Nokia and Risa Durucasugil is from cooperation within CELTIC-NEXT projects. A The CELTIC Event 2019 will be collocated with Netaş. possible collaboration with Japan will be ex- the European Conference on Networks and Besides the personnel changes, the do- plored soon. Communications (EuCNC) in Valencia on 19– main covered by CELTIC is undergoing dra- 20 June. Please come to Valencia to enjoy an matic changes, as the ICT domain moves Faster time to market interesting programme of keynote speeches, towards a new era of very powerful infra- panel discussions, and proposers sessions. structures and immersive services that will The time from new ideas to market readiness There will be also an exhibition of our most change the way we live. Therefore many ICT is getting shorter and shorter. Therefore time- successful projects and the awards of the best companies and vertical industries are cur- liness is a key factor for a competitive Euro- CELTIC projects. rently considering how they can adapt and pean industry. accelerate the innovation process to stay In the next year it will be one of the most Conclusion competitive. This is where CELTIC-NEXT important duties of CELTIC and the Inter- comes into the picture – the pressure to in- Cluster group to convince stakeholders to As you can see, exciting developments are go- novate means that there is an increased come to more pragmatic and shorter deci- ing on at CELTIC-NEXT, which involve new need for R&D activities in Europe, which sion processes. players from vertical sectors and also new transcends the bounds of the ICT sector. CELTIC is already on a good way when it countries. Accordingly, CELTIC-NEXT will involve ac- comes to funding decisions. In countries like We look forward to fruitful collaborations tors from the vertical sectors in the CELTIC Sweden, Luxemburg, Israel, and Spain CELT- on bottom-up subjects as well as on the Core Group who complement the ICT sector IC projects get the decision in about three countries’ strategic priorities using our flag- representatives. This will result in closer co- months. We should build on those exam- ship instrument. In all cases we will foster operation between telecom players and ver- ples. CELTIC will discuss with its Public Au- collaboration among the different stake- ticals in areas like smart industry, mobility, thorities how to enable a quick start of holders by organising a number of Propos- and health. projects across all countries participating in ers Days and ad-hoc networking events. our Cluster. I look forward to meeting you there! CELTIC News 1/2019 3
EVENTS CELTIC Proposers Day in London On 5th February 2019, CELTIC, Innovate UK and KTN jointly organised a Proposers Day in the prestigious building of Institute of Con- temporary Arts in London. After the decision of Innovate UK in late 2018 to fund CELTIC projects, the very clear goal of the day was to stimulate the UK community to participate in CELTIC projects. Very important for this is that the UK ICT community builds up relationships with the existing CELTIC commu- nities in many other EU countries. The Propos- ers Day gave some new insights on recent technological developments, provided infor- Welcome of Mr Jon Kingsbury, KTN from UK and Mrs Valérie Blavette, mation on funding opportunities and showed Celtic Chair Person from Orange in France 12 new project ideas. The Proposers Day was opened by Mr Jon Kingsbury from KTN and by Ms Valérie Bla- vette, CELTIC Chair Person from Orange in France. They welcomed the 70 participants and explained why this decision of Innovate UK to fund CELTIC project was exciting news that is so important for the UK and Europe. Beyond 5G Paul Crane, Converged Networks Research Di- rector at BT said that virtualization is a radical change to the way networks are build and he showed his vision on how future develop- ments will change and boost the businesses of his company and the world of communica- tion. Audience of the Proposers Day in the Meeting room in the Institute of Contemporary Arts in CELTIC-NEXT project framework in UK, London Germany and Spain Jean-Francois Fava Verde from Innovate UK society. Today, the main researched topics in The first panellist, Ian Cooper from BT presented the first Call for EUREKA CELTIC Germany are production systems (Industry presented the results of the CELTIC projects projects in the UK: The CELTIC Call for the in- 4.0), energy systems for the future and so- 4GBB, HFCC/G.fast and GOLD all developing ternational proposals was open until 8th of cial systems able to cope with demographic the G.fast technology that allows G-bit band- April. It was closely followed by an Innovate changes. widths over copper. The technology is cur- UK Call for the national application. The pri- Juana Sanchez from CDTI presented the rently rolled out by BT. Ian highlighted the orities