Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic

Page created by Ann Williamson
Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
Greetings from                                                                                                                                                         Avail
                                                                                                                                                                      While Sup able
    Glen Arbor!                                                                                                                                                                plies Las
    Late summer has always had a special,
    dreamy quality to me. Days are still
    sunny, lakes are the warmest of the year,
                                                                                                         Nouveau Preserves
    and orchards and gardens are overflowing
    with summer bounty. I remember when
    we were little, my Mom would preserve all
    the local fruit she could get her hands on,
    setting us up for that fresh-from-the-garden                                                              FROM TREE TO TABLE IN 24 HOURS
    taste all winter long. She was a freezer-jam expert, deftly turning cherries and strawberries
    into the best PB&J topping ever. She’d also slice peaches and apricots, freezing them in        There’s nothing like the sensation of popping a warm, just-picked cherry into your
    orange juice. But despite her best efforts, with me and five siblings in the house, we could    mouth, where it explodes with tartness and juiciness all in one glorious bite. But
    eat our way through an entire afternoon’s work in a single meal.                                since not everyone has the chance to visit a cherry orchard, each summer season
    This catalog gives you a taste of that summer bounty with our seasonal Cherry Pear Butter,      we bring the orchard straight to you!
    Harvest Boomchunka Cookies, and Cider Spiced Cake (pgs. 4-5). We’re also bringing
                                                                                                    Truly the freshest jam you can get, we harvest the very first crop of Montmorency
    back our limited edition Late Harvest Riesling, along with two brand new wines — ‘1989’
                                                                                                    tart cherries, rush them to our production facility in Empire, MI, and deliver
    barrel-aged dry red wine and ‘Cherrish’ full-bodied Syrah on page 25. And don’t miss our
    brand new Cherry Fudge Sauce on pg. 31.                                                         still-warm jars of Montmorency Nouveau Preserves to our stores within 24 hours.

    As we head into the final weeks of summer, I have to admit I can’t remember when I              Montmorency Nouveau
    appreciated this season more. It was so great seeing all of your smiling faces back up north
                                                                                                                                                                 T H L OV
    again after the very quiet summer that was 2020. Each friendly greeting was like a balm
    to me. I hope that you were able to make up for lost time while you were here — squeezing       17 oz. jar #10343 $13.95

    in refreshing dips in Lake Michigan, weaving tales around the campfire, and revelling in
    endless scoops of cherry ice cream.

                                                                                                                                                   F RO


                                                  It's Beeliciou s!
                                                  Cherry Crème Honey
                                                  Our new and improved Cherry Crème Honey
                                                  delivers even more cherry flavor than before.
                                                  Thistle crème honey is spun with Michigan
                                                  tart cherries to create a beelicious spread for
                                                  muffins, waffles, and toast. Or stir a spoonful
                                                  into a bowl of steaming oatmeal for breakfast
                                                  or plain Greek yogurt for a healthy snack.
                                                  8 oz. jar #10026 $11.95

                                    Late Summer 2021                                                                               Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
U BY R E D                                                                             L i m it e d E
                                                                                                              d iti on!
    R                                                                                                                                     Harvest Boomchunka
                                                                                                                                          Made by hand with rolled oats, dried cherries,
                                                                                                                                          dried apple chunks, and cinnamon, this fall
                                                                                                                                          favorite is the perfect celebration of fall’s many
                                                                                                                                          flavors. Get them soon before it’s too late. These
                                                                                                                                          autumn treats are only around for a limited time!


                                                                                                                                          (2) 4 oz. Cookies #10174 $6.95

         SEL S OF     JO

                                                 Cherry Pear Butter
                                                 A perfect topping for toast or other               Autumn In
                                                                                                   The Republic
                                                 warm breads, the light spices of our
                                                 Cherry Pear Butter will fill your
                                                 kitchen with scrumptious aromas.
                                                 Or use it when baking homemade
                                                 Danish pastries or thumbprint
                                                 jam cookies.
                                                 9 oz. jar #10036 $10.95
                                                                                                                 Cider Spiced Pumpkin Cake
                                                                                                            Packed with pumpkin and spices, this cake is wrapped
                                                                                                             around a soft filling of apples and cherries with the
                                                                                                                 perfect flavors of an autumn-spiced cider.
                                                                                                                           Frozen, 3 lbs. #10372 $39.95

                                                                                                            s Require
                                                                                          All Cakes and Pie
                                                                                                 y Express Sh ipping.
                                                                                                          ay-W ednesday.
                                                                                        Orders ship Mond
                              Late Summer 2021                                                                             Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
Spreading It
    On THICK!
                                   Cherry Bacon Spread                                                          Cherry Bob's Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce
                                   We already know cherries make everything
                                   better. But cherries + bacon? Forgetaboutit.                                 Our new hot sauce gets its kick from Fresno chili peppers, originating
                                   Crafted with Michigan cherries and apples,                                   in California and similar in heat to a Jalapeno or a Serrano pepper.
                                   roasted onions, and applewood-smoked bacon,                                  They’re also packed with Vitamins A and B, but we just know they
                                   this sweet and savory spread will take your                                  add the perfect amount of heat to our flavorful, small-batch cherry
                                   burger game to the next level, create a gourmet                              hot sauce! Crafted with only seven ingredients, this ‘clean’ sauce
                                   pizza, or transform slices of warm crusty bread                              is all-natural, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free and low sodium.
                                   into a mouth-watering appetizer.                                             5 oz. bottle #10612 $14.95
                                   10 oz. jar #10610 $10.95

                                                                                     Kick It Up A Notch
                                                                                     Crazy Hot About Condiments Gif t Box
                                                                                     If you're crazy about condiments and you like a little bit o' heat, this gift is for
                                                                                     you! Starring our new Cherry Bacon Spread and Cherry Bob's Cherry Bomb
                                                                                     Hot Sauce, two types of mustard, and our famous Cherry Horseradish Sauce,
                                                                                     your burger won't know what hit it.
                                                                                      • Cherry Bob's Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce
                                                                                      • Cherry Horseradish Sauce
                                                                                      • Cherry Artisan Mustard
                                                                                      • Great Hall Smooth Cherry Mustard
                                                                                      • Cherry Bacon Spread
                                                                                     #40430 $55.00

                         Late Summer 2021                                                                              Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
                                                                                                         CL A SS IC S