for this Innovate UK Call are on “Inno- Spanish involvement in CELTIC projects. commercial and technological advantages of vative 5G infrastructure technologies” and on Spanish companies are among the most ac- this technology that avoids opening roads “Applications and services that leverage 5G tive in CELTIC. There is no other country that and gardens (Digging becomes even more networks, as well as 5G features in satellite had more participation in CELTIC projects expensive when coming closer to the networks or 5G applications and services inte- than Spain. She also explained how the ap- homes). grating satellites”. On the 2nd of April Inno- plication for public funding to the open CDTI Valérie Blavette from Orange reported on vate UK organised an additional briefing event Call works in Spain. the high impact of CELTIC projects and she to get CELTIC projects funded by Innovate UK. reported two examples: ODSI and SOOREEN. Matthias Kuom from DLR explained the Panel on business impacts of CELTIC The first, “On Demand Secure Isolation” of a main focus of funding in Germany and how projects Network segment resulted in 12 new or im- important it is to actively shape the digital proved products and allowed to win tenders revolution to maximise the benefits for our Richard Foggie from KTN opened and guided in Paris, Hong Kong and with the company through the panel session. Bayer. The second SOGREEN attacks the en- 4 CELTIC News 1/2019
EVENTS Jean-Francois Fava Verde explains Paul Crane from BT presenting the Matthias Kuom explains funding of Richard Foggie from KTN opened the new funding scheme of CELTIC Keynote “Beyond 5G” CELTIC projects at DLR the panel on business impacts of projects from Innovate UK CELTIC projects Juana Sanchez explains funding of Christiane Reinsch from the CELTIC- Peter Herrmann from the CELTIC- CELTIC projects at CDTI Office introduces 13 pitch presenta- Office explained how to submit a tions CELTIC proposal ergy consumption of communication net- as RTL-TVI Belgium, Radio France and RTBF. duction. It further integrates an advertise- works helping to keep power consumption In ten years of existence Perfect Memory ment insertion system and it is able to at an acceptable level, while the traffic dou- has established the technology and has selectively protect contents. The full system bles every two years. grown to 15 employees. was used for audio-visual production at the Steve Clements from the UK start-up Marco Mattavelli from EPFL (the Federal FIFA World Cup 2018 in Moscow where the company aXenic reported how the 80 million University of Lausanne) presented how the system successfully covered the whole euro CELTIC flagship project SASER that re- CELTIC 4KREPROSIS project integrated tech- event. Today there are 10 new product based sulted in 55 new or improved products and 3 nologies for 4K TV content production. The on 4KREPROSIS technology that are com- start-ups, generated a new business outside system integrates 4K UHD Wireless Camera mercialised. the initial scope of the project. After quite Heads and Recording Units for Remote pro- some struggle the project partners were able to develop a new type of modulators (electronic device that modulates the infor- mation on the light beam of the optical fiber) with higher bandwidth and with only half of the volume. It is therefore much lighter and ideal for satellite applications; aXenic tuck up this challenge successfully and sells today this new type of modulators for space appli- cations. Steny Solitude from the French start-up Perfect Memory explained how the CELTIC Project MediaMap+ initiated a new para- digm in Digital Asset Management (DAM). This allows translating factual knowledge, using sematic technics into formal knowl- edge that can be injected in datamining and machine learning systems. Today the tech- nology is used in audio visual productions. Panellists (from left): Steny Solitude from Perfect Memory (France), Steve Clements from aXenic Partners are ATOS, Cap Gemini and BPI serv- (UK), Marco Mattavelli from EPFL (Switzerland), Valérie Blavette from Orange (France) and Ian ing clients in the audio-visual domain such Cooper from BT (UK). CELTIC News 1/2019 5
EVENTS Project proposal pitches presentations led to productive discussions that had been presented. This possibility has with the audience and CELTIC consortium been largely used and appointments were Another core element of the Proposers Day building websessions for the different pitches made for follow up telcos that were scheduled was the pitching of project ideas. 13 propos- had been announced to the audience. in the following week. ers presented their ideas on a wide range of ICT topics. They included future 5G vertical › Further information aspects, Industry 4.0, Agritechnologies, Au- All presentations and project pitches are avail- tonomous intelligent systems, verification able at https://www.celticplus.eu/event/propos- and proof of 5G enabling IoT topics and other ers-day-in-madrid-26-september-2018/ cutting edge 5G-related technologies such as After the pitch presentations the participants Artificial Intelligence and edge computing. The had enough time to discuss the project ideas Making the Internet more secure – Closing event of CELTIC flagship project SENDATE On 27th March 2019, SENDATE, the CELTIC flagship project for secure networking of data centres in Europe, held its closing event. More than 100 high-level representatives from industry and public funding organisa- tions participated at the event, which was held at Ericsson HQ, in the high tech city of Kista close to Stockholm. The participants discussed SENDATE’s achieve- ments. The project created a secure, distribut- ed data centre environment, which meets the requirements of industrial communication, au- tonomous driving, and more. SENDATE helps Mr Magnus Frodigh, Head of Ms Valérie Blavette, CELTIC to limit cybercrime that causes very high costs Ericsson Research Chairperson from Orange for enterprises and the whole society. The proj- ect has initiated a new datacentre technology which has the potential to make European sup- pliers globally more competitive. All the speakers who made the SENDATE Closing Event a success. 6CEL-
EVENTS The event started with presentations by representatives of ministries and funding agencies from the countries financing SEND- ATE. After that industry leaders from the consortium presented the achievements of the five SENDATE subprojects. These pre- sentations were complemented by demon- strations of technical results. The event concluded with a panel discussion on SEND- ATE outcomes and business impacts. High-level opening speakers The Event was opened by Mr Magnus Frodigh, Head of Ericsson Research, and Ms Valérie Left: Mr Ole Hitzemann, Officer at BMBF being introduced by, Mr Tor Björn Minde Ericsson, the Blavette, CELTIC Chairperson from Orange. moderator of the day. without its infrastructure. SENDATE has de- veloped ideas and solutions for the Internet and makes Europe more independent from the rest of the world. Innovations in privacy and data protection will strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and create new markets. Ms Julie Byrne Ms Darja Isaksson tem based on standardized APIs and open Ms Darja Isaksson, General Director at source software. She also explained that Vinnova, was the first speaker from the SENDATE TANDEM has made data centres funding agencies. She stated that digital in- more secure with a new integrity monitoring frastructures may very well be one of the for data centre network elements. It also has most important areas for human collabora- Ms Outi Keski-Äijö realized a new dynamic network intercon- tion, as digital infrastructure is now a geopo- nection for future data centre network ele- litical matter and the threat of cyberwarfare Ms Outi Keski-Äijö, Head of AI Business at ments. is real. She said: “It is fantastic to see even Business Finland, looked into the future, competitors co-creating pre-commercial so- where 5G, IoT and AI will form a new digital lutions together and to prove the value of critical infrastructure that is essential for the interoperability. SENDATE is an example of operations of a modern society and busi- not only top class research but also on col- nesses. In this world, security will be the big- laboration that build trust between big and gest challenge. She proposed that AI should small industry and academia.” This has been be part of the solution that will make digital shown in a common field trial in Stockholm networks more secure. This will be achieved as a joint activity between the two SENDATE by recognizing anomalies in digital networks subprojects FICUS and SECURE-DCI. to better protect privacy. Mr Ole Hitzemann from BMBF stated that SENDATE made the internet more European SENDATE success stories and contributed to creating a digital world with its own requirements and standards for The event continued with presentations by Mr Tor Björn Minde privacy and data protection. He said: “We high-level representatives of the SENDATE can only achieve this goal of digital sover- project partners, including Nokia, Ericsson, Mr Tor Björn Minde from Ericsson showed eignty if we do this together.” According to Coriant, ADVA, and Thales. These presenta- the latest developments in bringing another Mr Hitzemann, it gives Europe the chance to tions focused on the five subprojects and the level of intelligence into the network which become a pioneer in privacy and data pro- four transversal focus themes. enables to predict its failure before it actu- tection. Furthermore, it offers the opportu- Ms Julie Byrne, Head of External Pro- ally happens. In the future this data-driven nity for European ICT providers to create grams at Nokia Bell Labs, showed that SEND- modelling in dynamic environments tech- innovations that are data protection friendly ATE PLANETS achieved the first security nology will help to avoid failures that are and generates a competitive advantage architecture that supports different data very costly for network operators and the compared to the American and Asian provid- centres. The project realized 26 demonstra- whole society. He said that the project was ers. Europe can never be digitally sovereign tors, 12 new products and an open ecosys- the ignition of a new data-centre technology CELTIC News 1/2019 7