           A Word From
           Our Farmers
    When Bob Sutherland founded Cherry Republic in 1989 in Glen Arbor, he was on
    a mission to support Leelanau County's cherry farmers, who were having a bit of
    a rough go of it in the late '80s. More than 30 years later, Cherry Republic is still
    intimately involved with local growers throughout the industry's ups and downs.
    This spring, for instance, was a bit of a rollercoaster weatherwise, with unseasonably
    warm temps in April followed by a significant cold snap in May. Then as summer
    got underway, several weeks of near drought conditions were followed by heavy            Montmorency Dried Cherries                  Balaton Dried Cherries
    rains, which caused much of the fragile fruit to split.                                  The king of all cherries is an easy         Let us introduce you to the Balaton cherry.
                                                                                             substitute for raisins, a great addition    Originally discovered near Lake Balaton
    But our farmers are nothing if not resilient, taking a glass-half-full philosophy                                                    in Hungary, this unique variety is a little
                                                                                             to stuffings, easily reconstituted and
    no matter the circumstances. Case in point? The Glenn and Judy La Cross family           substituted for fresh cherries, and that    bit darker, a little bit spicier, and a little bit
    in Suttons Bay, Michigan. Their family farm provides the fruit for Leelanau              extra something special in trail mixes,     plumper than our Montmorency original.
    Fruit Company, and their take on the 2021 cherry harvest was sunny despite the           on relish trays, or in homemade chutneys.   16 oz. bag #10000 $17.95
    weather challenges they faced. "Our crop is a little smaller this year," they shared,    5 lb. box #10005 $64.95
    "but what is there is super sweet and super ripe, and it's going to make really great    16 oz. bag #10003 $17.95
    jam!" Lucky for us … and for you!                                                        8 oz. bag #10002 $10.95

                                 Late Summer 2021                                                                           Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
     From The Orchard                                                                                                                                       Summertime
       To Your Table                                                                                                                                          Cherry Strawberry Preserves
                                                                                                                                                               Our “short run” Cherry Strawberry Jam was so
                                                                                                                                                                 popular, we decided to offer it all year long.
         Jams, Jellies, Fruit Butters and Preserves                                                                                                                 Contains less sugar than traditional jam,
                                                                                                                                                                     which helps preserve rich strawberry
                                                                                                                                                                       flavors and accent our tart cherries.
                                                                                                                                                                        Preserves are a low-sugar product.
                                                                                                                                                                        8.5 oz. jar #10041 $9.95
      CL AS SI CS

                                                       Cherry Jam
                                                       Our classic Cherry Jam packs the fresh,
                                                       sweet taste of a northern Michigan
                                                       summer into a jar. After ripening on
                                                       the tree for a season, the cherries travel
                                                       from tree to jar and to your home!
                                                       17 oz. jar #10019 $13.95
                                                       8.5 oz. jar #10030 $9.95

     Cherry Berry Jam                                  True Cherry Preserves
     If Boomer went on a berry picking adventure       Our fabulous True Cherry Preserves are made
     here in Michigan, he’d be sure to find plenty     with tart cherries and sweetened with only

                                                                                                            PB & J Sampler Gift Box
     of raspberries and cherries for jamming.          natural white grape juice. Chock full of cherry
     And that’s what we’ve blended together for        chunks, these preserves are packed with flavor.
     you in our popular Cherry Berry Jam.              If you like pure tart cherry taste this one’s for
     8.5 oz. jar #10021 $9.95                          you. It’s a low-sugar product too!
                                                       8.5 oz. jar #10040 $9.95                             What kiddo wouldn’t want to open their lunch
     Cherry Jelly                                                                                           box to find a magical PB&J made with Cherry Jam
     Our Cherry Jelly makes the best PB&J              Cherry Strawberry Preserves                          and White Chocolate Cherry Peanut Butter?
     sandwiches in the Northern Hemisphere!            Our “short run” Cherry Strawberry Jam was            And kids of all ages will appreciate these yummy
     For folks who prefer a clear, smooth              so popular, we decided to offer it all year long.    toast toppings for a special morning breakfast
     jelly over a chunky jam, this has the             Contains less sugar than traditional jam,            or afternoon tea time. Makes a great hostess or
     consistency you’re looking for along with         which helps preserve rich strawberry flavors
                                                                                                            housewarming gift, too!
     great tart cherry flavor.                         and accent our tart cherries. Preserves are a
     8.5 oz. jar #10031 $9.95                          low-sugar product.                                    • Cherry Jam
                                                       8.5 oz. jar #10041 $9.95                              • Cherry Strawberry Preserves
     Cherry Almond Butter                                                                                    • Cherry Berry Jam
     Not all butter comes from cream. Sometimes        Cherry Rhubarb Jam
                                                                                                             • White Chocolate Cherry Peanut Butter
     it takes just the right blend of tart cherries,   Nothing says summer like those crimson
     slivered almonds and almond extract to            red stalks of rhubarb springing forth                #40436 $45.00
     make something as nutty and nourishing            from the garden. Its distinctive tart flavor
     as our Cherry Almond Butter.                      adds a spring zing to our Cherry Rhubarb
     8.5 oz. jar #10016 $10.95                         Jam and is perfect for glazing meat, mixing
                                                       into your morning yogurt or granola, and                            TE W IT H
     Cherry Pecan Butter                                                                                     STAY UP TO DA
                                                       topping ice cream.                                            M IC HIGAN NEWS!
     8.5 oz. jar #10037 $10.95                                                                             NORTHERN
                                                       8.5 oz. jar #10060 $9.95                                                  y Orchard Report
                                                                                                            Sign up for our weekl
                                                                                                                    at Cherr yRepublic.com

                                        Late Summer 2021                                                                                            Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
Our Salsa                                                                OU R
                                                                             CL AS SI CS

     Retains That                                                                                                                       Original Cherry Salsa
                                                                                                                                        A signature product, our Original Cherry

     Summer Heat!
                                                                                                                                        Salsa is the result of a three-year-long
                                                                                                                                        effort to find just the right balance of sweet
                                                                                                                                        and spice. This uniquely Michigan-made,
                                                                                                                                        medium-style salsa is a customer favorite.
                                                                                                                                        Buy it by the jar, or buy it by the case to
                                                                                                                                        share. Happy dipping!
                                                                                                                                        16 oz. jar #10056 $9.95
                                                                                                                                        7.5 oz. jar #10057 $7.95

                                                                           Hot Cherry Salsa                                      Cherry Salsa Verde
                                                                           An ode to our southern neighbors, we’ve               The product formerly known as Green
                                                                           stepped up the heat in our Hot Cherry                 Cherry Salsa is a prince of a salsa. Tomatillos
                                                                           Salsa with a slight sweetness of cherries             (a Mexican husk tomato) give this salsa its
                                                                           and a burst of Southern spice. Great on               festive color and distinctive tart flavor. The
                                                                           tortilla chips and tacos, but just as delicious       addition of spicy jalapeño peppers, onion, and
                                                                           on eggs and burgers.                                  lime make this hotter than classic red salsas,
                                                                           16 oz. jar #10048 $9.95                               and cherries make it distinctly ours.
                                                                           7.5 oz. jar #10039 $7.95                              16 oz. jar #10346 $9.95