EVENTS that brings European suppliers back into the project impact on business, the strategy for- competitive data centre business. ward and for SMEs the value of collaboration in a large project: › Telia has a big scope in the optical business and SENDATE has helped to establish confidence in new technologies that were still far away only one year ago. › VTT is very active in cybersecurity and could establish new cooperation’s with European SMEs that were quite unknown before the SENDATE project. › Airbus implemented the security in critical Mr Emmanuel Dotaro radio communication systems allowing now fully networked airport services. An sociation. He also mentioned the sustain- aircraft can be considered as a data Bernd Sommerkorn-Krombholz ability of the research work and the impact platform transmitting the relevant data to performed through CELTIC. the different service providers. This allows Bernd Sommerkorn-Krombholz from Co- to increase efficiency. riant explained how SENDATE FICUS strived Demos › Orange has used machine learning to allow for innovative solutions at the technological fibre intrusion detection before fibre edge and how the industry-first multi-ven- During the break different demos were shown actually breaks – example: digging incident dor SDN field trial was carried out with that generated a high level of interest and during civil works. It is very important for equipment from ADVA, Coriant, Highstreets lively discussions. the customers that the traffic can be Technologies and VPIphotonics. These were redirected before the failure actually integrated in the Telia network in Sweden happens. Orange also worked on and the field trial allowed testing the new automatic reconfiguration of the optical autonomous intelligent functionality of the connectivity for the interconnection of optical network elements. data centres. › SENDATE has enabled the consulting firm ArctosLabs, an SME, to offer network optimisation solutions on how to distribute micro services in the cloud by modelling data-centre cost versus transportations costs. › New data centres are installed in the northern part of Sweden. ABB has realised Andreas Aurelius modelling of the cooling of data centres, where an efficiency increase of 10% was Panel discussion achieved. › Thanks to SENDATE the people working in Andreas Aurelius, ICT Manager at Vinnova at the field of data centres in her company Mr Jörg-Peter Elbers Sweden’s innovation agency VINNOVA moder- RISE have been increased from 3 to 23 ated the panel on the “Outcome and Business Persons. Mr Jörg-Peter Elbers, Vice-President Ad- Impact of SENDATE”. The panel discussed the vanced Technology from ADVA explained the recent developments in a new type of secure data centre interconnect. Among other ground-breaking developments he mentioned the pioneering field trial where ADVA achieved the world-first quantum-safe transport over a 2,800 km fibre network. In another trial Fraunhofer realized a 400 Gb/s super-channel for the connection of data centres with a single diode. Mr Emmanuel Dotaro (Technical Director, Thales) explained how the work between the subprojects was carried out and explained the main results that were achieved. In a Panellists at the SENDATE event (from left): Mr Mauro Costa, Head of planning, strategy & architec- white paper the partners agreed on a high- ture at Telia, Sweden; Mr Pertti Raatikainen, Research Manager - Connectivity at VTT, Finland; Mr level security architecture that was shared Hugues Favin Lévêque, Airbus Connectivity Roadmap Owner at Airbus France; Ms Valérie Blavette, and agreed among the project partners. Open Innovation Manager at Orange France; Mr Alf Isaksson, Group Research Manager - Control This was introduced into the 5G Security from ABB Sweden; Mr Mats Eriksson, CEO at ArctosLabs Sweden and Ms Jeanette Nilsson, Industry Working Group of the 5G Infrastructure As- Relations Manager from RISE, Sweden. 8 CELTIC News 1/2019
EVENTS EUREKA Global Innovation Summit in Manchester CELTIC project SIGMONA wins EUREKA Award This year’s EUREKA Global Innovation Summit was hosted by Innovate UK in Manchester under the UK EUREKA Chairmanship on 14 – 16 May 2019. A record number of around 2,000 participants had registered for the event, which took place at the Victoria Ware- house close to the Old Trafford stadium, the home of Manchester United, one of Europe’s top football clubs. CELTIC was strongly repre- sented at the event. CELTIC speakers in inspiring sessions The motto of the event was ‘Innovating across borders for business growth’, and the numer- ous sessions proved that the EUREKA network CELTIC Core Group member Rıza Durucasugil from Netaş (second from left) lives up to this ambitious claim. In a number of in the session on ‘Benefits of SME and Large Industry Collaboration’ these sessions, speakers from CELTIC projects and the CELTIC Core Group shared their in- sights. On the first day, CELTIC chairperson Valé- rie Blavette from Orange was on stage at the EUREKA Academy session, where companies had the opportunity to learn from a panel of EUREKA experts how to apply to different funding opportunities across the EUREKA in- struments. Valérie Blavette also participated in a thought-provoking session with the title ‘If Industry Designed the Global Innovation Ecosystem’. The panellists discussed how the innovation ecosystem would look differ- ent, if it was designed by industry alone. Also on day one, an interesting session on ‘Collaborating with Africa’ took place, which SIGMONA project participants and officials at the EUREKA Award ceremony provided first-hand information on how in Manchester (from left): Philippe Vanrie (Head of the EUREKA Secretariat), companies can collaborate with partners in Juana Sanchez (CDTI), Tim Bestwick (UK EUREKA Chairperson), Jose, Costa Africa and how to best access the African Requena (Cumucore), Marco Hoffmann (Nokia), Reijo Savola (VTT), Tarik market. Jose Costa-Requena from Finnish Sahin (Tubitak) and Valérie Blavette (Celtic Chairperson and Orange). start-up Cumucore, which participated in CELTIC project SIGMONA and which pro- vides a solution that integrates Network EUREKA Clusters’. Speakers from different has contributed to the development of 5G Function Virtualization (NFV) and Software Cluster projects presented the impacts they networks. SIGMONA won the award together Defined Networking (SDN), shared his busi- generated and explained how their compa- with EUROSTARS project Kids4LIFe. Among ness experiences in South Africa. nies benefitted from these projects. Among the five finalists of the award was also CELTIC On day 3, CELTIC Core Group member the speakers was Stephen Clements, CEO of flagship project SASER, which has made an im- Rıza Durucasugil from Netaş participated in British SME aXenic, which participated in portant contribution to the development of an interesting session on the main stage CELTIC flagship project SASER. safe and secure European routing. about ‘Benefits of SME and Large Industry Collaboration’, in which the panellists of- EUREKA Award goes to SIGMONA › Further information fered their advice on where the next oppor- › EUREKA Global Innovation Summit – tunities for SME collaboration will come On the final day of the EUREKA Summit, CELT- http://egis2019.org from and the best ways to approach corpo- IC project SIGMONA received the EUREKA › CELTIC project SIGMONA – rate collaboration. Global Project of the Year 2019 Award. The https://www.celticnext.eu/project-sigmona/ Also on day 3, Milon Gupta, CELTIC Office project had developed an innovative soft- › CELTIC flagship project SASER – communication manager at Eurescom, ware-defined network (SDN) concept in gen- https://www.celticnext.eu/project-saser/ chaired a session on the ‘Business Impact of eralized mobile network architectures, which CELTIC News 1/2019 9
VIEW FROM A PUBLIC AUTHORITY Innovate UK funding scheme for CELTIC projects How to apply for funding? at 80% of full economic costs. All project work from the UK consortium must be carried out All the Innovate UK competitions are pub- in the UK and the results exploited from or in Jean-François Fava-Verde lished on the gov.uk website (see link at the the UK. The competitions are designed to pro- Innovate UK end of the article). Applying to the Innovate vide state aid funding under article 25, ‘Aid for jf.favaverde@innovateuk.ukri.org UK’s competition is an online application pro- research and development projects’, of the cess via our digital Innovation Funding Service General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). It (IFS). Ten questions must be answered, and is the responsibility of the partners to make This article explains how Innovate UK is fund- the CELTIC proposal must be appended. The sure that the organisations are eligible to re- ing collaborative R&D projects in the context first question, for example, is about the need ceive state aid. of the CELTIC-NEXT programme. or the challenge, the second question asks about the approach and the innovation, etc. Scope