                                                                           Mild Cherry Salsa                                     Peach Cherry Salsa
                                                                           A sweet blend of tomatoes and cherries                Just like a bite of summertime! Fresh, juicy
                                                                           that’s mild enough for any palate. Buy                peaches are blended with our tasty tart
                                                                           our Cherry Salsa by the case for additional           cherries in this bright, refreshing salsa.
                                                                           savings—it will keep through the next                 Eat with your favorite tortilla chips or use
                                                                           harvest (if you can restrain yourself from            as a condiment for your grilled pork and
                                                                           eating it all)!                                       fish dishes.
                                                                           16 oz. jar #10051 $9.95                               16 oz. jar #10345 $9.95
                                                                           7.5 oz. jar #10052 $7.95
                                                                                                                                 Cherry Queso
                                                                           Cherries on Fire Salsa                                Proof that dried cherries can make
                                                                           Rich in fruity flavor and over 12 times hotter        everything better, let us present Cherry
                                                                           than the jalapeño, the spicy habanero scores          Queso. Slightly spicy, heavily cheesy, and
                                                                           high marks on the hot pepper scale, and packs         a tad sweet thanks to chunks of tomatoes
                                                                           a punch in our Cherries on Fire Salsa. Add            and bits of dried cherries, this dip is sure
                                                                           some zip to chips, burgers, or burritos ... just be   to add zip to your favorite corn chips,
                                                                           ready to put out the fire!                            nachos, and baked potatoes.
                                                                           16 oz. jar #10367 $9.95                               16 oz. jar #10580 $11.95

                          Late Summer 2021                                                                      Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
THE BOOMCHUNKA:                                                    Celebrate Leaf Day
     Michigan's Favorite Cookie                                                                  on October 18th
            Since 1993                                                                Leave it to Cherry Republic to make up our own holiday where none exists. While autumn
                                                                                      is the self-proclaimed favorite season for many people, we noticed that there wasn’t an
                                                                                      official holiday that celebrated the wonder of this colorful season. So since 2014, on the
     Cherry Republic’s very first product was the mighty Boomchunka Cookie.           third Monday in October, we hang the ‘Closed’ sign in the window of our stores and offices
     Today this made-from-scratch, oversized bakery treat remains one of our          and take the day off of work to celebrate fall in Northern Michigan. Some may choose to
     most popular items thanks to plump dried cherries, rolled oats, and huge         rake leaves, others will play in them, and still others might just sit on a beach and take it all
     chocolate chunks. For those who aren’t quite up to the task of a giant cookie    in. That’s the great thing about creating your own holiday — you get to make up the rules!
     (or would like to share their Boom bounty), we created Just The Right Size       And don't worry, you can still order that day at CherryRepublic.com.
     Boomchunka Cookies in packs of 6. We don’t use any preservatives, so be
                                                                                      (Follow us on social media to see how this year’s Leaf Day goes, and be sure to share your
     sure to eat or freeze your cookies as soon as they arrive.                       own Leaf Day activities with us by tagging us on Facebook or Instagram @cherryrepublic.)

         2 coo kie s per pa cka ge:
           Original White Chocolate              Double Dark Chocolate
           (2) 4 oz. Cookies #10245 $6.95        (2) 4 oz. Cookies #10221 $6.95

           Dark Chocolate Pecan                  Just The Right Size 6 Pack
           (2) 4 oz. Cookies #10232 $6.95        Original White Chocolate
                                                 (6) 1 oz. Cookies #10556 $9.95
                                                                                      Triple Cherry Granola                             Cherry-Infused Maple Syrup
                                                                                      Straight from our Empire Bakery, Triple Cherry    The Droscha family has been perfecting the
                                                                                      Granola is a great snack straight out of the      art of maple syrup production for more than
                                                                                      bag or over yogurt. Contains wheat germ.          50 years, and we’ve partnered with the
                                                                                      16 oz. bag #10231 $12.95                          Droschas to create our Cherry-Infused Maple
                                                                 a l BO OM Si z                                                         Syrup. Made with the perfect amount of
                                                         A   ctu                      Crunchy Maple Granola                             Michigan tart cherry concentrate, this pure
                                                                                                                                        maple syrup is delicious over a steaming stack
                                                                                      Crunchy Maple Granola is baked in small
                                                                                                                                        of flapjacks, tossed with fresh fruit or roasted
                                                                                      batches using premium dried fruits and
                                                                                                                                        veggies, stirred into yogurt, or made into a
                                                                                      extracts, walnuts, and toasted oats.
                                                                                                                                        marinade for salmon or pork.
                                                                                      Contains wheat germ.
                                                                                                                                        8 oz. bottle #10589 $ 13.95
                                                                                      16 oz. bag #10222 $12.95

                                                                                      Cherry Scone Mix                                  Cherry Wonderbar
                                                                                                                                        Crisp rice cereal and crunchy Chinese noodles
                                                                                      Delicious on its own, but you can also
                                                                                                                                        combine with peanut butter, dark chocolate
                                                                                      use it as a base for strawberry or cherry
                                                                                                                                        chunks, dried cherries and miniature
                                                                                      shortcake, or make a savory snack by
                                                                                                                                        marshmallows in this deluxe rice cereal treat!
                                                                                      dressing it up with bacon, cheese or herbs.
                                                                                                                                        (1) Individually Wrapped Bar #10225 $6.95
                                                                                      16 oz. bag #10224 $9.95

                                                                                      Cherry Pancake Mix                                Chocolate Cherry Boom Coffee
                                                                                                                                        Say “good morning” to a subtle blend of cherry
                                                                                      No need to go out for breakfast. Cherry
                                                                                                                                        and chocolate-flavored coffee beans. In this
                                                                                      Republic Pancake Mix transforms your
                                                                                                                                        world of more than a thousand different coffee
                                                                                      kitchen into a pancake house.
                                                                                                                                        flavors, this is the only coffee we sell.
                                                                                      16 oz. bag #10301 $9.95
                                                                                                                                        #10208 Whole Bean
                                                                                                                                        #10207 Ground
                                                                                                                                        #10206 Ground Decaf
                                                                                                                                        8 oz. bag $11.95
                                                                                                        W ITH
                                                                                                   DATE             !
                                                                                             P T O         NEWS
                                                                                      STAY U MICHIGAN         por t
                                                                                          HERN ekly Orchard Re
                                                                                     NORT    our we      om
                                                                                             for           c.c
                                                                                      Sign up CherryRepubli

                                      Late Summer 2021                                                                  Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
Candies &
                                                                                         Imperial Malted Milk Balls
                                                                                         Big as super ripe cherries, these classic
                                                                                         crunchy malted milk balls are given an
                                                                                         extra coat with our famous red imperial
                                                                                         cherry coating.

                                                                                         14 oz. bag #10114 $12.95

                                                                                         Iced Imperial Pretzels
                                                                                         Crunchy, salted pretzels dipped in our famously
                                                                                         rich Imperial Cherry Chocolate, then drizzled
                                                                                         with smooth white confectioner's glaze.

       Made to
                                                                                         10 oz. bag #10103 $12.95

                                                                                         Wild Cherry Gummy Bears
                                                                                         A new twist on an old favorite, our Wild
                                                                                         Cherry Gummy Bears are bursting with
                                                                                         wild cherry flavor. We predict they’ll be

                                                                                         a new favorite before long!
                                                                                         8 oz. bag #10321 $6.95

                                                                                         Cherry Licorice Bites
                                                                                         If you loved licorice shoelaces as a kid, you’ll flip
                                                                                         for newfangled Cherry Licorice squares. Chewy
                                                                                         and delicious, each bag is filled to the brim
                                                                                         with bite-sized bits of cherry-flavored licorice.
                                                                                         8 oz. bag #10115 $6.95

                                                                                         Cherry Sour Balls
                                                                                         Chewy like a jelly bean, but just a little tart, our
                                                                                         Sour Cherry Balls won’t make your mouth pucker
                                                                                         for too long — just the right amount of time!
                                                                                         Boomer the Bear says these are his favorites!
                                                                                         8 oz. bag #10131 $6.95

                                                                                         Red Bear Patches
                                                                                         We consulted Boomer Bear when creating
                                                                                         the shape of these sour cherry gummy
                                                                                         bears. Sprinkled with sour cherry sugar
                                         AN INSTANT CL ASSIC!
                                                                                         for an extra sour twist, they could wake
                                         Ruby Red Sour Cherry Patches                    a hibernating bear!
                                         Our Ruby Red Sour Cherry Patches have just      8 oz. bag #10601 $6.95
                                         the right amount of sweetness, while still
                                         Packing a cherry punch. Full of flavor, these   Sour Twin Cherry Gummies
                                         chewy candies elevate the Greatest Of All
                                                                                         We’ve doubled up the sour factor in these
                                         Fruits to a whole new level of YUM!             irresistible gummies! Prepare your taste
                                         (This product contains wheat.)                  buds to experience a blast of mouth-watering
                                         16 oz. bag #10606 $10.95                        sour flavor followed by the perfect balance of
                                         8 oz. bag #10605 $7.95                          sweet cherry gumminess! These soft, squishy
                                                                                         candies are in the shape of our favorite fruit.
                                                                                         8 oz. bag #10571 $6.95

                          Late Summer 2021                                                                                    Late Summer 2021
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Celebrating Summer's Bounty - LATE SUMMER 2021 - Cherry Republic
Ketchup or Mustard?                                                                                                          Get Grilling!
         It's All Good.
                                                                                                             Create an easy and delicious Asian grilled salmon with our Cherryaki Sauce.

                                                                                                             1. Brush grilling rack with oil. While grill is heating, lay a 3-lb. salmon filet skin side
                                                                                                                down on a cutting board and cut crosswise into 4 equal pieces. Drizzle about ¼ cup
       Kick things up a notch this summer by adding the zing of tart cherries                                   of Cherryaki Sauce over salmon; allow to marinade for 10 minutes.
         to pork, chicken, fish, brats and grilled veggies. Choose from our                                  2. Place salmon skin side down on the hot grill; discard the marinade the fish was sitting
        mild & sweet tomato-based Original Barbecue Sauce all the way up                                        in. Grill 4 to 5 minutes, depending on fish thickness. Turn carefully with a wide
       the ‘Heat-o-meter Scale’ to our smoky and spicy Ghost Pepper Sauce.                                      spatula and grill another 4 to 5 minutes.
       Or go for the gold with our mustard-based Manitou Gold BBQ Sauce.                                     3. Transfer the fish to a flat plate, skin side down; spoon another ¼ cup Cherryaki Sauce
                                                                                                                over the top. Allow the fish to rest for 10 minutes. Remove the skin and serve.

                                                         CL AS SI CS

                                                      Cherry Barbecue Sauces
                                                      Our top-secret blend of spices and cherries
                                                      makes our Cherry Barbecue Sauces rich,
                                                      tangy, and wonderfully different. Spread
                                                      some on ribs, chicken, burgers, chops
                                                      or even bratwurst. They will add will add                                                        Cherryaki Sauce
                                                      a terrific zest to anything you’re grilling!                                                     Add a creative twist to your cooking with
                                                      Regular 17 oz. jar #10055 $9.95                                                                  our cherry and pineapple Cherryaki Sauce.
                                                      Spicy 17 oz. jar #10062 $9.95                                                                    A perfect complement to fish, chicken, or pork.
                                                                                                                                                       17 oz. jar #10371 $9.95

     Manitou Gold BBQ Sauce                             Cherry BBQ Spice Rub

                                                                                                             Stay Saucy Gif t Box
     If you’ve only tried ketchup-based BBQ sauces,     This unique combination of spices and cherry
     why not branch out and try the mustardy            goodness makes this Cherry BBQ Spice Rub
     deliciousness of our Carolina-style Manitou        a great addition to any meat, chicken or fish.
     Gold Barbecue Sauce? Credited to the               Rub a little on ribs, steak or wings
     mustard-loving Germans who populated South         for a cherry twist on your next barbecue.
     Carolina in the 1700s, ‘gold’ BBQ sauce is         8 oz. jar #10448 $12.95                              Grillmasters are going to want
     known for its tangy, sweet and spicy flavor —
                                                                                                             to have this versatile assortment
     making it ideal for grilled pork and chicken.      NEW!                                                 of our top barbecue sauces and
     17 oz. jar #10426 $9.95                            Cherrywood Smoked Sea Salt                           rubs on hand. Sweet or spicy,
                                                        The smoky aroma of our Cherrywood Smoked             mustard or tomato based, KC
     Ghost Pepper Sauce                                 Sea Salt transports you to a late-summer beach
     Add some extra heat and spooky flavor to                                                                or St. Louie style, our sauces
                                                        campfire, and its smooth, slightly sweet taste
     your favorite recipes. Ghost Pepper Sauce                                                               hit every BBQ button. And our
                                                        adds abundant flavor to grilled meat, roasted
     is an octane boost to our best-selling Cherry      veggies & broiled fish. A beautiful amber            spice rub is the cherry on top
     Barbecue Sauce, with the serious kick of           color, this course-grain, pure sea salt is perfect   of your t-bone or pork roast.
     ghost peppers, so beware!                          for salt mills. Bon appetit!                          • Cherry Barbecue Sauce
     17 oz. jar #10449 $9.95                            11 oz. jar #10584 $12.95                              • Spicy Cherry Barbecue Sauce
     Smoky Cherry                                                                                             • Manitou Gold BBQ Sauce
     Slow Cooker Sauce                                                                                        • Cherryaki Sauce
     Achieve crock pot perfection with this                           STAY U P T                              • Cherry BBQ Spice Rub
                                                                                    O DATE W
     smoky sauce. Also great for marinating                       NORTHER                    ITH
                                                                                N MICHIGA                    #40435 $55.00
     meats and veggies prior to grilling.                          Sign up for ou          N N EWS!
                                                                                 rweekly Or
     17 oz. jar #10507 $9.95                                              at CherryRepu chard Report
                                                                                                                          Gift box items are subject to substitution based on product availability.