of the competition Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency UK applications are assessed independently from the CELTIC evaluation process. There is To be eligible for funding, projects need to Innovate UK, part of UK Research & Innova- at least one briefing event for each competi- align with the scope of the published competi- tion (UKRI), is the UK’s innovation agency. Our tion and attendance is highly recommended. tion. It should be noted that the scope may aim is to drive productivity and economic A recorded webcast of these events is also vary from competition to competition. For the growth by funding business and research col- made available. spring competition, for instance, we are look- laborations to accelerate innovation and drive ing for proposals to develop innovative 5G in- business investment into R&D. Innovate UK A consortium within a consortium frastructure technologies that make use of helps companies of all sizes in all sectors, artificial intelligence (AI) in network operation from spin-outs and start-ups to companies We expect collaboration at both UK and EU- or multi-access edge computing (MEC), and with the ambition to scale and grow through REKA levels. In other words, there must be a applications and services that use 5G net- global markets, access the research, partners, UK consortium, which must be business-led, works to offer new or improved user experi- investors and markets they need to innovate within a EUREKA consortium. The partner(s) in ences. We are also looking for 5G applications and grow. Innovate UK has invested £2.7 bil- the UK consortium may be any UK organisa- and services, which can be about the Internet lion through 11,000 projects since 2007. tion, including businesses, research organisa- of Things (IoT), the tactile internet, mission tions, public sector organisations or charities. critical applications, infotainment mobile ser- Innovate UK and EUREKA’s CELTIC-NEXT There must also be at least one UK-based mi- vices or immersive technologies. The scope is Cluster cro, small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) deliberately broad to ensure industry-wide in the UK consortium. interest and we are looking to fund a portfolio Innovate UK has allocated £2 million to fund of projects, across a variety of technologies, CELTIC-NEXT’s collaborative R&D projects in Type of projects markets, technological maturities and re- 2019 in order to stimulate the development of search categories. 5G and encourage international collaborative The proposed collaborative R&D projects may environment by helping UK organisations last up to 24 months and be classified as ei- Any question? Email the author or support@ take part in the CELTIC-NEXT programme. To ther industrial research or experimental de- innovateuk.ukri.org this end, Innovate UK is organising two com- velopment, that is, nearer to market. petitions aligned with CELTIC’s spring and au- Businesses within the UK consortium may, › Further information tumn calls. These competitions follow a depending upon the type of project and size Innovate UK competitions – https://apply-for- two-stage process: applicants must first sub- of the company, receive a grant of up to 70% innovation-funding.service.gov.uk/competition/ mit a CELTIC proposal, before applying to In- of their eligible project costs. Research organ- search (enter the keyword ‘CELTIC’ to find novate UK’s competition. isations in the consortium can share up to CELTIC-NEXT-related competitions) 30% of the total eligible project costs, funded 10 CELTIC News 1/2019
S TA R T - U P S U C C E S S S TO R I E S Better access to telemedicine for the elderly E3-project-based start-up Smart Health TV Solution provides innovative multimedia platform form which aimed to enable anybody to tem. Our platform supports the sustainability Raul Herrero access e-health services anywhere. As part of of social and healthcare services to the elder- CEO Smart Health TV Solution s.l. the SME-focused cross-domain, international ly, one of the most important challenges our rherrero@shtvsolution.com collaboration promoted by the Celtic-Plus society is facing in the next decade. project, Smart Health TV designed and devel- How we do it? We use the home’s TV set, oped a solution to eliminate the barriers that a device very familiar and easy to use for our Smart Health TV Solution s.l. is a start-up keep older people and people with physical, potential users through a simple remote based in Málaga, Spain which was fostered by cognitive or intellectual disabilities from ac- control. The Smart Health TV device, once Celtic-Plus project E3, ‘E-health services Eve- cessing modern telecare and telemedicine ap- installed at the end-user’s home, transforms rywhere and for Everybody’. The mission of plications and services. Removing these the home TV into a