                                       Late Summer 2021                                                                                       Late Summer 2021
18           1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                       Like us on     &       @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™              19
Nothing But Cherries!                                                                                       Satisfy Their
                                                                                                              Savory Side
      We decided to get right to the heart of the matter with this gift box: CHERRIES!
      Enjoy northern Michigan-grown Dried Cherries, our famous Original Cherry
       Salsa and Cherry Barbecue Sauce, and our made-from-scratch Cherry Jam.
       This box makes a great hostess gift or is a thoughtful way to say ‘thank you’
       or ‘congratulations’ to friends and family. And you might just want to order
                           a second one to stock your own pantry!

                                                                                TH IS GI FT
                                                                                IN CL UD ES
                                                                                FL AT-R AT E
                                                                                                                                        Great Hall Smooth Cherry Mustard
                                                                                                                                        Our Great Hall Smooth Cherry Mustard is a mustard
                                                                                                                                        masterpiece! Spicy and flavorful with tiny bits of tart cherries
                                                                                                                                        blended in, this creamy mustard is amazing on its own or
                                                                                                                                        stirred into endless recipes, used as a zingy pretzel dip, spread on
                                                                                                                                        a killer ham sandwich, or the cherry-on-top of an unforgettable
                                                                                                                                        charcuterie board.
                                                                                                                                        10 oz. jar #10607 $9.95

                           Nothing But Cherries Gif t Box
                                                                                                    Original Summer Sausage                            Cherry Hazelnut Crisps
                 Original Cherry Salsa | Original Cherry Barbecue Sauce | Cherry Jam
                                                                                                    Our coarse blend Cherry Summer Sausage             You’ll ditch boring crackers for good once you
                          Montmorency Dried Cherries | Balaton Dried Cherries                       is made in small batches. We use a healthy         try our delicious Cherry Hazelnut Crisps!
                                             #40219 $80.00                                          blend of quality beef and pork, add dried tart     Light and airy, yet super crunchy and flavorful,
                                (Includes FREE Flat-Rate Ground Shipping)                           cherries, mustard seed, and peppercorns,           these certified organic crisps are the perfect
                                                                                                    then smoke it to natural perfection.               complement to soft cheeses like goat cheese,
                                                                                                    10 oz. #10291 $11.95                               mascarpone or fromage blanc cheese spread.
                                                                                                                                                       6 oz. basket #10628 $10.95
                                                                                                    Smoky Habanero Summer Sausage
                                                                                                    10 oz. #10517 $11.95
                                                                                                                                                       Cherry Fig Jam
                                                                                           NOW      Cherry Artisan Mustard                             Michigan tart cherries and Mission figs
                                                                                           EVEN     This fan-favorite is made with whole grain
                                                                                                                                                       provide the base for our savory Cherry Fig
                                                                                          BETTER!   mustard and offers a much milder flavor
                                                                                                                                                       Jam. Then we add caramelized onions, roasted
                                                                                                                                                       garlic, and a dash of coffee to provide a rich
                                                                                                    than yellow mustard. Pair it with our
                                                                                                                                                       savory complexity, and the result is an
                                                                                                    Cherry Summer Sausage, on a turkey
                                                                                                                                                       exquisitely flavorful jam that is the perfect
                                                                                                    sandwich, or add it to your favorite potato
                                                                                                                                                       complement to grilled meats and cheeses.
                                                                                                    salad recipe.
                                                                                                                                                       8 oz. jar #10355 $10.95
                                                                                                    9 oz. jar #10290 $9.95
     Mamma Mary’s Cherry Pie Filling                                                                                                                   Cherry Pepper Jelly
     We've tweaked our recipe just a bit to highlight the
                                                                                                    Cherry Horseradish Sauce
                                                                                                                                                       We stirred in a blend of hot and mild peppers
     fresh fruitiness of Mamma Mary's Cherry Pie Filling                                            The sharp edges of the horseradish root
                                                                                                                                                       to our delectable Cherry Jam to create Cherry
     with even more whole cherries! Just make or buy a                                              are softened with a touch of cherry juice,
                                                                                                                                                       Pepper Jelly. Served with brie, cream cheese, or
                                                                                                    but it still adds zing to everything!
     pie crust, add the pie filling, bake, and voilà! You have                                                                                         as a dip, you’ll add color, zip, and the marvelous
                                                                                                    Contains eggs.
     a homemade cherry pie straight from northern Michigan.                                                                                            flavor of cherries to your hors d’oeuvres.
                                                                                                    9 oz. jar #10289 $9.95
     36 oz. jar #10238 $14.95                                                                                                                          8.5 oz. jar #10038 $9.95

                                     Late Summer 2021                                                                                  Late Summer 2021
20           1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                               Like us on      &       @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                      21
Cherrish Michigan                                                                                                Snackers Beware!
                                                                                                                            THIS SNACK MIX IS ADDICTIVE.
                                                                                                                            YOU'LL WANT TO STOCK UP.
                                            FRUIT & NUT MIXES
          Help us munch our way to protecting Michigan’s land, water, and quality
            of life! When you purchase select bags of our Fruit & Nut Mixes, we
              will donate $1 to some of our favorite environmental nonprofits.

                                                                      Cherry Nut Mi x                                       Public House Snack Mix
                                                                      Cherry Nut Mix tosses the sweet, succulent            Received with rave reviews by Citizens
                                                                      dried cherry in a tumble of premium                   during our Traveling Test Kitchen, our
                                                                      jumbo almonds, jumbo cashews, and                     Public House Snack Mix is now available
                                                                      mammoth pecans.                                       to all! An addictive, crunchy mix of
                                                                      $1 to Michigan Climate Action Network                 pretzel balls, smoked almonds, corn nuts,
                                                                                                                 OU R       and dried Montmorency cherries, it’s a
                                                                      14 oz. bag #10280 $18.95                CL AS SI CS
                                                                                                                            favorite at the Cherry Public House in                                      BY C H
                                                                      8 oz. bag #10186 $12.95
                                                                                                                            Glen Arbor!
                                                                                                                            $1 to Michigan League of Conservation Voters

                                                                                                                            10 oz. bag #10574 $10.95

     Statesman’s Nut Mix
     We’ve combined our Milk Chocolate
     Cherry Nut Mix and Dark Chocolate
     Cherry Nut Mix along with whole roasted
     & salted almonds, and cashews.
     $1 to Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology
     14 oz. bag #10173 $18.95                                                                       Michigan Blog

     Sweet & Spicy Nut Mix
     We roast almonds, pecans and cashews and
     dust them with chipotle powder. Then we
     add our signature dried cherries for a sweet
     and spicy treat. Perfect by the handful.
     $1 to Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
     8 oz. bag #10190 $12.95

     Hiker’s Mix
     With an actual compass on the bag, this mix
     leads the way! Contains dried cherries, dried
     cranberries, raw pumpkin seeds, roasted
     blanched peanuts, roasted salted Brazil nuts,
     chocolate chunks, and dried apricots.
     $1 to TART Trails
     12 oz. bag #10179 $12.95

                        TH          ER SHIPPING
                WARM-WEA                               the summer
                                       safely during
        en  su re yo ur  order arrives    ola te an d  frozen items
     To                              choc
        on th s, or de rs containing       es s or de rs ship out
     m                      Shipping. Expr at no ex tra cost!
         require 2-Day                     ed
                           ld packs includ
         Mon-Wed. Co

                                                        Late Summer 2021                                                                                          Late Summer 2021
22                1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                                        Like us on    &      @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™        23
                                                                                                                Cheers to Wine Tasting!
                         Come Visit Us!                                                                               Just in time to celebrate our two newest wines, 1989 and Cherrish, our
                                                                                                                    tasting rooms are now open again! Stop by any of our six Michigan stores
                                                                                                                       to taste some of our 22 year-round and seasonal varieties, including
     Glen Arbor Flagship                                  Ann Arbor
                                                                                                                           our popular Late Harvest Riesling — here while supplies last!
     6026 S. Lake Street • (231) 226-3014                 223 S. Main Street • (734) 585-5231
     Shop for yummy cherry products in The Great          Whether you’re a Wolverine, Spartan, or (dare
     Hall, browse our wine and soda pop offerings         we say?) Buckeye, you’ll love the cool vibe of this
     in The Winery, or enjoy lunch or dinner at the       great location near the University of Michigan
     Cherry Public House. The whole campus is tied        campus. Newly renovated in the summer of 2020,
     together by cheery perennial gardens that wind       you’ll have fun wandering through this beautiful
     through the property.                                historic building!
     Traverse City Flagship                               Frankenmuth
     154 E. Front Street • (231) 932-9205                 925 S. Main St., #H-2 • (231) 226-3039
     The Cherry Capital of the World, Traverse City       Known as Michigan’s Little Bavaria, this unique
     is the natural spot for our second Flagship store.   town is rich in history. Cherry Republic is right
     Located on Front Street, our downtown location
                                                          in the midst of the fun with a storefront in the
     is our largest retail space. Stop by when you’re
                                                          popular Frankenmuth River Place Shops.
     shopping downtown!
                                                          Willkommen to Cherry Republic!
     29 W. 8th Street, #130 • (231) 226-3013
                                                          221 Bridge Street • (231) 226-3006
     Our West Michigan store is light and bright,
                                                          Stop by our Charlevoix store to say hello and
     while still evoking the authentic Cherry Republic
     feel our Citizens love. Shop for endless cherry      take a gander at our beautiful new store design
     goodies — including wine and soda pop — but          while stocking up on your favorite cherry goodies.
     be sure to leave some time to check out Holland’s    We’re located right on Bridge Street across from
     iconic windmills!                                    the stunning Charlevoix harbor.

            Come Join The Fun!
            Have you ever dreamed of working for a place where the company’s
            values are as whimsical as Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie? Well, now’s
            your chance to make that dream come true!

            Cherry Republic has openings for everyone from students to
            retirees at its locations throughout Michigan. Enjoy a fun,
            welcoming workplace with flexible hours, competitive wages,
            generous product discounts, and did we mention FUN?

            From professional positions at our HQs in Glen Arbor to retail
            ambassadors, line cooks, and more, you can find your
            perfect job at cherryrepublic.com/employment.

                                                                                                                Cherrish                                         Nineteen Eighty-Nine
                                                      ou t                                                      Balaton cherries provide the perfect balance     Regent grapes are paired with Balaton
                                      Sc a n to fi ll                                                           to the bold flavor of this full-bodied Syrah     cherries in this barrel-aged dry red wine.
                                      a n a ppli c at                                                           varietal. Plum tones with a hint of cocoa
                                                                                                                make this a diverse food wine, whether
                                                                                                                                                                 With notes of currants, clove spice, coconut
                                                                                                                                                                 and vanilla, all this wine needs is a generous
                                                                                                                enjoying a juicy steak or a light summer meal.   slice of German black forest cake. Prost!
                                          Late Summer 2021                                                      750 ml Bottle #10592 $22.00     Late Summer7502021
                                                                                                                                                               ml Bottle #10594 $27.00
24            1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                         Like us on      &     @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™               25
Celebrate Employees &                                                                          Ordering Made Easy
          Clients All Year Long!
                                                                                                         Our dedicated Business Gifting Team is ready to do
                                                                                                          the heavy lifting, making your job fast and easy:

     Thousands of businesses count on Cherry Republic to send the perfect gift to                                 Call us at 231-226-3000) or email

     employees and clients each year. In fact, we’ve shipped more than 1.5 million
                                                                                                                  and Tyler or Rehianna will personally
     gifts over the past 30 years! Why do people choose Cherry Republic?
                                                                                                                  help you choose your gifts.
     •   100% satisfaction guarantee
     •   Highest quality products                        FT


     •   Corporate discounts available
     •   Dedicated business gifting team

     Getting Personal                                         H EA RT
     Sending a gift that reflects your company’s brand sends a powerful and
     personal message to your customers and employees, alike. That’s why we                                       Tyler Champt                Rehianna Haefele
     offer several ways to customize your gift boxes — from logo stickers on
     our traditional brown boxes to fully customizable premium packaging.                                         Provide us with your list of gift recipients, a

     You choose the best way to let your brand shine through!                                                     personalized message to each, and the date
                                                                                                                  you want your gifts to arrive. Be sure to ask
                                                                                                                  about our customization options.

                                                                                                                                                            WARM-WEATHER SH
                                                                                                                  We'll take it from there!                                          IPPING
                                                                                                                                                  To ensure your order
                                                                                                                                                                       arrives safely during
                                                                                                                                                  months, orders con                         the summer
                                                                                                                                                                     taining chocolate and
                                                                                                                                                     require 2-Day Shippi                   frozen items
                                                                                                                                                                          ng. Express orders shi
                                                                                                                                                    Mon-Wed. Cold pac                            p out
                                                                                                                                                                        ks included at no ext
                                                                                                                                                                                              ra cost!