Smart TV system de- Smart Health TV is to enable elderly people barriers and giving this segment of the popu- signed specifically for telemedicine and access telemedicine and telecare services at lation access to telemedicine and telecare al- telecare services. The Smart Health device is home using their TV set. lows social and healthcare institutions or easy to install in the end-user patient home. services to improve the quality of life of these It is based on Android O.S. and is compatible The E3 project ran from 2014 to 2019. It de- people and at the same time that generate with different digital TV formats, such as ter- signed and implemented an end-to-end plat- significant cost savings for the healthcare sys- restrial, cable, IP, or satellite. CELTIC News 1/2019 11
S TA R T - U P S U C C E S S S TO R I E S The platform is mainly based on the following carry on a clinical trial for validating both the Aim of TV-AssistDem is to develop a Digital applications: effectiveness of the solution on the quality TV-based platform to facilitate remote sup- › Interactive Video Conference: a video of life of patients and their carers and the port to patients affected by mild cognitive im- communication system between patients ability of the system to increase adherence pairment by means of a set of TV-based and health professionals to foster their to the treatment. The project is based on services. communication three key assumptions: › Therapeutic Adherence Reminders: › Accessibility: the system can be adapted in Conclusion reminders and alerts to help patients to such a way that patients with MCI can use adhere to their treatment and their it confidently and comfortably. The key to The project will finish the clinical trial in 2020 medical appointments this adaptation is user-centred design, and will allow Smart Health TV to complete › Remote Telecare: remote transmission of where the patients, their carers and the Minimal Viable Product developed in E3. vital signs data (e.g. blood pressure) and healthcare professionals drive the looks Smart Health TV is currently funding its ex- stimulation of cognitive functions (e.g. and functionality of the MCI-compatible pansion from Spain to both the European and cognitive exercises) application. Latin American markets in Q1/2020. Our par- › Promoting Healthy Lifestyle: video › Efficacy: the system improves the quality ticipation in the E3 project helped us to focus promoting a healthy lifestyle, best of life of both patients and their carers. our R&D efforts on the real market and to practices and health tip videos. Patients will benefit from improved validate our results with the E3 project part- Furthermore, the platform promotes a adherence to their treatment, which will ners. healthy lifestyle of people living with slow down their physical or mental dementia at home through counselling, deterioration. Carers will benefit from the › Further information video-based training, and online practice system’s support in coping with the › E3 project sessions. caregiving burden. www.celticnext.eu/project-e3/ › Cost effectiveness: the system reduces the › Smart Health TV Solution Smart Health TV is working currently in the TV costs to the healthcare system associated http://www.shtvsolution.com/ Assistdem project under the Active Assisted with care for MCI patients. The main cost › TV Assistdem project Living (AAL) programme . The consortium in- savings will be based on reduced http://www.tvassistdem-aal.eu cludes SMEs and institutions from the public complications in mental or physical health ›A AL programme project healthcare and elderly care sector in Italy, Ro- (both for patients and carers), which http://www.aa-europe.eu mania, Spain, and Switzerland. reduces the need for hospitalization, The aim of the TV-AssistDem project is emergency doctors’ appointments or twofold: to build a TV-based home-care so- short-term formal care (to cover for lution for supporting patients with mild cog- exhausted informal carers). nitive impairment and their carers; and to About CELTIC-NEXT CELTIC-NEXT is an industry-driven European research initiative to define, perform and finance through public and private funding common research projects in the area of telecommunications, new media, future Internet, and applications & services focusing on next-generation telecommunications for the digital society. CELTIC-NEXT is a EUREKA ICT cluster and belongs to the inter-govern- mental EUREKA network. CELTIC-NEXT is open to any type of company covering the CELTIC-NEXT research areas, large industry as well as small companies or universities and research organisations. Even companies outside the EUREKA countries may get some possibilities to join a CELTIC-NEXT project under certain conditions. www.celticnext.eu 12 CELTIC News 1/2019
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