                                                                                          Cherry Essentials Gift Box
                                                                                          The perfect personal-sized gift, our Cherry Essentials Gift Box
                                                                                          contains four of our best sellers. What better way to spread
                                                                                          Cherry Republic cheer? Shown in our beautiful summer
                                                          We off er se ve ra l            gift tin, each gift box contains:
                                                                               wa ys
                                                        to cu st om iz e your              • Cherry Jam
                                                                               gi ft s.
                                                                                           • Original Cherry Salsa
                                                                                           • Ruby Red Sour Cherry Patches
                                                                                           • Dark Chocolate
                                                                                             Covered Cherries
                                                                                          Cherry Essentials
                                                                                          In A Summer Tin
                                                                                          #40137 $50.00
                                                                                          Cherry Essentials Gift Box
                                                                                          #40048 $40.00

                                Late Summer 2021                                                                           Late Summer 2021
26         1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                       Like us on        &   @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                           27
Website: CherryRepublic.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Phone: 1.800.206.6949

      Lighten Up!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fax: 231.334.6425
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Email: info@cherryrepublic.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mail: P.O. Box 677, Glen Arbor, MI 49636-0677
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Service Center Hours:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MON-FRI 9AM - 8PM (ET) SAT & SUN 9AM - 5PM

                                                                                                             ORDERED BY                              NAME:


                                                                                                             CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE:

                                                                                                             DAYTIME PHONE:				EVENING PHONE:

                                                                                                             EMAIL:					CUSTOMER # (see back cover):

                                                                                                             SHIP TO (if different)                        NAME:


                                                                                                             CITY, STATE, ZIP CODE:

                                                                                                             DAYTIME PHONE:				                                                                             EVENING PHONE:

                                                                                                             GIFT MESSAGE (optional)

                                                                                                                       CODE                                                            ITEM DESCRIPTION                                                       QTY             PRICE                   TOTAL

     Cherry Gorgonzola                                    Cherry Salad Fixin’s
     Salad Dressing                                       Now there’s no excuse not to have a healthy
     Creamy gorgonzola cheese mixes with                  and delicious salad each day! We’ve made
     juicy bits of northern Michigan cherries             it easy as pie with our Cherry Salad Fixin’s.
     and ground black pepper to create this               Each kit contains Michigan dried cherries,
     gourmet-style salad dressing as a                    sliced raw almonds, oat bran sesame sticks,          PRICES AND OFFERS GOOD THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2021                                                                                                           SUBTOTAL
     pre-grilling marinade for beef.                      and roasted & salted sunflower seeds.                                                                                                                                                                            SALES TAX
                                                          Just add lettuce, kale, or spinach, and toss!        *SHIPPING INFORMATION: $9.95 Flat rate ground shipping: Eligible for physical street addresses within the                         NO sales tax on FOOD items.
     12 oz. bottle #10576 $9.95                                                                                contiguous U.S. Excludes: P.O. Boxes, Alaska, Hawaii & all international shipments. Special shipping charges     MI residents only: 6% tax on NON-food items
                                                          One pack makes 6 single-serve salads or 2
                                                                                                               apply to the following, please call for rates: expedited services, international shipments, shipping chocolate,
                                                          family-sized salads. Re-closable package                                                                                                                                                          SHIPPING*
     Great Hall Cherry Vinaigrette                        ensures freshness for multiple uses.
                                                                                                               cakes, or frozen items and wine orders (MI & OH only). We are proud to offer free shipping to APO & FPO addresses.
     This slightly sweet, creamy-style vinaigrette                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GRAND TOTAL
                                                          9.5 oz. box #10615 $10.95
     features bold garlic flavor that perfectly
     accentuates a blend of sweet and tart cherries
     from northern Michigan. Drizzle over a crisp         Smoky Cherry Barbecue                              PAYMENT METHOD                                                VISA           MC            AMEX          DISC
     green salad and pair with a chilled glass of rosé.   Salad Dressing
     12 oz. bottle #10575 $9.95                           Add some smoky cherry zip to your next
                                                          green salad, and your veggies will stand up        CREDIT CARD NUMBER                                                                                                   CCV                       EXP. DATE
     Sweet Cherry Balsamic Vinegar                        and take notice! Perfect for pasta salads, too.
     All vinegars are not created equal! With a           17 oz. jar #10427 $9.95
     rich, dark color, sweet aroma, and mellow                                                                SIGNATURE
     cherry flavor this is a real treat for epicureans                                                       Cherry Republic Customer Care: On the rare occasion something goes wrong with an order,              Receiving our Packages: After 30 years of shipping food products all over the world, we
     and regular Joes alike. Use it as a fat-free                                                            we will take the individualized action to correct the problem for you. We will ask you how you       have heard a lot of crazy stories. Once someone had to chase after a raccoon stealing his
                                                                                                             would like us to correct the problem and do our best to make your request happen. This is the        gift box! We take extra care so our packages leave our company ready for their trip to you
     dressing, or drizzle it over grilled salmon.                       STAY U P TO
                                                                                    DATE W ITH               best way to ensure you are satisfied with Cherry Republic.                                           or your gift recipient.
     14.7 oz. bottle #10020 $11.95                                               MICHIGAN N                  What should I expect: Whether you are the buyer or the recipient of a gift, we want you to be        However, every once in a while, our boxes get abused during their travels. If you open your box
                                                                     Sign up for our we     EWS!             happy with us, our products and our service. If anything is wrong, please contact us right away      and something is wrong, e.g. bottles are broken, candies are melted, or products are missing,
                                                                                       ekly Orchard Re       so we can regain your trust.                                                                         don’t hesitate to contact us. We promise we will come up with a solution that works for you.
                                                                            at CherryRepubl           port
                                                                                            ic.com           Returns: We will seldom ask you to return anything. After all, it is food! On rare occasions, we     Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, things just go awry. If there is an issue with your
                                                                                                             may ask you to send something back to help us investigate and correct any issues.                    order, something just does not seem right with one of our products, or if you just want to ask a
                                                                                                             Product satisfaction: If something does not meet your expectations or simply does not taste          question, please call us.
                                                                                                             right, we will substitute a new product or give a refund or credit, whichever you prefer. This is    During the warm summer months, we require using our 2-Day Shipping option that includes a
                                                                                                             a no-questions-asked policy. Your opinion is what matters to us. One stipulation: all our foods      free freezer pack when shipping chocolates to prevent melting. Bakery items (cakes and breads)
                                          Late Summer 2021                                                   come with cherries in them. No exceptions.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Late Summer 2021               as well as wines are required to ship 2-Day year round. All orders using 2-Day Shipping will ship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Monday-Wednesday within one week of the order being placed.
28            1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                                         Like us on                  &             @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                                                   29
Our Chocolate
     Covered Cherries Rule!
           Our Chocolate Covered Cherries are loved far and wide thanks to the perfect
            marriage of plump Michigan Montmorency Dried Cherries with Milk and
           Dark Chocolate, Cherry Chocolate, and White Confectioners Glaze. Dive in!

                                                                                                           Amaretto Chocolate                                       Milk or Dark Chocolate
                                                                                                           Covered Cherries                                         Cherry Turtles
                                                                                                           Close your eyes, and you might think you’ve              Our chocolatier is working overtime!
                                                                                                           been transported to a romantic Italian café              Our tart cherries, buttery caramel,
                                                                                                           when you bite into our new Amaretto                      and crunchy pecan pieces are covered
                                                                                                           Chocolate Covered Cherries. Panned in creamy             in rich milk or dark chocolate.
                                                                                                           milk chocolate, our best-selling cherries have
                                                                                                                                                                    Dark Chocolate Cherry Turtles
                                                                                                           been enhanced with the sweet, almond flavor
                                                                                                           of amaretto — the perfect complement to the              14 oz. bag #10075 $19.95
                                                                                                           plump tart cherry you’ll find inside!                    Milk Chocolate Cherry Turtles
                                                                                                           12 oz. bag #10503 $17.95                                 14 oz. bag #10180 $19.95
                                                       Dark Chocolate
                                                                                                           One Big Cluster
                                                       Covered Cherries                                    We’ve combined plump Michigan tart
                                                       As a best-seller and a staff favorite, Dark
                                                                                                           cherries, generous chunks of Georgia                                    WARM-WEA
                                                       Chocolate Covered Cherries put a smile                                                                                                     THER SHIP
                                                                                                           pecans, soft caramel, and sweet milk                         To ensure yo
                                                                                                                                                                                     ur                        PING
                                                       on everyone’s face! The timeless classic.           chocolate to create this oversized treat.                    months, orde order arrives safely du
                                                                                                                                                                                     rs containing            ring the sum
                                                                                                                                                                           require 2-Da            chocolate an              mer
                                                       16 oz. bag #10098 $19.95                            It might just be your new favorite!                                          y                       d fro
                                                                                                                                                                          Mon-Wed. Co Shipping. Express orde zen items
                                                                                                                                                                                        ld packs incl            rs ship out
                                                       8 oz. bag #10072 $12.95                             One individually wrapped cluster per package.                                             uded at no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ex tra cost!
                                                                                                           2 oz. #10577 $6.95

     Milk Chocolate Covered Cherries                   Premium Dark Chocolate
     Our chocolatier starts with moist, flavorful      Covered Cherries
     Cherry Republic Dried Cherries, and pans          Our Premium Dark Chocolate Covered
     just the right amount of chocolate onto           Cherries are made with 72% pure cacao,
     each cherry, striking just the right balance      resulting in a bittersweet taste that accentuates
     between sweet and tart.                           the sweetness of the tart cherry within! Pair
     16 oz. bag #10122 $19.95                          this decadent treat with a glass of red wine
     8 oz. bag #10129 $12.95                           or a steaming espresso for the perfect dessert.
                                                       12 oz. bag #10494 $17.95
     Imperial Chocolate
     Covered Cherries                                  Milk or Dark Chocolate
     We start with a plump, Cherry Republic            Cherry Nut Mix
     Dried Tart Cherry and coat it in milk
                                                       Roasted pecans, buttery cashews, crunchy
     chocolate. Then, we dip it a second time
     in bright red cherry chocolate.
                                                       almonds, and dried cherries drenched                                                                Cherry Fudge Sauce
                                                       in premium milk or dark chocolate.                                                                  Turn your kitchen into an old-fashioned ice cream
     16 oz. bag #10106 $19.95
                                                       Dark Chocolate Cherry Nut Mix                                                                       parlor with our thick, rich Cherry Fudge Sauce.
     8 oz. bag #10101 $12.95
                                                       14 oz. bag #10178 $19.95                                                                            Made by hand in small batches, this premium
                                                       8 oz. bag #10158 $12.95                                                                             sauce is crafted with imported cocoa, fresh
     White Cherry Blossoms
                                                                                                                                                           whipping cream, dairy butter, and pure Michigan
     Bright, white, and beautiful! Dried cherries      Milk Chocolate Cherry Nut Mix
                                                                                                                                                           tart cherry concentrate. No artificial flavors,
     smothered in white confectioner's glaze is        14 oz. bag #10177 $19.95
     a flavor combination that really lets the taste                                                                                                       colors or preservatives — only the delicious
                                                       8 oz. bag #10160 $12.95                                                                             chocolatey flavor you remember as a kid!
     of the cherry shine through the sweetness.
     Cherry Blossoms will brighten everyone’s day!                                                                                                         10 oz. jar #10631 $12.95
     12 oz. bag #10623 $17.95

                                        Late Summer 2021                                                                                       Late Summer 2021
30           1.800.206.6949 | CherryRepublic.com | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                      Like us on       &       @cherryrepublic | Life, Liberty, Beaches & Pie™                                     31


                                                                                                                             Bounty Of The
                                                                                                                             County Gift Box
                                                                                                                             Some of us are blessed to live in
                                                                                                                             Leelanau County year ’round.
                                                                                                                             For those who live far away, this
                                                                                                                             generous gift box will definitely
                                                                                                                             let them feel the love from
                                                                                                                             northern Michigan. And not
                                                                                                                             only does it include many of our
                                                                                                                             top products, it also includes
                                                                                                                             FREE 2-DAY
                                                     1.800.206.6949 | CHERRYREPUBLIC.COM

                                                                                                                             EXPRESS SHIPPING!
               P.O. Box 677 | Glen Arbor, MI 49636

                                                                                                                              • Original Cherry Salsa
                                                                                                                              • Dark Chocolate
                                                                                                                                Covered Cherries
                                                                                                                              • Montmorency Dried Cherries
                                                                                                                              • Cherry Jam
                                                                                                                              • Milk Chocolate Cherry
                                                                                                CUSTOMER NUMBER

                                                                                                                                Nut Mix
                                                                                                                  KEY CODE

                                                                                                                              • Iced Imperial Pretzels
                                                                                                                              #40193 $90.00
                                                                                                                             WARM-WEATHER SHIPPING
                                                                                                                             To ensure your order arrives safely during the
                                                                                                                             summer months, orders containing chocolate
                                                                                                                             and frozen items require 2-Day Shipping.
                                                                                                                             Express orders ship out Mon-Wed. Cold packs
                                                                                                                             included at no extra cost!

                                                                                           Bounty Of The County
   Gift box items are subject to substitution based on product availability. Prices and offers good through September 30, 2021
You can also read